#phantom thread posting
why is nobody talking about when reynolds gets up after his fever dream of his dead mother and kisses alma’s feet before waking her up. why
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utterlyrandom123 · 5 months
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For @aethelreds
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acheforyou · 1 year
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hannibal 304 / phantom thread 2017 / interview with the vampire 107 / hannibal 312
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sinorim-pisani · 11 months
tl;dr GHOST CORES ARE COOL YO (danny phantom word blast)
ok but like the idea of ghost cores is so fascinating to me???? idk if it’s the lore obsessed eldritch creature in my brain or what but PLEASE fanfic writers, take the helm of the danny phantom ship and steer us towards more ghost core lore!!
There’s so much exploration to be found there, in the connection between ghost cores and the Infinite Realms, and cores and d*ath circumstances, and cores and how powers or abilities manifest! 
How many different kinds of cores are there? Is it just a simple divide based on temperature i.e. cold v hot? I feel like there’s too much variation between people of the “ghost zone” and people who can form in the zone to simply leave it at a temp divide! Would it then be based on the common elements of water, earth, air, fire, and their many derivatives? In that case, where do Ancients like Clockwork and Pandora come in? ‘Time’ and ‘Space’ (in the physical, spatial sense, not the galactic sense) don’t seem to be ability types that are just thrown around willy nilly, so does that mean these two (and other Ancients) aren’t truly ghosts? and that they don’t have a real “ghost” core?
I find it so very interesting that the writers chose to give Danny frost-based abilities, and therefore a cold core. Does that decision alone technically indicate there isn’t any kind of link between core formation circumstance and resulting core type? Since Danny formed his core during an electricity-based event, would it not have made more sense to give him a heat core?? 
And then there’s Vlad! His core was technically formed during the accident with the miniature ghost portal , which didn’t seem to involve anything other then drastic exposure to ectoplasmic radiation, and then we as the fandom have taken to saying he has a heat-based core (I can’t remember if this is actually mentioned in the show). Which heat and “radiation” are sorta connected so that one actually makes sense??
I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS AHH my brain just wants to throw them all at the screen rn!
Shortened List:
What actually determines the type of core a ghost forms? 
How many types of cores are there, and what are those types? How are they categorized?
What is the connection between a ghost’s core and the ghost zone? Do cores come into existence spontaneously, and tie a ghost to the zone, or is there already a core created for every creature capable of becoming a ghost, based on a yet-to-be-experienced life? 
How can a ghost’s powers/abilities manifest based on their core type? 
Does a ghost form around a core, or does the core form inside the ghost? Is a core the source of a ghost’s capital O Obsession?
Is a ghost core really equivalent to a heart? Or is it something entirely new, different?
I could definitely go on. All this to say I greatly enjoy fic writers exploring what it really means for Danny to have a “cold-type” ghost core! He’s cold all the time but he doesn’t notice, or he needs to exist in cool environments to be comfortable, or when it comes to medical aid he needs a very specifically cold physical and material environment to be treated well. He finds Frostbite to be a comforting figure and the Far Frozen feels like a second home (the first being Clockwork’s Lair) because his very core is telling him that this is what he needs, that he will be embraced best by the arms of the ice.
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I love how I made that post about Phantom choosing a random well to pretend to be attached to and the phandom collectively went “no…no, he is connected to that well and there are corpses down there, and Vlad Masters absolutely murdered someone and stuffed their body down that well, but the corpses they found are unconnected to that one”
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iglowlilac · 8 months
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i want more of them FLAT ON THEIR BACKS, HELPLESS, TENDER, OPEN and LAUGHING with each other
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ofliterarynature · 5 months
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[loved liked ok no thanks (reread) book club*]
Mixed Magics • Chalice • To Shape a Dragon's Breath • The Haunting Season • Hither Page • The Henchmen of Zenda • System Collapse • The Phantom of the Opera • An Unexpected Peril • A Minor Chorus* • The September House • (The Dream Thieves) • The Fragile Threads of Power • The Pinhoe Egg • (Network Effect) • Some Desperate Glory
total: 16 (audiobook: 12 / ebook: 4)
Happy New Year booklr! Here's to actually getting my last monthly wrap-up post of 2023 out in decent time for once.
Some Desperate Glory - I'm getting myself off to a bad start here because I don't actually remember much from the book and I didn't write a review at the time. oops. But I do remember that once things got going I was hooked, and I couldn't wait to pick the audiobook back up. Definitely some content warnings to look out for, but an incredible read. I definitely need to go back and check out the author's other work.
Network Effect - the last book of my Murderbot reread, still great, glad to have finally read this in a text format! Also better suited to be read *after* Fugitive Telemetry, I wish I'd known to read them in chronological order the first time.
The Pinhoe Egg - a nice wrap up to the main Chrestomanci series! Though if anyone can tell me why on eARTH the 'recommended' reading order is like *that*, please explain it to me. I'd forgotten so many things by the time we got back to Cat, if I ever reread I'm going chronologically.
