#past toppat leaders
the-shark-well · 2 years
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you could say my mentals are ill /silly
[detective au belongs to @mintyfrosty] [alt text is included in the images]
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thsc-confessions · 10 months
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"I LOVE the headcannon that Henry is Terrence Suave's SO MUCH. I find that this headcannon just makes the whole game more interesting for me. The fact that both of them were known to be chaotic, both were Toppat leaders at one point, the fact that Henry WEARS HIS HAT when he becomes leader, the gold chan on said hat having an S on it which could stand for Stickmin but also Suave."
"It's also supper interesting in the non toppat routes as well. The idea that no matter how bad you were in the past, or even if you had horrible ancestors, there's still the possibility of change and turning over to the good side."
"Any other headcannons I see for Henry's dad or Terrence having a son just feel weird in comparison. They just don't have the same narrative weight as Henry being Terrence's son. Not to hate on anyone of course." submitted by anon
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androidcharles · 1 month
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So I came up with... an OK idea. Not great, but it's something I suppose!
Anyway, just to celebrate the next anniversary of ItA, I decided to start up a Toppat Week(s). This isn't final, so don't get too excited. I might combine the Toppat OC days and try to come up with another prompt (or you guys could suggest something... please suggest something 🥺)
Anyway the party starts on the 13th of May! Be there or be square!
Toppat Clan Week(s) [May 13th-27th]
May 13th- The Airship: Either draw the airship or draw something related to the airship May 14th- Another Division: Draw another division of the Toppat Clan May 15th- Favorite Toppat: Your favorite Toppat out of the whole Toppat Clan! May 16th- Background Toppat: A Toppat that's always in the background or you feel doesn't get drawn much May 17th- Toppat OC (yours): One of your Toppat OCs if you have one! May 18th- Toppat OC (others): A Toppat OC of either a friend or random stranger! May 19th- Design a Toppat: Create a new Toppat OC May 20th- Ship: A Toppat ship that you like a lot (extra challenge: no copperright :3c) May 21st- Favorite Toppat Leader: Your favorite Toppat leader from the past times that you enjoy May 22nd- Heist: Draw the Toppats in the middle of a high stakes heist May 23rd- Leisure: Draw the Toppats having some leisure time May 24th- Dance: Draw some Toppats dancing May 25th- Angst: Basically what it says on the tin May 26th- Swap: Draw a government agent as a Toppat or draw a Toppat as a government agent (or get creative… goodness idc what is this day 14 i think) May 27th- Party: Draw the Toppats having a big party to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Infiltrating the Airship!
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scrufflebolt · 7 months
my personal sven svensson headcanons
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- he would most likely be 24-26 in canon but hes 23 to me, why not?
- isnt actually physically weak, he was just too busy talking to actually get ready to fight henry so he was caught off guard
- average height, maybe 5'9, or 5'10. just a bit shorter than swedish average though which is 5'11
- more than likely canon, but he's VERY talkative. stay in a room with him too long he'll rant to you about his opinions and interests for hours
- it'll take him a while to notice but he'll stop talking if you're uninterested
- lets his hair grow out a lil (as shown in the drawing above) and cuts it after a while
- usually cuts his own hair but whenever he doesnt he lets earrings cut it
- fluffy hair, and by that i mean its real soft and nice. he gets annoyed if its oiley because it feels weird
- has like 2 moles on his face
- joined the toppat clan at a young age, perhaps 16. ive jumped on the conclusion that he was taken by rhm while they were robbing a bank/store while sven, himself was attempting to steal something
- was those stereotypical troubled teenagers. hes changed a lot as an adult now and is more mature and is a respectable young man. however he still has little bits and pieces of his past personality now he'll show off duty. like he'll be a little playfully mean and tease you just a lil.
- kinda sassy lmao but also unintentionally rude sometimes
- actually laid back when he's not stressed or angry. but he gets stressed out easily, especially ever since he's been a leader.
- is up for new things but HATES having to be forced to change things
- he either perceives mr macbeth or rhm/reg as a father figure. they call him "son" and give him advice occasionally. its one of them, i just havent decided which one i wanted it to be yet.
- it's just a father-son like relationship but it's not an actual one because i hc reg/rhm to be in their late 30's/early 40's
- hes not THAT obsessed with sharks. yeah i say he'd like sharks but he wouldnt know the answer if u asked him a specific question abt sharks.
