#persian genocide
untitledexcerpts · 2 years
Excerpts from Abrahamian, E. 1999. Tortured Confessions: Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran. Berkeley:  University of California Press.
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thenerdsofcolor · 3 months
The Middle Geeks Episode 62: 'Assassin's Creed Mirage' Review and Updates on Gaza
The Middle Geeks welcome back on Jasmin and Isa to review the best depiction of Baghad and the SWANA region ever in gaming, and perhaps western media period, Assassin's Creed Mirage.
We welcome back Jasmin and Isa to discuss the latest from Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed franchise that takes us to the heart of Abbasid Baghdad! Continue reading The Middle Geeks Episode 62: ‘Assassin’s Creed Mirage’ Review and Updates on Gaza
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harryforguccy · 6 months
This is the first Thanksgiving I'm spending with White people
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ayin-me-yesh · 6 months
US Americans have got to stop the "go back to New York" "settlers = Brooklyn landlords" thing. Are there American Jewish settlers in Palestine? Absolutely. Are there Israeli Jews in the U.S. who are still reservists? Absolutely.
The problem is that they are a small minority of settlers and Israelis. There are about 30,000 Israelis in the entire state of New York, including Palestinians with Israeli citizenship. [x] There are 1,600,000 Jews just in New York City. [x]
500,000 Israelis have U.S. passports, including Palestinian citizens of Israel. [x] There are 9,174,520 Israelis, again including Palestinians with citizenship. [x]
Saying this does not diminish what's happening in Palestine or the absolute U.S. government support for colonialism and genocide. Settlers do not need to be American or have direct ties to the U.S. to be settlers. Settlers do not need to be American for their colony to be a proxy state for imperial interests, as has also been seen in, say, South Africa.
When you do this shit you're also erasing millions of Arab, Persian, Amazigh, Kurdish, Ethiopian, Indian, Bukharan, and other Jews from outside of Europe who have largely ended up in Palestine as settlers due to colonial and imperial destabilisation of Asia and Africa and a racist "Western" agenda to keep African and Asian refugees of all religious backgrounds outside of "Western" countries as much as possible.
You're also erasing how much xenophobic anti-migrant policies contributed to "Allied" countries after WWII using Palestine as a means of removing Holocaust surviving refugees from mainland Europe without also themselves taking large numbers of refugees into their own countries.
Palestine has been at the centre of displacement of Jews from around the world through a process of ongoing genocide of Palestinian people. This is backed by "Western" not only to create or maintain white Christian hegemonic authority in their own countries, but also as part of a Cold War agenda to destabilise Asia and Africa and eliminate anti-imperial and communist movements.
Israel is a genocidal, fascist country propped up by the US, the UK, and other "Western" imperial powers while its settlers are largely from continental Europe, Asia, and Africa.
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esyra · 6 months
You do not deserve this. Your people do not deserve this. I hope it is okay to pray for you & your family, because I have been since this genocide began. Never again means never again. Your people will be free. The world is seeing You, they are loving you. Jews are on your side, Persian Jews such as myself are on your side, Ones in America such as I and all over the world. Palestine is a beautiful place, and this proposed ethnostate of Israel is only causing immense pain to Palestinians, who have done nothing but try to live, as well as Jews who are caught in between warmongering colonial powers as a scapegoat for oppression and apartheid. The pain you feel is seen, you are seen, and we love you. We are brothers, siblings, family though we do not know each other and never will. Im sorry this is long, I have been crying and praying for you so much. Your soul and your family's souls are more beautiful and precious than the stars in the sky.
I'd just like to say, hearing from Jews and seeing Jews standing for Gaza does make me hopeful. I know it must not be easy, I know you're in pain, which makes it even more bittersweet. I saw the anti-Semitic crowd in Russia, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this. Never.
I'm saying this not only to you, who sent this, but the amount of people who sent me those kinds of messages. From American Jews, European Jews, the entire Jewish community that's standing with Gaza. Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for speaking up. I'll never have enough 'thank you's to give you. Thank you.
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tikkunolamresistance · 2 months
Anti-Zionism & Purim:
Purim is a wonderfully joyous, often colourful and very tasty, Jewish holiday celebrated every year on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar (which corresponds to late winter/early spring). A holiday where drinking is a mitzvah, some dress up as characters from the Book of Esther, we gift good food and most definitely argue about which hamantaschen filling is best. Purim is about Jewish joy, resistance and outliving those who wish for our destruction.
Purim starts the evening of Saturday 23rd March, and ends at sundown the following day, Sunday 24th.
What’s the Purim story?
It is a story of salvation, of Jewish survival and being against all odds. The story of Purim comes from the salvation of the Jewish from Haman’s plot “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day”. Haman, or Haman the Agagite, was a royal vizier in the court of the Persian empire, to King Ahasuerus/Xerxes I (465 BCE) who was agrivated by Moredcai, of the tribe Benjamin, and his refusal to bow down to his demands— thus Haman seeked revenge on his rejection and convinces the King to issue a decree to kill all Jews in the Persian empire. However the genocidal plot would soon be thearted by Hadassah, or as we know her, Queen Esther.
Queen Esther was an incredible Jewish woman whom the King Ahasuerus (transliteration of Xerxes) had fallen in love with. The Queen revealed her Jewish identity and pleaded with the King to spare her people, to which then, the King was appalled by Haman’s treachery— ordering his execution and granting Jews permission to defeat their enemies.
This story is apart of the Five Melligot (Melligah meaning “scroll” in Hebrew), the Book of Esther.
How is Purim celebrated?
Celebrating Purim depends on minhagim (customs) amongst Jewish cultural and ethnic communities: Ashkenazim may celebrate differently from Sefardim, who celebrate different from Middle Eastern, North African, South Asian and Ethiopian Jewry!
However, these are some universal rituals:
• Listen to the Purim story, the Book of Esther, typically at a Synagogue.
• Eating good for Seudah, a meal had during the day of Purim. Including foods such as pomegranate and wine brisket, hamantaschen, boyosa, challah with various toppings, rugelach, onion and poppy seed rings, hojuelas, kreplach, pickled vegetables and so much more.
