#otp: time for me is short siha but any that i have is yours to take
hrodvitnon · 2 years
Describe your Goji OTPs through Mass Effect Romance quotes.
"Time for me is short, siha. But any that I have is yours to take."
"Look, [Doctor], I know you can find something a little closer to home." "I don't want something closer to home. I want you."
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aceghosts · 1 year
1 12 20 for Rooney & Thane
And 2 7 & 13 for Blue & Joseph!
Thanks for these!
Rooney Shepard x Thane Krios
1) The song that plays in the background when your ship first meets?
Honestly? The theme for Thane from the Mass Effect 2 Soundtrack. Otherwise, I really like Hello My Old Heart by the Oh Hellos as the first song that plays.  
12) It’s prom night and your ship are high school sweethearts. What song do they slow dance to that becomes their song for the rest of time?
Saturn by Sleeping at Last. Honestly, that is the song that makes me think of Rooney and Thane, and I could see them slow dancing to it. Otherwise, I would probably choose Will Do by TV On The Radio if that counts as a slow song.  
20) Character A is secretly an incredible musician. What song are they playing when Character B strolls in and hides so they can listen, inevitably falling for Character A?
Hmm…I don’t have any headcanons for Rooney or Thane as musicians, but I think it is more likely that Rooney would be a musician. I like the idea of Thane walking in on Rooney as they play the violin. Rooney would play something like this.
Joseph Seed x Blue Murphy
2) The song that plays when they realize they like each other?
Maybe Dream State...by Lucy Dacus, especially the lyrics:
Without you I am surely the last of our kind Without you I am surely the last of my kind
7) The song that plays when/if they break up?
I would choose The Blackout by Sam Airey. It’s always felt to me like a song about two people, who know their relationship is ending, but wished it worked anyway.
13) Character A is dying in Character B’s arms. How did this happen? What song plays, causing the audience to sob profusely?
The Night We Met by Lord Huron. It’s the song that always encapsulated Blue and Joseph's relationship to me besides When I Watch the World Burn All I Think About is You by Bastille. I can imagine the chorus playing as Joseph holds Blue in his arms:
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Oh, take me back to the night we met
If Blue is dying, it's because they were trying to protect someone they cared about.
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aceghosts · 1 year
🎵 Rooney x Thane, Blue/Joseph
(And for challenge mode: each individual character!)
Thank you! I attempted the challenge mode, but Thane was definitely the most difficult.
🎵 + Commander Rooney Shepard
Meteor by Architects
I'm standing beneath the meteor Disaster's breaking down my door I should be moving mountains The arrow buckles in the bow They said it's time to go to war Yeah, I've heard it all before I should be moving mountains But I'm like fire in thе snow
🎵 + Thane Krios
Death is Not Defeat by Architects
When I leave this skin and bone Beyond my final heartbeat I'll dismantle piece by piece And I will know that death is not defeat
🎵 + Commander Rooney Shepard/Thane Krios
Find Our Way by Being as an Ocean
Wait up, I know you feel anxious No need to be nervous You're safe with me Some monsters are harder to vanquish Together we'll manage to make it through We'll find our way
🎵 + Blue Murphy
Up The Wolves by The Mountain Goats
There's bound to be a ghost at the back of your closet No matter where you live There'll always be a few things, maybe several things That you're going to find really difficult to forgive There's gonna come a day when you feel better You'll rise up free and easy on that day And float from branch to branch Lighter than the air
🎵 + Joseph Seed
Pale White Horse by the Oh Hellos
I can't even pick lyrics for this one; it's just the whole song.
🎵 + Blue Murphy/Joseph Seed
Beyond the Pines by Thrice
And I will meet you there - don't go to sleep Our souls and feet both bare - with grass beneath The oaths we needn't swear are vast and deep Our breath will be our prayer - alone - complete
And I will meet you there, beyond the pines Templed in twilight or dawn The light and easy air Tracing the lines on our palms
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aceghosts · 2 years
7, 11, 24, 29, 48 Rooney and Thane
Thank you for these!!! It's been so long since I've talked about these two.
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7. What do they do together?
Rooney and Thane spend a lot of time together, especially during the events of Mass Effect 2. Thane usually accompanies Rooney on most of their missions, relying on him as much as they would Garrus or Tali. The pair also spend a lot of time sparring and chatting with each other over a cup of tea in Life Support. When Rooney and Thane actually have shore leave, the duo like to explore wherever they are stationed at. Rooney and Thane have a lot to catch up on and would like to do so together.
During Mass Effect 3, Rooney and Thane spend the majority of their time at Huerta Memorial. Kepral's has left Thane weak, and Rooney doesn't want to take him away from somewhere he can easily get medical help. On Thane's better days, Rooney and Thane will walk around the citadel, spending time with each other.    
11. How physically affectionate are they?
Rooney and Thane are somewhat physically affectionate. Thane is definitely the more affectionate one; Rooney tends to be quite private with their affections. That said, it isn't uncommon to catch the two holding hands or giving each other a small kiss. Rooney and Thane also tend to cuddle in Rooney's cabin while Rooney works on reports for Cerberus. 
24. What is their biggest problem?
After surviving the suicide mission, Rooney and Thane have two major problems. First, both have to deal with Thane's impending death. Rooney and Thane both know he is going to die; it's more a matter of when. Despite that, the two try to make the best of the time they have together.
Second, Rooney and Thane also have to deal with the Reaper Threat. The Reapers are going to come, and Rooney, obviously, will lead the fight against them. There is a good chance that Rooney will die trying to stop the Reapers or actually die stopping them. Again, the two try to live for the here and now. 
29. What is the biggest challenge they have to overcome?
When they meet in Mass Effect 2, their biggest challenge is the Suicide Mission against the Collectors. During the events of the game, the pair are very aware that this is a one-way trip through the Omega 4 relay, and the pair are living on borrowed time. Thankfully, Rooney and the Normandy Crew all survive. After that, the biggest challenge is the Reapers. 
48. What was their biggest fight about?
Rooney and Thane, at least, fight once about his Kepral's disease. On some level, it frustrates Rooney that he won't keep looking for a cure, but they understand that it is his decision. Really, they're more frustrated for Kolyat. Rooney knows what it is like to lose a parent; they don't want Kolyat to have to go through that with Thane. They have one fight about this and come to an agreement not to discuss this again.
[50 OTP Questions]
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aceghosts · 2 years
Snowball Fights
Prompt: 7. Kissing in the snow + 30. “Why does the house smell like its burning?” for Rooney and Thane by @spookyvalentine.
Summary: Kolyat and Thane have never experienced snow before. Luckily, Rooney is there to help them. (Post ME3 in a Thane Lives AU.)
Words: 1,284 words.
Warnings: No warnings! Just Fluff.
[Prompt List]
“The Cookies should take about 30-35 minutes to bake. We’re free to do whatever we like until they are ready,” Rooney explains as they slide the tray into the oven before closing it.
“Thank you, Siha. I’m excited to try your cookies,” Thane replies, pressing a soft kiss to their cheek as Rooney stands up.
