#pewter pins
treasuregamble · 22 days
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highly recommend searching things like "wizard pins" on ebay
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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paleopanthera · 2 years
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The latest pewter dropped on Saturday! Some items are already sold out (Coelacanth, raven skulls, two out of three coyotes) so if something catches your eye it's best to get it ASAP. USPS holiday shipping deadlines within the US are December 17th for first class and December 19th for priority shipping. Direct link to the pewter shop can be found below.
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palaeosinensis · 2 years
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Paleo skull pins! Smilodon, cave lion (P. spelaea), dire wolf (recently discovered as a highly adapted dog not a wolf, Aenocyon dirus), and cave bear (U. spelaeus). I made these by sculpting the originals in monster clay and casting them in Britannia pewter; they each have two posts so they don't spin. They about 1.25" long and look badass on lapels. It's a pity these specific pins don't sell that well because they're one of my favorite creations.
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sharkyswaters · 1 year
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great-and-small · 2 years
Apparently if you find a tagged Horseshoe crab and report it to Fish and Wildlife they’ll send you a certificate with info about your crab AND a pewter horseshoe crab pin! Keep your eyes peeled 👀
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(Photo from the Nantucket Conservation Foundation)
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vintage55onetsy · 1 year
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luxraydyne · 2 years
i don’t even think i can link to the nsfw jupewter i just posted can i, in this economy? lmao well it’s on my usual ao3
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shojizbae · 11 months
Hobie's Innocent Girlfriend
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Hobie Brown x Fem! Reader
Can you just imagine Hobie with a super innocent type of girlfriend? not that creepy type of couple where a guy dates someone younger than him and she's all infantilized. His girlfriend is actually older than him but she was raised in a conservative protestant house (the national religion of Britain) and hasn't shaken her upbringing despite being in university. They met in a guitar class, (her being classically trained and wanting to expand her skills) Hobie was there because he could sneak in and figure out a riff that he hadn't yet nailed.
She was instantly fascinated by him because he looked so different than what she was used to seeing. Heavy chains that rattled with every step and scratched pin on a sleeveless jacket caught her eye. He spotted her because she looked like something off of a private school pamphlet. neat long coiffed hair, thin gold wristwatch and pleated skirt. everything about her screamed elitist old money.
He was shocked though when she walked over at the end of the class. She told him his name and pointed to a pin on his denim vest.
"What is a sex pistol?" she folds her hand behind her back.
"It's a band. They yell at rich pricks for acting like they are better than the rest of everyone."
"Cool!" he tries to carry on the conversation but she continues to get pissed off by her. Everything she is is everything he stands against. ad going against his grain is pretty rocking. She is one bonnie. He claims that he slowly seduced her. In actuality, she was the one who accidentally got him hook, line, and sinker. They start dating after a month or two of knowing each other.
Hobie is so irredeemably in love with her. And they look so out of place with each other. Half of her belongings are pink all of her socks have ruffles. Hobart is so grungy and dirty compared to her. But (Y/n) is absolutely enamored by him. She is fascinated by how different and real he is. Every time she comes over to his house she looks out of place but it makes his heart ga-lump every time he sees her picking through his collection of vintage pins. One day while looking through his desk full of knick-knacks she finds a neglected spiked bracelet.
"Yes, love?"
"Can I have this bracelet?" he hears the clink of a snap and sees the ratty piece of leather with tarnished pewter spikes. He notices how it looks so out of place on your ‘pretty in pink’ look and his heart thrums at the disruption.
“Yeah love, looks great on you.” He tries to bite back the smile forming on his face.
Another time you two are making out and and you get caught on his lip ring. Not physically just mentally. Your in his lap, straddling him, finger threes in the back of his hair. He’s got his hands on your ass and he uses them to keep you as close as possible. He tries to pull back for air but he notices that you’re adhered to his lips like a damn leech.
“Dear, what’s gotten into you?” He smirks in contentment
“I love that little hoop Hobie.” She smirks and half licks her lips
“Yeah?” He questions punctuating with a kiss.
“Yeah.” She chases his kiss as he pulls away.
“Well maybe we should get you some.”