• Mishloach Manot, gifting food to friends and/or family.
• Tzedakah, charity, and Metanot L’evyonim, supporting those in need.
• Haka’at Haman: during Megillah reading, there is a custom to make noise at the reading of Haman’s name. From stomping your feet to booing, this minhag is associated with Jewry of France and Provence, though has roots in Talmudic sources. You can read more here.
• Drinking lots of wine!
If you have any specific cultural Purim traditions, leave a comment! Traditions vary from family, to minhag, to cultures!
So, what do we learn from the story of Queen Esther?
Where our Rabbis may dress as Queen Esther, and we get drunk because it’s might be your favourite mitzvah, where we stick to tradition and try a new hamantaschen filling, and hearing the megillah like it’s the first time, all over again. Purim is where we introspect through our celebration; the very expression of joy, against all odds, is where we seek our growth. We exercise our liberty, our bravery and boldness— like Esther, we do not hide our Jewishness, instead we decorate ourselves. We do not stand in the face of adversity and let it through, we crush it and celebrate our resilience. Purim is a reminder of pride, of resistance and using your voice for those who may have theirs silenced. Like Queen Esther, we must not allow genocide and violence, and certainly not in our name as a people who have faught against it through out history. In honour of Purim, we must use what power we have to call for Tikkun Olam— a better future, for all.
Purim is where live to see ourselves dance and sing, the complete expression of G!d— HaShem, the Divine, the Universe, our collective human spirit— we live to build a future of many more Purims, many more celebrations of collective resistance. We dance and sing, and dress up, and drink, as is written, so that there is no world without this freedom.
Families often get creative in teaching their children, and communities, the importance of Purim, by making decorative masks to communicate the importance of identity, or dressing up in fun costumes inspired by strong characters, wether from the Purim story or just fictional worlds. Art is an incredible and important way to communicate, so if you want to get creative and make your own mask, costume or simply create artwork inspired by the story of Purim— tapping into your creative liberty is a wonderful ritual to add to your own traditions.
You can also show your gratitude to people, such as friends, family, service workers, activists, with gifts and letters to celebrate them and their bravery, their selflessness. Do you have anybody you’re greatful for, who’s inspired you to be more selfless, to give back?
What can I reflect on for Purim?
Think about how you show your Jewish pride, how you express your Jewish joy. Do you want to be more loud, more unapologetic, more open? How can you show up for others in need, who are in need for their voices to be uplifted? How can you do your part in building a future that celebrates total liberation from what tries to destroy us? Purim is about celebration, about joy, so as you join in on the festivities however you celebrate, remember that this full expression of your Jewish self is an act of resistance against a history of Jew hatred, a history of antisemitism, and that our existence will outlive the powers that pretend to be on our side.
How can I incorporate Palestine into my Purim celebrations?
Following traditions of donating and tzedekah, you can donate funds to GoFundMes of Palestinian families seeking refuge outside of Gaza, to ensure these families can make it to safety and eat well. We’ll be reposting and sharing GoFundMes and other calls for aid all day on Purim, if you’re looking to do some tzedekah.
As millions of Palestinians in Gaza are imminently facing starvation, you could aim to organise protests and rallies with your communities to demand action to be taken for immediate food distribution into Gaza. Be vocal on Purim, we’ll try to update you with any anti-Zionist events that may be happening across the world.
If you live near a Mosque/Masjid or Islamic community centre, you coulf drop off some Halal-safe food packages for Ramadan celebrations; sweets, pre-packaged/cooked foods and pastries. Your local Islamic food stores can definitely offer more guidance, and be sure to look out for the Halal logo! But, importantly, it’s always good to contact the Mosque or Community centre beforehand to see what donations they’re accepting!
If you’re visiting Shul, now more than ever is your time to challenge the narrative. Why must we turn away blind eye to a genocide whilst we celebrate our survival? Why must we allow the pain we have felt, pass to another, in the name of our survival? If you feel it is safe to do so, it is so irrevocably important to challenge the Zionist narratives that use our history, our holidays, our peoplehood to inflict harm that we once felt. As Queen Esther did, we must speak, and we must not be afraid to do so.
Further Purim readings:
The History of Purim
Laws and Customs of Purim
History of Purim costumes
We’re wishing everyone a happy, safe, healthy and beautiful Purim— please share with us how you’ll be celebrating this year, and keep an eye out for tzedekah posts to donate to Palestinians in need!
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fairuzfan · 1 month
shalom sister. i love your blog and your writing. reading your posts always fills me with fire, i can tell you have a good heart. donating to your campaign makes me feel so good because i trust you and truly you are doing gds work. anyway i wanted to ask you a question!
when i hear new things from gaza, stories of hamas doing X and IOF doing Y, i ask around and i’m not sure what parts of that story is true, if any. anyway idk what to believe all i know is that israel is committing acts of genocide and while the rest of the world is allowing this greatest evil, israel pretends that to be jewish is to be a colonizer. anyway some of my family are zionists, but i cannot sway them because they only know farsi persian and hebrew, aka only trust extremely biased sources.
anyway i am fluent in english farsi and hebrew but my arabic is trash ): so i feel like i can’t get the full picture from palestinians. all i can read are bonkers iranian papers and the disgusting zionist articles, it’s horrible because i know they’re both lying, just about different things. a palestinian opinion is the only opinion i care about right now! anyway it got me thinking. i just wanted to know if you have tips for verifying online research? or go-to non arabic websites? or even a translation app haha. i just want my family to see the truth!
shalom! thank you so much for reaching out, i really appreciate it.
personally, i use different sources for different material. i use middle east eye (specifically maha hussaini) and also mahmoud abusalama for videos of what it's like in the north. i use the electronic intifada interview podcasts to learn about specific things happening (i just finished watching this one about the collapse of healthcare in gaza). i would check out @northgazaupdates on here too. there's euromedmonitor as well.
