#pieper slug
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I made a Tad Pop Vinyl! Even got him to pose next to the Pieper I made ages back too!
I love him so much and I'm so proud of what I did
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1ndigo712 · 24 days
slugterra arc rewrite (RoE onwards)
slugterra was an amazing show but i feel like there was a lot of missed potential, so I will be reordering and adding my own changes & notes to the story arcs after the episode 'Light as Day'. Disclaimer: The show doesn't belong to me nor am I affiliated with them. These are just my own ideations. Also, Slugterra Ascension is not considered as Canon in this post.
Return of the Elementals. In this version, it stays pretty much the same. Elie, Trixie, Kord, Pronto as well as the newly joined Junjie fight for the Elementals and fight the Goon doc and Dr Blakk, find Eli's dad, etc. They finish on saying that the five of them will find Will Shane together.
Slug Fu Showdown. While I don't have many problems with the original, I feel like they should've fleshed more into the details, so in my version, Eli will struggle and eventual grasp the context. He firsts succeeds with Burpy and then slowly extends it to the rest of his arsenal, and he can barely control the Elementals by the end.
Into the Darkness. Continuing from the previous arc, they plan to rescue Will Shane but is interrupted by the appearance of Tad and Pieper. Junjie immediately has slight distrust but also mild fascination to the pair because Pieper is an unknown species. Eli trusts Tad immediately(as he does), and Junjie has to pull him to the side and tell him to at least be a little on guard. Tad sees Junjie training early in the morning and asks what it is, Junjie tells him that it is slug fu and that it is too difficult for him at his level. Eli isn't happy and tries to teach Tad but he doesn't understand it enough himself to teach it. The rest of the plot follows the original movie, but his time the Shadow Clan are a little more cooperative purely because of Junjie's presence and status. It ends similarly, where peace is restored and Tad + Pieper end up in the deep caverns.
The Will of Shane my own title for the arc where they go find Will Shane. This goes into Will Shane's origins a bit including his training with the Unbeatable Master and him encountering his first main slug. Cut to the gang asking the Shadow Clan for help, who agree in courtesy of Will Shane and also Junjie because he is just Cool Like That. They end up going into the Deep Caverns to find more information and they encounter the Darkbane again, as well as Tad and Pieper, but they escape. They explore the unknown parts of Deep Caverns and eventually find Will Shane and rescue him. They have to fight the massive Darkbane army plus Tad and Pieper. With the Shadow Clan providing support by the Guardian gate, Will Shane and the Shadow Clan head convene. Eli and Junjie describe Pieper to them, and tell them how Pieper was able to reach velocity in the Deep Caverns. With their combined extensive slug knowledge, they figure out what kind of slug Pieper is (perhaps from one of the caverns that the Eastern Caverns portal also leads to; or universal slug). While preparing for battle, Kord and Red Hook make a wrist blaster for Eli with the help of Junjie. They battle it out with Eli and Junjie using Slug Fu to infiltrate the ranks and get to Tad, and the rest of them chipping away at the front lines with ye old slugslinging. They end up winning but Will Shane dies taking out Tad. Pieper is taken by Eli and Junjie but she is angry about it.
Eastern Caverns. After that, the gang decide to fulfill their promise and take Junjie home. Everything spans out in pretty much the same way except Eli is more experienced in Slug Fu at the start. They slowly build a relationship with Pieper and she slowly starts trusting them. Neither the Emperor nor the Daifu knows what Pieper is so it's all fun and games when they start using her in duels. Everything finishes in about the same way, and Pieper either stays with Junjie to protect the Easter Caverns (she can never fully trust who her first owner hated, and she's highly intrigued by Junjie's respect and bond with all slugs), or she joins Eli's arsenal. I prefer the former because it's more different than the usual trope of Eli getting his opponent's slugs, but you can decide for yourself.
And that is all! Feel free to add thoughts, personal headcanons and notes in the comments </3
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trixiesting · 4 months
Remaking my David brady post
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Meet David brady (or uncle). He's known to be Dr blakk friend with some 2 peeps that haven't been seen forawhile. He's an engineer and technology man just like Dr blakk. He also owned a store named, TechMachine. He's known for his specialise blaster engineering because he used to be impressed by cave trolls engineering and genius so he started by becoming one at the age of 17. And now he's currently 45 at this age
But non other than that, david brady is also a slugslinger but despite that he doesn't really slug sling alot that much. He only owns a TazerLing named, Lemon. It also electrify David brady years ago so now he has a scar by that incident. And plus likely the scar came from an slug slinger that was from the Viggo dare.
