eric-sadahire · 5 months
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Neither romantic nor platonic but a secret fourth thing
(Bonded like stray cats who cannot be adopted separately)
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recovering-vamp · 6 months
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mosaicfangs · 30 days
Love it when I read this series and my brain decides to just have it's imagination captured by a complete random background character for no reason like yeah sure we can think about Grayling and Bryony for a few weeks why not
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Hello there, beautiful ✨
I've got this wonderful Reunion idea!
What if Thena, Makkari and Druig (and bitching around Eros, unfortunately) were able to rescue the others but the way back to the Domo is blocked by at least a dozen of Gilgameshs. And Arishem is like:"I'll let you leave the World Forge IF you're able to choose the right Gilgamesh, the one who walked earth with you." But of course all of those fake versions got the same memories downloaded, and now it's on Thena to find HER sweet sweet Gilgamesh.
Hugs and much love 🖤✨
Gilgamesh--dozens of him. Looking around, looking at each other, looking at them.
Thena blinked, stumbling back a step as gold flickered under her skin.
"Easy," Druig murmured only loud enough for her. He put a hand on her back to keep her from turning and running. "Easy, T."
"What the hell is this?" Kingo said aloud, taking the sight of copies of his brother--his brother whom he saw murdered not even a year ago.
"Thena, what's going on?"
Arishem had told them what it was for. He intended to discover if the Eternals were really capable of retaining pieces of their past lives, or if it was nothing but a flaw in his programming. Was Mahd Wy'ry a feature or a bug?
"T, come on," Phastos gestured from a little further back in the pack. His rings were practically rattling on his hands. "For all you know, none of them are-"
"No," she gulped, eyes still wide and glued to the small battalion in front of them. "He's here."
Kingo moved forward, intent on...something. Perhaps he thought this was the kind of burden he could take on for his sister. But he looked down as Makkari tugged at his sleeve, shaking her head.
"This is nonsense," the newest one of the group - Eros - drawled, utterly bored now that their quarry had been retrieved. "I can make swift work of-"
Thena walked forward. None of them were listening to her anyway. All of the Gilgameshs looked at her as she approached. Not even one of them raised a fist. She glanced over her shoulder at Eros, "you touch even one of them and you'll face me next."
That was about as serious a threat that could exist.
She walked closer to the mass of Gilgamesh. It was surreal, and maybe a bit horrific. Her mind desperately screamed at her that this wasn't right. That she was finally, truly Mahd and that none of this was real.
She closed her eyes, inhaling, trying to pull together her mind as she had been getting better at doing. Times when Druig would help by keeping her wild thoughts contained. Times when she would just stand there, crying for someone who was still there in her mind. Times when she would tremble and Gil would be there to hold her hand.
Her Gilgamesh.
She took in a deep breath again. They all smelled like the World Forge. None of them smelled like their home in Australia. One of them walked Earth with her for years--for centuries and millennia. The rest only thought they did.
She looked around at them, all of them meeting her eye with the same intent and recognition. Arishem really was a deity who new neither love nor cruelty. This was merely an experiment with his little pets.
Ajak was many things, but she never toyed with them like this.
Thena looked each in the eye one at a time. They reacted the way one might expect. They all had gentle expressions and soft smiles. But none of them were right, yet. She would know.
She could doubt many things about her life, and herself, but she had no doubts about this.
She looked each of them over. Their eyes would meet but then nothing would happen. She would know it wasn't really him. Someone who thought himself Gilgamesh, maybe. But she would move on. Something was missing.
She took a breath again. Her Cosmic Energy was buzzing in her veins, overstimulated from the sheer volume of Eternals present. But that wasn't right. She closed her eyes again.
There was a direction in which it was pulling. One that promised calm, and peace. She took a few steps, focusing entirely within as the power in her body guided her.
"What is she doing?" The interloper was wary of her letting her guard down around the enemy.
"Let her," Sersi was the one to silence him. She was their new Prime, after all.
Thena opened her eyes. Not at the back of the group, but far from the front. This one. She looked at his eyes, soft and warm, rich brown. He looked exactly like the others but...different.
The way he stood was different. His shoulders were a little more relaxed, a little heavier. The others weren't defensive but they weren't exactly dormant. He was at ease with her in front of him.
