#ppl are SO bonkers man
lionfanged · 28 days
as a pkmn rpc veteran, i have gone thru So much weird, annoying, and unpleasant shit over the past 12+ years of participating in it it is wild.
i have so many screenshots of just weird shit in my discord dms, from the several harassment campaigns i got to experience to ppl quite literally threatening to harm themselves if i stopped talking to them (they got blocked lol).
one person made an entire positivity blog under an anonymous name just to try and find a way to follow me again, tho i recognized their writing style/they made some vague posts that clued me in, so they got blocked again.
idk what it is abt pkmn that makes ppl make such poor choices. like, is it just bcuz it is a game for children???
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volfoss · 8 days
i think honestly what irritates me about yoshidas work SO much is that people will tell you that banana fish is THE gay manga (ignoring the many things that came before it and were more groundbreaking, ie MW literally having on screen (or like. on panel but still.) gay sex in it and that came out like a decade before BF did) when there really isn't barely any gay rep outside of the pedophiles and the one time ash drops the f slur. like im sorry but somehow yasha, a work she wrote in 1996, has more gay rep in it but also has the same issues.
i truly do not get how people can enjoy banana fish with the rampant racism every 2 pages or the rampant sexual assault plotlines (on women and ash bc he is just... written like how yoshida writes women lmao) that are handled IMPOSSIBLY bad and sincerely i hoped yasha would be better because it had been like a decade or so between works. and then it proceeds to continue with the heres our blonde genius protagonist who everyone is weird as fuck to and will sexually harrass and everyone finds it a VERY funny joke to point out how feminine he is when theres barely any women in the work (if you exclude the ones that are being raped/killed/creepy to minors. which to be fair yasha has toned down the sa a LOT) and that its funny that hes kind of gay except not really!! and its just absurd to me how it just persists in all of her stuff because she is not an author that handles gay stuff well. like the scene in banana fish where ash is completely ok getting gang raped and did it solely to get into the hospital when its been SHOWN that he has a lot of trauma with that. and then right after his friend makes a joke at ash's expense about that. like sincerely and genuinely is this what we are hyping up as the old retro gay manga. go read some tezuka and stop reading shit that the most the main characters do is share a kiss in a nonromantic sense and is obsessed w making every gay person be evil!!
#twist rambles#sorry mw u will always be famous to me (horrible fucking manga to experience for like 50% of the time but also it rocksss and theres#about anything tw worthy in there but i wish more ppl did read it)#sorry im like. i like to read her stuff bc her art is interesting to me but oh my god it makes me so angryyyy#rape mention#ask to tag#like... you do not understand my one sided rivalry w her it is SO intense like... bf was one of the worst reading experiences ive ever had#my tzk gay recs are: black jack (protag literally has a transmasc ex bf) and mw (for aforementioned reasons but its like. genuinely bonkers#and honestly there r a lot of minor characters that r lgbt in his works and like. can we please read smth that doesnt suck 100% of the time#like idk god bf is so baffling to me bc theres NOTHING there other than like. the new horrors every chapter. and yasha seems to be reusing#some plot points so it double sucks. haunted by the one analysis showing how the two had similar themes and point 1 was literally child#exploitation like... man. god it sucks. like not that mw is perfect bc its not and its a media i have a lot of thoughts on but man. id take#that over bf anyday bc like... sincerely how is anyone looking past the horrors there!! the story is a jumbled mess and it rly doesnt have#much to sayyyy but whatever lol!! id love if the characters were in a better media id love if ash didnt end the story feeling positively#towards the man who groomed him but whateverrrr lol#this is super disorganized as a post but like. genuinely it is so infuriating bc some of the plot concepts in yasha have potential and then#she keeps doing this like!!
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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miguel voice Well. guess im an enemy of the state now. shocksake .
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liferetainsitssparkle · 5 months
op/la is a really good case study for adapting a work while engaging meaningfully with a quarter of its themes
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piplupod · 2 months
spider bite + counselor seeming to forget abt me entirely (cancelled my appt last monday, has not phoned to rebook still, even though secretary said the counselor would phone the next day)
blinks. hm! interesting!