“Ok,” she climbs back in him taking a more dominant stance than before. Hobie loved when she got riled up. She was so hot. That following night Hobie found a piercing shop and even booked an appointment.
Hobie had to hold her hand the whole time she was getting pierced. She didn’t go so extreme as he did with his dermals. Instead she walked out with a bar through her tongue, a nostril hoop, and seven different cartilage piercings. It was going to be torture not to kiss her for “4-6 weeks” he rolled his eyes at that. Somehow though her body healed much quicker than the piercer thought and she was able to return just 16 days later to get a smaller bar in her mouth. She did add one nipple ring and something glittery in her bellybutton.
Hobie was over the moon about being able to kiss her but now he could only play with one titty and he loved both of your titties. He was extra tic to see you become a more punk person while still holding all of your values. And your hole punched ears could be easily hidden if you wore your hair down. You did however have to skip Christmas claiming sickness instead of returning to your family.
Hobie was beside himself. On the one hand Christmas is a Marxist celebration that’s been stripped of its initial pagan roots and been commercialized into a plot for capitalism. On the other hand you were very upset that you couldn’t go home to have mass with your family because you knew they would disapprove of your piercings and of Hobie. Both things you loved endlessly.
I order to cheer you up Hobie had to sacrifice all of his pride. He bought you a few presents, mostly thing you’ve said you need for your flat which he has sporadically moved into. He pinned mistletoe on oversold way with tape because your landlord is a complete asshole. He made you breakfast in bed and told you to get dressed. There was a church nearby and as much as he hated organized religion he hates to see you upset far much more.
The whole time you were smiling. You sang every word to every song. Even before the priest was done quoting the scripture you would cite it. When you got home he made brunch as you set out presents around the tiny plastic tree. Every time you passed through a door way he would trot over to you and say something sly like
“Oh look what we have here? Looks like you need to kiss me.” And you two ended up turning off the stove and shagging like animals in heat.
slowly though, you start to rub off on him
he starts using your fancy expensive ass skincare. You find him napping under your giant fluffy chunky knit blanket; especially after late-night spider escapades. He especially takes on your drama shows and soap operas. He loves when you throw one of your fluffy robes at him when he forgets to grab a towel after the shower.
Eventually, he wears you down enough to introduce him to your parents. they're terrified of what he could be because for over 2 years you've hidden him from them. they're shocked because you squeezed him into a cashmere sweater and slacks. His hair was combed and his piercings had been removed. You manage to scrape through the dinner with no bonfire temper tantrums from your mom. When you finally get back in your car he sighs and tears the sweater off. He drives you home completely shirtless and is grunting and moaning the whole time.
"Love, if you ever make me wear a button-down shirt again, I'll cut the nipples and arms off of it."
"What?" she shreiks
"Yeah, and I'll shag you in front of your old man."
"Hobie!" you slap his bare chest
"I can't help it love, you get me going." He put a hand on your thigh and gives them a gentle rub.
"Hobie wait until we make it home!"
"What, c'mon! You won't even jerk me off a little babe? Please?"
"Well, you sit with the thought for a moment. "You did so well playing house for me. And, you look pretty hot right now." you pull your seatbelt from behind your back and shift your hips around "Maybe just a little." you pull your hair into a ponytail and pull down his zipper. Let's just say Hobie's foot was on the gas pedal all the way to the apartment.
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bratprincedyke · 7 months
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pin badges update 🏴‍☠️⛓️
Pewter bat badge bought on eBay
Vers enamel pin from mrsethcorbin my bestie boy got me years ago
Butches do it better button badge gifted by Emilywithamstudio
Pewter sword badge bought on eBay
Labrys badge from gaystheword
Recreation of 1930s Harley Davidson tank badge from the Harley Davidson museum in Milwaukee
Medieval crown badge bought on eBay
I suck strap badge from sturgeons designs
Big safety pin belonged to my partner when he gifted me the jacket
Metal quarter badge bought at a gig at a local metal bar
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lailoken · 2 months
Frau Holle Rosary (SOLD)
White Moonstone, Elderwood, Snowflake Obsidian, & Goose Bone.
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This set of devotional beads was ritually hand-crafted in the name of the ancient Germanic goddess Holda, known by a wide variety of other names, including Holle, Hulda, Perchta, Berchta, Harke, and Werra.
