#oof ouch argh me back and so on
god sorry i've fucking vanished the league challenge season starts in may so by the heroes i've had to spend every last waking second making sure every blade of grass on the pitch is exactly 1.46cm tall
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grigori77 · 11 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 64
They're getting back together! THEY'RE GETTING BACK TOGETHER!!! Even the title says so!
It's a plug for rings ... oh dear gods what is Sam going to do to us? Oh wow ... he's going SURREAL this time ... and super bugging Matt too ... I'm loving this ... this is one of the best ones yet ...
Laura: "Is it just gonna say 'Sam' for the rest of the night?" XD
Matt: "Let's get on and jump into tonight's episode of ... Sam & a Sam!" LOL
Okay ... how's this gonna go, then? How's it gonna start? Who's at the table first?
Ah ... it's the first group ... okay then ...
Fuck! Everybody takes 18 points of Force Damage MID JUMP?!!! Seriously?
Travis just made THE EXACT same roll ... fuck ... AND THEY TAKE ANOTHER 15 POINTS?!!! Bloody hell ...
Matt says it's getting all Doctor Strange ... yeah, Travis is EXACTLY where my brain went too ...
13? Fuck, Laura ... is that good or bad? Are they all gonna die? They're all SO NERVOUS ...
Landing! Oof ... and now FRIDA can't speak the Common Tongue ... Deanna does a hard reset on them! XD
On top of a mountain? Where the hell are they? Oof ... thus don't sound right ... ummmmm ... not Marquet, then ... birds? Wait ... they're being MOBBED now? FCG: "Are they coming for ME?"
Oh shit, they're UNDER ATTACK?!!! Crap ... yeah, just show your bellies, guys!
A group Dex save? Oof ... and now they're TRAPPED!!! Yup ... that's about right ...
Oh, Chetney may have just got them ALL killed ...
FCG is bricking it ... "Are you friends with Shithead? Did he send you?"
So they're bird PEOPLE ... Aarakocras? Is that it, then?
Fuck, Laura's rolling SHITE tonight ... Aabria's determined to confiscate her dice before she gets them killed. XD
Fearne for a Persuasion check instead ... okay ... 24? Fucking hell ... oh shit, did it WORK finally?
Oh, blindfolds? For a second thst was worrying ...
Still on Wildemount, then ... hmmm ...
The aeormatons can SPEAK TO EACH OTHER IN THEIR HEADS now? When did that start?
Crap, FCG's getting red-eye again ...
Now Fearne's trying to talk them into a free ride ... oh, that's a bad roll ... or not? Hmmmmm ... um ... yeah, I don't think this is gonna go too well ...
Divine Intervention? Oh boy ... argh ... nuts ...
Fuck, FCG is about to ho full-blown BERSERK ...
Calm Emotions? Oh boy ... here we go ... oh thank fuck ... phew ...
Wow, Travis just made that SO FILTHY ... XD
Ouch ... rough landings all round ... argh ... but at least they're free ...
Yeah, those bird people are ARSEHOLES ...
Just CHILL OUT, robit! Thanks, FRIDA ...
Another Divine Intervention? Balls ... that was a shitshow ...
Ah, the rigours of having to sleep when you're not sleepy ...
Okay, camping for the night ...
Oh, so NOW we find out if FCG actually dreams ...
So ... is this NOT part if FCG's original programming, then? Hmmmmmm ...
Morning? Okay ... are they trying again? Oof ...
Just winging it, then ...
Sam: "I cast Command on her ... SUCCEED!!!"
55? Argh ... thump ... night time? Where are they NOW? Cobbles? Smoke? Jungle far below? Jrusar? Holy FUCK!!! I thought that was a CRAP roll?
Wow ... Ruidus really is LOCKED in place ... that is just CREEPY ... yeah, no shit folk are TENSE right now ...
The Smolder Spire ... okay ...
Trying Scry and Sending? Are you sure?
Wait, Deanna's spell is WORKING?!!! Crazy ...
Imogen hearing Laudna's okay and her reaction is PRICELESS, that is so adorable ...
Sending ... a D100? Crap ... 69, though ... XD
Soot and Swill? Good call. Do that next.
A diorama? That's adorable ...
So, no curfew, just tension ... okay ...
Here we go ... no messages? Hmmm ...
Pretty! Yay! :3 Awwwww, ogre hugs, I love that ...
Deanna tries to stealthily fix Pretty's PJs ... and gets busted! LOL ... "Ooh, it's almost PLEATED!!!" XD
FCG: "No, we just came to wake you up, sew your clothes and leave." Pretty: "... okay."
Oh yeah, the lost skyship ... that still hurts ...
Oh shit ... they could Scry on Ludinus? Hmmmmm ...
Oh yeah, people are CREEPED OUT right now by this Ruidus shit ...
Vasselheim is HERE?!!! Oh, that can't be good ...
Attempted queue jumping? Hmmmm ... I'm not sure this is gonna go well ...
A racoon dog? Awwwwwww ... how does Fearne KEEP DOING THIS to us? :3
Oh, so this is WORSE for Imogen than the gondolas? Great ...
Phew ... they made it despite Chetney getting that urge to jump ...
FRIDA freaking Deanna out by talking in HER head too ... XD
Heading for Spire By Fire ...
Big Katari? Hmmm ... DO WE know this guy? He's very friendly, I'll give him that ... ah ... it's a barracks now? Hmmmm ...
Oh, these troops are from ALL OVER THE PLACE ...
Imogen getting some air, looking at Ruidus ... it's still pulling at her a little bit ... a message? Hmmmmm ... not sure that's gonna work ... oof ... how bad is this roll? 2? On a D100? Oh my gods ...
Wait ... it actually WORKED?!!! I mean she didn't have a BLOODY CLUE, but still ...
