#pro rei todoroki
punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Taking away Dabi's scars for 'Good Dad Enji aus' is a sick in head ass thing to do and i'm NOT joking,imagine erasing a canon disabled character who turned into an anarchist because of gaining said disability and the alienation it caused him from society on top of severe drawbacks both physical and mental so you can prop his abusive dad that GAVE him the disability in the first place through literal eugenics and is also a marital r*pist who's wife is significantly younger than him and that he bought as a s*x slave from her parents oh my fucking GOD
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
I feel so bad for Dabi.Imagine your dad loves you and is good to you,your little sister and your mom for the first few years of your life but then suddenly he starts becoming abusive to all of you because he cares more about power than his wife and kids and treats you and your siblings like you're nothing because you weren't born with the powers he wanted and it hurts you so much that combined with the rest of his mistreatment that you start hating your own baby brother because he's the only one he sort of cares about anymore(not really but you're only 9 so you can't understand that yet).
Then when you get older,you burn almost your whole body and nearly die because of it and when you wake up,you can't even cry about your pain anymore-physical AND emotional-and you find out nothing's changed at home so you get so angry that you stop caring about not hurting others and become a supervillain.And once you're an adult,you manage to find a new family who loves and cares about you just as much as your birth one but some fucking bootlicker decides to insert himself into it by pretending to be friends with you and them and he murders your best friend,who was also one of the first friend's you had period,and disregards all the horrific things your dad did because he thinks his feelings are more important than yours.
Not only that but so many people say you were always evil to take the blame off the latter and victim blame you and just as many say you were/are in love with the former,both based off nothing.Call me a 'Dabi apologist' all you want,i don't give two shits that an abuse survivor who could never get therapy is an asshole as a coping mechanism,he's earned it and i also don't care that he killed FICTIONAL people,because he's a literal villain and if you fiveheadasses can stan and thrist after the person that made him that way and ship him with the guy who killed someone he loved,i can love a character that's actually good
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keikiri-kitten · 1 year
a/n: wanted to go into depth about pro hero dabi with a small little angsty drabble! we get to see all the family together and how they cope with normal family arguments and not their brother/son literally being a villainous murderer.
Family dinners at the Todoroki household had become something far and few in-between due to the recent success of proheroes Dabi and Shoto. It seemed as though the entire atmosphere changed when the two brothers were missing dinner and instead being shown on the television for the rest of the family to see. There was a motherly pride not only radiating from Rei but Fuyumi as well, watching the men cover their screen. Advertisements, interviews, news segments and entertainment show spots were just some of the things that they would sometimes catch at the right time.
Endeavor, who always knew his sons were bound for great success because of his training, kept mum on their celebrity. Why comment on the inevitable? The only one who didn’t seem to understand was Natsuo. Natsuo tried to live a normal life. He chose college, a normal job, dating on his own terms and at his own time. He didn’t want what could come from being a hero. 
The Todoroki family had always been a close knit unit. There was nothing they didn’t know about each other. But when Natsuo could feel the separation widening within this unit, he began to pull away from the brothers. That was until the family were sitting at the table with all sorts of expressions when the pushy Dabi got Natsuo to chirp about his new fling.
“Touya, eat your food. Mom and I worked really hard on it.” fuyumi scolded her brother, resting her wrist on the table with an annoyed appearance dressing her face. She hated when Touya got chatty, it would always lead to someone getting defensive over his brash commentary. She knew Natsuo was his next victim.
“I will but this has a bit more flavor,” Touya propped his hand in the air to exaggerate his statement. Pinching his fingers together, he kissed his fingertips before leaning over the food slightly to intimidate his brother into talking. “Seriously Natsuo? When did this happen?”
Shoto always maintained a neutral stance, but he couldn’t help but realize the pest Touya could be. “When he’s ready, he will tell us.” 
“Shoto,” piercing blue eyes snapped to the youngest with agitation, “shut up.”
Natsuo could feel the spotlight on him burning brighter as he was put in the hotseat. The cameras were for the other boys, not him. He wasn’t good with moments like this. “Ah, it’s stupid, maybe she’s a rebound–” he tried, chuckling with his eyes glued to his food. 
“It’s not stupid!” Touya's face lit up again before his fists banged against the table, grabbing all of his family’s attention. Even Enji was startled. “My brother gets a new girlfriend and it seems like all of my family knows but me!” The wide grin he had was beginning to shake as he stared at his brother– his supposed best friend. “ I wanna know about her. We’re supposed to be close.” 
“How close can anyone really be to the number 2 hero anymore?” Natsuo didn’t mean for it to come off so harsh. He looked apologetic the moment he was finished, spotting a frown on his older brother's face.
“What? I make time. As much as I can.” Touya scoffed, brushing his brother off with his hand waving in the other direction. It was a front, even you, his fiance sitting besides him knew that. There was a very loud silence in the room. No one said anything, even you. It made him flush with embarrassment. “I make time,” his voice went cold and filled with hurt.
“Please don’t start at the table…please.” Rei begged, holding out a hand to reach for her son.
“Where is this coming from?” Touya didn’t stop, looking around the table to realize not a single individual was looking him in the eyes.
“Touya,” his mother tried again.
“Mom–” he snapped, yanking his hand from her touch all while stitching his brows. “So you all wanna be quiet when I’m asking you a question? You all feel like this?” 
Rei didn’t want to see dinner ruined after many days of seeing one of her children missing from the table for various reasons. One good meal with her babies and she would be fine. “Touya, we can think of something else to talk about, yeah? This is a discussion you two can have afterwards.” 
“No, if this is something you all wanna be tight lipped about, I’m not talking about anything.” He dropped his utensils on the table and dusted his hands on his clothes before looking Natsuo in the eyes. Natsuo stared at him in regret. The eldest stood from his seat to point at his brother. “I’m sorry being number 2 makes your skin burn but I’m not the only brother in the top 10 and I don’t see anyone giving Shoto heat for his success. I’m successful.”
“It’s not about that Touya–”
“Oh piss off Fuyumi, you’re a school teacher. You can come home after your nine to five without a scratch on you and they’d still love you more than the one fighting for their lives,” he barked at his sister, tilting his head down before holding a hand out for you to take. “Come on. We’re going home.”
As you stood up, you whispered a goodbye to the family and sauntered off with him. The table split looks of either disapproval or shock. They knew Dabi was a hot head but one thing they didn’t really understand was how emotionally charged he was. That night was only opening the cover page of his chapter book of feelings and emotions. As the family once again sat in silence, Rei jumped from her seat to chase the both of you down. 
“Touya!” Rei trekked through the corridor to spot the both of you prior to you stepping down the stairs. “Touya wait!” 
