#oh and andraia
gooeykit · 6 months
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i havent touched these canvases in a while so im cutting my losses lol. aggies with @memorycycle and @greathoughtsphilosopy if i forgot anyone I SORRY i already closed the tab
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comicaurora · 2 years
May I ask why exactly season four is so bad?
Oh man. Caveat that I watched ReBoot season 4 only once and I was so crushed I repressed a lot of it, but as I recall the big problems that made it suffer were:
Season 3. Season 3 is so goddamn good and has such a beautiful, satisfying resolution that any follow-up would need to be transcendently good to measure up, and the first half of season 4 is just Fine. It doesn't successfully justify its own existence and it undercuts some of the best parts of season 3, a masterpiece that should not have been tarnished.
Idiot plots. Many key moments in season 4 hinge on intelligent, compassionate characters being remarkably stupid and cruel to their loved ones, most notably an entire arc where a second Bob pops out of a web portal with his pre-season-3 design and every single one of his friends and loved ones sides with Other Bob over the Bob they went to hell and back to rescue in season 3 who fought alongside them and saved the day over and over again. Bob is also sick all season with Heroic-Sacrifice-Induced Plot Pain and nobody notices or cares, and it is truly distracting how little this makes sense for any of these people to be that callous to the Best Boy. Bob is at least pretty in-character, but that just makes his pain and isolation that much more painful to watch, including a crushing moment where it looks like even his guardian keytool, Glitch, has chosen Other Bob over him. It does not feel good to see that happen to our hero, and there's not enough time in the season to give him an emotional resolution or reconciliation with the others for what happened!
Sidelining Enzo Matrix. Plucky kid hero Enzo is the arguable secondary protagonist of the first two seasons with a lot of focal episodes, upgrades to the full hero in season 3 and undergoes a brutal timeskip-induced redesign and arc, and then in season 4… is replaced in the spotlight by a brand new fresh copy of Original Kid Enzo, who becomes the focal protagonist while Grown-Up Matrix seethes and fades into the background. It feels like a jarring betrayal, and the show does not explore the existential nightmare of the theme it introduces with both Kid Enzo and Other Bob - being supplanted by a perfect, unscarred copy of yourself before your trauma reshaped you, a copy that your loved ones explicitly find easier to love. The show doesn't know what to do with the characters it spent season 3 changing so much, almost like the season shouldn't have happened at all. AndrAIa has it worse and gets sidelined even more, and if I recall spends most of the first half of the season brainwashed.
No villains. After season 3, Megabyte is defeated by launching him into the Web and Hexadecimal gets a full-on redemption arc and is recompiled as a sprite, not a virus, which is a problem in and of itself because it really defangs their most fun villain, but ehh. Season 4 needs to lean on new villains, starting with Daemon - a very cool-looking virus with an evil Joan of Arc vibe but unfortunately no personality and too much power to be fun to spar with - and then the back half of the season is all about the aforementioned painful-to-watch Other Bob arc that appears to have no villain but turns out to be a surprise Megabyte Is Back reveal.
No ending. Season 4 ends on a cliffhanger in a play for a fifth season. It didn't get one. If you want a satisfying ending to ReBoot, your only possible option is the Season 3 finale.
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amtrak12 · 19 days
❤️🧡🤍🩷💜A WLW ASK MEME❤️🧡🤍🩷💜 List the top 10 ladies you’ve been obsessed with Ever Of All Time! Then send this on to 5 sapphic mutuals 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Yes, fun! :D Thank you!!
Okay, I went fictional characters with this because I just don't really get obsessed with RL people outside of like a 5 year period between 2005-2010 where I followed select actors around to other shows. Also, there's only three ladies who I can confirm fit both 'obsessed' and 'ever of all time', so I've trudged through my entire childhood for every fictional lady who's helped shape my personality to round out the list.