Chetney trying to chat up the soldiers for some info ... XD
Fearne's STILL a raccoon dog ... :3 And she's being snoopy. Here we go ... begging for bacon. XD It worked! Now she's eavesdropping. General anxiety ... hmmmm ...
Imogen's not a big drinker ... makes sense ... wait ... is FRIDA trying to give her LOVE ADVICE?!!! And is FCG getting TOTALLY the wrong idea? XD
Wait, cliffhanger AND going to break? What? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!!!
We're back ... and I heard MARISHA LAUGH!!! Oooooooh ... NO!!! Bor'Dor WAS NOT a friend!
What the fuck is Prism doing? Aaaaah! Crap ... oh, this is gonna be a mad mess ... dear gods ... what?
Orym's trying a desperate save ... well, if ANYBODY can ... 18 Dex Save? Grabs her tush, but still ... yeah, that KINDA worked ...
So Prism kinda made a bit of a tit of herself bur it's mostly just adorable ...
Nice place ... and it IS a public place, at least ...
Ah yeah, Ruidus again ...
Starpoint Conservatory ... yeah, that's a smart call for Prism.
Ashton: "Yeah, the first trick is not TELLING people that you're lying."
Ah, more Beau-bashing, that's adorably meta ...
Prism has an EIGHT PACK of abs ... "Welcome to the library, bitch!" Oh my gods ...
Where to first? Breakfast ... yes. That's a good idea ... almost as if it's fated? XD
Wow! An actual WORKING gondola! Lucky ...
Ah yes, the tension again ... hmmmmm ...
Here we go ... and Laudna being creepy again ... XD
A "dirty little spell that old Prism would never have taken"? Friends? Okay ... sneaky ...
Oh yeah, the return of the survey ... LOL
Prism: "Can I send Mother after him?" Taliesin: "Just hound him to his grave." XD
ALL of Marisha's PCs have a beef with postal workers, it would seem ...
Oh yeah, the Lumas Twins! That was a while ago ...
Wow, Prism's planning on being a massive ninja geek of knowledge raiding the various houses of learning in Jrusar, isn't she?
To the Shadowfell? Orym: "Sure, if we're still here in two weeks ..."
Oh, so there's god soldiers going round again? Hmmmmm ... oh, the Changebringer? Okay ... no Green Seekers ...
Oh! Here we go! They're back! Oh, and now it's CHAOS as EVERYBODY'S trying to come to the table ... wow ... Holy fuck this is A LOT of people at the table right now. It's the end of Campaign 1 all over again ...
Imogen and Laudna INSTANTLY running over and hugging each other. Also Orym with Fearne ...
Greetings and meetings and ... wow, this is getting CRAZY ...
Fearne: "We had a threesome." O.O
Ah, comparing notes ... oh yes, the spectre of Bor'Dor rears its ugly head again ...
"Serving Bundt" ... yet more Sam's flask chaos ... he has surpassed himself ...
Retiring to the room ...
Yeah, there were good times and bad times in equal measure ... and now Laudna can summon undead ghost wolves from her ... orifices ...
Ah yes ... the Dawnfather incident ... yeah ... Deanna: "I'M GONNA GET SOME MORE DRINKS!!!"
Fearne (gasping): "THAT Deni$e?"
Prism: "IS Santa real?"
Ludinus' notes! Yes! Very handy ...
Chetney's extremely abbreviated account of what they went through ... meanwhile Orym's just fixating on FRIDA ...
Yes, she IS spooky beautiful. :3
Deanna finishes her Communion with her patron ... and Matt's phone goes off! Aabria: "MY IMMERSION!!!" LOL
Deanna: "One last question ... are you WORTH saving?" Ooooooh, DAMN!!!
Laudna and Deanna bonding over having both died at least once ... XD
Literary arsonist ... (snort)
23 nexuses? Hmmmmm ...
The alien, yeah ... FCG: "It's a round ring!" And now Fearne's trying to steal it from Ashton ... ah yes. Ashton: "I missed you so much."
Mother freaks FCG out and we're not surprised AT ALL ... and she shits on him! Of course ...
Discussing next moves ... hmmmm ...
Not that kind of seal, Chetney!
Ah, the talking book. Yeah. Dynios is YET ANOTHER weird revelation and I love it. XD
Yeah, that book is SASSY.
Imogen: "Are you a good book or a bad book?" Dynios: "I am a good book with a bad attitude."
Yes. They DID beat a Judicator ... with a Devil. It was crazy. Laudna: "It was A LOT."
Oh ... is Orym thinking about Deanna trying to Scry on Keyleth? O.O
Everybody's sitting forward ... of course they are ... I am too ...
Oh, the Dawnfather's being a bit petty right now, ain't he? Wow, she's scary right now when she's angry ...
Oh shit! There she is! It's Keyleth! She lives! She's definitely hurt, but ... she's alive!
That was INTENSE ...
She's home? In Zephrah? Cool ...
Oh, the hill. That living hill ... I forgot about that ... and the cougar ... XD
The Reilorans ... yeah ...
Ah yes, Dynios delivers a lecture about the githserai ...
Yeah, I don't think she has any actual connection with the Prism Emporium either, really ...
What, create their own Malleus Key to defeat Predathos? Hmmmmmm ...
Whoa ... FRIDA doesn't actually TRUST "One Punch" Grimpoppy?
Oh man ... FCG is just full-on torn between love and duty here ... that's HEAVY ...
Prism has NO IDEA if she's actually a danger to them or not ... that's kind of adorable and TOTALLY par for the course ...
I love that she seems to have read WAY more into her connection with Orym than anyone else has ...
FCG: "Do you smoke?" Prism: "Of course, I'm a student!"
FRIDA's just talking into various characters' heads ... Fearne: "Why is everybody being so quiet?"
Fearne can Scry now? Ooooooh ...
