funstealer · 23 days
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Hakuei (Penicillin) Gothic & Lolita Bible vol. 15
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mraskilaasan · 1 year
watching the knick. split between having to pause every 2 minutes because there is some sort of gruesome surgery a/o death happening and having to pause every 2 minutes to gawk at the big strong men they had in 1900 new york city
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robert3011 · 8 days
The price of penicillin G sodium in the United States reached 38725 USD/MT in Q4 2023. The report investigates the factors driving penicillin G sodium prices fluctuations, including variations in raw material costs, supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical influences, and industry-specific developments
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namansharma0950 · 22 days
Penicillin G Sodium Market Size, Share, Analysis, Growth, Key Players, Trend and Forecast to 2034
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The global volume of the Penicillin G Sodium market was approximately 65 thousand tonnes in 2023, with an expected growth rate of 3.25% per annum throughout the forecast period until 2034. Penicillin G Sodium, belonging to the antibiotic class of penicillin medications, works by eliminating the bacteria causing the infection.
Penicillin G Sodium, a cornerstone antibiotic renowned for its efficacy in treating bacterial infections, holds a vital position within South Africa's healthcare landscape. As the country faces challenges posed by infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance, the Penicillin G Sodium Market emerges as a critical component in safeguarding public health. This article delves into the intricacies of the Penicillin G Sodium Market in South Africa, elucidating its therapeutic applications, market dynamics, and impact on healthcare outcomes.
Healthcare Landscape and Demand:
South Africa grapples with a significant burden of infectious diseases, including respiratory tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, and sexually transmitted infections. Penicillin G Sodium, with its broad-spectrum antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, serves as a frontline therapy in the treatment of these conditions. The increasing demand for effective antibiotic medications underscores the pivotal role of Penicillin G Sodium in South Africa's healthcare system.
Click Here: https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/penicillin-g-sodium-market-4182
Therapeutic Applications:
Penicillin G Sodium finds extensive use in the treatment of various bacterial infections, including streptococcal infections, syphilis, and pneumococcal pneumonia. Its mechanism of action involves inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis, leading to bacterial cell lysis and death. In South Africa, where infectious diseases remain a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, Penicillin G Sodium plays a crucial role in reducing disease burden and preventing complications.
Pharmaceutical Industry Dynamics:
The pharmaceutical industry in South Africa comprises a mix of domestic production and importation, ensuring the availability of essential medications to meet healthcare needs. Penicillin G Sodium formulations, both locally manufactured generics and imported brands, cater to the demands of healthcare providers and patients across the country. Stringent regulatory oversight and adherence to quality standards uphold the safety and efficacy of Penicillin G Sodium products in the market.
Market Opportunities and Growth Drivers:
The Penicillin G Sodium Market in South Africa presents significant opportunities for pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, and healthcare providers. With the increasing prevalence of bacterial infections and the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance, the demand for effective antibiotic therapies is on the rise. Moreover, initiatives aimed at promoting antimicrobial stewardship, infection control practices, and rational antibiotic use drive market growth and foster innovation in Penicillin G Sodium formulations.
Notable players in the Global Penicillin G Sodium market are CDH Fine Chemicals, Midas Pharma, Sigma-Aldrich, Pfizer, and Others. 
Challenges and Strategies:
Despite its therapeutic benefits, the Penicillin G Sodium Market in South Africa faces challenges such as antibiotic resistance, medication shortages, and regulatory constraints. However, strategic initiatives focused on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic stewardship programs, and investment in research and development can mitigate these challenges and optimize the use of Penicillin G Sodium therapy. Collaboration among stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, regulatory agencies, and patient advocacy groups, is essential to address barriers to access and ensure the sustainable use of antibiotics.
Click Here: https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/penicillin-g-sodium-market-4182
Emerging Trends and Future Outlook:
As the healthcare landscape evolves, several emerging trends are poised to shape the trajectory of the Penicillin G Sodium Market in South Africa. These include innovations in antibiotic formulations, point-of-care diagnostics, and the development of novel antimicrobial agents. Moreover, initiatives aimed at strengthening healthcare infrastructure, enhancing laboratory capacity, and promoting public awareness of antibiotic resistance are expected to improve antimicrobial stewardship and drive market expansion in the long term.
The Penicillin G Sodium Market in South Africa represents a critical component in the fight against infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. With its proven efficacy, safety profile, and therapeutic benefits, Penicillin G Sodium remains indispensable in safeguarding public health and reducing the burden of bacterial infections. By capitalizing on market opportunities, addressing challenges, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, South Africa can optimize the use of Penicillin G Sodium therapy, preserving antibiotic efficacy and promoting better health outcomes for its population.
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oaresearchpaper · 4 months
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mosspapi · 7 months
Can't decide if I'm being paranoid or if my gut instinct was correct and I should've asked for a different prescription. I hate both my brain and my body
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wellsleepstore · 7 months
Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg: A Comprehensive Guide to Dosage and Online Purchasing
Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg is a widely prescribed antibiotic known for its efficacy against various bacterial infections. Understanding the correct dosage and exploring the option of purchasing it online can be crucial for individuals seeking convenient and efficient healthcare solutions.
Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg Dosage Guidelines
Common Uses: Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg is often prescribed for the treatment of respiratory tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, and streptococcal infections. The dosage may vary based on the severity of the infection and the individual's medical history.
Dosage Frequency: Typically, Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg is taken orally every 6 hours, with or without food. It is essential to follow the prescribed dosage and complete the full course of the medication, even if symptoms improve before the treatment is finished.
Medical Supervision: Dosage adjustments may be necessary for individuals with specific medical conditions such as kidney impairment. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice on dosage and usage.
Buy Phenoxymethylpenicillin Online: A Step-by-Step Guide
Consultation with a Healthcare Professional: Before considering the online purchase of Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg, consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it is the appropriate medication for your condition.
Prescription Requirement: Legitimate online pharmacies will request a valid prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. Be wary of websites that offer prescription medications without this requirement.
Research Reputable Online Pharmacies: Look for well-established online pharmacies with positive reviews and accreditation. Check for customer testimonials and ensure the pharmacy complies with regulatory standards.
Verify Product Authenticity: Before making a purchase, verify the authenticity of the medication. Check for proper packaging, expiration dates, and manufacturer information to ensure you receive a genuine product.
Secure Payment Options: Use secure payment methods to protect your financial information. Reputable online pharmacies offer encrypted transactions to safeguard sensitive data.
Delivery and Tracking: Confirm the delivery terms and track your shipment if possible. Reliable online pharmacies provide transparent information about shipping times and offer tracking services for customer convenience.
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Safety Precautions and Considerations
Allergies and Side Effects: Inform your healthcare provider of any allergies or previous adverse reactions to antibiotics. Be vigilant for potential side effects and seek medical attention if any concerning symptoms arise.
Storage Guidelines: Follow the storage guidelines provided with the medication. Store Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Interaction with Other Medications: Inform your healthcare provider about any other medications or supplements you are taking to prevent potential interactions.
By adhering to proper dosage guidelines, consulting with healthcare professionals, and purchasing from reputable online sources, individuals can responsibly and safely use Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg to address bacterial infections. As with any medication, informed decision-making and adherence to healthcare guidelines are paramount for optimal results and safety.
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drpedi07 · 8 months
Benzyl Penicillin Drug
Medical information for Benzyl Penicillin on Pediatric Oncall including Mechanism, Indication, Contraindications, Dosing, Adverse Effect, Interaction, Renal Dose, Hepatic Dose.
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chemanalysta · 1 year
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The Penicillin G Sodium Prices started on a positive attitude and ended on a weaker side within the North American region during the final quarter of 2022. The increased end-user demand from the pharmaceutical sector and a lack of supply from the providers have immensely contributed upsurged price trend of Penicillin G Sodium in the United States. Additionally, the geopolitical tension between Russia-Ukraine, healthy consumer interest, and protracted supply disruption have further aided this price enhancement in the US. However, following mid-q4, Supply chain disruption decreased rapidly over the six months to November and appeared to be stabilized, across multiple measures, including shipping prices. With this, the cost of Penicillin G Sodium was recorded at USD 43205/MT CFR Houston in the United States.
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kunalp1234 · 2 years
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hi! I don't think your rules link on your master list is working? (It might just be the Tumblr app being silly) but I've like to request a COD fic with a reader who has a moderate to severe penicillin allergy is accidentally given it while out in the field. Cut to the 141 ripping the medic who didn't check the medical tag a new one and being all protective and shit.
omg nooo thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'll get it fixed bc I love it when y'all request things! I absolutely love this idea too!
Just a little PSA but penicillin allergies are SERIOUS. If you have one, you are automatically not allowed to get anything related to penicillin (including amoxicillin, ampicillin, etc). You also are limited in your drug selection as people with severe allergies can't get any similar antibiotic drugs such as cephalosporins. You may experience hives, rashes, and even anaphylaxis if administered. So it’s always important to have a note in your medical file and notify any medical professionals about the nature of your allergy.
Okay, my little pharmacy soapbox is over, let’s move on to the blurb.
warnings: depiction of wounds and violence, swearing
pairings: 141 x g/n!reader
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You were the newest member to join the 141. Excelling through your training, you were eventually handpicked by Captain Price to join his team. You were known for your sniper skills, rivaling that of Ghost. You were even more known for your call sign. In your years of being in the army and part of SAS, you became affectionately known as 'Plaster'. Your buddy came up with it as you had been the only one in the squadron to never need to go to the infirmary (avoiding cuts and bandages aka plasters) and also were notorious for outdrinking any recruit that tried to challenge you.
That's why when you ended up in the medical tent with an infected cut, the 141 boys were surprised. Before your intake, you had been providing overwatch on a building as Gaz, Price, and Soap infiltrated. Ghost was in the building across from you, also providing support. As you checked your sights, you immediately heard Ghost over the coms yell, "Behind you!" It was too late as the enemy had taken the opportunity to pull you by the legs and begun to swing his knife. You tried to react quickly but ended up with a slice to your arm before Ghost could take the man out. You knew once you recovered Price would be teaching you a thing or two about hand-to-hand combat.
