#oh no a natural disaster!
scribefindegil · 1 year
What a wild fucking day for Serizawa's anxiety
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
theres a part in my fern textbook where it talks about fern 'spore banks' in the soil where fern spores land on the ground and instead of germinating get buried and can stay viable for several years and sometimes i think about it bc although they didnt elaborate on why this might be useful, if i was a fern-- a little guy who's survival strategy is notoriously to be the first to colonize any disturbed new places so i dont have to bother with any competition-- this would be a pretty sick deal.
like this is unconfirmed fern lore but like, if im a spore sittin several inches to feet underground and something happens thats bad enough to rip up the soil and expose me to sunlight and water again, its probably also bad enough to rip up all my competition and let me do whatever i want on a clean slate with all the nutrients i could wish for in the ruins of the ecosystem i was buried under. like, via a terrible natural disaster or landslide or something. and im already adapted to the environment because i came from a fern that was there the last time the land was ripped up and recolonized with ferns. rip to the other plants but im different lmaooo
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agentc0rn · 1 month
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Lonely earth-bound monarch figures whose existences and legacies extend past the bounds of time and space.
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do you think with all of henrys weird ass cop training shawn knows the warning signs for different natural disasters
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unreal-unearthing · 8 months
My gender is whatever the fuck The Archivist has got going on - just a weird, anxiety-ridden asexual disaster academic.
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padfootastic · 1 year
Day 25 - Braid
written for @prongsfoot-microfic!
The minute Remus saw the braids in Sirius’ hair, he knew it would be a bad day.
If it was just one, or even two, then there wouldn’t be a need to resort to such dramatics but that there were…three, four, five—sheesh who hurt him—six, seven braids in total meant that, well. Either someone was about to die or James was about to combust. Sirius would be doing the killing, of course, because how dare anyone push James to such an edge but that didn’t make any it any better. If anything, it was worse. Remus resigned himself to clean-up duty and damage control for the rest of the week.
Sirius’ hair was like a Richter scale determining the seismic intensity of James’ emotions. Oh, two-three braids? Not that bad, could just be a regular day. Five? Yellow flag. Houston, we have a problem.
A six-seven pointer? Steer clear for there’s either thunderclouds brewing or dangerous levels of brooding going on.
But, anything eight or above? Immediate evacuation. The entire surrounding area is at risk of total annihilation. All of Sirius’ considerable capabilities would be geared towards managing James, leaving everyone else vulnerable.
So when Remus sees the seven braids, tied into an intricate updo, he immediately gathered his things and got up. Better to make his escape now.
But it’s the look on Sirius’ face that made his brisk walk turn into a near run as he tried to get away from the blast radius as quickly as possible.
He sighed in relief as a large explosion rocked the ground beneath his feet the moment he cleared the corner. Thank Merlin.
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arabriddler · 25 days
2 months until my birthday my 23rd year of life was kind of wild
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apparently weather is supposed to be really bad here tomorrow afternoon :) like tornado bad :) anxiety is. here :)
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recurring-polynya · 10 months
if you, as an author, create a minor character who is important to one of your primary characters, and then kill them off so the main character will be sad, know this: i hate you. i am biting you. i hope you get a hangnail and that the grocery store is out of your preferred plant milk.
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otaku553 · 1 year
God I have so many thoughts about suzume,,
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sidereon-spaceace · 1 month
Narrowing my eyes at Frostpunk. Maybe i should watch a playthrough or something as homework
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dbphantom · 6 months
on this laptop is some old near art from hs/college and augh them...
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#i can tell the person walking in front of Caleb was meant to be jerric bc the color of his lab coat is a super pale green#also honestly shout out to 2016 me for putting cord in a postal worker uniform SEVEN YEARS BEFORE I DECIDED TO MAKE RESTORATION#A DELIVERY/POSTAL SERVICE#GIANT BRAIN MOMENT FROM TEENAGE ME#i am however deducting points for not making Jerric fatter until a few years ago#also jerric was assigned a fursona at work he's actually a wolf jsyk#idk unrelated to the tag tangent but related to some of the art#veneer has always had a big theme (?) of like. the horrors of a corporation owning you#esp when you don't have a choice#jerric is a huge part of that in 2 ways#his implants are crestfall tech (that HE designed and THEY own) which they can just turn off at any time#(he's so lucky being the one who designed them because what abt the people who CAN'T PERFORM THEIR OWN MAINTENANCE)#and he needs that job to because of his daughter (like he literally sold his freedom to CF to ensure her safety n livelihood)#all of them were specially chosen and their families allowed entry to the bubble cities by basically selling themselves#to the corporation in order to ensure their families would be able to live safe and happy lives not constantly under threat of#mutated wildlife trampling their homes or the fear of corporate wars destroying their hometown (oh hey Julian when did you get he-) or#natural disasters from the fcking climate crisis or the alien technology that eats people THE LIST GOES ON. THE WORLD IS IN RUIN.#POINT IS THEY SIGNED A CONTRACT ESSENTIALLY SELLING THEMSELVES TO THE CORPORATION IN ORDER TO ENSURE THEIR FAMILIES WERE SAFE#BUT THE ISSUE WITH THE BUBBLE CITIES IS THAT LIKE. THEY'RE ALL JUST WHITE SUBURBAN TOWNS. HELLSCAPE AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE#LITERALLY THEY'RE JUST CULTURE BLACK HOLES IN ORDER TO BE MARKETABLE. THAT IS KARAN'S STORY#so THEN the biggest theme of veneer is the art of being consumed#that is why the portals have teeth and [turn you into the funny fungus] eat you alive#there u go. now everything makes sense forever#i gotta draw more trains#veneer#cruddy rambles
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kimmkitsuragi · 8 months
ngl i get mad MAD when people are like "oh there are terrible things/people in europe too" in an effort to normalize what the fuck goes on here like lmfaooo thanks for telling me that i literally thought europe was a dreamland utopia where everything is good forever!!! welp at least they still have some basic human rights and stuff like that i guess.
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curiosity-killed · 9 months
despite the fact that, for at least 14 years, my Notable Dance Ability™ (to the point that every single new teacher and friend AND the artistic director I last auditioned for have to comment on it and/or make me demonstrate) is That Girl Can Jump, I've never thought much about being naturally good at it aside from joking about my thighs but now I'm trying to figure out how to teach kids the progression from like baby jumps to fun jumps and my brain is just like well. you just. you Just Do It. that is All.
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porchtart · 11 months
I live in hell because I both am obsessed with and know a lot about my special interests while also having really bad memory that requires me to constantly reread and research stuff over and over again when I am not confident that I'm remembering right. Anyway, this post brought to you by me going to answer a question about a made up fantasy world and proceeding to spiral while frantically flipping through my historical atlas of the Balkans.
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lisxdumbr · 1 year
When God hates you he sends you to live where I live btw
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