#oh woah wtf i just looked at my hand an apparently i rested it on wet marker and now there's a tiny operator symbol stamped on my hand
lemondoddle · 11 months
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there's an outtake clip when alex gives jay the tapes and joseph dramatically yells "JUST GET OUT!!1! IT'S TOO PAINFUL :((" and of course i had to think about alex having that sentiment throughout canon and now im sad
[I.D. a pen and marker comic of jay and alex from marble hornets. panel one is a zoomed out shot of the two walking through rosswood together. panel two focuses on them walking side by side, they are lined in black with their clothes colored. alex makes a grim yet determined face and stares forward while jay tiredly looks to the side. outside the panel operator symbols line alex's side and sketchy trees line jay's side. the next three panels are shots of alex's eyes. he first looks over to jay, expression darkening in intensity as operator symbols, trees, and drawings of the operator swarm the outside of this panel. in the next panel his eyes soften, becoming sad. only a few symbols and drawings hover around him. in the last eye panel he closes his eyes, refocusing his determination with a single operator drawn above him. the final panel shows alex clenching his fist around part of his jacket, dozens of operator symbols around. end I.D.]
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anunvalidcritic · 4 years
WATCHMEN (series) EP2
We ended off on a big cliffhanger so let’s see where we’re going to be taken from there...
                          MARTIAL FEATS OF COMANCHE
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Look at all those typewriters
Oh shit, so we’re German alrighty then. I speak German as well.
“Hello, boys, what are you doing over here? Fighting the Germans? Has it ever done you any harm, of course, some whites folks lying and any  Asian Americans papers told you that the Germans ought to be wiped out for the sake of humanity and democracy. But I ask you boys; what is democracy? Do you enjoy the same rides as the white people do in America? Are you rathered treated over there as second class citizens? Can you get a seat in a theatre where white people seat or can you even ride in the south in the same streetcar as white people? And how about the law; is lynching and the most horrible cruelties connected there with a lawful proceeding in a democratic country. Now all of this is entirely different in Germany. Colored people have mighty fine position in business in Berlin and other German cities. Why then fight the germans you have been the tool of the egotistic rich in america and there is nothing in the whole game for you but broken bones, horrible wounds, and death. To carry the gun in service of America is not an honor but a shame throw it away and come over to the German line and you will find friends who will help you along.” - GERMAN SOLDIER/YOUNG AFRICAN AMERICAN SOLIDER/YOUNG & OLD WHEELCHAIR MAN
Sorry for the long monologue above but it was to powerful for it not to be posted. 
damn she just rolled him away as if they weren’t just at a crime scene
breathe ANGELA breathe
damn 105 and still alive .... wow
“He had skeletons in his closet.” - WHEELCHAIR MAN
His name is now WILL
Well ANGELAs heading back to the crime scene
“Oh I read it I just don’t believe it.” - NEWSPAPER SALESMAN
I bet there looking at those wheelchair tracks right now...
LOOKING GLASS really just came into that car and the first thing he asked if he had any food. 
LOOKING GLASS - “Was he high?”
LADY KNIGHT - “He might’ve done some blow.”
LOOKING GLASS - “Sounds like quite a party.”
LADY KNIGHT - “My kids were there.”
LOOKING GLASS - “Your kids.”
LADY KNIGHT - “...Fuck you, you shiny fuck. What are you interegating me now?”
LOOKING GLASS - “Why would I interegate you?”
LADY KNIGHT - “Cuz you’re a cold motherfucker glass.”
LOOKING GLASS - “Then why am I crying under here.” 
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This was quite intense for that short amount of town. 
So they’re just gonna touch his body without gloves on at all???
ANGELA and CALVIN are dancing and it’s Christmas Eve. 
“There’s somebody in our house.“ - ANGELA
WOOOW this dude is bold af
SHE FLEW BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY GOD!!!!!!!!
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She was out for 3 days!
JUDD and ANGELA having a little heart to heart after being fucked up by the same group of people.
They’re the only 2 people in the force that survived... 
She looks like she wants to break some shit.
“So are you coming or are you fucking breathing?” - RED SCARE
That NIXON statue kinda threw me for a loop lol
Why the fuck would you throw a glass bottle at the police??? (like Ik your mad but damn.)
I think it’s safe to say that ANGELA let some of her anger out on that man...
WILLIAM’s DREAMLAND THEATRE (his parents owned the theatre)
ANGELA - “Can you take a rain check?”
KIDS GRANDPA - “I can take a real check. *ANGELA proceeds to pull out her pocketbook and writes a check* ...Must be satisfying putting those Redfordations to work.”
ANGELA - “Get the fuck off my porch.”
lol, that little girl said, “keep walking before I stab you in the butt.”
Those Martian Blocks are pretty fucking cool.
Is that Orville Peck playin’ in the background??
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(he lowkey looks like he can be on the show...)
Ig I would’ve knocked that shit over to if I didn’t like the information I just received.
                                   AMERICAN HERO STORY
“WARNING: The Federal Communications Commission has determined the following content to be emotionally harmful. Young children should not view this content under any circumstances. Even if supervised by a Parent or Guardian the views and opinions expressed, including the depictions of persons of color and members of the LGTBQA+ community do not reflect any official policy or position of the US Government. This program contains graphic language, violence, nudity, misogyny, racism, anti-Semitism, hate crimes, and depictions of sexual assault. Be advise.”
TOPHER just seatin’ there lookin’ at the screen can it start already. 
LOOKING GLASS keeps that mask on at all times. 
Who tf is that talkin’ about getting shot in the head and washing up onto the Boston Harbor?? Do sounds like BATMAN.
 At least he didn’t knock that little kid upside his head. 
I have to say that this man is very skilled with a shard of glass
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Okay, so you’re just going to continue to shoot the rest of bullets into one of your accomplices??? *make it make sense*
Wow ok, so we're going all out with the headbanging then??
“Who am I, when I was little every time I would look into the mirror I saw a stranger starring back at me. He was very very angry. Hot, vibrating electricity with no place to ground it.” - HOODED JUSTICE
this dude is dramatic af lol but this is his story I’ll let him tell it...
SENATOR JOE truly is an ol’ country boy with that accent rofl
And ANGELA is down for the count
LOL she played that shit off well
Night vision goggles ok ok that’s cool
She found something.....
OH FUCK NO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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So this man is pretty every day on repeat like it’s Groundhog’s Day or something. 
“When is a lie not a lie?“ - OZYMANDIAS
“When it’s acting.” - MAID
HA, he was rude af to MR. PHILLIPS
So there recreating the seen of how DR. MANHATTAN came to be...
OZYMANDIAS is one crazy mothertucker....
...tiny weiner...
.... wtf they all look alike.... oh that dude really died!
How long has WILL been in the bakery??
nvm not that long apparently lol
LOL he didn’t have to throw that shell from the boiled egg like that
This dude really does have “friends in high places” but he didn’t mean for her to literally check CAPTAIN JUDD’s closet smdh
This episode was quite delightful and I’m ready to see what the next episode has to offer. Until then clean your hands, be careful of who and what you’re around, and don’t get so down in the dumps.
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
You & Me - Part One
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2750 words
May 2017
Backstage was a hub of activity, sound check was done but you'd got a few things to organise before you could head for some food. People moving equipment around and finalising the details for the show today.
"I need some water." A very beautiful blonde bluntly said to you, an all access pass hanging around her neck.
"The food and drink area is down the hall, second on the left." You replied, more politely than you should have considering how rude she had been to you.
"Can't you get it for me?" She asked, looking you up and down like you were something she found on the bottom of her shoe. Apparently your skinny jeans and t-shirt were not to her standards.
"Um, no I have a job to do."
"Aren't you suppose to do whatever Niall asks of you? Isn't that what he pays you for?"
Oh good God, she was one of those.
"I'm a guitar technician, Niall pays me to maintain and set up his instruments for him. He certainly does not pay me to get people drinks." You replied slowly, making sure she got your point.
"Excuse me, who do you think you are?!"
"I'm Callie, Niall's guitar technician. And you are?!" You replied smirking.
"Don't you know who I am?!"
You couldn't help the massive eye roll that occurred.
The sound of someone coming down the steps from the stage had you both turning around. Niall came strolling towards you, dressed casually in dark jeans and a navy t-shirt. Ignoring the obvious atmosphere in the small back area that his guitars were set out in.
"This one sounds so much better since you put those new strings on." He said to you. "You alright?" He suddenly asked the stunning blonde.
"No, this girl won't get me any water."
Niall looked at you and you raised your eyebrows at him, a look of annoyance on your face as he handed you his guitar.
"She's my guitar tech love, and the canteen is down the hall."
"But she was rude to me, surely these people do whatever you want them to."
You shook your head in disgust, honestly what was wrong with her?
Niall looked over to you, he knew you weren't someone who would be rude without a valid reason. He also knew that Saskia was used to getting what she wanted and expected others to cater for her every need.
"Why don't we leave Cal to do her job and we can go get some water and some food?" He replied, placing his hand on the small of her back and guiding her away from you.
The blonde, whose name you didn't know and frankly didn't care to know walked off with Niall. He turned to look at you, giving you a sympathetic sorry look. You didn't return it, he needed to keep his pretty bits of skirt away from you.
Two Months Later
Lazing in the Portuguese sun with a cocktail in one hand and your phone in the other, you started to scroll through Instagram. You noticed that you'd gotten a notification, so opened up the page.
"Woah!" You said, the shock evident in your face.
"What?!!" Bex asked, clearly confused by your face.
"My phone has literally blown up with notifications, and I have like 6,500 more followers?!"
"Babe, seriously?! I mean our bikini shot was good but......" She laughed thinking you were joking with her.
"Oh for fuck sake Niall!" You mumbled. "He fucking liked the picture."
"Did he now?!"
You didn't reply but just rolled your eyes at her.
You scrolled through the comments and they were all from Niall fans. It had happened before when he had started following you. You'd been working with him since he went solo. His first single had been a surprise success, so his management had organised a team to support his performances. You were one of his personal guitar technicians.
When you had been celebrating the success of Slow Hands and toured around with him and his band in the early summer, you had instantly started following them all and in turn them you. Nialls fans were hot on stuff like this and you'd actually had to change your bio to say 'guitar technician, currently touring with Niall Horan' just to clarify who you were.
The fans had asked questions on your most recent post, wanting to know who you were. You had only got a few hundred followers and now your total stood at over 10,000.
You closed the app and started a new text.
"Ni, wtf, you liked my pic? My phone is blowing up with notifications!"
You opened up IG again and started reading the comments.
Oh God!
There were some weird comments.
You'd seen ones like this before. You started following each other and you were female, so everyone read way more into it than they should. You were just colleagues who were friends now, seeing as you clicked instantly when you met. He was humble, down to earth and you liked a lot of the same music. After he experienced problems with his guitar during a performance a few months ago when you'd had to help Jake with something and Phil, another colleague had taken over and messed up, he had insisted that only you helped him. You didn't mind, if you were honest. You preferred just working with him.
It was less than ten minutes later when a new message appeared.
"Sorry! But the picture was too good to not like. Fyi Willie thinks your friend is cute. 😉"
You smiled at his message. Lingering on the words of it being 'too good to not like'.
"Nialls cousin thinks you're cute." You said turning to Bex.
"He does? Is he cute? Have you met him?" She blurted out quickly.
"Bex......... you sound a bit desperate!"
"I've been single for a year and haven't even been on a date for 5 months!"
Now that made you laugh. Bex and yourself were not doing particularly well in that department. Having ended things with your boyfriend at the beginning of the year when you agreed to follow Niall and his team around the world. Having been with Jack for almost a year, you thought he'd understand your job by now. However working with someone as well known as Niall, who would be travelling a lot and heading as far as Australia, would be demanding your full attention. Jack wasn't keen on being left behind.
But at 24, scoring a job like touring and working personally with Niall Horan was as good as it got. You would see the world, get to do your dream job and get paid for it. The fact that Niall was gorgeous and great fun to be around was an added bonus. Being a realist you knew he was way out of your league, and instead a great friendship had been formed and he trusted you with your opinion musically.
"I've met his cousin a couple of times when he visited him when we were working. He's cute too and really nice." You answered, your fingers hovering over the keypad trying to decide how to answer Niall.
"Ask him to send a picture of them!"
"I want to see what he looks like!"
Deciding to ignore the things he had said about your picture, you just told him that Bex was intrigued to see a picture of Willie to see if he was a cute to.
"You don't want to see a picture of me then?!" He asked.
You guys had some great banter when you all hung out when you were working but you'd never text him like this before.
"Meh, I mean if you want to send one?"
"Cheeky! 😉"
A few minutes later he replied with a picture of Willie, sitting by a swimming pool with a beer in his hand. He looked slightly pink from being in the sun but definitely cute and Bex agreed.
"She thinks he's cute too. Are you guys on holiday?" You quickly replied.
"Yeah, this is my view of Ibiza today."
He had added a picture of his legs and feet with an amazing view of the hills and countryside. He was clearly lying on a sunlounger by the same pool as Willie.
Deciding to test the waters with a bit of flirting, you took an almost identical picture of your legs and feet with your view of the sea from where you were lying on the beach.
"My view in Portugal today."
You looked over to see Bex eyeing you up. "Are you sending him a picture of your legs?!" She asked with a massive smirk on her face.
You blushed when you saw his reply come through seconds later.
"Nice view. Great tan."
"Thanks, I bet you're as sun burnt as Willie aren't you?"
"I'm a little bit pink. The boys aren't exactly enthusiastic with putting sun lotion on me!"
The boys?! Mmm...... Your need to know if it was a lads holiday or if she was with him was burning inside you. Once again you hovered over the keypad before deciding just to ask him outright.
"Saskia not with you to assist then?"
The bubbles came up instantly showing he was replying.
"No, I'm not seeing her anymore."
"That's a shame."
"Liar, I know you didn't like her! 😂😂😂"
"I'm sure she was a lovely person, just not to me! But I am sorry it didn't work out. "
"It was just casual anyway. She ended up not being who I thought she was."
"Oh, well we've got tour soon so we will be busy with that. I'm looking forward to it."
"Me too. X"
"Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Let me know when you're back in London and we can try and set these two up."
"You too. I'll see you when we get back."
"And Ni, please stop liking my pictures, your fans are going crazy!"
"Well stop posting bikini shots then!!!!!!!"
"You're the one who follows me around!"
"I get paid to do that you arsehole!"
You were laughing now and Bex was still watching you like a hawk.
"Stop with name calling, I'm off to cry into my beer!"
"Missed our banter. Can't wait to see you."
"Looking forward to seeing you too."
You locked your phone and looked over to Bex. "What?!"
"Were you flirting with him?!"