The Fragile Threads of Power - lord help me, I could do a whole rant. A quick summary of my relationship to this series: loved Shades of Magic when it first came out, did not love/was very annoyed by most of it when I reread them in 2023. Also have not really liked any of Schwab's other work. BUT. I was under the impression that this spinoff would have new main characters, and the old ones would be present but not in the center. If I didn't just make this up, it was LIES. The original MC's still dominate probably at least 60% of the book, and you'd think 7 years in-book and more experience on behalf of the writer would mature them, but a) no, and b) so many goddamn flashbacks. And Kel's assasin-sona was so cringe I wanted to cry. I did actually like the new main character which really is the biggest shame of all. If you see me contemplating the next book please stop me.
The Dream Thieves - I don't know that I have much to add yet to my thoughts about TRB in my Nov post, but I've been having a very strange experience where when I'm actively reading these, I'm having an incredibly good time; when I'm not I completely forget I was reading it. lol?
The September House - this is possibly the closest to my ideal horror book that I've ever found??!!? I have a weird relationship with horror, wherein I am not uninterested, but I almost never enjoy the ones I read (I think it has to do with my irl anxiety, idk). But THIS one. It's such an INCREDIBLE blend of like, mundane horrors and dark humor? I loved it. The "you can live with the horrors if you just follow the rules" is very much my vibe, and the way the author chose to have it integrate with the main character's experiences of domestic abuse was very smart. Deeply enjoyed, but probably won't be a favorite.
A Minor Chorus - this month's book club pick! I really really wish I'd liked this, and I'm torn between "thank god it was short," and "oh I wish this was longer." It's about a queer Indigenous doctoral student in Canada who's somewhat lost his way on his dissertation and is instead writing a novel (maybe), inspired by the stories of people in his community. On one hand, the writing was sometimes very beautiful and the different stories were interesting! On the other, my academic-speak abilities are limited, and the narrator did not hold back. He even explicitly states at one point, oh I can't describe my book this way to [character] because he won't understand my academic language. And...yeah. My brain got a little overwhelmed and I skimmed a lot of those parts. The hopeful part of me thinks if that if the book had been longer maybe I would have had time to "get it," but idk.
An Unexpected Peril - Veronica Speedwell is as Veronica Speedwell does. Had a good time with this even though it's proving to not be the most memorable. Mostly I remember intensely panicking over whether or not V had practiced forging the princess's signature, lol.
The Phantom of the Opera - this was a last minute sub for my classics challenge; I've never seen any of the adaptations, but I happened to see the book on tumblr when I was scrambling for a replacement and thought it might be fun. And it was! Quite ridiculous and dramatic, and I had a good time reading it. I was surprised by the outsider POV on the story, but it was good, just a shame that it didn't allow Christine to tell her own story. If anyone has a Christine-centered retelling I should read, let me know! And are there any adaptations I should watch?
System Collapse - new Murderbot! I was so excited for this, I'm irritated that my brain and work schedule didn't want to cooperate and let me read my nice pretty hardcover; I ended up getting the audiobook from the library instead. I had an incredible time, because it's Murderbot, how could I not? But it's also interesting, because Network Effect felt quite cohesive and contained on its own, but this feels very much like an in-between story (almost like Fugitive Telemetry), rather than a continuation of the same thread. I'll be interested to see where Martha takes us from here.
The Henchmen of Zenda - my last KJ Charles of the year! I did mean to get through all of her books, but things slipped by me these last few months so I still have a couple, but managed to fit this standalone in! It's not the only time she's pulled characters from works of classic fiction, and I admit, I'm now very curious and kind of want to read the original Prisoner of Zenda? Definitely this version had an exciting plot that was fun to read, though I don't think it'll be my favorite of her works (yay for a non-traditional relationship structure tho :)
Hither, Page - I don't think I've read Cat Sebastian before, but I've had this one recommended and it sounds right up my ally - historical/cozy myster/spy shenanigans/gay romance! And it was an incredibly pleasant read, would recommend, but I do think it could have been better as both a mystery and a romance.
The Haunting Season - I almost picked this up in October for spooky season, but put if off for Dec since it's meant to be wintery ghost stories - and only just remembered it in time! I almost wish I hadn't. The first two stories were so meh for me that I almost DNF'd it, I just didn't want the fuss of having to find a new audiobook for work the last day before Christmas break. Luckily Natasha Pulley showed up next with a good story (I really ought to read her books) and there was a good run of 4 stories with another 2 meh to round things out. It wasn't a total loss, but I wouldn't really recommend.