However, he would have to wait as you had woken up that morning with a high fever. The cut was shallow, only requiring some soap and water and a simple bandage. Somehow, it had become infected. You groggily went to the field hospital. Once there, they removed the bandage and saw the area was red, extending past the initial wound. The field medic brushed it off, saying they would prescribe you some oral antibiotics for a little more than a week. As he cleaned and redressed the wound, he handed you a small pill bottle with ‘Augmentin’ written on it. Before you left, you popped the small, oval pill into your mouth and were sent on your way.
As soon as you exited the tent, you made your way back to your own to get some rest. Your tongue felt puffy in your mouth as you navigated through the maze of tents. Maybe you had bit it in your sleep?
You walked in and sat on your cot, noting Soap sitting across from you in his. You then felt slightly out of breath but assumed it was due to the humidity and sand debris in the air. You lay down, listening to Soap recount the successful mission before you began to hyperventilate. You felt like you were drowning as you tried your best to breathe.
"Oi, are you okay, Plaster?" was all you heard before the world went dark.
When you woke up, you were surrounded by your concerned squadron. You looked around and realized you were in the medical tent. As you tried to sit up, Price put a hand on your shoulder and lightly pushed you back down.
"God, Plaster you gave us a heart attack. You went into anaphylaxis," he began and you were shocked. It wasn't like you were allergic to peanuts or anything but then you realized you were allergic to ampicillin. Something you had learned after a childhood run-in with meningitis.
Price confirmed your suspicions as he added, "that fucking muppet of a medic gave you amoxicillin/clavulanate. Apparently he hadn't realized you were severely allergic to all penicillins," he said through gritted teeth.
You realized that must have been what that white pill was and mentally slapped yourself for the mistake.
"I'm sorry, guys," you began to say as you looked around at their faces. They looked so worried for you and you felt stupid for the simple mistake.
"Ah, it wasn't your fault, Love" Gaz spoke up. "Plus, the 141 got to show the medic what happens when you almost kill our best sniper."
You laughed as Soap described how once the field medic rushed in with an Epi-Pen and they carted you off to the tent, the boys confronted the medic. Apparently in his haste, he had overlooked the very important note that you were not to be given anything related to penicillin, including the prescribed Augmentin.
"You should've seen his face when Price lifted that poor fucker," Soap laughed loudly. "Better yet, I'm sure he pissed his pants when Ghost walked over and held him by his collar. Ghost is one scary motherfucker." To this comment, Soap received a slight slap on the back of his head.
You were appreciative of their efforts but couldn't imagine the lashing they would be getting from their superiors.
The ever-quiet Ghost ended the story by saying, "It was just a little taste for all of what you went through. I'm glad you're doing alright despite that idiot."
You cracked a smile as you lay in bed, appreciating your teammates who defended you like brothers.
As they left you to rest, you could hear Gaz whisper, "You don't think the laxatives in his tea were a little much?" You realized that this medic's life would be made a living hell for the remainder of your tour.
Years later it became a running joke. As you sat in the bar recounting stories of your service, Soap loudly joked, "And to think, Plaster almost got taken out by a little cut and some medicine." That earned him a hard slap to the back of the head.
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a/n Did anyone else watch NCIS? every time someone mentions getting a slap to the head, I think of Gibbs.
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dgdraws · 4 months
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Funguary Week 1, Celestial Penicillin
I learned so much about penicillin this week!
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(close up of my favorite details)
Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 but it was not used to successfully treat infections until 1930. It took ten more years to isolate the purified compound version that would be used to treat meningitis in 1942, earning a Nobel Prize for Fleming, Chain and Florey (the team who isolated penicillin F).
Obviously, I took my main style inspiration from this time period!
Fleming was also awarded the Grand Cross of the Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur, which serves as the central pin in my design!
I color picked my palette from a microscopic photograph of penicillin mold and I gotta say it is pretty spectacular. This is coming from the person who made a capsule wardrobe a few years ago that consisted of navy blue, mustard yellow and white/tan neutrals though so I may be biased.
Thank you as always to @adorkastock for pose references, this one really made the piece come together in my head!
I'm unreasonably proud of that little bottle of penicillin G (thats the injectable kind), I was not sure if white liquid in a clear vial was gonna work with the colors I had available but it looks so so good!!!
I'm a huge sucker for a gauzy layer and I'm very glad I added that element (and the ribbons on the gloves) because it definitely moves it more into the "celestial" realm.
My inspiration notes for this theme were along the lines of "flowing, draped fabrics, ribbons and small metal accents" along with "haughty" for the mood side of things. Altogether, I'm extremely happy with this one! And excited for the next -- I already have an idea percolating :)
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(this one is cropped for optimal phone background size XD)
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skzpixiekaifei · 4 months
Kai facts!!