In Chronological Order (to me not by air date):
Margaret Houlihan (M*A*S*H) -- Oh MASH reruns on the Hallmark channel, my beloved 💚 Now, I'm primarily talking about the juicy middle seasons after Potter took over command and Loretta Swit was able to wrestle some better storylines for Margaret, but there's some gems in the early years too. I've been drawn back to MASH three times as an adult and each time I get sucked deeper and deeper into both the real life history of the Korean War and the fictional character of Margaret. Do I have a thousand and one headcanons for how she handles life after the war? Yes. Am I obsessed with whatever platonic/sexual relationship she's got going on with Hawkeye? Yes. Have I plotted out what her D&D character might look like? YEP! She's a paladin :P I also believe if you examined her character through a queer lens, you'd find a trans man rather than a queer woman, but your mileage may vary.
AndrAIa (ReBoot) -- Yeah, yeah, yeah it's a cartoon, but bb 11 year old me was absolutely OBSESSED with this show, and AndrAIa was a big part of that. Look at her little capital AI in her name! 😭 25 years before corporate greed ruined the acronym, that AI was adorable!! And very clever given that she was an NPC game sprite who decided to leave her game and live as a real sprite. Her whole existence and vibe was very formative for me. I love her.
Harley Davidson Cooper (Guiding Light) -- Yes, her full name is absolutely necessary, even if no one ever used it. So, I was SUUUCH a CBS soap girlie back around 2000-2002, and I've been very nostalgic for it in the last few years. As the World Turns was my primary soap, so I figured one of my regular blorbos like Rose or Katie or Romana would be the one I miss most. But then Harley's actress Beth Ehlers popped up during my Law & Order SVU watch and I LOST MY MIND!!!!! Her face and voice instantly filled my soul with joy! So Harley gets the trophy. Even if she didn't have any stand out storylines during that era (apart from her and Gus being Very Hot), she was always my favorite character from GL.
Piper Halliwell (Charmed, original flavor) -- Technically, I had Turtle Wexler from the book The Westing Game on this list instead because I didn't remember Piper until after I'd drafted all ten slots :S But listen! That's because health problems have made my memory shitty! It is not because Piper doesn't stand up to the test of time! Ugh, I remember the show never treated Piper like she was the fan favorite and I hadn't discovered online TV forums yet so I felt so alone in my love for her :( But being on lesbian millennial Tumblr makes 14 year old me feel SO validated, because Piper is the only Halliwell sister anyone ever talks about on my dash. 💜 Congrats everyone. We were right all along.
Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls) -- Yeeeaaah.. we've hit the Big Three that I alluded to earlier. I was very, very gay for Lorelai (and Lauren Graham) in the latter half of my high school years, and I did not realize that until way later. She taught me how to be quicker with the comebacks and, more importantly, to marry someone who could cook instead of learning how to feed yourself. And I really took that to heart. My spouse is a fantastic cook! :) (Don't get scared for me guys! I do actually know how to cook three (3) entire meals now that I'm in my 30s :P lol)
Rose Tyler/Billie Piper (Doctor Who) -- I will list the actress here, because my love for Rose Tyler is probably split 50/50 between the character herself, and Billie Piper's charisma and hotness. She's gorgeous!!! 😍 That seemingly common question in the mid-2000s of 'Who would you kiss if you were gay?' always left me stumped until New Who aired in the states. Then, I was finally able to answer 'Billie Piper' and actually mean it. Because that's what you were supposed to do with that question, right? Take it seriously and not treat it like hyperbole? #totallystraightbehavior #swearsies Alas, it would take me two more girl crushes and interacting with genuine queer women in a femslash fandom before I recognized my feelings for what they were. But Rose was still a very significant step forward!
Myka Bering (Warehouse 13) -- MY GIRL!!! My Lady of all Ladies. I would die for her. I would kill for her. I would kneel and raise my sword and swear fealty to her. MYKA FUCKING BERING, EVERYONE! 👏👏👏👏 Watching her fall in love with Helena made me realize all my girl crushes were real crushes and that I was bi. Bless her. Bless Joanne Kelly. And bless the incomparable Bering and Wells fandom. *kisses everyone on the mouth, sloppy style*
Erin Gilbert (Ghostbusters 2016) -- Look, I know that I can never get away with pretending that Erin isn't my favorite ghostbuster, but I do usually think about her in the context of her relationships! Like 8 times out of 10, when I'm headcanoning, I'm thinking about her and Abby's relationship. And if I'm not, there's a not-so-small chance I'm thinking about her relationship with Patty instead. (RIP to Holtzy who I virtually never think about outside of the foursome. Her fanbase just ruined it for me :S) But um... yeah, Erin's my favorite. I even have Pokemon parties picked out for them all. And their daemons.
