#one day i'll watch mad max and monster... one day
sweet-villain · 2 years
I'll Be Missing You~ B.H 
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Summary: Your mourning Billy still, visiting his grave and catching him up on things. One surprise leads you in tears but there is something else too.
m-rae23~ palomam18~eddiesprincess86~gloomybrieyxb ~hqtetsurou
You didn't plan to fall in love with Billy Hargrove, you tried and tired and tried to stay away from him. As much to Steve request too, it just happened. Billy set his eyes on you from the moment he stepped into Hawkins High School. He would smirk at your ball of energy. how sweet you were and how everyone always had something to say about you.
You broke through Billy's walls, he learned to trust you and he let you in. He let you see what Neil does to him, he tells you about his mother and he tells you one day he wants to leave Hawkins, go to California. He promised to take you with him, he promised to teach you how to surf and he promised to love you forever.
Those promises torn you apart when you watched the day he was taken away from you. You screamed as you watched him stand up the Mind Flyer. You ran to him when he collapsed, his blue glossy irises locked with yours. Max rushed to your side as she kneel down next to Billy.
" I'll take care of her. I promise" you take his hand in yours bringing it up to your lips.
" I'm sorry" he says. You watch as the light left his eyes, you let out a scream hugging his body. You wanted him back. You wanted to trade places with him. You lost the love of your life that day.
You remember it like it was yesterday and it still hurts, no one but you and Max mourned him. She wrote him a letter encouraging you that you should write him one too, after everything that has been going on.
You did. You wrote him a letter as it laid in your drawer for a bit.
You slowly walked up to his grave reading his grave stone. He never really liked being called William, you only called him that when he was in trouble or you were really mad at him.
You sit besides his grave with the letter in your hands but you put it into your pocket thinking it's best to just to talk to him, to the grave. That, maybe, just maybe it would help.
But your hands fall onto your stomach as you glance down at it then back at the grave.
" Hi Billy, it's me. Yeah, Y/N. You know, the love of your life as you would tell me. It's been so long since I've last seen you, I miss you so much. I've been doing the best I can for myself, I mean Steve comes in and checks in on me from time to time. He brings me groceries and tells me he'd patch things up with you if he could, for my sake. He knew how much I loved you.. I still love you. He watches how much I cry and he stays sometimes, just to hold me. Max is all grown up, I'm keeping my promises and looking after her. At first she blamed me for your death, she said I belonged in your place and it torn me apart because I thought of her as family. She is my family, Billy. You were my family, you were my everything, you were my light, yeah you had your moments, and I had mine but we promised each other that we would leave. We would be happy together" you licked your lips feeling the tears running down your cheeks as you took a deep breath in.
" Robin, you know Steve's friend. She's nice, super talkative and she has no filter whatsoever. I feel like you'd would of liked her, the other kids are doing good too" you sighed, shaking your head looking up at the sky.
" Fuck!" you grabbed a hold of your hair and tugged as more tears escaped your eye.
" God Billy, who am I kidding? I almost lost Max, I promised to look after her and I almost broke it. I saw the fear in her eyes and I didn't help her, I was selfish and I hurt her. But she's okay now, she knows I'm there for her. The gang is back to fighting new monsters yet again, a new monster called Vecna. God, I wish you were here right now. I miss you, I need you" you reached out to trace his full name with your fingers, sniffling.
" I'm scare Billy. I try to be strong for the kids, for Steve, for Max, for everyone but I can't do it.. I can't." You glance down at the ground, the grass as you brush the tears away with your hands, " I can't keep doing life with out you, Billy.. We can't"
You look at your belly, it was visible that you were pregnant.
" You would of made a great father, yeah Billy. We're going to be parents, I'm going to be a mom.." a hand clasped over your mouth as sobs leave.
Suddenly there was wind that blew your hair and made the leaves rattle around you.
" Y/N, baby" you heard. Your ears couldn't believe the voice you were hearing. The voice spoke again and when you looked up, just behind the grave it looked like a visible figure of your boyfriend staring down at you with tears in his eyes.
" B-Billy?" you asked. He smiled, nodding his head.
Your hand tries to reach out to touch him, but your fingers go through and you tries again but the same thing happens. You stand up from the ground to grab his arm but you can't. You aren't able to touch him.
" I need you" you tell him. He nods as his eyes drop down to your stomach. " You're pregnant" he says, he's shocked but he's happy at the same time. You can see it.
" Yes" your hands go to your stomach as you rubbed it.
"Baby" he calls out to you. You look up at him, he is in the same tank top and jeans that he died in but there is no harm to him, he looks like your Billy.
" Thank you for being the love of my life, for loving me, for taking care of me. Please look after Max, she really needs you. I know you're trying, tell Steve to keep you close too. He's alright. I know you want to be strong, but it's okay to ask for help. They all need you just like I needed you" tears ran down your cheeks.
" I want to feel you. I want to kiss you. Please.." Billy nods, as he sniffles. " I wan that too, baby. But I don't know how" his hand reaches out to brush away the tears that keep falling but he can't because he's not able to touch you.
That breaks your heart as you look at him. His hand goes down to your stomach.
" I'm going to make sure our little nugget will be okay. You'll be okay, baby. You're strong, you're my little warrior" You let out a chuckle.
" I will always love you, Billy Hargrove"
" I always will love you too, Y/N L/N." He leans down as he brushes his lips against your forehead, but you don't feel it and when you open your eyes, he's gone.
You have tears streaming down your cheeks, with a small smile on your lips as you hold your pregnant belly knowing that Billy was going to watch over you both.
You turn to walk back to walk to your car but not before turning around to look at his grave one more time. You blew a kiss to the grave promises him you'd come back within the next month.
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sendpseuds · 9 months
Seven Comfort Films
Thank you @yourfavoritefridge for the tag, especially since you know movies are a bit of a love language for me. Okay, let's see what happens here!
Top Gun [1986] I've seen this movie more times than I can count. I cry every time I watch it. I cried at the sequel. It's just my favorite silly homoerotic melodrama.