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
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She is allergic to bees, Penicillin, and shellfish (Only when ingested)
Deathly afraid of bugs due to a bug related incident when she was younger(And because of bees)
Despite being in the Maknae line, many new fans thought she was the leader due to how mature she was at an award show
She is really good at climbing and running, running closely to 18 mph. She actually made a new event at ISAC for rock climbing
She doesn't know how to swim even though she was taught how to when she was young
During their first ISAC, she's separated and forced to participate with ITZY due to her being a woman. She's still pissed about it ("what in the sexist shit is this?") (She was able to participate their second year in her own group because she did throw a fit about it)
Speaking of ISAC, she almost got the group perma banned by almost hitting one of the judges with an arrow after a bird attacked her
Won an Golden Globe and a Dejeong film award in 2023 due to her performance as a lead in I-adore you(fake k-drama)
Has an insane range. Can go from G#3 to E6. Deep to whistle note, nicknamed the Vocal Siren of Kpop for a reason
Got into a fist fight with a trainee once when she was 11. She won btw
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jomiddlemarch · 3 months
While You Were Sleeping
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“We’re never going to sleep again. Ever,” Hermione said from her end of the circuit around the kitchen, before Draco could head into the conservatory detour that Neville had suggested might at least help with their mental health, if it did nothing to aid in the ultimate goal of the twins sleeping for more than an hour at a time. She’d had to raise her voice a little, so Draco could hear her over the babies’ crying, but she couldn’t get too loud or strident, because then the crying would become howling on Rose’s part and a glass-shattering shriek on Scorpius’s. Any significant pausing in walking yielded the same response. 
“If you agreed, we could get a House—” Draco began. Again. His grey joggers were low around his hips, his feet bare, a ratty tee-shirt that couldn’t be made any rattier by regurgitated milk thrown on hastily when she’d called him from the nursery.
“Don’t start the ‘House-elves make perfectly fine nannies, see how I turned out argument.’ You know how I feel about it, even if we paid an exorbitant amount, and though I love you dearly, I wouldn’t say the nannying you received did you any favors at Hogwarts. You were a preening little prat for the first few years, when there was some pretense we were children and not pawns,” Hermione replied. “I also don’t want to hear about Black family magicks that would do the trick, either from you or your mother.”
“We’re not following Molly Weasley’s advice and using gin,” Draco said, patting Scorpius on the back in a rhythm that seemed to soothe their son. Or it didn’t and they were deluding themselves. Sleep deprivation could do that to a person, Hermione recalled, from a time when she had done research in a library, wearing a clean jersey and drinking a cup of tea hot from the pot, not stewed and cold and generally disgusting but charmed not to grow Wizarding penicillin on the surface. 
“She might have meant we should drink the gin, not that we’d dose the babies, now that I think about it. It’s all fuzzy when I look back,” Hermione said. 
“I hate gin,” Draco said. “Simply loathe the stuff.”
“I know. I remember that about you. From a time when we had drinks on a trolley in the sitting room or went to the pub,” Hermione said. He liked wine, preferably red and full-bodied, though he’d get a pint of Guinness if they went out with friends. He’d rather drink Butterbeer than a G&T and forget about a martini, dirty or otherwise. Her craving for cocktail onions had been rather a sore point during her pregnancy, though he’d fetched them and learned not to turn up his nose at her when she ate a jar’s worth in a sitting.
“What’s a pub?” Draco said wryly. 
Scorpius squawked. If his Patronus wasn’t some avian species, Hermione would eat her hat. She’d have to fit her traditional pointed witch’s hat first, but then she’d eat it. Maybe she’d chase it with a Gibson.
“Shh, darling boy, it’s all right, Papa’s got you,” Draco murmured, brushing his lips against Scorpius’ wispy blond curls. 
Despite the screaming and the exhaustion and the near-constant desire to hex her earlier overly confident and entirely wrong self, the one who’d said things like, twins won’t be so terribly difficult and maybe it’s more efficient to have them together, the babies can keep each other company and they won’t be lonely when they went off to Hogwarts, really, it was a blessing to have twins first, Hermione couldn’t help melting a little whenever she heard Draco talking to their babies, especially when he referred to himself as Papa. She opened her mouth to say something fond and tender, but Scorpius yelped and gurgled and Draco sighed.
“Another geyser. Perhaps we should get those disposable cloths Potter was on about, since we can’t risk Vanishing the spit-up,” he said. Spells around magical infants could be dicey and with a mother as powerful as Hermione, they’d had to play it extra safe.
“He’ll be hungry now,” Hermione said, not even bothering to answer the remark about the burp cloths. Once, her mind had been filled with complex runic equations and the Zaragosta variations on the Berenicean charm progression. Now, she was too tired to even spend one neuron’s worth of attention on the question of burp cloths.
“Time to trade,” Draco said. 