"No, it was just banter."
"Really?! Then why are you blushing?!
"I'm not, the temperature is like 35 degrees!"
"I'm going to cool off in the sea." You said, avoiding her gaze.
Heading down to the shoreline you looked out across the sea, watching all the boats cruising around the bay.
You were blushing. His words had never had an effect on you before. It had been a few weeks since you'd seen him and the team and you were missing them all. Tour wasn't due to start for another month but rehearsals started in just over a week. You'd be back with them all soon and you couldn't wait.
The weather in London was beautiful, bright blue skies and blazing sun, not a match on Portugal though. It felt great to be home, for a couple of weeks at least. Rehearsals didn't start for a few days so you filled your time pretty much doing nothing. Bex had gone back to work the day after you got back from Portugal, so the flat you shared was empty. Lazing on the sofa browsing Netflix had been your daily activity.
Your phone bleeped from the coffee table.
"Fancy setting up Willie and Bex?" Niall asked. You hadn't heard from him since you were away.
"I do! What did you have in mind?"
"Start off with a trip to the pub later if you're both free?"
"Sounds good, I'll check with Bex and let you know."
"Ok cool, what are you up to now?"
"Don't judge me but....." You replied with a picture of your bare legs stretched out on your sofa, the tv on in the background showing Pretty Woman.
"Great choice. I'm watching golf highlights." He replied with a picture of his bare legs and his giant tv.
"Surprise surprise!"
"I know, I'm so predictable!"
You left the texting there and dropped Bex a message asking her if she fancied going to the pub to meet everyone. Her initial excitement shown on holiday had now diminished and she was unsure and incredibly nervous. An hour later and she had agreed.
A quick message to Niall and you'd finalised the plans.
The pub in Brixton that Niall had suggested wasn't too far from yours, you'd been in there once before. Bex ordered you both a beer as you looked around the pub and didn't spot them.
"Maybe they're in the garden?" Bex said as she paid for your drinks.
"Yeah, let's head out there."
Sure enough as you reach the door to the pub garden you heard his laugh.
Tara spotted you first and jumped out of her seat to run to you and engulf you in a hug. It had been ages since you'd seen her. As Niall's assistant she normally travelled most places with him, she would be joining him on tour to. Niall turned around at that point and smiled when he saw you.
Making your way over to the table with a very nervous Bex, you realised you knew almost everyone from when they had visited Niall at some point when he had been performing over the last few months. Niall introduced you to everyone and the only person you hadn't met before.
"This is Conor. His band WildYouth are performing with us the first night of tour. And this Conor, is Callie my guitar technician." Niall said proudly.
"Ah the famous Callie!" He said smiling.
"I hope that's a good thing!" You said, taking the empty seat next to Niall. Bex sat down next to you taking the last empty seat next to Willie. They looked at each other nervously and you caught Niall's smirk.
"He's been stalking her Instagram." He whispered to you.
"Has he really?!" You whispered back.
"Well I helped, there are some very interesting pictures of you on there."
"Yep there is! Just don't go liking them. My follower count is ridiculous and I've had to turn my notifications off."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Just didn't think." He replied, you could hear the sadness in his voice. A simple like of a friends picture can cause so much trouble for him.
"Its ok, I haven't had too much hate."
"Just ignore it, ok?"
"I am." You replied finally meeting his eyes, and you saw sadness behind them.
A couple of hours later and with the drinks flowing, Willie and Bex had exchanged numbers. Niall had nudged your shoulder when he saw them get their phones out. Both of you smirked, enjoying your match making skills.
"They can keep each other company while we are away." You whispered, and Niall agreed with a nod.
Making your way back from the toilet a little while later, you stopped before you came around the corner to the bar when you heard your name.
"So Callie is exactly as you described her." Conor said.
"Yeah, she's pretty great." Niall agreed.
"So, is she single?!"
"Yeah she is, but she's off limits for you!"
"Off limits? You got yourself a crush there Nialler?!"
"No!" He's scoffed. "It's just, she works for me. She's bloody good at her job and I don't want my friends leeching all over her."
"Ok fair enough. Shame though, she's beautiful."
"She's stunning, but off limits. Ok?!"
"Come on, let's get back out there with these drinks."
You left it a few seconds before rounding the corner and catching up with the lads as they exited the bar to the pub garden.
Laying in bed that night you couldn't stop thinking about what Niall had said. First that you were off limits to pretty much everyone you were likely to meet while working with him and second of all he said you were stunning.
Never in your life have you been called that. You couldn't read much into it. He's already said you were off limits and you assume that meant him to.
Part two
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kaironlokethor · 5 years
“Have you ever even seen snow?”
We have: Tiefling rogue (Kairon), his wife tiefling warlock (Mur’deth), Dragonborn fighter (Dragon), his fiancee Changling Fighter (Nox), Changling druid/warlock (Lucious) and his wife Bertha, and Half-elf Rogue (Shadow) and his wife Aarakocra Ranger (Ali). We also have a bunch of random NPCs....and our house butlers Rex (Kairon’s minotaur butler) and Randolphus (Lucious’ dwarven butler).  It’s important to note, our DM is Canadian, and so are Kairon and Dragon. Lucious is from northern US and Shadow is from California.
We are planning a revolution, we are super close. We were supposed to be going to a dwarven city like two sessions ago but then Kairon put on a spooky ring and Shadow cut off his arm so we essentially fucked around for 2 sessions, Kairon was more than ready to get going to the Dwarven city. 
DM: Okay, so you all wake up.  Kairon: I am going to Lucious’ house and we are going to talk about this fucking dwarven city! DM: Okay, before that, does anyone need to go anywhere? Lucious: Actually, I think I might go out for the day Kairon: I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF OMFG Lucious: Joking! 
-We all discuss the plan for the Dwarven City- Kairon: I am going to go back to my house and pack a bag so we aren’t totally unprepared I guess DM: Mur’deth gets your attention and says Rex already packed one for you Kairon: Then I am going to go home and get it DM: When you get home, Rex explains there are clothes, money, potions, and...unmentionables Kairon: Lingerie? DM: No, just things you can’t legally carry across the boarder Kairon: I am going to take a peek DM: You see mushrooms and some powder Kairon: REX GAVE ME DRUGS WTF? DM: They’re “Legal” drugs just not legal to carry them over the boarder Kairon: -whispers- whyyyyyy DM: To sell, or take, or use as bargaining chips. Up to you
-We are going towards the dwarven city and stop for a while to rest Kairon goes to the black market to identify the drugs. He ends up running into someone from his backstory who he hadn’t seen since he was a toddler, his primary care-taker, Mama Toa’s, sister so his “Auntie”.- DM: She smiles at you “So how is Mama anyway?” Kairon: She’s dead. Lucious OOC: WOAH Shadow OOC: A bit blunt wasn’t it? Kairon OOC: It’s been a year and a half, how does she not know? She literally just said word passes fast among thieves Lucious OOC: It must have been more than a year an a half at this point Kairon OOC: IT’S MY BACKSTORY FUCK YOU! DM: "It’s my backstory fuck you”. I need that on a t-shirt.
-Kairon finally finds someone to identify the drugs for him- DM: He said one mushroom makes you see things, one makes you hear things, one makes you sleepy. The blue powder lets you see the aethral plane but it makes you extremely hungry-- Kairon: Oh so basically weed DM: --For human flesh Lucious OOC: NOT WEED Kairon: Bathsalts?
-We get to the Dwarven City. Before we left, Randolphus gave Lucious a letter of introduction so we can get into the highly guarded Dwarven city.- DM: So, you walk up to the front gate and hear CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK and as you look up you see every guard has their crossbows trained on your heads. A dwarf walks up to you and she kind of glares. “Quickly tell me why you dare walk up to my gate before I give them the order to fire” Kairon: Lucious, the letter Lucious: What letter Kairon: LUCIOUS, THE LETTER. HAND HER THE LETTER Lucious: The....OH! Right, the letter! 
DM: So, she lets you in, and you walk down this long corridor into a reception area. She tells you to wait Kairon OOC: And so starts the elevator music Lucious OOC: -he starts singing the Wii Plaza music- DM: Actually, yeah
-For this entire interaction of like an hour we just had Wii Plaza music playing in the background. Every time someone was explaining something important, Wii Plaza music. Every time there is an awkward silence, Wii Plaza music. It was comedy gold-
DM: So as she takes you to the castle, you see some familiar buildings. Armour shop, some shady looking people who might be criminal contacts, a prison Dragon: Well, Lucious is going to get NICE AND COZY there in a few days! Shadow: Wait, is there a brothel? Kairon: YES. IS THERE A BROTHEL?????? DM: Uh, fuck it. The module doesn’t say no, so sure. There’s a very sizable brothel that, instead of looking run down and sleezy like you had expected, looks prim and polished. You see some very rich looking folk going in and out. Kairon: Wow, there is something here for everyone.  Dragon: Kairon, focus. You can go to the brothel AFTER our negotiations
DM: As you enter the palace, the sight is breathtaking. The floor is made purely from emeralds. There are jade pillars. As you look up to the ceiling, you see it is 100% sapphire.  Dragon: KAIRON KEEP YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS Kairon: Wh-- They’re built directly into the walls and ceiling!  Lucious: You could find a way to steal one Kairon: True. I do like rocks -I put my hands in my pockets-
-part of our negotiations apparently included an orgy. It was a weird war negotiation. The dwarves end up swearing fealty to us, so it all worked out! As we are planning what to do next (Kairon wants to go to Ice Vale to get the snow tieflings to help us and the rest want to go to Cromer to start preparing our troops) we get word that Bertha has been kidmapped by the Kings men- DM: So, the dwarf starts getting dressed and shouts to her guards that they are going to help you. Kairon: I don’t wanna get dressed tho DM: They won’t wait! Dragon: You probably should get dressed DM: No, if he doesn’t want to, that’s fine. So the Dwarven queen holds up her hand, and you all teleport. MOST of the part goes to Cromer. Kairon, you end up in Ice Vale. Naked. It is snowing and looks like a Blizzard is about to pick up Kairon: Nice.
DM: You are just walking in the snow and see no sign of anyone, and then all of a sudden a huge club comes down on your head. Roll const Kairon: Nat? DM: 1? Kairon: 20. DM: Ah. So you’re in pain but still concious. You go to turn around to see what hit you but it comes down on your head again Kairon: 3? DM: Yah, you out cold. When you wake up you are surrounded by Tieflings who are a PALE pink, almost pure white Kairon: Yo. DM: One looks at you. “How did you get here?” Kairon: I walked DM: “No one can find our camp. How did you find us?” Kairon: You brought me here? WAIT MAYBE I SHOULDN’T SASS THE VICIOUS, HAVE-NO-MERCY TAKE-NO-PRISONER SNOW TIEFLING TRIBE! Lucious: Uhh, ya think? DM: Yeah, not a good idea.
-while I’m in Ice Vale, everyone else is preparing for war- DM: So, you know there isn’t much time before the Empire starts sending troops after you in Cromer Dragon: We should work on our defenses Shadow: We could set some traps. You guys ever hear of spider holes? DM: Yeah, I don’t think that will work Kairon OOC: I don’t know war tactics? -They explain to me what they are: holes dug in the ground covered with leaves for an ambush- Kairon OOC: Yeah I don’t think that will work either Shadow: Yes, it should! We have some assassins and archers that would be perfect DM: Cromer isn’t very far from Ice Vale Shadow: And? DM: Ice Vale has two seasons: Snowing and Blizzarding. They are under snow 365 days of the year Shadow: Yeah? DM: Do I need to spell it out for you? Cromer is currently under snow. It is snowing Shadow: So sticks and leaves won’t work. Maybe we could use snow! Kairon OOC: So, assuming the ground ISN’T frozen and you CAN dig a hole, how would we use snow? Shadow: Like, lay the snow over the hole and cover the hole like we would with the leaves but with snow instead -We are all silent for a minute- Shadow: That would work, right? Lucious OOC: Have you ever seen snow? Kairon OOC: OH SHIT SHADOW’S FROM CALI! Shadow: yeah..........I’ve seen snow like once. Dragon: Snow is fluffy Shadow: We can pack it, like a snow man and lay it over Kairon OOC: That would be way too heavy and you wouldn’t be able to shoot up through it Shadow: What if we lay sticks over in a grid and lay the snow on top of the sticks? Kairon OOC: You would either have to pack it down again and, again, it would be too heavy to move and probably suffocate everyone. Or the snow would need to be fluffy and fall through the grid so you MIGHT end up with a stick grid with snow on it and holes. It would be too obvious Shadow: But what if we like build it up around? and have like... DM: Like an Igloo? No, that wouldn’t work, sorry. Besides, you can’t dig. The ground is frozen ---
-So, Kairon returns with a tribe of snow tieflings, and we prepare our troops. we manage to fight our way to the Capitol and fight our way to the King. He is standing alone in a room cackling to himself, holding Bertha with a dagger to her throat. We get Bertha away from him and Lucious puts him in a hold person- DM: So, Kairon, with your Left Eye of Magnus, you see his crown shimmer Kairon: Oooh magic item. Mine! I am going to grab it off his head! DM: Is that your action? Kairon: Hell yeah! Magic crown! DM: The moment you pick it up, it starts whispering to you Kairon: ....what? DM: It is talking to you Kairon: Can I use my bonus action to drop the crown? Lucious: I thought you wanted the crown Kairon: The last time something talked to me I turned into a DEMON  Dragon: Yeah, he learned his lesson about just putting on random magic items the hard way
Dragon: I want to grab his dagger out of his hand and use it to stab him in the neck DM: Ah. Okay. Yeah, you can do that. Roll -Dragon beats the King’s AC- Yeah, so you slice right into his neck, a right good gash. The only problem is you notice pain in your neck as well Dragon: Oh no... DM: Yeah, so it was a magic dagger that whenever the person wielding it does damage, they take the same damage Dragon: Great.... DM: You are bleeding profusely from your neck. If you don’t take care of this you will start having disadvantages in a few rounds Kairon: Can we cauterize it? DM: If you had fire, yes Kairon: DRAGON! PUNCH ME! Dragon: I think I see where this is going...can I use my bonus action to punch him? DM: No, but you can use an action surge Dragon: Yeah, I’ll do that DM: Okay, roll Kairon: Oh shit. I didn’t think this through. Don’t crit on me, please!  Dragon: No promises....18? Kairon: Yeah, it hits. How much damage? Dragon: 6 Kairon: Okay, damage taken. I am going to use an action, Hellish Rebuke! Dex saving through of 17 or higher! Dragon: 18 -I roll damage- Kairon: So...Does it work? DM: Odds or evens? Kairon: Odds DM: -rolls D4- yeah, it worked. Dragon, you’re a bit singed, but the wound is cauterized. It will scar BADLY, though, and you will never grow scales there again Dragon: Eh, it can match the rest of my scars!
