#oc: mordred pendragon
cestacruz · 16 days
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I come to share my protoverse once again
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
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And the major characters from the past! Mordred, of course, his sister Anna, King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, and Iros Ventis! My period accurate costume research frustrated me enough that i did give up but I tried to be sorta more accurate than canon at least.
There are certainly other characters from the past that play big roles but these are the most important besides Merlin, who I didn’t want to draw. You all know what Merlin looks like anyway.
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legends-of-time · 3 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story) - Masterlist
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Original Female Character & Morgana & Morgause
Arthur & Morgana & Original Female Character
Percival/Original Female Character
Merlin/Original Female Character
Gwaine/Original Female Character
Original Female Character & Original Female Character
Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, Cannon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Emotional Manipulation, Gaslighting
Physical description:
Amelia has light brown hair and blue eyes
Amelia never really thought about what would happen when she died. Wait, no that was a lie. She had wondered if she would be reincarnated she supposed or just simply go to some sort of afterlife. Or maybe she would wake up in the world of one of the very first Tv shows that she had got obsessed with.
Amelia genuinely did not think this would happen, fanfiction is just that! Fanfiction!
But hey ho here she is.
The usual tale of someone dying then waking up in one of their favourite TV show with, what I hope, is a twist.
Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Beginning of Her New Life
Chapter 3: Becoming Too Real
Chapter 4: Drastic Changes
Chapter 5: Family
Chapter 6: The Dragon's Call
Chapter 7: Valiant
Chapter 8: The Mark of Nimueh
Chapter 9: The Poisoned Chalice
Chapter 10: Lancelot
Chapter 11: A Remedy to Cure All Ills
Chapter 12: The Gates of Avalon
Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 14: Excalibur
Chapter 15: The Moment of Truth
Chapter 16: The Labyrinth of Gedref
Chapter 17: To Kill the King
Chapter 18: Le Morte d'Arthur
Chapter 19: The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
Chapter 20: The Once and Future Queen
Chapter 21: The Nightmare Begins
Chapter 22: Lancelot and Guinevere
Chapter 23: Beauty and the Beast Part One
Chapter 24: Beauty and the Beast Part Two
Chapter 25: The Witchfinder
Chapter 26: The Sins of a Father
Chapter 27: The Lady of the Lake
Chapter 28: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 29: The Witch's Quickening
Chapter 30: The Fires of Idirsholas
Chapter 31: The Last Dragonlord
Chapter 32: The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part One
Chapter 33: The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part Two
Chapter 34: Goblin's Gold
Chapter 35: Gwaine
Chapter 36: The Crystal Cave
Chapter 37: The Changeling
Chapter 38: The Castle of Fyrien
Chapter 39: The Eye of the Phoenix
Chapter 40: Love in the Time of Dragons
Chapter 41: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 42: The Sorcerer's Shadow
Chapter 43: The Coming of Arthur Part One
Chapter 44: The Coming of Arthur Part Two
Chapter 45: The Darkest Hour Part One
Chapter 46: The Darkest Hour Part Two
Chapter 47: The Wicked Day
Chapter 48: Aithusa
Chapter 49: His Father's Son
Chapter 50: A Servant of Two Masters
Chapter 51: The Secret Sharer
Chapter 52: Lamia
Chapter 53: Lancelot du Lac
Chapter 54: A Herald of the New Age
Chapter 55: The Hunter's Heart
Chapter 56: The Sword in the Stone Part One
Chapter 57: The Sword in the Stone Part Two
Chapter 58: Arthur's Bane Part One
Chapter 59: Arthur's Bane Part Two
Chapter 60: The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
Chapter 61: Another's Sorrow
Chapter 62: The Disir
Chapter 63: The Dark Tower
Chapter 64: A Lesson in Vengeance
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fanfiction.net access
Ao3 access
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BESTIE I didn't know you had Arthurian inspired oc's! :D
Hellooooooo buddy! And why yes, I do!
