#ooh hoo hoo i am so excited
cuz-reasons · 1 year
My packages are on the way yippee
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carolmunson · 1 year
baby, as if (part 1)
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recommended listening: as if - blaque (2000) summary: your on and off again situationship just so happens to be the tri-state area's friendly neighborhood drug dealer. the robinhood of the the neighborhood. and you couldn't be any more toxic with each other. does the playboy know how to play nice when you start seeing someone new? dark!modern!drugdealer!fboy!eddie (but when i say modern i mean anywhere between the 2010s and 2020s. everyone is in their late twenties in this fic tho. except reefer rick.)
WARNING: 21+, minors DNI. this is a DARK piece of fanfiction. if you are sensitive to topics regarding threats of violence, references to abuse, active fighting between a couple, severely toxic relationships, manipulation, coercion, depictions of violence, drug use, alcohol use, potential gun violence, controlling behavior, blatant endangerment, threats of financial abuse, harsh name calling, and anything regarding genuine bad relationship content i would not recommend reading this work. this is not like my sadist!eddie fictions -- reader and eddie are NOT in a healthy relationship -- he is NOT A GOOD GUY in this. this fic does NOT contain non-con or dub-con. DEAD DOVE. DO NOT EAT on all warnings tho.
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Two Months Ago
The screaming had both of your throats hoarse. Yelling from inside the club to the walk to the Camaro. The bouncers were so used to it by now that they just rolled their eyes. Not that they'd bother concerning themselves with the man whose always slipping them fifties so they'll let his friends in.
The screaming had both of your throats hoarse. Yelling from inside the club to the walk to the Camaro. The bouncers were so used to it by now that they just rolled their eyes. Not that they'd bother concerning themselves with the man whose always slipping them fifties so they'll let his friends in.
"You think I give A FUCK about you?! You think I -- HEY! HEY! GET IN THE FUCKIN' CAR. I'm talkin' to you!" "FUCK OFF! 'Get in the fuckin' car' -- fuck you, don't tell me what the fuck to do," you half yell while you click through the parking lot passed the car that's just roared to life.
He barrels around the hood, grill blowing smoke in the cold air from the heat. The parking lot is wet and your heels aren’t doing you any favors while you stumble over to the asphalt to call a cab. He growls when he gets to you with a grip so tight on your bicep that you yelp.
“Always out here fuckin’ embarrassing me,” he grumbles while he drags you toward the passengers seat of of the open car, “You drunk bitch.”
“You’re drunk,” you mumble, crossing your arms while he slams the door behind you. He takes his keys out while he walks around the front, falling into the deep bucket driver's seat. When he puts the key in and the engine revs loud, you groan. He revs it again just to fuck with you.
"Can you just fucking drive?" you shrill, "God, who're you trying to fucking impress out here?"
He pulls out of his spot and squeals out of the lot onto the street, immediately seething, "Who am I try'na impress? Me?"
"Alright, heeeere we go," you roll your eyes, street lights catching in your vision -- there and gone and there and gone. It's like they go all the way back to your brain. The lights spin with you.
He presses on the gas when you make it on the highway, speeding dangerously when he gets his hand on the clutch. He swerves between cars, one hand gripping the wheel, the other sits on his thigh. His brows are knitted together in a scowl.
"Don't you pull that 'here we go' shit, you always gotta fucking START somethin'," his free hand slaps down on the center console and the sound makes you jump, "Can't you ever shut the fuck up? Huh?"
You grin, it's the tequila -- it always made you a little excited for a fight, "Ooh, look how mad you are. You don't give a fuck about me right? RIGHT?! So what're you mad for?! What're you mad for?"
"Ooh-hoo-hoo, you piss me the fuck off. See what fuckin' happens if you keep runnin' your mouth," he grumbles, eyes getting dark. He reaches into his leather jacket pocket at a red light, pouring a bump of coke out on the back of his thumb. He snorts it loud because he knows you hate the sound of it.
"If you don't give a fuck then why are you so mad I danced with that guy? You were pretty busy with Jess and Shauna in the back room so why'd you make me leave the club?" you ask, taking the baggie out of his hand. He snatches it back roughly.
"Cause you looked stupid," he says like it's obvious, pressing on the gas again, "Like some dumb easy slut, all fucking over him. And when you look stupid, you make me look stupid. I don't fucking like that, I don't need people to think I keep bitches like that around me. You're so fuckin' sloppy."
"Oh, so lines off a stripper's tits doesn't make you look stupid?" you jeer, "Throwin' ones doesn't make you look stupid?"
He turns to look at you, "You're so dumb. How's throwing ones gonna make me look stupid?"
"You know what? You're right. It doesn't make you look stupid."
He huffs out of his nose, eyes rolling, an angry smirk flashing his teeth in the streetlights. You take a second, smiling at your reflection in the windsheild.
"It makes you look broke."
“Oh, I’m broke? I’m fuckin’ — " he speeds so fast your head hits the headrest, “I’m fucking broke? Who bought the heels you got on? I’m fucking broke?”
“I don’t ask for shit from you, you’re a fucking bum!” you yell back, “You’re such a fucking bum.”
“You want me to get your fuckin’ phone shut off? I’m a bum but I’m paying for your fuckin’ phone?” he yells back, swerving as he peels down the back roads towards Hawkins.
“Oh shut the fuck up, you f—”
“How’re you gonna pay for it, huh? Tips at the fuckin' diner aren't cuttin' it — should I start sellin' those videos you send me?”
Possessed, your hand comes out to smack him hard upside the head while he turns down the street, coming to a stop at a light, “Why do you always gotta say some dumb shit?”
You shove him, hands coming at him to to it again but he grabs your wrist in a bruising grip, "You think that's smart? What happened the last time you put your hands on me, huh?"
He shakes you by the wrist, eyes flashing erratically, "Huh?!"
"Want me to break your wrist again?" he challenges, fingers wrapping tighter, cutting off the circulation to your hand.
You get quiet, still fuming, but his hold on your wrist is starting to throb. You shake your head 'no'.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," he huffs, shoving your arm back at you while the light turns, "So shut the fuck up."
You both stay silent after the threat, he slows down when he gets into Hawkins, leaning back in his seat and chewing at a hang nail on his thumb. The steady thrum of the music in his car and the liquor in your body take over and before you know it, the liquor wins. Eye drifting closed with every streetlight you pass.
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Your eyes open with a start, stomach lurching while you fumble for the door handle in the car. You heave out of the crack in the door, murky hot liquid pouring out of you with each wretch. You take a deep breath through your nose when you're done and rub your eyes. It was still dark out, the lights in Eddie's trailer were on.
You reach for your phone in your purse by your feet, eyes bleary when you click it on to see your lock screen.
4:37 AM
You groan -- you were dragged out of left the club at 2, there's no way it took almost three hours to get home. It was only 45 minutes away.
So he just fucking left me in here?
You get out of the car, slamming the door so hard that you were disappointed it didn't shatter the window. You take off your heels on the stairs to the door of his trailer, feet hitting the wet grass -- it centers you for a moment. The chill in the air hits you and you shiver -- you're dehydrated and tired, but puking knocks your hangover right out of you. Maybe you could get him to just drive you home so you could get some sleep before your shift at 3.
The door is unlocked which is unusual but what you walk into isn't. He's making out with the neck of some girl who lives a few trailers down, her hips grinding against the kitchen counter she's propped up on, his ringed hand gripping her bare tits with her tank top pulled under them. He's changed into a pair of black sweatpants, tattoos dark against his pale chest and arms, his other hand teasing her over her pajama shorts. Her breathy moans ring in your ears and you let out a sigh. Of course.
You put your phone, purse, and heels on the kitchen table -- clearing your throat to get their attention. The girls face snaps to attention, red as a tomato when she sees you there with your arms crossed.
"What the--" Eddie starts when she pushes him away from her, hastily covering her chest and pulling up her tank.
"What the fuck? Who is this?!" she shrills, hopping off the counter and reaching for her white puffer coat on the table.
"I don't fucking know Trista, can you calm the fuck down?" he lies through his teeth like he was born to do it.
"You're such a fucking asshole, Ed," she barks, "See if I come here at 4 in the morning anymore. You fucking dick." Trista slips on her knock off Uggs and wrenches open the trailer door, slamming it behind her. You stifle a giggle as he turns to you, eyes angry.
"Look what you did," he huffs, "Always gotta ruin shit for everybody."
"Are you fucking with me right now?" you ask, eyes wide, "You just left me in the fucking car?! Was I supposed to just walk at 4 in the morning?"
"Your phone works, you could've called an Uber and gone the fuck home," he snaps, grabbing a half empty Fiji water bottle from the fridge, "I told Trista she could come over and now you fucked up her whole night."
"Her whole night, or are you mad you didn't get your dick wet?" you tease, "Looks like you're just pissed you didn't get to hit."
He reaches into his sweatpants pocket, opening his phone up to a text, looking at the screen while he speaks to you, "Why did Rick tell me you gave that guy your number?"
"Again," you start, "And I'll speak slowly, since I know how hard it was for you to graduate high school -- Why. The fuck. Do you care?"
"Because he knows you fuck around with me and my friends," he steps to you like you're his prey, "You don't know him, he might be working for someone else."
You step backwards, used to this kind of waltz, doing anything you can to not get trapped between him and a wall. It always ends badly for the wall. Sometimes it ends badly for you.
"He might be trying to get to me or Rick, or anyone else. And since you're always on Instragram posting where the fuck you're at, it'll be pretty easy for him to find us," he warns. Sometimes every sentence he said to you felt like an insult, but that's how you learned to be just as bad.
"Trying to find you? Who are you?" you laugh, dodging when his hand reaches out to grab you, "You swear you're special. You deal drugs in Indiana. You're barely moving big shit here."
"You love to fucking lie, don't you?" he asks, finally catching you roughly by the jaw, "You love just saying shit. You're always tryin' to piss me off."
"Don't fucking touch me," you hiss, smacking his hand away from you. He catches you again by the wrist and in the light you can see the bruises starting to surface from when he grabbed you in the car. You yelp again when he closes his tattooed fingers around you, re-awakening the pain.
"What did I say in the car? About you putting your hands on me?" he pulls you towards him so you're chest to chest, peering down at you with bloodshot eyes.
You're able to pull out of this grip, shoving past him to get your stuff off the table, clicking your phone on again, "Well he didn't even text me so, I don't know what you're so mad about."
"I know he didn't 'cause Rick and the guys made him delete all your shit from his phone," he says, leaning against the counter.
"Seriously?" you huff, turning back around, heels in hand, "What's fucking wrong with you? You're always doing this shit. I can't fuck around with any of the guys I know, I can't fuck around with guys I meet anywhere else -- you don't want me, so why don't I get to do anything?"
"What was his name?" Ed asks, crossing his arms, "The guy you gave your number to. What was his name? If you can tell me, we'll go find him and I'll let you put your number back in his phone. Fuck it, I'll put your number back in his phone." You click your tongue, crossing your arms with an eye roll, "Fuck off, Ed."
"Exactly," he responds, "You just wanted to act like a slut at the club. Don't even care who it is as long as you're gettin' some attention."
"Okay?" you shrug, "And how're you better? You were about to be balls deep in Trista for what?"
"Cause I wanted to fuck. Are you serious?" he laughs.
"You don't even know her last name."
"Oh I don't? Trista Katradowski? 24 years old in her last year of nursing school? Moved here in 2011 with her mama and little brother Trey? Daddy's in jail in Jacksonville?" he takes a careful step closer to you with every word until he's caging you in against the table, leaning in close enough that you can smell the liquor on his breath, his skin mixed with his cologne, "What is it? You jealous?"
His lips linger over yours for a moment, noses brushing, his bangs graze your eyebrows, "Wouldn't've let her come over if you didn't pass out."
"You shouldn't of just left me in the car," you mumble, avoiding eye contact with him. If you look at him you'll let him fuck you, and you're stronger than that now, "Someone coulda--"
"Coulda what? Broken into the Camaro?" he asks, letting his hand find your waist, "I think everyone over here knows better than to mess around with my stuff, right?"
He waits a moment to continue, voice softening into something gentle. He nuzzles against your cheek, "C'mon, did you really think I'd let someone hurt you? Have I ever?"
"Stop," you whine. It's hard when he starts to talk sweet to you. He's like a magnet. He smiles so pretty, he has such a way of making it feel like you're the only person he's like this with. You duck out under his hold and walk to the bathroom, rinsing your mouth out with whatever mouthwash he had left over in the medicine cabinet.
"C'mon," he whispers softly, lips dragging over your shoulder. He presses his hips against you, pinning you between him and the sink, "Stop acting like you don't want it. Lemme make you feel good." "I'm about to take a shower," you mumble, shaking him off -- like you weren't both just screaming at eachother. He looks at you in the mirror, brows knitting together, his jaw clenches.
"I need to shower, too," he murmurs, kissing your ear, "Don't make me waste all that extra hot water."
"You're not showering with me," your voice raises slightly, trying to ignore how good his lips feel when they ghost over the back of your neck. His hands find the hem of your dress, the stretchy fabric smoothing over your hips while he starts to take it off. "Don't be like that. Not after you made Trista leave. S'not fair," he says. His fingertips trail over the front of your thighs, the outsides of your hips before his big hands smooth over your waist and tummy. He pushes the dress further up over the swell of your breasts, bra tight over them. You let him take your dress off for you, sighing when he does.
The soft glow of the early morning starts to peak through the window, that dark blue to light blue to orange. His lips are pillowy, pressing against your shoulder again while his hands roam your chest over the cup of your bra. He bought it for you.
"C'mon, bend over," he urges again, you can feel how hard he is against your thigh. And fuck, you want to. You want him to make you feel good, he's the only one who knows how -- he made sure of that. You want to but you shouldn't, you don't need to. He's so bad for you. You're bad for each other. It always goes like this. He'll fuck you and treat you sweet after you fight for a few days or weeks, and then he'll forget you exist for however long until he wants it again. Not you. Whatever 'it' is you have with each other. This give and take, push and pull. Never close enough but definitely close enough. It hurts worse every time.
"I'm not doing this with you again," you shove him off and he sighs an angry sigh before pulling off his sweatpants and opening the glass door behind him. You hear the water turn on and groan.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" you ask, "I just told you I was--"
"Don't you got a shower at home?" he asks, "Bye."
"You're fucking annoying," you growl, slamming on the frosted glass.
"You can get in with me, or you can leave," he says, "I don't give a fuck what you do."
You know he really doesn't.
You slip off your bra and underwear, angry at the throbbing between your legs winning over your brain for the millionth time. You open the door, spice scented steam hitting your face and seeing his with a soft smile on it.
"C'mere," he mumbles, pulling you forward against his soapy skin. Why did he have to smell so good? Look so good?
"We're not fucking," you declare, standing in the spray of the water. He nods still covered in lather, finger reaching out to brush over the fingertip shaped bruises on your bicep from when he pulled you over to the car earlier. He tuts to himself, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry, baby," he says softly, letting his hand fall back to your waist. Your heart hammers at the word, even more so when he pulls you in close against him. He hums low in his chest when you lean your cheek on his tattooed chest, hand coming up to smooth your hair off your face.
"You only call me that when you want something," you murmur, eyes closing while his fingers trail down your back with the water. You're the only person he calls 'baby' like that, and even then it's far and few between. It's his secret weapon, his silver tongued magic spell -- you get so pliant, so dizzy. So wanted. So claimed.
"You're already givin' me what I want," he says softly, "Look how sweet you get f'me. You get so nice."
His fingers slide between the two of you, you're half expecting him to take care of his hard on but instead he slips his first and second finger between your legs. You sigh into the feeling, reaching for his shoulder. He looks down at you with a merciless grin.
"Such a dirty girl, aren't you?" he teases, voice sliding down from soft to salaicious.
"Yeah," you breathe out, face melting while he keeps a perfect pace on your clit.
He mocklingly matches your expression, voice lilting, "Yeah? That feel good?"
"Yeah, it feels good," you whine back through gritted teeth, already close from how he teases you. Your thighs shake around his wrist when the pleasure starts to build in waves in your lower belly. "You want me to use my tongue? Taste you?" he asks, a little hitch in your breath answers for him. He likes asking you so plainly 'cause that little blush you get drives him insane. He smiles dipping down to your neck, tongue striping up to catch the water dripping down it onto your collar bone, "Yeah? You want me to lick it?"
"Please," you beg, eyes rolling when his other hand slides between your legs from behind, massaging over your entrance. So fucking wet, he mumbles to himself. He takes his hands away, kissing slowly down your front while turning you over. He doesn't have to ask you to bend forward, your body does it on instinct -- pressing your face up against the tile wall, holding onto the inlet soap dish for some support. He bites the back of your thigh when he gets to his knees, hard enough for you to hiss. He groans when you do, taking a wet hand and smacking your ass hard before gripping both cheeks in his hands. You feel him push them apart, thumbs separating your lips with a slick click, tongue laving over your exposed pussy.
"Ohmigod," you gasp, "Oh that's--Oh fuck." "Mmm, yeah?" he moans into you, eyes closing when he pushes himself deeper against you, forehead pressed against your ass. You can hear the flick of his tongue against your folds, gliding through wetness. Your eyes close, legs starting to quake as he creeps further forward.
"Open up, princess," he murmurs against your thigh, "Gonna cum on my tongue, huh?"
You open your legs but he doesn't go to your clit like you expected, he stays slipping over your folds and back down to your opening, wet muscles fighting each other before easing in one finger. You let out a shaky breath as he breaches your walls, hips bouncing back against the digit. You don't see it, but he smirks at how easy it was to get you like this. He tongue ventures further back, letting his other hand spread one of your ass cheeks where he stripes over your tight hole. He grins at the sound you make, he knows how dirty it makes you feel to like when he does that. But you get so wet when he works his tongue there, getting you nice and relaxed while your cunt pulses around his finger.
