#nuka deserved better tho
b0lt420 · 6 months
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it runs in the family.
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This is the second time making this post because i am angry as fuck because for some reason when I added the names it didn't save so I'm doing this shit again 
Hey! I had a stupendus idea, the past few days I've gathered a bunch of mitten squad quotes and captain sauce quotes
Soooo, I'll put wich book of mario characters would say each quote and we'll see what happens
Yes I know 99% of the mitten squad quotes is gonna be bolivia and carbon
Also, some quotes reference characters and locations, so I'll put an [ ] with what I think the book of mario counterpart would be
Lewis:"I have successfully turned an ordinary kitchen utensil into the most valuable fork in the known universe, no one man should have this kind of power, but I am not mortal man, as a sexualy identity as a big rock being thrown into the ocean"
Princess of peaches, talking about 1 TEC-20"The robot wasn't able to pick the lock and I lacked the fire power to blow the bitch open" 
Marc:"I left a broom there too so my bucket wouldn't be lonely"
Carbon:"Calm down vegetarians I am talking about animals in video games, animals in real life matter way less"
Barney one:"Killing it isn't the hard part, the hard part is getting away from the explosion of the goddamm Nagasaki bomb strapped up its ass that was rigged to explode once it died"
Bolivia:"Todd Howard [barbie], even in death you find a way to fuck me"
Bolivia:"We came back to the little shit with the ant problem and killed most of the ants, I left one alive for the boy, either he becomes a man or that ant will have a very good day" 
Goomb:"Me brain fixed gud no hurt no more"
Marc:"Picked up trash for the make a wish kid"
Bolivia, talking about maria:"Because she hits like a bull with down syndrome and has the personality of a piece of plywood"
Belize:"You might be wondering, who is the boy and who is the girl? I won't give it away but I will say this, the knife is a whore"
Maria:"I had armor, i had supplies, i had pockets full of room temperature tomatos"
Bolivia:"For some reason I thought that stupid the horse v2 could fly, bad decision on my part"
Carbon:"For some reason this shrapnel character had 200 BB's, what a weirdo, who caries around 200 BB's?, anyway, I talked to daddy and brought my 300 BB's and headed off to clear off the Jefferson memorial"
Goverman::"Get a juice box and strap on your helmet, because we're going to hell"
Carbon:"I punched a puppy to death"
Marc:"My iq is similar to that of a 14 year old block of cheese"
Lewis:"Theres an oxygen exhaust pipe, the second best tipe of pipe to suck on to keep yourself alive, for those who need hand holding, that was not a drug reference, this is a family friendly channel, it was a suicide joke"
Bolivia:"I got an amazing slow motion shot of dogmeat getting fucked to death by a nuclear warhead"
Maria:"My only option was to become a vampire, wich sucked"
Bolivia:"But just as when like how every virtual dog goes to hell when it dies, what the fuck does that even mean?"
Carbon:"I took advantage of a unconscious military officer and beat him to death"
Barney one:"Nothing else says more victory than overdosing on drugs after a war"
Prof. Ceasar reality:"And decided to go to the much bigger and much more research facility x-13 research facility facility center, WHAT? I think I had a stroke"
Bolivia:"Used more than 3% of my frag mines to blow up a dog"
Carbon:"The last few coursers ran for their non existence lives and I went after them because I'm not letting anyone get away, one got away"
Maria:"I got a warning saying that nuka world is intended for those level 30 or above, Mathematics show us that me being lv11 is close enough to lv30"
Carbon:"Killed a pain-maker and got a glimpse into the big G in the sky who manifested himself as a fire axe floating in the air, this voodoo shit has no place in zion so I chopped of the pain-maker's legs and arms so If there is an afterlife he will be a cripple in hell for all eternity"
Goverman:"Its head turned into jelly, I threw its egg down into the nightmare bellow, and then I jumped after it"
Carbon:"A herd of big hornets paid the ultimate price for being alive"
Goverman:"Used his gun to turn off a woman"
Maria:"Me being the player can't open the door, theres a know you have to twist it its a whole process"
Goverman explained why maria survived the fall:"One of them belonged to God and refused to die"
Goombell, talking about hoko saba:"The dragon I pretended to not exist a few minutes ago is one of my mom's friend's kids so I had to play with him even tho he's weird"
Belize:"There was no hamster's luck in a garbage disposal chance that I would follow this giant fuck all the way to the cit ruins"
Lewis:"Along the way i saved a shopping cart from drowning and returned it to its family"
Prof. Ceasar reality:"Its about 24 million cheez its away from New vegas"
Bolivia:"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to bedworld"
Carbon:"With enough notches in my pistol to spell psychopath in braille"
Gooverman:"I spie with my little eye a ville whore who deserves to die, I cleaved her back in half with my stick and what I saw was glorious"
Maria?:"Its kinda like playing the floor is lava, but you can't see the lava and instead of burning to death you turn into a vegetable"
IDK"I hid from Ringo by hiding in ringo"
Bolivia:"The plate worked as well I thought it would, wich means it didn't work"
Bolivia:"There was a 3 for 1 discount on dead raiders if you use the promo code granade at checkout"
Belize:"The only explanation is that has a 5th appendage wich he pulls out on special occasions, wich probably isn't the case, we all know elmo doesn't pull out"
Goomb:"You don't need those things, Jesus got trough his life without any guns"
Goombape:"When i played it as a children"
Barbie:"Its like how you don't know if your life has any meaning until you die and see your score"
Belize:"This was the most stealth oriented part of the game by a metric mile"
Bolivia:"I stripped him naked, talked with Elliot [lewis] whose face bothered me for some reason,Talked with the samurai[maria], talked with red dead redemption [barney one]"
Carbon:"Some idiot spilled red paint on the clouds"
Bolivia:"Before traveling with the wizard, I spent some time pestering earnie with the prospect of friendship, by walking back and forth in front of him, making him think i wanted to talk to him just for me to keep on walking,I was voted the quietest guy I high-school and I know how loud earnie is screaming inside his head right now, it's kinda fun to be in this side of it :) ,also this isn't related to the video in any way, I just wanted to make it known that i have a sealed copy of elmos letter adventure for Nintendo 64 and you don't"
Maria:"I knew I could use that as a lighthouse of sorts in order to cast myself further into the ocean until i drowned in my own disappointment"
Goombell:"Vulpes[carbon] was adopted, his mother is both infertile and imaginary"
Belize:"Being alone is mental, you can be surrounded by friends family laughs and love on Christmas morning and still be alone in your head"
