#procurator volta headcanons
lucent-blade · 7 months
I need a “MC vs the Courtiers” headcanon list right now. I want to see the MC try to fight against them this instant. It is necessary for me to see Valerius put that damned wine glass down and try to beat MC in a physical duel.
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glamourgirl777 · 1 year
What The Courtiers Would Smell Of ☆
(These are my personal opinions) (feel free to request any headcannons ect about the courtiers or main 6)
Either nothing with a slight hint of iron or
A strong smell of hand sanitizer. Like to the point it burns your nose.
A mix of sweat and really musky mens aftershave.
Or they would smell of smoke not cigarette smoke but fire smoke (yk)
As strange as it is to say I think he'd smell like them slimes in a can.
Like the ones that they manufacture in a factory that are always slimy and not rlly fun to play with.
Volta would 100% smell really sweet.
I have a feeling that she would douse herself in them manufactured marshmallow body sprays.
Either that or that smell when you've been around cooking food and it clings to your clothing.
This man would smell like rain and blackcurrant
Or saffron. There is no in-between.
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inquisitor13 · 2 years
You know that one scene in game where valrius spills his drink on MC on purpose? How do you think the other courtiers and Nadia would react if MC got up without saying a word and proceeded to pour their own drink right on valirius head and leaned in real close and said “oops”? I saw a scene like this in a show and thought it was the most badass thing ever xx
(Sorry for the misspelling, I’m god awful with their names)
Oh, yes, I saw that scene. :)
Well, it's going to be fun!
Countess Nadia
As a well-bred ruler of the state, she is extremely amazed. Even more: she's in shock. Moreover, it is unclear why exactly she is more in shock – from Valerius' antics or because of the way the MC answered him.
The surprised Countess runs up to MC and Valerius, wondering what happened, who first started this whole nightmare and for what purpose it was set up. Of course, the question is: "who started it first?" rhetorical. She squints irritably at the blushing Valerius, who clearly did not expect that this act would be noticed.
Nadia reprimands the culprit first: "Consul, I did not expect this from you, your behavior is unacceptable and from this day on I forbid you to appear in rooms where others gather with a glass of wine" – even such a harmless remark can hurt Valerius' self-confidence.
After talking to the adviser, she slowly turns to the MC and already addresses them, with the same stern expression on her face. Yes, the Countess is strict, but very fair and wants everyone to get what they deserve. "MC, I understand that you are angry at Valerius because of this terrible act, but try not to do it again. This is not worthy of any reaction. Now let me deal with your stain on your clothes."
As a result, Valerius, hurt by pride, goes to wash his hair and grumbles, and Nadia leaves MC next to her to discuss what happened. She intends to have this conversation with both MC and Valerius when he gets himself in order.
"MC, I am very ashamed of my adviser, I apologize for his antics. I'll talk to him and try to make sure he doesn't try to embarrass you anymore."
Nadia will definitely make Valerius apologize to MC. And the MC will also be obliged to apologize for what he did: she doesn't want people around her to conflict or hate each other.
Quaestor Valdemar
They are not doing anything to stop what is happening. Seriously, they absolutely don't care about this brawl, they just act as a silent observer who came to watch an unfunny cheap performance.
Not a single emotion flashes on their face, but their eyes are closely watching both MC and Valerius. But at the same time Valdemar is not on anyone's side.
When the MC takes and pours wine on Valerius' head, the reaction still appears: they laugh softly, hissing into their fists, squinting their eyes. It's almost impossible to see or hear.
Since their face is hidden by a medical mask, it is difficult to determine: is Valdemar funny or are they just snorting contemptuously? Oh, no, it's really something like a laugh. They haven't had this much fun in a long time.
At the end of this meeting, they will not say anything to MC or Valerius, but they will remember this case for a long time.
Valdemar could not resist and nevertheless inserted their remark: "Valerius, you should not have taken this fatal step. Your pride is wounded," and then spreads into a wide toothy smile that can be seen even through the mask.
In their opinion, this is a good way to put the arrogant Valerius in his place, so they have nothing against it.
