#please @ apollymi
bunni-bun · 7 months
lord and all the gods above, please keep tory with ash because he needs someone like her so much. he deserves so much for all he does and for the absolute hell he's been through
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lunaticlockwood · 6 months
@lostcityofapollymi apollymi: *leans head on shoulder* "Don't burn the marshmallow, babe."
"I think I know what I'm doing ... but hey if you want to drive please be my guest." Tyler indicates the stick with a nod of his head and offers it to his girlfriend.
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iincantatorum · 8 months
Old Memories & New Doors || Apollymi & Ilyas @worldofsenelfy
Spotting Ilyas once more, Apollymi found herself in a situation where she required assistance with opening the door to her home. With her hands full of bags and books from a long day of teaching at the university, she realized that Ilyas's help would be greatly appreciated. Balancing her friendly approach with the acknowledgment of their shared past, she called out to him:
"Ilyas! It's wonderful to see you again. Would you mind lending me a hand with something? I have a bit of a predicament with these bags and books, and I could really use your help to open the door to my home."
Apollymi made sure to maintain a warm and appreciative tone, emphasizing the shared connection they had developed during their time in Atlantis. Considering Ilyas's resistance to accepting help during their time in Atlantis and his eventual departure, Apollymi approached the subject with caution and sensitivity. She understood that bringing up past events could potentially evoke complex emotions in Ilyas. With empathy and a desire to address the topic respectfully, she broached the subject:
"Ilyas, I hope you know that I've always respected your independence and your choices. I remember how you preferred to face challenges on your own back in Atlantis, and I understand that you eventually decided to leave. I want you to know that I respect your decisions and your autonomy."
Apollymi's words conveyed her understanding of Ilyas's past choices and the importance of honoring his autonomy. She wanted to ensure that he felt heard and acknowledged for the decisions he had made.
She continued, expressing her genuine concern and the desire to reconnect:
"However, Ilyas, seeing you again now brings back memories of our shared past, and it reminds me of the bond we formed back then. I can't help but wonder how you've been all these years and if there's anything I can do to support you. If you're open to it, I'd like to have a conversation about what has transpired since our time in Atlantis and see if there's any way I can be of assistance."
She tried handing one bag to him to hold, before continuing, "but please know that I fully respect your autonomy and any decisions you make. I only offer my support and a listening ear, should you wish to share your experiences or seek assistance. Our connection from the past has stayed with me, and I genuinely want to be there for you, should you ever need it."
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meisterkirisaki · 2 years
apollymi and sylvan lol: ⚔️
Apollymi would do 99% of the fighting. Sylvan would be shouting encouragement from the corner, trying not to die while calling out any noticeable weaknesses the enemy has (and occasionally hitting the enemy with something random he grabbed off-hand - a duster, or a broom, or something) which covers the 1% of the fighting. XD
Sylvan: Apollymi, to your left! They're coming to your left! O_O *ducks being hit by stray arrow fire before chucking a vase at the enemy* Light them on fire! Use a match or something! I know you can beat the crap out of them, you can do it!
Me: Can't you just run in there and help!?
Sylvan: I know I have *some* combat experience, but I'm not good enough to take on several trained assassins!
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A Malachai isn’t just a demon, you dinguses. I see so many people complaining that Nick is an A$$hole and an idiot because he just hates Ash oh so much. All I’ve gotta to say to y’all is “didn’t you read the freakin’ books?” Look, you’re right, he’s being a HUGE a$$ atm. But, um, hello?? HE IS AN EMBODIMENT OF SOMEONE ELSE’S ANGER, HATE, AND POWER?? Did y’all seriously skip the entire history with Monakribos and the whole beginning? The first Malachai born from Monakribos’ body was nothing but a demon, an embodiment of his hate. People, Nick is very very different from every other Malachai- he’s got a soul, loving (living) mother, and he’s capable of much more than his predecessors. But he still has a piece of that same hate, anger, and raw hunger for vengeance like his fathers before him, because THE CURSE DIDN’T JUST POOF AWAY WHEN HE WAS BORN. He is still an embodiment of Monakribos’ hate, but he isn’t JUST that, like his fathers were. They didn’t have souls because they were purely evil- not actual beings that are capable of being more than the sum of their parts. Why? Because they didn’t possess the same things Nicky did- he was exposed genetically and environmentally to certain things like love and compassion that allowed him to be capable of those things.