“There’s nothing you can say to make me stay. We’re going home, ma.” he didn’t want to hear it. He knew it would be an excuse to come back inside and finish a plate in silence.
“I’m not here to stop you.” his mother spoke up and out of breath. “I just wanna talk to you,” sending you a gracious glance, her focus shifted back to her son. “Just you.” it was a cue for you to leave, though being engaged to someone like Dabi, you made sure to never be too far away. You found comfort taking a few more steps to pause at the bridge that went over that small pond you adored.
“Natsuo is just a bit sensitive. You aren’t just brothers but you’re his best friend. He feels like he’s losing you to the rest of Japan.” Rei placed her hand on her son’s shoulder.
‘Why doesn’t he treat Shoto with that same shitty logic? I’m not stopping him from becoming a goddamn hero.” 
“You watch your mouth,” his mother spat. “And he’s not that close with Shoto. No one is.”
Touya tried to take a step back from his anger and think about his next words. While he was heated, he felt more hurt than anything. “I try to come around,” his voice hushed to avoid anyone other than his mother hearing him be vulnerable. “Do you think I spend too much time away from you guys?” he quizzed. “Mom?” 
“I think we have a very complicated family dynamic.” Touya rolled his eyes but looked back to his mother as she continued to speak. “I don’t want you to feel bad about the time you spend away doing what you love or being with who you love. You save people, Touya. I’m proud of you. You could have been doing anything else in the world. With all the things your father has put you through I’m more shocked you stuck to your guns and became a hero. You and Fuyumi try your hardest to keep this family together. Natsuo is scared. We all are.” He tried…he really tried hearing his mother’s side and from the bridge, you could see his face falling. 
“Of what? I can take care of myself.” Touya’s brows stitched together as he raised his hands to emphasize the world around him.
“Japan needs Dabi, but we need Touya. I need Touya.” Rei scolded, “you’re my baby and I would never ask you to stretch yourself thin. If you’re trying and your brothers and sister cannot seem to understand it, let yourself be misunderstood. You do what is best for you. I always told you that.” Placing her hand on her son’s chest, she gave him a nod of approval.
He tried to stand strong, but he couldn’t. Dabi took his mothers hand and kissed her knuckles, staring into her steel colored eyes. “I think we’re going to head home.” 
“Will you talk to Natsuo before you go?”
“I’ll head back over tomorrow. I promised my fiancé some alone time.” grabbing the back of his mother’s head, he kissed the top of her head. “I love you Ma.” backing away from his mother, he waved her a small goodbye before scraping his shoes along the dirt and holding a hand out for you to take as he stepped up the bridge.
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shiraiza · 2 years
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Memories in My Hero Ultra Impact
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Can I request some pro hero Touya headcanons? Maybe with some dabihawks? xx
notes: oh hell yeah, I love PH! Touya au's! canon divergence, healing todofam, good big brother Touya, dabihawks, some hurt/comfort themes, mostly fluff
Pre-Hero Work Years
Okay, so I def think he went to UA 
I imagine things were pretty similar to canon up until around Shouto's birth, and around then Endeavor has a big work incident that makes it so he can't be a pro in the same capacity anymore
and it forces him into therapy and and the family actually works on stuff and slowly starts to heal
but Touya still gets injured from his quirk, but he manages to hide it pretty well from his parents and siblings, because he still wants to go to UA and be a pro so badly
and when he does get in he loves it so much, it's everything he dreamed it would be, he's making some friends, and his parents and siblings are so proud of him
but then the first sports festival rolls around, and it awakens that old feeling of needing to prove himself as worthy of everything he has
he gets to the semi finals when he ends up pushing himself too far and he ends up getting really, really hurt
which leads to his family and teachers realizing how much pain he's been hiding for so long
but it takes tiny Shouto, only seven years old, clutching Touya's hand while Touya is still half asleep due to the drugs and injury, telling his big brother how much he loves him and that he please has to stop hurting himself because they need to keep watching cartoons together and someone has to tell Shouto stories before he goes to bed, and quite frankly that needs to be Touya because nobody does the voices as good as him, and nobody else in their house makes the cereal as good as him, and Shouto hasn't told anyone but he thinks math is hard and he needs Touya to help him so that he too can get into UA and they can be heroes together
when Touya starts healing properly, he gets sent to Power Loader to get some special support items to help him out, as gets assigned a mandatory meeting with Recovery Girl every week so she can make sure he's staying healthy and doesn't hurt himself again
Early Pro Years
Touya debutes right out of UA, and during his first year as a Pro, he already breaks top 20, which is pretty damn rare
not unlike his father, much of his success is due to his outstanding numbers
but unlike his father, he is also quite popular with the public
in a "he's a little bit of a shit, but in a fun and likable way" - way
he's always very nice to civilians and fans etc
but he loves to fuck around and find out
he is the paparazzis biggest nightmare, always doing the most to confuse them
kids absolutely love him, partly because he's genuinely good with them, and partly because he is a fun and dynamic and looks really cool while fighting
he uses special boots and gloves that helps him control the fire from his body without hurting him to fly around, like rocket shoes and little hand jetpacks lol
when Touya has been around the Pro scene for about a year, this new guy shows up out of nowhere
his hero name is Hawks, and nobody seems to know where he came from or who he really is, and Touya is intrigued right away
especially when the guy skyrockets up the charts like nothing he's ever seen before
Touya himself didn't really care about the hero ranks or popularity polls, he just wanted to be a good hero, and he feels plenty appreciated by the public as it is
but it does intrigue him to see someone come out of nowhere and take off like that
he decides to try to get to know the guy a little, as they seem to have a similar personalities
Touya is very surprised however, when he runs into the winged man at a hero gala and realizes he's actually quite awkward and shy, proving that he's not as trained in personal relationships as he is in public relations
and while Touya started out hanging around the other young hero out of curiosity, he quickly finds himself more interested in Keigo, the person, than Hawks the hero
the way he can go from confidently saving hundreds of civilians with a charming smile and give interviews to the whole country like it's nothing, to turn into an awkwardly funny, blushing mess of a 19 year old guy in a matter of minutes truly makes Touya's heart turn into mush
mha requests open - masterlist - wip list - ao3
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slutty-snape · 1 year
The most darkly hilarious part of MHA is when everyone finds out about Endeavor being a shitty wife and child beater and Hawks asks if Enji gave Shoto the scar on his face but Rei is like “no lol that one was me 😝”
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grayluforever · 11 months
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A lot of people on here are defending her, but actually I would say the contrary. It doesn’t matter how she felt about endeavor, or how Todoroki reminded her of him. She PURPOSELY poured water over his FACE and put ICE on it, knowing it would cause a burn scar. She SCARRED her OWN CHILD on PURPOSE. Then MADE IT WORSE. The worst part is, the entire situation is blamed on endeavor, but we all gloss over the fact she CHOSE to do this to TODOROKI, who had NOTHING to do with that abusive relationship. This is child abuse. I understand he forgave her, but arc feels like a teenager fan fiction. The arc should have been more fleshed out. She’s viewed as an angel practically, despite the fact that she is an abuser.
