#ooc. I'm sorry that this is so late !
lemresl0vemail · 2 months
Well, that is rather harsh...
So, about this... Lemres figure... Perhaps you should consider draining his magic... It would be very beneficial for the both of us... And you don't want to seem weak in front of your predecessor, right? Or are you too invested in his little fanclub?
Consider draining him? Yes, I've been trying to suck him off for a while now.
I hope Satan cuts your wi-fi soon. - 🗡️
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myjustice · 5 months
calling arlecchino furina's abuser is the most insane thing i have ever seen in my life.
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ask-the-bone-boys · 2 months
[[ok gang i am genuinely so sorry to be doing this literally RIGHT before the end of the event but i've got a whole buncha stuff lining up irl that i am starting to reeeaaally need to address/prioritize and there are a couple things that i still want to do for the "finale" here that i haven't had the time to set up, so all of this is to say iiii need to take at least a day or two to Slow Down And Chill for a bit
I haven't entirely decided if this means I'll take a full break like i have been for the weekends or if I'll just post a little less than I have been, it depends on how I end up feeling really. I will absolutely try my best to make up for the days I've missed tho! I have something pretty cool planned that I think has the potential to be pretty fun, just like i said I gotta set things in place first haha]]
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darabeatha · 2 months
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/ Always up for plots where my muses are horrendously down bad for someone ☝️
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amiharana · 1 year
Okay, so I've read a couple of Revalink soulmate AU fics but I can never get through them because honestly I've never really liked the concept. And honestly, I feel like there's a decent chance Link would feel the same.
I mean, you've got a guy who didn't really get to choose almost anything about his life - he's a knight because his father was, he's Zelda's guard because he was selected by the King, he's the chosen hero because he's destined for it - and then he doesn't even get to choose who he falls in love with? And in most soulmate AUs probably has a literal physical mark on his body constantly reminding him of that fact? That's not romantic, that's existentially horrifying!
This idea might already be a thing but I've never really read fanfic before about a month ago when I got the Revalink brainrot so I don't know, but here's an idea I call the anti-soulmate AU.
Basically Revali doesn't have whatever soulmate-identifying mark exists in this story, and Link does, which is part of why Revali resents Link while Link is in some ways envious of Revali for the opposite reason. Somehow they end up actually talking to each other and grow close, and eventually Link basically decides "fuck it, I don't care that there's some destined perfect partner for me, I'm choosing to be with this guy." And even though they provably aren't soulmates and their relationship maybe isn't perfect, they still love each other and are happy together.
There can be some angst about Revali feeling insecure since there is someone out there who objectively would be a better partner for Link even though Link doesn't actually want to be with them, and about how this is basically depriving Link's soulmate of their perfect partner. Who that person is doesn't really matter, but making it Mipha would add even more to her whole "tragic one-sided pining" thing. Or it could just be some random person, like I said it's kinda unimportant.
Anyway the Calamity happens, and since Link kinda-sorta-dies whatever soulmate mark he has goes too and he's finally totally free from it. I have no idea if that's a thing that happens in these AUs, like I said I don't really read them much, but it kinda makes sense and fits this story so whatever. Maybe have Revali be revived after Ganon's defeated so there can be a happy ending.
Revalink as a concept is always just a little bit contrived. You have to mess with the timeline of the backstory if you want them to be a thing pre-calamity, you need to change how the Champion ghosts work to have them be a thing mid-game, or you need to have all the champions come back from the dead in order to have them be a thing post-canon, and you almost always need to mess with their personalities to have it be even slightly plausible. It's always kinda messy and doesn't totally make sense, and in this story that would basically be true in-universe and that's exactly why Link wants to be with him. He's pretty much the exact opposite of a perfect, destined partner who fits together with Link flawlessly.
