#panta gremlin
cakeyselfships · 11 months
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this only became truer
i had a dream that brought me back here, where ouma was the illegitimate son of a mafia boss, and there was a huge formal gathering where the mob boss introduced him to everyone. miyako was being more touchy-feely and closer than what would be appropriate for someone who is in a committed relationship, and she stayed behind after the party for kokichi, while kaito went home and went to bed. i woke up with the song "Scotty Doesn't Know" stuck in my head. Now I can't stop listening to it and replacing the lyrics as, "Kaito doesn't know that Miyako and me..."
i think the kaito era has passed???
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zoros-onigiri · 11 months
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Not to be selfish and obsessive but my F/Os are mine and only mine. I’m their everything, their world, and they couldn’t imagine life without me
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lowcosmic · 6 months
Kokichi with a boyfriend (reader) who measures 6' 1" or a little more.. ehe
I imagine that before they became a couple, Kokichi made fun of and insulted the reader's height just because he literally felt a little nervous at first because of the big height difference, because he had to raise his head to look at the reader
But the reader simply looked at him as if he were a small puppy that only barks cutely! 😻
I imagine that they became "friends" (the reader considered Kokichi as a friend but Kokichi did not want to admit it) that when Ouma is bothering Shuichi or Kaede, or rather in general someone in a contemptuous way I think that the reader would appear and with I would easily grab Kokichi by his armpits, pick him up and take him somewhere else to let him bother the person! You would just leave a Kokichi kicking in the air and protesting that you let go, just like a child that a toy was taken away
How you accompanied Kokichi, on the street or something like that and when you wore a cap and wore dark clothes people came to think that Kokichi is your younger brother or a nephew! (A cashier told them "what else is your son bringing?" When Kokichi placed a panta on the scanner table, the reader shook his head and said "Excuse me, but he is my classmate, we are the same age. "The cashier immediately apologized and Kokichi was there, frowning because they thought he looked like a child)
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—— kokichi with a s/o who’s 6~ feet tall .
— 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : headcannons about kokichi and his 6 or so foot significant other being silly y’know.
— 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff
— 𝐜𝐰 : nothing
— 𝐚/𝐧 : making me feel short ,, BY THE WAY sorry I did gn! pronouns …
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yeah , he definitely doesn’t wanna get on your bad side. but he does put in a few remarks and comments such as , “ hey bigfoot , ” or “ clown feet , ”. but he means well.
you’d sometimes kneel or crouch to talk to him on the same height level , just to get back at him because you knew he hated that.
but he does like it when you seem smaller than him in height by bowing or something to make your form shrink below him , because it makes him feel more powerful.
kokichi quickly grew to liking you with him , because others would be intimidated once he’d say , “ oh yeah , this is my friend (y/n) , they can definitely beat you to a pulp! ”
yeah you’d definitely carry him away using the hands - underneath - armpits tactic , and he’ll also try ( and fail lmao ) to fight back.
you could literally throw him so far off like a baseball but he still is a little gremlin cuz ,, it’s kokichi
YES , people will mistake your relationship to be brothers , no matter if you both are dating or nah. exactly how it’s put in the request.
it’s funny because people will give you funny looks when kissing kokichi on the lips ( in a relationship ) just to fluster him a bit. and you both can’t help but laugh out loud at their reactions.
kokichi will love getting piggy back rides from you , it makes him feel taller than you.
but it does make kokichi feel protected under your hunkered form , no matter how much he hates that those feelings exist.
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please don’t repost , translate , or claim my works as your own.
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 2 months
Fun Factn't: Kokichi lives in my walls.
Make sure you leave out panta and cookies for him, gotta feed your wall gremlin
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dangandecadence · 11 months
A Supreme Leaders Panta
“Shumaiiii~~ open your door!” Kokichi impatiently said while rapidly knocking on the door. The purple haired gremlin had arrived for his and Shuichi’s weekly Saturday ‘session’. Of course the word session is subjective, in this case it refers to how Kokichi bloats or stuffs himself with Shuichi there to help. Since they’ve been doing it for about two months now it’s obviously had an effect on Kokichi’s waistline, turning it into a cute little muffin top when he wore his old clothes (which he was still insistent that he could wear fine). Love handles would spill over his tight fitting trousers when he removed his shirt, although all you’d hear from Kokichi is denial.