“Yeah, thanks.” Kolyat sounds distracted, his eyes firmly focused on the white ground outside as he leans against the windowsill. He’s been curious about the snow since it started last night, but he hasn’t gone outside to investigate it. Rooney won’t let him miss out on the magic of snow, thinking on their own happy memories of childhood. Perhaps, Kolyat needs a gentle push, a little nudge to go outside.
“Kolyat,’ Rooney starts gently as he turns to face them, ‘We can go outside in the snow if you like. I'll crack a kitchen window open and keep an eye on the time via my OmniTool. Those cookies won’t burn if we go outside for a few minutes.”
He looks conflicted, glancing outside at the snow before returning his gaze to Rooney. “I’d like that, if it isn’t too much trouble,” Kolyat replies, slightly shy. Rooney and Kolyat are both still getting used to each other, especially now that the Reaper war is over. Before the end of the Reaper War, Rooney and Kolyat only met each other a handful of times. However, Rooney is determined to show Kolyat that he can trust them and that he never needs to fear that Thane might choose Rooney over him. And right now, Rooney is determined to make sure that he won’t miss out on his first experience with snow.
Rooney nods with a warm smile. “It’s no trouble at all, Kolyat. Come on, I’ll show you some of the mischief I used to get up on Mindoir as a kid whenever it snowed. Make sure that you and Thane bundle up; I don’t want either of you to turn into drell icicles,” They tease.
“Thanks, Shepard!” He hops away from the windowsill, walking towards the closet with jackets, scarves, and other winter accessories.
Thane’s hand slides into their mechanical hand, pressing another kiss to their scarred cheek. “Thank you, Siha. His enthusiasm reminds me of when he was a little boy, when we would play in the rain.”
They squeeze his hand. “It’s Kolyat’s first snow. He should be excited.”
Several minutes later, Thane, Rooney, and Kolyat trudge outside into the cold. Soft flurries fall around the trio as the sun barely pierces the gray skies above them. The snow beneath their feet crunches as the ground is covered in white, no other color in sight. Kolyat glances around, surveying the pine trees surrounding the property covered partially in snow. He lets out a soft laugh of amazement. Even Thane seems taken by the wonder of snow, his eyes wide as he surveys the scenery. “What do you do with snow?” Kolyat asks, unsure of what exactly should be happening.
“Lots of things. I promise I’ll take you both sledding tomorrow.” They remember sled races on the big hill outside of town back on Mindoir, Jack and Danny’s laughter ringing clearly in their mind. “We’ll start easy. How do snow angels sound?”
Kolyat and Thane share glances. “Snow angels?” Kolyat asks, a hint of curiosity and nervousness in his voice.
Rooney nods before plopping on the ground in a starfish position. “Snow Angels,’ They repeat, moving their arms and legs, ‘You just start moving like this, and voila, you have a snow angel.”
Doubtful, Kolyat plops down beside Rooney in a starfish position. He moves his arms and legs slowly at first, gradually increasing his speed. “Look, Dad! I’m making a snow angel!” Kolyat laughs, joy clear in his voice.
“You’ve gotten the hang of it!” Rooney encourages him as Kolyat continues to move his arms and legs.
Rooney hears the snap of an OmniTool camera as they glance over at Thane. He holds his OmniTool up, a photo of Kolyat and Rooney on the ground in the snow. “Look at you two,’ He smiles, his dark eyes shining with love for both, ‘Your snow angel is turning out wonderful, Kolyat!”
Sitting up, Kolyat looks over at Rooney with an excited smile. “What’s next, Shepard?”
They climb up to their feet, holding out their human hand for Kolyat to take. As they pull Kolyat up to his feet, Rooney suggests, “We could make a snowman, but I don’t think we’ll be able to finish before the cookies are ready. Or, we could have a snowball fight.” They release his hand, dusting the snow off.
“A snowball fight?” Kolyat looks intrigued. He glances over at Thane before looking back at Rooney.
They kneel, grabbing a handful of snow. As they stand up, Rooney carefully molds the snow into a ball. “A snowball fight. Some of the best fun I’ve ever had as a kid.” Snowball fights always turned into a free-for-all between Rooney, Jack, and Danny. The worst was when Danny managed to dump snow down the back of their jacket, Rooney yowling at the shock of the cold as Danny and Jack fell to the ground howling in laughter. With a smirk, Rooney winds their arm up, hitting Thane in the chest with a snowball. Kolyat gasps, his eyes widening, as he stares at Rooney in disbelief. Looking over at Kolyat, Rooney says, “That’s how you make a snowball and throw it at someone.”
Thane smirks, a hint of mischievousness in his eyes. “Are you prepar-?” Another snowball hits Thane, cutting his sentence off.
“Sorry, Dad.” Kolyat grins, clearly unrepentant.
Thane shakes his head. “I hope you both know what you are getting into.”
“Bring it!” Kolyat leans down, grabbing more snow to pelt his father with.
Immediately, the snowball fight turns into an all-out war as snowball fights always do. It starts with Rooney and Kolyat, teaming up. Thane laughs, trying to dodge snowballs as Rooney and Kolyat work together to hit him. Eventually, Kolyat tires of hitting his father with snowballs, aiming for Rooney instead. The teams immediately switch, Kolyat and Thane versus Rooney. During the whole time, Kolyat laughs and smiles, seeming truly happy. Rooney thinks this is one of the first times that they’ve seen Kolyat let loose and have fun. Thane looks to be having just as much fun, a smile hasn’t left his face the whole time. It warms their heart to know that Thane and Kolyat are having fun; it warms their heart, even more, to know that Thane and Kolyat’s relationship is truly getting better.
As they look over at Thane, they notice the pine tree branch above him, shaking with snow. “WATCH OUT!” Rooney yells, knocking him out of the way, the snow slams to the ground behind the pair. Rooney lands on top of Thane, both falling to the snow-covered ground. “Thank you, Siha.” He tucks a strand of dark red hair behind their ear, capturing their lips with his own. Rooney shivers from the chill of the snow as they deepen the kiss. Kolyat groans in the background as the pair pull away from each other.
“Sorry, Kolyat. Couldn’t-,‘ Rooney stops speaking as they climb to their feet, sniffing the air softly, ‘Why does the house smell like it’s burning?” Their eyes widen as the realization dawns on them a second later. “SHIT! THE COOKIES!” Rooney shouts, sprinting towards the house as fast as they can. Behind them, Thane and Kolyat laugh with Kolyat doubling over in laughter. Even if the trio didn’t get to have cookies, at least, they had fun today, and that is what really mattered.
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aceghosts · 3 years
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Mass Effect 2 (Legendary Edition) (4/X)
(Please do not tag as Femshep.)
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aceghosts · 3 years
OTP Songs
I was tagged by @commander-krios to share some songs that make me think of my OTPs. Thank you for tagging me!
Tagging: @spookyvalentine,@allthearchetypes, @chyrstis, @strafethesesinners, @mrspaigeomega, @sinfuels, @johnnycranes, @scungilliwoman, @adelaidedrubman, @shallow-gravy, @nonfunctioning-queer, @henbased, @hoesephseed, and anyone else who wants to do this! (Also, please don't feel like you have to do this; this is all for fun!)
