#Durio zibethinus
buffetlicious · 6 months
It had been six years since I last gotten a call from her so I was rather surprised to hear her asking if I wanted to buy Durian (榴莲). On hand she had D101 and Mao Shan Wang (猫山王) durians which she is selling for S$30 and S$55 respectively for 1.5kg a box. I have since bought one D101 and three Mao Shan Wan boxes from her just this November alone. :D That is more than 6kg of durians without the thorny shells!
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Mao Shan Wang (猫山王) or Cat Mountain King durian is Malaysian cultivar of durian (Durio zibethinus), prized for its unusual combination of bitter and sweet flavours. With a rather sticky creamy texture, the fruit has bright yellow flesh that can taste differently depending on how you enjoyed it. They also have small flat seeds so you get more bang for your buck and this coupled with the flavours makes it highly sought after.
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oaresearchpaper · 3 months
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maria-scariotes · 8 months
GOD I just discovered that durian, the fruit, is not the fruit that I thought it was XD
I thought it was a fruit named in portuguese "Fruta do Conde" (Annona squamosa) but it is the fruit we call "Jaca" (Durio zibethinus) and it's quite obvious when you look at the scientifical name, but the portuguese name don't resemble at all, so I didn't noticed.
I only realize that right now cuz I was seeing a show where they were describing durian in a game and they described as being stinky and got really confused like "It's not smelly....what the fuck they all saying it's smelly?" and then I googled and discovered I been for several years thinking durian was the name of another fruit XD
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farzanatrading · 1 year
Top Four Excellent Fruits That Can Be Found in Very Rare
Mother Nature never ceases to amaze us with her abundant treasures, especially when it comes to fruit. Although we know there are many delicious fruits, there are still rare and special ones that are still hidden gems in remote parts of the world. In this blog post, we are going to explore the top four amazing fruits that can be found on very rare occasions. These fruits have unique flavors, remarkable looks, and often offer impressive health benefits. Let's embark on a journey to discover these unique delicacies!
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana):
Dubbed the "queen of fruits", mangosteen is a precious tropical fruit found mainly in Southeast Asia. Its thick, purple skin contains succulent, succulent pods with a sweet-sour flavor. With its delicate aroma and  taste, mangosteen has earned a reputation as one of the most coveted fruits in the world. Besides its delicious taste, mangosteen is also packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, making it a rich source of nutrients.
Durian (Durio zibethinus):
Often referred to as the "King of Fruits", durian is a polar fruit known for its distinctive smell and taste. Native to Southeast Asia, this thorny fruit has a rich, creamy-like flesh that carries a unique blend of sweet, creamy and slightly salty flavors. While the strong smell may deter some, durian enthusiasts consider it a familiar taste and appreciate its complex flavor. In addition, durian is a good source of fiber, vitamin C and many other nutrients.  
Jabuticaba (Plinia cauliflora):
Native to Brazil, jabuticaba is an attractive fruit that grows directly on the stem. This rare occurrence gives it a distinctive appearance, like clusters of black grapes mounted on the bark of a tree. The fruit has a sweet and sour taste, like a mixture of grapes and plums. Besides its delicious taste, jabuticaba is rich in antioxidants and has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and heart-supportive properties.
Buddha's Hand (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis):
With a distinctive shape resembling an elongated cluster of fingers, the citrus fruit of the Buddha's Hand is a real wonder. Native to China and India, this fruit is very aromatic and is often used for its peel and aroma rather than its flesh. Its intense lemon scent can pervade a room, making it a precious ingredient in perfumery and culinary creations.  
Find rare online fruits not only offer incredible taste but also have hidden health benefits that make them even more appealing. While finding them can be a challenge, the experience of discovering and enjoying these fruits is truly a remarkable adventure for any fruit lover.
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LANGSUNG DARI KEBUN ! CALL: 0813-2711-9234 Penjual Tanaman Durian Duri Hitam
 Klik https://wa.me/6281327119234 Tanaman Durian Duri Hitam, Tanaman Durian Di Lahan Gambut, Tanaman Durian Hidroponik, Tanaman Durian Musang King, Tanaman Durian Montong
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Bibit Durian duri hitam (Durio zibethinus) merupakan varietas durian unggul yang sangat populer di Malaysia. Sesuai dengan namanya durian ini mempunyai ciri khas seperti memiliki warna hitam pada ujung durinya. dan tidak terlalu tajam. Durian duri hitam sangat populer karena teksturnya yang lembut dan rasa lezat.