Eve (Lucifer) -- Okay so I know it hasn't even been a full high school (aka 4 years) since I met Eve, so I can't really say she's someone I'll stay obsessed with forever and ever and ever. You probably don't even believe I'm obsessed with her at all given the bulk of my Lucifer talk is about Lucifer/Chloe -- but that's just cause that's where the storyline is! Trust me, Eve is my favorite character, even if she was in the least amount of episodes (RIP me). When she pops up in the background of a Deckerstar fanvid, I'm instantly distracted and have to marathon every Maze/Eve vid in my collection. I decided to use a fandom name in the first time, like, ever, when creating my Lucifer-specific Twitter account and I made it Eve themed. She's my favorite, bestest girl who can do no wrong and -- YES! -- that does include accidentally-definitely-on-purpose starting a demon mutiny that led to newborn Charlie's kidnapping. She had never been dumped before okay? First woman to ever exist and she'd never been dumped. Did you handle your first break-up well? No! I didn't think so :P
Alex Cabot (Law & Order: SVU) -- I've only know Cabot for four months, but if anything happens to her, I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself -- OH WAIT! She already left me. 😭 I am in S17 now, which is like ten seasons past when she went into witness protection and barely ever came back, yet there's not an episode that goes by where I don't think about her. So, I say that counts as longevity and am sticking her on the list. This woman has Issues. Plural. Period. She makes me say shit like 'I want to dig into her brain with a fork' and it's actually an accurate metaphor for what I feel. I love her your honor... now who can I sue for emotional damages?
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
Get to know me
Tagged by @morel-marcel but I'm not tagging people because it gives me THE ANXIETY lol
Three ships: Final Fantasy IV: Edge/Kain, Chrono Trigger: Marle/Magus, AEW: Hookhausen
First Ever Ship: oh my god. Okay, listen, probably Matrix/AndrAIa, which also served as baby's big bisexual awakening. There was absolutely no reason for ReBoot to go as hard as it did, but YEAH BOI. I recorded Season 3 meticulously day by day from Toonami on a fucking VHS tape so I could rewatch it a thousand times.
Last Song: Toxic - cover by Our Last Night
Last Film: Rudolph, because my kid was sick this week and insisted on watching it 8 times in like 3 days. It was a lot.
Currently Reading: my ability to read was decimated by the pandemic and I've never gotten it back, and I am not reading anything right now. Except fanfic.
Currently Watching: only wrestling, I have no time for television. I suppose the last television shows I was super into were Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Bad Buddy lol. Technically I am watching Attack on Titan but we gotta wait forever for new content now.
Currently consuming: coffee, like usual
Current craving: sleep. Please for the love of god let me sleep. And maybe I'm craving some good news, cause lads, it has been a drought over here.
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hillnerd · 2 years
Oh my gosh, I want to hear you go off about Reboot! As a kid, I'd watch about everything with CGI, because I was computer obsessed, but Reboot was actually good. (Especially the episodes with Mouse in them.)
I wasn't in online fandom yet back then, but I ran a Reboot BESM game--I don't remember most of the characters, but Husband played a virus that infected a guardian and caught ethics (and didn't much care for them).
