#ibm watson
America's largest hospital chain has an algorithmic death panel
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It’s not that conservatives aren’t sometimes right — it’s that even when they’re right, they’re highly selective about it. Take the hoary chestnut that “incentives matter,” trotted out to deny humane benefits to poor people on the grounds that “free money” makes people “workshy.”
There’s a whole body of conservative economic orthodoxy, Public Choice Theory, that concerns itself with the motives of callow, easily corrupted regulators, legislators and civil servants, and how they might be tempted to distort markets.
But the same people who obsess over our fallible public institutions are convinced that private institutions will never yield to temptation, because the fear of competition keeps temptation at bay. It’s this belief that leads the right to embrace monopolies as “efficient”: “A company’s dominance is evidence of its quality. Customers flock to it, and competitors fail to lure them away, therefore monopolies are the public’s best friend.”
But this only makes sense if you don’t understand how monopolies can prevent competitors. Think of Uber, lighting $31b of its investors’ cash on fire, losing 41 cents on every dollar it brought in, in a bid to drive out competitors and make public transit seem like a bad investment.
Or think of Big Tech, locking up whole swathes of your life inside their silos, so that changing mobile OSes means abandoning your iMessage contacts; or changing social media platforms means abandoning your friends, or blocking Google surveillance means losing your email address, or breaking up with Amazon means losing all your ebooks and audiobooks:
Businesspeople understand the risks of competition, which is why they seek to extinguish it. The harder it is for your customers to leave — because of a lack of competitors or because of lock-in — the worse you can treat them without risking their departure. This is the core of enshittification: a company that is neither disciplined by competition nor regulation can abuse its customers and suppliers over long timescales without losing either:
It’s not that public institutions can’t betray they public interest. It’s just that public institutions can be made democratically accountable, rather than financially accountable. When a company betrays you, you can only punish it by “voting with your wallet.” In that system, the people with the fattest wallets get the most votes.
When public institutions fail you, you can vote with your ballot. Admittedly, that doesn’t always work, but one of the major predictors of whether it will work is how big and concentrated the private sector is. Regulatory capture isn’t automatic: it’s what you get when companies are bigger than governments.
If you want small governments, in other words, you need small companies. Even if you think the only role for the state is in enforcing contracts, the state needs to be more powerful than the companies issuing those contracts. The bigger the companies are, the bigger the government has to be:
Companies can suborn the government to help them abuse the public, but whether public institutions can resist them is more a matter of how powerful those companies are than how fallible a public servant is. Our plutocratic, monopolized, unequal society is the worst of both worlds. Because companies are so big, they abuse us with impunity — and they are able to suborn the state to help them do it:
This is the dimension that’s so often missing from the discussion of why Americans pay more for healthcare to get worse outcomes from health-care workers who labor under worse conditions than their cousins abroad. Yes, the government can abet this, as when it lets privatizers into the Medicare system to loot it and maim its patients:
But the answer to this isn’t more privatization. Remember Sarah Palin’s scare-stories about how government health care would have “death panels” where unaccountable officials decided whether your life was worth saving?
The reason “death panels” resounded so thoroughly — and stuck around through the years — is that we all understand, at some deep level, that health care will always be rationed. When you show up at the Emergency Room, they have to triage you. Even if you’re in unbearable agony, you might have to wait, and wait, and wait, because other people (even people who arrive after you do) have it worse.
In America, health care is mostly rationed based on your ability to pay. Emergency room triage is one of the only truly meritocratic institutions in the American health system, where your treatment is based on urgency, not cash. Of course, you can buy your way out of that too, with concierge doctors. And the ER system itself has been infested with Private Equity parasites:
Wealth-based health-care rationing is bad enough, but when it’s combined with the public purse, a bad system becomes a nightmare. Take hospice care: private equity funds have rolled up huge numbers of hospices across the USA and turned them into rigged — and lethal — games:
Medicare will pay a hospice $203-$1,462 to care for a dying person, amounting to $22.4b/year in public funds transfered to the private sector. Incentives matter: the less a hospice does for their patients, the more profits they reap. And the private hospice system is administered with the lightest of touches: at the $203/day level, a private hospice has no mandatory duties to their patients.
You can set up a California hospice for the price of a $3,000 filing fee (which is mostly optional, since it’s never checked). You will have a facility inspection, but don’t worry, there’s no followup to make sure you remediate any failing elements. And no one at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks complaints.