She raised her hand up to his cheek and he leaned into it, closing his eyes like she was a soothing balm to an open wound. She put her other hand on his chest. His heartbeat was strong, and it fell on the same rhythm as hers.
"This one."
Arishem's voice thundered both around them and in their skulls. "You are certain?"
Thena smiled, and was awarded with a smile in return. Gil turned his head to kiss her palm and reached out for her. Her body didn't flinch, her Cosmic Energy didn't reflexively gather in her palms. Her most instilled survival instinct - her inability to relax - was dormant. She sighed as his hand found the small of her back. This was him. "This is my Gil."
He beamed at her, touching his forehead to hers, careful of the tiara of her armour. This was him.
The other Eternals watched on anxiously. Thena was as certain as the Energy they all shared, but they could still have their own doubts. Sersi was the only one who already looked relieved.
Thena kept her eyes closed as the other Gilgameshs went quiet, sentinels robbed of movement. She didn't want to see him still and lifeless again, in any form. She whispered to her Gilgamesh, "let's go."
He nodded, leading her away and into the Domo, not even looking back at the rest of his family. He kept his hand at her waist, leading her gently, "I'm right here."
He was right here, with her, safe. This was him.
"Thena?" Young - genuinely young - Sprite ran out from the console room, stopping short at the sight. She eyed the 'Gilgamesh' with her. "Th-Thena?"
"It's okay, Sprite," she whispered, not releasing Gil from being within arm's reach. She nodded, "it's him."
Sprite accepted it, although she didn't exactly run over with open arms. She leaned to look around them as the rest finally followed, filing into the Domo. She widened her eyes and shook her head slightly.
Kingo mirrored the expression and shrugged; he didn't know either! He moved to her side quickly, though, "come on, let's get outta here."
Phastos took up the helm. Eros stood at the threshold while the family whose ship this really was easily fell into their respective roles again. He was still eyeing Gilgamesh.
"Don't let Thena catch you."
He looked beside him at the Elemental Eternal--the replacement Prime, as he knew her. That was until they got their recovered Prime online again.
"It's him," Sersi confirmed, looking at her sister, gazing at Gilgamesh without a care as to who saw. "If Thena's that sure, then so am I."
"You can afford to be so certain?" Eros felt free to ask her. He nodded his head at the Warrior Eternal, lavishing in the presence of her love. "You don't think maybe she wants it to be him badly enough to convince her mind of it? A mind, which, may I add-"
"Has nothing to do with you," Sersi cut him off decisively. She drifted closer to the rest of her family, "I have known these two for thousands of years. The love they have has always escaped my full understanding. But...you know it when you see it."
Maybe Eros wasn't used to seeing such display of emotion. It wasn't something Eternals were prone to--not supposed to be prone to, at least. They were androids--inorganic and created for a purpose. They didn't mate for life.
But then, Thena wasn't a perfect Eternal. She had a bug, or a feature, rather.
"Are they gonna just stand there like that," Phastos muttered, with Kingo's agreement over watching their sister's canoodling.
"Leave 'em be," Druig muttered behind both of them, Makkari tucked into his side. In the absence of the rest of their brothers and sisters, Druig had become the presence most looming and protective of the Warrior Eternal's peace of mind.
Thena opened her eyes again, finding, indeed, her Gilgamesh. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. That was him. "Hey."
He both melted and burst, his smile warming the entire room of their cold mothership. He ducked his head closer, their noses brushing, "hey."
She sighed, settling herself in the crook of his neck like she belonged there. "You're here."
"I'm here."
"It's you," she found his hands, winding them together. They fit just right.
"It's me," he confirmed, pressing his palm to his like he had millions of times before.
This was him.
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werebutch · 3 months
how are there no warm mediums in the trading center rn . kill
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hello, limbilur!
my name is campanella! i'm new to limbus husbandry, having come into the ownership of a bonded pair comprised of a heathcliff (stormy, standard breed) and a hong lu (osmanthus, standard breed). i'm also looking into adopting another limbus somewhere down the line - possibly a sinclair. i'm also quite interested in ruinas and lobcorps!
i'm making this blog to join the wider limbus husbandry community to learn more and documenting my daily life with my two new limbi! i hope we can get along!
thank you to @limbushusbandry for being such a good information on limbi!