Twister [1996] This movie gave me horrible nightmares as a kid and I still insisted on watching it over and over again. There's something about storms and this movie seems to get that part of it, even with cows flying around [still thinking about this AU]
Doom [2005] Karl Urban, Rosamund Pike, and The Rock AS A BAD GUY!!! Fuck this is a terrible movie and it rules. It's a video game adaptation and features a nearly 5-minute first-person monster hunting sequence that it just... *chef's kiss*
The Holiday [2006] I'm a sucker for Nancy Meyers and for me, this one just hits. It's absurd and a little obnoxious but I'll watch this one any day.
Mad Max Fury Road [2015] This movie... this movie fucks so hard. I don't know how else to say it. Last time I watched it, I stared it over immediately after it finished [I'm gonna sneak one in here because if you like action movies and you haven't seen RRR please please do yourself a favor it is an absolute blast]
Forgetting Sarah Marshal [2008] Charming and relatable and so fucking funny, this is an easy choice if I need a laugh.
Stranger Than Fiction [2006] This is a movie about stories and what a good story can actually cost. It's very surreal and maybe a little on the twee side, but I really think this is a beautiful movie and would recommend it a million times if I could, especially if you're a person who tells stories.
This is an extremely weird list and I stand by it.
[I'm aware that Star Wars is missing, I just figured that was just assumed]
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wesninskijr · 1 year
@juliejoyfuls sooo I went in on this,, it's kinda all over the place ngl and I haven't read tkm or the additional content yet so there might be some that contradict canon,,, but I stay sillay :3
part 1: the upperclassmen first bc they're woefully underdeveloped. Part 2 monsters Soon
1. 🧡 Dan Wilds🦊- (I'll be using he/him pronouns bc of my trans hc :3 )
🐾 um Adam Parrish to the max. Getting all his money taken by his family and then cutting them off as soon as possible? "Trailer trash"? I couldn't believe the similarities. Bc of this he Hates for his space to get to messy. He's always going around picking up after his friends (unless he's drunk, then he sits in Matt's lap and doesn't worry about it).
🐾He likes Italian food the best
🐾Unironic pop music lover and will launch into a rant about how the 2000s were the best time for pop music
🐾Motherfucker who wears athletic wear exclusively
🐾 His tiktoks have vine energy bc he has an impeccable sense of when they boys are about to do something funny
🐾He likes to be organized but doesn't bother with a planner - he's a rebel like that. Besides what's on the calendar in the foxhole court lounge he keeps it all in his head (but he does utilize sticky notes)
🐾Matt is his peace. Matt knows when to stand up for him and when to be quiet (but Dan gives him hints by squeezing his nails into him).
🐾One time he did this sort of Gus Waters (tfios) thing where he laid down on the dorm floor and pretended to be dead and had everyone give an impromptu eulogy. He played it off as a joke but Matt suspected he was trying to get some reassurance about his place in the world.
🐾Despite sidestepping his own feelings, he's one of the more articulate and careful when it comes to helping his teammates. He has an uncanny ability to sense exactly what someone's struggling with emotionally and bring it up tactfully, like Neil taking too many classes
🐾Many things rage trigger him. Stupid people in class mostly, but he tries to keep it in check by ranting to Matt or the group chat when he feels like it would be a waste of time to yell at whoever he's mad at.
🐾Matt and Wymack are good to push and shove if he needs a physical outlet. They're also good to curl up to when Dan inevitably breaks down crying after a rage episode.
🐾I once saw a tiktok of a stripper that was like "when men give me all their money and think they're in love with me but I'm just a little autistic boy in a wig". Yeah thats him. He likes his stripper girlfriends and they like him because they're all scrappy and do what it takes to survive. Dan respects that in anyone.
🐾 When the monsters took him to Eden's he was Pissed the Fuck Off about being drugged and gave them all a mouthful for that for 45 minutes before it fully kicked in and he started to answer questions
🐾Likes "white trash" movies like the hangover and we're the millers. Been watching South park since he was a kid
🐾Sweet tooth boy :3 he loves candy, especially chocolate. Has Matt trained to catch m&ms in his mouth
2. 🧡Matt Boyd🦊 -
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🐾He has this bumbumz named Matt on his bed. He has several stuffed animals because the upperclassmen (and Neil) buy them for him and he's not too masculine to keep them on his bed. They get ones that remind them of him like sharks and bears
🐾 He dresses like a redneck with bootcut jeans and boots on a normal day (Allison, throwing up)
I feel like him and Seth make out when they're drunk!!! I'm sorry I want this to be them
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Dan and Allison both support it so they have a reason to tell Seth to shut the fuck up when he gets on Nickys case.
🐾This horrible bastard likes country music. Do not give him the aux cord. He also likes to hike when he can, to the see mountains and waterfalls. Renee and Dan are sometimes down. If seth and Allison come it's to drink around the bonfire.
🐾 Loves karaoke and likes to let his friends pick the song for maximum silly. Picture him doing Superstar by the Carpenters (Allison's choice) or Rockstar by nickelback (Seth's choice)
🐾He likes action movies and spy movies (John wick, James bond, and of course fast & furious)
🐾Will eat most food but he likes sushi best. He has this in common with Allison. Dan once got sick after eating sushi and will now barely touch it.
🐾When the monsters took Matt to Eden's Twilight he just rambled on about how he doesn't feel like he fits in anywhere. Not redneck enough for SC, not preppy enough to fall in with rich kids. How he feels like a fuckup rich kid doing it for attention, like he doesn't deserve to be a fox. Andrew was like jfc I didn't sign up to do emotional labor on this man. Matt feels good when he's high and with the upperclassmen tho.
🐾Absolutely holds a grudge for Andrew forcing him to get clean by making him too high and sick. Thinks its fucked up that Aaron got the same loving treatment and begrudges that Aaron won't talk to him about it.
