#one whatsapp multiple phone connect
ussocialmedia · 1 year
How to Link WhatsApp account Two or More Phones, not Web.
Hello Friends, today I’m sharing WhatsApp New Feature Link to another Phone to same number. This is new feature introduced April 25, 2023. You can use the same WhatsApp account on several devices with the same number. Not WhatsApp web, WhatsApp app. This is a useful feature for Business WhatsApp accounts. You can use one WhatsApp on several mobile and tablet devices. To link New Phone to WhatsApp…
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simpfr · 1 year
Im so sorry if this is uploaded late or if it isn’t good enough I’ve been having the most gut wrenching headaches because of my anemia and i also have exams so i can’t be on my phone very often.
Tags: @mikeikax @bucky-barnes-supremacy @ken-zah @datweirdperson765 @pulling-out-my-eyes @yunonaneko @queenofsimpsblog @a10vely-yutazen @clayyfan @cantdothis-nomore @lieutenantlashfaz
Lieutenant why is ur user so long 😭
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 I wish you knew.
Part 2.
His hair was so soft to the touch, it felt like you were running your hand through a billow of clouds that wrapped themselves around your arm as an ethereal feeling was sent throughout your body.
If there was a chance you could steal his hair and use it as your mattress and pillows you would've done it in the blink of an eye...
"Can you turn around so I can how it looks on you?" you asked and he nodded, turning around while avoiding eye contact with you, because...well, in a situation like this you would usually do something devious.
But, this time around you didn't and he looked so adorable. His hair was tied back down into to a loose low ponytail with there still being some hair at the front to not leave his forehead bare as it was his signature style while you added a little heart clip to keep the short front hair from falling out.
The only reason he was doing this was to leave an impression on gayatri, who he recently asked on a date.
They weren't they dating but they became friends a month or two ago and pavitr wanted step it up a bit.
Though, he never said it was a date but instead "a hangout"
Sometimes, you really wanted to stab yourself in the mouth and rip your tongue out.
You were the one who suggested they became friends and you were the one who told him to ask her out at least once in awhile to make her "grow or feel a connection"
Why? you weren't even sure yourself.
You knew she began growing feelings for him as well but instead of keeping them apart, you willingly made them get closer to one another.
who were you to deny his love life? He's been your best friend since the primary school days! you couldn't just snatch his chances of ever finding love out of pure spite.
But once again, ever since the whole 'hangout with gayatri' thing has been going on you've never really hangout or talk to each other as much as you used to.
The only time you would have a conversation would be on WhatsApp where you would text like two random people who just got each other's number.
You weren't sure if it was on purpose or not but you were still glad to be able to see him again, "actually, can you come with me this time?"
"You mean third wheel? Yea, no thanks." as mean as it sounded, who in the right mind would want hear their longtime crush trying to get it on with their friend? Or anyone in that matter.
"I'm not talking about sitting with us! Just like, watch and be there with me for emotional support."
"Why now? you've went on date with her multiple times already haven't you? you didn't even ask me to go with you during your first time!" he sighed before placing his arms on your shoulders. Looking you right in the eye like he used to, but this time he wasn't looking for your reaction instead he wanted you to see his, to take what he had to say seriously.
Taking in a deep breath, he spoke,"I'm planning on confessing today."
That sentence alone made your heart beat faster from anger as the walls of realization came crashing down on you.
you knew you should've said something.
you knew you should've made a move.
But you didn't, So you couldn't blame him right? It was his heart and he knew who he wanted it belong to.
You couldn't control his fate nor could you control yours, as in the story written by the one you were just meant to be someone who admired him as he admired someone else.
It took everything in you to not break down at that moment as you avoided making eye contact with him, "yea, I'll be there."
He smiled softly before placing a kiss on your forehead, a gesture he has done multiple times that always made you flustered but now you just felt dull.
"We'll be at the regular cafe, okay?" you nodded, waiting for him to leave you alone in his home once again but for a complete different reason.
He gave you one last look before finally living.
Fuck life.
They talked and laughed, clearly enjoying their time together. But, for some reason his mind was still on you. He knew you were there watching, following his instructions from before but he wanted you near to him, he wanted to see you, to hear you, feel you, everything.
Was his feelings towards you really platonic? I mean, it's not weird to think of your friend as attractive and loveable right?
Should he leave? I mean whats the point on confessing if his mind was on someone else as well?
But he didn't just wanna leave early because of that..
"HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE!" A citizen yelled as a crowd of gut wrenching screams that slowly started to get louder was followed.
Everyone that was in the cafe began to scatter towards the door making it a struggle for anyone to get through.
Seems like fate decided to choose for him.
Remember how i said everyone went towards the front door? Well, it was everyone except gayatri.
She quickly got up and grabbed pavitr's hand, attempting to lead him towards the back door along with her, but he didn't budge.
"I'm going for y/n. You just get somewhere safe okay?" she looked at him with pure fear and concern in her eyes,"What? She was here?"
Oh right, she didn't know.
"She's smart, she would've left by now and so should we!" she said, trying to pull him again but failed miserably, "You really need to go, gayatri. I'll be fine." he said with his honey tone voice that completely swooed her.
She was hesitant but nodded and left anyway .
He couldn't see you, he couldn't hear you or sense you anywhere no matter how hard he tried. Everything was fine, everything was resolved and everyone was saved.
Everyone except you.
It wasn't that dangerous of a villan and he was captured, so where were you?
He checked inside your apartment, you weren't there.
Maybe your parents house? No
Your friends houses? Still no.
You weren't answering your phone either, did something happen to you? Did one of the villains minion get to you? But why you? He never slipped up and went to your house in his uniform before. Did they somehow find out his identity? But that's not possible... Maybe It was his hair?...
Sighing on the rooftop of a random, he went towards your apartment one more time thinking that maybe there was a tiny chance you were there and boy was he glad he did.
You were there, not in your room but on the rooftop and just seeing you, alive and okay, lifted a huge weight off his shoulder.
he wasted absolutely no time to start swinging towards you as fast as he could, as if if he didn't capture in less than a minute you would disappear like sand in the wind, jumping and leeching onto you like a cat after his last swing.
"Wha–? Spiderman?"
your voice. He loved your voice so much but it sounded weak and fragile, were you crying?
"Spider man?" you asked again. He wanted to kiss you so bad, to make whatever it was that made you cry go away. Completely oblivious to the fact he was the reason.
Maybe his feelings towards you weren't platonic.
"I love him but I don't wanna."
Part 3
He forget he spiderman while spidermaning
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nickgerlich · 2 months
0 To 5 Billion
Twenty-five years ago, the number was 0. No, it wasn’t the temperature, in either Fahrenheit or Celsius. It wasn’t the inflation rate or the interest rate. It wasn’t the number of EVs that had been sold.
Nope, it was the number of people on social media. It simply did not exist. But data released earlier this year show just how much of a force it has become, because there are now slightly more than five billion people worldwide on social media, or 62.3% of the world’s population. It may not be Ferrari-like acceleration, but it is still pretty impressive.
The typical user spends 2h23m per day on 6.7 platforms. Of course, your mileage may vary, but those are the averages. Among Android users, they spend 34 hours per month on TikTok and 28 hours per month on YouTube.
And you wonder where all of your time went.
Overall, Instagram takes top honors as favorite platform, toppling WhatsApp, a popular platform everywhere but the US. Overall, we spend 6h40m a day online doing one thing or another. Based on my weekly screen time report that pops onto my phone every Sunday morning, I am above average.
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All of this time has to come out of other things, since we are still kind of locked in at 24 hours available each day. Television watching is in decline, losing another 17 minutes last year. I suspect it is also coming out of interpersonal time, productive time at work, and leisure activities. Sure, we might figure out how to juggle things (how many of you keep a social app open on your computer while at work?), but let’s face it: You’re probably not dedicating quality time to either.
And since marketers go where the eyeballs are, digital ad spend grew by 10% last year to $720 billion. Social media ad spending was $207 billion.
So what does this say about us as a people? A lot. It says that we have changed considerably in a quarter of a century, that no matter how much we may naysay social media specifically, or this digital lifestyle more generally, we have embraced it all nonetheless.
Social media has become the way that people connect and reconnect. Yes, some people use it as a substitute for F2F interactions. Like it or not, this is how we do it, and in the developed world, it has become the de facto means of communication. When was the last time you sent a greeting card of any kind, such as birthday, holidays, anniversary, etc.? Do you even call people these days? My calling log grows more sparse with each passing year. Do you no longer feel the need to attend reunions and similar social gatherings, because you already know what your old pals have been doing thanks to their posts?