Time For Me is Short Siha, But Any I Have is Yours to Take (Commander Rooney Shepard x Thane Krios)
War by Poets of the Fall
St. Patrick by PVRIS
Will Do by TV on the Radio
Saturn by Sleeping at Last
Satellite by Starset
I Wanna Be Kissed Like its the Last Time (Deputy Blue Murphy x Grace Armstrong)
Wanna be Missed by Hayley Kiyoko
Outerspace by Catey Shaw
Found Love by Sofya Wang
She's My Religion by Pale Waves
Warm Heart by Hollie Col
I Had All and Then Most of You Some and Now None of You (Deputy Blue Murphy x Joseph Seed)
When I Watch the World Burn All I Think About is You by Bastille
What Kind of Man by Florence + The Machine
Beyond the Pines by Thrice
Creature by Izabel Crane
The Night We Met by Lord Huron
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aceghosts · 2 years
rooney x thane, 13? 💜
Thank you!! I had fun writing this one!
[Send me a Number + I'll write a snippet based on the song from my Spotify Wrapped]
Song: The Yawning Grave by Lord Huron (This is one of my favorite Lord Huron songs, if not my favorite.
Summary: As the teams steps onto the Derelict Reaper, Thane asks Rooney about Sovereign.
Words: 615 words.
Warnings: Major warnings for Indoctrination and Horror. This focuses on what it feels like to encounter a Reaper, dead or alive.
Thane steps onto the Derelict Reaper, following Rooney and Garrus. Instantly, he feels the oppressive atmosphere of something older and incomprehensible, bearing down on his shoulders. Thane feels a weight on his chest, making each breath more difficult to take. It’s not the Keprals, but Thane knows that isn’t helping the situation. He feels uneasy, a paranoid emotion settling in his bones and coiling tight around him. Every shadow is an enemy in hiding. Every noise, a potential foe beginning their attack. In the back of his head, a dim hum drones noisily, his head dully throbbing.
He mutters a quick prayer to Arashu, closing his eyes and clasping his hands. For his safety. For Rooney’s safety. For Garrus’ safety. For everyone back on the Normandy’s safety. When he opens his eyes, he notes Rooney’s ocean blue eyes looking at him with concern. “Is there something you need, Siha?” He asks quietly, falling into step with Rooney as he unholsters his rifle.
“I wanted to make sure that you’re okay,’ Their eyes dart around, their jaw subtly clenching for a moment as their grip tightens on their sniper rifle, ‘Reapers, dead or alive, are not to be underestimated.”
Thane spares a glance between Rooney and Garrus. Garrus is ahead of the pair, keeping a lookout for the indoctrinated. He notices that Rooney and Garrus are on edge, differently from how they normally are. This Derelict Reaper seems to have put them in a deep state of unease, and Thane thinks he knows why. “Are you thinking of Sovereign?”
Rooney sucks a breath in sharply, pulling their gun closer to them. Thane has never known Rooney to be jumpy. Mission-Oriented, Focused? Yes. Jumpy? No. If Thane thought Reapers were foes not to be underestimated already, this clearly cements his perception. “I am,” Rooney admits quietly, low enough for Thane to hear.
He nods. “Understandable. This Reaper may have passed on, yet a part of its essence still lives on in this mortal frame.”
“And this is nothing compared to an actual Reaper,’ Rooney jokes bleakly, trying to take the edge of paranoia off, ‘After we spoke with Sovereign, I had a headache for a few days that I couldn’t get rid of. Felt a dim humming noise in the back of my head.”
Thane tilts his head, thinking of his current predicament. “Siha,’ He starts gently, stepping closer to them, ‘What was speaking with an actual Reaper like?”
“Terrifying.” Rooney admits quickly, shifting their sniper rifle nervously. “I could feel Sovereign all around me, weighing down on heavily on me. Every movement felt like I was underwater. My chest hurt, it felt like someone was sitting on me and pressing down on my chest. I remember feeling paranoid. Everyone was out to get me, even Garrus and Wrex, two people I would trust with my life. Every time, Sovereign spoke, the room would vibrate, and I could feel it in my teeth. Felt like my head was going to spilt open. I wasn’t indoctrinated, but I was starting to feel a little of what Saren and Benezia felt. I think if I spent any more time around Sovereign, I would have become indoctrinated.”
Thane hears the unspoken words: They were still afraid of indoctrination. He brings his left hand up to their shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Do not worry, Siha. We will make it through this mission alive.”
“Is that what you were praying for?”
“I did pray to Arashu for our safety.”
Rooney smiles genuinely at him. “I think that actually makes me feel a little better. It’d be nice to have someone looking out for us, and not just Joker or EDI.”
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aceghosts · 3 years
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OC Moodboard: Commander Rooney Shepard + 💕 (My Muse’s Romantic Relationship)
Requested by: @commander-krios
[Send a Symbol + a Character and I’ll Make a Moodboard For Them]
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aceghosts · 2 years
for the otp questions~
5, 8, 20, 23, 31 for Blue/Grace
11, 12, 29, 70, 80 for Rooney/Thane
25, 29, 43, 77, 83 for Blue/Joseph
Thank you for these! I'm sorry I took so long. (I either answer questions really quickly or take forever, lol!)
[OTP Questions]
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5. What do they like the most about each other?
Blue really admires Grace’s determination and grounded nature. They don’t think they could have lasted as long as Grace did against Eden’s Gate. Grace's determination makes Blue want to push back harder against Eden's Gate. Plus, Blue tends to think through their decisions around Grace, rather than charging blindly into a situation.
Grace really likes Blue’s goofy nature. Grace is quite serious compared to Blue, and Blue makes Grace feel like she can relax and open up. Plus, Blue always laughs at her jokes, even if Grace doesn't think her jokes are very funny. (Sometimes, you gotta be a hype man for your girlfriend.)
8. Who tends to worry the most?
Grace. Blue is an adrenaline junkie with a sometimes blatant disregard for their own well-being. She worries that they’ll hurt themself doing something dangerous, or Eden's Gate will get to Blue, converting the deputy to their side. Grace underestimated Eden's Gate once before, and she won't make that mistake again.
20. Do they give each other nicknames?
Not really. Neither are big on nicknames, but Blue does let Grace call them ‘Blue Jay’ when the pair become close enough. It’s a big sign of trust when Blue lets someone call them ‘Blue Jay’, and that honor is usually reserved for someone Blue considers family.
23. What do they do when they’re bored and together?
Blue is not good at sitting still, which means Blue and Grace do something active. Blue and Grace will go out for a hike, taking in the nature around them. They also take Boomer out to play fetch and enjoy the sunshine. Blue and Grace like to do something outdoors, usually accompanied by Boomer.
31. Who is the big spoon and why?
Both. It depends on the night and if someone feels like being the little spoon. Usually, Grace likes to be the little spoon when she’s having one of her bad days. Blue is always happy to oblige her; they enjoy cuddling Grace. If Blue has just returned from being kidnapped by Eden's Gate, Grace insists on being the big spoon. She feels relieved on having Blue in her arms.
