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welcometomyworldofbs · 5 months
Dream Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon (Best Scene Ever)
Madoc laughed. “And we’re going to try something else a little different.”
Madoc looked over to Zarek. “We’re going to add two generals. Zarek and Jericho.”
“Oh, goodie,” Eros said sarcastically. “Could you have chosen two surlier people?”
“That’s why they’ll be in charge of our army. May the gods have mercy on whoever pisses them off, because Zarek and Jericho will have none for them.”
Zarek cleared his throat. “You’d better be glad I’m flattered by that. Otherwise I’d gut you.”
Jericho agreed with an angry glower. “Ditto.”
Delphine was smiling as Astrid appeared with a crying toddler. He had eyes so bright a blue she would have thought him a Dream-Hunter had he not had Astrid’s blond hair and looked just like his father… minus the goatee.
Her face distressed, Astrid handed him off to Zarek. “Menoeceus wants his father.”
Zarek glared at her. “Bob is crying because he wants his mother to stop calling him that crap-ass name.” Zarek cuddled the small boy to him as he rocked him gently against his shoulder while he continued to wail. Loudly. “It’s all right, Bob. Daddy’s got you now. I’m saving you from Mommy’s bad naming taste. I’d be crying, too, if my mom named me after an idiot.”
“Menoeceus is a great name,” Astrid said defensively.
Zarek snorted. “For an old man or a feminine hygiene product. Not for my son. And next time I get to name the kid and it won’t be something that sounds like meningitis.”
Astrid stood with her hands on her hips, toe to toe with her husband. “You keep that up and next time you’ll be the one birthing it, and don’t mess with me, bucko, I have connections in that department. A pregnant man is not an impossibility in my neighborhood.”
She started away from him.
“Yeah, well, I’ll be glad to birth it if it means I can name him something normal,” Zarek called after her.
“Yeah, yeah. This from a man who whines like a two-year-old when he stubs his toe. I’d like to see you survive ten hours of childbirth.”
“I am not a wimp!” Zarek cast a menacing glare at all of them. “I have the damn scars to prove it.”
“You the man,” Eros said. “Not that whining over a stubbed toe is anything to be unmanned about. I do it myself.”
Still the boy cried as if his heart was broken.
Bob? Delphine mouthed the name to Jericho, trying not to laugh at something that was obviously a sore spot for Zarek and Astrid. The name was as unlikely for the small golden-haired cherub as the gentleness of the fierce man holding him while he rocked him.
“I want my fluff-fluff!” Bob wailed.
Zarek looked panicked. “Fluff-fluff…” He handed the toddler to Jericho. “Hold him for a sec.”
“I don’t think-” Jericho paused as Zarek literally tossed the kid at him. Terrified, he had no choice but to take it.
Holding the toddler out in front of him, he wasn’t sure what to do with it. He hadn’t held an infant in centuries. Eyes wide, he stared at the little guy, who was as startled by him as Jericho was by Bob. The kid was absolutely silent.
“Look what you did,” he snapped at Zarek. “I broke it.”
Delphine laughed. “You didn’t break him. He likes you.”
Jericho wasn’t so sure about that. Swallowing hard, he brought it in a little closer and tried to duplicate Zarek’s rocking motion.
Bob pulled his hand out of his mouth and slapped it against Jericho’s scarred cheek.
Jericho made an awful face. “Oh, gah, I’ve been slimed.”
Bob laughed.
Laughing, too, Delphine reached up to wipe his cheek dry. “It’s not slime. It’s a baby kiss.”
“It’s slime,” Zarek said as he returned with a light blue blanket that had the head of a lamb on one corner of it. He angled the head toward Bob. “Hello, little Bobby,” he said in falsetto. “I’m the big bad lamb come to get a hug from you. Mwah!” He made a kissing noise.
Squealing happily, Bob grabbed the blanket and kissed it.
Delphine was aghast at the sight of two huge, fierce men coddling such a tiny child.
“We need that for YouTube,” Astrid said with a wink.
“Most definitely.”
Zarek took Bob back so that his son could cuddle the blanket. The little guy tucked the blanket under his cheek, which he rested on his father’s shoulder. “See, he just needed his fluff.” Zarek gave Astrid a teasing once-over. “I’ll be needing some of mine later, too.”
Astrid gave Delphine a dry stare. “I’m really going to strangle him.”
Zarek kissed his son on the top of his head as he handed him back to Astrid. “Any time you need an expert parental hand-”
“I’ll find Jericho.”