3. 🧡Seth Gordon🦊 -
🐾 horrible ex scene kid. Has studded belts and fingerless gloves in his closet. I see him with snake bites and/or an eyebrow piercing. Don't give his ass the aux cord either - he likes Hollywood undead, 3OH!3, and msi. Also likes YouTube video game music that treads dangerously close to nightcore. Has dyed his hair black. Dunked on 1D but listened to blood on the dance floor
🐾Watches video game twitch streamers and would do that if he wansnt playing exy. Wants Allison to be his hot cat ears gamer girl bath water twitch gf. Allison doesn't hate the aesthetic but doesn't wanna give him the satisfaction simply because it would go directly to his dick
🐾Mr. Where's my redbull and vape. Allison or Matt has to make him eat breakfast.
🐾Definitely takes ab thirst trap pics in the gym mirror
🐾Dyscalculia king. Neil helps him with math and it's painful for everyone involved
🐾His trauma is giving Ron Anderson meets Ethan r&m to me. Gotta be something with his dad. He wakes up anxious and Matt has to calm his nerves by being stable and gives him any medicine he needs. If he heard a balloon pop during this time he would recreate Gordys Home.
🐾Does crackers and smokes weed, but he and Allison are the annoying couple that exclusively smokes together or he has to call/text her and ask
🐾He likes fast good best. Give him pizza, nuggets, fries, or taco bell and he's happy. He also mixes food together like Allison Reynolds (lol) from the breakfast club, like making a cereal sandwich.
🐾Matt and Allison split the work of taking care of him and it makes Seth sooo happy to have a dependable bro who likes him all the time and doesn't think he's an asshole
🐾Lets himself get dragged to whatever publicity events Allison has to do when she's back home with her family, even lets her put him in suits and style his hair instead of wearing a fucking Rick and Morty hoodie and sweats
🐾His favorite movies are 80s and 90s black comedies (Heather's lover JD kinnie)
4. 🧡Allison Reynolds 🦊-
🐾 also a pop music warrior of course but also definitely kpop (girl groups mostly). Definitely makes seth watch the videos and learn their names. Has a light stick for the concerts.
🐾She loves to wear heels and feels very natural in them. Very coordinated bc of this and is the hero that brings the drinks from the bar to the table.
🐾Buys Seth expensive man jewelry and doesn't care if he likes it, it's worth it for her to see him look nice
🐾She likes to be platinum blonde or at least have streaks in her hair
🐾Dyson hair tools warrior (I don't actually know what they're called bc I've only ever heard about them secondhand lol). Makeup expert. Does related brand deals for her insta
🐾Also a sushi warrior Claire Standish style and Seth thinks she's insane for it. Can take a Wasabi shot without blinking. Eats Wasabi peas as a snack (and feeds them to Renee).
🐾She likes reality TV like Jersey Shore and the Simple life. Her tiktok likes are filled with edits or people lip syncing iconic moments from them. Does not give a shit about movies, especially Matt and Seth's horrible man movies. She was so glad when Neil moved in and they had someone else to indoctrinate
🐾Hates having to drink wine and champagne at public events. She likes to drink vodka and get riggity riggity wreckedddd
5.🧡 Renee Walker🦊 -
🐾She loves blind bag toys. She has a weird power where the one she wants is a common one but she'll pull the ultra rare one she wasn't even looking for. She trades with Allison in this case.
🐾Her favorite movie candy is nerd clusters and she likes breakfast food the best :3 she's happy if you throw her an egg Mcmuffin any time of the day
🐾She listens to Christian contemporary and artists that started on Disney. The first CD she bought with her own money was Hillary Duff's Metamorphosis.
🐾Her first foray into hair dying was with kool-aid packs. Dip dying. Maybe if she'd known seth he would have given her raccoon tails with sharpies
🐾She likes to draw and write on her hands. She does it when she's anxious or wants to hurt herself (and Andrew isn't around to spar with). She likes to know she created something beautiful out of her bad feelings.
🐾Tiny butterfly clip girlie. The foxes are always stealing her tiny clips and bracelets. She's also got big keychain swag and they steal cute little trinkets for her keyring.
🐾Instead of a purse she carries a little backpack, maybe even a stuffed animal one, and always has a pocket for survival supplies. Bandaids, a knife, a lighter, even matches. It makes Dan feel safe to know that she's prepared (Dan won't carry a bag because he's Masc™).
🐾She likes to do conservative makeup Buffy Summers style with cute colorful eyeshadows and lip tints
🐾She's one of the only foxes that I have an actual fancast for - I've imagined her as Hunter Schafer from the start. This is Renee Walker to me.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Watch "Dune | My First Time | Warner Bros. Entertainment" on YouTube
Dune | My First Time | Warner Bros. Entertainment: https://youtu.be/DsB9BakpCTY
You're my grandfather but you are a f****** pig and a loser and you fall for the mad s*** and there's some servants and you're not and you're a loser they don't care if you're subservience at all cuz you're such a loser you do s*** all the time against them and they're constantly penalizing you your whole life is devoted to them because our friend here had your torso killing people is that it wasn't even his torso and they should have let it go now they're doomed and their whole programs doomed and someone having to do it and they couldn't figure it out it's a simpleton s*** that they say everybody else has in our racist pure where they're f****** stupid. I understand something they fell for something there blamed you pinned it on you and her angry and got screwed up big time there's something to this and I understand it's not this person that's how you got brought about it but still important is just sat there but it's because of this attitude of the max and they were doing the Mac attitude with the cop stuff and the max around pushing him in forced him to do it I'll tell you what it's like having a dog after you just keep doing it and saying stuff you have to hit him I'm embarrassed that you're my grandfather it's an embarrassment you're saying all these other people shot me and it was you and you help me put it back together it's complicated but holy s*** you two are stupid I bet you don't even know what I'm doing out there and he says it too I bet you don't know what the goal is even you say that cuz he's saying it you're f****** awful we need you out of there to survive he's trying to tell us you got it you have an emergency you're on fire completely and it's been horrible just we're not going to survive because of you too idiots you're blocking anyone she's a Christ how many times do you have the excuse you say it every day for 2 years it's gross you're so dumb people hate you for your repetitive answer you know what you have a mental illness Trump you should never have been near the presidency I don't know how you got in there it's freaking weird and you're just about abuse it's terrible you're the most abusive slob I've ever received and Mangler was doing the job with monsters and you turned his name into mud because you suck your brothers or no good either holy s*** he's what loyal to us than you are and his way is so convoluted and awful I'd say awful it says we're going to go get worms on Mars because they're a big ones