"You like that?" he asks, teeth grazing the fat there. Your hips pushing back against his mouth answers enough, your hand reaching back to rake against his wet curls. He obliges happily, a second finger slipping between your legs while your moans mix with the thrum of the water hitting the shower floor.
"Turn around," he suggests, guiding your hips so your back is against the wall. He puts a leg over his shoulder to get better access to you, mouth latching to your clit the moment he can reach it. He looks up at you, brown eyes eager for you to come undone -- but he's not looking at you lovingly. He's challenging you, and himself, to see how fast he can get you to do it. You start to shake when his tongue flutters at the same time his fingers curl to press against your g-spot.
"Fuck, fuck, Ed -- m'comingm'comingm'coming --" you moan out, little squeals coming out of you while he eats you through it, taking his fingers out and collecting your cum in his mouth. He stands up quickly, pressing you up against the wall with his body, his big ringed hand reaching down to wrap one of your legs around his waist. Eddie eases in slow, watching your eyes roll back when he presses in to the hilt, holding in there for a moment so you really feel him. He takes a shaky breath when he starts to thrust into you, a barely audible ah shit, so tight coming out from the back of his throat.
He presses his forehead against yours, deep breaths puffing against your closed eyes while he pumps slowly into you, "You like feeling me like this? Nice and slow?"
You nod against him, unable to talk with how deep he's hitting. His hand cups your jaw, guiding you to look up at him. Your noses brush but you know he won't kiss you, he never does, he hasn't in a long time.
His thumb traces over your lower lip, pulling it down and then letting it go. His thrusts pick up when you make eye contact, his eyes are dark, locked on yours. Eddie's hand hoists your thigh up against his hip a little higher, using that leverage to get deeper inside you.
"Oh fuck, you feel so fucking good," he huffs, face dropping to your neck. You cry out when he pulls your skin between his teeth, sucking and biting at you, leaving marks that everyone will see at work later. Everyone will know who left them. He makes them impossible to cover up, "Thought about this pretty pussy all night."
The head waitress, Sandra, will ask why you 'keep seein' that boy', Phil in the kitchen will shake his head at you -- asking why you won't go on a date with his son. 'Atleast he's got a respectable job!'
But if it wasn't for Eddie, the diner would still have broken windows from when it was robbed last year. If it wasn't for Eddie -- the diner would probably would have closed entirely.
"Ed, I'm gonna -- oh, like that -- M'gonna cum," you gasp, gripping his shoulder. He doesn’t speed up, he knows better, he keeps the same solid steady pace — a touch rougher than before.
“Look at me when you cum,” he mutters, “Wanna watch you.”
“Eddie please,” you whine, eyes shining when they meet his. He holds your head in place by your jaw, leering over you while you babble, “OhmyfuckingGod, ohmygod Eddie — Ed, oh —“
“That’s it, say my name,” he grunts, breaking into a smile, "Gettin' me close, talkin' like that." He feels you pulse and gush hard around him, thumb getting back to your lips where you take it into your mouth obediently -- leaving him to chase his own orgasm. Every whimper out of your mouth makes his cock twitch 'cause he knows he's got you feeling good. Every clench around him is another orgasm won -- he wanted to wear you out, watch you need to hold on to him to get out of the shower. Make you immediately text your friends about how you let him fuck you again but it was 'sooo good' so it's fine.
White heat hits his belly and he pulls out, pumping himself a few times before spurts of cum paint your tummy and thighs.
"Shit, shit -- fuck, baby, that -- shiiit that's so good," he breathes out. He leans against the wall opposite down while he comes down, reaching for his shampoo, continuing to shower like he didn't just blow your mind.
You shake a little while you open the shower door to get a fresh wash cloth from under the sink, sighing when the hot water hits you again. You lather up with his soap, you'll smell like him all day now -- it's like he plans it. Like he does it on purpose.
You don't speak for the rest of the shower, just in bodies. You both stood there in the water for a little after you were both done washing your hair. Hands traveling, lips gliding, but never against eachother's. You know better than to ask if you can just sleep here.
He grabs you a towel and watches you dry off, remnants of him scattered on your skin in shades of lilac and magenta, faded yellows and taupes. You wince when you run your fingers over the hickeys he left you, examining them in the mirror. He leaves you to get dressed alone, walking into his room to tug on a pair of jeans, slipping on an old t-shirt and a black hoodie to slip his leather jacket over.
You both appear in the hallway at the same time, back in your dress from the club with your heels in your hand.
"Don't wear those heels out anymore," he says, eyes lingering on the stilletto point of the heel.
"You bought them for me," you say, looking at the ground.
"Okay, and?" he responds, grabbing his keys when you both walk into the kitchen. You grab your purse and your phone, seeing a couple of notifications but he puts his hand to your cheek before you can read them.
"Hey," he says, "Look'it me."
You look up at him, tucking your bottom lip between your teeth while he speaks.
"You gonna wear them out again?" he asks softly.
"No," you respond, still spacey from your orgasms, "I can throw them out."
"Don't do that, baby," he laughs, pressing a kiss to your cheek near your ear, "They can be just for me."
Everything always is anyway.
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He yawns at a red light on the ride back to your apartment, driving much slower and level headed now. The sun was starting to rise over Hawkins, pink and soft -- cotton candy skies after a bitter pill night. You ached between your legs, your wrist throbbed, but your heart was swollen with the sound of him saying 'Baby, baby, baby,' over and over again.
"You want a coffee?" he asks softly, pulling into a drive thru.
"Uh, yeah, sure," you answer.
"Whad'dyou want?"
"Just a small hot coffee with milk," you mumble.
"You gotta speak up," he says, tapping his head back on the head rest while he rolls up to the speaker.
"Just a small hot coffee with milk and sugar," you say a little louder. He leans forward to order, getting himself a black coffee. He pulls around and his free hand finds your thigh while you wait. The touch makes you hold your breath, he squeezes and then soothes, the rings feeling colder from the lack of heat in the car. He passes you your coffee and then puts his in the cup holder.
"Just Venmo me three bucks," he says, pulling out from the window and back onto the road.
"Pfft," you huff. Three fucking dollars? You reach into your purse and take out a folded up five and put it on the center console.
"Keep the change," you spit out.
"You wanna get out and walk?" he asks, shoulders tensing.
"You couldn't cover a three dollar coffee?" you ask back, eyes narrowing. His head turns to you, knowing the streets so well he barely has to look at them.
"Thought I was broke? Isn't that what you said?" he smirks when your jaw clenches. He grabs the fiver and tucks it into his pocket, turning up the stereo -- part way through Metallica's 'For Whom The Bell Tolls'. You put your phone in the cup holder while you drink your coffee, a fatigue headache building behind your eyes with every tree you pass.
"Tired?" he asks. You just nod, forehead pressing against the cool window.
"Me too," he mutters, followed by another big yawn. The Camaro turns down your street, stopping in front of the two-family home you live on the second floor of. A small one bedroom, but by the grace of God you made enough at the diner to pay for it. Your mom still lived in your childhood home on the other side of town with your little brother. A small one family with dirt cheap rent that she still couldn’t afford since your dad died three years ago. Eddie paid your mama’s rent, too.
Your daddy was the manager at the auto shop and your mama cut hair out of your kitchen -- still does. Eddie started working with your dad when he got out of high school and treated him like a son. He’d always talk about how it was great practice for when your brother got older since he was such a handful. Outside of Eddie’s uncle, your parents were some of the few adults to really care for him. They were able to see him for his talents instead of his setbacks. They never even judged him for selling drugs (‘You gotta do what you gotta do,’ they’d say, ‘He was dealt a rough hand, he’s just making the most of what he does best.'). He’d spend a lot of time at your house, come to family game nights when Wayne was at the plant. Your dad would do all the older father and son stuff he couldn’t do with your brother yet. They’d invite his uncle, too.
But when your daddy died of a heart attack, your family didn't really know what to do. Things had always been 'almost comfortable' with finances, some months going better than others. Money went from almost comfortable to 'What're we gonna do?' very quickly. Eddie had taken care of the funeral costs, now at a level with Rick that he was moving bricks out of state. He was bordering on being a main supplier for parts of Michigan and Ohio, every cop on the way paid off with women and pills. Every cop paid off with money and a threat.
Once he was able to get Wayne set up with his own place and Eddie took over the trailer, he started paying for your mom. At first he did it anonymously, he didn't want your mom to feel like he didn't think she could do it on her own -- it's just that she shouldn't have to. Eddie felt like he owed it to your family, especially your little brother, to take care of the people who took care of him. In fact, sometimes it seemed like Eddie was a bigger pillar in your family than you were. In the whole town really. He'd sort of become the Robin Hood of Hawkins in his own way, always showing up for people who needed it more -- whether it was legal or not. Down to helping the owner at the corner store after it got robbed and he was beat up.
The cops never found the guy who did it, but Eddie had. The new cross tattoo on his knuckles three days later was an easy tell. A new cross for every body he'd caught.
Eddie turned the car off when he pulled up in front of the house and you tossed him a look, "You coming up?"
"I'm tired," he repeated, "Lemme come lay with you."
"Ed..." you started, but he was already getting out of the car. He was doing it again, building you up, up, up, just to toss you when he was bored. A pattern he loved to sew, the one you could never break -- because when he picked you it felt so good. He finally fucking chose you. You were important for at least a day, a few hours, thirty minutes. But when he was done...that's what you were trying to avoid. The ache. The wondering what you did wrong. The arguments later. You follow him out and he opens your door with the spare keys he has to your apartment. Sometimes a little terrifying to know you might not always be totally alone.
"You coming?" he asks while you answer a text at the bottom of the stairs.
"Yeah, one sec," you whisper, waving him off. You hear him open your front door and kick off his combat boots, the slink of his leather jacket coming off and being tossed on your small kitchen table. He walks heavy through the place like he owns it and you wince, hoping it doesn't wake up your downstairs neighbors.
You meet him up there with a scowl, "There's people sleeping downstairs, you know."
He rolls his eyes at you, walking to your bedroom and pulling off his hoodie, curls in a puffed mess when the fabric slide over them. He takes off his torn up Corroded Coffin shirt (though they haven't played a gig in months) and tosses it on your dresser. His jeans follow and you come in while the denim is pooling by his knees. He ignores you, climbing into your bed in his boxers while you close the blinds in your bedroom to block out the creeping morning sun. Your phone buzzes and it reminds you of the time when a text notification pops up. 6:15 AM. You set an alarm for 1 PM, at least you'd have a little time for yourself before your closing shift. You change into a big t-shirt and slide into bed next to Eddie, putting your phone on your makeshift side table face down.
He can't keep his hands off you, it feels like heaven. Nothing compared to this, not the shoes or the phone bill, not when he'd get your mom a new hair dryer or your brother a new gaming console. Not when he'd get you gifts -- because the gifts always came with a price. You always had to work hard for them. The bruises always had to fade first. They always came with your apology.
But when he touches you like this, soft and deliberate -- it's because he wants to. He wants you. You think it makes him feel safe.
"When're you waking up?" he asks, nuzzling into your neck, pulling your hips over his.
"One," you reply. He nods, a soft 'okay' coming out of his mouth when you feel his teeth and tongue graze your jugular.
"Ed," you huff, "I gotta sleep."
"You sure?" he grins, hand coming up to hold your cheek, "I can put you to bed baby, I promise."
You look at him with rounded eyes, pleading for him to just let you rest but you know you'll give in and so does he.
"I'll be quick," he mumbles, face getting closer to yours. Your noses brush, eyes bursting open and fluttering closed again when you feel his soft full lips press against yours. This is how he always wins. Giving you just enough to skate by, but taking all you have to give him.
His tongue takes no time to push past your lips, kissing you deep and slow while he climbs on top of you. If you didn't know him, you'd swear he was in love by the way he carefully presses your thighs up against your chest, the way his fingers wrap in your hair, the grunt he lets out when he pushes into you. Quiet and confident, he slams into you, covering your mouth as to not wake the neighbors. And it did put you to bed -- you were both completely worn out when he was done, so much so that he didn't move out of your sleepy hold over his chest.
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He heard you click off your alarm when you woke up, going back to sleep when you started the shower. Eleven minutes later it went off again and the fuse in his chest was lit. He lifted his head up with half asleep eyes, brows furrowed and angry. Why didn't you know how to turn off a fucking alarm?
"Fucking Christ," he mumbles, flipping your phone over and hitting 'stop' instead of 'snooze', his eyes linger on your home screen for a moment. He puts the phone down and crawls out of bed, the shower in the bathroom coming to a stop. He gets dressed again: jeans, t-shirt, hoodie, socks. He checks his own phone, still hanging out in his pants pocket. Three of the girls he met last night left multiple texts earlier this morning. He couldn't remember their names if he tried. Jess and Shauna sent 'thank yous' for the tips, telling him that two of the new girls want to meet him so they can buy -- followed by multiple snowflake emojis. A missed call from Rick, but no follow up message which meant the call wasn't important.
You pad into the room, hair wet and back in your pajamas, while he scrolls through his notifications.
"I gotta go," he says, not looking at you, "Heading to Rick's for something."
"Okay," you nod, pulling your dress and apron out for the diner -- they liked the old school style there. The owner never really got out of the 60s. He steps out and pulls on his jacket in the kitchen, following him to pass him his watch. He puts it back on without saying thank you.
You reach out to hug him goodbye and he placates you with a one armed squeeze, texting someone back when he does. When you lean in to kiss him goodbye, he leans back -- looking at you quizically.
"Hey, no," he says, shaking his head with a little laugh, "C'mon, you knew what this was."
"Oh," you whisper, heart shattering, the familiar sting of his rejection sweeping over you in icy waves, "Yeah, sorry."
"I'll talk to you later," he says, shimmying out of your hug. You hear him leave, the Camaro revving loud before he pulled onto the street, the hum of his music muffled from behind the windows. You swallow the tears building in your chest and nose. How could you have been so stupid? Of course it didn't mean anything.
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Eddie pulls into a McDonald's drive-thru to get lunch, cigarette held loosely between his lips while he lights it. He rubs his eyes in the parking lot, the icy white of the sky was blinding. He leans back in his seat, scrolling through his recent calls to call Gareth.
"You better be fucking awake, man," he mutters to himself.
"'Sup," Gareth's voice flows through the speakers of the Camaro, "You good?"
"Where's your roommate been the last couple weeks? Who's he been hangin' out with?" Eddie asks with edge.
"I don't know, man. His friends? We don't talk," Gare responds, "Why?"
"Find out and get back to me," he says, "Before I gotta find out myself."
"Yeah, that's fine. You sure you're good? You sound pissed."
"I'm not pissed," Eddie says, he was pissed, "Just find out where he's been and who he's talking to."
He hangs up, seeing a message from you -- something along the lines of: sorry for thinking too far into it again, have a good day. He takes a deep breath, igorning your message, and puts his music back on, eating in silence while he watches a show on his phone. He didn't really have to go to Rick's, there was a bigger reason he had to leave your apartment.
He had to find out why the fuck Steve Harrington been texting you since five o'clock this morning.
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starlight-artbby · 1 month
We got the Summers Family acting like an actual Family. I love how Kurt gave Jean the best advice like literally Kurt gives everyone the advice they so desperately need. Seeing Scott and Nathan fist bump to also gave me life. I also love when Jean talks about Maddie like I deeply believe Jean saw her as a sister but just didn't know how exactly to reach out when she went through so much.
Also can I talk about how much I love Jean being all Motherly?!?! Like telling Nathan to put on his seatbelt and putting it on for him. Then Scott also being dad and a good husband saying stuff like Nathan, Jean Run! Like ooh those two were finally acting like a family and I am so here for it.
Need more of the Summers Family I fear.
I literally hate Bastion so much already. Like how are you as a Mutant, basically getting rid of your kind? Not to mention Magneto starting war?!?! I could never blame him. Like he literally knew how ostracized Mutants would be from day one.
I also love how Kurt was ready to Kill fro Rogue in an instant. He literally would do anything for his sister and I love him for it .
Now hoo... Roberto's mother done pissed me off. So many parents would rather save face than protect their children. The hurt in his eyes when his mother didn't believe him broke my heart. Can we also talk about how Jubilee literally suicide jumped off that building even for just a second like she would rather hope she learned how to fly instead of surrendering.
I also once again loved the Cute Juberto scenes. I know a lot of people don't fuck with the relationship but I seriously love them. I think they are so cute. Also Roberto learning how to fly and practicing in the danger room! Like I loved that.
Morph was once again killing me with the jokes like not the Wolverine universe thing. I enjoyed seeing the Logan fight sequence when he was in the air and Kurt with swords was everything I didn't know I needed to see animated until that very moment.
Now Professor X done pissed me off still. Like HOW DO YOU FINALLY SHOW UP!!! AFTER EVERYTHING!!! You had the X-Men take over YOUR DREAM! And then you abandon THEM?!?! Like ughhh!!!
Good news thou, STORM WILL HOPEFULLY BE IN THE NEXT EPISODE. And maybe we will get her saving Jubilee and Roberto that would be cool.
I also hope Rogue wakes up soon. (Not to mention I loved seeing all those marvel characters especially Spiderman♡♡♡)
Also, I love Jubilee's new outfit. And the "To me my X-Men was everything. I love when they say that line. And seeing the faces?! Loved that. I am all to excited for the next episode.
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shywritersblog · 7 months
Here are 100 random quotes from Asmodeus!