To Shape a Dragon's Breath - If you've seen people singing the praises of this book, they're not wrong! It's a very good if sometimes heavy read, and this is definitely the closest I've gotten to liking a boarding school story since Protector of the Small (I got burned out on them very quickly, lol). It does sometimes read like the debut it is, it's not perfect (lots of infodump speeches, lord save me from the technicalities of alchemy/chemistry, and I would have liked to see more done in her relationship with her dragon), but it's also doing some incredible and unique things that really make me want to see more books in this series and whatever else the author writes.
Chalice - I've read Robin Mckinley before and I've found her work ok, but this one has been repeatedly recommended in the HOTE discord server - I figured it would be a good one to wrap up the year with! And surprise surprise, the fealty-coded discord loves a book about... fealty XD and good stewardship, and magic bees, etc. It's incredibly on brand, and I had a lovely time with this fairy-tale of a book.
Mixed Magics - a collection of Chrestomanci short stories; I actually read one of the stories a few months ago due to the recommended reading order (bleh), and thought it would be fairly simple to finish it off before the end of the year, now that I'd finished the rest of the series. All fun, if not equally interesting, and a nice end to the year. Now I just need to find a new Diana Wynne Jones series to try (not on audiobook, alas, my library is all out of those).
(I did almost consider then binging the Hither, Page sequel on new year's eve, just so I wouldn't split the series, but decided against it :D)
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My Top 100 Favorite Movies:
96.   Phantom Thread (2017) - Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
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comfortcomes · 7 months
can i be tbh. i think a lot of people misinterpret what phantom thread is about because of how it’s been memed and i don’t like it and i think it’s… well bad to do that to a movie with such complex depictions of gendered power dynamics
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rooh-afza · 1 month
my peace lily and I have a real phantom thread™️ thing going on but like. if alma was just really really bad at identifying mushrooms the whole time
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openedthroat · 4 months
me and my friends would have killed reynolds woodcock with hammers I can tell you that much
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sunnykeysmash · 2 years
gonna post my old screenshots of the Phantom Thread script here because I have nothing better to do <3 they're super macden coded and you'll notice quickly. also the Chokes vibes are insane just trust me
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(the tends bar of this??)
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The asparagus scene jesus you need to watch it
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hufflebibin · 2 years
I’ve been messing around making cover art for fics lately as a fun little exercise and the incomparable @clottedcreamfudge has written a great series (on-going) called ‘In Every Universe.’ I’m so excited to see where it goes, but until then here’s what I’ve got for the currently published pieces!
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And here are the links to the fics directly!
1. Intertextuality; rated E
2. Five letter word for ‘unobservant’; rated E
3. Fate (aka a banana daiquiri); rated E
4. Giving me the excitations; rated T
[image ids
a fic cover with an image of space/stars as the background. the foreground has an image of a bathtub with a cartoon filter on it. the top of the cover reads "intertextuality" in a thick script. the bottom of the cover has a small purple box running across with the name "clottedcreamfudge" in the same script as above. a thin red outline of a heart sits above the purple box. a thin wavy red line emerges from the heart and spans the width of the cover.
a fic cover with an image of space/stars as the background. the foreground has a completed wordle grid. the first line is “flirt” with the “r” box colored yellow and all others colored gray. the second line is “touch” with the “u” box colored yellow and all others colored gray. the third line is “crush” with the “r” and “u” boxes colored yellow and all others colored gray. the fourth line is “lover” with the “e” and “r” boxes colored green and all others colored gray. the fifth and final line is “queer” with all boxes colored green. the top of the cover reads "five letter word for ‘unobservant’" in a thick script. the bottom of the cover has a small purple box running across with the name "clottedcreamfudge" in the same script as above. a thin wavy red line sits above the purple box and spans the width of the cover.
a fic cover with an image of space/stars as the background. the foreground has an image of a banana daiquiri with a cartoon filter on it. the top of the cover reads "Fate (aka a banana daiquiri)" in a thick script. the bottom of the cover has a small purple box running across with the name "clottedcreamfudge" in the same script as above. a thin wavy red line sits above the purple box and spans the width of the cover.
a fic cover with an image of space/stars as the background. the foreground has an image of an open front load washing machine with a few colorful items of clothing inside with a cartoon filter on it. the top of the cover reads "Giving me the excitations" in a thick script. the bottom of the cover has a small purple box running across with the name "clottedcreamfudge" in the same script as above. a thin wavy red line sits above the purple box and spans the width of the cover.
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aworsening · 9 months
watched phantom thread yesterday and that dinner scene is everything. the way reynolds treats alma is so accurate to an emotionally immature abuser that it genuinely set me on edge. are you a spy, are you here to kill me, are you a spy? it's so ridiculous and random but that's exactly how they act.
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thehours2002 · 2 years
it’s all a matter of personal taste but i find it fascinating that people will write work wives fic and erase the major conflicts of divorce, infidelity, internalized homophobia, and the closet. like, huh? that’s the tastiest part!!!!
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me seeing the infinite walking source of mushrooms in tlou
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