#oj simpson final video
thescoopess · 2 months
O.J. Simpson Said ‘My Health Is Good’ in Final Video Two Months Before Death
PHOTO: O.J. Simpson X/Getty O.J. Simpson, the exonerated California murder defendant, and former football star, died, the family said on Thursday, April 11, 2024. He was 76. “On April 10th, our father, Orenthal James Simpson, succumbed to his battle with cancer.” O.J. Simpson assured fans that everything was fine in a video he released on (Twitter) X, two months before he passed away at…
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Life can be fascinating.
Yesterday was something else.
We got Suchwita where Yoongi says "when we come back we might not be as hot..." uhhhhh.... and "we didn't do anything big" YOONGI! MY GOD! STOP BEING SO MODEST!
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Hoshi had to say right away "dude, you all did a lot more than that."
Yoongi said things that calmed the anxiety I have about this era of waiting for them to do their service and get back to us.
With every episode I get to know his personality more and more. He long ago totally dispelled (x1000) my very first impressions of him but these Suchwita interviews he does are so beautiful and enlightening.
And now he's on his way to Bangkok to do who knows what...
We got a trailer for Hobi's J-Hope in the Box video on demand on Weverse. I can't wait to watch this documentary. The trailer is showing some very real scenes, much more authentic, along the lines of the previous documentary movies about BTS.
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Yes, Hobi, life can be fascinating.
I heard this Disney+ project was a series... are we to expect a documentary like this for every member? And then perhaps a group one right before their group comeback? We don't know yet.
And lastly, as I was closing my eyes to sleep last night, this K-drama playing out in real life in Korea between two major competing entertainment corporations. Armys who have been around since the beginning... this was not on y'all's bingo card for this life time was it? If this deal sticks... the ramifications...
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EXO fans... how we feeling today?
I don't think the saga is anywhere near being over. Someone needs to get us some more popcorn because this is the best real life drama we've seen since that slow speed police chase of OJ Simpson's Bronco down I-5 in Los Angeles in 1994.
And to top it all off, my six WKorea magazines arrived. The package was heavy. Probably 10lbs of paper in those six magazines. That's 4.5kg. But they were absolutely gorgeous. I don't regret purchasing all six covers, they are like oversize glossy art prints of Jimin.
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I can't read any of it. But the pictures sure are pretty. I may sacrifice one (the close up black and white cover) so I can scan some of the inside photos to share. I will do something with the cover, frame it, display it... it's my favorite.
And I wake up and Jimin's done a live, told us his album is coming in March(!), he could take his clothes off to show us his tattoos but where's the fun in that? <bites fist> He comments about watching the most recent Suchwita and that he would like to appear on Yoongi's show (please, please, please).
Somehow, Jimin has overcome his "awkward" era while doing lives. For over an hour and a half he's chatting, being funny, making plastic flowers, singing, dancing... TO FILTER?! ... ... if Jimin does anything like what Hobi did and sings some of his previous songs... OMFG WE MIGHT FINALLY GET FILTER LIVE!!!!!!I21!!
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Honestly, I am expecting Jimin to have something on his upcoming album that will give Filter a run for its money as far as "shock" value.
Of course I will come back with another post after the subs are up on his live.
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Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard: 8/9/2023
Fifth Place: Ann Coulter
Did you know that The New York Times is plotting against Ron DeSantis? If not, then you didn't read Ann Coulter's new column, where she writes:
Right now, nothing would help the Democratic Party more than somehow blocking Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida from becoming the Republican presidential nominee.
The Democratic Party doesn't have to block DeSantis, the Republican base has already done that for them. As established, DeSantis has been polling a distant second to Trump the entire race--and even that's starting to get rather difficult for DeSantis to maintain. The New York Times doesn't need to plot against him anymore than they needed to plot against Bill Weld in 2020.
Fourth Place: J. Michael Luttig
The retired right-wing judge was on CNN today, where he said the following:
Frankly, I don’t care about the Republican Party at all, except to the extent that the two political parties in America are the political guardians of democracy in our country. American democracy simply cannot function without two equally healthy and equally strong political parties. So, today, in my view, there is no Republican Party to counter the Democratic Party in the country. And for that reason, American democracy is in grave peril.
This notion that we somehow have to bail out the Republican Party because having two parties is needed for democracy is utter nonsense. It would be no different than somebody making the same comment about the Whig Party, the Federalist Party, or the Democratic Republicans. The Anti-Masonic Party dissolving did not turn us into a one party state, nor did the end of the Know Nothing Party.
In truth, we already have multiple political parties outside of the main two--the Libertarians could take a chance in Congress, as could the Green Party, and the Reform Party, and the Right to Life Party, and the Socialist Party, and tons of others. The end of the Republican Party will not mean perpetual Democratic rule, it will mean a new party will finally have the chance to rise from the ashes.
Third Place: Mike Pence
Did you know Joe Biden launched a war on gas? That's what Mike Pence declares in a new video where he badly attempts to look like he's filling a pickup truck. Of course, the rise in gas prices since 2020 has to do primarily with the fact that people are--you know--actually driving now and weren't back then, the COVID-19 pandemic caused people to travel much less. (One person told me the roads were so clear a previously hour and a half long car trip took them fifteen minutes.) It's this thing called supply and demand, when demand increases and supply doesn't prices go up because the amount people are willing to pay goes up.
Oh, and if Biden is declaring some kind of war on energy, somebody should really consider telling the President given he has approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public land than Trump--wrongfully in my opinion.
Second Place: Nick Akerman
If you're like me, you think the Donald Trump trial should be televised--that is not the opinion of Nick Akerman, who wrote an article from The New York Times with headline of "Why Televising the Trump Trial Is a Bad Idea." You see, although the media has felt the need to televise every trial it thinks it can sensationalize that it comes across, it seems like the one which would actually change the lives of the American people needs to be behind closed doors. Public transparency is only for OJ Simpson, not for the former President.