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Sourced from the OM! Wiki, chats, devilgram, screenshots I found, etc. I made this list to help with studying to write the characters in character. (Not really proofread, sorry if there are mistakes. Also, there may be spoilers. If so, they're minor spoilers)
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“Oh, my ♡ MC, you little minx! Are you trying to show off my lovely legs to the entire Devildom?”
“But the question is whether you really mean what you say. Maybe if I reach in, pull out your heart, tear it open, and have a look inside I'd know for sure?”
“Then let's stay like this. Mm... Your neck feels soft, MC…”
“I can't believe you would actually imply I was a pervert! I only wanted to give MC something pleasant to look at.”
“Anyway MC, why don't you go ahead and take off your clothes so the two of us can enjoy a nice bath together.”
“Asmo's special cutie-pie kiss! Mwah ♡”
“But now I feel alive again, sitting in here with you drinking nice, warm cocoa.”
“Yoo-hoo, little ghosties ♡ Go on, feast your eyes upon me..!”
“Ugh, it's so dark in here! I can't take it... It's just so EXCITING!”
“You must be curious to know just how wonderful a punishment can be...”
“I'd have to say I'm most afraid of... me!”
“Since you're so adorable, I'll lock you up in my own little love jail so you'll be all mine ♡ So, don't be shy. Come here, Darling.”
“Oh, be careful around my ankles, would you? Too much pressure will ruin my perfect legs.”
“I'm hopeless at this kind of stuff since I've never lifted anything heavier than a facial massager.”
“To be honest, I was hoping to drive you mad with desire! That was my eventual goal, at least...”
“Hehe. Can't move? Aww, look how good you're being! Now, you stay just like that, okay...”
“In other words, I want you to be my plaything from now on, so I'm never bored ♡”
“Ugh, I'm so dizzy..! MC’s the only one who can save frail little Princess Asmo!”
“Oh, while we're at it why not take a video? For your exclusive viewing pleasure, of course ♡”
“I mean, I suppose I could put on a little show for you...but it won't be cheap.”
“..What? Are you stupid? Is your eyesight just that bad? Do those eyes of yours even work, or are they just there for decoration?”
“You want to do whatever you can to make me happy, because I'm worth it.”
“Hehe, now look what I've done. I got so excited that I pushed you down onto your back! Sorry!”
“Help, MC! There's a demon staring at me like he's gonna eat me!”
“And that means something coming from someone as ridiculously beautiful as me. I don't really say it to anyone other than you, you know?”
“I mean, I'm adorable. Doesn't it just tickle your protective instincts?”
“You're so cute. When I look at you, I can tell what's going through your head, even if you don't actually say it. That's right.”
“I'm sorry for being so beautiful that even confinement suits me! Then again, I always knew I was fated to be the captive damsel in distress...”
“Like, first I imagine a beautiful man and a beautiful woman. And then I picture us doing ALL sorts of naughty things to each other!”
“And then they had to do the walk of shame! ♡”
“Oh, you might be right! The runny makeup look can be kind of sexy!”
“I'll go ahead and watch you. Just in case you have any trouble changing clothes.”
“Hmmm? Like what? Mammon, you'd better get your mind out of the gutter ♡”
“I mean, here I am, right next to you, still wet from my bath. You really don't feel anything?”
“Ugh, I'm ready to die of boredom! So, come on! Dance for me. I can't wait to see what you can do!”
“That's our sexy Solomon ♡ See, I knew you could do it if you tried!”
“Really, you're just flowers. Listen to you bragging about how beautiful you are...it's kind of embarrassing.”
“Ooh, are you trying to figure out where WE should go on a romantic getaway?! Aw, muffin! You don't need to beat around the bush for that kind of thing! You can be honest!”
“Huh? You're my little dove from earlier, aren't you? MC, was it?”
“That's probably my pheromones ♡”
“You're the best, MC! Your dazzling smile has the power to woo every demon in the Devildom ♡”
“Whaaat, you're still alive? Well that's boring...”
“But first, I want you to know exactly what it is that threatens to rend a delicate heart such as mine to ribbons. So be sure to pay attention, love. Nothing makes me angrier than being ignored. Truly.”
“All of the eyes are on me, I charmed all of them! Just look at me! It's a sin to be this perfect!”
“Mmmfm… gonna take everyone prisoner… mm...”
“When I first heard that we'd be shooting each other with squirt guns and getting wet, I found the whole thing kind of stupid. But it also involved coming up with plans to drive your opponents into a corner and anticipating their moves... which I found pretty enjoyable.”
“If I were like Lord Diavolo, I could have any demon or human I wanted.”
“Aaaah, this is where I belong. Sitting on a throne!”
“Surely, tempting humans is what demons are all about?”
“And next time, you're welcome to be even bolder. I want your scent all over my clothes.”
“Oh my gosh! Even from behind, I am such a snack!”
“Ooh, I know exactly what you mean! It's like, you can't help but want to lie down together on a bed or a sofa and do all sorts of naughty things-“
“Butlers, you see...their services extend into the night, as well.”
“Aaah, I've never tried rope play before, but I think I like it ♡”
“That's a rather...traditional approach. I would've just seduced him.”
“There's just something nice about being completely overpowered and brought to submission like that, you know?!”
“Right now, I'm totally hooked on this exercise where I blow up balloons to strengthen my facial muscles. Do you wanna give it a try?”
“Filth? You should know that eroticism is a valid form of art.”
“I mean, I wrapped him in chains like you said, but l've got such soft, beautiful, tender hands. They aren't suited for such a rough job. Really, you should've known that…”
“Hehe. Lies are like accessories, hun.”
“But, I'd sure feel better if you came and comforted me. I mean, I'm aaaaall alone in my room right now. If you don't come over, I'll probably start crying on account of how lonely I am.”
“Let's meet in my room when the party is over. We can have our very own Valentine's Day afterparty, just the two of us ♡”
“I'm in desperate need of stimulation to my senses!”
“To think that even Mister Stiff and Serious Angel here is feeling his heart skip a beat...I love it! ♡”
“What the movie lacks is sexiness! Shall we add more revealing scenes, like me in a swimsuit?”
“...Ummm, is this some sort of joke? You look like a chicken in heat.”
“Oh, but with you it's different, MC! I only want to do your nails as an excuse to flirt ♡”
“Oh, how exciting! Better get back snug under the covers and wait for my impending arousal ♡”
“Yes, I do. I love butts!”
“It would be ideal if we were both au naturel, honestly...”
“Ahh, I feel so graceful when i'm shooting ♡”
“I left a dying message with lipstick, so you better catch the culprit!”
“Guess I'll just have to come over and shake things up for you ♪”
“See, I just knew you'd say that! Because we're obviously an extra-compatible super couple!”
“I'd love to. I'll make you look so good, you'll be drooling over yourself.”
“..No one will know if I take a single muffin, right? I'll just grab one while they're not looking. Yoink! ♡”
“Oh yeah, Satan is totally the type to start with the tongue first!”
“Look out, or I'll tear you to bits with my sharp claws!”
“Apologize? Me? I'm sorry, but I'm not quite sure why you'd want me to do that. I mean, true, I suppose an entire country was destroyed in the end, but how could I have known that would happen, hm?”
“Drastic times call for drastic measures. Step aside, boys my sexy dance is about to begin...!”
“Hehe. Trying to butter me up, are you? Tell me, what are you hoping will happen when you succeed?”
“I'm the life of the party. The eye candy, the one who makes everyone else feel better. I need to work hard, too...for the sake of my brothers!”
“Now, now, I may not be as quick to anger as the Lord of Fools, but still. If you don't do what I say, I might have to punish you…”
“By the way, your costume was really cute, MC. Just thinking about it makes my heart go pitter-patter!”
“And now I'm a demon. Which means I could charm any sorcerer, no matter how evil! I'll have him dancing in the palm of my hand!”
“Oh Solomon, THANK YOU! You're so amazing I think I'm going to swoon! I love you..!”
“A scolding? Ooh, I wouldn't mind being scolded by you, sweetie ♡”
“FYI: It's super obvious what's running through your dirty little mind right now, Mammon…”
“Brother dearest ♡ I'm sooooo thirsty! Could you get me some blood, please and thanks? ♡”
“My charm is the greatest weapon of all! I'll steal your hearts right where you stand ♡”
“Ooh, MC, are you on Devilgram and Fab Snap? Because we totally need to friend each other!”
“I mean, I suppose I could put on a little show for you… but it won't be cheap, you know? Also, I charge extra for pictures and touching.”
“Nuh-uh. I'll be the one to win that right! Prepare to be slain in style, everyone ♡”
“I'm actually quite exhausted. So, I was thinking you could hold me in your arms for a little while so I can recharge ♡”
“If you want to experience this exfoliating paradise with me, don't hesitate to join in ♪ You know I always have an open-door policy in effect for you, love ♡”
“If both of us are charging, there's going to be sparks”
“I need you to put some cream on my back for me ♡ Yes, a backrub and nothing more. If you, on the other hand, are looking for a happy ending, I'm more than ready, my dear ♡”
“Oh, is my little MC scared? Come cling to my bosom, darling. I'll make you feel aaaall better ♡”
“I'm actually going out soon, and this fastener is giving me so much trouble. I can't get it up by myself. It could really use a good tug ♪ I should mention that my back is extremely sensitive. The slightest touch, and...well let's just say it will be hard to hold back. So sorry if I get you too excited ♡”
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Number 100 is my favourite, literally makes me blush
I will be doing a part 2 for Asmo, he is just so chaotic and lovely!
𝒮𝒽𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇 ༝༚༝༚
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vestaclinicpod · 11 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 23rd July ✨
This week has been such an amazing week of listening! I’ve found three new shows that I absolutely adore and I can’t wait to tell you all about them ✨
Spoilers ahead!
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods (126) FIRST OF ALL 🚗🚗🚗 BEEP BEEP GET IN LOSER, WE’RE GOING TO GET MOTH 🚗🚗🚗 So glad to hear from you again, Ray!! This line: “the devil’s a better man than I am” had my eyebrows disappearing into my hairline and that’s all I’m going to say at this time. It’s always a risk listening in public, because the scene on the beach made me want to cry a little. I hope in my heart that they’re all going to make it out of there but I have no idea how right now! 
📻 @monstrousagonies (106) the first letter this week made me laugh so much! I was fully expecting the ‘moocher’ to be a brownie or someone like that, so it was a fun surprise to hear of a demonic midnight snacker! I may have to use that excuse when my baked goods don’t turn out so baked or good . . .  
🎞  Tiny Terrors (021) What a welcome VA jumpscare from Mx Wellman!! I loved the story (I, too, would feed the mega-toad to make it happy) but the surrounding footage was really creepy... I sure hope the gang goes to investigate the Riverside Institute. What’s the worst that could happen?? 👀
🌍 OOH the most recent episode of @lastechoespod was genuinely empowering! The political pressure the Archivist is under seems to have ramped up this ep, and reading @skyfullofpods’s thoughts on it last week makes me want to listen to it all again with fresh ears! 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula What a great week! Alasdair Stuart nails it as the Captain of the Demeter. His voice in the first ep is the calm surface of the sea, hiding the teeming mass of life and death below. The Renfield arc honestly unsettles me so much, but I, too, would love a kitten if there’s one going spare … 
🧬 Regina Prime (ep 4) The revelations!! I loved the sound design of the getting ready montage in this ep but I loved the lore drop even more! 300 clones?! And cloning is something that’s happening commercially? Damn. The last line actually made me grin, Epsilon is quick-witted and brave (or stupid!) and I like her a lot. Every episode I get more enthralled by this show and everyone needs to be listening! 
 💫 Wolf 359 (20-22) Hot damn. The tension aboard the Hephaestus is something else… the paranoia is written so well, you’re listening with your most suspicious face trying to unpick it and getting nowhere. I love how I have no idea where this is going but I know the ride is going to be BUMPY. 
🎩 I started @ethicstownpod this week and it deserves ALL the hype. The show uses a well-loved audio drama trope to bring us a very interesting new story. The writing and voice acting are spot on from the get-go, and the sound design choices feel fresh despite the radio format. Most podcasts make me feel, but this one makes me think as well! I really love it!! I’ve been following the development of the show on Tumblr for a while and I remember the creator being so excited about January’s VA and yeah, I totally get it. Amazing. Hard to believe the role wasn’t written for him. 
SPOILERS: I love how the main ethical issues are presented while January currently seems oblivious to the ethical quandary of keeping important information from someone and who has the right to make that decision . . . ALSO Artemis and Grace are very close in age . . . imagine if they became friends . . . and then Artemis found out . . . . HOO BOY. 
🥾@doyoucopypod The first two episodes are very promising! In the first ep, the pod-within-a-pod recording leads to some fun & cheesy dialogue which contrasts well with the jaded but wary interludes from [REDACTED]. I love a spooky woodland mystery and I’m really hoping for a Blair Witch style descent into terrifying found-footage chaos! The second episode really tugged on the old heart strings. I need a Does The Dog Die for this show bc I’ve had Wilson for 8 minutes but if anything happened to him I’d make that Dead Zone REALLY much more dead-er. 
🏴‍☠️ @levianpod This show has dropped its anchor right into my heart!!! DAMN. I’ve listened twice this week. I can’t recall the last time I was so immediately ALL-IN for an audio drama. I mean, firstly, that cover art is GORGEOUS. I genuinely think this show has it all, there’s LORE, there’s spiciness, there are sea captains who are also sea monsters (a GIFT for the wlw, thank you 🙏), there’s a teenage romance gone WRONG. Then there’s the voice acting!! Incredible performances right out of the gate. It’s safe to say that I am OBSESSED. Why are you still here? Go fucking listen to Levian. 
🎧 In the most recent ep of The First Episode Of, W Keith Tims talks to Packhowl - a creator I greatly admire. I love these interviews! It’s so fascinating to hear how other creators came to audio drama and it’s shed some of the brilliant The Madness of Chartrulean in new light for me. I miss grumpy space Jesus. 
That's it from me! PLEASE go listen to Ethics Town, Do You Copy and Levian!!
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
Milk & Honey - Ch. 14
Austin!Elvis x Black!OC
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Summary: Cousin Billy has a surprise.
Warning: Slight NSFW, mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of nudity, Pearl 
Song: Smokestack Lightnin’ by Howlin’ Wolf
I rub my eyes, still tired from the little amounts of sleep I’ve gotten. I stretch out on the silky sheets, smiling at the sensation of them gliding along my skin. The door shuts and I peek my eyes open.
I watch as Elvis strides to the bathroom, walking past at least 3 places he’s had me bent over in the past few hours alone. “Mmm, I missed you, baby.” I moan out, stretching myself across the pillows again, before turning over to faceplant into one.
“Only been gone for 3 minutes.” He chuckles, poking his head around the corner. “But I missed you too.” He blows me a kiss, and with a wink, he goes back to brushing his teeth. “Mama insists you stay for dinner. Says Billy’s got some surprise for everyone and she’d love for you to be ‘part of it.” He says sloppily while he scrubs his teeth.
I giggle. “‘Course I will.” I hug the pillow into my chest, resting my chin on it. “Imma little nervous though.” I admit.
He spits, before killing the lights and coming back into the room with me. “Why, baby?” He asks, confused, sex still glowing behind his eyes.
I bite my lip. “Well, it felt weird listening to you talk about stuff with your mama the other day.”
He furrows his brows, walking over to the bed. “Whaddya mean, Bumble?”
I shrug nervously, sitting up, to now cling onto the blanket. “About the Colonel and movies and all that other stuff. You don’t never talk to me about that. I didn’t even know you had so much on your plate. I just…wanna be an ear for you. I dunno, it just made me feel kinda…worthless. Like there’s a whole side of you I don’t know nothing about.” I hesitantly look up to see his reaction, hoping he wouldn’t be upset.
He sits on the edge of the bed at my feet. “Baby, I ain’t gonna talk business to ya. I wanna save you from that part of my life. It can be boring and downright cruel. I don’t want you all tangled up in it. Gotta keep my angel innocent.” He rubs my inner thigh through the blanket, attempting to sneak it from my grasp.
I laugh, yanking it back up, covering my bare body. “Innocent, huh? Elvis, we just got done.” He groans, plopping his head down into my lap. “How are you gonna manage without me tonight? Think you’ll make it through the night when I finally go back home?”
“I’ll just have to dream about you to keep me satisfied.” He mumbles into the comforter.
“Unless you wanna come to my house.” I offer only half joking.
“Nuh uh, baby, your daddy’ll shoot me dead as night.”
I laugh, playing with his hair. Just then the sound of a howling man faintly comes through his radio speaker.
He jumps up in excitement upon hearing this, causing me to jump at the sudden movement. “You remember when your mama and my daddy used to say the blues was devil music?” I nod, eyebrow raised, watching him enliven over the song. He chuckles at the memory, picking himself off the bed. “Then we’d go to my place after daddy went out for the day, cause mama was the only one that let us use the radio?” He all but skips to his radio. “They been playin this new Howlin’ Wolf record. Listen to this.” He cranks up the volume, the man's voice becoming more clear through the static.
‘Whoa-oh, fare ya well
Never see, a-you no more
A-why don’t ya hear me cryin’?
Ooh-ooh, whoo-hoo, whoo’
He squints his eyes shut tight. “Woo! That’s some devil music, be there!” He shouts.
I giggle, watching him step passionately back towards me to the music. “You’re a big ol sinner, Elvis.”
He chuckles, leaning over me to kiss me down into the pillows, finally getting the sheets from my grasp. “Yes, I am.”
Once we finally managed to separate from each other and get cleaned up, night had crept upon us and Gladys had dinner ready for the family.
We sit at the table, all eyes on Billy as we wait for his surprise.
