#oc tag: ruth
anchor-naut · 11 months
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It's time to redesign some characterrs, I'll eventually get through all the current beautiful world cast
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ruthytwoshakes · 21 days
I really like the idea that the Blu team sleeps together in one long bed like a pack of sardines, so what if the Red team slept in a family pile croods-style
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Miss Pauling joins too when she needs some rest
Hey if you can, donate to people in Gaza today, anything helps. https://linktr.ee/fundsforgaza
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brazen-art · 21 days
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Gang's on the move
(a pipe burst in the hoard storage room)
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rivalkieran · 3 months
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unova ancestor ocs (and hilbert) (and palmer)
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herearedragons · 5 months
…so I watched this musical called nerdy prudes must die and apprarently I have thoughts about it, so I’m just going to compile these thoughts into one post. (there are spoilers)
people have pointed out how cruel it is that Ruth is mocked for her really sincere performance on stage before dying, and it’s even sadder if you remember that in the one(1) positive interaction she had with Max before his death, he acknowledged and complimented her performance as the skele’un? and that it might have been the first time in years that someone appreciated her as a performer in any way?
but also, Ruth is the only victim of Max’s who dies on stage(for Richie, the lights go out before we can actually see him die, but not for her), so in this very twisted meta way she’s once again honored as a performer when she dies? in-universe she dies alone, but the audience is with her, and she remains the center of our attention until the end.
the last Ruth thing I have is that she says she used to tap dance (I think she’s not acting anymore for the last few lines of Just For Once?) and so does Pete, so… were they in tap class together? if so, that’s cute
also, speaking of meta things, the fourth wall breaks in the actual songs? like the townspeople in Hatchet Town acknowledging that by singing they’re giving the killer more time to kill again, but they can’t stop, or Max calling out the audience in Literal Monster and pointing out that it doesn’t matter if you’re judging him because you’ll still keep watching his show. this isn’t a groundbreaking take or anything, but I like these
the “bean school? :O …excellent! :D” line from Bully The Bully gets me every time, it’s just the “we did it, gang! we got to something that sounds like half a coherent thought!” energy. truly THE teen experience
Max references religion and specifically Christianity a lot, but in Literal Monster he does the wrong gesture for “cross your heart”, so… he’s probably not a practicing Christian, or he would know the correct way to cross himself? which makes the constant use of religious imagery in his lines even more interesting, since I’m pretty sure he’s the only one who makes these references other than Grace (alternatively, his “cross your heart” might not be in the “prayer” sense, but in the literal “crossing someone out” sense? but it’s still a cool detail)
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stellanet · 1 year
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Not every hero's tale starts out noble
For this one starts with a little thievery...
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kismetmoon · 9 months
thinking and pining…
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[Plain text ID: a simple repeating animation of an original stylised Flatland character, Ruth, on a white background.
Ruth is a humanoid character who has pitch black skin with dark grey patches, an eye for a head with a point on top and four bottom eyelashes, thin limbs and a short tail.
Ruth is situated in the centre of the screen and is facing the viewer. She is standing up with her arms resting at her sides. She is also wearing a green oversized sweater with a spiral in the centre and patches on the elbows. Her eye is looking to the ground and going back and fourth continuously. Her tail is wagging in the opposite direction of her eye movements. There are three square thought bubbles above her to the right; the biggest one in the centre contains a black star, while the small two off to the sides both have small black hearts.
End ID.]
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kazuaru · 2 months
OC Questionnaire
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Name: Ruth 011.
Nickname: Model 011.
Gender: Female.
Star sign: She technically a leo but it doesn't mean anything to her programing.
Height: 6 ft exactly.
Orientation: Pansexual but wasn't programed like that.
Nationality/Ethnicity: African American.
Favorite Fruit: Palmagent. (but she don't eat)
Favorite Season: Fall. (bc her handler (donavin) complains less)
Favorite Flower: Dicentra.
Favorite Scent: None. (she has no sense of smell)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: None. (don't need to drink)
Average Hours of Sleep: 24 hrs. (for a full charge to last a month)
Dogs or Cats: Cats.
Dream Trip: Hawaii. (she what's to see what a beach looks like in person)
Number of Blankets: Zero.
Random Fact: She's technically five years old bc she has only been in the field for that long but her model looks like a 35 y/o woman.
Thanks to @pleaseputnamehere for tagging me 💖!!!!!!!
