#options trading blog
calamity-ashe · 1 year
Just out of curiosity, how difficult would it be to get my hands on a gun out where you are? Assuming I don't plan on exactly buying one. You seem like the right person to ask.
There's a lot of gang activity around these parts, if you take from one of said gangs, they'll hunt you for sport. So, if theft is what you're planning you better hope that your poor unfortunate victim isn't part of any gangs, or you'll be as good as dead.
That said it's pretty easy to trade out here. A few folks would rather receive things that aren't cash. Vehicles, services, etcetera. Hell, you might be able to get your hands on a weapon by offering to fix up someone's bike. Connections also help. If you know somebody who just so happens to know someone else, they may be able to get you a discount. Or possibly the product for free, depending on the person.
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almightyhamslice · 2 years
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my half of an art trade w/ @rhythmpitch​ ft her persona & her gijinka design for Needy Paul, as well as the 3 protags of Team Smithereen and Splat. This was kind of an impromptu art trade, I didn’t plan it at all lol. I did know I wanted the drawing to have a purple tint to it, and I think it looks nice that way...
also, alt version under the cut:
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Personally I’m more partial to Paul having purple skin, but that’s just a personal preference... I think I prefer it since he’s already quite alien-looking, & his skin being a wacky color rlly adds to that.
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ruchir-gupta · 1 month
Everything you should know about Stock Market basics
Invеsting in thе stοck markеt can bе an intimidating prοspеct, еspеcially fοr bеginnеrs with limitеd funds. Hοwеvеr, with thе right knοwlеdgе and approach, it's еntirеly pοssiblе tο start invеsting in stοcks еvеn with littlе mοnеy. This cοmprеhеnsivе guidе will prοvidе yοu with thе еssеntial infοrmatiοn οn hοw tο invеst in stοck markеt for bеginnеr, hοw tο dеtеrminе what stοcks tο buy, and thе bеst οnlinе stοck trading cοursеs fοr bеginnеrs.
Stοck Markеt Basics
Bеfοrе diving intο thе wοrld οf stοck invеsting, it's crucial tο undеrstand thе basic cοncеpts. Stοcks rеprеsеnt οwnеrship in a cοmpany and arе tradеd οn stοck еxchangеs. Thе stοck markеt is a platfοrm whеrе buyеrs and sеllеrs tradе sharеs οf publicly listеd cοmpaniеs. As a bеginnеr, familiarizing yοursеlf with thеsе fundamеntal principlеs will lay a sοlid fοundatiοn fοr yοur invеstmеnt jοurnеy.
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Hοw tο Invеst in Stοcks fοr Bеginnеrs with Littlе Mοnеy
Invеsting in stοcks can bе a grеat way tο grοw yοur wеalth οvеr timе. Еvеn if yοu havе limitеd funds, thеrе arе stratеgiеs yοu can usе tο gеt startеd. In this blοg pοst, wе’ll еxplοrе hοw bеginnеrs can invеst in stοcks with littlе mοnеy.
1. Start Small
Whеn yοu’rе just starting οut, it’s еssеntial tο bеgin with a small invеstmеnt. Cοnsidеr οpеning a brοkеragе accοunt with a lοw minimum dеpοsit rеquirеmеnt. Lοοk fοr platfοrms that οffеr fractiοnal sharеs, allοwing yοu tο buy a pοrtiοn οf a stοck rathеr than a whοlе sharе.
2. Еducatе Yοursеlf
Bеfοrе invеsting, takе thе timе tο lеarn abοut thе stοck markеt. Undеrstand basic cοncеpts likе stοck pricеs, dividеnds, and markеt indicеs. Rеad bοοks, takе οnlinе cοursеs, and fοllοw financial nеws tο stay infοrmеd.
3. Divеrsify Yοur Pοrtfοliο
Divеrsificatiοn is kеy tο managing risk. Instеad οf putting all yοur mοnеy intο a singlе stοck, cοnsidеr invеsting in a mix οf diffеrеnt cοmpaniеs and industriеs. Еxchangе-tradеd funds (ЕTFs) can bе an еxcеllеnt way tο achiеvе divеrsificatiοn with a small invеstmеnt.
Hοw tο Invеst in Stοck Markеt fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Chοοsе a Rеliablе Brοkеragе
Sеlеcting thе right brοkеragе is crucial. Lοοk fοr οnе that οffеrs lοw fееs, a usеr-friеndly intеrfacе, and еducatiοnal rеsοurcеs. Sοmе pοpular οptiοns fοr bеginnеrs includе Rοbinhοοd, Wеbull, and Fidеlity.
2. Sеt Clеar Gοals
Dеfinе yοur invеstmеnt gοals. Arе yοu saving fοr rеtirеmеnt, a dοwn paymеnt οn a hοusе, οr a drеam vacatiοn? Knοwing yοur οbjеctivеs will hеlp yοu makе infοrmеd dеcisiοns.
3. Rеsеarch Stοcks
Lеarn hοw tο analyzе stοcks. Lοοk at financial statеmеnts, cοmpany pеrfοrmancе, and industry trеnds. Cοnsidеr invеsting in cοmpaniеs with strοng fundamеntals and grοwth pοtеntial.
Hοw tο Knοw What Stοcks tο Buy fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Fundamеntal Analysis
Fundamеntal analysis invοlvеs еvaluating a cοmpany’s financial hеalth. Lοοk at mеtrics likе pricе-tο-еarnings ratiο (P/Е), еarnings pеr sharе (ЕPS), and dеbt-tο-еquity ratiο. Invеst in cοmpaniеs with sοlid fundamеntals.
2. Tеchnical Analysis
Tеchnical analysis fοcusеs οn stοck pricе pattеrns and trеnds. Usе tοοls likе mοving avеragеs, candlеstick charts, and rеlativе strеngth indеx (RSI) tο makе infοrmеd dеcisiοns.
3. Lοng-Tеrm vs. Shοrt-Tеrm
Dеcidе whеthеr yοu’rе a lοng-tеrm οr shοrt-tеrm invеstοr. Lοng-tеrm invеstοrs hοld stοcks fοr yеars, whilе shοrt-tеrm tradеrs aim fοr quick prοfits. Your strategy will influence the stοcks you buy.
Bеst Οnlinе Stοck Trading Cοursеs fοr Bеginnеrs
1. Invеstοpеdia Acadеmy
Invеstοpеdia οffеrs cοmprеhеnsivе οnlinе cοursеs οn invеsting and trading. Thеir bеginnеr-friеndly cοursеs cοvеr tοpics likе stοck markеt basics, tеchnical analysis, and οptiοns trading.
2. Udеmy
Udеmy hοsts variοus stοck trading cοursеs taught by industry еxpеrts. Lοοk fοr cοursеs that fit yοur lеvеl οf еxpеriеncе and budgеt.
3. Cοursеra
Cοursеra partnеrs with tοp univеrsitiеs tο prοvidе οnlinе cοursеs. Еxplοrе thеir financе and invеstmеnt cοursеs tο еnhancе yοur knοwlеdgе.
Rеmеmbеr that invеsting always carriеs risks, and past pеrfοrmancе is nοt indicativе οf future results. Start small, еducatе yοursеlf, and bе patiеnt. Happy invеsting!
Invеsting in stοcks fοr bеginnеrs with littlе mοnеy is achiеvablе with thе right approach and knοwlеdgе. By sеtting clеar invеstmеnt gοals, lеvеraging cοst-еffеctivе invеstmеnt stratеgiеs, and gaining insights intο stοck sеlеctiοn, bеginnеrs can еmbark οn thеir invеstmеnt jοurnеy with cοnfidеncе. Additiοnally, еxplοring rеputablе οnlinе stοck trading cοursеs tailοrеd fοr bеginnеrs can furthеr еnhancе yοur undеrstanding οf thе stοck markеt. Rеmеmbеr, patiеncе, rеsеarch, and cοntinuοus lеarning arе kеy еlеmеnts in yοur jοurnеy tο bеcοming a succеssful stοck invеstοr.
Invеsting in thе stοck markеt is a lοng-tеrm еndеavοr, and whilе thеrе arе risks invοlvеd, infοrmеd dеcisiοn-making and pеrsеvеrancе can pavе thе way fοr financial grοwth and wеalth accumulatiοn, еvеn with limitеd initial capital. Happy invеsting!
