#our family history is. fascinating. and so me and my siblings get scared <3 and i'm Terrified bc his heart's supposed to be fine for like a
imagineamagicworld · 11 months
Slept on my Thoughts and Big Feelings™ about yesterday's patch, here we go (in true stereotypical fashion, this got a bit longer than I initially thought)
Spoilers for the 7.3 story moments (impside)
So obviously this was a very character-centric patch and its highlights really were the cutscenes. Like many people, I expected slightly more out of the gameplay part of the patch, especially after 7.2 and everything we got on Ruhnuk...
But the team really, really pulled through on what we got out of the cutscenes.
Rivix seems like a slimy bastard and I alternated between cheering him on for decking that other random Sithy guy and praying for his downfall at Tau's hand (you'll get him next time baby girl <3)
pleasantly surprised to see him immediately contact the Commander, and YET, I am and will remain suspicious of his every move and will anticipate the inevitable backstabbing
"what about your fascinating Hutt scientist?", mum come pick me up, i'm scared
Sa'har's interactions with Ri'kan make me want to bawl my eyes out, why can't Bioware ever let siblings be happy, she's so gentle but so blind and he's drowning in resentment and rage and they are so doomed
"I had little choice. Some earn what they have. Some are given everything", "and some lost it all", "you dare speak to me of suffering" I am going Insane™
Heta is so delulu it would be funny if it didn't make the situation go from worse to worser so fast, "it's never safe to change a galaxy, never easy to fight corruption and hypocrisy" be for fucking real
Sa'har, just say the word and we WILL come and pick you up (i have all the adoption papers ready whenever)
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"I would be more than happy to go over the details", "... But not right now" PLEASE the Commander is SO TIRED lmaoo
not Oggurobb admiring Darth Nul's work, can you please focus
more on The Discrovery™ later in this post
Mind you, I played this whole patch on my main (Elias my love <3), who is a Saboteur ex-Imperial Agent, but...
my god, the Torian alert talk hit Different™
whoever decided this should be a cutscene and not just a letter... you are everything. It felt raw, it felt reflective, it felt absolutely necessary and i'm really liking the depth it is bringing with it
"I agree with Heta about the banner being used as a symbol of shame and betrayal. And yet... how dare she burn it"
"How you feel about your past is for you to decide"
"I spent so much time trying to be better than my history, I didn't stop to think about where I came from", "Good and bad, this box contains my past. Who my father was. My family. My sense of right and wrong. I can open it and remember when I need to, or I can leave it shut. The choice is mine."
It's the intergenerational trauma, fighting against yet embracing your history to shape your future and find your own purpose in life, I-
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This Barbie is an ex-war criminal haunted by the Past!! And so am I!!
The whole Malgus cutscene was incredible and I probably spent at least half an hour (if not more) just going over all the different options.
flirting with Theron at work!! In front of our bestie Lana who is So Done™!! "May I remind you both we still have more to discuss", it never gets old <3
was actually shocked by how involved Theron was in the cutscene? actually had a lot of lines and he felt materially present in a way that i hadn't seen in a loong time (I will never ever kill Theron off [I have morals and I love him, your Honour] but I do wonder how the cutscene looks when you don't have him around?)
Theron calling the Imperial characters the fuck out is a kink I didn't know I had, but I do, so thank you for that
"Some higher-up is all sweaty about my past contracts with Malgus", "One of those contracts was destroying the defense grid on Coruscant during an Imperial invasion", get her ass my love!!
the tensions with Shae are back and, listen, I love our problematic girlie as much as the next person (too much), but I am thriving
"Don't you get it? With the holocron, Heta is part of that plan, willing or not", "You weren't interested in the holocron when you shot a teenager out of nowhere we ran into Sa'har", the girls are FIGHTING
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I just can't get over how similar yet different they both are. Probably won't resonate with all Outlanders, but as a former Imperial agent, Elias NEVER thought he would become a Leader of any sort. He was always content to stick to the shadows, do what he does best with few restrictions and little scrutiny. It's so so so interesting to see Shae feeling like she owes so much to her people and yet struggling so much with being Mandalore
"Make him think you understand" and isn't the interesting part that some Outlanders really might understand, at least in part? Unique perspectives indeed.
"You and I are very much alike. I couldn't stand it when my mind was at the mercy of another... I don't fault you for wanting to break free" (patch 7.1)
"... few minds can comprehend my vision", "none who have stood by my side have understood this. The only one who could have... is my enemy" (patch 7.3)
Mirrors and narrative foils and the weight of our choices and I'm going Insane™ once again
we didn't learn much from the interrogation that we didn't really already know or couldn't suspect, it was very much about the Themes™
I know it's controversial, but I actually like the Nul and Mandalorian plots intermingling
"The Mandalorians are fractured... a broken people. They struggle to decide who they are", something that is so so important in basically all of the Mando characters we have here. Torian, Akaavi, even the Ordo brothers, Heta herself of course and the Varad, the Dar'manda and the Ash'ad, SHAE SHAE SHAE
I am going to ignore how this would inevitably resonate in many Outlanders too, the longing for home versus the morality of doing what's right for the galaxy and fighting your home and saving your independance but never knowing if it's going to be enough-
it was a bit weird that there was no way to prevent Shae from listening in on Malgus' interrogation, but then again, the whole scene where he bypasses us to speak to her directly is so powerful that I can't really mind too much
the them of HISTORY strikes again!!
"Can you not see it? The past looms over us all... a shadow of unchanging history. There are fools who believe they can outrun the shadow. Without a flame to chase it away, it will consume them - they are doomed to repeat the same failures"
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the SILENCE once you get back from the interrogation is so LOUD and I felt a true sense of heaviness from it
Unfortunately, I feel like the Voss part of the patch was the weakest in many ways. I haven't played Shrine of Silence yet (the Flashpoint), but it is (as was announced) not required for the main story content.
The highlights truly were, again, the characters.
Arcann is back!! and we get to have a very nice talk with him about redemption, acceptance and forgiveness. all things that felt very important for Arcann's journey (and for my MC as well, actually)
"I saw centuries worth of horrors committed by my father. I felt the rage and the cruelty born of my desperation to please him", "I was afraid I saw those ruins because I was doomed to follow in his [my father's] footsteps", navigating intergenerational trauma and trying to trace the lines between what you suffered and what you are responsible of, painfully delicious
"I will never expect forgiveness - or even acceptance - from anyone I have hurt. But I will cherish any that is offered", what, me, crying? no, it's just raining, i would never cry (i am bawling like a little baby and will never stop)
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can't say I was that surprised to learn that Darth Nul had been a Jedi before being corrupted over to the dark side, but I'm glad that finally puts to rest the "Lana is Darth Nul" theories
I am very intrigued by that Force power of hers , however : "she could mentally bond with anyone who could feel the Force. In those who did not recognize their own abilities, she awakened that realisation", okay, but what does it mean exactly?
the Voss stuff was otherwise a little bit on the forgettable side, I must admit (but I'm always happy to come back to Voss, so it's okay)
"[the Three] would never share them with an outsider, even one of your status", hmmm, excuse you, Sana-Rae, but I was once married to a Voss lady, doesn't that count for something
And just like that we were back to doing little chores-like quests and rocking it KOTOR-dialogue style. Which was okay, but not groundbreaking by any means.
of course it was Czerka, of course it was
out of all the side quests, I really liked the cantina one, it was so silly
the talk with Sana-Rae before going to see the Three was really touching <3 It really is all about personal choices and finding one's purpose even if it clashes with what you were taught growing up
the... prophecy itself is very vague and doesn't give us much more than what we've learned so far
"Life will be reshaped... scales unbalanced... A wave of change rises and falls... beyond the reach of Darth Malgus... and as he dreams, he awakens a great power... one that will tear the galaxy apart"
"Should Darth Malgus perish, this catastrophe will transpire more quickly"
I can't for the life of me begin to guess at what the devs have in store for us, but you can colour me intrigued for sure (and a bit wary)
the sheer unavoidability of "what is to come" is ???
and yet, somehow, "whatever is to come from this, it is you... who will choose the fate of us all"
"I'm tired of being responsible for the consequences of every decision"
"You can fight against destiny, but it is inescapable"
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When I tell you boyo is TIRED
Overall, very strong themes for this patch. The way both the past and the future are inescapable, unavoidable, dooms that we cannot run away from.
The way we have to embrace them, embrace who we are, who we were and who we can become.
The way there is always a choice, there always has to be a choice.