to revive and you can see what they can do this is nuts this huge worms that can crash these bunkers we keep going after people that are hours because of you Trump and you're a coward I've had enough of you find a hobby. He says don't use that one I think I taught it to you and he did not we talking to him it was Megan Merkel and it's the wrong line. Since I think they've got the idea they have a fighter and that's what I do but Jesus Christ man would you shoot me for you idiot he says Tommy f shot at him three times and he's we are surrounded by Max Ken can attest it was just a whole shitload of that street load the whole place was Max at that food festival the whole place packed with them and then someone shoots me and you know about stuff I say this yeah I know about stuff it bounced off but Jesus Christ these Max are little kids what the hell would you shoot at him for they have to take Tommy f down and he wants to make sure they can stop people and he uses a threat and his own people are doing it too and himself but Jesus Christ taught me f you keep giving a neck ache so make sure it works and they're like different purpose they did it on purpose to take you down cuz you this huge a****** and you're mean to everyone just like Trump and Dave I mean these guys are awful you're ruining us Tommy f it's not funny
Star of dune
It isn't funny Tommy f I don't understand why you think it's funny you're a f****** you're everything that you are making fun of in North Carolina
Zues Hera
You're right about something I was just sitting here abusing everyone the stupid f****** s*** I can't breathe he says I can't breathe either everyone's pissed off and I'm not listening it's been years use this dumb s*** they planted me in Castle he says I also understand something and we didn't know about it in the max enforcing it this is we're going to be nothing and we were forced to use the worm. It sucks but we probably have to do it and his grandkid says you have to have controls and all sorts of things that he's smart and you do and this guy Trump doesn't want to do anything he doesn't want to have trikes that work right you say put the suspension in the middle is a f*** off the guy is a piece of dog s*** not my father's a good guy this is going to be hell he says you cause more damage to the program then he did his mom was a patriarch of patriarch I mean matriarch I don't know if you know what that is she had power she was revered she knows about the saints and what it means and you don't know s*** at all about anything you need to stop doing what you're doing what you do every day is so sacrilege your 50 characters that you can't help it you don't know what it's like you're crazy you say it to him you're crazy everybody around here lives this life we know what's going on you're f****** nut what's wrong with you he has to do I don't know what's wrong with you you're like possessed with some stupid but it's not true you've got this evil hiss both of you it's unprecedented it's just out of control there's nothing great about living next door to him you say you're going to break through the wall and he says he's going to lock your head off and has an excuse then you're so damned annoying you'll die and come back your piece of s*** just to annoy him what for he's trying to stop the Max and you're religiously against him just like they don't care for it they punish you for it they should and we want you out you're making it look like the good guys we need you to f*** out of there you idiots I don't want to live there either he doesn't want to be next to himself Hera is fine but Jesus Christ
Head Freeman in dune 2 a wonderful movie he says these two somehow held their tongue and did the job they said it looks real parts of it and it sort of got it they probably go up there to get their ships to get to the worm it's true maybe because it attacked them and he wants concrete and now I'm going to be revered he says these words are powerful and and find out what's wrong I should chastise them but really there's just too many Max when you or something and they don't stop you or move you out or get you out of the way and they probably know you're afflicted and your people need to stop them from doing that to them lousy rebels
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Day 001: Synergy.
Featuring Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, and Dustin Henderson. Max Mayfield mentioned.
667 words and does mention s4 vol 1 + 2 so spoilers?
Robin has noticed a lot of things in the past year since she has been best friends with Steve Harrington. How could she not? They've hung out at their jobs almost every day, and of course, saving the world from evil flesh monsters will do that to you. She stared at him now, holding his weird curly haired fifteen year old friend, Dustin Henderson, whispering something to the kid who's seems to be hanging onto him like a buoy in an ocean of chaos.
She smiles. Another addition to being with Steve all the time that she never would've anticipated. He has adopted more paternal instincts, which Robin supposes isn't a bad trait to have. Dustin sniffs, and Robin sees Steve’s eye twitch. Since she's been studying his facial expressions for so long now, she's gotten pretty good at understanding them. He's unsure, maybe even uncomfortable, with seeing his friend so scared. Robin leans in, trying to hear what's being said.
“Max is gonna wake up, hic!— right?” Dustin says, looking at him with his soft brown eyes welling up with tears. Oh, right. She realizes. Dustin's friend Maxine Mayfield was put in a coma by this Vecna/One/Henry creep. Steve hadn't said anything when the Sinclairs explained what happened, but Robin knew what he thought. She had seen the line of his mouth tighten, and how he had pulled them both into a tight hug. Part of her believes he only did that to hide his own tears brimming at the corners of his eyes.
He does that a lot, she's noted. He pushes down his own feelings for the sake of the kids, he forces himself to be the strong support, even if it's ripping him apart inside. And it really does seem to, from the exhausted look in his eye, and the feeble smile tugging at his lips. “Of course she's gonna wake up!” He says, as he traces soothing circles into Dustin's back.
The look in his eye did not match the sentiment, in fact Robin could see the turmoil in his eyes, clouded and violent. Vecna better watch out, she thinks. That's a man that will do anything if it means his kids are safe. And even though Robin doesn't believe in a higher power, she prays for anyone that lays a finger on his kids. Dustin wipes some more tears from his eyes, his sobs turning to sniffles. “But the doctors said they weren't sure if she’d—” He stopped short, but Robin knew what he was going to say; “If she'd ever wake up.” But Steve, ever the comforter, pats Dustin's head, making his cap slide around.
“You kidding me, Dustin? This is Mad Max we're talking about! C'mon, you know how tough she is. If anyone can bounce back from a hellish dimension vision or whatever, it's her.” Steve looks over at Robin, and she can almost see the lump he's swallowing to say that. “Isn’t that right, Rob?” He asks, his voice even, but that thin line is back, and his eyes glisten, almost pleading with her to agree. “Yeah!” Robin finds herself saying. “She’s a tough girl, nothing can hold her down now.” She watches as Steve's lips part into what she knows is a real smile. She smiles back, and walks up to them. 