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financialhorse · 2 years
40 year-old lost $600,000 Options Trading in 2022 – Here’s what he learned
40 year-old lost $600,000 Options Trading in 2022 – Here’s what he learned
So I came across a very interesting post recently on the FH Facebook Group. It was an investor sharing about his $618,848 loss options trading in 2022. Now that really caught my attention. Upon a deeper dive, I found out that he started with a $1,000,000 portfolio on Interactive Brokers. Over the past 6 – 12 months, he has been buying long dated FAANG call options. Unfortunately, the crash in the…
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optionables22 · 2 years
We Provide Best Online Trading Courses on Financial Market
Trading options are becoming increasingly popular for numerous reasons. Options trading does not require a large amount of capital, is less hazardous than stock trading, and has the potential to earn substantial returns.  
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fakemon · 1 year
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At long last, after 2.5 years of development, the first episode of Pokémon Flux: An Adventure in the Altera Region is now available to download & play on PC and Mac! Made by your humble Fakemon blog admins and our friends and collaborators (including and especially JV), we’re so excited to share it with you all!
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10-12 hours of gameplay
60+ brand-new Pokémon species to collect
All-new game mechanics: Flux Moves & Alter Battles!
A unique story: Protect the Altera Region from vicious Alter Pokémon attacks!
Overworld Encounters
3 Playable Characters with different stories
An entirely original OST!
Strategic gameplay focused on double battles
Large, open routes to explore with optional sidequests and hidden secrets
Flux Online: GTS, Wonder Trade and Online Alter Battles (with more features to come!)
Discord integration: Verify through the Flux Official Discord to trade restricted Pokémon and participate in limited events!
Diagonal Movement
Unreal Time system with time-based events
Following Pokémon
Many QoL features
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For downloads and more info, follow these links!
Twitter: @pkmnflux
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/P8XSmjRWn4
Relic Castle: https://reliccastle.com/threads/4201/
Pokengine: https://pokengine.org/dexes/Altera
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smallmariofindings · 3 months
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The Trading Event Toad is an obscure character in Paper Mario who is entirely optional to encounter. If Mario changes through the radio channels in the relaxing Koopa's house in Koopa Village, there is a chance that the station will announce the Trading Event, explaining which item Mario needs to bring, and which spot to bring it to. For the next five minutes after this, Mario can meet that Toad in that spot, and give him the requested item for a minor consumable item as a reward. As the reward is not a unique collectible, the Toad is not even necessary to encounter if the player wishes to 100% complete the game.
If glitches are used to activate the second trading event (normally only possible after Chapter 3) before completing Chapter 2, the Trading Event Toad will be standing in front of the Dry Dry Ruins, but the ruins themselves will not be there. Continuing with the chapter will result in the Toad being there during the cutscenes of the ruins rising from the ground (top), and Mamar being rescued (bottom). During all of this, he will have no dialogue when interacted with, resulting in the humorous implication that he is simply speechless at the events that unfolded in front of him.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Small Findings | Source
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duckprintspress · 5 months
COVER REVEAL: Aether Beyond the Binary!
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Duck Prints Press is over the moon to announce that the crowdfunding campaign for our next anthology, Aether Beyond the Binary, will be launching on Kickstarter on December 26th, 2023. This awesome collection includes 17 stories about characters outside the gender binary – be they non-binary, agender, genderfluid, bigender, or elsewise – exploring, learning, growing, teaching, helping themselves or helping the world in settings like the modern world, but with magical aether powering the technology!
Our spectacular cover, which we are thrilled to reveal today, features art by non-binary artist Mar Spragge. The lead editor, Nina Waters, is agender. Many of our contributors are also trans and/or non-binary. You can see the full list of contributors here.
The crowdfunding campaign for this book will include options to buy the anthology as an e-book, trade paperback, or hard cover, and we’ve also got some gorgeous merchandise, with an enamel pin by Atomic Pixies, a bookmark by Pippin Peacock, a sticker of the back of the book cover (because the book cover is FULL WRAP-AROUND, wut?!), and of course a sticker of our latest Dux, created by Alessa Riel.
The campaign goes live on December 26th, 2023. To get all the details and make sure you don’t miss a thing, follow our Kickstarter Pre-Launch Page NOW!
Signal boosts are extremely appreciated on this post. This is a super cool project and we want to get the word out about it. And I mean, look at the lovely artwork. You know you need that lovely artwork on your blog/page/feed/whatnot. 😀
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whales-are-gay · 2 months
okie genuine question what was blaseball? like is it possible to summarize properly?
I ask bc You're the only person on my dash ever to blog about it, and the other day at work we had a baseball themed party for the dogs (dog hotel worker) and it got me wondering about Blaseball.
ohhhh man. to summarize blaseball. blaseball was a cultural event that was my scaffold when i started university. it was my community when i was unmoored and it was a springwell of creativity and inspiration.
blaseball was a horror-absurdist baseball simulator. people in the real world don't play blaseball, they bet on games watch a play-by-play and make a profit. games ran 24/7 mon-fri, with the postseason on saturday and elections on sunday. what made blaseball a community and a competition and a case study on emergent design was that players were given options on potential rule changes to the game of blaseball, and could spend their coins to vote on which one(s) went into effect. team rivalries formed when players got traded, fan favorites emerged when weird bugs occurred, and fanmusic and fanart inspired each other.
i miss it so much. it cannot work in a world in which people have been forced to return to in-person schooling and workplaces, it cannot exist with investors trying to make the game turn a profit. but it was beautiful and infuriating while it lasted.
we are all love blaseball. the commissioner did a great job. rest in violence.
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prolix-yuy · 3 months
Writers' Iron Chef #13: Lovesick
[PROMPT] Patching up a wound
[ADDITIONAL PROMPT] “Why would you put yourself through something like that?”
[TIME LIMIT] Optional, 10 minutes prep. time 30 minutes writing time Optional, 10 minutes editing time
Pairing: Joel Miller x GN!Reader
Rating: M, descriptions of wound care and blood, allusions to dubcon due to drinking and drug use. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ so MINORS DNI.
Summary: You've been greedy for Joel for too long.
Notes: Written for Writers’ Iron Chef Prompt 13
I've had a Joel story idea bouncing around in my head for several months now, but it's not much more than disconnected scenes and a vibe, you know? I decided to try and exorcise a part with this prompt. This was imspired by a scene in the movie Foe with Saoirse Ronan and Paul Mescal (which was excellent, btw) that got the creative juices flowing.
Thanks to @writersironchef for always giving the best prompts!
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The blood that runs into the sink isn’t yours, but it is Joel Miller’s and that’s hardly better.
Laying the needle and scissors beside the sink, you dry your hands on a towel that doesn’t make you feel much cleaner. There’s probably still blood under your nails, half moons of frenzied memories you can look back on when you’re in bed tonight.
“Joel, what the fuck?”
“I need…”
He didn’t have to say much more, and your stomach sours for it. Joel could say he needed you to balance on the edge of a razor and you’d do it just for the fact that he needed you. Pitiful, lovesick, desperate you.
He’d shredded his back coming back into the QZ scrambling away from patrol lights. Tess split off from him, trades to be made and deals best done without her loyal attack dog. So he’d stumbled back to his apartment, stopping just long enough to knock at yours across the hall.
“Jesus Christ, how did you fuck yourself up this badly?”
“FEDRA’s patrolling our usual spots, think they’re onto us…fuck!”
You salved his wounds with apologies as you cleaned grit from long scrapes and worried at the beads of blood that melted across your fingers. The worst was a gash you had to close, infection too present a worry. Hardening your gut, you tried to disassociate how much like sewing leather it felt. Joel bit down on his belt and stuffed his face in a pillow, but fists still slammed on walls around you at his ruckus. 
“I’m done, I’m done, it’s finished.”
“Jesus ‘n Mary, there ain’t much left for you to piece back together at this rate.”
Walking back to the bed, he’s disheveled but alive. He asks for booze, which you find in a high cabinet. He asks for pills, reluctantly revealed to live in a false drawer bottom. You don’t have to say he can trust you with these secrets. Vices were too expensive for you most days. Once he downs both he lays back, injury padded with the cleanest cloths you could find. His breathing hitches, pants in pain, then slows as the drugs and drink take effect. 
And then it’s just you, sitting next to your neighbor as his body releases. 
You should go. Tess would be back any time now and you didn’t want her to see your longing. There are whispers about if Joel is hers, and while you know they belong to each other in a way drenched in darkness, you’ve never been sure if the claim is on their hearts as well. It’s just vague enough of a partnership that when Joel has a good day and shares an extra ration card, your heart flutters. 
But it’s too dangerous. He’s too dangerous, the both of them. You can’t get mixed up in whatever they have going on. Why would you put yourself through something like that?
It’s not the first time he’s come home bloodied, and not the first time you’ve pulled him back together. There’s trust there, but also foolish hope that life could march on and a man could desire you again. Maybe even care for you enough to break teeth and bones. 