Actually, the article mentions the OJ trial, and Akerman says:
A major lesson from the O.J. Simpson murder trial, which gripped the nation when it was broadcast starting in 1995, is how the impact of television can undermine a trial when the judge, the lawyers, the defendant and the witnesses play to the viewing audience, as they did then. This turned a grave murder trial, with Mr. Simpson’s guilt or innocence hanging in the balance, into daily entertainment.
Given how OJ Simpson is now one of the most hated men in America as he had been since the start of the trial, it seems rather surprising that Akerman is saying televising this trial would somehow help Donald Trump.
Winner: Matt Walsh
White people are not going extinct, despite what Matt Walsh will tell you. A recent article in The Hill did find that white people might not be a majority in this country come from twenty years from now, but that does not mean we will be losing white people. In spite of that, Matt did a long rant on his show today about how white people could be going extinct in the near future.
I will not be reprinting that rant, because it is nothing short of the rantings of a deranged racist--but I will say it is based on a total misunderstanding of data, one I do not believe was unintentional.
Matt Walsh, you've said the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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oozepop · 1 year
I received a second strike on my YouTube channel while live streaming.
This one is actually upsetting. I was streaming on YouTube on the night of 12/18/22 (which was a good day, as it was my mom's birthday, as well as my good friend Jom. Also, it was creeping into midnight, so I might be wrong on the exact date, but who cares). I started the night with Dark and Darker with some friends, moved on to Dead by Daylight, and proceeded to end the night with Elden Ring. Germbubble, a chatter and good friend of mine, always posts stuff in chat for me to react to. This time, he sent me a recent OJ Simpson interview. I had the video in the corner while I played Elden Ring, which was taking up the majority of my screen.
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I received a flurry of emails pertaining to my YouTube channel, insinuating YouTube is looking right at me within this very short amount of time, including reviewing an appeal (spoiler alert). The first email [from the bottom] is informing me that my stream from earlier in the week was copyright claimed. This is not a strike, but rather YouTube blocking some (or all) of my stream. Very easy action that doesn't harm my channel in anyway. The second email is informing me of the same thing on a different live stream, I believe the one from the morning of 12/18/22 (yes, I stream often and need to touch grass).
The third email is where it gets interesting.
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Here, they inform me that my stream is interrupted. This has happened to me before, when I watched a clip of a movie a different chatter, omegabuttwish, sent me, although this first time, it did not result in a strike (spoiler alert). When I stopped watching the clip, my stream went back to normal, albeit some minutes later (the first time, I mean). This time, when I stopped watching the clip after this email, my stream was only returned to normal... briefly.
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So, I 'm not exactly sure if I'm interpreting this correctly, but did I get a strike because I had OJ on my screen, and I didn't remove it as soon as I saw this email? Because for a very good amount of time, my stream titled "Elden Ring" was about Elden Ring. This just seems absurdly unfair to me, but I am just but a punished normie. So, I 'm not exactly sure if I'm interpreting this correctly, but did I get a strike because I had OJ on my screen, and I didn't remove it as soon as I saw this email? Because for a very good amount of time, my stream titled "Elden Ring" was about Elden Ring. This just seems absurdly unfair to me, but I am just but a punished normie.
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The last email shows that they reviewed my appeal in less than an hour after my strike, and determined that I did, in fact, violate their policy. I guess I should just take this for what it is and do my best going forward. I feel like it's all just so vague and I can't tell when what I'm doing will result in a strike, since sometimes my loose behavior is allowed, and sometimes it's not.
What I think I will do going forward is be very safe. I will record and edit videos in the meantime that will not be uploaded until my first strike disappears on January 24th. From that point on, I will only upload until my second strike disappears on March 19th. I suppose it's possible I stream on YouTube before that date, but if so, it'll be very specific streams with a very specific goal in mind, to ensure I do not get in trouble for some dumb bullshit. I can always just stream on twitter until then, which is kinda weird, but I guess I'll do it.
I'm honestly just upset and discouraged. I can't tell if I just have a dedicated hater, or if I'm an absolute idiot to streaming. Maybe a break is exactly what I need so I can finally focus on my physical and mental health. I want to read more books, write more music, and be more productive with my time. I don't want to stream twice a day anymore to a small audience. My videos get better views anyway. Streaming should be fun, and unless I have a dedicated audience, which I don't anymore, it's not as fun as it used to be. Gaming with friends is fun, and making an audience laugh is fun. If I can build up a new audience, then I would be happy to give them awesome content. For now, I will take it easy and see if I can't make better friends and healthier connections.
Follow me on twitter.com/oozePOPtv for pointless blurbs and possible future streaming.