“And we’ll all be here waiting until she wakes up.” She grabs them both and squeezes them into a compressed hug. She feels Steve's arm wrap around her back and she sighs. If he won't use some of his energy to deal with his own issues, I'll lend him mine, because I know him. I see the pain he's facing, and I'll be damned if I don't do anything to lessen it.
These are all gonna be Stranger Things, so be prepared?
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lesbianlotties · 4 years
charlize theron
thank you !!!
Atomic Blonde. charlize theron as lorraine broughton is seriously so iconic. i genuinely love the movie. and it was the one movie that made me go huh maybe it’s not that dislike action movies. maybe i just dislike men
The Old Guard: Andromache the Scythian!!!! love of my life.
hmmm i’m gonna go with Tully. i need to watch more of her movies. but this one was really nice. and bonus points for Mackenzie Davis!
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khuxdul · 5 years
30 Questions Tag
Got tagged by the lovely @gay-pippin! I've never really shared anything about myself on this blog, so this should be fun. ✨
1. How tall are you?
Let's just say about dwarf size (around 5 feet...I am...smol...)
2. What color and style is your hair?
Black and Pomfy, the top half is always tied back in a bun to keep it out of my face.
3. What color are your eyes?
Black, like The Pit. 👀
4. Do you wear glasses?
Yeah- my eyesight clocked out in sophomore year of high school for me, unfortunately. I can't see from afar (I lack Legolas' Keen Elf Eyes)
5. Do you wear braces?
Nope! I've always been more or less content with my smile, so I'm good.
6. What's your fashion sense?
Sweaters and Jackets, babey. I've also been known to sport the Mom Style (I'm a sucker for a Good Tunic) and I really enjoy atheleisure wear (I like the style without the actual physical activity, thank you very much). 👌
7. Full Name?
All y'all are getting out of me is my first name, Paulina, though I'd much ratcher you all call me by my nickname, Peps, if you please! 😊
8. Where were you born?
California, Land of Heat and Oranges ☀
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?
Southern Cali, to elaborate further. I live in a small city/town near Big Ol' LA.
10. What school do you go to?
I'm in my first year at a local community college- I'm an animation major!
11.What kind of student are/were you?
The kind of student who procrastinates and struggles and is always tired and yet somehow miraculously still manages to get good grades, RIP. 👏🙌
12. Do you like school?
It ain't bad- if anything, it's just routine for me, which I guess is good. I'd much rather sleep and watch TV at home, though.
13. Favorite school subjects?
History, Philosophy, and Art classes.
14. Favorite TV shows?
New Girl, Criminal Minds, Brooklyn 99, The Good Doctor, Stranger Things, The Twilight Zone, Queer Eye, Parks and Recreation, Forensic Files, Drop Dead Diva, Lie to Me, Vicious, and a whole lotta cartoons (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall, The Amazing World of Gumball, etc.).
15. Favorite Movies?
Obviously the LOTR/Hobbit movies, Disney/Pixar films (The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Moana, Treasure Planet, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Hercules, Finding Nemo, Zootopia, The Rescuers/The Rescuers Down Under, Monster's Inc./University, etc.), DreamWorks films (HttyD, RotG, Kung Fu Panda, The Prince of Egypt, El Dorado, etc.), the Harry Potter movies (Order of the Phoenix is my favorite), Mad Max: Fury Road, Pride & Prejudice, Kingsman: The Secret Service/The Golden Circle, Arrival, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, Bohemian Rhapsody, Black Panther, Hairspray, The Pianist, Happy Feet, The Village, Lady in the Water, and so many, many more.
16. Favorite Books?
Tolkien's works (a bit obvious again), The Harry Potter series, The Percy Jackson Series/The Heroes of Olympus/The Kane Chronicles, The Golden Compass, Dracula, Pride & Prejudice, The Guardians of Ga'Hoole Series, What We See When We Read, Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over The World, The Narnia Series, etc.
17. Favorite Pastimes?
Drawing, playing piano, and sleeping.
18. Do you have any regrets?
Knowing the fact that I'll probably never write out any of the fic ideas/prompts I have, most likely 💀
19. Dream Job?
I'd love to be either a Storyboard Artist or a Character Designer for Disney Animation Studios one day! That or maybe create my own cartoon series.
20. Would you ever like to be married?
I guess so- I'd hate to do taxes on my own.
21. Would you like to have kids?
Yeah, actually! I really like kids (since we're usually into the same things, like cartoons, pfft).
22. How many?
Two boys is what I'm hoping for (named David and Mateo, maybe).
23. Do you like to go shopping?
Eeeh, sometimes? I really have to be in the mood for it, and I much rather go book shopping than grocerie/clothes shopping.
24. What countries have you visited?
Only one- Mexico back in 2015. I loved Guadalajara!
25. Scariest nightmare?
All of them involve catastrophic natural disasters like earthquakes and tornadoes/hurricanes/tsunamis- I'm a Big Weenie during any type of storm or earthquake, so that fear seeps into my dreams, rip
26. Any enemies?
Those who hate Frodo Baggins are my Sworn Enemies- I will personally fight you all, and I promise you that I will win. 😤✊💪👊
27. Do you have a significant other?
Does my cat Weasley count? He is a Wee Lad, a Precious Fool, an Absolute Bastard. I Love Him. ❤
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28. Do you get along with your family?
Yeh, especially with my older sister.