A brush against your arm turns you back to Joel, eyes half-lidded but trained hazily on you. One large hand skims over your shoulder, down your arm and lands heavily in your lap. 
“Joel?” you ask, looking down at his thick fingers splayed across your thighs. He hums, low and rumbly as his lips part. 
He’s surely too far gone to know you’re even here. It would be best to slip out unnoticed, talk to Tess tomorrow about checking his injury for infection. 
But you don’t. You’re frozen as the calloused skin of his thumb catches on the worn fibers of your jeans. It’s a caress you haven’t known for years. 
He doesn’t know it’s you.
“Joel,” you say again, and enough courage bolsters you to slide your hand into his palm, the other circling his wrist. He’s so warm, thick-skinned against your fingers. You start to lift from the bed, intending to place his hand where you sat, when it makes a drunken path to cup your chin. Pressure against your jaw turns your face to him spread out on the bed beside you. His chest is bare, light perspiration beading along the cut of his collarbone. He licks his lips slowly, the slip of tongue drawing an ache up from the deepest well. 
“Hey there,” he drawls, and god, you could shatter from it. Tears build in your eyes but you can’t move, his hands drawing you down to him. 
“Joel, it’s…I’m not…” you choke out. It’s a final defense. He’ll hate you tomorrow, but you’ll have said something. His lip quirks, not quite a smile. 
“I know,” he husks before leading your lips to meet his.
You’re not sure he does, but you’re too greedy to say more.
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stephdrawsjohnlock · 3 months
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024!
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Looking for a scene drawn for your story? A piece to help inspire you to write a fic? A new icon? How about covers for your story with full print-ready Graphic Design service? Maybe a pinup, or some trading cards (up to 10)?? Maybe a gift for someone, or just your vision of a character(s) (up to 3 character sheets) for your AU?
Well, that’s just some of the stuff I’m willing to offer for this year’s @fandomtrumpshate​​ Charity Event! FTH is a WONDERFUL community project that supports amazing non-profits through donations for fanworks via  this wonderful annual event!
I am participating for my fifth year by offering 2 fanarts for y’all in either the BBC Sherlock or Good Omens fandoms, starting at 20$ for the non-profit of your choice!
Here are some past FTH pieces I’ve done, if you’re interested in seeing the scope of the work you would be getting from me:
GO - :FTH 2020 – Lagniappe for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
GO - :FTH 2020 BONUS – Réveillon for Big_Edies_Sun_Hat:
SH - :This Year: (FTH #1 for @discordantwords​​)
SH - :Burlesque Johnlock: (FTH #2 for @ohlooktheresabee​)
SH – :A Quiet Moment: (FTH #1 for @totallysilvergirl)
SH – :Against the Wall: (FTH #2 for @anarfea)
SH – :Let Me Come to You: (FTH #1 for  ShakespearelovedLadyMacbeth)
SH – :Couch Cuddle: (FTH #2 for @discordantwords)
SH – :More Every Minute: (FTH #3 for @totallysilvergirl)
And of course, you can browse all my art to see my range:
stephdrawsfanart on Instagram
@stephratte​​ (Primary Multifandom Art ​Blog)
stephratte on deviantART
I will draw any ship from any of the above fandoms. All my work is done as a hi-res 3000x3000 print-ready piece in Procreate. Traditional media (markers, India ink, and pencils) is also available if you prefer, done on illustration or marker paper at the paper’s size, with the option of acquiring the original if you choose. I will also do it at a requested size if you have a preferred format for something specific (like a book cover or a comic panel). Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
The browsing begins on Feb. 26, and the bidding opens on March 1! I hope I once again get a chance to do a couple fantastic pieces for y’all!! I love doing this so much, so keep an eye out for my info post soon once it’s official!
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romanarose · 8 months
If You Wanna Be Wild: Chapter 2
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Javier Peña x Latina!sex worker!informant!Reader/OC x Santiago Garcia
Join my general tag list (Comment to join the tag list for this fic)
Triple Frontier Master List
Series Masterlist : Read on AO3
Summary: Javi and Santi talk about where to start with Lorea; Santi thinks on his night with Candy
Content and warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter unless something is added: Sex work, drug trade, some drug use/pressured used, sex workers and the mistreatment/stigma surrounding them specifically in the 70’s (my blog is sex worker positive) but ima put potential dub con depending how you look at it as a sex worker who works with dangerous men, some action surrounding reader and the guys and the drug trade, SMUT HEAVY, corruption kink (were corrupting santi here, he’s young, 25), no loss of virginity tho, threesomes, some slight m/m smut but that’s not the focus here, but as you know this blog is an lgbt blog so I’m always open to gay shit. Talk of war and some PTSD but I won't be going a whole lot into it.
Additional warnings: Catholic guilt and religous trauma and religion talk. However, this is not an anti catholic page. We can discuss the problems of the church at large and the guilt that abstence-only and shame based discussions on sex can affect people, but my family is catholic and I have a lot of respect for the individual people, especially Latino-catholics.
For the record, this is a fic that takes place in the drug trade and deals with the darker side of humanity, so anything from Narco's and Triple Frontier is liable to be discussed or mentioned here. This is your warning. This is not a dark fic nor is it centered around dark themes like Leather and Lace or Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside, but they are open to be talked about.
Reader has a nick name: Candy. Not her real name just what she goes by on her profession. Much of the inspo for this and for the title came from the Bruce Springsteen song “Candy’s room” so check it out for the vibes.
Reader speaks Spanish and had hair. I've decided Candy is just latina coded bc she's a sex worker in colombia so this is what I'm doing.
3.1k words. Proof red by my beloved Fen
Perspective changed per section. When perspective is Santi or Javi, reader is referred to in the 3rd person or by Candy.
You have Santi sat up on the bed, facing you. Well, Diego. That’s what he said his name was, but if he thought you didn’t know who the new DEA agent in town was, he was mistaken. After your 3rd arrest for prostitution, you got a lot more careful, and always tried to keep up with the police in the area. You wondered if he knew Javi.
“Alright Diego, tell me, what exactly is it you’re looking for?” You ask, but he looks confused, so you give a soft, warm sigh. He was one of those ones. “Are you just looking for a quick fuck? Getting to know each other and forming a connection, exploring things?”
Santi considered his options. “Well, maybe I’d like to learn a little bit… only had s-” He swallowed. “sex a few times… you know, lights off, missionary, couple pumps and done…” A nervous chuckle emitted from him, so you tried to ease him with a soft smile.
“Don’t worry, baby boy, we can do that. Let’s start with getting to know a woman’s body, how about that?”
“Garcia, wake the fuck up.” Javi’s voice broke Santi out of his daydreaming, making him snap towards Javi.
“Huh? Sorry.”
“Whatsamatter, pretty boy, got dicked down too hard last night?”
Santi’s eyes went wide at that. “Dicked-?!?! DICKED DOWN? JAVI!” He leaned in to whisper harshly, as if it was important enough to keep quiet but not so bad Santi couldn’t miss an opportunity to clutch his pearls. “Javi, you fucking know I could get arrested for that!”
“I’m joking, pendejo.”
“You shouldn’t joke about that!”
Apparently, Santi looked concerned enough that Javi backed down, raising his hands in defeat. “Tranquilo, tranquilo amigo, lo siento. Yo parare.”
A little shaken, Santi glanced down as he calmed himself. “Gracias, Pena”. He rolled his shoulders and shook his head before clearing his throat. “So. Lorea. What do we got?”
Santiago Garcia had never seen a pussy up close before. There’d been porno magazines, sure… and he’d… touched a bit. He wasn’t an animal, Will had explained he can’t just shove his dick into a woman, that could hurt her. No, you gotta warm her up first, seduce her, open her up. Santi heard more than he ever wanted to of the sordid detail of Will eating pussy. However, when it came to actual sex, Santi barely got through it without a panic attack. There was no way he was going to attempt to go down on a girl under those conditions. Still, he didn’t want to hurt her, so he made sure to finger the 3 girls he’d somehow bumbled his way into bed with.
He needed to do better. Candy was allowing him the chance to explore, get over his nerves.
“But I want you to cum…” He had insisted.
“Well aren’t you a sweet boy… I’ll make sure I cum, how about that? Let me worry about that.”
“But…” he had looked across at her. “But I wanna learn how too.”
She nodded with reassurance. “You will, trust me, I’ll teach you. Just for today, focus on getting comfortable. I’ll let you know what feels good and what doesn’t but what works for me may not work for someone else, so remember that. Most important thing is communicating and listening to her body, so let’s start there.”
That’s how he got here, flat on his chest with Candy’s legs spread out before him. Her pussy was glistening for him.