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warcrimesimulator · 4 months
I think its really funny that you can make your Wolvden wolves gay. Awesome feature.
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olessan-orroraci · 1 year
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everyone doing everything at once
Edit: I actually lost three wolves, but because two of them were pairbonded to each other they died together instead of causing any extra notifications:
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diamondnokouzai · 2 months
have decided to name my apartment matilda.
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overmorrowpine · 4 months
bites and killing
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vanitasmori · 7 months
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hit new sitcom
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canisalbus · 3 months
can't stop thinking about bunny vasco and machete as bluebell and captain holly from watership down... joyful roguish comedian pairbonded to the most tortured soul he could find
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kragehund-est · 2 months
looking for an un-deranged way to say "hey i'm interested in you and if you reciprocate we can immediately have sweaty hairy wild animal sex and pairbond for life, but if you're not interested that's chill too and this admission does not have to affect our platonic relationship in any way."
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 8 months
"ok so you know that infamously long serialized web story with a creator that the fandom at best is lukewarm towards, where in the climax a morally ambiguous teenaged girlboss with spider theming and mind control powers assembles an enormous army of powerful individuals and sacrifices potentially millions of them in order to defeat an existentially powerful being, and also large parts of the mid-late plot including the origin of that existentially powerfully being revolve around the lifecycle of pairbonded intergalactic superbeings of inscrutable motives"
"theres two of those actually"
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ranticore · 3 months
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the whalers
This is the most 'modern' cast of characters on Siren, at a time when technology is equivalent to about the 1900s in Earth. Their ship is a cutting-edge coal-fired hydrofoil with a metal hull (i'll have to decide what type of metals are abundant & available to them but it is likely iron). A hydrofoil ship lifts physically out of the water using the underwater foils, which generate lift similar to a wing, vastly increasing the speed of the vessel. These foils are specifically designed to penetrate the denser layer of water which can more easily support the ship, and they can be raised and lowered at will. This ship is the Seerkaseer, the same callsign (Sierra Oscar Sierra) as the visor worn by its astronavigator, so that it can be tracked using the global telecommunications array.
They hunt giant siphos, which also propel themselves out of the water using the same hydrofoil principle (i was going through a hydrofoil phase last year when i designed these things...). The translucent shells are used to create a transparent glass-like material which has particular applications in pelagic villages, and the meat is eaten. But it's the hydrophobic oil produced by the tail glands, which reduces drag in flight, that commands the highest prices at the market. It's one of the most precious liquids on the planet, in fact.
When a giant sipho is sighted, the ship raises itself out of the water and gives chase. The crew uses a battery of harpoons and bow chasers to hook onto the creature, though it can take several shots to penetrate the shell. The ship can only fly above a certain speed, and this is achieved by propellers as well as its simple sails. When it makes a kill, it can sink back into the water and unfold a floating platform on which the entire body is butchered over the course of a few days (or weeks if it's a big one). Close to shore, the body might just be towed to a land-based processing facility, but the largest and most valuable siphos are only found in the unbroken sea, away from the ridges and mazes of land.
I named each of the crew and also made a few more guys which I didn't illustrate. I wanted to have a sort of slice of life story on board this ship. The main conflict lies in the kattakati (one of which is illustrated there, the lookout) presence on board the ship, as this would be rather rare at the time. I'll make a big post later (I need to draw updated art, I don't like the old art I did) but essentially a kattakati is, legally and culturally speaking, a single person with two bodies. It's a quirk from the dry breaks area of the Eastern continent and almost unique to the zeta type of people, which have a very different history to all other lineages. Other people struggle to comprehend the kattakati and don't really Get It, but it is exactly what it sounds like - two people who enter a permanent pairbond such that they become one person, total and complete extensions of a single being. But I'll talk more about it later.