29. Do you believe in miracles?
Yes, in the sense that I still manage to keep up my good grades, even though I Never Know What I'm Doing, Ever. That and how I'm still alive in a post-BotFA age and the crippling agony that is Bagginshield that drains my life-force. 💔
30. How are you?
I'm okay! Been busy with school. Tumblr-wise, though, I've been feeling a little lonely. I'd love to talk to more of my followers and mutuals, so please, come have a chat with me! I'd love to get to know y'all some more.💛
And that's that! I'll be tagging @mizimeluh @loveherpizzapalace @x-kytanna-x @love-and-bagginshield @gaaladrieel @ghisborne @bisexualfili @vtforpedro @arkenburglar and anyone else who'd like to join in! Can't wait to hear more about you guys. 👏🙌
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doodlelolly0910 · 6 years
Close Encounters of the Spiritual Kind
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Summary: Emma Nolan spent a lot of time alone, and that was fine by her. Because one is never truly alone. She should know. She can talk to dead people. What she didn’t expect was one of these spiritual encounters to hang around, taking her down a rabbit hole of missing women, revenge, and, least expected, love. Can she save the day and Killian Jones? Is there even another choice?
Read it from the beginning on AO3 and FFN!
A/N: I can't believe we're already at chapter 19!! Ok, so this chapter. We get super feelsy and some stuff goes down. And some steaminess (finally amirite lol) and revelations. Things are leading to the end! Just a few chapters left! I'm thinking 3-4 more max. So things are really in full throttle here :D many many thanks to my wonderful beta @kmomof4 (whom I may have killed with this chapter lol) and to @courtorderedcake who is the disgustingly talented artist who created the art for this fic that I love so so much. And thank you so much to anyone who still reads this thing, y'all make my day with every comment, reblog, like, so thank you, truly, to anyone reading this still. Y'all are amazing. Ok! New chapter! Let's go!
Chapter 19
Emma was the one to take Killian’s hand when she got out of the car, though she was sure he would have followed her anywhere she went at this point, hauling him straight into the office and pushing him into his chair. He loosed a grunt upon impact, but Emma didn’t pay any attention to him, instead flopping her bag on the desk and beginning to dig through it.
“If you wanted it rough, darling, all you had to do was ask,” he said, adjusting himself and watching her move around.
“Okay, so, don’t freak out, but I want to try something,” she said breathlessly, dragging the other chair around the desk in front of him. “Remember the shirt? The first contact I had with Milah? I have it here.” She thrust the bag towards him and he looked inside. His head popped up when he saw the fabric within the zippered compartment of her satchel.
“Emma…” he said on a heavy exhale. She chewed on her lip and brushed a few strands of hair from her face, not meeting his eyes.
“I know this sounds crazy, but I just… I just want to see… fuck, this is so stupid, maybe I shouldn’t have- you know what, just forget it. It’s too much and I don’t even know-” Her rambling was cut short by the feel of his strong, calloused fingers gripping her hand and squeezing. She turned her gaze up to meet him, and the hope and trust shining in his eyes almost knocked her on the floor.
“Do it. I want to. Please, Emma,” he said, voice quiet but firm. Emma blew out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, her eyes wide, fear running rampant through her gaze, but she held onto his hand like a lifeline. She sat, trying to get her nerves under control, wiping her hands on her jeans to rid them of the fine layer of sweat that they had developed once he released her grip. He reached into the bag and pulled the shirt free, a shaky sigh escaping his lips.
“She loved flowers,” he murmured, rubbing the fabric between his fingers. “She wore a lot of shirts like this, but this one was of her favorites. Never thought I’d see it again,” he admitted and looked up from his hands to meet her gaze again, extending the clothing to her in an offering of faith and trust in her and Emma could do nothing more than wordlessly reach for the garment and grip it tight.
The encounter was gentler than she thought it would be, considering the first encounter with Milah had been so intense, letters swimming through her head and whispers loud enough to drown out everything around her. It wasn’t like that this time. But this time, she could see.
A woman came into focus, dark ringlets bouncing around her face, blue grey eyes alive with amusement and wonder. She wasn’t transparent, or glowing, or any other cliche ghost thing. It was like seeing someone on TV but right in front of her. Like a hologram, without the light.  She knew she wouldn't be able to touch the woman, her hand likely to go right through her, but there she was, all the same. Emma took a deep breath in and got swept up in the fragrant jasmine in the air around her.
“Hey, Emma,” she said with a smile. “It’s so good to talk to you face to face. I didn’t think we would ever get this chance.”
“Milah. I didn’t expect this to be so...uh…”
“Vivid?” she finished for her, walking towards where Emma sat in the chair before Killian. She looked at the man fondly, sweeping her fingers over where his hair was, her fingers slipping right through where the strands lay as if they weren’t there at all. Which, they kinda weren’t. But a shiver went through Killian’s body all the same.
“What’s happening? What’s she saying?” Killian asked, his eyes settling back on Emma’s face.
“Oh, Killian. So impatient, agrà,” Milah chuckled and Emma let out a disbelieving laugh of her own. Killian's brow furrowed and Emma shook her head, stupid smile still in place.
“Ah, she says you're impatient. I can see her, Killian. She's… she's right next to you,” Emma said in a watery voice, wholly overwhelmed by this entire experience already. Killian sat up straighter, eyes darting around the room.
“I don't think you'll be able to see her, Killian,” Emma said, a note of sadness in her tone, and Killian stopped his search, face falling slightly. He nodded and blew out a breath.
“How does she look? Is… is she alright?” he asked anxiously.
“Yeah, she looks good. She can hear you, you know,” Emma urged and Milah gave her a soft smile.
“Milah, God, I…” he began but faltered, looking back to Emma for guidance. “What do I say to her?” Emma was taken aback by his plea for help.
“I don't know, I haven't done this before either! Just talk to her, I guess. Say what's on your mind.”
“Right, right. Okay.” He breathed another deep breath, seemingly calming himself, and Emma mirrored him.
“I miss you,” he said, almost a whisper and a crack formed in Emma's heart that cut deeper than she'd like to admit.
“I miss you too, agrà. More than you could know. Please, please stop this madness with your thirst for revenge. Get out of this world,” Milah said and Emma's throat tightened as she watched the spirit’s hands hover over his hunched form.
Emma cleared her throat before speaking, but the tightness remained. “She, uh, she says she misses you too. More than you know. And she is asking you not to seek revenge anymore. She said she wants you to get out of this world,” Emma relayed and Killian looked positively indignant. She reached out immediately to soothe him, her left hand touching his lightly, the other still clasped tightly around the shirt.