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mediamonarchy · 2 months
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/20240418_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Rust sentencing, false god particles and the tickle giggle + this day in history w/directing NXIVM and our song of the day by Michelle David & The True-tones on your #MorningMonarchy for April 18, 2024. Notes/Links: Image: Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride until the gnar has come to a complete stop https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/rollercoaster_gnar_ride.png Sierra Leone declares emergency over drug kush – made from human bones; Psychoactive drug kush has prompted a wave of deaths, mental health issues and the digging up of graves. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-68742694 Rats are ‘all high’ on marijuana stored in infested New Orleans police evidence room https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/rats-are-high-marijuana-stored-infested-new-Orleans-police-evidence-ro-rcna143249 Video: Rats infest New Orleans Police Headquarters, eat marijuana in evidence (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkbP1tYENQY New York faces major rat urine problem https://www.rt.com/news/595847-new-york-rats-leptospirosis-rise/ Let Them Eat Snake – Climate farming dreams: A nightmare for diners. https://johnklar.substack.com/p/let-them-eat-snake Video: @AnarchistAlchemist’s Corby Bugz Beatz (Audio) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/379774652719038466/1229852536182411306/VID_20240416_125207383.mp42.mp4?ex=6631306e&is=661ebb6e&hm=ee9e864069ea24c5317642fceddd620a7ce118a8370ea75dbe594b02ce542fa7& Bird mimicking police siren confuses officers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-68785461 Gordon Ramsay’s pub has a squatter problem: far-left collective calling themselves Camden Art Cafe, have turned the property into an “autonomous” zone, akin to Seattle’s CHAZ and George Floyd Square in Minnesota https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/gordon-ramsays-nightmare-squatters-take-32580460 Man upset over guacamole amount shoots Michigan Chipotle employee https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/man-upset-over-guacamole-amount-shoots-michigan-chipotle-employee-police-say O.J. Simpson’s Will Executor Says ‘Fred Goldman’s Claim Will Be Accepted’ Days After Saying He’d Get ‘Zero’: Report; O.J. Simpson’s final will was filed in Clark County, Nev., on April 12, two days after his death at 76 https://people.com/oj-simpson-will-fred-goldman-claim-accepted-lawyer-says-8634390 Ron Goldman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Goldman Homeless man steals former FDNY fireboat, can’t start engine https://archive.is/ses2b “Rust” armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed sentenced to 18 months in prison over deadly 2021 shooting https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hannah-gutierrez-reed-rust-armorer-shooting-sentence-hearing-involuntary-manslaughter-halyna-hutchins-alec-baldwin-new-mexico/ Video: “Rust” armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed sentenced to 18 months in prison (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WoFBElYsdg Image: @Hybrid’s Cover Art – The Woke Ranger’s ‘Cage of Rust’ https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/20240418_MorningMonarchy.jpg Image: Previous album – The Woke Ranger’s ‘Cocaine Country’ (Feb. 22, 2024) https://mediamonarchy.com/20240222morningmonarchy/ ‘Neo-Nazi Satanist cannibals’ who lured woman to her death as a human sacrifice then ‘roasted and ate another victim’s flesh and ribs’ are jailed in Russia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13289595/Neo-Nazi-Satanist-cannibals-lured-woman-death-human-sacrifice-roasted-ate-victims-flesh-ribs-jailed-Russia.html Alabama harvested the organs of inmates without consent, families say; A long-standing agreement between the Department of Corrections and University of Alabama at Birmingham gives the commissioner authority to permit an autopsy, including the “removal of organs and tissues.” https://archive.is/fa5Wj Gabriel Holt: Tributes to Wales rugby league player who has died suddenly aged 21 https://news.sky.com/story/gabriel-holt-tributes-to-wales-rugby-league-player-who-h...
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (437): Sun 28th May 2022
This evening I watched a documentary about the late controversial comic Ian Cognito. I actually meant to go to a screening of this documentary when I was in Edinburgh last year but I had so many shows to see that I just couldn't fit it in. Cognito's on screen persona was that he was an out of control loose cannon almost rockstar figure who revelled in saying controversial things. When I first learned about him I assumed that he was a low rent Jerry Sadowitz but whereas in real life Sadowitz is quite a mellow and timid creature Cognito was every bit as unpredictable and destructive in his personal life as the mental case he portrayed on stage. From pissing in public sinks to throwing televisions out of windows it was as if he was trying to make the world think there was no discernable difference between him on stage and off. Due to the nature of his act he was rarely, if ever, allowed on TV and was banned by most established comedy club chains. The most interesting thing about the documentaryfor me is seeing all his fellow comedians commend him for his brilliance but also lament the fact that he couldn't seem to turn the act off because they could see how destructive it was causing his life to be. The best example of this is when he deliberately insulted the wife of comedian Ricky Grover so that Grover would attack him and he would have an excuse to leave Edinburgh after his show didn't sell any tickets for the entire month. Most people would either take the loss and leave but the fact that Cognito thought that he couldn't dothis and needed a more extreme reason to leave shows just how engulfed in the persona he was. As you may be aware Cognito died during a live comedy performance a few years ago and it was surreal hearing from the people who were there that he sat on the stool, knowing his time was up and absorbed the cheers from the audience as he slipped away. He sounded like a remarkable comic who, for all his faults, loved comedy and had a vision for how he needed to do it. Pretty much all of Cognito's output wasn't recorded as as a result only those who decided to pay to see him will ever know exactly what kind of comedian he was. This is why I always try to go and see Sadowitz whenever I can because I'm part of a unique group of people who will ever get to be able to experience his act and laud this fact over comedy fans who were too lazy or cheap to go and see him. I've already booked my trip to Edinburgh this year. I'm going on the 8th but Sadowitz's show isn't on until the 23rd. This means that I might have to make two trips to Edinburgh this year. There's a YouTuber I like called Savox who makes videos about darker subjects like horridying incidents which happened live and evil musicians. His last video was three months ago which is a long time to wait and so his fan base was salivating to see the new one which Savox promised would be dropping today. All frigging night I kept refreshing YouTube to see if it had been uploaded yet but to no avail. Finally a graphic appeared on his channel saying that the new video would drop at midnight. This video covered 9 Evil Athletes and I learned a few things about athletes I'd never heard of before and learned new details about evil athletes I was already aware of. I've been hearing the name Aaron Hernandez for a while now but I never knew exactly what he did or why he would qualify for an evil athlete list until tonight. I was also unaware of what a piece of shit Karl Malone is until tonight because I was only aware of him due to his appearances with DDP in WCW. The thing that surprised me about the video was the absence of OJ Simpson. I guess he wasn't included because everyone is already aware of the story and at this stage it would be hack to cover it or maybe this is Savox's way of saying that he doesn't think OJ is evil and that his ex wife and her lover deserved it.
