atomic-freezer · 1 year
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Armor Your local Cleric today!
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thaiamulet-us · 1 year
Thai Amulet Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai
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Magic Thai Amulet Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai
Powerful Amulet Accelerates Your Life Using The Purest Magical Subjects.  For  Attractiveness & Charm Aura
The great power of Khun Paen can turn the situation around, changing those who were Once Your Enemy, to become your Friends, and, in the case of the Opposite Sex (or Same sex) to fall in Love with You. "
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  Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai By Lp Kruba Kampeng Lp Kruba Kampeng is well known worldwide for making talismans that are efficacious in Attraction ,Charm, love and Protection necromantic powers are best displayed in amulets as such. He has a big following around the world with worshipper attesting the strength of his talismans. Positive experiences are mainly sexual but some have reported lottery, gambling success etc, Lp Kruba Kampeng is known throughout Thailand because of its amulets, which give happiness in love affairs, gambling, financial affairs and business affairs. His amulets are very popular not only among lonely men and gamblers (also securities dealers), but also especially among businessmen, shopkeepers and restaurant owners. His amulets are regarded as a guarantee for happiness with women, often not only with one, for luck in all kinds of gambling (casino, lottery, cards, roulette etc.) and for luck in business and financial matters. For this reason his mini series amulets are already sold out shortly after the appearing in the temple.   Kruba Kampeng has used the Invocation Summoning, Awakening and Turning of the Four Elements was performed to Reanimate Living Magic within the Khun Paen, according to the Ancient Grimoires and Magical Formulas of the Wicha. The full formula of Invocations for the Kata Akarn Sam Sip Sorng were performed for reanimation of the spirits within the Khun Paen. This is an essential part of Necromantic Empowerment with all Humanoid and Animal form amulets which are imbued with a resident spirit. The invocations to call and awaken the Power a living mind within the Khun Paen. ***********************************************************************
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  Thai Amulet Khun paen Powerful magic Lucky Gamble & Love Appeal.
The Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai is formulated to be used in magical workings to attract and strengthen love. Create and draw long lasting love in your life. Due to the potent power of the mystical properties imbued within the amulet, the deerskin Khun Paen can help improve one's luck, fate and fortune. This means that the Khun Paen has the potential power to opening doors that will lead you to your success in bringing about the changes you desire. For instance, the amulet can be used to increase wealth, accumulating money and riches. Moreover, using this amulet will not only boost your charisma, but also serves as an effective means to improve your love life drastically.
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  The Khun Paen amulet gives to its owner luck in the private and in the professional area as well as in financial and business matters. The Khun Paen amulet gives to its wearer creativity, attractiveness, charisma, strength and mental energy. It makes him affect other people attractively, strong-minded and likeable. In the job it gives luck and helps to come up fast the career ladder. It gives to executives, owners of the company and independents as well as freelances strength and a "happy hand" with decisions. It helps his owner to reach a happy and long life in health and prosperity. Moreover, it should be a "women's catcher" which provides for the fact that the wearer of the amulet "appeals" to women and this not only to one. That's why Thai wives permit neither carrying nor the possession of such an amulet to their men. They fear that their husbands will have shortly one or several "secondary wives" (Mia Noi). The amulet makes the wearer irresistible, attractive, charismatic and desirable for the female gender. Besides it generates an erotic attraction which no woman can resist. Gamblers who play the lottery, roulette, cards, betting or casino play the amulet high profits. The same is true for people with shares, precious metals, warentermins and other securities, as well as commodities. To do business on the stock Exchange.  
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Thai Amulet Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai By Lp Kruba Kampeng
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Thai Amulet Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai By Lp Kruba Kampeng
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Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai By Lp Kruba Kampeng Read the full article
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azukaaa · 1 year
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abba-enthusiast · 4 months
@ jemand der gut in Mathe oder Physik ist: wie kann ich Aufgabe 9 lösen? 😭
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Ist die Streuung die Standardabweichung S oder σ? Oder überhaupt keins von beidem?