Being sooo honest here I was deeply, deeply inspired by reading the manga Drifting Dragons at the time lol it made me want to make a whaling crew story so badly, and given all the other whaling references in Siren as a whole it felt appropriate
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blistering-typhoons · 2 months
Okay, so I watched one or two Rathbone Holmes stories back in high school and decided I didn't like Nigel Bruce, but I've also seen you talking positively about the Rathbone Holmes movies/ episodes. If you're willing, can you say why you like them and/ or which you would recommend starting on? Is it a series to watch in broadcast order, or are they more stand-alone? Which ones are your favorite? I want to give it a second chance.
hiya, thanks for the ask :D adding a cut here cuz this post got realllyyy outta hand- so so sorry xD
I wanna preface by saying that I totally get the frustration of Nigel Bruce Watson- as much as I've come to care for this portrayal, there are still moments of disappointment? I feel? Mostly once you see all the potential in him before it gets unceremoniously dumbed down for the sake of comedy, and it can be trying sometimes, but I've learned to breeze past those moments and! There are definitely movies where he shines brighter than others! In the end, you may warm up to him or you may not, but I fully commend you on taking another chance :D
I did not really start off in broadcast order (my ass still hasn't seen rathbone and bruce's HOUN- bloody disgraceful lmao) and mostly watched in order of vibes, which seems to have worked out alright xD
I started off with Scarlet Claw, and after rewatching it this morning, I feel like it's an alright place to start! It's a good sort of mystery and there was enough element of equal partnership to get me invested in Holmes and Watson. But, I'd say it's still pretty lukewarm, enjoy it as I do, so to compound this long ass post lemme throw a list at you real quick of rathbone movies i strongly recommend-
The Pearl of Death:
Starting off with Pearl of Death not only for the 'Watson gathers the braincells' quality but because it's one of the genuine classics in the series- a brilliantly crafted movie from start to finish, and in my opinion, one of the better shot ones. This one is a good start, it's a bit slow in some places, but it's a good, neutral film that showcases I think some of the more concrete themes and brilliancy of the movies.
House of Fear:
I honestly dunno if I'm biased about this one, but it is genuinely one of my favourite movies of all time. It's the very second one I watched, and it's still in my nighttime viewing collection- I fall asleep watching this movie, which is a compliment I swear. Watson has a more active role, is genuinely trying his best for most of the runtime and falls more in line with 'genuine failure to succeed' more than just 'bungled it up for a gag'. It's a really, really excellent mystery and I adore Holmes and Watson's dynamic throughout- 10/10, freaking banger movie.
Pursuit to Algiers:
Then, of course, the Big Daddy herself- Pursuit to Algiers. This one falls less in line with a mystery (our baddies become pretty clear at one point) and more suspense, but man is that a good thing. The dang thing takes place on a boat for most of it, Holmes and Watson are attached to eachother like pairbonded shelter dogs and have the most balanced, affectionate of interactions, Watson gets to sing! And not to give away any spoilers (yeah shush, i know the movie's old) but a particular plot point happens in this movie and as a result, Nigel Bruce gets to do a genuinely heartbreaking piece of acting- seriously, there is a shot where he goes out onto the deck, completely silent of music and just looks out into the ocean that still has me unwell even after all this time. Goofy moments still happen in the movie, but they feel more organic, and overall there is a wonderfully grounded approach to Watson here- he's still silly, but it's a fun silly, and a silly that Holmes indulges in with him. The depth of affection between these two is ASTOUNDING in this movie, bloody unhinged behaviour. Great movie, do watch it :D
I'd say those three are, at least in my opinion, the best of the best! I do enjoy the others, but I think it best to venture into those once an affection has been developed, they do strain the patience a bit at times I'm afraid. (And it goes without saying, some of the movies have a definite propaganda vibe to them, which is charming sometimes and sometimes just grating, really depends on the day i think- none of the three movies listed above fall under this category though- and the of course, general warning for all the really poorly aged 1940s stuff, but you know that :>)
Except The Spider Woman. In really the bluntest of terms, fuck that movie, all my homies hate The Spider Woman, do NOT watch it (i'm only half joking, oh god its so bad)
Anyways, uh, sorry lmao-
I really must thank you for letting me put this incredibly useless knowledge to use, I'm so goddamn sorry it came out in this absolute massive scrawl- I wish you all the luck in your rathbone holmes adventure, and I hope you have an illuminating time either way it goes for you :D
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