and really, there are a lot of diaspora palestinians who are relaying what their family tells them, and they post on twitter a lot. someone i know does this is samah fadil. there's also @el-shab-hussein who translates things from Mona. here's mohammad smiry who is in gaza and tweets primarily in english. dr. mustafa elmasri also tweets in english too.
i would use al-jazeera, i have a fact checking guide here about any news source really. i don't use it as much but there's also the palestine chronicle. sometimes i use quds news network.
i really don't know much about hebrew media so i can't really tell you about sources i recommend there. i don't know if @bringmemyrocks or @rodeodeparis can perhaps provide some input?
i will say, if you're looking for hebrew palestinian media, i dont think there's too much because there's a ridiculous amount of censorship in '48 right now (honestly it's been going on for years atp) but what a lot of palestinians are doing is relying on internal networks. if you want, there are some israeli historians like Ilan Pappe and Avi Shlaim but I'm not sure if they write in hebrew. but they for sure write in english and provide a historical perspective from within israeli society itself.
this is what comes to mind rn honestly, but i haven't even touched on instagram because i haven't been on it in a while. i might add on later if i remember any really vital ones that i recommend.
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Famous Jewish royalty and nobility as Disney Princesses:
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Growing up, I loved Disney Princesses, but I never saw any representation of Jewish princesses. Which was a shame, because I grew up with stories of strong Jewish women, I just never got to see their stories in mainstream media. I have two younger sisters, and I wish they could grow up seeing just one Disney Princess from our culture and heritage. So, being an artist, I decided to take the five classic white princesses, and redesign them to be five strong Jewish royalty and nobility. I decided to represent a large swath of time periods and locations, just like Disney Princess stories cover different time periods and locations, and to celebrate the diversity of Jewish history. So, let's go!
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Queen Esther
For Cinderella, I chose to depict Queen Esther, because they both share themes of concealing one's identity. Esther is the heroine of Megillat Esther, a book in the Tanakh. She was forced to become the wife of the Persian king Achashverosh, but because of it she was able to save the Jewish people from genocide at the hands of Haman. Queen Esther might be a "typical" choice, but I think that not many people truly appreciate her and her story, despite how well-known it is.
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For Belle, I chose the poet Qasmuna, because Belle is a studious woman, and Qasmuna was a scholar and a poet. Qasmuna was an Arabic-language Andalusian poet during the middle ages. Not much is known about her, but she is one of the very few recorded Jewish Arabic-language poets of her time. Some sources attribute her to having been the vizier Shmuel HaNagid (Samuel Ibn Nagrillah)'s daughter, making her the closest to royalty as was possible for a Dhimmi at the time. I depicted her wearing lavish clothing, but also wearing a yellow shawl and a gold calf necklace to signify her Dhimmitude.
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Licoricia of Winchester
For Aurora, I chose to depict Licoricia of Winchester since Disney's Sleeping Beauty takes place in England. Licoricia was a 13th century English businesswoman and community leader. She funded and lent money to prominent gentile figures at the time, including King Henry III. She is considered one of the most influencial Jewish women in her time. She was murdured, possibly in a robbery, but her murderer had never been found or held accountable. I based her outfit off of the recently unvailed statue of her in Winchester, England.
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Queen of Sheba
For Ariel, I chose to depict the Queen of Sheba, since they both traveled long ways to a different place. The Queen of Sheba is mentioned in the Tanakh and Apocrypha, as well as folktales. She traveled to the Kingdom of Israel to meet King Shlomo and test his wisdom. Many have attributed her to being the woman voice in Shlomo's Song of Songs. She was a powerful and wealthy leader, and almost managed to best Shlomo in knowledge. According to tradition, she converted to Judaism and travled back to Ethiopia and led her people towards Judaism.
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Queen Shelmazion
For Snow White, I chose to depict Queen Shelamzion. Queen Shelamzion was one of the last independent Jewish rulers of Judea before the total Roman takeover. Roman sources absolutely smeared her name, likely because Shelamzion was a powerful Jewish woman who opposed the Roman occupation. However, Shelamzion was a good rular, who attempted to make peace among her people, and is credited with saving seventy sages from Roman slaughter. It is said that because of her righteousness, during her rule, it rained only on Shabbat so that farmers would not miss out on needed worktime due to the rain, since they weren't working on Shabbat anyway, and that the harvest in Judea were always bountiful.
I hope you learned something and appreciate my depictions of Jewish Disney Princesses :)
I have a ko-fi if you'd like to tip, but there's absolutely no obligation.
[id in alt text]
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and-loth-cat · 3 months
My Childhood Best Friend is from Palestine
I spent three years of my life in Saudi Arabia. My dad worked for Aramco as a pilot, and we lived in a compound right along the Persian Gulf.
There were kids from all over the world at my school, the school even had an International Day assembly where everyone would represent their countries. It was an amazing experience getting to know people from across the globe, and some of my closest friends were from India, Pakistan, and Indonesia. But the one friend I still talk to to this day, almost 6 years after I moved, is from Palestine.
From my understanding, she is safe and living in Jordan currently, but my heart can't help but ache whenever I hear about what is happening to her country. She loved where she was from, and she was proud to be a Palestinian. I think about her every time I see more news about what's being done to her people, and my heart aches for her.
Last night, I had a dream about her, about Palestine. She looked so heartbroken, but she was fighting for her people. As Israel began to bomb Rafah (currently happening right now), she was there, helping her people get out and to safety. I remember something about crossing into Egypt for safety, and just narrowly avoiding the IOF.
At one point, after the IOF killed or pushed out everyone in the town and kicked them all out of Palestine, there was this moment of despair. The country was lost, and my friend was so distraught. However, the Palestinians rose up and began fighting back. I remember seeing a map that slowly began to show Palestine's control spreading North, with the civilians rising up and fighting for their freedom.
I'm not entirely sure what happened next, but I believe it had a happy ending for Palestine.
Unfortunately, I woke up, and the Palestinians are still suffering as I type this. Cities are being bombed, and the IOF will do anything to ensure a full genocide will play out. People are dying, innocent civilians who lived in a beautiful country are losing their lives for no reason.
This has to end.