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 months
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Paene omnia decent
Zum Geburtstag Kants fällt Jürgen Kaube die Schlauheit und der Witz ein zu sagen, dass Kant heute diejenigen Philosophen, die sagen, was er heute zu anderen Dingen gesagt hätte, als Grillenfänger bezeichnet hätte. Hätte-Hätte-Sagenkette. Witzbold Ouroboros! Gibt Grillenfänger und Grillanfänger. Grillanfänger ist Kaube keiner.
Kaube testet die Theorie und Praxis der Rekursion aus, testet, was von ihr bleibt, wenn Rekursion wie im Ouro-Hamsterrad exerziert wird. Sie wird geschliffen. Das ist nicht immer angenehm, denn Praxis und Theorie der Rekursion ist an sich faszinierend und man sieht Faszinierendes ungern abrauschend, schwitzend und ratternd. Aber wie heißt es schon in den rhetorischen Institutionen zu den Ventilen, Membranen und Drüsen rhetorischer Rekursion (also eines Redens mit Rede, Sprechens mit Sprache, Schreibens mit Schrift und Verkörperns mit Körpern, eines Wortemachens mit Worten und Bildens mit Bildern ): Paene omnia decent, am Ende geht alles durch, schließlich mustert alles und lässt sich alles mustern. Das decorum stellt sich immer zuerst an und dann ein. Alles ist, wird und bleibt geschieden, geschichtet, gemessen und gemustert. Die Rekursion kristallisiert zwar hier und da aus, aber nur in zügigen Formen und meteorologischen Situationen, dann schmilzt sie wieder. Sie versteinert, aber nur meteorologisch, selbst versteinert schwimmt sie noch wie tektonische Platten, noch planetarisch fest kreist sie durch kreisenden Kosmos.
Letztens hat Kaube Thesen zur Kanzleikultur referiert, dass ich dachte: Wer so liest, braucht keinen Fernseher mehr. Die Thesen zur Kanzleikultur, die auf das gerüchtsförmige Geistern der Zensur pochen, die vertrete ich auch - man muss nur genau lesen. Es gibt keine Schreiben ohne Kanzleikultur, es gibt im Schreiben kein off the record ohne zügige Linien, die diagrammtisch und diagraphisch operieren, weil sie kooperativ Unterlagen durchziehen (zum Beispiel sitzt die Tinte dem Papier auf und das Angepinnte, Gerissene, Geritzte oder Peinvolle (painting) der Tafel (tabula). Die Zensur war immer schon ein gerüchtsförmig, das macht sie so effektiv, wie sie ist, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Adrian Daub, auf den sich Kaube gestürzt hatte, als sei der Daub doof, glaubt nicht, dass es keine Cancel Cultur gäbe, sein Schreiben appelliert daran, sie plastisch und geanologisch zu entfalten, über das sedimentäre und aufrührbare Geschichte, das Geschichte anhäuft. Cancel Culture wird immer dann ausgerufen, wenn die Zugänger, die bisher methodisch den Korridoren folgten, plötzlich gegen die Wand laufen, weil der Korridor einen Knick oder einen Bogen, vielleicht nur eine Kurve leichte Kurve macht. Man ist nie der einzige, dem im Laufe seines lebens gesagt wurde, man könne tun, was man wolle, aber erst wenn man einen Lehrstuhl oder einen anderes, angeblich sicheres und trockendes Plätzchen sich gesichert hätte, vorher solle man bitte wenigstens so tun, als würde man sich anpassen. Man ist nie der einzige, dem so etwas in einer Situation gesagt wurde, die für alle Beteiligten an sich unerträglich peinlich ist, vor allem dann, wenn der Rat- bzw. Abratgeber hinterschiebt, er selbst fände ja schlau und wichtig, was man machen würde, aber die Kollegen und das Publikum seien doch doch so furchtbar doof und nur darum solle man sich doch solange zurückhalten, bis man seine Schäfchen ins Trockene gebracht hätte. Jeder hat das schon mal gehört, viele haben es geglaubt. Daily Show. Wir müssen lernen, wie Kaube nicht Grillanfänger, sondern Grillenfänger zu werden, so kommt man durch Winter und diesig nieselnde Zeiten, in denen kein Ratgeber uns noch vor dem Nassmachen schützen kann.
