successloops · 4 months
Striving for eternal happiness is the major reason for most suffering.
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Contrast is a gift. You cannot know balance if you don't know extremes.
Transcending polarities is balance.
The transcendent state is contentment & satisfaction.
Gratitude & appreciation is what takes you there.
Have you seen the life shifting Free Resources on our Academy?
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magikalmads · 1 year
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STOP playing the role everyone wants you to fill & START being the dictating force in your reality learn to embody all of those emotions & stand in your TRUE light — which is ALL aspects of the whole fall away from the old narratives of mainstream spirituality & into walking a life of divinity through alignment with your authentic expression dm me to tap in ⚡️🫶🏼🌻 #polaritycoaching #authenticexpression #standinyourpower #standinyourlight #standupforyourtruth #prosperitymindset #prosperitycoaching #prosperityconsciousness (at Authentic Self) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmH6tJ7JUmN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tiajucoach-blog · 5 years
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Sabe gente o nosso problema é o nosso próprio Julgador! Sim todos temos um! Aquele que te aponta o dedo e diz: VOCÊ não fez isso direito! VOCÊ mais uma vez tomou a decisão errada! VOCÊ disse eu não podia, quando podia! VOCÊ inventou uma desculpa e não terminou o que começou! VOCÊ prometeu algo e não cumpriu! E este SER CRÍTICO ARROGANTE que mora dentro da sua cabeça te tortura! Pessoal fiz um exercício libertador! Façam uma lista do Eu me perdoo... E se precisar começar 20 anos atrás comecem! O importante é que no final vocês entendam que o PASSADO NÃO PODE SER MUDADO, QUEM TEM JESUS NO CORAÇÃO, ELE SIM TEM LIMPA E TE PERDOA! E NA SUA PRÓPRIA FÉ PERCEBA QUE VOCÊ É HUMANO!! Falhas e erros fazem parte da nossa evolução como Seres humanos! E no final da carta: Eu me perdoo por tudo que precise de perdão e encerro este ciclo e começo um CICLO novo na minha VIDA! Sou liberto de tudo o que aconteceu no passado e fico só com os aprendizados positivos! Leia a carta em voz alta e nesta parte mentalize mesmo VOCÊ se livrando de correntes e de coisas pesadas. Para ajudar grave este último parágrafo no áudio e feche os olhos e aperte play, respire profundamente, relaxe, e solte pela boca suavemente a respiração! Ouça qtas vezes achar necessário! E seja Liberto!🙏 #tiajucoachpnl #voluntariado #tiajucoach #tiajucoach #emprego #trabalho #vaga #currículo #coachingcomalma #proposito #prosperitycoaching #careercoaching #força #prosperidade #procrastinação #medo #insegurança #crencaslimitantes #crençaslimitantes #inteligenciaemocional #pnlcoaching #vocação #sucesso #curadaalma #realizeseussonhos #sejadiferente #equilibrese (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BswioZnhT18/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1awsq091v8nuf
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pinky-punjabi · 3 years
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TREASURE CHEST MAGICAL MONEY WORKSHOP I was brought up in a temple based area in chennai where the old ladies of the house always had a small wooden chest with their savings and special things.. One of the aunty I remember used to even do a ritualistic pooja for her box and when asked she would say "PANAM SERUM" meaning money flow will happen. After that i completely forgot about it and years later when i made my first small khazana and started keeping some simple things and energising it I could see the difference, increase of earnings and abundance in form of clients.. so come join me and learn this in the workshop July 2nd is the last day to avail the early bird offer #punjabipinky #magickofhealing #metaphysicalstorebymagickofhealing #ritualsbypinkypunjabi #workshopsbymagickofhealing #prosperityritual #prosperityspell #prosperitycoaching #abundance https://www.instagram.com/p/CQyw90_HFmv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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valyneo-blog · 5 years
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In our daily life we need to see that all things are already prepared for our good. 😀We just need to take ACTION !!! 😉 Need to see THIS is very crucial for growing our own level of life. So BE HAPPY and enjoy your daily life . . . #prosperitymindset #prosperityspells #prosperitycoaching #prosperitygospel #bookofprosperity #prosperitystyle #prosperityquotes #prosperitycandles #infiniteprosperity #prosperityconsciousness #prosperityspell #prosperitylife #prosperitycoach https://www.instagram.com/p/B3_b6FDoIK9/?igshid=3npm7ipttho2
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shrishastriji-blog · 5 years
How and Why to wear a Rudraksha?