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goldenpctals · 3 years
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TRUTH BOOTH, mackenzie edition 
1. Please state your full name: I’m Mackenzie Juniper Quinn 2. Does your name(s) have any kind of meaning? If so, what is it? I was named ever my mother’s grandmother, Mackenzie and Juniper was my own grandmother. So classic, right? 3. Do you have any nicknames? A few. Kenz, Kenzie 4. Where were you born? And in which country? Born and raised in Brisbane, Queensland. Also known as Australia 5. What is your date of birth? November 1, 1995  6. Of course, the following question; what is your Zodiac sign? Scorpio 7. Do you believe in Zodiac signs? No, they never add up. There is a moment where every now and then, I can relate to a certain post. However, Zodiac signs are just a myth to me 8. Where do you live? I jump between Violet Springs and London  9. What is your home situation like? (ex. do you live with your family? Your partner etc.?) In London, I have my own apartment, but in Violet Springs, I live with Theo. I have an apartment in London because of my work duties 10. Do you have any siblings? I have one twin brother named Sebestian who constantly reminds me that he is the oldest by 30 seconds. Sad  11. Do you have any kind of allergies? Peanut allergy 12. Do you own any pets? If so, what kind of pets are they? Do snakes back home in Australia count? We usually occur a wild snake every now and then. They keep seem to come back? 13. Why did you apply to St Jude’s? My mom recommended it to me and eventually, I had a scholarship 14. Did you had to go through a lot audition rounds? No, I was discovered  15. What is the current course you’re following? Acting, mostly on screen/tv 16. If you can switch courses, which one would you switch to and why? Producing. It’s a new journey I’m starting at the moment  17. What is your proudest project you’ve done? I, Tonya 18. What is the proudest project that someone’s else has done? Anything Mason does. His work is absolutely fascinating 19. Do you like FanCons? I do 20. What do you like about FanCons? The answer would be pretty obvious, but meeting fans and getting to know them 21. What don’t you like about FanCons? Too personal questions. Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s FanCon and fans will ask questions, but some are unbelievably severe 22. A fan memory that always stuck with you? Can be positive or negative. Whenever they dress up as Harley Quinn. That always stays absolutely adorable 23. Your favorite event so far? I love any kind of award show 24. What kind of event would you like to see in the future? Maybe some kind of camping / surviving trip?  25. Would you recommend St Jude’s to friends, family. etc? Depends. If you handle the pressure and you are career-focused, then yes. If you can’t handle the drama, then no
26. What are your positive traits? Passionate, purposeful and patient. The 3 P’s that Quinn’s usually swear by 27. What are you negative traits? Incredibly stubborn and a little too fierce 28. What would other people describe you as? I hope positive things. But I know some of them have a lot to say other wise, oops 29. What are your pet peeves? Picking men over your friends 30. What makes you happy? Family, genuine friends, working 31. What makes you upset? The classic: ‘seeing one of my loved ones upset’  32. What is something you love? Working. I’m a workaholic  33. What is something you dislike? Being so proud of something and then not getting the recognision that everyone deserves 34. What are you strengths? I would like to say that I’m organised?  35. What are you weaknesses? Picking my head over my heart. Poor choices have been made, unfortunately  36. A misconception people often think of you? That I’m a spoiled brat, probably. Little did they know, everything I’ve done, has been acchieved by me, myself and I 37. Do you have any fears? Yes, but I’m passing this one since I have 3 passes 38. What scares you the most? Tiny holes. They are awful  39. What do you do to entertain yourself? Work out, go shopping or be around my friends 40. What is your MBTI? My MBTI type is ESFP 41. How do you deal with stress? Talk to Amber, she is like my personal therapist 42. Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person? Stubborn, very  43. Do you consider yourself selfish? I am. However, since when is this a bad thing? You should be looking out for yourself?  44. Would you like to be different? No, I don’t  45. Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)? Extraverted
46. What is your sexual orientation? My sexuality is: Heterosexual 47. Current relationship status? I’ve been in a relationship with Theo Carmichael for a couple of years now, even when we had our low moments, I still adore him 48. When was your first kiss? Behind a bar, I was drunk and snuck out of my house 49. Do you remember your first date? If so, with who was it? What did you do? Yes, it was that awful that I’m sparing you the details. You’re welcome!  50. Have you ever experienced heart-break? Pass 51. Have you ever been in love? (If yes, skip to question 53) I have!  52. If no, how so? n/a 53. How do you know when you’re in love? Honestly, this was pretty hard for me to answer. I have experienced multiple relationships in my past and with Theo, things were just different. There was so much more and he opened up a whole new world to me by being so patient and understand 54. What would be your ideal date? Take me on an adventure and you’re good to go 55. What is your perspective on marriage? Being pressured into marriage is never good. My parents tend to do so. However, I would love to get married someday. 56. (only for non-virgins) Are you a sub, dom or switch? You had the audicity to ask that? 57. What do you think of relationships? If you’re in love, then it’s wonderful. I wish people stopped getting their lonely souls mixed into business they shouldn’t even be in 58. What do you think of one-night stands? Used to, but it’s a no for me, thanks 59. Are you still a virgin? No, I’m not 60. Most attractive trait in a different person? Passion 61. What matters most to you when it comes to a relationship? Being truthful to one another and talk things out if there is something to talk about. I’m still learning this myself  62. Are you comfortable with PDA? Or would you be comfortable with PDA? Not the biggest fan, but I don’t really mind it?  63. Are you more of a type to be asked out or the type to ask the other out? The one to be asked out 64. How do you express love to the other? *looks away at Theo* 65. Who is your celebrity crush? If I don’t say my boyfriend, he will probably ignore me for a solid week and come back with a replacement for me. Probably a dog. So, my boyfriend, Theo 
66. Do you regret anything? Yes, I do  67. Is there something you woule like to re-do? So, start all over again? There are a couple of things yes. But that’s for me to know and for you to dot.. dot.. dot.. 68. What is something you would never share with anyone? What happened in Brisbane on July 20, 2012 (OOC: This is that her secret happened)  69. When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry? Yesterday. Sometimes I tend to get overwhelmed by the pressure of my parents. Bash thinks he isn’t their favorite and always calls me out for being the favorite. I don’t think he knows what they want me to be 70. Most memorable event that happened in your time in St Judes? This could be anything: I almost drowned whenever the ship sunk. This happened twice. Twice? Like, excuse me? Did St Judes raised their insurance policy? I hope they did 71. One thing you wish you could do all over? See question 67 72. Someone you miss? People leave for a reason. It is what it is  73. Something you wish you could forget? Once again, July 20 2012 74. Who has the biggest impact on you? Disney has a pretty big impact on me. She is definitely someone I look up to, a lot. Also my mom or my grandmother  75. What is your perspective on love? Is it beautiful? Does it scare you? It shouldn’t be scary. If love scares you, are you ready for it?  76. What has hurt you in the past that you don’t want others to go through? Hm, can’t really think of something?  77. What is something you have gained, something you have lost and something you let go of during the past year? Gained: More confidence in my work. Lost? “Friends”. Let go of: Chopping my hair so short 78. Have you ever lost a friend? do you wish you would still be friends? Yes and no.  79. Do you have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? I don’t 80. If you could meet your 16 year old self, what would tell them? That life isn’t really that painful and that I should really get a sense of fashion......... 
81. Summer or Winter? Summer, any day 82. Cats or dogs? Dogs  83. Beach or mountains? Beaches, but I love the mountain view more 84. Phone calls or texting? Phone calls 85. Have you ever skipped class? Rarely 
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awkwardplantwrites · 4 years
Finding Magic Chapter Five
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Chapter 5: 2470 words / Reading time: 11 minutes
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure/Action
Find the chapter on wattpad (Bippick is my wattpad username)
New to the story? Missed some updates? Find all the chapters here on tumblr
(Artwork by @pe-ersona ~ Feel free to let me know if you enjoy the story!)
The forest grew more dense the further they walked in. Moss grew on rocks, branches swayed above them, and leaves and flowers littered the ground. A dirt path worn into the ground by previous travellers was nowhere to be seen, as if they were the first people to enter this forest. Pepi looked at Renato. The rope still bound them at the wrist, unable be cut it apart without magic.
Renato looked like he'd seen better days. His middle parted, dark brown hair had grass stuck in it, mud covered his favourite navy blue cloak, and he had a bruised eye that seemed to throb with every step they took. Renato tightened his lips, rubbing his wrist where the rope hung.
Pepi overheard some of the conversation between Renato and Helaine that morning. From what he understood: Renato felt like Pepi wasn't telling the whole truth. Which - if you remember a certain cousin Rupert from Chapter 3 - was true. Though Renato wasn't honest either. He hadn't said a word about his injuries, as usual.
Pepi patted him on the back. "How're you feeling? It's not even afternoon and we've already had quite a day, huh?"
Renato perked his head up, a glisten of interest within his tired eyes. "I'm alright, how are you?" Pepi rolled his eyes at the automatic response.
"We've lost our wagon. You won't be able to rest if you become weak. Might I remind you you're ill? Do you want me to carry your bag?"
"Oh, uh," Renato stammered, fumbling with the bag straps on his shoulders. "No need, I can carry it." His eyes wandered to Pepi's with a question in them, but he blinked it away. "I'm tired," Renato admitted.
"We went to bed late last night."
Renato furrowed his brow. "It's not… It's a different type of tired. I don't think you'd understand."
Glancing down at his own black boots as they trode on wildflowers and grass, Pepi combed his fingers through his hair. "The kind of tired where you feel as though you're dragging the entire world on your shoulders, and it's heavier with every step you take. Something like that?"
"… Something like that, yes." Renato fiddled with the clasp of his cloak.
The trees had become so dense that they had to walk in a single file line. Birds sang no songs. No deer or rabbits or foxes strolled around. Even the breeze had silenced and the trees now showed no movement. Their footsteps seemed to make no sound either. Pepi bit his bottom lip, heart beginning to race, and his breathing hitched. He scrambled into his backpack with shaking fingers, pulling out two small loaves of bread.
"Let's eat! We- we skipped breakfast and boooy am I hungry after all that running!" He stuffed some into his mouth and passed the other to Renato.
Renato took the bread from Pepi with his free hand and tutted. "Pepi, I know you love the sound of your own voice. However, it's possible to have a period of silent tranquillity." He nibbled into the crust.
Looking around for any sound, movement, any life at all in the forest, Pepi's heart beat a little harder. "D-dont you find it s-strange that it's this quiet?" He wiped the sweat off his brow. "To be honest, I… I can't stand being in a place with no noise. It really scares me."
"Oh. I like the quiet. I don't understand what's frightening you. We can talk though. I might space out but I'll do me best to distract you."
"Finally, Renato the Entertainer. That's all I've ever wanted."
"If you want entertainment, I can tell you stories. Me mam says I get me storytelling skills from me dad. I like reading about folklore and history," Renato spoke softly. "You know, I enjoyed getting to know Kater and Helaine. Hearing about their lives was like listening to tales from history books. Less extravagant, but still interesting."
"I guess so, yeah. Save your stories for when we're at a campfire and there're others who can listen. Most people never learn to read and I bet they'd love to hear them."
"True. Helaine was also telling me about Spirit's Eve. It sounded fascinating. People hung up decorations, they were playing games, dressing up… She also told me about holidays. Where you celebrate. Have a feast Take a day off. I'd like to bring that to Llantry."
"Ah I noticed, though I thought it wasn't the right time of year. Don't you get time off to be with your friends?"
"No. We work then go home. It's difficult to have friends in Llantry. You know what everyone in town's doing, because it's the same thing they've always done. There's never any need to make small talk. We're all like an old married couple, where they sit side by side all day without saying a word."
Pepi still knew of their eerie surroundings, however, Renato's voice calmed him. "This journey's quite the break of routine, then isn't it?"
"I've never left Llantry before, so yes."
The more Renato spoke, the more guilty Pepi felt. Renato was tired yet he saw to Pepi's needs without question. As expected of a healer and leader. The guilt doubled. Why should Renato comfort him when he got nothing in return? Renato earned Pepi's respect and gratitude but even then it wasn't a fair exchange. There were certain things Pepi felt too afraid to share about himself. But if Renato wanted the truth from him, for him to open up: it was the least he could do. If only a little.
"Did I ever tell you I come from a massive family?" Pepi asked.
Renato looked upwards in thought. "Don't think you have."
"I have way too many cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We're close to our extended family. Plus there's my nieces, nephews, brother, and sisters…"
"I'm surprised you have enough air in your lungs to list all those relatives!" Renato gave a small smile. "What's their names? How old are they? Are your siblings candy merchants too?"
Pepi chuckled, feeling a small weight lift off his chest at Renato's brightening expression. Then it fell right back where it left as it dawned on Pepi how much he'd been shutting Renato out. He answered Renato's questions, gushing over his youngest niece's first words, his brother's banter, and his uncle's farm.
"If it isn't obvious already, Uncle Wylas is my favourite uncle. I liked to run over to his place when I wanted to skip out on cleaning duty and get away from the house. He made a chicken coop that looked like a ship and we gave the chickens pirate names. One time we got an artist to draw Blackbeard, a chicken who just had to get the most corn in the mornings, wearing an eye-patch." He showed it to Renato.
They came across a clearing, with a river in the middle that had small waterfalls streaming into it. Pepi revelled in the sound. The area seemed to sparkle, with glowing yellow bugs sitting on long strands of grass, and luminescent butterflies flitting from flower to flower. Pepi and Renato sat on the riverbank, finishing the last of their bread. Pepi noticed Renato gazing at a flower beside him that looked like a wild daisy with red petals. Renato picked it with his free hand, bringing it to his nose to smell. The petals closed, reopening with a burst as smoky gas covered Renato's face. Pepi laughed as Renato coughed.
"That's what you get for picking a flower!" Pepi commented, taking the flower to put into his pocket.
Pepi took his boots off to dip his feet into the river, watching as colourful reeds drifted around his ankles. Renato lay down with a sigh.
"Do trees know where their next arm's going to come from?" Renato asked. "A tree starts growing a branch. It doesn't mind this new arm. It says, 'Hell yeah man, I got another arm so I can get more sunlight and live life!'"
"I don't know," Pepi replied. "You've got me thinking now. Do you have any other thoughts about trees?"
Renato dragged Pepi over to a low hanging tree branch, giggling as the leaves brushed over his head and fell to the ground. "It's petting me," he laughed. "Pet sounds like Pep. Pep-pep-pepepepep."
"By Lidion," Renato gasped. "What if people's hair was like tree roots? And people absorbed food and water through their hair? A moment ago y-you could've been sipping water from that river with your hairy legs!"
"You're being more amusing than usual." Pepi picked the leaves out of Renato's hair. "It worries me."
"Believe it or not I've a wealth of humour, I'm just very cheap." Renato pulled Pepi down as he lay face down and groaned. "Me head feels like it's buzzing." Renato clutched his head and smiled as though he couldn't force his muscles to frown. "Am I flying? Why is the grass so sharp?"
A rustling nearby made Pepi sit up in full alert. He peered around them. Finlay flew out his pocket pulsing yellow, but he was still concerned. Pepi put his boots back on.
"Who's there?"
Renato yawned. "Probably just an animal."
Standing in front of Renato, Pepi shook his head. "I haven't seen a single animal."