Kaube ist nicht doof, es ist seine Aufgabe, Schlauheiten im Namen einer Gesellschaft zu sagen, die hinter der FAZ steckt, und sich im Namen derer, die hinter der FAZ sich für kluge Köpfe halten, auf Leute wie Daub zu stürzen, als ob die doof wären. Das macht der Kaube gut, der ist nicht durch Zufall einer der wichtigsten Herausgeber der Qualitätszusammenpresse. Ich kann ja auch nur soweit etwas zu Kaube was sagen, soweit ich weiß, wie man Qualität zusammenpresst.
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ofpd · 1 year
is it a coincidence that penis and peninsula are similar words
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debrink · 2 years
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Grand Casino Municipal de Chamonix
~ R. Paen, circa 1900’s
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linguisticdiscovery · 7 months
peninsula comes from the Latin paene īnsula, literally ‘almost an island’. How cute is that?
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 month
holy shit, John Ruskin (1819-1900) was a creep
guy meets Effie Gray when she's 12 and he's 21, stays in continuous contact with her, then marries her when she's 19. refuses to consummate the marriage- despite writing a letter about his eagerness for the wedding-night undressing -because some unspecified aspect of her body disgusts him, and it's annulled several years later, at which point she marries artist John Everett Millais (who has no such hangups- they go on to have eight children)
then he meets Rose la Touche when he is hired as her art tutor at age 39 and she is 10. remains close with her, writes paens of praise to her childish beauty...and then tries to marry her when she's 18. thankfully her parents reach out to Gray- you know, the woman who very publicly did not want to stay married to him -to ask what he was like as a husband. she reports that he's "oppressive" and they forbid the match. he later asks for Rose's hand AGAIN when she's 21 and therefore of legal age, and she still refuses him
years LATER he claims that Rose's spirit is telling him to marry a girl who's visiting his family. I don't know the age of this girl, but given that at least one commentator described her using that term- girl -I'm not optimistic
he also asked illustrator Kate Greenaway to draw naked little girls for him, so. there's that, in the context of his other behavior
people gloss over this to a disturbing degree because they value his work, it seems like, based on my brief research
(I've genuinely seen someone say "but he didn't try to court Rose la Touche formally until she was 18!!!" DUDE. he still spent ALL OF THE INTERVENING YEARS CLOSE WITH HER and then PROPOSED THE SECOND IT WAS SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE. that is NOT ANY LESS CREEPY!)
("he just admired children's innocence and beauty!" okay, yes, that would be innocuous enough out of context...but it does not lead you to attempt to marry the object of your admiration, though, usually? if you're not a Total Creep?)
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countrydionysia · 6 months
2023 Rural Dionysia Announcement
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Io! The time of the year has come again for the Rural Dionysia!
How to participate
The Rural Dionysia is meant to be a smaller competition than its urban counterpart, as such, we have selected only 3 categories:
Freestyle poetry
Modern hymns
“Complete the fragment”
Freestyle poetry
Your poem can be about any chosen topic (myth, personal experience etc.) in any written format. It doesn't have to be religious in nature.
Modern hymn
An hymn must sing the praises of a deity of your choice. Unlike the "freestyle poetry", your work must be of religious nature to fit in this category.
Complete the Fragment
Each year, we choose a fragment from an Ancient Greek poet to work with. The challenge is that the initial fragment must be included somewhere in your piece in its original order. This means you can fill the gaps however you want, but you can’t switch the order of the words in your piece or remove words from the original fragment.