This is an original story idea I've been thinking about for a while, it's set in a sci-fi fantasy world with mecha and stuff, but follows the cast of the Arthurian legends. Specifically, the protagonist is Mordred who Does Not Have A Good Time throughout this entire story. I don't have a title for it yet, nothing has clicked so far, though a placeholder name is “The Sunset Knight”. (Mordred does technically has an OC tag on my blog however I've been wanting to revamp stuff and the only two original posts about Mordred, I think I might want to go and change a couple things.)
This world has a source of power that fuels ships and mechs and stuff, I haven't named it yet but let's call it Phantasm. It can be utilized both by machine and living things, and the living beings who can manipulate raw Phantasm are dubbed sorcerers. Morgana is a sorceress and Merlin is a sorcerer, for example. Most others rely on sci-fi esque equipment to wield that power without backlash.
The mechs in the Arthurian-inspired world probably have different grading based on mythological beasts or smth, I need to expand on that, and dragon mechs are both the rarest and only a select few with “dragon blood” are able to pilot them, so the Pendragons basically? There might've been other dragonblood bloodlines in the past but they're dead now, dead at Uther's hand because that guy is a massive jerk who conquered everything and beyond. And Arthur... unfortunately holding up that paradigm even though he doesn't conquer, and is actively trying to make things suck less. Anyways, back to the mechs—
Bc the dragons put so much strain on the pilots (or “riders/dragonriders” as they might be called in that world) on energy consumption in exchange for bigger firepower, rare and unique powers, etc, dragonriders unfortunately tend to die quick save for a few who have extensive support and/or a hugeass powerful Phantasmic core. Not all dragonblood are born with such massive reserves! And theoretically, a sorcerer with a massive Phantasm reserves could technically try to pilot one, but... there's a compatibility lock of sorts, incompatible pilots must pour in more Phantasm, and that drains them faster than it would drain a dragonblood.
Arthur is a dragonrider, blessed with both intensive support from Merlin's end, and in possession of a large amount of Phantasm thanks to his maternal side.
(I'll get to the actual protagonist, I swear, I just gotta set the stage first)
So Uther... conquered Igraine's kingdom (planet?) (Igraine was the ruling queen, queen regnant, and her husband Gorlois was the consort, I forget what I named this place), killed Gorlois, took and wed Igraine by force, and had Arthur with her because he wanted his offspring and heir to have massive power. Igraine's line was that of powerful sorcerers. Morgana was Igraine and Gorlois' daughter, who is very much not happy about what Uther had done to her family and homeland.
Years pass, Uther dies, Arthur is revealed to be heir where before he was raised in secret, he becomes king and starts trying to fix and calm stuff down, and Morgana, fed up with Uther's bullshit, very strongly demands that her kingdom be given back to her. And Arthur, who's grown to be this cold, sharp, exhausted individual who's trying to put out the fires his father had started, says “no, absolutely not, I'm trying to bring peace and if I give in to you now others will want the same and it will be chaos all over again because the threat of you hovering over the horizon. just have faith in me, your home planet will be fine, I promise. also you're married to a lord, you have a domain, go and take care of that.” and Morgana's having none of that because she doesn't even like Lot, it was an unwanted marriage forced on her by Uther who wanted her as far away from her homeland as possible. She wants her birthright restored, for the wrongs committed against her mother righted, just... she wants justice. And she's not getting it from Arthur. So fed up, she books it, builds a faction of her own to rebel against Uther's legacy, the one Arthur is trying to uphold.