He was Dr blakk Buddy/best friend. He also come often for coffee and likely ask some stuff for his fixing and stuff. Or he would just go in and steal. He also knew tad and his wife cause of Dr blakk photo. David also has a neutral relationship with the shane gang (has known will Shane) cause he wasn't really that evil
After Dr blakk defeat. David brady took care tad in the surface. David brady was to anxious to tell tad what happened to blakk. He always thought he's dead or something else but he clear it off. David brady also likes to tell his past to, Tad or other people. He also tells tad about slugterra. Tad also considers, david has a uncle
and David knows pieper to (once bit David finger)
Funfact: David sunglasses are VERY old he never considers getting a new one
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firephoenix23 · 1 year
The first theory
I also know the 87th generation from yang’s family is Yìchén, Junjie’s father. He is William shane or will’s Right Hand and best friend after Tom por betrayed him. Yìchén also almost save Will from black Hole, but after Will shane gone. He always search his old friend. Will Shane have real name is William, he also the 87th generation from Shane’s family. The second theory
Yang and the first female shane are in love after there have journey together (almost married) when there first Meet there have Duel in eastern carvern, but this duel is won by Yang. The first female Shane give Yang another Infurnus after he duel with her, she also teach Yang how to named all slugs ( Like Eli teach Junjie how to named all slugs), as The result Yang have good choice for give name that’s another infurnus named “Juju”.
*i also know there symbolism, Yang is Sun and the female Shane is moon ( Sun is masculine and Moon is Feminine) ** like you say, Junjie’s symbol is Day (Sun) and Eli’s symbol is Night (Moon)
The third theory Pronto have greatest relationship with his identical twin brother, Pinto. They have greatest dream become tracker since there child.
The Fourth theory
Junjie and Eli also become couple since the shane gang freed him from Goon, i also know they Will get married after they are save Will shane and defeated Dr. Blakk, Tad, The Emporer, Darkbane, The Goon and Pieper ( Know as Sireniax slugs). * In wedding, Junjie wear Black Tuxedo with pin symbolism sun, While Eli wear While Tuxedo with veil and crown symbolism moon and Flower.
The Fifth theory
Pieper have real name is Sireniax slugs ( from name mythology creature “Siren”) only one species who created from shadow clan who Stolen from Darkbane for destroy all Slugterra.
She also founded by Dr. Blakk (before Tad, his son) for help him find the Strongest slug for revenge with Will shane and his Right hand, Yìchén, Then Dr. Blakk have real with her and make teamwork.
Then there find dark water and Dr. Blakk take the first tester, while Pieper (know also Sireniax slug) Hypnotic all slugs. Dr. Blakk created The Ghoul machine and have The first experiment, as a result that’s experiment is succesful.
He also sent that’s slugs to surface for find his son, Tad for continue his legacy, when he defeated by new Shane and new Yang.
Wow I love all of these!! These are great!
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weirdrandomtina · 6 years
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Some adorable pairs / trios of slugs!
(The last one is Pieper, from Into the Shadows... Evil, but still cute)
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streamboxpage · 6 years
Slugterra: Into the Shadows
As the Shane Gang return to the 99 caverns from their Eastern adventure, a dispute erupts between them and the Shadow Clan, threatening to shatter the hard-won peace in Slugterra. Eli and the Gang have their hands full dealing with the antics of the usual thugs, plus growing hostility from their former allies. So when Tad and his slug Pieper-who have just arrived from the Surface-lend a hand with Pieper’s amazing powers, Eli welcomes a new team member. But soon this newcomer casts his own shadow on the chaos. Slugterra: Into the Shadows syndicated from http://ift.tt/2rLj3l6
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pcinvasion-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on PC Invasion
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2lIkcK5
Battlefield 1 releases Winter Update and patch notes
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DICE have given the order to release the Winter Update for Battlefield 1, raising the Class Rank cap from 10 to 50, adding fancy ribbons, and making all manner of other changes. The full list of bug fixes and alterations can be read in the patch notes, below.
Those aforementioned ribbons are worth 300XP apiece, and are said to be awarded for “good teamplay” and “playing the objective”. There are twenty in total, for now.