From a bush appeared small humanoid creatures.
"Fairies!" Renato gasped.
The fairies ran as fast as their little legs could carry them, shouting in high-pitched voices. "It's the human, he came back! Quick, get his instrument!" A few fairies darted back to the bush and returned with a string instrument that Pepi recognised.
"My lyre! I thought I lost it… But how did you- why do you-"
"Do you just know everyone everywhere, Pep?" Renato pulled at Pepi's trouser leg.
"Uh, no, it's more like they all know me and I haven't the foggiest idea why they do." Pepi picked up the lyre and inspected it. It really was the one he'd lost, with the exact same wonky engraving of his name, the same scratches. He put it into his bag.
"Cast us a spell, human!" The fairies climbed onto Renato, poking Pepi in the leg. "We want to see you do the pretty lights again!"
"What are you talking about? I can't do magic," Pepi told them.
"The human doesn't know! Doesn't remember! Niklam erased his memory!" The fairies tittered. "What a trickster!"
Pepi brushed the fairies off his leg, who fell onto Renato's chest. "Wait, who's Niklam?"
The fairies ignored him, choosing to fly over to the flowers instead. The flowers were about the same size as them, and the fairies pulled at the petals, shoving their faces into the flower head, laughing when the petals closed over their heads and gas covered their faces.
Pepi rummaged in his bag with one hand then took out the job hiring poster from two months ago, showing it to the fairies. "Is Niklam the one who gave me this? Who are they?"
However, like Renato, the fairies were too busy being silly to notice him. Some attempted to fly but stumbled in their takeoff and fell down, laughing hysterically. Pepi put the poster away and groaned.
"They're so cuuute!" Renato laughed with them as some fairies made tiny braids in his hair.
Other fairies noticed the rope tying the two humans together and snapped it apart using a flame spell that singed Pepi's wrist.
"Ow! A simple magic knife would've cut it just fine."
A fairy wearing shorts and a garland of Autumn leaves flew clumsily up to Pepi's face. "Shay tanks to us! We helped yuh. Yuh should looshen up a liddle." The fairy raised their palms, shooting a spell in Pepi's face.
Pepi jumped up and began playing the lyre, then danced to his own music against his will.
"Oh no," Renato sat up, leaning on his elbows. "They used a charm spell on you!" His head fell back down and he laughed, causing the fairies dancing on his stomach to stumble.
Normally, Pepi loved playing music; in fact, he wanted to be a travelling minstrel one day. But something was wrong with Renato and Pepi had a spell cast on him that neither of them could reverse without magic. He'd been correct to be on edge the moment they stepped into this forest! Pepi tore the lyre from his own hands and stuffed it into his bag. A fairy shot another spell at him, forcing Pepi to sing as he continued dancing.
"Shoo little flies and get off my knight or you'll be in for a nasty surprise!" Pepi swatted the fairies off of Renato, who fired spells at Pepi that missed by a long shot. "Renato, we need to be on our way since we've got places to go and shouldn't stay!" Pepi sang and pulled a dizzy Renato up to his feet, jerking Renato because of his jig.
The fairies suddenly screamed and flew away into the forest upon seeing something. There was a crack of thunder. Pepi looked at the fairies’ line of sight and cried out in joy upon seeing a large black horse jumping down the waterfall and into the river. Finlay flew out of Pepi's pocket and hit him in the face, but Pepi ignored it and shoved Finlay back into his pocket.
"We're saved, we are! By a horse of the night, which can take us far until these fairies are out of sight!"
The horse stopped in the river, staring at Pepi with glowing white eyes, as water dripped down its massive mane that looked like a bundle of riverweed. For a second, Pepi thought back to his encounter with the dragon in Llantry, how it locked eyes with Pepi like this horse did. Rearing its head back, the horse let out a harsh neigh of chilling laughter. Then, galloping out of the river, it stood high above Pepi and Renato.
"That's a bad horsey…" Renato mumbled, holding onto Pepi's shoulder for support in standing while his mind spun.
"We need to break the spell or I'll dance forever and you'll never be well!" Pepi found a big rock to climb on, to make jumping onto the horse's back easier, and guided Renato up. Renato swung his legs over its back, slumping forward onto the mane as he complained about the smell.
"Let's go to the nearest town, hold on tight or you'll fall down!" Pepi warbled, grabbing their bags, and sat behind Renato on the horse while his legs bounced up and down like they had a mind of their own.
They rode out of the forest and time started again. Birds tweeted in bushes, the rain hammered down, and thunder rolled in the distance. The horse wailed. That's such a Mood, Pepi thought.
tag list:  @quilloftheclouds @ashesconstellation @city-by-the-sea @imturtlelyawriter @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword @books-of-lunacy @agnodice-writes @siarven @fantasy-shadows @worldbuildng @wannabe-word-palace @dreamsofbooksandmonsters @twentytwohearts @pe-ersona​ @writersloth​
thanks for reading!!
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tbehartoo · 5 years
Fifteen for Fifteen
Rules: answer Fifteen questions and tag Fifteen people you want to know better
I was tagged by @marichat4lyf, @anipwrites, and @freedom-shamrock. Thank you!
Were you named after someone?
Not someone in my family. My name is French and my father served a mission for our church in Belgium/France for 3 years. One of his companions was a big photographer and most of those photos ended up as slides. Yes actual slides. There would be slide shows when they got together with their families. And eventually I would dread them, mostly because of the one slide that would show my name in four foot letters...on a billboard...with the underwear model. <sigh> It’s kind of awful to think you were named after underwear. Still, could have been worse, at least I wasn’t named “Hanes”!
When was the last time you cried?
Listening to the Tabernacle Choir sing the “Hallelujah Chorus”. My dad used to be in a community choir that would put on selections of Handel's “Messiah” every other year. My sister and I were dragged to choir practice with him. Now I can’t help but sing along whenever I hear those songs! I love it and a sure way to make me cry is to play that song.
Do you have kids?
Do I have kids?!? What do you mean by “have”? I have worked with children for almost 20 years and I consider all of them “my kids.” Not only that, but I claim the children of friends and family as “mine”. So that’s a good 500+ people for the family reunion, right? Okay, no, I do not have any children that I am responsible for for more than a few hours at a time...but I have wanted them!
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not much sarcasm, I find it to be rude as it is directed at others and tries to make them feel inferior. However, the Snark is strong with this one!
First thing you notice about someone?
I really don’t know? Probably hair? outline?
What is your eye color?
Finally, an easy question to answer. Brown with hints of green. There are gray rings on the outermost rim. (At least in this light)
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happily ever after-PLEASE! I do not like to be scared. I live an anxious life. There is nothing amusing to me to be further scared, and basically Add To The Anxiety List the things to worry about. So... Disney ending or bust!
Any special talents?
I can play the piano tolerably well if I have sheet music. I’ve played percussion in marching band and a marimba/jazz band as well, but those were things like the toys or the marimba and vibes. I’ve taken belly dancing classes, and can do very basic drumming for that (again with music). I’ve learned some sewing and crochet, but can’t seem to teach myself tatting. I’ve learned to knit left-handed, with my right hand (It’s a mess in my mind where knitting is concerned). Listening and assessing? Do any of those count?
Where were you born?
I was born in the same hospital as my mother. (Though it was rather expanded and remodeled by the time I came along.)
What are your hobbies?
Playing board games with my friends, reading lots of fanfics, working on writing my own fanfics, watching lots of videos on cooking, crafting, history, health, and humor- oh and ANTS!
Do you have any pets?
I am allergic to animals with fur or feathers. I prefer to breathe and pets just make that hard for me. (Doesn’t mean I didn’t try to bring home every stray cat I ever found, though.) My siblings are deadly afraid of snakes, and aren’t too happy about most amphibians or reptiles in general. We can’t seem to keep fish alive for long either. So, no pets for me.
How tall are you?
Not as tall as my brothers, but taller than at least one sister. She’s 5′3″
What sports do you play/played?
I’ve played basketball and softball on church teams as a teenager, but I really don’t like competitive sports. I don’t mind striving to win, but I do mind the “winning makes me a better person than you” attitudes that are rampant in so many sports.
Favorite subject in school?
You can’t make me pick a favorite! I mean it. That’s like asking for a favorite child! Every child is a favorite for different reasons, and it’s the same with school subjects. I love the logic and consistency of math, the word play of literature, the spirit of inquiry in science, and the means of self-expression in the arts! Their interaction and connections are what make learning enjoyable and satisfying. I could do without there being so many people around to have to deal with socially, but nothing’s perfect.
Dream job?
Nursing- Specifically wound care. I find it fascinating and I’d enjoy getting a chance to use my skills a bit.
I tag: Anyone that wants to do this and would encourage @sassyhazelowl @thestrongestmage and @themoosebaruniverse to join in, if they want.
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surveysonfleek · 5 years
My phone has a touch screen. So does my iPod. I don’t even have a phone. Or an iPod. I’m really thirsty in the morning. I can’t stand it when dirt gets under my nails. I’m happy that Obama is our president. I’m not! I don’t really care. What’s with preps dying their hair black? I hate Crocs. I don’t, they are so comfortable. I’ve got in a fight with my boyfriend/girlfriend in the past week. We worked it out though. I wish we could have, but we broke up. I love Jolly Ranchers.