Jericho looked horrified. “Um, could you at least wait until that thing’s housebroken?”
Zarek laughed. “You know, that’s how I felt, too. You should have seen my face when she told me she was pregnant. I honestly had a moment of total hara-kiri, but once the shock passed and after a few months went by, I actually got used to the concept. Believe it or not, they actually grow on you. Slime and all.”
Delphine wrapped her arms around Jericho’s waist. “Oh, come on, Jericho. Don’t you want a little miniature you running around?”
“Not really, and I can’t imagine you’d want another one of me, either.”
She shoved at his back playfully before she went to join Madoc.
Zarek and Astrid left him to tend to Bob.
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welcometomyworldofbs · 8 months
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I say @i-like-nick-gautier-and-im-proud should be President for this, 2024 😫🫶
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welcometomyworldofbs · 8 months
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Death scar!
I don’t think he’d show it off on purpose. Definitely don’t think he’s at all proud of the way he chose to die. But I just wanted to show where I imagined the bullet went through. Probably would have made more sense to place it on his temple, but the idea of an equally easy to hide location being the underside of his jaw, thus also affecting the inside of his mouth, was more intriguing.
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welcometomyworldofbs · 8 months
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He is done!
That’s definitely not a happy smile
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Nick: “Yo.”
Ash: “What.”
Nick: “Wanna see my impression of Savitar?”
Ash: “yES!!”
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Fun fact, I can’t stand Cam. Aunt Mennie. I can tolerate Nick’s dad and Artemis more than I can tolerate her. She manipulates like both Adarian and Artie, but here’s the big thing. The thing that makes me dislike her sooooo much. She is the kind of quote unquote “good guy” that isn’t actually good. Remember when Adarian told Nick that those who claim to be the ‘light side” often do terrible things and feel entitled to do them?? That’s Cam. 200%
I understand that people make huge mistakes that really are unforgivable, but we still should try because that’s the right thing to do for yourself. How-in-the-hell-ever, to those who do bad things, horrible things, and then make the excuse that it’s for the greater good of all? Hmmmm, okay, still doesn’t make it alright. MORE THAN THAT, though, those who say that, and DO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT WAS SUPPOSEDLY FOR THE GREATER GOOD???? Screeewww that. THAT, people, is the type of person Cam is. An example is of course getting Cherise raped by Adarian so Nick could be born. She legit told the room, “we didn’t know he’d come when we weren’t ready for him” and that “Cherise totally overreacted to hearing the truth about her situation. First of all you hoe, she did NOT overreact. At all. If anything, her reacting violently was underreacting. Secondly, and I’ll say this until my death, YES SHE WAS MEANT TO GET RAPED, A MALACHAI CAN OOOONNNNLLLYYY BE BORN FROM VIOLENCE. Only born from violence. Not “oh, the Malachai will so totally fall in love with her and they’ll be happy together.” You know, after she talked about how monstrous Adarian was. This is just one example of Cam lying to make her actions sound less evil. Also, she freaking KNEW what happened to Cherise, and had the balls to call Adarian handsome like Nick. Notice how she didn’t respond??? Be it was not a gosh darn compliment and that piece of trash knew it.
Cam manipulates as much as the dark gods, and like them, she does not give a living hell. She feels like it’s her duty. That is something Adarian had said about the side of light and I actually agree with his monstrous butt. They make up excuses and feel entitled. THAT makes me hope Nick doesn’t just up and forgive Menyara when his memories come back. Not until she GENUINELY feels that what she did to Cherise, Nick, Jared, and even Adarian was wrong. Because fact is, it was wrong. No excuses. Adarian was completely inhumane, but that doesn’t mean that what she did was okay. Evil does not breed good. Ever. I will never respect Cam until she- like many others in the series- learns to stop interfering.
