#once I heard stuntman I was all in for Ryan
happy74827 · 1 month
I have to stop going to the movies because my obsession of fictional hot men just keeps growing…
That being said, who wants some Colt Seavers and Tom Ryder fics? 👀
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conradscrime · 3 years
Cursed & Haunted Film Sets
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October 02, 2021
While October is the time where horror movies are the most watched, Hollywood has not been a stranger to haunted film sets. While these actors believed that they were only pretending to be scared and that scary stuff was only happening in the movies, it turned out that a few horrific events happened on set in real life. 
Here is a list of cursed and haunted film sets, some of which you may have never heard of before. These bone chilling tales will make you 10x scared than when you are watching these movies. 
The first cursed film set was on ‘The Crow’, starring Brandon Lee who played a musician who rises from the dead after being murdered the night before his wedding. The 1994 film is all about how Brandon Lee seeks revenge on those who murdered him, however the real horror happened on set. 
On March 31, 1994 while filming a scene where Lee is supposed to be shot, he really was shot and had fallen backwards. The directors had told him to fall forwards once being shot, and believed that he had been kidding around. It wasn’t until Lee did not stand up they knew something was wrong. Lee was rushed to the hospital, and after a 6 hour surgery was pronounced dead at the age of 28. 
That’s not all that happened while filming this movie. On the first day of filming, a crew member was driving a cherry picker to set up lights and fell into a ditch. The member had gotten electrocuted and it is a miracle he did not die. Witnesses said all of his organs had been burned. 
Another unfortunate event that happened during filming was one of the stunt double scenes. While preparing for a scene, a stuntman had fallen through the rooftop set and broken multiple ribs. A member of the art department ended up with a screwdriver gone right through their hand. Others claim a sculptor who was working on set went “berserk” and ended up driving his car through the set. Some sources believe it was just an accident and that he had simply lost control of the vehicle. 
Either way, it’s safe to say that ‘The Crow’ had a lot of horrific things happen during filming, and before Brandon Lee’s death he supposedly referenced to crew members that he believed his family was cursed and that he felt like he was going to die soon. 
Rosemary’s Baby is a popular horror film that came out in 1968 and was based on a novel. The plot is about a couple who moves into a new apartment and after the wife becomes pregnant she begins to experience strange things and believes something evil is lurking around. 
Many people involved in the film had horrible things happen to them. The movie’s composer died after falling at a party, as well as one of the producers of the film had life-threatening kidney stones and kept having hallucinations that Rosemary was coming after him with a knife. The director of Rosemary’s Baby was none other than Roman Polanski, whose wife Sharon Tate was murdered by the Manson family the following year. Could bad luck have been following those associated with this film? 
The Innkeepers came out in 2011, and was about a pair of hotel employees that began to wonder if the hotel they worked at was haunted. Many crew members believed this film set was haunted and had reported seeing lights turn on and off by themselves, doors open and close by themselves, and perhaps the creepiest of all, many of them would receive phone calls but when they picked up no one was on the other end. 
I don’t think it is a shock to many to see the Amityville Horror on this list. Perhaps one of the most famous horror stories in Hollywood history, the 1979 film is based off of a real life story of a man named Ronald DeFeo Jr, known as “Butch” who murdered his entire family while they slept. The Lutz family moved in shortly after the murders and after 28 days of living in the house claimed it was as haunted as could be. 
James Brolin, who played George Lutz in the film claimed that when he considered accepting the role in the movie, a piece of clothing from his closet fell down all by itself. The creepiest story of all however, surrounds Ryan Reynolds, who played George Lutz in the 2005 version, who claimed to have woken up every night 3am for no reason while filming. 
Poltergeist is another famous horror movie that is unsurprising to be on this list. Released in 1982, it appears that anyone who stars in this film and its sequel is bound to run into tragedy. The movie plot is about a family who again, believes they are being haunted by an evil spirit. Dominique Dunne, one of the stars of the film was murdered by her boyfriend a few months before the movie was released. Another star in the film, Heather O’Rourke died a few years later from septic shock at the age of 12. Two other actors from the sequel film passed away due to complications from disease or surgery. Was the film cursed, causing misfortune to those who acted in it?
Many do not believed in curses or haunted film sets, but it does seem eerie that some of the most well known horror films in Hollywood history have so much tragedy surrounding them. Do you believe in haunted sets and curses?
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