#ohhhh the possibilities
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This made me imagine an entire episode of Rowena and Castiel stealing the impala to go on a joyride while they talk shit about the Bros.
Rowena confesses that time she hooked up with Sam when they were chasing Lucifer. Cas only says honest nice things about Dean and their friendship. Rowena then insists on making Cas confess his crush on Dean. Making Cas disclose his numerous hookups with Dean before every apocalypse they fought. And how after everything and everyone was saved, Dean just never talked about it or just brushed it up as impulsive moments that only accentuate the brohood between Dean and him.
Rowena at first laughed and made fun of Cas, because he honestly believed this, and was happy just to have Dean as his friend and close enough to fight the next apocalypse. Eventually, their trip becomes more honest confessions and perspectives about humans and love. Rowena gets angry with Dean for treating Cas this way and never owning their relationship.
So the future queen of hell convinces Cas to go to a gay bar and have some drinks and dance. Then she takes several pictures of Cas with very hot dudes and sends them to Dean with the following message:
 “I have taken your baby for a spin around the block, if you want to recover the thing you love the most, you better say the blue eye sweetie to come to your arms tonight and officially invite him to your bed not only for one night. And then I will consider returning your car. ;)”
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Gotham Academy was no stranger to odd teachers, mostly due to the turnover rate in Gotham not sparing them in the least.
Still, this new out-of-towner school nurse from Absolutely Nowhere Amity Park was by far the weirdest.
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kitnita · 2 months
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celebrating jake oettinger's eighth straight win!   —   BUF vs DAL   —   04.09.24
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not-trustworthy · 1 year
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Hi, what do you think about epic the musical as an Odyssey fan? Just curious
As an Epic the musical fan, I LOVE IT! Everyone's so talented and I love the music style!!! It's super fun and creative and it's amazing that Jay basically writes it all himself!
As an Odyssey fan... It's INCREDIBLY different. To the point where it's more "Odyssey inspired" than the actual Odyssey. But that's the thing. I wouldn't say Jay WANTS it to be word for word Odyssey and I DO think that'd be...kind of hard to do? Especially for Modern day.
It still has most of the "spirit" of the Odyssey though I feel like which is SUPER important. I'm saddened that very few adaptations really "balance" Odysseus' assholery and "goodness". I love "shithead Odysseus" but personally, I'm happy as long as an adaptation keeps to a "family man who wants to go home" for the most part :D (I really fucking hate the whole "Odysseus! The clever, swashbuckling hero who gets all the babes! ...He has a family?!" bullshit. That's very much not him. (He likes shiny things, yes but that's it)
More personal rambles below :D
I think it's interesting that Polites in Epic is more "peaceful" when in the Odyssey, he's called "captain of armies". And the fact he's killed right away when he was one of the last men alive.
Also Odysseus' and Eurylochus' friendship! I think it's sweet in the musical while in the Odyssey, it's quite tense. It gets more and more tense in Epic later on obviously but in the odyssey, it's been tense for a WHILE. Also!
Shout out to Armando Julian! Eurylochus' actor! I see a lot of people talk about Polites, Poseidon, Circe, and Hermes and they get a lot of fanart and love with their songs (rightfully so, ofc!!!) but Armando is really talented and people really sleep on Luck Runs Out! I'm about to become a vocal nerd for a moment. He's got a wonderful vibrato! I really love how he sings "feed" during Full Speed Ahead and "Captain, please" during Remember Them for example. His voice really fits with "speaking on behalf of the crew".
I know most people have a lot of feelings with the Circe Saga but I think that Jay did a great job considering... everything. Book 10 and 12 of the Odyssey are very complicated and I don't blame Jay for not wanting to delve into EVERYTHING with that. Odyssey Odysseus gets SA'd twice and while "I'm Not Sorry for Loving You" makes me worry, I really do think Jay will pull through with how fucked up Calypso's situation while still not having the graphic scenes in the Odyssey. It would be very hard to not only have what was basically an exchange for his men to be turned back to humans but if he interprets it happening throughout the entire year like some readers do, then that's really hard. :'D To truly portray Odysseus' fear of Circe while still having her be morally gray. As she very likely didn't mean Odysseus harm after a certain point but he was still afraid regardless.