Yes! Omg I drew the show a ton, including like a next gen- then had a bunch of other kids at school be like ‘I want to be that character’ and I was like ‘I don’t know what that means but sure’ — a ton more kids were like ‘I want one too!’ So I was making infected guardian OCs left and right. Some kids were like ‘I don’t like reboot but I don’t want to be left out’ and I’m just like ‘my dude I was just drawing and people got obsessed with it- I don’t control this- im just a hyper fixated child’
I got into it when I randomly saw an episode of Matrix and AndrAIa as adults on Cartoon Network- I loved the gritty dark nature of it- when I finally saw the earlier seasons it was a bit of a shock. It was such a strange show looking back- I wrote some horrid fannfiction with a friend in school which was something 😳
Mouse Matrix and AndrAIa were my faves - as per usual angst wins me over every time 😅 though I also loved the Bob/Dot angst and the dark web stuff was cool. Also mega trim was such a good villain! Tony Jay is such a good voice actor!!!!
There was a ReBoot ‘ride’ that was not great at a Moody Gardens where you’re on one of those platform that shakes and moves and you have 3d glasses on.
I’m still mad about the 4th season (didn’t like it much) and how we were left with a cliffhanger!!!!
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cameoappearance · 7 years
it occurs to me that there are at least 2 female characters in reboot with retractable fingernail talons
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sparkyandthemermaid · 3 years
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“We did it! We did it AndrAIa, we did it!” “Oh, Enzo....”
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duskwingarts · 4 years
Reboot Icon Set For those who don't know what this is referencing, this was a popular show in the 90s where the theme was the battle that goes on in your computer where sprite protect them self from a virus there more to it so look it up... oh and it was one of the first fully CG animated series. Also an expansion of the original set, by popular request we present the Hexed Icon. The mysterious Icon that Hexadecimal gifted Enzo towards the end of the series, we've also added two more color variant. Enjoy this nostalgic set, perfect for any fan of Reboot. Available On Etsy: Set1: https://www.etsy.com/listing/243255409/reboot-set-of-8-buttons-pinback-225 Set2 : https://www.etsy.com/listing/777716218/reboot-hexed-icon-set-single-purchase-or @DuskWingArts Facebook Instagram Twitter DeviantArt Tumblr Pinterest #reboot #virus #90s #cartoons #computergraphics #bob #mouse #phong #andraia #rebel #dot #enzo #guardian #hexadecimal #incominggame #games #duskwingarts #cartoonshow #yingyang #tvseries #megabyte #Gigabyte #etsy #hexed #icon #pinbacks #matrix #getyourgeekon #buttons #badges https://www.instagram.com/p/CC5N8oQDizX/?igshid=1gz1t23qn7ieg
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gritsandbrits · 5 years
Reboot!Jo (Ben 10 OC)
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Jo belongs to me. The Ben 10 reboot belongs to Man of Action and Cartoon Network.
Colors: Peach, Tan, Light Yellow, Mahogany, Light Brown, Brown, and Black (colored pencils and black pen)
Colored sketch of Teenage Jora in the reboot continuity. Unlike my idea for her in the original Ben 10 where her powers are ambiguous, her powers explicitly comes from magic. She's still nine in the actual reboot but this is what she could look like as a teen in that universe.
Personally I think the reboot isn't as bad as people say it is. It's nowhere near as bad as Reboot: The Guardian Code (thank God AndrAia and Matrix isn't in it).
Jo has a Magical Girl aesthetic with noticeable differences, such as having less frills and lace as well as shorts. Too often I see MGs that wears skirts and leotards and not enough that wear shorts, pants, or capris. At the same time I didn't want them to look too plain so I added frills on the hems.
Oh yeah and she's not wearing pink; another huge bonus of breaking the mold.
Reboot!Jo is more outgoing than shy, though she does have her bashful moments. I'm thinking about having her join the Tennysons on the road trip this time instead of her just meeting them through random encounters like OS!Jo. As for her relationship with Ben it's going to be a lot more, I would say, obvious but more of a "puppy love" thing than "she/he is not my girlfriend/boyfriend" they share in the OS. But since they're still kids it's not going to be a full on romance. Let them be kids.
Update: in the process of making a better picture with a more dynamic pose. Somehow this has gotten more likes in the SINGLE day I posted it.
I wonder why....🤔
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dustmetal · 5 years
Preview: Alpha Charlie Echo
I wound up  penning some of this at lunchtime.