Bolivia:"I acted in self defense by committing various war crimes"
Carbon:"My throwing spears were broken and wouldn't fly,stupid fucking game" 
Bolivia:"That wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the truth"
Maria:"If there's anything Shaun b knows to do is die"
Boombell:"The number of bear traps I activated for sexual reasons turned my angles into a fine powder"
Goverman:"Where the grass is green and the air is even greener"
IDK"I consulted a doctor who flucked out of medical school and followed his advice by killing myself"
Belize:"Being a futuristic[X-nauti], nazi dominated world version of polly poc,etc it has its own set of drawbacks"
Marc:"They're mass effect 3 of fallout 3's 5th dlc, I've never played mass effect"
Lewis:"Who loves their father like how their brother loves his mother's sister"
Carbon:"Like most existential crises it went away after I killed somebody"
Carbon:"If you're wraped in chains and dropped into an empty bathtub to drown, a snorklew won't save you"
Goombape:""A wise man once said "hi! Jeanie may's here"  and he's right, there has to be a better way""
Browser:"After it took 3 grown man to kidnap a baby with a gun"
goldbob:"The lever action gun riffle can kill a mutant in a single shot if you land a shot that can kill it in one hit"
Maria:"Its 2020, Noone wants to use their hands anymore"
Bolivia:"Before journeying into more death, some jackass hit me with a granade and killed me, not the explosion, the granade bouncing off my soon to be corpse is was what made me dead"
Belize:"Some Neanderthals gave me their bullets to hold in a pretty rude way >:("
Princess of peaches:"Im not worried about offending blind people, it's not like they'll be watching this"
Carbon:"30 seconds is longer than you'd think, ask anyone whose been on fire"
Lewis:"I was as useful as a comatose toddler with a nerf gun at pearl harbor"
Goomb:"I also poused the challenge to satisfy the curiosity of mine regarding the birds in the sky that Don real because birds aren't exist"
Marc:"Any doctor worth their weight in styrofoam cups can fix a leg with their feet"
Bolivia:"I had me a silenced weapon, but I didn't account for today being his birthday, this changes everything, so I shaped for hollow point"
Carbon:"Maybe if Steve earlin had a gun instead of a snorklew he'd still be alive today"
Marc:"It took me 30 minutes and 3 phone calls to get my food because I'm too much of a pussy to go outside at 10 o'clock at night while drunk in a Christmas sweater after news year to steal my own food of one my neighbors doorstep"
Maria:"We've got rogue, tank dampse, and squidword"
Lewis;"And they're no joke, but I am, I am the big joke and my body is the punchline"
Bolivia:"I got mentally Nagasaki'd by this guy at the stables"
IDK"And went outside where Victor is unhappy with me, after killing Victor, Victor came out of the lucky 38 to avenge victor" 
Bolivia:" i shot a kid, i sent that little bitch to the moon"
Sushiya,  testing her products:"The door was of its axis, a plate was misbehaving on the chair, a cattle was dancing on the table like the whore she is"
Carbon:"And went shopping for dead bodies, they weren't in stock,  but i know a guy who knows a guy who could help me out, both of those guys are me"
Bolivia:"Now vault yosh is I your head too, and he won't be going anywhere"
Maria's son:"As much of a monster that I look like, I think it's gonna work"
Sushiya:"But you know what they say, imagination is what happens when annoyance meets drug use"
Carbon:"If they're stupid enough to be in my way they might as well be my enemy"
Goverman:"But the slippery bastard was too clever, he walked around it, I didn't even know that such a maneuver was even possible"
IDK"Homeland security at this point has yet to be impregnated by a sentient barrel of oil"
Bolivia:" if I drunkenly put a giant hole on my sink with a goddam coffee cup imagine what I could do with a gun"
Belize:"Got ambushed in the freezer while searching for chicken nuggets"
Goverman:"But the fucken bullet Williams come flying out of fucking nowhere"
Maria:"The next second you're in a universe where everything that exists is the sick bastard child of a drunken fuckfest between a pin screen and a light brush"
Bolivia:"Ask the cashier if they have a granade, if they say no, say nothing for a few seconds, put a big smile, put your hands on theirs and quietly ask, would you like one?"
Sean hampton:"Can't do anything until I have my arms around a fat man"
Barbie:"The premise of this run is that I have no arms and I must dab"
Maria's son:"I told you before that I was a genetic disaster"
Bolivia:"And in that cabin, theres some west Virginian mountain folk who are so deep in incest that one of them somehow managed to be his own father"
Bolivia:"Can you hear that? It's…. It's an air conditioner! And it's so fucking anoying, aw no I hurt it's feelings :( "
Goverman:"He could probably put the end of his musket inside his mouth, pull the trigger and still miss"
Barney one:"The big beaver ended his life in stile, he even made a summersault into the afterlife"
Goverman:"Im a good Christian boy,  I'll save my ammo for my suicide"
Carbon:"I am not Cinderella, I'm a parasite"
IDK"I played with a doggy too, it used the flesh on my arm as a chew toy, and I booked his nose with a nuclear newspaper to show that that kind of thing isn't allowed in the mitten squad household"
Sean hampton:"The crusable is a magical weapon like divorce papers, capable of tearing everything it comes across in half"
Barbie:"The curse of grandma sparkle managed to reach me all the way in hell"
Barney one:"If you are gonna get a cat, you might get a gun aswell"
Belize:"Corn on the Joe sat back not helping his brother's"
Carbon:"I bought 24 regular bullets,28 hollow points, and 60 that need to wear a helmet"
Bolivia:"After the squad died I had to content with the leftovers, the scraps, statically speaking the majority of what remained"
Lewis:"What I need to face is like a toddler with a learning disability, that would be fair"
Carbon:"I took both left eyes of this dead guy "
Carbon:"It took longer to pull out the Esther than it took of kill the general"
Sushiya, while high:"Deeper inside shit got weird, i killed a giant skeleton right? Nothing weird about that, but then his body just kinda danced in place really slowly, I tought speeding up time would fix it, that was a massive fucking mistake, and changing time back to normal was an even bigger mistake, he'll be hunting me until I die, but until then he'll still be dancing"
Carbon:"They're old, how hard can it be to turn them into blueberry jam and ram them into the grass"
Belize:"I guess if you do electrocute a tank enough it would just explode"
Boliviz:"Id have a better chance of finding a snowball down here than winning a coin toss"
Marc:"How does my Christmas lights break to a stiff breeze but these ones are practically terminators"
Barney one:"I never tought id see the day where I would have to hire a sniper to assassinate a troublesome light bulb but here we are "
Lewis:"I get the feeling if you try to milk a minotaur then you're gonna be its wife"
Sushiya:"In the history of mankind do you think we've ever seen a snake fight an octopus?"