Pontifex Vulgora
Get ready. Their laughter will shake the whole room, and Valerius' rage will become uncontrollable, because "no one dares to laugh at the supreme consul!". But Vulgora clearly doesn't care.
They catch judgmental glances at themselves, but they don't care at all. They laugh uncontrollably, flavoring their laughter with prickly and witty comments. Finally, this reception has become less boring.
Vulgora does not care about the condemnatory views and comments of everyone present. In a fit of emotion, they can hit something in a hurry and it will definitely suffer.
For example, it can be a vase. And it will be noisy until the Pontifex releases them and they come to their senses, or until the Countess calms them down.
But even after that, they will remember this situation for a long time and make rude jokes on this topic.
Vulgora are even proud that they did not miss this reception and saw the spectacle while being at the forefront.
Preator Vlastomil
Looks at the spectacle with a bit of surprise. Not that what was happening was important to him, because all this time he was busy looking at the worms that he carried in the folds of his clothes and woke up only when he heard Valerius's indignant scream.
"What's going on here?! You are scaring my children!" – he is outraged, for the most part, not by what the MC did, but by the fact that because of Valerius, who began to resent loudly, his worms hid back in the folds of his clothes and now refuse to come out again.
When he sees Valerius doused with wine, he is not thrilled. Now there is a smell of this drink around, because of which his worms will definitely not crawl out now.
However, he is still watching this scene. After all, what else does Vlastomil like besides worms? That's right, gossip. Fresh gossip. Therefore, he discards indignation and collects material for gossip related to Valerius. This is a great reason to put him in front of everyone in an unfavorable light.
Do not be surprised if in a few days the whole palace will be talking about it. Vlastomil, of course, if he is suspected, will say that he has nothing to do with it, but since he is the only most avid gossip here, you should not believe him.
Valerius' reputation has suffered because of him.
Procurator Volta
Like Vlastomil, she wasn't particularly interested in this meeting. She was fascinated by the food she had secretly brought into the room and was just eating all the time.
Exactly until the room was filled with the smell of poured wine on Valerius' hair. She giggles softly, unable to contain her laughter. Valerius is always so proud and arrogant, and now he's so awkward and funny.
"Now Valerius smells so nice of the drink!" – she squeaks.
If Vlastomil is the main gossip of the palace, then Volta deservedly takes second place. Together with him, she, occasionally laughing, and discussing with him all the awkwardness of the incident.
When the performance is interrupted by Nadia's remarks, Volta quickly loses interest in this small scandal and returns to eating again.
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macabremayhem · 1 year
How do you do, fellow humans?
Hello there.
"Tonight I could be with you
Or waiting in the Wings
Lift your heart with soaring song
Cut down the puppet strings."
– Bauhaus "Spirit"
We are the Arcana art-fanteam. We're make our own arts, texts, headcanons and so on. Main themes: the Courtiers; M6: Julian, Nadia, Portia are faves. With love to the Renaissance, classic arts, goth music, BDSM, medicine and just for fun.
Let us introduce ourselves:
Artists: ChilledoutBeast /she/, Wasteofplace /she/
Translator: Sabinasabapplebutt /she/
Editor: ApostleJay /them/he/
and Master: LunaticSun /he/them/
This blog is keeping by each member of team, but mainly by Lunatic Sun. You can ask us any question.
And let there be Mayhem!
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art by: Lunatic Sun
Nota Bene: in this blog Valdemar and Vulgora are strictly non-binary and any attempt to make them /f/ or /m/ characters is not allowed.
Nota Bene 2: In every headcanon on this blog, every art and every story Quaestor Valdemar is still AroAce.
Nota Bene 3: As a neurodivergent person, who know all these things from insides I (Lunatic Sun) ask you to note this remarks carefully.
"We love our audience". ©
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courtmajulian · 2 years
Valerius: Volta and I have a sort of friendship where we complete each other’s-
Volta: -sentences.
Valerius: Please don’t interrupt me.