- very prideful. very open about his identity, nationality, opinions, blah blah blah, all of it. he'll talk all about it
- gets embarrassed easily, especially if hes proven wrong in an argument or if he was wrong about something but hey, at least he'll admit it
- looks like a child in some pictures of him and hates it (he looks like a little kid in some endings from thsc but looks like an actual adult in others)
- thinks dogs > cats
- real tired, the adjust to him becoming leader is too much to handle
- WANTS to rest but doesn't because if he finishes all his work then he could get it all done with then rest after
hope u enjoyed these hcs, haven't seen anyone else headcanon or perceive sven the same way i do yet (i will occasionally edit this post to add more)
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bluetorchsky · 3 months
*slides this out the void*
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For some context, yes these are the same people but they are in different universes.
You know the Music Husbands, Accordion and Violin, on the right hand side from the THSC universe. Also known as Oliver Arc and Trent Coil, two former members of the fallen Music Dragons clan who joined the Toppat Clan, as they had been promised safe haven from a past leader.
But on the left hand side is Oliver McArthur and Trent McCoy from the Supa Strikas (SS) universe. They are captains for a football team called The Silver Lions, a returning team to the Super League. And yes, they are married in this AU, with both of them deciding to go with the surname ArcCoil when they do get married. This is also the original universe where I first created them, along with the other Music Dragons. They were originally boyfriends but I said “fuck it” and had them get married before joining the team.
I think you can see the pattern of what sticks whenever I place the husbands in different AUs, lol. I'm also working on a proper reference for the boys so watch out for that in the future (it's gonna be a while)
*slides back into the void*
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capturecharlesau · 4 months
Captured Charles Bios: Sven Svensson
Nicknames: Svenie, My angel my world (PERSONALLY ONLY BY RHM)!
Born in the late 1980’s like 1988 somewhere
Age: He’s somewhere in the mid-30’s
Sexuality: Homosexual
Pronouns: He/him
Nationality: He was born in Sweden 🇸🇪 in the city Stockholm
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Simplified explanation of his past:
When Sven was born he was in a very traditional Swedish family by his father Magnus Svensson and his mother Annika Svensson and his little brother Caleb and his big sister Kathy! For the first few years Sven happily played with his little brother and his parents were loving to their three kids!
Magnus and Annika loved Sven and Caleb a lot and the big sister Kathy was jealous of them a lot and didn’t think it was FAIR!! And Kathy had here own demons, sneaking out, being in the wrong crowd of people who eventually pressured her to kill her family saying “they don’t care” about her when clearly they do they are trying their best to show love to all their kids!
When Sven turns 9 he heard something at night and he got up from his bed to check it out… he was horrified….his mother and father dead….his little lifeless brother…..dead Kathy only needed to KILL SVEN and as soon as Sven realizes he’s NEXT-…..he ran away running for his life in the the middle of a snowstorm!
The little boy Sven was so hungry and couldn’t see anything he collapsed on the ground shaking almost freezing to DEATH with his eyes open and his nervous system almost shutting down….. then a 20 year old Aussie was hidden in an alley from the cops when he saw a little blonde boy collapse he couldn’t bare to leave him there and so he warmed Sven back up with a fire and pumped his chest to make him come back alive again and Sven immediately cried to him and RHM decided to take the boy with him in the Toppat clan…
RHM was very much a jerk back then but he REALLY cares for Sven despite Terrence not liking the “brat” but played along since he had a crush on RHM!
Fast forward to the last year of Terrence’s reign and thanks to Sven…. RHM found his true love for Reginald…. See Terrence in a fit of RAGE he was about to HIT Sven (the 10 year old boy) with a METAL BAT a that could have KILLED HIM but Reginald stepped in took the BEATING to protect Sven! (That hit made Reginald’s skull crack a bit) but RHM was so SHOCKED AND SCARED for his little boy and he SAW HOW BRAVE REGINALD was…. He protected his son…his only son Sven…. And that’s when RHM realized…. Reginald is right and Terrence needs to be STOPPED….
Once Reginald killed Terrence and married RHM he was told he’s gonna be the next leader and that made Sven so happy that he made his papa’s proud!