Hermione walked over to the rocking chair, settling Rose on her lap for a moment. The novelty of the perspective change would buy about 90 seconds of relative quiet. Draco came over, put Scorpius into the crook of Hermione’s arm and scooped up Rose. His exceptional Quidditch skills were being put to this exclusive use but Hermione suspected both the babies would be avid players, Rose the more likely Seeker. She fiddled a bit with her top and got Scorpius latched on, stroking his plump cheek very lightly so he wouldn’t get distracted and fall off, screaming with frustration. Nursing, he looked very serious, like Draco drafting a response to the Chinese delegation.
“Now, then, ma chére Mademoiselle Rose, let’s take a turn about the room and let Mummy take care of Scorpius,” Draco said. Rose made a series of noises which weren’t quite cries and could possibly be a language no adult was fluent in.
“Molly said it won’t always be this way,” Hermione offered. Scorpius was growing dozy against her breast, still nursing but with less vigor. He’d fall asleep this way but they’d probably only get an hour of rest from him and Rose’s hazel eyes were alert, peering over Draco’s shoulder.
“She would know. Circe’s garters, seven of them. It doesn’t bear contemplating,” Draco said. “My mother says we ought to be grateful, two healthy babies, no sign either will be a Squib, and I am. I am grateful and I love them—”
“You’d just like to get a full night’s sleep,” Hermione said. The first week, the babies had been drowsy and they’d had to wake them to nurse. It had been the right thing to do and Hermione still couldn’t believe they’d done it. Rose had gone nearly five hours when she was four days old and Hermione had faffed about writing thank-you cards for the new baby gifts and peering into the cradle to make sure Rose was breathing when she could have followed directions and slept when the baby slept, letting Draco be the one on duty to make sure the twins were awakened to feed. 
“I’d take four hours,” Draco said. 
“Three would do me,” Hermione yawned. Draco kept walking, Rose on his shoulder, and Hermione drifted for a bit, lost somewhere between dream and memory.
“You thought it would all go away when we came home. That it wasn’t real,” she said.
“Well, I was a fool and also besotted with you and hadn’t had a good night’s sleep for about ten days,” he said. “Also, we were faking being married. I was your fake-husband.”
“This is real,” she said. She shifted Scorpius to her shoulder, patting his back until he burped, praying he’d stay asleep through it. Draco smiled, too wise to risk laughter.
“It’s as real as it gets, love,” he said. Rose grizzled a bit but lowered her head, her silky dark curls shining against his fair skin, the faint silver stubble of his five-o’clock-now-three-am-shadow. He was tall and fit and terribly kind, terribly clever; he’d do anything for the three of them and he’d gotten her all those jars of pickled pearl onions and had snogged her silly when she had Gibson-breath. He had turned out well after all…
“I might have been overly rigid about the House-Elf proposal,” she said. “A few nights can’t do any harm and we’ll make sure they have exceptional benefits, a pension. The villa in Majorca—”
And that was how Pithy came to be the Granger-Black-Malfoy night nanny, the first House-elf with her own Gringotts vault, and the reason Hugo was born. 
Well, a reason. There was a responsible adult creature in the household and there was that villa in Majorca.
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oaresearchpaper · 8 months
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sjsmith56 · 5 days
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Two Steps to the Left - Part 2
Summary: The interrogation of Arnim Zola gets the information needed for Steve and Bucky to perform their mission of retrieving the serum.
Length: 3.6K
Characters: Colonel Phillips, Arnim Zola, Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: Arnim Zola (lying POS), WW2 Bucky feeling left out of the loop.
Author notes: Bucky is starting to believe in his abilities and that he won’t become something dark, but there is still some mistrust.
<<Part 1
🪖 🪖
Interrogation Room
Knowing that Zola would have to be interrogated again on the subject of how much serum had been given to Bucky was the next step to be completed before the Howling Commandos could undertake the mission to retrieve the serum.  Although the voice said that Bucky and Steve could retrieve it together, even he admitted the mission stood a better chance of success if the whole team was involved.  The Colonel made it very clear that he would find out the dosage, especially now that he knew the diminutive doctor was a shrewd and manipulative character. 
With Peggy Carter beside him, they entered Zola's cell.  This time, the Colonel brought a tray of food better suited to the doctor's preferred vegetarian diet, lentil soup, whole grain bread and a jar of Marmite, along with a glass of tomato juice.  It was gratifying to see how Zola's eyes widened at the sight of the meal, considering how many previous meals he had barely nibbled at.  The Colonel pushed the tray towards him, smiling genially at the man, while Carter watched from the corner of the room.
"You took the trouble of making a vegetarian meal for me, Colonel?  I appreciate it."
"Well, we're not cruel, Dr. Zola," answered Phillips.  "You do need sustenance.  The cook tells me the lentil soup is quite good and that marmite, although an acquired taste, is liked by many of the Brits.  Go ahead, please, eat."  Zola took several spoonfuls of the soup, smiled and took another before looking up at the commanding officer.  "I do have some questions for you."
"I assumed as much," said Zola.  "What do you wish to know?"
"Exactly what did you do to Sergeant Barnes when he was your prisoner at the HYDRA factory?"
A slight hesitation as Zola lifted the spoon was the only indication that he hadn't expected that question.  Without making eye contact he responded.