Prism does Imogen's accent ... :3
Oh, wait ... are we losing the new friends? Already? Man ... I mean we've had them for a while, but ... sad goodbyes ... I hope we see them again before too long MATTHEW!!!
Prism casts Enlarge on Orym ... "Wow! I'm 6 foot 6!" Immediately starts doing pull ups from the rafters ...
Oh man ... so this is it? Parting ways ... man! Not fun ... and that's that? Yeah, saw that coming ...
It was fun while it lasted ...
Thanks Aabria, thanks Christian, and thanks Emily, I hope you'll be back soon ...
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racingliners · 11 months
F1 Re-Watch 2013: Round 5 - Spain
Okay slightly longer than usual opening ramble bc this is a really sentimental race for me. As mentioned in previous posts, I grew up watching F1 with my Dad but stopped when he passed away in 2007, then at some point in early 2013 I heard one of my friends in High School talking about F1, and I mentioned that I used to watch it, and she insisted on dragging me back in (10 years later, I am indeed still here).
Because of the TV rights deals in the UK at the time, the BBC only had rights to show half the races live, with the rest being extended highlights programmes. So when I invited my friends up for a sleepover, we planned it for a weekend that the BBC had a live race, which just so happened to be Spain, and that ended up being the first F1 race I’d seen since 2007 with my Dad.
I remember almost nothing from it, apart from Alonso winning, because my friend spent almost the entire race telling me who everyone was since there had been a lot of team and driver changes for me to get my head around. So I’m looking forward to actually paying attention to all the on-track action! 😅
not gonna lie, for the above reasons this is one of the races I was most looking forward to, so I really hope this race wasn’t a flop dvdhfvuhdf
Starting grid time!
or more appropriately starting grid whiplash bc MERC FRONT ROW?! With a Rosberg pole?! My dudes how did you bottle that
Seb P3 (🥳), Alonso P5, Dan and Jev 11th and 12th and Jenson 14th (😭)
tag yourself I’m Seb pulling his helmet visor down when he realised the cameras were on him divhdfsu
[Formation Lap]: lol that shot of the Mercs with their yellow helmets, it really was a challenge every Merc onboard to figure out which driver was which 
Tyres: Mediums and Hards were the compounds for this race.
“They’re [Mercs] going ridiculously slow again, tell them to hurry up” asuvhsduvah I really do miss bratty team radio Seb
and after all that the rest of the grid are taking their sweet time to line up on the grid
F1 is a Serious Sport™️
[Start/Lap 1]: Lights out and away we finally go
ohhhh Seb takes Lewis into turn 1!
...ouch and then Lewis loses P3 to Alonso in the next corner
and Jenson dropped from 14th to 17th 😭
F1 giveth and F1 taketh away
[Lap 3]: Okay we had a spicy first 4 corners and then nothing
DRS please save us
sjdvjvahvh not the camera shot of the massive queue behind Rosberg encompassing 1st to 6th 😭
[Lap 4]: Seb’s gaining but not by that much
[Lap 5]: gap now 8 tenths of a second
I know I’m only a tenth in but I fear this will be my shortest liveblog post ever
[Lap 6]: ...anyone care to do anything???
ah so Lewis has some kind of brake issues due to the double lock up at the start, great
there go my hopes of a Lewis podium :(
[Lap 7]: DRS trains be DRS training... no overtakes
I love how I hyped this up for sentimental value and I have this
2013 me was clearly won over by the sight of F1 cars and F1 cars alone sdjkvdfjvds
ugh Raikkonen passes Lewis.
[Lap 8]: oof Webber makes his first stop. Comms are talking about a potential 4 stop race.
Four pit stops
That is highkey insane ngl
Anyway, the gap between Seb and Rosberg is still around 7 to 8 tenths
And Lewis drops down to 6th 😭
[Lap 9]: oh now the gap between Seb and Rosberg just over a second. great.
aw no Grosjean’s car’s broke :(
“I can see a car that’s not going back out again” Ted please know that I adore you
[Lap 10]: Anyway, Alonso and Lewis make their first stops
[Lap 11]: as do Rosberg and Seb
rats, no position change at the stops
argh and Alonso jumped Seb bc of the undercut
[Lap 12]: vsdvhadvh Gutierrez leading the race bc he hasn’t stopped yet
Sauber literally stay winning, good for them
and we’re once again back on the Rosberg DRS train, there’s about a second and a bit between 2nd and 5th
[Lap 13]: And Alonso takes P2 going into turn 1 and takes the effective race lead
Seb tries it around the outside at turn 5, no dice
...but he takes P3 at the next corner 🥳🥳🥳
[Lap 14]: Gutierrez pits from the lead (a sentence I did not think I would be typing today)
lol I wasn’t even paying attention to tyre compounds. Rosberg is on the hards while the cars around him are on the mediums, which explains a part of the pace difference.
[Lap 15]: Massa is somehow in P3, I’m pretty sure he already stopped so it must have been early
[Lap 16]: Man it feels so wild to hear comms and Ted talking about a 3 stop race vs a 4 stop race bc even in 2014 that didn’t happen. Like if a driver had done a 4 stop race in the 2014 regs you knew they’d had a very shit time 
Anyway, long story short Pirelli make better tyres challenge
[Lap 17]: Anyway, Checo is chasing Webber down, he’s on fresher tyres and seemingly having a much better time of it judging by his race engineer.