The door opened with Shuichi letting out a small smile at the sight of Kokichi. He enjoyed these sessions and in more ways then one, this time though he was going to push Kokichi. “Shumai!! You finally answered, I was gonna die of boredom y’know?!”
“… It took me eleven seconds to get here Kokichi.” He said sarcastically with a deadpanned expression, knowing Kokichi was using hyperbole to his advantage. It was something he always did and it was something Shuichi didn’t mind. Though it was admittedly fun to catch him out on his lies.
“Umm, yeh! Eleven seconds of me rapidly approaching my death bed!!! How could you Shumai?!” He dramatically let out as crocodile tears flooded out his eyes, this was short lived however as he then lifted his hand up to show he was holding a two litre bottle of grape panta. “Anyways, I got this for me to have! I know my little, well big in this case, pervert loves if when I can’t control my hiccups~” He teased as he stood on his tip toes and leant in close to Shuichi, his face turning red at the remark. Though he had grown used to Kokichi’s teasing, moments like that would always embarrass him.
“R-right… come on in.” Shuichi nervously said, sweeping that topic under the rug as he stood by the side of the door. Kokichi immediately nodded and skipped through, a happy go lucky expression plastered onto his face as he immediately made himself comfortable on Shuichi’s couch. Directly in the center, almost taking up a third of it… but both of them knew it would be much more then that sooner then expected.
With the sound of the door closing evident in Kokichi’s ears, he swayed back and forth on the couch while seeing Shuichi walk into the room. He sat down next to the smaller boy who was resting the panta on his lap. “Ok… your record is from the first session… about 1.25 litres. You ready?” Shuichi would ask, pulling out a small notebook which he would record the results of the sessions in. This was their ninth session now and he wanted to see if Kokichi could down all two litres.
“Hey!! I take offense to that! Don’t underestimate a Supreme Leader and his appetite nishishi~” He would comment as his stomach let out an audible growl. Truth be told, Kokichi hadn’t eaten today just so he could drink as much as possible for this session. He was starving, and that would be an understatement. “Calm down~ Look at all this belly-chan, you’ll be so full and jiggly in no time~” He’d audibly tease just to fluster Shuichi, which it did.
And then the bottle of panta found it’s cap being unscrewed with a small fizz when it had been done so. The carbonation making itself evident as Shuichi watched with curiosity, excitement and some slight lust. That’s when it started, Kokichi lifted up the bottle and started to chug it. His throat bulging out after each mouthful which he rapidly took due to it being his favorite drink, he could never get tired of it.
Gulp, Gulp, Gulp.
Kokichi purposefully made his mouthfuls as loud as possible, just to fluster poor Shuichi even further as he just watched in adoration. They weren’t dating, but both wished they were, Shuichi worried this was just a friend thing and Kokichi secretly afraid of rejection. What cut Shuichi out of his thought though was the noise of Kokichi letting the bottle out his mouth. “Phew!~ That’s probably the most I’ve chugged in one go.” Kokichi proclaimed in a seductive manner, smirking as he did so. A third of the bottle was down and Shuichi was just shocked, that only took him a minute.
“Is it really…?” Shuichi would curiously out, wanting to be the one to thank for pushing Kokichi’s skills so far. Whenever he got full after all he would push. Though Kokichi definitely wasn’t at that point yet. Letting out another smirk, Kokichi nodded and then opened his mouth.
“URRRRUP!! Woo~ excuse meee~” Kokichi audibly teased, knowing Shuichi loved his signs of gluttony. His shocked expression plastered with his blush only confirmed this as the carbonation just made itself known. Not wanting Kokichi to tease him about it, Shuichi lifted up the bottle to Kokichi’s lips. In turn he opened his lips with an audible ‘ahhhh’ before allowing it to be inserted in. Now Kokichi could feel his stomach starting to fill up as he neared the meter mark, though unlike the last time they tried this, it was no where near painful left. Kokichi could just feel his stomach starting to get comfortably full.