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cherrysnax · 3 months
ik tumblr is a safe space for many people but I feel like the most vunerable ppl on this website are the only ones getting ran off and punished for the simple crime of existing. you can’t get away from the bigotry of real life anywhere, and it’s not just on here, there’s fucking ads basically calling all nonwhite people the devil getting spread on YouTube and Twitter, real life hate groups crowdfunding and making thousands on thousands it’s so fucked it’s so fucked
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cricketkyum · 1 year
back in my hating my job era
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brodasgay · 1 year
What's happening on twitter?
basically someone was “exposed” for drawing and shipping tcest. go ahead ask me what tcest is. Ninja Turtle Incest. they made a separate account from their main and one of their friends or mutuals made a long ass google doc call out post/twitter thread about it. The person ended up deactivating their account after leaving a concerning message admitting to being the owner of the second account in question, they expressed that they were gonna commit die and there’s a lot of people hating on them and it’s just all very nasty. From what i can tell they have reactivated their account and are okay but it’s just wildddd. here’s the link to the OG call-out post https://twitter.com/hylwicks/status/1657471904301871104?s=46&t=G-iyvyI9YB4B0J1AyXuphA
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jack-owo-valentine · 2 years
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tri-pofdeath · 10 months
It's honestly bonkers to me how much tristamp changes Thematically about the story, like every driving factor for the characters/overall story is so completely different in a way that I'm like...unsure if I've ever seen an adaptation Do. I know ppl like to say like, oh it's actually a pretty faithful adaptation bc it references xyz little manga thing, and. Nah man. The same Things can happen and characters can have more or less the same Deal and Traits but if their motivations are different it's still going to be a completely different story.
Like, okay, take the GHGs- in trimax, they're a ragtag group working with Knives (mostly, rip midvalley lol) by choice all with their own reasons, and they're all outcasts of some kind as well. This meshes with the overall theme of this world being a harsh one that is unforgiving to outcasts, and how violence is the easiest way to take that power back (also backed up by Vash's pacifism leaving him riddled with scars). Meanwhile in tristamp the GHGs are all human experiments made by Knives and forced to go after Vash. In this story, he is someone who takes what was done to him and does it to others, and uses this to get what he wants- he does it to the humans he employs and he does it to the dependent plants at the end of the season. Meanwhile, trimax Knives makes alliances (however uneven and uneasy) with both humans (GHGs) and plants (he doesnt force the plants to fuse with him, he asks for their help) . These are!! COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CHARACTERS
Vash is cold as a child (and this is what keeps him from ending up like Knives) and is as powerful if not more powerful than Knives in trimax, whereas in Tristamp he's an underdog immediately who doesn't live up to the expectations of his species and is drawn to humanity through that. Livios story in the manga is about being failed so repeatedly that a Murder Cult is his best option, whereas in tristamp it's about trying to protect and preserve the family he's found for himself. Elendira goes from being a trusted and powerful ally of Knives who is again, like all of the GHGs, a notable outcast (her transness is commented on many times much to her dismay) to ....a manifestation of Knives obsession with his trauma as a recreation of Tesla. They all have the same names and same concepts going into them but are fundentally so deeply different because of what their stories are About
And I'm not trying to say "tristamp is BAD because it's DIFFERENT". I'm sure u can infer i have a Preference here but what I'm trying to say is, these are apples and oranges that are both called oranges, and if you bite into both of them expecting them both to be oranges you will be disappointed (haha orange joke, haha apple jo-) I've seen a lot of people try to read/interpet Trimax through the lens of Tristamp and come out confused or just....wrong??? About a lot of things, or decide the issues they're facing w it are because Nightow is, idk, a bad author or something (stop this please i beg). If you really want to analyze these stories you truly cannot do it from within the framework of the other
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kingsandbastardz · 6 months
@bbcphile asked about Di Feisheng and neurodiversity and it's something that's been on my mind for awhile, so here we go.
100% thought DFS was on the spectrum when he first popped up on my screen. Cue Leonardo_DiCaprio_pointing.gif I related to so, so many of his behaviors.