Sorry for basically writing the entire synopsis of a fic that doesn't exist and probably isn't even that good of an idea, but as I mentioned I have the Revalink brainrot and I have no friends who I can send ideas like this to and I need to tell them to somebody.
so first of all, NEVER apologize to me for writing a whole fic synopsis in my askbox. my friend, are you familiar with my blog? all i do is write the longest fic rambles in the world here instead of writing full-fledged fic to upload to ao3 ☝️😭 so please do not even worry!!! i like ur fic idea a lot and it's good!!! and if you'd like, we can be friends and u can do what crow cryiling (affectionate) does and spam my inbox or messages w your ideas whenever you want 🤍 i luv to hear about revalink always
i honestly really love soulmate aus because i'm a hopeless romantic 😭🤍 SORRY but i do agree that to write a really good soulmate au for revalink, you can't just put any soulmate au template on them. like revali himself will actively break the fourth wall to fight against it because it just doesn't fit their dynamic; their whole relationship is built off of defying fate, re:your second-to-last paragraph. canon botw doesn't outline a clear path for revalink to ever be together in the way it might for zelda, mipha, or sidon even, so we'll always have to bend or break the rules of their universe for even a glimpse of future where they can be happy together 🥹 but it's the best part of their dynamic: they weren't supposed to be together, but goddamn it do they look good together.
i remember reading a fic where link and revali did have soulmate-identifying marks (i forgot what it was called but link's soul mark was revali's entire monologue in the revali's flap memory, and link hated him for it LMAO), but the idea that link would despise seeing the mark is so 🥺💔 i'm imagining maybe link was so excited to have one as a child, but after pulling the master sword and becoming a knight of hyrule, he now sees how he's doomed his soulmate to being tied to him and how he's responsible for their future or whatever. link has gotta develop some sort of altruistic complex about how he has to serve the people even at the cost of himself, i can't articulate it well right now, but i hope you get what i mean??? but that influences his resentment at the existence of the soulmark — not that he resents the person who is his actual soulmate, just the fact that he has one because he views himself as a burden on his soulmate as a result of his current position in life.
revali being born without a soul mark makes me so sad 😭 mixing this with my hc about him being orphaned, but revali getting bullied for not only not having parents but also not having a soulmate 💔💔 some of these rito kids are dickheads talking about "the goddesses wouldn't grant you even one person who would love you, haha!" and it definitely influences his workaholic tendencies training to become to most powerful warrior ever. he copes by saying he thinks soulmates are ridiculous and that there was no way there was another person in the world who could be perfect for you, that you should be given the ability to choose who you wanted to be with (but deep down, revali wants to know who the goddess would have chosen for him, if he did have a soulmate ㅠㅠ)
what do you think the conversation between link and revali would be like when they decide they want to be together, soulmates or not? what about the moment they fall for each other? who falls first? would it be mutual pining and trying to resist at first, because revali knows link has a soulmate who he deserves more than revali and link holding back because he knows what revali feels about the whole soulmate thing? or do they fall in love without holding back anyway, with link not caring for his soulmate at all like you mentioned? making mipha link's soulmate........ so tragic i feel bad for her fr if link resented her for being his soulmate kJDFKJD 😭 i lowkey wanna write these scenes tho idk HAHAHAH
the soul mark disappearing after link "dies" and is put in the shrine of resurrection is a really interesting idea though! like what's the mechanics behind that? i feel you'd have to go back and decide how the soulmate system works; is it a mysterious magic that no one can figure out? is it decided by some god of fate or love, hyrule's counterpart to aphrodite/eros? how did the magic decide that because link was "dead", he can't have a soulmate anymore/disconnected him from his soulmate? or what if link's soulmate died during the calamity before he was put in the shrine and soulmate-logic was like 'if your soulmate is dead, the mark disappears' so link's mark fades mid-battle and he doesn't realize it? and furthermore, link waking up in the shrine a century later and looks at his hand or some shit where the mark used to be and either (1) feeling a strange sense of melancholy at the empty spot on his skin or (2) looking at it but feeling nothing at all, and continuing with getting out of the shrine.
you could also explore how soulmate dynamics change throughout the hundred years he's gone. i'm sure plenty of people died during the calamity and lost their soulmates, so how does that alter the whole societal norms and culture surrounding soulmates? are people still born with soulmates after the calamity? do you think it becomes a taboo, that it's dangerous to meet your soulmate because what if you lose them? or do they see it as a mark of fortune, that love still prevails even in this near godless world after an era of tragedy? and then how does link interact with the world following his awakening, to find out that people have soulmates and look back at the empty, unmarred part of his skin and wonder, did he have one too? who were they? did he love them, and did they love him too?