“Well, what the hell ya waitin for?” Elvis asks.
“Oh quite, boy. Let‘m speak.” His mama scolds him.
The doorbell rings throughout the house, causing Billy to squeal like a pig as he dashes towards the entrance of the home. Aw, I wonder if little Billy finally got himself a girlfriend. I smile at Elvis, who looks particularly annoyed with each one of his cousins.
The sound of heels echo through the building getting closer and closer, and suddenly my gut begins to bubble up with a rotting feeling.
Just then a blonde woman walks around the corner, hand in hand with Billy, adorned in a baby blue dress. My dress.
“Everyone, this is my new girlfriend. Pearl.” He announces happily as if he isn’t holding hands with an actual demon.
All but Elvis and I greet her.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Pearl.” Gladys chimes in. “Please, have a seat.”
Billy pulls her out a chair, clearly nervous and struggling to remember what a gentleman would do for a lady. Poor thing can barely remember his own name. Luckily for him, he had two less pairs of eyes on him because they were too busy judging his new girlfriend.
I glare her down from across the table.
She responds with a smile and a wave. “It’s a real honor bein here. Thank you for welcomin me into your beautiful home.” She exclaims.
Gladys brushes off her compliment. “Oh, it's always a pleasure when one of the boys brings a new friend back home.”
George snickers at her comment. Clearly, it was not always a pleasure, and considering what Billy dragged in tonight, I believe it.
- Elvis POV -
Bumble and I eat in silence, wondering what to make of all this. I don’t know much about her family situation right now, but from what she has told me, it’s been hell for her. I feel helpless not knowing how to comfort her during these times. I can’t imagine having another family I never knew about. What I do know is that this Pearl gal is the one responsible for leaving my baby all but helpless in the middle of Oklahoma or whatever, so we’re gonna have some problems, her and I, at the very least.
I was beyond happy when Bumble wanted to stay these two nights with me, and not just cause the activities we were doing, not that I’m complaining one bit about it though. I don’t wanna come between her and her family, but I’d rather her be far away from Pearl if she’s gonna keep putting her in danger like that.
Since the day I saw her I had my suspicions, but I really wanted to hope and pray that Pearl was just a different type of girl. A girl that was just in love with music and curious about all types from all backgrounds and wanted to make a difference just like me. But now I see all of her little tricks, how everything she did was just to hurt Bumble.
I couldn’t be more proud of my baby though. All this shit bein’ thrown at her and she never lost faith in us, in me. She never questioned my loyalty or felt weak to Pearl, and instead she’s been standing up to her like the strong woman I’ve always known her to be. 
“Well, I saw him across the Drive-In and I just couldn’t keep my eyes off Billy. Somethin about ‘em just-.”
What a load o’- “Billy, I need to talk to you.” I abruptly rise from my chair, legs squeaking against the floor.
“Elvis, baby. What are you doin? What’s wrong?” Mama asks, upset from my rudeness.
I don’t look at her, just keep staring down at Billy, who looks like a deer in headlights, cautiously pushing out his chair to follow me wherever I may need him. It’s not until I feel a warm, gentle touch against my hand that I take my eyes off him. Bumble looks up at me nervously, questioning my intentions. I give her a look, before turning back to Billy.
I grab his arm, bringing him around the corner into the living room. Once out of view, he yanks his arm back. “Man, what the hell, Elvis?”
“You need to stop seein Pearl.” I throw out bluntly.
His eyebrows furrow in anger. “El, what?”
“Billy, I’m tellin you, she ain’t who you think she is.”
He shakes his head with a dry laugh, looking down at his feet. “You just can’t step out of the spotlight for one second, now can you?” His eyes dart back up at me unbelievably. 
I reach out for him. “Bill-”
“Save it.” He slaps my hand away, walking back to the dining room.
As he exits, I see my little blonde headed cutie snoopin around the corner. She spins on her toes watching Billy storm out past her as she enters. She waddles over to me as fast as she can in those high heels of hers, still in that same pink dress I bought her a few days ago. She shoots me a concerned look with those big ol’ honey eyes of hers. “Hey, what happened?” She asks, studying my face with her hands on my chest.
I shake my head in disappointment, grabbing at her soft waist. “Tried warnin ‘em bout Pearl, but he don’t want none of it.”
She sighs, “Sorry you got dragged into this. Didn’t think Dad would show up out of the blue and infect the whole city.” She rolls her eyes at the thought.
I chuckle, watching her think.
I swear I’m in love with everything this girl does. I’m dumb for the woman. Dumb for the way she can light up any room. Dumb for her worrying. Dumb for the way her long lashes shyly flutter when I compliment her, and then when she tries to hide that beautiful smile in embarrassment. Those little freckles on her nose, her perfect plump lips I could use as a pillow, her glistening skin, her siren voice, the way she dances on stage just for me. The way she can be bat shit crazy sometimes. An innocent, doll-like face that hides a whole lotta passion and dirtiness beneath it. My god, she’s perfect. All mine.
These past few nights have been perfect, spending nothing less than hours in between those heavenly legs. She’s a sin I can’t stop committing, just left wanting more and more. It wasn’t even until this morning I remembered I’ve been ignoring my manager and the news and whatever bullshit they gotta say about me. Managed to hide a radio broadcasting about Bumble from her this morning. Obviously word got out that I brought her to Graceland, but I never want her to hear what they're saying about her, it won't do her no good.
I need to find a way to put an end to this Pearl business. To think I thought Michael would be the last of our issues.. I don’t want my lil’ mama going home to all that Tomfoolery or the reporters. The second she leaves this house she’s going to face the wolves and I can’t stand the thought of it. Anytime I think about her leaving this house I get a bad feeling in my stomach. I just wanna keep her here where I know she’s safe and protect her from all the evil life tries to bring her way. 
She shakes her head, finally coming out of her own mind and snapping me from mine. She looks up at me, her doe eyes widening when she finds me staring. Before she can say a word, I lean down to get another feel of those pillow lips. She sighs, pushing herself harder into the kiss. It’s only been mere seconds, but things already begin to heat up. She grasps onto my bicep for support, before dragging her fingers down my arm, pushing down at my hand on her waist. Don’t need to ask me twice. I slither my hand down her body, reaching behind her to squeeze at her-
“Ah! There you are! I’m so glad I found you two!” Pearl paces towards us, interrupting me from getting a real taste of honey.
Bumble groans, crossing her arms and looking bout as mad as a small child being told no for the first time. God, she’s so cute. She turns to face her…sister, I guess. 
Pearl extends her arms out to her. “Oh! Honey! It’s so nice seein-”
“You can cut the shit. He knows.” She spits out.
Damn. Didn’t know my little honey bee had such a mouth on her. Who am I kidding? Yes, I did. We’d always practice our swear words out on the mailman. Poor Marvin. Wonder if he’s doin alright.
Pearl stops, crossing her arms with a raised brow, waiting for our next moves.
“Elvis!” Mama yells, her face appearing around the corner shortly after. “There you are, booby. What’s goin on? Is everything alright? Why’s Billy in a fit? What’d you say to him?”
“Hell, Mama.” I mumble quietly, running my hand through my hair, trying to keep up with all her questions. “It’s nothin’.”
She scowls, upset I’m not telling her nothing. “Alright, f’you say so.” She disappears behind the wall for a second before popping back over again. “Can you come help me with these dishes, baby?”
“Alright.” I mutter. “I’ll be back, Bumble.” I say, giving her a kiss on her upset face before following Mama into the kitchen.
I help her clean off the dining table, Billy attempts to stay as far from me as possible. Minutes go by and it seems like these damn dishes don’t never end. I tap my foot impatiently, looking around the kitchen for Honey Bun, but have no luck finding her. Maybe she’s in the living room with Dad and Dogger. The only people left in the kitchen and dining room are Satnin, me, and…Pearl. She notices me glance past her and sees this as an invitation. I spin my head back to the dishes. Look what you done got yourself into now, Elvis. At Least she’s not near Bumble.
Then I feel a finger tap on my shoulder. I hold in a groan. “Elvis, can I talk to you?” She whispers from behind me.
I shake my head, not bothering to turn around to look at her. “Pearl, I ain’t got nothin I wanna say to you. I trusted you and you hurt someone I love. You outta be ashamed for what you did to her.”
“I am!” She desperately cries. “And I wanted to apologize for lyin to you. It wasn’t right, but I wanna go somewhere more private so I can explain my whole side to you.” Now I look over my shoulder at her. “If that’s alright anyway. I’d appreciate it. I don’t want you to hate me.” She adds with a down face.
I sigh, putting down the plate I was holding. I really don’t trust her, but, “Come on.”
I excuse myself to Mama who has a suspicious look on her face as she eyes me out the door. I bring Pearl to the backyard porch. She seats herself on one of the lawn chairs, but I stay standing with my arms crossed.
“Well?” I say, giving her the floor.
She twiddles with her thumbs in the lap. “Well, I got a little jealous, okay? Honey’s got a mama, and friends, and-and talent, and the perfect boyfriend. Everything I never had. She just seems like she has it all.” She sniffles, holding back tears.
Bumble is far from having it all, yet anyways. Pearl doesn’t even know how lucky she is with what she has.
Now it’s my turn to twiddle with my thumbs. What do I say? How do I comfort her? Do I comfort her? I gulp, before my sympathy gets the best of me. I kneel down in front of her, taking her hands. “Pearl, I’m sure she thinks the same way about you. Growing up she always talked about her daddy, how she wished she could meet him. We lived in wooden shacks, for cryin out loud. I’m sure she wishes she had what you did.”
She wipes away a fallen tear. “Really?”
I nod. “Absolutely. Now, it’s none of my business, but I think you two should talk it out. You might find you have a lot more in common than you think.”
She flashes me a sad smile. “Elvis?” She asks softly.
“Yes, Pearl?”
I barely have time to process the next few seconds. A noise happens behind me, someone grabs me, a gasp, and before I even know what’s going on, I find myself all puckered up on Pearl. My eyes widen once I come back to reality and I quickly pull away in shock.
Pearl gasps, covering herself with her hands. “Honey! I don’t know what happened! He just threw himself all over me!” She shouts frantically.
I whip my head towards the door, finding my baby standing there in shock. She stays still, looking between me and Pearl, clearly at a war with herself in what to make of what she just saw. I run up to her, taking her wrist with one hand, cupping her cheek with the other. She avoids making eye contact with me, looking everywhere but at the two of us while chewing on her lip. “Bumble, no. Hey, look at me.” I wipe my thumb across her cheek, brushing a curl from her face. She hesitantly meets my gaze, brow knitting together. “Mm mm, don’t get that look in your eyes. You know.”
Come on, Bumble. You know better. Have faith in me, in us. You know what you mean to me.
She places her small hand on top of mine, melting into my touch. “I know.” She whispers. That’s my Bumble. I press my forehead against hers. She closes her eyes, lashes tickling over my cheeks. “I know you’d never do that.”
Pearl giggles behind me, interrupting our moment. “No, but he might.” She points to the door.
Bumble spins in my arms to look behind her. I peek over her head to get a look with her.
Damnit! “Billy!” I yell, letting loose Bumble.
“You just had to get the girl, didn’t ya?” He yells back, before bolting back into the house.
Bumble drops her arms in frustration. “Pearl! What the hell’s wrong with you? Why are you doin this?”
Pearl stands up in rage, pointing a finger at her. “You took my daddy from me! That’s why!” What I think to be real tears start leaking down her face, but I don’t really know what to think of her anymore. “He barely even look at me no more. You and your mama just appear out of nowhere and take him from me and my family! He loved us. He loved me! Then out of the blue he’s announcin this whole other family he kept hidden.” She stops, a mean look appearing back on her face as she stomps over to us. “You take away my favorite man, I take yours.”
“Like hell you will!” I yell.
Bumble wraps her arms around me, I pull her even closer. “Elvis and I love each other and ain’t no other woman gonna take that from us, especially not one like you!”
Who does she think she is? I already know what games she’s playin, s’not like I’m gonna magically fall in love with the woman.
Pearl tilts her head to the side with fake sympathy. “Oh, Honey. I told you I’m takin you man from you, not that I wanted him.” And with that, she walks away.
Bumble and I stand there in silence for a while before I finally speak up. “What in the hell does that mean?”
She pulls her arms even tighter around me. “I don’t know. I don’t even want to think about her right now” She mutters against my shirt. “What are you gonna say to Billy? Do you want me to talk to him?”
Damn, I still gotta take care of Billy. “He ain’t got no where else to go but this house. I think it’s best I spend the night elsewhere, let him cool down some, then maybe we can talk to him tomorrow.”
She stands herself up straight with a sad, exhausted sigh that nearly brings tears to my eyes. My poor Bumble’s tired of everything happening INSIDE the house, she doesn’t even know what’s waiting for her on the outside. “We could stay at Handy?” She offers.
Is she crazy? “We? Darlin’, this ain’t your problem, it’s mine. I’ll deal with the consequences.” 
She throws her hands up in frustration. “Baby, it shouldn’t even be your problem. Besides, you think I’m just dyin to go home with Pearl right now?” She takes my hands. “I’m not leavin you.”
I stare down at my shoes. I suppose it would be best if I keep her in my sight longer. “Alright, let’s go before any other hell breaks loose.”
Before we leave, I tell Mama I’m leaving and quick grab a few things. I drive Bumble and I through the front gates, reporters and fans waiting for us on the other side. I put my arm around her, shielding her from the fans grabbing and shoving, trying to not let her see some of their outraged faces.
I never once let go of her, not while driving, not while fighting through crowds of fans outside Handy, not even when we made it to the privacy of our hotel room.
I sit on the edge of the bed, rolling circles into her hips bones while she stands in front of me, dress thrown somewhere on the floor. I’ll never get used to a sight like this.
“I love you, Bumble.”
“I love you too, baby.”
But her smile quickly disappears off her sweet little angel face. She climbs into the bed, staring at the ceiling while she wraps herself up in the covers. I twist in my spot to watch her. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
She snuggles the sheets closer to her face. “Elvis, I’m scared. I’ve been getting this bad feeling lately and I don’t know what it means, or what to do-”
“Hey, hey, hey.” I crawl under the covers with her, taking her head in my hands, collecting her sudden burst of tears with my thumb. “Ain’t nothin bad gonna happen, Bumble. I promise.” I kiss her on her forehead, wrapping my arms around her. She buries her head into my chest, sniffling away her troubles. “It’s you and me against the world.”
But really, I ain’t so sure myself. I been getting the same bad feeling, like somethings gonna happen, but I don’t wanna think about it. I won’t let nothin happen. As long as I have her, and as long as she has me, everything will be alright.
She falls asleep in my arms, her warm breath tickling down my chest every other second. I leave another kiss on top of her head, before getting some shut eye myself. Though it’s not long before I’m woken back up by a loud bang shooting across the room.
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rosaadiazs · 2 months
ooh it’s been a while since I read the hoo books/kept up with the new releases! What’s up with that series? Is it not very good ://
okay so this got a little long sorry about that😭
pjo was good.. but after pjo.. well the books had problematic elements
mainly hoo.. piper was pretty problematic bc she was all not like other girls and stuff and like rick literally compared her and hazel's skin to chocolate and shit?? (or it was some other brown coloured food idk I forgot) and there was also annabeth's "underestimated cause she's blonde" thing even though 4 out of the 7 were literally pocs???
also the judo flip which the fandom tends to romanticise was really not okay bc it wasn't percy's fault that he disappeared. I am not calling it abusive bc that is too strong a word, but percy was a survivor of abuse bc of gabe and like it was still a wrong thing to do (and a little ooc for annabeth. I literally saw someone say that violence is annabeth's love language when defending the judo flip and like?? tell me you don't get annabeth's character without telling me you don't get her character)
and then there's frank. he was chubby, which was good, but he was insecure about it. but then he defeated some monsters and suddenly he was blessed with muscles and stuff and he was no longer fat and he stopped being insecure which is kind of a harmful image for young kids who will grow up insecure about their weight..
going back to piper. rick clearly favored her but did not write her well at all. so much of the focus was on her and it was a good opportunity to show native american culture except she was sort of. embarrassed of it? and there was this one scene in blood of olympus with frank and her. since the time frank was introduced he was told he will bring his family full circle. but we don't see that scene in boo. why? bc the pov is of piper and instead of finding out about frank's.family, we're in her head as she's dreaming about jason and shit. I wish hazel got more page time she was so interesting. but she and frank didn't even get povs in boo which sucks. also frank was supposed to make a decision for percy that would alter the fate of the world and that scene was such a let down.?? all he did was convince percy to not go with the lost hero trio 😭😭
honestly the only good part of this series was frank, hazel, jason and especially leo cause hes my favorite character from. the riordanverse. not all series' after pjo are bad.. I like toa, kane chronicles and magnus chase as well (not as much as pjo) but yeah..
also chalice of the gods wasn't exactly good which I should have expected but I was excited bc I love the og trio so that was a let down as well
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masschase · 10 months
chase, i am once again in your ask box begging for lore.
Tumblr media
18 and 23 for the ask meme if you haven’t done them and i hope you have the best day today :3
I'm so sorry this took 2 days! My brain just didn't seem able to finish 🥲
Ask me about muh girlie
18. What was your character’s presidency like? How did they campaign?
OK I'll start with her campaign.There were huge calls for the person who disabled the nuke to be the President at first.
The tv cut to news footage of the Boss on the screen, still in her suit in the slightly destroyed Oval Office being hounded by press. "I'm sure you'll get to know me soon enough. For now, just know this. I'm the leader of the Saints. If you've ever doubted us or our brand in the past, remember this: I just saved the BLEEP world BLEEPs. So you better show us some BLEEEEP respect.". The news cut to footage of crowds chanting while the anchor spoke again. "People are calling for the leader of the Saints to enter the running as President- if we can only get a hold of them..."