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blackered · 1 year
drawing these past few days has been really hard for me (think im burning out), but i like to keep my word! have a little Volta with delicious food <3
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saemi-the-writer · 11 months
Here are the Courtiers as Gothic novel covers!
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doctor-001 · 1 year
Rules for this Blog
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What I write;
-headcanons (especially headcanons)
-x reader stories
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Who I write for;
-the main Six
-the courtiers
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What I won't write;
Since I do try to be as close to canon as possible, I will not make the not so kind characters *cough* Valerius *cough*
Into sweet angels. So, nothing ooc
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simper-maximus · 1 year
Courtiers Headcanons Yoo
Thoughts are flooding my head, here is me draining it out even though I have no experience in writing.
Now, warning: I only finished Lucio's route so these could contain inaccurate information. Since I basically know most of the story from memes. Oh well.
Today's topic is bodily functions and other slightly disgusting stuff. Enjoy.
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➼Overall there is a common headcanon (or maybe it's canon? don't remember) that the courtiers do not need to eat, and thus have no bodily functions overall.
➼In my opinion, while that is mostly true, it only is to an extent. They don't need to eat, but if they do, you better believe it has to come out too
➼With that being said, Volta, with all her eating, practically lives in the loo
➼The first month when she got to the palace and became the darling lil procurator we know, she was overjoyed by being fed whenever she felt like it
➼(Which is basically all the time because everyone though of her as some sickly victorian child wannabe) (And hey, gotta feed the workers)
➼And at first everyone though it was because her scrawny body was just getting used to the now normal food intake
➼But nah she just had no control over herself and would go full sneaky mode and eat five cow's worth of food a day whoops
➼So the cooks and even Nadia got concerned
➼Why is this precious baby always running to the bathroom?? Is the food contaminated? But everyone else is fine??
➼They took her to the head doctor, darling Valdemar to check for allergies because what if she is lactose intolerant? Or has gluten problems?? They can't risk losing their most accurate poison check worker
➼This obviously annoyed the other demon because damn it, WHY couldn't Volta just chill and at least TRY not to raise attention?
➼In the end Valdemar prescribed her some fake pills and got her her own bathroom. Problem solved, nobody is suspicious now
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➼Another headcanon I see often is that their shell of a body is fused with their clothes, basically making it part of the disguise
➼Yeah, no
➼They work with blood and other non solid waste that could stain their clothes
➼If those clothes were fused with their body it would make it sooo much harder to keep it clean
➼Not to mention anything could get stuck in that delicate fabric. Geting all up in the nooks and crannies
➼Good luck washing it out if that is the case. They'd have to throw their whole self in the washing machine
➼That being said they have a normal body under the uniform, and take daily showers even if they didn't get particularly dirty that day
➼They do however use those very old block soaps that makes your skin texture feel sticky in a way too clean sense. Either that or the strongest one they can find. Doesn't matter that it makes their skin dry as hell
➼That being said their skin is unbelievably dry all the time. Please put some lotion on them
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➼HOW are they always so sweaty
➼Maybe definitely that is the reason they are always so angry all the time
➼How can you thrive in an environment where your foes keep getting away because of your slippery body, huh??
➼Brings Vlastomil to shame
➼The Vesuvian temperature doesn't help one bit. Therefore this demon loves the winter, despite claiming to dislike it because "the colors don't go well with their outfits"
➼They definitely tried the "pads inside your clothes" lifehack to lessen the damage. Don't ask where the pads came from
➼Also those facial oil remover rolls? They got like four in each pocket
➼Weirdly cares a lot about skin care though, so they often brag that the oils are the cause of their baby soft skin
➼You could not find one (1) pore on this demon's face. And of course, everybody noticed that
➼They tried to profit off of this, and sold some wacky "skincare scrub cream" to the civillians. (For the purpose of buying some sick weapons with the cash of course) Didn't work. Had to wait for a whole generation to die off to escape the shame
➼So how does their makeup never get smeared? Don't ask an enby their secrets~~
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➼He, like Volta loves a good feast and always joins in whenever he can
➼However he hates when fish is served because it reminds him that worms are often used as bait to catch said fish
➼Glares at the palace aquarium as he walks by
➼He is probably the most normal one of the bunch
➼Doesn't have to deal with anything extreme
➼Good for him honestly
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Extra: Valerius
➼He is slowly starting to go bald but admits it to no one
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theredstringletters · 5 months
To get this blog off the ground, I wanted to share some ambiguously romantic headcanons of my (🍄) favorite characters from the Arcana! Mostly Julian, and a few others. Yes, I am biased. Julian was my first route! If you like these, how would you feel about some drabbles written by the actually talented writer in this duo?
