#oh shitttttttttttttt
gobletoffeels · 1 year
two of my favorite slytherins in the same room???? Be still my heart
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kween-kiri · 5 months
Carol & the End of the World…
Holy shit I just watched the last episode and holy shitttttttttttttt. Like never ever have I watched something that made me feel simultaneously beautiful while being left with like nauseating fear hanging over my head oh my god.
What an amazing piece of art that show was. And how amazing being human and us really is.
I could really REALLY go into major detail about how that last episode could be a metaphor for Tumblr during the pandemic but I shan’t because I will sincerely make myself incredibly fucking sad and depressy.
But holy fucking shit I cannot recommend this one enough y’all. It catches you a little off guard at how umm cathartic and like broken down to the basics they make some huge life concepts . Just just watch it please.
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pantheracatluv1105 · 1 year
Nerdy prudes must die thoughts warning random Spoilers Read at your own risk these were just my thoughts as I watched
Opening scene makes me think tinkys gonna be the baddie this time around he's one of the most sadistic
Lots of little nods to nightmare time with the night hawks and grace chastity back again
Corey and Mariah being a father daughter duo again! slaps! Also the fact that she put her hand between her phone and a literal hammer and it seemed like something a teen would actually do ha scary how realistic that part was
Corey as Jason is fucken hilarious as the one nice himbo in the group of dumb jocks
The Cackle from the audience made my night
Dirty girl is gonna be stuck in my head for weeks but I won't be able to sing it out loud
The collective aww when poor Pete came out with that black eye so sweet starkid is really good at getting you invested in their characters
Angela as grace chastity is the best I love her she's so horrible and amazing
Did they name the Whalen house after Kim??
Kudos to the choreograper they are amazing and I love it so much just little moves that just really establish character I love the heart it brings
"Am i reading as ghost or Lin Manuel Miranda"
oh fuck the homeless man reference definitely foreshadowing for twinky stuff being afoot maybe hopefully
Max is so dumb I love/hate him
Soo so so dumb
Boo hoo bitch haaaaaaa
Oooooh is max gonna haunt them !!!!
Kill count 💀 1
Bury the body also slaps and I also can't sing this in public without getting looks
Pete and Steph are cute together
Things are looking up but I don't think this is gonna last for long
Ooh the Clydesdale vs Hatchetfeild rivalry still going strong
On noooooooo he's gonna die he's alone !!!!!!! Never be alone in a horror musical the ohh no from the audience as they caught in too
Smoke club reference 👌😎 👌
The score holy fuck it hits I'm not a loser
Nightmare time theme wooo
Kill count 💀 2
The chair kick chefs kiss immaculate
Turtle Lauren 🐢 🐢 🐢
Ma brarbaque
The audiences reactions are one of the best parts of this
Ruuuuth why you gotta go by yourself love the solo but ya should've gone home with the rest of them
Also Lauren slays have I mentioned that she's amazing The whole cast is but I've always had a soft spot for her
The sadistic head pats ha
Kill count 💀 3
Kim's screams 😱 😍
Oh shitttttttttttttt the cop lady!! She's figuring shit out
Ballet flats and a gun 🔫 grace chastity people
Joey as hot chocolate boiiiiiiii
Sells women shoe- shoes Joey's little flub was hilarious
Steph being every lesbians dream
Also Steph and Pete's chemistry is adorable
Good luck getting a hold of her Does your phone plan cover calls to hell She's bisexual and dead where else would she be.
Holy fuck love that line I need that on a tshirt
Who am I...flops
Ohh shit what is up with that house 🏠 😳
Chairs clinking in the dark
Ooh church of the starry children were bringing it back love me some Lore drops
You can't touch him but he can touch you audience cackles
Ooooooooooooooooh THE BLACK BOOK MORE LORE!!!!!
Ooooooooooooh tinky tinky tinky time
I beg to differ bitch
Kill count 💀 5
Should stayed in Chicago cop lady
Kill count 💀 6 maybe?????
Love the lighting BTW the sound and lighting guys deserve all the praise
Who knows what kinda doors were gonna open
Singing the lords in blacks names dang I'm gonna need to memorize
The lords in black all together ❤️ love them
Pallywalls I guess it's not just tinky this time
The phone she cherishs it above all else haaa
Ooooooohhh nooooooooo she wants Pete nononononononononononononon
Pay the price or fuck off
Fuck she's gonna kill him nooooooo
I'm into you steph awwww I'm gonna cry 😢
The purple light is blinky still watching 👀??
They could have gone to homecoming together 😢😫
So you do know the Bible
Danmmm grace chastity lines all fucken slap
The slow step forward I love max the evil himbo ❤️
Grace is having sex with a fucken ghost 👻
The jump up on the bleachers he's amazing
So we get a happy ending I guess????