Eight of the game’s primary weapons will now have an unlockable Elite Codex, based on 500 more kills per applicable weapon. As well as the Elite Codex itself, you’ll also get 25,000XP. In addition, the rent-a-server system has gained some new features: “RSP admins will now be able to kick players from their server using the in-game UI, or swing a mighty ban hammer if someone is misbehaving.”
Here’s the full list of Battlefield 1 Winter Update changes.
Game Improvements
Fixed some parts of vehicles that were improperly placed in front of 1p cameras when taking or repairing damage to them.
Fixed tank driver weapon visuals not functioning correctly for other players when the driver uses a 3p camera.
Fixed an issue where the Heavy Tank would not show on the minimap when firing.
Reduced the cooldown of gas abilities on vehicles from 30-32s to 25 seconds to make up for reduced gas duration.
Fixed issue where multiple tanks could become available to a team when they shouldn’t be.
Fixed an issue where the Warbond symbol overlapped the amount of available warbonds in Arabic language.
Fixed an issue where the kill log would be visible in the deploy screen in Hardcore mode.
Fixed an issue where player nametag would not show in the kill log for some type of kills.
Improved the logic for fading out crosshairs and UI when aiming down sights.
Fixed English spelling error for magnification.
Kit rank progress bar now becomes invisible once you reach max rank.
Vehicle selection is now disabled while the preround countdown is running in order to provide a more fair selection process for vehicles.
Increased the time for re-selecting invalid deploy points from 3 to 10 seconds to avoid 100% automatic reselection when squad members are under fire.
Fixed issue where amount of warbonds could overlap UI container.
Fixed issue where XP boost could overlap UI container.
Fixed an issue where players would join an Operation when it had progressed too far, almost at the end.
Improved performance in the menu system.
Tweaked design of friends list.
Player will now track first medal by default.
RSP server information will now display owner of server.
Now sorts regular servers below RSP servers in the server browser.
Added server information in …-menu.
Fixed a bug where joining server animation started twice when joining server.
Fixed a bug where the user remained in hang after failing to join a server.
Fixed a bug where the tracked medal was not highlighted.
Fixed a bug where players were unable to see the highlighted text in end of round.
Fixed a bug where players were prompted with “Matchmaking failed” when switching between Quickmatch modes.
Fixed a bug where the party hub did not update party members.
Fixed a bug where stats required reentering the weapons page to update.
Fixed a bug where players were unable to invite to party from comcenter after booting the title via party game invite with a 6+ people party.
Fix animation issue on personalized recommendation cards.
Fixed a bug where personalized recommendation cards would not fade.
Fixed a bug where the context menu was misaligned when the user clicked on it for the first time.
Fixed a bug where the highlight was broken after the user selected a vehicle with service star in the vehicle tab.
Fixed a bug where players were left in hang when dismissing the “Matchmaking Failed” while the “you have no scraps” prompt was active in loading screen.
Fixed a bug where players could scroll using “R” in the comcenter on console.
Fixed a bug where the end of round countdown stopped when quickly navigating through the tabs.
Fixed a bug where the mouse scroll did not work in list of recommendation cards.
Fixed a bug where content moved around in the menu when players were spamming down on the d-pad.
Fixed a bug where players entered an unplayable state when attempting to join a game session via the Xbox friend’s tab.
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to inspect skins in the Inventory.
Fixed a bug where Standard Battlepack real-money price sometimes did not show up.
Fixed 7 UI related crash bugs.
Fixed several localization issues.
Map Adjustments
Fixed an issue with floating debris after destroying a table.
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in a table.
Player will no longer clip through the visual mesh of windmill interiors.
Grenades and dynamite will no longer fall through the floor of the windmill balcony.
Removed flickering effect on tall wooden fences.
Destruction fixed between tall wooden fence parts.
Fixed Conquest spawn locations on Suez. Moved one up so player no longer spawns underground, moved another out of a tree.
Fixed issue where underwater sounds could get stuck on land.
Fixed issue where the player could move on top of the map on Argonne Forest.
Fixed issue where Hint Line for train did not disappear after performing indicated action or even leaving the behemoth on Conquest, Suez.
Side gun meshes weren’t rendering for 3p spectators depending on which weapon was used and if that particular seat was spectated.
Fixed an issue with the “Tankghewehr 1918” Elite weapon replenished ammo after picking up any dropped weapon kit.
Bayonet charge kills should now properly award service stars.
Fixed illogical behavior when using K Bullets with the Martini-Henry.