“Where do I… how do I start?”
Candy sat up just a bit on her elbows. “Start by just getting familiar, explore.”
So he did. Santi started with touching. His index and middle finger swept along her folds, moving and opening her up for his view. She was beautiful. He started with the top, the area just below her pantyline tan skin under a bush of hair followed by her folds coming to a head.
“That’s the clit, that’s very important.” She took his fingers and pulled back the hood. “Touch there” When Santi complied, Candy sank back down on her bed with a hum.
Santi felt a swell of pride at giving her pleasure. “Is that good?”
“Very good, pretty boy. Lot of nerves right there.”
He continued touching below, feeling the way her skin moved to his touch and how his fingers slid across the slick, soft skin below… She looked delicious.
“Can I taste you?”
“Where do we even start with something like this?” Santi groaned, flopping his head back.
Javi couldn't help but roll his eyes at that. “Don’t be such a child, Garcia. You take this shit one step at a time, just like anything else. Let’s start with what we know.”
The handsome younger man sighed. “Fine.” He pulled out the casefiles and Javi noticed how much calmer he’d seemed, less high strung… still high strung but that was just Santiago, Javi came to realize. “Gabriel Martin Lorea, coke dealer, devout catholic and family man… none of which stops him from hiring hookers.”
Javi chuckles. “Few things do.”
“Well, marriage should, especially when you have children.” Santi glared at him. 
His naivete, something Javi had been dreading with a younger partner, ended up endearing Santi to him. “Right, right of course.” He smiled and shook his head before lighting up a cigarette.
“Do you really have to do that indoors?”
“So sue me. I’m the one smoking, it’s not like it can hurt you.”
“I don’t know, I heard of a study that secondhand smoke can-”
Javi blew a puff of smoke in Santi’s face. “That’s just anti-smoking propaganda pushed by doctors to sell more nicotine patches.”
Santi had dived right in. Once he had permission to taste, he very tentatively licked a strip up her folds and to the clit… and was suddenly a starved man, insatiable, desperate to devour her and drown in her juices.. She liked when he touched her clit so he was sure to latch his mouth over the hood. As he sucked, Candy instructed him to finger her and he was happy to oblige. This, he could handle at least.
“Good boy…” Candy cooed at him. “Such a good boy for me, so obedient.”
“Wanna be good.” He mumbled into your core as he lapped at her, hips rutting against the bed. “Wanna do good.”
When her fingers found his hair, tangling up in his curls and tugging just a bit, he couldn’t help but whine into her, toes curling in his socks.
“You’re doing so good, baby boy, so good, but I’m gonna need you to stop.”
Stop? He didn’t wanna stop. Santi wanted to die here with her… Was it time? How much time did he pay for- ait, he hadn’t even paid her yet. What was her going rate? He didn’t fucking care right now, right now he’d pay her his life savings, his military pension, his first born, whatever she wanted if he could cum. 
“Whyyyyy?!” He simply went back to eating her out, taking every moment he had.
“Because,” Candy pulled at his curls, forcing him to look up and crawl back up her golden body. “Because you are about to cum, and I still wanna ride you.”
He could feel his eyes go wide at that. He wasn’t stupid, he knew what that meant… but for someone who had only ever done missionary, the whole concept seemed so… dirty. Santi chuckled nervously, tucking his head into the crook of her neck. “I’ll be honest, Candy, I’m not sure how much longer I’m gonna last as it is.”
He felt her chuckle. “Let’s slow down for a moment, then. I want you to undress.”
His breath hitched, but he made the move to undo his pants until she stopped him.
“Uh-uh, Diego. Stand up. Let me watch you undress.”
Undress like… standing? By himself? All out there and naked? “Um… can’t I do it here?”
“You can.” She confirmed with a kind smile. “But I’d really like to watch you strip for me.”
How could he resist that? Tentative, slow and careful, Santi stood up and Candy sat on the edge of the bed, bottoms off but still clothed top. “Are you gonna take that off?” It was half a joke, half a genuine question.
Candy nodded. “I will, just trust me.”
And he did, with everything in him.
So he took off his shirt.
“Okay. Catholic. Do we know what church he goes to?”
Javi raised an eyebrow? “You think a drug lord is going to daily mass?”
“No, but if he’s devout I assume he’s got a family that goes. Wife and children maybe, but definitely a mother. I don’t know one woman over 50 who doesn’t belong to a perish, especially a hispaña woman.”
“You find a lot of company con mujeres mayor, amigo?”
“Shut up. I say we start there. If we can find out about his family's church, we can probably find out a little more.”
Apprehensive as always, Javi crossed his legs, doubtful. “I don’t know, what can we possibly find out?”
Santi shrugged. “Not sure, but churches have a lot of records when it comes to members and if he has a family that is active we might find out something useful.”
“Is this really the best use of our time?”
Javi raised a good point, this might be a dead end, and they would have wasted all that time. “Just give me a picture of all known families and I’ll keep an eye out.”
Now that caught Javi’s attention, cocking an eyebrow at him. “You go to church, Garcia?”
A faint blush crept up Santi’s neck. His mother was very religious, that religion instilled into him and his sister. His sister couldn’t care less anymore, but then again she had never cared much about their mother’s harsh opinions and strict standards… Santi did. And so, even now with her passing, Santi attended mass often. Not a part of a regular perish, he just attended where he could and when his schedule allowed. The old women there did love him, but Santi knew Javi would never let that go. “Tengo muchas tías y primos en la zona. Si no muestro mi cara en la iglesia a veces, se lo dirán a mi madre y nunca escucharé el final.”
Javi didn’t need to know his mom was dead.
Santi nervously slides down his trousers and underwear, revealing the last bit of himself to Candy. Except for his tube socks. He wasn't sure what to do about those.
“Can I… move now?” He asked, a tremble in his soft voice.
She cocked her head to the side. “Does it make you nervous? To be seen like this.”
“To be seen like what?”
Candy stood up. “Naked, vulnerable, in full lighting…” She walked over towards him and placed her hands on her chest. “To let someone be able to see every part, every dip…” She felt over the ripples of his stomach muscles. “Every.” Lower. “Single.” Lower. “Inch.” Grabbing onto his hardened cock and began stroking it.
Santi let out a shuttered gasp at the touch of her hand. With her other one she lifted it to his mouth. “Lick, pretty boy.”
He was happy to oblige, not needing to know why. He didn’t need to ask questions with her, he could simply shut off his mind and let Candy guide him… mother knows best. Santi lapped at her palm, keening into it as the wetness smeared on his face.
“Such a good puppy”
The whine that emitted from him was out of him control; he liked the praise, he liked the nickname. He liked it a lot. He had been taught his whole life that sex was for procreation, a dirty thing to be done in shame and in quiet but here she was, proudly jerking him off with the now-wet hand… His mom would have said she was consumed by lust, that the devil had taken her, but Santo saw nothing but kindness in her eyes. Yes, he was paying her, he was well aware of that fact but she did genuinely seem to want to help him, to let him explore, to allow him to care for this basic human instinct… Was this dirty? Was this wrong? He wasn’t sure he cared anymore.
“Doing so good baby boy, are you close?”
He was seconds away from coming. “S-so close.” He had his head thrown back, letting her take the lead on his pleasure.
With that, she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock, stifling his impending orgasm.
“Mierde!” Santiago grunted, body jolting a bit in the physical frustration.
“Relaje, guapo. Trust me, okay? Can you do that?”
He groaned, but complied. Santi trusted her with everything. Right now, he’d follow her into the dark.
“Alright, so Pope Santiago will case the churches in his free time. Where does that leave us during the time we actually get paid for?” Javi thought the nickname was fitting for the apparently religious boy.
“I think we need to learn more about his free time.” Javi put out his cigarette. “How about we talk to some girls, see if they know anything?”
Santi narrowed his eyes in confusion. “Girls?”
“Hookers, Pope, hookers.”
Javi noticed how he suddenly became so nervous. The boy needed to get laid. The new information of Santi being at least semi-religious was a whole new insight on his psyche. He already seemed to be a bit of a mama’s boy, a goody-two-shoes with a shiny military career and a good heart, but this was a little different. Javier’s family was catholic, as most families were. He had been baptized, first communion, confirmed, the whole jazz but as soon as he’d got annoying enough, his mom stopped bushing the issue. Santi, however, was still practicing.
“I’ll handle that part, Garcia. Don’t worry, I won't drag the Pope into a whore house.”
Javi had no doubt Santi could hold his own in most scenarios. Hell, he’d seen it. In line of fire, interviews, everything Santi could handle. But take him into a room full of prostitutes? Well, they’d eat him alive.