But not as much as Skittles. I know how to change a tire. Paramore is one of my favorite bands. So is Forever The Sickest Kids. If you don’t like either of them, you’re crazy! My computer is a HP. So is my printer. I have someone I worry about a lot. I never wear necklaces. Spaghetti is one of my favorite foods. But I hate lasagna. It’s dark out right now. And really cold. I’m going to watch the Superbowl. I think people who laugh at the number 69 are somewhat immature. The Breakfast Club is one of my favorite movies. So is 16 Candles. I wish they still made good movies like that. Those movies suck! There’s a drum set in my house. An electric guitar too. I’ve seen the movie Pineapple Express. I haven’t yet, but I want to. I’m texting someone right now. I’m actually texting more than one person. I’ve kissed a person with more than 2 piercings. Stewie is awesome. I have pj pants with him on. I’ve been suspended before. I haven’t, that’s really bad! I’m easily annoyed. Neon green is better than hot pink. I live alone. I wish I did. Bolding surveys are my favorite. I have a step or half sibling. I have velvet pants. I have a t-shirt from a museum exhibit. I’ve been to Dunkin’ Donuts before. I’ve been on the subway. I usually get movies from the library. I’m scared of heights. I should be asleep right now. I have something that smells like mint. I have spare batteries. My speakers are off right now. My computer is in my bedroom. I only have one blanket on my bed. I own or have owned a teddy bear. I’ve memorized bohemian rhapsody. I’ve played Runescape. I like to make lists. I’ve listened to the Beach Boys. I am very flexible. In bookstores, I walk around with my head tilted sideways. I’m wearing a hoodie. I know a lot of weird facts. I’ve watched Nightmare on Elm Street before. I know what pappillon means in English. Sufjan Stevens makes me happy. I wish my nose was smaller. Who lives in North Dakota, anyway? I like to eat goldfish. I get at least three e-mails per day. I smile a lot. I use “however” instead of “but” when writing an essay. I’ve seen The Breakfast Club. I’ve had a burping contest with someone. And I won the contest. I like sharing books with my friends. I usually recognize the poets my English teacher talks about. A stranger has given me a high five for no reason. I’ve been to a Harry Potter book release party. I usually need to be reminded to eat. I have tiny hands. I like to look for shapes in the plaster on my ceiling. I prefer pencils to pens. I write on my hands when I need to remember something. I’ve been to a roller skating rink. I own a piece of clothing that is rainbow patterned. I own a piece of clothing with skulls on it. I am extremely patient. I wish I could dance well. I’ve been to an ice skating rink. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night. I’ve been on the high honor roll. I have a purse with flowers on it. I love to people watch. I’ve written an acrostic poem. I have bad posture. I’ve fallen asleep in class. I am very easily embarrassed. I liked to make up stories when I was a kid. Whenever I ride my bike, I’m tempted to start singing bicycle race. I take prescription creams/face washes/pills for acne. I drink milk daily. I’ve been told I act like I’m on drugs. I’ve been told I look like I’m on drugs. I have my hair up in a bun. I own something Beatles-related. I have very strong opinions. I love to eat grinders. I don’t call long sandwiches grinders. Teachers have asked me if I’m depressed. More than once. I don’t care what you think of me. I have a toothache. Wonderwall is my “I like someone” song. There’s a book beside or on my bed. I hate innuendo. I really admire improvisational comedians. I don’t like gym class. I am going to do better this school year. I don’t use the word fag. Ever. I’ve been told I have a beautiful singing voice. I can read Shakespeare without translations. I adore English class. I know what the kisney scale is. I read more than one book at a time. I love places that sell dollar-a-cup coffee. The Magic School bus taught me a lot. I liked to dance on the kitchen table as a kid. I’ve lived with a relative for more than a year. I hate sharing a bed. I cried a lot as a kid. My friends have excellent taste in music. Antidisestablishmentarianism! I like to drink coke zero. I watched Labyrinth only because David Bowie was in it. I bite my nails a lot. I’ve been to a music festival. I’ve gotten sunburn before. And it bled. Ew. I hate the noise vacuums make. I prefer showers to baths. Jeffree Starr is way overrated. I don’t like my mouse pad. I love people who look classy. My nail polish is chipped. I’m going to read a book today. My mattress is on the floor. I am an insomniac. Cabaret punk is love. I have a DVD I want to watch. I’m a really picky eater. I take ibuprofen a lot. I tan very easily. The sun is shining right now. I love yellow Jell-O. I’ve made Popsicles with an ice cube tray, juice and toothpicks. And I called them ghetto pops. I’ve never met my neighbors. I’ve drawn on the street with chalk. I’ve been in a tree house. Tire swings are really fun. I love abandoned places. I have a plastic bag near me. I only watch TV when I’m really bored. I can’t wait to graduate. I’ve pulled an all-nighter so I would be really tired the next night. I really hate needles. I get along with my parents. My font on aim is tiny. I don’t use aim. I fall in love with songs that have beautiful lyrics. I listen to anti-folk. I have no idea what anti-folk is. I like to blow bubbles. I’ve won a hula hooping contest before. I’ve almost drowned. I’ve choked on something. I’ve taken a first aid course. One of my friends is in a different state right now. I’ve been to Chicago. I really like mohawks, but I would never get one. I am always warm. I have some weird eating habits. I like to spin in desk chairs. I have a beta fish. I have big lips. Tape is way better than glue. I like stickers. I’ve worn black jelly bracelets before. There is a type of music that I think is awful. My favorite girl from The Hills is Audrina. No, I prefer LC. I don’t have texting on my phone. I prefer New York to California. I’ve read all the Harry Potter books. Lord of the Rings too. My cell has a cover on it. I want to get a tattoo that has to do with a band. My family doesn’t eat dinner together. I’m worried that I won’t get into any college. I’m already in college! I own more than one flannel shirt. School is very important to me. I’d live on the beach if I could. Avocado is sooooo good. I can speak five languages fluently. One of my friends already has a kid. I drive everywhere. I hate when people say things aren’t art. I’m currently texting more than 3 people. My best friend wears the same size clothes as I do. I’ve only been in one serious relationship. One of my parents is gay. I rescued my pet from the animal shelter. I want to live in many different states when I’m older. I hardly ever go to the movies. I’ve liked one of my favorite bands for many years. I’m looking for a serious relationship right now. A lot of Starbucks are closing by my house. We don’t have H&M in my state. That’s my favorite store. I never order things online. I’m constantly listening to music. US History fascinates me. Oranges are the best fruit. I have lactose intolerance. I always watch the National Spelling Bee on TV. I’m on a family plan. Parties aren’t my scene. I’ve lost many friends in my life. There are some friends I still wish I had. Fake nails look gross. I own an oyster card. My birthday is in the fall. 2008 was a horrible year for me. Actually, it was the best. I’ve been on a cruise before. I like chemistry more than biology. I like taking surveys more than making them. I don’t have a significant other. I get all four seasons where I live. I only shop when I absolutely have the need to. I have an older brother. I have my driver’s license. I don’t want to have kids someday. I wear more jeans than skirts. I’d rather wear sneakers than high heels. I don’t go to church. I don’t like having my fringe in my face. I own like, a hundred hoodies. I couldn’t draw to save my life. I’m a very good cook. I always have to look at the keyboard when I type. I’ve had surgery before. I don’t mind getting shots all that much. I’m not afraid of bugs. I have huge eyes and long lashes. I’m naturally very pale. I’m usually not very picky at all when it comes to food. My parents are divorced. I don’t like doing surveys, but I find myself doing them anyway. I’m addicted to MySpace. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have perfect vision and don’t need glasses or contacts. I don’t wear makeup when I go out. I hate stores like Forever 21. I’m very much into sports. I don’t see what the big deal about photography is. Or fashion design. I don’t really appreciate art that much. Horror movies are my favorite. I don’t care if people cut in line in front of me. I don’t even remember the last time I put on a piece of jewelry. My hair is naturally straight. I support gay marriage. I have more friends online than I do in real life. My siblings are all older than I am. My significant other is younger than I am. I curse in almost every sentence I speak. I always get straight A’s in exams. I don’t know how to play any instrument. I only know how to speak one language. I don’t have my own personal blog. I’m allergic to something. I’ve been stung by a bee at least once in my life. This is the last survey I’m doing today. I have seen someone propose in public before. And they got rejected, poor bloke. I wonder if I will ever get proposed in public. Heck I don’t even know if I’ll ever get married. I know what a sake bomb is. I’ve tried it before. I’ve watched ‘Paris Hilton’s My New BFF’. I think Paris Hilton is a brainless bitch. I celebrate Chinese New Year. I’m not Chinese or a tiny bit Asian at all. I have a step-sibling. I have a weak tolerance of alcohol. Are you kidding me? I can drink all night long! I want a new cell phone. I have my own bathroom. I sleep on a single bed. Nah, I have a King/Queen size bed! I think one night stands are no biggie. I’ve been on a helicopter before. I’m actually afraid of heights. My date rented a limo to take me to prom. Pfft, I wish I had a date. I haven’t had my prom yet. I like clicking on advertisements. Pop-up ads are so old school. I recently took a bath. I never bother, I just take showers. My Christmas holidays were the bomb! Ugh, mine sucked like hell. I’d love to go to Japan one day. I’ve seen a ghost before. I can write lyrics! I can, but I’m not very good at it. I would like to become a musician one day. I love finding things in sofa cracks. Black people can sing really well. So can Filipinos! Really, anyone with talent can do that. I know someone that’s trying very hard to fit in a stereotype. Every cup of water I drink equals to a trip to the toilet. I recently received my exam results. They were quite good! Nope, failed it all. It’s my boyfriend’s birthday today. He never gives me gifts. He buries me with them. I wish I had a boyfriend that actually spends money on me! I love my boyfriend very much. The Beatles rock my world. Actually, a lot of classic rock bands rock my world. It takes me a really long while to get to sleep. I’m a personality quiz fiend. I am and have always been a night owl. I love reading Sarah Dessen books. My earphones are in my ears practically 24/7. I am an only child and that’s not because of any death. I hate school and everything else connected to it. I’ve never been in any romantic relationship. I have a lot of favorite names. And I plan to use those names on my kids. I’m reading a comic book right now. I’m listening to music right now. I memorize lyrics really easily. But memorizing stuff for school isn’t easy at all. Math is my worst enemy. I love bolding surveys. Nice and easy. I pick Guitar Hero over Rock Band. I’m afraid of heights. And spiders. Actually any disgusting insect. I really don’t mind being all alone. I talk to myself. My favorite animal: zebras. I know that there’s such a thing as a Supersaurus. Dinosaurs fascinate me. English class is love. I know how to make layouts.
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olgagarmash · 3 years
The Hierarchy of Nutrition
“I don’t know what to believe.”
If you’ve ever read a fitness magazine or searched for any health-related information on the Internet, this is probably how you feel. Or, maybe it’s more like, “WTF! Why does every piece of information contradict one another?”
Every day, it can seem like something is bad…and then good…and then bad again. At some point, you might even wonder what is safe to eat. 
First carbs are bad, then fats, and even protein is criticized (wrongly) for causing kidney issues.  
The campaigns to push dietary agendas are enough to make you think Paleo and Atkins are running against Mediterranean and Low-Sugar for the office of diet supremacy. Like any election, all candidates have their flaws, but that doesn’t mean they are fundamentally flawed. The diets that work are the ones that align with food preferences and lifestyle in a way that just fits. 
And while you can safely assume any plan that includes the words “cookie” or “miracle” is full of shit, trying to tackle every new diet trend would be an impossible task.
Instead of naming names, here are three simple tips to help you figure out what actually works and what might work best for you.
Table of Contents
Don’t believe any plan that points out one “enemy.”
So many new trends in the health and fitness world use smart marketing techniques to both scare you and promise quick results. 
Weight loss is a complex topic. If something promises to change one thing and everything will get better, then it’s probably a lie.
That’s because your ability to lose fat will be determined by calories, but that’s only a small piece of the picture. It’s also influenced by the quality of those calories, your hormones, stress levels, your health history, genetics, the exercise you perform, age, your family history, and a host of other factors. 
Does that mean you need to become an expert in nutrition in order to start a new eating plan? Most definitely not. But, it does mean that if any diet suggests changing one element is the “key to success,” you should be skeptical.
And yet, look for any diet book, and any of the following are singled out as the “primary” cause of weight gain:
Late-night eating
Elimination of overnight meals
Processed and/or packaged foods
Can adjusting your diet around these principles lead to weight loss? Of course. But, it’s likely not the long-term solution. 
In general, you want to limit unnecessary restriction of foods you might enjoy. Completely removal limits the likelihood that you’ll stick with the plan, and that means it’s designed to fail. 
For example, some people might have to avoid certain foods or ingredients because of food allergies (this topic is an entirely different and fascinating beast), but most people are overreacting and cutting foods from their diet because they’ve been tricked into believing these “bad foods” are a health problem. They’re not. 
For the most part, odds are you don’t have a food allergy — no matter how much the latest book might try to convince you otherwise.
Case in point: Research found that 86 percent of people who thought they were gluten intolerant were not.  And scientists estimate that only one to two percent of people in the world actually suffer from gluten intolerance. 
If you’re truly allergic to a food, then you’ll experience a reaction in your body similar to how pollen crushes my sinuses every summer when you eat them.
But, this is where reality ends. If you’re trying to understand nutrition, it’s best to consider the words of Dr. Mike Israetel, a professor of exercise science.
“Ultimately, successfully countering weight gain and obesity is a combination of many nutrition and behavioral principles that keep the fundamentals (like calorie balance) in mind. Catchphrase demonization of a single nutrient as a magic-bullet cure is unlikely to ever be the solution, and–in fact–more likely to create problems and confusion about how to fight obesity.”
Think of dieting like dating (hear me out).
Looking at what works for your friend, sister, co-worker, or favorite Instagram star is a bad idea. And yet, that’s often how a lot of people get inspired to start a new diet. Instead, think of healthy eating like dating .
You wouldn’t choose to be in a relationship with someone who you despise from day one, so why would you do that with the foods you have to eat. Every. Single. Day.
Anything that sounds like it would make your life miserable is going to be a problem. Because while your body might survive just fine, your mind won’t. You will quit the plan, you will learn to hate nutrition, and you’ll probably end up more confused and a few pounds heavier than when you started.   
After working with hundreds of clients over the past 10 years, here are a few things I’ve seen:
Bad relationship No. 1: Molly wants to try a low-carb diet but loves pasta. She’ll be OK for four to six weeks, snap, pay rent at her favorite Italian spot for the next month, and then think dieting can’t work.