Here is the fragment selected for this 2023 edition: Paen 16 by Pindar (52q Oxyrhynchus papyrus; late 2nd century AD; trans. William H. Race; Loeb 56)
……………… ] Lord Apollo, .…] for I pray ….] with willing (mind?) to give ….] power suffices and you were judged to be ….] most gentle to mortals.
Here is the Greek text for reference. Note that because the word "mind" is unsure in this translation, it will be acceptable to keep or modify this word.
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If in doubt for any of these categories, remember that you can check submissions from the previous years to get an idea of how others have done before.
Submitting your piece
Please submit your piece through submissions on this blog. All entries must be tagged for the category they are being submitted to. but you can only choose 1 category per piece and each person may only submit 1 entry per category each year.
Entries must also be tagged for potentially triggering content and squicks. If your entry needs a trigger warning, kindly add them at the end of your submission and we will take care of adding them in. Check the rules below for further information about submissions.
Calendar of the event
Nov. 10: Official announcement and opening of submissions. Dec. 10: Final submission day. Dec. 11: Vote opening. Dec. 18: Vote closing. Dec. 19-20: Announcement of the winners!
No worries though! We will be posting reminders about each step when the time comes.
General rules
Roleplay and fanfic are not acceptable submissions. This is a religious festival, please respect our faith and do not submit an entry if you are roleplaying or writing fanfiction.
Unlike with the City Dionysia, entries do not necessarily have to be about specific deities or Hellenic polytheism except for the “Modern Hymn” category, which has to be dedicated to one or many gods of your choice.
There are no meter restrictions. This is up to the writer.
All stories, myths, and poems must be entered using the submissions button.
All entries must be tagged for the category they are being submitted to. Entries must also be tagged for potentially triggering content and squicks.
An entry may only be submitted to a single category.
Each person may only submit one entry per category each year.
Winners for each category will be decided by popular vote.
Admins of this blog cannot participate, for obvious reasons. As for now, this includes @thegrapeandthefig @verdantlyviolet
Questions about the rules? Check the blog for past answers, your answer might be in there. And if it's not, simply submit an ask. We'll answer in the best delays possible.
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liesmyth · 3 months
TLT holiday exchange: it's a wrap!
Authors have been revealed for the @tlt-holiday-exchange. You can find the full collection here; you can find my rec list here.
Thanks to everyone who created, beta-read, left feedback, or otherwise helped this event come together. You rock ❤️💀✨
What I Wrote
slash and burn for the wonderful @/forjodssake. Augustine/John, pre-Resurrection. ft. Augustine's mango vape and John's pathetic swag. Rated M.
“Fuck you,” John says. “I can do rizz.”
Exchange MPVs
Shoutouts to the creators with multiple works in the collection!
PyrrhaDveotee with 13 (!!!!) works. Here they are.
LesbianJesusLovesYou with SIX different works. Here they are.
with FIVE works each: Sluggg (here) and Kat_Hikari (here)
with FOUR works each: @thewinterstale (here) and @celira (here)
with THREE works each: @arithmonym (here) // @friendamedes (here and here) // Raxheim @theriverbeyond (here)
with TWO works each: @aspiranthect (here) // atropinecapra @youweremyridehome (here) // CindFourth @cindthia (here) // Lilac_Jam (here) // @rnanqo (here)
Now that creators are public, you can check the art pieces in the collection to see if they are rebloggable on here or twitter.
You can find all the SIXTEEN art pieces in the collection here.
Read on under the cut to find: FIVE (!!!) newer additions to the collection that you might have missed and SEVEN (!!!!) long fics over 15k.
Hot New Entries!!
Some works were posted after the collection revealed, and you might have missed them. Here they are:
Absorbed by grey stone by CookieNS. Rated G.
Aiglamene and Pelleamena share a brief moment after the captain returns from the Cohort.
just like normal by paene. Rated E.
Ianthe gives herself a cock, and Corona is increasingly bewildered that she hasn’t been allowed to sit on it yet.
refreshments provided by Anonymous. Rated E. [ART FILL!]
