#okay i'm done bye
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Oh, and I can feel you Even though I haven’t touched you Yeah, that’s what love is That’s what true love is Wouldn’t want nobody else by my side
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Ooh, and you can trust me After all the lies I told you Yeah, that’s what love is That’s what true love is Don’t nobody else deserve my time
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I reach out to you But my hands can’t hold enough Enough of your greatness You teach me patience Like the best of our worlds collide
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Never understood what it meant It meant to submit to love So beyond what lust is Hey, it’s a blessing that you’re in my life
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Make me look even better When we shine, we shine together Yeah, that’s what love is Now, that’s what love is Don’t nobody else deserve my eyes
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I know what true love is Yeah, down in my soul Far more than you know
I appreciate you God bless your maker That’s what love is That’s what love is Look at this love
— Justin Bieber, That’s What Love Is
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
@ anon the fest description called it a light and fun celebratory summer thing you all really need to get a grip
okay sorry to offload on you when you literally swung in to defend me but i actually just properly read that anon and now i'm annoyed because how did EYE make anyone feel unsafe on their blogs like i have the OP blocked there's no way they're seeing it unless one of yall say something which okay think about why you did that. anyway the anon literally asking me "how is writing something about it celebrating it" when this is legiterally what i said
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work on your reading comprehension. I wouldn't have said shit if you'd called it something else.
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A Certain 20th Anniversary
Hey guys, I'm back!
Alright, are you ready for me to make myself look awkward?
For those wondering, today (April 14, 2023) is the 20th anniversary of a certain TV show. One that mystifies and intrigues me, and horrifies others that aren't me. One with such a strange concept, that I just felt it was necessary to add lore to it.
Don't ask...
I've got nothing else to say. Let's begin...
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I know what you might be thinking, 'oh dear, this is gonna give me SO MANY more nightmares!'
I can see where you're coming from, the siblings' appearances were (and still are) rather weird. Still, here they are now (with bios for each):
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Fun Fact: If you're wondering what that thing is under Henry's pectorals, that's actually an opening. As the siblings grew older, they developed an extra layer of skin, making their fur pelts completely removable. However, the pelts still act as clothing, so the siblings prefer to keep their pelts on in public.
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Fun Fact: All of the 5 Boohbah siblings have British accents (you know, because it's a British show?).
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Fun Fact: The reason that Z keeps her hail in a pony tail is because when it's loose, her hair is a little out of control.
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Fun Fact: The actor of Julian is the exact same actor who voiced Rokit in Mixels.
No, I am NOT kidding. Look it up.
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Fun Fact: While at 1st glance, she may actually seem heavier than Z, Jane's weight is actually the same as Julian, it's just that she's a little shorter than him.
Yes, I created actual LORE out of this nonsensical concept.
For those who are upset, don't worry, I'm not planning for them to be recurring characters in my canon (mainly because it takes FOREVER to color them).
But for those who don't mind, I'm actually going to spend next week posting sketch/doodle pages for each sibling.
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jouhouwonk · 1 year
my new year resolution is to catch up on all the gay shows that have come out these last few seasons. A resolution that is challenging yet achievable.
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itshyuka · 1 year
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SWEET — ‘Surrender‘
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grxceful-ly · 1 year
peter bringing mayday with him to do spider stuff because yeah, he had things to live for before--but now he has a child and he is going to raise this child and be there for her and maybe if she’s there, strapped to his chest, he’ll be more careful. he’ll consider his life almost as precious as hers. maybe bringing mayday to work is a precaution. 
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accirax · 5 months
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Exchange #16: Teruko's gift for Ace!
Thus concludes my DRDT Secret Santa Saga. A very merry Christmas to all who are celebrating, and well wishes to everyone who isn't!
and here's the randomized list i was working off of just in case anyone thinks i was making things up ;)
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zukkaoru · 2 months
the truth is that if dazai were written as a female character in canon, most of the people who like femzai wouldn't actually like her at all
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gaelicfoxfire · 1 month
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I watched the WoY pilot today, it's making my heart super happy I wish I would've screenshot the pictures but I don't know how it works on my computer so anyway, I ADORE THEIR DESIGNS! (Sylvia is giving me Birdo vibes because of her round mouth)
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okay I started reading Dungeon Meshi the other day only because I liked those character sheets. it's good and fun so far, I'm on chapter 37 and very invested. I thought it was gonna be just slice of life (because it was for like the first 20 chapters or so), but now there is a plot, and I like it both ways. it has kind of a slow start even for the slice of life stuff: not like it's bad, I was just unsure whether it was going to move past "enjoyable" for the first couple chapters. but then it went from enjoyable to deeply charming and now it's gone to exciting while still pretty darn charming. without knowing the author, I can confidently say she's a giant nerd. this is a work that would be impossible to create unless you were a person who is great at drawing with intense special interests in classic fantasy RPGs and biology/ecology. which sounds very specific but thank goodness because that's what makes it good. it feels like it comes from a place of love.