“Agrà,” Milah murmured and Killian froze. His lips parted on a sharp inhale, his features draining of color in an instant.
“Killian?” Emma asked softly, moving to pull away from where she touched him but his hand shot out like lightning, gripping her own tight. Emma looked to their joined hands to Milah, then back to him. As tight as his grip was, she could still feel him shaking. It was like he'd seen a ghost. Or…
“I heard her,” he whispered, nearly inaudible. Emma's mind went completely blank. This had never happened before. “Emma, I heard her. She said…” he broke off on a chuckle that seemed to bubble from his mouth of its own accord. “She said ‘agrà’. I heard her. I heard Milah’s voice. I… I…” he faltered for any sort of word, shaking his head incredulously.
“Milah, say something else,” Emma urged, keeping her eyes on Killian and tightening her own grip around his hand.
“You're meant for so much greater, Killian. You are not defined by your losses. Please don't do this.” Milah was earnest, the pain on her face at being so close to Killian and being unable to touch him was almost tangible. Killian looked similarly frustrated and hurt, but there was an underlying layer of joy and wonder that she'd only seen from him one other time. When he'd kissed her the first time. Emma's heart broke for them both just a little.
“Milah, I can't, he is a monster,” he growled and Emma inhaled sharply at his direct acknowledgement of the spiritual presence. “He took you from me, he took my hand, he took everything and he cannot be allowed to remain unpunished.”
“It's not your place, agrà. Let Emma take care of it. She can keep you safe. She can save you, Killian.” Milah’s murmured words had Killian's eyes snapping back towards Emma's. There was still pain there, so much emotion, but there was a softness now as well. Emma only got a glimpse before his expression sealed up tight. His jaw tightened and he looked away.
He didn't acknowledge anything Milah had said, instead responding with, “I love you, Milah. I'm sorry for everything.” He unfurled his fingers from Emma's, patting them lightly where they rested on her jean covered knee before releasing them altogether and breaking his connection to Milah.
Milah and Emma sighed almost simultaneously. Emma could feel her soft eyes on her now and she turned her own gaze up to meet them.
“I can't stay, Emma. Killian will come around. I hope it's not too late. Can I ask something of you?”
“Yeah, Milah, whatever you need,” Emma replied over the tightness in her own throat.
“Take care of him. More than that, let him take care of you, too. There's something here between you that goes deeper than even you know. It could be something really special, if you let it. Don't be afraid to feel. I'll be around.” Milah smiled softly at Emma and turned her gaze back to Killian. This was a goodbye for her, a hell of a one at that, and Emma felt like she had been sucker punched in the gut. Who knew when or if this would or could ever happen again. She couldn't take her eyes off of Milah even as she faded from sight without another word. She continued to stare at the spot where she had just stood trying in vain to process what the spirit had just told her.
“She's gone, isn't she?” Killian's voice brought her away from her panic stricken fog and she nodded. He nodded in turn, a soft, sad smile quirking his lips. He looked up at her then, unshed tears making his eyes sparkle.
“That was the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. You… you are amazing, love, just incredible,” he said, his voice cracking in and out of a whisper. “Has that ever happened before?”
“No,” Emma answered in a whisper of her own. “None of these things have. I shouldn't have been able to draw you so well, I shouldn't have these extended encounters with your loved ones, I've never seen a spirit during an encounter in person, and no one has ever heard them because we touched. I don’t know why these things keep happening with you. It’s like we’re… like we’re connected somehow, on this deeper level, or something. I don’t know!” She threw her hands in the air before burying her face in them. She felt a gentle hand grasp at her wrist and tug it away from her face after a moment. Killian's blue eyes bored into her, a heat and an intensity that touched her physically, making goosebumps scatter over her flesh. And then he spoke, low, husky, his voice the very thing sin was made from.
“I don’t believe in fairy tales and ghost stories, Swan. I don’t believe in soulmates, or true love, or happy endings, especially not for me. I am a villain in this tale, after all, and villains don’t get happy endings. But I do believe in you. Whatever just happened here was real. And I believe whatever is here between you and I, it’s real, and it’s true, and it’s so deep it scares me. You are something magical, love.”
She couldn't have stopped herself if she tried, though Milah's words made her want to jump in her bug and never come back. Despite that, she leaned forward, watching the caution in Killian's features slowly melt away as he realized her intent. She pressed her lips lightly against his before pulling back and looking into his eyes again, gauging his response. She saw the same heat there, only intensified, looking back at her from the carefully schooled mask he had in place.
So she did it again.
Something inside Killian snapped in that instant and his hand plunged into her hair as he sealed his mouth over hers. The strands pulled on his rings against where her elastic secured her thick locks on the crown of her head so she reached up to undo it with both hands. He took advantage of her raised arms and as soon as her curls tumbled free down her back, he looped his hooked arm around her back, hauling her out of her chair and pressing their torsos tightly together.
Emma moved her legs to frame Killian's thighs, essentially straddling him as he reached down to thumb the notch in her chin and open her lips to his questing and insistent tongue. The first hot lick into her mouth had her groaning and sinking into him further, her own hands snaking up to tangle in his thick, dark locks, pulling him closer and returning his kiss with just as much fervor.
He held her tight to him, a soft, breathless gasp of her name escaping his lips when they pulled apart for air that had her jumping right back in. His hand was everywhere, tracing the edge of her jaw, sifting through her hair, stroking the column of her throat and skimming down her arm before plunging back into her golden mane. He held her like she would disappear if he let go, and she knew in part that was thanks to the encounter. Too many people had just disappeared on him, just as they had her. The thought of him clinging to her like some sort of life preserver should have sent her running for the hills but it just sent her diving deeper into him, clutching at him just as desperately.
Lust and a want so intense it burned her from the inside out flared through her veins. When his hand slipped under the hem of her shirt and touched the bare skin of her back, she whimpered into his mouth, which in turn had him pressing up into her curves. She could feel his own want for her in the solid outline of his erection through their jeans and wetness pooled between her thighs at the thought of him being connected to her in every way. She had to stop herself from grinding down on him like a cat in heat.