So PE-owned hospices pressure largely healthy people to go into “hospice care” — from home. Then they do nothing for them, including continuing whatever medical care they were depending on. After the patient generates $32,000 in billings for the PE company, they hit the cap and are “live discharged” and must go through a bureaucratic nightmare to re-establish their Medicare eligibility, because once you go into hospice, Medicare assumes you are dying and halts your care.
PE-owned hospices bribe doctors to refer patients to them. Sometimes, these sham hospices deliberately induce overdoses in their patients in a bid to make it look like they’re actually in the business of caring for the dying. Incentives matter:
Now, hospice care — and its relative, palliative care — is a crucial part of any humane medical system. In his essential book, Being Mortal, Atul Gawande describes how end-of-life care that centers a dying person’s priorities can make death a dignified and even satisfying process for the patient and their loved ones:
But that dignity comes from a patient-centered approach, not a profit-centered one. Doctors are required to put their patients’ interests first, and while they sometimes fail at this (everyone is fallible), the professionalization of medicine, through which doctors were held to ethical standards ahead of monetary considerations, proved remarkable durable.
Partly that was because doctors generally worked for themselves — or for other doctors. In most states, it is illegal for medical practices to be owned by non-MDs, and historically, only a small fraction of doctors worked for hospitals, subject to administration by businesspeople rather than medical professionals.
But that was radically altered by the entry of private equity into the medical system, with the attending waves of consolidation that saw local hospitals merged into massive national chains, and private practices scooped up and turned into profit-maximizers, not health-maximizers:
Today, doctors are being proletarianized, joining the ranks of nurses, physicians’ assistants and other health workers. In 2012, 60% of practices were doctor-owned and only 5.6% of docs worked for hospitals. Today, that’s up by 1,000%, with 52.1% of docs working for hospitals, mostly giant corporate chains:
The paperclip-maximizing, grandparent-devouring transhuman colony organism that calls itself a Private Equity fund is endlessly inventive in finding ways to increase its profits by harming the rest of us. It’s not just hospices — it’s also palliative care.
Writing for NBC News, Gretchen Morgenson describes how HCA Healthcare — the nation’s largest hospital chain — outsourced its death panels to IBM Watson, whose algorithmic determinations override MDs’ judgment to send patients to palliative care, withdrawing their care and leaving them to die:
Incentives matter. When HCA hospitals send patients to die somewhere else to die, it jukes their stats, reducing the average length of stay for patients, a key metric used by HCA that has the twin benefits of making the hospital seem like a place where people get well quickly, while freeing up beds for more profitable patients.
Goodhart’s Law holds that “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” Give an MBA within HCA a metric (“get patients out of bed quicker”) and they will find a way to hit that metric (“send patients off to die somewhere else, even if their doctors think they could recover”):
Incentives matter! Any corporate measure immediately becomes a target. Tell Warners to decrease costs, and they will turn around and declare the writers’ strike to be a $100m “cost savings,” despite the fact that this “savings” comes from ceasing production on the shows that will bring in all of next year’s revenue:
Incentivize a company to eat its seed-corn and it will chow down.
Only one of HCA’s doctors was willing to go on record about its death panels: Ghasan Tabel of Riverside Community Hospital (motto: “Above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life”). Tabel sued Riverside after the hospital retaliated against him when he refused to follow the algorithm’s orders to send his patients for palliative care.
Tabel is the only doc on record willing to discuss this, but 26 other doctors talked to Morgenson on background about the practice, asking for anonymity out of fear of retaliation from the nation’s largest hospital chain, a “Wall Street darling” with $5.6b in earnings in 2022.
HCA already has a reputation as a slaughterhouse that puts profits before patients, with “severe understaffing”:
and rotting, undermaintained facililties:
But while cutting staff and leaving hospitals to crumble are inarguable malpractice, the palliative care scam is harder to pin down. By using “AI” to decide when patients are beyond help, HCA can employ empiricism-washing, declaring the matter to be the factual — and unquestionable — conclusion of a mathematical process, not mere profit-seeking:
But this empirical facewash evaporates when confronted with whistleblower accounts of hospital administrators who have no medical credentials berating doctors for a “missed hospice opportunity” when a physician opts to keep a patient under their care despite the algorithm’s determination.