Contact your reps, donate to organizations helping Palestine, and spread awareness.
Ceasefire now.
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matan4il · 1 month
Some thoughts, on this complex Purim...
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-> As a reminder that the Bible never forgets to root the stories of Jews anywhere in our eternal bond to the Land of Israel, because Judaism itself is intrinsically Zionist, the story of Mordechai begins by recounting his family history, and how his family in Persian originates in Jerusalem (Esther 2:5-6).
-> The story of recruiting Esther to save the Jewish people (Esther 4:10-14) includes a warning from Mordechai to his niece, not to think that she of all Jews would be spared the genocide of her people that Haman is planning, just because she dwells in the house of the king. This is absolutely relevant for all self-hating / self-erasing Jews, who have internalized antisemitic narratives, and think they will be treated better, or simply be better, by adhering to the idea of being"good Jews," meaning throwing the rest of us, along with essential parts of Jewish history and identity, under the bus.
-> But the meaning of the warning goes deeper than that. Esther is not being unreasonable when she doesn't want to go to the king without having been summoned. If he accepts her, she would be fine, but if he doesn't, which seems more likely (as she states he hasn't called for her in a month), she will be killed (which is not a fate she's likely to escape even as the queen, when King Achashverosh has a history of getting rid of defiant wives, as recounted in Esther 1). Is Mordechai's warning enough, then? Esther's death seems much more assured if she defies the king personally, than the possibility that her being Jewish might be discovered. Appealing to her sense of self preservation alone would not be enough, then. Which is why I think Mordechai did more than that...
-> Mordechai uses words of warning, but he's reminding her of a core Jewish value: that WE see our fate as being inherently linked to that of the entirety of the Jewish people. When Mordechai says she alone will not escape, he may not be talking about concrete death. Maybe no one would figure out that Esther is Jewish. Maybe she will be safe in the king's palace. Maybe she would physically survive Haman's planned genocide of Jews. But would she actually survive in such a case? She IS a Jew. And as such, one of our core values is Jewish solidarity, caring about every other Jewish person, being a part of the greater Jewish community. If that's all gone, if every Jew other than Esther is killed, and if the only reason she remained alive, is because she betrayed a core part of being Jewish, which is caring about her people, didn't she truly survive, is she still herself?
-> And then Mordechai also makes her an offer. He has faith that somehow, even though there's no reason to believe this would happen, the Jews will be saved. Mordechai doesn't ask her to save the Jewish People, because otherwise they are doomed. He trusts that there will be a miracle. He's offering her the chance to be that miracle, the chance to be remembered as the savior of the Jews, instead of her memory forever being tainted as a traitor to her people. If she did choose her own life instead, it is certain in his mind that she's as good as having perished, even as all the Jews will be physically saved.
-> And after having shared with her his faith, he appeals to hers. Maybe she can trust in God, that she of all girls in the vast Persian Empire became queen, exactly so she could help save her people.
-> And in response, Esther asks Mordechai and the Jews to fast for her. She will go to the king, she will do what she can to stand by her people, by her Jewish values, by her identity, by her faith, even if it will result in her death (Esther 4:15-16).
-> Purim is the ultimate story of how much Jews can make a difference. God is not mentioned in any way in the Book of Esther. There's faith expressed in the salvation of his people, there's the implication that it was possible thanks to him, but this story is about the bravery and strength of regular Jewish people, and how their choice to stand by their morals, by their faith and by each other can even prevent a genocide.
(in the following photo: Purim 1946, Jews reading the Megillah, the Book of Esther, at a Displaced Persons camp in an American-occupied part of Germany)
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-> And to me, that's the ultimate reason why Purim is such a cause for celebration, when we have to be happy. Not just because we were saved (and as always when we have been, we get to eat). It's also because we get to celebrate ourselves as regular people, our values, and what we can achieve when we don't give up on them. That in turn becomes a source of strength as well, and helps us to keep going. It's a self perpetuating cycle of the best kind. It is no surprise to me then, that even during and after the Holocaust, whenever it was in any way possible, Jews celebrated Purim.
(in the following photo: Purim 2024, kids in the Golan Heights laying down on the ground in their costumes, as a siren goes off)
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-> For most of us, this is the hardest Purim to celebrate in our life time. I pray it stays that way, and we never experience anything near what happened on Oct 7 again. And still, I feel called upon to remind myself and anyone interested, that we must celebrate. That we have to make sure genocidal antisemites don't rob us of our joy and strength, of our sense of community and what we can achieve together. That we should remember even more than in other years what regular people (Jews and allies) managed to do, simply by standing by their morals and humaneness. That we can have faith this will continue to fuel us as we move forward and, as we have had to do in the past, find a way to re-build ourselves and our future, committing ourselves to making it better than what we had before.
(in the following photo: Tel Aviv's Purim street celebration in 1934, 14 years before the State of Israel declared Independence)
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(in the following photo: Jerusalem's Purim street celebration, 2024)
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Chag Purim Sameach!
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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2023himbotournament · 2 months
For Eu look up:
Voices in Europe for peace
For Usa look up:
US campaign for Palestinian rights
FOA (Friends of Al-Aqsa) have organized a boycott in support of palestine. Here are the key companies to boycott:
HP (Hewlett Packard)
Israeli produce
We will be ending our call to boycott
PUMA once the contract with IFA officially dissolves in 2024. Until then, we encourage you to continue boycotting PUMA products.