Not only trying to not have such disturbing stuff shown in his musical but also, I think Jay was possibly trying to be considerate of Madeline Miller's Circe fans while still trying to show Odysseus discomfort and distress???? 😅 Sounds weird but like, as soon as I heard Circe talking about the nymphs being like her daughters and that she protects them, I thought that. That book is HUGE and I'm sure that many fans of it don't necessarily want to see Circe's "I do whatever I want. I don't need a reason. Woe, Oink be upon ye." as the most likely reason they were turned into pigs in the Odyssey is that ODYSSEUS is associated with them (the boar scar, the metaphors when talking about him in the Iliad, his trusted Swineherd Eumeaus, BOAR TUSK HELMET. Like, that's kind of the animal that represents Odysseus. (even when a spear pierces through a boar's hide, it'll STILL charge as they're that ferocious and determined...Just like Odysseus, a man who should be dead but isn't because of his will to go home. Homer didn't write them being turned into pigs necessarily as a "Men are pigs" thing.
I think the modern shift in how the situation seen today and other media of the Odyssey is why he wrote the songs he did. And considering it all? He did a good job navigating it. I'm very happy with the results!
I have more thoughts probably but those have been stewing in my brain for a while :D I definitely look forward to the next sagas!
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ventigh · 8 months
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ghibli x submas doodlesss :33 ft. iconic scenes from ponyo and my neighbor totoro for now! :>>
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bbutterflies · 2 months
trans nino and trans masc gnc adrien……… please and thank you
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itoshi-s · 1 year
Bachira….with a tongue piercing
It just makes sense
And the good use he would put it at😔
bachira who comes home from practice one day and catches your attention by his unusual behavior and looks.
any other day, he’d enthusiastically kick off his shoes, drop his bag at the door, and smother you in kisses so sweet and urgent, it’d knock your breath away. he’d cup your face in his hands, lap at your mouth with vigor for a few passionate moments — ‘ve just missed ya so much, baby, s’that so wrong? — then start to babble about on his day as you plate up his lunch.
this time around, when he comes home, it’s surprisingly quiet.
and, worst of all, there’s not even one kiss. a proper one, that is — cause all meguru gives you is a few quick pecks and a mumbled “hi, cutie”, before heading over to the fridge.
your brows furrow a bit as you take note of his hair — perfectly dry and wispy, looking just like when he first left the house hours ago — and weirdly pale face. usually, meguru takes a quick shower right after practice wraps up, not bothering to properly dry his hair off before he hops into his beloved yellow huracan and drives home — cheeks still flushed from exhaustion, eyes wide with endorphins.
today, bachira looks perfectly in tact, and it makes you stir.
“where were you, megs?” your voice startles him so much, the icy cold water bottle nearly tumbles out of his hand. “cause it definitely wasn’t practice.”
he turns around and sees you leaning against the island, arms crossed — and an amused kind of look on your mouth. (he’s in trouble and he knows it, but not because you’re accusing him. you’d never — cause he’d never, ever hurt you. he’s in trouble because he’s just done something silly.)
“huuh? i dunno what’re y’talking about, baby.” bachira tries, but the swollen muscle sits heavy in his mouth and renders his speech muffled, a thick lisp to his words.
your brows knit together, “wha- why’d you speak like that?” you sound suspicious when you close the gap between you two with a few long strides. “oh, my god. did you get hurt? you knocked a tooth out, didn’t you, meguru?”
bachira feels his mouth twitch into a grin, one that he kinda feels bad for, considering you sound more concerned than playful by this point. he puts the bottle down, cool hands resting on your waist as he breathes out a laugh.