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11. Who is the most physically affectionate?
Thane. Rooney is not a very physically affectionate person unless they’re very close to you. They trust Thane, and Rooney is happy to be physically affectionate with Thane. Most of the time, it’s Thane holding their hand in, but neither is above a hug or the occasional kiss in public. In private, Rooney and Thane are much more physically affectionate. (Rooney is not very into PDA, being a naturally private person.)
12. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Rooney and Thane both have nightmares, but Rooney tends to have nightmares more often. When they meet Thane in ME2, Rooney is struggling with the fact that they owe their life to Cerberus. Mainly, Thane tends to listen to Rooney if they want to talk about their nightmare. Otherwise, he distracts them, trying to take their mind off it.
29. What do they do after a hard day at work?
Relax. Rooney and Thane like to catch up, especially if they haven’t seen each other all day. Otherwise, the two are comfortable relaxing in silence, enjoying the company of the other person. If the Normandy is docked, Rooney and Thane will go explore the planet/station the Normandy is docked at.
70. Who is the hopeless romantic?
Thane. It is, without a doubt, Thane. He brings Rooney tea, always knowing when they’re going to need another cup. Thane is always whispering sweet words in their ear or telling Rooney lines of poetry that he associates with them. Rooney does try to be romantic, but uh, they’re not nearly as smooth as Thane is.
80. What do they love about each other the most?
Thane loves Rooney's determination and courage, especially when most people would have given up long ago. He also loves that they are not willing to let injustices go. If Rooney sees something wrong, they will step in and do whatever they can to rectify the situation.
For Rooney, it’s always hard to narrow down the thing they love about Thane the most. One of the things that Rooney admires about Thane most is the sense of peace that surrounds him. Thane has always felt stable compared to the chaos in Rooney’s life. They also really admire his religious nature. While Rooney isn’t religious themself, they think it says something positive about Thane that he can put his faith in something higher after the life he has lived.
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25. How do they comfort each other when one of them is scared?
Blue and Joseph tend to hold the other person when one of them is scared. Both Blue and Joseph have the love language of physical touch. It makes them feel better knowing the other person is there.
29. What do they do after a hard day at work?
Again, something active because Blue is incapable of sitting still. Blue and Joseph usually go for a walk, discussing their lives with each other. If it is too dark or stormy outside, Blue might cuddle with Joseph, but Blue can get a little fidgety.
43. Favorite family member of their lover? (Example: Lover 1 enjoys Lover 2’s mother the most)
So, in the canon events of the game, Joseph does not meet any of Blue’s family. However, in my canon for Blue, he does meet their family, but after Blue manages to broker peace between the Resistance and Hope County. Joseph likes Christina, their goddaughter, and Eric, Christina’s Father/Blue’s Best Friend, the best out of all their family. Eric and Christina are far more polite to Joseph than the rest of Blue’s family members. (They are not happy about the shit that Joseph put Blue through with Eden’s Gate.)
Blue’s favorite family member is John, surprisingly. They don’t think John is terrible when he isn’t trying to carve sins into your skin or drown you in a river. Plus, John really seems to like Blue. (To be fair to John, Blue is one of the first people to show a genuine interest in him and is actually nice to John, even if they tease him a little.) Blue still isn’t sure how they got John to like them.
77. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know?
Yes. Blue doesn’t know about Joseph’s daughter or wife until he tells them about it at the Veteran’s Center. Joseph doesn’t know about the death of Blue’s father, and their involvement in his death.
83. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
Blue makes Joseph smile with no effort at all. Blue is a naturally goofy person and jokes around a lot. They’re able to make Joseph smile with no effort by making a silly joke or doing something extremely goofy. Plus, Blue likes to make him laugh.
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aceghosts · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 Day 6: Touch and Go
Prompt: Touch Starved
Fandom: Mass Effect
Rating: G
Summary: In their own ways, Thane and Shepard are touch starved.
Warnings: No warnings.
Words: 713 words.
Ship: Commander Rooney Shepard x Thane Krios
AO3 Link
Rooney didn’t understand how touch-starved Thane was until the pair were relaxing in Rooney’s bed one night. The soft glow of Rooney’s fish tank illuminates the dark green scales on Thane’s back, twisting a striking pattern down his spine. They trace the dark scales, their touch feathery soft. Rooney is content to share space with Thane, to be with him in the here and now. As Rooney reaches the middle of his back, they hear Thane inhale sharply. “Thane, are you okay?” They ask, worried that Kepral’s might be causing him trouble.
Thane rolls over to face them, seeming nervous. He seems unusually vulnerable, something Rooney wouldn’t normally describe him as. “I’m sorry, Siha. I realized I missed…” He trails off, his tone tight. Thane swallows as if he is trying to hold back the emotions that might overwhelm him. Rooney immediately understands; the desire to be touched by someone you love is a strong one. For a long time, Thane has lived a solitary life, especially after Irikah’s death. Thane is a man who has closed himself off from the world and forgotten what it is like to live. In some ways, Rooney feels they’re looking in a mirror.
They take his hand in their hand, giving him a gentle squeeze as they hold his hand. He breathes deeply, relieved by Rooney’s response. “I miss being touched so…”
He nods, a hint of tears in his eyes. “The last person who touched me like this was Irikah. When I returned from my work and we had put Kolyat to bed, we would lay together.”
Thane inhales sharply. “We were in bed, the windows open. A night time breeze floats in. The smell of salt water in it. Irikah touches my cheek. Her touch so light, draws me back.” He jerks back into the moment, swallowing. “She reminded me that I was more than an assassin in those moments. I was a husband and father as well,’ Thane continues, slightly troubled, ‘After I went into my slumber, I thought I was above the need for such things.”
Rooney leans forward, pressing a kiss to his head. “Thane, don’t be ashamed of that. We all want to be touched, to be loved. There is nothing wrong with that.”
He smiles. “Thank you, Siha.”
To most, Shepard appears to be a beacon of stability, the one person who will be standing even when the world is ending. To the few who have the rare pleasure of knowing Shepard better, they get to see past the air of stability, sharp edges, and blunt speech. They find the places where Shepard is soft, the one who looks after those who would be forgotten. And, Thane sees another side of Shepard, one that is equally as touch starved as he is.
The pair relax on the couch in Shepard’s quarters, a quiet moment between them. Shepard is working on a report, frowning deeply. They must be working on a report to the Illusive Man. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be glaring at the datapad so fiercely. Shepard leans forward from the couch, rolling their right shoulder. On yesterday’s mission, while grabbing a mine worker from falling, Shepard overworked their shoulder. “Sore, Siha?”
They smirk back at him. “If you’re going to attempt to drag me away from work, you’ll have to do better than that,’ Shepard sinks back into the couch, ‘I’m a little sore, but I’ll be fine.”
“Sit up.” He orders as Shepard raises an eyebrow. They sit up, turning their back to him. He can feel the curiosity radiating off them. Shepard is always so curious. Thane reaches out, fingers gently working into the muscle. Shepard freezes up under his touch, spine stiff. Their shoulders scrunch up. “Did I hurt you, Siha?”