Goverman:"Lets see if you can wobble your way trough the grim reaper" [the grim being carbon]
Goldbob:"Its a steaming pile of something ill tell you that much"
Goverman:"He died? How! Did he have an allergic reaction to the sun?"
Goomb:"Michelangelo is Swiss cheese and where good to go"
Bolivia:"It really looks like I'm taking a sharpened stick to a bazooka fight"
Princess of peaches, talking about 1TEC-20:"Im playing pictionary with a blind robot"
maria:"Theres on the nose dialogue and then there's punch you in the nose dialogue"
Bolivia,  talking about barney one:"This lady looks like her father was half refrigerator"
IDK"Im supposed to sabotage the mail missile assembly line but it looks like someone got here before me"
Belize?:"And the ghosts of previously murdered pianos???"
Maria:"Im getting outsmarted by puppets"
Bolivia:"After careful deliberation with my associate we've come to the conclusion that the local government must have Removed all quarters from circulation,  the laundromat went under and before you know it the entire society fell into nudism and then anarchy "
Carbon?:"This is like the hunger games of sesame street"
IDK"Im a weird shotgun santa"
Garlic?:"Oh damm! CTHULO IS THICC"
Krump:"What kind of interdimensional time traveling toilet is this?"
Carbon:"Wheater it be cultural appropriation or demonic abomination,  i don't realy care im just gonna try to hit it with a pee bucket" 
Goombell:"This isn't a bridge its just the worlds weakest motorcycle trebuchet "
Bolivia:"Oh hellow mr berry"
Carbon:"Giant alien space worm 2020, make America worm poop again"
Bolivia:"When did snuffy[barney one] decide to judas me and join the hobbits?[origamis]"
Lewis:"Theres a surprisingly high amount of chickens in this map and a dramatic lack of eggs"
Bolivia:"Im pretty sure we've sent the first claim to the moon"
Maria:"And yet I'm forced to defend myself from stuff like bloodthirsty scp's using nothing but uncooked t-bone stake, I mean technically its doable but it doesn't make It any less ridiculous"
Barbie:"What's the point of a metal detector if literally everyone here has somekind of cybernetic, like I swear to God If I walk trough here aND you guys start pounding the shit out of me just because I got a couple of extra inches of robo-dong IM GONNA BE PISSED"
Bolivia:"Everyone's wearing slick black suits meanwhile I look like somebody skinned a couch from the 70s"
Sushiya:"Is this bacon flavored weed or weed flavored bacon?"
Sean hampton:"Do you think that Darth Vader ever had to deal with a rebel or a henchmen who was into getting chocked? Like starts force checking them and they tell him to go harder?"
Koopley:"I was stabbed to death by a naked man with a spear and my arm is perpetually running"
Koop kotu:"So I'm crazy enough to be locked behind bars but not crazy enough to think I can fly*
Bolivia:"Usually spooders have 8 arms not 8 abs"
Carbon:"I just bludgeoned Jesus to death with a stick of meat, I'm guessing he's gonna be back in a couple of days he's gonna be looking for me so we'll start running now"
Carbon:"Im done with words, shooty goody time"
Maria?:"Id have a better time cutting down bushes then these strange little robo hobits"
Belize:"Dad this is not the time to be dancing with crabs!"
Maria:"Thats my little brother, who has a fully posable deny devito action figure,I've always been jealous of that one"
Bolivia:"The turns are tabbleling"
Maria, talking about barbie:"She's not exactly the brightest tool at the picnic"
Belize:"Are you kidding me mom? Realy?, you were the one that said you're sick of seeing donkey kongs donkey dong"
Maria:"I have no idea what was in that Wonster energy drink that made him go master roshe style"
Bolivia:"I want to file a complaint against Stacy [belize] for T-posing to assert Dominance over me"
Marc:"Believe it or not dangling a padlock the size of a shoebox from a doorknob does as much work as I want to"
Caesar reality:"You can never have too many rotten floor bananas"
Carbon:"Poisoning your boss is probably not the best way to skip work, but ya boy gotta do what he has to do"
Goverman:"I'll take nicknames of my penis for 300$ alex"
Starvinden?:"I guess we'll just leave you in your special sarcophagus mr tutan-deez-nuts"[browser]
Lewis:"I've been skipping work for 2 weeks now and I'm starting to think that my computer isn't even plugged in"
Bolivia, talking to maria:"Your suit smells like a wet fart and your mouth smells like a ashtray"
Bolivia:"If anyone needs me I'll be on the insane asylum,  why am I caressing a mannequin on top of a boat?"
Carbon:"Would you like to hang yourself or be crucified? Dealers choice!"
Bolivia talking about carbon:"He's doing something ingenious probably diabolical……..or he's dressed as a panda"
Marc:"We should really pay for security around here not only are people breaking in there is also a giant spine breaking chickens"
Maria to Bolivia:"You are very angry at that stake"
Sushiya, after using its products:"I wonder why was I twerking at the office statue"
goombell:"I guess we're gonna leave the cookie monster dildo in the locker"
Sean hampton, to Maria:"My love for you is like diarrhea, sometimes I just can't hold it in"
Bolivia:"You're watching me In a Google video platform playing a game from a Google gaming platform that was translated using Google translate, if this isn't a dystopian future I don't know what is"
Bolivia?:"I couldn't have predicted the run after her like a velociraptor made out of pool noodles"
Lewis:"Jumping Jack neighbor help me!"
Bolivia:"Bread! There's no bread,there's your bread! That's a cookie God dammit"
Belize:"So I can be invited to the worlds saddest birthday party"
Maria:"I guess we're playing ring around the Rosie till I lose his dumb ass"
Carbon:"If you see jehovah's witness you tell them to eat shit"
Bolivia::"For my shopping list I need to find a floppy disk with a s, but for the distraction I could use a floppy dick with sunglasses and a tie"
Carbon:"I really hoped that your little bird bath had a couple inches of water so I could steal a tiny toaster to throw it in with you"
Belize::"Its pretty safe to say Mr voice bad Benjamin good, but we just saw Benjamin talk with the grim reaper and pull around a cart wich is about the size of a child's body"
Goombell:"She may have a crush on the interdimensional death fox"
Maria:"Its like the herpes of craft supplies"
Barney one:"Everyone wants to split checks for keano Reaves, even if they're a 10ft dragon made out of logos and seizures what is going on right now?"