DM: Anyway, so when you do damage to the King, you see flames burst from his fingers and climb up his arms. Kairon: Oh, so he’s on FIRE now Lucious: And our only non-fire-resistant party-member is RIGHT beside him Kairon: SHADOW! GET OUT OF THERE! DM: As the fire climbs his arms, the floor starts rumbling and cracking beneath you. You don’t know how long you have, but you know this castle is falling to the ground. The fire moves up to his shoulders and pieces of the floor start to fall away. the ceiling starts crumbling as well Shadow: Yeah, I am going to run, and then bonus action dash..... -Kairon and Shadow get Bertha to safety and Dragon moves as far to the door as he can- DM: Lucious, your turn. You want to just run back as well? Lucious: I am going to move 5 feet forward Kairon: LUCIOUS WTF Lucious: And I am going to hit him with my scimitar of speed and my other scimitar -we are all silent for a minute- Kairon: Lucious what the fuck DM: Okay, roll -they both hit, and he rolls damage I watch the DM pick up her d10 and move it from the 9 facing upwards and turn it so the 1 was facing upwards- DM: You all have 1 turn to get out of there.  Kairon: LUCIOUSSSSS  -We all end up getting out of there safely, thankfully! and successfully destroyed the castle! BUT We usurped the king and now we are leaders of the kingdom!-
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vin-taege · 7 years
Summary: Despite Yoongi’s protests, you still buy the small mirror in the antique shop rumored to bring good luck. Soon enough, a series of fortunate events happen, and so does a chain of deaths. The mirror may bring good luck, but at what cost? 
Genre: Horror, Angst, FengShui!au
Pairing: Yoongi x reader, ft. members
Disclaimer: major character death, mild depictions of gore
Legend: >> a few minutes forward 
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Yoongi doesn’t believe in superstitions, much less luck. Everything you got in life was because of your own will and perseverance, not because some higher entity thought you could have it. You, on the other hand, couldn’t agree less. There wasn’t any harm in trying out so-called luck-bringing rituals. If it didn’t work, nothing bad would actually happen, right?
The first part of your relationship was a bit rocky. His hectic schedule provided you barely enough time to see each other, and when you did, he needed to rest. He left before you woke up, and arrived just after you fell asleep. Composing for artists was a difficult and stressing thing, a fact you understood. That’s why when you moved to a new house, you wanted to start anew.
You were currently shopping for furniture in an antique shop. Taking Taehyung’s advice, you wanted to go for a classy look. Plus, the prices were way cheaper than those in department stores. Yoongi had already picked a dining table and its chairs, and you just finished checking out a dresser, when you saw it. 
It was a fairly simple mirror, small enough to fit on top of your front door. It was a circular mirror, a thick octagonal border around it.. You went towards it and picked it up, its black, gold, and red colors vibrant. However, you noticed that there was a piece of cloth taped around the edges of the glass.
“May I help you?”, a voice said behind you, almost making you drop the mirror in surprise. You turned around to find one of the employees, a bored-looking teenager- who was probably annoyed at you touching their stuff.
“Oh, I was just looking. Um, do you know how much this thing costs?”, you showed him the mirror. He took it, checking the back and sides, before returning it to you. “Well, there isn’t a price tag, but I’ll ask Ms. Mei. That bagua’s pretty old, so it might cost a lot”, he said, leading you to the counter, where Yoongi was waiting for you.
You remembered reading about it once. In Chinese belief, it supposedly brought in good luck if you placed it at your front door. Perfect for your new home. 
You placed the bagua on the counter, earning a questioning look from Yoongi. “Another ritual, cult girl?”, he teased you. You gave him a playful slap. “There’s no harm in trying.”
The employee went through a curtain behind the counter, and came back together with an old woman. She was shorter than you, her grey hair tied into a neat bun. She was wearing a shawl over her loose, red dress. Greeting you with a smile, she took the form you filled out earlier.
“The shop can help you transport your furniture. We have a truck, and I can get one of my employees to drive them to your house”, she offered. 
“Yes, we would like that very much”, Yoongi smiled back, appreciating her thoughtfulness. She then looked at you, smile suddenly disappearing as she saw the mirror on the counter. Her expression darkened, and she even took a step back, wrinkled hands moving to pull the shawl around her tighter.
Even Yoongi noticed, and he flashed you a look of confusion. You nibbled on your lip awkwardly, the change of atmosphere evident. “Is there something wrong?” you asked her. “I wanted to ask how much this bagua costs. I saw it on one of the displays, so I thought it was on sale.”
“No!” she snapped. “No. Keep it. Y-you can have it for free. Just... be careful with it”, she said, her tone much softer this time. She hurriedly went back through the curtain, leaving behind the employee from earlier, who looked equally confused.
“I can drive the furniture. Just point out your car so I can follow you guys”, he trailed off, getting the truck keys. “Sehun, I’ll be out for a while. Man the counter”, he called out to the back of the store. You heard a faint ‘okay’, before exiting the store, with Yoongi holding your hand, the bagua clutched tightly in the other.
Fortunately, Jin and Jimin came to help move your things. It would’ve taken you two days to move just a cabinet, and a table set, and that’s even with Yoongi’s help. The table wouldn’t have been off the ground by an inch, and you’d already drop it.
“Wow, you guys got more than what you bargained for”, Jin said over a mouthful of cookies. Indeed, you did. For a cheap price, you got a small, but cozy bungalow. The inside was a plain white, which Yoongi liked since he thought it was simple.
“She even got into a fight with one agent”, Yoongi elbowed you teasingly. You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your coffee. “He was charging us way too much. The house wasn’t even that nice”, you argued, making the boys laugh.
The house you chose was near a forest, and was more on the rural side, but not too far away from the city. Most of your neighbors ran farms, so there were times a chicken or a dog would run down the streets, something you’d get used to. Taehyung was delighted to hear that, coming from a family of farmers himself, though he hasn’t visited the house yet, due to his busy school schedule.
To your luck, you didn’t have to change jobs since the shop you were working in was just a ten minute walk away. Definitely closer than your old house. 
“Noona, what’s that?” Jimin nodded towards the octagonal mirror, the reflective surface itself still covered up. You took it from its spot on the table and brought it close to your face, holding it away as you took the cover off. 
“It’s a bagua. It brings good luck apparently”, you told them as you tried to scratch the tape off. Yoongi snorted beside you. “It’s another one of those Chinese things she tried out. I gotta admit though, the incense she sprayed around in Chinese New Year did smell pretty great.”
Ignoring his comment,you finally got the cover off, and you peered into the mirror. It kind of looked like the eye-holes in hotels, where everything was slightly more rounded than normal. Weirdly, it gave off an odd feeling. Worry was tugging at your subconscious, but like Yoongi’s comment, you payed no attention to it. Maybe you were going to get a fever. It was just a mirror after all.
“Woah, that looks cool”, Jin remarked, reaching for it. Yoongi sat back as you handed him the mirror, choosing to look at you questioningly. You shrugged at him. “Hey, it’s not doing harm.” He gave you a half-smile. “I suppose not.”
“Hyung, let me see”, Jimin shifted next to Jin, seeing his own warped reflection beside the older boy’s. “Woah, it’s like those fish-eye things. Yoongi-hyung, wanna look too?”
Yoongi gave him a gentle smile. “No, I believe I’m good.” He leaned onto you, using you as a cushion. You whined, trying to push him off. He rolled his eyes, only squishing you further into the side of the couch. Jin looked at you and fake gagged, before handing back the mirror. Suddenly, a honk from outside caught your attention. 
“Ah that’s Hobi. We should get going. We don’t really trust Jungkook alone at the house”, Jimin chuckled. “I suppose so. Thanks for coming over.” you said, laughing with them. The pair got up, only to be greeted by Hoseok opening the front door. “Hobi!” you waved at him,urging him to come in. “Hello! Sorry I wasn’t able to help in the moving.” he rubbed his nape. 
He nodded at the mirror. “What’s that?” he said, moving closer to get a better look. “Oh, just a little lucky charm I got.” you replied, ignoring Yoongi’s scoffs.
“Y/n good news!” Your boss walked in as you were arranging a bouquet. The business at the flower shop has been slow, resulting in low paychecks. The salary wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the best either. The only things keeping you from resigning were your overly-nice manager and the need to help Yoongi with the expenses. 
“Yes, sir?” you placed the final rose in the center, stopping to turn to him. “Fortunately, a sudden pop-up of orders came; at least a hundred different companies and people are asking for orders.” he beamed at you.
Your jaw dropped. The shop you were in was a small one, having only a number of chains nationwide. It was highly unusual, and almost miraculous, to have a hundred orders pop out of nowhere. “W-what? Really?” a smile slowly crept, heart beating at the news. “Yes! I’m equally surprised. So, let’s work hard! About a fourth of them are due next week, so we better get going.” he patted you on the shoulder, a ringing phone drawing him out the room.
You stared at the pink cloth wrapped around the flowers. Twenty five orders were needed by next week, and God knows how much the amount was. Coincidentally, your boss came back with a long slip of paper. “Here’s a portion of the list.” he said, placing it on the counter. “I’ve already talked to Jiwoo and Hansung. They’re going to help you.” he finished, rushing out to manage another phone call.
The list was a jumble of rushed writing. Big companies were even there, and so were weddings. Determined to finish the orders by today, you looked at the first name. 
Song’s Wedding
Your heart rate sped up. Could it possibly be Song-Song couple? No way. “Y/n!” your manager’s voice brought you back to reality. “On it!” A ton of peonies and roses mixed together, making about twenty for the aisle, and another special bouquet for the bride. It was going to be a long day, but it was so worth it.
Yoongs <3
Yoongs <3: Really? You aren’t just joking right?
You: Yes! I’m shocked too, I mean 100 orders in one day?? wtf
You: but in a good way
Yoongs <3:  I’m so happy for you, babe :)
You: … omg screenshotted
Yoongs <3:Fuck off before I take it back
You smiled, sending a quick ‘I love you’, before putting your phone in your bag and zipping it up. Your boss was a bit too delighted and decided to send you home early. It was perfect for walking around the village and getting to memorize the way home.
Lately, the weather has been unpredictable. One moment, it rained, the next, it was incredibly hot. Thankfully, it was just right today, although it was a bit windy. A strong breeze pushed your hair back, making you hold it down with one hand. You could feel your phone vibrating in your bag. With a huff, you tried your best to get it using your free hand.
‘Goddamn,’ you muttered ‘How convenient.’ You continued grumbling, then you felt something hit your chest. A shriek left your lips, and you furiously wiped whatever landed on you off your body. You calmed down enough, seeing a small, thin, brown envelope in the ground.
It got blown away a few inches more, before you caught it by stepping on it. You reached down, and opened it. ‘Holy shit’ you thought. The thing had 50 000 won in it. 
You looked around, seeing no one looking for it. In fact, you were strangely the only person in the empty road. 
“Min Yoongi!” you screamed at him as soon as you got your phone out. “Y/n, I love you and all, but I actually need my ears to compose-”
“Yeah, whatever. Shut up and listen. Ok, so I was walking down the road, and it was windy, and there was a thing-”
“Y/n, take a deep breath, and please talk slowly.”
“Yoongi,” you squealed. “50 000 won literally got blown to me.” 
Silence followed, and at one point you thought he hung up. Then, you heard a loud thud, followed by what sounded like someone hitting a table multiple times. “You- what- how?” he managed to choke out, though you could hear extreme happiness in his tone.
“I don’t know! I was just walking, and no one seemed to look for it. I mean, we really kinda need it, babe.” you said in an uneasy way, guilt starting to follow. Maybe taking it wasn’t the most moral option, but you didn’t want to skip meals like last time. “I understand. But really, wow. I- I don’t even know what to say.”
More silence. Yoongi normally would’ve had something to say, never being a man lost for words. You didn’t notice how long you were talking until you began to see your house. “Hey, I’m home early by the way. I’m making a celebratory dinner.” you grinned. Yoongi let out a cute victory yell. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. My girlfriend’s calling for me, and there’s no way I’m passing this up.”
The news of your promotion spread fast among the boys. Despite Yoongi’s whines of having alone time, you invited the boys to your mini feast. They gladly accepted, with Taehyung excitedly coming over (and dragging Namjoon with him) within the first thirty minutes.Hoseok showed up next, fresh from his dance tournament. Jungkook texted that they’d be a bit late since they decided to make you a little present. 
“Where’s the lucky mirror?” Namjoon grinned at you. Yoongi sent you a smirk. “It’s outside. She’d gladly show you the way.”
“You sure you don’t want to look at it, babe? Might give you a small work boost.” you winked at him. He laughed and shook his head. “I’d rather stay inside and not let the food burn.” You looked at Hoseok. “I’m staying to help this guy. Plus, I’ve already seen it anyway.” he politely declined.
Shrugging, you stepped out the door, the other boys following you. Namjoon giddily came next to you, glancing up at what you were pointing to. “Oh, a bagua?” you glanced at him, surprised that he knew the term. He gave you a sheepish smile. “I’ve been reading in my spare time.”
“A what, hyung?” Taehyung said, moving next to Namjoon as he looked at the mirror. “A bagua. Something from Chinese belief.” Taehyung hummed in response, staring as the reds and golds of the mirror captivated him.
Back at the dorm, the three boys were busy preparing a meal of their own. They planned to give you a bulgogi, knowing that you’d share it and they’d get some themselves. Jin has been leading the process, telling them to wrap it up as it was getting late. 
“Jimin, just put the materials back. Look at that knife holder, it’s almost falling off. Plus, there’s tons of bowls scattered around. Move it, men!” he clapped. Jimin squinted at him. “Aish, so bossy.” he muttered. Jin ignored the comment, grabbing a glass of water. “I’m gonna change clothes. You guys look decent already, so we’re going straight out after I finish.” he rushed off, leaving the younger boys to tend to the mess.
He softly sang to himself as he entered the room, setting the glass down a bit too close to the edge of the table. His stufftoys and figurines lay messily on the floor, the older boy not finding the time to recently clean his room. Marios, Princess Peach, and a huge Donkey Kong plushie was left untouched near the table. 
He dug through his closet, carelessly throwing out shirts. He’d clean it up once he gets home. ‘Aha!’ his eyes glanced upon a simple button-down, perfect. He took his shirt off, tossing it behind him. As he was about to button the shirt, he heard something fall and looked behind him. 
The glass fell, water soaking through his shirt. He grumbled, turning his head to the door. “Kook, can you hand me the mop?” he hollered. No reply. “Kook?” he waited a few more seconds, still met by silence. He sighed, walking around the spill to a small cabinet where they kept the brooms. 