"What took you so long?" Grillby fiddled with the rim of his glasses, barely acknowledging Sans' return to the van, a solid twenty minutes after he'd put petrol in, paying for it and was down to the dregs of the coffee he'd purchased
"never tell a 'The Aristocrats' joke to a cop." Sans said smoothly.
"WHAT?" Papyrus' eyesockets widened and his jaw-bone tightened, winding up for a good old fashioned chewing out of his brother's antics. Grillby had to assume he had no idea what 'The Aristocrats' was; he had probably been summoned by the word 'Cop'.
"Don't worry, Papyrus." Grillby pointedly assured him. "He's been doing this since yesterday. Every time we stop he goes off somewhere and whern I ask him where he's been he reacts with what are obvious lies. You're slipping, Sans."
Sans' reply was a shrug, strolling off to flop on the couch with enough force to bounce Papyrus at the other end.
Grillby was actually pretty sure when Sans was lying out of boredom considering the lack of police officers who had just been told that they all engaged in rigorous incestuous sexual activities on stage raiding their van to question them was pretty telling.
The fire elemental glanced around at the interior of the tour bus.  Safe to say that Sans was not the only one of them who was starting to get antsy. Everyone looked a little droopy and irritable. Muffett kept picking up a book off of a pile and thumbing through it before putting it back down and prepeating the process.
Papyrus was not so much practicing as he was picking out a collection of random notes that the fire elemental faintly recognized as an existing human song but it was clear his soul wasn't remotely in it.
Undyne was flexing and unflexing her hand with her visible eye drifting downwards. Every few minutes she would catch herself and snap back up with a groan that souned a lot more like 'Uggggh' thank her typical battle cry. Even Jerry seemed too tired to complain, offering only a gusty sigh of what was presumably frustration with his waning battery life.
Executive decision time was nigh.
"We're getting a hotel, next stop."
There was a general muttering of grateful sentiment but morale had definitely improved. Papyrus in particular seemed to be excited by the news but honestly Grillby wasn't thinking much of it. Papyurus was in general the most enthusiastic about just about anything.
"Hey, Andraia?" He called across the lot
"We're stopping at a hotel."
"Oh thank you sweet merciful God. I'll tell the crew, they'll be ecstatic. If I had to play one more round of UNO, I couldn't be responsible for my actions."
"I prefer to go by Grillby." He couldn't resist. Sans was rubbing off on him.
"Hah. Text me the details, please." The stage manager dissapeared into the smaller van parked nearby, presumably to give the crew the good news.
Grillby too returned to the cab of the bus and fired up the engine, pulling out of the lot.
He hadn't gone five miles down the road before there was a knock at the door. If Grillby was a betting man, the odds were that his guest was Papyrus; objectively the only one polite enough to knock.
Sure enough, the door swung in to his "Come in." to reveal Papyrus, who deftly squeezed past to sit passenger side, picking a chocolate wrapper which had belonged to the chair's previous occupant (Undyne, actually, who was a terrible but enthusiastic navigator) with disdain.
"Ah, Mister Grillby, I was wondering if I may make a choice of hotel."
"It doesn't involve tents and outdoor camping does it?" Grillby said automatically, narrowing his eyes.
"No, actually." Papyrus fidgeted a bit. "It's um..."
Papyrus named what Grillby knew to be a chain. It certainly shouldn't be a problem. "Er, go ahead and put it in the GPS."
Papyrus snapped up the phone and did so. It was a solid twenty miles off course, deeper in the city than Grillby had originally picked, but not undoable and Grillby always liked accomodating Papyrus.
"Go ahead and text Andraia would you? She can book it up."
Papyrus made the funniest little squirm in his seat. Knowing him there was likely some film festival or other hobby-related venue nearby he wanted to see.