He has a complicated history with Burt since they were young and Burt is super possessive off Sven and he’s SO OVER IT!! …not that he likes it the more time passes…
Sven and Burt are both boyfriends and ever since Burt lost his “father” Terrence and was receiving disrespect and unfairness he might have pushed his problems onto Sven and that’s why Sven bickers a lot with him! (Eventually they will both see that they are hurting each other…)
Terrence was then freed from his painting in 2022 in October
Sven is somewhat egotistical and a jerk but when it comes to people he loves he’s very friendly and funny! He’s cowardly sometimes like his poppa Reg BUT has a BIG TEMPER like his Vater (father) RHM! He’s also a genius and he likes making blueprints for Burt on inventions and that’s why Sven and Burt love each other in the first place because of how smart they both are together hehe! Sven sassy and sarcastic sometimes but he still has a big heart for his family and would do anything to help them! He suffers from the syndrome of “I don’t wanna express my feelings” like his father RHM who also has the same mentality!
Sven has a favorite Swedish band named ABBA and also a Swedish artist named Calvin Harris lol
He like Reginald, RHM, and Burt … Sven likes to smoke when he’s anxious
He has a habit of bringing a mirror everywhere he goes to check himself! He really focuses a lot on his beauty since Sven is pretty and handsome!
He’s intelligent and is often found experimenting with Pollo by @00lari00 and Burt
He has a habit of never knowing when to stop working (like Allwork) Sven being the next Toppat is in training and is seen doing a LOT of paper work!
This is obvious but Sven being Swedish he has a really thick Swedish accent and when he speaks he pronounces the “W’s” as “V’s” hehe
Sven always gets stressed induced stomach aches whenever he’s stressed or in a panic mode it’s a condition
I will update this on his powers once Sven shows it which is actually real soon in the epilogue…
Other facts:
Sven’s color that represent him is blue AND yellow!
His eye color is dark blue with a hint of yellow in his eyes! Like this!
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This is what Sven looked like 15-25
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This is what Sven looks like below 12 years old
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Sven and Burt are dating! It’s a bit er….complicated but once they work out their problems they will soon be a healthy relationship!
He LOVES his family Reginald especially poppa RHM! He also LOVES his brother Jay by @jaytoons7 and cares about him deeply! The two brothers will always look out and take care of each other!
He’s BEST FRIENDS with Pollo by @00lari00 and with Burt the three make SCARY SCIENCE STUFF AND BE MAD SCIENTISTS TOGETHER HEHEHEHE!
Favorite food:
Swedish food especially SurstrÖmming (which is fermented herring) and some Swedish candy especially Swedish fish (which is delicious :))
Science, reading books, working, and his country Sweden 🇸🇪 which Sven can be QUITE patriotic sometimes lol and being an overachiever hahaha
STUFF THAT WASTES HIS TIME, not being able what to do, insulting his culture, and being “not pretty” he takes care of his face a lot! (Foreshadowing?…. 👀)
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annashadowstar · 26 days
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Name: Chris Copperbottom
Nickname: Government Hunters or G.H for short.
Age: 29
Sexuality: Gay
Birthday: June 18
Gender: Male
Chris joined the Toppat Clan at the age of 19. When his parents gave birth to Lay, He wanted to find a job to support the family. But he was struggling to find a job. Chris then met up with RHM before Reginald had the Toppat Clan's leadership and before RHM became the right-hand Hand Man to Reginald. Chris meets PRHM (Past RHM) in a cafe. Both of them talk it out a bit and PRHM wants him to join the Toppat Clan, to which Chris agrees. Once Chris joins the Toppat Clan, PRHM starts to train him how to fight better and how to use weapons. In the following years, Chris begins to commit crimes. He killed large amounts of Government, giving the name of ‘Government Hunter’. Reginald became the leader of the Toppat Clan after Terrence died. RHM adopted Chris as his son after hearing about what his ‘family’ did. When Chris is 24, he got kick out of the house and never sees his little sibling, Lay, ever again. 4 more years pass, and when Chris is ready to get Lay back, the news of the Dreamer family dying makes Chris have a heart attack. Thankfully, his friends and his family are there for him. After a few months, Lay joins the Toppat, adopted by Reginald, and Chris is so glad that his only siblings are here, alive and well. Chris is good at combats and weapons. He was helping the new members get better at combat or weapons. He now lives with the Copperbottom family.