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Jarak tanaman durian 
Cara membuat bibit durian unggul agar 3 tahun sudah berbuah
Pohon durian pendek 
Cangkok dueian musang king
Jua bibit durian cangkok susu
Harga pohon durian sudah berbuah
Cara cangkok durian anti gagal
Berapa lama durian cangkok berbuah
#pohon durian duri hitam berbuah#tinggi pohon durian hasil okulasi#infus pohon durian#injeksi pohon durian#pohon durian jual#pohon durian di jawa#jual pohon durian berbuah#ciri pohon durian#deskripsi pohon durian#pohon durian lokal
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HARGA FANTASTIS ! CALL: 0813-2711-9234 Jual Bibit Durian Gratis
Klik https://wa.me/6281327119234 Bibit Durian Gratis, Bibit Durian Golden King, Bibit Durian Hitam, Bibit Durian Harga, Bibit Durian Hasil Cangkok Susu
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Durian montong atau kadang ditulis Durian Monthong termasuk ke dalam spesies Durio zibethinus adalah salah satu jenis durian unggul yang populer di Indonesia. Diyakini bahwa durian ini berasal dari Thailand
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Langgeng Jaya Lestari Pelalangan Rt 06/01 Purwosari Kec.Puring, Kab.Kebumen Jawa Tengah 54383 Patokan : Belakang Balai Desa Purwosari mentok kemudian belok ke barat sampai ada pelawangan durian di kanan jalan.
Contact : Whatsapp : 0823-2711-3939 No Tlp : 0823-2711-3939 SMS : 0823-2711-3939 Web : Bibit Anggur : www.jualbibitanggurimport.com Bibit Durian : www.jualbibitdurian.com Bibit Musangking : www.bibitdurianmusangking.com Bibit Kelengkeng : www.jualbibitkelengkeng.com
Linktree : https://linktr.ee/jualbibitanggursiapbuah Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdgg8gK8/
Jenisbibitdurian Hargabibitdurian Montong tinggi1meter BibitdurianunggulcepatBERBuAH BibitDurianKaki3 BibitdurianBawor BibitDurianMerah HargaBibitDurianBawor BibitdurianmusangkingTRUBUS
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
The Things You Need to Know About Durian Fruit
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Assuming you've never ventured out to Southeast Asia, it's conceivable that you have never experienced new durian fruit, the scandalous and sound yet disruptive Southeast Asian tidbit that is famous in the district. In any case, whenever you have tasted the stinky natural product, it is an encounter you are not prone to neglect. In this blog post, I will impart to you the things you need to know about durian fruit. Durian fruit is a one-of-a-kind tropical natural product. It's well known in Southeast Asia, Durian fruit is also high in supplements, containing more than most different organic products. Be that as it may, it gets unfavorable criticism because of its solid smell. What is Durian Fruit? Durian fruit is a tropical natural product recognized for its huge size and spiky, hard external shell. It has a sharp smell and custard-like tissue with huge seeds. There are a few assortments, yet the most well-known one is Durio zibethinus. I have made another article on this Will eating more hot red chilis help you live longer? How Could Durian Fruit be Utilized? Durian fruit is used in sweet and appetizing dishes. Both the smooth tissue and seeds are eatable, however, the seeds should be cooked. JuiceSeeds, bubbled or broiledSoupCandy, frozen yogurt, and different sweetsSide dish It's also used in customary medication and has a few therapeutic properties that are right now being contemplated. Read the full article
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otocolle · 6 years
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Image: 28/35 Game: Cannerian Tale Character: Durian
His intelligent brain allowed him to get scouted by Cannerian Adoption Encouragement Organization, and he’s been express-promoted at a young age. Is it because his belief and pride for his race has been too strong? ‘We can prosper on our own!’ After the <Tragedy of year 1800>, he fought to take away human rights to adopt, and he continues to oppose Organization’s decisions. Durian, who continued to stay firm, had to leave the Organization, and who once used to be named as the prince of the Organization, is on a lonely protest, asking for half-human adoptees.
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botanytoo · 7 years
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Field evidence of differential pollen placement by bat-pollinated plants Competition for pollination can occur between sympatric plant species sharing pollinators, but can be minimized if each plant species places pollen on different areas of the pollinator's body.
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theburntleaf · 3 years
[I]f you are searching for plants with a good smell then it would be prudent to start with terms such as aromaticus (aromatica, aromaticum), meaning fragrant or aromatic; fragrans and fragrantissimus (fragrantissima, fragrantissimum), meaning fragrant and very fragrant; or odoratissimus (odoratissima, odoratissimum [… ordorata]), again meaning very fragrant; or suaveolens, which indicates that a plant has a sweet scent. Graveolens denotes a plant that has a very pronounced smell, … Inodorus (inodora, inodorum) means a plant without a smell …while olidus (olida, olidum […foetidus, foetida, foetidum, meaning a bad smell]) alerts one to an unpleasant fragrance… One is unlikely to find a plant label bearing the legend zibethinus, meaning smelling as foul as a civet cat, other than [the] Indonesian fruit durian… Durio zibethinus... Some scent terms are quite specific, such as anisatus (anisata, anisatum), referring to the scent of anise... Caryophyllus (caryophyllus, caryophyllum) relates to the scent of cloves…melliodorus means honey-scented (mellita, mellitum and melliodora, melliodorum).
