difeisheng · 7 months
modern difang, encounter in the club's bathroom
YES modern difang!! okay i've thought about this and so please join me in imagining some looks along these lines:
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the thing is that di feisheng may or may not have escaped gone to the bathroom because a certain jiao liqiao showed up on the floor and he does not feel like experiencing a repeat of The Incident, no thank you, but he didn't expect to run into fang duobing who is incidentally A. also avoiding someone in a panic (that someone is zhaoling because even though she's nice his mom insists she'd be a good partner for him and that's not how he swings) and B. just buzzed enough to have the courage to send a look at di feisheng in the mirror when he walks in. and. well. it seems they both have some time to kill, don't they?
(di feisheng keeps that ointment for bruises on him for a very prolific and well-earned reason <3)
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soveryanon · 2 years
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I’ve received these pretties from @potahun 😭 There are so many of them, they’re all so cute, and it’s like, all my interests in one letter?!
(I did scream and did noticed Alan’s earring right away, and Tim!Daigo is just SO RUDE.
And I’m laughing so much at Jon and Ghetsis being grandmas sipping tea in their corner.)
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sazandorable · 2 months
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TSME Week 2024 - Day 5: Hoenn!
I haven't had the spoons to do much to participate (actively or receptively), but I had to do something for this event @tsmeweek and for this fandom and these characters that are so so dear and important to me 🧡💛💚💙💜 So for today's theme, I took the excuse to run with the fanon idea of Manon getting a (shiny) (Manon-sized) Bohmander|Salamence!
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lavenderyulu · 2 years
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Lance, the spotter of gay people.
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heymeowmao · 2 years
Zhou Shen & Liu Yuning singing 因为爱情 on The Truth (ft. Zhou Keyu interpretive dance)
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potahun · 2 years
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ruanbaijie · 6 months
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I had heaps of fun with this set, and of course, with this show itself (°◡°♡) to everyone in this absolutely wonderful fandom @yao-yaos @jiaoliqiao @zishuge @seventh-fantasy @potahun @redemption-revenge @difeisheng @fanghuas @xinxiaojie and all you other usual suspects I might have missed, thank you for the support and love and fandom contributions and wishing everyone a brilliant year end ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝
@userdramas get to know me bingo ⎈ colour @asiandramanet event 02 not so secret santa @asiandramanet december creator bingo board ⎈ overlay
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tsmeweek · 5 months
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We are now some 2.5 months away from the 10th anniversary for the airing of the Strongest Mega Evolution Act I. I am excited!
Prompts for the week:
Day 1 - April 3rd: Anniversary / Pokémon Catching Day 2 - April 4th: First Time / Miare (Lumiose City) / Dragon Day 3 - April 5th: Mission / Family / Break Day 4 - April 6th: Hoenn / Mask / Release Day 5 - April 7th: Trip / Dark / AU Day 6 - April 8th: Love / Memorabilia / Legend Day 7 - April 9th: FREE DAY
1) How to participate?
Pick the prompt that you like best for each day of the week, create a fanwork for it and post it on tumblr, tagging #tsmeweek2024 or #tsme10thanniversary! You can also pick several prompts for one day to combine, or mix prompts from different days, as you wish. You can switch days up as well! Go wild! All forms of fanworks are accepted! Fanarts, crafts, fanfic of any lengths, cosplays... Pick the medium you prefer! Prompts can be interpreted however you want. If you pick "Miare" and want to depict an alternate ending for the Flare Crisis where everyone dies, go for it! Creativity is welcomed! Does "Break" mean "mental breakdown", "take a coffee break" or "break.....fast"? Up to you! Don't worry about having to participate every day of the week. Just do what you can! Once you publish a fanwork, don't forget to tag #tsmeweek2024 or #tsme10thanniversary! Those are the tags that will be scoured to be reblogged on this blog.
2) Does PokéAni XY&Z count? What counts as TSME?
