dreissigconversion · 1 month
How fake imposter syndrome bitches look when a REAL talentless hack comes at them
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geekysteven · 1 year
[Frankenstein's monster gets his PhD]
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trash-but-trying · 2 months
Ok I have exactly one complaint per spiderverse
Itsv: at the end, miles is walking horizontally on a wall, parallel to the ground, and he does a little hop and he lands at the same point on the wall instead of falling, and like, yeah it's spiderman, but that's not how gravity works dude
Atsv: spot, when in his hole place, says "hypothesis: I'm going to stick my head into this hole" which at best is a test, certainly not a hypothesis, spot youre a scientist, get your terminoloy right.
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eisforeidolon · 9 months
So I came across a meta post based on screenshots [X][X] of the list of book titles shown in 4x18 that Chuck published. There's a discrepancy where only 24 titles are given when there are 60 tv episodes across that span. Now not only did the meta author skip right past the possibility that since novels are generally longer than a tv show episode, books might generally cover multiple episodes? As well as the even more likely possibility that whoever was typing up the list for the props department got lazy?
The post directly jumped right into full on stan conspiracy-think of how this must be why all the fans in the SPNverse are Sam girls because Chuck purposefully omitted all of Dean's best episodes! Naturally this gets built on in the replies & comments, with even more conspiratorial leaps about how the writers were trying to make fans in-universe love Sam and think he was a hero because nobody does in the real world (snort) yadda yadda Chuck won theory is true yadda yadda D/C was silenced *sob* yadda yadda the story was writing itself without the permission of the writers writing it [crazy eyes].
My other glaring issue - aside from the obvious of what an absurdly biased load of batshit all of that is? I just do not understand why someone trying to suggest a genuinely legitimate theory about a show spanning fifteen years and many different writers? Wouldn't consider for a hot minute before running full tilt with an idea: Hey, this is one random-ass prop screen from one episode that Sam scrolls by fairly quick, does this actually line up with how much of the story we're shown the in-universe fans getting elsewhere? Spoiler: No.
Let's ignore that Chuck specifically mentions the ghost ship from Red Sky at Morning, which isn't on the list, in that very same episode. He could be getting visions of stories and not writing them - unlikely but possible. No, lets jump to Crowley using the books in Clip Show to track down and kill "everyone [Sam & Dean have] ever saved". He says he's able to do it because he has "his sources and a crack research team" as he's shown with a pile of Chuck's books as he's saying it [X]. It's unlikely he would have found Sarah from Provenance through another source besides the books, but theoretically possible.
What you can't use handwaves to set aside, though? Is that as the scene continues, he holds up a copy of what is clearly A Very Supernatural Christmas [X], which is not on the list. It's shown again as part of Metatron's library in Meta Fiction, along with Tall Tales [X], also not on the list. These are direct in-universe physical books shown onscreen. While we're at it, there are a couple of times fan characters make it clear in dialogue other episodes/books exist. In The Real Ghostbusters, Demian and Barnes walk by Sam and Dean playacting a scene directly from Hunted about John's last order regarding Sam. Same episode, Becky tells them about Crowley getting the Colt from Bela, specifically citing the title of Time is On My Side. Last one, in Fan Fiction, Marie immediately jumps to knowing what a tulpa is and says, "Well, in Hell House, Sam & Dean-". None of those three books are on that list. So that list is NOT a comprehensive one for all the published books in-universe.
Part of me really wants to go on an even more extended rant here about fixating on one blink-and-you'll-miss-it detail and imbuing it with six metric tons of meaning without even once seeming to consider if it's actually remotely significant or, y'know, put in with legitimate intention. Even if the meaning being projected isn't completely bonkers. Seeing this done over and over again by people latching myopically onto whatever random tidbit will let them jump to the conclusions they already want ... sigh. Like, this is not how you come up with a good theory, starting from an utterly rotten base!
