#or bakumoe
adoraboy-moved · 10 months
there r so many mha ships and like im not complaining but the names are .... not very memorable
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susagnon · 2 months
Katsuki’s precocious crush
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Wdym, yellingly demanding someone's recipe isn't romantic?
If I were to ship Bakugou with anyone, it would probably be Fuyumi. To be more precisely, if Bakugou were to develop a crush on anyone, I’d like to headcanon it to be Fuyumi. The comedic opportunities are simply too great to ignore:
1. In Fuyumi’s eyes, Bakugou is her little brother’s friend. Or rather, a feral kid, who her brother insists, is his friend. Who (kinda) complimented her cooking and insulted her family's hosting skills within the same breath.
A kid who knows a few things about food and cooking - but who also very likely has the rabies.
= Fuyumi wouldn’t notice Bakugou's big fat crush on her for years.
Tangent: I can see Bakugou (the guy who probably decided that he would surpass All Might while he was still a toddler; and then never wavered) being someone who can harbor an unrequited crush for years.
Which is fine, because Bakugou (the guy who needed years until he understood, that he didn't look down on Deku, but was afraid of the latter) would probably need a good chunk of that time to come to terms with something as mundane as a crush. - Tangent end.
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Processing: "crush". Update necessary. Loading... Can't process. Reboot necessary.
2. Fuyumi is Icy-hot’s sister.
Who’s even more clueless. Until Deku accidently points it out to him, that their mutual friend like-likes his sister. Afterwards Icy-hot tries himself at the “protective-brother”-thing. But instead of confronting Bakugou, he does petty stuff to test the latter’s temper endurance, e.g., intentionally repeating sentences over and over again, when Fuyumi’s with them. This theatre lasts for half a day, until Icy-hot decides that he’s ok with Bakugou crushing on his sister. Because deep, deep, deep² down inside, "Baku-bro" ("Stop imitating shitty hair!!") is a kind-hearted person.
3. She’s Endeavor’s daughter.
Who is Bakugou's mentor-boss. Whom Bakugou finds to be kind of a dick. Which he has told Endeavor to his face. On his very first day of work-study. At what has been their very first face to face meeting.
Do I need to say more?
Generally, I can see Bakugou developing attraction to either: Someone nurturing and sweet like Fuyumi, or someone who doesn’t take his crap and sasses him for it, e.g. Burnin, Mirko.
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Look at this gremlin, grinning like a little dipshit smiling at a lady for the first time.
Personally, I’m more inclined towards nurturing-sweet. Bakugou's indignancy regarding Todoroki's knife skills (Sub: "Your nee-chan would cry if she saw this!"/ Dub: "You shamed your sister!"), are among the funniest - and strangely sweetest - things he's said over the entire series. At the very least, Bakugou seems to hold some respect for Fuyumi.
Anyway, apparently my brain pictures him going for someone slightly older? He wouldn’t even be on their radar for years. Like, until he’s been well out of school for a while.
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My translation: "Senpai, pay attention to ME! ME!! MEEE!!!"
... I just like to imagine him suffering like that for some time.
Or idk, if I would want him to suffer a bit less… maybe Utsushimi might work with Bakugou too?
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baku-fessionals · 5 months
"Man, I wanted an autograph so bad."