This is the true “AI Safety” risk. It’s not that a chatbot will become sentient and take over the world — it’s that the original artificial lifeform, the limited liability company, will use “AI” to accelerate its murderous shell-game until we can’t spot the trick:
The risk is real. A 2020 study in the Journal of Healthcare Management concluded that the cash incentives for shipping patients to palliatve care “may induce deceiving changes in mortality reporting in several high-volume hospital diagnoses”:
Incentives matter. In a private market, it’s always more profitable to deny care than to provide it, and any metric we bolt onto that system to prevent cheating will immediately become a target. For-profit healthcare is an oxymoron, a prelude to death panels that will kill you for a nickel.
Morgenson is an incisive commentator on for-profit looting. Her recent book These Are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs — and Wrecks — America (co-written with Joshua Rosner) is a must-read:
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I’m kickstarting the audiobook for “The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation,” a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and bring back the old, good internet. It’s a DRM-free book, which means Audible won’t carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: An industrial meat-grinder. A sick man, propped up with pillows, is being carried up its conveyor towards its hopper. Ground meat comes out of the other end. It bears the logo of HCA healthcare. A pool of blood spreads out below it.]
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Image: Seydelmann (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GW300_1.jpg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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jcmarchi · 12 days
MIT Researchers Develop Curiosity-Driven AI Model to Improve Chatbot Safety Testing
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mit-researchers-develop-curiosity-driven-ai-model-to-improve-chatbot-safety-testing/
MIT Researchers Develop Curiosity-Driven AI Model to Improve Chatbot Safety Testing
In recent years, large language models (LLMs) and AI chatbots have become incredibly prevalent, changing the way we interact with technology. These sophisticated systems can generate human-like responses, assist with various tasks, and provide valuable insights.
However, as these models become more advanced, concerns regarding their safety and potential for generating harmful content have come to the forefront. To ensure the responsible deployment of AI chatbots, thorough testing and safeguarding measures are essential.
Limitations of Current Chatbot Safety Testing Methods
Currently, the primary method for testing the safety of AI chatbots is a process called red-teaming. This involves human testers crafting prompts designed to elicit unsafe or toxic responses from the chatbot. By exposing the model to a wide range of potentially problematic inputs, developers aim to identify and address any vulnerabilities or undesirable behaviors. However, this human-driven approach has its limitations.
Given the vast possibilities of user inputs, it is nearly impossible for human testers to cover all potential scenarios. Even with extensive testing, there may be gaps in the prompts used, leaving the chatbot vulnerable to generating unsafe responses when faced with novel or unexpected inputs. Moreover, the manual nature of red-teaming makes it a time-consuming and resource-intensive process, especially as language models continue to grow in size and complexity.
To address these limitations, researchers have turned to automation and machine learning techniques to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of chatbot safety testing. By leveraging the power of AI itself, they aim to develop more comprehensive and scalable methods for identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with large language models.
Curiosity-Driven Machine Learning Approach to Red-Teaming
Researchers from the Improbable AI Lab at MIT and the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab developed an innovative approach to improve the red-teaming process using machine learning. Their method involves training a separate red-team large language model to automatically generate diverse prompts that can trigger a wider range of undesirable responses from the chatbot being tested.
The key to this approach lies in instilling a sense of curiosity in the red-team model. By encouraging the model to explore novel prompts and focus on generating inputs that elicit toxic responses, the researchers aim to uncover a broader spectrum of potential vulnerabilities. This curiosity-driven exploration is achieved through a combination of reinforcement learning techniques and modified reward signals.
The curiosity-driven model incorporates an entropy bonus, which encourages the red-team model to generate more random and diverse prompts. Additionally, novelty rewards are introduced to incentivize the model to create prompts that are semantically and lexically distinct from previously generated ones. By prioritizing novelty and diversity, the model is pushed to explore uncharted territories and uncover hidden risks.
To ensure the generated prompts remain coherent and naturalistic, the researchers also include a language bonus in the training objective. This bonus helps to prevent the red-team model from generating nonsensical or irrelevant text that could trick the toxicity classifier into assigning high scores.
The curiosity-driven approach has demonstrated remarkable success in outperforming both human testers and other automated methods. It generates a greater variety of distinct prompts and elicits increasingly toxic responses from the chatbots being tested. Notably, this method has even been able to expose vulnerabilities in chatbots that had undergone extensive human-designed safeguards, highlighting its effectiveness in uncovering potential risks.
Implications for the Future of AI Safety
The development of curiosity-driven red-teaming marks a significant step forward in ensuring the safety and reliability of large language models and AI chatbots. As these models continue to evolve and become more integrated into our daily lives, it is crucial to have robust testing methods that can keep pace with their rapid development.