He got a mop, dragging it behind him. He trudged around the junk sprawled around his room, dodging things he could step on. However, he mis-stepped, tripping over a backpack. 
The older boy yelped, arms not fast enough from catching his fall, head hitting the edge of the table with a loud bang. His body landed on the Donkey Kong plushie, limp. 
“Jin hyung?” Jungkook called from downstairs. “Are you okay?” No reply.
“He totally left us with all the cleaning.” Jimin chuckled. Jungkook shook his head with a smile. “I mean, I’m not even surprised.” He picked up the plates and bowls they used, stacking them on top of each other. He placed them in the sink, then turned back to Jimin.
“Hyung, can you handle the others? I really don’t want to touch raw pork, especially after I just showered” Jimin nodded at him, gathering the whisks and teaspoons. “Hey, isn’t it weird how we have at least three different butcher knives, but can’t get a knife holder that actually holds the knives?” Jimin gestured to the knife holder. Jungkook shrugged. “Then again, it’s Jin hyung, ‘master of culinary arts’“ he said, adding finger quotes. 
Jimin’s phone beeped from his pocket. “It’s probably noona. You should answer her.” Jungkook told him. Obliging, he took his phone out, blindly leaning on the counter. “Hyung!”
He reluctantly drew his arm back. The chopping board was halfway off the edge, the knife holder placed on top of it. “You should look at what you’re doing.” Jungkook tsked at him. Jimin rolled his eyes. Suddenly, they heard a loud bang from upstairs, causing Jimin to drop his phone. 
They looked at each other. “Jin hyung? Jungkook called out. Knowing Jin, he probably just fell down amidst the mess of his room. However, he didn’t reply. “Are you okay?” Jungkook yelled after him again. Or maybe Jin was just playing prank. The two boys felt an unsettling feeling neither of them could explain. “I’m gonna check on him”, Jungkook muttered, leaving the kitchen.
Jimin blinked, soon crouching down to reach for it. He mindlessly scrolled through his phone, trying to get his nerves eased up. His other hand reached for the counter as he tried to pull himself up, accidentally whacking the chopping board, sending the knives and bits of pork flying.
A loosely placed butcher knife fell, blade down, landing on his neck. Jimin gasped, blood rapidly dripping down and pooling in his throat. He couldn’t find the strength to stand up, crawling on the floor instead. Pork and knives lay around him, making it difficult to maneuver.
“J-Jungkook!” his voice came out hoarse, much of a silent yell. He clutched his throat, trying to stop the bleeding. “Hyung!” he heard the younger one call from upstairs. “We need to call the ambulance! Jin, he-” But Jimin didn’t even make it to the end of the sentence.
“Someone’s late”, Namjoon impatiently muttered. It’s been an hour since they texted, and even though Jin took his time while cooking, it was never this long. Finally, Taehyung’s phone rung, and he quickly answered.
“Jungkook, where the hell- What?!” he stood up, worry etched in his face. The room fell silent, except for Jungkook’s unclear voice on the phone. “Okay. Okay, we’re going there right now. Kookie wait, we’re going there right now.” he said, getting the backpack and dragging Namjoon up.
“What? What’s happening? Why aren’t they here?” Hoseok looked at the younger boy worriedly. You walked closer to him, Yoongi following you. Taehyung pulled the phone away. “Jungkook’s in the hospital. Something bad happened. Really bad. We need to get there now.” 
You didn’t need another word from him before scrambling outside and craming into Hoseok’s car. “The one near our dorm, Daegu Hospital, something like that. Please hurry.” Taehyung told Hoseok. The older boy got the car running, and sped out. 
Taehyung directed his attention back to Jungkook’s call. “We’re on the road. Just keep talking. We’ll get there, don’t worry. Jesus- why?” he choked, tears starting to spill out.
Jungkook had his head in his hands, fingers clawing out at his hair. He hasn’t stopped crying, and he was scared. Scared and traumatized. Nurses and doctors passed by him, giving him sympathetic looks. He didn’t need their sympathy. He needed a doctor to come out and tell him that his friends were fine. That the hit Jin took to his head only resulted in a minor concussion. That the knife sticking out of Jimin’s head somehow got removed and he’s in recovery now. 
He heard footsteps shuffling down the hall, immediately hearing Namjoon’s worried voice. 
You spotted him crouched against the wall. “Kookie!” you ran to him, kneeling to his level. “What happened? Are they okay now?” you held his wrists, moving your hands to wipe his tears. Yoongi kneeled next to him. “Jungkook, what happened?”
The youngest looked up, eyes skimming over your worried faces, before stopping at Taehyung. His face was ashen, and they knew they shared the same pain. The same thing you’d experience in a few seconds.
Yoongi rubbed his back, making him calm down before he spoke. He coughed, leaning over to you as you welcomed him in your arms. Jungkook shut his eyes, taking in a few deep breaths. 
“It was a freak accident. Fuck, I shouldn’t have left Jimin. I- I should’ve asked Jin to stay. I could’ve helped them”, he said, tears streaming down his face again. Hoseok joined you and Yoongi on the floor, him also starting to cry. “Jungkook. Tell us what happened.”
“Jin hyung, he bumped his head on the corner of a table. It was a sharp edge. I told him to tape it or something since it was so sharp. I should’ve taped it myself, then maybe he wouldn’t-”
“Jungkook.” Namjoon said, voice cold.
“Jimin, he-” Jungkook choked on his own words. He couldn’t forget the gruesome image, Jimin laying on the floor, a huge pool of blood coming from his neck. “I don’t know how. He- there was a kn-knife in his neck. H-he was on the floor with a knife in his neck, I think he toppled the board, I don’t know anymore..” Jungkook sobbed, burying his head further in your shoulder. 
Shock settled in everyone. It was too ridiculous to believe. You were just talking to Jin and Jimin yesterday. Jimin even texted you. They were supposed to bring bulgogi. You were supposed to have fun. The night was supposed to end anywhere else, except in a hospital, hoping that your friends were still alive. 
“For patients Kim Seokjin and Park Jimin?” A doctor approached you. You helped Jungkook shakily stand up, crowding around the doctor. “We’re his friends”, Namjoon informed him. 
The doctor stared at each of you, a sad expression plastered on his face. “Well?” Namjoon pushed, his tone alarmingly increasing. He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry to inform you that both patients didn’t make it. Mr. Park has lost too much blood, and Mr. Kim suffered heavy trauma to the brain, resulting in a blood clot.”
“And you can’t do anything about that?” Namjoon snapped at him. He glared in response. “The knife that fell on your friend’s neck hit two nerves, something impossible to treat with the time it took to get there. He was dead on arrival. The blow Seokjin suffered was forceful enough to form a small dent in his skull, and cause a blood clot. I’m sorry, but we couldn’t do anything.”
“That’s just bullshit! You could’ve at least tried harder with Jin. You guys are doctors- you’re supposed to save people”, Namjoon took a step forward, inly to be held back by Hoseok. The doctor, now alarmed, signaled to one of the nurses. “If you think of causing a scene here, I won’t think twice of calling security”, he warned, turning his heel to attend to other patients.
“You shouldn’t have said that, Joon” Hobi whispered. Namjoon shrugged his arm off, walking towards the exit. Hoseok gave you a teary-eyed look, before going after his friend. 
You looked at Yoongi, who now had his eyes shut. “This is not happening. They’re joking right?” he scoffed. “They have got to be joking. I was talking to Jin this morning, there’s no way he’s...” No one wanted to say the word. It hung in the sullen atmosphere, where the chatter in the background turned to static and the hospital’s white walls seemed too bright.
Jungkook didn’t want to go home. Especially since all the blood and spills where still there. In fact, he never wanted to go back. It would hurt too much seeing Jin’s room, or passing by the kitchen. The thought of an empty bed across his room, where Jimin should’ve been, was unbearable. 
“Hyung, can I stay over at your house?” he was looking out the window when he said that. All four boys looked at him ready to let out a ‘yes’. “Yoongi hyung, can I?” he looked towards the older man. 
Yoongi didn’t reply. He was too busy staring at the road, thinking of how things escalated so badly. His hand held yours, and although he felt warm, it looked like he was a thousand miles away. You squeezed his hand, getting his attention. “Jungkook asked if he can stay over tonight.” you repeated. He nodded, sinking farther in his seat. 
“We need to get spare clothes though.” Taehyung slowly said, knowing it’d imply something bad. Jungkook’s faced scrunched in a mix of annoyance and anger. “I’m not going back there. Not now, not ever.” he hissed. 
“You don’t have to. You can wait in the car.” Hoseok said, already taking a left to their dorm. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! You don’t know how fucking hard it is to go back there!” Jungkook sprung up. “Namjoon, you understand, right?”
Namjoon had his earphones in. He didn’t feel like discussing anything with anyone, and he just wanted to ignore the elephant in the room. Aside from Hoseok, he was the one who tried to show his friends the good side of things. However it was difficult to when there is no good side.
When Jungkook was met with stone-cold silence, Hoseok spoke up again. “I know it’s shitty to say, but trying to avoid it won’t help you. I miss them too, we all do. But we can’t bring them back, and we have to accept that.”
He pulled up on their porch, unlocking the doors. “You don’t have to go, Kook.” you said, stepping out the car. Yoongi followed you, slamming the door shut. 
“You know where their rooms are.” Yoongi said, tone flat. “Where are you going?” you asked him. He just shrugged, about to go in the kitchen, then stopping halfway. “Why? Is there something-”
“Don’t go in there, please.” He grabbed your shoulders, spinning you around. You decided not to question any further, knowing you wouldn’t want to hear the answer. He steered you upstairs, purposefully blocking your view of Jin’s room.
“Grab a few random shirts, then let’s get the hell out of here.” he said,opening Jungkook’s cabinet. You obliged, standing next to him, packing a few jeans and shirts. You included a beanie too, plus a bracelet you’ve seen him always wearing. 
“Finished?” you nodded at Yoongi, showing the bag you filled. He gave you a small smile. “Everything will be okay. I’m so proud of how strong you are right now.” he gently said, giving you a kiss on the forehead. You returned the favor by pecking him on the cheek. “We should go.”
You went out the room last, making sure to properly close the door. Then, you heard something fall from Jin’s room. You looked back, contemplating whether to tell Yoongi or not. 
“Yoongi?” he looked back at you. “Can you wait for a bit?” Although he wanted to protest, he gave in. “Make it quick. I can feel Jungkook losing his shit in the car.”
You couldn’t agree more with what he said. The place was starting to pull off a creepy feeling, but you had to know what made that sound. Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you slowly went to the room.
Your heart was pounding from fear and anxiety. It better be a figment of your imagination. You reached for the knob and swung the door open.
It was as if time stopped. Your heartbeat was the only thing you could hear. The room was cold, too cold. There was a big mess all around, and you saw a small puddle of water drying out next to a coffee table. The corner had a smear of blood on it, reminding you of the previous events. But that wasn’t the thing that caught your attention.  
Jin stood at the center of the room. He was wearing a crumpled button-down, the buttons put in lopsidedly. His hair was sticking out, and a slight dent was on his head. The side of his temple was purplish, blending in with bloodshot eyes. 
“Pay the price” he hissed at you.
You slammed the door shut, running back to Yoongi. “Get out!” you screamed at him. 
He looked up at you in a daze. “What?” 
You continued running, pulling him along with you. You’d explain in the car, or at least when you got home. You didn’t want to talk about the two boys in front of Jungkook, but this was way too messed up. You reached the bottom of the stairs, the front door a few meters away from you.
“Y/n, wait!” Yoongi tugged at you from behind, trying to get you to stop. You halted, turning around to face him. “Yoongi, you don’t understand- holy shit!” you screamed, looking behind him. 
By the kitchen entrance stood Jimin, a large knife sticking out his neck. There was blood all over him, and he had the same bloodshot eyes. He opened his mouth, a pool of blood streaming out. “Pay the price” he repeated.
Yoongi confusedly followed your gaze. “What are you-” You cut him off, bolting out the house with him in tow. You didn’t stop running until you were inside the car. The backpack was clutched tightly in your hand, and Yoongi had to pry it off. “What was that?” The other boys looked over curiously.
You were about to explain, but then you saw Jungkook’s face. His cheeks were a bit puffy. His eyes were a slight tint of red from all the crying he did. You didn’t want to give off a mocking story, so you swallowed the fear. “I just got a bit freaked out. I’m sorry. Let’s get out of here.” Yoongi nodded uneasily, and you could tell he didn’t bite into your lie.
Hoseok started the car again, driving you back home.
“Thank you”, you hugged Hoseok. The two other boys stayed in the car as Yoongi helped Jungkook with his things. “Stay safe please” you whispered. He let out a sigh. “You too. I’ll try my best to calm Namjoon down. Tae’s still...”
“In shock?” you completed, face dropping. You’ve never seen Taehyung so quiet before, and it just made the whole thing worse. The impact of Jin and Jimin’s passing was completely evident, leaving a painful effect on the boys. 
“I hope wherever they are, they’re happy.” Hoseok nodded in agreement. Without another word, he got back in the car and drove away.
You went to go inside, stopping next to Jungkook. He was standing in front of the door, staring at the bagua. “Kookie, what is it?” you gently placed a hand on his shoulder. He didn’t look at you, eyes still glued to the mirror.
“I really hope it brings good luck, noona” he said, voice starting to break. “I really do.”
Jungkook’s been silent for the past few weeks. He didn’t talk unless he was spoken to, and when he did, it was one-worded answers. Sometimes even just simple grunts or nods. He’d usually stare into space, drowning out the whatever noise in the background. 
Things haven’t been the same. The funeral passed by, and none of you uttered anything about it. The boys even considered selling the apartment the three had, mainly because Jungkook knew he couldn’t stand the silence.
“Kookie, Yoongi’s gonna be back in a bit, okay?” you told him as you got your grocery bag. “Can you handle two minutes? I’m just going to buy a few things from the store.”
His eyes stayed on the TV screen, intently playing video games. He gave you a swift nod, looking over you as you passed by. 
Sometimes you forget that you moved. You were used to seeing tall buildings and buzzing cars when you went out. However, now the neighborhood’s so much simpler and nicer. A soft breeze blew gently against you. There were definitely more bushes and flowers, making the walk better. A loud bark came from behind you, making you flinch.
During the first week of your move, a few neighbors have told you about some stray dogs lurking in the forest. These were the wild kind, being a rural area. ‘Stay out of the forest, unless you have a hunter with you’, they’d say.
You walked up the steps to the small village center mall. There were stalls selling various fruit and produce around. Your grocery list was fairly small, so you thought of bringing fruits home to cheer the boys up a bit.