We get our news online. We find our entertainment online. We shop online. We get our recipes online. There’s not much we don’t get online. And the implication to marketers is clear as the world approaches digital totality: you either join the tidal shift in redirected advertising dollars, or run the risk of completely losing relevance.
But as we continue the transition, we must be cognizant of the fact that old-school methods of advertising, notably mass communication on broadcast or print media vehicles, is probably a waste of time and money. A shotgun approach to advertising means spending massive sums to spray messages in the general direction of people, hoping that you actually reach some of the people you really want. We can do much better now with targeted advertising. It behooves us to understand the users of each platform, and then utilizing all of the tools available, go after specific people. The audience of many has been replaced by the audience of one.
I know that this creeps out some people, as we have discussed multiple times. But as we approach the end of this course, we need to step back and try to see the bigger picture. This is where we are. Digital marketing commands an ever growing portion of all marketing activities, and I suspect that, while old-school methods may never go away completely, it will be the gorilla in the living room.
Discussion topics like this may summon comparisons to Black Mirror, the Jetsons, The Matrix, and numerous other pop culture touchstones. Those may very well have been prophetic; we just didn’t realize it at the time. If you are uncomfortable with change, you’re in for a rough ride ahead. I don’t see this crazy train slowing down any time soon.
I do hope that my students will ponder these stats, but more importantly think about what it all means. Things have changed even in just the three months we have been journeying together. It may not feel like much, but when you turn to look over your shoulder, you can see just how far we have come, not just in 2024, but in the last 25 years.
That little speck you see in the distance is where we were. We can’t go back there, and to try is futile. Zero may have been quaint, but we’re at five billion now and growing. What you do with that reality is up to you.
Dr “The End Is Near” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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avnnetwork · 3 days
Maximize Your Reach with Innovative WhatsApp Marketing Solutions
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In the dynamic world of digital marketing, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to connect with their audience. One such powerful tool is WhatsApp, a messaging app with over 2 billion active users worldwide. Leveraging WhatsApp for marketing can help businesses maximize their reach, engage with customers more personally, and drive significant growth. This blog will explore how businesses can use innovative WhatsApp marketing solutions to achieve these goals.
Introduction to WhatsApp Marketing
WhatsApp is not just a messaging app; it has evolved into a versatile platform for businesses to interact with their customers. With features like WhatsApp Business API, businesses can automate, sort, and respond to messages efficiently. The key to successful WhatsApp marketing lies in understanding its capabilities and using them innovatively. Check whatsapp marketing services in Delhi.
Why Choose WhatsApp for Marketing?
Massive User Base: With over 2 billion users, WhatsApp offers an unparalleled reach.
High Engagement Rates: WhatsApp messages have an open rate of 98%, significantly higher than emails.
Personal Connection: WhatsApp allows businesses to engage with customers in a more personal and direct manner.
Multimedia Support: Businesses can send images, videos, documents, and voice messages, making interactions more dynamic.
Setting Up WhatsApp Business
Before diving into advanced strategies, it's essential to set up WhatsApp Business properly.
Creating a WhatsApp Business Account
Download the App: Available for both Android and iOS.
Register Your Business: Use your business phone number to create an account.
Complete Your Profile: Add your business name, logo, address, and description.
Utilizing WhatsApp Business Tools
Business Profile: Add details like business hours, website, and catalog.
Messaging Tools: Use automated greetings, quick replies, and away messages to manage customer interactions.
Labels: Organize contacts and chats using labels to streamline communication.
Innovative WhatsApp Marketing Strategies
With the basics covered, let's explore some innovative WhatsApp marketing strategies to maximize your reach.
1. Personalized Customer Service
Personalization is key in today's market. Use WhatsApp to provide personalized customer service by addressing customers by their names, remembering past interactions, and offering tailored recommendations.
Automated Responses: Use chatbots to handle common queries and free up time for more complex issues.
Customer Feedback: Send surveys and feedback forms to understand customer needs better.
2. Broadcast Lists for Targeted Messaging
WhatsApp allows you to create broadcast lists to send messages to multiple contacts without them knowing. This feature is excellent for targeted campaigns.
Segmentation: Segment your audience based on demographics, purchase history, or interests.
Promotions and Offers: Send exclusive promotions, discounts, and offers to specific customer segments.
3. WhatsApp Status for Storytelling
WhatsApp Status is a feature similar to Instagram Stories, where you can post images, videos, and text that disappear after 24 hours. Use this feature to tell your brand story.
Behind-the-Scenes Content: Share behind-the-scenes content to build a deeper connection with your audience.
Product Launches: Tease new products or services and create excitement.
User-Generated Content: Feature customer testimonials and user-generated content to build trust.
4. Click-to-WhatsApp Ads
Facebook and Instagram offer Click-to-WhatsApp ads that direct users from the platforms to a WhatsApp chat with your business. This integration can significantly boost your customer acquisition efforts.
Ad Campaigns: Run targeted ad campaigns that direct potential customers to WhatsApp.
Lead Generation: Use these ads for lead generation, offering users an easy way to contact your business.
5. Group Chats for Community Building
WhatsApp groups can be a powerful tool for building a community around your brand. Create groups for your most engaged customers to share updates, exclusive content, and gather feedback.
VIP Groups: Create VIP groups for loyal customers to offer them special perks.
Customer Support Groups: Provide support and foster discussions among your customers.
Best Practices for WhatsApp Marketing
While WhatsApp offers many opportunities, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure success and maintain customer trust.
Maintain Privacy and Consent
Always obtain customer consent before adding them to your WhatsApp contacts or sending them messages. Respect privacy and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
Avoid Spammy Behavior
Frequent or irrelevant messages can annoy customers and lead to them blocking your number. Keep your messages relevant and valuable.
Provide Clear Value
Ensure every message provides clear value to the recipient. Whether it’s a special offer, useful information, or a personalized recommendation, make sure it’s worth their time.
Monitor and Analyze Performance
Use WhatsApp Business API analytics to monitor the performance of your campaigns. Track metrics like message delivery rates, read rates, and response times to optimize your strategy.
Case Studies: Successful WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns
Case Study 1: Absolut Vodka
Absolut Vodka used WhatsApp to promote its limited edition Absolut Unique bottle. They created a campaign called "The Absolut Truths," where customers could chat with a fictional character named Sven. The campaign was a huge success, generating significant engagement and increasing brand awareness.
Case Study 2: Hellmann’s Brazil
Hellmann’s Brazil launched a WhatsApp campaign called “WhatsCook.” Customers could send a photo of their fridge contents, and a professional chef would provide a recipe using those ingredients. The campaign was highly engaging and helped Hellmann’s connect with customers in a unique and personal way.
Case Study 3: BMW
BMW used WhatsApp to launch their new model, the BMW X2. They created an exclusive group for interested customers, providing them with sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes content, and direct communication with the BMW team. This approach built excitement and drove significant pre-launch interest and sales.
Future Trends in WhatsApp Marketing
WhatsApp marketing is continuously evolving, with new trends and technologies shaping its future. Here are some trends to watch out for:
1. Increased Use of AI and Chatbots
AI-powered chatbots are becoming more sophisticated, enabling businesses to provide instant and efficient customer service on WhatsApp.
2. Integration with E-commerce Platforms
WhatsApp is increasingly being integrated with e-commerce platforms, allowing businesses to sell products directly through the app.
3. Enhanced Analytics
Future updates are expected to bring more advanced analytics features, helping businesses track and optimize their WhatsApp marketing efforts more effectively.
4. Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences
AR experiences are being integrated into WhatsApp, allowing businesses to provide immersive and interactive experiences for their customers.
5. WhatsApp Pay
WhatsApp Pay is being rolled out in various markets, enabling seamless transactions within the app. This feature can revolutionize how businesses handle payments and sales through WhatsApp.
WhatsApp offers a plethora of innovative marketing solutions that can help businesses maximize their reach and engage with customers in meaningful ways. By leveraging personalized customer service, targeted messaging, storytelling, and community building, businesses can create impactful WhatsApp marketing campaigns. As technology continues to evolve, staying ahead of trends and utilizing new features will be key to maintaining a competitive edge. Embrace WhatsApp marketing today to connect with your audience on a deeper level and drive your business growth to new heights. To get whatsapp marketing services in Delhi, visit https://mcarbon.com/whatsapp-business/
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lpsbossard · 4 days
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The Power of Ecosyn®-MRX Self-Drilling Screws
In the world of construction, manufacturing, and engineering, efficiency and reliability are paramount. Ecosyn®-MRX self-drilling screws have emerged as a game-changing solution, revolutionizing fastening processes and setting new standards for performance and durability.
Let's explore the innovative features and benefits of Ecosyn®-MRX self-drilling screws and their impact on various industries.