Pierce, Shaundi and Kinzie meet Casey in DC the following day and set up a press conference for the day after that. Funnily enough they do discuss the possibility of Pierce posing as the leader but he declines for personal reasons mostly regarding his sexuality and his overall safety. Casey decides she's just going to have to go for it and they talk about the angle they're going to take.
She thought for a second. "Is there any chance they're gonna buy that I'm a sweet wholesome Michigan girl?" Pierce raised an eyebrow. "Absolutely zero." he confirmed. "Yeah, I thought so..." she mused, thinking to herself again.
They decide they have a better chance at going with strength. Power. The fact that the Boss is not afraid to get her hands dirty to get shit done.
Unfortunately, the media manages to dig stuff up before the press conference. Kinzie was very thorough at encrypting Casey's name and real age (now 25) when she discovered them back in 2014. However there are pictures of her various aliases, her fake age (28, still too young to be president) and some of her exploits all over the news.
Pierce calls in a favour (he seems to "know a guy" in every city and I think we all know why) to makeover the Boss while he tries to persuade her to dress with a little more class, and eventually they give her a new image (something she mostly managed to swerve when the Saints hit fame by encouraging Pierce into the limelight.)
At the press conference they focus on strength, security, defense, and most importantly, finding ways to appeal to both sides. Overall the Saints policies are fairly left-wing, some more radical than the Dems but they pay lip service to the right too. I'm actually planning a post on this press conference soon; initially I was going to write it as a transcript but I find it way, way more interesting as a fully written piece because Casey's thoughts and feelings during in make it far more interesting. Here's a snippet.
"Yeah, sure, maybe I have been a little intense at times. But I'm not a violent person.". Hoo boy, that was hard to say with a straight face. All politicians lied though, right? She bit her lip a little but managed to compose herself a little. "I am not an attacker. I'm a defender, and I will stop at nothing to defend my country. I will kick terrorism's ass. I will beat poverty into submission. I will put a bullet in the gun violence in this country.". Ooh, she still really liked that part. She looked around at the approving crowd. "As for the most marginalised in our society... if you are downed... I will Pick. You. Back. Up. Again."
It's all ridiculously cheesy to be honest, but what else did you expect? The speech was written primarily by Pierce but with input from the other three (a bullet in gun violence was Shaundi's idea which means it was actually iamkinzie's idea in our rp) and Casey did ad-lib the odd part. She manages to deal with questions fairly well at the end, though the final one basically refers to her being spotted with women so she makes the decision to come out as bi and takes a clear pro LGBTQ+ stance (I can really see this appealing to some of the disillusioned Bernie Sanders fans). She relies on more platitudes to balance this out.
"If you have any kind of issue with this, I urge you to try and remember what country we are in. I want to ask you what freedom-" she emphasised. "'-means to you. Because the last I checked... this was America."
Cringe cringe. Yes a lot of this probably wouldn't work in real life. But c'mon guys she's a fucking Saints Row IV Boss. At times her tumblr version reaches full cartoon character. She had to win somehow, I'm just rationalising that the best I can. 🤣
The Saints were doing well for an independent, but overall it wasn't enough to swing things, even as late as mid-2016. They also still needed to do something about the age on the constitution. This is where the 4th July party came in. This is where the Saints manage to gain much of the support and investment needed to get the age changed as well as step up their campaigns for a greater share of votes.
This is also the same time the fake relationship for the media between Casey and Pierce began. The idea was to present it as a "we can't be public with this because of our work but awww we're secretly in love 👉👈" thing to cover up Pierce's then-closeted queerness and Casey's promiscuity, and they had relative success with it tbh.
I think it was never a dead cert, but once the amendment passed, it sent a very clear message they were likely to win. There was still a little uncertainty right up until Novemver. But they just about scraped the win.(woooo fuck Trump!)
The actual presidency? I think she was competent enough actually, at least with the team she had around her. I don't imagine the promised vision came around overnight, but they were getting there. Trouble was, she stopped giving a fuck about her public image. She started dressing more like herself, giving less of a fuck about speeches, put less effort into covering up the drinking, drugs and sex. Kind of leading into what we see in IV with the really low approval ratings.
Casey would not have gotten a second term. In the unlikely event she did, Pierce had already resigned effective then (he's already made it clear he's not her second in command anymore, and Kinzie and Oleg would've probably would've left together too.
If anything, this was why she had to spend much of Saints Row IV earning back her friends' respect.
23. How did you structure the series’ timeline for your character?
Ooh so I don't know if this means what is the timeline or why I chose the timeline? I have answered an ask on this before but I can't find the link and I love my timeline so always happy to talk about it 😊
2006: Saints Row, spread across the summer probably June-Aug/Sept? Obviously SRIV says "the Saints made themselves known to the world in 2006" or something to that effect, obviously the game came out in 2006 and I just think it is mostly agreed that's when that took place
2011: Saints Row 2, July/Aug to Oct. I can't see the coma being exactly 5 years and this too seems to take place over the summer. Fairly easy decision, I didn't use any particular dates from the game I don't think.
2012-2014: Saints rise to fame.
2014: Saints Row the Third: September-December. In-game news reports span autumn/winter.
2015: SRIV Zero Saints Thirty/disabling of the nuke. Probably around September/October time. This is when the presidential campaign starts. I decided on the date because SRTT dlc stuff is apparently the first half of 2015, and just to make the other dates work.
2016: Main past section of my fanfic in June/July. Casey elected President, November obviously. I think maybe it's implied in a jokey way that the Boss just fell into the job but then it's also clear they're still in their first term 5 years later so... really this makes sense and is in line with actual election dates.
2020: Main bulk of Saints Row IV. March-May. Obviously it needed to be before November and I'm not quite sure why I settled on March but yeah, earth was invaded by the Zin on the 3rd March. Just for fun, some of the character's rescue dates: 6th Mar-Casey 9th Mar- Matt 17th Mar- Shaundi 25th Mar- Pierce 15th Apr- Johnny So again it's not actually a full 5 years, but I feel like it's close enough that one would term it "5 years later"
2021: Gat out of Hell. Idk I felt like placing Kinzie's birthday in May and it fit for story reasons and stuff. I'm not the biggest fan of GOOH. On balance it does add some important stuff to my story but... meh.
2022: Start of my fanfic future section. (February) I feel like I could add more and more dates but as time goes on, the reasoning for where they're placed becomes more and more of a case of "because I said so" 🤣
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seaweedbraens · 9 months
What was your favorite scene you wrote for WCWSTHWAS? What one makes you proudest? What one did you enjoy writing the most?
FIRE question anon
favorite scene to write might be percy v the minotaur, because it felt so significant to percy's arc! ooh and another scene i loved writing is an upcoming annabeth fight. i also really enjoy writing friendship scenes - anything between percy-jason, piper-leo-jason, piper-annabeth, leo-frank-hazel, and even that one piper-frank scene. i loooved writing anything with percy and zoe since they butted heads so often. i have said over and over that rick focused waaay too much on the romantic relarionships over platonic ones in hoo, and so i really did my best to give some friendships their room to shine in wcwsthwas.
PROUDEST might be...jason's death, and the percabeth fight scene at the end of ch4 part 2. i tried my best to pack those full of emotion. i'm also proud of the inevitable percabeth kiss scene. if youve read any of my fic before this youll know i dont describe kisses, usually, but i did my best here. i am also supremely proud of the silena exposed scene. it's something that i hope readers will enjoy, since i (and most others) think she got away with too much in the original.
in general, i enjoy writing annabeth. i know i put my girl through HELL in this fic but shes so complex that it was fun. buuuut i think i enjoyed writing the ending the most. i already have pretty much the whole final ending written - i wrote it two years ago and honestly, not much has to change. i think i enjoyed writing it so much because i knew i had to get there eventually. it made me all excited, and that has only built up more and more the closer we get to reaching it.
thanks for the great question!
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eurovision-del · 4 months
Sanremo comes to an end tonight. I’ll confess, I haven’t been watching each night, but I have taken the time to check out all the competing songs, and here’s my ranking:
Mahmood – Tuta gold
Ricchi e Poveri – Ma non tutta la vita
Alfa – Vai!
La Sad – Autodistruttivo
Clara – Diamanti grezzi
Dargen D’Amico – Onda alta
Il Tre – Fragili
Annalisa – Sinceramente
Loredana Bertè – Pazza
BigMama – La rabbia non ti basta
Irama – Tu no
Sangiovanni – Finiscimi
The Kolors – Un ragazzo, una ragazza
Emma – Apnea
Fiorella Mannoia – Mariposa
Geolier – I’ p’ me, tu p’ te
Angelina Mango – La noia
Fred De Palma – Il cielo non ci vuole
Renga & Nek – Pazzo di te
Ghali – Casa mia
Maninni – Spettacolare
Diodato – Ti muovi
Mr. Rain – Due altalene
Bnkr44 – Governo punk
Il Volo – Capolavoro
Alessandra Amoroso – Fino a qui
Santi Francesi – L’amore in bocca
Rose Villain – Click Boom!
Gazzelle – Tutto qui
Negramaro – Ricominciamo tutto
Firstly, Mahmood was far and away my clear standout with Tuta gold. There’s something so effortlessly catchy about Mahmood’s style, and his distinct voice and charisma as a performer really set him apart for me. I like how it uses the little phone tone sound in the chorus as a hook and also to tie into the lyrics of the song. In fact, the song as a whole is really well produced, and I honestly want to listen to it over and over.
That said, there are still plenty of other great entries here. I found Ricchi e Poveri’s performance very memorable with them wrapped in the giant bow at the start, and the track itself is fun and exciting, and really benefits from the Sanremo orchestra, with all those violins going at the start. Vai! was another song I distinctly remembered after just one listen, with that little whoo-hoo and accompanying whistle making for a very catchy hook. I really enjoy the energy of the song and how uplifting it sounds. Autodistruttivo is a solid rock song, the ‘oh-ooh-oh’s might be a little generic but the overall punchy sound of the song is great, and I like La Sad’s distinctive look. I also really like Diamanti grezzi, it’s another song I think is really well produced, I especially like how the beat sounds in the pre-chorus.
If Mahmood hadn’t already been to Eurovision twice in the last past five years, he’d definitely be my pick to go. In fact, I like Tuta gold enough that I probably would be excited to see him in this year’s Eurovision too, but I’d also be very happy to see Italy send someone else for a change. As usual they’ve got plenty of options – I tended to prefer the upbeat, energetic songs over the ballads this year, but Italy will likely do well with just about any of these songs just thinking about Eurovision. Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to stay up tonight to find out the winner, but I am excited to find out tomorrow who they’re going to send!
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garebearandnan · 9 months
NEW CHAPTER POSTED- LITG Season 2 Day 10 Part 3
SUMMARY: The Ministry of Sound are throwing a party in the Villa, and there are some surprises on the guest list… A secret kiss… causes chaos.
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Song plays: Rock Wit U (Awww Baby), Song by Ashanti ♪ Can you rock with me? (Awww, baby) ♪ ♪ Nonstop with me ♪ Can you take it to the top with me? ♪ ♪ I just wanna love you, baby (Love you, babe) ♪ ♪ Always thinking of you, babe (I'm thinking of you, babe) ♪ ♪ Can you roll with me? (Ooh, baby) ♪
You sway your hips right, stand on your toes, and raise your arms after a few steps and finger snaps. Placing your palm over your heart to express the emotion of the lyrics. While swaying your hips side to side, your arm and fingers reflect your thoughts as they reach towards him. You roll your body smoothly and rhythmically from your head to your hips. You maintain a playful and confident attitude while dancing, matching the upbeat and sultry vibe of the song. You slowly run your hands down your body from your shoulders to your hips, keeping it sensual.
Villa entrance: Another jeep pulls up to the Love Island Villa. A stunning blonde yelled "Woo-hoo!" swinging her arms above her head. She squealed with excitement. She jumped out of the red jeep as soon as it stopped. She quickens her pace as she approaches the front door in an effort to keep up with the tall and muscular boy who is walking next to her. He asked, “You okay?”
She had a smile that conveyed both excitement and nervousness at the same time, and she said, “Ooh, yeah, I’m really scared. I was like, ‘Oh, my god, I’m gonna trip over.” The pretty blonde girl latches onto his muscular arm, and he laughs. Not a quiet laugh—a booming one as they walk out onto the stone terrace.
Garden: Bobby cried out loudly, “Why did the music stop?” The dancing immediately stops, and smiles vanish from everyone's faces.
You hear footsteps approaching. A guy says something… 
Lottie declared, “Sounds like a new boy.”
…and then a girl answers, “Babes, this place… Oh, my goodness, gracious. Great balls of fire. I might faint.” 
Marisol chimed in, “And a girl?”
Love Island introduction Montage: Chelsea
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The screen behind her displays her Instagram feed in rapid succession. Chelsea looks at the screen and giggles. “Hi, everyone! I'm Chelsea. I'm a 24-year-old interior designer from Buckinghamshire." She flashed a grin. “I've been single now for about three years. I’m wanting to have a really fun summer.”
“I've got a lot of energy, so I will be bouncing and dancing my way around the Villa!” She laughs.
"What am I like in the bedroom? Oh! Em! Gee! My mums watching, seriously.” Her nose wrinkles up in disgust. “Well, I am quite fun and spontaneous in my life. That’s all I’m saying.”
Love Island introduction Montage: Jakub
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“I’ve been single now for about 6 months,” Jakub gives a flirty wink and chuckles. “I’m into fitness, so I want someone who shares similar hobbies. Looks wise: fit, and I like athletic girls. Long legs and a nice, rock-hard bum. Hair - I love that balayage look, girls are very impressed when I say that!”
When asked to describe himself in bed, he responds with a sly grin, "If I had to describe myself in bed, it would be... magnificent. I give her what she wants.”
"What makes me the perfect Islander?" He smiles a mischievous grin. "The guys need an alpha male, and I feel like that's me. The girls have Lottie, who says it how it is, but the lads are all like little sheep."
Bobby said, "Wow, they weren't kidding around when they said, 'Beauty and the Beast!'"
Beach Hut Lottie: "Cricky!" She exclaimed. "He is built like a brick shit house” (quite muscular). “Of course I'm keeping my options open. Pfft! It's gonna be an interesting night.”
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castle-dominion · 9 months
6x18 the way of the ninja
the ninja episode liveblog
my intention is not to be racist by lumping in asian martial arts together but this kind of reminds me of Kung Fu Crabtree from murdoch mysteries.
Ooh she pretty oof thought that flapping was a gunshot. Oh it's a knife. WAIT IS THIS THE EP WITH THE KARAOKE THAT GAVE ME ANOTHER SONG TO PUT ON MY RYSPOSITO PLAYLIST? (dang there rly was subtext there huh.)
Ooh jazz Ooh friend from high school! Carly. Interesting. Like the other high school friend who owned a restaurant. Love the castle theme in the music here. KB: Definitely not. You are exactly her type. And the last thing I need is to watch someone from my past trying to seduce my fiancé while talking about the goddess that lives in her hoo-ha. RC & me: !?
KB: Please, Castle. You have to promise me. If you don’t hear from me by 10 o’clock you will call me and get me out of there. RC: I am setting an alarm right now. See, this is what having a partner in life is all about. Me: so true bestie.
they LIKE the strange ones Passport? why does she have it here & now? SP: To the untrained eye, perhaps. But what you don’t know about postmortem analysis could fill a book, Mr. Castle. In fact, it has. Numerous times. (Lanie first met him & praised him for his writing of death) & maybe castle should read those books to please permutter. RC: (dryly) Fine. So it was not a knife. SP: Ah, wrong again. It was a knife. But "stabbed" implies the blade was thrust into the victim, whereas this wound was produced by it being hurled into her chest. tbh could clip but won't
KB: Ryan, do we have any witnesses that saw the Great Throwdini or anyone else in the area? KR: Uh … no??? Not so far... (looking between them)
Ryan backstory moments: It’s a drop key. Yeah, I used to scavenge stuff like this from old buildings when I was a kid. I LOVE KEYS I HAVE AN ELEVATOR KEY MYSELF WHICH I HAVE USED TO PLAY WITH MY SCHOOL ELEVATOR BEFORE, I LOVE EXPLORING OLD ABANDONED BUILDINGS RYAN & I SHOULD HAVE BEEN KIDS TOGETHER.)
rehearsals fo rwhat? Oh dancing. Oh that's beautiful actually. Poor Dean he's so broken up over this & still young enough to be living with his parents.
Ryan comes in looking so excited (Ooh ryan totally was in ballet as a kid or smth lmao. except who can afford that? it was either piano or ballet, not both. Only one extra curricular.)
Ooh a good old yucky chair. Also grabbed a pic of caspockett but not ryan bc he was on the other side. tho had a great look.
point, why an elevator if no elevator? Ooh hanging sheets, can't see anything?
Ooh tatami mats & a shrine!
Castle no touchy! love a good silhouette
love slow motion & a puff of smoke...
... a ninja... stole the murder weapon... ... ho ho ho yeah!!! a cough diversion!
caskett: *married couple bickering* Gates: MURDER INVESTIGATION HERE
KR: Detective Beckett, this is consulate officer Amaya Tagamai calls her detective <3 Amaya Tagamai
Good old accents. Shinto my beloved. I really wish I learned more when I was in Japan & in World Religions class
Actually I heard that ninjas don't exist... in the plural form. But there is one last ninja & he is going to pass away before he can teach anyone else ninjutsu because the era & need for ninjas has passed & assassination is not a pretty thing to be proud of. Or maybe I'm remembering wrong. idk. But yeah as soon as he dies there will be no more ninja! ninja 3 the domination XD
KB & me: I swear she just said that it wasn’t that mysterious.