“Good morning, miss. Want to test your luck?” You turned your attention to the man in a suit. He was handing out a flyer advertising a ‘grand raffle’. Seeing there’s no harm in trying, you nodded thanking the paper. He smiled. “Registration is this way.”
You scanned the flyer as you followed him. The raffle showed off practical prizes, the first one being a car. Yoongi always whined about getting a car of his own, so it would’ve been amazing if you won it for him.
The man passed you a form, needing a few details like your name and contact number. “When do you announce the winners?” you asked him, dropping your raffle stub in the drop box. “In a while, actually. We initially planned to close off the entries early, but you made it! You’re the last entry for today.” 
What a coincidence.
“We’ll text you if you win.” he added. You thanked him, then carried on with your errand. You didn’t want to leave Jungkook alone, or Jungkook alone with Yoongi. The younger boy was too sensitive, and you knew your boyfriend might let the wrong words slip.
Fortunately, you easily found what was needed on your list. The line in the cashiers weren’t too long too, making your trip easier. 
As you were taking your wallet out, your phone buzzed. You handed the employee your payment, before checking your phone. There were four texts, one from Yoongi, and the others from an unknown number.
“Ma’am, here’s your change.” She handed you a few coins and your now filled bag. 
Yoongs <3: Babe, have you seen Hoseok?
Yoongs <3: Taehyung went home and Namjoon wasn’t there
Yoongs <3: Fuck you need to come to the hospital right now
Unknown: Congratulations! This is Lee Woo Bin from PriSeoul. I’d love to inform you that you one the first place in our raffle. You may claim your prize at the registration booth on or before the end of the month
Hoseok didn’t handle it easily. The first thing he did after the funeral was lock himself in his room and cry. When there were no more tears to shed, he ate less and danced more. Exhaustion couldn’t stop him from distracting himself. 
Usually, Taehyung or Namjoon would visit him to give him something to eat. It even took them great difficulty to convince him to come back home and rest.
“Namjoon, I’m going out for a jog.” He ran out the door, avoiding any opportunity of protest from the younger boy. He didn’t bring anything else aside from his phone, earphones, and a bottle of water. Normally, he wouldn’t bring the last one, but since he didn’t want to worry Namjoon, he did.
Their dorm wasn’t that far from your house. They lived somewhere in the middle of the city and the country, so it was pretty convenient at times when they needed to buy something. Fruits and vegetables from the countryside, and clothes from the city.
He thought of paying Jungkook a visit. He knew how traumatized he must be, seeing two of their friends dead in one night. 
Holding Onto You played as he put his earbuds in. He started to jog, not stopping even when his legs started to hurt. It was the afternoon, so the sun wasn’t scorching his skin as he ran. 
He finally halted at an intersection, looking left and right before crossing. A second just as he passed the middle, a truck zoomed passed him, nearly hitting him. He stumbled into the sidewalk, looking on as the truck passed. “Hey, I’m suing! I almost died there!” he screamed after it.
His heart beat fast in his chest. He couldn’t stand up, too scared by the encounter. The printed-on design of collars and accessories on the truck’s back stared at him as it sped into the distance. His water bottle rolled away, but he couldn’t care less about it.
When he composed himself again, he got up. He didn’t want to continue taking the same route, considering he almost got run over. Instead, he took a rumored ‘shortcut’ in the forest.
He turned and went through a row of trees, the cement soon fading into leaves and twigs. The twittering of birds surrounded him as he jogged. Relief washed over him, the beauty of it all making him forget everything bad that happened for a moment.
Seamus flowed into his ears. At first, he wasn’t into Pink Floyd much, then Namjoon suggested it to him. The main source of all his new music tastes were either Namjoon or Jungkook, as the two were ‘adventurous’ when it came to songs.
Behind the song, he heard something faint and muffled, kind of like a bark.He ignored it, thinking his earphones were just starting to break. They were old anyway, and he’s been planning on buying new ones. 
He heard it again, this time closer. Slowly, he lowered the volume, but still kept the earbuds on. He jogged faster, breaking into a full run when he heard the barks become louder.
Through shaking hands, he ripped the headset off before getting his phone out. He scrolled past his contacts, tapping Namjoon’s name. ‘Come on, pick up. Please.’ A hundred thoughts raced in his mind as he dodged bushes and trees. 
The barks were accompanied by crunching leaves now, making it apparent that something was chasing him. On instinct, he looked back, seeing a wild dog, fangs jutting out, chasing after him. Its fur was coated in dirt, and saliva dripped from its mouth.
‘Shit.’ This was too surreal. He was a few steps away from death. One wrong move and he’d die or get seriously injured. Unless he can fight the dog off. 
He whipped his head back, only to trip. In front of him was Jimin, hand outstretched to stop him. The younger boy had a blank look on his face as he stared at Hoseok. 
From the ground, Hoseok looked up, locking eyes with him. “Hyung” Jimin whispered, voice gravelly. “Hyung, it’s time.”
Just as he finished, Hoseok felt fangs sinking into his his shoulder. Claws dug into his back while the wild mutt teared at his flesh. His screams ran through the forest, sending a flock of birds flying away.
Screams turned to whimpers, and soon enough, the dog stopped. It got off his body, walking towards the phone he dropped. Namjoon was on the line for a good minute, before the dog pawed it, accidentally ending the call.
It looked around more. Seeing no predators, it scampered off, Hoseok’s blood smeared all over its fur.
Namjoon rushed out of the house. It was a good thing Taehyung wasn’t at home, because he didn’t have enough time to explain to him why. He knew were Hoseok would’ve gone too.
The older boy was someone who always put other people before himself. Who played off his own hurt, and chose to comfort others first. It was obvious he went to visit Jungkook, especially since Yoongi’s been telling them that their youngest wasn’t doing well.
He dodged a few passers-by, shouting Hoseok’s name out in the process. “Hobi! Hobi, where are you?!” he breathlessly reached the intersection. He glanced around, looking for signs of his friend. Then, he spotted something wedged under the bushes.
The familiar water bottle lay under the leaves. He took it, rubbing the dirt off the surface. “Hoseok-” he stopped mid-sentence, bumping into someone.
He looked behind him, spotting an aggravated teenager. The boy was wearing all black, starting from his baseball cap, all the way to his leather jacket. It was so awfully pretentious. His minions stood behind him, the two of them balling their fists threateningly.
“Hey,” the boy narrowed his eyes. He took the toothpick he was chewing out and threw it on the ground. “You should watch where you’re going.” 
Namjoon rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry. It was an accident, but I don’t have time for this.” He tried walking around them, but one boy grabbed him and pushed him back. 
“Okay, I’m sorry. My friend is missing, and I know he’s in danger. So can you just let this one go?” he scoffed at them. 
Their leader stepped forward. “I think the fuck not.” He lunged at Namjoon, delivering a punch to the boy’s stomach. The air got knocked out of him, and he stumbled because of the sudden hit. “F-fuck off. I need to find my friend.” he coughed out.
The group huddled around him, kicking and hitting him. It was three against one, and there was no way he could hurt anyone. The two boys held him in a kneeling position while the other one kept throwing punches at him. When he finally thought it was over, the boy he bumped into clutched his shoulder and forced him to stand. 
“This should teach him.” he sneered to his lackeys, before punching him one last time.
The punch might’ve been a little too hard; or they might’ve been a little too close to a fire hydrant. It wasn’t until after Namjoon fell when someone yelled at them to stop. A middle-aged man chased them off, but by the time he got there, Namjoon’s blood was already spilling on the concrete. 
Next to them was a yellow fire hydrant; a single red splat on the metal.
The road was crowded when you went out. The locals were drawn to the forest shortcut, forming a circle around a clearing. An ambulance and police cars lined the streets. Policemen were preventing the people from going in further. Inside, a few more police were investigating the scene. 
“I pity the poor boy.” you heard an old woman whisper. “I do too. He mustn't have been from here. If he was, he wouldn’t even think of going in the forest.” her friend replied.
“The authorities really should start on putting up those anger signs.” she continued.
“Mama,” a little girl tugged on the hem of her mother’s dress. “What happened to the man in the forest?” 
Her mom looked down on her, her face etched with worry. “Nothing, honey. Let’s go before daddy gets worried.” She picked her daughter up, walking away from the scene. You caught up to her, curious about the news.
“Excuse me, miss. What happened here?” you asked her. She contemplated whether to tell you in front of her daughter or not, but in the end, she set her child back down. She leaned closer to whisper to you.
“There was an accident involving the wild dogs. A man was chased down and mauled to death. I overheard the police talking, and they said he didn’t make it.”
Dread stated to fill you. Your phone buzzed again, reminding you of Yoongi. “T-thanks.” you bid her goodbye.
Yoongi <3: Y/n where are you?? We found Namjoon... his body at least
You: Babe, wasn’t Hoseok born on the year of the dog?
Yoongi <3: What? I think so. Just come here please
Namjoon lay on the hospital bed. His white clothes matched the sheets. His eyes were closed, as if he was sleeping, except he wasn’t breathing. Bruises coated his skin, and one side of his head was busted. A faint line of stitching showed on that side, much like what happened to Jin. 
Taehyung stood at the foot of the bed. Jungkook clung onto him, his head tucked into the older one’s shoulder. They both looked tired, with Taehyung’s messy hair, and the dark circles under Jungkook’s eyes. 
You stood in front of Yoongi. He was hugging you from behind, nuzzling his mouth on your hair. Though he tried to stay calm, you could feel tension in his hands. 
“This is unbelievable.” Taehyung chuckled bitterly. “This is all your fault!” he pointed a finger accusingly at you. 
You were taken aback by his sudden outburst. “What are you talking about? You think I wanted this?!”
“This all started ever since you bought that stupid mirror. First Jin, then Jimin. Now Namjoon was beaten to death, and guess what? His head exploded on a fucking fire hydrant. Even Hoseok’s missing, and god knows where he’ll turn up. Probably dead, because of you!”
“Taehyung, that’s enough!” Yoongi shouted at him. You flinched, never hearing Yoongi yell before. 
SIlence returned to the room, and you couldn’t help but think that Taehyung was right. All the fortune came to you, but you didn’t want your loved ones taken away.
“Yoongi, we should go back to the shop.”
Without Hoseok, Yoongi drove this time. Taehyung helped you find his car keys so you can use his car for a bit. The bagua was shoved in your bag, wrapped with cloth. You didn’t know how the mirror worked, so you avoided all physical contact with it for the meantime.
You wordlessly reached the shop. Yoongi got off the car first, and without waiting for you, stormed into the shop.
He was slamming the bell on the counter when you went inside, the two other boys following behind. “Anyone here? Ms. Mei? Is no one manning the store? Sehun, where the fuck are you?!” his voice rang throughout the store. 
Finally, the employee who assisted you with the furniture came out. He looked twice as annoyed, a sour frown on his face. He held a black bag and hauled it on the counter. “Sir, I would need to ask you to stop-”
“Where’s your boss? We’re returning something.” he stretched his hand out to you, gesturing for the mirror. You unzipped your bag, shuffling through your things, before handing him the bundled cloth.
“This-” he shoved it near the clerk’s face. “-has ruined our lives. Four of my friends died. Call me crazy, but they died because of this.”
His face paled upon seeing it. He stepped back, shaking his head. “Ms. Mei isn’t here, and I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Bullshit!” Yoongi drew his hand back, throwing the mirror on the ground. Glass shards lay under the now loose cloth. You felt relieved seeing the mirror broken. It means it’s over now, right? Whatever curse it had should be lifted. It was gone, and you were saved. 
“That’s not how it works.” The cashier said weakly. “Ms. Mei is not here, and never will be. She’s dead. The day after you bought the mirror, she was about to move to America. She mentioned something about wanting to get away. A few days later, her grandson called the shop. She died after getting into a horsefly attack.” He pointed to where the mirror fell.
You stared in shock. It wasn’t there anymore. The cloth and the shards were gone. Yoongi looked back at mouth hung in confusion. You checked your bag again, digging through your wallet and phone. There it was, the cloth still wrapped around it. You felt around it, trying to feel a crack. However, there were no signs of damage.
The cashier coaxed you forward. The four of you stood behind the counter, the mirror placed in between. You put your bag next to his, the weight wearing your shoulders off.
“My name’s Minseok. I’ve been running the shop with her ever since the start. She’s practically like family now, you know? I’ve seen that mirror around a few times. She had it with her, but she never talked about it or showed it to anyone. Actually, I don’t know how it got on that shelf the day you saw it. I thought she changed her mind about it and decided to sell it.” He looked at you, and you nodded.
“Before she went to America, she told me something about it. It came from a girl, way back in the 18th century. No one knew her name, and she was dubbed Lotus Feet since her feet were bounded to give her small feet, or lotus feet. During the battle of Ningpo, her family was being hunted down by the British. Food was scarce, and they were having a hard time escaping. So, they decided to leave her behind.  They thought she was a burden, so they left her for dead. This-” he tapped the mirror.
“-holds her soul. It’s evil. I know it brings luck, but if you accept the luck it brings, it takes a life in payment. In particular, those who have looked into the mirror after you.”
“But why did she die? If she knew about it, why couldn’t she do anything about it?” you asked him. The three boys were silent next to you. You could feel Taehyung’s burning stare, but decided to ignore it.
“You. You were the good luck it gave. Something she couldn’t reject. You wanted the mirror, and the curse was passed from her to you. The only way you can avoid its effects is to reject the luck it brings.” he pushed it towards you. 
“Can’t I find someone else? How do I permanently end this?” you pushed it back.
“Unless someone willingly accepts the mirror, it won’t leave you. Unless...” he paused, nibbling on his lip while he was deep in thought. 
“Unless?” Taehyung pushed on.
“Unless you can go to a Chinese blessing shop. You can destroy it there. There’s one, but it’s in another town, left from here. You should go.” He ushered you out, grabbing your bag and returning it to you. 
You bounded put the shop, waiting for Minseok as he locked the door. “I can’t come with you. I’m sorry but I need to send money to my mom, since she’s really sick.”
He walked towards Yoongi and got a pen out. “Go on that road and drive straight down until you reach the fourth intersection. Take a left, then a right, and drive until you see a ‘Welcome to Jil-An’ sign. Turn right on the second crossing, and the second building should be ‘An Liu’s Charm Shop’. Just go straight in and say Fa Mei sent you.” he instructed as he scribbled down on Yoongi’s arm. 
You got into the car, and Yoongi slammed the pedal. Through the rearview mirror, you could see Minseok’s fading form. The forest was getting larger as you ventured forward. The sun was starting to set too, and it was going to be a long night for you.
“Why can’t we just destroy it here? It’s more dangerous going there,” Taehyung looked out the window, big raindrops splattering on it rapidly. “Let’s just chuck it out the window or something.”