The Evolution of Fastening Technology
Traditional fastening methods often involve multiple steps, including pre-drilling holes and tapping threads, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Ecosyn®-MRX self-drilling screws simplify this process by combining drilling and fastening into a single step. The unique self-drilling point of these screws eliminates the need for pre-drilling, allowing for faster installation and significant time savings.
Superior Performance in Metal-to-Metal Applications
Ecosyn®-MRX self-drilling screws are specifically engineered for use in metal-to-metal applications, where conventional fasteners may struggle to provide secure connections. Whether it's joining steel beams in construction projects or assembling metal components in manufacturing processes, Ecosyn®-MRX screws excel in providing high-strength, reliable connections that withstand the rigors of heavy-duty applications.
Advanced Features for Enhanced Durability
One of the key features of Ecosyn®-MRX self-drilling screws is their advanced design and construction, which ensures superior durability and performance. These screws are manufactured from high-quality materials, such as hardened steel or stainless steel, to withstand corrosion, wear, and extreme environmental conditions. Additionally, they may feature specialized coatings or treatments for added protection against rust and corrosion, prolonging the lifespan of the fasteners and the structures they secure.
Efficiency and Cost Savings
By eliminating the need for separate drilling operations, Ecosyn®-MRX self-drilling screws offer significant efficiency gains and cost savings. The streamlined installation process reduces labor costs and minimizes downtime, allowing projects to be completed faster and more efficiently. Additionally, the high-strength, reliable connections provided by Ecosyn®-MRX screws help prevent rework, repairs, and maintenance, further reducing overall project costs and maximizing return on investment.
The screws are manufactured from a martensitic, hardened and tempered chrome steel with higher resistance to corrosion (comparable with A2 grade stainless steel). Besides aluminium also sheet steel and rust-resistant thin sheet metal can be drilled through.
Strength greater than A2 or A4
No erosion in the thread, even when using rust-resistant thin steel sheet
No surface corrosion
High drilling performance
Corrosion-resistant connections are economic and offer top reliability
Areas of applicaiton and use:
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mbwhatsy · 6 days
MB WhatsApp
Are you tired of the limitations of the standard WhatsApp? Discover MB WhatsApp, the modded version that offers a host of new features designed to enhance your messaging experience. With MB WhatsApp, you can enjoy greater privacy, extensive customization options, and the ability to share larger media files. Join the growing community of MB WhatsApp users who are enjoying a more versatile and user-friendly messaging app.
Top 10 Features of MB WhatsApp That You’ll Love
MB WhatsApp comes packed with a plethora of features that set it apart from the standard WhatsApp. Here are the top 10 features that you’ll love:
Enhanced Privacy Settings: Control who can see your online status, read receipts, and more.
Custom Themes: Personalize your app with a variety of themes and color schemes.
Extended Media Sharing: Share larger files, including videos and high-resolution images.
Anti-Ban: Improved security features to reduce the risk of getting banned.
Multiple Accounts: Use multiple WhatsApp accounts on the same device.
DND Mode: Disable internet connectivity for MB WhatsApp only, while other apps continue to use data.
Increased Status Length: Post longer statuses compared to the standard WhatsApp.
Advanced Messaging Features: Schedule messages, auto-reply, and more.
Custom Fonts: Change the font style to match your preferences.
Improved Performance: Faster and more responsive than many other mods.
Step-by-Step Guide to Installing MB WhatsApp on Your Phone
Ready to try MB WhatsApp? Follow these simple steps to install it on your device:
Backup Your Chats: Before installing, back up your current WhatsApp chats.
Go to WhatsApp > Settings > Chats > Chat backup > BACK UP.
Download MB WhatsApp: Visit the official MB WhatsApp website and download the latest version.
Enable Unknown Sources: Go to Settings > Security > Enable Unknown Sources to allow installation from sources other than the Google Play Store.
Install MB WhatsApp: Locate the downloaded APK file and tap to install.
Verify Your Number: Open MB WhatsApp and verify your phone number.
Restore Your Chats: After verification, restore your chat backup.
Pros and Cons of Using MB WhatsApp: What You Need to Know
Like any app, MB WhatsApp has its pros and cons. Here’s what you need to know:
More Features: Enjoy advanced features not available in the standard WhatsApp.
Customization: Personalize your app’s appearance to suit your style.
Privacy Control: Greater control over your privacy settings.
Security Risks: Modded apps can pose security risks, including data breaches.
Ban Risk: There’s a potential risk of your account being banned by WhatsApp.
Updates: Updates are not as regular or automatic as the official app.
To minimize these risks, always download MB WhatsApp from a reputable source and stay informed about updates and security measures.
MB WhatsApp vs. GB WhatsApp: Which One Should You Choose?
When choosing between MB WhatsApp and GB WhatsApp, consider the following:
Features: MB WhatsApp focuses on privacy and customization, while GB WhatsApp offers additional features like message scheduling and advanced media sharing.
Stability: Users often report that MB WhatsApp is more stable and has fewer bugs.
Updates: Both apps require manual updates, but GB WhatsApp may have more frequent updates.
Ultimately, your choice depends on which features are more important to you.
What Users Are Saying About MB WhatsApp
Here’s what some users have to say about their experience with MB WhatsApp:
“I love the customization options in MB WhatsApp. It makes my messaging experience so much more enjoyable!” –Thamina from USA
“The privacy features are a game-changer. I feel much more secure using MB WhatsApp.” – john wick
“I switched to MB WhatsApp because of the larger file sharing capabilities. It’s been great for sharing videos with my friends.” – Amjad Nazir
Have you tried MB WhatsApp? Share your experience in the comments below!
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soapver4 · 1 month
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Platform idea: A transparent content library that lets you choose the brain you want for yourself based on the averaged neurological changes of the consumers of the book, course, film, drama, etc. curated or, if the changes are too small, based on the genre, discipline, institution, lecturer, author, director or other creators. That is the definitively life-revolutionizing choice we need on top of the choices of exhilaratingly but ultimately helplessly watching larvae taking over human brains in Parasyte: The Grey or [doomsday scifi spoiler] the dispatch of a human brain to forlorn outer space in 3 Body Problem, shows which recently topped a FlixPatrol global TV streaming chart in close succession.
Content and life are fast evolving, so we need to ensure whatever forms of societal compass we have with respect to them keep pace. Sharper differentiation between beneficial content and detrimental content enables the precise and efficient choice optimization that is ever more important against a backdrop of enrichment/entertainment option overload and harrowing time scarcity. The necessity is real whether you are pro-screen or anti-screen.
To identify with an "anti-screen" league might sound hypocritical in this smartphone age. Even this discourse is of necessity mediated through a screen. The temptation and justification for screen usage are made powerful by the current realities of modern living — the network effect (i.e. how the value of a good or service depends on the number of users, which in turn carries implications for any digital abstinence or digital hermitism on the part of users like business owners, commentators, creators or even simply run-of-the-mill career builders), phone-addicted spouses and buddies whose attention you switch on more readily through WhatsApp, the need to join social conversations around trending shows to avoid becoming an outcast, online-only opinion pieces, and essential services increasingly requiring web connectivity. Prominent reflections of authentic neurological changes that confirm purported negative consequences of viewing excessive onscreen violence and short-form content, for example, would be reminders that may abate the temptation and turn the tide of peer pressure to some extent. Physical written materials, in contrast, can cultivate patience, concentration and an appetite for deep contemplation, provided they are not part of any multitasking setup.
That said, the books-good-TV-bad mantra needs a nuance check given the transforming content landscape. Give fair chances to new works otherwise tarnished by past scientific findings on the harm of television watching and stop shallow publications from stealing precious minutes of our lives. Television can be a rich and cognitively stimulating form of storytelling, if screen creators care to make the best of their medium, whereas a financially threatened publishing industry surviving on conservative business ethos may keep selecting works that repeat the same ideas for up to hundreds of pages at a time to meet traditional length expectations and across tens of thousands of titles. Unlike text, screen details may await careful discovery, instead of always being spelled out one way or another. What an opportunity for bookish nerds to stretch our multiple faculties. Layered audiovisual worlds take this millions of steps further as they compact ideas, emotions and sociocultural, literary and academic references into mere minutes or even seconds. The caveat is that the brain catalog must carry a warning about the content-independent perils of excessive screen time.
Not relying solely on superficial theories and industry experiences vulnerable to future disruption, @netflix itself has had a biophysical lab that measured electrical activities in volunteers' brains as they watched videos. To take this to an ideal level, we might want to randomly select individuals, habitual users of a medium and others alike, for each item or group in the proposed content library and conduct magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or other suitable measurements of them before and after their consumption of the item or of a statistically significant number of group items. With massive samples of such individuals, any confounding factors would hopefully cancel out each other. To be sure, the problems with this approach are tremendous: staggering technical and logistical costs, denial of personal autonomy, riding roughshod over conscientious objection to consuming works of certain ideologies or themes.