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Anonymous Survey Participant
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calciopics · 2 years
Born on this day: Tammy Abraham (02.10.1997)
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ballsbalb · 2 months
fabrizio will say ‘forgive me for the pronunciation’ and then perfectly pronounce Kevin Oghenetega Tamaraebi Bakumo-Abraham or Sokratis Papastathopoulos or some shit
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desportsch · 2 years
Tammy Abraham and Tomori talk about their Heritage, Including both their English and Nigerian roots
Tammy Abraham and Tomori talk about their Heritage, Including both their English and Nigerian roots
In the year 2022, the celebration of Black History Month in the United Kingdom started on the first of October and continued until the 31st of that same month. Tammy Abraham and Fikayo Tomori, both of whom play football for England, took advantage of the occasion to talk about their Nigerian heritage. When you hear the names Oghenetega Tamaraebi Bakumo-Abraham and Oluwafikayomi Oluwadamilola…
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kilisme · 3 years
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日本House好侍薑黃竟然有1.2折的好康!! 我以前有被好朋友的一個美女室友推薦,因為我都有在補充薑黃的健康食品,因為我比較容易感冒容易累,薑黃真的是我日常營養保健的基本配備之一,然後日本House好侍薑黃系列產品,之前有出粉末條袋裝,就是那個美女推薦我吃的,吃完真的精神很好,身體也很容易有體力之外,換季跟天氣冷的時候也不像以前這麼怕冷,我覺得很推薦這個日本品牌的薑黃,效果真的很好!! 他們現在有活動推廣,現在下殺到1.2折,最低一瓶只要16元, 於試用體驗網站BAKUMO就可以申請 , 因為效期較近到6/30而已 , 數量有限 , 申請完就沒了! 然後也不用擔心薑黃的氣味,因為我自己也不太喜歡太嗆鼻的薑黃味道,但做成飲料之後就真的很順口根本就是在喝飲料一樣,小澤很推薦有在吃薑黃的或是對薑黃有興趣的朋友可以嘗試日本House好侍這個牌子唷。 那我這邊會附上連結 https://clk.zoomee.com.tw/v.eOzz 或是你們可以搜尋 "BAKUMO " 就可以囉!! #薑黃之力 #BAKUMO #優惠試用 @bakumotw https://www.instagram.com/p/CPD3l7wM0B1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chelseafav · 3 years
This scene describes the friendship between Kevin Oghenetega Tamaraebi Bakumo-Abraham, Mason Tony Mount and Christian Mate Pulisic just perfectly.  Also, I would say, a classic “The Office” scene. 
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
Top 10 Bakugou Moments I Can’t Wait to see Animated!
Our loudmouthed Lord Explosion Murder sure has grown up a lot, hasn’t he? While there was traceable growth in him even before The Thing happened (The Thing being Episode 61), he really shot off like a rocket on the Character Development Train following that grand wakeup call. Since he’s basically on hiatus from the anime until we get through the damn basement arc (sorry to those who like it, I just think it’s way too long) I thought I’d celebrate the Top 10 Katsuki Bakugou moments from the manga I can’t wait to see animated.
#10. “That’s a good look for you, dreamy boy!”
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Chapter 166
I’m basically hyped to get to all of the Todoroki/Bakugou shenanigans from the License Retake mini-arc (every interaction they have here is gold) but this moment stands out as the most fun one to see transfer to animation. Bakugou actually laughs for once at a joke rather than his own triumph; his line is translated differently, either as an actual compliment to Camie or a borderline flirty, teasing comment towards Todoroki. Either way, it’s funny as hell, and a great BakuMoment I’m looking forward to seeing finally hit the screen (and to hear both Okamoto and Chapin try and make Bakugou laugh like that).
#9. “I came here to find what I lack”
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Chapter 247
Bakugou really kicked off the self-awareness train post DVK2, of course. But this is one of his more self-aware moments since then, as he goes to intern with the #1 pro and talks about what motivated him to do so. Bakugou knows he’s great at many aspects of being a hero, and he’s even learned how to do the Saving and Teamwork thing from last arc, but he still feels like there’s something he’s missing as a hero. So he comes to learn from the #1, and  gives this little speech (accompanied by another cute flashback with Baby Deku). Another moment I’m impatient to hear voiced.
#8. “Have you gotten any better?”
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Chapter 168
After the first 120 chapters of being the Central dynamic of the entire series, post DVK2 Bakugou and Midoriya rivalry is a lot more low-key and very different in nature. Namely, Bakugou flips from being desperate to tear down every success of Midoriya’s out of fear to being surprisingly supportive of Deku’s success and quick to give him a push in the right direction. He speaks here to ask Deku how he’s doing, and challenge him to catch up. No longer afraid that he might, but practically demanding that he actually do it. That, my friends, is growth.