Along the way, you ran into a storm. It was pouring outside, and there were constant flashes of lightning. The car’s headlights provided little help with the amount of water dripping down the windshield. A twig or some leaves would slap against the car from time to time, but Yoongi was unfazed.
“We can’t do that. Didn’t you see what just happened at the shop?” he said through gritted teeth. Taehyung glared at him from the backseat. 
“Easy for you to say. You’re the only person in this damn car that hasn’t looked at that mirror, and you perfectly know you’re safe.” he leaned forward, grabbing the back of your seat.
“Taehyung, sit back down. You’re distracting him.” Jungkook murmured, though the older boy ignored him.
“See that?” he spoke, just as lightning lit up the sky. “That’s the sign of me dying soon. I’m next. I’m the stupid bastard who looked into the mirror, not you.”
Yoongi shifted gear, driving impossibly faster. You looked across to see him. Tears pooled at the edges of his eyes, ready to be released. His breathing was getting irregular, and his grip on the steering wheel was tightening. 
“It’ll just get restored again, you know that. Hyung please stop.” Jungkook whispered, pulling Taehyung back. 
The older boy pushed him off, sending him flying to the window with a thump. “Shut up! Unlike you, I don’t want to die yet!”
“What, you think I want to die? How could anyone fucking know looking into that thing would kill you? Stop putting the blame on someone and think for once.” Jungkook snarled at him, throwing a punch. 
Taehyung sat back, rubbing his throbbing jaw. Jungkook stared back at him, appalled. “Jungkook...” your eyes swept back and forth on the two boys.
“Can you please stop? We’re all suffering here.” Yoongi looked at Taehyung through the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry, okay? We’re trying to help here. We won’t just let you die.”
Taehyung scoffed. “Stop the car.”
“Stop the car!”
Yoongi stepped on the brake, sending the car forward in a jolt. Taehyung's eyes flickered to the bagua you were holding, then to you. “If you won’t do anything about it, I would.
He lunged forward, grabbing the cloth from you. “Taehyung, no!” you screamed at him, trying to pull the mirror back. His hold was strong, and you couldn’t shake it off, even with Jungkook trying to pull his arms away. Yoongi clicked his seatbelt off and grabbed Taehyung’s wrist.
“Let go!” he yelled. Suddenly, Taehyung let out a pained scream. You looked up to see Jungkook forcefully biting his shoulder. Just as the younger one pulled away, he did too. With the sudden loss of contrast, Yoongi stumbled back in his seat, the mirror in his hands.
In a state of shock, he looked at it, his distorted reflection staring back at him. Frantically, he grabbed the cloth and wrapped it around the bagua again. With shaking hands, he handed it back to you. 
“No,” you whispered. “Not you too. No, Yoongi-” Tears streamed down your cheeks. You hugged him, sobbing into his chest. The two younger boys speechlessly watched on.
You felt soothing hands caressing your hair. “Baby, it’s okay. We can make it.” he gently told you. His face was close to yours, and you could feel his cheeks equally wet. Was he crying too?
You heard the door lock click, and turned your head just in time to catch a glimpse of Taehyung stepping outside. You were about to go after him, but Yoongi held you back. Jungkook, however, was out of the car within seconds. 
“Jungkook, no-” Yoongi was met a slam of the door. He turned to you. “Get your phone and call Jungkook. Tell him to go back” He readjusted the gear and backed up the road. 
You opened your bag, trying to feel the outline of your phone. ‘What?’ You opened the bag wider, turning on the inside light to get a better look. “Yoongi, this isn’t my bag.”
The bag had bands of money in it. None of it was yours, and most of the contents looked like it belonged to a man. Everything pieced together. 
“I changed bags with Minseok.” you stared at it in horror. It would be a matter of time now before something happens to the person next in line. Distressed, you rolled down the window, chucking the bag out. “I don’t want your money!”
Taehyung trudged through the forest. The wind slapped at his face, and the rain sprayed harshly against his skin. He wanted to go home. That was all he could think of. Maybe if he slept it off, he’d wake up to find that it was just dream. Hoseok would wake him up, then he’d go to the living room to find Namjoon sitting on the couch, reading the same boring book. 
Jin and Jimin would call him over to hang out, and at the end of the day, he’d have dinner at your house just as usual. 
He wanted to believe it so bad. The blinding lie was so much more comforting. It warmed him as he shivered under the trees. He brought an arm to wipe his face, not sure if he wiped away tears or raindrops. 
In the distance, he heard Jungkook call for him. “Hyung!” he whipped his head around to find a figure making its way to him. “Hyung, come back!”
He didn’t know why, but he broke out into a run. He entered the forest, trying to get away from the younger boy. Why was he running? Isn’t he tired of doing that very thing? 
Maybe he couldn’t think straight. There was no way of escaping death at this point, so what was the use of avoiding it?  The cold was distracting him, that’s for sure. Jungkook’s voice was fading, but he didn’t stop.
The ground he was stepping on started becoming muddier. He concentrated on his steps, trying not to trip. Then, a loud snap followed by excruciating pain on his leg ensued. He fell down, clutching his left leg. A bear trap bit into it, the metal hidden under the mud. 
He tried forcing it open, only to injure his fingers. He cried out. “Jungkook! Jungkook, help me!” he yanked at it, thinking of ripping it off in desperation. Pain coursed through every bone in his body. Slowly, he felt the sharp tips on his bone. 
His screams grew hoarse as he tried prying it off. Thunder covered the sound of his yells. Mud coated his body from moving on the ground too much. The rain made his hold slippery, and he could feel a chunk of his leg starting to separate. Panicked, he looked around, eyes stopping on a familiar boy silently watching behind the trees. “Hoseok hyung.”
“Yoongi, we have to go after them, and the car isn’t helping.” you sternly told him. At last, he hesitantly nodded, stepping out the car. You took your seatbelt off, grabbed the mirror, and followed suit. 
“Jungkook!” you shouted for him. “Jungkook!” Yoongi cupped his hands around his mouth. You walked more, the fog devouring the car as you got farther away. 
“Y/n,” you looked at him. His brown eyes no longer held coldness. Instead, they were filled with regret. Sadness. The boy was tired. “If something bad happens, promise me, the first thing we’ll do is to run back to that car.” you nodded, understanding his point. There was no guarantee Jungkook will make it. It hurt to sa that, but it was the truth; and you didn’t want Yoongi to go next.  
“Is that him?” Yoongi pointed at a shadowy form standing on the other side of the road. “Where-” you started to run towards it, only to have Yoongi pull you back again. A car zoomed past you, beeping loudly.
“Noona?” It was Jungkook. He started to show clearer as he jogged towards you. “Wait-” you shouted, fearing the worst. “-stay away from the road!” 
A loud honk interrupted. Jungkook was illuminated under bright headlights, like a deer caught on the road. Metal against flesh collided, and the boy was thrown a few feet away. The driver of the truck tried to regain control, only tipping the truck over. Broken milk bottles lay on the road, some of the milk turning pink around Jungkook’s body. 
Horrified, Yoongi put you behind him, and you walked back to the body. The milk turned a darker shade of red each step you took closer. Jungkook was slumped on the ground, his limbs bent at awkward angles. 
Yoongi shook his head. He reached for your hand again. “Time to go.”
You forced yourself to take our eyes off the scene. If Yoongi didn’t save you, would’ve it been over? It was unfair. The mirror knew you couldn’t reject the luck it just brought. What if it happened to Yoongi? No, not him. Dear god, anyone but him.
Various thoughts raced in your mind as you got back in the car. Yoongi started it again, absentmindedly staring out the windshield. “You know couldn’t just let you die out there right?” you nodded at him. His voice was weary, the same voice he used when he comforted you. 
The trees got replaced by pastures. Fences appeared at the side of the road. You were close. You could make it. You breathed out a sigh of relief as you passed the sign Minseok told you about. Yoongi let out a breath he was holding. He looked over to you, smiling. You smiled back, eyes glancing at the road again. 
“Yoongi!” you screamed. He swerved, however still hitting the lone chicken that was about to cross. He lost complete control of the car, sliding off the road and crashing into a fence. You felt his hand holding yours, before you were knocked unconscious.
The police found the wreckage in the morning. You woke up to an unfamiliar voice talking to you. “Miss? I think she’s conscious now. Miss, do you remember your name?” Your body ached all over. Your head was pounding, and something sharp poked at your ribs. 
A siren pierced your eardrums. You could make out the sound of mumbling, but you couldn’t hear what they were saying. Bits and pieces were caught up in your brain, then you suddenly felt something soft against you.
“-lost control, and it crashed on the chicken wire fence”
“What about the other one?”
“Didn’t make it, he-”
“Miss, can you hear me?”
The voices were blending in your head. You tried opening your eyes, immediately closing them as harsh light came into view. A hand cupped over your eyes, preventing further light from coming. You blinked twice, blurry eyesight starting to focus. 
“We’re taking you to the hospital, no need to worry about anything.” 
With much effort, you turned your head to face him. Your mouth froze into a scream, looking face to face with Yoongi. His head was busted and blood was all over him. 
“Time to go, sweetheart.”
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How to Ask Out a Boy, According to Mermaids ~*~ [Mersisters]
In which Attina needs help!
[feat. Andrina, Arista, Alana, and Ariel. Adella and Aquata in spirit. <3]
@arista-the-musical, @alana-the-badbitch, @ariel-the-rebellious
Attina BREAKING NEWS: okay well not totally sorta kinda WELL andrina knows because i told her last night but anyways anyways GUESs WHO GOT A BOY'S NUMBER LAST NIGHT for the first time E V E R
Alana You're welcome
Attina yes yes, shout out to Alana for giving me the gumption where would i be without you. [kissy face emoji] Attina ANDD his name is Paul. he's superrrrr handsome and charming.
Andrina and a dad,
Alana so when are you meeting
Alana wtf Alana ew
Attina okay YES he is a dad but Attina babiessss Attina they're so cute
Alana double ew
Ariel he's really nice he seems like a good dad Ariel also he gives good advice
Attina wait, ariel how do /you/ know him??
Andrina wait how does ariel know him
Arista Sorry guys I had to wrestle my phone away from Van.... but now that I'm like caught up ATTINAS GONNA BE A STEP MOM
Ariel and he knows about safe sex
Andrina wait
Attina woah what
Alana what
Ariel texting!
Alana clEARLY NOt Alana if he has kids
Attina Oh god, I didn't even /think/ about that. Attina Maybe it was an accident?
Andrina so let me get this straight, your mystery guy was texting about /safe sex/ with Ariel
Ariel well yeah but he says that he was married and they wanted babies or something i think
Andrina ????
Attina Wait. He /was/ married???
Ariel it was a long conversation!
Andrina ?????
Arista Glad I don't have to worry about pregnancy anymore~
Ariel I think? I don't remember!
Andrina Honestly, I don't even know where to start with this
Attina Do you still have the texts???
Alana l m a o
Ariel Yeah! Hold on, lemmie get em
Attina Sidenote: Arista you should still be being SAFE
Ariel Okay okay he's a bartender... scrolling...
Arista I dunno guys like maybe he tried to do the right thing and marry the lady he had the kids with because he wanted to be responsible. Attina likes responsible
Alana when you bang him, you can look deep in his eyes and know he was telling your baby sister about rubbers
Attina ALANA
Ariel He likes chocolate
Alana i am just saying
Andrina I mean, he could have told her a lot /worse/
Arista No chocolate would be a deal breaker
Attina everyone likes chocolate ariel i need to know if he was MARRIED
Andrina could've gotten his dick out
Ariel OH, NO. NOT married
Alana that is also true
Arista unless he's allergic
Ariel he clarified that very distinctly
Attina Oh thank god. Okay SEE you guys
Alana woop de doo atty not a divorcee
Ariel He also said good boys like to be asked out by girls
Attina Look, he's very sweet and I'm not going to judge him for mistakes he's made. Not a Attina: WAIT what
Alana told you
Ariel You should ask him out!
Alana you listen to him and not me Alana do it do it
Ariel Safe and consensual sex matters, uhhh
Andrina I really feel like we need screenshots before we can go forward with this convo because frankly i dont know if this guy tried to hit on ariel or not based on the info i'm getting
Arista Okay, so I'm like not the most observant but that sounds like a line to Ariel... Jumping from baby to oldest kinda fast. I wonder why I didn't get a line from him. Did anyone else get a line?
Andrina: see ^^^^
Andrina THANK you arista
Ariel His kids come first
Alana maybe he's gonna go through all of is
Alana **ys
Ariel I'm still reading hold on
Attina oh god
Arista If there's one thing I know its music and boy lines
Alana nails are drying
Arista oh wait thats two
Ariel [screenshots attached]
Arista or multiple
Attina wait ariel, he didn't hit on you did he???
Alana you can count arista im bloody thrilled
Ariel He was not hitting on me!!!
Andrina OKAY EVERYONE. Focus:::::
Arista ... Arista [sad face emoji]
Ariel Oh he didn't use a condom Ariel You should use a concom
Alana yes, attina, listen to ariel Alana i can buy them for you if you're scared
Andrina wow quoting shakespeare. u think he googled that
Attina GoD Attina I don't think so, he seems like the bookish type, honestly Attina he told me to impress him with movie references
Alana ariel for the love of god how little about sex do you know
Andrina ok h o n e s t l y these seem pretty pg, i am embarrassed on behalf of ariel if anyone Andrina love you ariel
Alana ' Is sex hot bc it's sweaty?'
Attina I feel like we apparently don't talk about sex enough
Ariel Listen, I hadn't been in the water for a while! I wasn't feeling right!
Attina all that pruning go to your head?
Alana are you going to tell us about the birds and the bees
Ariel Also sex is confusing. They tell you one thing in school and then movies and t.v shows portray otherwise.
Arista Guys he must like really like Attina because like he said he says nicely no to girls he doesn't like. So like he must really like Attina or he would've said no. No pity dates nope
Andrina ^^^^
Ariel Yeah pay attention to what Arista said!
Andrina yes getting back to the point now that we've #crisisaverted
Attina I don't know I don't know maybe he was just being NICE
Ariel He IS nice!
Arista Then wouldn't that make him a liar? right guys? right? Arista because he told ARiel one thing
Ariel No no he has kids and he's nice and he gave Attina her number!!
Arista and then is just "being nice" and saying yes so
Ariel Attina ASK HIM OUT!!!
Attina Well, maybe he was just taking pity on me like lol what is there to like
Andrina b o o attina stop that
Ariel Ummm, so much????