Toppat!Chris's power is the same thing as the original Chris. They both can change heights, they both can open portals, and both of them can use healing. More information about Chris Galeforce is here.
The only difference is Toppat! Chris is his personality. Toppat! Chris is more cold and rude than the original Chris. Toppat!Chris doesn't care if someone he didn't care about hurts themselves. Chris cares about his family and he also cares about Mirage and his family. (@capturecharlesau)
More facts
Toppat! Chris Chris's job in the Toppat Clan is to train the new members of the Toppat Clan. He trains them at least 5 times a week, which is weekdays, and on weekends, he will spend his time with his family. He will sometimes go on the mission on weekdays only, since Reginald and RHM don't want to stress him out... Even though he kind of overwork himself. Will Chris be the future Toppat leader? Who knows? He might be.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 8 months
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Day 14! Favourite past toppat leaders, hmm?
Randy's just the most visually interesting to draw at the end of it. Also something tickles me very much about the idea of running a criminal clan with the intent of having a party era, succeeding, becoming bankrupt, and still being remembered as a blast. It fits well with the fact the entire clan will get distracted by one (or sometimes two) random guys dancing in their line of vision.
Terrence is fascinating plot-wise, but I'm definitely saving him for the AU prompt lol. Also was tempted to do some of the background leaders in the portrait hall but there's no real theme you can fit to them so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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00lari00 · 7 months
Wait! How would MY Reginald react to YOURS THO—?? 👀 SINCE my Regis a bit different hehe would they get along? I feel like they would Hehe
I ALSO ASKED MYSELF THAT!! XSDD And I honestly think that even though it's funny it would be a little... awkward ^^"
Because my au takes place before the events of THSC, so it would be CC!Reginald literally talking to him from the past!! Despite some changes to the story it would still be strange because my Reginald is younger XD But they would still spend hours talking. And my Reginald (Only 1 Toppat!Reginald) would be surprised that one day he became leader of the Toppats, and your Reginald would be a little nostalgic for literally seeing his past. Pollo has to keep an eye on their conversation to avoid breaking some canon events... 👀
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I warned you that he is before the THSC events...XD
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Weakness Brings Death...
The Weak are First Killed...
Wages of Time Corrupting Hearts
Be Brave...
Buck Up...
Shoot First...
Or You're Screwed!
I'm WORKing... on stuff...😏😏😏
In the meantime... art I meant to share a month ago.
My 3rd Henry Stickmin based fanfiction. I may one day make it a comic or let someone else pick it up. But.... YeaH probably will release the first few chapters in the coming months.
'Wages Of Time Corrupting Hearts'
RD Summary:
Dave is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Can he ever get a break? Finally free from the Toppat airship, he is forced to cooperate with the defected criminal leader and his followers in order to survive. But, what they ask if him, holds to high of a cost. With his life on the line, does he have a choice? As history and the past unfold before him, Dave and the defectors are asked to question, what are they willing to do to survive? How far, is to far?
Above is the Cover Art Idea for the Fanfic.
Back in late August I ahd a crazy Henry Stickmin themed drama round the events of Toppat Civil War. Which involved alot of stuff and probably came fro. I sort of wasreading some fanfics around it, one I recall being very mature one off in which Dave's character and personality ahd been corrupted and changed. Prompting the dream but also spurn in ng the idea of "What if???" Would his personality change if forced, etc... what would cause it???
So The story and dream unfolded... I wrote it all down and called it a day.
Then early to late October this idea for art cover involving a clock cane ro mind and wouldn't leave. Then a reminder of an omd art project I never got to but a rough format for a Chaotic fanfic came about in my head with a new idea going towards this story. Involving characters standing on a giant clock and themed after a poster I used to see non stop in my 8 years previously working at a movie theater... finally I sat down and just started drawing....
I still need to fully write out the first few chapters of this story. Only the concept of the first few chapters is down. I have many later chapters fully written out and have the e ding solidly locked down as well as many of the building and final climaxes at least written down in some capacity. This could be a 20-40 chapter story depending. But it seems fun to write and workno when I need a break fro. S.T.R.Y.
HOWEVER yeah this story probably will contain heavy material. Maybe not R based. But it will still have soem heavy chapters. Yes Dave's way of thinking slowly gets corrupted hence the title.