The rules are lax. The XY&Z season of PokéAni definitely counts, as TSME characters played a very important role in it. So does the World Championships in Journeys, since Alan appeared in it. As a basic principle, so long as it involves a character that appeared in Act I-IV of TSME, it counts as TSME. So yes, you can absolutely create a fanwork about Daigo/Steven exploring Hoenn with Shouta/Sawyer, or Pachira/Malva dating Carnet/Diantha if your heart desires. You can also create fanworks with TSME characters and characters they never interacted with in canon!
3) Other rules
This blog will have ship art and will accept any ship. Do not harrass people over ships. Racy pieces or pieces with content warnings will be accepted on the blog and tagged with a "n/sfw" tag and "cw" tag. For viewers who do not want to risk seeing any such pieces, you can block these 2 tags. As an artist with a n/sfw or cw piece, please help making the blog friendly for all, by putting the full art under a preview and read-for-more. Please tag the full cw as well!
4) Like The Mega Evolution Specials, but don't know what to make?
Then, reblog, reblog, reblog!! Reblog the posts you see and like as a form of celebration! Share the love and keep it circulating so that it reaches more people!
Have more questions? Don't hesitate to drop an ask on this blog. you can also ask @potahun.
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"Would it be enough to live on if my love could keep you alive?"
My new fanvid for Mysterious Lotus Casebook- "Enough to go by" by Vienna Teng, featuring Li Lianhua, Fang Duobing, and Di Feisheng
Shoutout to @potahun for coming to the same conclusion as I did that this song is perfect for fanghua. Even though I added Di Feisheng to make it difanghua, because the lyrics of verse 3 are very DFS to me, I hope you like it regardless!
This is my second fanvid for MLC- my first (featuring Li Lianhua sad hours) is here.
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zishuge · 5 months
for any fellow pianists / musicians out there, i spent some time this morning transcribing the piano / instrumental version of 山外 into sheet music (inspired by @potahun's excellent MLC OST appreciation post)
you can dl in pdf form here
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tiny-breadcrumbs · 5 months
From @potahun request!
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This one is hard. I can't decide who I want to put in which position. Like hnnnng I want to put dfs in the receiving end but I also want to put fang xiaobao there. But well, only one sketch that come out decent enough.
(Yes, this is probably their morning activity; fucking in kitchen counter)
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difeisheng · 6 months
OKAY post-coffee Difang thought of the day is a The Magnus Archives-inspired AU with archive assistant Fang Duobing. In TMA you have an institution where ppl who have seen supernatural and terrifying things come to record a statement on tape in the presence of the archivist or an assistant. So, Di Feisheng coming in to record a statement because he has been experiencing Things (implied that its the Things he has seen that are drawing him to the archives to make this statement because he himself is pretty disdainful about the whole thing) Fang Duobing is in charge of the recording, and decides that nuh uh, he also needs to investigate the veracity of this whole thing. Spooky shenanigans with Difang ensue
HI i'm so sorry this is late, life is a bitch, but omg yes archive assistant fang duobing + statement giver di feisheng!! admittedly i never ended up continuing past the jane prentice(? spelling) arc of tma but i'm so here for this concept generally. difang supernatural shenanigans would be a lot of fun, and i'm VERY curious as to what exactly would shake a man like di feisheng so badly that he'd go to the archive about it, even if he was doubtful. (bonus if fang duobing turns out to be brave enough for them both about it instead <3)
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owls-den · 4 months
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You are literally so cool @potahun such good ideas! "Bon Voyage!" might come off as a better title for a XY zine (... maybe one day but let's focus on BW-) but I really LOVE "Best Wishes & Safe Travels" it's such a cute title <3 I'll see if there are other ideas incoming but this is literally adorable!!
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flo-nelja · 2 months
@potahun tagged me! Thank you! Sorry I took so long to answer!