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averlym · 1 year
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"what could possibly go wrong?"
#oops <doodles a cairo on the bus. and the train. and miscellaneous other public transportation>#cheerwives part two because i drew a riley and got obsessed ig#i had to go to School and Travel today (it is the middle of the school holiday week break to study. i'm mildly annoyed)#so this is me coping via the blorbo system#also i've realised rendering on my phone is Fun and so is painting faces#lowkey iffy about the proportions on this one but shhhb the sentiment gets across#part of this was based off how someone liked a very old watt post of mine so while i was looking for a watt doodle to render for funsies#up came a very old image of cairo asking what could possibly go wrong and so. repaint over it i guess! if you go into the artchives#(haha art archives) you might be able to find it#we are the tigers#watt#not driving the narrative not doomed by the narrative but a secret third thing(in the narrative nonetheless)#thinking back to the hadestown watt au that i never made proper stuff for#it spins in my head and gives me a bit of happiness#anyways i think my physics teacher is very Done with me submitting assignments at 2359 but unfortunately i haven't learnt. going to go back#(because i'm still at the mall. gotta walk back) and finish up stuff! yikes the revision season be upon ye i guess#there's another version of this digital painting with cairo half smiling and mouth clearly open to say smth#but unfortunately i dislike the colours in that one a bit and it looks too similar to this one to warrant posting them tgt#so ​instead of a before and after thing you simply get a cairo portrait haha#yes okay bye *disappears into void*#initial caption for this was. nooo don't ask what could possibly go wrong?'' you're so sexy aha#if it matters to anyone. just fyi
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neallo · 8 months
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i want to hold you (hostage) | rating: E
[graphic made using art by the wonderful user-null]
category: M/M | chapters: 4/4 | length: 21,700
[now with stunning fanart (nsft) by @deelavis]
listen to the corresponding playlist here
tags: alternate universe - canon divergence, mello POV, character study, mafia era mello, exes, unhealthy relationships, fantasizing, bondage, kidnapping fantasies, blow jobs, possessive sex, choking, degradation
Rico asks, casual, what Mello will want next, what he’ll aim for after he gets the notebook, and suddenly it’s like the ground has dropped out from underneath him, because the first thing that comes to mind is Near. His stomach sinks as he tries to regain some semblance of composure, fighting off imaginings both tender and cruel, furious with himself for being so weak-minded. Near, he thinks forcefully, is in the past. He isn’t an option for what’s to come— and even if he was, Mello wouldn’t want him.
(He wouldn’t.)
(He wouldn’t.)
(God. He can’t even convince himself anymore.)
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science-lings · 7 months
the thing that beat the depression today for me was remembering that Phoenix Wright was in a fighting game with marvel super people and the 3d art style is so ugly but his mere existence in it is so fucking funny. His move set consists of pointing and examining the ground and paperwork with a break every once in a while to pull Maya out to energy blast whatever famous superhero is in his way...
I like to think that that duo can absolutely kick ass together but are constantly getting fucked up in the games (physically assaulted, kidnapped, accused of murder, hit by a car...) only because it's funny. We already know that Pheonix is strong enough to break down doors and break locks with little effort so it would make sense that he's decently strong. And I just think Maya is holding out on us with her energy blasts but she can do that with no explanation at all.
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ballisterboldheart · 2 years
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man, i have wanted to apologize to you so many times. i—i guess i was worried that it would've triggered something, or whatnot? you know, thought maybe it was just best to leave the past where it is.
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willowser · 2 years
edit to add: it's because of this incredible fanart that i got this brainworm
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no bc i need to talk about this, like i'm NOT DONE like bakugou as your next door neighbor !! since you were a child !! and it's a nice neighborhood and his parents seem well adjusted and have clean-cut professional jobs and hold dinner parties with your parents and they're always bringing something delicious for the neighborhood new year's get together.