Morgana, with her extensive knowledge and resourcefulness and creativity, creates a dragon mech. So those things require a specific core, so to speak, harvested from true dragons, those impossibly huge, cosmic sort of entities, nebulous and so incomprehensibly large... Okay, you know whale falls, right? A whale's corpse falls to the ocean floor and critters feed on it, never having known a living whale? To them, a whale's body is just an impossibly large bounty? Yeah, kinda those vibes. Maybe the true dragons are dead, with their corpses floating around in the universe. I see them less as a creature with a body and more a... deity? a collection of stars and planets? I dunno, just incomprehensible. So Morgana makes one, somehow obtains Arthur's genes (I mean, in the myths they have incestuous sex and out pops Mordred from that, but this is sci-fi, and because it's me so many characters have a wonky gender axis going on so they might not even be cis, who knows), and creates Mordred for the purpose of piloting the dragon she created. Man that thing needs a name.
So the mech Mordred's piloting, it's... one of the more energy-intensive ones specifically crafted by Morgana's faction to be extra destructive, and yet Mordred is not terribly affected by it— they still are but not to the extent they should have, and everyone chalks up to the dragonblood genes. But there's something else going on under the surface. But I'll get to that later.
So Mordred's character is... someone who's been so intensely shaped by their surroundings and circumstances. They were born to fulfill a certain role. They are unable to see themselves outside of this role they play, this mission they have. The quote “you need the sickness inside you like a body needs a spine. you may survive without it, but oh, how deformed and misshapen you'd become” basically is their whole deal. Their loyalty is madness, and their madness is loyalty.
Still, though, there lies a hole in their heart, a yearning, a hunger, a want. What it is that they want, they can't articulate. They don't understand. They don't understand the hole, so they don't understand what would fill it. It is why they try to dedicate 110% of themselves to their role, in hopes that it'd fill the hole, or at least not make them think about it.
Still, they yearn.
Later in the story, it would be revealed that they're not actually Mordred, not the one Morgana created with her and Arthur's genes. That Mordred? Dead. Dead from the strain of piloting the dragon Morgana made. They were a child, and they've been long dead. Morgana uploaded their conscious into the dragon mech to assist the new pilot and help take on some of the strain. Serving the cause, even beyond their death.
So then, who is this Mordred?
From another world.
Yes, folks, this is an isekai. From the moment I conceived of this idea, I wanted it to be an isekai. The pain of being unable to return home. The realization that even if you got back to your home world, you would no longer fit into it. The horror of having been forced to change so much that your home becomes unrecognizable to you. And being unable to bear this world you're in as well. You don't have anywhere to go anymore.
The realization breaks something in Mordred (this Mordred, not the dead one). So in a fit of desperation to be away, away from the place that they can't see the same anymore, they leave. They leave Morgana's side, and enters Camelot to serve Arthur in the vain hope that they might be able to choose something for themselves, make themselves anew, be free and happy for once even if they can no longer go home. Maybe, just maybe, they could make a home out of Camelot.
(Remember that the earliest written version of Mordred wasn't really said to be against Arthur or a traitor or a villain, or even Arthur's son, it only describes the battle of Camlann as just “The strife of Camlann, in which Arthur and Medraut fell.”, not indicating at all if they were on the same side or against each other or if Mordred was responsible for Arthur's downfall. In fact, in early Welsh sources, he seems to have been described as “Arthur's strength, the good nature of Medrawd”. Kinda relevant to this Mordred, kinda not, just an interesting thing to keep in mind.)
This is when they meet Guinevere.
In one (or several?) version of the Arthuriana, Mordred weds Guinevere by force, in mayhaps another version she may or may not have gone willingly with Mordred? And in one of the versions (probably French, I forget which one, help) that follow that line of events, uh, Guinevere is slain by Lancelot for betraying Arthur and Mordred is either buried alive with her corpse or gets locked in a tower with her corpse. And he cannibalizes her body out of desperation, and still dies of starvation.
So, yeah. This version of Guinevere becomes Mordred's love interest and so the doom clock starts ticking :)
Also, Guinevere's gender is a big ol “???” by design. Male? Female? Cis? Trans? Who even knows, Guinevere goes by both he and she. Anyways, moving on from that—
Mordred meets Guinevere, this gentle-handed fella who loves plants. And they grow a close bond, which slowly but surely develops into romance.