3 Ships You Like: These days I'm deep into Lupin/Jigen still, I'm screaming for every Lenore/Annabel Lee interaction in the Nevermore comics, and reading the Silmarillion reminded me of how hard I used to ship Morgoth/Sauron.
First Ship Ever: Before I knew what shipping was, Han/Leia or maybe Nemo/Electra from Fushigi no Umi no Nadia. But I discovered shipping with Shinji/Kaworu from Evangelion.
Last Song You Heard: Carla Bruni's version of At last the secret is out
Favourite Childhood Book: When I was tiny, I had deep love for the Brer Rabbit series. Later I had obsessions on Les métamorphoses de Corenton, Espy and the catnappers, La troisième guerre mondiale n'aura pas lieu.
Currently Reading: I am finishing the Guardian novel by Priest, reading the complete collection of poems by Christina Rossetti, reading The Confidential agent by Graham Greene, rereading the Hobbit, and also a historical bande dessinée about Alexandre Dumas' father.
Currently watching: Season 3 of Leverage, Birdie Wing, and trying to still advance in the Lupin III franchise.
Currently consuming: This reminded me to drink water.
Currently craving: Inspiration for the fic I'm trying to write (I'm answering memes instead)
Tagging: @outofshame, @peachfolk, @trinitrine, @transsexualhamlet, @vampirenaomi
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lavenderyulu · 1 year
hi, good morning, woke up to steven getting a new alt outfit in pokemas, didnt know that he was getting one at first and just though my mutuals were making a detective steven au until i stumbled across a post from the pokemon masters official account announcement............... what a nice day.
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nutcasewithaknife · 3 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Thank you @bbcphile @deepbluewithyellow @kingsandbastardz @potahun @seventh-fantasy @redemption-revenge and @heyyo-heyyo for tagging me! Sorry for y'all waiting for days, the procrastination demons got to me ;-;
3 ships you like: Oh dear. How do I pick only three!! Okay, here are some that have been on my mind the most these past few weeks.
Liansanjiao from Mysterious Lotus Casebook. Kinda obvious but I adore every side and the whole of this triangle.
Moshang from SVSSS. Ice Demon Lord and his pathetic hamster man. God and his most beloved blorbo. Fucking clowns. They have the range.
Chengqing from The Untamed !!! They are both so very alike and understand each other better than anyone else possibly could. They could have chosen each other, but never begrudge the other for not doing so either. I'm obsessed with how doomed they are in canon and how perfect they would've been if they'd ever gotten a chance.
First ship ever: Solangelo! I was a gay teen and this was my first gay ship and I went insane about them for a solid year.
Last song you heard: 天下 by Zhang Jie!! Been slightly obsessed with it since I heard it being performed at the MLC concert.
Favorite childhood book(s): Oh, there are so many. The first Percy Jackson series my beloved. The Ajaya dulogy, which is a retelling of the epic Mahabharata from the perspective of the Kauravas (conventionally the bad guys) and rewired my entire brain. ANNE OF GREEN GABLES!! Also was in love with the James Herriot books so much.
Currently reading: Finishing my Good Omens re-read! I also started Geetanjali Shree's रेत समाधि (Tomb of Sand), reading the original Hindi and the English Translation simultaneously! (Kind of an experiment. It has very short chapters, so I read each in Hindi and then in English before moving on to the next.)
Currently watching:
Dead Friend Forever - Thai slasher/murder mystery/psychological thriller/BL (airing weekly, one episode left!)
House MD - Medical Malpractice Georg my beloved (rewatching after a long, long time. Save me unhinged autistic man. save me.)
Currently consuming: Tea :)
Currently craving: The inspiration to write something absolutely devastating or utterly silly. Also a donut.
Tagging @fangdoubing @mx-myth @difeisheng @linacies @toppingjeffsatur @t4tadrienette @tejoxys @salamander89 @wuxia-vanlifer (no pressure ofc) and really anyone who wants to give it a go! Especially if you've spotted me lurking in your notes!!
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