One compromise would be comparing the neurological measurements of pairs or, if the numbers permit, paired pools of consenting, anonymized viewers who share similar biographical data and viewing histories but differ in whether they have consumed the content item or group under evaluation. A discounted price tier can be offered to incentivize the consent, data sharing and measurements. There are at least two complications, on top of the obvious analytical limitation of self-selection, however. First, while pure entertainment content may be viewed as merely a foregone luxury for non-consenting individuals, the same is not true for foregone enrichment items, including important academic books and courses as well as works of profound societal value that inspire you, for instance, to push on against your real-life difficulties or to take pride in your marginalized background. The consequence is the oft-discussed data-selling equivalent of organ selling for people of lesser means who actually need to consume the works. Second, discussions around TikTok bans and around familial genomic information have raised the concern that personal data is more than personal. The geopolitical and societal implications of massive data collection may be deemed troubling, however unfettered, authentic and informed the consent given is.
Until there is a solution or favorable consensus for challenges above, here is a suggestion for a crude proxy that circumvents them: a review site-like content library where each user can pick two shapes that she believes best represent the cognitive state and emotional state of her brain respectively after consuming a curated item. Polling on the shapes starts after complete consumption of the item is plausible. For example, the brain shape poll for a web series should start at a time that is the sum of the time of release of the finale of a web series and the running duration of the finale. To minimize the effect of any manipulation by rabid fandoms or unscrupulous commercial players, the most popular brain shapes for the item are to be unveiled only after the end of a reasonably long voting period, after which no more vote will be accepted. At least the fun concept itself should be sufficient non-monetary incentive for poll participation.
Quantitative surveys of neurological states need not obliterate any romance or particularity of a viewing or fiction reading experience. Just as you can imagine having separate fabulous friendships with twins with identical looks and similar personalities, the Shinichi-Migi bromance in the Japanese manga/anime version of Parasyte and the Suin-Heidi "sismance" (never mind that a widely-accepted term for female bromance still does not exist) in the South Korean live-action adaptation of Parasyte mentioned in the beginning may be both worth cherishing in their own rights, even if they all hold out brains in the shape of a reaper with a large heart as its head in poll results. Ditto for The Three-Body Problem franchise's Cheng Xin X Yun Tianming loveline and Cheng Jin (Jin Cheng) X Will Downing loveline, and any steaming, plasmoid-shaped brains.
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jerry618 · 3 months
The Revolution of Ultra-Thin LED Display: Technology and Applications
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Ultra-thin light-emitting diode (LED) displays are set to change the way we consume digital content and interact with our surroundings. With incredibly thin screen sizes and displays that could be applied to just about anything, these cutting-edge screens present several exciting opportunities across industries, including medical devices, advertising, transportation, and gaming. In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at the technology behind ultra-thin LED displays and how they are used today.
What is a paper-thin/ultra-thin LED screen?
A paper-thin/ultra-thin LED screen is a type of display technology that can be bent, rolled, or shaped into any shape. Paper-thin led screens are extremely lightweight, with a thickness that can range from 0.1 mm to 1 mm. It may sound hard to believe, but these screens are thinner than the average piece of hard paper! In addition, ultra-thin led displays also use less power than LCDs and are highly durable.
With single-color LEDs and wireless connectivity via Bluetooth, paper-thin led screens are quickly becoming more common in multiple industries.
Whether working with a paper-thin screen at home or at your workplace, you'll probably find one product that perfectly suits your needs. For example, if you have a small retail business and would like to display prices to customers, an ultra-thin led screen can work perfectly in that setting. More on this in a short while.
The technology behind ultra-thin LED display
Ultra-thin LED displays consist of a substrate, an anode, a cathode, a conductive layer, and a light-emitting material. The substrate is typically glass or plastic. The cathode consists of a silver-coated electrode, while the anode consists of a transparent conductor such as indium tin oxide (ITO). Two layers of conductive ITO are on top of each other to achieve better electrical properties. A high voltage is applied between the two electrodes, which makes electrons flow through the light-emitting material, causing it to emit light.
In order to reduce thickness, manufacturers need to reduce the space needed for the conductors by working with new materials that are more flexible than those currently in use.
These new materials include carbon nanotubes, graphene, and metal nanowires.
This new material can be printed onto flexible substrates, making these screens rollable and foldable like paper.
In addition, because this new material is cheaper than current ones, it would also make manufacturing processes less expensive. Manufacturers could then create smaller displays at lower costs due to their improved production methods.
LED screens are thinner, brighter, and more energy efficient than LCDs. The average lifespan of LED display technology will continue to grow longer since LEDs do not burn out easily.
The applications and advantages of choosing an ultra-thin LED screen
Owing to their numerous advantages over traditional display screens, many companies are now opting for these ultra-thin displays.
Advantages of Ultra-thin LED screens
Here are the benefits of ultra-thin LED screens: 
* Lower energy consumption - Paper-thin LED displays do not need a backlit screen. Instead, a layer of light-emitting diode lights up when a current is passed through them. This reduces power consumption by as much as 85% compared to LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays). They are thus suitable for battery-powered devices like smartphones.
* Highly versatile - Due to their small footprint and lower power consumption, they are highly suited for many devices, including mobile phones, laptops, and tablets. Even portable gaming consoles benefit from these screens.
* Versatility leads to reduced costs - As paper-thin led screens don't require any heating or cooling mechanism, they can be fitted into smaller spaces, leading to significant cost savings. Their compact size makes it easier to make space for extra components inside the device while reducing production costs because they can be mounted on flat surfaces, unlike bulky LCD panels.
* Superb image quality - Paper-thin LEDs like OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) have the advantage of producing deeper blacks and richer colors than regular LED screens because three individual light sources make each pixel. The result is a very high resolution, often dwarfing FullHD by up to 16 times.
* Fast response time - They respond to touch within 50 milliseconds, which is fast enough to do away with the trail effect. This makes these displays more suitable for use in HD applications like gaming or at home.
Applications of Ultra-thin LED screens
These displays also find application in communication devices such as televisions. Major television manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony, and Panasonic now offer ultra-thin TVs that produce sharper images with less motion blur than other televisions available in the market. Moreover, due to its low power requirements, this technology will also be suitable for future quantum computers where even the smallest form of heat could interfere with calculations.
Other applications include:
1. Commercial and professional displays where they are used in control rooms, broadcast rooms, and other areas where larger displays are needed;
2. Large format signage, advertising, and video walls;
3. Medical equipment such as patient monitors and medical imaging systems;
4. Sports scoreboards and digital clocks that take up less space than conventional ones;
5. DOOH makes advertisements interactive and engaging; DOOH is a preferred method among marketers to engage customers.
6. Outdoor lighting displays, for instance, are possible thanks to the low-heat generation and longevity of LED screens.
7. They can be found in places such as casinos, malls, and amusement parks.
Recommended Unilumin ultra-thin LED product (28mm ultra-thin design) with case studies
Unilumin's 28mm ultra-thin design is the world's smallest, lightest, and most energy-efficient display. With superior brightness to the competition and a full suite of features that can be customized for any application, this new LED technology is redefining the landscape for modern displays.
According to a paper published by John Rogers, the Flory-Founder Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois, organic LEDs, such as those used in Unilumin's 28mm ultra-thin design, are superior as they combine the aspects of inorganic LEDs and the ordinary OLEDs. This results in brighter, more robust, and more durable displays.
The process of cloning these two technologies into a single one involves interconnecting ultra-thin LED layers by film processing. The result is a high-resolution system, otherwise impossible to make by ordinary inorganic LED manufacturing processes.
A notable use case is in digital signage applications, where ultra-thin displays are used to replace static posters.
Overall, the ultra-thin LED display is a revolutionary technology that will change the way we use screens in our lives. With its many applications in medical, industrial, commercial, military, and other fields, this technology has the potential to improve our quality of life.
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auxpay · 4 months
Beyond Conversations: AuxChat - The All-in-One Platform for Streamlined Customer Interactions & Payments
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Today's customers demand convenience and a seamless omnichannel experience. Businesses need powerful tools to connect, communicate, and transact effortlessly. Enter AuxChat by AuxPay, a robust platform that goes beyond just multi-platform messaging, seamlessly integrating payment processing for a truly unified experience.