[Lap 18]: Dan up to 9th from starting in 12th, noice
meanwhile Mercedes have gone from having 1-2 on the grid to running 5th and 10th... ouch
the regs change glow up they had really was something else
[Lap 20]: Oh the duality of Dan in the Toro Rosso chasing Perez in the McLaren for 7th place. Great for Dan, not great for Perez
[Lap 21]: I did not even notice that Alonso’s gap was up to 4 seconds. oof.
ah, and he makes his second stop and comes out in 4th
“Alonso committing to a four stop, could be five but I doubt it” That’s a totally normal sentence to say Ted
as interesting as it is not quite knowing how things will play out, it’s frustrating for it to be down to tyre life as opposed to the actual pace of the cars
[Lap 23]: And van der Garde brings his Caterham into the pits on 3 wheels 😳
this is a totally normal race
[Lap 24]: and Seb makes his second stop, onto another set of hards
[Lap 26]: Lewis just dropping down the field like a stone this does not spark joy
and he finally pits again, though he comes out in 14th
*sigh* at least Seb’s up to 4th
[Lap 27]: Make that third now that Raikkonen’s stopped
[Lap 28]: Starting to wonder what kind of hex Fernando put on the rest of the field bc he’s driving off mostly unbothered while hardly anyone else is having a great time with simply trying to manage their tyres
[Lap 29]: Oh it’s a Ferrari 1-2, I swear I keep forgetting that Massa’s there
[Lap 30]: Bono asking Lewis to look after his rear left and Lewis going “I can’t drive any slower” ...and to think they’ve gone on to win 6 titles together
(also wow I just made myself emo about that 🥺😭)
[Lap 32]: oh my god finally a battle!
...it’s Raikkonen trying to get third from Seb though
[Lap 33]: and he gets past coming out of turn 2
In Merc news their simulations are currently saying that Lewis will manage to finish in 5th so... that’s certainly something
(are they delusional? we’ll find out very soon)
[Lap 35]: also we’re FINALLY past half race distance
I’m starting to see why my friend was so happy to explain shit to me at the time bc this race is definitely not it
“This is worse than anyone expected” I know Brundle’s talking about tyre wear but it could also be applied to the race
aaand replay of Hulkenberg and one of the Toro Rosso’s having beef in the pitlane 🤦‍♀️
it was Jev too... is2g
[Lap 37]: Anyway the Ferrari’s have pitted again, there was a big enough gap for them to safely double stack
[Lap 39]: And Alonso retakes the lead
not Jev having a rear tyre delamination 😭 why did F1 hate him so much?!
Pirelli I know it’s been 10 years but you can and will meet my fists
[Lap 40]: Seb pits again, back down to 4th
[Lap 41]: a positive!!! Jenson takes P7 from Gutierrez
oh Jenson’s yet to make his third stop never mind 😭
I’m pretty sure at the time that I was so excited to see that Jenson was still racing that I decided to support him anyway regardless of where he finished, 2013 me was committed to suffering as a sports fan before I knew what that meant
[Lap 44]: Despite the fact I keep forgetting about Massa he’s 8 seconds behind Raikkonen and lapping about a second and a bit per lap quicker
[Lap 49]: welp I zoned out but the only meaningful update was Raikkonen’s third and final stop, and he’s catching both Ferrari’s who sound like they’re going to stop again
[Lap 50]: and right on cue in comes Alonso, he comes out in the lead, so the win is his
and Lewis is still in P11 😭
[Lap 52]: Seb makes his final stop and he’s in 4th so likely no podium
[Lap 54]: Jev being called in to retire the car, this race has not aged well for me 😭
[Lap 58]: I hate to say it but... I’m bored 😭
there’s no racing no battles it’s just a procession I cannot remember much past the first lap
[Lap 61]: The only tangible stuff going on is Massa trying to catch Raikkonen and a potential Button v Perez round 2 electric boogaloo
[Lap 62]: 5 laps remaining, finally
[Lap 63]: dfvbjkdfvbd GP getting a bit shirty with di Resta about using his DRS
oh and the McLaren’s were told to hold positions, so no McLaren on McLaren violence today.
[Lap 65]: Okay the Rosberg v Di Resta battle is actually somewhat interesting viudhvu
both fighting for P6 and for the right to be the first Merc powered car across the finish line
              2013 🤝 2023 Team Silverstone vs Mercedes 
[Lap 66]: Final lap, at last 😭
“It’s not been a great race” Oh you can say that again
[Finish]: And Alonso wins, it’s so wild that this is still his most recent F1 win.
P2 Raikkonen, P3 Massa, P4 Seb, P5 Webber, P6 Rosberg, P7 di Resta, P8 Jenson, P9 Perez, and Dan takes P10
Well, it’s interesting how time and sentimental attachment can change your view on things. When I watched this race at the time I was just so in awe to be watching F1 again and now I’m very, very non-plussed and can’t wait to go to bed jfvbfvhsh
Anyway, it was nice to see it again at least, for the above mentioned sentimental reasons. Next race - Monaco!
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peanut-the-goalie · 4 years
go read Everything’s Falling Apart by @peggyrose19
“I love you.”
“I know.”
Ohhhh oof dude, ouch
Logan sat up, squinting at him. “Something wrong?”
are you the James of the relationship? Oblivious?
That night, Logan began packing up his stuff.
A week later, he was gone.
A week after that, Finn was gone too.
Both of them quit the Lions. Finn moved home. Logan traveled. He isn’t heard from for over a year. Finn missed him.  
This isn't what I expected to happen, asjfdkas
(i'm very hyped right now because I'm very tired so I'm making myself excited with gives energy) (I do hope that by now you guys have realized that whenever I say something it's not going to be coherent) (none of it)
Also I lied, there will be a part 3 hehe. I just really love leaving you guys in suspense. Sorry not sorry :)
That's fair
The kind of pain that stuck in his mind when he closed his eyes at night, curly hair stained with blood, brown eyes wide and unblinking flashing past his eyes.
Thanks for that visual, truly thank you
He would have forgotten about his own birthday was it not five days before Christmas. And if his sisters hadn’t bombarded him with messages and questions of when he would be home again. He called them all, faking a smile for them, and promised to be home for Christmas next year. But he had a feeling they saw right through him. Everything was falling apart.
