#oughhhhh i love them
almond-gallery · 2 months
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doksoo real
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bonkersoverblorbos · 2 years
god i get so insane when ed and oz get on screen
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are you really besties if you can't share a joint
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kitamars · 2 months
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hi did you miss them. I did
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franken-loser · 3 months
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Re draw of a scene from the 2004 Frankenstein tv miniseries🤭🤭🤭
(Shitty reference image under the cut)
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sketchnwhatevr · 11 months
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She— she doodled a 🔥 and 💧 symbol with HEARTS AROUND THEM ARE YOU SERIOUS
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mx-yip-yip-hooary · 8 months
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edwardallenpoe · 1 month
Hozier wrote "do you know I could break beneath the weight of the goodness, love, I still carry for you?" specifically about Bilbo never forgetting about Thorin as he grew old send post
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crowerclover · 4 months
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Ageswap Yoshioka and Dimple shenanigans. World's most ineffective devil on the shoulder and God's indifferentest attention-craving kiddo. Beware of the long text below.
Dimple just spawned into existance a week before the narrative start of the story (so Reigen's start of second year middle school) and he has no idea who he is, what the hell he's doing or what the hell he can do but he's sure of his goal of becoming a God.
Yoshioka just happened to be one Dimple's victims in his first ever possession spree, where he went around possessing random people trying to figure out the extent of his powers. He had no idea everyone who he possessed could permanently see him now.
Shenanigans happen, Mob and Reigen get involved, it ends up with Yoshioka insisting on adopting Dimple as if he's a very weird flying dog and Mob relents, while also "keeping an eye on him" (glaring at him all of the time menacingly). Dimple hates this predicament but warms up to Yoshi and the gang. At the end of the day Dimple and Yoshi get eachother into and out of trouble all the time for funsies. He's still a manipulative little shit though.
Yoshioka's in baseball club, is a local loner kind of like Onigawara's delinquents but even more so, but at the same time he lowkey wants people to think he's really cool. He resolves this by constantly trying to one-up Reigen in coolness and failing to be subtle about it. He flexes new shoes, shows off stuff Reigen doesn't have, tries to act stoic and collected always. Losing the idgaf war by trying too hard to win the idgaf war. They have a playful rivalry in which Reigen sometimes notices his antics and sometimes is just clueless so Yoshi tries even harder. Reigen insists Yoshi is an "employee" in the "exorcism business" and tries to boss him around, Dimple tries to get Yoshi to retaliate, Yoshi frankly doesn't care he just wants to hang out.
Dimple's also become a sort of urban legend because of his recklessness, leading many cryptid fans to speculate. Local alien failfangirl Tome Kurata has taken this very far and is now leading an investigation of her own. A journalist gets briefly involved. So basically Dimple is currently both under protection from the occult hunters and constantly threatened by Mob if he tries anything evil. He's doing fine though, Yoshi makes sure of that. He worries because he feels a sense of responsability over Dimple, even if Dimple dislikes that.
Overall your honour they're just goobers.
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vox-phantom · 1 year
not to talk about the unsleeping city again but. sofia and dale's story. sofia who thought her husband left her for some girl only to be awakened to a magical new york and find out he was killed by that same girl (who was also an actual succubus). sofia who avenged dale's death but still couldn't cope with it until ricky gave up his questing blade so that dale could break out of heaven every 3 months and be with her for a little while. sofia who wanted nothing more than to bring dale back because they live in a magical world and if she can't do it now, then when- and dale who wanted nothing more than to be with sofia but didn't want to hold her life back. sofia who never gave up even if hope was all lost until she literally travelled into the stories about dale she wrote for her (angelic) baby and managed to fucking bring dale back to life against all odds. love is fucking real and it's two monks from staten island in a magical new york
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starrspice · 9 months
Procreate is Making an animation app thats dropping in November
Nobody touch me I will be foaming at the mouth until this is released
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hassianlovebot · 2 months
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My Palia oc!! Thank you @blighted-elf for the template!!!
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yeah so i'm falling for @weevmo's Guys... they're so neat! i dig their vibes and can't wait to see what Corduroy Stew is all about <3
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crazysnor1ax · 8 months
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New OC hours! This is Spooks!! It’s a raven with both the Tism (lol) and a raging love for Halloween and all things spooky! It’s also a business owner that runs a fall-themed joke shop, but come September and October it gets converted into a spooky Halloween shop!
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leolingo · 9 months
i have class in four hours and havent slept yet . but SO worth it for this chill stream i love this group of people so mcuh i love you jaiden quackity roier cellbit i love you qsmp for allowing them to meet and get this close
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franken-loser · 3 months
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