Effortlessly connect with customers on texting, emailing, WhatsApp, Telegram, and phone calls – all from a single platform. Send invoices and process payments directly within the chat, eliminating friction and reducing abandonment rates. Enjoy multi-device access on mobile app or PC, browser or app – the choice is yours! Leverage AI-powered features like auto-replies, scheduled messages, and personalized communications for enhanced efficiency and engagement. But AuxChat's benefits extend far beyond simple messaging:
Boost Revenue: Integrated payment processing eliminates the need for customers to switch between platforms, resulting in higher conversion rates and faster payments. Reduce Friction: Say goodbye to confusing invoices and cumbersome payment processes. Your customers can pay directly within the chat, fostering a smooth and enjoyable experience. Streamline Operations: Manage all communications and transactions from one unified platform, minimizing administrative tasks and freeing up your team's time. Enhanced Security: Industry-standard security measures and compliance ensure your data and your customers' financial information are protected. Valuable Insights: Gain detailed analytics on customer behavior and communication trends to refine your strategies and optimize your messaging approach. AuxChat offers the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes:
Small Businesses: Simplify customer interactions and offer a convenient payment experience to stand out from the competition. Large Enterprises: Manage complex communication workflows across multiple channels and departments, while centralizing payment processing for enhanced efficiency. E-commerce Platforms: Offer a seamless buying journey from product discovery to checkout, all within the familiar communication channels preferred by your customers. Ready to revolutionize the way you connect and transact with your customers? Contact AuxChat today to schedule a demo and explore how our all-in-one platform can transform your business interactions and boost your bottom line.
Don't just chat, AuxChat your way to success and effortless payments!
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govindhtech · 5 months
Chatbot power: Business and customer benefits
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Chatbots let customers and potential clients quickly find or input information by instantly responding to audio, text, or a combination of input requests without human intervention or manual research.
Chatbots assist employees using smart speakers at home, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, and other apps with customer service.
Latest AI chatbots, also called intelligent virtual assistants or virtual agents, understand natural conversations thanks to advanced language models and proactively automate tasks using conversational AI technology. No more “Press 6 to connect to customer service.” The benefits of chatbots are everywhere.
Chatbot benefits in customer services
Many of your customers’ benefits benefit your company. When asked what they like about chatbots, customers probably say the following. A chatbot can:
Respond quickly to customer inquiries
No one likes waiting for answers. Most people hate hearing, “I’ll get back to you.” With so many information sources and buying options, customers may not wait for answers. 24/7 chatbots answer those questions quickly.
Provide customized services and advice
Chatbots respond quickly, anticipate needs, provide useful messages, and recommend new products. AI recommends next steps based on customer interactions. Increase customer satisfaction to boost value.
Interact with customers when and where
Conversational marketing works on many platforms and tools to reach customers where and how they want. Engage them via websites, digital ads, mobile or messaging apps, phone, in-store kiosks, social media, or SMS. This Omni channel approach lets you reach customers where they are active and comfortable.
Speak customer language
Customers from most countries can contact your chatbot. Enterprise-grade chatbots can support multiple languages and make educated guesses based on initial input, whether in chat, text, or voice. Global market potential.
Make self-service available
Customers like to do simple tasks themselves. Providing more self-service options and resource directions with your chatbot saves customers time and reduces staffing needs.
Operate 24/7
Customers can access information and support 24/7 on platforms. Chatbots answer questions instantly, improving customer service.
Only provide details once. Enterprise-grade chatbots can record customer conversations and relevant information. Customers won’t have to repeat time-consuming questions when a chat is transferred to customer service. Your customers are less frustrated and annoyed.
Company benefits
Chatbots respond quickly, process natural language accurately, and automate personalized experiences, giving your company many advantages. A chatbot can:
Increase brand loyalty and customer engagement
Prior to chatbots, most customer inquiries and complaints required human intervention. However, chatbots can automate workflows, freeing workers from repetitive tasks. They can reduce phone and email/live chat wait times. Multiple users can instantly access chatbots, improving the customer experience by quickly addressing their needs.
Lower operational costs and increase efficiency
With the ability to handle most questions, chatbots can reduce or eliminate the need for 24×7 staffing. Optimizing processes that previously required human interaction improves customer experiences and reduces employee turnover.
Improve customer service
When answering repetitive questions, customer service reps can lose interest. Use chatbots to answer routine questions and pass them on when more insight is needed to engage your staff when creativity and initiative are wanted, rewarding their work.
Chatbots can answer repetitive questions, be the first line of support, or help your support team during peak times, freeing up personnel to handle more complex issues. Outsourcing these functions to overseas companies may be costly and risky, reducing your brand’s customer interactions.
Increase sales
AI-powered chatbots generate leads, convert, and cross-sell. Site visitors may ask about features, attributes, or plans. Chatbots speed up responses and help customers buy. Chatbots can ask qualification questions and connect customers with trained sales agents to increase conversions for complex purchases with a multi-step sales funnel.
Enhance audience participation
Chatbots can answer global customer questions 24/7 without human time or energy constraints. They can serve many customers at once, eliminating the need for more staff. Enterprise-grade chatbots scale quickly and handle multiple conversations. Chatbots can handle more customer interactions without increasing costs or staffing.
Obtain customer data directly
Your chatbots generate leads for your marketing team by requesting customer information on their first interaction. These questions can also prequalify customers before sending them to your sales team, helping them set goals and choose a strategy.
Gain new insights without cookies
Data from machine-learning chatbots can reveal new audience insights. They collect valuable CRM data like customer feedback, preferences, interaction behavior, email addresses, and phone numbers. They can also identify customer interests and behaviors to improve marketing campaigns, personalize messages, and improve products and services without using cookies.
Promote lead nurturing
Chatbots can help prospects move through the sales funnel by sending follow-up messages and drip campaigns.
Provide customized services
Customers can be greeted by chatbots for personalized interactions. A chatbot can make useful suggestions and offers based on a customer’s interaction history.
Test fast messaging
A/B test your chatbots to find the best messaging. Customers can interact with different instructions and suggestions until you choose the best term. You can then evaluate the chatbot’s understanding, response time, and customer self-service completion.
Improve HR operations
HR departments may struggle to efficiently manage routine tasks, wasting time answering employees’ frequently asked questions. This is time-consuming and distracts HR staff from recruitment, retention, motivation, leadership development, and corporate culture. Chatbots can reduce this workload significantly.
Continuously communicate
Chatbots provide consistent information and messaging, ensuring fair service for all customers. Knowledge base consistency helps maintain brand integrity and accuracy in customer communications. Without it, agents may give multiple customers different directions or information, causing misunderstandings and dissatisfaction.
Maintain calm
Any day can be bad for customer service agents, who may react in ways they regret. Customers often start customer service calls by venting about a previous experience. The composed customer service chatbot can absorb most of the frustration. Thus, when a live agent takes over, much of the anger has subsided, preventing rudeness or abuse.
Industry benefits
Chatbots can benefit any industry, but some stand out.
Financial services and banking
In transactional industries, AI-powered chatbots can answer questions quickly, eliminate wait times, simplify web searches, and improve customer interactions.
E-commerce, online marketing
You can enable self-service, accurately route queries to human agents, and provide personalized, contextually relevant shopping experiences.
Chatbots can help citizens pay bills and find events. They improve user experiences, save money, and deliver a fast ROI by responding quickly and accurately.
Empower and simplify patient experiences with intelligent automation. Chatbots can help skilled medical professionals and patients quickly book appointments, refill prescriptions, and receive medication notifications.
A NLP and ML HR chatbot can understand, communicate, and automate onboarding, FAQs, time-off requests, and leave balance checks for candidates and employees.
Customers who request quotes, file insurance claims, or pay want real-time, personalized, and accurate responses. Answering questions quickly and accurately builds customer loyalty.
Real estate chatbots efficiently create profiles, answer property availability questions, and schedule appointments. For deeper relationships, they ask about clients’ property preferences during profile creation.
Delivering chatbot benefits
Take advantage of these benefits with IBM Watsonx Assistant, an enterprise-grade AI-powered chatbot platform. It removes support barriers, provides excellent experiences, and integrates AI-powered voice agents and chatbots with your business tools.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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idigitizellp21 · 5 months
WhatsApp Features You Must Explore In 2024
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WhatsApp is the most used instant messaging app, which is getting better with every new update. Meta’s parent company continues adding newer features to enhance the messaging user experience. Keeping up with trends and the need of the hour, WhatsApp is now set to differentiate with its top 5 features you just cannot miss out on as you welcome 2024. 
If you are an avid WhatsApp user, here are some distinct features worth trying.
Privacy Features:
1. Lock Group and Individual Chats:To bolster the security of your conversations, WhatsApp is gradually rolling out the ability to set fingerprint or face locks for specific chats. This additional layer of protection ensures that even if your phone falls into the wrong hands, sensitive information remains secure.