I quite honestly can't tell if I love or hate you right now iorwsflewef
I love you.
He could almost hear Finn’s smirk as he added, “Or whatever the fuck it is you drink. Cause it certainly isn’t coffee.”
IT'S EDIBLE ISN'T IT? (again, not coherent in the slightest im sorry)
It was only a ten minute walk and so, at promptly 8:45, Logan left the hotel
I stared at this sentence for so long before realizing that I did math wrong
“Hi,” Finn said softly and Logan nearly melted.
You better hug him
Logan crashed into his arms.
“I wish Leo was here,” Finn said eventually.
there it is :(
But as Finn waited for his answer with bated breath, Logan realized he didn’t want to run anymore.
Also straight up don’t realize how painful my writing is until people tell me, so. There’s that. Moving on.
Okay but same, I just remember Hannah yelling at me through the screen one day and was just kind like oh...
“Yes,” he blurted out. Finn frowned. “I mean no. Yeah, no. Wait, fuck- argh.” He stopped, taking a deep breath. “I mean, I won’t run away from you, not this time. You’re right, that was… that was not good of me to do.” He ran a hand through his hair, searching for what to say. “Merde, I didn’t think it’d be this hard.”
“Do you think we could go through it together? I just… I don’t have anything of Leo’s anymore. And I don’t want to forget him. Please?”
It was fascinating to imagine him as a little boy with his bright hair, scurrying about the city with his older brother, causing mischief and giving his parents brain aneurysms.
"Brain Aneurysms" why did that make me laugh so much
Finn peering over his shoulder at the mission outline
Ngl I forgot they were spies for a min
What does one say to the boy they used to love?
Emphasis on used to
“It doesn’t smell like him anymore,”
well that's rude
In his hand was a series of mugshots of the two of them, nearly unrecognizable in their disguises, both fighting a grin.
that just sounds fun tho lol
“Of course I kept it,” Finn sniffed. “We kept everything you ever gave us.”
that's sweet tho
"Like that funny little cactus you got me. I named it Sir Prick-a-Lot.“
I'm getting a flower and naming it sir-prick-a-lot now
“I still love you, too.”
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yszarin · 4 years
see below for assorted sobbing on Recollection. also for anyone who may be seeing this ahead of listening to the episode somehow, please do check the warnings, it’s a rough one.
- oh dear
- hello Martin! I am an Audience Member. I love you and want you to be okay. I know and have always known that you will not be. I talk to you sometimes and will be talking lots to you today it seems, but you will never be aware of it.
- nooo you have (had?) a flat in Stockwell, I learnt that for fanfiction purposes. this does not sound like a flat in Stockwell. I wonder if Stockwell still exists? I know geography is weird but also places do still kind of seem to be a thing? I guess there’s no point in wondering about mapping since it’s a world built on nightmare logic, but could he go home, what would it be like?  
- he’ll learn to like you, Martin, don’t worry. I think he maybe already does but hasn’t noticed.
- god, I knew the Lonely one would be rough on Martin but actually hearing it is something else. the looping is... very ouch.
- have you tried the floor? or the stairs? I find the floor and stairs are often overlooked when considering places to sit within a house, and while the back support tends not to be great I tend to find them more comfortable than I expect.
- argh the calling for Jon, this hurts in my soul. it all just sounds so wretched and reminds me of the S4 trailer in that.
- you didn’t really tell us about your mum, no. Elias did. but you don’t remember that at the moment.
- oh fuck Sasha. really not somewhere to go for comfort, though as I know I’ve said before I love that she still has impact all this time later. I would love a Tim mention too, though, while we’re here.
- Jon where the fuck are you
- wow, it must have been like Christmas for Elias when you walked into the Institute. all that fear of being found out, of being seen - I wonder about the other applicants. was there just a line that he dismissed or did he already Know he was going to give you the job?
- oof, yeah. I don’t remember what my grandmother looked like either, never been particularly good with faces, and that bound up in all this other stuff Martin has going on...
- that seems like some extra static crackle, is that a Beholding aspect pressing back in, with him remembering that it won? then fading out again. and raising the question of what the tape recorder is still doing there, in-universe.
- tbh sounds like you’ve been crying too. are crying? even when your voice is steady I think you’d find tears on your face if you checked.
- I am in love and I will not forget that leave me here, I can’t do on. mostly, don’t leave Martin here. him insisting he has friends, that he has people, and I do wonder who he’s thinking of in that moment, if he ever really considered himself friends with Basira and Melanie or if he’s still thinking about Tim and Sasha and how ouch it is.
- Jon! where have you been? and here is a wonderful example of why you should be holding hands the whole time!
- it’s very nice to see Martin explicitly reject the Lonely himself - I’ve been wondering sometimes about to what extent he would still be with it, given that he did display Lonely abilities before the S4 finale, and I suppose I will still wonder if he was in shallow enough that that’s enough. 
- and woof, hello closing credits. that was A Lot. somewhat baffled by the omission of an explicit Tim mention given that that’s my favourite heartstring and I don’t know why Jonny has decided not to pluck it today, when he seemed to be going for most of the Martin-related ones available. also Alex was acting the fuck out of that. yikes. still, Vast statement is still ahead of us. hopefully we’ll get to see wahey murder grandpa again, I think I would find that cheering.