Tweaked post reload delays to better match animations on the following weapons:
Cei-Rigotti 0.4 to 0.6 s.
Mondragon 0.5 to 0.5667 s.
Selbstlader 1906 0.8 to 1.0667 s.
Bodeo 1.1 to 1.0 s.
Bulldog 1.0 to 1.1 s.
Increased long reload time of Autoloading 8 .25 Extended from 2.9 to 3.066 s.
Improved Selbstlader 1906 aimed accuracy, reduced recoil and decreased spread.
Increased horizontal recoil by 14.3%:
Automatico Trench
Hellriegel Factory
M1909 Storm
Madsen Storm
MG15 Storm
BAR Storm
Increased horizontal recoil of Lewis Optical and M1909 Optical by 10% when ADS.
Reduced horizontal recoil of some self-loading rifles:
Autoloading 8 0.6 to 0.4.
Cei-Rigotti 0.64 to 0.56.
M1907 SL 0.84 to 0.7.
Upped recoil decrease of “Low Weight” SLRs from 6 to 7.
Increased damage of the Martini-Henry between 30 and 80 meters slightly.
Reduced the damage of impact grenades from 80 to 72″
Tweaked the damage behavior of the 12 g Automatic shotgun to balance all variants better against each other:
Extended: Increased pellet cone from 1.6 to 1.8 degrees. Should now two hit kill a healthy target up to about 18 meters.
Backbored: Reduced pellet cone from 1.28 to 1.2 degrees. Should now two hit kill a healthy target up to about 19 meters.
Hunter: Reduced pellet cone from 1.28 to 1.2 degrees. Should now two hit kill a healthy target up to about 21 meters.
All: Moved out damage dropoff by 1 m and added damage curves.
Model 10-A Slug changes:
Reduced aimed dispersion from 0.3 to 0.24 when stationary and from 0.50 to 0.48 when moving.
Increased muzzle velocity from 380 to 420.
Reduced damage against gut, arms and legs.
Added ability to kill a healthy target with shots to the gut or upper arms within 8 meters.
Increased lethal range from chest shots from 10 to 11 meters.
Evened out recoil direction.
Increased No.3 Revolver rate of fire in ADS from 119 to 138.
Added missing tiered reloading to flash flares.
Fixed Selbstlader 1906 and GasserM1870 last round fired animations for accuracy.
Fixed Gasser round-in-cylinder rotation during reload loop.
Fixed slide travel on several automatic pistols during fires and reloads.
Fixed hammer position of Mars pistol during reload.
Fix of Auto Revolver reload interrupt tiers and speedloader visibility.
Removed visual recoil from ADS fire anims on Mle 1903, Pieper Carbine, 1903 Experimental.
Fixed issue with tiered reloading in the Mle 1903.
Corrected Frommer Stop Auto magazine capacity from 14+1 to 15+1.
Corrected errors in moving dispersion for crouched hipfire on shotguns.
Retune of Revolver No 3 reload audio to match new animation. Added hammer cocking to ADS firing animation.
Retune of Luger1906 Reload Audio to match new animation.
Automatico M1918 sometimes showed the wrong name (it was called Modello 1918 in a few places).
The Tankgewehr now resupplies 4 rounds at once.
Made damage of the Russian 1895 Trench and Horse drop slower to give them a slightly better 2 hit kill range.
Retuned audio on Gasser reload to match new animation. Added hammer cock/decock to Deploy and Undeploy to match animation.
Fixed an issue in Spectator where a 1P overlay appears for spectators viewing players in fortress guns in 3P or when spectating the artillery truck driver in 3P while the driver zooms.
New button added in Spectator mode to view the gamer card of a spectated player.
Added button labels to the view modes in Spectator mode for PS4/Xbox One.
Bayonet recharged sound could trigger from any soldier on spectator clients. This should now only occur for spectated soldiers.
Added extra check for “not team neutral” to gate announcer VO when in Spectator mode Freecam or Tabletop views.
Added gates to Impaired Hearing Mixer, Low Health Mixer, Gas Supression Mixer to not activate for spectators in freecam/tabletop view.
Added extra checks for Low Health and Gas Supression SFX/mixers to start if spectator enters player view while SFX/mixers should be active.
Possession announcer VO will now not play for freecam and tabletop spectators.
Fixes Pre-EOR music not activating for spectators (all game-modes).