2. End-to-End Encryption for Chat Backups:Your privacy extends beyond real-time conversations with the introduction of end-to-end encryption for chat backups. Messages are now scrambled both during transit and while at rest in cloud storage, ensuring that only you and the intended recipient can access them.
3. The New Privacy Menu:Streamlining privacy settings, WhatsApp introduces a centralized hub where users can easily manage who sees their profile picture, “last seen” status, and about information. This user-friendly approach puts control firmly in the hands of the individual.
4. 2-Step Verification to Link Devices:Security is paramount, especially when linking new devices. WhatsApp now requires a 6-digit PIN, in addition to the usual verification code sent to your phone, when logging in on WhatsApp Web or Desktop. This two-step process adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.
Additional User Experience Features:
1. Screen Sharing During a Video Call:Elevating the video call experience, WhatsApp now allows users to share their phone screens. This feature is ideal for presentations, providing directions, or troubleshooting tech issues collaboratively.
2. Edit Message Options:Correcting typos or clarifying thoughts is now hassle-free with the ability to edit sent messages within 15 minutes of sending. Say goodbye to the anxiety of sending follow-up messages for corrections.
3. High-Quality Photo Sharing:Preserving the original quality of photos and videos on iOS devices, WhatsApp ensures that details are not lost through compression. Share memories with clarity and vibrancy.
4. Voice Message Status:Real-time visibility is granted with the introduction of voice message status. Similar to the familiar typing bubbles for text messages, you can now see when your voice message is being listened to, fostering a more engaging conversation experience.
5. One WhatsApp App on Multiple Phones:Seamlessly switch between up to four linked devices, including phones and computers, using a single WhatsApp account. This feature provides unmatched convenience for users who want to stay connected across various devices.
6. Silence Unknown Callers:Tired of unwanted interruptions? WhatsApp allows users to block calls from unknown numbers directly in the call log, providing a simple solution to reduce disruptions and maintain focus.
Summing up:
As we embrace the new year, WhatsApp reaffirms its status as the leading instant messaging app with a slew of innovative features aimed at enhancing both privacy and user experience. The introduction of fingerprint or face locks for specific chats, end-to-end encryption for chat backups, and a centralized Privacy Menu reflects a strong commitment to user privacy and security. Simultaneously, user experience is elevated with features like screen sharing during video calls, editable messages, high-quality photo sharing, and real-time voice message status. The capability to use one WhatsApp account on multiple devices and the option to silence unknown callers in the call log further contribute to a seamless and secure communication experience. At iDigitize, our digital marketing expertise aligns with these advancements, and we encourage businesses to leverage these features for effective communication and connection with their audience in this ever-evolving digital landscape. Stay informed about the latest changes in WhatsApp’s chat backup policy impacting Google Drive storage limits. Read more: https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/attention-whatsapp-users-this-feature-will-no-longer-be-available-for-free-in-2024-2482914-2024-01-01
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jennyscott1 · 5 months
5 Communication Applications
Do you know the top five communication applications you can use to communicate with anyone easily? But firstly, we will discuss why we need these applications and why we should install them on our mobile. Generally, we all live in different cities, states, or countries, and if you want to communicate with someone easily, you need to download communication applications. You can easily find them and install them on your mobile.
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In the top five communication applications, you will find that some apps are social media profiles, and you can use them for promotional purposes, too. In this blog of Pastenow.net, we will discuss the top five communication apps you can use to send files, chat, for promotional purposes, and many more. We can use these applications for multiple purposes other than communication. You can easily send large files or other file-sharing things with the help of the top five communication applications.
List of Top 5 Communication Applications:
Here is the list of the top five communication applications you should use to make your life easier. You can use them in different ways, like sending a file instead of using mail or other third-party services, sending a file, sending photos, or many others.
WhatsApp Communicate App:
The largest and most commonly used application for communication with anyone worldwide. You can easily communicate with anyone and do multiple things with that application. Also, it is the most widely used application because you can easily register on that communication application with the help of your mobile number. It doesn’t require you to submit more information; you must enter your phone number to create the account. Also, you can update your WhatsApp Bio, DP, or other information if you want.
You can use WhatsApp as a business, too, and in that case, you need to create a different business WhatsApp account on your mobile phone where you can update your business info. So, you can use two WhatsApp accounts: WhatsApp and Business WhatsApp. In WhatsApp, you can share your files and photos without trouble, but you may lose your pixel quality when sharing images through WhatsApp. In that case, you can use GB WhatsApp, an upgraded version of WhatsApp. You can read about GB WhatsApp over DownloadGBAppAPK, which has all WhatsApp mod versions.
Instagram Communication App:
You know about Instagram, the biggest social media profile, and you can use it as a communication application. You can chat with someone easily after connecting. Firstly, you need to create an account on it to communicate with your friends and colleagues. To create accounts on Instagram, you can use email or phone to create the account. After creating the accounts, you can easily connect with anyone with the help of a username.
You can also connect with strangers by searching for their names or other information. Also, you can share anything, like photos, files, videos, or anything else with anyone. On Instagram, you can create a business profile for your small business and create ads to promote your business by selecting a target audience.
Telegram App:
Telegram is one of the best applications, which is very easy to use for communication, and it has both desktop and mobile applications. You can also open a web browser by searching Google as Telegram web. In the telegram communication application, you can create multiple accounts with the help of different mobile numbers. And you can log in to multiple accounts on one single application.
You can share multiple files with the help of the Telegram app. In the Telegram app, there are many other options that you can use. You will find many telegram bots that will make your life easier. You can download YouTube videos with the help of Telegram Bots.
Signal App:
In that communication application, you can secure your conversations as it has end-to-end encryption. You will have much more privacy than others. Most business people use the Signal
app to communicate with friends and colleagues. So, you can download that application instead of other communication applications for business purposes.
You can also make a call or video call with the help of the Signal App. In that application, your voice call will be crystal clear no matter in which countries, cities, or states they live. Generally, with other applications like Instagram, you will find ads on it. But Signal provides ads free so that you can use it easily.
Skype App:
Skype is another of the best communication apps among the top five communication applications. Microsoft makes it, and you can easily communicate with anyone. You need to have a phone and email to register for that application. It can be easily accessed with the help of mobile or desktop applications. You can also access it through a web browser.
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soubhagyaside · 6 months
How Billionaires Organize Their WorkSpace—What You can Learn From it?
Do you ever wonder what billionaires’ workspace looks like and how they manage their workspaces?
What was their workspace before they were famous or Internet celebrities?
In this post, we will explore the workspaces of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Mike Bloomberg, and Kevin Kelly with many other articles and entrepreneurs to see how they are productive and what their workspace looks like.
We will also see what we can learn from them.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates is an American technology entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist better known for the software company Microsoft, As of Dec 2023 it's being valued at 2.76 trillion dollars.
The first person to achieve a $100 Billion net worth. He also owns Codex Leicester, a collection of scientific writing by Leonardo da Vinci.
Gates being a nerd is interesting to see what his workspace looks like.
These are some photographs of the workspace of Bill Gates when he was building Microsoft. You can clearly see the messy piles of papers with computers, keyboards, and telephones.
Gradually over the year, he becomes neat and clean as other work is delegated to others. Gates now uses a clean work setup with a water bottle, computer, keyboard, mouse, and other important things.
Throughout the images of Bill Gates, you can see a book near to him, as he likes to read a lot.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk is an interest entrepreneur and investor and the wealthiest person in the world with over $222 billion as of Dec 2023. He is the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, owner of X, formally Twitter, and also the founder of xAI.
Mr. Musk always grabs a vacant desk whenever he needs one to work and it's interesting to see what his workspace looks like.
Elon Musk always uses an oval-shaped desk to work from the end of his work desktop and other end his places his other important documents or projects.
The desk is somewhat clean and you always find some book near to him, being an avid reader like Bill Gates. The U-shaped desk is the most interesting thing I liked the most from his workspace.
It allows him to switch places from his desktop to the front when he meets someone.
You can also see Musk always works in a place that has large windows to allow natural sun lights to come.
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is a computer programmer and entrepreneur, better known for social media Apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Threads. He is the CEO of Facebook and its parent company, Meta.
Mark is also an interesting personality and it is interesting to see the workspace of Mark Zuckerberg.
From the early days of Facebook, Mark has been comfortable with a small setup with a monitor or laptop with a mouse or some paper around him. You can clearly see he only uses a laptop and it allows him to work from anywhere.
You can see the present day picture of Mark’s desk where you can see some books, a laptop with no mouse and cable connect to it, his phone and Meta Quest VR, which lunched recently.