Apart from being a huge aid in the attaining higher levels of spirituality and supporting to enhance one’s spiritual growth, the Rudraksha also has a major impact on the physical and mental well-being on a person. Rudraksha is a compound word in Sanskrit language made of two separate words i.e Rudra and aksha. According to Hinduism, Rudra is one of Lord Shiva's vedic(mentioned in the vedas, vedic texts) names and Aksha means teardrops. Thus, the name means Lord Rudra's teardrops.
The best quality ones come from a certain altitude in Himalayas because of the soil, atmosphere, and everything that influences them. These seeds are quite rare and have a very unique vibration. The curative properties of it have been utilized worldwide for a number of physical, mental and psychosomatic illnesses. Absolutely anyone, irrespective of their gender, cultural, ethnic, geographical or religious background can wear Rudraksha. Just make sure you get it from a genuine and authentic source.
A few things to keep in mind while wearing a Rudrakasha : - It can be worn at all times including during sleep. - Don't Eat non vegeterian food or consume alcoholic substances. - Never let the mala in contact with any metal, its energy may conflict with the     metal. - Remove the mala before going any funerals and child birth places. - Don't lend your mala to anyone or show it off. - Avoid wearing it in hot water showers and while using chemical cleansers. - Don't touch the mala repeatedly or fidget with it.
For a person who is constantly moving, eats and sleeps in various places, Rudraksha is a very good support because it creates a cocoon around you. A cocoon of your own energy(aura), it cleanses your aura. You might have noticed that when you go to a new place, sometimes you can fall asleep easily, whereas in certain other places you cannot fall asleep even if you are physically exhausted. The reason behind this is, if the vibrations and energy around you are not conducive to your kind of energy, you will not be able to settle down.
Usually the beads are strung together as a mala in a cotton or silk thread. Traditionally, it is believed the number of beads is 108 plus one. The extra bead is the Bindu. You can even wear it when you shower. If you take cold water baths and are not using any chemical detergent, it is especially good for the water to flow over it and upon your body. But if you are using chemical soaps or warm water, it becomes brittle and will crack after sometime, so it is best to avoid wearing it at such times.
Conditioning of Rudrakshas should be done every six months. To condition Rudraksha mala or beads, immerse them in ghee (clarified butter) for 24 hours and then soak them in full-fat milk for an additional 24 hours. Wash it water and wipe the beads with a clean cloth. Do not wash them with detergent or any cleansing substance.  
Hope this gives you clear picture of all the myths and facts that revolve around Rudrasha. Thinking of getting one for yourself? ShashtriJi can help, let us know in the comment section.
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elhoimleafar · 3 years
✨💛✨ It's Time to Check Old Beliefs ✨🌙✨
Money is not just bills, it is not only the result of your work to pay debts, money is a high frequency divine energy that always seeks to materialize as we choose, money is a tool for transaction and exchange, and we assign the meaning it has for each one.
It is time to improve your relationship with money from an energetic and also spiritual space.
We are living in an age of change and it is time to break those old limiting patterns and open ourselves to the love of money, because its energy can help us create divine things in the world, for ourselves and our loved ones.
If you are not an abundant/prosperous person, you are not in a position to change the world and help your loved ones, support your friends and family in their projects.
The money energy wants to have a relationship with you, it wants you to love it and it wants to support and sustain you throughout the process.
• • • ~ ABOUT MY NEW BOOK ~ • • • •
Find your copy of our new practical guide to prosperity and life "MANIFESTATION MAGIC: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth" in your favorite online/physical bookstore, is available everywhere and brings with a mixed number of exercise and rituals to craft and practice in your sacred space to manifest everything you are looking for.
Check my book here: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781578637423 and here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1578637422/
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clyreseminor · 4 years
4 steps to Financial Freedom from the book of Wisdom, Proverbs
Step 1: Trust God
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight.
Step 2: Manage and Prepare for future
Proverbs 6:6-8 Go to the ant, you sluggard; observe its ways and be wise! It has no commander, overseer, or ruler, yet it prepares its food in the summer; it gathers at the harvest what it will eat.