“nope, no, sweets. i didn’t wanna tell you like this, wanted t’ make this a little surprise for ya—“
a loud gasp rips from your throat, cutting his sentence short and he cannot help but giggle upon your shocked expression — hand covering your mouth, eyes bigger than he’s ever seen them as they zone in on the silver barbell pierced right through his tongue.
“m— meguru!” you pinch his chin between your thumb and forefinger, forcing his mouth open. he obediently hangs his tongue out, proudly showcasing the new jewelry, sparkling against his swollen flesh. “you- are you crazy?!” you laugh, “how did you even think of that?”
he shrugs a bit, fingers digging into the doughy flesh of your hips as he tugs you closer to himself. meguru licks his lips, carefully so not to tug at the piercing, and gives a bit of a pout. “just felt like it,” he murmurs and leans in to nose at your neck. “can’t give my girl any kisses just yet, though.”
you slap his bicep playfully at the whine to his voice, then wrap your arms around his neck with a grin. “you got yourself into this, baby.”
bachira is an impatient man and acts on impulse instead of plan more often than not — and it so, it takes all of his self restraint not to push his tongue in your mouth for the next few days. what’s worse, he almost feels physically sick with withdrawal from the taste of you — from the feeling of your thighs trembling around his head, fingers tugging at the blonde hair at the nape of his neck as you moan oh, so sweetly.
luckily, he finds out patience has it’s perks weeks later — when you come within barely two minutes of the pretty silver jewelry making contact with your throbbing, soaking cunt <3
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cuubism · 4 months
has anyone asked you about deja vu...................... i am very Interested and Invested in this one..............................................
ohh yesss. I've made SO little progress on chapter 4, but it's a rare fic where I have basically the entire story planned out, so here's a scene from chapter six. featuring my favorite 1940s film cigarette motif, anachronistically slotted in there considering this takes place in the mid 1700s, but what can you do XD
They fall together lazily, after, Dream leaning against Hob’s shoulder, Hob’s leg slung over his as they lean against the headboard. Dusk is falling, the room in shadows now as the sun has long since traversed over the roof. Dream studies the play of dim light over Hob’s shoulders, the softening of all his features in the shadows. The way their skin sticks together in the summer heat, almost too hot and tacky, and the way the faint breeze through the open window flutters the curtains and the long strands of Hob’s hair. He runs an indulgent hand over Hob’s chest, down over his stomach and across his thigh, reading it all anew like he hasn’t just had Hob all over him. He is beautiful to touch, Dream thinks, but to do so carves a little hole of melancholy in his heart. Each brush of skin is like an echo, a memory calling to him across time whose origin point is distant now. Concentric ripples on a still lake, the thrown stone long gone under the water, and its thrower, too. Hob’s found some cigarettes in the nightstand drawer, and slants a smile sideways at Dream as he sticks two of them in his mouth to light, and as Dream keeps touching him lightly. “Am I pleasing to you?” “Yes,” Dream says, honestly, and Hob chuckles. “Good.” He strikes a match, the flame flaring brightly in the dark, and lights both cigarettes. Meanwhile, Dream watches the movement of his hands. Hob takes one of the cigarettes from between his lips and holds it up to Dream, and Dream takes with his teeth, Hob’s eyes on him all the while. The tobacco is acrid on the back of his tongue when he lets himself taste it — which he does, because whatever Hob would give him directly from his own mouth, he will have. Hob lets out his own breath of smoke, the breeze catching it and whistling it further into the room before it can linger. “You don’t strike me as a heavy smoker.” “I am not,” Dream concedes. “And yet.” Hob drapes his free arm around Dream’s shoulders, stroking up and down Dream’s arm idly with his thumb. “Getting a taste for it?” “Perhaps.” “Perhaps,” Hob echoes. He tips his temple against Dream’s so they’re breathing the same air, the same smoke. “Careful. It can be habit-forming.” Dream takes another inhale of smoke into his nonexistent lungs. “I am aware.” “Hard to break,” Hob stresses, close enough now that his lips nearly brush Dream’s. “One would think it best not to start at all,” Dream says, as he takes another long breath in, and almost feels the tang of it in his chest like he were truly breathing the way Hob is. “Bit late for that,” Hob says, though he doesn’t sound horribly chagrined about it. He tilts his head to catch Dream’s eye, and smiles, that warm, confidential Hob smile, like everything spoken is a secret between them, and it makes Dream want to whisk him away to the Dreaming to keep him forever, or twist his form back into Eleanor so he can have his husband again, or simply drop the façade entirely and see if Hob could possibly love him like this as Dream. And he does none of these things.