#7. “I’m gonna kill ‘em all with my sound”
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Chapters 171-182
Culture Fest Bakugou is just a surprising delight from beginning to end. It’s one of those arcs that really reminds me he’s a teenager, immature and petty but learning to be better. There’s two specific scenes I’m excited for in the anime: firstly, of course, the aforementioned quote, as he protests the way the other classes are treating Class 1-A, and then during the performance itself, as he not only does great, but realizes that he needs to put his own ego aside and play along for the good of the class as a whole. It’s a very short little mini-arc for him, but another sign of how much more empathetic he’s grown.
#6. Post OFA breakdown concern
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Chapter 217
I’ve got a number of the “Kacchan acts like a concerned, supportive friend for Deku” moments on this list, but this little sequence has a special place in my heart. Of course, there are the multiple close-ups on Katsuki’s concerned looking face during the match as OFA goes berserk, but then there’s the cut to post-Training when Kacchan spars with Deku to bring out his power, sits on the couch with him to consult about OFA, and serves as a very helpful intermediary between Deku and All Might, spurring Midoriya to realize some uncomfortable truths about OFA. Also, “Icy hot can be so smart and so damn dense at the same time.” Cannot wait to hear that one.
#5. “Didn’t hear of any time limit”
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Chapter 218-219
Finally having their Provisional Licenses, Bakugou and Todoroki leap into action within less than an hour of getting them to save some civilians from a villain attack. Not only is that cool, but Bakugo once again shows his growth by prioritizing getting their stolen wallets back from the criminal, somehow managing to store them all inside those giant gauntlets. Pulling off teamwork with his (best friend) greatest rival, saving to win, and getting head-pat from All Might? It’s enough to seriously warm the heart.
#4. “Did something happen with One for All?”
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Chapter 202
And my favorite of the “Kacchan worrying about Deku” moments, from Chapter 202. After nearly a year’s worth of complete hiatus from the Rivalry, Kacchan returns with a new attitude towards Midoriya, one where he actively inquires into his wellbeing, encourages him “in his own way”, to quote the Symbol of Peace himself, and nags him about being more cautious and trying harder. He just exudes such a kinder, better energy here, despite still exploding and covering it up with harshness, than he ever did before. I can’t wait to hear that new, more tender delivery from both Dub & Sub.
#3. “If you’re always looking down on people…”
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Chapter 167
Ah, the climax moment of the License Retake arc. Not only does Bakugou figure out exactly how to reach the bratty kids (Bakugou!!!), but he takes a moment to pull the ringleader by the hand to join his friends and tell him the lesson he learned himself about self-examination and the consequences of looking down on others. Again, another moment I’m excited to see animated partly, yes, for the animation, but mostly for the sake of hearing Kacchan’s gruff voice actors pull this off (And of course, after the way they both nailed DVK2, I know they’ll be amazing).
#2. “He’d achieved a different kind of strength”
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Chapter 208
The first moment when we truly get to see the new “Save to Win” dynamic play out on screen. Living up to his own hype to Deku and All Might, Katsuki not only leads his team to a perfect 4-0 victory (the first for Class A), but does so through 1. Teamwork and Cooperation with his classmates, and 2. Jumping into action to save Jirou from an upcoming attack. We’re reminded, in this moment, of those key words from the end of DVK2, as the person who brought about all this change in him (Midoriya) watches on in awe. I want to see the action, voice acting, and maybe a hint of the “Katsuki and Izuku” OST to start playing at this point. Hype!
Honorable Mentions: “It’s too damn early” Chapter 249, Christmas Kacchan, Chapter 242, Eating the Speech bubble, Chapter 194 (how are they gonna pull that off in animation?), grumpily waiting up for the Internship kids (Chapter 162).
#1. Saving Natsuo 
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Chapter 251
Yep. Most recent, most hype-a-ble. Kacchan finally getting to rescue someone from a real, honest-to-god crisis situation. This chapter went by really fast, so I’m hoping the anime gives us the proper animation and focus on Kacchan (the chapter was also way more focused on Todoroki’s thoughts than his). I want to see him have that switch flip, that Deku moment where he just moves to go save someone without thinking. And in this case, I think he does. He jumps into a action to save good ‘ol Natsuo from a dangerous villain and gets himself a hug from the #1 for his trouble (hugged by 2 #1 pros, wows). Definitely cannot wait to see this finally hit the big screen.