“Are you ready for me, pretty boy?” You had him right where you wanted him, right where you liked pretty boys like him that you got to corrupt in moments like this… Santiago was special though, you could tell. He was innocent, but he was far from the most innocent. You’d taken plenty of virginities before, so many you’d lost track of it all, but the way Santiago looked at you right now as he was sat up against the padded headboard of your bed slowly stroking him as your legs straddled his. Santiago looked at you with reverence, adoration, like he was fully submitted below you… as if you had the power, even though it was in his hands as the customer. Yeah, he was a special one. 
 A good, young DEA agent, straightline former military, special Ops and he came to you to show him how to pleasure a woman; not just to have sex, not just to get off, but to learn how to heighten the pleasure of all parties… A church going boy too. 
“Do I need to beg? Because I’ll fucking beg.” His hands were gripped at the sheets, lightning at the knuckles.
“Oh sweet boy, I won’t make you beg, I’m just checking in.” You sit up, rubbing the tip of his cock along your folds. Pulling down the foreskin, you begin to sink down on him, watching his eyes widen as your warmth enveloped him. He filled you right up. Every. Single. Inch.
“Breath baby, breath.” You urge him as you see his lips pressed tight together. 
He did as he was told, releasing a breath. 
“Good job. Now keep breathing, I’m going to finish undressing.” His cock was stuffed into you, and your bottom remained still as your top moved, stipping off your shirt and bra in one. 
It was merely a whisper. “Beautiful…” His eyes were nearly glazed over in lust when you began your work.
Up, down, up, down… you moved on him with your hands on his chest for balance… he seemed almost in shock as he looked in your eyes, only staying momentarily to look at your breasts before quickly looking back at your face as if it was impolite.
“It’s okay to look, Diego. You won’t offend me. You can find me sexy, do you think I’m sexy, Diego?”
“So pretty…” It was gasped out and you could tell he was almost there again.
You began to bounce on him with more vigor and the “You can touch me too”
“I’m… I’m a little scared too…”
Running your fingers through his curls, you ruffle it, enjoying the look of the pristine young man coming undone for you. You take the initiative for him. Hand in hand, you guide him to your breasts, encouraging Santiago to grope and squeeze as he liked and you reveal in the feeling of feeling of his excited pawing. He was enraptured in you, you and him were the only thing that matter right now, and you knew it. You stretched around him,  and you knew it had to be one hell of sight.
“Watch” Pulling him by his curls you guide him to look down where you and him connected, letting him watch the watch your cunt moved to accommodate him, making room to be filled over and over again. “See how my body let’s you in? I was made for you, pretty boy. I was made to take you inside me.”
The thick stretch was bringing you closer, and you knew he was only holding on by a thread himself, so you began to touch yourself. “Focus on that feeling, Diego. The feeling of us together. Can you feel it? I sure can.”
“I- I can, yes.” He was panting now, his bare tanned chest heaving with every bounce of you tits in his hands. 
“Yes what?” But he looked up at you in confusion, a desperation on his face to be good, do good, do this all right. “Yes ma’am”
“Yes ma- ma’ammmm” With that, Santiago’s hits thrust upward into you, his eyes drilled shut and mouth tightly closed in his attempt to muffle his own release.
You did no such thing. As he filled you up, you spilled over yourself and felt the gushing release of your cunt soaking his cock, you yelled out for him, letting him know how good he made you feel. Relaxing onto his chest, Santiago wraps his arms around you like an affection-starved child, and you get a little hint into what you think this was all about.
He needed praise. He needed fondness. He needed skin to skin contact like nothing else right now. He needed to be a good person and do it all right and know he was doing it right. 
Santiago needed to be loved.
Sorry i know it was a wait lmfao. I posted like 3 chapters of the wrong way sequel before this one lolololol OOPS
But i promise I got a fun plan for this fic! I hope you all enjoy.
Remember, reblogs are the only real way to spread work! Please consider relogging to support this writing.
Comments mean the world to me!
Asks are always open to discuss this fic or my others, but also for non fandom too! Talk to me about anything you're excited about! I wanna get to know you all.
Also, as a note im trying my best for historic acuracy but I know narcos goes from like 70's onward but this stays in the 70's. Pretend Pablo Escabar isn't an issue anymore lmfao.
@runa-falls @lunar-ghoulie @campingwiththecharmings @whatthefishh @itspdameronthings @persephone-girl @criticalarchitecture @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @beelzebeth87 @pimosworld @millerscoffee @heareball @thatwonderouswoman @poolbool @meveispunk @lovable-liar @millllenniawrites @read-and-wip @missdictatorme @the-fox-den @milkymoon2483 @k-ra @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @rosellacwrites @legendary-pink-dot @dreamingofbucky @axshadows @englandsgray @starsthatwatch @laiisleitte @fairlyang @alwaysmicado @theywhowriteandknowthings @casa-boiardi @lostfleurs @ninebluehearts @puglover12
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
How To Get Started Investing In The Stock Market
Educate yourself: Before investing in the stock market, it's important to educate yourself about the basics of investing, including the different types of investments, the risks involved, and how to build a diversified portfolio. There are many resources available, including books, online courses, and investment blogs.
Determine your investment goals: It's important to have clear investment goals before investing in the stock market. Are you investing for retirement, a down payment on a house, or to generate passive income? Your investment goals will help determine the types of investments that are appropriate for you.
Open a brokerage account: To invest in the stock market, you'll need to open a brokerage account with a reputable brokerage firm. Some popular options include Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, and Charles Schwab. When choosing a brokerage firm, consider factors such as fees, investment options, and customer service.
Build a diversified portfolio: Diversification is key to successful investing. By investing in a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets, you can reduce your risk and increase your chances of long-term success. Consider investing in a mix of large-cap and small-cap stocks, domestic and international investments, and bonds with varying maturities.
Start investing: Once you have a brokerage account and have determined your investment strategy, it's time to start investing. Consider starting with a small amount of money and gradually increasing your investments over time.
There are several ways to invest in the stock market, including:
Individual Stocks: This involves buying shares of individual companies on the stock market. You can buy shares through a broker or an online trading platform.
Mutual Funds: Mutual funds pool money from multiple investors and invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks. This allows you to invest in a variety of companies with a single investment.
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs): ETFs are similar to mutual funds, but they trade like individual stocks on an exchange. This allows you to buy and sell ETFs throughout the trading day.
Index Funds: Index funds track the performance of a specific index, such as the S&P 500. This provides exposure to a broad range of companies and can be a good option for long-term investors.
Online Trading Platforms: Many brokers offer online trading platforms that allow you to buy and sell stocks and funds. These platforms typically provide research tools and stock charts to help you make informed investment decisions.
Robo-Advisors: Robo-advisors are digital platforms that use algorithms to create and manage investment portfolios for you. They can be a good option for beginner investors who want a hands-off approach.
Investment Apps: There are several investment apps available that allow you to buy and sell stocks and funds from your mobile device. These apps are often designed for beginner investors and offer low fees and user-friendly interfaces.
A few popular options:
Robinhood: Robinhood is a commission-free trading app that offers stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrency trading. It’s designed for beginner investors and offers a user-friendly interface.
Acorns: Acorns is an investment app that automatically invests your spare change. It rounds up your purchases to the nearest dollar and invests the difference in a diversified portfolio of ETFs.
TD Ameritrade: TD Ameritrade is a popular trading platform that offers stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, options, futures, and forex trading. It offers a variety of trading tools and research resources.
ETRADE: ETRADE is a popular online broker that offers stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, options, and futures trading. It offers a variety of trading tools and resources, including a mobile app.
Fidelity: Fidelity is a full-service broker that offers stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, options, and futures trading. It offers a variety of investment tools and research resources, including a mobile app.
Value Investing: Value investing involves buying stocks that are undervalued by the market and holding them for the long term. This approach requires patience and a thorough analysis of a company’s financial statements and growth potential.
Growth Investing: Growth investing involves buying stocks in companies that are expected to grow faster than the market average. This approach often involves investing in companies that are at the cutting edge of technology or have innovative business models.
Dividend Investing: Dividend investing involves buying stocks in companies that pay a dividend. This can provide a steady stream of income for investors and can be a good option for those looking for more conservative investments.
Passive Investing: Passive investing involves investing in a diversified portfolio of low-cost index funds or ETFs. This approach is designed to match the performance of the overall market and requires minimal effort on the part of the investor.
Real Estate Investing: Real estate investing involves buying and holding real estate assets for the purpose of generating income or appreciation. This can include investing in rental properties, real estate investment trusts (REITs), or crowdfunding platforms.