AND ANOTHER THING, if mipha was his soulmate back then, does she still have her soul mark on her ghost?????? what if she did because well. it's her spirit and not her actual body, so when link meets her again post-waterblight, she's saddened by not only link's lack of memory of her but also the fact he's lost his soul mark. and also remembering that link would still probably resent her if he had his memory.
furthermore, there's two scenarios that instantly come to mind when i think about post-calamity revalink here. (1) revali seeing link post-windblight but link doesn't remember and revali having a similar reaction/feeling to mipha, but is having an internal conflict about whether or not he should be happy that link no longer has a soulmate he's bound to or sad that because of that, he'll never have another chance with link again because he's dead </3 or (2) champions are revived but link still doesn't remember his time with revali pre-calamity so revali is trying to give link an out and let him go to be given the chance to love someone else in his new life, but for whatever reason link is still drawn to him, moving to rito village and practically living in revali's shadow. it's another slow-burn of them falling in love all over again and maybe link gets his memories back?
if you ever plan on writing this, my friend....... feel free to send it to me because i'd Love to read it. like fr. there's so much potential for this one
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enypneon · 6 months
the emperor is WHOOOOAHSHDHA????
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madeimpact · 7 months
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Uh, sorry for yet another post like this, but I think I might've thought of a healthier way of going about my bad brain thoughts lately.
If we're mutuals and we aren't interacting, tell me why. Even if it's "because you haven't reached out to me, wtf." I want to make more of an effort to engage with people. But I'm also scared of being annoying, so.
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mythcaels · 3 months
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gonna finish my starters from this call first but I also want to post a starter call from my muses found on this page. if you don't specify who you'd like & how many starters you want, I'll spin the wheel of those muses & generate how many starters you'll get ( only between one to three of them this time ). Lengths will vary.
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orchdaries · 4 months
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(  bts' min yoongi/suga ,  cismale , he/him  )    : ̗̀➛   thirty-two years young , a non-bender from the noble house of seok . many know them to be pragmatic & self-interested . how unfortunate , truly … i’ve always found them to be dedicated & perceptive . they oft fulfill the duties of minister of finance . oh , i should tell you — they are impartial to the rule of house yi . well , you know how every storyteller bends the tale they tell .   ✶   sky , +21 , she/they  .
and here i am once again but this time with lord seok taesung! he's the oldest child of house seok and a non-bender! was a little conscious over his non bending status for a while when growing up because it was a issue for more people than it should matter to that he was the oldest child of a great house and a non-bender (even went to the battlefield for a while to prove himself). now he works as the minister of finance, which means he oversees the nation's bank and that's how he firmed himself as the next head of house seok (as of right now anyway)! as usual more info under the cut + plot ideas!
seok taesung. non-bender & minister of finance. had some issues during his younger years about being a non-bender but now he honestly doesn't care for it, even more so when it doesn't make a difference in his field whether or not he bends fire.
has always had a good instinct for business + put a lot of work on his studies of finances and business administration/management and was known as touch of gold even as late teenager because every business that he touched/managed turned into a huge success. his parents not really cutting him any slack since he needed to prove he was someone competent to "make up" for his lack of bending skills.
has had a dozen and a half business in a variety of areas but delegated or sold them to thirty parties at some point or another to pursue something else, or even because he got too busy to manage them properly; yet he still offers advice (that ofc comes with a 💰) for some of them and and collects money from others as a minor partner/trustee sort of thing.
developed a little of a inferiority complex for a while because of his non bender status— even got himself in the military a little later than most people do but still moved up ranks considerably fast because he's the type to make sure he'll excel in whatever he puts himself to do. he never bribed any officials/superiors but can't deny nor confirm whether the weight of his house, even if they aren't a military family, influenced the decision of his promotions.
but then after [redacted] incident that got him the scar he carries over his left eye, he was put into more administrative duties and not long after that he was picked as the new minister of finance.
is good at combat, especially with a sword, and is more than capable of defending himself but he doesn't particularly enjoys it.
even though he does carry the characteristic charisma that his family is known for, he still can be quite intimidating to approach at first glance because of his rbf always serious expression; he does soften it up a little when someone talks to him though.