For Pete’s sake, people, Nick doesn’t freaking hate Ash uncontrollably because he’s nothing but a big baby- in the book At Death’s Door, a lot of this stuff is explained- and I imagine Sherry was surprised at how few people are connecting all of the dots. Imma say this a million times- NICK HATES ASH RIGHT NOW BECAUSE MONAKRIBOS HATES ASH RIGHT NOW. Adarian explained the Malachai’s hatred of Apollymi’s son (Ash) was literally because they have a loyalty to her. Why? BECAUSE THEY AREN’T ANYTHING BUT HER FIRST BORN SON’S EMOTIONS! Ash won’t release his mom, for good reason, but Monakribos would still be furious that his mother is locked in a prison because of his little brother not wanting to release her. People, Nick doesn’t view Apollymi as his mom. How-in-the-hell-ever, his mother was murdered. You notice how is the whole Chronicles of Nick series, Nick isn’t hateful to Ash? Notice how he doesn’t try to hurt him for what he’s supposedly done to his mom (i.e. left her in a hell realm)? Because he knows, feels, that his mother was at home, or work, or wherever. Point is, he couldn’t feel that hatred for Ash then because he had his mom, and he knew where she was and that she was safe. After she died, Nick was left without a mom. What better time for a demon to kick in, for Monakribos’ want for his mother, to kick in, then after Nick lost what meant most to him? It even says, on Sherry’s official site, under Nick Gautier (DH), that Nick forgave Ash months after his mother’s death. MONTHS, not years. It then says, in the same darn paragraph, that Nick does not understand the darkness he’s feeling. You guys have got to start doing your research and connecting the dots, cuz it all makes more sense than you think. But stop saying crap like Nick needs to get over his mom’s brutal death- not only is that dumb, but you would never say that to yourself or to someone in real life. Secondly, pay the hell attention to the history because it explains why our Cajun baby has turned dark. For goodness sake, IT’S NOT HIS HATRED THAT HE’S FEELING. Nick doesn’t despise his bestie for his mother’s death. Yes, that’s what he makes it sound like, but he FORGOT EVERYTHING! Remember how his MEMORIES were kind of ERASED?? He doesn’t remember crap about Monakribos, people. He doesn’t remember why he feels all these dark emotions and where they stem from. All he knows is that that b.i.t.c.h. Cam (Aunt Mennie) keeps telling him to stop being hateful. Because of course that would do it. I can’t stand her! She manipulates Nick to thinking it’s all his own demonic darkness when she knows more than damn well what a Malachai is. An embodiment. Nothing more. Nick is something more, though, but she’s trying to make him believe that this is all his own fault that he’s become this and that he’s just making something out of nothing. It’s not nothing, and she knows it. Nick. Does. Not. If I hear one more child complain when they haven’t read, imma cry and scream at how lazy some of y’all are being. Please ask questions and READDDD. Read the dang bios under the characters. Read the damn comments Sherry makes. PAY ATTENTION TO THE DANG PLOT you should know by now that nothing she says is without reason! Thank you, for listening to my TEDtalk. And read, dang nabbit, before I split my head trying to rant to y’all in my head.
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bravelywego · 3 years
An Important Conversation
Summary: Naoto, for once, was locked out of the loop and has a lot to catch up on. ALSO known as: Naoto learns too late about literally everything that has happened so far and this will not stand any longer.
Takes place after Kamiizumi was shot, but before he was released from the hospital.
“I should be extremely pissed right now.”
“Fuck it, I’m pissed!”
“I think this is the first time I’ve heard you swear.”
“Please don’t deflect our important conversation right now, Nobutsuna!” Naoto huffed, glaring at Kamiizumi across the hospital room. Nobutsuna Kamiizumi sat up in his hospital bed with a sheepish, but guilty expression on his face as his dead father stared at him. “Do you realize how dangerous this was!? Everything involving the Sword of the Brave—I could have helped if you asked me!”