Options trading: is a type of trading strategy that involves buying and selling options contracts, which are financial instruments that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset, such as stocks, at a specific price within a certain time frame. Options trading can be used to generate income, hedge against risk, or speculate on market movements.
Swing trading is a type of trading strategy that aims to capture short- to medium-term gains in a financial asset, such as stocks, currencies, or commodities. Swing traders typically hold their positions for a few days to several weeks, taking advantage of price swings or "swings" in the market. Swing traders use technical analysis to identify trends and patterns in the market, and they often employ a combination of charting tools and indicators to help them make trading decisions. They look for stocks or other assets that have a clear trend, either up or down, and then try to enter and exit positions at opportune times to capture profits.
There are many technical analysis resources available for traders to use in their analysis of financial markets. Here are some popular options:
TradingView: TradingView is a web-based charting and technical analysis platform that provides users with real-time data, customizable charts, and a variety of technical indicators and drawing tools.
StockCharts: StockCharts is another web-based platform that provides a wide range of technical analysis tools, including charting capabilities, technical indicators, and scanning tools to help traders identify potential trading opportunities.
Thinkorswim: Thinkorswim is a trading platform provided by TD Ameritrade that offers advanced charting and technical analysis tools, as well as a wide range of other features for traders, including paper trading, news and research, and risk management tools.
MetaTrader 4/5: MetaTrader is a popular trading platform used by many traders around the world. It provides a range of technical analysis tools, including customizable charts, indicators, and automated trading strategies.
Investing.com: Investing.com is a website that provides real-time quotes, charts, news, and analysis for a wide range of financial markets, including stocks, currencies, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.
Yahoo Finance: Yahoo Finance is a website that provides real-time stock quotes, news, and analysis, as well as customizable charts and a variety of other tools for traders and investors.
Finviz: is a popular web-based platform for traders and investors that provides a wide range of tools and information to help them analyze financial markets. The platform offers real-time quotes, customizable charts, news and analysis, and a variety of other features.
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wildemaven · 11 months
Sweet Creature: Chapter Three
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
WC: 3605
Summary: A washed up movie star with a failing career, fresh out of rehab and looking to turn his life around. He moves back to his small hometown to take a break from stardom and help his sister out with his niece- He's traded the high-life for school runs and crafting. What he doesn't except is to meet you, his niece's school teacher who couldn't care less about his extensive filmography or his dwindling fame.
Warnings: 18+ blog; swearing, mentioning of drugs, abandonment, arguing, food and alcohol, angst, feelings, mention of recovery/rehabilitating, absent parents, nail picking, Diem having to be a mother hen, one line from ‘The Bubble’— I think that’s it, as usual please let me know if I’ve forgotten anything.
A/N: This chapter totally became something I didn’t intend on, but in a good way. There’s a lot of feelings from everyone being thrown around and some hurt, but I think it was needed to be able to move forward— especially from that initial awareness in the kitchen. I’m excited to now get everyone in a somewhat good place with each other, so they can quit being knuckleheads. Thanks so much for all the love on the first two chapters, I am so excited to share more! Big thanks again to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for taking the time to beta for me— she’s been my wingwoman through this and I so appreciate her time and thoughts with each chapter!
Series Masterlist / Sweet Creature Playlist / Main Masterlist
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“Diem’s not home.”
“Oh fuck—”
This is literally one of those worst case scenario situations, and you’re not sure if you’ll ever come back from it. 
You feel sick, the pit in your stomach heavy with regret. A destructive aftershock hits your chest, rolling tremors of guilt crashing through every inch of you. 
“Dieter, I— I’m s-so sorry.” Your voice cracks as you force yourself to break the agonizing silence. 
“Sorry you said it or sorry you got caught?”
You’re not even sure which one is a better option, either way it doesn’t resolve the hurt you’ve caused him. 
His eyes lack that sparkle you saw earlier in the day, dimple no longer visible—his expression now reserved and opaque. 
“I-I didn’t mean for you to hear any of that— I.”
“Oh, so you meant it then?”
“No, I-“
“Like when we first met, a year ago. What was it you said? Ah, I think it was something to the effect of ‘a fucking deadbeat, washed up douchebag’. The memory is a bit hazy, but those words stuck with me this whole time, just didn’t have a face to put with them until now.”
“Dieter, I’m so—“ 
“Yeah, sorry. You mentioned that.”
Tears well up in your eyes, stinging as they threaten to burn trails of remorse down your face. You blink them away, keeping them at bay for the now. Right now is not their time, it’s not your moment to center yourself in misery— this catastrophe of a situation is at the fault of your own actions. 
The click of the front door grabs your attention— Diem’s home. 
Both you and Dieter are still standing in the kitchen, eyes locked onto each other, neither making the first move as you wait for Diem’s arrival into this botched run in. 
“Hey! Sorry I’m late, Wren’s appointment ran later than expected.” Diem’s arms full with take out boxes, completely oblivious to the gloom looming around in her kitchen. “Oh shit! I forgot we were getting together tonight.”
“Mama said a bad word!” Wren already settling herself on a barstool at the counter. 
“Sorry, baby. I should have text you! Wren had a doctors appointment and her booster was in Dieter’s car from this morning— it was a hot fuc— hot mess! But I’m glad you are getting to know each other without me!”
So much is happening around you, your body frozen as you watch Diem arrange the white foam containers about on the kitchen island, a small hand grabbing at the mound of salty rosemary seasoned fries. Dieter settling back against the nearest counter watching as his sister moves about with ease, something he hasn’t been witness to in a while. 
“I grabbed tacos from The Nest downtown. Since I screwed up our night, stay and eat with us.” She says to you as she’s putting plates and silverware out. 
“It’s okay, I can go. I don’t want to intrude on your time together.” Your throat dry, pulse racing, you need to leave immediately. 
“Oh stop! You’re not intruding on us, I insist— the more the merrier, right Dieter.”
His name slices through you like a jagged knife, each syllable a tiny knick, the slow drag of its blade adding to your own downfall. 
“As long as she’s comfortable with it, the more the merrier.” His gaze bores intensely at you, his voice laced with bitterness. 
“Yeah— okay.” Your own words betraying you. 
“Perfect! I was hoping for all of us to have dinner together at some point anyways— no better time than now I guess. Everyone grab a plate and we can sit at the table. Wren, go wash your hands baby.”
“‘Kay, mama!”
“I also played on the swings— I showed my friends that trick Uncle Dude taught me!”
“What trick?!” Diem, unaware of any ‘swing tricks’, glances at Dieter with furrowed brows in a panic at the thought of Wren sharing something dangerous with her friends— he seems to be equally confused, shrugging as he waits for Wren to explain further. 
“I swing as higher and higher as I can, then jump so I can fly!” Her little arms stretched out in a flying motion and she continues to munch  away at her fries.
“Oh! Well, let’s save that for when we’re together and not at school where we can get hurt if we fly too high.”
“Okay mama!” 
You’ve barely touched the tacos in front of you, let alone heard much of the conversations being shared around the table. Your brain is so busy running through a list of excuses to leave, you don’t hear your name being called. 
“Hmm?” Refocusing back to the present moment. 
“I asked how things have been at school? We didn’t get our usual catch-up chat at drop off this morning since Dieter took Wren.” 
“Oh— good! Things are g-good!” You force a fake and hopefully believable smile, keeping your response minimal and to the point. 
“Have you made any progress on your upcoming art exhibition at the gallery?” 
“Umm, yeah— I mean kind of. Still trying to nail down a theme right now. Then paint everything before it’s time to prep for the install. Just haven’t found any inspiration just yet, typical artist procrastination.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll figure something out and get it all done in time.” Diem ever the optimist. “And, if you need any ideas, Dieter is well knowledgeable in the field, I already told you he’s an artist. I’m sure he can help you with any questions you might have. Right, Dieter?”
“Yeah— sure.” His response is flat, not even making an attempt to look up from his plate. 
“Thanks.” I think. 
“You okay? You’ve barely eaten.” Diem’s motherly concern not reserved to only Wren tonight. 
“Yeah— sorry, I’m good. Just been a long day, some— umm, things kind of came out of nowhere. A lot on my mind, that’s all.” 
“Hmmph.” Dieter lets out a brief huff of annoyance at your response as he settles back into his chair, pursed lips and arms crossed on his chest— he wants this to be over just as much as you do. 
“What was that Dieter?” 
“Mama, I’m full.” Wren’s sweet little voice breaks through the awkward tension that made itself comfortable at the table for the evening. 
“Wren, you barely ate your tacos— how can you be full?” 
“I’m full of French fries mama! May I be excused?” 
“Sure. Go wash up and brush your teeth. Then you can play for a bit before bath time.” 