"What makes you think I did anything to him?  Has he said anything?"
"No, nothing specific other than you experimented on some of the prisoners, but his behaviour has drawn some attention and after what happened last night ... well, let's just say the Sergeant may not finish the war in uniform."
Phillips and Carter observed the doctor carefully as he processed what was just said.  Putting his spoon down he opened the jar of Marmite and spread a thin layer on the bread, then bit into it, chewing it slowly, before sipping some of the tomato juice.  Only then did he look at the pair.
"What exactly happened?  I am a medical doctor.  Perhaps I can help."
"I doubt that," drawled the Colonel.  "Our doctors are sure it was something you did to him that put him in this state.  Quite frankly, after seeing what he is capable of most of them don't think he can be helped.  They wish to ship Barnes back to a nice psychiatric facility in the States, where he won't be a danger to anyone, except himself."
"He hurt someone?  That is most unfortunate."  Zola took a few more sips of his juice.  "We did give the Sergeant a new medication when we realized he was suffering from pneumonia.  Perhaps, it is a delayed reaction to it?"
"Like penicillin, you mean?" Carter spoke, then shook her head.  "It was over a year ago, Doctor.  I doubt the body would react to a medication that long after it was administered.  At least, that's what our doctors said.  Steve ... I mean Captain Rogers said it was like he was fighting ...."  She looked at the Colonel.  "Sorry, sir, it just slipped out."
Zola studied the looks between them, at the obvious way the Colonel glared at the woman for admitting that Barnes fought Captain America.  His mind whirled with excitement.  Even more than a year after the last serum treatment the benefits were still present in the Sergeant, enough for him to possibly injure the one man who had been a thorn in HYDRA's side since he rescued all those soldiers.  It was imperative that the Sergeant receive the remaining serum, as well as completing the reconditioning treatment to turn him into the Winter Soldier.  They wouldn't let him free to return to his lab but perhaps he could convince them to get the serum here.  The reconditioning treatment could be done later, after Barnes had received most of the serum, but not enough to lock the effects permanently which would prevent the reprogramming of the soldier's brain.  With the several HYDRA moles already in place in the American military, a memory suppression machine could even be set up at an allied base and the Sergeant's treatment continued in secret without the Allies even being aware of their true nature.  Without even thinking the doctor took an energizing breath then realized the pair were looking at him strangely.
"Doctor, is there something you're not telling us?"
Phillips' stare bore into the doctor.
"Well, yes," he stammered, pretending to be telling them this information, reluctantly.  "We did give the Sergeant an experimental treatment; nothing that harmed him, I assure you.  In fact, it was something similar to Dr. Erskine's initial plan for his serum; something that could help the human body heal itself quicker and more efficiently.  It seemed to do wonders for the Sergeant who was frankly in danger of dying but it was interrupted before it could be completed by the arrival of Captain America and the rescue of all the soldiers at the factory.  Perhaps, his body is at a stage of withdrawal where he needs the balance of the treatment."
"You mean you also have a serum like Dr. Erskine's?" asked Phillips, trying to add some excitement to his manner.  "How much does he need to complete the treatment?  I know how many vials we injected into Captain Rogers to achieve the results of his."
"Yes, I do, but you needed to infuse him with Vita Radiation after to activate the serum, am I correct?" countered Zola, effectively admitting he had access to intelligence on Project Rebirth.  "My serum does not require the radiation although I suppose it would draw out every last benefit if it were done all at once as the Captain's was.  We injected it on a daily schedule, with the initial plan to extend it to six months, allowing the body to adjust at a slower pace.  If, by the young lady's admittance, Sergeant Barnes was strong enough to affect Captain Rogers during an encounter, I would think we could double the dosage.  However, the serum is all in a lab in Germany.  Without it, I anticipate that the Sergeant's behaviour will continue to deteriorate."  He shook his head sadly, making sure he appeared to be concerned about Barnes' health.  "Such a sad outcome for a fine young man."
"How much serum are we talking about, Doctor?"  Phillips looked at him.  "Perhaps, we can send a team to retrieve it and bring back enough for the Sergeant.  I agree that the prospect of sentencing Sergeant Barnes to a lifetime in a psychiatric facility for what is obviously a medical issue vexes me."
"Perhaps I could trouble you for a pencil and paper," smiled Zola.
Peggy Carter stifled the ill feeling that Zola's smile brought up in her.  It was enough to make her vomit.  She reached inside her pocket and pulled out a small pad of paper as well as a pencil, placing it on the table in front of the doctor.  As he drew it in closer and began to make calculations she stole a look at Phillips.  He seemed ready to lean over and knock the doctor's head off but glanced at her before resuming his troubled commander look.  After several minutes of calculations Zola wrote something down on several clean sheets of paper and pushed them towards the Colonel.