Step 3: Save for the future
Proverbs 13:22 A benevolent person leaves an inheritance for his grandchildren, but the wealth of a sinner is stored up for the righteous.
Step 4: Teach your children and tell them to repeat the cycle.
Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
#Prosperitycoach #wealthstrategist302
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naynaindrodia · 3 years
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Like & Type "Yes" To Affirm 💯💯
Join my 14 Days *Free* workshop To transform your Life
Link in Bio 🔗 🔗
For any queries call or WhatsApp on 9971400377 ☎
#abundancemindset #manifestingabundance #abundance #prosperity #attractwealth #wealthmindset #moneymagnet #prosperitycoaching #attractwealth #abundanceaffirmation #prosperityaffirmations #prosperityspells #healersofinstagram #magnetic #lawofattraction #selfhelptips #affirmationoftheday #affirmations #positivewords #powerofwords #meditation #wordsofwisdom #powerofyou #powerfulwords #fridayquotes #positivestate #moneyvibes #healyourfinances #motivation💯
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malaloves · 3 years
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We are going live in less than 12 hours. 🥳 I was going over the interviews on the weekend and looking at the action prompts we give you to implement and integrate. I realised the magnitude of what this event is. I mean I knew it along, but feeling into the words spoken and taught, and really embodying these practices. People pay thousands for this kind of thing, because Rita truly transformational. Here’s the thing it’s not about those massive actions. It’s about little shifts that come together for big results. It’s a stacking effect. Here are the final 3 pillars, productivity, self-care and abundance. Over the last weekend battling an experience of feeling unwell and feeling the pressure to show up and honour my commitments to the event participants and speakers I was reminded of the importance of self-care. So I worked, and then I rested. I took a time off to just be, and everything kept flowing. You really can have it all. Learn how by signing up. Let me know below which talk you are MOST excited about (I dare you to pick one 🤪) #selfcaresunday #selfcares #selfcareroutine #selfcaresis #selfcarecoach #selfcarechallenge #selfcarehacks #selfcareposts #productivityhacks #productivitytips #productivityhabits #productivityplanner #timemanagementtips #progressnotperfection #progressoverperfection #recoveringperfectionist #timemanagement #abundancecodes #abundancemindset #abundancenow #abundancecoach #prosperitymindset #prosperitycoaching #solopreneurs #womensupportingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #selfleadership https://www.instagram.com/p/CUBcKJevfOq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vitalizeone · 5 years
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#prosperity #prosperitylife #VitalizeOne #prosperitymindset #valentus #prosperityconsciousness #prosperitymovement #prosperityisamindset #prosperitygame #prosperitynow #understandings #prosperitytemple #prosperitysound #prosperityteaching #prosperitymission #vitaly #prosperityminds #wordsofwisdom #prosperitymindfulness #tennant #prosperityluck #prosperitycoaching #prosperityculture #prosperityfitness #vt #prosperityforall #moneyonmymind #prosperitylifecoach #understanding #prosperitylifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXO5xinGO7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9l3959vgi0bk
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tiajucoach-blog · 5 years
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Equipe de criação: Tia Jú, criação do texto: Tia Jú, Escolha da foto: Tia Jú, Diagramação: Tia Jú, Inspiração e Criatividade: Tia Jú Equipe de Revisão: Tia Jú. TEMPO PARA A ELABORAÇÃO DE TUDO ATÉ POSTAR 7 MINUTOS. TEMPO PRA ARRUMAR A CASA A VIDA TODA. #tiajucoachpnl #tiajucoach #coachingcomalma #proposito #prosperitycoaching #careercoaching #força #prosperidade #procrastinação #medo #insegurança #crencaslimitantes #crençaslimitantes #inteligenciaemocional #pnlcoaching #vocação #sucesso #curadaalma #realizeseussonhos #sejadiferente #equilibrio #jesusmeumelhoramigo #Deusmeupai #Deuséfiel #feemdeus #Jesus #renasceremcristo #renascer #deus https://www.instagram.com/p/BusOcxpBChN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ygcjio1uwktf
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Every single time you think about the possibilitys of tomorrow is 100% your next chance to start making the life you dream of and deserve, don’t leave it until you have no tomorrows left! 🙏❤️😊
Comment “Yes” if you agree.