Bad relationship No. 2: Paul loves dessert. He tries a clean eating plan of chicken and broccoli… which satisfies him for about two weeks, before he becomes grumpy and hates his life.
Bad relationship No. 3: Rebecca loves breakfast. It’s her favorite meal of the day. But she’s heard that intermittent fasting works and that she needs to start her meals at 12 p.m. every day and only eat for an eight-hour window. This relationship does not go well.
The problems repeat over and over (and over) again. Choosing a diet because it sounds good or because it worked for your BFF and not prioritizing your personality, preferences, and lifestyle sets you up to fail before you’ve even stocked your fridge full of raw meat and vegetables (Paleo, anyone?).
You can build a healthy diet that’s higher-carb, allows dessert, and may or may not include breakfast (some mornings are crazy).
“Do what works for your body” is simple advice, but it works incredibly well. And it makes perfect sense. You have a different body from your friends or siblings, so why wouldn’t you want to make slight, personalized adjustments that seem to fit?
If you want to live a healthy, low-stress life, you need to consider whether a plan is a good fit for you. If it’s not, look for something else. There are a lot of options and a lot of them work, no matter how much certain experts may try to condemn competing ideologies.
At the end of the day, weight loss starts with burning more calories than you eat (science nerds call this a “caloric deficit.”) It doesn’t end there, and many other factors must be considered. But start with something doable and you won’t be finding yourself exhausted and frustrated in just a few weeks.
Don’t buy the hype
The most important parts of any healthy eating plan–whether low-carb, low-sugar, or anything in between–are consistency and sustainability. I’ve written about it many times, but four-week fat-loss plans are full of lies. 
“Thirty-day solutions” sound great on paper, but they don’t play out so well after the first 30 days. You can lose weight quickly, but most of those “get-fit quick” plans are all smoke and mirrors. 
Eating is social, fun, and should bring happiness. You should feel in control and know that your healthy choices are making a difference and helping in the ways you want.
The hardest thing about consistently eating healthy is the fact that no one wants to “be on a diet.” That’s why we’re often drawn to the quickest solution available, so we can get the results we want and return to our “normal” existence.
My suggestion: Do everything possible to ignore the instant gratification. It only leads to more frustration. It’s OK if you’re confused by food and nutrition and/or have no idea where to even begin. At some point, this is a struggle for everyone.
When it comes to nutrition and your body, you must see the bigger picture. Just as you don’t transform your body by doing one exercise repeatedly for 30 days, you won’t change your body permanently by committing to something for such a short period of time.
Exceptions exist, but if healthy weight loss is your goal, one to two pounds per week — on average — is a great goal. Anything faster than that usually means you’re losing more muscle (and not fat).
And the average part is important. One week you might lose 4 pounds. The next week you might lose zero pounds. Think of weight loss in 2-4 week periods but mini-stalls are part of the process. 
Many people quit their weight loss journey because they think they are stuck when, in reality, they are still on track. 
The 1-2 pounds per week might not sound like much, but it adds up fast. Think about it: you can stick with it for three months, you could be looking at as much as 25 pounds of fat loss. Not too bad, right? And because it was done progressively, focusing on what works instead of hype and false promises, you’re more likely to keep it off for good.
Need help figuring out the best diet plan for your needs?
Get your questions answered. Sign up for Born Fitness online coaching. To learn more, click here.
Why 99% of Diet Plans Really Fail (Hint: It’s Not Dessert)
FLAWED: The Tom Brady and Giselle Bündchen Diet Plan
Do You Really Need To Eat Chicken And Broccoli?
source https://wealthch.com/the-hierarchy-of-nutrition/
0 notes
20qs20somethings · 7 years
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Aaron, 25
1. Can you use three to five words to describe our generation? Creative, Independent, Defiant
2. Talk about a person or an experience that has helped shape you into the person you are today? I was raised by a lot of very strong women and my family is a lot of people who really believe in hard work, passion, independence, as well as the strength that comes with community. So I would say the people who shaped me the most would be my mom and grandmother because they really led by example and lead everything they do in life with love. My mom raised me when she was a teenager and my grandmother brought all of her children over to the states from Jamaica. She and my grandfather raised this whole family as the first generation to immigrate to the states and her perspective on life and work is always thinking about the person next to you as opposed to yourself so much. They shaped me the most because they are very strong, resourceful, compassionate, artistic people who always encouraged me to do the thing that I felt the most scared about doing but that I also felt the most excited about doing at the same time. 
3. Talk about your relationship with social media? Social media has become this necessary evil for a lot of people. I don’t think many people are thrilled to log on anymore, you do it out of necessity and habit. But I do think there are communities of people who are using it in ways that excite me. Social media kind of feels like this puzzle that isn’t quite connected to real life in a way that is meaningful. There’s still this projection of another self that we put out on Instagram or things we say on Twitter for attention, retweets or engagement and there is a more authentic version of someone’s self that they’re willing to present to the world. I really would rather not be on Twitter all day.
4. Who or what is your biggest motivator in life? My friends. I’m really blessed to have a community of black writers and creators who support each other. We kind of found each other just through admiring each other’s work, our drive, and now our collective vision for what the future might look like online and other spaces. They are my rock and they are such beautiful people. I think whenever one of us shines, all of us shine and we try to make sure that we are always there for each other and lift each other up. Whenever I see them doing great work, it makes me want to do great work as well.
5. Do you believe in love? Of course.
6. Fill in the blank: “Happiness is _______” Community
7. What are your thoughts on race? I think race is something people can use to both edify and bring down. When we talk about race, conversations on race are centered around whiteness and what whiteness does to other groups of people. But I also think that race is something that there is a deep sense of pride and individuality with it as well.
For me at least, my blackness is something that I carry a lot of esteem, pride, and joy because I love being black, I love being surrounded by black people, I love lifting black people up and singing praises and making it clear that what we do, what we make and how we live is valid, necessary and beautiful. So for me, race is something that even if it began as a system of oppression, wherein most cases a white person decided to marginalize another group that isn’t white, I think that we’ve come a long way and have established and built remarkable communities that identify as both products and overcomers of their own oppression which is a really amazing and devastating thing. 
Whenever someone points at you and says you’re lesser than, in that process you’re able to become stronger. That says a lot about the resilience of your people and what they stand for and what they believe is true, which is in direct defiance of being called lesser than. Race is complicated and it’s messy and it’s fascinating. But as far as I’m concerned and my family and friends who are concerned, being black is a gorgeous, complicated, intricate, and a powerful thing.
8. Who or what brings you the greatest joy in your life? Probably my sister Eliyana. She was born when I was 15 (we have the same mom and have different fathers) When Eliyana was born, she was the only sibling who shared the same mom as me and I was an only child in that sense in my mom’s home growing up. So when Eliyana was born, I felt this new sense of purpose in my life that I haven’t really felt before. I was having a conversation with her recently, she’s 9 now. We were talking about work, what I did that day and I said, “I was working with some of the developers on our team.” So I started to explain everything developers do, how they build things, how they code websites and she was like, “I think I wanna do that, that sounds cool.” 
But whenever I tell her anything I do that involves someone doing something cool, she thinks she can do it. Without hesitation she’s like “my brother does something like that so I want to do something like that.” It fills me with so much joy and pride and I swell with emotion every single time she says something like that to me because it not only reminds me of the possibility of everything when you were young, but she’s this intelligent, brilliant kid who the world is not something that’s daunting to her, it’s something she wants to jump into and do amazing things in. Not to mention, she’s a really funny person. 
9. Do you think the American Dream is still alive? The American Dream is this idea of success that was only afforded to certain people for a long time. It’s like the biggest PR stunt in American History. The way that that was coded to mean something to white people was really astounding. The American dream wasn’t for me, it wasn’t for my family. I think it was something that was specifically invented and coded as a whisper to people who are privileged and already had access to that ladder that it describes. 
The whole term and idea is really sinister to me because it was kind of pointing fingers at people and saying that the only way you can quantify your success is by working through a certain system to get that success and really not acknowledging the context that people bring with them when they come to America and a lot of time the context...is not one of coming here to build a better life, it was to survive. 
There were a lot of promises that came with coming here, but it was not the golden vision that it portrayed itself as when people got here. For a lot of people who are black Americans, getting to America was not a choice. No, I don’t think the American Dream as it was invented and as it was pushed out to people and the ideology behind it is not something that i think is available to everyone. 
10. Would you rather have security or fulfillment in your work? Fulfillment.
11. What are your thoughts on marriage? Marriage to me is mostly something that I think about in terms of choice and having the option to do something like that. I don’t like to be in people’s business as much, they can make their own choices, but I think people should...have the option to do that. 
12. Do you think there’s a certain pressure to live a certain life online? I think it definitely exists. I think that if people feel that pressure, they should always interrogate where that’s coming from and what they’re trying to emulate and go after. I think there’s always validity to anyone presenting themselves in any way they want to, but if that pressure is leading to them feeling negative about themselves or other people then I think it requires some inward questions about why that is and always taking a breath wondering why they feel the need to do this, and if that answer is truly positive, then that’s fine.
13. What do you want out of this life? I would like to live without hesitation, to feel like I’m free of any system or any person. To make the people around me happy to be around me in a genuine way. 
14. What’s something that makes you angry? Inefficiency, people who are bad at communicating.
15. Do you think our generation is too focused on being politically correct? I think whenever people talk about political correctness and what is too much and too little, the conversation should really shift toward: What is the intent? What are you trying to get someone to do? Are you calling someone out because you want to look cool or you want to look like you’re smarter than them, or you want retweets, or are you calling someone out because you’re genuinely invested in them getting better and being better. I am of the school of thought that I am not on this earth to educate everyone and I don’t expect everyone to do the same for me. So I think we really have to think about our intent and think about the fact that not everyone is going to change, not everyone’s going to get to that place with us that we’re all understanding of each other. Some people are just not going to make it there and you just have to let them fester in their ignorance. It’s too much work to be policing, correcting, and all that effort. 
16. How do you want to be remembered? Someone who in everything that they did was dedicated to making it better and helping people be their best selves and making their best work in conjunction with making things that are great.
17. What are qualities that you value? Compassion, great work ethic, empathy, honesty, creativity
18. Fill in the blank, “I wish we had more _______ in the world”   Sincerity 
19. How would you describe what it’s like to navigate your 20s? There’s a lot of waiting for something to happen. I’m a hardworking person and I’ve put a lot of time into my career, friendships, and people I know, but I was still waiting for this script to appear to give me a recap and give me a path forward. I think it’s this year I finally realized that no one is going to write that for me except for myself, I have to take those steps to move. I think realizing that is daunting too because you don’t know which step to take or what to do. But I think the first five years of my twenties was a lot of thinking to myself, “oh people say when you’re 23 or 24 this or that should happen.”
20. What is the best piece of advice you want to leave the world with? Always find your peace, always know where the sources of that are, and always make that your default in everything you do. There are times to be fast, there are times to be slow, times where you need to be bold and loud, but I think the one place people will always find the most clarity is when they’re at peace. 
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celebritylive · 4 years
What It Is: Tracing my Irish ancestry on a “DNA tourism” vacation.
Discovering your family history through DNA testing services like 23 and Me and Ancestry DNA has become increasingly popular, but it only gives you so much information. When I wanted to take my research a step further, I came across a trip that’s designed to bring you face to face with your personal heritage. Ireland’s Aer Lingus airline has created a genealogy-based travel experience called “Discover Your Roots” that allows visitors to trace their roots right down to the exact region and city their Irish ancestors came from.
“The package was created in response to the growing DNA tourism trend in the U.S., where Americans are increasingly booking trips to explore the countries where their families came from,” says Bill Byrne, Aer Lingus Director of Global Sales and VP of North America. “With millions of Americans identifying as Irish, we wanted to make it easy for them to access their homeland and since we fly from fourteen North American gateways direct to Ireland, it just made sense.”