Trauma/ptsd can often create symptoms similar to autism/adhd/etc due to how it fucks with your brain
Autism/adhd/etc are often co-morbid with ptsd and trauma due to abuse, bullying, increased sensitivities and higher risk taking behaviors that lead to impulsive decision making which then leads to higher rates of death.
Thoughts regarding why I think so:
1. Hyperfixation/special interest being his obsession with fighting only LXY
2. Extremely high masking - as in almost 24/7 except when alone, in front of Wuyan and possibly LLH. He doesn't have any of the perception, motor skills or speech issues some people on the spectrum have. This means he can fine tune his social skills as much as needed. He's incredibly opaque through the entire drama. His behavior is completely different from how others perceive him, how he portrays himself, what information is known about him. There's a solid disconnect between himself and what is revealed to the rest of the world. I strongly suspect he's the type that makes scripts for every social interaction he has with others and behaves based off that.
Masking at that level for so long means it's basically you. Until it's not. It's internalized. It's hard to differentiate between the you that is a mask vs you the unmasked weirdo that wants to sit on the floor all day in your underwear because it's grounding and limits sensory input.
Masking is also exhausting. He runs off to be by himself as soon as he is able. He stays in locations where he can be alone and limit sounds.
3. LLH's behavior with DFS: Yes, it is due to closeness, past history, and also unexplored emotion, but that doesn't explain the bonkers level of accommodation and lack of vitriol toward a man he spends many episodes believing killed his brother. Yes he was emotionally burnt out after 10 years. He could have been playing along to get DFS to work with him (which he didn't need to because he soft-poisoned him with asura grass - the stuff that doesn't have weird side effects like killing a person. Contrast that with wuxin huai JLQ and SGD use)
But that isn't all there is to it - he fully believes DFS wouldn't try to kill him seriously. When arguing or trying to convince him of anything, he doesn't hide the truths he hides from everyone else. He barely exhibits anger toward him beyond that one early "Do you still refuse to admit it?"
Imo he's like this because he knew DFS well enough to know that being angry won't work; he believes DFS thinks differently enough he there may be a disconnect in understanding the source LXY's anger. Considering how happy and clingy DFS was when he first showed up, I don't blame LLH for thinking this way? DFS certainly didn't share any information regarding his suspicions. More on DFS' style of logic later. He communicates with DFS a certain way because he knows:
DFS is very good at spotting lies. This is both autistic or trauma-related behavior in ppl who are very good at masking. He's hyper vigilant to begin with and pair that with him likely being very experienced at picking apart micro expressions, context vibes, logic holes, etc at high speed -- high masking individuals that create personal scripts for their interactions will often do this as a defense, to create a convincing enough set of behavior to 'behave like a person' with the rest of the world.
DFS will so strongly act on decisions based on the information he accepts that it's imperative he has as much of the needed info as possible. This speaks on a lot of experience interacting with DFS. LLH behaves this way because he doesn't want what happens when he doesn't.
4. Sensory issues: Specifically pertaining to sound/noise and food. He complains repeatedly about how noisy FDB and Su Xuayong were. In the women's mansion arc, the signaling beacon was making enough noise that it bothered him so he goes and pulls it out.
Using other preferred sounds: His preferred locations of the waterfalls or the top floor of the Lotus House makes me think of ambient noise machines where people play certain nature sounds to drown out other sounds and relax to. (again, grounding and sensory control)
He was very likely lying about his sense of taste to LXY to avoid rudeness, but there are multiple scenes implying some form of disordered eating. And there is also a scene where he comes in randomly and takes FDB's bowl of rice and walks out without taking anything else. It implies he may actually have certain food preferences even though there are other cases where he eats fine like at the grave robber banquet where he pretended to be someone else. So imo one partial possibility for this, aside from trauma, is autistic eating issues: not being able to eat in certain locations, having preferred tastes or textures, not wanting to combine their foods, eating very little. One common preference is for carbohydrates or processed foods - aka bread or rice. I know someone who's Special Food was chicken. They wouldn't have a problem having it very meal - but as an adult, understood that wasn't something they could always do.