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A Malachai isn’t just a demon, you dinguses. I see so many people complaining that Nick is an A$$hole and an idiot because he just hates Ash oh so much. All I’ve gotta to say to y’all is “didn’t you read the freakin’ books?” Look, you’re right, he’s being a HUGE a$$ atm. But, um, hello?? HE IS AN EMBODIMENT OF SOMEONE ELSE’S ANGER, HATE, AND POWER?? Did y’all seriously skip the entire history with Monakribos and the whole beginning? The first Malachai born from Monakribos’ body was nothing but a demon, an embodiment of his hate. People, Nick is very very different from every other Malachai- he’s got a soul, loving (living) mother, and he’s capable of much more than his predecessors. But he still has a piece of that same hate, anger, and raw hunger for vengeance like his fathers before him, because THE CURSE DIDN’T JUST POOF AWAY WHEN HE WAS BORN. He is still an embodiment of Monakribos’ hate, but he isn’t JUST that, like his fathers were. They didn’t have souls because they were purely evil- not actual beings that are capable of being more than the sum of their parts. Why? Because they didn’t possess the same things Nicky did- he was exposed genetically and environmentally to certain things like love and compassion that allowed him to be capable of those things.
For Pete’s sake, people, Nick doesn’t freaking hate Ash uncontrollably because he’s nothing but a big baby- in the book At Death’s Door, a lot of this stuff is explained- and I imagine Sherry was surprised at how few people are connecting all of the dots. Imma say this a million times- NICK HATES ASH RIGHT NOW BECAUSE MONAKRIBOS HATES ASH RIGHT NOW. Adarian explained the Malachai’s hatred of Apollymi’s son (Ash) was literally because they have a loyalty to her. Why? BECAUSE THEY AREN’T ANYTHING BUT HER FIRST BORN SON’S EMOTIONS! Ash won’t release his mom, for good reason, but Monakribos would still be furious that his mother is locked in a prison because of his little brother not wanting to release her. People, Nick doesn’t view Apollymi as his mom. How-in-the-hell-ever, his mother was murdered. You notice how is the whole Chronicles of Nick series, Nick isn’t hateful to Ash? Notice how he doesn’t try to hurt him for what he’s supposedly done to his mom (i.e. left her in a hell realm)? Because he knows, feels, that his mother was at home, or work, or wherever. Point is, he couldn’t feel that hatred for Ash then because he had his mom, and he knew where she was and that she was safe. After she died, Nick was left without a mom. What better time for a demon to kick in, for Monakribos’ want for his mother, to kick in, then after Nick lost what meant most to him? It even says, on Sherry’s official site, under Nick Gautier (DH), that Nick forgave Ash months after his mother’s death. MONTHS, not years. It then says, in the same darn paragraph, that Nick does not understand the darkness he’s feeling. You guys have got to start doing your research and connecting the dots, cuz it all makes more sense than you think. But stop saying crap like Nick needs to get over his mom’s brutal death- not only is that dumb, but you would never say that to yourself or to someone in real life. Secondly, pay the hell attention to the history because it explains why our Cajun baby has turned dark. For goodness sake, IT’S NOT HIS HATRED THAT HE’S FEELING. Nick doesn’t despise his bestie for his mother’s death. Yes, that’s what he makes it sound like, but he FORGOT EVERYTHING! Remember how his MEMORIES were kind of ERASED?? He doesn’t remember crap about Monakribos, people. He doesn’t remember why he feels all these dark emotions and where they stem from. All he knows is that that b.i.t.c.h. Cam (Aunt Mennie) keeps telling him to stop being hateful. Because of course that would do it. I can’t stand her! She manipulates Nick to thinking it’s all his own demonic darkness when she knows more than damn well what a Malachai is. An embodiment. Nothing more. Nick is something more, though, but she’s trying to make him believe that this is all his own fault that he’s become this and that he’s just making something out of nothing. It’s not nothing, and she knows it. Nick. Does. Not. If I hear one more child complain when they haven’t read, imma cry and scream at how lazy some of y’all are being. Please ask questions and READDDD. Read the dang bios under the characters. Read the damn comments Sherry makes. PAY ATTENTION TO THE DANG PLOT you should know by now that nothing she says is without reason! Thank you, for listening to my TEDtalk. And read, dang nabbit, before I split my head trying to rant to y’all in my head.
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Mentally Exhausted Ash: Do you have ice cream?
Nick: I have severe depression and money. Of course I have ice cream.
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I need these 2 to be happy together
How about Apollymi and Savitar?
I’m so sorry for my late reply @yummy0614 I didn’t forget you, just that real life got in the way. I loved you asked about Polly and Sav because they're my biggest OTP, yes!!! 😍😍😍
who is more likely to hurt the other?
Apollymi. Her temper is nothing but volatile and even if Savitar is just as short-tempered, he would never ever hurt her. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to strangle her from time to time. 🤣
who is emotionally stronger?