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wackulart · 1 year
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The Danger Babies
God Brother AU
An idea that formed in my head for an AU where Philip meets the Collector at a much younger age and things go very badly
A very lonely child with godly powers meeting a very resentful one that wants to world to burn is a very bad mix!
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mcbride · 10 months
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dawg my body is so ready for seeing your human versions of the gang. like the need to draw these sillies is JUST TOO DAMN GREAT--(please don't take this as "OMG HURRY UP", i'm just very excited to see your interpretations!)
well shit now i gotta buckle down on brushing up + improving upon my human scribbling skills, which - meager to begin with - have deteriorated due to Puppet Disease (and i say this with playful exasperation. i've been needing an excuse to Practice and this is a damn good one)
though i will say! i'll be adhering to the ~canon~ human versions we've been gifted via Clown's pokemon au. ofc since we don't know what Howdy, Poppy, Sally, and Eddie look like, i'll have to think of something myself
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
I love the idea that Cassie and Tim are mutuals on tumblr because they’re both big superhero fans, and they had no clue for years
definitely funny as a concept. but i see this and i raise you: cassie and tim actually have each other blocked on tumblr and have no clue about this for years
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
The Doctor turning into women and having romantic dalliances with men is every kind of queer...to me.
#EMH (pretending to be B'Elanna after having just SPRINTED down the hall): You wouldn't shoot a pregnant woman would you ??;;#Tuvok: (in the most 'give it up' tone possible) ...Come with Me doctor =_=#Tuvok gets docked points for falling for the ol' 'cough cough im sick' excuse but gains them all back by getting suspicious and starting#an investigation all on his own in the background <3#Also Janeway being held captive and being just kinda pissed about the whole situation...yeah#HEHEHE I like this episode it's funny but also the stakes are high#Janeway sort of smirking and doing the 'come here' motion when that alien man was like 'do you know how to fix this?' - her swag.....#Janeway (captive and stressed beyond belief about the warp core): Yeah I have time to serve dom vibes#Tuvok - Chakotay - Janeway: Each having uniquely bad days#(Worst Security disaster ever - Got put in a morgue for hours - Held captive and threatened with death: + Voyager stranded)#I know Chakotay was unconscious for the morgue thing but still#Chakotay: -opens his eyes to see Tuvok standing there-#(they share a look like 'yeah it's some LIFE THREATENING scooby doo bullshit again')#Hey Chakotay maybe next time don't tell the imposter that you know they're an imposter right to their face <3#Just some tactical strategy for next time <3 <- I love him I'm just being a bitch HEHEHE it was funny to me#Doctor: Hey I know we're in the middle of a serious thing here but like. Why don't we. You know. Hang out???#Janeway: -sharp intake of breathe- ......ohhhh I don't really...DO hanging out.#YAY NAR~!!!!! GET HIS ASS~!!!#Nar I hope you live a simple but fulfilling life as a junk dealer or whatever it is you were talking about god bless <3#Doctor: Now that I might die I have some last requests v_v Captain...throw my diary away. DO NOT. READ IT. Tuvok...I told Neelix about that#rash you got on your ass. We laughed about it for weeks. Sorry.#and then I smile and giggle and ass 'ass rash' to the Tuvok lore#SNRKEHEHE DAMN. HE GOT HARRY TOO???#'Sorry I said you sucked absolute shit at playing the saxophone. I should have phrased it more delicately...damn it. It all becomes so clea#when you face the end.' (Harry: You said w hat????) SEVEN-!!#Seven: Stay over there computer boy =_=#SNRKEHEHEHHEHHAHAHAH#Janeway:....Is he...? / B'Elanna: NO. I've got him =_= I just deleted all that spam. He's FINE.#livetweeting