5. Logic that makes perfect sense to him but not necessarily to others:
looking for LLH by flying to and investigating every single mountain peak until he found him (in a savant level display of power and skill)
end goal of wanting to be with LLH and fight him repeatedly forever (special interest, desire for repetition and a routine)
kidnapping QWM for LLH is totally not a bad thing since he wouldn't hurt her and is strong enough he can guarantee her safety
he doesn't communicate with LXY about his suspicions regarding Shan Gudao's death - which most sect leaders would have lead with. He didn't see this information as important to share until a purpose for it popped up later on.
his special interest takes priority over everything else: handing over control of the sect to JQL in favor of the Guyin map, Dongahi battle full of death and destruction and all he thought about was the dual
well, until his priorities change. The entire drama is his single-minded quest to heal LLH -- but it's still linked tightly to his special interest of fighting with LXY.
also "my only rival is LXY, let's fight fight fight fight"= "I only want to fight LXY" but framed in a manner that people of jianghu will immediately understand. But that's not actually what he wants. Here is a prime example of a communication issue where he's created a presentation of this strong fighter - he walks and talks like one perfectly - so LLH and everyone else is of course convinced he wants to be number 1 swordsman. That is the language he's using to present himself. And he wants to know this because, why wouldn't he want to measure himself against a benchmark? However his end goal isn't just to be number one. He wants to be able to fight and win and lose and win and lose against LXY and only LXY.
possible: won't kill women or even engage with them seriously if he deems them too weak, but will still fill his organization's leadership with them and give them huge amounts of power --- this logic doesn't make sense to me, but clearly does to him??
6. He shows love by allowing people in his personal space (LLH, Wuyan, etc) or sharing his hyperfixation (fighting). So him doggedly trying to get LLH to fight him? Well. Also whining to Wuyan every day for years about LXY? He's... sharing his special interest! Wuyan, feel loved! Also, another common form of showing love for autistics are doing things for people -- and dfs' love language is clearly acts of service.
7. One can argue he's a bit on the savant level of skills, but without typical disabilities. Also he's high masking enough that any disability he does have, you wouldn't see it at all. -- ok this might just make him a regular genius, then.
8. DFS' strict adherence to his own code of honor regardless of what anyone around him is doing
9. Need for routine or repetitive behavior - one can argue that martial arts being a special interest of his would actually make a ton of sense because it's about training over and over and over again until it becomes instinct. Daily training for years and years. You never stop. And you do it in quiet spaces away from people or places that can cause sensory issues.
10. Argument for some form of alexithymia: This one is a reach - as there's no evidence of this. But as it's often co-morbid with autism, I think could be an interesting internal reason for his ability to mask. As in, unless it's a very big feeling or a very large event, he may not recognize his own trauma as trauma. His bar for what is 'bad' is somewhere in the basement of hell, and every other traumatic event are just things that happen. He may not actually recognize fear. He chases happy things because at his age, he knows what anger, sadness and happiness are -- because they have easy to parse physical manifestations.
EDIT: I wasn't very clear up top - but I consider severe trauma to be a form of neurodiversity due to the long lasting and sometimes permanent changes it makes in a person's brain (especially when young and the brain is still being formed). So when I say I think it's possible for dfs to be neurodiverse, I'm referring to a range of things. Autism is very difficult to separate from ptsd/trauma for the reasons above, and will often manifest in the exact same ways with overlapping patterns of behavior. Any one of these things or many of these things collectively can exist without someone being neurodiverse.
Anyway this is just off the top of my had. I have this under a cut so I'll add more later as it comes they mind. (I think this gets called moral stubborness? Something like that?)
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Im glad I didn't give up and not watch that livestream. It was very nice to see it live and watch the chat go bonkers in real time
Josh munchin n crunchin on snacks
The little goofs n gaffs
THE FUCKING FOREST FIC REFERENCES. I almost lost it when they cut back to them after playing Navigating and Josh wasn't there. Golden moment!