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs was an American businessman, inventor, and investor better known for co-founding Apple Inc. He was also the primary investor of Pixar and the founder of NeXT.
As you can see the workspace of Steve Jobs from the last days of his life. He is kind of messy and that may be the sign of geniuses. He is filled with books, electronic devices, and piles of papers.
Nothing is expected more from a person who values and makes minimalist products like iPod, iPhone, and iPad.
Mike Bloomberg
Micheal Bloomberg is an American businessman and politician, who is better known for founding Bloomberg L.P. financial data services firm, and served as mayor of New York City from 2002-2013.
The workspace of Bloomberg looks like the modern coders with multiple screens and monitors opened with chats. Because of his industry, he is always open to news and chats on his multiple monitors.
Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly is a founding executive editor of Wired magazine. He is also a writer and photographer. Kelly is an interesting man and with also in his workspace. His workspace looks different from other billionaires.
He also has a messy desktop with a wall of Legos and a skeleton of some kind. You can see the mess of things like books, notebooks, papers, mic, desktops, and more.
See Workspaces of Great Minds, Artists, Scientists, and Writers
Jane Austen, Novelist:
Yoshitomo Nara, Artist:
Pablo Picasso, Painter:
Mark Twain, Writer:
Virginia Wolf, Writer:
Roald Dahl, Children's Writer:
Thomas Edison, Inventor:
Stephen Hawkings, Theoretical Physicist:
Nicholas Tesla, Inventor:
Martin Luther King, Political Leader:
Warren Buffet, Investor:
NASA Scientists:
Bob Dylan, Singer:
Winston Churchill, Former PM of the US and political Leader:
Neil Gaiman, Writer:
PS: You can see my workspace here.
What You can learn from their workspaces?
Looking at different kinds of workspaces from modern-day entrepreneurs to billionaires and artists to scientists, here are some of the things that we can learn from their workspaces.
Everybody is different in their own way, we can't say a clean background led to success or a messy own. They are the clear examples of this.
You can often find books in their workspace that allow them to read whenever they want to.
Some use a simple workspace and other messy or complex workspaces like Bloomberg with multiple monitors.
They seem to love their own workspace with their own choice of design.
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obwhts · 6 months
OB WhatsApp
Introduction to  OB WhatsApp Messenger
The popularity of WhatsApp Messenger
WhatsApp Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion users globally. Its popularity can be attributed to its easy-to-use interface, cross-platform compatibility, and a wide range of features. WhatsApp allows users to send text messages, voice messages, make voice and video calls, share photos and videos, and even send documents. It also has features like group chats, status updates, and end-to-end encryption for secure communication.
How to download and install WhatsApp Messenger
Downloading and installing WhatsApp Messenger is simple and straightforward. Here's how you can get started:1. Go to the Google Play Store (for Android users) or the App Store (for iOS users).2. Search for "WhatsApp Messenger" in the search bar.3. Click on the "Install" button or "Get" button.4. Once the app is downloaded, open it and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your account.5. Enter your phone number for verification and create a username and password.6. You're now ready to start using WhatsApp Messenger and connect with friends and family.
With its user-friendly interface and extensive features, WhatsApp Messenger has become an essential communication tool for individuals and businesses alike. Whether you want to stay in touch with loved ones or collaborate with colleagues, WhatsApp Messenger offers a convenient and reliable messaging solution.
WhatsApp Features and Functions
Instant messaging and multimedia sharing
One of the key features of WhatsApp Messenger is its instant messaging capability. Users can send text messages to individuals or groups with just a few taps. This makes it easy to have real-time conversations and stay connected with friends, family, or colleagues.
WhatsApp also allows users to share multimedia files such as photos and videos. Whether you want to share a memorable moment or an important document, you can simply attach it to your message and send it to the recipient. This feature is especially useful for sharing files quickly and efficiently.
Group chats and voice calls
Another useful feature of WhatsApp is the ability to create group chats. Users can add multiple contacts to a single chat and have conversations with all the participants at once. Group chats are perfect for coordinating with a team, planning events, or simply keeping in touch with a group of friends.
In addition to text messaging, WhatsApp also offers voice calling functionality. Users can make high-quality voice calls to their contacts, regardless of their location. This feature is especially beneficial for staying connected with loved ones who are far away or for conducting remote business meetings.
With its extensive features and user-friendly interface, WhatsApp Messenger offers a convenient and reliable messaging solution for individuals and businesses alike. Whether you're sharing multimedia files or having group conversations, WhatsApp provides a seamless communication experience.
WhatsApp Privacy and Security
End-to-end encryption
One of the major reasons why people choose WhatsApp as their preferred messaging platform is its strong emphasis on privacy and security. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, which means that messages, calls, photos, and videos are encrypted and can only be read by the intended recipient. This ensures that your private conversations are protected from unauthorized access and surveillance.
Settings to enhance privacy
WhatsApp also provides users with various settings to enhance their privacy. Users have the option to set their profile picture and status to be visible only to their contacts or even hide them altogether. Additionally, WhatsApp allows users to customize their privacy settings by choosing who can see their last seen status, profile information, and read receipts. These settings give users greater control over their privacy and allow them to communicate with peace of mind.
By prioritizing user privacy and implementing robust security measures, WhatsApp has earned the trust of millions of users worldwide. Whether it's personal chats or confidential business communications, WhatsApp ensures that your conversations remain private and secure.
WhatsApp Status and Stories
Creating and sharing status updates
WhatsApp allows users to create and share status updates, which are short-lived posts that disappear after 24 hours. These updates can include text, photos, videos, and even animated GIFs. Users can choose from a variety of pre-set status options or create their own personalized updates using different fonts, colors, and backgrounds. This feature provides a creative and interactive way for users to express themselves and share moments with their contacts. Furthermore, users can also view who has viewed their status and reply to individual statuses, fostering engagement and conversation within the app.
Privacy settings for status updates
To maintain control over who can view their status updates, WhatsApp offers privacy settings. Users have the option to choose who can see their status updates by selecting from three options: "My contacts" (all their saved contacts), "My contacts except..." (excluding selected contacts), or "Only share with..." (selected contacts). This level of privacy customization ensures that users can feel comfortable sharing their updates with the intended audience and protect their privacy from unwanted viewers. With these privacy settings, users can confidently express themselves and share personal moments without compromising their privacy.
By providing easy-to-use features for creating and sharing status updates and customizable privacy settings, WhatsApp offers a fun and secure way for users to connect and communicate through their status updates.
WhatsApp Web and Desktop Applications
Using WhatsApp on a computer or laptop provides users with the convenience of accessing their messages and conversations on a larger screen. WhatsApp offers two options for desktop usage - WhatsApp Web and desktop applications.
Using WhatsApp on a computer or laptop
WhatsApp Web allows users to access their WhatsApp account on a browser by scanning a QR code on their mobile device. This feature syncs the messages between the phone and the computer, enabling users to send and receive messages, share media files, and even make voice and video calls directly from their computer.
On the other hand, WhatsApp desktop applications are standalone programs that can be installed on Windows and Mac computers. These applications provide a more integrated and immersive experience compared to the browser-based WhatsApp Web. Users can access their messages and contacts without having to keep the browser open, making it more convenient for daily usage.
Syncing messages between devices
One of the key advantages of using WhatsApp Web or desktop applications is the seamless synchronization of messages between devices. When a user sends or receives a message on their mobile device, it is instantly reflected on the computer as well. This ensures that users can stay connected and continue their conversations regardless of the device they are using.
Whether it's for work, convenience, or multitasking, WhatsApp Web and desktop applications provide users with an enhanced messaging experience across multiple devices. The ability to access messages on a computer or laptop brings added flexibility and ease of use to the popular messaging app.
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OB WhatsApp
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anwhatsapp · 6 months
AN WhatsApp APK v34 Download (Official) Latest Version 2023 | AN WhatsApp
AN WhatsApp APK v35 Download (Official) Latest Version 2024 | AN WhatsApp
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ANWhatsApp Download
The ANWhatsApp application version by Ammar Al-Awadi is one of the very distinctive versions that has been developed from the original WhatsApp application. It is an updated version that contains many great features. The application has an attractive look and a unique design that combines both old and modern designs at the same time. It is easy to use for everyone and completely free from any problems or restrictions that hinder its usage. Additionally, it has many special additions. There are ten different variations of this unique application that offer many important services to the users. When downloading the application, you will have a wonderful user experience. This application is very easy to use, can be downloaded quickly, and is completely safe. Furthermore, it can work on various types of smartphones.
What is ANWhatsApp, the mobile application by Ammar Al-Awadi
ANWhatsApp is a WhatsApp update by Ammar Al Awadhi that comes with great features, an attractive design, and is free of problems. It also includes new and unique additions. There are ten versions available, allowing you to activate ten numbers on ten different ANWhatsApp accounts for mobile phones easily and securely. It is compatible with all phone versions, including older and lighter devices.