Alana oh my god attina
Arista You is kind. You is smart. You is... I don't remember the rest of that quote of the movie I watched with you Atty but it doesn't matter because those two things are true [okay hand sign emoji]
Arista Also Vanellope says hi and that you're super cool Attina
Attina important. That's the last one THO also probably the least true of those lmao
Andrina well if vanellope says it
Arista and that I look really cute when I'm worried
Alana if you dont text him i will
Arista and that I should stop typing everything she says, no serious-- Oh right yeah
Attina boys don't care about kind or smart
Andrina dont be a misandrist, attina
Andrina kidding Andrina dont generalize men attina
Alana actually jk i dont want to deal with kids
Attina He knows you're my sister so i doubt he'd give you his number
Alana how does he know??
Arista I thought that meant she didn't like woman
Attina oh wait that might be a good idea we can test him and see if he really would just give his number to anyone
Arista women*
Attina I pointed you out the other night
Alana wow
Attina WHAT he asked about my sisters and i couldn't find andrina
Alana no i meant wow about the whole TESTING HIM Alana sometimes you just have to take a chance
Attina also arista misandry is like the opposite of misogyny, which is what you're thinking of. i know, they're very close together
Alana on loooveee
Andrina ok as much as i'd love to fake-hit on Dilf Patts, that really wouldn't prove anything because he's a free bloke right now and i'm amazing so
Alana ask arista
Attina well we cant all have super cute nerdy girlfriends we're weirdly perfect with
Alana thats why you have to TAKE A CHANCE
Arista yeah like the ABBA song should be paul's theme song playing behind him right now "TAke a chance on me"
Arista wait what
Andrina AND attina what if you ran into another cute boy tomorrow and you hit it off and you gave him his number too?? you didn't enter into a social contract that's why you have to A S K H I M O U T
Arista what are we asking me Arista I was too busy singing ABBA
Attina ARIsTA got asked out not the other way around Attina what if i push too much you know i push too much
Andrina ok new strategy
Arista I kissed her first before she asked me out tbh
Andrina you text him Andrina first Andrina you Andrina make riveting conversation Andrina you entice him Andrina into Andrina asking Andrina you Andrina out
Alana flash your tits Alana no dont do that
Andrina second date, alana
Arista whats up with your phone Andrina
Alana lol
Andrina what Andrina do Andrina you Andrina mean
Attina more like maybe six or fifth date
Alana yeah Alana what Alana do
Andrina fourth date, but we'll debate it at another time
Alana you
Arista wow maybe it's my phone
Ariel Don't flash your tits! Ew!
Attina ALSO where is ariel did she disappear? alana go see where she is Attina oh hello sis
Ariel I had to pee Ariel LISTEN
Alana 😇
Attina im not flashing my tits at ANYONE
Ariel He said he likes when a girl asks him out!! Ariel So ask him out!!!! Ariel If he says no there are other of fish in the sea Ariel Some literal
Attina okay okay Attina wait
Andrina i can't believe you just made a mermaid joke Andrina yes i can
Arista yeah def ask him out, boys are more clueless than me sometimes
Ariel Well we ARE mermaids, remember?
Attina he told me to text him interesting animal facts right
Andrina no i forgot
Alana wait we are????
Ariel OH OH
Arista how could you forget Andrina you have a tail
Attina B U T
Alana holy shit thats why i had a bloody tail in the bathtub Alana yes be like Alana the female praying mantis decours her mates head Alana real sexy
Arista you had a bloody tail? ew Arista also ew to the following
Ariel Did you know penguins mate for life? That'd be really cute to say
Attina no you don't understand i already told him about how starfish put their stomachs out of their bodies to eat
Andrina she shared with him that fact about starfish's digestive syst-- Andrina great minds
Alana perfect the praying mantis wont throw him off
Attina I TOLD HIM that he was kind of like a penguin
Andrina yeah he'll be like eat my head
Attina but saying they mate for life is er a little strong
Andrina then youll be SEXTING
Alana that's sexy Alana eat my head
Ariel Don't eat his head
Attina im not going to SEXT im trying to get him to idk go to dinner
Arista nah boys don't like teeth
Ariel Oh! Oh!
Andrina facts about animals and food
Alana here's a wild idea
Andrina be like
Ariel text him about LOBSTERS!
Andrina did u know that animals, eat,
Alana "hey paul, do you want to get dinner?"
Ariel and then be like HEY SPEAKING OF LOBSTERS
Attina i can't do another sea creature that might be too obvious
Arista Oh oh oh, I like Lan's
Ariel and then ask him to go eat lobster Ariel which i might not approve of but
Attina what if i went for something totally innocent and left field like idk
Ariel or just ask him if he likes lobster! Ariel OH I KNOW
Attina a leopard only succeeds at 1 out of 7 hunting attempts lol bc then it's like me, trying to date,,
Ariel "How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice!"
Alana well at this point literally ANYTHING
Ariel that's classic!
Alana thats cute ^^
Arista Very cute I like it
Attina oh that is kind of cute
Andrina all of these are GREAT options
Ariel leopards must be hungry alot :C
Attina nah their kills last for a week
Alana then its time to move on
Arista yeah no... self-decapitation? self...dep... whatever that word is with the texting and being down on yourself with the leopard
Alana yeah don't self-decapitate, atty
Andrina self-decapitation is exactly the correct word
Ariel Oh okay
Attina ugh. Attina should i go with the polar bear one then? what do i say after that?
Ariel Self-deprication, guys. Come on.
Andrina well it would depend on what he says?
Ariel Don't listen to them, Arista
Alana well it depends on what HE SAYS
Ariel yeah you gotta see what that is
Arista Self-deprication. Cool. Got it. Thanks Ariel!
Attina okay let's do a mock version just imagine he says something even /better/ and /cuter/ back
Ariel No prob Ris! Ariel CAN I PLAY PAUL Ariel I'm an actress now. I can do it.
Alana what if asks for tit pics
Ariel Alana!!
Attina he's not gonna ask me for nudes alana i think we've already established he's a /gentleman/
Arista I'm sure Andrina has some lying around
Alana 'm just saying boys can surprise you
Ariel do NOT send nudes
Andrina oh yeah totally Andrina borrow my nudes
Attina also does anyone else wanna take a shot at being paul or is ariel it?
Alana yes andrina pass along the nudes
Andrina i'm just giving them away absolutely
Ariel pfft like the brown hair won't throw him off at all
Alana well ariels the only one whos like Alana directly interacted with him
Attina okay okay go then ariel
Andrina wait i wanna go next though
Ariel okay okay so where is my cool animal punch line that your totally awesome sister gave you Ariel give me something to go off here
Attina hey how much does a polar bear weigh? Attina wait Attina should i say the whole thing what if he knows Attina what if it's too cliche
Arista then its cute if he answers
Ariel omg if he knows and says it back that would be SO CUTE
Arista you guys are like the same person Arista something to laugh about
Alana ^^
Arista cliche's are a talking point
Attina what if he thinks it's lame bc everyone uses it
Alana then you can be self-decapitating
Attina honestly? yes.
Andrina ok this is taking forever
Ariel "Enough to break the ice, I'm guessing. Nice animal fact." Ariel SEE that would be CUTE
Attina then what do i say?? thank you???
Arista wait is that a fact? Do all polar bears weigh enough to like break ice?
Ariel Self-DEPRICATING Arisa
Andrina idk use your people skills Andrina say words
Attina with global warming, probably
Ariel yeah! say thank you! Ariel and then like Ariel something witty
Attina something witty. Attina do you even KNOW ME
Andrina just do the sun emoji and the guy with the shades Andrina do that several times
Alana just do it
Arista wait what why are we yelling SElf Depreciating at me
Andrina then say that thing about global warming
Ariel "I've got a ton of them up my sleeve. But I don't give them out to just anyone."
Alana because we look so much alike, ris
Ariel make it sound like he's special!
Andrina and then you're talking about global warming what topic could be HOTTER
Arista depreciating? deprecating?
Alana this is takign too long
Arista no we don't
Alana has left the conversation.
Attina wow ariel wtf how are you better at this than me that's not fair i've been alive much longer.
Ariel I dunno
Attina has added Alana to the conversation.
Ariel I try really hard Ariel I think too hard?
Arista You're so dramatic Alana why aren't you in the play
Ariel Maybe I'm not the best person to give advice
Attina whattt what do you mean
Alana spoiler alerts u dont have to try so hard
Attina things are good with you and dash aren't you???
Alana ur all hot
Andrina this really IS taking TOO LON G THOUGH
Ariel I haven't even been kissed yet okay I'm obviously doing SOMETHING wrong
Attina thanks, alana
Alana andrina can u steal attys phone
Arista Yeah, you're waiting for him
Attina also andrina i can't text him TONIGHT it's late, he's got babies
Alana and just do it
Andrina that's a really great plan Andrina attina ignore what was just said
Attina and it's okay ariel, it'll take time!!
Ariel Yeah don't wake him he needs sleep when the babies sleep Ariel UGH but I want to kiss him already :CC
Arista Then kiss him
Attina not to be hypocritical, but, you could kiss him!!
Alana how are you supposed to shag with the kids in the next room
Arista Idk that's what I did with Van
Alana kiss him!
Attina you both like each other, right??
Andrina very quietly Andrina duh
Ariel But what if he hasn't kissed me because he doesn't want to???
Arista he's a boy
Alana thats not fun, andrina
Andrina um if you make up a game that you're spies it is
Attina maybe he's just shy
Andrina gags Andrina duct tape
Alana ball gag Alana ok i see it
Alana atty, let's go to the sex shop
Andrina NO Andrina LETS TEXT Andrina THIS
Arista Oh can I come!
Andrina BOY
Alana YES
Ariel Woah I thought she's supposed to have sex with Paul! Ariel With condoms!
Alana to both lmao Alana oh ariel
Arista I definitely need new toys
Ariel What? Ariel Oh ew!!! You're talking about like... vibrators and stuff!!!
Attina IF we have sex it will not be for a /while/ okay he's got babies im sure he doesn't want to be serious with anyone until he knows them really well
Alana mhm
Ariel I don't need these images!!!!!
Alana andrina just take her bloody phone
Andrina SHE Andrina LOCKED Andrina HER
Arista is it with the bloody tail? why is there blood?
Andrina DOOR
Attina I did. Attina HE NEEDS to SLEEP
Alana how long have you been alive ris
Andrina i'm gonna climb up your fire escape you bitch
Alana and listening to people speak
Ariel Arista there is no bloody tail okay
Attina bloody like the curse word arista, darling
Ariel Everything is fine
Arista It's different over text. Inflation and stuff
Ariel Guuuuys Andrina can steal her phone in the morning
Andrina look, if he's a sensible guy, he has the phone on silent just DO IT
Attina also andrina i think you're not listening to the whole I'LL TEXT HIM TOMORROW AT A REASONABLE TIME Attina no i need to be considerate
Ariel Be considerate!
Andrina n o
Alana inflation
Ariel He's a good Daddy!
Alana oh yes get him to be your daddy, attina
Ariel We already have a Ariel OH NO GROSS Ariel ew ew weew ewwewew !!!
Alana youre catching on, i'm so proud
Attina alana stopppp that's my future maybe person im seeing you're talking about
Ariel I did a lot of research after texting him okay
Arista Wait we're getting more siblings?
Alana yes surprise
Andrina ok so can we all just agree that you are going to text him tomorrow can you put an alarm in your phone can you promise me to do this so we n e v e r have to d o this a g a i n
Arista ohhhh you meant Daddy as like Daddy Arista gotcha
Attina yes yes you can come watch me do it if you want andrina
Ariel You guys are gross
Alana send me snapchats Alana all of us Alana the asking in action
Ariel I want screencaps! Ariel NO NUDES!!!
Alana no nudes
Attina no one is sending nudes, ariel
Ariel Good
Alana ariel's still underage
Ariel Hey!
Arista Andrina we probably are gonna do it again. There are seven of us
Attina ^^
Andrina i mean this specific first-text-to-paul situation
Alana not all of us need to be coached
Attina well hopefully there will be no need for it
Ariel Don't let your dreams be dreams!!!
Alana when sending a text to Paul
Ariel Just do it!!!
Arista yeah but some Arista idk who knows
Andrina well arista is taken so that's one down
Attina i'm sure i'll need all of you to help me choose an outfit for our date but you can come over for that
Arista yeah paul's not my type
Ariel I'm taken... I think?
Attina i'll make martinis!!!
Andrina i will happily pick out an outfit with you
Ariel Are you taken if you've only gone on one date and it ended in punch being poured on your head?
Andrina that's how my first date went totally
Attina um have you hung out since then? have you DTRed
Alana have you talked since then???
Ariel well DUH
Attina at least it's memorable??
Alana ew dont say that atty it sounds weird when old people do it
Ariel we went to school and he's visited me at rehearsal!!
Arista ^^^
Attina im not THAT OLD
Ariel also what's dtr
Arista aw he visited you
Alana define the relationship
Attina defined the relationship y'know had the "i dont want to see other people" phase
Ariel OH Ariel no we have not
Alana lmao thats when i run Alana well just ask! Alana if you wanna
Ariel but he did say he's gonna take me on a surprise date
Andrina holla
Ariel and play me a song
Attina oh see, there you go!
Andrina one of THOSE
Ariel and I asked him what I should wear and he said I should just look nice, which I always do
Alana wow
Arista You need to record the song. So I can judge
Alana ask him to play wonderwall
Ariel HIS WORDS Ariel not mine ok
Attina ooo yes secretly record the song
Andrina wow show up in sweat pants, no make up
Attina that's so SWEET
Ariel OH i LOVE wonderwall!
Andrina subvert his expectations Andrina smash the patriarchy etc etc bla bla
Arista wonderwall is so cliche
Ariel NO i have to look GOOD
Attina wonderwall is a perfectly lovely song
Ariel i'll try to record it but i also just want to be in the moment, y'know?
Andrina you can look good in sweatpants
Attina ugh yeah i guess i understand
Alana yoga pants make any ass look great
Ariel and Wonderwall is not cliche :C
Arista yeah if wanna be bored to sleep and be like every other dude with a guitar
Alana ^^
Attina i think him playing her anything is lovely and sweet and thoughtful
Arista I have high musical expectations okay
Ariel I'm going to specifically ask him to play Wonderwall now Ariel because sccrew you guys Ariel THANK YOU Attina
Alana i was 100% not serious when i said that, i need you to know, ris
Attina xoxoxo
Ariel I think I'll wear a dress
Attina wow look at us triton girls going on dates and shit
Andrina wow don't generalize us
Arista I was almost shocked Lan, thought I knew you better. I do know you better tho
Ariel Lana, would you do my makeup?
Alana yessss
Attina why don't we pick out outfits on the same night!!
Ariel Omg that would be so fun!!!
Ariel and thank you Lan!!!