Mark was so funny, he needs more love. Shout out Mark, your just as much a part of this as the boys are. Love you, man 💜
Curse my auditory sensory issues and sleep deprived mind, I had a hard time hearing the lyrics, so today is relisten with lyrics in front of me day. But what I got, I fully enjoyed
I loved the music videos. I think the lower budget ones may be my favorite. There is something so personal and down to earth seeing a literal Grammy Award winning, sells-out-stadiums band just going out onto a frozen lake, a snowy field, a forest, and a small midwestern town with a camera and small crew, DIYing music videos as if they're just starting out. They don't need to be reminded of where they started. They don't need to be reminded of their roots. They never left them. And that's amazing. It hit me when I saw the music video for Snap Back. It's just... Tyler n Mark in a garage. They continue to bring back the old iconic scenes like shaving his head each era in a mv. It warms my heart.
God I had so much more I wanted to say but im still so tired and I fruckin hurt so im gunna just rb other ppls thoughts for a while n head back to bed. Ill gush more in the rb tags yall.
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pengold · 1 month
Hello, 💚 Anon again
Nacha is so gorgeous- understanding Steven to some extent (even though he is bonkers)
Thanks for letting us know questions are welcome. I wanted to know about the Doc. Like- is he and his wife on neutral ground with both the mobs because of them acting as medical help? Like does he help both and so they keep him sorta out of conflict? And the experiments- do they have anything to do with Doppelganger research? (I feel like he has one in a basement somewhere)
Also- Smaller question but please tell me poor Izaack is safe after he flirts with Angus's doorman 😓 Man made an oopsie (unintentionally?)
He is def not thinking right, but who knows 👀.
Doc and Mia are on neutral ground, both because of Doc being the only medical either has that won’t ask questions and cuz Mia teaches most of their kids. She’s even helped a couple older ones learn how to read and right if they couldn’t get schooling for whatever reason.
Docs experiments are totally DG related, so gold star ⭐️ for getting that one! His actual med set up is in the basement of the apartments, assessed only by a door outside. Makes it easier for maintenance to come in when needed. They don’t question the medical set up cuz Doc rents it out from the landlord and he’s got a lil sign outside the door.
And lil hidden fact is that Doc is funded by the DDD to conduct his research on doppelgängers.
Izaack 100% knew what he was doing and was trying to get info from the doorman about Angus. Angus didn’t like seeing the flirting but more than that he didn’t like the idea of the doorman being used against him. Good for Angus cuz the only one stupid enough to do that would be non-mafia or affiliate ppl. This is also the first time Angus realizes what the Doorman means to him so he is extra mad on top. Luckily for Izaack Doorman doesn’t like to see ppl hurt and stop Angus from going to far. Does that mean the Doorman lets Izaack off the hook, when he learns his true intentions, hell no. Doorman makes it hard for Izaack to get into his apartment for a while, maybe even calls the DDD on him once or twice.
Needless to say both Angus and Doorman are protective of each other in different ways.
((Also might be making a short comic with the two of them))
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spacelazarwolf · 10 months
i’ve literally never seen a trabs woman say she is “TMA” its always white “whitekinghting” trans guys who ID as TME
i have and tbh i have a bit more sympathy for the trans women who use it because i get that most of them are thinking of it in like a "people who don't experience transmisogyny please stop talking over people who do experience transmisogyny" but like. in practice it's literally just getting used as a stand-in for "afab" and doesn't actually take into account if the person they're talking to or about has experienced transmisogyny. and this makes it a LOT easier to create this agab-based gender essentialism flavored Us vs Them narrative that general trans tumblr is fixated on. pair that with the bizarre oppression seesaw and you get "if we allow people who were assigned female at birth to say they experience transmisogyny that means trans women don't experience transmisogyny" and i should not have to tell you how absolutely bonkers that conclusion is.
i also think part of the reason is that a lot of white trans guys who id as "tme" and are like weirdly obsessed with policing other ppl they see as "tme" think their experience is The Default for whatever identity they hold. they think that because they are a trans guy that doesn't experience transmisogyny, it must be true that no trans guys experience transmisogyny. because they were assigned female at birth and don't experience transmisogyny, it must be true that no one who was assigned female at birth experiences transmisogyny.