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returnn-of-the-mac · 5 years
Companions react to sole accidentally giving them a black eye/bruising while trying to protect them? I did this to nick and i felt sooo bad omg
Oof yeah. We’ve all been there (but unfortunately, I tend to accidentally slice my companions with a machete than give them a black eye which is objectivly...much worse, actually). But I digress! There were 4 companions in this react (Ada, Strong, Danse, Codsworth) who got punched but did not receive a black eye either because of their height or because of their, uh, metallic makeup (I guess you could say). I really enjoyed this one, and I hope you like it too! I’ll fix the formatting and typos once I get home. Enjoy! 👊💥
Fo4 Companions React: Sole Accidentally Giving Them a Black Eye
As Sole and their companion ventured through the streets of Boston, they stumbled upon an area littered with traps and dangerous enemies. The two fought side by side as enemy after enemy attacked. The pair had finished off all but one of the antagonists, who began to stealthily approach Sole’s companion, fully prepared to attack. Panicked, Sole lunged at the raider, ready to deliver a devastating punch to the face. Unfortunately, the raider stepped on a mine and blew himself up before he could reach the duo, causing Sole to misjudge the position of the punch. They delivered the powerful hit...but to their companion’s face.
MacCready: “Hey! Watch it!” MacCready snapped, rubbing his now discolored and quickly-swelling eye. “Aim at the enemy, not my at face!”
Preston: “Ow!” Preston clenched his jaw and then turned to look at Sole. His eye was now purple and swollen. “You really pack a punch there, General. It might have been better if you hit the enemy, though.”
Codsworth: “Oh my! Are you alright, [sir/mum]?” Sole shook their hand rapidly as it began to swell. They had accidentally punched Codsworth’s titanium core and their hand burned with pain. “Try a stimpack, or maybe pour some ice cold water on it? I promise I’ll assist you once this area is cleared of enemies. I’m so sorry, [sir/mum]!”
Longfellow: “Argh!” Longfellow grabbed his swelling eye. “Maybe you youngsters can take a knock or two to the face, but it does a lot more damage to old folks like me. My bones aren’t what they used to be.” Longfellow gently rubbed the area and immediately felt the swelling and residual pain. “It’s gonna take a lot of whiskey to deal with this bad boy.”
Strong: “HEY! STUPID HUMAN!” Strong rubbed his arm in the spot his companion had accidentally hit him. “NO HIT STRONG, HIT BAD GUY. FIGHT BETTER, HUMAN!”
Cait: “Shite! What the-!” An enraged Cait shouted as she grasped her throbbing eye. “Ye wanna fuckin tussle, then let’s go!” It was then that she registered the look of absolute shock and guilt in Sole’s eyes. She quickly cooled off. “I’m sorry. It’s just me instinct to fight back when I’m hurt. Thank you for trying to help but...try hittin the enemy next time.”
Gage: “Yow! Fuck!” Gage grabbed his eye. “I can’t fuckin see. Both eyes are shot, boss. Shit!” Sole apologized profusely to their companion who was beyond agitated. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just leave me alone and finish off the other ones. Cuz no-eyes over here is useless now. Fuck.”
Nick: “Hey now!” Nick shouted, grasping his eye. “Next time watch where you’re swinging your meat claw, bucko!”
Curie: “Ah!” Curie keeled over as she held her eye. After a few seconds, she stood back up. Tears involuntarily streamed down her face. “I believe you may have missed the intended target, [madam/monsieur].”
Hancock: “Shit!” The ghoul had to bite his tongue to refrain from saying anything that could potentially hurt Sole. It was only an accident, after all. After a few moments, the ghoul looked at his companion and smirked, “If you like it rough, there’s a time and place for it.”
Ada: “Ouch.” Ada flatly stated as Sole rubbed their bleeding fist as Ada teetered back and forth. “Error Code 105. Severe damage sustained to internal hard drive. Initiating recovery sequence: 1%...2%...5%...”
Deacon: “Owowowowow owww!” Deacon yowled as he held his eye. “Dammit!” After a minute, Deacon removed his hand to reveal a black eye. He noticed that Sole obviously felt bad for what they had done, and he shot them a weak smirk. “Well, I wasn’t planning on whipping out the tough guy persona until at least next Tuesday, but I guess it was just too good to wait until then.”
Piper: “Yow!! That stings!” Piper shielded her watering eye. “Dammit Blue, I’m not a punching bag! Be careful!”
Danse: THUMP. Sole’s hand made a sickening crack as it made contact with Danse’s power armor. Sole gasped and flailed their hand around in pain. “That didn’t sound good, Soldier. Let me see it.” Sole slowly placed their hand in the palm of Danse’s metal hand. The Paladin quickly assessed his partner’s now-purple extremity. “Definitely broken. Make sure to protect that hand from here on out. We’ll return to the Prydwen and have Cade wrap it as soon as we clear this checkpoint.”
X6-88: “[Sir/Ma’am]. It’s fortunate that my eyes are artificial.” X6 removed his shattered glasses to reveal shards of jagged glass sticking out of a swelling, oozing eye. “This would have been all the more gruesome had I been a human. I am going to need to undergo intensive repairs to my facial region once we return to the Institute.” X6 tucked his glasses into his coat pocket. “And you owe me a pair of aviator glasses...I’m just kidding, [sir/ma’am].”
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chilly-territory · 7 years
Gangsta BD4 drama translation
I did a summary of it earlier, and now this is a full script of this drama starring Nina, Nicolas and Doug with a little of Theo. The mp3 of the drama was kindly shared in fuckyeahgangsta's post.
Theo: Yeah, I want to request you to guard her for the duration of this delivery. No, it's just one place. One bodyguard is more than enough. Alright, I'm counting on you then. Nina: The equipment we additionally ordered has been delivered, so I'll put it in the storage room. Theo: Okay. Nina. Nina: Yes? Theo: Once you're done, I want you to do a delivery. For Granny Rose in District 4, her meds ran out. Looks like she will be able to visit us for an examination tomorrow, but I want you to deliver her today's share of painkillers. Nina: Understood. I'll go as soon as I'm finished. Theo: I requested a bodyguard, so take him and go. Nina: A bodyguard? Theo: District 4 is near District 6 where the recent Twilight killings took place. So this is just to be on the safe side. Unfortunately, one of the requested persons is preoccupied with a woman and can't make it, but the other should be more than enough alone. Nina: Ah, understood!