In this version, Guinevere isn't in love with Arthur, though he does idolize the King, believing in his vision and wanting to support that. There might or might not be push from others for the two to be betrothed to each other, I don't know how such things would work in a world like this just yet but well this is still just a fledgling idea— Arthur takes one look at Guinevere and is like “that is an entire child” and refuses to wed her.
I... am not sure whatever the hell I want to do with the character of Lancelot.
Like, I know how the cultural context surrounding the Arthuriana shaped and influenced his character, his courtly love turned into adultery etc etc, but I don't know what spin I want to put to his character. Yet. Currently leaning towards a fucked up sense of codependent devotion towards his king. Like “my king only deserves the best and by the dragons I will fucking give it to him no matter what anyone else has to say about it” and maybe he sees Guinevere as something extraordinary and thus... by imposing his own view on him he tries to yoink Guinevere for Arthur and... hm. Still up in the air, honestly.
How long has this fucking post gotten?
Okay imma just try to rapid-fire the ensuing stuff bc it's not like I have the details yet anyways: Mordred enters the Round Table -> Mordred and Guinevere fall in love -> things are fine until they aren't -> some revelation breaks Mordred's faith in Camelot -> maybe Morgana is slain, she's out of the picture for some reason -> Mordred forms their own faction from the remnants of Morgana's, goes against Camelot -> it goes on -> CAMLANN -> in the meanwhile Lancelot gets to Guinevere, uh-oh -> Arthur vs Mordred, big showdown, Arthur dies and Mordred is seriously feeling the consequences of the strain + pretty sure the mech is barely holding together at this point -> an exhausted Mordred and broken mech get their asses whooped by Lancelot, probably -> entombed alive -> cue cannibalism -> Mordred may or may not get isekai'd again at near death -> now they have to navigate this while ridden with guilt and grief and truly having nothing
So... yeah! This is a gist of what this story is about! Many details are still yet up in the air, I completely omitted the post-cannibalism stuff, the broken traumatized mess Mordred becomes by that point, if you'd like to know more I'll tell you but for now... this is it!
Oh! Almost forgot— I've drawn little concept sketches for Mordred!
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Original Mordred on the left, the current Mordred before they became “Mordred” on the right, both as young children.
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Current Mordred, having lost their face and memories for a long, long time.
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2D & 3D
♡ = personajes que están en mi álbum y a los que les busco más actividad, sin embargo yo feliz de rolear a cualquier niña de esta lista.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Black Clover
Noelle Silva
Rangiku Matsumoto
Orihime Inoue ♡
Yoruichi Shihōin
Bambietta Basterbine
Maria Renard
Sypha Belnades
Chainsaw Man
Makima ♡
Power ♡
Code Geass
C.C ♡
Kallen Kōzuki
Euphemia li Britannia ♡
Cowboy Bebop
Faye Valentine
Morrigan Aensland ♡
Lenalee Lee ♡
Ais Wallenstein
Devil May Cry
Dr. Stone
Kohaku ♡
Yuzuriha Ogawa
Dragon Ball
Zamasu Female
Bulma ♡
No. 18 ♡
Edens Zero
Rebecca Bluegarden
Fairy Tail
Lucy Heartfilia ♡
Artoria Pendragon ♡