and that is unfortunately just how whiteness rots the brain. you see yourself as the default and anyone else as just a fluke. so when intersex people or poc or just in general people whose bodies are read as "male" while presenting more feminine than society thinks you should be allowed to are like "yeah no we experience transmisogyny on a pretty regular basis", the immediate conclusion is "well you're in the minority" or "it probably doesn't happen often enough for it to Count" or even less based in reality "you can just tell them you're afab and they'll stop being transmisogynistic to you." we are seen as a fluke, so our experiences aren't taken into account, which furthers the misconception that what white trans people experience is The Trans Man/Woman/Nonbinary/Etc Experience.
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squishosaur · 5 months
AHA THANK YOU i had to live up to my name.... anyways im glad they were amusing, im genuinely insane abt riddle rosehearts. likw straight up bonkers. please keep drawning her you do her so pretty..... every time i see ur art of her i'll reblog promise
IVE JUST SEEN THE NEW POST AND OH. OH...... OH MAN. OOOOOHHH MANNNN.... just rebbloged and left more unhinged tags on it. i hope you enjoy them..... youre like one of the few ppl i saw that draw fat riddle it makes me a little bit ill /positive
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HI AGAIN!! and omg shaking your hand bc i am Also so ill for her 🤝🤝🤝🤝 and awwww i'm very glad!!! always happy to draw fat femmes 🫡 so here she is one more time 🫶
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sunmoonjune · 4 months
Oh my gosh I can’t believe I’m so late to the party but I finally had time to read Spring Tides and ohhhhhhh myyyy gosh!!!!
1. I’ve missed your universe so much! I’m about to reread all of ltm again because I’ve missed it so much and this was such a wonderful treat that I didn’t realize I needed!
2. Wooyoung finally got rid of the shackle! I’m so happy to see the little sunshine finally put it behind him and be free! He absolutely deserves it!
3. Man, tattooed Ateez really is my weakness I loved hearing about what tattooed they all have! I love how they’re connected to each other (or they’re not and I’m horribly wrong) like it’s so adorable and wholesome!
4. I love love LOVE Bug talking more and getting used to her voice again! The way you talk about her voice getting better and her getting used to it more made me smile so big my cheeks hurt. The sound I let out when she laughed and took her mask off wasn’t human I swear! I was so happy to see it and it’s so deserved! Bug deserves all the happiness in the world and I’m happy she has Ateez to bring her that happiness.
You have once again done such an amazing job with writing and I really hope life is treating you well! 💖💖
Also I saw your author’s note and could I please be added to the tag list? If not that’s completely fine! Thank you in advance! 💖💖💖💖
omg spooky!! it's been a while lovely I'm so glad to see your user in my inbox <33
hehe I'm so happy you liked spring tides and another look into the ltm universe! I too was missing bug and the boys so I was very excited to release it <3
yes!! woo gets rid of the shackle! this is technically a bit of a spoiler but I couldn't help but throw it into the oneshot too see how many ppl would notice OoO but it will be addressed in the future >:)
tattooed atz!! I actually had all their tattoos planned from the beginning of atz (except a few) and just... forgot to write about them tbh xD but yes!! a bunch of their tattoos are linked to each other! ESP woosan (their matching tattoos in ltm drive me and loren BONKERS I swear we talked about them for like two whole days) but every member of atz has some kind of tattoo in ltm and I'll start slipping in references to them as the story goes on xD
bug using her voice <33 I didn't want to jump straight into her using it completely because I honestly see her continuing to use the language of touch and sign more commonly than her voice since she's spent a significant portion of her life selectively mute,, but I also wanted to show that with a lot of time and healing, being able to speak was something she became more comfortable with <3 she truly does deserve the world tho omg I've never loved one of my own characters more <3 :")
I'm so so happy you liked the oneshot!! It makes my day to get asks like this so thank you so much dear <33 and I think you're already on my taglist for ltm! unless I'm mistaken (I could be its been a long time :')) ) if you didn't get tagged when spring tides came out let me know and I'll see if I messed it up!
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