“I thought you knew the gist of what was going on!” Kamiizumi protested as best as he could, shaking his head. “Did Sean not tell you anything about the fact that my therapist could possibly be a demon and that he sent a team to stalk her and the others she as associated with?”
“He did tell me the beginning bits, and I knew about him and Sadira sending stalkers to Lavinia, Felix, Eden and Arganan, but I didn’t know that Faye was actually back. Plus, I didn’t know that one of her associates is a man that died two-hundred years ago called Cassandra Gladstone is possessing Max’s body, of all things!” A shudder spread throuhg Naoto’s spine at that. “I really hope for my sake that Cassandra doesn’t know a thing about Max back when he was alive...not sure how possessing a dead body would work.”
“I don’t know, either.” At least with Azami accidentally being bonded to Janne, both of them were conscious beings even with Azami being dead. Max’s body was an empty shell with Cassandra’s spirit in it, which seemed much more dangerous. What if Cassandra had both Max’s powers and his own back from two-hundred years ago? What then?
“If he remembers anything about Max’s life before he died while stuck in that body, that also means he’ll remember the regrettable game of strip poker I had with Max before he died.” Naoto muttered, pacing around the room. That part just sounded...ugh. No. “I don’t want to have to explain that to him if we ever meet!”
Kamiizumi had a feeling that yes, Naoto probably WOULD have to explain that at some point. “Well, Cassandra promised to work with us, as far as I heard from the others...or rather, Lavinia forced him to or else she’d kill him, so.” 
“I will say, she was quite smart sneaking in the way she did. Pretending to be a human...she and Felix could be more dangerous than anyone.” Naoto shook his head lightly. “They might be allies for now, but...”
“You don’t trust them?” Kamiizumi frowned.
Naoto sighed, looking him in the eye. “She was a fake therapist, ‘Tsuna. Do you honestly think I would trust her, her husband, their mutual lover and Eden?”
“...fair point.” Even Kamiizumi knew it was bit, er, unhelpful for gaining trust. “But she actually did help me with a few things, so I suppose the therapy wasn’t entirely wasted. She still offered to do sessions for free after we found out she was an archdemon!”
“Let’s...sort that out after we figure out how to stop Faye and everything. Plus, Apollymi has a new boyfriend and no one told me?” Naoto looked towards Nobutsuna with a raised brow. “Is he nice?”
Kamiizumi nodded quickly. “Very nice. Extremely different from Geist, though—he doesn’t know a thing about fighting, is extremely new to the supernatural forces that we all know about, and he doesn’t have any supernatural ability of his own.”
Naoto couldn’t stop himself from smiling at that. “Eidolon told me that the poor man tried to hit him with a frying pan when they first met, before apologizing profusely after realizing who he was.”
“What?” That was new news to Kamiizumi’s ears. “I didn’t know that.”
“Eidolon just visited him the other day while Apollymi wasn’t around. That’s how they met. I don’t blame him for doing so, considering the bond he shares with her despite her and Geist breaking up...” Naoto moved to sit down in a chair by Kamiizumi’s bedside. “But really, next time—PLEASE let me know if you need help. And preferably before you get yoruself hospitalized again! You have a wedding coming up, too.”
“Right.” Kamiizumi offered his father a soft smile. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”
“Of course you will.” Naoto smiled back. “Because you’re my son. I know you will.”
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         Hello, Tumblr forced me into beta mode and I can’t fucking toggle out of it because there’s no button so I’m having to readjust to this whole thing because I can’t find gifs anymore either which sucks cuz a lot of my characters are very underrated so it was difficult finding them in the first place, and now it’s even harder. Also the new format is kind of hurting my eyes. Please @staff​​ get me off ( along with many others ) beta mode because your new system is not very useful, necessary, or progressive. Or at least ask or give us the option to use it because I know some people do like it. But for me, it’s just distracting and unnecessary. It’s annoying and I just want to enjoy myself on this blog again. I’ve already sent you my feedback as well so please, I hope you read it and respect my opinion. 