has a very uptight posture regarding his work/business which could also explain why people are a little intimidated around him (even more so if they worked or still work together), but is much more carefree during his scarce free time and when it's topics non related to work.
isn't really against any unofficial loan system but he always makes sure to not let mix it with his governmental duties and those are usually done under house seok's name and/or with his private earnings.
very pragmatic and practical to the point that he might sound cold/cruel sometimes? even if he's still very level-headed and there are lot of reasonable/rational arguments to the decisions that he makes, they should still be taken with a grant of salt sometimes, even more so when the only interest that he puts above his own are his business/his house and only because his interests are always for the best for his business/his house.
that's why he doesn't hold very strong feelings over house yi even as a part of the government. as long as they're useful for his house then he doesn't mind them sort of thing. he won't tolerate slander of the royal family but he won't vehemently defend them to his last breath either.
can be pretty detached to the people around him that he doesn't think are useful to him or caught his attention in some way because, for better or worse, he sees the world as a big business and if he doesn't see anything worth of his attention on you then he won't care for you past minimal cordiality.
still can be pretty intense with the people he actually takes a liking to? sort of will die and kill, set the nation on fire for them sort of thing. is extremely loyal to his family and is willing to sacrifice a lot if not everything for them, but is still a little awkward in showing affection.
like the type of person who will willingly lit go through hell and live in it for the rest of their days if that means that the people he loves will be happy.
wanted connections
childhood/teenage friends ! considering he's from house seok, i imagine that he had a lot of playdates when younger that could've developed into genuine friendship or they might've drifted apart at some point or another and are trying to reconnect now. someone rivals from back then could be fun too! they being annoyed that even as a non-bender taesung was good at pretty much everything and he found the way you got riled up for (in his opinion) nothing very entertaining.
arranged engagement ! he's +30 y/o and the oldest child of a great noble house so i can see that he already has something arranged or maybe this is a little deal with him and someone so their parents/family will leave them alone because honestly taesung isn't very interested in romance at the moment and unless the ✨right person✨ shows up (either someone he holds affection for or because house seok would really benefit from their union), i don't see him ever being interested in it help KSDHJKJ
military camaraderie ! someone that was the same unit as him in the military and they became close! or even a subordinate that for some reason thinks fondly of him??? or subordinate that doesn't think so fondly of him??? maybe someone that didn't exactly get along with him at first but through hardships they warmed up to each other and became besties.
blurred lines ! someone that he gets along really really well. i'd say they're best friends (the platonic part being questionable at best), bordering on soulmates and their feelings for each other are a little ambiguous, even more so when they don't mind warming each other's bed from time to time.
(possible) business partners ! someone he worked with or offered advice to and he does think positively of them or even someone who wants to work with him or wants his advice but it's obvious he isn't willing to do neither so they try their best to convince him to do so?
a debt is a debt ! taesung takes debts (monetary or otherwise) very seriously and that's why he absolutely hates owing people and lowkey relishes when they owe him instead. maybe someone whom he owes a favor to and they hold it over his head more often than he would like because obviously they'll milk this as much as they can, or someone who owes him a favor and he has yet to find the best moment to cash it in which could be a little nervewrecking, i suppose?
again!! always open for brainstorming if nothing of this works out with your muse!!
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hazbinsinners · 4 months
;; hey so. heads up
some stuff just went down irl / is going to go down in a little while and i feel like absolute fucking garbage lmao i've been shaking for the past thirty minutes. i wanna write to distract myself but i'm gonna be selective about what because my writing brain can only handle certain things right now. for at least today and possibly tomorrow, please do not pester me about threads or replies. i'll get to it, i promise.
for now, like this post for angel in your inbox, or a little soft fluffy starter or something. if you're on a sideblog you can comment the blog you want in the comments. it won't be my best writing i'm really just looking for a distraction right now. replies will be somewhat sporadic.
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figurativepieceoftrash · 11 months
And if you find it interesting: 9, afo. Thank you!
Prompt 9: Say you love me
"Say you love me."
Not a question, but a command. Comfortingly familiar and gratingly predictable all at once. Pathetic, too, Sorahiko has come to realize. For all his bluster and projected confidence, Hisashi is damningly insecure.