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ruzhuzhu · 5 months
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🔥 blazing light soaring in the sky
the whole setting and lore is a big WIP (cuz i spen most of the time studying).
the character is the same as in the previous post. his name's slava (not a full mame) and he's a mage, an explorer and one of Protectors. the guy was born with extraordinary regeneration abilities, but he gained the solar-flame powers elsewhere and mainly hides them, only using for emergencies.
the horrors pour out of wormholes, rifts in time-space caused by unknown reasons. chasms appeared one day and were never gone completely. sometimes they vanish, sometimes the reality cracks open again. it's been so for millenia; knowing little about the universe's laws, humans had no choice but to humble, battle and adapt. to defend their lives and homes, the strongest and bravest stood up against the beasts and fought, thus becoming the Protectors. The ones that risked their lives trying to reach out into the unknown anf venture into the wormholes were called the Seekers.
Since the appearance of the reality chasms, life changed greatly; something (or someone?) forced energy to flow through the cracks, filling everything with power and alien characteristics, something that could be described as magic.
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jitteryjive · 7 months
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100% something ruth would write if blu went missing
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psycho-static-x · 2 months
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one without all the extra yellow on it lol
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anchor-naut · 2 years
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Oc's Oc's on my mind 24/7 Enjoy Ruth eating burgor. (also an outfit that I really want ngl)
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minaharkers · 1 year
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lorelai hawke (dragon age 2) | ruth bennett (bioshock)
isobelle dierre (elder scrolls online) | eriana tabris (dragon age: origins)
i was tagged by @florbelles to use this meiker 
tagging: @statichvm @chuckhansen @jendoe @risingsh0t @indorilnerevarine @unholymilf @denerims @leviiackrman + anyone else who wants to do this!!
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basicallyjaywalker · 5 months
60 Question OC asks
For Ivy Crest: 1, 33, and 59
For Ruth Whispernight: 7, 39, and 55
And for Elizaabeth Chumsworth: 15 & 16, 35, and 44
Toasty you have spoiled meeeeee. Multiple questions AND three characters AND two of them are prev gen? I am flattered and honored /gen
Let's go!
Ivy Crest
1: Gonna go off the specifier thing here and gonna also say it depends on where she is in her life. When she's still living with her mom? She's saving her mother's ring because she knows the value her mom places on it. Once she's living with Ronin... I would say she goes for R.E.X. or her lockpicking kit. Ivy doesn't have a lot of possessions that are hers per se, she doesn't form material attachments because she's used to exchanging things, so her stuff rotates out frequently. Although, post her and Luna meeting, she would absolutely save any gifts Luna has given her. Those are the first and only things she locks away and doesn't allow anyone else access to. Ronin understands that if he so much as glances at them wrong Ivy will blow him into the sea (he wouldn't dream of it. well maybe a little. but he wouldn't actually do it.)
33: Worst injury... hmm... honestly, I need to go back and do her fight scenes bc I wanna give her a few in S5 but the one I know for sure (and thus her worst injuries) are when Morro steals the Scroll of Airjitzu and she goes after him. She:
Singlehandedly tries to fight a bunch of ghosts and gets tossed about for her troubles
Singlehandedly is trying to get the ninja to back off too
Does parkour across Stiix, gets to the dock and jumps into the freezing cold water
is almost drowned by strangleweed
Needs a lot of warm tea and blankets after Ronin and R.E.X. rescue her, so it's convenient that she helps Ronin get Kai to give up all of the Ninja's Steep Wisdom shares :D
Nothing terrible, but that will definitely change :) (threat)
59: Building a better life, whatever that looks like.
Before her mother died, Ivy wanted them to be stable. She learned to cook and clean and anything else to make her mom smile. Her mom smiling meant everything was okay, because she so rarely smiled when Ivy was a child.
Once her mother passed and she was living on her own, it was just survival. A better life was one where she wasn't hungry or cold. Then Ronin found her, and a better life became prestige and the promise of a house on a hill, bought with their ill-gotten funds. Once Luna is in her life, that plan becomes a bit more honest and includes Luna too.
Ivy's biggest dream and motivator is the idea of a better life than the one she had before. She wants peace and love and a home she can relax in, with her family. And she'll never admit it to anyone, but it's that dream that keeps her going on the cold, hard days. On the days when she just wants to give up like her mother did. She just thinks of a warm house, a luxury that felt impossible to her as a child.
Clears throat. I love you, Ivy. Time to go insane over some moms.
Ruth Whispernight
7: How do I put this... so Ruth has committed murder and kidnapping, but it was an act of self-defense.