Even so I will do my best to answer some things today. I made a few more pages. Okay bye bye. Love you all. Stay wonderful ~local smol bean, MC
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toytulini · 7 years
Why did I write that
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triumphdies-a-blog · 6 years
i’ve been painfully absent (blame school, my immune system, and a discovery of witches) so like this post for someone in your askbox at some point tonight or tomorrow!
brief muse list under the cut, please let me know about preference!
alexandra lindo-parker (hooten and the lady)
anne of austria (the musketeers)
apollymi (dark hunters)
élise de la serre (assassin’s creed unity)
evie frye (assassin’s creed syndicate)
mary stuart (historical)
mason weaver (kong: skull island)
phoebe halliwell (charmed)
piper halliwell (charmed)
alice jones / tilly (once upon a time)
victoria of great britain (historical, various media influences)
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katsuko1978 · 2 years
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I posted 110 times in 2021
11 posts created (10%)
99 posts reblogged (90%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 9.0 posts.
I added 76 tags in 2021
#no stabbing wednesday - 11 posts
#leverage - 11 posts
#queued forever and a day - 11 posts
#randomly queued now for the lulz - 11 posts
#reblogging at the speed of light - 8 posts
#loki - 6 posts
#dnd - 6 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 4 posts
#the mummy - 4 posts
#wandavision - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#like probably right now. you can't ever get warm and so you like cozy shit and warm tones. put on a sweater or something.
My Top Posts in 2021
Guys. GUYS.
I was talking to @apollymi about anime space westerns, and was browsing Wikipedia when I came across this:
In 2071, roughly fifty years after an accident with a hyperspace gateway made the Earth almost uninhabitable, humanity has colonized most of the rocky planets and moons of the Solar System.
That’s... that’s this year.
Happy Cowboy Bebop Year, y’all.
11 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 23:31:18 GMT
Not to post vague spoilers, but...
...if you’re gonna create an OC for your movie, please at least try not to reinvent Baraka the wheel.
13 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 14:25:38 GMT
Spoiler warning in effect
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21 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 23:56:53 GMT
Wild ass WandaVision theories that will probably go nowhere:
Jimmy Woo never actually confirmed that their missing person was in witness protection. What if it’s a missing agent? Like, oh, let’s say, Herb?
And what if said missing agent was keeping an eye on a person of interest who has likewise gone missing in the Hex? Possibly an enhanced who came out of the woodwork during the five years between Snaps?
Said missing enhanced happens to be able to confront Wanda whenever they cross paths within the Hex, and as such, has been pushed away from the spotlight to keep her from becoming a threat.
...I’m saying Dottie is fucking Emma Frost, okay?
23 notes • Posted 2021-02-13 15:43:05 GMT
Spoiler Alert
To echo Darcy Lewis:
She recast Pietro?!
32 notes • Posted 2021-02-05 19:39:13 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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March 5, 9514 BC       
   “Urian! I wasn’t expecting you! What are you doing here?”
   He barely caught himself before he exposed his fangs over his own thrill that his mother’s adoring smile caused him. “It’s your birthday, Mata. You had to know that I wouldn’t miss it.”
   Rising up on her toes, she hugged him tight. Urian closed his eyes and savored the one thing he’d missed most about not having her in Kalosis anymore.
   His mother’s loving embrace.
   He’d missed it so much that he’d barely been able to wait until nightfall to seek out her cottage and visit.
   “I can’t believe you’re here! It’s so wonderful to see you!”
   He shrugged as he handed her the small basket in his hands. “I only wish I could have come earlier or that I could stay longer.”
   With warm blue eyes, she brushed his hair back from his face. “My precious Urimou.” She jerked her chin toward her cottage. “Why don’t—”
   “Nay, Mata!” he said, quickly, stopping her before she invited him into her home. “You mustn’t.”
   “You’re being silly about that.”
   “I don’t want to chance it.”
   “Hellen? Are you all right?”
   Urian stepped back as an older man came outside with a lantern.
   “I’m fine, Memnus. It’s my son come to visit.”
   “Your son!”
   Urian cursed silently as the old bearded man, who was dressed in a brown chiton and woolen cap, headed straight for them.
   He froze the moment his buttery light struck Urian’s blackened armor and he realized how tall and muscular he was. His jaw dropped. “Why . . . I didn’t realize your boy was a soldier.”
   An amused glint hovered in his mother’s eyes. By necessity, all Apollites were. Either they learned to fight or they died. “He is, indeed. As are all my sons—like their father.”