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koipalm · 4 months
the halo tv show is pissing me off so badly.... to take SUCH a dearly beloved show not only in the gaming world but also just in popular media and milk it for fucking views actually makes me like sick to my stomach. and after seeing what the video games industry is doing right now with how projects are cancelled and all the hard work and amazing artistry in them is never seen again i want to fucking hit someone!! and the fucking layoffs going on in the video game industry is insane. projects are shelved forever and devs are kicked to the curb. not only that, but the fucking ubisoft exec that said people should get used to not owning games?? combined the amount of movies coming out that are purely reboots of older media.... and i cant remember who it was but there was someone in the cartoon industry that pitched like 14 fucking things and they all got shot down! fuck! why cant we fucking care about art! why cant execs fucking understand that we WANT people that care about the projects, and we dont fucking want old ideas revamped when the people in charge clearly dont give a shit about the source material! fuck!
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asydicsydney · 10 months
Guess who started to write a fic during the great AO3 shutdown and finished a month later!!
Ever since I saw that post about Kevin being bird-coded, I've imagined him with wings tattooed on his back. Here is Carlos (and frankly, Kevin) discovering them while stuck in a Desert Otherworld
TW for average Kevin stuff (mentions of blood and injury), 1.2K Words
"Could I study you, Kevin?"
Kevin's third person camera flickers as he spins his chair to face Carlos in the shared office space. "Wha-ha-at?" His nerves bubbling up in laughter in the middle of the question.
Carlos continued, "I've done a study on Cecil before. You know, marking his Night Valean qualities. I wondered last nigh- yesterd- earlier... If you had any similar qualities, since you're doubles and all." He eyed Kevin up and down, searching for a resemblance that didn't quite come up.
"Ohhhh-kay!" His tone lilted up to hide his initial perception of the question. "But I can assure you, Carlos," his voice was tinged with blood oranges, "I am genetically identical to... Him. We are doubles."
"I'm not certain on that," Carlos corrected him, walking to his side of the office and lifting his arm up. Kevin flinches. He does not know if it is from trauma or affection or an odd twilight between the two. "You don't have tattoos like he does. You've seen his, yes?" An 'mhm' is squeaked out through pursed lips as he stares at Carlos' hand turning his arm over. He does not notice his nails digging into his palms. "He has these tattoos of tentacles all over. They move not quite on top of the skin like an animated film. And I know they're not really tattoos because they turn into real tentacles. It's... Fascinating. But you don't have any..." Carlos sounds oddly upset at his final note, dropping Kevin's arm back on the armrest.
Now that he's been freed of the clinical gaze and grasp, Kevin lets out a shaky breath. The desert otherworld may be stuck at 76 degrees Fahrenheit, but his arm and face are reaching the mid 80's, at least. Only now does he process what Carlos said. "I do have a tattoo, actually."
Carlos drops the notes he was returning to and turns on his heel. "You do? What is it? Where is it? Does it materialize like Cecil's? Can I see it?"
The mention of the rival radio host from Carlos' mouth gives him pause, like it has been for the past few months since they built their shared living space, but he regains his composure because, oh my smiling god, he's finally interested in something about him! He does not read into this reaction. "Of course!" He takes the hem of his standard-issue StrexCorp yellow sweater vest, with it's interlocking triangle design across the chest, and starts to pull it over his head.
"Woah, wait, I-I-I didn't mean for you to str-"
"It's on my back, Carlos."