Sushiya, high, again:"When I dilapidated the banana and poked the mayo's brain then had an indept conversation with the strawberry cocoon did bread get arrested? I didn't see the police come by, that would make sense because the alcoholic cat ran away"
Goombell:"I think I graduated for the university of food torture"
Well, this is all, took some time but it's here, hope you enjoyed
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unikornu · 4 years
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Page 9, The Right Rythm
-Slow down there Boss, we are just halfway through the evening. Gage snapped the beer from Lucy's hand and took a sip himself. They were sitting at the corner table in Cappy's Cafe while the pack was drinking themselves dead after getting the news about taking Safari park. Keith was almost running around them trying to keep up with delivering the drinks to the thirsty savages and not to slip on blood that he still didn't manage to clean after last fool that tried to push on alpha crap against Mason. Meanwhile Lauren was just happy to squeeze more caps and making sure no one is disturbing the business couple, having her shotgun ready under the bar.  
- Hey, cmon i deserve a break after dealing with that rampage zoo crocodiles... she rolled her eyes and sighted deeply. 
-Gators, Boss...they are gators. Not crocodiles, jezz. Have a bit of respect since they almost tore us apart. Gage shook a finger in her face and passed the bottle back.  -And, hey that is actually my beer, get your own booze woman. Gage protested but she turned away and gulped down everything that was left.
  -You mean that "was" your beer. Ye...sorry, i forgot my "purse" at home. She hiccupped and smiled with one corner of her lips. He scratched the back of his head and looked away trying to stay serious.
  It has been a completely crazy turn around in her life, from being lost and lonely, squeezed between what is right and not, almost giving up on herself. Now she is the leader to the people for which rules exist only to not kill each other and in the name of profit. Nisha was damn right about it at least. The rules..they stopped existing at the moment people started dropping bombs on each other officially.
 Lucy kissed goodbye her pre-war memories and moral backbone once again in Far Harbor, the night that Nucleus threw away its last radioactive breath in the air. She wasn't saint back then, before the bombs either, having a loving partner, living good, almost luxurious life while working with one of the most crooked figures in the crime society as personal assistant and agent. Once it was all gone within one explosion she missed mostly the warm and calm feeling, landing up in the bed, feeling safe with someone who she trusts and trusts her back. Now, passing each week in Nuka World it feels again like she has that warm spot again but this time it's better because no lies were included, to anyone, not even herself. Crime life was luring her from the very beginning to its bloody and thirsty claws but she wanted to be smart about it, not getting caught guaranteed that wheels and cogs kept moving forward into the direction they wanted, not the one they are told to pick. And justice was always served blindly and flat, rules were rules and no one cared about flipping the coin to the other side or treating each case in its own light. And she never dared to question her pre-war boss who trainer her and shaped into the sharpest tool he could ever have. 
 Lucy muttered under her nose being lost in her philosophical thoughts and past, staring at the raiders in the background but she snapped out when the cold wet glass touched her shoulder. 
-Lets have another round and then head back, taking another park doesn't mean that the job is done for us eh? She took a beer he handed her opening slightly her mouth to say something but nothing came out. 
-You okay, Boss? You seemed very interested into the void you've been staring at the last five minutes while i was trying to get us beer without punching anyone on the way. Raider sat back across the table and raised a bottle to give it a gentle hit with hers before taking a long sip. 
-Gage...what made you the person you are now? I would like to hear your part of the past since we seem to be stuck together a while now. 
-How i became a foul mouthed one eyed son of a bitch? He pushed his chair closer and crossed his both hands on the table. -Ye...well, fair enough but that will cost us yet another beer. 
Lucy managed to scrape few more caps from the pocket and pushed them towards him. - I'm all ears then.
- I grew up in a typical settlement like many out there, being an ordinary kid but i realized fast that my parents were just a couple of pushovers, cowards, same as the rest of dem folks...no one there would stand up for himself and as a kid i couldn't understand why. Was pretty much rebellious from the start, rules were not to my liking too much...so one day i see them kneeling down again because of some stupid fuck with a gun and i just realized i won't end up like them, not like this. Gage poped a cigarette from the pack and light it up while continuing his story on how he was also lost, looking for a place that would make his guts feel right while trying to get by day by day doing various jobs and assisting in caravans. 
-They always took what they wanted and were on their way, no talking, no deals, just pure will to do what you want, take what you want to survive. Those were the only rules that made sense and stick to my head back then so when i met a gang again i joined up and worked my way up, all the way here. The only reason i ain't dead yet tho is that i knew how to put a barrier between doing what ya want and losing control. He popped open a lighter and put a fire under a cigarette that Lucy gently placed between her lips. 
-What about you, Boss? We all know your famous story of being the living human ice cube but...what was before exactly, that gal like you wants to nest with a bunch of dirty bastards like us even after war, hm? He scanned her smooth face ignoring the scar across her eye as he saw enough of them in his life and smashed the cigarette in the ashtray. 
-Well, back then being the one against the rules would put you very fast out of the game, in jail or worse and i didn't want that to happen. Seeing the world out of system and its underground opened my eyes too. I thought that becoming a lawyer i would be de one serving the right justice but i realized my hands were always tied by someone above...the system so i...took the other path and did what i think was right. Secretly turned to a crime part of life, saw all of it. Fell deeper and deeper and became liking it, living it, maybe a bit too much at times. And now this world...? No laws, no jail, everyone with his own life and gun, it just feels...right, for me at least. I don't have to lie anymore to anyone.  She puffed a cloud of smoke into Gage's face and finished her beer. 
As the time passed half of the raiders were dead drunk lying down all over the cafe. Gage and Lucy decided its a good moment to leave so they stood up from the table and walked over the drunks while heading to the exit. 
They strolled back to Fizztop in silence, side by side, she knew her right hand man wasn't much of a talker so he had his well deserved break of silence, all the way to the top. It didn't last any longer tho. She turned on the radio and took her metal chest piece down, throwing it to the side. 
- I have a gift for you...but i will want something in return. She kneeled next to bed pulling something round and white from under it, hiding it in her arms as she approached him at the couch.  
-What kind of gift it is then that ya want something back for it eh? Gage was sitting on the couch like a true raider, with his arms crossed and legs spread awaiting for the reveal of surprise. 
-Well, we are raiders after all huh, nothin ain't free like that? Anyway...i noticed you seem to be fond of certain...creatures while they were trying to eat us alive and i stumbled upon this in the pool in the reptile house. Gage relaxed his arms slowly and stood up with a surprised look in his eyes as she reveled her gift. It was...shiny and round, barely damaged.
 -Boss...is it... a goddamnfucking  gator egg? I...ayee.. dunno wut to say, shit. Will it actually...you know, pop out at some point? He asked and took it gently with his both hands running the fingers across the smooth shell and then putting it carefully on the pillow at the couch. - It might actually. Would be a decent addition once Mason or you train it properly. She nodded at him, her arms crossed this time, tapping a finger against her upper arm awaiting to hear the magic words that for Gage felt almost like grinding a sand paper against his tongue. 