Ereshkigal ♡
Fujimaru Ritsuka (Gudako) ♡
Gilgamesh Female ♡
Ishtar ♡
Jeanne d'Arc ♡
Karna Female
Mash Kirielight ♡
Mordred ♡
Nero Claudius ♡
Okita Sōji
Rin Tohsaka ♡
Scáthach ♡
Arjuna Female
Final Fantasy
Aerith Gainsborough
Tifa Lockhart ♡
Haruka Nanase Female ♡
Fullmetal Alchemist
Winry Rockbell ♡
Reika Shimohira ♡
Genshin Impact
Lumine ♡
Raiden Ei ♡
Yae Miko ♡
Yelan ♡
Jean Gunnhildr ♡
Beidou ♡
Zhongli Female ♡
Granblue Fantasy
Sandalphon Female
Hibike Euphonium
Reina Kousaka
Honkai: Star Rail
Kyoko Hori ♡
Howl's Moving Castle
Sophie Hatter
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka Female
Kurapika Female ♡
Machi Komachine
Kagome Higurashi ♡
Mari Inuyashiki
Jujutsu Kaisen
Nobara Kugisaki ♡
Mahito Female
Utahime Iori
Kasumi Miwa
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Chizuru Ichinose
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Shinobu Kocho
Mitsuri Kanroji ♡
League of Legends
Ahri ♡
Caitlyn Kiramman ♡
Kai'Sa ♡
Luxanna Crownguard ♡
Nami ♡
Seraphine ♡
Xayah ♡
Irelia ♡
Sona ♡
Life is Strange
Chloe Price
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Kougyoku Ren ♡
Metal Gear Solid
Eva Sears
Naomi Hunter
Erina Volkova (OC) ♡
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugō Female
Shōto Todoroki Female ♡
Momo Yaoyorozu ♡
Nejire Hadō
Rumi Usagiyama
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED/Destiny
Lunamaria Hawke
Nana Osaki
Layla Serizawa
Nanatsu no Taizai
Elizabeth Liones
Hinata Hyūga ♡
Ino Yamanaka ♡
Sakura Haruno ♡
Sarada Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha Female
Ada ♡
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Asuka Langley ♡
Hiyori Iki
One Piece
Hiyori Kozuki
Nami ♡
Reiju Vinsmoke
Trafalgar Law Female ♡
Yamato ♡
Nico Robin
Vivi Nefertari
Boa Hancock
One Punch-Man
Ranma ½
Akane Tendō
Ranma Saotome Female
Resident Evil
Ada Wong ♡
Ashley Graham
Claire Redfield
Jill Valentine
Rebecca Chambers
Sherry Birkin
Rurouni Kenshin
Tomoe Yukishiro
Kaoru Kamiya
Shingeki no Kyojin
Historia Reiss ♡
Mikasa Ackerman ♡
Sono Bisque Doll
Marin Kitagawa ♡
Spy x Family
Yor Briar ♡
Street Fighter
Sword Art Online
Asuna Yūki ♡
Alice Schuberg
Suguha Kirigaya
Tenjō Tenge
Maya Natsume
The King of Fighters
Athena Asamiya
Mai Shiranui ♡
Iori Yagami Female
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda (TP, SS ♡, BOTW-TOTK ♡)
Tokyo Ghoul
Touka Kirishima
Tokyo Revengers
Emma Sano
Hinata Tachibana ♡
Izana Kurokawa Female ♡
Manjiro Sano Female
Akane Inui
Wolfs Rain
Yū Yū Hakusho
Keiko Yukimura
DC comics
Barbara Gordon (Batgirl)
Donna Troy (Wonder Girl)
Kara Zor-El
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Cassie Howard
Jules Vaughn
The Walking Dead
Alicia Clark
Rosita Espinosa
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Alicent Hightower
Cersei Lannister
Daenerys Targaryen
Lyanna Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Sansa Stark
MARVEL comics
Christine Palmer
Gwen Stacy
Jean Grey
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Maze Runner
Teresa Agnes
Star Wars
Padmé Amidala
The 100
The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
The Witcher
Yennefer de Vengerberg
Faceclaims asiáticos para diversas tramas
Hanni Pham / NewJeans
Jin-ri Choi (Sulli) / F(x)
Jennie Kim / BLACK PINK
Kiko Mizuhara
Soo Jung (Krystal) / F(x)
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
I can’t post the full versions of the other fake screencaps I’ve done for 3quel, but.... I do wanna post previews anyway, so yeet!