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erasurecloud · 1 year
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about the absolute audacity this fandom has for thinking it’s abusive for a man to tell his stay at home wife the kid is her responsibility
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neonscandal · 2 years
Manga With Me: MHA Pocket Theory Edition
Todoroki Family Dynamics
⚠️ Spoiler Warning: focused on chapters 175-200 and may reference previous chapters.
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Shoto’s sympathetic flame 🥺
I'm in the middle of drafting my ✨unsolicited analysis✨ of MHA when I realized the Todoroki’s deserve their own exploration (and a specialized team of therapists). From Fuyumi guilting Natsuo about never calling home to their trauma den which just screams “Let’s completely gloss over our shared neglect and abuse and be happy now” to Natsuo’s loud and justifiable resentment of Endeavor. Fuyumi tries desperately to hold onto the jagged pieces of her family (likely to her own detriment and surely to the discomfort of all those involved) and their unique responses to their upbringing inspires me to believe that, ultimately, Shoto's older siblings remember things in a way that he can’t.
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Note: This analysis is largely focused around the fight Endeavor has with the Nomu following his official ranking as the #1 Hero and their subsequent reactions. Back to the point!
Shoto, being the chosen one, likely only remembers his own targeted abuse as Endeavor made it a point to separate him from the "failed experiments" to focus his training. Due to his lack of socialization and subsequent alienation, it would be difficult to perceive the negativity in his siblings' upbringing since, from his side of the fence, things are look bleak by comparison based on the glimpses he sees of his siblings in passing. Similarly, Rei, his only respite from his father's violence, ultimately lashed out with a cruel assault against Shoto. From a child's standpoint, it would be impossible to perceive his siblings' neglect and challenging to be empathetic where they they can more comprehensively understand the abuse he was subjected to in tandem with their neglect.
For starters, if Endeavor wasn't using their obvious physical traits as indicators for the powers they'd ultimately yield, each of the Todoroki children likely suffered the intensity of his scrutiny before being discarded for their supposed inferiority. Given Endeavor's quirk, I can't help but liken this attention to the warmth of the sun (when you have nothing to compare his "love" to) wherein the absence would sting just as much when their quirks eventually manifested. But as the Todoroki family grew and more children were cast aside, they'd find warmth and build community around one another. This is something Shoto is not able to partake in for some time if at all.
As they've grown, each of them cope differently: Shoto by way of avoidance and rebellion, Natsuo by aggressive confrontation and desertion, Fuyumi by placation and delusion. Then you have Rei in this section, who mentions the fact that, even though she only mentioned her favorite flower to Endeavor once, he still remembers and sends them to her in the hospital. As if to say that is in some way redemption for his treatment of her otherwise. Is it to suggest that their relationship wasn’t as black and white as we’re made to believe? I’m curious to know what the flower is and its inherent meaning.
Frequently when reading, I find the need to remind myself that the information presented comes to the reader by way of Deku's understanding and interpretation. As such, what we know of the Todoroki family is likely filtered through Shoto's recollection and subsequent perception which includes Endeavor's stratagem to forge strong progeny by way of a forced quirk marriage. This is not to suggest that Endeavor is in some way excused in his villainy. He was clearly abusive, obsessive and neglectful. But it challenges what we know of he and Rei's relationship (and potentially its origin) when she chooses to look back fondly on those flowers. Shoto's influence in the interpretation of the family dynamic is also evident in that Rei, a victim to Endeavor's abuse, is never also seen as abusive despite Shoto carrying the physical evidence of her abuse for the rest of his life. He is sympathetic to his mother so she is perceived sympathetically.
Now, fast forward to the bloody Endeavor vs Nomu fight broadcasted in real time. As Endeavor’s fight worsens, Fuyumi and Shoto (and weirdly, All Might) are shown to have visceral reactions to the fight which subtly suggests that Shoto’s feelings of his father are a bit more complicated than his regular denouncement may lead us to believe. In the face of Natsuo’s criticism of fighting a losing battle, Fuyumi concedes that giving up is what Endeavor is worst at. Given the context, this indicates Fuyumi's admiration of Endeavor's minimally redeeming qualities.
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Shoto’s reaction is the title gif but peep All Might's (now a relic of hero culture) reaction below 👇🏾
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Critically, by the conclusion of the fight, Shoto seems to see his father in earnest and is relieved by his success despite his resentment. This is an indication of the growth he's experienced while at UA in terms of his emotional depth and range which is sometimes overlooked because of his lack of socialization and general awkwardness. It also belies a complexity to the relationship Shoto has with his father that is likely steeped in as much bitterness as it is in admiration. Is it the redemption that Endeavor deserves? No, this remains an Endeavor slander account. But it's further exposition into Shoto's character evolution.
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While I don't assume writers know every minute detail of their story when they get started, there are some things that I have to assume are not for no reason. Like, why include this family dynamic and flesh it out to this degree?
On the one hand, I think the dichotomy of Endeavor's character as it relates to him being a Pro Hero is an exploration into the overarching theme of MHA which ultimately questions what is good and evil when we all have a duality within us that can be influenced by external circumstances or stimuli. Never meet your heroes because no one is inherently good. Every one holds a potential for darkness especially without the limitations of public scrutiny.
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On the other hand, I wonder if this family dynamic is meant to be a microcosm for the larger power/social struggle in universe that has been building momentum and pulling at the fibers of what's keeping "the peace" because as with the Todoroki family and hero culture at large, there's sure to be a reckoning.
Endeavor would obviously be a metaphor for reigning hero culture which can be largely problematic despite its supposed virtuousness. It covets strength as a suppressant though, ultimately, its dissonant zeal for violence galvanizes opposing factions.
Rei, generationally, would be the pacified general public who remembers the chaos that came before civilization righted itself into the balance it maintains now. Whether quirkless or simply possessing a quirk but not choosing to or able to sway one way or another, the general public accepts the current nature of things and their precarious day to day life despite having previously been a victim to burgeoning quirk culture. This is especially relevant as Rei appears to be a victim of a forced quirk marriage which was prevalent while the frenzy around quirks was new. Essentially, Rei represents those within hero society who are not strong enough in character or quirk strength to oppose whatever the order de jour may be. Note: the comparison preceding this sentence is not an assessment or reflection of Rei as a victim of domestic, verbal or spousal abuse.