-Fuck...thank you, Boss. I will try not to break it i swear. There it was, finally. He smiled at her but this time it was a truly honest smile, the one that very few had occasion to see. 
-Now my part of the deal big guy, dance with me. Gage smile turned fast into a half opened mouthed expression. 
-Pardon...wut? Dance? Hell no. He shook his head and watched her snatching two shots of whiskey and coming back right at him. 
-Cmoooon, this will help to loose that tension both in your legs and your head, and we are alone. Cmoon Gage, just one dance, i wouldn't trust anyone else with it after all those years... Her words, the trust, felt honest and warm in his ears. 
-Shit...fine. But just that one time, Boss. I'm embarrassing myself here. He sighted and took down a shot in one gulp. They threw the empty shots away, the glass shattering into small pieces on the floor. He untied his rusty gold armor and threw it to the side letting it slide away. 
-Let me show ya, and no back stabbing okay? Lucy joked and gently took his right hand and placed it on her back while putting her left hand right under back of his shoulder. Then she raised her right hand and ordered him to do the same.
-Stabbing...with this kind of dancing they were almost asking for it. 
He tried not to look directly in her amber shiny eyes reflecting the night lights of Grillie's bar but it was proving difficult with so little free space left between them. As she started to guide him slowly after few stiff steps he finally gave in and relaxed. Did he felt embarrassed swinging around like that? Yeah. But deal is a deal and after so much effort and blood and bullets put together into taking the Nuka World he could let himself be embarrassed like that for a few minutes in exchange. Beside both of them could finally admit that they trust each other at this point, a bit at least.    
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guardianofmemes · 5 years
fallout 4 companions best to worst
with funny images at the start of each character review! DLC companions included! also BIG TIME SPOILERS FOR FALLOUT 4 OKAY 3 2 1 GOOOO!
1. nick valentine - clockwork PI 
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positives: he’s a robot detective who loves neon and smokes even though he has no lungs you know he’s a man who appreciates aesthetic.
negatives: none
2. old longfellow - old salty 
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positive: grandpa time. he's perfect. this man is everyone's rough and tumble but supportive grandfather. he's a rough block of wood, well worn and with a sense of humor, drinking habits, great dialogue, fantastic personality and can follow you around, he never outwears his welcome. he can even follow you around the commonwealth. rivals nick valentine for best companion to me.negative: i can't really think of ANY.
3. codsworth - lovable orb 
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positives: truly a stalwart companion, never abandons you, waited 2 centuries for the player character. it made me upset you couldn't romance them, the character who truly had a connection with you. they're fantastic and the top 3 was a REALLY close call.
negatives: cannot romance, wHY TODD YOU COWARD
4. preston garvey - minutemen general 
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positive:  i can't even bring myself to post a jokey image for him he's just that good. god his character is good. he's a broken man, but he still doesn't stop helping others, or giving up hope. he's truly a good person, but not unrealistic. he has his limits, and can bend and break. and unlike other companions strangely, he DOES have more loyalty breaking points than the others, like if you side with raiders he will shoot you on sight. unless you deviate from the carefully curated quest paths in which case aaaaaaa also his backstory good, and i like how he faces his inner demons, altho i wish he'd just take the mantle of general. he honestly deserves it.
DOWNSIDES: ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEdS OUR HELP. making any companion a never ending, radiant quest hub, is a BAD FECKIN IDEA BOYO. BUCKO ITS A BAD IDEA. as a result of him being a radiant quest hub, its the onbly thing people know about him, care about, and experience while in game, because before and after every character interaction is something about his radiant quest hub quests. also romancing him feels HORRIBLE just like mac cready.
5. john maccready - ratface 
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positives:  Positives, I like snarky mercs. And he had real Scout vibes.Honestly if you forget he existed in any other fallout games, on his own he's a decent companion. I like having him around, he's like that coworker of yours who keeps stealing office supplies but he always has spare smokes if you ask. honestly maccready is like if you dipped piper in the FEV. he's just a better version of her.  she's too heavy handed i'm sorry
negative:  again bethesda's bad design about being afraid of upsetting consumers. because once you finish his personal quest, spoilers getting the cure for his infant son's sickness, he should IMMEDAITELY RETURN TO HIS SON. WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE MAC AND CHEESE. GO RAISE YOUR SON. also romancing him just feels dirty and manipulative. this MAN IS CLEARLY STILL GREIVING FOR HIS DEAD WIFE!!!  most of the romance paths honestly feel dirty and manipulative to me, like you're taking advantage of their friendship and trust in you
6. Ada - actual wife 
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positives: i love robots and this is like if curie didn't suck and wasn't born sexy yesterday. she has a character arc and is cool and has personality and also she's made of different robot parts when she starts out and that's cool. her story is good and even her generic lines are charming.
negatives: after the mechanist dlc is over she has no more unique cool things to say, and its sad they didn't prepare enough dialogue for her
7. john danse - paladin pants 
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positives: danse is a trooper, he's a boot boy yeah. in literal apocalypse land tho, understandable. also he is loyal to his team and anyone he considers his friends. once he spoilers is exiled from the brotherhood for being a synth and loses his way he does lose some of his hangups, becomes a more thoughtful person. his character arc is good, i like how he ends up.
negatives: holy fuck my cat just jumped in my lap he's like my way or the highway haha. anyways back to pants paladin. like i said he has some hangups, aka his racism from living in the brotherhood, a proto-fascist military cult. but honestly this doesn't make him a bad character, and he does get better from it. i'm gonna be real here the only negative about him is again, THE ROMANCE PATH. IT FEELS SO NEGATIVE AND DIRTY AND MANIPULATIVE. like i see people say he's a bad character but no he's just a bad person. and even then, he does learn and adapt.you can have characters who aren't good people in your stories
8. piper - waifu bait 
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positive:  extra extra read all about it, the tracer of fallout 4 not totally a bad thing tho, she's just.obviously the companion you're supposed to like the most.
negative:  her quirkiness has its charms but it can be KINDA much sometimes. also she’s obvious waifu bait. however in the end she's really more a person i'd want to argue with as a friend and hang just chill around she's pushy tho and i don't like being railroaded into certain quests or storybeats.
9. dog - dog 
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positive: dog is dog
negative: is not robot detective or butler, but is still good
10. deacon - MY EYES!!! 
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positives: charming spy man, so deep in the weeds he doesn't even know his own past or even if he's a synth. that's quirky and cute. he also has that very obvious spy charm of, his disguise is just him wearing clothes. iits funny like superman putting glasses on.
negatives: honestly he's just kinda bland. he's such a mystery wrapped in an enigma locked in a puzzlebox owned by that demon guy with the needles in his head, that there's nothing to know about him. really i can't figure him out. or get to know him.then again some of that is due to trust issues. i mean neat character trait but there's not much for me to consume here.