Not that he knows it, of course. He could never be so self-aware. Sorahiko isn't exactly certain he wants him to be, though.
"Give me a reason to and maybe I will," he replies with begrudging interest, because it's ten in the morning, and the shirt he's wearing isn't his, and maybe, just maybe, he's a little bit pathetic too.
"So demanding." There's a touch of mockery in that. Sorahiko feels an arm close around his waist, pulling him ever so slightly into Hisashi's orbit, before a quick peck dusts his cheek. "There, is that enough for you? I'm not especially inclined to take you back to bed now, so it'll have to do regardless."
Inadvertently, the bridge of Sorahiko's nose wrinkles. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"That you smell like eggs." Sorahiko feels the head on his shoulder incline, pointedly towards the stove at his waist. "That's the worst omelet I've ever seen, by the way. You know you're supposed to remove the shells, don't you?"
A growl. "I did."
"Then what's that lumpy bit there?" 
Sorahiko's eyes follow the path of Hisashi's finger. He honestly can't parse where its target lies. As loathe as he is to admit it, the entire omelet is a mess.
"Just be grateful I'm cooking you anything, you–"
"Let's not get heated Sorahiko, you know I'm only teasing." That elicits an eye roll. Sorahiko knows quite the opposite. He isn't. Not entirely, anyways. "In truth, I find this domestic side of yours rather endearing. To force yourself through something you're so humiliatingly inept at, and all for my sake… I had no idea I held such an impressive sway over you."
"Fuck off."
"Ah, but not so impressive, it seems. I supplied the reason, did I not? A kiss and a compliment in one, I'm certain that's enough to fulfill my end of the bargain. So now you say…?" he trails off, pointedly pulling away from the two's considerably prolonged embrace.
Sorahiko hates that he misses the warmth. He hates it even more once he catches on to the familiar note in Hisashi's phrasing. Bargain.
Over the course of their intermittent and considerably rocky relationship, Sorahiko has come to learn, with increasing intensity and emphasis, that Hisashi sees the world entirely and exclusively in terms of transaction.
An expensive, candlelit dinner in exchange for sex. An apartment key for one-sided, yet ineffably binding romantic exclusivity. A name for a name. Breakfast for a button down. Physical affection for verbal affirmation.
Sorahiko doesn't mind it, per se. He likes knowing the terms of his relationship. The boundaries, the expectations, the do's and don'ts. It's no secret that he struggles with displays of affection, and Hisashi evokes them in ways that are obviously permissible, if not entirely free.
But it does feel… obsessive, on occasion. Demanding. Almost religious in its ritualism.
And even so, he's powerless in the face of it.
"I love you." 
Why does he mean it, when he says it?
Sorahiko would like to think it's because he pities him. The two have never exchanged personal information with each other beyond that of addresses, ages, and names, but what he's gleaned of Hisashi's life from shrewd bits of insight he's been allowed hasn't painted a pretty picture.
Hisashi is wealthy, certainly. Excessively so. Doubtlessly successful from the perspective of the average salaryman, and more still. 
But there's a desperation to it, Sorahiko has often noted, a compulsion to throw himself into to his work, whatever it may be, to parade his wealth around in the form of designer suits, and limousines, and French Champagnes, and penthouse suites, that suggests less of a desire to pursue a life worth living and more of a ravenous, clawing need to escape the reality of one that isn't.
The only pictures in his apartment are stock photos, he never speaks of his family, and the way he manipulates tenderness out of Sorahiko – hungrily, always hungrily, but with such a marked desire for distance – implies an upbringing completely devoid of genuine emotional connection. 
Every tender word is postured with Hisashi, practiced, and calculated, and rehearsed. Out of a compulsive desire for perfection, certainly, for power over one's partner, but there's also a very real sense of fear to the practice. Vulnerability is not a word in Hisashi's vocabulary. 
It isn't found in Sorahiko's either. Maybe that's why the pity comes so easily.
But no, that isn't his desire's origin, as much as he may wish it were.
There's a magnetism to Hisashi completely independent of his more vulnerable aspects, a surety and gravity as powerful as it is prevalent. Sorahiko loves to butt heads, the thrill of a chase, the stubborn push and pull of a yearning to which neither party will vocally lay claim.