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a-very-tired-jew · 2 months
This might be a little pedantic, but my autism simply could not let me leave this alone. The fact that I’m seeing journalists and activists confuse median and mean is kind of a telling sign to me. I’ve been teaching undergrads for years and there are certain things that stand out as red flags. Understanding and using basic terminology that was taught in elementary and high school is one of them. On its own it just shows the person may be confused or forget, but compiled with other behaviors it’s any indicator of larger issues.
In regards to the conflict I have seen countless reporters, social media accounts, and posts saying the average age of Gaza is 18, and within the same post or source it will say the median age is 18. Simply put, they’re conflating the two. Based upon the demographic data we have, the average age is roughly 23.
The median is the middle number, and it tells us that half the population is below it, and half is above it. Regardless of how you feel about this whole thing, it’s absolutely awful half of the population are children (by certain societal measures) whom are experiencing such horrific conditions. Hell, the people around the average would have been asking me for recommendation letters last year, or stopping in my office to tell me about their next steps.
And before anyone goes “people are dying, why are you posting about this?!”
I’m an autistic scientist. To distract myself from to cope with the horrific things I see, read, teach, and research I have to do things like this. I have to speak about the use of proper terminology so that we can have accurate accounts of things in the future and properly communicate about them.
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doctorslippery · 3 months
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It's only a lava cake if it's cooked over an open fire. If you cook it inside a conventional oven, then it's a magma cake.
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formula-fun · 8 months
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howifeltabouthim · 9 months
It must be exhausting to have to perform your intellect all the time.
Katherine Lin, from You Can't Stay Here Forever
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uglyduskling · 1 year
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cheyj05 · 1 year
Hey, random question, is there a correlation between having npd and being really pedantic?
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excusethebrainfart · 1 year
So, while at my local Tesco, I overheard someone asking a member of staff "Do you know where the spaghetti Is? Y'know, like pasta spaghetti?"
As opposed to what?
I'm very confused. (and wouldn't last 2 minutes in customer service)
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a-typewritten-blog · 2 years
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I want to message this guy on eBay selling this set of Change-A-Type foreign language accents and characters for many Smith-Corona or several Sears typewriters to say: uh, you’ve got the keycaps upside down in your photos.
(The blob in the leftmost cap is a French/Portuguese ç -- the question mark in the rightmost cap is the Spanish interrogative preface ¿. The others are plausible enough since acute and grave accents and tilde look the same in either direction, and while the caret ^ on the second key can pass as a caron ˇ it’d seem an odd choice for the set since every other diacritical here is Western European and a caron is Eastern European. Furthermore, there’s a regular question mark in the lower right of the keyboard so it wouldn’t be duplicated.)
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goodgrammaritan · 2 years
"Tapeworms aren't bugs," said Nathan. He sounded like he was grasping at taxonomical straws, like the only way he could stay afloat in the increasingly turbulent waters of this conversation was through falling back on pedanticism.
Parasite by Mira Grant
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stil-lindigo · 3 months
frankly, the people whose kneejerk reaction to bisan asking for a global strike form the 21st-28th is to say that it takes years to organize a general strike are really unhelpful! no one is saying otherwise, but palestine will be a smoking crater if we all wait for years to do anything - bisan is asking us to do something now. Like are we only supposed to do something if we can do it perfectly??? At some point it’s a valid critique about the work that goes into social movement, and at another point I feel like some people are just trying to absolve themselves from not putting any effort into observing a week of economic inaction.
like idk! I get it, okay! People have bills to pay that don’t magically go away for a strike, we don’t have nearly enough social infrastructure in place to support people to fully stop going to work for a week. But fuck, dude! Stop immediately responding in such a defeatist way! Cut out unnecessary purchases! Try to shop local! Put more effort into promoting Palestinian voices online! Attend a protest, call a local rep, do something!
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stupot · 11 months
tumblr developers cranking it into overdrive to make sure one of the few unique and usable social media sites remaining becomes a half-formed failed homunculus clone of tiktok like every other fucking website
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