11. john hancock - anarcho beef jerky 
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positive:  he's a pretty free wheeling kinda dude and i like that, he stands up against bad authority, to an extent, and that's where some of my issues crop up
negative:  it could also be blamed on shitty bethesda afraid you wouldn't do certain content if it locked you out of your favorite companions, but he'll stand with you through allying with the institute, the brotherhood, anyone. also his anarchist leadership style has resulted in a lot of issues for his community he doesn't seem keen on fixing or reflecting on anytime soon. also constant substance abuse and he'll encourage you to take on the party hardy lifestyle tooi just look at freeside i mean goodneighbor i mean freeside and i think "man you're supposed to be the king i mean the mayor you should do better". ripoff of the king i'm gonna rip off the bandaid tbh, not even as cool as the king. the king really looked out for freesiders while hancock kinda just... meanders about the place. being mayor with no authority on purpose just makes you, a guy who kills people sometimes.
12. automatron - build-a-bear workshop BUT WITH GUN 
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positive: there's a few distinct personality modules and voice actors for the automatron companions, each one is enjoyable, i liked them, and they were all different from each other. i consider them like mini companions. plus being able to build your very own custom robots with any parts you want is the most epic part of this companion.
negative: the dialogue for the voice actor packs is pretty limited, like pretty limited. not a lot to hear before they loop. i'd have to say these are more neutral than even X6-88 for me
13. X6-88: oh that uniquely named courser that showed up as i destroyed the institute, wait he was a companion??? 
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okay negatives time
negatives:for real tho he's just uh, again kind of a Nothing character. not as disappointing as Strong tho. As an institute courser he's just... well he just Is. he exists. doesn't really question his nature tho, or consider what life would be like outside the institute... its like if Danse had no character arc at all and spoilers just stayed in the brotherhood like a good proto-fascist feudalistic power armored boot boy. he feels like a quota like todd howard walked in the design room and said "we need an institute companion" and then the designers said "... fuck. we're almost done with the game's story okay lets cook something up". i'd have to say he's perfectly average. he's like the bland guy from the wendys commercials about how spicy their chicken is
14. porter gage - why do i keep stepping on this rake 
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positives: his armor looks cool, and his voice actor is good. i like that a raider character is portrayed by a sneaky advisor type instead of just a chest beating tough guy on chems. porter is an interesting take, and his motivations and methods are interesting.
negatives: his motivations don't make sense though. he's seen over and over in his life that raiders simply are unsustainable and don't work, always breaking apart. yet he... still wants to be a raider, and advise raider gangs? it doesn't make sense. also if you buddy up with him preston will hate you, and you have to eliminate your OWN settlements in the commonwealth. sorry porter but i'm not willing to make that kind of sacrifice at all. he's alright as a character but not really deep. having a backstory doesn't mean you're deep, that's Bethesda Deep™. Bad, no. Die now with the rest of nuka world, gage.
15. strong - fallout 3 was a mistake 
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positives: non-human companion, i like that. super mutants are always cool
negatives: lumpy and misshappen as fuck oh god he's like a slab of moldy ribs. also his character? what character? he's just a bog standard super mutant, not even a cool one from the west coast. he's just an orc, a raider painted green with half a brain and a penchant for eating people. he doesn't change or evolve, he's just. he's a Nothing character.
16. curie - born french yesterday 
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positives:  so i guess i should start with the positives since that's a trend in this list now. positives! robot, and one that's both aware of how the world's dead but wants to learn, and make it better. i always like robots, and well. uh. robot. i'm out of positives now.
negatives: she is the living embodiment of th e born sexy yesterday trope. profoundly naive, yet unimaginably wise. and spoilers once she gets a SEXAYYYYY human bod from a braindead synth, her naive nature is played up even further as WHAT EEZ DIS STRANGE FEELING UWU I FEEL HORMONE AND LUUUV its bad, its bad its bad. french maid plus nurse wrapped into one, with the mind of a child, aka its the born sexy yesterday trope. and you can only fuc once she's out of the robot body and this makes betheseda COWARDS. LET ME HAVE MY ROBOTS.
17. cait - drug
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negative: commit go away from my game. rude, not fun to be around, substance abuse storyline is NOT handled well. also in boston the one irish character is all fucked up come on man.
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someone-online · 5 years
Kion and/or Connor Murphy
How I feel about this character: I need to catch up on The Lion Guard but IM LOVE HIM!!!! HES DOING HIS BEST TO PROTECT THE PRIDELANDS!!!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: uhhhh i think i only really ship him with Fuli? but not that much tbh
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Bunga or Kiara
My unpopular opinion about this character: Uhhh i havent really looked at the Lion Guard fandom so idk whats unpopular
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i stopped somewhere in the middle of season 2 i think, but does Kion meet Kovu and Nuka again? bc i want Kion to discover that Kovu and Kiara were best friends for like a day
How I feel about this character: he deserves so much better honestly, and i wouldve loved to see his development if he hadnt killed himself
All the people I ship romantically with this character: admittedly Jared or Alana
My non-romantic OTP for this character: idk, Zoe maybe in an au where they work to fix their relationship as siblings EDIT: Alana. Alana and Connor is something I like either romantic or platonic, its good either way
My unpopular opinion about this character: hes demisexual panromantic (and this was a headcanon of mine before the book came out tbh)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: idk, just him maybe getting a chance to get better and fix his broken relationship with his family even tho thatd probably doesnt have any chance of happening in any universe oof
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aevallare · 3 years
10 fave characters from 10 diff fandoms
i was tagged by @spookyvalentine and this was actually fucking hard
don’t ask me to put these in order because i Will Not
deacon (fallout) - patron saint of emotional constipation
thane krios (mass effect) - he’s probably my favorite out of spite because how fucked is it that there is literally no way to save him no matter what you do? dilf. also there’s like 8 characters i could have picked from mass effect.
malon (legend of zelda) - i knew i was in love with her from the first moment. she calls you fairy boy instantly and all you ever wanted was a fairy. queen.
olette (kingdom hearts) - you may think that this is a boring choice but you’re incorrect.
scar (fullmetal alchemist) - the beginnings of my vigilante awakening
jaina proudmoore (warcraft) - my girl deserved about 8000x better. her hair game is insane these days. glad they haven’t turned her into a dreadlord yet tho.
sonia nevermind (danganronpa) - don’t tell me it’s weeb shit i know!!! i just think she rules.
senua (hellblade: senua’s sacrifice) - i wish this game had more replay value because i could live in this world forever.
max (black sails) - don’t make me fucking explain myself she’s such a good character.
hornet (hollow knight) - that bug is my daughter.
uhhhhh i tag anyone! i tag @nuka-cherries and @cousinslavellan and @diredigression and uhhhh anyone else
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veevvee · 6 years
Fandom meme
I was tagged by @beckiboos and @marvilus73 , thank you guys ☆☆☆
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you wanna know better.