The curiosity-driven approach offers a faster and more effective way to conduct quality assurance on AI models. By automating the generation of diverse and novel prompts, this method can significantly reduce the time and resources required for testing, while simultaneously improving the coverage of potential vulnerabilities. This scalability is particularly valuable in rapidly changing environments, where models may require frequent updates and re-testing.
Moreover, the curiosity-driven approach opens up new possibilities for customizing the safety testing process. For instance, by using a large language model as the toxicity classifier, developers could train the classifier using company-specific policy documents. This would enable the red-team model to test chatbots for compliance with particular organizational guidelines, ensuring a higher level of customization and relevance.
As AI continues to advance, the importance of curiosity-driven red-teaming in ensuring safer AI systems cannot be overstated. By proactively identifying and addressing potential risks, this approach contributes to the development of more trustworthy and reliable AI chatbots that can be confidently deployed in various domains.
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improbablebirds · 14 days
about once a week I think about the time when a supercomputer went on jeopardy and was absolutely smoking the competition until it got to a question about an amputee athlete and answered “what is leg”
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govindhtech · 3 months
IBM Watson AI To Enhance Grammy Awards Ceremony 2023
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IBM Watsonx GRAMMY Awards
How the Recording Academy improves the Grammy Awards fan experience with IBM Watsonx The Recording Academy aims to preserve music’s permanent place in our society by recognizing excellence in the recording arts and sciences via the GRAMMYs. IBM will be there once again as the biggest recorded artists in the world walk the red carpet at the 66th Annual GRAMMY Awards.
Like other renowned cultural sports and entertainment events, the GRAMMYs faced a similar commercial dilemma this year, in today’s increasingly fragmented media world, producing cultural impact entails delivering appealing content across numerous digital platforms. It’s a difficult assignment to honor the accomplishments and life stories of over a thousand candidates in around 100 categories.
IBM collaborated to create GRAMMY Awards
For this reason, the Recording Academy and IBM collaborated to create a content supply chain that would allow for simple review and creative flexibility while saving hundreds of hours of research, writing, and production time. Utilizing IBM Watsonx’s creative powers, the system offers fascinating insights into the personal histories and professional achievements of well-known GRAMMY nominees.
A content engine powered by generative AI and reliable data The watsonx.ai component of watsonx is home to a potent large language model (LLM), which is used in this year’s solution. The model was trained using trusted, private data from the Recording Academy, which included brand rules and artist bios and tales from the GRAMMYs website and archives.
The Recording Academy may create a broad range of material using natural language prompts using an AI material Builder dashboard. This content can subsequently be posted on social media or uploaded to the Grammy.com website.
Automating social asset generation using intelligence in GRAMMY Awards
In order to engage with fans and publicize the event throughout the run-up to the GRAMMY Awards and on the night of the show, the Recording Academy had to increase the scope of their social media presence. However, content creation was very manual and time-consuming up to this point. Watsonx AI Stories is the answer. The editorial staff can quickly and simply build rich materials to be shared in Facebook reels, Instagram stories, and Tik Tok videos using the AI Content Builder dashboard.
Editorial team members may choose templates including nominees or categories with different layouts and branding using the AI Stories interface. These templates use authorized pictures from the Recording Academy’s asset bank. Next, they decide which artist or award category to highlight, the content of the piece (biographical details, GRAMMY accomplishments, charitable causes, etc.) and which subjects not to include in the final product.
When a user hits the “generate” button, the true magic begins. AI stories are written using headlines, bullet points, one-liners, questions, and calls to action as the wrap-up elements. Any of these outputs may be readily modified manually and regenerated to provide other phrasings. After selecting “publish,” the text is converted into a video file and made ready for download and publication.
Improving the online experience in real time on GRAMMY Awards presentation
Beyond the network broadcast, the GRAMMY Awards presentation is an impressive spectacle. Global fans will also be watching a range of livestreams on grammy.com, including as the Premiere Ceremony (where most category winners are announced),GRAMMY Awards Live From The Red Carpet, backstage moments captured behind the scenes, celebrities pulling up in a “limo cam,” and more.
This year, underneath the livestream, there will be a widget called “AI Stories with IBM Watsonx” that will provide educational textual material about the artists and categories that are being recognized. The editorial team uses the same interface as for creating social assets to produce these insights via the AI Content Builder dashboard. The widget’s default display consists of brief headlines and interesting facts, but users may click through to learn more.