Awwwww Pete and Steph they did make it to homecoming after all
Kill count 💀 is 5 after all the cop lady survived
Love the homecoming number
Oh shittttttttt grace has gone off the rails love that for her
Welp it's done and I loved it
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mothpile · 6 months
OH MY GOD GOT TO THE PART WHERE THAT FUCKING! 'kickstarter' thing he did for getting Money to making an Indepentent Film Studio that i actually Was Around For to Hear About when i still mildly watched james's stuff And this whole time i was like Oh thats gonna come up isnt it. what fucking happened to it. ooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO This is just All or Nothing but NO NO FUCKING WAY NO FUCKING WAY NOT AGAIN A PLAGARISM OH HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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omppupiiras · 10 months
Holy shitttttttttttttt the new song & the performance 💀💀💀💀💀 i am dead oh my god
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tachvintlogic · 1 year
The Lightning Conductor 1/28 entry commentary (this book has been great)
In which a crowd converges and the truth comes out!
Okay, these are the Barrows that Jack's mom wanted to set Jack up with. Hmmm...
That's what I mean when I say she wants a lot of living up to; and more than once in the last two months or so I'd have given my boots if Pa and I hadn't bound ourselves to travel about with her, but had gone off on our own, with a courier, like that handsome one I sent you the snapshot of with the Yankee girl at Blois.
So she doesn't much care for his mother, and she doesn't realize that "handsoem courier" is actually the real Jack Winston.
Well, I told you how vexed Lady B. was because "Jack," as she calls him, couldn't get to Cannes. He was always writing from different places and making excuses, till Pa said in his joking way, he'd bet that "Jack was up to some game of his own," and my lady didn't like that a little bit.
He certainly is. LOL
I was afraid there might be something in that joke of yours about his trying to keep out of my way, and I was bound he shouldn't think I was after him. There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it for a girl who can bait her hook as I can.
So I'm not 100% sure what she's saying but it sounds like she's not really interested in him.
[A] telegram arrived for Lady B. She was in a twitter, and gave it to Pa to read, and say what he thought. It was sent from Naples by a perfect stranger to her, who signed his name James Van Wyck Payne
Oh dear.
This is going to be good! I'm on the edge of my seat!
I proposed showing it to Lady B., but she was frightfully upset already; and Mr. Payne said he didn't see that it would do any good to harrow up her feelings still more now, and perhaps if we did she wouldn't be able to undertake a journey.
Oh shitttttttttttttt...
He - Mr. Payne, I mean - had written from Rome to the girl's father in New York, that she was in the power of an abandoned ruffian, and the father had started off to the rescue the very day after receiving the letter.
Oh shit her father just barely keeps missing her and neither she or Jack realize it!
Mr. Payne said he was that kind of man; and if Lady B. would go on now by the next train to Taormina, everybody might confront the chauffeur and denounce him at once.
I cannot wait!!!!!
I was very much interested, of course, and naturally wanted to be in at the death, which Mr. Payne seemed quite pleased to have me do, for we had by this time made up great friends; we seemed so congenial in many ways, and he knows such quantities of swell people everywhere.
Girl I'm so sorry to say but that man is a true scoundrel.
Mr. Payne and I talked in low voices about people we knew. Sometimes I intimated I knew them, too, and others still more swell, for I didn't like to seem out of it; and luckily I'd read a great deal about them in the Society papers, so I was never at a loss.
Actually, maybe they are two peas in a pod. They can go on and talk about people they don't know like they knew them all day.
[I]t was decided that we should drive straight down to Sir Evelyn Haines', where probably the horrible chauffeur was audaciously passing himself off as the Honourable Jack Winston, whom Sir Evelyn had never met.
He's not just passing himself off as the Honourable Jack Winston :-)
She stood looking perfectly dazed, as he told her how it was now proved beyond a doubt that her chauffeur, of whom she thought so highly, was a fraudulent villain, a thief, and, it was to be feared, even worse.
Oh no!!! :0
"There's Dad!" and at the same moment she ran ahead of us, across the grass to where a tall, big man with short, curly grey hair and a smooth-shaven face stood under a tree talking to another man whose back - which was turned to us - looked a tiny bit familiar
This is going to be so gooooooooooood
"Jack!" cried Lady B. And then it was our turn to be surprised. We supposed at first that she'd gone mad; but, my dear girl, it was true. The murderous chauffeur was the Honourable Jack!
*evil cackling*
But the big man answered, in a slow, drawling way, as if he were just ready to laugh, "Well, I guess I won't do much. Mr. Winston and I met here accidentally, and talked to each other awhile before either of us knew who the other was; and when we did know, why, he was able to give me a pretty satisfactory explanation. I guess there's nothing much that's wrong; and I hope Mr. Winston will introduce me to his mother."