Some of you OGs in the fandom who particularly enjoy niche characters might've seen my (very old) headcanon blog for the courtiers. I wonder if you could guess based on some of these headcanons...
Julian Devorak
Julian is a boisterous man. He is reckless and vain at times, but he does not take anything for granted- at least, he tries his very best not to.
His love is forgiving, yearning, and desperate. If you are the type to play "hard to get", he will love the chase.
Likewise, Julian loves to be loved. He wants to be cherished, truly wanted for who he is. To have his soul held in the palm of your hands, with tender thumbs tracing all his frayed, tattered edges.
Despite how truly, madly, and deeply this doctor can adore you, he can also jump to the opposite end of this spectrum. When stress comes to knock on his door, he will shut you out. How could he subject you to anything that might upset you, even in the slightest?
As you might have guessed, this darling Devorak is starved for embrace. How he so longs to be cradled like a kitten in a lover's arms. There need not be words between the two of you. Merely the comfort of your warmth and scent so near.
Muriel, our beloved.
Honestly, what more needs to be said? I might've played Julian's route first, but Muriel is perfection and there needs to be a game just for him.
Nobody is more frightened of Muriel than he is of himself. He can't so much as look at his hands without fearing what they might do if he isn't careful enough about where he places them or how firmly he holds to things. Especially after he meets you.
You have brought a light so radiant to his life, that he is nearly certain the world was only darkness before. Until now, he was sure he hadn't truly been living.
Praetor Vlastomil
Everyone knows he loves worms. And himself. One and the same, really.
But did you know that he loves to garden as well? No, really. And why shouldn't he? Worms love the earth! They thrive in it!
While he does garden mostly for the benefit of his "companions", Vlastomil is actually quite the green thumb. He has a knack for growing a great many species of flowers and herbs. He may even be partially responsible for a portion of the new trees growing about the palace grounds.
He enjoys tea, again not a surprise, but interesting nonetheless. He prefers earthy, umami flavors. Ginseng, ginger, yerba mate, and sometimes green tea. However, he also likes to dump more sugar than is probably needed into it.
Pontifex Vulgora
Not to say that Vulgora and Julian are similar, but they are also boisterous.
While not at all romantic, Pontifex Vulgora might stake their "claim" on you by putting on a grand show of strength. They'll drag you along to watch them absolutely obliterate some poor palace guard in a one-sided spar.
If you try to flirt with them, it will go straight over their head. Not for lack of intelligence- simply because, in their mind, mere flowery words and a wink in passing hold no weight. If you want to win them over, you should try challenging them to something.
Just don't challenge them to a fight, because we know who isn't gonna make it out of that unscathed. Even if Vulgora cares about you.
Procurator Volta
She and Vulgora, while not exactly friends, tend to stick to one another. Wherever one is, there's the other, hovering nearby.
Volta may be paranoid of your presence for a while if you attempt to make friendly with her. Of course, she will be eager to babble to you about little things, small talk. But she never expects anyone to stick around very long, she's come to accept that Vulgora is likely the closest person she'll ever have to a friend.
The way to her heart is already obvious, but a sure way to win her over immediately? Pastries. No, it doesn't matter what kind. If its ingredients include sugar and flour, she is over the moon.
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lucent-blade · 7 months
MC vs The Courtiers in a physical / general fight
{ Warning: Possible spoilers, possible mischaracterization }
Headcanon List
You, MC, want nothing more to duel against the courtiers because it either piqued your curiosity, want to fight them out of justice or pure recklessness.