Please help to spread the word by sending this copypasta to as many blogs as you can and/or going to FOAs website where you can find posters to download and print out
Ok I'm not a copypasta person unless it's memes but like. Look I'm not Palestinian but I'm also a Southwest Asian and my mental health has definitely deteriorated seeing just. Everything. Especially the increase in racism and islamophobia (I'm also muslim) and seeing all the hate crimes and knowing that someone could probably shoot me in the head while I'm writing gay fanfiction in public and justify it by saying that I could've been a dangerous terrorist and therefore my entire family tree must be eradicated-
basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm hoping that making this post on the himbo tourney blog will get some eyes on this. Like. I've been feeling really powerless about this and kinda just like shriveling up and dying lately. Tbh. The world is fxcked right now. In the year of our lord 2024 /ref, here we are post undertale we are being pro-genocide how funny is that haha. It's not funny. It's. It's not. It's not funny . I can't. I've seen too many videos of children dying and crying and I just. I saw the one thing about the kid with cerebral palsy whose parents got shot right in front of them for literally no reason and then they got yelled at by soldiers and like. People literally will look at this and call these people animals?? I saw that term get thrown around a lot. It's just disgusting and like.
have people seen the bingo the literal genocide bingo. People are treating this like a joke like. Do people not realize that Southwest Asian people are like... people??? We're people you know. Like this is mainly targeting Arabs but I've seen stuff about people discriminating against the rest of us too (mainly because they can't tell the difference. Because the idea of not treating Asian cultures as interchangeable applies until you get to Southwest Asia I guess even in progressive circles everyone just says Arab for everything even here I've seen people like-). I'm Persian and I'm still scared someone will cut my life off. I'm 16. Nowruz is next week and I just want to live to it with my family. My mind is inundated wit the tears of the families that had never gotten to have their celebrations. Because of one group on one day.
one group on one day. One group on one day. it's always that. it's always that for people like us.I feel like I'm going insane. It's just 9/11 in America all over again. I wasn't even born for that. But you can just feel it all around you. And now we have the sequel, across the world. But it's used the same way. 7/23. Can't wait for the memes /s. This one thing happens therefore we can dedicate multiple months to killing all of you just making you suffer stripping your dignity you don't deserve anything and we'll make the world hate you because fxck you and then the world goes along with it because nothing good ever happens and I just want to escape from this but every time I go on tumblr it's just this and I know if I ever stop seeing this it means that the worst has happened anyway
and then people try to act like YOU'RE the bigot because you're trying to hold a country's government and military force responsible for war crimes just because the country has its branding in minority groups. How about I make this crystal clear: I don't give a flying fxck about what Israel is, it's what it's doing that matters. I'd be saying nearly the same shzt if they were PERSIAN, and that is MY ETHNICITY. I literally do not care. It doesn't matter. Because killing people is wrong and that should not be a controversial statement but I guess some people like the sound of screams in the morning. The Palestinian death toll has surpassed the 7/23 death toll. And it's still going. And not all the deaths have even been accounted for because bodies are still buried under rubble. Because they're still bombing people and they won't stop. And no one will make them stop.
like I don't give a fxck about Hamas either, I heard some of the members did genuinely say some like directly quoted antisemitic shzt and also they like condoned a racist caricature of a black woman in a magazine I think but I'm not sure about the second one (I know the magazine thing definitely happened but I'm not sure of their like involvement at all-) like. I don't need to suck there dzcks like some people do it's one group of fxcks like I don't. They're just the excuse being used for this. You're bombing the entire population of a country where the majority population is fzcking tater tots. You're attacking children. You are killing children. Paint yourself purple. Dammit. Just. Again it's 9/11 all over again but in another country.
even then like it's like. You know that trope in cartoons that shows up more often than you'd think that was in like Avatar and Korra and RWBY I think where there's like a fictional minority that is oppressed and wants rights and then active protest is represented by an evil terrorist group who attacks people and is the villains of the media and passive protest is always portrayed as good and active protest is evil and there's no nuance and also they just frame the group as just like evil spawned out of nowhere not addressing that they literally would not exist if not for the truly evil system of oppression that basically created them. Like.
You know Hamas only exists because Palestinians were already treated like shzt right? Like they were already displaced and didn't consent to the whole Israel thing and like look up Nakba it's fzcking awful like. Hamas is just a symptom of the disease and there will just be another Hamas if you try to knock it down without actually like. Doing anything about. the fact that Palestinians are oppressed. but people will just act like you can keep punching at Hamas like that'll result in anything like they're the flowers not the roots y'know-
also I'm calling it here, this entire thing is gonna definitely be used down the line by Neo-nazis I mean it kinda already is being used to justify antisemitism but like I saw the stuff of people trying to redefine antisemitism to be synonymous with antizionism and make isrseli and jewish synonymous and to basically gatekeep jewishness from anti-zionist jews (I'm not kidding I actually saw shzt like that) and it's like. Y'all they're gonna turn around in a year or two like "ohhh look at the big bad scary jews- I mean Israelis their identity is literally tied to the genocide of Palestinians they are inherently evil there is no denying it!" (Ignoring the fact that the USA and other bastards of colonization did the same shzt as Israel literally the same story history is repeating itself but we have social media brands this time-). And then like what the fxck do you do about it when the word antisemitic now means anticolonialist so no one takes it seriously anymore. What the fxck are you supposed to do about that. And when they probably made themselves right because they probably contributed to Palestinian Genocide themselves they don't care they're just using them as props in their fxcking jew hatred. But like. Yeah you are now tied to this nationality that is tied to fxcking genocide what do you do? It's like perfect to use for fearmongering around Jewish people since the shzt they used before somehow worked despite literally being pulled out of their xss istg like where the fxck did any of the bank stuff come from like. The fzck?-
im tired. I'm so tired. Both in the literal "It's past 1am" sense and the less literal "make the stop" sense.
I just don't want people to die. I just want people to be happy. I just want people to not suffer but every day it feels like it's getting worse and I just want something to change for the better and I'm scared. Why do people act like it's a bad thing to not want people to suffer? I don't understand. I just. I just don't understand. I. am I naive? For this?
does this wish make me naive?
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princesssarisa · 1 month
Character ask: Queen Esther
Favorite thing about them: Her courage and selflessness when she risks her life to save her people, and her cleverness in the way she uses flattery, entertainment, and well-chosen wording to maneuver the villainous Haman into a vulnerable position and turn her royal husband against him.
Least favorite thing about them: I suppose the fact that at first she's reluctant to approach the king without being summoned and come out as Jewish to him. Of course it's natural that she's afraid to risk her life, but still, thousands of other people's lives are on the line and she almost chooses to protect herself rather than them.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm part Jewish.