Well I'm glad that Jack and Molly's dad got along well!
By-and-by Mr. Payne joined us, poor fellow, and I did what I could to console him, telling him that was always the way in this world, with the well-meaning, unselfish people.
I'm just this is a pair the spares situation. I wish them luck lying about knowing people.
But these American girls think such a lot of themselves, that they don't like being played with; and judging by the look on her face this afternoon when she heard the truth, she was hurt and angry all the way down to the quick. [...] I must say, in my opinion, it would serve him right if she did.
Yeah Jack you really didn't need to lie to her like that. Imagine how much easier this whole thing could've been if you just offered to accompany her as yourself?
Well, considering her father is here, she doesn't need to address her letters to him anymore.
When Jimmy Payne suddenly hurled himself at me out of a cab [...] and exploded into fireworks calculated to blow my poor Lightning Conductor into fragments, I threw cold water on his Roman candles and rockets.
It was almost as difficult to believe at first that he had tricked me by pretending to be Brown, when he was really Mr. Winston, as it would have been to believe Jimmy Payne's penny-dreadful stories.
I imagine it was.
Women are supposed to have no abstract sense of justice, but I thought my girl was different.
Mr. Randolph, your daughter just found out she's been lied to and made a fool of for months. She's allowed to be angry. SMH
Naturally, as it was the only thing to be said, his lips asked the same question his eyes had asked before. "Can you forgive me?"
Damn, Jack is more perspective how much he screwed up than the dad is. "Can you forgive me?" not even a "Will you forgive me?" or "May I have your forgiveness" but he asks if forgiveness is even possible.
"I fancied it was myself; but I didn't mind that, or anything else which gave me a chance of being near you, even under false pretences. It is for deceiving you that I ask to be forgiven. I lived a good many lies as Brown, but honestly, I believe I never told one."
Dude, you're not doing yourself any favors. You most certainly did tell lies.
I couldn't say another word, for thinking of Brown being in love with me, and there being no reason why I shouldn't let myself love him too - except, of course, one's self-respect after all that had happened.
This is a romantic comedy. :)
"No - I don't think I could have done that. I- I depended on Brown so much. I used- to wonder how I should ever get on without him." "Don't get on without him. I'll be your chauffeur all my days, if those are the only terms on which you'll take me back. But are there no other terms? What I want is-" "What?" I couldn't resist asking when he paused. "Everything!"
Shaking my head while giggling. I love these idiots.
I heard myself saying: "I do forgive you." "And love me - a little?" "No; not a little." Then he caught me in his arms, though at any moment someone might have passed the summer-house door and seen us. He didn't think of that, apparently, and neither did I at the time. I thought only of Brown-Brown-Brown. There was nobody in the world but Brown.
And they're now together! How sweet. I loved this book. It's such a shame the fandom is so small.
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dralbum · 9 months
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rottenangelwings · 3 years
god i’m so fucking sick of feeling like this
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fantage-archive · 7 years
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itstonyowo · 3 years
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russersprouts · 4 years
Also not to use tumblr as a personal blogging experience like it was originally meant to be or anything but holy shitttttttttttttt
I was always aware of the terms executive disfunction and RSD and I just was like “huh I might have those interesting” and so last night I finally decided to actually read up about them and hholy fuck not only do I have both of those things rattling around in my brain but they are very good words to use when you think “oh yes this is probably why I am like this way sometimes”
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
so setting the ~scene~, you come home after a few days away and you get home to London late in the afternoon and he’s not able to stay in and cuddle n fuck because he has to go to a lil art exhibit and you see him in his hot ass black suit and he asks “sure you don’t wanna go?” and you’re laying in bed in sweatpants and a hoodie and ask “can I wear this?” and he’s like 🙄 “just be awake when I get home, got something I wanna do”
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looselucy · 4 years
you are so right about fine line being something that m83 would do!!! , i love that fucking song it does things to my heart and soul that i cannot explain and i do think that harry really outdid himself with that one. having said that "hurry up, we are dreaming" is one of my favorites records EVER. you are so on pointttt fine line reminds me a little bit of wait. the beggining and the building of the song at the end.
YES, IT HAS WAIT VIBES, RIGHT? Oh god even thinking about Wait makes me want to cry. The power behind that song. Shit. Holy shitttttttttttttt. Unreal.
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alxstemxly · 6 years
I'm not a stripper that hides in cakes, but we can make cake and I'll strip for you all the same
oh shitttttttttttttt
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jericho-12 · 3 years
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auditorytrauma · 6 years
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