Abigail Pent getting her tits sucked at a conference by Juno Zeta, as she deserves
Ritual of the Unkissed Skull by Raxheim. Harrow Nova; Rated E.
“There’s a benefit, you know. To not being my real cavalier. It means I can do this,” Gideon says, and kisses Harrow.
the soft animal of your body by pussymedes. Camilla/Nona, Rated E.
Nona goes into heat.
We have SEVEN works over 15k words of length. Here they are:
Softly Falling, Tumbling Down by @ambiguouswren. Modern AU. Rated T. 28k.
Harrowhark Nonagesimus lived a perfectly fine life running The Anchorite's Archive, her family's bookshop that she inherited. Then a red haired menace entered her life and turned everything she thought she knew upside down.
come, dearest heart by @patiencespardon. HtN AU, Lyctor Palamedes, Rated E. 20k
In Canaan House, Palamedes Sextus unwillingly ascends to Lyctorhood in order to put an end to Cytherea the First's rampage. He's left heartbroken, grieving, and terribly, terribly lonely.
Reasonable Service by duplicitoussluts. Canaan House Era, Rated E. 19k.
Cristabel and Mercy have a disagreement. Mercy decides to make herself free use about it.
Prey by apredatorywasp. Serial killer AU, Rated E. 18k.
Gideon Nav gets kidnapped by serial killer Cytherea. With the help of her faithful sub Loveday, Cytherea tortures Gideon and tries to break her. Meanwhile, Harrow--joined by Camilla, Palamedes, Corona and Ianthe--searches for Gideon.
here is the church, here is the steeple by thewinterstale. Pre-canon. Rated T, 17k.
Pyrrha Dve once helped with a birth and painted a nursery mint green. Before the paint and before the blood, amidst tragic loss and heart-pounding necromantic discoveries, a quiet, saltwater love story was playing itself out in the shallow depths of the Canaan House swimming pool.
Ain't no sunshine when they're gone by Nightworldlove. Modern AU, Rated E, 16k.
Harrow's been on a business trip and Gideon's missed them terribly, turns out the feeling is very much mutual.
run on (for a long time) by @midnightbaguette. Western AU! Rated T. 16k
It's a wild west out there, full of supernatural forces and dangerous outlaws. Under the direst of circumstances, four of the unlikeliest companions must band together to outrun their pasts, and maybe find something new along the way.
Thank you for reading this far and thanks as always to the mods for another year of holiday deliciousness. If this list helped you find cool stuff in the collection, please let the creators know <3
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krusters · 5 months
From @ippl_summerville on Instagram.
Original caption: Stephanie and Paen singing for Paen’s birthday 🎉 Paen is one of only two gibbons at the sanctuary who intentionally calls while people are talking (the other is Maynard). We’re not sure why they do this. Paen’s voice is naturally mournful, but her body language here is calm (wandering gaze, relaxed face, sitting with arms at rest). We are usually pretty quiet around the gibbons and leave the singing to them!
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thaiamulet-us · 1 year
Magic Thai Amulet Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai
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Magic Thai Amulet Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai
Powerful Amulet Accelerates Your Life Using The Purest Magical Subjects.  For  Attractiveness & Charm Aura
The great power of Khun Paen can turn the situation around, changing those who were Once Your Enemy, to become your Friends, and, in the case of the Opposite Sex (or Same sex) to fall in Love with You. "
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Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai By Lp Kruba Kampeng Lp Kruba Kampeng is well known worldwide for making talismans that are efficacious in Attraction ,Charm, love and Protection necromantic powers are best displayed in amulets as such. He has a big following around the world with worshipper attesting the strength of his talismans. Positive experiences are mainly sexual but some have reported lottery, gambling success etc, Lp Kruba Kampeng is known throughout Thailand because of its amulets, which give happiness in love affairs, gambling, financial affairs and business affairs. His amulets are very popular not only among lonely men and gamblers (also securities dealers), but also especially among businessmen, shopkeepers and restaurant owners. His amulets are regarded as a guarantee for happiness with women, often not only with one, for luck in all kinds of gambling (casino, lottery, cards, roulette etc.) and for luck in business and financial matters. For this reason his mini series amulets are already sold out shortly after the appearing in the temple.   Kruba Kampeng has used the Invocation Summoning, Awakening and Turning of the Four Elements was performed to Reanimate Living Magic within the Khun Paen, according to the Ancient Grimoires and Magical Formulas of the Wicha. The full formula of Invocations for the Kata Akarn Sam Sip Sorng were performed for reanimation of the spirits within the Khun Paen. This is an essential part of Necromantic Empowerment with all Humanoid and Animal form amulets which are imbued with a resident spirit. The invocations to call and awaken the Power a living mind within the Khun Paen. ***********************************************************************
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Thai Amulet Khun paen Powerful magic Lucky Gamble & Love Appeal.