Three Fandoms:
Fallout 4
Red vs Blue (actually I'm only into Fallout 4 but meh O.K. go ahead)
The first character you loved:
Danse - the first character I LIKED was Nick, but the first character I LOVED was Danse and he's also the only one, even if it was not love at first sight, eheh.
Trevor -  when I started playing the game a friend of mine had played all the prologue until free play, so the first scene I saw of Trevor is when he bangs Ashley in his trailer, love blossomed when he killed Johnny. Pfft!
Caboose – C’mon!! He’s too cute <3 !
The character you never expected to love so much:
Again, Danse - after the ArkJet mission I expected him to become a companion, then when this didn't happen I forced myself to stay away from him for a while, you know, “faction issues”… then the Prydwen, then the radio message… uff I was hypnotized by now.
Again, Trevor - I think I chose the wrong fandom because he is the only thing I love about GTA V, LoL.
Wash - finding out that he wasn’t then that badass has turned my eyes into hearteyes <3
The character you relate to the most:
Danse… - Do you know what's really strange? I hate myself, but in the end I fall in love with character whom I relate to the most. Unfortunately I know too well how it feels to lose everything, having to reinvent ourselves from the beginning, you just wish it never happened, or that there is a better way, a faster way to cope...
Trevor… - sometimes I think the only thing that separates me from becoming a Trevor is that illegality is not for me, the anger is the same btw.
Grif – I’m lazy AF.
The character you’d slap:
AHAHAHAH Maxson - of course and very hard… and very frequently… can-can I just slap that bitch please? No actually my dream is to wedgie him… and very hard… no not frequently… (Again, I don’t really hate him, but he deserves it)
Michael – I really hate you instead, motherfunker *displaying middle finger* !!
South - I didn't care that she shot North until I met North… He’s a cinnamon roll!! Ma come cazzo si fa HIBJHDCGVVSGDVC???!?!?!!?
Three favorite characters (in order of preference):
Danse and then several others but all much far from him, I would spend less time telling you who I don't like.
Trevor. Period.
Wash, Caboose and Dr. Grey (Pfft!)
A character you didn’t like at first but do now:
Rhys – not that he's among my favorites, but before I hated him while now I like enough, in the end he’s an asshole with SoSu only. È una brava bestia, su…
IDK Except for Trevor I hate everyone in there.
Sarge - He reminded me too much of my mother, but my mother is also more incoherent >_>
Three OTPs:
AHAHAH no no no nothing like that :D I’m not for “ship” or stuff and things no no no, especially with canon and canon. I love May and Danse, I like every SoSu (male or female) and Danse, tho… Can I make a confession even if it makes me feel stupid and will surely make me stupid? Sometimes I'm jealous of the other SoSu, even though I know he deserves all the love in the world >///>…
TAG: @adhdnightmare @deaconmcsexypants @hoodieofthewaste @from-the-stone @m-is-for-mungo @rogue-snorunt @nuka-nuke @madman-of-amargosa @red-eye-radio @gay-for-fallout-4 - feel free to ignore me :3
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nux-morbid-art · 7 years
fallout oc questionnaire
in case anyone wanted a metric assload of info abt max mostly doing this for my benefit
Which Fallout game are they from? fallout 4
Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why? Max initially joins the brotherhood and becomes a dedicated railroad heavy post blind betrayal. He cant stomach the thought of destroying the brotherhood, bc of the squires on board and a fair amount of allies within their ranks. Instead he enlists the help of the minutemen to maintain peace btw the 3 factions, eventually the brotherhood leave as the minutemen grow stronger
What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.? S: 4 P:5 C:8 I:10 A:7 L: 1
Give us a summary of their backstory.  a rowdy teenager always in trouble, comes from a large extended family, low-middle class, pulled into the high school-to-military pipe. Spent his military career just trying to survive, trained field medic. Eldest of 3 siblings, has one younger brother and sister. 
What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em? Maxwell Ortiz, named after his grandfather who he was very close to. Called Vulture in high school for his looks and morbid sense of humor, earns “Mad Dog Max” in the military
What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people? Bisexual, Biromantic, Transgender male He doesnt try to hide who he is, but he doesn’t volunteer the information either. 
Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope? Max has bipolar depression and PTSD pre-war, and it doesnt exaclty get better after he thaws out Moslty he tries to keep busy. He deals w sensory overload by finding a small, quiet place to curl up and rest, favorite sensory stims for staying calm and focused are soft textures. he carries a small keychain stuffed animal he found in his pocket, and collects scraps of nice fabric and teddy bears. he’ll also run his hands thru his hair. he has an oral fixation and if he’s not occupied w a cigarrette he finds something to chew on, bites his nails, chews his fingers, picks at his skin too. 
Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine/ treatment available for them? Max loathes doctors, his only regular visit is to refill testosterone. 
How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe? Max neglects his appearance and hygiene and needs to be reminded to take care of himself. He loses weight and muscle mass quickly, noticing it can trigger dysphoria. 
What do they fear the most? He will tell you hes already lived through his worst fear, losing Maria and his entire family, but ultimately, he fears being alone and becoming a bad person. 
Their biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw? --ill get back to this one
What are they most insecure about? relationships w other people. he feels like trouble follows him and hurts the people he cares about, like hes the source of their misery and he cant figure out why they let him stay. 
What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders) Max fears nothing. Bring it on
What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements (if you know them)? (ex. Aries sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius Venus) Scorpio
What’s their Myers–Briggs Type? (ex. ENTP, ISFJ) ---ill get back to this one
What Harry Potter house would they be in? (ex. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw) probably slytherin
Which Pokemon Go team would they choose? (ex. Instinct, Valor, Mystic) instinct, he would love taking care of eggs and raising baby pokemon
Out of the nine forms of intelligence (rhythmic, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) which one(s) are they really good at and which one(s) is(are) their weakest? best: rhythmic, spatial, naturalistic worst: intrapersonal, linguistic
What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil) chaotic good
Do they have any hobbies? What are they? Max likes to play music, he’s decent w quitar, keyboard, and drums other than that he enjoys taking things apart and tinkering. 
Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it? He used to be rather fond of Easter, for family traditions. Food, family, kids running around and playing. 
What’s their favorite season? Spring for sure, it brings relief from the worst of his depression
Do they have a temper or are they level headed? Hairpin temper, ready to fight at any trespass 
Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings? express freely but it takes him a while to figure out what they are.