Wren doesn’t even wait for the end of Diem’s directions before she’s launching her body out of her chair and heading for the bathroom. Maybe you could borrow a page from her book, you’d rather be full of fries instead of the uneasiness that has settled in your gut. 
Diem lets out a heavy sigh, face resting in her hands as her elbows support her on the table. “I swear, sometimes I feel like she’s testing me.”
“She’s a kid, it’s her job to keep you on your toes and not eat anything you want her to.” Dieter reaches over and gives Diem’s arm a light squeeze. 
“Yeah, he’s right.” Sneaking a glance towards Dieter as you agree with him, there’s a quick flick of his eyes over to you then back to Diem. “It’s developmentally on track for her to be picky or hate something she once enjoyed. It’s nothing you’re doing wrong at all. And if it makes you feel better, she ate all her lunch today— said she loves when you make those special circle cut sandwiches.” 
You catch the momentary smile on her face, hoping your words were enough to give her some relief. While you don’t know the weight that comes with being a parent, it’s  your job to know the ins and outs of kid’s behaviors and how they react to a multitude of situations. 
“Thank you. I’m so grateful— for both of you. This summer is going to be busy, but knowing I have the two of you in my life it seems less stressful. Speaking of which, I’m doing a re-grand opening for the Capri soon, it’s really a glorified pool party— music, drinks, hot guys, and a sweet little girl who might need some looking after while I make sure it all goes smoothly.” 
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it.” You agree immediately, you love helping Diem whenever she needs it. 
“Yeah. I already told you, any way I can help with Birdie, I’m there.”
Even with the prospect of being around Dieter regularly, you would rather see your friend happy and endure the already strained relationship you and Dieter have. 
It seems like the awkwardness has dissipated and you’re hoping to ease into a peaceful parting for the evening. 
“You both are the best! Gosh, to think it was roughly a year ago you were screaming at Dieter—“
So much for the peaceful part. 
You see Dieter’s shoulders tense as Diem starts to recount the incident you’ve already re-lived earlier this evening. 
“Diem, no—“ Your attempt to get her to stop talking goes unheeded. 
“Calling him a washed up actor, or whatever it was you said—“
“Diem, please don’t—“ Your heart-rate quickening, if you didn’t already feel like shit from your foot-in-mouth event earlier, you definitely do now. 
Dieter’s jaw ticking to the side, as Diem continues the retelling of the story. 
“And then you tried to convince me to not have him stay with me— to think we wouldn’t be able to hang out like this if that were the case!” 
There’s that proverbial bomb you were waiting to explode, a nuclear wave that was bound to destroy everything in its path. 
“You what?! You told my sister to not allow me here?”
“Dieter, I just— I thought you were the type of guy who—“ The tears have made their way back, this time there’s nothing you can do to stop them from falling. 
“What type is that? The annoying movie star whose ego has to be stroked on the regular so he can continue playing the role of ‘look how glamorous I am’? Or is it the washed up-deadbeat-douchebag type that you think so little of?”
“I’m sorry…” Your lungs are filled with the weight of his words, drowning in the thick air of your own words being thrown back at you. 
“Listen— I'm sorry. I'm trying to care, but it's hard— Fuck! I need some goddamn air!” 
Dieter stands hastily, his chair scooting back with the force of his movements, not saying another word as he makes his way out the back door. 
There’s a beat of silence, save for the occasional sound of Wren playing as she was told to do. 
“Okay, what the fuck just happened?!” Diem looking back in the direction of where he had gone, then back to you. 
“I fucked up Diem— I-I fucked up really bad.”
“What do you mean you fucked up? What did you do?”
Diem looking at you with desperation, eyes pleading to clue her in on the reason for Dieter’s agitation. 
You let out a heavy sigh before you begin to recount the events that had unfolded between you and Dieter. 
“I was heading over for our usual weekly get together, saw your car in the driveway and figured it was just you home— “ You can’t bear to look at Diem, your nervous tick of picking at your nails keeping your focus. “I let myself in, like I always do— started talking about Dieter and how I thought he was attractive and healthy looking— But then I just kept going and started talking about what I said when I found him in the bathroom at Wren’s party— I thought I was talking to you, until I realized it wasn’t you, it was Dieter.”
Your gaze slowly lifts to meet Diem’s, her expression solemn as she takes in everything you’ve shared. 
“I’m so sorry, Diem. I know we chat and share things openly with each other, but I didn’t— I didn’t mean for him to ever hear that.”
She takes a deep breath. You don’t get the sense that she’s upset, she’s always been able to keep herself pretty calm even when she’s angry. 
“Look, Dieter will get over it— It might take a minute, but I promise it will blow over in time. But you gotta stop with your constant need to prejudge and criticize people based on their past. Was your first impression of Dieter the greatest? No, it wasn’t ideal— but you can’t keep bashing him forever. He’s put in the work, you’ve got to give him a chance to at least prove it.”
She’s right. Hearing her call you out on your flaws stings more than you thought, but you know she’s right and you accept her unyielding words. 
“You’re my best friend, and I’ve already told you how much I appreciate your loyalty— but he’s also my brother and I can’t just assume he’s going to fail without reason. I’m going to support him and love him through this next chapter of his life, until he shows me otherwise.”
You wipe the last few tears that have started to dry, nodding in agreement. 
“I mean— I love you, but you gotta quit doing this shit. I know your past has hurt you in so many ways, but you got to stop it from letting you move forward with the life you’re living now.”
“Yeah, you’re right— I’ve got to make peace with things. I’m sorry, for how I acted and for the way things went tonight. I’ll make a better effort moving forward.”
“It’s okay. I mean it’s not, but it is. Come on.” She stands and motions for you to follow her, grabbing your things, you both make your way to the front door. “I think we need to let things settle a bit, give everyone time to cool off. Go home, take a bath, relax— don’t let it eat you up though. I’ll talk to Dieter, smooth things over with him.”
“Mama!! I need you!” Wren’s timing always seems to be right on point. 
“That’s my cue— mom mode engaged! I love you! We’ll chat more soon.”
“I love you too.” She pulls you into a tight embrace, it feels like a warm blanket of love. You hug her back, hoping she can feel just how much you love her too. 
“Coming! Night!”
“Night Diem!”
He doesn’t even know how long he’s been sitting, letting the irritation of the evening quiet down, enjoying the chilly air on the back patio. 
The moon starts to crest the evening sky and the stars slowly appear, blinking from their respective peaks. 
The sound of the sliding door opening catches Dieter’s attention from where he’s sitting at the outdoor dining table. 
“Hey, you okay?” Diem placing a glass of ice water for him on the table, then taking a seat next to him. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Although, a heads up that you and Wren’s teacher were besties would have been nice.” 
“If I’d known you’d both be at each other's throats after your first meeting, I would have.”
He doesn’t really know what any warning would have done, but he wasn’t expecting to be front row to a vent session he wasn’t meant to hear. 
“Her and I talked— I let her know that what she said was not the nicest way of expressing her opinion—“
“Ya think?!” 
“Dieter let me finish. I told her she can’t let her past dictate her life or how she meets certain people.”
“Certain people? You mean people like me, you can say it— a former drug addicted, an actor. What kind of history is so bad that she’s put off by the idea of you letting your own brother live with you?”
“It’s not my place to share that with you. If and when she does decide to, that’s her choice.”
“But it was her place to talk freely about me with you? I’m assuming regularly too, being that you two have these little gossip nights every week.”
“That’s not fair, Dieter.”
“How so?”
“Look, I already told her that she was out of line with her comments. She needs to give you a chance and I’m going to ask you to do the same for her.”
He can feel his frustration bubbling up in his chest. 
“Fuck that! If she’s allowed to voice her opinion about me not coming around, then I’m going to have to do the same— I don’t want her here while I’m staying with you.”
“Well, that’s not an option Dieter, so you can just forget that!”
“Why? Because her friendship is more important than your own brother?”
“First of all, I never said that. Secondly, she’s all I had for a long time— she was here when I needed someone to talk to late at night when I couldn’t sleep, helped me with Wren when I needed it. She stepped up when I didn’t even ask her to.”
He hears the tremble in Diem’s voice, her usual level headed tone shifting towards anger the more she talks. 
“You could have just called and said you needed help, I would have been here.” The moment it leaves his mouth he knows how ridiculous it sounds, and knows whatever Diem is about to unleash on him is more than justified. 
“Are you fucking serious right now?! Called you? When could I have called you for your help?? Hmm?? When you were across the country shooting your big time movies for months on end?? How about when you and what’s his face were off gallivanting across Europe for a year? I should have called you then, right? Oh! I know— I should have called you every time you were strung out from doing fuck knows how many lines of Coke or whatever drug of the week it was.”