"There, that is my best calculation of how much serum Sergeant Barnes needs to lock in the benefits of the serum and be at a fully operational status.  I have also provided you with the location of my lab, along with the lock combination to get in and out quickly as time is of the essence if we wish to relieve the Sergeant of his dilemma."  Phillips reached out to take the slips.  "I only ask one thing."  Phillips stopped then looked at Zola without changing the position of his head.  "I wish to be present while he is undergoing the treatment.  I understand he doesn't trust me but as a doctor and a scientist, I feel it is important for me to be there for what is sure to be a momentous occasion."
Phillips grasped the papers then stood up and looked at the doctor.  "Of course, I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement."  He waved the slip of papers like he would a flag.  "Thank you, Doctor.  You've been most cooperative, and I'll make sure to tell my superiors that.  Enjoy your meal."
Phillips and Carter exited the interrogation room, where a trusted SSR captain and an MP waited.
"Once he's finished eating, I want him moved to another location," ordered Phillips.  "We're certain there are HYDRA agents in sensitive positions in both the American and British military so find the most innocuous installation and transport him there where he can't contact anyone or be tracked.  If Army Intelligence comes looking for him, I want them to know they have HYDRA moles that must be neutralized first.  Once you find that place you send me a coded location message.  I will reply when our mission has been accomplished."
Both soldiers saluted as the Colonel and Carter left with the location of Zola's lab and the amount of serum needed.  In the jeep on the way to the airfield where the Howling Commandos waited, they said nothing, as the driver wasn't cleared to hear any top-secret information.  He dropped them off in front of the stolen German aircraft, then drove a short distance away as Steve, dressed incognito and Bucky approached the Colonel and Peggy.  Handing them the information he gazed at Bucky with concern.
"Zola said the schedule for your dosage could be doubled but it would still take weeks.  He didn't disagree that all the serum could be given in concert with the Vita-Ray radiation treatment.  Seemed to think it would draw out every last benefit.  What does your voice say to that?"
Bucky waited for his counterpart's voice to make itself known.  Just as he was about to tell Phillips that the voice wasn't answering he heard him.
"Theoretically it should work just as Steve's did, but it is a copy of the original incomplete formula that was used on Schmidt, which is why they had to inject you over a period of time.  My medical colleague here would be willing to come and supervise the process, but he can't guarantee the results.  It would also have to be in secret because his appearance may cause concern."
"He can come here?" Bucky repeated.  "Would you come as well?"
There was no answer for a long time then he heard his voice.  "I'm not sure that's a good idea but my medical colleague says he would feel easier if I was there with him, just in case.  It's your call, Bucky."
Everyone was looking at him.  The whole balance of the mission was on him, a sergeant with some unstable serum setting up shop in his body.  Removing it wasn't an option.  His only real choice was to take the full treatment, but something was coming soon that he would be needed for, so the treatment had to be sped up.  He looked at Steve, whose impassive face showed that this was Bucky's decision.  He wasn't going to pressure him in any way, but he would support his friend, like he had done since Bucky finally confided in him.
"Alright, I'll undergo the same treatment," he said to the Colonel.  "The voice said he and a medical colleague are coming to supervise it, but it will have to be a secret location because of the colleague's appearance.  He also can't guarantee the results."
"Very well," said the Colonel, without question.  "While you're away, I'll contact Stark to set up the radiation chamber in a new location.  When you return, we'll go there.  Does your counterpart need any advance notice?"
"No, just let us know where the place is and when, and we'll be there.  Bucky?  No heroics from you and Steve on this.  No matter what you might see there, don't interfere.  Just go in and out then come back.  Got it?"
"Understood," he replied, then looked at everyone.  "Let's go."
As the aircraft took off, Colonel Phillips and Peggy Carter looked at each other, hoping this would go to plan.  The driver was waved over, and the pair climbed into the jeep to be taken back to their base.
The Mission
As the Commandos looked at the camp in front of them, Bucky repeated what his future counterpart said about getting in and out of the lab quickly.  They weren't to interfere with what was going on.
"What were his specific words?" Steve looked at his friend.
"No heroics from you or me on this."  Bucky saw a grin appear on Steve's face.  "No, he was quite specific that we get in, get what we came for and get out."
"Yeah, but he didn't say the guys couldn't do some damage."  The superhero waved his hand at the obvious purpose of the facility, as the work crews of what were obviously civilians lined up while guards with snarling dogs on leashes approached them.  "There's nothing stopping them from creating a diversion that might also allow a lot of these prisoners to escape.  You and I won't be involved.  We'll already be inside the lab."  He raised his eyebrows.  "I think your future Bucky just wanted to make sure that you and I stayed on the most immediate task.  Remember, at first, he said we could do it alone.  Then he agreed the Commandos could come.  Why else would he say that?"
Shaking his head, Bucky waited for the voice to counter what Steve just said but he remained silent.  With a resigned breath, Bucky nodded his head, then rolled his eyes as Steve gleefully went to the others and gave them the go-ahead to implement a plan they had already drawn up.  He returned to Bucky's side with a grin, then pulled his black headgear on, the need to hide his true identity necessary.
"Ready?  Race you to the fence."