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Right now the USA state is actually under Secular Dominance Transformation by Global World Forces but most people realize that
Where to show how much evidence that global forces have of the sobrinos and de la Druzes and chapos kid and the sabalas they will begin to non violence take away everyone’s belongings and then redistribute where people live and what they have that pits those people in the same area of all the criminals and people committing crimes in America together all as the last people and then waits until they realize they are the only people they have as hostages get taken out and located
Then those peoples jobs will all morph down to state jobs connected to the state or directly reporting to the state daily which has already started happening then they will be separated back into areas where they committed crimes which has also started happening then they will slowly begin to lose things over time not by donation or will to not keep it, this has started happening with their cars non planned breaking down after being bought new and then their false leadership being revealed which has started happening as they are complaining about crazy people protesting their jobs now as their business stay open creating revenue holes that we can now control to effect their future financial lives
If your on the victim aide or within the races they attack this is what they call “Taming Wizards at the Stonehenge” if you have to go to safety camps or civil war union training camp and it’s where we just went through a 20 year phase pretending we don’t know what harder drugs than anyone else they are using, and we signed up for the foil and let Jason Justin get in another jackass attempts so we could easily loop JJ Purlsey and Jason Justin as terrorists with phoenetics. We’ve finally full completed out that Jason Sabala goes by Jason to make people think he just had a tough life but is a good guy and the name Justin to rape and beat people without knowing their views in what he thinks is gotten away with crimes - now they’re both JJs for the linking the klan and the catholic mafia together as just americas only terrorists left
What evidence do we have??? If you deconstruct his car the fbi can come in with the images of the OJ Simpson car to show you that Justin Sabala (Jason sabalas mental health alter ego he claims, actually abducted me and OJ Simpson threw his ass out of his own car then gave the car back without me in a for updated times super outdated stunt) and then we also have wire tapping tapes and video from the buzz mill from 2019 to 2021 of people at the establishment using the name Emma but directing it towards images and things they think they know about me that are only linked to my life. Not only have I never gone by the name Emma - neither me nor Jason’s daughter Odessa who wanted to be George Harrison’s kid have any official documents or tracking responding to that name. Plus I’m not George Harrison’s kid so by doing that thinking Jason can link his child Odessa to George Harrison, he’s actually taking her further away from the idea of that at all and it’s getting logged as identity fraud and catfishing to create that name over me. Plus they are the only people globally who link the name Emma to me and my story while having attempted the actual Oj trial story on me and my life as OJ Simpson - Trial Attorney Lawyer worked to stop it for me and seven other kids by taking out trials against them before they knew we had their most updated plans
Often times Justin sabala is committing crimes that Jason sabala has already been sued but refused to show up to court for when Justin attempts Jason’s plans (they are the same person Jason just thinks he has his crime sprees coveted under the name Justin) - we only use the lawsuit money to foil so no one profits or wins any monetary
So Jason gets sued over the plans then when Justin attempts them we pull the money from he and Kiki’s taxes and loans they’ve taken out and we divert their tax money and compounding loan interest into foiling Jason whole Justin and then we do the same for Ethel and Jeanneth and jimaye and Shana and all the sabalas klan culters
We have this running breakfast club like fbi film that we watch before and after each mission and it’s like a parade of one of those high musical beats inspirational 80s films with all the drone footage of them committing crimes and the psychological decrease of them and their intensity as crimes over time - so the beginning of the movie is like video of them, the true Sabala cult people, raping or murdering fbi body dolls and getting foiled with live humans or beating the shit out of non talking people or robberies then it turned to Hollywood home robberies and now it’s like them thinking they have out soemthing in their sleeves at gas stations or stores or them verbally assaulting homeless people that weren’t talking to them before they assaulted them and it shows their come down with Narcan times or their overdoses for bridge breaks of the movie - then at the end it plays that high beat track sounding music and their inspirational update line is “the sabala klan cult went onto pay for their own foilings and earned non choice drafted into 20 years of military life path direction”
Then we have one like that for ria and marcy and the sobrinos and chapos kid and family out as well that’s shot like a Dior ad in filmin style of theirs
We have one documentary that’s just cut together video of me beating the shit out of Faye when she brings up child moledtation topics set to classical music
Then we have a whole documentary of Faye and no one else claiming to be related to me ending up alone with the catholic mafia but liking it or being tracked planning how to be with them and not being taken set to the inspector gadget theme song for if I ever do try to be friends with her or told I’m abusive for not being her friend they will show me this one
Then they have a catholic mafia parody type film that’s shot as if they are athletes and what they are doing is a sport that they’ve already won at before the match starts so they run into the foils and thinking they’re taking hostages already using trophies instead of guns but they’re too on meth to notice when it starts or they’re already wearing sashes and medals and they just run around using the trophies as guns with loud pops of sound until they notice it’s donated trophies and not guns
Then we also have one of the people who took natalee Holloway and Gabby Petito murder group and the rancho carne domestic cult people with cameos from the sabalas and that one is each time we use cgi barriers projector edited to look like their surroundings so it’s videos of them fugitive running shot from a drone each time we foil them and they take off running until they hit a cgi wall that they don’t see when running that’s angle placed to only change the direction of their running but not hurt them when they hit it because it hits them on an angled path to their running so it only feels to them like they hit a smooth wall and we’re force change in running direction or are running with the side of their body to a sliding wall directing the path to where they can’t run turning one direction - those people are all about opioid and opium so they will try to turn into the wall and just realize they are sliding along a wall thinking they are running away from police but they drone project the wall to look like the setting or field they are running away in extending beyond
And that is where the meme documentaries of the hate groups currently update to
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drunkkenobi · 3 years
BuzzFeed Unsolved Views - The Finale
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Hey there nerds, it's me, ya spreadsheet gremlin.
I first started paying attention to YouTube views back in March 2019. I got curious what the most popular BFU videos were by viewcounts and I recorded all of them one day while I was bored at work. Then a week or two later, I checked them again as a new season of True Crime started. And well, the rest is history.
I wasn't as consistent with BFU recording as I am with Watcher, although I did take them every week after a new episode premiered. Now that the finale has aired, I don't have plans to record these again, at least not for a long time. So, without further ado, here are some final thoughts on BFU's viewcounts. (full spreadsheet here)
First off, it is wild to see how much some of these videos have gained in the past two and a half years, especially videos that aren't new. Like 3 Cases went from 16 million in March 2019 to 32.5 this week! Literally doubled!