Nina: Upsie. Done! Theo: You're here. Nina: *giggles* Nico! Nic: Ah? Theo: Sorry to call you on such short notice, Benriya. Nic(signs): It's fine. Theo: Worick probably told you already, but to reiterate: I want you to guard her for this delivery. She's my invaluable nurse. If anything happens to her, there'll be hell to pay. Nic(signs): If it's a delivery, I can do by myself though? Nina: Ah, about that... The granny this delivery is for, she's, um... she doesn't handle Twilights very well, so... Theo: District 4 is Corsica's turf. It has a lot of people like Corsica himself, who have a prejudice against Tags. Well, a Tag or not, if a guy with a grim face like yours was her deliveryman, the granny's back pains would get so much worse. Nic(thinks): You're the last guy I wanna hear that from, doc. Nina: *giggles* Theo: Another thing. I want to use the afternoon for dealing with the documents that've been piling up, so don't come back until evening. Nic: *grunts* Nina(thinks): But we've got only one delivery, and it will be over fast. So it means I have his permission to play in the city, right? Hehe! Theo: Well, it's on you now. Nina: Yes, sir! Let's go, Nico!
Nina: It's been a while since I got to go out with you, Nico! Nic(signs): Has it? Nina: Yes, it has. Lately, we had an influx of visitors, so I didn't have time to go out much, and now I'm lucky! Nico, how's your injury from the other day? Nic(signs): Fine. Nina: That's good to hear! But you can't work out just yet, got it? Nic: Ugh... Nina: Nico...? You're already working out, aren't you?! Nic(signs): It's just a workout, it can't hurt. Nina: Yes, it can!!! *bumps into someone* I'm sorry! *more people bump into her* It's so crowded... Nic: *sighs* Nina: Eh, up? N-Nico? Nic: *jumps to the roofs* Nina: *yelps* Th-That surprised me. Don't jump all of a sudden... Nic(signs): It will be much faster if we go by the roofs. Hold on tight. Nina: Eh? Nic: *jumps onto the next roof with Nina screaming a little*
Nina: Please take care of yourself. We will be waiting for you tomorrow. (thinks) Good. The painkillers seem to have soothed her. Nina: Thanks for waiting, Nico. Nic(signs): Done? Nina: Yes! And I'm hungry, so let's have lunch somewhere? You know, there is a shop in District 9 that I heard about from a patient the other day, and I thought it'd be nice to visit it. If you don't mind, of course, Nico... Nico? Nic(signs): Let's go. Nina: Okay! *off they go by the roofs again*
Nina: The weather is so nice today! When we jumped earlier, the sky was so close, and it felt so good! Nic(signs): That so? Doug: Damn them! Going and using the opportunity to push the chores onto me! Nina: Doug-san? Doug: Huh? Nina: It really is you! What are you doing? Why are you holding all those bags? Doug: You're that girl from the clin--- Whoa! Why's Nicolas-san here, too?! Nic: Ah? Nina: He was helping me with a delivery. Doug: Oh, I see. Nina: I want to ask you the same question, Doug-san. Are you shopping? Doug: Something like that. The guys from the Guild said, "Go shopping for us if you have so much free time on your hands," and swamped me with requests... They just don't get what house arrest means, like, no kidding. Nina: Hahahaha. Ah, I know! We're going to have something to eat, would you like to come with us, Doug-san? Doug: Huuh? Why would I? Find someone else. Nina: I... see... Since we were lucky to run into each other, I just thought it would be nice if we could have a meal together... Doug: Well, it's not like I absolutely don't wanna go, it's just, uh... Nina: Just what? Doug: Argh, alright, I get it, I'll go, I'll come with you! Nina: Really?! Yay! Nico is happy to have you along, too! Doug: His face is clearly saying "see if I give a crap” though? Nina: Oh no, nothing of the sort! Well then, let's go!
Doug: You said earlier you were making a delivery, are you always the one handling deliveries? Nina: No, usually, we request Nico-- I mean the Benriya to handle them, but today the circumstances are a little special, so this time's request was only to guard me on the way. Doug: Hoo. That Normal mister's nowhere to be seen today. Nina: Worick-san? Ah, he has another job to take care of, right? Nic: *grunts* Nina: Huh? But the doctor said... Nic(signs): He planned to be done with his today's job before noon though. Nina: Oh. (thinks) Could it be that Theo-sensei was being considerate and arranged for me to play with Nico? Nic: *quizzical grunt* Doug: What? Is something wrong? Nina: Oh no, it's nothing! Ah, it must be that shop! I heard it has super yummy stuff! Can't wait to sample it! Doug: Huh? Wait, as far as I know the joints around here don't allow Twil--
Shop'sOwner: We don't have food to sell to Twilights! Get lost and never come back! RandomTwilight: Fuck you and your stupid joint! Go bankrupt!
Nina: Huh?! That person just now... Nic(signs): He got kicked out, evidently. Nina: Why...? Doug: I hear the joints around here don't allow Twilights. Just something of an unspoken rule though. Nina: No way... Doug: It's nothing unusual. Though I do think it's stupid. Nina: Ah, I am sorry... I didn't know it was that kind of place... Doug: Why are you apologizing? We're used to this and not really bothered by it. Nic: *sighs* *grunts* Nina: *yelps* Nico? Doug: You can just come here with the doc next time. Besides, I'm not a fan of respectable places like that anyway. Like, they're so stiff and stuff... Ah, oh! There's a line of buy&eat shops on the other side. Wanna hit those? Nina: Doug-san... Hehe. You're right.