*I'm often afraid to reveal my Jewish heritage in public.
*I often wear purple – most mass-produced Queen Esther costumes for Purim seem to dress her in purple, since it was associated with royalty in the ancient world.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not married to a king.
*I'm not an orphan.
*I've never been to the Middle East.
Favorite line:
Her instructions to Mordecai when she agrees to speak to the king on the Jews' behalf:
"Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”
Her reveal of her Jewish heritage to her husband, with its clever rhetoric of saying that she and her people are threatened, arousing her husband's protective outrage, before she reveals that by this she means Haman's planned genocide of the Jews that her husband had blindly agreed to:
“If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life—this is my petition. And spare my people—this is my request. For I and my people have been sold to be destroyed, killed and annihilated."
brOTP: Her cousin and foster father Mordecai.
OTP: Well, I have to say her husband King Ahasuerus, though it's hardly a modern love match, and though there are plenty of valid reasons to loathe him and wish Esther could leave him. If not for their marriage, she couldn't have saved her people.
nOTP: Haman.
Random headcanon: I accept the Talmudic tradition that she was a vegetarian rather than eat non-kosher meat in her husband's palace, but not the tradition that she lived on only legumes and seeds. While I understand the appeal of saying "Out of virtue and piety she turned down the most tempting dishes in favor of plain, simple food," that's not a balanced diet, and Persian cuisine has so many wonderful vegetable dishes she could have chosen from!
Unpopular opinion: I don't think she and Queen Vashti need to be pitted against each other. While I don't like the tradition of vilifying Vashti in order to glorify Esther as the superior, deserving replacement, neither do I think admiring Vashti's courage and defiance means we should look down on Esther for being "docile and submissive" or "complicit with the patriarchy." After all, it's by finally breaking the rules that Esther saves her people, and ironically, despite having banished Vashti for her disobedience and chosen Esther as a suitably docile replacement, Ahasuerus obeys Esther's will in the end. I admire and sympathize with both women and see Vashti as ultimately vindicated by Esther.
Song I associate with them: Well, it's mainly a song about Haman, not Esther, but I have to choose this popular silly children's song for Purim, "A Wicked, Wicked Man." It's the song I most associate with the holiday.
Favorite picture of them:
These various paintings.
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byunsole · 24 days
it was never more clear than today that people do not care about you or a situation unless it affects them personally or directly. i really want to let people who post about free palestine and iran these days that it really means a lot to see that people are still out there, with eyes on palestine, and that in the light of the recent events, do not let themselves be fooled by « iran is evil » propaganda. as a persian, i have lived my entire life with people thinking iran is a bad country and seeing that a few people now, are trying to spread the right information, do not demonize iranian people, and stand with us is really meaningful. the people of iran stand with palestine and do not want war, none of us have to be victims of the genocidal maniacs of the west and the rogue state they created. i pray every day for gaza and for iran. please please please keep advocating for peace and denouncing israhell. please do not look away. we cannot give up until they pay for their abominations and that palestine is FREE and iranian people SAFE.
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sherylhooper · 3 months
There's a reason that even tho my country and my people push very hard to have us included in Europe, and discard everything that make us similar to Asia, I don't count myself as just European but more Asian, because our country is moatly located in Asia and also because the Silk Road and other Asian coutries' culture is very similar to us. That's the conversation for another time tho but when someone reads this, I want them to know that foreigners may call us white because of our skin color (even tho my ethnicity is very diverse 😒) but they still always count us as Asians because we aren't white and European enough for them.
What I want to say with that is that as much as I like that damnei, and especially MXTX books became popular, western people with their idiotic ideas make my skin crawl.
Unpopular opinion here but Wen remnants weren't innocent just because they haven't done what Wen Ruohan did. If someone doesn't something horrible, doesn't make them innocent and good. This is why I can't stand western people. Someone made a tiktok about how horrible Jiang Cheng was for leading the siege against Wei Wuxian and how horrible he was and how heroic WWX is and I wanted to make something very very clear.
MXTX herself very clearly wrote during Sunshot campaign that "no Wen took Sunshot Campaign seriously". Here it doesn't say that every Wen, besides Wen Qing and Wen Ning and Wen Qing's branch, took Sunshot Campaign seriously. No, she very clearly wrote what she wrote. People assume way too much that Wen Qing couldn't leave Wen Ruohan's side. I'm sorry but yes, yes, she could, She could've taken Wen Ning with her, gone to Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjiu and given up as a prisoner, but she didn't.
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The fact very much remains: neither she, nor Wen Ning or others gave up on Wen Rouhan. They clearly expected him to win (and he was very much winning before WWX turned up with undead army and turned the tides.).
Now I want to address another thing and it's called POW, i.e. what Wen Remnants were.
The phrase, Prisoner of War for the first time, has been used in 1610 but the idea of losing side of war being "either slaughtered of enslaved" has been there since ancient times: Romans, Greeks, Turk Sejuks, Turk Ottomans, Persians, Arabs, Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, etc. They all have taken people from losing side of war as prisoners.
Now I want to adress what these POW were used as - "Typically, victors made little distinction between enemy combatants and enemy civilians, although they were more likely to spare women and children. Sometimes the purpose of a battle, if not a war, was to capture women, a practixe known as raptio."
My people were part of raptio many times, as our enemies captured women from my country because they were beautiful and they wanted to "verbessern" (improve) their blood and bred them for that purpose as disgusting as it sounds, this is a very reason why many foreign leaders in history, especially in Asia, had my people as grandmas or mothers, most of the time unwillingly and my people also took their own life before that kind of fate would befall on them too.
That was what happened to women prisoners after war most of the time, as for men, they were used to work manually almost every time for their captors.
Now, as much as Jin Guangshan and Jin Zixun make me very very angry, (not because how they acted against Wens but because they were simply disgusting people) they weren't wrong to take Wen Remnants in and make them work manually till they died (what could be argued that Jin Zixun was wrong in following that bat and capturing and impriaoning WN and his group during nighthunt). If everything WWX acting the way he acted was abnormal. He literally stole and freed them and went to the enemy's side.