Actually yeah! bruce lee was a great dancer!
Oof ex(ish)-lovers playing lovers.
esposito said karate nicely <3
Castle mixing up two different east asian ppl, I'm glad that it was a funny bit of "don't be racist" without being to heavy
Lee: Look, if she fumbles a lift I’m the one that blows a knee. That's true He did almost catch the cup bc he does have good reflexes from being physically trained, but yo're right he did fumble. But the cup srs broke? kinda shocked but becks reacted nicely & calmly even tho castle broke the blue mug that she likes. Imagine her getting mad. Then castle tries it again with ANOTHER person he thinks is a ninja & this time breaks Ryan's signature mug. then he's mad too. Then ryckett gang up on him mad for breaking their cups.
WHY was she giving it up? She IS mad abt the cup! He slept thru it!? lol
*castle raises his hand* KR: yes castle! Carly & the goddess lol
bro it DEF looks like a tea import company a warehouse. A limo in the warehouse district.
"& two of us are cops" I was just thinking "only two really count" but he was thinking "there are three of us, plus two more bc we're double-powered bc we're cops" but I was thinking "three plus sokka"
*camera lets them in for some reason*
Ooh music. Ooh glass beaded curtains. Bro: they're shooting a porn? No wait it's an asians themed single club. I mean an asian themed singles club Nice place!
I've worked at a place like this. or it looked like this & I worked serving food. Castle buying these two their fun. Love it. Wow she is faking that accent. Wowie esposito with the girls & poor ryan my married man. "yes" "no" love it when they do the rysposito opposite directions thing *pushes her off*
ryan & esposito making each other all. I love. "private time" RC: I'm fine right here *watching rysposito fight* "what we came here for" good line
I love japanese karaoke. Play the part or they get in trouble? do they... do they have cameras? or ppl watching? Also Castle could ask for a massage where they don't need to play the part so much. oH WAIT THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS I was just remembering it by accident lol. CASTLE SNOOZE THE ALARM
je: Do you think maybe we could get another bottle? Something better? More expensive? they didn't put their badges in their pockets? JE: I’ll stay here and... entertain the ladies. Ryan has two paths: "fine by me I was getting uncomfy since I have a wife" or "why can't I be the sexy one?"
YES NO YES KARAOKE. I hate it I love it I'm excited it's a new song on my playlist kill me kill me kll me second hand embarassment but he's actually good skjfdskdlfjsdklfjlksjd didn't kate have a karaoke stakeout with mike Aww mama-san, like what I call my mom.
*getting thrown out* just like that time in vegas. This is not the first time these three have been thrown out. Best table, second bottle of more expenseive sake, three people, private time,,, still tho that's pricey (it is not lawful to remove alcohol from their premisis" KR: you're rich it's fine (tho that's a term or even two of college)
JE: It cost you six k and we’ve got nothing to show for it. RC: Ah, I wouldn’t say that. KR: You mean besides lipstick marks on your shirt? RC: I actually got a lead in there that’s going to blow this case wide– oh, whoa. Wait. Lipstick marks on my shirt? Where? Beckett’ll kill m– (he stops and covers his mouth) Oh my God! I didn’t call. (he scrambles for his phone) You guys. Beckett is going to kill me. He pulls out his phone, but before he can dial there’s a ninja throwing star embedded in the screen. KR and JE gape. RC: Ninja attack. (not clipping but I could have)
(or maybe I will & I'll grab this fight scene too.) Yeah clipping. I love how castle slowly backs away. rly edited voice. Look up idiot look up!
Sounds crazy AND you were drunk (possibly) If I was Gates I'd say they're trying to cover for something. mister saito not saito-san? He threw a party. The girls must have been brought by car... Ohhhh catering! Genius! Castle & gates I love them Castle in trouble with gates ryan oh no castle in trouble with his gal. Clipped that genuinely.
Ok but the excuse its valid!
Oh no beckett is afraid that marriage will be boring! Romance my beloved <3 *the music holds for a sec* How bout now?
I have never heard of cronuts until this show. croissant donusts. Ryan with the cronuts "Hey!" Becks, who took one & then stole the box with a second: they're not both for me! What are they already doing here? they already went down to soho & bought cronuts & talked to caterers?
Hoho, the consulate gal
NOT just like! Those ones are decorative, yours were made of steel! (& tbh it looked to me less on the japanese side of the spectrum, but def not as far on the german side of the spectrum. Just judging by the use. I mean, obviously it is far away from the maleable german side, but I wouldn't say it is quite fully there on the brittle japanese side. Tho ofc again if you consider the use, japanese steel would make more sense. & ofc you can't forget that they are literally japanese. but they are a more malleable japanese.)
Love the way beckett said esposito's name to mr saito. Love how he is so... good at talking. No technically her job is to solve what happens AFTER ppl are on the street. (& remove "dangerous people" from society so that yeah no murders happen on the street.)
If it were me I'd say "Of course, I'll have it right over. Can I read through the warrant? Oh, you don't have one? don't you need one? Oh not if I give it willingly? Well I'm not sure how that works so I'd like to read the warrant first, sorry. i just don't want to get in trouble with the law for sharing private information without a warrant or not reading the warrant, because you're legally supposed to read the warrant right? You're saying it is my RIGHT to read the warrant but not my JOB? Hm sounds sus. I'd rather not. I want to be a good citizen of the law."
Wasn't esposito in organized crime for a sec? (btw love the ryan outfit. stripes are smth he has. tho tbh I dislike it.)
tagami was on mat leave for 2 months! imposter! Crazy! Love it! except the orphpangage will be japanese
Aid you in your quest? she's only like 20 years old? I mean yeah she was dating a guy who was still young enough to live with his parents. To me that looks like a burn more than a scar. Then again, my stars aren't that shape even tho they are nearly the size.
the green dragon wow cool name lol you had jade's bday? she didn't change it along with her name?
But the body type. Was the body type of the ninja close to saito? (also were they feminine? then again, skinny asian ballerinas don't have boobs)
Not wearing their vests? She said behind your head-- you come up with them down & then throw them up rly fast?
The sister survived too? Good on the uncle. Did the brother die?
I REMEMBER THE BUSINESSMAN NOW Ph I remember the green dragon arc now!
Randall: We were property developers. Jade’s father? He was an architect. I was a builder and Saito was the money guy.
He didn't do nothing! He called asked not to hurt her!
*killed just before he shared the name* ah the ninja was waiting to kill him later or see if he got arrested, but he was forced to kill him to protect his secret.
Wow love a good fight scene & also love the score Maybe don't shoot either maybe she told u to get the gun so THEY wouldn't shoot! (looks like a white guy babes) & it's bedford. & IT'S SAYA!
will she get charged with attempted myrder?
Oh no I remember Castle taking out the star. (he's so going to cut himself on that) But remember how in future episodes he has it.. framed almost? In a jar or smth? Ah the theme
Loved that ep! Absolutely loved it!
0 notes
eggedbellies · 2 years
Heyo! Monster x Expert partners (human test tube tf scenario) anon here!
Just some imaginings of possible quotes from the ‘Expert turns their S/O into a monster with the tube’ scenario:
WTBM (while nervous, trying to calm self down): “Well uh, just slap me in the jar and call me Rainbow Dash!”
Expert: “What. Why would you say that?”
Expert: “Honey, I love you but you gotta stop with those references.”
Monster, pointing to ovipositor that just unsheathed because Expert may have brushed against it a little: “I think that’s where the eggs come out”
Expert: “the what”
Monster: “You look so nice and fertile for my eggs~ lots of room for them~”
Expert: “Was that a long winded, somewhat creepy way of calling me fat?”
Monster: “I uh.”
Expert: “I mean, I AM fat, it’s just, why would you have to point that out, and why like that?”
Monster: “Room for eggs? Pregnant women have to put on weight so there’s room for the baby, right? I’d assume it’s the same for eggs…”
Expert, internally; ‘Oh my fucking god they want to impregnate me and yet they don’t know how pregnancy fucking works… how’
Expert, externally; “HHHHH…”
Monster: “Oh? What is happening?”
Expert: “I am SUFFERING in biology major.”
Monster, hissing, growling a little: “Hhf~ are you satisfied, my love?”
Expert, getting fucked: “O- oh my god, are you- hff- kidding- ah~ thing’s the damn python of- hh~ ah~ dick-adjacent organs~ of COURSE I’m hh- satisfied~”
Monster, slowing down because of a knot: “Hrrgh, okay, well- hrnk! I’m not gonna be able to- hggh- hump much longer, I think!”
Expert: “Wh- why?”
Monster: “I think there might be a knot in there.”
Expert: “a what”
Expert, after having about 20 tennis ball sized eggs fucked into them: “Hoooolyyy shit…”
Monster, very excited: “Ooh!! So many eggs!!! You look so good with my brood~ MY mate, with MY brood~! Ahh~ I must protect you, my lovely, lovely mate~”
Expert, watching as Monster proceeds to curl up atop their belly bloated with eggs,: “So… how much are you planning on depositing? Just this once, or…”
Monster, purring: “If I grow more eggs in me I’ll be sure to deposit them in you again, my love :)”
Expert, now imagining scenarios: “Wow, uh… hoo… okay then! Wouldn’t mind more eggs then, I guess!”
Monster, rubbing Expert’s belly: “Hmmm… eggs… may I get you breakfast? You’ll need a lot of nutrition for this…”
Expert: “Oh, uh, yeah! Sure! What kind of breakfast were you thinking!”
Monster: “Sunny side up eggs :)”
Expert: “…That is incredibly ironic.”
Monster: “Eggs is best for eggs :) cannibalism :)”
Expert: “I mean technically it isn’t cannibalism because it’s two different species-“
Monster, placing finger on Expert’s mouth: “Shh. Sh sh shhhh. Cannibalism :)”
Monster, turning their head 180 degrees to face Expert: (in borat impression) “Mah maaateee :)))))”
Monster, holding Expert’s eggnant belly for them, which is now the size of a fucking beach ball: “Eggs!!! :) You look very good today, my love!!!”
Expert, also feeling their belly: “Woah. Yeah this is- it’s getting pretty tight, am I gonna have to lay these soon?”
Monster, shrugging: “Probably, idk. I’d imagine you’d have to lay my brood eventually.”
Expert, now with more questions: “Wait, will they hatch, or anything? I’m not really sure about the whole commitment to parenthood thing…”
Monster, shrugging again: “I dunno, not the biology expert here. They’re probably unfertilized.”
Expert, now even more concerned: “Wait… what do we do with them when I lay them and they won’t hatch?”
Monster: “Free breakfast :)”
Expert: “NO.”
Expert, now sitting in bed with an eggnant belly about the size of four beach balls: “Hrrngh… holy fuck…”
Monster: “Hm? Is everything alright, love?”
Expert, pushing down on the eggs: “These things gotta come out soon, right? It’s… getting REALLY… I dunno, I just really hafta lay them… really gotta… hh… push out this brood for ya~”
Monster, pushing aside some of Expert’s hair: “Oh!”
Expert, confused, still trying to force the eggs out by pushing down on the belly: “… What?”
Monster, excitedly: “Scales! :)”
Expert, a while later and now with some patches of scales and chitin, a budding tail, and a slowly-becoming-transparent belly, which looks smaller on them now due to their growing height: “How in the world did this happen…”
Monster, dragging a finger along some of Expert’s scales: “Hmm… maybe some of my uh… fluids… have some of the stuff from the tube?”
Expert: “You mean to tell me you think your CUM is mutagenic or something?”
Monster, nodding: “Mayhaps… you do look wonderful, though, dearest!”
Expert, lying back, bored, some of the new instincts kicking in: “Hrmnn… I’d look better with some more eggs in me, though…”
Expert, digging their claws into Monster’s hair, now with a new, far growlier voice: “HHGGGH… more… give MORE of your brood to me~”
Monster, trying their best to satiate the literal monster cravings for eggs Expert has been getting: “I’m giving as- hhf- much as I can, my mate!”
Expert, now turned on to the point where they’re grasping everything in the area with their claws, including Monster, who, now, to their delight, is having their face pushed into Expert’s belly by a massive claw: “KEEP GOING!! MOREEE!!!”
Monster, muffled: “I’m laying more of my brood, my- hgh- love! Be patient, be patient!”
Expert, leaning their head back, spines digging into the bed, their tail writhing wildly: “I NEEEED your brood inside of me! More, more! Be a good breeder and fill me to bursting! I need more eggs, Monster! Oh, god, Monster~!”
Monster, currently climaxing, causing their ovipositor to burst the eggs into Expert’s belly: “HRNK!”
Expert, also climaxing, fangs bearing and tongues lashing: “AAGH!! YES!!!”
Expert, holding Monster against their body: “You’ve been so good~ such a good mate~ loyal, protective, filling~”
Monster, squishing Expert’s face in their claws, quite happy from the compliments: “Hmmm~ :)”
Expert, just remembering something: “Wait. Shit.”
Monster: “?”
Expert: “Fuuuuckkk I’m gonna have to buy new clothes…”
Monster: “OH. We could… we could just order them, online?”
Expert, nodding: “Yeah, sure. Hopefully any of them’ll fit me, though… I’m like, a 9 ft tall mega-eggnant monster thing now, I don’t think people make clothes for that…”
Expert, after finally finding some good fucking pants: “There we go! Blue jeans, nice and- OH GOD!”
Monster: “?”
Expert, taking the pants off, gripping their distended belly, running to the bedroom: “Shit! Shit, shit, shit! MAAATEEE!”
Monster, running to Expert, who is now clutching their stomach, legs spread on the bed: “I’ll get the tube, my lovely, giant, bloated mate!”
Expert, incredibly confused: “HRRRNGH- THE FUCK- THE FUCK IS THE TUBE?!”
Monster, running back with some sort of long glass tube with a flared base at the bottom, placing it in front of Expert: “The tube!”
Expert, beginning to lay, the first egg peeking out of their area: “HFFF… the brood~! It’s coming!”
Monster, placing their hands on Expert’s belly and pushing down: “Go on~ my beautiful mate~ my love~ your special day is here~”
Expert, feeling the eggs coming out of them one by one, stretching them out: “Ah~ ah!”
Monster, patting the glass tube, now filled with eggs: “Now for a fun part :)”
Expert, exhausted after laying hundreds of eggs: “… What?”
Monster, setting the tube up vertically on the bedroom floor and flicking a switch, making it light up: “Orbeez lamp :)”
Expert, facepalming: “Oh my fucking god, you disturbing little dork…”
Monster, hopping back over to the bed and stroking Expert along the tail: “It is a practical way to have them :) Orbeez lamp :)”
Expert, pulling Monster into a deep hug: “Yeah… Orbeez Lamp.”
Monster: “Wanna be filled up again, sometime, my mate?”
Expert, nodding: “My mind is preoccupied by thoughts of that, so, uh, yeah. I’d definitely say we should do that again.”
Monster: “:)”
hi first of all I love this and “Eggs is best for eggs :) cannibalism :)” made me cackle out loud I fuckin love these two so much. I wish I was a better artist because I would love to draw some of these scenarios.
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miranimeaeclipse · 2 years
¡Hola! Bonjour! Hello in Russian!
Dang, it’s been a good minute since I posted something madrigalcest related. I guess it was because of something someone said it really got to me so I stopped posting for a while. But then I realized, Hey! I don’t give a shit what other people think! Only the ones that aren’t dickheads!
Speaking of, have you guys seen the trailer for The Umbrella Academy S3?! AHHHHH Im so excited, I can’t wait! The only thing that’s ruining it for me is the Fiveya/Fiktor gc that I’m in on Instagram. God, if only you guys knew the things they said on there. They’re starting to give me a migraine.
ANYWAY, enough of that. So I come to you with another madrigalcest ship post. Guess which ship it is! Nope, I’ll just tell you.
Give it up for ISALORES Y’ALL!!!!!! *cue applause*
I was going to do a different ship at first because I already made a ship post with Isabela in it. But this one is dedicated to a new friend of mine who told me they ship Isalores. But I’m not going to tell you who it is because they’re not comfortable coming out about it yet.
So, I found some A M A Z I N G Isalores fanart on Pinterest because I can’t draw for shit. I couldn’t draw to save my own life. Unfortunately, my parents don’t have that gene so I didn’t get it either. So all I can do is find content for you. IF of course, the artists are ok with it.
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Poor Mariano😂 but to be honest, I don’t ship him with Dolores anyway. I was reading this CamiMira fanfic on Ao3 and it had the Luisa x Mariano ship and I’ve been in love with it ever since. Too bad I can’t find any content on it, boo hoo😞 BUT MOVING ON….
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The animators knew what they were doing. They knew what we wanted and they gave it to us! THANK YOU ANIMATORS!
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Is anybody else imagining 1 of these 2 things right now? 1) Isabela seductively putting a flower in Dolores’s hair? Or 2) Dolores laying in Isabelas lap while Isabela makes her a flower crown?
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Ooh modern style, nice. Personally, I don’t like mixing modern reality with whatever fandom I’m in. But I’m really loving the modern Encanto art. Not to mention, modern Isabela is HOT🔥🔥🔥
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Is it too much to ask to see our favorite ships dancing together? This is with any fandom. I already got my wish with Harry Potter, somewhat TUA, and Gakuen Alice but not with any other fandom. BOOOOO! Now I’m gonna sit here and pout about it.
Or not ‘cause I gotta finish this. So NONE of these belong to me, just making that 1000% clear. I have no idea who the artists are because Pinterest is never accurate. Unless those initials at the bottom of the fourth picture mean something. If that’s the artist, then it belongs to MNM.