   The old man’s eyes glowed with warmth. “I know you’re proud of them.” He held his hand out in friendship. “Why, you remind me of Prince Styxx, you do. Spitting image of him, you are.”
   Shaking his arm, Urian scowled. There was only one person he’d ever heard who held that moniker. “Styxx of Didymos?”
   “Aye. Best military commander ever born. I served with him when I was young, I did. Was there for his first battle at Helicarnusses, I was. And I’ll never forget it.” Snorting, he shook his head. “He looked like nothing more than just a scrawny snot-nosed brat—and his helm like it would ring on his head like a bell in battle if it got struck. And we were all mocking him when he rode out to rally us on a horse what probably cost more than most armies did in them days. And who would have blamed us, really? A rich little prince bratling with no battle experience whatsoever. We figured we’d all be dead by nightfall by his lack of leadership experience. We thought it an insult that he was there to command us. But he showed us, he did. Never have I seen courage like what he showed them Atlanteans that day. None of us had. He had the strength and cunning of the gods, themselves. The sword skill of Ares. The strength of mighty Atlas. He bowed to no one. It’s why I wear the badge of our army to this day.”
   Urian arched his brow as the old man pulled the chain from around his neck to show him a medallion that held a red enameled piece. In the center was a black phoenix rising with the words I defend over its head.
   The old man grinned proudly as he pointed to it. “That there’s the emblem for the Stygian Omada, it is.”
   The piece fascinated Urian as he traced it with his finger. “Stygian Omada?”
   “Aye. It’s what we were known as back in the day. Achilles had his Myrmidons. Jason his Argonauts. Styxx had his Stygiai. And proud I am that I was one of them.” He pulled it from over his hand and pressed it into Urian’s fist. “Here. You should take it.”
   Urian was stunned by the gift. “Nay, sir. I can’t take something so precious.”
   “Go on, I insist. Please. I never had a son or a grandson, and my daughters and granddaughters are tired of my old war stories, they are. Before I die, it needs to go to a warrior who will bring it honor again. His highness would have approved of this, he would.”
   Urian frowned at his words. “You speak as if he’s dead.”
   The old man’s eyes turned dark and sad. “Unfortunately, he is. Taken by the gods far too soon, he was.”
   “I’m sorry.”
   Tears swam in Memnus’s eyes. “Thank you. ‘Twas a terrible day, indeed.” With a ragged sigh, he patted Urian’s arm. “But here, I’ve intruded enough. You spend time with your mother. It was nice meeting you, young Urian.”
   “And you.” Urian held up the medallion. “Again, thank you. I shall treasure it!”    He smiled and headed back to the house.
   As soon as he was gone, his mother fisted Urian’s hand over the medallion. She turned a set of worried eyes toward him. “Word to the wise, my precious, keep this away from the goddess and especially your father.”
   “Styxx of Didymos was no friend to either of them. He was the blood brother to Ryssa.”
   Urian’s stomach slid to his feet at the news. “Apollo’s mistress?”
   “The same. And he died the day she did. Some claim by the hand of Apollymi. Others say that it was Apollo who killed him. Either way, he was only well-loved by his soldiers. The ones he conquered . . . they didn’t like him at all.”
   That went without saying.
   Still, he was curious about the legendary prince commander. “Did you ever see him?”
   She shook her head. “I only knew him by reputation. But what Memnus said was true. He was beloved by his men and ruthless in battle. No one ever defeated him.”
   Wow . . . Urian could admire that. And it made him very interested. Like his father, he respected anyone who could stand strong in battle. The more anyone could learn about strategy the better.
   But first, he had a birthday to finish celebrating.
   Then, he’d focus on infuriating his father and the goddess who protected them.
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iincantatorum · 8 months
The Wedding Day of Sirena & Maverick || Apollymi & Sirena
As Apollymi delicately fixed Sirena's hair and perfected her makeup, she spoke softly, her voice filled with affection and admiration. "Sirena, my dear friend, today is a day of celebration and love. You are about to embark on a new chapter of your life with Maverick, and I couldn't be happier for both of you."
She paused for a moment, her hands gently brushing through Sirena's hair. "You are radiant, inside and out. Your spirit shines with a captivating light, and it is reflected in your eyes, your smile, and every facet of your being. Today, as you walk down the aisle, remember that you are a symbol of love's triumph over adversity."
