gentsma-art · 11 months
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"You're More Lost Than You Realize."
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acatpiestuff · 1 year
oopsie otgw song time
if it was like, sung in the animation golden age by a Disney princess idk
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ttsquid · 2 years
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the weird ass pilgrim s
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shr3dhead · 10 months
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silly guy
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the-spaced-out-ace · 8 months
There is legitimately not a single bad track on the OGTW album. That’s not a hot take at all I just need y’all to know I’m starting my Halloween season off RIGHT.
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further exposing myself as a weirdo here but. just watched a recent panel where elijah wood said he and his son just watched over the garden wall together for the first time and his son loved it and.... ahhhhh so cute!!!!
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longhands · 1 year
Wirt’s laughter in Adelaide Parade got me feeling like joy is real and I could experience it. Shit had me weeping in the middle of a multi-hour plane ride. It’s so pure. There’s even an itty bitty snort.
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thenightling · 2 years
It's ironic that so many people think of Over the Garden Wall as a Halloween special when in reality it first aired in November of 2014, after Halloween had already passed.   Yes, most of the visuals are based on vintage Halloween cards and the first episode is set late Halloween Night / early November 1st but it actually aired on TV after that and some of the mini-series imagery is actually based on Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Oh, well.  It doesn't bother me.  I can (and do) watch it any time of year.   To me Over the Garden Wall is like chicken soup for the soul.  It just makes me feel good.  It's something innocent, pure, and wholesome, with a little bit of spookiness.   Plot:   Over the Garden wall is about two little boys lost in a strange forest called The Unknown. It's very similar to The Wizard of Oz, just with visuals inspired by vintage Halloween cards.  It aired as a mini-series divided into ten episodes, each only about ten minutes long, so that when you splice it all together you get a movie-length story.   It featured the voice work of such actors as Christopher Lloyd, John Cleese, Elijah Wood, Tim Curry, and Jack Jones (Yes, the man who did the Love Boat theme song).
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chaoticschiz · 11 months
random thought
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btw sister's soul is in the lantern :3
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hrokkall · 2 years
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As autumn colors fall...
Week III: Crossover [x]
(Concepts + bonus sketches under the cut)
I had a LOT in my brain on this one but I’ve been busy pretty much all week. I highly doubt I’m the first to have this idea but hey, here’s my take on it at least.
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Leshy takes the role of the Beast. He’s a lot more “neutral” than the Beast we see in OGTW canon, but is motivated by self-preservation all the same. Not so much in terms of living forever, I don’t think he can really “die” in this AU because he sort of embodies the Unknown as much as it embodies him (he’d still be there, but would be without a physical form... not really ideal). But he definitely wants things to stay the way they are, which was going just fine until Luke Carder decided to waltz in and “help”.
On the topic of Luke, he’s pretty much the same as in canon. Maybe he originally had a Halloween costume like the brothers do in the show, but chances are it was either some last-minute “pun” costume or something equally simple and Horribly impractical to run around the woods in (i.e. a sheet ghost), so he loses it pretty early on, leading him to stick out like a sore thumb in the otherwise lost-in-an-antique-shop feel the Unknown seems to have. I’m not sure how he got there—didn’t think that far ahead—but we’ll go with he was lured there (for whatever reason) under the pretense that he’d finally get closure regarding his sister’s death. (He’s not going to, of course—at least not literally, the Unknown isn’t really an afterlife, more of just a “crossing over”—but let him keep thinking that).
That’s all well and good for Leshy; depressing, sure, but he can just subtly shift the trees to redirect Luke’s ass home before he starts inadvertently causing trouble by prodding around (though he can keep him around for a little bit, at least. Just to see what he does, not to trap him forever; he doesn’t exactly have a lot of company in the Unknown that aren’t immediately deterred by his presence). That is, until he stumbles across a group of animals pleading for help only an outsider can give and Leshy’s plan immediately begins to crumble.
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The other Scrybes pretty much serve the same role as they do in Act 1 as talking cards, or otherwise fill the same niche as Beatrice in OGTW proper. They weren’t originally animals, but they weren’t human either like Beatrice was. Instead, they were cursed by Leshy (who wasn’t too keen on continuing to share his forest with a gaggle of other supernaturally-inclined assholes) and his Woodsmen to take on their current forms. I can’t see them having been traveling together all this time, so they all individually come to Luke desperate for help and are thrilled (/s) to see the other two have done the same. But hey, they’re pretty desperate for a way out and the previous human who came through actively made things worse for them, so it’s pretty much a last-ditch effort at this point. Cue hijinks.