See, Ruth is what is called the Wisp. The mythology surrounding her bloodline is that they are the scale-balancers of Ninjago. They keep light and dark in balance when the natural order fails, basically subtly influencing others to do things to create balance. They manage this from a sequestered forest in Hiroshi's Labyrinth which mortals should not traverse into (and may or may not be why so many people go missing in there.) Unfortunately, people still try and accidentally stumble into the Wisp's Forest.
Which is what some foolish explorers did one day while trying to map that forsaken place. Willow knew her duty and carried it out. So yeah. Oopsies. She has confessed this to only 1 person though and that was an explorer she met while looking outside her forest for other trespassers, but Ruth couldn't murder her because they became best friends and she never actually saw the forest, so it was okay!
39: Hear me out: she really wishes she was better at manipulation.
Her duty is very dependent on the ability to influence both good and evil people to do things and she doesn't have an elemental ability to make this easier. She has the ability to sense things and monitor the world, but otherwise it's up to her to figure out what she has to do. Ruth was born and lived in the Forest her entire life, like most other Wisps. Her social skills are actually 0 and it's a blessing that Naomi just thought she had mad neurodivergent swag like the rest of her friends. Ruth has communicated only with animals, and they tend to be very direct, so she is also very direct, which then makes it hard to persuade them.
55: Naomi, hands down. Naomi is Ruth's best friend and confidante. Naomi is the only one Ruth trusts enough to tell that she's the Wisp. Ruth admires Naomi. She's brave, headstrong, unafraid, and crafty. Naomi is a warrior. Whereas Ruth is encouraged to meddle in the shadows, Naomi faces things head-on. Ruth admires that she is more active than other mortals she's seen.
On top of that, Naomi teaches Ruth to be human. Naomi is the reason Ruth leaves the Forest and breaks the precedent set by her ancestors. Naomi fascinates and inspires Ruth so much with her simple human traits that Ruth literally upends her entire life for her and only goes back when it's apparent their relationship is over.
Other than that? less look up to and more is fascinated by Garmadon. His vacillation between light and dark grabs her attention. Doesn't so much look up to him as wants to study him. They aren't really friends, but she definitely asks Naomi about him so much that Naomi suspected something else was going on.
Phew, Wisp lore my beloved. Sorry if this one was a bit messier as I just reworked it, but I was happy to talk more about it and Ruth!
Elizabeth Chumsworth
15: Adventurous and curious! First and foremost, Elizabeth considers herself a researcher. That has always been her passion. However, when she's a bit older and gets the chance to reconnect with Nataly, she would also describe herself as a mother who loves her daughter deeply. She's simple, she enjoys her studies and loves her little girl (said little girl was in her 20s when they met again, still little).
16: A bright-minded girl with a lot of ideas and very little self-preservation. Her time with the previous EMs was defined a lot by her going up to them and dumping random insane lore she knows, specifically about the serpentine. She was known for doing dangerous or potentially risky things in search of information. Before the Serpentine War she asked permission to do an ethnographic study of serpentine culture in their villages and got approval from some Anacondrai. Then the war broke out and they were like "we might keep you here" and she went "oh this is fascinating! if i promise not to tell can i sit in on war meetings?" and everyone stared at her like she was covered in fur. She got to sit in on those meetings supervised btw, being the master of love does give you a certain amount of irresistibility. Very posh advisor who dreamed of doing more kept an eye on her to make sure she wasn't doing anything suspicious. His name was Pythor and they got along swimmingly :D
35: She wasn't sure if she wanted children at first. There was always the question of if she could do her work with a child, but she always figured that was a question for later. Then, she got pregnant, a huge shock that she had to come to terms with while her husband was being sealed away in a tomb and she was being tried for treason, but the answer soon became an unequivocable "yes." she loves Nataly with all her heart and soul and one of her biggest regrets is that she wasn't able to raise her herself.
44: Elizabeth is not above lying, but most of the time she doesn't have to. Her powers as the master of love include the ability to persuade people to do what she says, though this does not guarantee they will do it. Still, she relies on that as opposed to out and out lying.
One thing she won't do though is break a promise. If she promises you something, she means it. She promised the serpentine the information she gathered in her research would be strictly used for educational and historical purposes under her supervision, and she kept that promise. Her writings from the war were only published years later when she got out of Kryptarium and donated them to the Ninjago Museum of History, kept safe and hidden until then by her friend, Twyla.
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necro-hamster · 2 years
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when worlds collide
ruthiepoo belongs to @zakryah
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stellanet · 1 year
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neigh, it's not the right time for this...
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