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queer-ragnelle · 2 years
An Arthurian adaptation need not resemble its source when the creator cares about thoughtful storytelling and themes. This transcends medium and genre. I’m not a snob about “accuracy” so much as a stickler for adherence to the respect of one’s audience through sustained narrative quality.
Examples forthcoming.
Camelot 3000 comic is set in the far future. Everyone is reincarnated. Tristan is reborn as a woman, and has to overcome dysphoria and questioning of sexuality in order to properly embrace their new life with Isolde, another woman. Kay explains that he was unruly all those years ago to deflect criticism off of Arthur and direct it at himself, an attempt to subtly aid his brother in maintaining a positive public image. Guinevere is a military commander whose role in the love triangle remains intact aside from the ending. The fellowship of the Round Table are battling aliens while grappling with their new identities and personal journeys. It concludes after Arthur dies, and Guinevere reveals to Lancelot she is pregnant, but doesn’t know by who. He says he will love the baby regardless. So they escape their doomed fate of the medieval source.
Monty Python and The Holy Grail movie (and musical) takes one of Arthurian Legend’s darkest and most tragic stories and retells it as a comedy. Every trope is subverted to an extreme. King Arthur’s supremacy and the conventions of his story are constantly challenged. Serfs question the Divine Right of Kings and “didn’t vote for” Arthur. The Black Knight denies his inevitable defeat, suffering “but a flesh wound,” until he’s nothing more than a torso and a head. French sentries refuse Arthur’s appeals for entry and mock him from the battlement. Meanwhile Galahad endures the Castle of Maidens only through the help of a queer-coded Lancelot (which becomes explicit in the musical when he marries a man). Not only a complete reversal of their medieval roles, but conflict from Guinevere and Elaine is entirely absent (except in the musical which includes a character named Sir Galahad’s Mom). The group then faces the Bridge of Death. Lancelot contrasts his medieval counterpart yet again by answering a simple question and succeeding, OC Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot fails an absurdly challenging one, followed by Galahad’s failure of another easy one. It ends with Arthur and Bedevere searching for Lancelot, and ultimately results in their arrest by the police.
High Noon Over Camelot is a folk album that retells the story as a dieselpunk western. The three Pendragons—sheriff Arthur, quick-draw Guinevere, and sharpshooter Lancelot—run Camelot as a polyamorous throuple. The love triangle conflict is turned on it’s head which opens the story up for exploration of side characters and their niches. Arthur’s daughter Morgause is not killed by the Ghouls (Saxons) as he thought but instead raised by them, eventually transitioning to Mordred. The Hanged Man, a robot named Merlin, gives three prophecies: Arthur’s son is alive, Gawain’s hatred of the Ghouls is unjust, and Galahad the preacher should sit in the Siege Perilous. Only Galahad heeds the prophecy. Driven mad by the power of the Siege Perilous, he has visions of the space station’s imminent danger, which can only be helped by restarting the GRAIL system on board. So the Pendragons depart with the Grail Knights, leaving behind Mordred and Gawain in charge of Camelot. Mordred tries and fails to pass a peace treaty between Ghouls and Camelot when a fight breaks out and Gawain goes berserk. A hopeless Mordred ends up abandoning his convictions and heads for the space station. He corners the Pendragons as they reach their goal, the Grail Knights having fallen to get them this far. Mordred kills Lancelot and Guinevere, wounds Arthur, then ejects him into space inside a life-pod. Lastly he crashes the station, killing everyone on board and himself.