Shuichi allowed his hand to curiously crawl up Kokichi’s shirt which he met no resistance to. Both of them had come to enjoy the sensation of Shuichi’s hands gently kneading Kokichi’s fleshy dough of a stomach. Shuichi felt a faint line of red cover his cheeks as he felt how soft it was, Kokichi was definitely past halfway done and they could both tell. The way Shuichi’s hand sunk into his stomach and the way it would even slosh depending on what Shuichi did… it felt so nice, even making the Supreme Leader start to blush. Of course the Detective noticed as the roles started to change.
“Enjoying it…? Keep going and so will I.” With each session, Shuichi had become more dominant as Kokichi’s feeder, though everywhere else Kokichi was definitely the assertive one. The thing that gave Shuichi power over him though was how nice his hands felt upon his skin. It was always able to motivate Kokichi just like this time. He released himself from the bottle just for a moment so he could catch his breath, followed by a soft hic, he then put it back into his mouth and began on the last quarter.
Kokichi was already past his record, and Shuichi could tell from his stomach starting to bloat into his fingers. It wasn’t tight yet though so there was definitely more room, they’d find it and they would fill it. No questions asked. “You’re doing so well Kok…” He thought for a moment before deciding to turn the tables. “Kichi, keep it up.” Shuichi would softly tease with a new name, it made Kokichi’s heart flutter and filled him with a new motivation even though he was comfortably full now. He could at least finish this last quarter. So with new found determination, his chugging went quicker and louder, just to let his feeder know that he loved it.
The first time Kokichi grew submissive in one of their sessions, he was heavily embarrassed and ashamed… but the more he did it, the less he minded. It was just him and Shuichi… what was the harm in allowing his true desires to take over?
Testing something, Shuichi removed his hands from Kokichi’s shirt and loved what he saw. A bit of underbelly was visible under his shirt from the bloating. “Almost there Kichi…” He encouraged as the last mouthful made it’s way down Kokichi’s throat. He removed the bottle and panted for a moment while holding his stomach with one hand.
“Hahhh… t-that was the hic stuff…” Kokichi’s stomach started to audibly rumble and growl as the carbonation built up, both of them knowing what was coming as Kokichi laid down on Shuichi’s lap and faced upwards at him. “BWOOOOOOARP!” Shuichi felt his face turn red as Kokichi let out a cheeky grin after his belch, soft little hiccups following afterwards as Shuichi decided to be bold. Tugging on the bottom of Kokichi’s shirt, he saw no resistance as he took it off. Kokichi truly was growing a muffin top and it was beautiful, the love handles spilling over his trousers… the carbonated and loud belly that pushed out much further then normal. Not to forget his adorable navel which had grown quite deep.
Resting a hand on Kokichi’s belly, he put his index finger in his navel and gently rubbed. Soft little moans coming from Kokichi’s lips as they filled the silence between the two. No words were needed, hands tending to Kokichi’s overfilled belly and a finger gently playing with his navel. No words needed to be exchanged between the two.
“Huff… So… same n-next time Shumai…? BUURUP!” He questioned and let out as Shuichi chuckled and shook his head while fingering his navel.
“I believe a Supreme Leader can do half a gallon. Well, not can, but will.” He dominantly commanded as Kokichi squirmed in his lap pillow, both from the navel fingering and the commanding nature of his feeder.
“Ooooh~ now you get us leaders~ hic…” Kokichi teased back as he closed his eyes, allowing the bliss of Shuichi’s hands to take over… he needed as much room as possible for dinner after all.
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serenity-ren-bliss · 2 years
Saiouma fluff alphabet
I am aware this concept is usually used for one person. I wanted to try this.
(Non-despair highschool AU)
A round - How often are they around each other?
Let’s all be honest, Kokichi is very clingy. He will follow Shuichi around a lot. Shuichi honestly doesn’t mind all too much. Maki and Kaito, though, are very annoyed by it.  
B eauty - What do they admire about each other? What do they think is beautiful about the other?
When they first met, Kokichi liked how cute Shuichi was. Nowadays, while Kokichi still sees his Queen as one of if not the cutest things in the universe, he also now loves how loyal, hardworking, and sweet he is. 
Shuichi, at first, was drawn to Kokichi because he was interesting. Like a puzzle. Since then, he’s gotten quite fond of how cuddly, affectionate, silly, and outgoing he is.