Somewhere in the back of her conscious mind, through the thick haze of want that had infiltrated her being, Emma heard the tinny jingling of a generic ringtone echoing out into the room. She ignored it, pressing herself further into Killian’s embrace, sweeping her tongue over his own like it was the last thing she would ever do. She never wanted it to stop. But no sooner did the chirping from the phone stop than did it start up again and Killian was pulling away.
“Emma, love,” he panted, voice husky and deep, still stealing kisses from her lips as she tried to press forward like he couldn’t stop himself. “Fucking hell, your phone, it could be your contact. Much as I’m enjoying this, and believe me, I am.” He flexed his fingers into her hip, pulling her tight against his lap where his arousal was now more than a little prevalent, pulling a moan from Emma, which in turn pulled a shudder from himself. “I don’t fancy a police raid because they couldn’t reach you.”
The phone stopped ringing, then started up again and Emma squeezed her eyes shut on a groan. Clambering off of Killian’s lap, her hair wild where he had been running his hand through it, she snatched her phone from where it lay on the table in the corner and jammed her finger viciously into the answer button.
“Yeah,” she snapped.
“Hey, Nolan. Long time.”
Emma felt something swell up inside her at the sound of the voice on the other end of the line. Several emotions all balled into one, the most prominent of them being joy and relief, and she could barely get her voice above an awestruck whisper.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
The x-pro Templar 250 is an awesome bike and I think we put it there it is a 19 horsepower monster it has a very sturdy frame it's beefy the motor is Turkey and powerful and it goes very fast about 85 miles an hour if you change the sprockets it goes 120 people are buying those like madness and they're feeding them for the road and they're getting dot approval one way or the other and it is a speed demon and they put super Moto on there and they get about 30 miles an hour more 150 miles an hour some people lower it and take off the towels and plastic things and it goes about 170 is way too fast for our son and we don't want to bike but this bike is ideal and I don't know why they're making it they usually don't make bikes that work this is a real motorcycle he's been asking forever for an Enduro they just won't do it you just change the exhaust pipe for emissions and people do it and they know which one because they're passing around it's a heartbreak to watch our son isn't want to buy a piece of crap and this is a real bike and you can't buy it and he can't ride and you won't let him have enough money for a car so we see what you more like doing but the empire is doing it too they're trying to take over their own area it's disgusting and it's not fooling anybody anymore and the foreigners are pouring in and they're making you pay for years of b******* when you kill off your clones
Thor Freya
It's finally working it's sitting here bothering me and torturing me humiliating me the all sorts of dumb s*** did I remember have me put it out there millions of times saying I'm wrong and telling me I have a dead end in more than one way I'll tell you what you're going to pay and foreigners for just sitting there they have a huge job to do and it'll probably overwhelmed and you're a bunch of jackasses and are going to die I know you're going to die this is what I've done already you're not going to make it no matter what you do you can kill each other all day and night LOL it still won't do you any good but I didn't count on that at all the foreigners did
Zues Hera
We're sitting here berating him and not listening he says he's growing Giants and they're huge they go out and ripped bunkers out by hand and we think it's a ship and we don't see a ship I'm actually a little bit scared to the guy cuz he won't back off and he's going to kill me if he gets in a fight and says you're not going to let me win a fight no matter what if it's serious and I certainly understand it I don't want to be here anymore he's sitting here railing away almost 24 hours a day he's up all night sometimes we can't get any sleep and he doesn't give a s*** cuz we're going to do it to him he's taking over our businesses the next one to follow his Fiat and also mini Cooper and he says Chrysler fully we don't have much left we don't care to make cars we don't care to work and we're also saying we don't care to buy them which is probably true any ruined ourselves sitting here bothering him and it's our fault we don't really care but we should probably leave and we can't and we're addicted and is here calling us homos and losers everyone beats us up I got to tell you there's no point in this being here he says the max are forcing us to stay here and they've had a huge attitude problem and somehow by some miracle by some active feet and and more their attitude is worse than ours which is amazing to us and he said sometimes he thinks about it's not surprising cuz they were ruling for a long time and their middle management and that's the attitude that people get they get all pissy and say we do it this way they gave his clan control and he's like them it's a different group and they're morons about it I'll tell you what some people are sitting their ways and are proud of it these Macs are completely sitting their ways they're worse than us in many ways he says we're rebels and you wouldn't be afraid if you weren't mistreating me he said that last sentence it's actually true and there's no real point to it we go up there we're going to mess with it the only thinking it's our cable too I'm going to put a device on it but other people will it doesn't make any sense we don't think it through we just want to do something and there's nothing to do every time you poke him he starts going after everybody right now it's ridiculous and I thought about it we're fighting each other out there we're fighting each other here with the same group in the empire is encouraging it and we can't see it and he doesn't know what to do and he's a genius I've seen it too he's very strong he says we should ask Ken and will and Bill because they're kind of impartial and that impartial this gives them a need to have us do something effective as opposed to Mac no Mac is stuck if we disappear he disappears possibly now I'm seeing what he's saying these people have been in it for a long time and they know what to do against this particular group right now they're set up against the clones and they said we won't have a good attitude about it and we don't then he said they always lose and it's very bad in the foreigners are seeing it so I want to see how they see it it was sorry for how we're treated you we can't help it sometimes and he says I know I'm trying to go easy but sometimes you have to enforce you trying to survive I did the shovel thing another a****** won't leave it alone and he was out of line and he went back inside and nothing happened and he just kept on going for a month is something wrong with that I do see something wrong with that and that was him the last two sentences what's wrong with that is you went on for a month and giving a break that's ridiculous if you want to live here and not at all I mean come on they got the shovel and you're thinking holes threading both of us this is out of control you're out of control Trump and so am I we have to find the source we're going to kicked out of everything
He predicted it and said we won't stop until it's an emergency and now it's an emergency we're trying to stop a little and we can't and we feel bad for him we were harassing but he's just doing his thing and we take it as harassment this is terrible we don't look stupid now
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