"Wages of Time Corrupting Hearts"
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pm-writer · 4 months
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꒰ა Stolen hearts ໒꒱
A Toppat!Henry / Charles Fanfic
Chapters : 1/?
Words : 528
I recommend reading in google Docs, it’s more pretty
ˏˋ ✦.★˚CHAPTER ONE ੈ✧✶✦₊
Charles took a deep breath. Picking up his pen, he started to write.
4/5/2031 (Sunday)
: 17:48 :
Today was the day of the mission: Infiltrate a spaceship, gather information, and capture the leader to send him to prison. Forever. He is not getting another chance. Fairly straightforward, if you don't think about the details.
But this isn't a simple spaceship. The Toppat Clan is dangerous. A group of thieves renowned for their success in stealing, their most recent success being the launch in space. Toppat has established themselves as an actual company, using that brand name to hide the crime they’ve been doing behind the whole world’s back. They’ve got multiple factories back on earth, and they've gained popularity as this brand in the following two years.
I was eager to lock them down right when the… betrayal happened; however, we didn't have any solid proof or warrant to search the spaceship.
This was going to change tonight, whether Henry wants it or not.
Henry stickmin. The “big brains” behind their operations. The leader of the Toppat Clan. The fucking asshole that-
Whatever. The point is, he used to be a criminal, stealing money and gems and documents and escaping from prison. Then, the government decided to give him a chance, (a deadly mistake honestly) and at first, he was genuinely fine! I thought, (thought being the key word) that he was a decent guy with skills, and when he would be pardoned for helping to infiltrate the past Toppat Clan,
That guy decided to slide with them!
The past leader gave up their spot so Henry could sit on it. And now, he’s the current leader of the Toppat Clan.
I’m getting off topic.
Tonight, it’s my turn to invade the spaceship.
This isn’t the first time we tried to; there were two attempts. The first time, the government underestimated the Toppat clan’s power. The team that was sent there has been missing since, and they can’t find anything related to the Toppat Clan in this case. The second time, General Galeforce personally sent his best men to do research about the Clan. I'm surprised they're uncsathed after the operation, none of them were caught. I suppose Toppat let their guard down. Heh. According to the reports, this week is laborious for the Clan. They're planning a major heist back on earth, so they're distracted for a few days.
Especially for Henry. He's participating in the heist himself, thus he won't be there to control the ship. This makes it easier for me. I'm incredibly relieved, not because I'm scared of him, I just do not want to see his face. Just thinking of him makes me positively vomit.
Charles checked the time.
He sighed, closing his Journal and turning to the window. His therapist has always recommended writing down his feelings to help with stress and Charles agreed. Looking outside, he could see nothing but the void of space, a red dot in the middle. That’s the infamous Toppat spaceship, and Charles, in the government vehicle, is drawing nearer and nearer every second.
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thsc-confessions · 10 months
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"Something I’ve noticed, is that in Sir Wilford IV’s bio, it doesn’t speak in past-tense like pretty much all the other past Toppat leaders. The ItA one doesn’t really say anything that could be considered past or present-tense, but in his CtM bio, it says, “He despises incompetence.” Despises. Not despised. I feel this hints that Wilford is still alive in some way."
"Thank ya’ll for coming to my TED talk." submitted by @emberflame999
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androidcharles · 9 months
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More info under the read more, since it gets a bit long!
Unwatermarked so you can crosspost to any site you wish, however, please give proper credit if you do repost.
Since I haven't seen any Stickmintober prompts (or if there are any I'm stupid and haven't really looked for them), so I decided to create a prompt list for myself (mostly because a while back I told someone I'd consider hosting this).
Anyway, as a small bonus, since I know it's difficult writing a small story for 31 whole days in a row (writing like that should be saved for NaNoWriMo), I thought I'd throw in a bonus writing prompt list as well! Feel free to get creative with the prompts or if you want, use the prompts from the top list.
I will be tracking the tag #stickmintober2023 for those who participate but you can also @ me if you want to see your pieces as well. I understand this is a bit short notice, I am angry w/ myself as well for taking this long to announce something like this (HELL there's prob a better prompt list on Twitter that peeps are prob preparing for that I'm not aware of) but either way, I hope you guys enjoy this little prompt list nonetheless.
That being said, this isn't a competition! Don't burn yourself out trying to chug out equivalents of the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper everyday, just try to keep it simple, esp if it's your first time! And as always, have fun with it too!