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hadikaesque · 4 years
Say "Kevin Oghenetega Tamaraebi Bakumo Abraham" out loud three times in front of TV for your team to win matches.
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yourfaveisbb · 5 years
BB (Yukari yakumo) is your favorite Touhou character
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Bukari Bakumo is your fave Touhou character!!
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baku-fessionals · 7 months
Q: Is there a specific moment in the series regarding Bakugo Katsuki that sticks out in your mind?
A: "It would have to be the first fight in the series between him and midoriya,
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his reaction made seem like he was having a panic attack, and it concerned me, I don't think people pay that much attention to that scene in particular but I thought it was pretty important for his character."
Anonymous Survey Participant
Take the Bakugo survey here!
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bnhaideabullshit · 6 years
Katsuki bomb: Bakugou
Katsuki friend: Bakubro
Katsuki foot: Bakutoe
Katsuki performance: Bakushow
Katsuki height: Bakugrow
Katsuki whore: Bakuhoe
Katsuki cold: Bakusnow
Katsuki mean: BakuNO
Katsuki limbo: Bakulow
Katsuki moustache: Bakumoe
Katsuki enemy: Bakufoe
Katsuki suck: Bakublow
Katsuki pretty: Bakubow
Katsuki rich: Bakudou
Katsuki bread: Bakudough
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tanoosuksunton · 3 years
https://www.dhruva-automation.com/ นักฟุตบอลอังกฤษ แทมมี่ อับราฮัม โดนปรับฐานขับรถเร็วในลัมโบร์กีนี
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Roma ประเทศอังกฤษและอดีตนักฟุตบอล Chelsea Tammy Abraham ถูกปรับสำหรับการขับรถสปอร์ต Lamborghini ที่มีความเร็วเกินกว่า 20 ไมล์ต่อชั่วโมง
Tammy Abraham หรือ Kevin Bakumo-Abraham ถูกจับด้วยความเร็ว 47 ไมล์ต่อชั่วโมงบน Tibbets Ride ใน Putney
อายุ 24 ปีเกินขีด จำกัด ความเร็ว 20 ไมล์ต่อชั่วโมงบนถนน SW15 เมื่อวันที่ 21 เมษายนปีนี้
Abraham จาก The Glade ใน Kingswood ถูกปรับ 826 ปอนด์สำหรับความผิดที่ได้ยินที่ศาลของ Bromley Magistrates เมื่อวันที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน
เขายังได้รับคะแนนใบขับขี่หกคะแนนภายใต้รหัสความผิด SP30
เขาถูกปรับ 660 ปอนด์และต้องจ่ายเงิน 66 ปอนด์เพื่อให้บริการเหยื่อและค่าใช้จ่าย 100 ปอนด์
ความเร็วของอับราฮัมบันทึกด้วยกล้อง ProLaser 4
กองหน้ารายนี้ย้ายจากเชลซีไปร่วมทีมโรม่าในอิตาลีด้วยค่าตัว 40 ล้านยูโร (34 ล้านปอนด์) ในเดือนสิงหาคม
อับราฮัม ผู้ทำประตูสูงสุดของเชลซีเมื่อฤดูกาลที่แล้ว เข้าร่วมสโมสรเซเรีย อา ซึ่งบริหารงานโดยอดีตกุนซือเชลซี โชเซ่ มูรินโญ่ ด้วยสัญญา 5 ปี
เขาเล่นให้ทีมชาติอังกฤษ 10 ครั้งโดยทำคะแนนในเกมกับซานมารีโนเมื่อสัปดาห์ที่แล้วขณะที่อังกฤษรักษาตำแหน่งในฟุตบอลโลกปีหน้าที่กาตาร์
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doodoodan · 3 years
Kevin Oghenetega Tamaraebi Bakumo-Abraham.
that's it.
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druidquest · 7 years
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