He took off, and Bucky groaned then ran after him, still dealing with the realization that he could keep up with Steve, at least for a time.  Just as he began to slow down, they reached their destination, and Steve jumped up to the top of the observation tower, tossing the two guards over like they were trash.  Bucky finished the job, punching them for good measure then tied them up.  Both men took the weapons with them.  Just as they reached the second tower an explosion at the far side of the facility drew the attention of every guard near them, sending them running towards the scene.  Steve jumped up to the top of the next tower and tossed those two guards over then landed on the other side of the fence, waiting for Bucky to finish them off.  Both men grasped hold of the wire and pulled it apart, allowing room for Bucky to get through.  They ran towards the administration buildings, stopping along the way as teams of soldiers ran towards the obvious sounds of a gun battle.  Just as they were about to run, a hand on Bucky's shoulder startled him and he whirled around ready to shoot.  The obvious prisoner stepped back, holding his hands up.
"American?" he asked.  "Rescue?"
"American, yes.  Rescue, no."  Bucky looked at the man's disappointment then unloaded all the weapons he took from the tower guards, grabbing them off of Steve as well, and giving them to the prisoner.  "Hole in the fence.  There."  He pointed towards the second tower.  "Escape.  Go."
With understanding in his eyes, the man gathered the weapons close then ran to a nearby building, where an outer door opened then closed as he entered.  A few moments later it opened again to several armed prisoners leading the others towards the second guard tower.  As they encountered other guards, they engaged them in battle then distributed their weapons amongst the others.  Returning his attention to Steve they ran towards the building where Zola said his lab was and entered it, finding the door to the lab locked with a combination lock set into the door.  They dialled the correct combination and opened it, turned on the light and looked for the locker where the serum was supposed to be stored.  Finding it, Steve broke that lock with his hands and opened the doors.  Both men gasped when they saw all the serum that was sitting there, dozens of cases with six vials in each container. 
"There's enough here for many men," said Steve.  "Bucky, we can't let them keep it and it's too much to safely carry."
"Fuck.  Hey!  What are we supposed to do with all this serum?" he cried out, wanting an answer from the voice.
There was no answer and once again he was faced with the dilemma of it being his decision.  Grabbing a satchel, he took out what was needed for himself, then added several more cases, grabbing some lab coats and stuffing them in to cushion the cases.  Steve did the same then looked at all the serum that was left.  Noticing a Bunsen burner attached to a gas outlet, Bucky opened the valve and several others fully as Steve did the same then they retreated to the door of the lab.  Lighting an emergency lantern that was just outside the door, Bucky tossed it inside, watching as the fire spread.  The two men glanced at each other then began running towards the hole in the fence, where dozens of prisoners were lined up to get out.  Ignoring them, they both pulled another portion of the wire fence apart and burst through followed by other prisoners.  After quickly leaving them behind, the two men ran to the rendezvous point where they were joined by rest of the Howling Commandos, spread between two stolen motor cars, their faces flush with the knowledge that they had destroyed a Nazi concentration camp.  Jumping inside the vehicles, the order was given to return to the aircraft.  Along the way a large explosion occurred behind them and both Steve and Bucky smiled at each other, knowing they were the cause of it.  Their pilot started up the aircraft as they abandoned the vehicles and clambered on, taxiing it to the end of the runway.
"We got company!"
Steve and Bucky both looked out the cockpit window at several trucks of German soldiers approaching them.  The pilot applied full throttle then lifted off well before they had set up their anti-aircraft weapons.  Circling towards the west they were soon approaching the border with France, taking some flak from the defences there.  After Gabe successfully contacted the base in England they were left alone as they flew over the channel and prepared to line up for the runway.  In all that time, the voice never spoke a word until just as the tires made contact with the pavement.
"Good work."
"Where were you?" asked Bucky.  "You seriously expected that Steve and I wouldn't help them?"
The Commandos watched, having been read in on Bucky's future counterpart.
"No, I never expected that, but you still had to stay on mission.  History just never knew that the Commandos and either of you were involved in this.  We had to keep it that way.  You were a mystery Allied unit that helped a bunch of prisoners escape from a concentration camp that was also a site for human experimentation.  It was always going to happen, but the circumstances dictated how, and I didn't have the information to tell you that."
Bucky grunted, slinking back into the bench as the aircraft taxied towards a far building.  They were being picked up far away from prying eyes, transported directly to a camp where Colonel Phillips would advise him where he had to go for the full treatment.  One more step completed since that first step to the left that started this whole thing.
"It's hard to be out of the loop but if I tell you too much too soon, then there's a good chance we don't get the outcome we want.  When I get there, you and I will have a private talk and I'll tell you everything that I'm permitted to tell you."
"Alright, I guess.  Tell me something.  Is Steve in your future just as impulsive as he is now?"  There was no answer.  "Bucky?" 
Still no answer.  Why didn't he answer?  Better yet, why didn't Steve from the future have a connection to this Steve?  There was no time to dwell on that as the aircraft came to a stop and the exit door was opened.  But it was definitely something he was going to bring up to his counterpart.
Part 3>>
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