Fuyumi and the work she's doing to mend the family I guess would align her with the Hero Public Safety Commission or the Police Commission and their propagandist agendas to maintain "justice" (or peace at home) and the balance of society. Though I find both groups to be far more nefarious than I'd like to imagine she is, her desperate smile-first mentality does seem to be similar to the veneer of unopposed strength the HPSC tries to put forward.
Natsuo would embody those who are challenging hero culture as the status quo a la The League of Villains, Hassaikai and Stain supporters. He's openly critical of Endeavor with other members of the family as well as to Endeavor's face, constantly reminding him of the travesties committed against his siblings. However, I feel like he is similar in metaphorical function to Rei where he lacks strength to really do any damage just yet.
Shoto, downtrodden but showing promise, would be a pretty pointed representation of the new generation of people possessing quirks and those that follow. One, his power is likely to out class Endeavor's which is in line with the Quirk Singularity Theory which was presented and illustrated during his supplementary provisional lessons with the unruly elementary schoolers. Two, we see that Shoto is who Endeavor wishes to safeguard the future for (something else manifested during that finishing course for Pro Heroes as it were). Third, and I think most importantly, during the Stain arc, Shoto was able to acknowledge the existence of opposing schools of thought to hero culture calling Stain an idealist which contrasted starkly against Deku's ignorance about anything but strict reverence for hero culture. Because it started at home. While Shoto may not side with Stain or other idealists, he is intimately aware of the flawed hero system if someone like Endeavor can be a publicly lauded a hero while privately being as morally reprehensible as the villains he seeks to subjugate. Within the focus group of the Todoroki family, this is demonstrated by his dismissive and antagonistic opposition to Endeavor which is similar to Natsuo's demeanor. But it is conflicted by a nostalgic admiration for Endeavor and, by extension, hero culture as illustrated by an unexpectedly sympathetic reaction synced with Fuyumi when Endeavor was on the ropes against an OP Nomu and the pursuit of his own pro-hero career. Notably, Shoto's physicality in quirk and appearance is in line with this propensity for paradoxical thinking. I think Shoto's hope for Endeavor's triumph in that moment shows a lingering connection to hope that heroes will prevail. If Shoto represents generations to come, his conflicting emotions can speak to the earnest hopes of Class 1A but also illustrate how that seems to be an antiquated viewpoint as illustrated by the unruly children. Their strength and determination to make a splash is inspired by their observation that the balance of power is slipping from the hands of heroes and Shoto seems like he'd be a great example of that.
TLDNR: We, as the reader, are missing critical information about the Todoroki family based on the siblings' unique behavior toward Endeavor despite a presumed similarity in upbringing.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Maturity is realizing that Sasuke never 'gave into evil' but was actually a child who witnessed the literally massacre of his whole family by his older brother who he looked up to and THEN was forced to relieve it for hours by him and the same brother then lied to him to get him to be obsessed with becoming stronger,got no help for his trauma afterwards and in fact had his bad symptoms enabled for years and gr00med into joining a ped0phile as a not even 13 year old and isolated from his friends for years by him so one of the biggest victim's of Konoha's child soldier and general miltary system and that Sakura's desperation to get him back wasn't toxic but her genuinely trying to help him in the best way she knew how to and OFFERED TO DEFECT KONOHA JOIN HIS SIDE because that's how much she cared about him,not purely out of crush but out of the friendship that bloomed between them in the og series
Maturity is also realizing that Bakugou dosen't deserve brownies points for the bare minimum of not going supervillain after a life of privilige because he got some mean online comments one time for assaulting his classmate he KNEW was an abuse victim and getting so pissed afterwards he literally acted like a killer animal and even months of 'character development' later still having the AUDACITY to be a dick to the same classmate's best friend and pseudo-girlfriend who's objectively a million times more of a hero than he could ever be
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
Todomomo shippers who are also E slur apologists are so dumb.Momo hates Bakugou just for being rude and y'all think she's gonna let E slur anywhere NEAR Shouto after Dabi exposed him as being abusive to Shouto AND Shouto's mom and siblings?Be fucking real💀
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
todoroki twin swap au where twins Touya and Fuyumi were seperated right from birth after Enji and Rei got a divorce. Years later, Dabi is still an established villain where the whole LoV sees Rei as their Mother FigureTM. Fuyumi is the only daughter of pro hero Endeavor and is very annoyed about all the media running after her all in an attempt to get info about her father.
The twins meet again behind a walmart. Dabi is very pissed because their resident bird spy has been extra annoying pretty that week and his poor heart needs a break. Hence, the big bad villain is hiding in the parking lot of a walmart. There, he sees a random lady who's car has broken down, cursing so hard that even sailors would blush. He was about to look away and pretend he didn't see anything when eyes exactly like his mother is suddenly gazing at him. Oh fuck. Is the psychotic lady his female doppelganger or something? Dabi can now proudly say that even as a woman, he looks hot.
Fuyumi smacked the random creep that kinda looks like a version of his dad if he didn't eat for 2 weeks straight. And also the eyes. No one has those turquoise eyes anywhere. The two officially meet each other when they're sitting side by side eating a mcdonads sundae scone, covered in cuts and bruises. Unofficially, they met each other by fist fighting in a parking lot after Dabi insulted Fuyumi's hair color.
Anyways, random shenanigans where they switch places because it seems like fun. Fuyumi is trying to desperately get Enji and Rei back together while Dabi is doing everything in his power to make Enji forget about his mom. By matchmaking him with Hawks. (the bird says he has a thing for blue eyes. maybe they the old man and hawks can work out after all? - said dabi, the most oblivious man to exist). Fuyumi spents her entire time with the League like an extended vacation where she finally gets a break from life and absolutely crushing the most dangerous villain at mario cart. Satisfaction has never tasted sweeter.
idk how its gonna end but here's a random list of their shenanigans:
Dabi using enji's credit card to buy all the things he ever wanted in life. The old man is missing years of child support anyways. Enji is just confused why Fuyumi would need the perfume to attract birds that is being credited to his account. Maybe she's into birdwatching these days?
Fuyumi meets Rumi in the street and completely forgot about the fact that she's currently dressed as her A rank villain twin, leading to her being pinned by the rabbit hero to the wall - muscled arms choking her. Strangely, all it manages to do is make Fuyumi discover a new kink.
Hawks meets Dabi while he's dressed as Fuyumi and is immediately confused why his bird instincts are going haywire. Yes, she kinda looks like that one villain he's been simping for for months but he's a loyal bird. Why is he suddenly crushing on Endeavor's daughter? He doesn't even like girls?!?!
Fuyumi adopting Toga as her new little sister. She never had a younger sibling before, and the image of Toga with her blood splattered adorably on one side of her cheek as she recounts her new crush on the brown haired hero student is just adorable. This is hers now. Touya can go die in a ditch somewhere as long as Fuyumi gets to keep Himiko.