Nina: Wow... It's like a festival! It's my first time coming here! Doug: And this is why kids are so bothersome. Nic: Hmph. Doug: You snorted! You laughed at me just now! Thinking to yourself that I’m kid-sized, too! Nic: No. Doug: Then stop with that annoying half-smirk! Nina: Ah, you two, this is a street, you know, and you're blocking the way. Come on, Nico, let's go.
Nina: It's really crowded here, would you like to hold hands too, Doug-san? Doug: For the record, I'm 21, so don't treat me like a kid, would ya. Nina: Ah, I didn't mean for it to sound that way. But if the two of us took Nico's hands on both sides, it'd look like he's our dad. Doug: HUH?! No friggin way! I absolutely don't want a father like that! Nic(signs): Spare me a kid like that, either. Nina: Really? Doug: In the first place, since Nicolas-san is so short, at best we’d look like sibl–- ow-ow-ow-ow!!! Ouch, ouch, ouch! Don't stomp on my foot, stop, it'll break! Nina: I don't have siblings, but it must be nice to have some. I wonder how it would feel to have one? Doug: I was an only child, too, so I don't really know either. Although I do have someone who’s like a big brother to me. Nina: Ah, that looks yummy! Doug: Agh, let's just buy it for starters then. Mister, gimme 3 of these! Aw damn, both my hands are occupied with the bags. Nic: *sighs* Doug: What, your treat? How generous! Nina: Spots in the resting area on the other side got vacated just now! Doug: Heh, great.
Nina: Nico, this one is yummy, too. Eh, it's hot, so if you wolf it down like that, you'll... Nic: Hm? Nina: If you're OK, then never mind, I guess. Doug: I'll have that too! *gets burnt* Nina: Hey, you need to let it cool first! Water, water. Doug: Oof, I-I'm amazed you can eat something as hot as this, Nicolas-san. Nic(signs): Is this that hot? Nina: Gosh, it's too late after you got burnt. Doug: Did you learn sign language by yourself from the scratch? Nina: Yes. I started because I wanted to talk to Nico. Doug: Seriously? Isn't it too much trouble though? There's plenty of other means, like writing, no? Nina: Mmn. I wanted to talk with the same words as Nico, so... Although there are many words I haven't learned yet. Doug: I'm an idiot, so for me it's totally impossible. Nina: N-No, that is not so, I assure you! Doug: Whoa, you startled me here. Nina: Sign language may look difficult, but there are only so many frequently used words, and once you've learned the basics, it's easy. For example, you make a chop at your right hand with the back of your left hand like with a kitchen knife, and that means "thank you". Doug: Like this? Nina: Yes! Doug: True, it's easier than I thought... Hey, what are other easy words you frequently use in daily life? Nic: Hmmmm. *thinks* Hm. Nina: Nico! You can't show the middle finger!!! Doug: Haha, that’s easy to underst—- hey wait! It’s not even sign language! Nic(signs): This comes in handy frequently though, like for provoking people.
Doug: Gah, I'm so full! Nina: I rarely get to eat out like this, so it was heaps of fun! Doug: Oh really. Good to hear. Ah? Nina: Ah. Nico, at your feet. Nic: Hm? Nina: It's badly injured. Its front leg, probably? The bleeding seems to have stopped, but the bone may be broken. But why is it so dirty...? (thinks) A Twilight's tags? Its owner's, possibly? But why? Could it be that something happened with its owner...? Doug: If it has tags, the best option is to take it to old man Chad, no? Especially if something happened to its owner. *Nina is unhappy* Doug: Don't make a face like that. Nina: It's just too sad that Twilights are discriminated against just because they're Twilights. I don't deny that there are some scary people among them, but not every Twilight is like that. Yet they're treated like it's their fault that they're Twilights Nic: *grunts* Nina: Ah, sorry for my weird ramblings. Doug: What I'm gonna say may sound cold, but this city won’t change just because you alone are crying for us. But to us, people like you are like gods. Isn’t that enough? Nina: Doug-san... Doug: Besides, you're gonna become a great doctor someday, too, no? Nina: Ah... (thinks) It’d be nice if I could. But I’m sure that I... Doug: What's wrong? Nina: Nothing. Doug-san, I thought so before, but you really are a very kind person. Doug: I-I just say what I think! I don’t try to be nice or anything... Nic: Hehehe. Doug: Don’t laugh! Nina: I'll take this little one to Chad-san. Nic(signs): I'll go with you. My job's not over until you're back at doc Theo's clinic, and if something happens to you, he'll kill me. Nina: Thank you, Nico. Doug: Okay, I'll go back to the Guild, then. They'll tell me off for fooling around on my way back too much if I'm too late. Nina: Okay! Thank you for today! Let's eat together again some time! Doug: Ehh? Well, if I feel like it. Heh!
Nina: We should go, too, Nico. Nic: *grunts* Nina: Ah, right, you know what? Alex-san came the other day to make sweets! She baked cookies, and they were so yummy! I wonder when she'll drop by again? Nic(signs): Who knows. Nina: I want to make them together with her next time. I'm practicing with the recipe she told me, so I want Alex-san to taste-test my cooking. And of course you, Nico, and Worick-san, too! Nic: *grunts* (signs) I'll let them know. Nina: *giggles* Thanks! I've got to work hard to make sure it's yummy then!
Nina: ...and then Doug-san decided not to wait until it cools and burnt his mouth! It looked painful! Theo: I see. Nina: But Nico didn't react at all, just quickly ate it all up. Theo: I see. Nina: All we did was have a meal together, but it was so much fun! I even thought that if I had siblings, it'd probably feel like that. Theo: I don't even what to imagine that. Nina: Doctor? Theo: What is it? Nina: Thank you for today. Theo: What are you talking about? Ah, more importantly, make copies of these papers. Without you, the work just keeps piling up. Nina: *giggles* Yes, sir!
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