Apollymi's touch continued to be gentle and precise as she enhanced Sirena's natural beauty. "Maverick is a lucky soul to have captured your heart, and you, my dear, are equally fortunate to have found a partner who understands and cherishes you. Your love story is one that inspires and ignites hope in those who witness it."
She stepped back to admire her work, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Sirena, you are breathtaking. Your beauty transcends the physical, emanating from the depths of your soul. Today, as you take this step forward, know that you have my unwavering support and love. May your wedding day be filled with joy, tenderness, and the eternal bond that you and Maverick share."
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As Apollymi continued to work on Sirena's hair, she hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to express her thoughts. With a slightly awkward tone, she said, "You know, Sirena, I've always marveled at your hair. It's so... mesmerizing, like a cascading waterfall of silken strands. I can't help but feel a twinge of envy, even as I work on it."
Realizing her comment might have come across as slightly awkward, Apollymi quickly added, "Oh, please forgive my clumsy words. I don't mean to sound strange or overly poetic. It's just that your hair has this ethereal quality, and I can't help but be in awe of it."
She let out a nervous chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood. "I suppose I've always been a bit hair-obsessed. But really, Sirena, your locks are truly magnificent, and it's an honor to have the opportunity to style them for your special day."
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meisterkirisaki · 2 years
@iincantatorum​ for Apollymi and Sylvan meeting!
“Look out, please—aaaaaghhh!”
CRASH! Sylvan had been in a rush—maybe too much of one—and now it was costing him dearly. He hadn’t meant to trip over his feet and run into her—not hard enough that he and her both hit the ground, even!
If Lavinia and Felix had been here to see it, they’d absolutely be laughing at the sight. He knew that too well. 
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“I’m so sorry.” He stressed, getting up hastily and offering her a hand, before reaching for the bag he dropped on the ground in the midst of running into her just moments ago. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? I was in a rush, and I wasn’t looking where I was going...”
Wait a second. He blinked, staring at her a bit. He’d...heard that there were new people that arrived in Folsense, the other day. Was this one of them? 
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voxvulgi · 7 years
"I wish I could be your mirror, so I could look at your handsome face every single day," Apollymi spoke to Zoran after feeling a bit tipsy after drinking wine after work. "Stay over, please? Want a glass?"
Zoran snorted as he put the final antique back in its place. "I don't look in the mirror that long unless I'm shaving," he remarked. The grin left his face when he actually looked at Apollymi. Was she...serious? "Oh, you aren't kidding?" His voice was a mumble for only himself to hear. He shrugged then, in a louder tone, said, "Sure, I'll stay. And take the glass."
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bravelywego · 6 years
Of “Us Time” And Handling Situations...
Note: Takes place after Kamiizumi and Brent had their talk about being overwhelmed with everything and needing to get away from it all, and before they went on their vacation. Kamiizumi runs to Naoto and Geist for consultation as of what to do about the whole overwhelming situation.
“I’m a horrible boyfriend! Crystals, I’m the worst boyfriend Brent’s had, given that he’s dated people before me! I don’t know how many but I’m probably the worst one now!”
“Tsuna, calm down...”
“No, I can’t, Brent told me he was sick of the whole situation overwhelming him and I am fucking fed up with it too! I keep making him miserable because he got pulled into this whole fucking mess, and I do NOT want him being miserable, Father!”
“Can you...” Naoto took a deep breath. He’d never seen his son as frustrated as this in a long while, he was sure. He understood why his soon would be so anguished—Brent was/is his first romantic loved one in a long time, and he knows that Nobutsuna doesn’t want to mess it up. “Tsuna, take a deep breath. Please, and slowly.”
The Swordmaster sniffled but did his best to breathe into his abdomen for four seconds, holding it for four seconds, before exhaling for eight. Naoto watched, gently ruffling his son’s hair, before kissing his forehead.
“Okay...okay.” The Swordmaster took another breath, gently trying to wipe his own tears with his kimono sleeve. “I just...I never realized how in pain he was, and I feel like I should have noticed a hell of a lot sooner! He’s right though—whenever we’re not at work, we’re dealing with Azami or whatever shit is going down with everyone else, and we’re fucking tired and we want us time.”