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bkdk-fan4ever · 10 months
TdBk | Sick!Todoroki Shouto | Terminal Illness | Hospitalization | Protective!Bakugou Katsuki | Open Ending | TW: yeah get ready to cry | it was good tho
If Tomorrow Starts Without Me by catquarium, delectum
No one in class 2-A knew that Todoroki Shouto was going to die in five months.
Shouto didn't know when the appropriate time to tell them would be, let alone what exactly he would say. It's not like he could just go up to his classmates during lunch and declare, "I have an incurable illness and the doctors say that I only have twenty two weeks left to live.”
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black-aurora-nora · 10 months
New Baby Pt. 3 | Platonic!Yandere!Todoroki Family x Reader
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Every morning you were given your medication by Rei with the supervision of Enji. Then you'd get dressed for the day and head to the living area, where everyone would usually be waiting for you.
And despite the fact that you had grown used to the routine, the Todoroki's could still tell that you were holding onto the belief that your parents would one day come back.
How sad, they all thought.
Little did you know that they had been threatened to hell and back by Enji to ensure that your parents would never attempt to try and gain custody of you again.
They were in far too much debt and had no power against the #2 Pro-Hero of Japan.
Enji and Rei had been hoping you'd be easier to manipulate but you were so stupidly hopeful of the future like any other child and while they loved that about you, it wasn't helpful in their situation.
You were currently watching the Natsuo and Shoto play a card game against each other. When they finished a few rounds, they looked to you with encouraging smiles.
"(Y/N), you want to play?" Natsuo asked, raising his eyebrows.
A shrug left your shoulders, "Not really..."
Enji and Rei sat nearby on a couch. Rei looked at her husband, conflicted on whether she should say something to you. She didn’t want to scare you like she had previously.
Softly, she spoke, “(Y/N), why don’t you try playing one game? If you don’t like it, then we can find something else to do.”
Your lips pursed in distaste but you scooted closer to the brothers and allowed Natsuo to deal you your hand.
You quickly finished a round and gave the cards to Natsuo, unimpressed. “I’m going to my room.” You announced only for Enji to block the doorway.
“You need to stay out here, (Y/N). Tucking yourself away in your room isn’t healthy.”
With pursed lips, you timidly sat back down to watch the boys.
Shoto spoke up, noticing your souring mood, "Do you want to play a different game instead? It doesn't have to be a card game, it can be whatever you want."
You weren't in the mood to play anything but it appeared that you had no other choice and you didn't want to sit around doing nothing.
"Ok... that's fine." You chose a game to play and after a few rounds you spoke again, "When does Fuyumi get home?"
It had grown apparent to everyone in the house that Fuyumi was your favorite person in the house. In the past two weeks that you'd been here, you'd been at her side as much as possible.
If Fuyumi was in the kitchen cooking, you were there to help her. If you were watching TV, you would ask her to come watch with you.
It got to the point that Enji forced her to take extra hours at work so that they could get a chance to bond with you.
Having a relationship with your siblings was important, but not as important as having a relationship with you mommy and daddy.
Enji answered when no one else would, "She'll get here when she gets here."
Frowning, you slumped your shoulders slightly. You knew that meant that she wouldn't be back until dinner which was a few hours from now.
Natsuo stood up, patting your head sympathetically. He was jealous for sure. How had you bonded with Fuyumi so easily?
Hell, Enji had to force you to play with him and his brother.
You moved away from his touch and he bit back the anger that burned inside of him. What could he do to get on your good side?
Before he could ask if you wanted to do anything else, you walked over to Enji and Rei, eyes shifting around nervously.
"What is it, sweetheart?" Rei said, smiling sweetly.
"Um..." You trailed off. Any questions about your parents were off limits, but it'd been two weeks now and you still hadn't heard anything.
“I want to know how my parents are doing?”
The room stilled at the question.
Enji looked to the boys and they both left without another word, only glancing at you with something akin to pity.
“Did I not tell you those questions are forbidden, (Y/N)?”
You shriveled into yourself, “I just want to know if they’re ok.” And when can they come take me from this place.
Enji closed his eyes with a deep sigh, “(Y/N), you’re a smart girl. Isn’t it obvious what’s going on here?” He asked you condescendingly. "I thought you would've understood by now since you'd stopped asking."
You blinked, wondering what he meant by that.
Rei smiled sadly, “Oh, (Y/N), you’re parents don’t want you anymore.” She didn't sound sad despite the look on her face. You didn't miss the misplaced happiness in her tone.
She rose from her seat to give you a hug, “I’m so sorr-!” She jolted back when you shoved her with all your might.
Tears stung your eyes and you eyed the two strangers in front of you darkly, “My parents would never leave me! Don’t say stuff like that!”
Enji huffed, rising to tower over you.
You trembled but held firm, looking him in the eyes. Resolute in your declaration that your parents hadn’t left you.
But Enji had planned for this.
“How about we call them?” He said, pulling out his phone, “So they can tell you themselves.”
You swallowed your anxiety down, “Ok.”
He typed some numbers on his phone and held it to his ear, “ Hello? (Y/N) wishes to speak with you two.”
Enji passed the phone over and you gladly took it, smiling wide when you brought it to your ear.
“Mama? Daddy?” You called, beaming when you heard them respond, “I miss you guys a lot! This family is taking really good care of me…” you trailed off before starting again. “But I really want to come back home… But Mr. Todoroki said you didn’t want me… that’s not true though, right? When are you guys gonna come get m-“
“Look, (Y/N)… you’re too heavy of a burden. We can’t afford the medical bills.” Came your father’s voice.
“We don’t want you anymore… don’t call us anymore. We’re trying to move on with our lives.” Your mom added.
“Please don’t say that!” You wept, “I miss you-“ You felt your heart tear when the phone call ended.
A thick silence filled the room. Only your quivering breaths emitted through the air.
You could feel yourself breathing but your chest felt too tight, there was no way this was happening.
There was no way your parents could just abandon you like that. How could they?
The day before you were taken to the Todoroki house, you were supposed to go the movies and have popcorn with lots of butter and a big soda.
And now, here you were, under the guardianship of two strangers that want to be your new parents without asking if you were okay with that.
“It’s unfortunate, but I promise everything will be ok, Y/N).” Enji’s voice barely reached your ears, “so long as you see us as your mom and dad.”
But they weren’t. You couldn’t forget that major detail.
The “I know it’s painful, baby,” Rei cooed beside you. Her arms leeched around you, entrapping you in her embrace. “Mama will make it all better.”
No, she wouldn’t.
Rei of all people wouldn’t be able to make this better.
“Breathe, (Y/N), you’ll make yourself pass out.” Enji warned, but you couldn’t.
You didn’t want to breathe.
What was the point?
You were stuck with this weird family that treated you like you were five.