Okay, here are the top 10 most viewed BFU Supernatural episodes:
3 Cases of Ghost and Demons 32.5 million
Illuminati 25.8 million (Shane's first episode)
Exorcism of Anneliese Michel 25.4 million
Haunting of Hannah Williams 22.5 million
Goatman's Bridge 20.8 million
Men in Black 19.1 million (highest SPN Bront ep)
Waverly Hills 17.8 million
Queen Mary 17.1 million
Toxic Death of Gloria Ramirez 16.1 million
Demonic Bellaire House 15 million
And now the top 10 most viewed BFU True Crime episodes
Elisa Lam 27.6 million (highest Bront)
JFK 20.7 million
DB Cooper 19.6 million
Axeman 18.5 million
Room 1046 17.8 million
Jon Benet Ramsey 17.6 million
Jack the Ripper 17.1 million
OJ Simpson 16.9 million
Jamison Family 16 million
Tupac 15.9 million
Early season episodes dominate both lists (only 5 are newer than season 2 across both lists). Some because they're classics, some because they cover high profile cases, some because they've just been out longer! One thing I've noticed across all my viewcount recording is that once a video does well, the more likely it is to continue to do well. I guess that's how the algorithm works! if it works at all. (I still have my questions)
Now some averages!
I added up all the views I recorded yesterday (November 23 2021) and the total amount was a whooping 1.317 billion views. With a B! That makes me kind of emotional! Ryan Bergara! Your baby has a billion views!
Supernatural episodes had a total of 645.5 million views over 55 episodes, which averages out to ~11.74 million views per episode. Considering 6 of these episodes just came out, I imagine that average will rise in a few months
True Crime episodes had 671.6 million views over 66 episodes, which averages out to ~10.18 million views per episode.
When I first started this, one thing I was curious about was which version of the show was more popular. Over the past two years, SPN has become the clear winner on that front, although it used to be much closer.
The total average of all episodes is ~10.89 million.
And some other numbers:
The boys can't count, Thelma Todd was their 100th episode, not the Somerton Man Revisited.
There are 121 episodes in total. 112 with Shane.
Shane's 100th episode was the Hammersmith Ghost.
The clearest thing to me about this whole exercise is how popular BFU continues to be, even if it's not the high days of BuzzFeed anymore. It's only gained views and viewers since 2019, and this only considers YouTube. Unsolved is also on Hulu and Prime, who knows how many people the show has reached solely on those platforms.
I tend to think of this fandom as on the smaller side, because it is compared to many other things on Tumblr and the like, but that doesn't mean its impact has been. Millions of people have watched these two goofballs wrestle with ghosts, murders, aliens, demons, heists, lost treasure, conspiracy theories, Mothman, and each other. But the one thing that has never been an unsolved mystery is their success. Comedy pairings cannot be forced, the chemistry has to be there naturally, a bizarre unseen link between two people that have no business having it. All thanks to a clear Google calendar in 2016, we have been able to enjoy 112 episodes of Ryan and Shane and their weirdo bond, growing from friendly antagonists, a hardcore believer and skeptic, to business partners who see in more shades of grey now, thanks to each other. It's been one hell of a ride, boys. I can't wait for what's next.
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rinkrats · 4 years
No. 1: One of his nicknames in the dressing room is “Creature”, a nod to his freakish lower body. It is huge. Gigantic. Hugantic. His caboose would make J-Lo jealous. His thighs are bigger than my torso. All his pants have to be custom made. And the scary part is, his upper body is starting to catch up.
Sid’s other nicknames in the room are now entirely related to his facial hair struggles. They include “Three-Beard”, “Zorro”...
No. 2: Sid can fight. We’ve seen him do it only once in his career (against Andrew Ference this year), but his self-appointed trainer, Georges Laraque, says any fool who decides to drop mitts with Crosby better watch out.
“He came to me last year after I’d shown a couple of the other guys how to defend themselves properly in a fight. He wanted to learn. I was showing him some stuff and we were going at it, and I couldn’t move him, he’s so strong. He’d be really tough to fight.”
So, did you pop him one, Georges? “Are you nuts? I value my career.”
No. 3: Sid is superstitious. OK, this one you may have heard. But the extent of his superstition is as extreme as his skill. For instance, when he walks through the Mellon Arena, he has a specific route that defies logic.
“He will walk 20 yards out of the way to go around a certain pole or go through a specific door. And it never, ever varies,” says one Penguins staffer, who showed me the route. It was baffling.
He also won’t wear proper shoes in the dressing room. If he’s showered and fully dressed, and has to go back into the room, he’ll take his dress shoes off at the door, as if it were some traditional Japanese restaurant. When he eats, Maxime Talbot must sit on his left, Pascal Dupuis on his right. At a recent team breakfast in Detroit, a Penguins staffer sat down to eat, and was met with shocked stares from the players around him.
“That’s Sid’s seat!” they said.
“He wouldn’t have gotten mad or anything, he’s too nice for that,” says the seat-stealer. “But if I would have stayed there, he just would have hovered around quietly until I left.”
Oh, and he raises his legs and touches the window when driving over railway crossings, but who doesn’t do that?
No. 4: Sid might be moving. After three years living in Mario Lemieux’s house, Crosby has started looking for his own place. Good thing, as I was about to give him another nickname: Kato Kaelin (who lived in OJ Simpson’s guesthouse).
No. 5: Sid isn’t a health-food freak. The other day after practice, we chatted while he ate an ugly, white bread, mystery-meat, mayo-laden sandwich.
“You sure that’s good for you?” I asked.
“You must have me mixed up with Robs (Gary Roberts),” he said, laughing. “I’m not picky. When I’m hungry, I eat.’
“I’m working on him,” says Roberts. “He came to my house last summer for a few days to train, and one night I made him this granola, flax-oil, yoghurt snack before bed. The next morning, he looked like hell. He’d been in the bathroom all night. Didn’t go down so well.”
No.6: Sid understands the media better than Marshall McLuhan.
“It’s crazy how smart and savvy he is,” says Penguins defenceman Hal Gill. “Sometimes, he’ll say to us, ‘The media is trying to write a certain story, so when they ask you this question, answer it this way’.”
Hey, wait a second! Maybe he’s doing that to me right now. Evil genius, that Crosby.
No. 7: Sid is not always the “quiet” leader.
“When we lost that one game to the Rangers, he spoke to us about it,” said another Penguins teammate. “He let us know we hadn’t played our game. He did the same after Game 1 of the final. He just told us to relax. He doesn’t do long speeches, but he knows when to speak up.”