Shepard shakes their head. “No,’ They reply, taking a deep breath as their shoulders relax, ‘I’m just not used to being touched like that. It’s been a while since anyone touched me like that. I’m more used to people trying to punch me.”
Thane understands. It can be difficult to understand kindness when you are used to roughness. He presses a kiss to their shoulder as they look back towards him. “I will always touch you kindly, Siha. Now, and until my death.”
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aceghosts · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 Day 16: On a Need to Know Basis
Prompt: Recovery
Fandom: Mass Effect
Rating: T
Summary: Commander Rooney Shepard deals with their frustration over the slow process of healing, and Thane reminds them of a few important facts.
Warnings: Trauma. Rooney is just dealing with shit.
Words: 819 words.
Ship: Commander Rooney Shepard x Thane Krios
Rooney stares up at the dark grey ceiling of the Citadel hospital, resting against the pillows on their hospital bed. Frustration burns deep within them, their jaw slightly clenched. If they could just-
“Siha.” Rooney tears their gaze away from the ceiling as Thane steps into the hospital room, silent and graceful as ever. He smiles at them softly, approaching their bedside. Thane presses a kiss to their cheek before sitting in the chair beside the bed. Gently taking their right hand in his, Thane asks, “How are you doing, Siha?”
“Fine.” Rooney answers too quickly as he frowns. They swallow, expanding on their answer. “You know how it goes, just another day in recovery.” Rooney doesn’t want Thane to worry about them. He already has too much on his plate. The Hanar/Drell embassies routinely ask for his help, which Thane is only happy to do. Plus, Kolyat needs Thane. Even though Thane’s relationship with Kolyat grows stronger with each day, they still need time together, and Rooney won’t intrude on that. They feel like a burden, restricted to this hospital bed.
His eyes narrow, sensing there is something Rooney holds back. “How was physical therapy?” Thane asks, watching their reaction carefully.
The physical therapy session from earlier replays in their mind. “Commander,’ The Nurse asks, ‘Are you ready to try again?”
They swallow, determined to be at their best. “I am,” Rooney replies resolutely, as the Nurse reaches over to help Rooney up to their feet. When Rooney is on their feet, the pair start the exercise again. Rooney only takes a step before collapsing to the ground again. Goddamnit! Frustration wells within them, an uglier emotion bubbling underneath.
“Siha,’ He gives their hand a gentle squeeze, ‘Did something happen?”
“It wasn’t a great session; I’ve had better ones.” Rooney looks away, catching a glimpse of themself in the mirror. After Rooney unleashed the Catalyst, it had affected them too. Their freckled face is carved deep with orange cybernetic scars. One of their eyes, the left pupil, now glows a permanent faint orange. Their left arm and right leg also had to be replaced with metal limbs. Sometimes, Rooney doesn’t recognize the person in the mirror.
“That’s not all, is it? Something else is bothering you.” Rooney returns their gaze to him. They note the concern in his eyes; they know Thane only wants to be there.
“Just frustrated.” Thane stays silent as it all just comes pouring out of Rooney. “I’m so goddamned frustrated,’ They snarl, ‘I’m angry at myself for not being well already. I’m angry at myself for falling, to be incapable of basic tasks. I’m frustrated that my body won’t heal faster, that I’m not back to who I was before the Catalyst. I start to wonder if I’ll ever be the same. What if this is it? What if this is all I am? What use is a soldier who can’t fight? What if everyone decides they don’t need me anymore? What if they all decide to leave?” Tears stream down their cheeks as they close their eyes.
Thane gets up from the chair, releasing their hand. He sits on the edge of the bed, tucking a strand of dark red hair behind their right ear. Rooney opens their eyes, staring back into his. “Siha, I do not know what the future holds. I cannot tell you whether you will continue to heal,’ He smirks, ‘Though knowing how stubborn you are, I doubt you will give up.”
Taking their right hand in his, Thane continues, “Siha, your life is not defined by the Reaper War alone. Your life will be judged by the actions you have taken, and the actions you will take. I know that you will continue to do great things, to help others, even if you are no longer a soldier. As for everyone leaving you,’ He brings their hand up to his lips, kissing it, ‘No one is going to leave you. And even if everyone else does, I will always be here for you.”
Rooney’s bottom lip trembles. “I really needed to hear that.” They kiss him deeply, thankful to have someone like Thane in their corner.
“I know you did, and I will always remind you when you forget,” He murmurs into the kiss.
“Shepard-OH!” Rooney and Thane turn to find Kaidan in the doorway, pushing a wheelchair. He looks slightly flustered, face red. “Are we interrupting something?”
Joker moves past him, a smirk on his face. “If you two are done sucking each other’s faces, we’re breaking Shepard out. Just for a little while,’ Looking to Thane, he asks, ‘Think you can help us distract the nurses?”
Thane nods before looking at Rooney. “I think it would be a good idea for you to get some fresh air, Siha.”
Rooney grins, their heart feeling lighter. “Let’s go. I’ve been dying to get out of this place.”
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aceghosts · 3 years
Sun Showers
Prompt: 6. Getting caught in autumn showers + 29. “There’s a leaf in your hair.” for Rooney and Thane by @spookyvalentine.
Summary: As Rooney and Thane walk to dinner, the pair are caught in a sun shower during autumn.
Words: 1,183 words.
Warnings: No warnings! Just Fluff.
[Prompt List]
“Thank you, Shepard. You don’t know how much this means to us,” Anita states, shaking their hand. The elevator starts to move with a ding and a slight shake.
“Please. I just appreciate the chance to be useful.” Behind their forehead, Rooney feels a minor headache start to form. They resist the urge to rub their temples, knowing relief will come soon when they see him. In the last five years since the Reaper War, Rooney Shepard found the Galaxy still needed them, especially once they were up and moving. Rooney found it fulfilling, eager to help out in any way they could. However, they still missed the action of being out in the field. Rooney had the sneaking suspicion they were being put on desk duty until the Galaxy was ready for whatever calamity Rooney discovered next.
The elevator dings, grey, polished doors sliding open slowly. In the narrow opening, Rooney catches sight of brilliant green scales. Their breath hitches, eager to see Thane again. The doors open more, revealing Thane sitting on a white couch in the lobby. He is a stark black and green contrast against the couch as he turns his gaze towards the elevator. Thane smiles as he spies Rooney, standing in a graceful, fluid motion. As Rooney and Anita step out of the elevator, Thane approaches them. “Siha. Miss.” He nods, greeting them both.
Rooney smiles warmly, their stress headache starting to dissipate. “Sere Krios. Shepard, thank you again for meeting with us,” Anita gushes again.
They nod. “It was my pleasure. I can’t make any promises, but I’ll do what I can.”
“That is all we ask, Shepard.” She waves the pair off, before heading back to the elevator.
Thane holds his arm out for Rooney, which they gladly take. “What was the meeting about, Siha?”
“I don’t want to talk about work,’ Rooney says as the pair head towards the glass doors of the building, Tonight and the next three days are about you and I. I’d much rather hear about your day.”