BUT THEIR SON IS A LITTLE HELLION. the kid that had a mohawk in middle school and made fun of you for not using cuss words until you were like 13. and he's not a bad kid, bc he still is at the top of all his classes and never breaks the law or anything -- but he comes to school after his 16th birthday with a piercing through the middle of his lip and the clothes he wears are black and baggy and he drives an old beat up, cherry red shelby mustang and you're pretty sure he got the tattoo on his forearm before he was 18.
and your dad is like. absolutely not. don't even look at that boy. can't even be caught dead with him.
you've been neighbors for almost your entire life, but it's not like you're really friends. hung out together when there was no one else and your dad was too busy talking about the upcoming season for fishing and golfing to notice. your mom doesn't mind so much bc he's really not terrible, just a wicked little brat, and the week he started playing the drums, nobody in a five mile radius got any sleep. still blares music with open windows and turns it up even louder when you wave at him from across the lawn to shut up.
at graduation, he accepts his diploma -- summa cum laude, of course, the little shit -- and almost gets kicked off stage for sticking his tongue out in the picture. wears all this smudged liner under his eyes and gels his hair out at a million different angles. bc he's the WORST. and your parents try to throw a combined graduation party bc it's easier to plan, but of course bakugou could care less. doesn't even show up until the very end, after most of everyone is gone. counts all the money from the congrats grad! cards he got and then tells you,
"'m gettin' the fuck out of here after this."
you don't think he means the party.
"hate this shit," he grumbles, and you're surprised that he's even talking to you. in his backyard, in front of the beautifully built fire pit for those cold fall nights. it's still hot in june, but he lit it out of spite, bc he doesn't mind the heat. "never gonna be like these fuckin' losers, worried about what everyone else thinks of me 'n shit. oh the HOA will be upset if we decorate the lawn with skeletons, fuck you."
it makes you laugh--he kind of always does, with how crass he can be--and he looks at you, sitting in the wicker chair beside him. he looks like he's glowing in the fire light, liner looking even darker with the shadows on his face. he's traded the stud in his lip for a little hoop in his septum, another in his eyebrow almost hidden in his hair.
"know your ass is gonna stick around here," he says it like an accusation, frowning. "gonna fuckin'--look for some prince charming, tuxedo mask douchebag. shack up and buy a house in the hills or somethin'."
"maybe," you shrug, earning a scoff from him. now that high school is over, the future seems so--open ended. you thought you'd be prepared by now, after all that your parents have tried to instill in you since elementary school, but. you don't know. maybe you don't want to go to law school. "or maybe i'll--join a rock band. dye my hair pink and split my tongue, or something."
you stick your tongue out for emphasis and he watches you closely, sticking his own out in response. when you laugh again, he shuffles in his seat and looks away.
"whatever." bakugou snorts, "you don't know the first thing about bein' in a band. i'd have to teach you everything."
"oh, you think you could?"
"hell yeah," he grins, wicked, all sharp teeth and sin. "learn from the fuckin' master."
"oh my god," you roll your eyes, but smile at him anyway. his eyes dart down to the curve of your lips, the apple of your cheeks, and then he's looking away again. speaking into the fire instead.
"i mean i guess i could, if you wanted, or whatever." the only fully painted fingernail remaining on his left hand is his pinky, and he picks at with interest. "if you--wanna come with me, not like i give a shit."
you try to picture it, you and him. katsuki. in the passenger seat of his car with nothing but clothes in a backpack, money stuffed in your pockets. wherever he's going--you don't even know--but it couldn't be too bad, with him. stopping in a motel when the driving gets old, buying snacks to feed him so he doesn't have to take his eyes off the road. he could be there when you get your first tattoo, and even though he'd make fun of you no matter what you choose, you don't think there's anyone else you would want there but him.
"when are we leaving?" you ask it to the sky, open and unending. dark and dazzling just like him.
from the corner of your eye, you can see him look at you for a long time before he snorts again, soft. disappointed, almost, because he knows it could never be. your fate has already been sealed, molded, starting from the day you moved in next door, and no matter how much you'd love to throw caution to the wind and follow him--it's just a dream.
"first thing tomorrow," he murmurs, and your heart thumps harder in your chest. so violent that it hurts. when you look at him, his face is turned up to the sky, too. "don't be late."
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annabelle--cane · 9 months
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