No. 8: Sid loves to kill bad guys. Sorry, I should clarify. I mean in video games. Last season, eight of the Penguins got PSPs so they could play a shoot-‘em-up army game called SOCOM against each other. The guys were supposed to play only on planes, but it soon became clear Sid was practising at home.
“Of course he had to beat us all,” says Laraque. “He’s so competitive.”
They’ve now moved on to Call of Duty on Xbox.
“He plays like a girl,” says Talbot. “He’s always hiding in the corner. Anything to win.”
No. 9: Sid does anything to win because he hates losing. At Sunday dinner at a friend’s house, he lost a game of Bingo to the friend’s nine-year-old son. His instant reaction was to slam his fist on the board, sending tiny bingo markers flying in all directions. He then blushed and laughed. But make no mistake, the reaction was genuine.
No. 10: This is the most important game of Sid’s life.
Oh, wait, that part you knew.
Postscript: The morning the column was published (the day of Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final in 2008), Sid spotted me in the hallway outside the Penguins dressing room and smiled. “You dug up some dirt on me, eh?” he said with a laugh. “Pretty accurate, I gotta admit.”
His Penguins lost the game and the Stanley Cup that night. They would get their revenge one spring later, beating the Red Wings in seven games. Crosby hurt his knee in the second period of Game 7 and came back only for one shift. I interviewed him after the game and I have never seen a face so happy and eyes so glassy. The combination of joy, painkillers and champagne had turned Sid into one delirious mess.
-10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sid The Kid, compiled in James Duthie’s book The Day I (Almost) KIlled Two Gretzkys: And Other Off-The-Wall Stories About Sports and Life, 2010
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tanadrin · 4 years
How /did/ things change after 2001? I was born in that year and everyone says it was different before, but I've never really gotten a sense of how.
It is difficult for me to emphasize just how different the world you see on the evening news is now, from what it was like before 2001, at least as I remember it. There’s a scene in Farscape, where after years of trying to get home, the astronaut protagonist John Crichton finally makes it back to Earth with his alien friends in tow, and when he’s reunited with his father, he’s shocked to discover his dad has gone from this optimistic, forward-looking, hopeful dreamer to a nervous, jingoistic conservative. His attitude is basically, “yes, there’s dangerous aliens out there who may or may not be trying to kill us--but the galaxy is a place full of wonders you’ve never dreamed of.” His father, in the meantime, has retreated from his hopes for a science-fiction future, and views his new alien friends with suspicion.
It’s not a subtle metaphor, but it’s true. The 90s--at least in the US, at least as I remember them--were a relentlessly optimistic period. Even if things were not yet at their ideal state, there was very much a sense they were heading there; politics was mostly down to what exact flavor of the neoliberal consensus you preferred, Clinton or Bush, and the international triumph of liberal democracy was either a fait accompli (cf. the erstwhile USSR), or just around the corner (cf. hopes for China’s liberalization in the wake of market reforms). Yes, in retrospect, this was kind of a dumb world view. If you actually lived in Russia in the 90s--to say nothing of the Balkans--it was a rough decade, and a lot of the relentless optimism of the period in the United States was down to the privileged position we viewed the world from.
The blunting of that optimism--the reminder that we were still embedded in history, and the final triumph of everything good and just was not foreordained--would not in itself have been a catastrophe. Terrorism was not a strange concept in the 90s, and even Al-Qaeda-style terrorism had its predecessors in attacks on American ships and embassies. 9/11 itself was confusing and chaotic and sad, but 9/11 wasn’t the catastrophe. The catastrophe came after, in how we responded.
I think something broke in America between 1945 and 1991. Something shifted, in a nasty way we didn't realize while we were occupied with communism and stagflation and the civil rights movement. I don't mean to say that America before 1945 was the Good Guys. But the American state and the American political class viewed the world with... humility? Like, sure, the can-do Yankee spirit before 1945 had its own special kind of arrogance (and greed, and hideous bigotry), but it still thought of the world in terms of obligations we owed other countries. By the time the Cold War ended, and the US was the sole remaining superpower, that wasn't how we viewed the world. It was still sort of how we told each other, and our children, what the world was like. We certainly talked a big game about democracy and human rights. But as soon as that principled stance was tested, we folded like a cheap suit. What we should have done after 9/11 was what we had done after every terrorist incident in or against the United States before then: treated it like the major crime it was, sent a civilian agency like the FBI in to investigate, and pursue the perpetrators diplomatically. What we did instead was treat it like the opening salvo of a war--in fact, invented a war to embed it within, to give ourselves narrative justification for that stance--and crank every element of paranoid jingoism instantly up to 11. It has never abated since.
Some of this is the little things. The TSA and the Department of Homeland Security--a name I thought was creepy Orwellian shit right from the get-go. The terror alert levels. (God! remember those?) The fact that airport security--despite being just as ineffective today as it was on September 12--is still routinely humiliating and invasive and just a total waste of everybody’s time. Some of it is the big things. The way security, and the need for security, trumps all other demands including the state’s obligation to protect civil rights. And the fact that this just isn’t even up for debate anymore. 9/11, as Chomsky presciently observed, was a boon for authoritarians everywhere. Suddenly, “counterterrorism” was the magic word that let you get away with anything, like “anti-communism” twenty years prior. At the most extreme end, this led to things like anti-atheism laws being promulgated in Saudi Arabia in the name of “counterterrorism,” but you don’t have to go that absurd to find ways in which the security state has fostered authoritarianism. In every aspect of our lives, this new, fearful outlook on the world justified a gradual ratcheting down of freedom, the gradual empowerment of petty tyrants everywhere, and the weak protests, fading into silence, of people who still believed in liberty as an important organizing principle for modern society. It wasn’t even that you’d get called a terrorist-sympathizer or anything that blatant. It just ceased to be regarded as important. It wasn’t that you were wrong, or misguided, or evil. You were just a non-serious person, someone whose opinion was clearly irrelevant, whose head was permanently in the clouds, if you thought that stuff still mattered. And that never went away.