Gated “Lost Objective” VO to not play for spectators in Conquest/Operation/Domination.
Fixed corrupted VFX when players shoot the Flare Gun in all camera modes.
Fix for parts of the train disappearing while spectating a player in the train in 3rd person or director.
Fixed the Spectator boundaries to be the same as the plane boundaries on Giant’s Shadow.
Fixed a spectator bug with the behemoth icon staying at the center of the screen if you exit player view mode before it is moved to the final position at the top of the screen.
Fixed an issue where the option “show player outlines”/Squad Pin stopped working when switching through players.
Fixed an issue where the player could not select the numbered freecam they were just on from a drop camera.
Fixed a bug where Battlepacks and Medals were present in loading screen when joining as Spectator.
Fixed a bug where players did not receive the option to join friend as spectator on consoles from comcenter.
Improved cavalry victim experience. You should no longer get killed by cavalry using a saber from multiple meters away.
Fixed errors where Elite Kits had unintentionally high health regeneration delays and carried too many grenades.
Increased the threshold for suppression effects to prevent suppression from occurring too early.
Reduced gas duration from 22 to 15 seconds.
Tweaked suppression effects and low health visuals.
Fixed VO issue in Rush when defenders have interacted with telegraph to send enemies coordinates.
Fixed PC custom keybindings not properly remapping for Behemoths.
Reduce maximum displacement of high ping players when missing updates.
Fixed huge extrapolation times for good connections after frame spikes.
Custom Game
Added custom game setting to toggle Behemoth.
Added custom game setting to toggle Squad Leader Only Spawn.
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Humanised/Gijinka Pieper
All eyes are on her as she sings her siren's song
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Happy Easter Weekend Slugerinos!
Made a bunch of slug easter eggs for the holiday! You guys have a favourite?
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weirdrandomtina · 5 years
Why there needs to be more Slugterra
1. In the most recent addition, the movie Into the Shadows, the animation was improved - there were no reused scenes from previous episodes, the lighting / colours / effects were even better than before.
2. So many loose ends were left: How exactly did Tad find Pieper? What kind of slug is Pieper? Will the Shane gang win back the Shadow Clan’s trust? Will they ever rescue Will Shane (it was mentioned several times in previous episodes)? Eli mentioned his disappearing mother - what happened to her? What is Tad’s backstory - his father is Dr. Blakk yet he lived on the Surface?
3. There is so much potential for the storyline - most shows run out and are scrambling to think of ideas, but Slugterra’s are almost endless - the teleportation device from Journey to the Eastern Caverns directly stated that there are more locations than the 99 Caverns & the East, one of the location’s symbols was the Sun, indicating the Surface, and probably one is the Deep Caverns, and a few others that we know nothing about.  And in terms of characters, they could bring back Dana, Twist, etc.
4. The ending of Into the Shadows did not feel like a finale at all.  Instead of just showing Eli’s b-day party and leaving it at that, they ended with Tad and Pieper confirmed alive in the Deep Caverns, with Tad maliciously saying ‘it’s going to be alright’ with that angsty Slugterra-music that always plays when something intense is going to happen next.
5. Last but not least: SLUGTERRA IS AN AMAZING SHOW.  The strong storyline, the amazing creatures and caverns, the great characters, the humour, the action, the adventure - 
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weirdrandomtina · 5 years
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Posted these a while ago, as you can tell by the date :), but it was at the very beginning of my blog so I thought I’d try it again.
All of my favourite slugs, not in any particular order; the third one in, little grey slug, is my own: her name is Pebble, she is a young Bouldron slug, smart and feisty, and the last of her kind.  In protoform, she is essentially a flopper slug, but when she transforms, she is very powerful - she can levitate / move small boulders, and control any type of smaller stone / rock, like telekinesis.  She can create her own stones out of coarse sand (like how Chiller makes ice structures), and coat herself in a thick stony armour to deal plenty of damage.  In fusion shots, her aura matches many of the other slugs, so she can be combined to make all kinds of unique combo shots.
I also included a more detailed edit pic of Pebble (based off Pieper’s design), and I thought of what she would look like as a velocimorph but I was too lazy to actually draw it: she would look similar to Burpy, but with longer antennae, dragon-like wings on her back, arms with large hands (like Rookie) (when making the coarse sand / controlling other rocks / coating in armour, they glow blue like her eyes), and lastly a tail like Burpy’s - there, use your imagination :).
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