C uddles - Favorite cuddling position
They honestly have a couple:
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This type of cuddling is especially good when one of them has a bad day. It provides a sense of protection for the receiver and the giver feels important and gets the chance to hold what is one of the most important things to them in their arms
Sweat heart’s cradle-
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They usually prefer this over spooning because they get to see each other. Usually, Kokichi is the one on Shuichi’s chest. However, this doesn’t mean he’s opposed to the over way around. They’re close, comfortable, and warm. 
Honeymoon hug-
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I can’t tell if they prefer this or the Sweat heart’s cradle on a day-to-day basis. They love just wrapping their arms around each other. Ideal kissing angle. 
D reams - How do they picture their future with each other?
Is not the type to enter a relationship planning to only last a short period of time. No, he fully plans to live the rest of his life with Shuichi. He would love it if Shuichi joined DICE. (All of the members call him “Queen” already, so he already has a codename (if he wants another alias, he can get one but Kokichi isn’t the happiest about it))
Just like Kokichi, Shuichi doesn’t like short-term things. He also plans to go far with Kokichi. 
E dible- Do they cook for each other? Is it good?
Kokichi isn’t good with recipes that are super precise. He needs room to mess up. However, with creative recipes like soup, fried rice, or smoothies, he is pretty good. He picked up almost all his skills from DICE. Particularly 10 who was the Jr Ultimate Cook. 
Shuichi honestly does most of the cooking. He can’t do complex stuff but he’s more precise than his partner. He also got a couple tips (particularly about what Kokichi likes) from 10. 
They bake sweets together sometimes.
F ight - Would they be easy for them to forgive each other? How are they fighting?
Usually, they talk things out before they get into “Fighting” territory. However, like any couple, they’ve had their fights. Usually, fights happen when one of them is tired. Mostly about things like Kokichi taking a prank too far or Suichi’s habit of overworking. Screaming matches tend to be quite short and afterwords they talk and cuddle it out or they give each other space. The longest they’ve stayed genuinely mad is 3 days and the longest they’ve been apart for is a week. One time, they were having a hard time talking even after neither of them were mad. Eventually, their friends got tired of it and locked them in a room together till they talked. (classic)  
G iving - What are the things they would give each other?
Kokichi: Random trinkets he or DICE made like bracelets, paintings, etc. food he makes. Books. 
Shuichi: Anything he thinks he’d like. Panta, stuffies, sweets, etc.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from each other? Or do they share everything?
At first, they kept a lot of secrets. Especially the gremlin. As the relationship progressed, they began to open up. There are still things they don’t always tell each other but they are not super big things. Usually. Every now and then they will be in a situation where one of them has something on their mind but doesn’t know how to talk about it, they usually talk it out.
I nspiration - Did they change each other? Like trying out new things or helping them overcome personal problems?
Definitely. Kokichi helped Shuichi become more confident and helped him let loose. Taught him how to take risks. Shuichi helped Kokichi open up. He gave him a sense of security that eventually allowed him to come out from behind the mask of lies. 
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Shuichi- 3/10 Doesn’t get jealous easily. You’d think with how anxious he is, he would get worried about Kokichi finding someone else. And while he can sometimes, Kokichi is way too attached to him to let it fester. There have been times when him getting jealous is a problem, but again, arguments between them are usually dealt with quickly.
Kokichi - Solid 5/10 with jealousy. He tries to not smother his boyfriend too much and understands he needs to spend time with other people. Not only that but he and Shuichi are really close a lot of the time so he doesn’t worry too often but also. However, he has abandonment issues, so, especially after a particularly bad day, he can be a little insecure.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
With Kokichi, kisses usually tend to be quick, small pecks all over mostly peppered on Shuichi’s face. He also loves kissing Shuichi’s hand. Especially while looking him directly in the eye. Shuichi is usually slightly less casual when it comes to kisses. His kisses are sweet, passionate, and a little shy/inexperienced at first. He’s following his instincts, trying his best to express his love without COMBUSTING.
L ove language- What is their love language?
Kokichi: Quality time and physical affection. He is in general a very affectionate person, but he finds it best when he gets alot of time to just hang out and shower Shuichi in affection. Most of that affection comes in the form of hugs and kisses. Will smuggle Shuichi like a koala. No, there is no way out of it. 