And I think a big part of what changed between 1945 and 1991 was that the US started to believe its own jingoism. When did this start? Vietnam? Earlier? Korea? I don’t know. It’s hard to pinpoint, given that my understanding of the cultural zeitgeist of the decades before I was born mostly came from my dad’s old Doonesbury collections. I don’t know how to describe what we became--what we, hideously, revealed ourselves to be--except as a kind of machismo. A kind of ruthless, General Ripper-esque us-versus-them psychosis that gripped us where the Soviets were concerned, and never let up. And we still believe it. It still infects every atom of our political discourse. We don’t question the necessity of drone strikes, only who to drone strike and how much. We don’t really question the massive powers we’ve afforded the executive branch to wage war and conduct espionage--including kidnappings and torture--and we’ve kind of forgotten that we still have a prison camp in Cuba full of people who have never been convincted of any crime. In a way, we lost faith in law entirely: by God, we couldn’t try terrorists in American courts! (Why not? What’s wrong with American courts? Don’t we have faith in our own laws, at least?) No, justice wasn’t a matter for the law to decide anymore. Justice was a matter for the military only: justice came in the form of strength of arms. Ergo, shooting Bin Laden in the head and calling that justice; ergo, Jack Bauer; ergo, blowing up Yemeni weddings. Keep America Safe. I can’t begin to tell you how alienating and horrifying so much of the last 20 years has been, if the most consequential news stories of your childhood were the OJ Simpson murders and a discussion of the President’s cum stain.
In my opinion, the seminal text of the post-9/11 world was released in the year 2000. In the original Deus Ex video game, the year is 2150, and the world is a dark, depressing place. You, the game’s hero, work (initally) for a UN counterterrorism agency while a plague ravages the world. You hunt terrorists whose existence has provided the justification for an authoritarian crackdown on dissidents everywhere. You visit a Hong Kong firmly under the control of the CCP, you fight genetically engineered mutants created by huge businesses run amok, FEMA (no DHS then) controls the federal government, and, it turns out later in the game, the bombing of the Statue of Liberty that precipitated the creation of your organization was a false-flag attack used to justify its existence in the first place. Drones patrol the streets of NYC, and the whole thing is steeped in late-90s militia movement-style conspiracy theories about the Illuminati and the New World Order, that look weirdly out of place now that these things are more clearly aligned in the popular consciousness with right wing extremism, when back then they were just seen as kooky weirdos in Montana--but every year since then, we’ve been inching closer and closer to that world, and you know what? It wigs me out a little.
In 2000, Deus Ex was an absurdity, a fever dream of cyberpunk and early-internet conspiracism. It’s a shame that tonally speaking it’s been dead on for the two decades after. But honestly, I think the biggest thing that’s changed about the world since 2001 is our cultural capacity for optimism. I don’t mean in a sentimental way--although if you compare other texts heavily influenced by the post-2001 political milieu, you definitely see a sharp contrast with the optimism of cultural artifacts from earlier eras; science fiction was hit especially hard in this area (cf. RDM’s version of Battlestar Galactica). But I also mean this in a political/ideological sense. We cease to imagine that the world can be made better. We cease to imagine the possibilities that are afforded to us if we are willing to strive for our ideal society, even if we, personally, may never reach it. We make deals with the devil, we let the CIA violate the constitution and federal law six ways from Sunday, we don’t question the prevailing political-economic consensus even if it’s setting the planet on fire and pitching us headlong toward social disaster, because we forgot what it was to feel like those sunlit uplands we’ve been hoping for were just around the corner.
In the same way that my Catholic faith was eventually done in because the ethical principles I was taught were at odds with the manifest monstrosity of the organization that taught them to me and the metaphysics it espoused, my patriotism and my faith in America was done in because when I was a schoolkid, I really did believe that democracy and human rights and equality under the law were important. Some people probably had their illusions--if they ever had any--about the US government stripped away long ago, but I was a white kid from a reasonably prosperous part of town, so it took until the 2000s and my growing political awareness to realize just how flimsy these principles were when they were put to any kind of test. It made me angry; it still makes me angry. I was raised to believe there are some principles that are important enough that you don’t compromise them ever, no matter how scared or worried you are. Just as I was old enough to understand what was going on on the evening news, the United States betrayed everything I had been taught the United States stood for. And as a nation, we never turned back; we never apologized; we never repented. America, as an abstract entity, never was what I thought it was as a kid. But I think it could still become that, if it tried. Alas, very few people seem to believe such a thing is possible anymore. Most days, I’m not sure I do, either.
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drunkkenobi · 3 years
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I posted 382 times in 2021
24 posts created (6%)
358 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 14.9 posts.
I added 337 tags in 2021
#watcher - 138 posts
#buzzfeed unsolved - 73 posts
#shyan - 35 posts
#puppet history - 24 posts
#too many spirits - 20 posts
#my fic - 13 posts
#my spreadsheets - 10 posts
#riverdale - 9 posts
#dish granted - 8 posts
#fav - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#as the daughter of a professional photographer you don't know how happy it makes me to see somone teaching these goofs how to pose
My Top Posts in 2021
BuzzFeed Unsolved Views - The Finale
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Hey there nerds, it's me, ya spreadsheet gremlin.
I first started paying attention to YouTube views back in March 2019. I got curious what the most popular BFU videos were by viewcounts and I recorded all of them one day while I was bored at work. Then a week or two later, I checked them again as a new season of True Crime started. And well, the rest is history.
I wasn't as consistent with BFU recording as I am with Watcher, although I did take them every week after a new episode premiered. Now that the finale has aired, I don't have plans to record these again, at least not for a long time. So, without further ado, here are some final thoughts on BFU's viewcounts. (full spreadsheet here)
First off, it is wild to see how much some of these videos have gained in the past two and a half years, especially videos that aren't new. Like 3 Cases went from 16 million in March 2019 to 32.5 this week! Literally doubled!