“And I want to hear about your day.” Thane and Rooney push the glass doors open, stepping out into the streets of London. The pair take a left, heading towards a restaurant they planned to dine at.
“Fine. A lot of meetings. You know how they go.” Rooney frowns as they pause. The air feels thick around them with pressure. Any moment a storm could come rolling in. “Did you bring an umbrella with you? I forgot mine this morning,’ They look over at Thane with a teasing smirk, ‘Someone was very distracting while I was trying to get ready.”
Thane smirks back. Both remember that morning, Thane gently coaxing Rooney back to bed with roaming hands and deep kisses, only to make them nearly late for their first meeting. “No, and you needed the distraction, Siha.”
Rooney nodded. “We should swing by the hotel and grab one. The air in MIndoir used to feel like this before we would get rain.” Rooney remembers a distant memory, one of them playing with Jack and Danny in summer sun showers. They still hear Jack and Danny laughing and smiling, one of the few good memories in their mind.
“Are you remembering something about Mindor?”
“We used to get sun showers on Mindoir. The sun would shine brightly in the sky while it rained. Jack, Danny, and I would play in the rain, even when we got older,’ They remember Jack and Danny alive in those moments, ‘I’m still fond of sun showers.”
Rooney and Thane turn into a park, making their way down a cobblestone path. Trees with orange, red, and yellow leaves surround them. A slight breeze passes the pair, Rooney shivering slightly. The pressure continues to thicken as Thane gently squeezes their arm, “Perhaps, we’ll get to see one today?”
“Perhaps,’ Rooney shrugs, ‘Hopefully, the rain won’t be too-“
The skies open up, rain pouring down on London. The droplets fall thick and fast, immediately drenching Rooney and Thane. Rooney smiles as they finish lamely, “Bad.” They pull their arm out of Thane’s arm, grabbing him by the upper arm. “We can go under that tree.” They point to a tree with a thick canopy of red and orange leaves.
The pair dash towards the tree, Rooney releasing his arm. They duck under the tree, leaves partially blocking the falling rain. Rooney turns to face Thane, their back against the tree trunk. They grab the lapels of his jacket, pulling him in close. Thane presses close against them, slightly shivering against Rooney. They look in his dark green eyes, finding only playfulness in his eyes. “We should-“
Thane cuts them off, kissing Rooney eagerly. His hands cup their face, nipping at their bottom lip. Rooney lets him in, hands sliding down his chest. Rain falls around them, a loud yet comforting noise. Yet, at this moment, the world only exists for this pair beneath the tree. Rooney sighs contentedly in the kiss, wishing they could stay this way forever. Thane pulls away, leaving them slightly breathless. “You were saying?”
“I was going to suggest that we should head back to the hotel, but I much prefer where I am now.” Their hands return to his collar, pulling Thane back in for another kiss.
“I prefer where I am too, Siha.” He murmurs into the kiss, hands sliding underneath their dark jacket. They kiss him harder as Thane's hands explore their body. “Siha, I want-“
SPLASH! Water crashes onto them from above as the leaves shake. A wind blows behind them, whipping up the edges of their coats. Rooney and Thane smile at each other. “We should head back?”
“We should head back, Siha.”
Several minutes later, the pair stumble through the doors of the hotel lobby. They run through the hotel, hands intertwined as they laugh. It must have appeared surreal to see the Galaxy’s Hero and their Master Assassin Husband, running around like a bunch of lovestruck teenagers. The pair reach their hotel room as Rooney slams the door behind Thane. They lock it, only to find Thane staring at them with a quirked eye ridge.
“Is there-“ Rooney asks, suddenly feeling slightly self-conscious.
He moves closer, pulling something from their hair. “There’s a leaf in your hair.” Thane teases, holding the leaf in front of Rooney. The leaf is bright red, not nearly as deep a red as Rooney’s dark red hair.
“Thank you,” They reply, pressing their forehead against his forehead.
“Always, Siha,” He responds softly.
Smirking, Rooney looks over to the bathroom before looking back at him. “I was thinking we should take a bath. Get out of these wet clothes, and warm up. We don’t want to get sick or anything.”
He smiles back. “Always thinking of my health,” Thane replies, scooping up in his arms.
Rooney yelps in surprise, wrapping their arms around his neck. Shooting him an affectionate glare, Rooney sighs. “You know how thoughtful I am.” They press a kiss against his jaw as Thane carries them towards the bathroom.
“That I do.”
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aceghosts · 3 years
10. In joy for Shrios
Thank you for the ask! I apologize that this took so long; I actually had writer's block for this prompt for a while. I finally had inspiration and I hope this fits the prompt. Also, it came out very fluffy.
Summary: Rooney and Thane discuss the future of their relationship at Tali and Garrus's wedding.
Words: 1,561 words.
Warnings: None. It's just extremely fluffy.
“Shepard, thank you for coming to the wedding. We’re very happy to see you here.” Admiral Zaal’Koris said, coming to stand next to Rooney. The pair watched the dancing couples on the floor, happy music playing in the background.
Rooney nodded. “Tali and Garrus are family to me. I would not miss this wedding for anything.” Not even a Reaper invasion, they added afterward silently. A little over two years ago, Rooney activated the Catalyst destroying the Reapers once and for all. The Galaxy spent the time since the Reaper’s destruction restoring the Mass Relays, rebuilding homeworlds, and reuniting loved ones. Rooney even spent a portion of time in the last two years in physical therapy after the Catalyst had affected their cybernetic implants. Garrus and Tali’s wedding was the first chance for the Normandy Crew to really celebrate after the Reaper War.
“I’d doubt anything would be able to stop you, Shepard. What do you think of the wedding?” Koris asked, sipping a drink through a straw. Rooney smiled as they could hear Tali calling it an “emergency induction port” in their head.
“It’s definitely different…” Rooney trailed off, thinking about the last wedding they had attended. At the time, Rooney was 14, and Mindoir was still home. In the tiny colony, everyone usually came to a wedding, which involved a lot of drinking and dancing. In the Alliance, they had been a witness at a few ceremonies, but these were usually quick ceremonies, two people getting married before one or both shipped out. Qurian Weddings were entirely different. There was a lot of drinking, dancing, and singing, and it was just as much a family reunion as it was a wedding. Rooney loved every second of it. Considering Tali was the first admiral to get married on Rannoch, this wedding was a big deal. Qurians, Geth, Turians, and every other species you could think of were attending the wedding. “I’m having a lot of fun. I am extremely honored that you allowed me to participate in the ceremony.”
During the ceremony, the Ship Captains of the couple were invited to speak on the couple’s behalf. For Rooney, it had been a great honor to speak on behalf of the two people they not only considered their best friends but family as well. They were also happy that they managed to get through it without breaking down into a mess of happy tears. Thane gave them a warm smile as they sat in their seat. He took their hand, placing a gentle, warm kiss on the back of it, whispering, “You did wonderful, Siha.” Rooney rested their head on his shoulder, smiling a shaky yet elated smile.
Koris straightened up, his chest puffing up in pride. “I’m glad you’re enjoying the wedding, Shepard. You’ve made one of the better speeches if I say so. If you decide to settle down, Shepard, we would be happy to throw you a Quarian wedding on Rannoch.”