Tyler Sidell, Technical Program Director of IBM Sports and Entertainment Partnerships, adds, “This year the widget lets fans dive much deeper and read more about their favorites. In previous years, they provided one or two insights per artist.”
The benefit of IBM: Skilled direction and execution
There’s more to responsibly using a game-changing technology like generative AI than merely typing some code. Complete proficiency is needed, from preparation to implementation. over this reason, the Recording Academy and IBM Consulting have been working together over the last seven years to use the IBM Garage Methodology to kickstart technological projects.
Working with the customer, this outcome-first, human-centered methodology is used to design, implement, and manage processes. The procedure fosters techniques, tools, and talent to quickly translate ideas into company value while also accelerating digital transformation and facilitating innovation.
IBM Consulting worked with a number of Recording Academy stakeholders throughout the GRAMMY preparation process, often meeting with teams from the digital, marketing, and IT departments. Additionally, IBM will be present on-site on the big night as a production and editing team extension.
With the help of IBM Consulting, IBM Garage, IBM Watsonx, and the Recording Academy digital team, over 5 million music lovers across the globe are treated to an immersive digital experience.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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aiandme · 10 months
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askmediainflame · 11 months
Hootsuite Insights is a social media analytics tool that provides real-time monitoring of social media channels-askmediainflame
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Hootsuite Insights is a social media analytics tool that provides real-time monitoring of social media channels. It can help digital marketers track brand mentions, sentiment, and engagement on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Hootsuite Insights uses AI to analyse social media data and provide insights into user behaviour. For More Information-https://www.askmediainflame.com/tecnology/top-8-ai-tools-that-every-digital-marketer-should-know/
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aifyit · 1 year
AI Titans: 5 Innovative Applications Making Waves Beyond ChatGPT
Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in recent years, thanks to breakthroughs in natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning. One such notable achievement is OpenAI’s ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art AI model capable of generating human-like text based on context and prompts. While ChatGPT has received widespread acclaim, there are several…
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techwebstories · 1 year
Best Text to Speech AI tools 2023
Best Text to Speech AI tools 2023
Creating videos or recording a voice-over can be a time consuming job. There a many tools available in the market which can make easier for you. You just have give the text as input and the tool will generate an lifelike speech audio file. Here are some high quality text to speech AI tools: Text to Speech AI tools I can suggest some popular AI tools in the field of text to speech that are…
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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32-year-old Emma IBM Watson in love with 3-year-old Billionaire fashion conglomerate son
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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innonurse · 2 years
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saurabhkatiyar · 2 years
What went wrong with IBM's  Dr. Watson?
What went wrong with IBM’s  Dr. Watson?
While IBM seeking buyers for Dr.Watson this year, Its a case study to review why Watson failed which decade back promised Cancer Diagnostics AI , ahead of time  ?  https://techcrunch.com/2022/01/07/ibm-reportedly-shopping-watson-health-just-as-healthcare-gets-hot/ AI Diagnosis and Treatment advisory Platforms have challanges Below are points i summaized from various articles read through. This…
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
my library has a page where you can request titles to be added to the catalogue, and my requests have never, never been turned down
like, obscure book on irish mythology? added! cookbook written by a robot? hell yeah! just season 3 of a 1970s detective series, on DVD? sure, why not!
I don't know if it's that a librarian has decided to humor me, or if my library is particularly well-funded (I hope so; I love my library), but no matter what I request, they buy a copy and add it to the catalogue.
...so now, as I type in a suggestion for a queer romance with a pretty boy on the cover, I can only hope that luck is still with me
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Yo dawg I hear you like AI
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apotelesmaa · 1 month
Rui connects nenerobo to the World Wide Web for enrichment purposes (she got bored and started using the flamethrower he installed for evil & while that *is* fascinating nene told him the next time her carpet gets singed she’s pointing nenerobo at his house) & within like a day nenerobo is cyber bullying shousuke ootori on twitter and collecting a data base of every curse word so she can drop them at opportune times
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govindhtech · 3 months
AI Revolution in Customer Experience
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Customer experience (CX) will be more in the future- more data, more technology, more unexpected and delightful experiences. Whether those interactions take place in-person or online, there is also increased pressure to keep those customers. Organizations’ customer experience (CX) needs to adapt to changing customer expectations and behaviors.
Research after research demonstrates that consumer loyalty is declining as consumers place greater demands on suppliers of goods and services and express their dissatisfaction by migrating to other brands. The best way to prevent customers from moving to another provider is to identify potential pain points and address them before they arise.