The Khun Paen Mont Tan Jai is formulated to be used in magical workings to attract and strengthen love. Create and draw long lasting love in your life. Due to the potent power of the mystical properties imbued within the amulet, the deerskin Khun Paen can help improve one's luck, fate and fortune. This means that the Khun Paen has the potential power to opening doors that will lead you to your success in bringing about the changes you desire. For instance, the amulet can be used to increase wealth, accumulating money and riches. Moreover, using this amulet will not only boost your charisma, but also serves as an effective means to improve your love life drastically.
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The Khun Paen amulet gives to its owner luck in the private and in the professional area as well as in financial and business matters. The Khun Paen amulet gives to its wearer creativity, attractiveness, charisma, strength and mental energy. It makes him affect other people attractively, strong-minded and likeable. In the job it gives luck and helps to come up fast the career ladder. It gives to executives, owners of the company and independents as well as freelances strength and a "happy hand" with decisions. It helps his owner to reach a happy and long life in health and prosperity. Moreover, it should be a "women's catcher" which provides for the fact that the wearer of the amulet "appeals" to women and this not only to one. That's why Thai wives permit neither carrying nor the possession of such an amulet to their men. They fear that their husbands will have shortly one or several "secondary wives" (Mia Noi). The amulet makes the wearer irresistible, attractive, charismatic and desirable for the female gender. Besides it generates an erotic attraction which no woman can resist.   Gamblers who play the lottery, roulette, cards, betting or casino play the amulet high profits. The same is true for people with shares, precious metals, warentermins and other securities, as well as commodities. To do business on the stock Exchange.
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Read the full article
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squid-with-five-eyes · 4 months
Not Strong Enough by boygenius translated into Latin!
Foramen atrum in culina
Horologia aberrant
Meliorare energia solum posset
Nescio ob causam sum
Modo quo sum
Non fortis tantum ut tui vir 
Conatus sum
Non possum sistere flabbelo
Torqueoque de rebus non occuratis
Spirans in exque
Aurigantes per ancram
Canentes “Flent Non”
Videsne nos ex via descobinari?
Nescio ob causam sum
Modo quo sum
Non fortis tantum ut tui vir 
Mentita sum
Affligo sole nunc spes tui
Animae dimidia alteram confundens
Coniveo arte
Semper angelus, deus numquam
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Semper angelus, deus numquam 
Nescio ob causam sum modo quo sum
Aliquis in procella est
Experior revelationes
Excitans sede antice, cassa paene 
De via antica erra nostri ique domum
Domum i sola
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nonomives · 1 year
Im in paen right now
But i lost my pen so now its just a
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 months
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Am Ende geht alles durch
Paene omnia decent: Tendenziell mustert alles; im Prinzip schmückt oder kleidet alles, grundsätzlich ist nichts nackt. Fast alles ziert (sich); der Intention nach soll alles angemessen sein oder durchgehen. Am Ziel/ Bei dem Ziel, bei dem Ziel nahe, nächst oder dem Ziel nach soll alles durch sein. Fast alles ordnet; alles ordnet, aber nur nahe dem Perfekten.