Your parents sold you off because you were a burden.
What was the point?
Just as Enji had said, your knees crumpled beneath you but instead of falling to the ground, you stayed held up in Rei’s arms and she slowly lowered you both to the ground.
A smile bloomed upon her face when your breathing evened out, head rested in her lap with a tear-stained face.
You’d be sad for a little while, but that didn’t matter.
Your new parents would help you out.
You’re the baby after all.
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thefiery-phoenix · 8 months
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You are the youngest sibling and they are INSANELY OVERPROTECTIVE of you 
They won't micro chip you and all that shit, but... for your safety, they will insert bugs in almost ALL of your electronics for your safety, of course. They don't want their youngest sibling/child to be in any danger now, do they?
Rei likes braiding your hair and Fuyumi likes dressing you up which by the way, she thinks looks ADORABLE on you 
Natsuo sometimes gives you shoulder massages while eating and Dabi/Touya likes feeding his youngest sibling. The brothers think that you're a delicate precious little angel that needs constant attention or they'd get themselves injured
The whole family loves to SPOIL you to death 
Shoto would be breathing down your neck every second of the day he can; sitting close to you or holding your hand whenever he can
If you're angry about something, say, you didn't win something though you've worked really hard for it? Surprise, surprise! You're now the winner of whatever contest you've recently entered. Someone making fun of you constantly? Bones will be broken and NONE of them will be from YOUR family 
Believe it or not, Endeavor actually has a soft spot for you. He NEVER yelled at you, nor did he ever raise his voice at you, like AT ALL (Lol, I can't believe I'm writing this since I know this ain't gonna be true but put up with me peeps)
When Enji's not around, and you're throwing one of your tantrums, big brother Touya will come to calm you down. And you do. At the sight of his music playlist (Which btw the ENTIRE family has composed ESPECIALLY for you WITHOUT any cuss words. They don't want their baby cussing)
No one cusses while you're around 
However 2 things are off the table for you. One, no hanging out with boys other than your brothers. If you are spotted hanging around them, well... they can say goodbye to a couple of bones and you'll get your favorite things taken away from you by Enji and Rei though it breaks everyone's heart to see you pout and sulk and cry, they have no choice to do it. It's for your OWN good you know and two, NO going ANYWHERE without one of them being there to supervise you. Who knows what sort of trouble you'll get yourself into and after all, the outside world isn't safe for an innocent precious naive angel like you 
One day, you and Touya had gone to a concert since your favorite band had come to town. You guys had left in the morning and returned just before dinner. Enji and Rei were getting anxious about where your brother had taken you for so long. Fuyumi and Natsuo were texting Shotou back and forth about you, but he only told them that they will be returning soon and Shoto was repeatedly calling you but you didn't answer since you put your phone on silent. Since that day, Enji and Rei didn't let you go out for concerts IF you didn't place your phone on silent AND ANOTHER sibling of yours had to be around you the next time you were alone with Touya
Natsuo once saw you cut yourself accidentally while cutting some vegetables. After that you weren't allowed to be in the kitchen while Rei was cooking and BOOM, what a shocker, the ENTIRE FREAKING house was baby proofed as well (good luck)
They might ''accidentally'' hurt you just to keep you 'safe' at home. Why go out where there are SO MANY dangers when your family can protect you from them? Besides, it doesn't matter if you ran to Enji to escape them. Sure he could keep them away from you for some time, but he's a pro hero that's needed in the country every day. So once Enji's out of the house, they'll have to lecture how how being a tattletale isn't good for you
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jomamaofficial · 11 months
An Empty Vessel pt.2 (Dabi x Fem!Reader Dark Angst)
A/N: Happy holidays my lovely toes. I am so sorry for this delay, my laptop broke down 😃😃. I urge you all to read the TWs and CWs because I have delved into dark topics. As always, my Ask Box is open for any requests or just a conversation. I absolutely adore all of you, and I want to take this time to thank you guys for your support. Seeing your comments and messages motivates me to write :) <3. Please remember to take care of yourselves, and enjoy. As always, I would love to see your thoughts in the comments :). TW: Vague sexual harassment, substance abuse (weed, alcohol, smoking), death and bleeding. CW: SPOILER: Season 6, Dabi’s backstory, PFL, AFO and Shigiraki plot, swearing, vague mentions of intimate acts. Taglist: @marlenemckinnonsleftfoot @sukunasleftkneecap @istoleyourmanho3 @witherfag Masterlist Edit: Part 3 😼😼 Word Count: 2919. Summary: In the stories Rei used to read him, heroes always won. Reality wasn’t a story though. The villains won the Meta Liberation War after 6 years of fighting. With the death of Pro Hero Endeavour, and the reign of All For One, Dabi could finally leave his past as Touya Todoroki. He no longer had family. But what about the past that haunted him to this day. A family that belonged to Dabi, not Touya? One that escaped unborn?
Musutafu, Japan– it made international headlines. 
The Paranormal Liberation Force finally did it. 
The nation observed a minute of silence for the fall of Pro Hero Endeavour. 
Musutafu was now all for one. And the entire nation would soon suffer the same fate. 
Dabi stretched his neck to the left, stretching his right shoulder as he fought the growing tingles in his body. Chills ran up and down his spine as his eyes followed the tears of rain flooding the dimly-lit road.
He loved how empty this street was: no cars, no news reporters. There were no signs of nagging parents and their brat children, and there were no heroes patrolling the streets, strutting up and down like they owned the place.  
It was just him and the soft sound of the rain which seeped into his socks, staining them with the remains of what was now All For One’s headquarter city. 
Dabi wished to hear the familiar croak of Tomura’s voice: the back and forth banter, the late-night clicks of the video game console. Back when it was just them, the League of Villains. Tomura, Kurogiri, Toga, Twice, and him. Back when he didn’t ruin everything. 
Dabi never told anyone, but there was a tiny part of his soul that withered away when he was near All For One. 
Dabi felt small. He was 5’9; he never felt small. 
But that thing would always tower over him. His slimy touch was forcefully ingrained into Dabi’s skin— that thing touched him like he owned Dabi. 
And Dabi hated the way his mind memorised the way All For One used his crooked fingers to tilt Dabi’s head up to inspect him. 
“Oh he’s a little doll isn’t he, Tomura? Where do you find these pretty boys?”
He hated the way All For One laughed after; it was a broken wheeze that rang murder in Dabi’s mind. 
He watched as All For One forced Tomura to laugh with him, and Tomura’s apologetic eyes wavered when he looked back at Dabi. 
He hated Tomura for laughing that day. 
But he hated that laugh much more; the laugh that tainted the fresh air they stood in. 
Now, Musutafu’s entire air was tainted by that laugh. 