So how does it work? Prices start at $999 for a six-day experience. The package includes roundtrip economy airfare to Dublin, two nights in a Dublin hotel, a 90-minute private consultation with a genealogy expert at the Irish Family History Centre, admission to EPIC the Irish Emigration Museum and the Irish Family History Centre, a four-night car rental and four nights in your choice of B&Bs throughout Ireland.
On a recent trip to Ireland, I put the package to the test by meeting with a genealogist expert at the EPIC Museum to discover exactly where my ancestors came from.
Who Tried It: Colleen Kratofil, Style Editor
Level of Difficulty: 7, depending on how far you’ve assembled your family tree in advance. It took me some time to call relatives to collect as much information as possible to compile my family tree into one concise document.
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What Went Down: As my first name may suggest, I am, in fact, pretty Irish. Each of my great-grandparents on my mother’s side came to America from Ireland in the 1920s, and my family is very connected to our Irish roots and the Irish dance community. (You can see my commitment to celebrating St. Patricks’ Day here.) So already knowing a good bit about my heritage, I wanted to see how much more I could discover about my family tree.
Upon booking, I received a list of items to bring with me to the consultation with the genealogy expert. It suggested writing down the name, birth date, place of birth, religion and any known parents/siblings of each Irish ancestor I was researching. It also asked to provide any death, marriage or church records, boat passenger lists, naturalization records or WWI or WWII draft cards.
After many, many phone calls with my mother, grandmother, aunts and great-uncle, I assembled a family tree that went back four, five and in one instance six generations, by compiling names, birth dates, marriages and parents’ and siblings’ names within my lineage.
Now, I had probably seen too many episodes of Who Do You Think You Are on TLC, because at times my mind ran a little too wild thinking about how far we would get in our consultation. Would the expert discover that I descended from royalty centuries ago? Was there a scandalous story hidden somewhere in my past that I’ve never heard of? In reality, I had to remind myself that this was just a 90-minute consultation and the expert didn’t spend hours and hours researching my tree ahead of time. What really happened was that my genealogy expert at the Irish Family History Centre, Patrick Roycroft, looked at my notes and my makeshift tree just minutes before we sat down together.
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“Since people are in different phases of discovery of their family roots, the genealogist acts as a guide of where to look along with tips and tools to get through barriers,” explains Martha Rizea, Aer Lingus’ Consumer Sales & Marketing Executive. “Some people are just getting started and only have a little information and others have records, but this session will act as a guide.”
During the meeting, the first thing Roycroft needed to do was make sure the tree I had assembled from my family was in fact, historically correct, because I didn’t have any birth or marriage records from my ancestors in Ireland. A few birth dates within my tree were off by a year, but Roycroft explained that’s quite common. “You have to remember people from this period in the late 1800s and farther back, many of them genuinely did not know when they were born, they’re making a wild guess.”
We sat together in front of a computer and retraced the names on my family tree by finding birth, marriage or baptism records of each member of my family to ensure the names, spellings, birth places and birth dates I acquired were correct — but I quickly learned tracing ancestry in Ireland is not an easy task.
“Irish geography is more difficult than you might think. Not just because of some of the weird names and spellings, and half the stuff might be in Irish,” Roycroft started. “It’s tricky because any individual place or region in Ireland can have maybe eight or nine names associated with it.”
Another issue? Civil registration in Ireland, which is a legal requirement to register a birth, marriage and death with the state (as opposed to having it in a parish record) started for Catholics in Ireland in 1864. Before that, there’s nothing.
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As we went, Roycroft sent me copies of all the records we found. We used the full 90 minutes and only covered two relatives, out of four, in my family. “We could literally be working on this for the next six hours without any problem,” Roycroft said.
Once the consultation was finished, the package is designed so one can continue researching their family for another day in Dublin, then schedule where they would like to reserve B&Bs to visit some of the places they’ve just learned about.
“The B&B’s are an open voucher system, so based on any newly discovered information, guests will set out to that area to see where their roots come from,” Rizea says. “It’s a completely flexible program of discovery, cultural immersion, Irish hospitality and a vacation all in one.”
Because I already knew each of my great-grandparents hailed from County Mayo (and I’m an over-planner) I knew I’d stay there during my journey. (I chose the Hazelbrook B&B in Westport, which I’d highly recommend.)
The Results: Was it less glamorous than discovering some hidden family secret? Sure. But it was still absolutely fascinating.
We got one layer deeper into my maternal grandmother’s side and my maternal grandfather’s side, and confirmed the birth dates and birth places of family members along both sides of my family.
The whole purpose of the consultation is to truly trace one’s roots — and that’s exactly what Roycroft did. I had known one half of one side of my family came from the town of Balina, County Mayo. But by looking at both county and church records of my relatives, we actually narrowed down the exact, very specific, area within Balina where they lived, even tracing a move the family had made between the border of County Mayo and County Sligo.
Roycroft also explained that I wouldn’t be able to get one more generation back, because of the limitations of Irish records. “The general brick wall for Irish genealogy for Catholics is about 1800. That’s where things really do peter out quite quickly. If you’re very lucky, you can maybe get two generations back. I would probably eat my pen if you actually got three generations back. I don’t think that’s going to be possible.”
In the end, we traced the exact areas where two sides of my family came from (Tourmakeady and Kiltimagh) and I was even able to visit cousins that still live in the towns (and in one case, the same property) that my great-grandparents came from (pictured above).
Going back to the exact cities from which my relatives departed Ireland was eye opening. It really made me think about the experience my great-grandparents had leaving their hometowns and the lives they created so far away from home.
Overall, the “Discover Your Roots” package is an amazing experience for those serious about learning about their ancestry and it’s an easy one-stop shop in the vacation-planning process. With airfare, a rental car, and B&B stays booked in one session, it makes planning a breeze and leaves more time to be spent truly digging into your heritage.
What to Know Before a Genealogy Consultation
To prepare for your own experience tracing your roots, I asked Roycroft what people should bring, and the expectations they should have, before meeting with an genealogist. Here are his expert tips:
1. Talk to your elders.
“Get the information from them, get it in a structured format, present that to the genealogists and say, ‘This is what I know from family history. These are the names and the dates and the places.’ And then it’s up to the genealogist to deal with that.”
2. List the names of all known relatives/siblings of your ancestor. 
“Listing all the names of brothers and sisters of those you’re researching is brilliant because some of those are more easily findable. Someone may have an unusual name, which is easier to search. What happens quite often is, in the direct line that somebody wants to research, there’s a problem with it for whatever reason, but you can go around it by researching a brother or sister and carry on.”
3. Be mindful of the resources available in Irish records. 
“The late and mid-19th century is when there’s a rich trove of records. Early 19th century, not so much. If you’re Roman Catholic before 1864, the parish registers are the things you need to have in order to establish who was born and who married who. You’re absolutely dependent upon specifically which parish in which county your ancestor came from. 1800 is the barrier. The whole west of Ireland is all like that. The east sometimes maybe it’s a bit better.”
4. English relatives may help the search.
“If you were fortunate enough to have English ancestors, their whole preservation is completely different. If one had farming ancestors in England, you can probably get back to the 1700s, even 1600s sometimes from their records. But in Ireland you would have trouble getting past 1800.”
During our interview, Roycroft used an example about President John F. Kennedy to hit the point home. “Hundreds of top genealogists in the world researched his ancestors and they can’t get back more than his great-great grandfather because the records don’t exist. It doesn’t matter if you’re a president.”
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5. Guinness may be the secret.
During a visit to the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, I discovered that a rich trove of history does exist before the 1800s for all employees who ever worked at Guinness — which began in 1759 — thanks to the Guinness Archive collect. Family members of former Guinness employees can access work files, medical records, artifacts and more through the Guinness Storehouse Archives, which contains over 20,000 individual personnel files, available by appointment only.
For more info on the “Discover Your Roots” package, visit the Aer Lingus Vacation Store website, aerlingusvacationstore.com.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/37rXtqa
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sariddomi · 5 years
q-&~a* <3
gEt to knowmE
//when you were born?
i was born on may 6 :) and im 15 right now so u do the math ok tehe
//what’s your full name and are you proud of it?
wait i feel like i shouldnt say my full name on here but its sara domingues, and im proud of it because it looks pretty i guess
//are you named after someone, if yes then after whom?
my first name isn’t really named after anyone actually!! but my middle name is named after my aunts middle name
//where are you from and are you proud of it?
omg im from new jersey; however, i live in canada 🇨🇦 i grew up here, so thats fun
and my folks are from brazil and portugal ~
//do you love playing any sports, or just watching it?
i used to play sports a lot ! i only really watch it now though - stuff like soccer, figure skating, hockey, dance, rhymthic gymnastics n volleyball
i dont watch it religiously tho its always on the tv tho
//which one is better, basketball or baseball?
basketball because tyler joseph likes it yes
//who is your favorite person in modern history?
my fav people ever:
tyler joseph
josh dun
chris hadfield
elon musk
sasha velour
brendon urie
neil armstrong
dan and phil
eugenia cooney
sikowitz from victorious
tom holland
blaire white
demi lovato
i cant pick tehe cause all these people have either impacted my life or set an example for me or inspire me
//who is your favorite writer in modern history?
uhhh tyler joseph since he writes music but most of the books i read are from before the 2000s i think! i read stuff like the chronicals of narnia, the hobbit n the lord of the rings and i LOVE to kill a mockingbird
//who is your favorite musician from 20th century?
i wish i knew :-(
//which one you prefer, Daft punk or Gorillaz?
i love the visuals in their music videos and ive heard a handful of songs and its always a bop
//do you love animals, if yes then which one you love most?
i love animals !!!!!!! my favourites come down to pigs, turtles and polar bears
i want a dog too :p
//do you have children? and how many?
yes totally i have 10 kids all called ned
//if you have children, what’s their name?
they are ned
//how many children do you want to have?
uhhh i don’t think i want children in the future but i have an open mind i guess im only 15 tho so like
//are you married or single, and why?
im single because im not really interested in dating right now :-) i prefer hanging out with a group of friends and focusing on myself and hobbies
//if you are not married, when are you going to get married?
bro when someone asks me hehe
//what is your favorite drink of all?
gUARANA its the best brazilian drink and i love coconut bubble tea too
//do you have favorite basketball player?
not really except tyler joseph
//what is your greatest achievement in high school?
im only a sophomore now but i got a 95 on my science exam and a 91 on my french so yay me
i may come across as not the brightest, but im a scholar guys !!!! :)
//are you proud of your points in high school?
wait a second there’s points in high school?
//DO you want to have a business?
idk do you
//which business you want to have and why?
i probably would want to sell little knick knacks or cute clothes or books looool
//what is your most favorite scene from movies?
i feel like when a character is finally at peace with themselves or when those scenes where characters join together for the greater good
(i love marvel so i also love the fight scenes with cool music)
//if you love snakes, which one is your favorite?
i dont kno any snakes sadly
//do you love music? Which genre is your favorite?
i love music ! my favourite genre is probably rock and alternative but i do listen to pop a lot too. i have a spotify i’ll shoutout later but im really into twenty one pilots ~
//which one is your favorite: old school rap or today’s new age rappers?
uhh i don’t really listen to rap but i think both are equally good
i think i probably listen to old school more though since i listen to the old radio stations my dad has on in the car
//how tall are you? have you dreamed being ever taller?
i believe im around 5’5, my class measured me though and said im 5’3.7 or smth so i dont kno but guys i promise you im 7’1 so now my dream of becoming a basketball player is coming true
//what is your favorite number and please tell us, why?
i like the number 6. its my birthday and its cool
//have you ever been on any bridge? do you like bridges?
i dont actually think ive been on a bridge besides in a car. bridges sound cool though i like the ones with the water below them, its nice to see the people in their boats and stuff. also the architec for bridges are sick. engineers and architects and artists really outdo them selves with those structures man.