Thanks in advance for participating!
Prompts for Screenreaders:
First Image: Stickmintober 2023 Prompt List! Day 1: Breaking the Bank Day 2: Henry Stickmin Day 3: Police Force Day 4: Escaping the Prison Day 5: Rupert Price Day 6: Dave Panpa Day 7: Stealing the Diamond Day 8: CCC Day 9: West Mesa Day 10: Charles Calvin Day 11: Infiltrating the Airship Day 12: Reginald Copperbottom/RHM Day 13: General Galeforce Day 14: Favorite Past Toppat Leader Day 15: Toppat or Government? Day 16: Ellie Rose Day 17: Fleeing the Complex Day 18: Dmitri Petrov/Grigori Olyat Day 19: Dance Day 20: Glitch Day 21: Sven Svennson Day 22: Completing the Mission Day 23: Favorite Ending Day 24: Underrated Ending Day 25: AU (favorite or your own) Day 26: OC (favorite or your own) Day 27: Silly Day 28: Angst Day 29: Favorite BG character Day 30: Costume Day 31: Halloween
2nd Image: Stickmintober 2023 Writing Edition!
Week 1 (Oct 1st-7th) Write about Henry Stickmin. Whether it's a headcanon interpretation of his past or about his life before or after certain events in canon.
Week 2 (Oct 8th-Oct 14th) Write about Toppat life. Either from the point of view of a character, minor or main or before or after certain events in canon.
Week 3 (Oct 15th-21st) Write about your interpretation of the events after an ending from Completing the Mission. Whether it's an ending you don't think about much or your favorite
Week 4 (Oct 22nd-28th) Write about the hypothetical past of a Toppat Leader of your choice. Special challenge: No Terrence or Reginald ;)
Week 5 (Oct 29th-Nov 4th) Two this time! Write a Halloween-y themed story or just a write something involving your favorite ship, rarepair or otherwise.
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flowerbarrel-art · 22 days
Toppat Week 2024–May 21
I was gonna get another buffer going for Toppat Week but I’ve been feeling a little under the weather so I’m gonna take a break. But for now here’s Day 21, favorite Toppat leader! It was fun drawing Randy Radman as a flamingo in 00lari’s Whiteboard so here’s flamingo Radman again!
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(And have some past Randy art)
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 8 months
Stickmintober 2023 Day 14: Fav past Toppat Leader
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"I used to be the world's biggest criminal ever, but I was also the Toppat Clan's worst leader... But now I'm a change man, and a good father and grandfather, and I won't let my son Henry go through the same evil path as I did."
Here's Terrence when he was the leader of the Toppat clan (he's my favorite one cuz he's the one with more mystery than the other toppat clan leaders.
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This prompt was made by @androidcharles
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annashadowstar · 5 months
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This is another ‘What if’ and this time, it’s Chris. This is if Chris never meet the government and join the Toppat Clan instead.
Name: Chris
Nickname: Government Hunter. ‘G. H’ for short. Age: 29 Sexuality: Gay Gender: Male
Chris join the Toppat Clan in the age of 19. When his parents gives birth to Lay, He want to find a job to support the family. But he was struggling to find a job. Chris was than meet up with RHM before Reginald have the leadership of the Toppat Clan and before RHM become the Right Hand Man to Reginald. Chris meet PRHM (Past RHM) in a cafe. Both of them talk it out a bit and PRHM wants him to join the Toppat Clan, which Chris agrees. Once Chris join the Toppat Clan, PRHM starts to train him how to fight better and how to use weapons. In the following years, Chris begin to do crimes. He killed large amounts of Government, giving the name of ‘Government Hunter’. Reginald became the leader of the Toppat Clan after Terrence died. RHM basically adopted Chris as his own son after hearing about what his ‘family’ did. When Chris is 24, he got kick out of the house and never see his little sibling, Lay, ever again. 4 more years pass, when Chris is ready to get Lay back, the news of the Dreamer family died make Chris have a heart attack. Thankfully, his friends and his family is there for him. After a few months, Lay join the Toppat, adopted by Reginald, and Chris is so glad that his only siblings is here, alive and well.
Chris is really good at combats and weapons. He was helping the new member to get better at combat or at weapons. He now lives with the Copperbottom family.
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