Now… Musutafu belonged to All For One. And Dabi could only hear that broken wheeze. 
It would follow him everywhere. 
So despite the rain’s destructive nature, Dabi allowed the weeping drops of the sky to fill the emptiness inside of him. The cool drops were better than the air. 
Dabi was just an empty vessel. Nowhere to go, no one to go back to. 
The Meta Liberation War quenched everyone’s thirst for blood. The dirt was saturated with the blood of heroes and villains alike. 
He found it amusing, he really did as he bore his vacant eyes into the rusting ground. Dabi watched as everyone’s blood mixed together under his foot. 
He raised his eyebrows, and chuckled.
‘All it took was death for them to stick together’. 
Dabi travelled further away from the battle ground, quite deliberate about the steps he took. He counted underneath a shallow breath.
“Fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven,” until he reached the sixty-second step. 
His heel pressed against the seeping soil surging scarlet. 
And the world was still. 
So still and silent that the gentle wind snuck up on the thin man, and he let out a broken gasp as his knees gave out. 
The ringing in his ear struck a bitter note. His chest heaved up and down, up and down, and his eyes were blankly fixed on the ground beneath him. Thick, warm blood oozed through the thin cloth that covered his knees. 
Enji Todoroki finally died. And Touya Todoroki was responsible for it. 
Touya Todoroki, after 7 years of persistent efforts, was officially fatherless. 
Finally, it dawned upon him: after 30 long years, Touya Todoroki couldn’t chase him anymore. He could finally find solace in Dabi. 
And Dabi was alone. He had no family. 
As the joint finally caught up to him, after four or five rookie puffs, the raven man started asking himself what he was doing here. 
Surrounded by a group of homeless men who he caught rummaging in the dumpster, they were huddled away into the darkness of a dimly lit alleyway. It smelled like shit, offending his heightened state of smell. Flies picked on the waste scattered below them, their constant buzz creating a monotonous flow. 
Dabi peeled his lips open as he felt each individual cell respire on his skin. His heart felt like it was growing inside of him, puncturing his dry lungs, getting louder and faster with each beat.
As a young boy, he saw Enji drink every evening for two years. Dabi used to sneak a sip when he was alone. Dabi was often alone. 
He caught Enji with a lit cigarette in his fingers. Dabi stole one and showed it to his friends. Dabi coughed a lot that day. 
Enji never touched drugs. He was against it. 
Dabi never took drugs; the thought of it never passed him. 
“How does it feel kid?” 
Dabi’s consciousness was dragged back to reality, the bleak colours of his surroundings painting a vibrant picture. 
“I can feel my skin breathing,” he responded, his lower jaw hanging open as he struggled to keep his neck straight. 
Howls of laughter echoed in the distance, but the scarred man took no notice. 
The joint was held to his lips, and Dabi took another puff. 
Dabi wanted to individually itch the surface of his eyes with his nails. It was miserable. 
But the ripple of the individual muscles in his cheeks felt so warm and happy when he smiled. That was less miserable. 
So he kept on smiling, jaw still gaping. His staples pulled against his grafts, but the molecular traces of marijuana in his bloodstream shielded him from the pain. 
Dabi was taken aback– gravity was working exponentially harder against him. A man touched the corner of his lips, the thick and coarse pad of his thumb sending him back, seven years ago.
Oh he’s a little doll isn’t he, Tomura?
“Boy”, the man slurred, “you’re bleeding.”
He shoved his bloodied thumb in Dabi’s face. 
Dabi struggled to focus his gaze on the thumb in front of him, switching between double and triple vision. 
“Can’t feel it,” he mumbled, his reactions delayed as he scooted away from the stranger. 
“Everything’s breathing except these.”
Dabi was mesmerised by the feeling of his grafts against the pads of his fingers. It restored the faint twinkle in his hollow eyes.  
“Why are you all fucked up everywhere, boy?”
It took a few moments to register, but Dabi did respond. 
“Useless mom, dick dad.” 
A unison of delayed ahhhs followed, and Dabi began to feel a knocking pressure trapped in the inner corners of his wide eyes.
“I was never his first choice,” Dabi chuckled. He wasn’t sure if they could hear him. They sure as hell couldn’t understand him, but he was fine with that. 
“I was his first born son. No fuckin’ use. Dropped me like I was a waste of time and money.” 
The offensive smell of the blunt dug him further away from reality. Dabi was content with his own company. 
It would always be just him, forever and always. Because after everyone leaves, you’re left with yourself– your only support. 
The more he delved into his loneliness, the louder he heard his skin breathe, it was deafening. And so the silence on his graft became even louder. 
For a man who was considered dead all his life, Dabi wasn’t used to his living body. Senses upon senses, he was bombarded with the constant reminder that he was still alive. Even his dead, unresponsive skin felt alive. Because it was the absence of feeling that felt different. 
Many people would describe euphoria as extreme feelings of bliss and joy. It was this boxed definition that led Dabi to believe that he could never feel euphoria. But in this moment, whilst Dabi sunk deeper into his conscience– his doubts finally quiet, time finally stopped. 
And his body finally let go. 
The familiar bud of the joint met his mouth again, and he inhaled the noxious fumes until he smoked his fears away into the midst of the neverending clouds in the night sky. The full moon gleamed down on his pale skin, bathing his grafts in a lunar embrace. 
Unlike the sun, which beat its scorching rays on his sensitive skin, the moon shyly kissed it, leaving trails of beautiful markings that soothed his aches. 
Dabi’s heart was working overtime. Blood rushed to his scalp, and his body completely shut down. There was one name that his heart called for. 
A name that belonged to the past. The moon shyly casted a glow on that face too, but it averted its lunar eyes when Dabi defiled his past, leaving trails of burns that caused her aches. 
He was wrong. 
Touya Todoroki, after 7 years of persistent efforts, had no family.  
But Dabi? 
Dabi had a family. 
Dabi woke up to blue skies and a gentle sun peeking behind the stained curtains. His body was sprawled on the tiny bed, his limbs spilling out the sides, here and there. He blindly groped for his phone in the midst of thin sheets, switching it on to check the time. 
09:23 AM. 
He groaned and threw a dark shirt on top of his eyes, blocking the obnoxious sun as he squirmed to find his sleep. 
Moments passed and all he could focus on was the neverending tick of the clock in the corridor. 
“Fuck it.”
Dabi slipped on some shirt, and put on some shoes, and slammed the door when he left. 
09:36 AM. 
No wonder he could hear the tick, the corridor was ghost-quiet. 
Routinely, Dabi heaved himself over to the bar, scanning the counter for a quick shot.
09:41 AM. 
Toga walked inside the lair, her hands hidden inside the cuffs of her cardigan. Dabi nodded at her as he let out a yawn. 
“Everyone die or summin’?”