The Knights of Breton Court is a trilogy by Maurice Broaddus that retells King Arthur’s story in a modern inner city American setting. Street hustler King attempts to reconcile a group of drug dealers, gangbangers, and well-meaning but lost street kids into a uniform front. All kinds of issues arise to comprise his vision, sometimes borne of character flaws within his crew and sometimes otherworldly forces. In some ways, this series could’ve stood to divert even further from the medieval literature that inspired it, as it suffers from the same pitfalls causing modern readers to drop antiquated literature. The meandering plot, inconsistent pacing, and multitude of characters can read nonsensically to someone unaccustomed to the style. The central thread, King [Arthur] and his goal, is sometimes lost. In trusting Broaddus, I think this criticism relates not to his ability as a writer, but can be traced and attributed Le Morte d’Arthur. Regardless, that’s neither here nor there. The point is that The Knights of Breton Court’s shortcomings are unrelated to its divergence from medieval sources. Although it’s not my favorite, it illustrates beautifully how far a novel can stray while keeping itself firmly under the retelling umbrella. The Indianapolis setting and reimagined personas for the knights is it’s greatest strength, but would be fundamentally broken if Broaddus had stripped it of its original essence. They are intrinsically linked. Also Kay is an unfriendly Rottweiler.
These examples offer thought provoking changes while utilizing the framework of existing characters and their established dynamics/traits to subvert or deepen the meaning behind them. For all the differences between the adaptations and their shared source material, it works, because the creators committed to the bit. This isn’t to say all retellings toe that line effectively.
Cursed is a novel and Netflix series written by Tom Wheeler, illustrated by Frank Miller, and produced by them both. Considering the amount of involvement these two had on both the book and series, it’s safe to assume their creative control was absolute, and each of these mediums fully realized their vision for the story. However, regarding Miller and Wheeler as storytellers with a vision implies they are creatives. It assumes a passion for the project, some semblance of personal expression through art, which is unsubstantiated by the artificial depth of significance displayed in Cursed. The series was green lit before the book even published, so that should give you an indication of the true motivations behind this retelling. It wasn’t made for the love of the source material realized through an artist’s unique perspective, but quickly drawn up and produced to capitalize on the joint products as much as possible.
I will spare everyone a long-winded review of this wretched book and show. They fulfill none of the promises made in the back cover blurb and series description. It’s an insult to the audience’s intelligence. But the point is, the Arthurian elements are not integral to the story, but rather recognizable set pieces and props artificially painted on like a brittle veneer. They exist solely to capitalize on what Miller and Wheeler hoped was an existing audience without the need to develop worthwhile story and attract an audience on their own merits. What they’ve done feels not like inspiration or transmutation, but appropriation of something they neither respect nor care to understand. That is the stipulation, for me, to garner enjoyment from a retelling, regardless of how far it strays from the sources it claims aspects from. An artist must comprehend their material, their muse, their emotional connection to the piece in order to properly manipulate and utilize it. Miller and Wheeler are not artists and their lake is a puddle.
#Arthurian legend#Arthuriana#literary criticism#literary critique#idk what else to tag this as I am ranting#I am not a proper critic I don’t even write goodreads reviews#I just hate how many people in writing groups dismiss arthuriana out of hand bc the image has been tainted#making anything worthwhile takes work and I wish nepotism in publishing and Hollywood didn’t constantly muck it up#somehow arthurian retellings as a genre is both over saturated and in dire need of a rennaissance#it would seem the public opinion at least in writing groups online is poor#and this is entirely the fault of capitalism#Disney remakes their own films and unpublished writers with money get movie deals for weaksauce stories#if you don’t understand that ‘arthuriana’ is not what you’re writing about you need to take a step back#consider arthuriana the genre as well as the subject#but that is not enough to carry a narrative what are you saying with your work what is the theme what are we exploring#I don’t relate to arthurian characters bc I recognize their names I relate bc of the human condition and struggles even when they shift#from story to story it’s okay if it’s new just COMMIT have some authenticity#nobody wants to show their ass when writing anymore it’s pathetic#put your passions into your work or fuck off#Monty Python set out to highlight the joy of comedy with King Arthur and some coconuts and we loved it#Broaddus wrote about his very personal experiences where he grew up discussed race and wealth disparity thru King Arthur as a gang leader#I’m sold on that bc they cared about making it#anyway I am done lol