Quaestor Valdemar:
• You are not making it.
• I apologize but you are duelling against a quaestor who has tentacles and a form one can comprehend with sight alone.
• I suppose you would win if in the context of being through one of the routes and gaining the power and confidence that had beaten the Devil.
• They probably had accepted the duel out of curiosity of the outcome and how you would fight them.
• Might kill you if not stopped.
Pontifex Vulgora:
• Instantly agrees.
• Loves to battle and to fight so considering the fact you asked makes them ecstatic.
• Very violent, very aggressive and quite the opponent.
• Same with Valdemar, you could possibly win if gone through a route.
• Screaming about how they want your blood and how they shall crush your bones into a fine powder.
• Would kill you if not stopped by anyone.
Praetor Vlastomil:
• Not one prone to fight when asked.
• He is more keen on not touching your disgusting human body with his hands via a duel.
• If you however, do convince him to fight, maybe via threatening his worm collection, he will rise up to duel you, who had the audacity to do so.
• You could perhaps kill him.
• If you tell him that his worm collection will be fine, he will stop his wrath and show more relief over the slimy creatures then and then glare at you with disdain.
Procurator Volta:
• Easily intimidated.
• It would be quite hard to pick a fight against her considering she is one to actively avoid fights.
• The only time she wants to fight is with food.
• And oh, what is that? Is that a nice crab puff?
• Suddenly she is very irritated against you.
• Such a surprise!
• The best she could do is flail and yell at you but considering her eyes are only focused on the delectable item within you hands, she might hit you.
Consul Valerius:
• Why are you bothering him? And why do you want to waste his precious time?
• Does not care about fighting you, honestly, he sees no point in it.
• What are you doing to that wine bottle?
• No, put it down.
• What do you mean you will not comply?
• Now, see, look at the perfectly good wine bottle that had shatter on the floor. Are you mad?!
• Would probably slap you, crush his wine glass in the process and scold you.
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glamourgirl777 · 1 year
The Courtiers As Lana Del Rey Songs ☆
(This is my personal opinion) (feel free to request any hcs ect on the main 6 or courtiers)
Cinnamon girl or
Chemtrails over the country club
Blue velvet or
Sad girl
Music to watch boys to or
Shades of cool
Blue jeans or
Dark but just a game or
God's and monsters
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inquisitor13 · 2 years
If you don’t mind this type of request? How would Valdemar and the other courtiers react to their s/o having s/h scars?
Oh, I like this request.
Quaestor Valdemar
They have seen a lot of scars in their existence, starting with insignificant and small size and ending with large, conspicuous ones, so they react to MC scars quite calmly. But this does not mean that the Questor ignores it.
Without any hesitation, Valdemar casually approach the MC and ask: "Do you mind if we go to my dungeon after work?". If they see fear on the MC's face, they will immediately warn that they will not do anything, but only look at something and ask a few questions. At the same time, during the conversation, they will constantly cast interested glances at these scars.
MC does not need much time to guess what is the matter. Valdemar does not hide that it's about these scars. They would not like to hear a refusal, so they gently convince that today a visit to their basement is an extremely important procedure.
When the MC is already sitting on one of the couches in the dungeon, the Questor is asked a lot of questions:
"Where did you get the scar of this shape? And when did you get this one? What did you cut yourself with when this trace was formed?"
"What do you feel when I touch here? And here? Does it hurt?"
"How long have you had these scars? How many years have passed since then?"
"Have you taken part in battles or fights?"
Of course, touching the scars is mandatory. Waldemar will not miss the chance to touch each of them out of pure scientific interest. It may seem that their activities are extremely monotonous, but if you ask the Questor about it, they will answer quite simply: "Oh, MC, there is really nothing monotonous in medicine and the study of human bodies, you need to have a professional look to understand this thing."
Their hands are cold, and their touch is delicate, weightless and very careful. Even through the gloves, the cold of these hands is felt.
Sometimes Valdemar violates the personal space of the MC, but they apologize and continue to do so. MC can't blame them, because the Questor doesn't do it on purpose.