I think Apollymi. She’s been through so much and still, she is this unstoppable force. If she wasn’t trapped in Kalosis and didn’t destroy the world once out, I can picture her like enjoying life. She has suffered a lot but that doesn’t stop her.
On the other hand, Savitar could do that but instead, he hides in his island. His pain is such that he doesn’t want to deal with it. He can’t.
who is physically stronger?
As in who has more muscles, Savitar because he is a giant of a man but, as in who has more power, Apollymi.
who is more likely to break a bone? 
hmm… Savitar who despite all the powers he has, he is basically human in this incarnation.
who knows best what to say to upset the other?
Without an ounce of doubt, Savitar. My headcanon is that he loves to rile Polly up
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
Believe it or not, Polly. She explodes with a hot temper when she’s mad and can say and do unimaginable things but once she cools off she recognizes if she made a mistake.
I feel like as if Savitar holds onto his pride more.
who treats the wounds of who more often? 
Apollymi. And berates Sav for having gotten hurt while at it.
who is in constant need of comfort? 
Savitar, but refuses to have it in public. But he loves it when they’re alone and cuddling together. He rests his head on her bosom while she combs his hair with her fingers
who gets more jealous? 
As incredible as it is, Savitar. Which is ridiculous while Polly is still trapped in Kalosis, but every time she mentions a man Sav doesn’t know who he is, a major grumbling follows. 
Polly… well, every time she catches a woman flirting with her man through her garden’s pond, she just snaps her fingers and does something nasty to her
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
Savitar, but it’s useless. Because either she goes after him to keep fighting until he ends up coming back (usually to fight some more). Eventually, they get to the hot make-up sex.
Or she gives him a cold arctic shoulder. She doesn’t speak to him for anything, which makes him more nervous. A silent Polly is always plotting his dismemberment.
who will propose? 
Well, if our theory is true, they’re kind of already married, but I think it would be Savitar and Polly wouldn’t see it coming.
who has the most difficult parents?
Well, that depends. If the theory of Savitar being Kissare reincarnated, I go with his. 
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
Eh, no, they don’t that. In the past, they just couldn’t and, in the present, they think it’d ruin the badass reputation of both. 
who comes up for the other all the time? 
Savitar. Always and no matter what.
who hogs the blankets? 
Polly… but Savitar is ok with it because he is her favorite blanket and he’s more than happy to be hogged lol
who gets sadder? 
I think Apollymi. It’s not that Sav doesn’t get sad, just doesn’t dwell on it
who is better at cheering the other up? 
Savitar. He knows what to say to cheer or rile Polly up. In either case, he can get her out of her funk
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Apollymi. Although, Savitar sometimes questions the playfulness of those slaps
who is more streetwise?
who is wiser?
Again, Savitar, which it’s ironic considering that Apollymi is the Atlantean goddess of wisdom.
who’s the shyest? 
Once again, Savitar. It’s not easy for him to open up with other people about himself. He’s a walking enigma.
who boasts about the other more? 
I think it’s a tie on this one. Both know how powerful the other is and never refrain themselves to acknowledge it in front of others.
who sits on whose lap?
Polly and she loves it but only when they’re alone. Both Savitar and she are likely to cut anyone’s eyes who has the misfortune of catch them in that intimate moment
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Again, if y’all haven’t Bane’s book where Thorn talks about this prophecy, it explains questions and raising even more.
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You all feel it, don’t lie to me.
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If you don’t know what this means, lemme know and I might get motivated to type out the prophecy. Fun fact, I googled what that word means, and it says “to exchange.”
I’m curious to know what exactly is being exchanged with Nick- is it relating to his power to take down powerful people and give that power to someone else (like the primal gods, according to the prophecy)?
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Every character in DH....and BDB.
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Nick locked in a closet at Caleb’s house, cuz Caleb threw him in there...for “safety” reasons.
And no one lets him out, so of course his good friends send him this. He doesn’t laugh.
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Nick: God give me patience.
Ash: I thought it was “God give me strength??”
Nick: if God gave me strength, you’d be dead and I would be in prison.
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Let’s pretend people are outside of Menyara’s shop and the apocalypse is about to start.
Nick & Cyprian standing in the street, Cyprian thinking of alllll the things he could say to sound convincing, then there’s Nick....
Who walks over to Menyara’s car....
Opens the car door so everyone can see...
Roughly drags the seatbelt out of the car door, and proceeds to LICK the seatbelt.
Ash & Mennie: him. That one is Nick.
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