Rhetorische Institutionen sind eine black box oder ein dogmatischer Apparat. Sie involvieren entfernte, polare und meteorologische Zeit-, Spiel- und Denkräume, die entfernt bleiben, auch wenn man sie in der Lektüre scheinbar (geisten-)gegenwärtig aufliest und in der Übersetzung aktualisiert. Man liest eine Antike auf, deren Polarität unter anderem daraus resultiert, dass sie sich in Details niedergeschlagen hat, um die sich und an denen sich alles gedreht hat, nicht nur das, was Nietzsche das Dionysische und das Apollinische nennt.
Quintilian, dessen Institutionen wir besonders, nämlich wortwörtlich im Blick haben, wenn wir von rhetorischen Institutionen sprechen, kommt spät, fast am Ziel angelangt, gegen Ende des 11. Buches, demjenigen Buch, das der actio/ dem Akt gilt, auf fast/ tendenziell, dem Prinzip nach auf alles (paene omnia) zu sprechen.
Das soll musternd/ musterhaft, zierend, schmückend, passend oder durchgehend sein. Was? Dasss er darauf tendenziell am Ende zu sprechen kommt und dass er das sagt, also auch was er sagt, soll das heißen [Sorry, ich habe mir die Rekursion nicht ausgedacht, Anm., FS].
Quintilian sagt paene omnia decent tendenziell am Ende, im Prinzip am Schluss seiner Ausführungen, vorher nicht. Quintilian gibt erschöpfend Auskunft dazu, wie der Rhetor agieren soll, der nicht mündlich sprechen kann, aber nicht mündlich sprechen muss, um Rhetor zu sein (Quintilian ist ja auch einer, er spricht aber nicht zu uns, sondern schreibt uns). Der Rhetor muss als Sprecher/ Stellvertreter oder Repräsentant für andere (an Stelle anderer) oder für eine Sache (an Stelle einer Sache) agieren, das kann er auch anders als mündlich tun. Dazu gibt Quintilian erschöpfend Auskunft, sogar noch dazu, wozu der Rhetor am Ende vielleicht auch erschöpft erscheinen kann: um musterhaft/ musternd zu erscheinen.
Helmut Rahn ist der Name des Übersetzers der kursierenden deutschen Ausgabe von Quintilian. Koinzidenz: der Name des Übersetzers ist polar, hat zwei Versionen, die eines rauschenden, schweißgebadeten Fußballspielers und die eines Lateinlehrers, der beim Namen Quintilians zu erst an einen staatlich oder öffentlich gesicherten Lehrstuhls denkt (denn so fängt the Rahns one of two Rahns in der Edition an zu erklären, wer Quintilian gewesen sei: eine Art Lehrstuhlinhaber, kicher statt kicker!).
Der Übersetzer Rahn ist nicht der Fußballspieler Rahn. Hätte der Fußballspieler Rahn Quintilian mitübersetzt, wäre mehr, nämlich die andere Hälfte von der Polarität, die andere Seite von Fortuna oder kurz das Kippsal rhetorischer Institutionen mit in die deutsche Fassung eingegangen. decorum heißt nicht unbedingt dasjenige, was angemessen ist, das heißt auch dajenige, was misst (zum Beispiel Maß nimmt, Maß gibt oder auch vermisst, also begehrt).
Decorum ist in dem Sinne das Angemessene, das Messende und das Missende. Decorum ist nicht nur das Passende, es ist auch das Passierende oder das Durchgehende. Die Passage, die tendenziell am Ende des 11. Buches steht, expliziert diese andere Seite des decorum: erschöpfend und klamm kleidend, oder: mit feucht gewordenem rhetorischem Gewäsch.
Rhetorische Institutionen sind keine Winkelmannschen Institutionen, sie sind nicht nur auf edle Einfalt und stille Größe eines gesetzten und gnädigen und dabei immer noch züchtigen Vaters hin angelegt. Sie sind auch für Götter, Nymphen und Satyre angelegt, die tanzen. Und für Mänaden, die zerreißen.
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