The sweater vest lays piled on his office chair like the grand mountains of the otherworld. He feels this ethereal weight lift off of him. Must be the heat. Really, who wears a sweater vest in 70 degree weather? He positions his third eye just so to aid the process in unbuttoning his work shirt. No one really gets how hard it is to push little buttons though little holes when your depth perception is every which way. He usually doesn't even entertain the thought. Back in Desert Bluffs he could be summoned to a meeting at any moment. There wasn't time to change into his hot pink satin loungewear.
"Do you...need...help? With that?" Carlos snaps him out of his walk-in closet mind at the same time he snaps a button off of its thread.
"I'm fine," he smiles a panicked smile, a smile he's perfected though it is not perfect, "Why would I need help?"
"I can see you biting through your cheek."
A bloody stream of spit drips onto his lapel. He stops chewing and lessens his smile. The last button comes undone and he moves the third eye to look back at him because he can't believe it. He's wearing a Desert Bluffs town fair volunteer shirt. Originally yellow but stained orange by the blood dunk tank he was running. DBCR was a shining sponsor of the old summer event. He smells traces of cotton candy (and blood) and sighs while his face is hidden from view. He tosses the undershirt on to the chair with the other pieces of his work outfit and turns around. "It's neat, right? I can't exactly remember when I got it, but it moves just like...His."
Carlos's brain starts backlogging information. Kevin's gaunt figure, scent, the many scars and still open wounds, his usage of the word 'neat', and the faint gold depiction of wings that, true to his word, are moving. They seem stiff, individual feathers stretching back to full plumage. And although they are not quite as sentient as Cecil's tentacles, they seem to shiver with fear. Carlos traces the sunset arc across Kevin's shoulder blades, feeling the slightest singe on his finger. Unlike with Cecil's markings, he could not keep his hands on the heated skin, not without lab gloves or giving off wrongful impressions of intimacy. "Can you materialize them?"
"I... don't know?" The wings ache each time he tries to move them. Their unfurling requires the energy of a younger Kevin, one who has not been physically shackled to a desk and forced to read out stock reports.
Carlos scratches his five o'clock shadow (he had just started growing it out before getting stuck in a dimension where nothing changes) and 'hmms' thoughtfully. Kevin's third eye spectates Carlos' scrutinizing, he sees his own body tinge red with increased blood flow, and he sees Carlos stab himself in the hand with a scalpel.
"CARLOS! Are you okay?" He moves his vision to get a better look at the wound. Oh, how the blood oozes and gathers to start building a scab and how expertly trained on the location of certain vital internal parts Carlos must be in order to still be standing right now. He bites his lip and draws blood there too. He tastes it and wonders what Carlos' would taste like.
"Kevin. Your wings- they're- astounding." The third eye whips back around to see its body's wings in all their gold tinged glory for the first time in years. Unlike their inked form, the manifested wings are a stark white that ignore whatever lighting conditions surround them, although the tips of each feather still shine a golden glow.
"They...they are. But, how did you get them out? I was, um, distracted."
"Oh, right! Well, Cecil's tentacles can involuntarily manifest when he's excited, and I know you like blood, so I stabbed myself. I can't actually do any damage, the Otherworld will just heal it. Look-" Carlos raises his hand to where he thinks Kevin's looking, showing the complete lack of a scar or scab on his palm, "I'm not hurt. And-" he squints as he walks closer to his lab partner's wings, "These are just stunning. The way they emit pure light is mind-boggling and makes them really hard to look straight at. Can you fly with them?"
Kevin freezes while his body feels a rush of heat never before known. He sees the endless sky outside the Otherworld lab, with zero smog clouds and just one ever present lighthouse. He sees himself next to the red light, wishing it a good morning, and diving off the railing. He sees his town, his new town, from a perspective unlike those of his spectral eye. The masked army looks like regularly sized people and Carlos looks like a very scientific ant. He lands next to his radio station and he folds his wings back together before he lets them dissolve back into the golden tattoo under his magenta DBTCR tank top, the same color he used to see the world through. He opens the door and the vision dissolves too.
"I can try."
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