Y’know now that I think about it, I wish I could find more than just art. Like TikTok videos, YouTube shorts, etc. but we all know both of those platforms are pretty toxic. TikTok being the MOST toxic out of all the social media platforms.
UGH! Humans suck, am I right? Of course I am. Good thing I’m an alien from the planet Netflix. You wouldn’t know about it because it’s in the Pizza galaxy. WHY DID I EVER COME TO THIS PLANET?!
Anyway, I gotta get some sleep because I have to work in the morning😫😫😫😫 Good Night!
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I am screaming /pos
Your snippet and cyns prompt I am so excited for later parts of this au. Bench trio crumbs my beloved 💖
Tubbo just launching himself down Tommy's throat because screw facing Wilbur is everything to me. And just the fact they have enough trust for each other to do this,,, 💖💖
Wilbur has certainly become a terrifying figure but I'm excited to see any and all angst that may happen =))
They’d rather risk their safety with someone they know wouldn’t hurt them on purpose than someone who literally eats their kind for a living. It’s hard for Ranboo and Tubbo to forget the man who was basically being a mother bird to Tommy and teaching how to eat them. I sure wouldn’t forget lmao. So between Tommy and Wilbur, bee duo would rather risk their lives with Tommy. Course if anything happened to them Tommy would feel horrible. He’d gotten so attached to the borrowers that if he was the cause of their demise then… well… who knows what might happen.
Ooh hoo hOO if you think he’s terrifying now, just wait until later. At least now he has some semblance to morals >:))
And of course I absolutely love angst so you’ll get a ton of that :D
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veethewriter · 2 years
the world we live in. it's so... wonderous. mysterious. even magical. no... no no no.. not that world. i meant this one. the smartphone. each system and program app is it's own little planet of perfect. technology. all providing services so necessary, so crucial, so unbelievably profound. look who just sent me a text! addie mccallister? it must be a mistake. or a joke. or a scam! don't send her your social security number. she's right there! that's our user, alex. and, like every freshman in high school, his whole life, everything, revolves around his phone. and, because the pace of life gets, faster and faster... phones down in five. and attention spans get shorter and shorter... and... you're probably not even listening to me right now. who has the time to type out actual words? and that's where we come in. the most important invention in the history of communication! emo gees. that's my home! textopolis. here, each of us does one thing, and we have to nail it every time. christmas tree just has to stand there, all festive. merry christmas! it's still september, tim! and princesses... i am so pretty. they just gotta wear their crowns and keep their hair comb. we are so pretty. devil, poop, thumbs up, they just show up and they're good to go. but for the faces, the pressure is on. cryer always has to cry, even if he just won the lottery. hurray, i'm a millionaire! laugher's always laughing, even if he's just broken his arm. ahh!! ah! i can see the bone!! ah ah ah ah ah... and me, i'm a meh. so i gotta totally be over it all the time, you know? like meh, who cares. which is not as easy as it sounds. i gotta be mehhhhhhhhh i GOTTA! be! mehhhhhhhhh morning misses D, i see you have the little minis with ya! oh, they're so... cute! NYAH, SO ADORABLE, I CAN'T TAKE IT! I WILL NEVER GET THEM TO SLEEP! STICK TO YOUR ONE FACE, WEIRDO. OLE! OLE! OH NO! OH NO! it's hard to only act blasé. when, living in textopolis is.... just so exciting! hah low good simeans! those ah some shalp attach shays! yes, well we have business to attend to. whot kind off business? monkey business. ha ha ha ha, i sounded british. meh... Oh, that was really good.. meh ? meh ... meh ha ha... what the freak ya doing there, mate? practicing. today is my first day on the phone. oh, droit. i'm gonna be so.. meh. what are you going to do? blah! me and the boys are gonna throw ourselves on the barbie! woo! puh-zow! gooday, mate! hey, koh knee chee wah! sorry emote icons!! oh, I hate knocking over the elderly.. let me help, let me help... oh, my colon!!! ducks... hey, is that the time? HEY, my eyes are up here, pal! woo ooh hoo! woo hoo! right on time! and last week, Alex sent me next to THIS text! huh? huh? HA HA HA THAT ELEPHANT PISSED HIMSELF HA HA HA AH HAH HA HAH HAH UH HUH HUH why are YOU laughing, freak? ho ho ha ha ha! now, unlike me, my parents are total pros. gene, please tell me you weren't laughing just now. gene so help me i swear oh, he was, I remember. let's go see if you can get it right. i have some bad news, gene, and i'm afraid that you'll have the wrong reaction. ok, what's the wrong reaction? anything other than meh. come on! i don't want to be late! i'm not letting you go to work today. wait, WHAT? you're just not ready, son. come on!! working in a cube is an Emoji's whole purpose in life! everybody my age is working on the phone except for me! oh sweetie, that's not true. ow! YEAH! i'm going to work on the phone and I'm only ten! that's because I believe in you! should we wash our hands? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! we're number two! we're number two! see? i, i know i'm different, ok? but, i need to... i can be meh... i just... want to be a working emoji, you know, like... everybody else... and then... i would finally fit in, you know? ah, you fit in, honey. no I don't, mom. I never have. but I could change all that if you just let me! just give me a chance! but what if you get sent out on the phone, making the wrong face? no dad, i'll make the right face! look! maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah? you're so handsome when you make that
face. i think he's ready, mel. meh. come on, dad. let me prove it to you. if you really think you're ready... YES! yes i am! i promise i won't let you down! wow! Congratulations, everyone! What an exciting day for all of you! oh, it's really her! oh, pizza! first day on the job, hi, hi! don't be nervous! i won't bite! hi, i'm smiler! ho ho ho ho ho... DON'T TOUCH ME! Hi! i mean.. hey.. as you know, i'm smiler, i'm the system supervisor here, because I was the original emoji. here's how it works. it's nothing fancy! wait a minute... it's really fancy! you each have your own cube on the emoji bar! if alex chooses you, should you be so lucky, your cube will light up! it's showtime! the scanner will scan you, and that scan will get sent right up to alex's text box. and let me tell you guys, there is nothing like getting scanned for the first time. a har, you're gonna love it. now over here is the favorites section, where you'll find all the most popular emo gees. and of course, you'll find my cube here. whoo. you are smooth. just doing my duty. ha ha ha! what did i say? come on, tell me you aren't just a little bit tempted? steven, for the last time, i don't want to buy a timeshare. come on, man, it's high five! you know me! i'm a favorite! Alex hasn't picked you in weeks. when he stops picking you, you're no longer a favorite. there's gotta be some sort of mistake, i mean, look at me, i'm an attractive, hand-giving high five! oh! fistbump! come on in! hey, ladies! FISTBUMP? he's a knucklehead! literally! look at him, I can look like that! ugh, ow, cramp.. big mistake.. oh... help me.. help up a hand.. oh... here you go... thanks mate... hey, little man, how about you create a distraction, and i'll just slip under the rope! uh, oh, is someone lost? smiler, hiya, just leaving. yeah, you know, just killing time before i go back to my cube in the far corner where Alex can't even See Me ANYMORE! you may not be a favorite anymore, but you will always have a place, in a cube! yeah, in the nosebleeds... uh, i'm standing right here? words hurt. the most important thing I can tell you is to just be yourself... basically, happy itself... i am always smiling... places, please! emo gees to your cubes! attention, we've got incoming! gotta be meh, gotta be meh. oh my gosh, my own cube! i can't believe it... oh, i could put a plant over here, and over here could go an inspirational calendar, okay, gotta be meh... look at our son get on there, i'm beaming... with pride! you don't think he'll actually get picked, do you? heiroglyphics. heiroglyphics was an ancient language of picture forms. does that remind anyone of anything. hello. a language of pictures... anyone? early heiroglyphics back in ancient... i gotta reply to addie's text! what should i write? nothing! nothing? words aren't cool. ok, be cool, be cool... alright, alex is not sure how he wants to play this... oh! i would really love it to be me! beam me up! beam me up! i need thumbs up on standby! oh yeah! thumbs up is going in! wait! alex is changing his mind! he's moving! ok, looks like it's gonna be meh... i'm so nervous, i could almost shrug. we are go for meh! initiating scan! okay, you can do this. ah! i can't do this! i can't do it! stop the scan! i can't, it's too late! oh! what's he doing? he's making the wrong face! good for him, little... wait, what? ugh. abort, abort! oh, shi... shut it down, shut it down! ah! what is that emoji? all the emo gees present, evacuate the cube! evacuate the cube! i gotta get out of here! i'm trying! oh, jeez. sorry, everybody. that is not what i meant to do! i kinda.. i kinda panicked.. are you even a meh at all? uh, who, me? like you are, is a malfunction! a malfunction? no, i can be meh, just give me one more chance? you know what would be really fun? a board meeting, where we can find out what to do with you! i just wanted to be useful, you know, fit in! now everybody's calling me a malfunction. i am a malfunction. even if you are a malfunction, gene, your mom and dad still love ya. i knew you weren't ready. let's get you out of here
and take you home. one day, all of this will blow over, and everyone will almost forget about what you did. until then, you should probably stay locked up in the apartment. wait, you're gonna hide me away? you're embarrased of me. it's for your own safety. we're trying to protect you, son. gene, where are you going? i'm not going to run away from this. i'm an emoji, and, even though i'm not exactly sure which one... i've gotta have some sort of purpose here, i know it. gene, no! sweetie, please! so, how'd it go, gavel? hey, lightbulb, tell me what's going on in there. what... poop... what is it? tell me turd, tell me truth. what happened? i know it was an accident. we all have accidents you're so soft, poop. not too soft, i hope. i came up here to defend myself, but, uh, you seem pretty happy. so, good news? i'm always happy. oh, right, yeah, truth. but the only thing that could ever make me unhappy, is if one of our emo gees has made a mistake. which would cause alex to lose faith in the phone... and then, our whole gets wiped out! smiler, i devil pinky swear promise to you that i will never, ever make a mistake in the cube again. oh, we know you won't, gene. we know you won't! ha ha, you know, the first time you said it it sounded genuine, but then you repeated it, and, and then, now it's weird. we're setting you up! with our best anti virus bots! so they'll, like, uh, they'll just, they're gonna fix me? actually, delete you. but yes! wait, what? if you get deleted, you don't have to worry about department heads, or the future, or lying about being a malfunction! because you're deleted, right? right! good job! bots! no! stop, he's escaped! party time! oh, wait a minute... the air is better here! beer, tea... i'm coffee! sorry... ish... so ish e. my old cube! ugh, pinkeye. mike! my name's not mike... ah! there's AV bots coming! what, me? just because i'm in the wrong section? holy toledo! what do we do? quick! this way! let's go! don't tell anyone you're about to see this. they'll never find us down here. where are we? the basement? nope. welcome to the loser lounge, where the emo gees who never get used, hang out. go fish! fishcake with swirls sweep so you won't cry. sweep so you won't cry. sweep so you won't cry. i almost got deleted! me! high five! hey, what's up high five? they weren't trying to delete you, they were trying to delete me. you? what's so important about you that they'd send out an entire team of bots? they say... i'm a malfunction. gasp oh, you bringing malfunctions in here now, high five? for crying out loud, abandoned luggage, that had better not be my leftover chinese food... uh... what chinese food? huh ha! do you have any idea what it's like to be living large? hashtag blessed? the favorite of the favorites, and then demoted to this pit of despair? here, will you hit my callouses for me? at least you're a working emoji, that's all i ever wanted. well, if that's all it will take you to be satisfied, then just find a hacker and get reprogrammed. it's not that complicated. where would i find a hacker? in the piracy app, duh. ugh. and who took my clear nail polish? piracy app? to get there, i mean, i have to leave textopolis. so? i've done it. would you be a brother. one of the princess emo gees left the phone altogether, now she lives on the cloud... mmm... ooh, that is good. i'm sure the hacker that helped her do that could easily reprogram you. The name's jailbreak. jailbreak? that's great? reprogrammed. i just need to get reprogrammed, and then i can finally be the meh i was meh to be! help me find that hacker high five, will you? please? maybe this hacker can help you, too? like, rewrite some code? get you into the favorites sections? wait a minute! ow. i've been trying to use my charisma and sensitive entitlement to get me back on top when all I need is a hacker! today's your lucky day! let's roll! hey, can i come too? talk to the hand, bretheren. i thought i was... bye, felicia. ciao, fishcake with swirls. daddy's headed back to the VIPs where he belongs! wait, what about the bots? good
point, good point. ow, ow ow, ow... hey... i shouldn't have picked the cactus. i shouldn't have picked it. you didn't even try to get the tree, it's baffling. let's go. high five? hello? high five! where are you? i'm right here! here we are! end of the text aisle. no way. come on, gene, it's perfectly safe! ah! gene, help me! high five! oh no, this is all my fault, high five, I... i'm just messing with you! it's just one of those rubber finger monster puppets from the eighties, i collected the whole set! alright, you coming? uh, what do i do? what do you mean? just take a step through the other side. this, is it. the next time i come back here, i'll be a real meh. high five? woah! are you finished? where, where are we? welcome... to the wallpaper! wow. this place is incredible! each app is a whole new world. ow, that's my face, get off my face, thank you. what is this place? WeChat! it's like a whole other world! oh, it is. what are they? they're bubble pups, they might be cute, but man, are they clean. bubble pups? they're stickers, gene, try to get with the program? this is so cool! wait, what's in that one! everybody's talking about themselves! how does he know so many people? none of these people know him, but they like him, and that's what matters in this life, popularity. uh, i, i think i'd rather just have a real friend. a real friend? how's that going to get you anywhere? what you need are fans! they give you complete and unrelenting support! as long as you're on top. poor gene, i blame myself. i blame you, too. i just wanted to be supported. you just wanted a vacation. you take that back, mel. bots, they haven't found gene by now. he must have skipped town. you mean the wallpaper? our boy's on the run. how about we find him ourselves? yeah, sure. tell those bots to follow those mehs. i'm sure they'll know about all those freaky deaky apps Gene would hide out in. i'm really good at making plans, you guys, right? here we are, the piracy app! this is where we'll find jailbreak. um, but this is, the dictionary app. that's just what alex wants his parents to think. this is called a skin. really? what could a teenage boy possibly want to hide from his parents? just try to keep up, this place can get a little rough. ahoy mateys, look who's back! high five! i'm a bit of a celebrity here, always welcome. ow! loser! come on, follow me. oh, great, emo gees! i thought the conversation just got dumber. ugh, internet trolls, just ignore them. eventually, they'll get a job, or a girlfriend, or some sort of purpose in life, and then they'll stop. virus, we'll just, we'll just walk over this way... hi! it's so great to see you again! do i know you? it's spam! just sign here and i can get you special discounts on vitamins and coupon offers that can save you up to 25 percent! 25 percent? nonono no no, don't get sucked in! back off, spam! it's the only way to do it. back off! thank you very much! you can illegally download our CD right here! hey, trojan horse, how are you? yeah, what'll it be had? i'll have a bottle of... hack, daniels, hmm? maybe with a plate of... cheese, and hackers, kapeesh? you try to buy a hacker, you can just ask, you know. oh, sorry, um, yes. we're looking for a hacker named jailbreak. oh, i know a guy who could hook you up. right over there. oh, yes. patable. no, not him. her! wait, he's a she? hey! jailbreak! mind if we join in? yes. that's the thing about the internet, is that you never know if someone's being ironic or sincere. i sincerely, unironically want you to go away. ha ha ha ha, so good... so here's the thing, my friend gene here has a little problem. well, see, i'm supposed to be a meh, but i don't really feel... yeah, yeah, and we thought that you could help... the princess, you know, off the phone... woah, hold up, that's not a meh face. bots, they're after me! how are you doing that? look, it's just something that i can do, can you help us? follow me. bots, delete my history! i need to wipe my entire hard drive! i made the most delicious cinnamon buns! maybe if there was something to uh,
jog my memory? come on! move! hey trolls, wipe our mailbox wearing a tuxedo! hi, it's so great to see you again! this tunnel will get us out of here! move! get us out of here! move! did that cloud taste sweet to you? ow. ow. ow. help me. help, i'm stuck! sweet motherboard! where am i? candy crush! get me out of here! hey, cornface! try getting him out the top! already on it! hold tight, gene! woah! woah! this feels very off.. and smells. i mean, it smells delicious, but, i still don't like it! the game obviously thinks you're a candy, even though you're, weirdly misshapen, you know? what do i do? stay very still! don't worry, we've got your back! right, high five? hey, fingers! you wanna focus? for your information, i happen to have a sugar addiction, and it's a very, serious... hey, finger head, we have to get Gene out of the game without blowing him up! i don't want to blow up! we have to match up the candies so that Gene will drop to the bottom. and we can't match him with any yellows, or else... oh! don't do that, please don't do that. watch. got it? knock 3 in a row, don't blow gene up, got it. and, we have to be careful. yeah yeah yeah. careful! woo hoo! candy! yo! no no no! don't do yellow! do NOT do the yellow! i said careful! hey, addie! i... i was just wondering, if, you are... tasty. what? um... delicious. excuse me? sweet. hey addie! uh... hi nikki. see you later, alex sugar crush. ah! i'm so over this. Wireless Repair Service, how may I help you? i'd like to make an appointment. it's like this phone is playing games with me! woah! hey, what does this do? get me out of here! ooh... suck it in... stop it... stop it... ow ow ow... it's not working! well, there's one option left. we line you up with the yellows. but you said not to do that! special candies get transported to that jar. the game might think that you're a special candy. and... what if it doesn't think i'm a special candy? well... ah! jailbreak, hello? hello, jailbreak? uh, sorry. what if it doesn't think i'm a special candy? oh, i'm not too worried about it. alright, just do it. gene, gene! you're alive! you were trying to see if i had somehow turned into candy, weren't you? yes i was. and you have not! hey, looks like something popped up on alex's calender. ah, i'm sure it's nothing. uh, alex made an appointment at the phone store? calm down, everyone, calm down. don't worry, everything is fine. maybe alex just wants to buy some accessories. uh, his appointment is with techinical support. well, i'm sure we'll have plenty of time to figure this out. uh, his appointment is for tomorrow. then maybe it's just for some routine maintenance? uh, actually, it's to erase the phone. listen, gene, i'm about to become your knight in shining armor. you are? oh yeah. but first, we need to get uploaded to the cloud. that's where we'll find the source code to reprogram you. the... cloud? isn't that off the phone? ding dingding ding! you got it! mmhm, yeah, the cloud! off the phone! uh! we're in candy crush, oz, i know a shortcut to just dance, which is right next to dropbox, where we can get uploaded to the cloud. mmhm, of course, just go dive into the dropbox and vroom! hold up, here's the stinker. before they let us into the cloud, we have to get past this... firewall. the firewall uses face identification. it's really annoying, because i've already tried to get through. guessed wrong once, and now i'm locked out for life. locked out for life? you're thinking, because i can make different faces, the firewall will think i'm different emo gees! yeah, i wanted to say it, because it was my idea. you know, women are always coming up with stuff that men are taking credit for. you know what, well, let's hit the road. high five, you coming? i'm coming! why do i always think i'm going to come around on black licorice? ah! oh! my precious... move it! sudden death, here we come! let's try this one... you tube? wow, what an original treat, and i don't even need a remote. that guy is so expressive. he reminds me of gene. yes, something's really wrong here. our son is a
malfunction, and you should have never let him go into that cube. don't blame me for that now, i am hopping mad at you. see? mary, i think we're being followed, but don't overreact. uh oh. i told you not to overreact. what are you doing now? i could be in there for hours. hey, where are you going. i think we should go our seperate ways, mel. i thought i knew the meh that i married, but maybe i don't. but, mary? this tunnel will help us avoid the bots. thanks for helping us. it's really, really nice of you. NPD, dude. you're helping me! move along, move it, why so slow? high five, stop, why are you getting so close? back off. i can't stop now, i'm having a sugar rush! i'm going to go around you. if i stop moving, my heart's going to explode! coming through, jailbreak! watch out! hey! watch it, knuckle butt! i can't feel my face! ha ha! jailbreak, you said back there that i'm... helping you. i've been trying to get past that firewall for months! ha ha ha ha ha, come on, come on, the faster we go, the faster I can become a favorite! ah ha ha ha ha ha! woo hoo! look at me i just want to bounce out of here, get off the phone, and live on the cloud! hee hee! ow! what just happened! you know, you don't like it here? there are so many rules here! what is up with that? the cloud's supposed to be amazing, it's full of dreams too... oh, sugar crash. i can't hold on anymore. catch me, gene, catch me! and you can be whoever you want! thanks. we're free! come on! oh, oh my gosh, my hands are sweating. you know what, come to think of it, i don't really remember there ever being a hacker emoji. oh, um, you know, you're taking too much of my brain space, let's try to keep the chit chat to a minimum. ooh, someone likes you. what are you talking about? this just like when peace sign gave me just one finger, i knew she was in love with me. let's go! ugh, i'm never eating another piece of candy ever again... high-five, don't do it! don't you do it! it's already been in there once. don't do it. wow. move it! are my fingers getting fat? i'll tell you what, this bandage wasn't so tight before. okay, we get through this app, and dropbox is right on the other side. we just need to keep it super DL in here. and no matter what, we can't, turn it, on. OMG this turned it on! what? i'm a hand, it's a big red button! woah. no no no no! what's happening! welcome to just dance! follow my moves and you get to move forward! do the wrong moves and you get an X! three strikes and you're out! out? what does she mean by out? digital death. thanks to you, fingers, now we're going to have to dance our way out. which is alright with me, because I can shake it like michael. or michael's glove, anyway. Are you ready to daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnccccccee? this is bad, gene, i can't dance, i got no groove! come on, everybody can dance! not me, okay? i'm really stiff... see? you don't... understand? okay, no no. stop, stop. you have to stop. i see now what you are saying? just follow her moves. ready to dance in three! this i can't do! two! dude! just shut up and... dance! i'm just doing it! hee hee! shamon! jailbreak! i got you! look, just do the music, express yourself! dance? yeah, you got it! now throw some sauce on that dance burrito! woo hoo! i'm doing it! i'm finally nailing this dance! you got it! hee hee! oh ho ho! great job! now you're moving on to free dance! impress us with your moves to move forward! more dancing? you're killing it, gene! nice! take it gene! you can break it! wait a minute! i've never seen that dance before! what's it called? the emoji... bob? i love it! you do! everybody! do the emojiiiiiiiiiii bob! ha ha ha! woo! oh! princess! woah! you're the princess emoji! you never got off the phone! new player! who? oh no! we gotta go! no worry, they're robots, they can't dance! downloading thought protocol... can't dance, he says. heh. hey alex, you gonna dance for us? alex, that's extra homework for you. yeah, alex's getting wicked, ha ha ha... alex must be deleting the app! watch out! we gotta get out of here!