The inspection ends with them thanking the MC for understanding and trust, writing down the results of the inspection in a notebook.
Everyone is surprised when MC comes out of the dungeon alive and unharmed.
Consul Valerius
When communicating with MC, he tries his best not to focus on the scars due to upbringing, but sometimes MC can notice how Valerius' gaze slides over them.
And this gaze looks condemning with a mixture of disgust or contempt.
MC is uncomfortable being around Valerius after this situation, because now he often looks that way, which is why communication with him seems strained.
The consul will never admit to his true intentions. He will play with the MC until the last in looking at very ambiguous content, but one day there comes a moment when the MC himself turns to him with a question. This happens in solitude.
Valerius is amazed by MC's assumptions that it is unpleasant or disgusting for him to look at these scars and will even apologize (!!!) for making think that. In fact, he has never seen such a number of marks on the skin before and he is interested to know how MC learned to live with it and where they came from.
Perhaps after that it will become easier to communicate. Valerius will often examine these marks and note that he admires MC's self-confidence even with scars, because for many they are considered a defect in appearance. But he doesn't think so.
Valerius perceives these scars as a feature of appearance, nothing more. Despite the fact that he has never met people like MC, Consul quickly gets used to it and even knows how to draw MC's attention to the fact that this has its advantages.
"What are the advantages here?"
Valerius will find something to answer this question: "For example, the fact that they make you different from others. See how many people hide even the tiniest traces on their skin because they are afraid of someone else's opinion. Unlike you, it's fine."
He does not allow anyone to insult the MC and condemn the appearance.
Pontifex Vulgora
When their gaze falls on at least a single MC scar, they light up with hot curiosity. For Vulgora, this is like a signal for a long and lively conversation.
"MC, WHAT DO I SEE?! Yes, that's right, it's YOUR SCAR! Immediately tell me the WHOLE story of the appearance of this! Let me guess: is this a bloody battle, after which this sign remains, reminding you of your fearlessness?! Or is it a reminder of a fight in an inn where you punched some upstart in the face?! "
In the end, the MC is involved in this heated discussion, forcing them to show even more scars. And each of them causes a violent reaction from the Pontifex. They literally FILL up with questions. And at the sight of each scar, the most epic guesses are born in a second.
The more scars MC shows them – the more emotions. Vulgora is burning with interest, their eyes are shining, because in their opinion every trace on the skin is a story. A unique story.
Of course, it will not do without the fact that Vulgora will show MC their scars in response, and there are much more of them. Their body resembles a kind of battlefield. The pontifex demonstrate this with pride and loudly tell the story of the appearance of each trace.
It's amazing how they were able to remember the history of the appearance of each scar at all? Apparently, this is really a very important thing for Vulgora.
"Look! See that long scar on my wrist?! Oh, this is my favorite story! I got it when I hunted a huge beast in the forest ALONE AND WITHOUT WEAPONS with MY BARE HANDS!"
Despite the fact that MC has significantly fewer grandiose stories and adventures, unlike Vulgora, they are happy to hear each of them anyway
Procurator Volta
"MC, this trace looks like a star! And this one is for a cupcake!"
She makes a lot of cute comparisons with your scars, runs her fingertips over them and wonders aloud what else they might look like.
Volta does not see anything repulsive in these scars. Seriously, she even likes this feature of the MC's appearance. She is not interested in where it came from and how, she just likes that it is.
For her, looking at MC scars is another way to have fun. Volta can, at the most unexpected moment, take the MC's hand in his own and begin to examine it carefully. You just have to get used to it.
She doesn't understand why MC hides these scars under a lot of clothes. After all, this is such an interesting and amazing thing! If the MC has complexes about this, Volta will be surprised: why does the beautiful MC have dissatisfaction with himself? It shouldn't be like this.
Often MC hears sweet words of support and admiration from Volta.
She even came up with a relaxing procedure for MC: Volta sometimes brings brushes and paints with her, then begins to outline these scars in different colors, giving them a colored silhouette. She really enjoys it.