//do you have fear of anything?
im scared of butterflies, those things r hairy.
im also scared of being judged cause i feel not good enough at certain things that people judge me lol
//where are you working right now?
no where im unemployed but i want a job :(
//have you ever dreamed of being successful lawyer?
not really, im too open minded to do it. so i’d probably end up defending the wrong person. i think id want to be a psychiatrist !
//where do you want to travel?
definetly the uk and new zealand and japan
//have you ever been in Europe? where?
i’ve been to europe !! i’ve visited portugal, spain and france :-) i have family around there so like
//do you love history? did you have high grades in history classes?
history is super interesting! i find it fascinating to learn about our past but it’s also kind of sad
i did have high grades looool i loved my history teacher
//how do you describe yourself?
In case you haven’t noticed, I'm weird. I’m a weirdo. I don't fit in. And I don't want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That's weird.
//can you describe yourself in just 3 words?
empathetic, funny, a good friend?
//what are the most powerful 3 words that changed your life?
ill give you 2
stay alive
//who you admire the most, mother or father?
both! they’re super cool and have interesting stories
//do you have siblings? How many?
i have 2 sisters and 1 half sister teehee
//how many books do you read during summer vacations?
i read a few. i did online school so i didn’t have much time this year.
//how many books you have read in 2017?
wait its not 2017
//who is your favorite male Youtuber?
pewds, quackityhq, dan n phil and mr beast
//who is your favorite female YouTuber?
i think jenna marbles or my sister
//who is your favorite comedy movies actor?
danny devito
//what was the reason you cried the last time?
i forgot but i think its cause i wanted a salad
//what is your favorite moment from childhood?
when i got lost at walmart and they had to announce my name and my mother and fathers name on the PA
0 notes
fluffydragon85 · 6 years
Bold What Applies To You: My phone has a touch screen. So does my iPod. I don't even have a phone. Or an iPod. I'm really thirsty in the morning.
I can't stand it when dirt gets under my nails. I'm happy that Obama is our president. I'm not! I don't really care. What's with preps dying their hair black? I hate Crocs. I don't, they are so comfortable. I've got in a fight with my boyfriend/girlfriend in the past week. We worked it out though. I wish we could have, but we broke up. I love Jolly Ranchers. But not as much as Skittles. I know how to change a tire. Paramore is one of my favorite bands. So is Forever The Sickest Kids. If you don't like either of them, you're crazy! My computer is a HP. So is my printer. I have someone I worry about a lot. I never wear necklaces. Spaghetti is one of my favorite foods. But I hate lasagna. It's dark out right now. And really cold. I'm going to watch the Superbowl. I think people who laugh at the number 69 are somewhat immature. The Breakfast Club is one of my favorite movies. So is 16 Candles. I wish they still made good movies like that. Those movies suck! There's a drum set in my house. An electric guitar too. I've seen the movie Pineapple Express. I haven't yet, but I want to. I'm texting someone right now. I'm actually texting more than one person. I've kissed a person with more than 2 piercings. Stewie is awesome. I have pj pants with him on. I've been suspended before. I haven't, that's really bad! I'm easily annoyed. Neon green is better than hot pink. I live alone. I wish I did. Bolding surveys are my favorite. I have a step or half sibling. I have velvet pants. I have a t-shirt from a museum exhibit. I’ve been to Dunkin' Donuts before. I’ve been on the subway. I usually get movies from the library. I’m scared of heights. I should be asleep right now. I have something that smells like mint. I have spare batteries. My speakers are off right now. My computer is in my bedroom. I only have one blanket on my bed. I own or have owned a teddy bear. I’ve memorized bohemian rhapsody. I’ve played Runescape. I like to make lists. I’ve listened to the Beach Boys. I am very flexible. In bookstores, I walk around with my head tilted sideways.  I’m wearing a hoodie. I know a lot of weird facts. I’ve watched Nightmare on Elm Street before. I know what pappillon means in English. Sufjan Stevens makes me happy. I wish my nose was smaller. Who lives in North Dakota, anyway? I like to eat goldfish.  I get at least three e-mails per day. I smile a lot. I use "however" instead of "but" when writing an essay. I’ve seen The Breakfast Club. I’ve had a burping contest with someone. And I won the contest. I like sharing books with my friends. I usually recognize the poets my English teacher talks about. A stranger has given me a high five for no reason. I’ve been to a Harry Potter book release party. I usually need to be reminded to eat. I have tiny hands. I like to look for shapes in the plaster on my ceiling. I prefer pencils to pens. I write on my hands when I need to remember something. I’ve been to a roller skating rink. I own a piece of clothing that is rainbow patterned. I own a piece of clothing with skulls on it. I am extremely patient. I wish I could dance well. I’ve been to an ice skating rink. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night. I’ve been on the high honor roll. I have a purse with flowers on it. I love to people watch. I’ve written an acrostic poem. I have bad posture. I’ve fallen asleep in class. I am very easily embarrassed. I liked to make up stories when I was a kid. Whenever I ride my bike, I’m tempted to start singing bicycle race. I take prescription creams/face washes/pills for acne. I drink milk daily. I’ve been told I act like I’m on drugs. I’ve been told I look like I’m on drugs. I have my hair up in a bun. I own something Beatles-related. I have very strong opinions. I love to eat grinders. I don't call long sandwiches grinders. Teachers have asked me if I’m depressed. More than once. I don't care what you think of me. I have a toothache. Wonderwall is my "I like someone" song. There's a book beside or on my bed. I hate innuendo. I really admire improvisational comedians. I don't like gym class. I am going to do better this school year. I don't use the word fag. Ever. I’ve been told I have a beautiful singing voice. I can read Shakespeare without translations. I adore English class. I know what the kisney scale is. I read more than one book at a time. I love places that sell dollar-a-cup coffee. The Magic School bus taught me a lot. I liked to dance on the kitchen table as a kid. I’ve lived with a relative for more than a year. I hate sharing a bed. I cried a lot as a kid. My friends have excellent taste in music. Antidisestablishmentarianism! I like to drink coke zero. I watched Labyrinth only because David Bowie was in it. I bite my nails a lot. I’ve been to a music festival. I’ve gotten sunburn before. And it bled. Ew. I hate the noise vacuums make. I prefer showers to baths. Jeffree Starr is way overrated. I don't like my mouse pad. I love people who look classy. My nail polish is chipped. I’m going to read a book today. My mattress is on the floor. I am an insomniac. Cabaret punk is love. I have a DVD I want to watch. I’m a really picky eater. I take ibuprofen a lot. I tan very easily. The sun is shining right now. I love yellow Jell-O. I’ve made Popsicles with an ice cube tray, juice and toothpicks. And I called them ghetto pops. I’ve never met my neighbors.  I’ve drawn on the street with chalk. I’ve been in a tree house. Tire swings are really fun. I love abandoned places. I have a plastic bag near me. I only watch TV when I’m really bored. I can't wait to graduate. I’ve pulled an all-nighter so I would be really tired the next night. I really hate needles. I get along with my parents. My font on aim is tiny. I don't use aim. I fall in love with songs that have beautiful lyrics. I listen to anti-folk. I have no idea what anti-folk is. I like to blow bubbles. I’ve won a hula hooping contest before. I’ve almost drowned. I’ve choked on something. I’ve taken a first aid course. One of my friends is in a different state right now. I’ve been to Chicago. I really like mohawks, but I would never get one. I am always warm. I have some weird eating habits. I like to spin in desk chairs. I have a beta fish. I have big lips. Tape is way better than glue. I like stickers. I’ve worn black jelly bracelets before. There is a type of music that I think is awful. My favorite girl from The Hills is Audrina. No, I prefer LC. I don't have texting on my phone. I prefer New York to California. I've read all the Harry Potter books. Lord of the Rings too. My cell has a cover on it. I want to get a tattoo that has to do with a band. My family doesn't eat dinner together. I'm worried that I won't get into any college. I'm already in college! I own more than one flannel shirt. School is very important to me. I'd live on the beach if I could. Avocado is sooooo good. I can speak five languages fluently. One of my friends already has a kid.  I drive everywhere. I hate when people say things aren't art. I'm currently texting more than 3 people. My best friend wears the same size clothes as I do. I've only been in one serious relationship. One of my parents is gay. I rescued my pet from the animal shelter.  I want to live in many different states when I'm older. I hardly ever go to the movies. I've liked one of my favorite bands for many years. I'm looking for a serious relationship right now. A lot of Starbucks are closing by my house. We don't have H&M in my state. That's my favorite store. I never order things online. I'm constantly listening to music. US History fascinates me. Oranges are the best fruit. I have lactose intolerance. I always watch the National Spelling Bee on TV. I'm on a family plan. Parties aren't my scene. I've lost many friends in my life. There are some friends I still wish I had. Fake nails look gross. I own an oyster card. My birthday is in the fall. 2008 was a horrible year for me. Actually, it was the best. I've been on a cruise before. I like chemistry more than biology. I like taking surveys more than making them. I don't have a significant other. I get all four seasons where I live. I only shop when I absolutely have the need to. I have an older brother. I have my driver's license. I don't want to have kids someday. I wear more jeans than skirts. I'd rather wear sneakers than high heels. I don't go to church. I don't like having my fringe in my face. I own like, a hundred hoodies. I couldn't draw to save my life. I'm a very good cook. I always have to look at the keyboard when I type. I've had surgery before. I don't mind getting shots all that much. I'm not afraid of bugs. I have huge eyes and long lashes. I'm naturally very pale. I'm usually not very picky at all when it comes to food. My parents are divorced. I don't like doing surveys, but I find myself doing them anyway. I'm addicted to MySpace. I don't have a Facebook account. I have perfect vision and don't need glasses or contacts. I don't wear makeup when I go out. I hate stores like Forever 21. I'm very much into sports. I don't see what the big deal about photography is. Or fashion design. I don't really appreciate art that much. Horror movies are my favorite. I don't care if people cut in line in front of me. I don't even remember the last time I put on a piece of jewelry. My hair is naturally straight. I support gay marriage. I have more friends online than I do in real life. My siblings are all older than I am. My significant other is younger than I am. I curse in almost every sentence I speak. I always get straight A's in exams. I don't know how to play any instrument. I only know how to speak one language. I don't have my own personal blog. I'm allergic to something. I've been stung by a bee at least once in my life. This is the last survey I'm doing today. I have seen someone propose in public before. And they got rejected, poor bloke. I wonder if I will ever get proposed in public. Heck I don't even know if I'll ever get married. I know what a sake bomb is. I've tried it before. I've watched 'Paris Hilton's My New BFF'. I think Paris Hilton is a brainless bitch. I celebrate Chinese New Year. I'm not Chinese or a tiny bit Asian at all. I have a step-sibling. I have a weak tolerance of alcohol. Are you kidding me? I can drink all night long! I want a new cell phone. I have my own bathroom. I sleep on a single bed. Nah, I have a King/Queen size bed! I think one night stands are no biggie. I've been on a helicopter before. I'm actually afraid of heights. My date rented a limo to take me to prom.  Pfft, I wish I had a date. I haven't had my prom yet. I like clicking on advertisements. Pop-up ads are so old school.  I recently took a bath. I never bother, I just take showers. My Christmas holidays were the bomb! Ugh, mine sucked like hell. I'd love to go to Japan one day. I've seen a ghost before. I can write lyrics! I can, but I'm not very good at it. I would like to become a musician one day. I love finding things in sofa cracks. Black people can sing really well. So can Filipinos!  Really, anyone with talent can do that. I know someone that's trying very hard to fit in a stereotype. Every cup of water I drink equals to a trip to the toilet. I recently received my exam results. They were quite good! Nope, failed it all. It's my boyfriend's birthday today. He never gives me gifts. He buries me with them. I wish I had a boyfriend that actually spends money on me! I love my boyfriend very much. The Beatles rock my world. Actually, a lot of classic rock bands rock my world. It takes me a really long while to get to sleep. I'm a personality quiz fiend. I am and have always been a night owl. I love reading Sarah Dessen books. My earphones are in my ears practically 24/7. I am an only child and that's not because of any death. I hate school and everything else connected to it. I've never been in any romantic relationship. I have a lot of favorite names. And I plan to use those names on my kids. I'm reading a comic book right now. I'm listening to music right now. I memorize lyrics really easily. But memorizing stuff for school isn't easy at all. Math is my worst enemy. I love bolding surveys. Nice and easy. I pick Guitar Hero over Rock Band. I'm afraid of heights. And spiders. Actually any disgusting insect. I really don't mind being all alone. I talk to myself. My favorite animal: zebras. I know that there's such a thing as a Supersaurus. Dinosaurs fascinate me. English class is love. I know how to make layouts.