Okay, here are the top 10 most viewed BFU Supernatural episodes:
3 Cases of Ghost and Demons 32.5 million
Illuminati 25.8 million (Shane's first episode)
Exorcism of Anneliese Michel 25.4 million
Haunting of Hannah Williams 22.5 million
Goatman's Bridge 20.8 million
Men in Black 19.1 million (highest SPN Bront ep)
Waverly Hills 17.8 million
Queen Mary 17.1 million
Toxic Death of Gloria Ramirez 16.1 million
Demonic Bellaire House 15 million
And now the top 10 most viewed BFU True Crime episodes
Elisa Lam 27.6 million (highest Bront)
JFK 20.7 million
DB Cooper 19.6 million
Axeman 18.5 million
Room 1046 17.8 million
Jon Benet Ramsey 17.6 million
Jack the Ripper 17.1 million
OJ Simpson 16.9 million
Jamison Family 16 million
Tupac 15.9 million
Early season episodes dominate both lists (only 5 are newer than season 2 across both lists). Some because they're classics, some because they cover high profile cases, some because they've just been out longer! One thing I've noticed across all my viewcount recording is that once a video does well, the more likely it is to continue to do well. I guess that's how the algorithm works! if it works at all. (I still have my questions)
Now some averages!
I added up all the views I recorded yesterday (November 23 2021) and the total amount was a whooping 1.317 billion views. With a B! That makes me kind of emotional! Ryan Bergara! Your baby has a billion views!
Supernatural episodes had a total of 645.5 million views over 55 episodes, which averages out to ~11.74 million views per episode. Considering 6 of these episodes just came out, I imagine that average will rise in a few months
True Crime episodes had 671.6 million views over 66 episodes, which averages out to ~10.18 million views per episode.
When I first started this, one thing I was curious about was which version of the show was more popular. Over the past two years, SPN has become the clear winner on that front, although it used to be much closer.
The total average of all episodes is ~10.89 million.
And some other numbers:
The boys can't count, Thelma Todd was their 100th episode, not the Somerton Man Revisited.
There are 121 episodes in total. 112 with Shane.
Shane's 100th episode was the Hammersmith Ghost.
The clearest thing to me about this whole exercise is how popular BFU continues to be, even if it's not the high days of BuzzFeed anymore. It's only gained views and viewers since 2019, and this only considers YouTube. Unsolved is also on Hulu and Prime, who knows how many people the show has reached solely on those platforms.
I tend to think of this fandom as on the smaller side, because it is compared to many other things on Tumblr and the like, but that doesn't mean its impact has been. Millions of people have watched these two goofballs wrestle with ghosts, murders, aliens, demons, heists, lost treasure, conspiracy theories, Mothman, and each other. But the one thing that has never been an unsolved mystery is their success. Comedy pairings cannot be forced, the chemistry has to be there naturally, a bizarre unseen link between two people that have no business having it. All thanks to a clear Google calendar in 2016, we have been able to enjoy 112 episodes of Ryan and Shane and their weirdo bond, growing from friendly antagonists, a hardcore believer and skeptic, to business partners who see in more shades of grey now, thanks to each other. It's been one hell of a ride, boys. I can't wait for what's next.
70 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 19:17:18 GMT
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Spreadsheet gremlin here to bring you shiny numbers for the first 6 weeks of the year. It’s been surprisingly weird!
First up, the good news: Dish Granted did really well, in my opinion! For a new show, those are good, consistent numbers. The Andrew/S’moyster ep is a little lower, but it premiered a full 24 hours later so I think they expected that. (for those not on the Monitor tier on Patreon, Steven explained that they were late with that one because Josh, the editor, lost his power the night before it was supposed to go up and Steven made the decision to not enforce the crunch time to get it done for a Friday release). Another really fun detail about Dish Granted? It boosted Homemade considerably. During the month of January, all 4 Homemade episodes gained a total of ~251k views! These episodes normally gain 1-4k a week, so like I said, a huge boost! I think this is the only instance of a new show on Watcher boosting a different show so significantly. Like, new Puppet Histories boost old Puppet Histories, but not a different show. it’s pretty neat! And I’m really happy for Steven, he deserves it.
Now we’re halfway through season 2 of Top 5 Beatdown and this show continues to be the hardest to predict. The episode with one of their old Buzzfeed cohorts, Rie, has done the best so far, but Jon’s original episode of Top 5 remains their highest viewed video period, so perhaps we just have to wait on see on this series. These particular topics are not seasonal (like holiday movies) so any of them could pop off at any time. I am surprised it’s not doing slightly better, though? The Cities one was especially entertaining, an actual educational episode with thoughtful remarks and the guest, Zach Honig, muted Shane! What more can you ask for? Anyway, I am SUPER intrigued to see how this week’s episode does. The guests are certified YouTube royalty, Rhett and Link, and I’m dying to see how the views stack up. 
Some other odds and ends:
The episode of Watcher Weekly where they ordered DoorDash from last April randomly got 25k views since the new year. Watcher Weeklies get around 1-2k views a week (and sometimes less for older ones) so it was very noticeable. I do not understand YouTube!
Both The Dancing Plague and Stealing the World’s Most Expensive Necklace episodes of Puppet History hit 2 million views. I expect the Black Plague one to hit it this week as well. 
The old Top 5s are getting a bit of a boost from the new ones. Top 5 Chips is in the 900k range now.
I’m not sure what will hit a million next. There are a couple Are You Scareds? close, along with WWW Pie and Soda Pop, and the first episode of Holiday TMS. TMS has slowed down a lot since it first aired (both seasons), but I think the livestream version was a huge success so I hope some version of it will be back again soon.
As for what comes after Top 5, I have an inkling it might be Puppet History (Shane posted a Professor pic a few weeks ago and Sara mentioned he was buying doll clothes again). After that, I have no idea. WWW seems very hard to shoot in These Times, Homemade is off the table until they can safely shoot in strangers’ homes again, it’s too soon for more AYS. Perhaps another new show? More Dish Granted? These knuckleheads being secretive makes it hard to say, but I’ll keep on speculating anyway.
91 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 17:44:06 GMT
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Sara is the hero of the week and I could not be more grateful.
109 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 04:43:12 GMT
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Thank you Puppet History for the extremely useful new reaction image
638 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 17:47:43 GMT
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Always a good day when Shane decides to be defensive on reddit. 🥰
2099 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 17:45:43 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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