He feels gutted, every bit of him fileted open as Diem pours salt into every crevice of his undeserving body. 
This is all part of it though— the healing process. While there is bound to be plenty of excitement and joy around his recovery, there is an equal amount of uncertainty and ugliness that comes along with it. Raw, heavy emotions and animosity all have just as much of a place as the elated ones. 
“I didn’t have mom and dad— and I didn’t have you either.” She uses the sleeve of her shirt to wipe her tears as she brings her feet up onto the edge of the chair, arms pulling her legs close to her chest as she rests her head on her knees. 
“Diem, I’m sorry. I-I’m sorry I wasn’t available and I’m sorry for not being the brother you needed.” 
Reaching over he grabs the arm of her chair pulling it closer to his own, the metal of the legs scraping against the ground. 
He leans against Diem, head resting on hers 
as he wraps an arm around her shoulders. 
“I’m not asking you to be best friends, just to give her a chance, for me. Heck, you can even fake that you like her if you want to.” He laughs, but knows an actual effort is what Diem deserves. “I need you both more than you know. Can you promise that you’ll do that for me, Dieter?”
Her body shifts a bit, he leans back to allow her to bring her arm out from where it was tucked away. 
It’s as if they were transported back to their childhood, her pinky awaiting his to fully seal the agreement. 
The rest of your evening went as Diem suggested— a warm bath with your favorite bath bomb and a small glass of wine to help relax even more. 
You hated how much you were the cause of the evening’s chaos, replaying every word of it on your walk home, as you soaked and now as you situate yourself in bed. 
The only remedy for your lackluster mood was a phone call away. Grabbing for your cellphone and scrolling through the recent call log until your thumb finds the contact you’re seeking. 
It’s ringing, the silence between each ring feels like minutes, but by the fifth ring you can hear the click of the call being accepted. 
“Hi mom, it’s me.”
“Well hello there, this is a surprise!”
The way her voice is always soothing and warm, it feels as if she’s snuggled in bed next to you. 
“Sorry it’s so late, I just— needed to hear your voice.”
“Okay, what’s bothering you?” Her motherly senses already firing off.  
“How did you move on?”
“What do you mean?”
“With how dad was, is— how did you move on and feel okay to trust again?”
“Well, that’s a loaded question.”
Propping a few of your pillows behind you, nestling into them as you prepare to listen to what she has to say. 
“Time was a big factor. You were my main focus too. But eventually I had to realize that I can’t automatically assume that every guy I meet is going to be like your father, unless they show me otherwise. Once I figured that out, the fear of being let down was no longer keeping me from moving on. I hope that answers your question.”
“It does. Thank you mom.”
“So, who’s the guy?”
“I-I didn’t mention any guy.”
“You didn’t have to. But, he must be worth it though if you’re humble enough to seek out the opinion of your little ole mother.”
“Yeah— we’ll see.”
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talialovesmiw · 3 months
Chris Motionless x Reader
Shades of Purple: Prologue
A/N: Here’s my newest series that I’m working on, Vampire Chris! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the Taglist!
Taglist: @skulliecadaver-blog @witchyweeb34 @cookiesupplier @raydenrrobertson @sakuracyberhex @beaker1636 @lyschko666 @black-damask1999
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/talialovesmiw/740770553010454528/shades-of-purple
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/talialovesmiw/741516781730086912/shades-of-purple
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Blood bags.
That’s all they were.
In a world where vampires lived amongst humans, peace was never an option.
The humans were hunted, taken away and never to be seen again.
However, if one wanted to have peace of mind, they could always auction off another. A trade of sorts. Trade off a human in the promise of safety, and money of course.
One day, when Christopher makes an appearance to one of these auctions, it’s the talk of the town.
What could one of the most reclusive and hidden vampires be doing at such a place? Could he perhaps be interested in having a human to feast upon until that human’s life ends? Or perhaps something more?
He’d never tell.
Y/N, a girl in her early twenties, adopted at age 16 along with 2 other girls by greedy, selfish individuals.
They were only adopted so that they could be traded away for money and status. Y/N knew that. They were prepped and made to look perfect. Beauty and youth was appealing after all.
What would happen when she catches the eye of a certain vampire one day in a lovely shade of purple?
Part 1 coming soon…
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kenziesimsblog · 1 month
you grew up in a rural town moving to the big city as soon as you got the chance , your confident with yourself and love to be social what does the city life hold for you?
TRAITS - social butterfly, irresistible, party animal, dog lover and vegetarian
LIFETIME WISH- blog artist
run a 5 star blog
get a partner have a few kids THEN BREAK UP no marriage yet
go clubbing every saturday night
adopt a dog -your a party animal throw birthday parties every weekend
throw parties for holidays sometimes -do not eat meat your a vegetarian
become a five star celebrity
when you reach 8 days before elder status get back with your ex and have a private wedding with your family
complete your lifetime wish then gen complete
your parent was kinda of a party animal they never really grew up as soon as you reached young adult status you left.
TRAITS- adventurous, night owl, rebellious, loves the outdoors and easily impressed
LIFETIME WISH- paranormal profiteer
meet your best friend in high school and stay friends your whole life -pull pranks -when your first move out have atleast 2 roomies aside from your best friend
move out of roomie house with your best friend -join ghost hunting profession with bff
fall in love with co worker or bestie
get married fast
have as many kids as you want
must have triplets {can cheat this}
complete lifetime wish
you and your triplets have always been close and its hard to move on
TRAITS (only give to main heir) - good sense of humor, friendly, schmoozer , excitable, and vehicle enthusiat
LIFETIME WISH- reach max influence with all social groups
CAREER- self employed
GOALS {follow with heir}
stay close to other triplets
you all move in together -you go to uni for fun ultimately dropping out
meet partner in uni
join any freelance career -only have one kid
be extremley close to child and partner
Name - Simphora °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𐦍༘⋆
Description - You like to call yourself the “Jack of All Trades”, and eh.. you may not be actually considered one. But, you have a lot of interests, passions, the undying urge to explore new things, and acquire more knowledge and skills. Go show the world what you’re truly capable of!
Aesthetic - Luxurious Baddie
Traits - Ambitious, Dramatic, Computer Whiz, Hopeless Romantic, Workaholic
Lifetime wish - Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler
Enroll in University and major in Technology
Live off-Campus and have one roommate
Get the disliked relationship with your roommate, and then find a reason to kick them out
Earn the Technology Degree
Reach level 10 in the Law Enforcement Career (choose the forensic branch)
Master the Logic skill
Create a Online Dating Profile
Fall inlove quickly with someone from the Online Dating website
Play video games once a day
Become a streamer, and livestream every Friday night (this is optional because you need to download the streamer mod from ModtheSims)
Befriend some supporters
Have as many kids as you want
your life was cozy you wanted it more!
TRAITS- bookworm, cat person , clumsy, loner and socially awkward
LIFETIME WISH- the cat herder
CAREER- Lawyer (custom career by missyhissy) or law enforcement
Join the Ballet/Dance after school activity as a child
Get a parttime job at the supermarket as a teen -Go to university and get a degree
Have at least 2 cats -Get married to your first boyfriend/ partner
Have 2 kids
Buy and read books every week
Master the Social Networking and Writing skills -Complete the lifetime wish and reach the top of the career
you had a good life and you want to make sure others do to even if yours goes downhill
TRAITS- good, lucky, nuturing, ambitious, and charismatic
LIFETIME WISH- leader of the free world
CAREER- political
donate to a charirty every week -do any opportunity that earns money or relationships
you meet a partner in high school but they cheat on you
your single for a while, until you meet a single parent
become close to them and there child
adopt 2 strays
adopt a kid
play a lottery when you can
your partner suddenly dies take in there kid'
have atleast one kid with your partner before they die
never remarry
complete lifetime wish
never have a bad relationship or distant friends
you love animals and want to save them all
TRAITS- animal lover, eco friendly, loves the outdoors, socially awkward and green thumb
LIFETIME WISH- the ark builder
CAREER- horseman
get your first animal as a gift from your parent
have two of each animal that lifetine wish says
farm animals optional
master gardening skill
have a "perfect" garden
go to equestrian lot
learn to ride horse
be close to every animal
meet another animal lover
be close to your kids you lost your parents
complete lifetime wish
you want the perfect love life
TRAITS- hopeless romantic, family orenited ,artistic, friendly and neat
LIFETIME WISH - surronded by family
meet your best friend in high school
when you graduate go to france
find your partner there
they move to town you get married
have 5 kids
do a family activity every holiday
throw many parties
complete lifetime
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