come on! hoo! this song is my jam! high five! come on! let's go! hurry! gene! i got you! gene! gene... hey, wait a minute, where's high five? alex trashed the app.. and high five right along with it. wait, what? wait, trashed? high five is in the trash? he wanted to dance... but, i knew it was a bad idea... i'm so sorry... we gotta get him out of there. gene, dropbox is right here, we have to get to the cloud! and the trash is on the other side of the phone! we don't know how many other bots are out there! i'm sorry! no, wait! i can't go without high five. i don't care how far away it is. gene... that's my friend down there. i'm not going to just let him get deleted. what, what is it? i've always just thought, you've got to look out for number one... but what good is it to be number one, if there aren't any other numbers? wow, okay. i'm sorry, this is, this is my malfunction, i just, i can't be meh about anything, this is why i'm going to be reprogrammed. well, actually, it's kinda cool. wait, really? no, i think i know a shortcut. we can take the music streams in spotify. let's go give that big hand a hand. come on! now it's trashed the just dance app, and our bots are offline, and it's giving me a real headache... i am so angry! i really need to stay happy. can we please lighten the mood? no one can resist la fiesta! ole! not that happy. ow! we've only got four hours before alex's phone appointment. if they find a malfunction on the phone, we are all going to be wiped! she said wiped! aim higher, steven. i didn't want to have to do this, but it is fun to press buttons. the illegal upgrade! now that makes me happy! ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! i just want to dance.. dance... argh! quiet, you saucy gypsy. ugh, where am i? hi! it's so great to see you again! you're in the trash, fingers for brains! get away from me, troll! hi! it's so great to see you again! i've got to get out of here. you can't! and at the end of the day, the trash gets emptied, and we're all going to die! oh no, no, no! this is the last face you will ever see! this is spotify? yep, every one of those streams is a different song. is it safe? are you sure that this is a good idea? that's the point of the wave, dude! can we at least pick a... a colorless stream? okay buzzkill... alex, a bunch of people are hitting the promenade, and i think addie might be there, too... that's perfect! i have an appointment down there, anyway! i've got to get this phone fixed! hey, bubble butt! yeah. ah, much better. so, i gotta ask, is it true that when a princess whistles, birds fly down from the skies.. hello, stereotype, that is a complete and total myth! i'm sorry. did you realize that in the first emoji set, a woman can either be a princess, or a bride? that's why I need to get to the cloud, where you can be whatever you want to be! get ready! whale song coming! wait, wait, whale what? whale song! from alex's biology DVD! woah! wow! woah! ha ha ha ha. you're not going to see that sitting around in a cube. funny, you went out of the cube, and I went in. gene, that means you can't be yourself. what's the point? you know, i think you're pretty cool just the way you are. we're, we're going to need this. nobody knows, the touchscreen dramascene. nobody knows my screenshot... trash? me? i used to be somebody. here i am, in an old email Alex never sent. addie, blah blah blah blah blergh... and then there's me! high five! right there! doing my job! FYI, nobody cares about you. just leave me, troll, and let me die! in this dump alone! let me look for the world's smallest violin in here, so that you can play it! is that the hand angel of mercy? has she finally come for me? give me your hand! i mean, give me yourself! take my hand, angel! i'm ready to take my place amongst the other great hands of the past. it's me, gene! gene? the one and only. gene! i got him! take me with you! high five! let go of me! you'd leave me down here? you were wrong, troll, people do care about me! and i'm not upset, troll! do you see how not upset I am? gene! you came back for me! you saved me...
it wasn't just me, jailbreak helped, too. she's a hugger. give her a squeeze. oh, nonono no. not really, nothing great. i'm not feeling your feelings, relieve me! you filthy trolls, I inhaled your stench, and I was once one of you, so I feel your pain. so now, go. be free! smooth sailing from here. huh ha ha! ugh. gene! gene... gene? are you insta gramming? oh, where is my gene... oh, mary, you've really done it this time. no, you haven't. mel? what are you doing in alex's trip to france album? i was looking for you. none of this is your fault, mary. it's mine. what do you mean? is that a tear on your cheek? it's my fault gene is the way he is. i have other expressions, too. i think they've just been buried away. but with gene going missing, and thinking i might have lost you, too... oh, mel, why didn't you tell me? i didn't know myself. right now, i'm so overwhelmed with passionate feelings for you. mary, my love for you burns with the intensity of a red hot flame. oh, i like it. let's go find our son. together. we'll always have paris, mary. so you're a princess. so you have a little tiara, very fancy. is it true when a princess whistles, birds fly that's what i said! no, guys, that's a stupid myth! what awkward virgin haven are you living in? go read an e-book! educate yourself! uh, jailbreak? what the? what is that? smiley must have upgraded her bots! let's get out of here before it... hi, do you remember me, it's smiler! i'm coming to you live from the amphitheater, why don't you come back to textopolis and we can talk through our differences, okay? my friend here will escort you, alright, i'm gonna see you soon, buddy, bye now! we're actually going to delete them in front of everyone. psst, it's still on. it's still on? oh! jiminy, attack the frauds! seperate! take a look! jailbreak! gene! this way! it's still onto me! over here! let's go! we have to make it to dropbox! yes! no! go low! woah! don't worry, it can't get in. it's illegal malware, and this app is secure. come on. welcome to dropbox! you are about to leave the phone. remain seated, please! permanecer sentados por favor! might want to hang on! why do they call it dropbox, anyway? oh, this is why! i see why now! i'd better not see that candy corn again! we made it! you guys, chill. we still have to get past... that. oh... shaw. welcome to the firewall, how may I help you? alright, here goes! what should I do? sit in the corner, and don't say a word. keep those soft fingers to yourself. yes, your majesty, princess of nightmares! now gene, step onto the password icon, and i'll feed you the passwords. okay. okay. ten, eleven, two thousand and two. ten, eleven, two thousand and two. ow. cough. access denied. okay, try a different expression. is it going to blast me every time i messed up? yeah, kind of. what do you mean kind of? ready? welcome to the firewall. his favorite food. chimichangas! chimichangas? ow. access denied. huh. this might take a while. oh boy. krav maga! krav maga. major lazer! major lazer. what did i do now? ow. skate, or die! access denied. denied. denied. denied. i don't get it! we've tried all of the important things in alex's life! his favorite pet, his sport, his favorite grandma... i'm sorry, gene. i let us all down. now, if I had to come up with a password, I'd probably use the name of a girl I like. i've been all over the phone! he's never mentioned a girl. yes he has! hi. when I was in the trash, I read a very interesting email, but, i'm just a dunce, in the corner, forbidden to speak... what email? sorry, what? what email? uh, took it out, at school, he was declaring his feelings of love for her, i guess instead of sending it he tossed it in the trash. high five, this is very important. what is her name? her name, yes! excellent question. it... was... tina. karen. marge. lint, lindsay. ack, allison. sarah, or, lupita. i want to say lupita, but that doesn't feel right, now i'm saying it out loud. ugh.. gotta find that email, i think i can access the trash. i got it! addie! yes! yes, that's it, addie! i knew i'd get there! dear
addie, you and I, we are like diamonds in the sky. you're a shooting star I see. a vision, ecstacy. shining bright like a diamond. he used a high-five, see? guess now we know why he trashed it. ooh, shade. guys, should we try this? addie! access granted. oh snap. this place, is, amazing. wow, i can't believe it. woah. one little emoji could sure get lost in a place like this. i... i guess we should, make you, a meh before that bot comes back home. oh, oh, so we're gonna do that now. we had a deal, right? yeah, okay. right. i, uh, guess i'll start hacking. ha! we did it, gene! all our dreams are coming true! i'll be alex's favorite again, and you'll be a real meh! ha ha, yeah! do the hand dance. do the hand dance. and pinky. pop it with the pinky. pop it with the pinky. yeah, but this all seems kinda super fast now, doesn't it? i didn't expect to be having these feelings right now. well, maybe you should go and express them while you still can. so, uh, i've been thinking, um, ever since we. jailbreak, you're the coolest, most interesting emoji i've ever met. and, after all the adventures that we've had, i'm just not sure that i want all of that to go away. because, my feelings, right now, are, like, huge. i just think that they could be enough for me to want to stay the way that I am. if it means that i could stay here, with you, like, forever. forever and ever. and ever. maybe longer than that, even? like in the fairy tales. uh... wait, wuh, what is that? gene, if this is about you deciding not to be meh, then, i am all about that. i like you just the way you are, but i had a plan. right. i'm not just some princess, gene, waiting for my prince. i mean, uh, what you said was beautiful, but, gene... ha ha ha! you're all... meh! the source code worked! turns out I didn't need it. for the first time in life, meh is all I feel. oh! gene! i have an appointment. i'm a little early. no prob. i can take you right now. jailbreak! ah! don't do that! that freaking huge bot has got gene back inside the phone! what? he left being more meh than the meh-est meh face i've seen! what did you say to him? it's what I didn't say. we gotta go get him. how are we going to get there in time before he gets deleted? ugh.. i can't believe i'm doing this. you tell anyone you saw this and I'll crack more than those knuckles. woah. birds do like princesses! it's not a myth! it's not a myth at all! what happened with becoming a favorite? because i'd rather have one real friend. let's go get him. i can't wait to see that emoji's face! look at that expression! is that for realizing that you've put all of textopolis at risk? causing Alex to question our reliability? hmm? hey, now that's going too far, even for me! if we could delete this malfunction, before he gets dissapointed, Alex will realize there's nothing wrong with the phone. and any last words? meh. well, it's too late for that. delete him! wait! you delete gene, you'll have to delete me, too. what? i have the same malfunction gene has. dad? oh gosh, i don't know what to do! yes i do! BOTS! sorry misses meh. wow. i did not see that one coming. smiler, I think you might be making too much stink out of all this. oh really? how about you're next? i was wrong, gene. i should have believed in you all along. oh, what a touching daddy son reunion moment! it reminds me of the time I deleted you both! oh wait! that's this time! delete the two malfunctions! How's that for an entroof gasp oh, great. I can't reach! oh no! what did you do to my beautiful monst Ow my tooth! hand, button! jailbreak? oh, gene... you really are a meh... what happened to looking out for number one? being number one doesn't matter if there aren't any other numbers. alex's appointment! he's deleting the phone! nononono no no no no! show me alex. are you sure you want to delete everything? do it! red alert! alex, no! game over. fellas, i'm afraid this is the last call. dude, addie's here. you should go over. every time I try, i screwed up! i don't even know how to tell her how I feel! if we help alex connect to addie, maybe he
won't delete us. i might be able to bypass the wipe and get a text through to him. but we'll only have time to send one. maybe I should go! he has love in his eyes. send me! alex looks nervous, too! he's more shy than nervous! stop! it's gene. he's all of those things! emo gees should only be one thing! oh, really? gasp the princess! linda? not now, mom! gene, you got this. that's not me anymore. but I have to try. it's starting! no! it's ending! almost in? working on it! mom? dad? no.. i'm in! last time I was in this cube I screwed everything up. gene, why do you think I came back? it's because of you. me. it's all inside of you, gene. just try to bring it back. and do you. high five! i don't want to wave goodbye! it's now or never, gene! jailbreak, now! woah! she got this emoji! no way! hey, i got your text! that's one super cool emoji! i know, right? a lot of feelings in one! i get it! i like that you're one of those guys who actually expresses feelings! yeah, that's me! so, do you think you cou yes, i'd love to go to the dance with you. we made it! oh, i could have lost you, peter pinky finger... oh, you wretchy ring finger, even you, tiberius thumb... change your mind? yeah, maybe it's weird, but i'm going to hold onto it. gene, you did it! you saved us all! oh, mel... gee hee eene! gee hee hee heene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! gene! and us! and high five! and high five! and high five! and high five! hey, what happened, gene? slap me some skin! and a little orange for the pinky! hey high five! save a little hand for later! unless you know the hamburger! back on top of the hand pile! you're not on the list! wait, what? what's going on? ha! from now on, everyone is welcome! wait, what is all this? it's for you, gene! everybody! the emoji bob! this is so jazzy... go eggplant! go eggplant! go eggplant! we are out of Alex's pocket, emo gees! this is not a butt dial! to your cubes! are we up and running? roger that. good, because we got incoming! looks like it's gonna be gene. hey gene, ready to try out your new cube? in 3, 2...
I'm very confused rn, is these supposed to be a reference to something I don't know about?? Like it sounds cool but I don't know what it means...
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