Shuichi: Acts of service. He enjoys doing things for people. What else do I say?   
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I mentioned before that neither of them would get into a relationship thinking it wouldn’t last. They would ABSOLUTELY want to get married. 
N icknames - What do they call each other?
Kokich for Shuichi: Shumai, Saihara-chan, Beloved, Love, Sweetheart, Shu(-chan), my prince, my queen
Shuichi for Kokichi: Kichi, Kimchi, Kichi-ko, my prince, my liege
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Kokichi is sweet, affectionate, clingy, and silly. Shuichi is silly (or at least more silly than with others,), affectionate, and sweet
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag about eachother in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Kokichi: Very upfront about it. He loves flaunting the fact he has the best boyfriend in the universe. (With his consent of course)
Shuichi: Alot more quiet about it. He doesn’t initiate PDA alot, he is also really nervous about it in general, but he doesn’t hate how affectionate Kokichi is.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Kokichi: Very good at sensing the emotions around him. (but also bad at acting on it sometimes.)
Shuichi: Tries to learn anything he can about Kokichi. (within reason so as to not make him creeped out.) Learns to know him almost like the back of his hand.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make eachother happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Usually, Kokichi tries to avoid being too cliche. Most of the time the romance from him is cuddling and pulling him away from work, dodging responsibilities to just chill.
Romantic moments from Shuichi tend to be quite domestic in nature. Baking, movie nights, cuddles, things like that. He just wants Kokichi to have fun.
S ongs - What songs do they listen to together?
They have a few playlists… some common songs are “I do adore” (Kokichi’s request) and “Keep your head up, Princess” (Shuichi’s request)
T radition - What traditions do they have that they do without fail
Visiting family every other week, having Movie night at least 2x a month, and baking together
U nderstanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
They are both pretty good at telling something is wrong. However, they can both have their… awkward moments
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Kokichi: Very. He would do ANYTHING for Shuichi, logic be damned. 100% has abandonment issues. 
Shuichi: Although less extreme than Kokichi, he values their relationship over alot of if not everything. 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Kokichi definitely steals Shuichi's hat.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Kokichi: YES. This boy is so affectionate, especially when he’s tired or upset. Very clingy (runs in the family, his sister is the same and he finally understands why now.) If he wants cuddles, he is GETTING cuddles. 
Shuichi: Will gladly receive it 97% of the time, but a bit more reserved with giving it. Usually, Kokichi can tell when he needs it so he doesn’t have to initiate anything, which is something that has never been a problem for either of them. 
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Kokichi: Attempting to distract himself by bothering someone or hanging with DICE (which technically counts as bothering someone, but they are less bothered. And 9 and 10 will take any chance to play with him, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), Wearing Shuichi’s clothes, Hugging pillows, Making something for Shuichi, looking at photos
Shuichi: Looking at photos/videos, daydreaming, watching his favorite movie, hanging w/ DICE 
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Kokichi: Will do everything under the sun and more with the one exception of hurting DICE. 
Shuichi: Whatever makes them happy as long as it is reciprocated. (Not one-sided) 
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dawnxblade · 1 year
Before The Killing Game
Kaito: "Kokichi! Don't drink all of that sugar! What did the doctor say!"
Kokichi: "Knock it off will ya! You know how much I love Panta! And besides Mom isn't happy how you punched her ex boyfriend."
Kaito: "Listen..I couldn't let that guy cheat on Mom anymore, you said it yourself that the guy was playing mom for a fool. Kokichi, what are we gonna do?"
Kokichi looks at Kaito and then back out the window of their small house
Kokichi: "I don't know but we'll protect mom! We'll bring her money, fame and glory! She'll be proud of us! Team Danganronpa said that when we enter the game Mom will be given money every day! Around like say millions of dollars!"
Kaito: "Kokichi, Mom hates Danganronpa. Why do you think she has forbidden us from ever watching it or talking about it, if she found out that we signed up for the game she will be heartbroken and basically ground us."
Kaito sighed looking at the portrait of a Brunette haired woman with green eyes holding the hand of a man with purple eyes and hair as they smile at the camera, both looking extremely happy
Kaito: "I know it's been hard since Dad died Two years ago and mom has been trying to make us happy, KOKICHI PLEASE LET US NOT JOIN THE GAME AND MAKE MOM SUFFER ANYMORE. Do it for us..for me."