Download ANWhatsApp to avoid being banned on Android. The newest version is a professionally modified version of WhatsApp that is even more useful for all users. It can be used on any Android phone, including Samsung and Huawei. The best part about AN WhatsApp is that it will never be blocked, allowing you to communicate with your friends without interruption. Simply install the application on your smartphone and enjoy chatting.
There are a total of 10 versions of ANWhatsApp available, each with a different name such as WhatsApp Ammar, the gold version, AN WhatsApp, the pink version, ANWhatsApp, the blue version and the green version. All of these versions are designed to be resistant to bans and viruses.
This paragraph describes a WhatsApp application that is similar to other modified versions found on Android app download sites. It offers useful features for communication, such as the ability to send messages to unregistered contacts and the option to hide the conversation partner's name. It also provides various other unique services that set it apart from other modified WhatsApp versions.
ANWhatsApp Download
Download and update Ammar Al-Awadi's AN WhatsApp latest version to bypass the ten-number limit and easily activate ten numbers on your Android phone without any issues or bans. This quick and secure version works on all Android smartphone versions through Ammar Al-Awadi's WhatsApp. Enjoy the new amazing features and additions with ten WhatsApp applications on one phone. Additionally, you can directly download the latest version of ANWhatsApp by Ammar Al-Awadi to bypass the ban from multiple websites.
ANWhatsApp features
A few characteristics of ANWhatsApp by Ammar Al-Awadi are outlined below
To stop others from including you in groups, access the Settings menu, click on Account, select Privacy, and then choose the Group option.
You can show statuses above chats.
In WhatsApp, it is possible to change between 10 different number accounts.
Including 1024 individuals to the roster of recipients in the group message.
Adding 1024 members to groups.
You have the ability to modify the conversation and status background or color.
You can hide the appearance.
You can hide conversations.
You can send messages automatically.
You can change the font to 30 lines.
Get notified whenever someone deletes a message.
Only disconnect the internet connection from WhatsApp.
Extend the duration of the status to 7 minutes.
You can send scheduled messages.
After sending and deleting the message from the recipient's device, you have the ability to retrieve it.
It is possible to transmit messages to a phone number that is not in your possession.
You have the ability to differentiate regular messages from group messages.
You have the ability to view the individuals who have viewed your profile as well as those currently active online.
Instead of sending a 16MB video, you have the option to send a video that is 30MB in size.
Instead of sending a 16 MB audio clip, you have the option to send one that is 100 MB in size.
When you copy two or more messages, you have the option to conceal the date and name.
You can copy the status.
You have the ability to modify the application's visuals, such as altering the icon and notifications.
You will receive a notification when someone updates their profile picture.
And there are countless other features that were not specifically discussed.
ANWhatsapp is an extension or add-on created by Ammar Al-Awadi for the messaging platform WhatsApp
You will receive notifications when people check your status or when you update your profile picture. To enable these notifications, enter Ammar Al-Awadi's modifications and select the notifications option.
The benefit of presenting the initial message in an appealing manner.
Each member can view messages sent to the group individually, as well as see the messages they personally sent within the group.
If someone tags you or responds to your message in a group that is displayed on the main screen, you will see a notification.
Auto reply feature.
Scheduled messages feature.
Night mode and transparent mode feature.
Everyone, regardless of the time, has the ability to delete the message, even if it has been 360 centuries since its creation.
This feature allows you to select the status that you want the other person to be aware that you have viewed.
One special attribute includes the ability to modify the background color of the status, alter the font color of the status, incorporate new fonts into the status, and use pre-designed styles for the status.
Well done on acquiring the program. Sign up right away and gain access to over 700 games for downloading.
Auto-explosion text feature.
The option to send unique and different emojis and modify the fonts of messages.
The Holy Quran and Islamic matters.
For certain individuals, extend the duration of the condition to a complete hour.
A fast chatting option that allows users to message anyone within a conversation.
Highlighted: Swipe right on the message to delete it or swipe left to make an audio or video call.
Chat scrolling effects up and down.
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cybercrime-blogs · 7 months
Cyber Criminals’ International Web Dubai-Pakistan Connection Exposed in Dehradun Fraud Case
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In a recent breakthrough, the Special Task Force (STF) and Cyber Crime unit in Uttarakhand apprehended a scammer hailing from Rajasthan, orchestrating a sophisticated online scam. This elaborate scheme preyed on unsuspecting victims in India and abroad, leveraging false identities to extract money through various deceptive tactics.
The investigation has unveiled connections to a larger network of scammers based in Dubai and Pakistan, prompting authorities to delve into the intricate web of international cybercrime. The ongoing probe is focused on tracing the money flow, determining the scale of victims, and dismantling the global network responsible for orchestrating these scams.
Also Read: Cybercrime in Nagpur - Cyber Blackmailer Couple Arrested in Pune for Extorting Money
Deceptive Online Strategies
Officials revealed that the modus operandi of the scam involved the creation of fraudulent websites and reaching out to potential targets via WhatsApp, email, telephone calls, and other social media platforms. The fraudsters, posing as HR representatives from reputable companies, enticed individuals with the promise of easy earnings. Tasks such as liking and subscribing to YouTube videos on platforms like Telegram and YouTube were presented as avenues for effortless profit. Unfortunately, victims, enticed by the allure of easy money, found themselves losing substantial sums under the guise of these seemingly innocuous tasks.
A Heartbreaking Case
One poignant case reported to the Cyber Crime Police Station involved a resident of Patel Nagar, Dehradun, who fell victim to this elaborate scam. The individual was swindled out of Rs 9,40,000 through a series of well-executed maneuvers by unidentified scammers.
The ordeal began with a phone call to the victim's wife, purportedly from their son Harpreet's friend, Sarab, residing in Canada. Expressing an interest in purchasing land in India with a budget of up to Rs 80,00,000, the scammers sent a transfer receipt of Rs 15,00,000. However, the promised amount never materialized in the victim's account.
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Subsequently, the fraudsters, now posing as a travel agent named Guru Charan Singh from Kirti Nagar, Delhi, contacted the victim. They claimed urgent financial assistance was needed for ailing family members and persuaded the complainant to deposit Rs 2,50,000 into a specified State Bank of India account. Falling prey to the ruse, the victim complied, depositing cash into the designated account using an ATM machine. This unfortunate sequence of events resulted in a cumulative loss of Rs 9,40,000 through multiple transactions.
As authorities continue to unravel the intricacies of this cybercrime network, the case stands as a stark reminder of the vigilance required in the face of increasingly sophisticated online scams. The collaborative efforts of the STF and Cyber Crime unit in Uttarakhand serve as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against cybercriminals preying on unsuspecting individuals.
In response to a victim's distressing complaint, authorities swiftly initiated legal proceedings by registering a case under IPC sections 307/23, 420, and 120 B at the Patel Nagar Police Station in Dehradun. The unidentified suspects had preyed upon the victim by posing as their son's friend from Canada, leading to a series of fraudulent money transfers.
Also Read: Pune Couple's Organized Cyber Blackmailing Scandal Uncovered
As the police diligently gathered information, focusing on the involved mobile number and tracking the funds, it became evident that the criminals had deceived the victim with fabricated messages about money transfers. Technical analysis pointed to the primary suspect's connections to Rajasthan, prompting a dedicated team to launch further investigations.
The tenacity of the police team bore fruit as they uncovered bank accounts created under false identities, which had received the ill-gotten gains. This crucial evidence led to the arrest of Dharmendra Kumar, a resident of District Sikar, Rajasthan.
Delving deeper into the case exposed a complex web of deceit orchestrated by a network of criminals operating internationally. Some of the accused were traced to locations in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, collaborating to defraud unsuspecting Indians. They employed fake SIM cards, ID cards, and bogus accounts to carry out their crimes.
Also Read: Pune Couple's Organized Cyber Blackmailing Scandal Uncovered
Dharmendra Kumar, upon interrogation, admitted to colluding with associates in Dubai and Pakistani agents to deceive innocent victims. Further technical analysis unveiled initial connections to Pakistan and Dubai, suggesting a larger network at play.
The Cyber Crime Police Station in Dehradun, in collaboration with the STF and the Cyber Crime team, has made significant strides in dismantling this nationwide scam. Their unwavering dedication has resulted in the apprehension of a key player in these fraudulent activities. This case serves as a stark reminder of the imperative need for vigilance and caution when engaging with unfamiliar individuals online.
Source: https://www.the420.in/online-scammers-dubai-pakistan-connection-dehradun-fraud/
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