Geist sat down beside Kamiizumi, offering him a box of tissues. The Exorcist had been called over by a sobbing Kamiizumi earlier, and came over to see him, well, still sobbing and being hugged and held by Naoto. Geist recalled how he put Apollymi in a bit of pain by being initially unsure of them being romantic and all, and he wondered if this situation was anything similar. Maybe he could draw from that experience to help?
“Do you have any strategies on how to rectify that?” The Exorcist asked. “Like..take the time to take him out on more dates and such?”
Kamiizumi paused, then spoke again. “...Take him to the woods for about a week and spend at least a week with just him. Only him. No interruptions, no anything getting in the way. Except for maybe a life-and-death scenario if it happens, but still.”
The Exorcist cringed, swallowing. “...Though I know I’m also the clingy type, too, isn’t that slightly extreme?”
Kamiizumi glared at him, hot tears still streaming down his cheeks. “Is it really that extreme, given the entire situation?” His voice cracked a bit, and Geist handed him another tissue to use.
“Case in point. Never mind, that’s probably the least extreme thing you two should be doing.” Geist sighed, running a hand through his own hair. “I’m sorry we keep piling all this onto you. For Crystals’ sakes, we’re adults, we should be able to handle it on our own without you two getting involved all the time..”
Naoto shrugged. “Given the amount of effort Eidolon and I were isolated together in the past because we couldn’t be publicly in a relationship at the time, I don’t think I can judge this plan of yours, Tsuna.”
“Also fair.” Geist inhaled slowly, then bit his lower lip, thinking. “Let me try to handle this for you while you’re gone. I can make an arrangement for Rev and Minette to stay with Angelo and Aimee while you two are gone, and in the meanwhile I can yell at everyone to get their shit together.”
Kamiizumi blinked, wiping his tears. “You...you think that’ll work?”
“Sometimes things need to be spelled out to them. It’ll work. At least I hope so.”
Naoto wasn’t sure if it really would, but decided to let Geist handle the issue. Kamiizumi seemed content with that, nodding once.
“Geist...” Kamiizumi gently placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, “Thank you. I...it really means a lot.” 
Geist smiled softly back at him. “You’re...you’re welcome, Tsuna.” He wiped the other’s face with a tissue, chuckling a little. “I promise I’ll do my best. For the both of you, and all of us too.”
“I’ll also do my best to help handle things.” Naoto managed, offering his son a smile, ruffling his hair a bit. “Check in on Minette and Revenant, all that.”
The Swordmaster smiled, before hugging them both, relieved to have them here right now. “I love you...both of you.”
Both Naoto and Geist hugged him in return, but silently looked to each other.
How the hell were they going to figure out things from here?
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littlecountrymouse · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @saferion so thank you hon! 
NAME: Stephanie NICKNAME: Steph (how very boring!) I’ve had some bad ones over the years though, depending what circle I was in at the time.  BIRTH MONTH: September - the 26th, to be exact, if anyone feels like being nice to me this year, haha. HEIGHT: Like 5 foot 6 inches, I think. I just know I was a tall 12 year old and then stopped growing, like completely. ETHNICITY: Australian, mate! But my background is Irish, Black Scottish, French, Spanish and English, and all in hefty doses. Don’t ask me how the fuck I ended up in rural Australia, because I can’t figure it out. FRUIT: White peaches. One day I’ll get around to growing a tree here. SEASON: Autumn! It’s beautiful and warm, but all the trees here turn the best colors. Also, my husband is still working but we have enough time for him to take off so we can actually spend time together. BOOKS: Mostly fanfiction, let’s be honest. But I do love Kerry Greenwood’s Carinna Chapman series (by the same author as Phryne Fisher, and one day I’ll get into that series too!) FLOWERS: All of them. I never get any to look at though, *sighs and glares at husband and empty wallet which means I can’t go get my own.* 
Anyone who’d like to give this a go, please do! I’m supposed to tag 10 of you guys, but I’ll just throw in a few lol :) @hazel-athena, @myblackmare, @apollymi, @dancinbutterfly, and @mnemmy
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