This rosary was strung with White Moonstones, honoring her traditional epithet of "White Lady," as well as her Dianic associations. These are interspersed with handmade counter beads of Elderwood, since the Elder Tree is greatly significant to her—in part due to her own associations with the arboreal spirit known as Elder Mother. The counter beads are bracketed with small beads of Snowflake Obsidian, honoring both her association with the Winter, and her traditional epithet of "Dark Grandmother." The drop-bead is carved from scavenged Goose Bone, in honor of her sacred goose, which she rides as a flying steed while leading the Wild Hunt. The centerpiece connector is a vintage Pewter Wheel, which honors Holda's ties to the crafts of spinning and weaving. The Focal pendant is an Iron Sickle—the sickle being a traditional symbol of hers—which was ritually crafted in honor of the goddess.
This piece measures approximately 20 inches / 50 centimeters in length, and all connection pins and rings are made from stainless steel. If interested in acquiring it, please feel free to reach out here or visit my shop, Wending Wares.
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lupine-trees · 18 days
[ for @microficmay day 14. drarry | rating: t | word count: 254 | part 12 | part 1 here ♡⋆˙ ]
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After a morning of broom maintenance and more testing on his (as-yet-in-progress) training wheels charm, Harry finds Draco in the tertiary lab. It’s small and unadorned and the one McGonagall set aside for Draco to complete his Owl-post potions mastery program.
Draco sits at his scattered desk, flipping through envelopes and scribbling into his notebook. The work table is a stark contrast, organized carefully, neat as a pin. A small pewter cauldron bubbles over the low simmer of a charmed hearth stone.
“Wolfsbane?” Harry murmurs, finally catching Draco’s attention.
His gaze snaps up, a smile flicking over his face before falling away.
“The mod I’ve been working on. I’m trying to imbue some of the elements of a Pepper-Up, so the characteristic crash isn’t quite so abrupt, but the bicorn horn and the occamy egg powder are counteractive— I mean, obviously. I thought I could use dried occamy as a substitute, but it doesn’t perform as efficiently alongside the necessary dosage of Sopophorous beans.”
He taps his fingers across the desktop, thoughtful.
“I’m wondering if I could supplement the dried occamy with porcupine quills, but there have been limited studies on their interactions, and nothing that’s gone to the clinical stages, and I don’t really have time to start from scratch, at least not right now, but I thought— what?” Draco falters.
“Nothing,” Harry says, lopsided grin unchecked.
Draco frowns.
“You’re remarkable,” Harry huffs, approaching his desk.
The tips of Draco’s ears go pink.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he says.
“Don’t be modest,” Harry answers.
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sharkyswaters · 2 years
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figdays · 8 months
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Dog-head pewter pin // RightVillainousCo
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Still working on my Frank pin. 💚 I’m doing gravity pewter casting in a silicone mold and as you can see, even after a double-digit number of attempts I still haven’t figured out the correct amount of pewter to pour while also trying to account for the shrinkage happening in the middle. Tremor is not helping either (lol) but it’s going a lot better than I expected!
Pin design is based on nostalgebraist-autoresponder’s avatar, which is itself an edited version of the painting Horse in Analogous Color Scheme by doni19.
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belladonna-gloriosa · 5 months
"I want a baby"
Belladonna’s head snapped up, eyes wide, ears pinned back as she stared at Aaron. The pewter dish of fresh steak slipped the rest of the way from her fingertips to the floor in front of Major with a soft thunk.
She rose from a crouch examining him intently. “A baby,” she repeated, as if to be sure she had heard correctly. Belladonna considered the request, the favor she owed him tugging on her essence insistently. After careful thought she set her jaw, “Very well. I will give you a baby.”
She unwrapped the silk ribbons around her horns, exposing the freshly bloomed blackberry blossoms on her antlers. Her hands found the fastenings of her dress next, undoing the tiny buttons one by one behind her back as she took a step toward him.
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These leadfree pewter pins are spincast by hand and are inspired by medieval wooduts - this one from the tale of the pig-headed lady Tannakin Skinker. It comes with a matching mini linocut print.
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