Toga stared at him, her eyes glazed. 
Dabi immediately straightened up. 
“Wait, did they actua-”
“She’s gone.”
09:49 AM.
Dabi’s jaw tensed up, gripping the shot glass tighter. 
“Who’s gon-”
His body was jolted back into the counter, the loud glass shrieking as it fell from his hands. 
“Don’t you dare Dabi. Don’t you fucking dare.”
Her eyes were red. Her fist was clenched around the loose cloth that hung on him. 
Dabi averted his eyes from Toga, releasing a shallow breath. 
Toga’s chest hiccuped underneath her cardigan, and she hid her face into his chest, staining it with stale tears. 
“She’s gone,” she repeated, a broken record.  
Dabi clasped his arms around her, his hands patting her head. 
09:59 AM. 
“She left.” 
Dabi reached for the flask hidden in his inner pockets. Bony fingers struggled to open it, fine tremors running through his bones. 
‘Twenty-one, twenty, nineteen, eighteen…’ 
Door number eighteen. A few strides away. But the growing feeling of heaviness in Dabi’s feet warned him: it was going to be a marathon. 
Countless strangers pointed at the lone man in a tattered, thick jacket. Dabi grasped at the wire fence that separated the long stretches of the park and pavement, muttering something underneath his breath.
The sight of free cars strolling past him caught him off guard every single time. He had no sense of time, no sense of direction. 
He was far, far away from Musutafu. 
Here, the air felt fresher. 
It wouldn’t be long before it was infested either. 
But he had to owe All For One some credit. 
His reign of terror gave the PLF members a huge leverage when it came to accessing government files. 
Dabi flipped through piles of kojin bangō, particularly scanning through documents of 27 year-old mothers, registered births and quirk-hybrids, and a certain family name. 
He found everyone’s name, everyone’s identity; no one was safe. 
Yet the name his eyes yearned for was nowhere in sight. 
Countless days and nights were spent silently begging for a lead. On day 18, Dabi finally left the building, clutching onto a piece of paper close to his heart. 
Saira Uchiyama. 
Names didn’t match, but it was the only name that he could trace her back to. 
Dabi took the final steps up the road, feeling lighter than he had in days. 
It was on his right. There was but a sliver of road that separated Dabi and door number eighteen. 
His fingers started picking at the ripping cuticles on his nail bed, and the grown man started to track his breaths. 
He took a step. 
A car honked at him. 
“Watch where you’re going!”
Dabi didn’t draw back. 
He took another step, and another, and another. One more, maybe two. 
He could feel the gravel underneath his boots. Dabi lifted his broken face and a perfect house stared down at him. Pristine brick walls stood proud; the bright toned paint complimented the thriving flora in the yard. It fit in so well with the lines of houses, strong and shielded. 
This was someone’s home. Bonsai trees armed the right side of the yard, some trimmed, others growing wild. 
There were two floors and a garage; more than enough for a perfect family. 
Dabi was stopped by the fence gates that guarded the perimeters. He struggled to get past. 
Encrusted in metal, his eyes laid upon the name beside the door. 
Engraved in gold letters, it read Uchiyama.
He was a step away from Saira Uchiyama’s front door. 
Dabi’s hand reached towards the door handle, but he stopped when he felt the unwelcoming chill of it. 
He eyed the doorbell instead. He fisted his hand that was itching to press it. 
The drowning noises of children’s laughter bled through his skull from the park that was behind him. The drones of parents buying ice cream, and husbands holding their wives’ hands. This was the type of neighbourhood he was in. 
And someone told him. Since when did Dabi develop the need to preserve this? 
He was a lone man, half dead. He was disgusting. He couldn’t find her name. Now he was outside some poor woman’s house. Saira Uchiyama. How would she feel seeing a decaying man waiting outside her front door? How would her husband feel if some uninvited scarred freak asked to meet his wife, hands empty? 
He felt a thick substance roll past his cheek and drip onto the clean welcome mat. 
Dabi pushed his raven locks out of his eyes, biting onto his knuckles as he struggled to maintain a steady breath
His nails moved to pick at the staples underneath his eyes. 
He couldn’t do this. 
‘I can’t fucking do this.’
Through his bloodied waterline, he looked at the doorbell one more time before turning around. 
He couldn’t fucking do this. Dabi didn’t belong here. 
He tried to move forwards but his legs were shackled to the pebbly footpath. His rhythmic heart couldn’t let go. His twisted mind forced him to go. 
His desperate eyes latched onto the bed of perfect flowers on his right. 
Like an open flame, the flowers stole all his attention. Dabi stilled. 
Their indigo petals mirrored the deep colour of his dead skin. He was entranced by the bold opening, the beautiful colour bleeding out and reflecting the glimmering hope that built up in his cerulean eyes. 
“What’s your favourite flower Dabi?” Toga asked as she played with her blunt knife, running her thumb across the blade. 
“Typ’a fucking qustion’s that?” 
“God Dabi, don’t you know how to have a civilised conversation with someone. I’m just trying to get to know you better!”
“And asking my favourite flower’s gonna do that?”
“It’s called small talk, Dabi.”
He scoffed, pushing past the young girl to rummage through the cabinets. 
From the corner of his eyes, he picked up on her amber eyes intently pressing him for an answer. 
“For fucks sake. Fine. I’ll do your little small talk”, he gave in, evoking a small squeal from the blonde. 
Dabi considered her question for a minute, pressing his tongue against his cheeks. 
“I saw these flowers once,” he gulped. “They were blue, kinda like flames. My flames. I saw ‘em in one’a those gated areas. I guess they were pretty nice.” 
Toga pursed her lips and tilted her head to the side as she tried to paint a picture in her head. 
“Do you know what they’re called?”
“The fuck would I know? Probably one of those fancy rich flowers grown by fancy rich people,”, he shrugged. 
“I’ll ask the newbie, she’ll know what they are.”
“Have fun talkin’ to lil’ miss know-it-all,” he scoffed, happy as Toga skipped away, leaving him alone. Finally. 
A week later, Dabi found out what they were called as he was sharing a cigarette on the roof. 
“By the way, they’re called Rindou flowers.” 
Dabi quirked up an eyebrow, his lips curled in a sneer. 
“Those flowers you like, they’re called Rindou.”
Dabi’s ears perked up at the small giggle that followed. 
“I guess I could say being ‘miss know-it-all’ isn’t the worst thing, huh?” 
Dabi’s chest heaved as he turned around, his pace fast as his hands inched closer to the doorbell. 
The wind stilled. 
He could hear footsteps run down the stairs. 
The handle moved. 
The door creaked open. 
It was 09:59 AM. 
Keep a look out for Part 3, my angst-loving toes. If you would like me to add you to the taglist, please comment or message me :).
Edit: Part 3
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