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aeondeug · 5 years
Oh! Another thing that helps make Matrix’s shit work. Little Enzo. Little Enzo’s development in season 4 just helps add to Matrix’s shit in a way. Even if indirectly. He like serves as this sort of...chance to expand upon season 1 Enzo. Where Little Enzo spends time watching televised versions of the other Enzo’s exploits as an adult. And he dresses like him and aims to be cool just like him and not just some lame little kid who has been left in the dust. Fuck, Dot even tosses him into a game cube with the express intent to get him to accelerate his aging like what happened with the other Enzo. And he realizes that he just...doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want to grow up in the games and become a bitter, grouchy fuck. Yeah Matrix is cool but he’s sad and he’s also NOT Little Enzo. He’s Matrix. Little Enzo would rather be his own dude and that own dude is a Guardian, not a Renegade.
And while this is all development for a different character who happens to be a copy of season 1 Enzo it just kind of...adds to Matrix too? Like they’re complementary for one another in terms of their character development. And that’s really fucking rad.
Speaking of. You like Homestuck? You like the multiple selves shit in Homestuck? TRY REBOOT. YOU GET THAT. YOU ALSO GET THE CRIPPLING REALIZATION ONE MAKES ABOUT ANDRAIA AS AN ADULT.
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gooeykit · 8 months
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So everyone ships Megabyte with Bob or Dot, and occasionally Mouse and that one time Ray but you know, I got to be the only one who ships Megabyte with AndrAIa. Literally, any attempts at finding art or even fanfics for these two have failed. IDK, just always had a thing for secondary characters and evil characters. Daisy and Bowser, Fluttershy and Discord. Odd but I don't know what to tell you. Anyway, this brat is known as Nanobyte. The pride of her mother and the aggravation of her father. Hobbies include: Cussing cunts out [I like to think she has a cockney accent that Megabyte can't understand a lick of and is always getting on her case about speaking 'proper' English', getting shitfaced drunk in Al's, being a traitor to her viral heritage and having stereotypical daddy issues and fighting with her father. She also has a keen sense for action and danger, and is a bit of a pyromaniac due to the fact she has fire based powers and is known to burn stuff accidentally when angry [Fun fact her hair lights on fire when extremely enraged] She is technically classified as a half-virus and only appears on virus scans when her powers have been in use. She is a guardian but she is not allowed to have a keytool [She only got in to the academy because Prime Guardian Bob] but gosh darn, she'll get one someday, she just needs to do something awesome! She can come off as arrogant, but she cares deeply for her friends and family and whole heartedly believes in justice and order. Oh and she has a habit of running from her problems by bottling it up inside to the point she explodes [Which may involve lots of burny things.] Anyway enough rambling, I'll probably add more of her later because I am vaguely working on stuffs for her.
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amtrak12 · 4 years
Looking back, my straight ships of my formative years can be divided into two categories:
I just want a girl to look at me like that
I just want to protect and love a girl like that
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faithfulwhispers · 6 years
Lemon, Papaya, Starfruit?
Hi, andraia!
lemon:do you have any pets? what are their names?
I have quite a few pets here on the farm. Chowder, Tortie, Little Girl, Mavis, Buddy, Rover, Ladybug, and Mackie.
papaya: what song describes your aesthetic?
Oh man, this is a tough one. I don’t really have just one aesthetic. Like, it’s so hard to choose one. Like some of the music I listen to can be drastically different from stuff by Kelly Clarkson to Avenged Sevenfold. XDstar fruit:  favorite sea creature?
If we’re talking non-fantasy/mythical, I really think Dolphins are cool. However if we’re talking mythical, I really like the mermaid aesthetic.Thanks for the ask! ^.^
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dukeofriven · 7 years
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The original version of this post had me castigating Joey for preferring Dot Matrix over AndrAIa or Mouse - I mean, come on, who doesn’t prefer Mouse, but then I realized that this is mid-November 1994. By this point Joey has only seen four episodes of Reboot. Mouse won’t enter the picture for another four months. Oh Joey, honey, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Your little non-straight heart won’t be able to take it. Yeah I am calling Joey non-straight this early. I mean come on, A) this is Homestuck and B) all I did was pay attention. Seriously, though, Mouse is so much better than Dot it’s not even funny. (Honest question: just how many Canadians worked on the game? It has to be at least three.)
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