Here is where I want people reading this to forget their western opinions and Geneva Convention (which was created in 1949 AFTER two world wars.). I know that most of them and their countries have never been to war in near history (USA involvement in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in iran, in many other countries doesn't count and neither does WW1 and WW2), have never had their people expeciance genoc!de so I want them to shut their mouth and listen to us, who have had wars at the hands oppressors and colonizators for more than 2000 years, yes two thousand years, who have experienced genoc!de multiple times. Even nowdays 20% of my country is occupied by our oppressors and we had 2 wars in last 32 years also at the hands of them. In 1992-1993 and in 1998 my people experienced ethnic cleansing alongside with our allies at the hands of Russians. And last war we had was in 2008, which I remember very well and it was hardly a war and more likely bombing the civilians!
Keep that in mind that I actually was in Jiang Cheng's shoes and understand that I also have a sibling. If, God above forbid, my sibling after what happened to us, got up, defected and went to Russians side, I'd kill that traitor with my own two fucking hands!!
Does people even understand what kind of bullshit they are speaking when they say that WWX was actually not wrong to take "innocent" Wens' side? There was no such thing as innocent people there!! They were elders, sure, but you can't make me believe that if they were younger they wouldn't fight in that war or that WRH wouldn't force them to fight. Did anyone from Wen Remnants say "oh, Wen Ruohan was such a bad person, we weren't actually on his side even tho we never defected during the war but just because we have done nothing against others, we are innocent". That doesn't work like that. They couldn't have been innocent when they stayed by WRH's side in the war!! At best, they simply were indifferent in it! They alao profited from war. Funding, medicine, etc have to come from somewhere, right?
Now I want to adress Wen Ning and Wen Qing and why I don't particulary care about them. Wen Qing was a healer, we have to understand that today's medical ethics that was created by Thomas Percival, is different from what physicians thought was correct in antient times, especially in ancient China.
"The traditional Chinese medical ethics emphasized heavily on physician's morality and set high standarts for medical practice. To summarie the ideas in these historical works, the phyaicians nuat rescue every like without any preconditions."
At that time there was no such thing as patient's automony. For that reason we can't fault WQ when she performed the golden core transplatation. She just did what WWX asked her.
There'a one thing that I'm gonna argue tho. When WQ and WN saved Jiang Cheng from other Wens, WQ told WWX that their debt from now on was null and void.
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So when people say that Jiang Cheng should've always be in debt with her, is actually not correct. I also want to argue that she trully only cared for her brother. When she fell on her knees in front of WWX, she only wanted him to save Wen Ning. Nowhere did she say "oh, Jin clan is treating my branch so horrible, we all want to save ourselves. Help me save them."
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Now about Wen Ning. He is a guy who has no other personality than just being m nice. He helped JC and WWX after Jiang Sect annihilation and that was also because he was nice. He is just a nice guy, nothing more, nothing less. He just exists to be "just nice guy".
I can't seem to force myself to care about him.
Someone on above mentioned tiktok commented and I quote:
"there is nothing jc went through that was significantly worse than what others went through yet people baby him so much 🙄 sry i don’t like mr genocide everyone"
The tiktok author replied:
"NO FR like “he lost his family” hate to break it to u bud but so did like. Everyone else … it was kind of a war,,,"
Did I read it correctly or did they simply compared Jiang Sect Genocide to people losing one or two relatives in the war??
The author in their bio had "free Palestine". Unfortunatelly that comment here clearly speaks that they don't actually care about anyone's genocide and they probably only do it for the trend.
Apparently these people also think that Jiang Cheng hunted down that tortured "pure innocent Demonic Cultivators for fun".
Are they dumb or do they trully think that these Demonic Cultivators all were like WWX and not blood-hungry like Xue Yang?? The only remotelly normal Demonic Cultivator was WWX!! Nowhere did MXTX say, even in interviews that JC hunted Demonic Cultivators for fun! Some people have never read a book in their life and it shows!
Especially when they act as if WWX was second coming of Jesus and has never done anything wrong.
First of all, WWX did, in fact, have an army in Burial Mounds, the army of undead, fierce corpses and ghosts. That army may not have Wen Remnants, but it was still an army! Also wasn't WWX the one who wrote death threats with his own blood and sent them different sects? He, obviously, wasn't in right mind at that time but he really was the threat to the Jianghu. He was arrogant and, what we know is that Jiang Cheng led the siege (please, remember that we also hear that from other people - who love rumors and speculation and etc. We don't know for sure if JC led the siege or not.).
WWX did betray him. He left him alone when he took Wen Remnants. They were brothers!! What kind of older brother abandons their little sibling? Wei Ying also indirectly caused Jiang YanLi's death. Mind you, Wei Ying didn't die on the same day as JYL, but three months later.
That alone left Jiang Cheng trully alone with a newborn nephew!!
It's a wonder he didn't go out of his mind.
Just because WWX suffered doesn't mean other people, especially Jiang Cheng didn't lose everything in the world. He had to revive a dead sect with his two very hands in his early twenties.
Some people also don't understand what kind of power vacuum Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan's deaths created! Take cultivation out of the novel and you are left with 5 big sect with Sect Leaders who are like the kings in their own land! People pay taxes here canonically. Do some people trully believe that Yumeng Jiang would remain untouched when there was no Jiang Sect left to rule it? Jin Guangshan and other sects, big or small, would start fighting over the land. Jiang Cheng had more problems at his hands than caring about leftover Wens and the problems that Wei Wuxian created because at that time, when he stole Wens from Jin Sect, he was still a part of AND the Head Disciple of Jiang Sect 🤌🏻
Wen Ruohan wiped out one of the 5 big sects and he may have done the same if Wei Wuxian didn't insult Wen Chao, but he indirectly gave Wen Chao the reason to hate Jiang Sect even more than his father's brainwashing and people think it's not that important.