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zolganif · 7 years
My phone has a touch screen. So does my iPod. I don't even have a phone. Or an iPod. I'm really thirsty in the morning. I can't stand it when dirt gets under my nails. I'm happy that Obama is our president. I'm not! I don't really care. What's with preps dying their hair black? I hate Crocs. I don't, they are so comfortable. I've got in a fight with my significant other in the past week. We worked it out though. I wish we could have, but we broke up. I love Jolly Ranchers. But not as much as Skittles. I know how to change a tire. Paramore is one of my favorite bands. So is Forever The Sickest Kids. If you don't like either of them, you're crazy! My computer is a HP. So is my printer. I have someone I worry about a lot. I never wear necklaces. Spaghetti is one of my favorite foods. But I hate lasagna. It's dark out right now. And really cold. I'm going to watch the Superbowl. I think people who laugh at the number 69 are somewhat immature. The Breakfast Club is one of my favorite movies. So is 16 Candles. I wish they still made good movies like that. Those movies suck! There's a drum set in my house. An electric guitar too. I've seen the movie Pineapple Express. I haven't yet, but I want to. I'm texting someone right now. I'm actually texting more than one person. I've kissed a person with more than 2 piercings. Stewie is awesome. I have pj pants with him on. I've been suspended before. I haven't, that's really bad! I'm easily annoyed. Neon green is better than hot pink. I live alone. I wish I did. Bolding surveys are my favorite. I have a step or half sibling. I have velvet pants. I have a t-shirt from a museum exhibit. I’ve been to Dunkin' Donuts before. I’ve been on the subway. I usually get movies from the library. I’m scared of heights. I should be asleep right now. I have something that smells like mint. I have spare batteries. My speakers are off right now. My computer is in my bedroom. I only have one blanket on my bed. I own or have owned a teddy bear. I’ve memorized Bohemian Rhapsody. I’ve played Runescape. I like to make lists. I’ve listened to the Beach Boys. I am very flexible. In bookstores, I walk around with my head tilted sideways. I’m wearing a hoodie. I know a lot of weird facts. I’ve watched Nightmare on Elm Street before. I know what pappillon means in English. Sufjan Stevens makes me happy. I wish my nose was smaller. Who lives in North Dakota, anyway? I like to eat goldfish.  I get at least three e-mails per day. I smile a lot. I use "however" instead of "but" when writing an essay. I’ve seen The Breakfast Club. I’ve had a burping contest with someone. And I won the contest. I like sharing books with my friends. I usually recognize the poets my English teacher talks about. A stranger has given me a high five for no reason. I’ve been to a Harry Potter book release party. I usually need to be reminded to eat. I have tiny hands. I like to look for shapes in the plaster on my ceiling. I prefer pencils to pens. I write on my hands when I need to remember something. I’ve been to a roller skating rink. I own a piece of clothing that is rainbow patterned. I own a piece of clothing with skulls on it. I am extremely patient. I wish I could dance well. I’ve been to an ice skating rink. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night. I’ve been on the high honor roll. I have a purse with flowers on it. I love to people watch. I’ve written an acrostic poem. I have bad posture. I’ve fallen asleep in class. I am very easily embarrassed. I liked to make up stories when I was a kid. Whenever I ride my bike, I’m tempted to start singing Bicycle Race. I take prescription creams / face washes / pills for acne. I drink milk daily. I’ve been told I act like I’m on drugs. I’ve been told I look like I’m on drugs. I have my hair up in a bun. I own something Beatles-related. I have very strong opinions. I love to eat grinders. I don't call long sandwiches grinders. Teachers have asked me if I’m depressed. More than once. I don't care what you think of me. I have a toothache. Wonderwall is my "I like someone" song. There's a book beside or on my bed. I hate innuendo. I really admire improvisational comedians. I don't like gym class. I am going to do better this school year. I don't use the word fag. Ever. I’ve been told I have a beautiful singing voice. I can read Shakespeare without translations. I adore English class. I know what the kisney scale is. I read more than one book at a time. I love places that sell dollar-a-cup coffee. The Magic School bus taught me a lot. I liked to dance on the kitchen table as a kid. I’ve lived with a relative for more than a year. I hate sharing a bed. I cried a lot as a kid. My friends have excellent taste in music. Antidisestablishmentarianism! I like to drink coke zero. I watched Labyrinth only because David Bowie was in it. I bite my nails a lot. I’ve been to a music festival. I’ve gotten sunburn before. And it bled. Ew. I hate the noise vacuums make. I prefer showers to baths. Jeffree Starr is way overrated.  I don't like my mouse pad. I love people who look classy. My nail polish is chipped. I’m going to read a book today. My mattress is on the floor. I am an insomniac. Cabaret punk is love. I have a DVD I want to watch. I’m a really picky eater. I take ibuprofen a lot. I tan very easily. The sun is shining right now. I love yellow Jell-O. I’ve made Popsicles with an ice cube tray, juice and toothpicks. And I called them ghetto pops. I’ve never met my neighbors. I’ve drawn on the street with chalk. I’ve been in a tree house. Tire swings are really fun. I love abandoned places. I have a plastic bag near me. I only watch TV when I’m really bored. I can't wait to graduate. I’ve pulled an all-nighter so I would be really tired the next night. I really hate needles. I get along with my parents. My font on aim is tiny. I don't use aim.<------I actually miss that now, and MSN. :(
I fall in love with songs that have beautiful lyrics. I listen to anti-folk. I have no idea what anti-folk is. I like to blow bubbles. I’ve won a hula hooping contest before. I’ve almost drowned. I’ve choked on something. I’ve taken a first aid course. One of my friends is in a different state right now. I’ve been to Chicago. I really like mohawks, but I would never get one. I am always warm. I have some weird eating habits. I like to spin in desk chairs. I have a betta fish.  I have big lips. Tape is way better than glue. I like stickers. I’ve worn black jelly bracelets before. There is a type of music that I think is awful. My favorite girl from The Hills is Audrina. No, I prefer LC. I don't have texting on my phone. I prefer New York to California. I've read all the Harry Potter books. Lord of the Rings too. My cell has a cover on it. I want to get a tattoo that has to do with a band. My family doesn't eat dinner together. I'm worried that I won't get into any college. I'm already in college! I own more than one flannel shirt. School is very important to me. I'd live on the beach if I could. Avocado is sooooo good. I can speak five languages fluently. One of my friends already has a kid. I drive everywhere. I hate when people say things aren't art. I'm currently texting more than 3 people. My best friend wears the same size clothes as I do. I've only been in one serious relationship. One of my parents is gay.<-------Actually, both of them are.  I rescued my pet from the animal shelter. I want to live in many different states when I'm older. I hardly ever go to the movies. I've liked one of my favorite bands for many years. I'm looking for a serious relationship right now. A lot of Starbucks are closing by my house. We don't have H&M in my state. That's my favorite store. I never order things online. I'm constantly listening to music. US History fascinates me. Oranges are the best fruit. I am lactose intolerant. I always watch the National Spelling Bee on TV. I'm on a family plan. Parties aren't my scene. I've lost many friends in my life. There are some friends I still wish I had. Fake nails look gross. I own an oyster card. My birthday is in the fall. 2008 was a horrible year for me. Actually, it was the best. I've been on a cruise before. I like chemistry more than biology. I like taking surveys more than making them. I don't have a significant other. I get all four seasons where I live. I only shop when I absolutely have the need to. I have an older brother. I have my driver's license. I don't want to have kids someday. I wear more jeans than skirts. I'd rather wear sneakers than high heels I don't go to church. I don't like having my fringe in my face. I own like, a hundred hoodies. I couldn't draw to save my life. I'm a very good cook. I always have to look at the keyboard when I type. I've had surgery before. I don't mind getting shots all that much. I'm not afraid of bugs. I have huge eyes and long lashes. I'm naturally very pale. I'm usually not very picky at all when it comes to food. My parents are divorced. I don't like doing surveys, but I find myself doing them anyway. I'm addicted to MySpace.<-----Miss that site too. haha.  I don't have a Facebook account. I have perfect vision and don't need glasses or contacts. I don't wear makeup when I go out. I hate stores like Forever 21. I'm very much into sports. I don't see what the big deal about photography is. Or fashion design. I don't really appreciate art that much. Horror movies are my favorite. I don't care if people cut in line in front of me. I don't even remember the last time I put on a piece of jewelry. My hair is naturally straight. I support gay marriage. I have more friends online than I do in real life. My siblings are all older than I am. My significant other is younger than I am. I curse in almost every sentence I speak. I always get straight A's in exams. I don't know how to play any instrument. I only know how to speak one language. I don't have my own personal blog. I'm allergic to something. I've been stung by a bee at least once in my life. This is the last survey I'm doing today.  I have seen someone propose in public before. And they got rejected, poor bloke. I wonder if I will ever get proposed in public. Heck I don't even know if I'll ever get married. I know what a sake bomb is. I've tried it before. I've watched 'Paris Hilton's My New BFF'. I think Paris Hilton is a brainless bitch. I celebrate Chinese New Year. I'm not Chinese or a tiny bit Asian at all. I have a step-sibling. I have a weak tolerance of alcohol. Are you kidding me? I can drink all night long! I want a new cell phone. I have my own bathroom. I sleep on a single bed. Nah, I have a King / Queen size bed! I think one night stands are no biggie. I've been on a helicopter before. I'm actually afraid of heights. My date rented a limo to take me to prom. Pfft, I wish I had a date. I haven't had my prom yet. I like clicking on advertisements. Pop-up ads are so old school. I recently took a bath. I never bother, I just take showers. My Christmas holidays were the bomb! Ugh, mine sucked like hell. I'd love to go to Japan one day. I've seen a ghost before. I can write lyrics! I can, but I'm not very good at it. I would like to become a musician one day. I love finding things in sofa cracks. Black people can sing really well. So can Filipinos! Really, anyone with talent can do that.  I know someone that's trying very hard to fit in a stereotype. Every cup of water I drink equals to a trip to the toilet. I recently received my exam results. They were quite good! Nope, failed it all. It's my significant other's birthday today. He never gives me gifts. He buries me with them. I wish I had a significant other that actually spends money on me! I love my significant other very much. The Beatles rock my world. Actually, a lot of classic rock bands rock my world. It takes me a really long while to get to sleep. I'm a personality quiz fiend. I am and have always been a night owl. I love reading Sarah Dessen books. My earphones are in my ears practically 24 / 7. I am an only child and that's not because of any death. I hate school and everything else connected to it. I've never been in any romantic relationship. I have a lot of favorite names. And I plan to use those names on my kids. I'm reading a comic book right now. I'm listening to music right now. I memorize lyrics really easily. But memorizing stuff for school isn't easy at all. Math is my worst enemy. I love bolding surveys. Nice and easy. I pick Guitar Hero over Rock Band. I really don't mind being all alone. I talk to myself. My favorite animal: zebras. I know that there's such a thing as a Supersaurus. Dinosaurs fascinate me. English class is love. I know how to make layouts.
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