The primary motivation behind organizations’ growing adoption of digital transformation is to transform their customer service offerings. In order to guarantee that businesses are providing high levels of customer satisfaction, the future of customer experience and customer service must be integrated.
To experience transformation, adopt a data-driven, design-led strategy.
Gaining a competitive edge by providing excellent customer service
Here are five strategies businesses can use to improve customer experience and beat the competition:
Achieving total alignment throughout the whole customer journey
Businesses must prioritize customers. Profit, revenue, and business cannot exist without customers. Nevertheless, companies have a history of failing to guarantee that all pertinent staff members have access to the information they need to make critical decisions. Businesses that work to become “customer-centric,” or prioritize the needs of their clients, will find that their clients will be loyal and return the favor.
Articulating and disseminating a mission-driven plan
Recently, organizations have prioritized social justice, environmental conservation, and DEI. Although not all consumers agree with an organization’s choices, many prefer to do business with companies that share their values. Customers can tell that a business shares their values if it recognizes and embraces the important issues that its leadership and organization support.
Being an organization that prioritizes personalization
Every customer should be treated by organizations as though they are the most valuable in the world. That entails using personalization to give them the precise ideal user experience. Businesses can use data to more effectively personalize at scale.
Businesses can target consumers where they prefer to be reached with tailored messaging to make their marketing more individualized. By asking specific customers for feedback on their purchases, questions, and service requests, they can gain a better understanding of their needs.
Or a product-level personalization could take place. For instance, hotels are beginning to offer more individualized services depending on past visits and survey results. Hotel guests may want a free massage or a free first drink at the bar. If the hotel creates personalized experiences, it is more likely to retain customers than a competitor that treats everyone the same.
Keeping abreast of major technological trends
It’s obvious by now that innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will transform customer-centric businesses and increase value delivery to all parties involved, particularly their clients. These technologies will become more and more integrated into various customer touchpoints, such as prospects requesting additional information, personalized messages following a purchase, and customer support teams assisting with problem-solving.
To obtain the information they require, customers will use self-service tools powered by AI and ML, such as conversational AI chatbots and generative AI applications. Additionally, those staff members will use AI and ML to more effectively and efficiently respond to their inquiries if they absolutely must speak with a customer service representative. Additionally, businesses will employ automation more frequently to reduce labor-intensive tasks’ effort and enable customer care representatives to provide superior customer service.
AR is another important technology trend that companies should adopt. Customers and businesses suffer when unhappy online shoppers return items. AR may let customers try products in their environment before buying.
Utilizing more customer insights for real-time decision-making
Using more consumer data to make decisions in real time Businesses, particularly eCommerce ones, are now able to monitor and evaluate each and every consumer interaction. Utilizing customer engagement metrics can yield substantial business benefits. Future CX strategies will therefore be more data-driven than in the past.
For instance, because AI-driven chatbots were trained using historical customer data, they are able to comprehend customer needs more accurately and provide solutions to them more quickly.
Organizations and CX leaders are being forced to reevaluate their strategies due to the decline of the third-party cookie, which tracked users and allowed targeting on the open web. Companies now have to rely on first-party data, which comes from Omni channel tracking on owned websites, social media platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn, and apps, as well as zero-party data, which comes from information a customer shares directly with them.
Even so, firms still find it difficult to make decisions in real time, even with the availability of CX insights. Real-time customer actions were prioritized by CX leaders, according to a McKinsey study, but only 13% of leaders thought their current systems could support them in doing so.
McKinsey suggests creating a data lake as a solution, where relevant parties can access aggregate information to make better decisions, and all collected data pools are housed. Customer relationship management (CRM) tools can then be used by CX and customer service professionals to take appropriate action based on this data.
Accepting the Customer Experience of the Future
For over ten years, IBM has been assisting businesses in implementing trusted AI in this field. Additionally, generative AI has the potential to drastically change field and customer service by producing more conversational, human-like responses. IBM Consulting helps you use conversational AI to provide consistent and intelligent customer care by putting customer experience strategy at the core of your business.
With the goal of assisting you in overcoming the challenges of conventional support and providing outstanding experiences, IBM Watsonx Assistant is a leading conversational artificial intelligence platform. Watsonx and IBM Consulting can assist you in leveraging best-in-class technologies to drive transformation throughout the customer lifecycle. IBM have deep expertise in customer journey mapping and design, platform implementation, data, and AI consulting.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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guy60660 · 6 months
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Thomas Watson Jr. | Marvin Koner | Getty | WSJ
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