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Agent Whiskey 
Roxy Morton
Agent Champagne 
Archie Reid 
Orlando Oxford and Polly Wilkins
Elora Danan 
Thraxus Boorman 
Sorsha Tantalos 
Graydon Hastur
Jade Claymore
Father Brown
Isobel Devine 
Lady Felicia and Chummy 
Ruth Penny and Bunty Windemere 
Sid Carter  
Reverend Mother Adrian and Sister Julienne
Call the Midwife
Sister Evangelina 
Jane Sutton 
Lady Felicia and Chummy  
Reverend Mother Adrian and Sister Julienne
BBC Merlin
Morgana Pendragon 
Sir Elyan 
Queen Guinevere 
Arthur Pendragon 
Sir Leon
The Orville
Commander Kelly Grayson
Lee Dutton 
Liquor store cashier
Downton Abbey
Marigold Gregson
Harold Levinson
Lady Rosamund Crawley
Thomas Barrow
Johnny Bates
Isobel Grey and Maud Elliot
Sybil Harding (OC)
Patrick Crawley
Lady Rose Aldridge
One Piece (All media)
Silvers Rayleigh
"Red-Haired" Shanks
"Knight of the Sea" Jinbe
Monkey D. Luffy
Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk
Monkey D. Garp
Devil Fruit soulmates
Doctor Who (All media)
Clyde Langer
Bill Potts
Canton Everett Delaware III
Bellona’s masterlist
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Being drunk might cloud my judgment as it usually does (you have no idea how much effort I am putting into writing correctly in foreing language while drunk, and I am still failing at that. Since I am reading this massage before posting and it still sucks), but I am freatly enjoyinh thr school of good and evil. Like despide being predictible and stereotypical it is a really great movie. Like I haven't enjoy a movie this much in a long time despite not that great quality
It feels like self indulgent fanfic and I love it 10/10. Like the mocking of the those plot ways that were there for generations. The mocking of good and evil. The friendship between two main characters/Heroes (I love making true loves kiss that. Of friends or sisters instead of lovers, but I also. Hope for so much more). The visual aspects are not that great, but for a netflix movie they do the job.
Like it's straight up play on popular plot points while also laughing at them, and playimg popular music. Not really difficult to process mentally, but emjoyable
I usually don't like Olivia Rodrigo (I don't know I just really deslike her music as a whole for some reason?) but her music fits well into this movie. I didn't think her songs would fot inyo any movie to be fair.
Other music also fits here. It really feels like a movie that you would only enjoy when ypu try to imdulge in something (like when you are sick and trying to find distraction), but it does it's job. And I am really, reallt enjoying it at the moment. I might even imdulge in it while sober. Who knows, I'll check it later on
I feel like I might rewatch it while sober. Like seriously rewatch it with mu eyees glued to the screen
Like I swear even while drunk I could predict every plot point and still didn't feel bored by it. While predictible - really predictible ot was also enjoyable
It's extremely predictible but still enjoyable movie
For the entire movie I felt weird about son of Arthur Pendragon being a good one in this movie
Like hhe only had Mordred who was fsr from good
Even if you created OC I still felt weird about the said OC
I also cried a little a little about the friend shio of Agata and Sophia, which doesn't happen when I am sobetlr (it's usually hard to make me cry, pretty much doesn't happen until I am drunk)
It might be the fact that I feel not entirely straight in a pretty homophobix coutry, bit I'll think about it later on - and I've already wrote shit ton of tags abour. It, thst it. Almost entirety of thr post, there is more tags than post at this point.
What are your other propositions fot drunk revious?
I don't drink often but I also feel that a lot of films nowadays are badly written. AND i might enjpy them better that way. I usually prefer fantasy and thriller, and horror, and animation but I enjoy a lot of other genres
Just not as much as the mentioned ones.
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