Praetor Vlastomil
As a connoisseur of non-standard types of appearance, he likes to look at the MC. Just watch the skin stretch and the scars along with it. Therefore, the Praetor often asks permission just to look at the MC's hands or neck.
He looks like a fucking fetishist, but he's just enjoying the view. For Vlastomil, this is also aesthetically attractive, as are his worms.
"Look, MC, Wiggler likes it too!" – with these words, he handed MC his most beloved worm.
Doesn't understand why stupid people mostly don't like these marks on the skin. They are so aesthetic! Vlastomil is ready to argue with those who will say that he is wrong. Of course, also in order to protect the MC.
"How can you not like it? After all, it's much more interesting than just a smooth surface! Worms have almost the same thing: their skin is not perfectly smooth, there are also different ring-like depressions on it, and this makes them even more attractive! "
Okay, his methods of admiring MC are a little non-standard, but it's Vlastomil.
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kurjakani · 4 months
4,8,12 for courtiers? hehe.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Gonna answer this one overall - again, I WISH I COULD STEALL THEMM BROOOO
But also. My interest w Arcana cross imtwracted w my interest in Baldurs Gate 3 time wise p strongly, so I would love. That au???? Idk what that would entail. I may have to think abt it. What dnd races & classes would the courtiers even be idk enough abt rhis stuff
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I'm actually generally pretty chill when it comes to... literally any and all fandom content, i rly don't care abt what other ppl do with characters :0
W two exeptions.
Not enough love for Vlastomil out there !!!! He's so nastygross and delightful, slithery hot fuck, dilf... ough.
Anddd Vulgoras modern design for that dorian story thingy the arcana instagram account was promoting a bit back. TAKE THAT SHIT BACK. TAKE IT BACK. THEY DO NOT FUCKING LOOK LIKE THAT. (Well rly its just the hair & style that bugs me)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Valdemar: i think this is. Affected by the fact that they're just so gangly, but I feel like they would just... have a very thin PRESENCE. At least most of the time. I think it has to do with skin. I feel like their more humanoid form would psychologically feel like standing next to a cartboard cutout, or a paper shell. And that people are shaken and surprised when they touch you - their physical body actually feeling solid would be odd and uncanny. You know how chickens legs look delicate and gentle but they grip you oddly strong? I think it would feel similiar. And just as cold !!!
Volta: I often think about what kind of assistants she would have... its such an addicting thought idk why 😭 she seems so scattered, it's hard to imagine her as Vesuvias procurator... of course it's canonical fact that she wasn't very good at it. But. She can't run... i assume some kind of warehouses?? Food collection??? No idea how it would work. But she cant run it all by herself. Needs people to do things for her. I love to imagine he's the most PLEASANT but like. Annoyingly distracted boss to ever exist..
Vulgora: i am SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO upset we didn't get to go to Vulgoras estate in Nadias route 😭😭😭 i havent finished the route fully yet (i do need to. I love it)but i don't think we do..? Anyways I imagine it's WILD. All red everywhere, and pretty... wild. Idk how to explain this but I feel like it would be a fully red, slightly lesser version of Howls room but more focused on weaponry etc. Idk for some reason I imagine velvet sofas with really asymmetrical, wild flowing embroidery work, maybe covering scratches recieved during some brawling...? Tinted glass windows in some rooms fully casting them in red light. Obviously a training yard... and WILD parties. Bacchanalian celebratios that feel great in the moment but leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
Vlastomil: the freakiness does not end at worms. A lot of rep for him has him completely focused on his worms- which is reasonable, that's the canonical version, but idk I do like the idea... maybe im mirroring. But that he is capable of obsessing over other things and just becoming this tooth clenching mess over them. He has side interests. Often relating to worms: dirt quality, nature preservation, and he has a mild interest in decomposition.