Rooney nearly choked on the sip of champagne. For much of their life, Rooney imagined being the kind of person wedded to their work. Even when dating Kaidan, it seemed that the Alliance would be Rooney’s one true love. However, they glanced over at Thane, blue eyes meeting dark ones. He smiled graciously at the two Quarian women chatting with them. They looked away, a faint redness on their cheeks. “I’m not sure…”
Koris leaned in close to Rooney. “I wouldn’t count out marriage yet, Shepard.” He said quietly enough for Rooney to hear before straightening up. Someone wrapped their arm gently around Rooney’s waist, fingers skimming over the fabric of their dark blue jumpsuit gently. “Sere Krios.”
“Admiral Koris. I hope you will forgive us, but I must steal the Commander for a dance.”
Shaking his head, Koris said with a wink. “Not at all. Enjoy the wedding.”
Placing their glass of champagne on the nearest table, Rooney sighed, “Thanks for the distraction.”
Thane softly tugged at their waist, guiding Rooney towards the dance floor. “I did not come to distract Admiral Koris, Siha. I came over to dance with you.”
Rooney raised an eyebrow, wondering if he drank a little too much. “Thane, you’ve seen me dance. You can’t possibly expect me to subject others-“
“You are not getting out of this. Anyone can dance to a slow song, and,’ He said, before leaning in close, his breath hot on their ear, ‘You have an excellent dance partner.”
Rooney rolled their eyes playfully as Thane released their waist, taking their hand in his. “Flirt.” They teased good-naturedly. He pulled them onto the dance floor, excitement shining in his eyes. Rooney spied several familiar couples on the floor: Tali and Garrus, Miranda and Traynor, Jacob and Brynn, EDI and Joker. Even, Wrex and Bakara were on the dance floor. Now, Rooney really had no excuse not to dance with Thane.
Thane pulled Rooney close, leaving no space between the pair. His left arm gently wrapped around their waist, a familiar and comforting presence. Their left hand, once made of flesh and now made of metal, rested on his shoulder. “Not so hard, is it, Siha?” He teased as the pair swayed in rhythm to the slow song.
“So far,’ Rooney teased, ‘Wait until it picks up and I’ll really show you how bad I am at this.”
He laughed, a charming sound that made Rooney’s chest flutter. “What were you and Admiral Koris discussing?”
“We were talking about the wedding.”
“Mm-hm. And?”
“And what?”
He quirked an eye ridge. “Siha, you seemed uneasy, like you would rather be defusing a bomb.” Rooney blushed, looking away. Defusing a bomb would be easier than navigating this emotional minefield. Rooney danced around the subject of marriage every time Thane mentioned it. It’s not like they didn’t want to marry him. If Rooney knew the pair both wanted the same things, they probably would have proposed to him that minute. It’s just…Rooney couldn’t be that type of spouse. Thane frowned, concern in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Siha. I-“
Rooney shook their head. “No, it’s not your fault. Admiral Koris just told me the fleet would throw me a Quarian wedding if I ever got married.”
The two swayed in silence, Thane seeming pensive. “I think I see the issue, Siha. During my battle sleep, I did not think I could ever love someone enough to promise marriage vows again. When I met you, I learned I would make that promise again. I want to be married to you.”
“It’s not-“ Rooney stopped midsentence, struggling to put their thoughts to words.
“Are you not interested in marriage, Siha?”
Well, fuck, now he sounded hurt. “No.” Rooney said, their hand moving from his shoulder to gently cup Thane’s face. He leaned into their touch, warm against their hand. “I really want to marry you. If we weren’t at this wedding, I would offer to do it now.”
“I do not understand why you are apprehensive about marriage.”
“I just,’ Rooney paused, their thumb tracing his cheek, ‘I just don’t know that I would be great to be married to.”
He frowned. “I disagree, Siha. You are many things that I seek: loyal, honest, caring-“
“It’s not that. I can’t be the type of person, who comes home every night. I’m not the kind of person to stay in one place. I’m not the kind of person to have kids. I love the Alliance and Space too much for that. What I’m saying is, if you’re expecting a typical marriage, I can’t be that person.” Their hand dropped back to his shoulder, Rooney gently shaking against him.
“Siha, if we exchanged vows, I would not expect you to change. All I would is ask is that you let be at your side.”
“What about kids?”
“Siha, I have a second chance with Kolyat, thanks to you, and it’s mainly Irikah’s influence that raised him well.”
“Don’t sell yourself short.”
He shook his head. “I’m content with my life Siha.”
Rooney laughed in relief, their worries drifting away. “Guess I had nothing to be worried about, huh?”
“You never had to worry about that.”
“I love you, and if you want to get married, I will absolutely say yes. In fact, I’d fight a Reaper to marry you.” Rooney teased.
Thane laughed. “Siha, please do not fight any Reapers on my account. I love you too.”
Rooney eagerly pressed their lips against his, joy overwhelming them. He kissed back instantly, hand trailing up Rooney’s spine. It was the moments like these that made life worth fighting for. The pair broke apart after a few moments with Rooney blushing like mad and smiling. “I’m glad you asked me to dance.”
“I am, too.” He replied as the notes of the previous song blended into the next one.
“Shepard, dance with me!” Tali exclaimed excitedly, tugging Rooney away from Thane.
“I’m dancing with them after.” Garrus followed.
“Selling dances now, Shepard?” Miranda teased as Traynor held back a laugh.
“Hey! I get a dance with Shepard too.” Grunt butted in.
“Move over, Grunt. Your clan leader gets a dance with Shepard first.” Wrex half-joked, half-serious.
“Settle down. Everyone gets a dance. This wedding isn’t ending any time soon.” Rooney said before shooting an apologetic grin at Thane. Maybe, they could make it up to him later.
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aceghosts · 3 years
For Rooney and Thane:
not really paying attention, both doing something else, but still holding hands
Thank you for sending this in! I apologize for taking so long.
[Prompt List]
Summary: Jack feels like a third wheel on a mission with Rooney and Thane.
Words: 782 words.
Warnings: No major warnings.
Author's Note: This is my first time writing from Jack's perspective. I hope I captured her voice well.
Fuck, Vakarian was going to be insufferable, especially since Jack was going to have to fork over some credits on this bet. Smug Turian bastard. Jack hated this, being the goddamn third wheel on a mission with Shepard and Krios. When Jack first met Shepard, she thought Shepard was too much like that Cerberus Cheerleader. They were much, much worse than that. Shepard was a boy scout through and through, the insufferable do-gooder unable to keep their nose out of other peoples’ business. Sure, it made for fun fights, but Jack was less than thrilled to have Shepard give a speech about fucking everything.
When Jack made the bet with Vakarian, she thought there was no way Shepard could be interested in someone. Jack thought Shepard was one of those people who lived for their job. Wake up. Save the goddamn galaxy like the good little boy scout they were. Rescue some kittens from some trees. Help old ladies cross the street. Thinking about the kind of person who would go for someone as boring and moralistic as Shepard, Jack could only conclude (1) that they must have been more boring than Shepard, and (2) the other person would have to make the first move. Earlier, in a truly embarrassing display of flirting, Jack watched as Shepard awkwardly patted Krios on the shoulder, only to awkwardly compliment, “Nice Shot”. Shepard needed help desperately. She shook her head.