from Latin for Gardeners by Lorraine Harrison
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oaresearchpaper · 7 months
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samlarej · 3 years
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Le durian, du malais : durian, issu de duri « épine ».Ce fruit, lui aussi appelé durian, est récolté dans le sud-est de l'Asie mais également dans les îles du Pacifique et en Amérique du Sud. On en trouve par exemple sur les marchés de Guyane fin mars début avril. Il se présente comme une grosse baie ovoïde (parfois plus de 40 cm de longueur), pesant jusqu'à 5 kg, avec une carapace de grosses épines, et poussant en haut de grands arbres. Il est connu pour son goût particulier et sa forte odeur (à tel point que de nombreux pays d'Asie du Sud-Est l'interdisent dans les lieux publics et dans les transports en commun).Le genre Durio compte trente espèces, toutes originaires du sud-est asiatique. Au moins neuf d'entre elles produisent des fruits comestibles. L'espèce Durio zibethinus est la seule disponible sur le marché international, la vente des autres espèces restant confinée aux régions où elles sont produites. Le nom vient du malais durian, qui signifie « épineux » en français, dérive de duri, « épine ».
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heaveninawildflower · 4 years
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1) Pride of India (Lagerstroemia speciosa).
2) Rose Apple (Syzygium jambos )
3) Lepisanthes Blume = (Otophora Blume)
4) Citrus fruit (Citrus sarcodactylis )
5) Cashew nut (Anacardium occidentale)
6) Joseph’s Coat (Amaranthus tricolor)
7) Fruits of Elettaria speciosa
8) Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum)
9) Banana (Musa coccinea Andr.)
10) Durian (Durio zibethinus).
Chromolithographs by P. Depannemaeker (circa 1885) after B. Hoola van Nooten.
Images and text information courtesy Wellcome Collection.  CC BY
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HARGA FANTASTIS ! CALL: 0813-2711-9234 Jual Benih Durian Hitam
 Klik https://wa.me/6281327119234 Benih Durian Hitam, Benih Durian Ioi, Benih Durian Kampung, Benih Durian Kunyit Kelantan, Benih Durian Musang King
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Bibit Durian duri hitam (Durio zibethinus) merupakan varietas durian unggul yang sangat populer di Malaysia. Sesuai dengan namanya durian ini mempunyai ciri khas seperti memiliki warna hitam pada ujung durinya. dan tidak terlalu tajam. Durian duri hitam sangat populer karena teksturnya yang lembut dan rasa lezat.
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Jarak tanaman durian 
Cara membuat bibit durian unggul agar 3 tahun sudah berbuah
Pohon durian pendek 
Cangkok dueian musang king
Jua bibit durian cangkok susu
Harga pohon durian sudah berbuah
Cara cangkok durian anti gagal
Berapa lama durian cangkok berbuah
#pohon durian duri hitam berbuah#tinggi pohon durian hasil okulasi#infus pohon durian#injeksi pohon durian#pohon durian jual#pohon durian di jawa#jual pohon durian berbuah#ciri pohon durian#deskripsi pohon durian#pohon durian lokal
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LANGSUNG DARI KEBUN ! CALL: 0813-2711-9234 Jual Bibit Durian Dongkelan
Klik https://wa.me/6281327119234 Bibit Durian Dongkelan, Bibit Durian Dataran Rendah, Bibit Durian D24, Bibit Durian Dalam Pot, Bibit Durian Daun
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Durian montong atau kadang ditulis Durian Monthong termasuk ke dalam spesies Durio zibethinus adalah salah satu jenis durian unggul yang populer di Indonesia. Diyakini bahwa durian ini berasal dari Thailand
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Langgeng Jaya Lestari Pelalangan Rt 06/01 Purwosari Kec.Puring, Kab.Kebumen Jawa Tengah 54383 Patokan : Belakang Balai Desa Purwosari mentok kemudian belok ke barat sampai ada pelawangan durian di kanan jalan.
Contact : Whatsapp : 0823-2711-3939 No Tlp : 0823-2711-3939 SMS : 0823-2711-3939 Web : Bibit Anggur : www.jualbibitanggurimport.com Bibit Durian : www.jualbibitdurian.com Bibit Musangking : www.bibitdurianmusangking.com Bibit Kelengkeng : www.jualbibitkelengkeng.com
Linktree : https://linktr.ee/jualbibitanggursiapbuah Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdgg8gK8/
Jenisbibitdurian Hargabibitdurian Montong tinggi1meter BibitdurianunggulcepatBERBuAH BibitDurianKaki3 BibitdurianBawor BibitDurianMerah HargaBibitDurianBawor BibitdurianmusangkingTRUBUS
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onlypicturepoetry · 4 years
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portrait of lady with Durio zibethinus fruits
Christof Keßemeier, 10,2018
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