#namaste🙏 #namaste🙏🏻 #spiritualbeings #liveforthenow #spiritualbeing #changeyourmindset #paradigmshift #lawofattractiontips #lawofvibration #raiseyourvibrations #vibrationalfrequency #itsalreadyyours #abundancemindset #flowstate #prosperitycoaching #affirmationsoftheday #affirmationtrain #lawofabundance #energy⚡#circulate #trustthespirallingoflife #askbelieveandreceive #alanwatts #thealchemist #waynedyer #gratitude #messagesfromtheuniverse #deliberatecreation #cocreating #cocreators
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mujeralchimista · 7 years
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I have been a little bit MIA... I noticed that although I wanted to be ok, there was still a little bit of morphing left to do and things were not running as smoothly as I hoped they did. I realized I needed to take a quick step back and understand what was happening. Feels like I have been growing exponentially and there is still a part of me not sure on where we are going. The MujerAlchimista project still going to happen but will have to reconfigure due to the amazing opportunity I received of working in the new Design Agency I am working with. Growing my design knowledge is always a priority for me and so I need to create the space to accept it for now. It took 7 years for someone to destroy me, and although faster than I though possible I am still in the process of recovering (after all it has only been 6 months.) There are plenty of things I have learned though about me, and I am more than excited to begin to tell you all my findings. -- - - - #mujeralchimista👩‍🎤💸💵 #talerolmdesign💸👩‍🎨👩‍🏫👩‍💻👩‍🎤👩‍👧 #thinkandgrowrich #coach #prosperitycoach #mindsetcoach
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valyneo-blog · 5 years
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Prosperity, it starts within you, just like everything else. You have to feel within yourself prosperous in order to see it being reflected in your outer world. May these affirmations transform your life and make you feel prosperous. Repeat these to yourself daily so that it may impact your life prosperously. #prosperity #prosper #prosperitystyles #prosperitylife #prosperitymindset #prosperitycoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/B36a7rioXRD/?igshid=syrt90ewmxuy
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tiajucoach-blog · 5 years
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Que é perfeito, ou por querer ser aceito, parece ser algo que não é? Vale a pena? O melhor é você entender o que acontece dentro de você e se libertar da opressão. Ninguém é bonzinho o tempo todo. Todos temos todos os sentimentos e não tem nada de errado nisso. Sentir raiva, sentir medo, sentir tristeza, É ser humano. Mas alguns condenam e acham que você tem que ser sempre o "feliz", "o descolado", e criam máscaras tão pesadas inclusive aqui nas redes sociais e você acha que aqui as pessoas são super felizes! Não são! A moça com o corpo super magro de biquini no verão, tem bulimia. O rapaz feliz na balada com muita bebida alcoólica e mulheres está afundado em dívidas. O queridinho da empresa com muitas pessoas juntas na foto, "equipe maravilhosa", a cada mês tentam puxar seu tapete para demiti-lo. Não estou dizendo que não existem pessoas de verdade, sim existem! Estas são de verdade também, mas não mostram a verdade ao mundo. Por que? A verdade dói é muito mais fácil negá-la. Enfrentar é duro, é muito mais doloroso. Mas aquilo que vc esconde de você mesmo um dia vêm à tona como uma doença, como depressão, câncer, ou outras coisas piores. Lidar com nossas emoções é entender nossos lados opostos e aprender que eles também podem nos ajudar na vida. Eu aceito que não sou sempre tão feliz o tempo todo, quando estou triste eu escrevo. Isso me faz sentir melhor e o sentimento muda. O que antes era pra mim uma nuvem negra, virou inspiração. #tiajucoachpnl #tiajucoach #coachingcomalma #proposito #prosperitycoaching #careercoaching #força #prosperidade #procrastinação #medo #insegurança #crencaslimitantes #crençaslimitantes #inteligenciaemocional #pnlcoaching #vocação #sucesso #curadaalma #realizeseussonhos #sejadiferente #equilibrio #jesusmeumelhoramigo #Deusmeupai #Deuséfiel #feemdeus #Jesus #renasceremcristo #renascer #deus https://www.instagram.com/p/BukMUiqB214/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rwqu8x0550ae
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