“Jack!” Shepard barked, jerking Jack from her thoughts.
“What, Shepard? Gonna lecture me on something?” She snapped harshly. Krios frowned, and Jack resisted the urge to give him the middle finger. He always looked like someone’s disappointed dad when he frowned. Jack thought he was boring for an assassin; He should have been more fun. He should have been running around snapping necks, showing off those killer instincts. Krios should have been bragging about his kills; instead, he would deflect and ask about something else. BORING! No wonder Shepard was fucking into him. They made the most boring couple alive.
Raising an eyebrow, Shepard asked, “We need to move on. Are you focused?”
“Why? You gonna give me some lecture on gun safety? Real rich coming from you.”
Shepard tilted their head, clearly confused. “Jack, if you have criticisms about my leadership, you should tell me. You shouldn’t be afraid to voice your concerns. I don’t want my teammates to feel they don’t have any input on our mission.”
Fuck, Shepard should have snapped back. Instead, they responded with that soft feely-feely crap. Motioning to Krios, Jack said, “Can you focus with him around? Hate for you to get distracted by Krios, and I’d have to come save your ass.”
Shepard’s mouth dropped as Krios’ eyes widened. Before either of them could say something, someone shouted, “THERE ARE THE INTRUDERS.”
Unholstering their pistol, Shepard whipped around. They frowned, as the Blue Suns started to filter into the room, guns ready. Jack unholstered her weapon as did Krios. Finally, the fun was starting. Jack had been looking for a fight all day. About fucking time.
“Thane.” Shepard called, taking his hand. They yanked him behind cover quickly, dodging bullets from the mercenaries. Jack dived behind the other cover, throwing one of the guys into the air. Well, at least, Jack could take her frustration about being the third wheel on someone else.
Eventually, the fight ended, far too quickly for Jack’s liking. Where were the Blue Suns recruiting from? A fucking preschool? “What a bunch of pussies.” She said, getting up and looking over. Shepard and Krios stood up from behind the cover, Shepard asking, “Did you get hurt, Jack?” Of fucking course, they asked if Jack was alright. They always asked after every fucking-
Wait. Was Shepard holding Krios’ hand? Was Shepard holding his hand the whole time? She broke into a smile, trying to hold back her laughter. “Didn’t know you needed Krios to hold your hand to hit your fucking targets, Shepard.”
Shepard looked down in confusion before their eyes widened with surprise. They turned bright red, releasing Thane’s hand. “I’m sorry, Thane. I could have-“
He shook his head. “Do not apologize, Shepard,’ with a teasing smirk, he said to Jack, ‘You have it wrong. I needed Shepard’s hand to shoot well.”
Shepard looked surprised as Jack let out another laugh. “Didn’t know you had it in you to make a joke, Krios.”
“I’m a man of many talents,” He replied, his eyes flashing over to Shepard.
Groaning, Shepard shook their head. “Enough, you two comedians. Back to the mission.” They commanded, looking slightly flustered. Oh, this was going to be fun, especially if Krios was this good at winding Shepard up.
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aceghosts · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 Day 5: I've Got Red in My Ledger
Prompt: Broken Nose
Fandom: Mass Effect
Rating: T
Summary: Thane breaks Rooney's nose during a sparring match.
Warnings: Small mention of blood.
Words: 695 words.
Ships: Commander Rooney Shepard x Thane Krios
AO3 Link
“I hope you won’t hold back. I’ve been looking forward to this.” Rooney challenges, bringing their fists up into a defensive posture. Placing his jacket on a bench in the Normandy’s sparring arena, Thane smirks as he faces them.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Shepard.” He teases. In his dark green eyes, Rooney sees a hint of mischief, but something else too, something that sends a pleasant shiver up their spine. “I hope you will not hold back against me either.”
“Me? Hold back from a fight? Never?”
Rooney throws the first punch. Thane is already moving out of the way, a blur of green and black. They’re just warming up, getting a feel for how Thane spars. Or at least, Rooney tells themself that to soothe their ego as Thane launches his own strike. Dipping down, Rooney barely dodges the strike.
Thane strikes again as they pop up, fist nearly grazing their cheek. “I thought the N7 were supposed to be the best that Humanity has to offer.” He teases good-naturedly, trying to wind them up. And the worst part? It’s kind of working.
“We are, but not all of us were trained to fight from when we were kids. You might have a few extra years on me.” They throw back teasingly. Both are throwing their hits harder, striking each other more often. It’s exhilarating; it’s been so long since Rooney has been in a good sparring match.
Rooney’s fighting style is inelegant compared to Thane’s. They’re like a bull in a china shop, trained to end a fight quickly with brute force. Meanwhile, Thane is like a ballet dancer. His movements are graceful and fluid, fighting coming to him as naturally as breathing does.
“Wisdom comes with age.” He teases back, his palm coming up towards Rooney’s face.
CRACK! He hits their nose, breaking under the force of his palm. Rooney staggers backward, hands coming up to their nose. They shake their head, clearing thoughts of the pain. Wiping their nose, Rooney notices blood on the back of their hand, bright red against the white bandages. They aren’t concerned; this isn’t the first time they’ve broken a nose in a sparring match. They bring their fists up, focusing on Thane. “Now, it’s really on.” Rooney challenges, ready for the next round.
Thane, on the other hand, looks extremely guilty. “Shepard, I’m sorry. I should have known better.” He speaks, the harshness in his tone directed at himself. They’re not going to let him beat himself up over a broken nose.
“Thane, it’s a broken nose. I’m not going to die.” Their tone comes out harsher than they meant.
He looks away, clearly bothered by Rooney’s lack of a reaction. “It is not just a broken nose. I could have seriously hurt you. I was trained to be better than this; to control my emotions. I shouldn’t-“
Enough of this. They’re both adults, and Rooney knew exactly what they were getting into. As Rooney gently takes his face in their hands, he looks up at them. “Thane, I am fine. I’ve broken my nose more times than I can count, both in actual fights and sparring matches. Don’t beat yourself up about this. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into.”
He smiles, his hands coming to grab Rooney’s hands. “Thank you, but I am sorry.”
Rooney smiles back. “You don’t need to apologize, but if you’re really desperate to make it up to me, you can teach me a few of your moves.”
Thane laughs. “Deal, but we should have Dr. Chakwas look at your nose. You are still bleeding a little bit.”
As Rooney lets go of him, Thane releases their hands. “Yeah, Dr. Chakwas is really gonna love that I broke my noise sparring.” They tilt their nose back, starting to head towards the elevator. Thane’s hand comes to rest on the small of their back, guiding Rooney towards the elevator.
Once the elevator door closes, a tactical cloak fizzles out, and Kasumi smirks to herself. “Oh, Joker is going to love this.” She says to herself. Her OmniTool glows, a vid of Thane breaking Shepard’s nose playing silently.
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