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The previous outsider to pass through was, of course, Kaycee, who arrived in the Unknown via near death experience like OGTW canon seems to imply. Being in the Unknown for long periods of time (assuming you’re not just born there) isn’t kind to the human body; if they don’t immediately start sprouting branches, one can expect lowered body temperature, a slowed pulse, gradually not needing to blink or sleep or eat... just generally weird shit that can’t be healthy. Kaycee’s been through all of that and then some; it’s a stretch to say she’s still alive, really. She’s not really the Woodsman; she opted to befriend the beast instead and now they’re pretty much inseparable (both because they’re genuinely buddies and because it’s mutually beneficial: Leshy ensures she’s not completely consumed by the Unknown, and Kaycee ensures Leshy gets to keep his form by bringing him animals and whatnot. Win for both parties). I’d imagine she’s also the only one who refers to him as just “Leshy” and not some sort of intimidating alias (Stoat, Stinkbug, and Wolf excluded, all of which only use his name when they’re being petty).
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The lantern is more of just a thematic convenience here, it’s not actually tied to Leshy’s being. Instead, he has his camera: taking pictures of creatures (or people) with it traps their own life force within the film and therefore allows him to persist for longer. The pictures themselves don’t really do anything special, nor does getting rid of them, but Kaycee probably has a room where she develops pictures anyway, if for no other reason than Luke stumbling into a room lined wall to wall with antique photographs and asking his animal companions to find themselves would be both nerve-racking and a little humorous.
Kaycee is the only other person allowed to use the camera; a little bit of a weak point for Beast!Leshy. Sure, she’s strong too (she lives in the woods mostly on her own, carries an axe, and just generally has had a ton of time to train herself up) but not nearly as much as someone who can quite literally command the trees to kill you. Probably Luke’s best chance to defeat Leshy would be to go through Kaycee, assuming he goes that route (probably not... I don’t know how this AU would “end” though).
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Again, Stoat, Stinkbug, and Wolf weren’t human + are similarly unkillable so they’re a little bit of a special case. Getting their visages captured just weakened them, allowing someone else to finish the job and solidify their respective “curses”. To return them to normal... it’s also kind of a Beatrice situation, giving Luke plenty of room to run around the forest in a wild goose chase. Stunted Wolf needs his other eye back, Stinkbug needs her wings plucked, and Stoat... I don’t know what Luke needs to do with those wire cutters, but he’ll figure it out (snip its whiskers, maybe?) He waits to get all three back before returning them to normal, both out of equity (much to their disdain and/or relief) and because... honestly, I don’t think he trusts them 100%. They may be tiny, but these guys clearly still have some sort of ulterior motive, even Luke isn’t blind to that.
Anyway that’s all I’ve got. I guarantee I missed something though. Feel free to send an ask if there’s any glaring issues/places that just need elaboration (or I might add on later unprompted anyway if I have the time). Thanks for reading my massive text walls; here’s a Stoat with my favorite Beatrice line.
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visenyaism · 10 months
one☝️is a bird🐦 two✌️are the trees🌳🌳three✌️☝️ is the wind💨in the leaves🍃🍃🍃four✌️✌️are the stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ five✋with the moon 🌘🌗🌕🌓🌒 shining✨down👇upon thee🧍‍♀️
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
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but where have we come, and where shall we end? if dreams can’t come true, then why not pretend?
(this year vs. last year’s otgw watercolors <3 happy halloween)
[ID: two watercolor paintings inspired by the series Over the Garden Wall. The first one shows an autumnal forest in a wash of warm orange and brown tones. There are mossy brown stones in the foreground, and the trees fade into a soft orange and yellow in the distance. Wirt and Greg are silhouetted, disappearing further into the woods. Wirt is a teenager in a cape and pointed hat, and Greg is a younger boy with an upside-down teapot on his head. 
The second painting shows Wirt and Greg standing in the foreground, in front of a large evergreen forest. Only the front trees are detailed; the ones in the back are fainter. Wirt is wearing a pointed red hat and blue cape. Greg is wearing a white shirt under green overalls, and his teapot is silver. Towering over everything is The Beast, a shadowed black figure with no expression and two empty, white eyes. He has antlers shaped like bare tree branches sticking out horizontally from his head. The night sky behind him is dark blue, and filled with hundreds of small, circular stars. End ID.]
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goth-maudra · 8 months
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Since it's Octembuary Spookytime 🎃, I'm reposting my crossover of Over the Garden Wall and Good Omens, with Crowley as Wirt, Aziraphale as Greg, and Hastur as Greg's frog Jason Funderburker. And The Beast as Himself. 8x10 Canvas board, acrylic paint, and marker. Oh, and glitter for the lamp/halo.
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songofwizardry · 8 months
it is october of 2023 and i am watching gravity falls for the first time. living my best life tbh
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the-spaced-out-ace · 9 months
Tomorrow is the fall equinox! Remember to have a cozy time, and beware the Beast /ref
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
Wirt is so calm about being locked in this armoire what
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