People also genuinely hate Lan Xichen because he never cared about Wen Remnants enough to take them in or save them 🤦‍♀️
Wei Wuxian should also have cared enough for his sect to at least help JC revive it or something as his Head Disciple. Him giving JC his golden core meant nothing at that time, I said what I said! Especially because he didn't know! 🤷‍♀️ I blame Jiang Fengmian for raising him all highty and mighty and lone wolf or smt, but that's the discussion of another time.
I trully believe that some people read the novel with their eyes closed! This here is exactly why I hate westerns so much when they seriously think that JC is the worst character and hate him more than Wen Ruohan, Jin Guangyao/Meng Yao and Jin Guangshan 🤌🏻
MDZS fandom is clearly very toxic and I'm very glad I'm not a part of it. I'll stay in my SVSSS bubble for eternity.
P.S. just so I can make something very clear. The Siege didn't happen because of Wen Remnants as Jin Zixun allowed WWX to take them away, but because WWX killed Jin Zixuan, who was a sect heir and also husband of his Shijie. Wen Ning killed him indirectly, WWX had no control over his abilities, he was powerfull but with no control and his mind was deteriorating at that time. He was a danger to the cultivation world. Siege happened because of him, against him, and Wen Remnants died as a colletal demage. Morally right or wrong, what he created was a political disaster and it ended with every Wen, excluding WN and Wen Yuan, and with himself dead!
UPDATE. someone from China reblogged this post and called me quite horrible things, but that's okay. They also questioned if my people have even gove thro genocide at all. Okay, denial of my people's genocide is not new either. What they said next was that Siege of Burrial Mounds was a genocide of Wen Remnants. No, actually it wasn't. They died as an collateral demage because Wei Wuxian was there, that's the tragedy. I'm gonna repeat once again, Siege happened because of WWX, not because of Wens.
Another thing what they said is that people have empathy that I lack and I'm a horrible person for that, and I should be ashamed for even thinking that or that I'm Chinese literature to spread my hate, etc, etc.
My empathy died when things such these happened to my people.
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Mind you, this is only one, one single city and it's not even the whole list of crimes they have done. I'm gonna find and update this post once again, cuz it's clear that I need to spread awereness, I won't let their names be forgotten...
Today the remains of 12 people, who were considered as "lost during war", were found and transferred to my country for burial and it was very emotional as many remains still haven't been found after 30+ years yet and people still hope that there could be even a single bone found and returned so they can bury it.
So, yeah, I bury whatever empathy I have left with the remains of people everytime something like this happens. Every time people deny the genocide of my people, every time these people call US colonizers and many degrading things, saying that we oppressed them when in reality it was other way around, when we couldn't speak our language, when they called it the "dog's language" and and laughed at it, couldn't get any service if we spoke it and they mockingly told us to speak "human language", which to them was Russian, WE were oppressed in our own country and land and they took everything from us and made the world believe that we were oppressors and colonizers, they even stole the name of our region for themselves....
And no one in the world did anything about this because they didn't care. So no, everytime I'll always imagine myself in JC's shoes that I'm asked to care about ethnic Russians and Apsuas, I simply can't care, don't care and won't even care unless justice is served, unless all the land they have stolen is returned, unless they all apologize for what they have done and stop spreading lies about us....
So, good for you, if you have empathy and are a better person, unfortunately, I am not...
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(I plan on coloring this in sometime)
Dear fellow Jews, Israelis and the people who have supported Israel during these times
I know it’s been hard
what Hamas did was terrible, atrocious, unforgivable and unimaginable.
but people refuse to believe that, or just don’t care to believe it.
we have been told we are supporting Genocide
that Israelis are colonists
we here them say the word ethnic cleansing
but the Jews and Israelis, we know genocide, we know moving around, they speak of colonization yet not know the full history of the land
they shout river to the sea not knowing what river and what sea, Hamas wants us to be destroyed and others will not understand that.
But when the Ancient Egyptians made us slaves, Hashem sent plagues, there are no more Ancient Egyptians
When the Ancient Greeks wanted us to stop being Jews we fought back where are they now?
You don’t see the Persian empire where Haman ordered the lot to have the Jew in Shoeshan dead.
Where are the Ancient Romans who persecuted us, and were the first ones to ever call the land of Israel Palestine.
Where are the German Natzis who followed Hitler in the Holocaust
We will defeat Hamas just like our other enemies.
if you guys are feeling stressed, or upset by the lies that Hamas spouts, the terrors the occurred on Oct 7 or shocked by the denial from the West,
Remember Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman and she said she stands with Israel.
Wonder Woman is amazing,
Gal Gadot,
YOU all supporting Israel and speaking out against Hamas’ war crimes and lies are amazing.
Am Yisrael Chai!
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anarchotahdigism · 2 months
I will unfollow/mute/block/otherwise ignore people who use ableist or saneist terms about others and those who mock, joke about, or otherwise minimize the severity of COVID. Thousands of people like me are dying a week because of ableism driving the pandemic and I have zero fucking tolerance for it. If you're in any way complicit with the fascist Big Lie of "back to normal," I'm probably gonna block you. Wear a fucking mask the entire time you're in public and give up COVID-spreading activities because your personal pleasure does not trump the need for communal safety and fighting the eugenics and fascism that has been normalized through mandated COVID spread. It's not lost on me how many so-called radicals and leftists are openly accepting of the eugenics of ableism as they claim to oppose the various mechanisms of genocide. If you're still using things like "crazy," "stupid," "dumb," "insane," or other ableist terms to describe other people or things, do better. Fix your heart and your vocabulary.
I've been in complete isolation for going on 5 years now due to COVID and the fall of society into completely open, unabashed, unmitigated, unashamed eugenics. I'm an elder millenial Persian anarchist in so-called PNW who posts about how fucked it is that people still reproduce systems of harm while ostensibly fighting oppression. I'm significantly disabled, heavily traumatized, food insecure, medically neglected, queer as hell, AuDHD. Sometimes I post about media from this lens, mostly I feel like I'm screaming. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free None of us is free til we're all free Jin, jiyan, azadi Wear a mask TERFs, SWERFs, Tankies, Zionists, Radlibs can all be composted If you want to help me survive, v/m/o is mordantivore
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