Ariel: 😄 😄 😄
Attina i mean obviously im getting ahead of myself paul needs to say yes first there is a like one in seven chance remember--like a leopard
Arista I think Ariel bringing her whole closet to Attina's will be kinda time consuming
Ariel I won't bring all my clothes, just some options
Attina yes but we can DRINK at my house
Andrina i'll make the drinks thats my contribution
Ariel Oooh okay!
Alana i'll bring my stuff
Ariel Then I won't be so nervous! Ariel And maybe I /will/ kiss him!
Arista you should
Alana wow
Attina you'll have to tell us all about it!!
Alana thats so pure
Ariel Just don't let me get drunk okay
Arista unless he plays wonderwall
Alana will do
Ariel Aristaaaaa
Attina especially if he plays wonderwall 😉
Ariel 😉
Alana andrina what is your verdict on wonderwall
Attina and you get cut off after a drink and a half ariel
Ariel Okay, okay!
Attina and you have to spend the night
Ariel That sounds perfect anyway
Andrina i think wonderwall in the right context is perfectly ironic
Ariel Hey question
Andrina this doesn't sound like that context
Alana good
Ariel Where the heck is Aquata???
Alana what ariel Alana idk swim camp
Ariel Is she ignoring us???
Attina probably sLEEPINg like we should all be
Ariel OH
Alana training
Ariel Did she leave for swim camp already??
Arista Oh I stole her pillow again, so she's probably angry at everyone
Ariel That makes sense
Alana idkk
Ariel Why do you keep stealing her pillows??
Arista I don't notice that I do it. I just talk to her and the pillow ends up in my room. Idk she has so many idk why she misses one
Attina she's been doing that since they were little
Ariel I think that's like called something
Andrina also why would she be angry at all of us for your crimes
Ariel ummm
Arista because it found its way into Alana's room?
Attina yeah andrina and i dont even live there pfft
Alana she's just training or something idk Alana let her live her life
Attina well that /does/ means she's sleeping bc she actually wakes up at a decent time
Attina like i've got to. i've got /work/ tomorrow
Alana lol true
Andrina noon is a perfectly decent time
Attina unlike most of us
Andrina i have work
Attina is that when i should text paul then? noon?
Andrina do i have work Andrina hey attina,,,
Ariel Hey! I'm a student!
Alana yes
Arista Hey! I work. My gigs are just at night
Ariel This is my break time!
Alana i make money by batting my eyelashes
Attina that was mostly a shot at andrina xo
Andrina seriously do i have work Andrina am i working Andrina when am i working
Attina come in at noon
Ariel Wouldn't you know if you were?
Andrina so you can text paul
Attina yes.
Andrina got it Andrina look ariel, let ME live MY life
Attina don't forget or i wont' do it
Ariel I am! Ariel I'm just SAYING
Andrina that's putting a lot of pressure on me
Ariel Although I did almost miss rehearsal the other day, so I can't blame you for not knowing...
Alana wow
Attina yup my future happiness rests in your hands, dear sister
Arista dsakj
Attina ariel! how do you miss being /juliet/
Alana dont fuck up andrina
Andrina where have i heard that before lmao
Ariel I was distracted!!!
Alana by dashy poo?
Attina omg dashy poo
Ariel ew don't call him that that's gross Ariel his name is DASH
Arista Dashy-kins
Ariel and NO Ariel not that either guysss stoooop
Arista Dashanova
Attina sidenote: what kind of name is dash? i know his brother and his name is jack jack which im assuming is just a nickname for jack but dash????
Ariel He could be like THE ONE I don't want to be thinking of him as Dashy-poo ew
Andrina what kind of name is andrina
Alana man if i ever get a boyfriend ever im gonna give him the wORst nickname
Andrina there are some questions we'lll never answer
Ariel I think his full name is Dashiell! Ariel or something
Alana like the guy who wrote the maltese falcon?
Attina oh, that makes more sense
Ariel I'm not sure though
Attina well i don't know where you pulled that name from otherwise lolol
Arista why would someone write about a dog-bird
Ariel Did I show you guys all the snowglobe he got me???
Arista wait here's a dog-bird???
Alana its edgy, ris
Arista: there's**
Andrina don't crush someone's artistic vision
Attina he got you a snowglobe!! that's so cute!!!
Ariel [sends picture of snowglobe]
Ariel It plays music!
Alana cute
Arista does it bark or screech?
Attina awww that's perfect for you ariel
Ariel It's how he asked me to prom
Alana depends on its mood
Ariel He's like, the sweetest
Alana wow
Attina ohhhhh i think i remember you telling me that now
Andrina super,
Attina he's a magick then?
Alana double wow
Arista Not always the best in certain situations
Alana maybe he wont freak out with the tail thing
Ariel Yeah!
Ariel Um... maybe
Attina you're NOT telling him abotu the tail thing
Arista idk that might hurt, like being with a jackhammer
Ariel But yeah and he even saved someone once with it!
Alana but attina what if theyre in loooveee
Andrina like Andrina being Andrina with Andrina a jackhammer
Attina it's too much of a risk
Alana omfg
Arista your phone is doing the thing again Andrina
Attina that's for when you're /married/ and fully committed
Alana maybe he can vibrate his body really fast
Ariel Andrina stop!
Alana and concentrate that
Andrina wow Andrina im Andrina not
Ariel I'm not going to tell him
Andrina doing Andrina anything
Arista Wow idk then weird
Attina i know, ariel. it just--stresses me out when people JOKE ABOUT IT
Alana what if someone dumps you after
Ariel I wish I didn't have a secret TO keep from him
Alana and youve already PROFESSED your love
Attina that's why i said it's for /marriage/
Alana and theyre like wow u lied Alana this whole time Alana lmao
Attina well anyone who really loves you will understand
Arista so you wanna be trapped with someone who would dump u over a tail?
Andrina i feel like it goes first date, flash tits, mermaid secret exposed
Attina it's not like it's dangerous
Alana exactly
Attina exactly, arista. it's for our SAFETY
Alana to andy not atty
Ariel Daddy thinks it is
Attina all of ours
Alana well thats why you donT MARRY SOMEONE BEFORE THEY KNOW
Ariel But what does he know? He's just an angry old man
Alana tahts why im not getting married
Attina i mean, being a mermaid is dangerous. to us. not to anyone else. Attina we're not werewolves or vampires. but if people know they'll--you know.
Andrina bang bang
Ariel When I get married, it's going to be with someone that knows and loves me and won't make anyone keep any secrets, especially not our children.
Alana i mean some people still dont like fairies and sorcerers Alana lots of people also don't like lies
Attina thank you andrina. for putting it so eloquently.
Ariel But how do you know when to tel someone? That is like... ??????
Andrina what im here for boss
Alana idk like i said not my plan Alana im just messing with everyone
Andrina same i'm gonna marry like, a shark
Attina i know, ariel, it's hard, but--well, talk to us. talk to daddy.
Ariel If you wait too long they get MAD and then if you don't wait long enough they might not Ariel NO Ariel We will NOT talk to Daddy
Andrina or an eel Andrina or a jellyfish
Alana im gonna marry an octopus
Andrina maybe an eel-jellyfish hybrid
Attina once you've been dating someone for a while, daddy will come around
Andrina wow that's a good one thing of all the tentacles
Attina he knows we cant keep it a secret forever
Alana exactly
Ariel Pfft, suuuure he will
Attina he will. i know he will. he's just trying to keep us all safe.
Ariel Whatever
Alana shouldnt you be sleeping attina Alana big day tomorrow Alana texting a boy
Andrina ^^^
Attina yes yes true
Attina good night, love you!
Ariel good night! love you too!!
Arista nighty night
Andrina night losers
Alana ^^
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musiclovingbitch · 7 years
What Uneducated Hipster Wannabes Can Do For You
Summary: AU. Age!Gap Broadway!Blaine. 
Based on this prompt: ‘I’m yelling to my friend about how attractive this celebrity is and then plot twist you’re the celebrity and in front of me wtf’
I read this prompt wrong when I first saw it so the fic doesn't follow the prompt exactly.
~1.3k words
on AO3
[A/N:  For those of you wondering, Blaine is in his mid-thirties, and Kurt in his early twenties. Think 36/24 respectively.]
Kurt scoffed at his friend’s words, shaking his head in disbelief. “Oh, come on. Were we even in the same room? It was spectacular! The choreography was fantastic, every move was done expertly, and the music was incredibly moving. It was a wonderful show!”
His friend apparently disagreed, judging by the face he pulled. They paused their conversation and entered the coffee shop, quickly getting in line. “It was not that great. And the lead was pitchy.”
That was the last straw. “You’re kidding me right? Did you actually just say that Blaine Anderson, Broadway legend, was pitchy?” He didn’t realize it, but his voice got progressively higher as he continued on. He wouldn’t have cared anyway, because he was fed up with this guy’s bullshit. “You did not just say that.”
“Woah, Kurt, chill. That’s my opinion. You’re taking this way too seriously.” His friend-no-more said, eyes wide.
“Yes, well, your opinion is wrong. You seem to have forgotten that I graduated from NYADA with honors. I have a professionally trained ear and I know when someone is pitchy--which, by the way, makes karaoke nights with you a torturous affair. Blaine Anderson was not, is not, and will never be pitchy, you uneducated hipster wannabe!”
“Wow.” Was his only answer before he promptly turned on his heels and stormed out of the coffee shop.
Kurt huffed tiredly, knowing that Vogue tomorrow was not going to be pleasant. But really, he couldn’t help but think it was worth it. That guy was such an ass, even worse that the lowlifes that used to follow Rachel, and eventually him as well, around and pass judgement at everyone and everything. He shook his head to clear it and finally noticed his surroundings. The shop had only a few customers, all of whom were not-so-subtly staring at him.
He flushed, slightly mortified. He resigned himself to a few more minutes of horror, and then he could get his cup of coffee and never come back here again.
The line moves again and he’s just so close. He eyes the cupcakes on display, deciding that public humiliation is excuse enough to get a couple.
“Hey, Blaine!” says the cheery employee from behind the counter. “Medium drip as usual?”
“Well,” the person in front of him says and the small smile on Kurt’s face falls away abruptly, because he knows that voice. He knows that voice and he wants to die. Literally, physically die. This cannot be happening.
“I think I’ll switch to green tea for a couple of days. Apparently, I was a bit pitchy last night, so. Maybe I should rest my voice.” Blaine Anderson--Blaine Anderson dear lord-- says airily. He sounds amused, so at least his feelings aren’t hurt or anything. Then again, after being on Broadway for so many years he must have developed a pretty tough skin.
The young woman behind the counter chuckles and says “Coming right up!”
Blaine Anderson walks over to the other end of the counter to wait for his drink, so Kurt steps up to the counter.
“I’ll be right with you, sir.” the woman says, and Kurt nods. He bounces a little on his toes, getting increasingly desperate to get out of there and never return as the moments pass.
“Excuse me.” he hears, and turns to see Blaine Anderson walking towards him. He sticks out a hand.
“I’m Blaine Anderson. Kurt, is it?” His smile is genuine and he’s so close. Kurt’s sure he can stare into his eyes forever. After Blaine’s smile slips just a bit, he realizes that he’s waiting for an answer and that he still hasn’t taken the offered hand. He grasps it and shakes it a tad more vigorously than absolutely necessary, stumbling a little over his words.
“Yeah, yes, it’s Kurt, I’m… Kurt. Kurt Hummel. Nice to meet you.” he finishes with a smile, and lets go of the man’s hand. What is wrong with you?
“The pleasure is all mine, Kurt Hummel. I wanted to thank you for defending my honor back there. And I’m very flattered, by the way.” Blaine says, and god, he’s having a conversation with Blaine Anderson is this real life?
He blushes to the roots of his hair. “Uh--um, well, that was not--um, that was a long time coming, really. That man is insufferable.”
“Here’s your tea, Blaine.” the woman is there, suddenly, and they both slightly startle at the sound of her voice.
“Thanks, Stefanie.” he says with a smile, handing her the money in his palm. “Keep the change.”
The woman--Stefanie-- smiles sweetly and turns to Kurt. “And what can I get you today, sir?”
“Oh, um. A mocha, please. And one of those cupcakes there. Please.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back.”
She leaves, and they’re alone once more. Well, not really alone, but still. Blaine has not made any move to leave, nor has he made any attempt at further conversation. They just stand there, awkwardly, stealing glances at each other and blushing when they get caught.
Stefanie ends their suffering by bringing Kurt his coffee and cupcake. Kurt reaches for his wallet but is stopped by Blaine.
“May I please pay for your coffee. As a thank you.”
“Oh, you really don’t need to do that, it’s fine.” Kurt protests.
“No, please, I want to.” Blaine insists.
Kurt hesitates for only a moment further before nodding and saying “Alright. Thank you very much.”
Blaine smiles brightly, and hands Stefanie some cash. She hands the coffee and cupcake to Kurt, who takes it and turns to Blaine.
They both linger, neither wanting to part yet. Kurt sucks in a breath and gathers all his courage. This may be the stupidest decision he’s ever made, but if he’s right, something really great may come of it.
“Would you… like to join me?” He asks haltingly.
Blaine pauses, then smiles. “I’d love to.”
They sit at one of the tables towards the back of the cafe and talk for forty minutes before Kurt realizes he has to go or he’ll be late for work.
“I’m sorry to leave, but I really have to get back to work now.” Kurt says with a half-grimace/half-smile.
“Oh, that’s quite alright. I should get back to my day as well, I suppose.” Blaine acquiesces.
Kurt discards of both their coffee cups along with his cupcake wrapper and returns to the table. He doesn’t sit down again, but he lingers, running his fingers over the chair he was sitting on.
“So…” he starts but trails off.
Blaine looks at him for a few seconds before saying “I apologize if I’m being too forward, but can I please get your number?”
The way Blaine looks up at him with a small, hopeful smile makes Kurt melt, just a little bit.
“Of course. ”
Blaine’s smile widens as he hands Kurt his phone and Kurt enters his phone number.
“So, I need to ask. Was...was this a...date?”
“Well… it could be, if you wanted it to be. No pressure though.” Blaine said earnestly.
“I… I’d like it to be. But only if you’d like it to be as well.” Kurt confesses.
“Then this is the end to our very first date.” Blaine said and stood up.
They smiled at each other for a few seconds before Kurt realized that he was running very late.
“Okay. I’m glad. Really glad. But, I really need to go now, or else I’ll get in trouble.” Kurt said sheepishly.
“That’s fine. Goodbye, Kurt. Have a nice day.”
“See you later. And you, too.”
Kurt smiled over his shoulder as he hurried out of the coffee shop.
His phone buzzed with a new text, and he didn’t have to check to know who it was from.
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