Kaito was in tears watching Kokichi struggle with his inner emotions before deciding to let out the tears that had collected in his eyes
Kokichi: "But it's too late!"
Kaito: "Never! NOW COME ON, Let's go and tell Team Danganronpa that we're not playing their sick game. I won't lose this family to them! That's a promise."
Kokichi brings Kaito into a hug and they both let their tears fall, as they separated the door to their house is broken down and people in strange masks come in and drag them away, both screaming for each other
Kokichi: "K-Kaito I'm scared...please don't let them take us."
A stranger pulls out a note and starts reading from it
Man: "The killing game begins once all of the candidates have their memories erased from each other and are secluded from reality, we thank you for your cooperation."
With that the man grabs a strange type of machine that looked like a flashlight and flashed them both in the eyes, all of their memories gone. And replaced with false ones
When their Mom came home she searched for her children but they were nowhere to be found, she picked up the note that was left on the kitchen table and read...She cried.
"Team Danganronpa is very pleased with your sons audition tapes and have recruited them for the game. Here is your first payment, more to come soon phuphuphu."
Shouting the woman picked up a vase and smashed it on the ground, the shattering sound echoed around the empty house, pulling her head up she stared at a portrait of her boys playing in the park on the swings, both wearing capes trying to fly in the air like a bird. The memory made the woman cry harder and she swore when they got home she wasn't going to make them worry about her anymore, Her husband god bless his soul hopefully was watching over their dear children.
With a parting whisper she stood and stared out into the nightless sky
"Kokichi, Kaito my two brave sons...please don't ever forget how much you mean to each other."
After two years of mourning for her husband, she picked up the TV remote and the channel of Danganronpa blared broadcast the new season, She saw her two boys...but they no longer held the same last name and they were arguing...
Kaito Momota: "Listen here you gremlin, stay out of the way! No one wants to hear your lies!"
Kokichi Ouma: "I'll win this Killing game Momota-Chan, stay out of my way if you don't want to die a painful death, or is that a lie~"
Amanda Momota watched as her sons argued back and forth, Kokichi no longer looking at his brother with admiration but instead mockery. Kaito no longer holding his brother in a warm embrace but instead punching him like he was nothing to him, It broke her heart.
What could she do to fix this mistake
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thenewfuture · 1 year
Only if a red head ex model gone psychologist that’s related to a certain purple haired Panta loving gremlin was here to help this people recover.
Yes, maybe then Miaya wouldn’t have to constantly video chat with them and actually help them in person.
But wherever are we going to find her in this timeline…?
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
My panta gremlin is so cute tho Maki!!!
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Various highlights from my playthrough of DRV3
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Yes, please
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“Himiko you’re starting to act like Kyoko and that worries me please emote”
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Ah yes
We were instructed
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Not to step on the salt
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Gee, you think
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Kiibo: This wall is my only friend Maki: Wow Himiko’s short Kiyo: Y’all’re stupid Gonta: Wow Kokichi’s short Kokichi: Wow Himiko’s short Tsumugi: *Is an octopus* Miu: Nice fence Shuichi: Kaito Kaito: Wait what’s that in the middle of the fence
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jack-jackie-ie · 5 years
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Panta Gremlin
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licoririce · 6 years
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Kokichi’s voice actor is gonna be at SacAnime so guess who’s drawing this little gremlin?
I will make Derek Stephen Prince sigh this little bitch
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zoros-onigiri · 1 year
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Happy birthday Kokichi!
You’re my sweet, beautiful, irritating little demon, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you for the world 💖💘💖💘
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cakeyselfships · 6 years
Unexpected encouragement from Kokichi
Me: I can't save anyone-
Kichi: But that's a lie, isn't it?
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ferallymine · 6 years
Kokichi: Hello!
Me: AAAA *hides behind Kaito* WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING
Kaito: that's Kokichi
Kokichi: You should be more fearful for I am a supreme-
Me: Get that ugly ass Gremlin away from me
Me: Yeah yeah whatever just don't feed that thing after midnight
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moxxie-by-proxxie · 4 years
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It’s been like a few hours at most and I’m already back on my b-
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