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beanott · 1 year
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Aquela é BEATRICE NOTT, ex-aluna da casa LUFA-LUFA na escola de Magia e Bruxaria de HOGWARTS. Ela tem 23 ANOS e é APRENDIZ DE CURANDEIRO. Seu status sanguíneo é PURO, e além de POSSUIR habilidades para a ANIMAGIA, NÃO POSSUI MALDIÇÃO. Ouvi dizer que é muito famosa por se parecer muito com KRISTINE FROSETH, mas principalmente, por apoiar o lado da ORDEM DA FÊNIX
OOC: Vou colocar aqui um pouco sobre a história da Bea, mas nesse link vocês podem achar algumas curiosidades sobre ela e também a personalidade :)
Beatrice cresceu observando sua família desprezar todos aqueles que não eram puro-sangue. Sua percepção se diferiu da família quando ainda era muito nova, depois de presenciar seu pai conjurando a maldição cruciatus em um trouxa que teve o azar de cruzar seu caminho. 
Os problemas de Beatrice com a família começaram a existir, de fato, quando ela foi escolhida para a Lufa-Lufa, o que seus pais, ambos vindos de gerações de Sonserinos, acharam ultrajante. Depois de um tempo fizeram as pazes com esse fato, usando isso como justificativa para a falta de engajamento da filha na causa em que eles tanto acreditam. 
Uma ruptura  real entre Beatrice e a família come��ou a acontecer no feriado de natal de 1994, durante seu quinto ano em Hogwarts. Até este momento ela acreditava que, apesar de seus pais terem ideais alinhados com pureza de sangue, não havia conexão alguma com Comensais da Morte. Durante a festa anual de natal da família Nott, Beatrice acabou vendo seu pai, tios e alguns outros entrarem no escritório. Curiosa, os seguiu, achando que escutaria mais uma conversa sobre negócios, como já tinha acontecido inúmeras vezes. Entretanto, acabou presenciando os homens conversando sobre saírem ao final da festa para praticarem maldições em trouxas. No final da conversa todos levantaram as mangas de suas vestes, revelando a marca dos Comensais.
Beatrice continuou em contato com os pais por mais dois anos (que era o tempo que faltava para se formar em Hogwarts) depois desse incidente, mas estava distante e raramente voltava para casa nas festas de fim de ano. Durante as férias, se isolava em algum lugar da mansão da família ou saía com algum de seus amigos, qualquer coisa para minimizar sua interação com a família. 
Seus pais descobriram ao final de seus estudos em Hogwarts que ela havia se juntado à Ordem. Depois disso, tentaram de tudo para fazer a filha mudar de ideia, jurando que ela estava sob o efeito de algum feitiço ou poção. Os esforços não valeram de nada, tanto que Beatrice fugiu no meio da noite pela janela de seu quarto, onde estava trancada. Depois disso não entrou em contato com os pais, apesar de ter medo de que eles a procurem e tentem levá-la de volta.
Durante boa parte de seus estudos, Bea tinha certeza de que se tornaria uma Magizoologista (isso, inclusive, a incentivou a se tornar uma animaga). Depois de terminar os estudos, viajou pelo mundo para estudar as criaturas mágicas, tendo muita afinidade com dragões. Quando voltou para Londres, em 2000, resolveu mudar temporariamente de profissão. Desejava fazer algum bem durante a Guerra que se aproximava, portanto procurou um Curandeiro que pudesse lhe ensinar e atualmente se encontra sendo auxiliar em St Mungus, faltando poucos meses para se tornar uma Curandeira propriamente dita. Ainda pretende voltar para o ramo da Magizoologia, mas pretende fazer isso depois que os conflitos passarem.
Se tornou uma animaga ilegal durante seu sexto ano. Acreditava que conseguiria se aproximar e estudar as criaturas mágicas de outra forma caso fosse um animal. Quando se transforma toma a forma de uma marta, que também é o seu patrono corpóreo. 
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nightjarteeth · 3 years
Theories as to What’s in Volta’s Stomach
1. Incredibly potent acid that rapidly dissolves any food she consumes — hence, why anything she eats provides such fleeting joy.
2. Never-ending hole into which any food, objects, etc. are still falling to this day.
3. A portal to some realm of the Arcana, wherein an entire ecosystem is probably being sustained by the mass quantities of nutrients directly transported via Volta.
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