Belonging to someone else, someone just as jaded, and worn, and pessimistic as him. Someone who comprehends the importance of detachment in the face of intimacy.
That was why he'd broken things off with Nana Shimura, though he'd never say it aloud. He'd known her too well, and she'd cared too much. Not enough distance.
"And I love hearing you say it." Apparently, Hisashi is feeling generous this morning. The second peck is placed on his lips. "I'm leaving the country tomorrow for work. I don't know when I'll be back."
Not generous then, placating. A salve in anticipation of a burn. Oh well. Last night had been too passionate anyways. Really, it's a blessing. Thank God for distance.
Breakfast is eaten in cold, impassive silence. Hisashi doesn't even comment on the obvious bits of eggshell that crack between his molars. Doesn't even lament the burnt crust that coats the dishes underside. A rare occurrence by all accounts. He lives for drama.
Sorahiko should be grateful. And he is.
Thank God for distance.
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sangcreole · 9 months
Hello friends! I've gotten quite a few non-rp blog followers on this account— thank you, and I'm flattered that you love Louis enough to follow me here! However!!! This is a ROLEPLAY blog, and as such, there is a slightly different etiquette code than regular tumblr fandom blogs.
Normally I just block folks who don't read my rules, but I figured I'd make this comprehensive post for archival reasons anyway. So! What are the do's and don'ts of tumblr RP etiquette?
DO: read our rules! Every rp blog has them! Mine are linked in my pinned post! You can also find them here! Rules are different for every single rp blog, so it's important to read them to understand what kind of interactions they're comfortable with
The first reason this is considered rude is because roleplay writing is NOT for you. is it cool to read an rp blog's threads and cheer from the sidelines? absolutely! I LOVE getting little messages from people following along and commenting on what makes them excited! But rp is a contained writing format between two people, so taking someone else's writing and putting it on your blog is just....not good! it's not like reblogging fanfic! it feels more like stealing!
The second reason this is considered rude is because rp blogs on tumblr use the notes system to track our writing threads and other activity. when people reblog from us, it fucks up the note count (deadass some of y'all almost made me delete this fucking account when one of my amc salt posts got out and i had like 200 notes to wade through overnight. please don't do it).
There may be certain exceptions to this rule— for example, on my rules page, I state that I'm okay with folks reblogging my non-writing related content (aesthetic photos, musings, etc.). But for the most part...reblogs are kinda off-limits
DO: send in questions from headcanon/character building prompts! Basically, any question set that's meant to be answered out of character, referring to Louis rather than me writing as Louis. Here are some examples of what I mean: x, x, x
DON'T: send in in-character sentence starters meant for other rp blogs! Whats a sentence starter? Here are some examples! (x, x, x) Basically, any prompt that is meant to be sent in FROM ANOTHER RP BLOG, to be replied to in-character on my part. If you send me an anonymous message with a line of dialogue from a sentence starter, I can't do anything with that, because I don't know who my writing partner is supposed to be. These are for established character blogs only.
DO: send in random questions or comments! I do love interacting with y'all and I don't want you to be intimidated by all the rules I just laid out! If you have a question for Louis, please feel free to ask him and I'll reply in-character! If you have a question you want me to answer ooc, feel free to ask it! As long as you're respectful, it's all good!
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lunaetis · 8 months
[ sorry about lack of activity / ic content as of late. i've been battling a writer's block that is creeping in from my work stress. my health hasn't been the best either due to stress and lack of sleep as well so writing & wording had been difficult for me. i've been catching up on g.enshin & h.sr quests during the weekend, but i'm going to try to attempt some drafts / writing this week. ( hopefully i'm not jinxing myself with that ! ) thank you everyone for being so patient & understanding with me ! ]
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phoenix-flamed · 14 days
... And now I'm reminded of something I'd meant to write, and now I'm inspired to write it again.
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cxpperhead · 7 months
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Quick update regarding life stuff! Had a couple of days off to recuperate and rest up but I'm still sick with whatever nasty cold is going around. It's back to work tomorrow though so activity will be scarce a little longer 'til then. ♥
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monstriiss · 8 months
strokes the dash, one day i will return from war
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