Are they a leader or a follower? He will say hes no leader but takes the role naturally when he has to work in a group. 
How do they come off to others? What first impression do they usually make? comes off as rather cold and aloof. 
Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they traveled with if any? Current companion if any? prefers company by alot. he’s usually w danse, the two are joined at the hip. he also enjoys being w deacon, preston, and maccready. he gets along well w piper and curie. i’m not sure if he’d ever find cait, but he’d fall ass over teakettle for her. i’m not sure if he’d ever travel w most of the other companions. 
Would you describe them as selfless or selfish? Does it depend on the situation? He’s pretty selfless, he cant stand suffering and will do his best to correct it. High empathy. 
What do they find most attractive in others? Name at least one psychological and physical trait. (doesn’t have to be romantic attraction) Kindness, honesty, and humor.  Physically, he has a weakness for full, round asses and nice thighs, hands that reveal secrets about their owners
Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love? its rare for him to be comfortable enough to be flirty, but when he is he’s damn good at it. he does fall quickly but takes a long time to understand the feelings for what they are. 
What’s their love life like? Are they interested in anyone or in a relationship? Mostly monogamous relationship w Danse
Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence? He gives diplomacy a chance, but he’s not good at it. breaking noses is easier. 
What is their combat style? What range do they prefer? Do they sneak? medium-close range, horrible at stealth. uses explosives and fire to confuse enemies and funnel them to his longer range combat partner, good at making a lane for snipers
What weapon(s) do they always carry with them? laser rifle, small pistol and a sidearm, and several combat knives kept razor sharp
Their most prized possession? a small collection of photos and holotapes codsworth preserved. he has a family photo of him, maria, his parents, and siblings w their children all together the tapes are mixes of pre-war rock n roll made by maria. 
Their thoughts on power armor? ugh, if i really have to. 
Favorite armor/ outfit? light, armored jackets, t-shirt, and jeans
How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun? he’s a pretty decent shot, but not spectacular. steady hands. 
What are their thoughts on having to kill on a daily bases in order to survive? Does it take a toll on them? Or do they shake it off rather easily? He becomes numb to it. it comes creeping up on him on Bad nights, and thats where the fear of becoming an evil person comes in. 
Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it) “I am not allowed to die. I have people that need help.” He is very tired, lots of thoughts wishing for death, to rest. Tries to survive, but. He doesn’t really want to. 
Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home? Both, eventually calls Railroad HQ and Diamond City home, but never stays in one place for long. 
What’s their favorite location? gonna be cheesy: in Danse’s arms
Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral? Not feral: theyre just people. they didnt choose this. they’ve survived unknowable pain, and deserve respect and understanding.  feral: killing them is mercy. he feels that they must have suffered greatly in becoming feral, and their bodies are probably still incredibly painful to live in, resulting in their aggression. 
Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them? both, also a big fan of trading.  “whos fuckin idea was it to use bottlecaps of all the goddam-”
Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track? Stay on track, but very curious and enjoys exploring. will note locations to scavenge later if he cant get to them right away
How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere? Max likes a tight, secure place to sleep. he’s usually between and wall and danse. if he feels like he’s in a fairly safe location, getting to sleep is easy, tho he startles awake rather easily and has night terrors. if someone tries to wake him suddenly, like with a loud noise or grabbing and shaking him, they are very likely to get hurt. 
What’s their favorite radio station and song? (post-apocalypse) Atom bomb baby, uranium fever, and rocket 69
What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook? favorite: sweets, candy, and mutfruit Not a picky eater, but he usually doesnt have much of an appetite either. He eats what hes given, usually without thinking about it or really tasting it He has a fair amount of knowledge and skill in the kitchen, being always at his mothers’ heels in everything domestic. he loves his parents and was always eager to help.
What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol? he’s rather fond of quantum for the nastalgia and energy-drink buzz,  enjoys alcohol, likes beer, will drink whatever hes handed, if given a choice he likes whisky and nuka cola. 
Do they have any tag skills? --ill come back to this
Anything they like to collect? (ex. Unique weapons, Bobbleheads) comic books, magazines, any printed media toys and stuffed animals, fabric that feels nice. 
Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them? always walking into them. if he does notice one before hand he’s pretty bad at disarming them, he usually just tries to set them off from a safe distance.
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rakpolaris · 7 years
El rey león? sí? eso cuenta como fandom? :U
Jajaja claro que cuenta! De hecho siempre ha sido un fandom muy activo :3c
Y muchas gracias por el ask Xoco!
send me a fandom:
The Lion King (I’ll ignore The Lion Guard because it’s a series and it’s slightly different than what the movies showed)
who i will protect at all costs: Simba (Nala and Sarabi too)
who deserves better: Nuka ;o;
who was killed off too early: Mufasa xD
who i used to hate but now i love: Kiara! I also kinda disliked Nuka when I was younger.
who i used to love but now i hate: I guess Timon and Pumba, tho I don’t think I ever “loved” them… I was kinda “meh” about them tbh
who needs to be killed off asap: everyone that “deserved” to be killed ended up… killed so… :’D
who is unfairly hated: Kiara, but I can see why she’s disliked since I used to dislike her a lot. Now that I am older, however, I understand her character better
who is unfairly loved: I know Scar is a great villain, but I will always be surprised about how many, MANY fans try to redeem him headcanoning that he was treated fairly bad as a cub and in comparison to Mufasa. Oh and *cough**cough*Kopa*cough*
who needs to sort out their priorities: ZIRA PLEASE YOUR CHILDREN ARE NOT SOLDIERS.
who needs a hug: Kovu, Vitani and Nuka!! ASAP!
who needs to get out of their current relationship: Zira really needs to stop worshipping Scar…
who the writers love: Simba I guess? But who doesn’t like Simba honestly
who needs a better storyline: the Outlanders as a whole, but Zira particularly. She seems so interesting yet so little is explained about her past. Oh and Sarafina aka Nala’s mom!
who has an amazing redemption arc: It’s not a redemption arc per se because it just lasts one scene but I would LOVE if we could one day see how Vitani realized that Zira’s ways were wrong and how she and Kovu adapted to life in the Pridelands ;u;
who is hot af: Nala is incredibly beautiful for a cartoon lioness. Same goes for Simba.
who belongs in jail: Scar, period.
who needs to be revived from the dead: I would say Mufasa, but then the plot wouldn’t be as good as it is so let’s say Sarabi, because although it’s never confirmed in-universe that she died, she doesn’t appear in the sequel and that makes me sad :c
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b0lt420 · 1 year
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available here!
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unikornu · 3 years
🌹, 🍂, 💐, 🌺, 💫, ☄️ for Lucy? 🍁, 🌸, 💦 for Harrison?
Thank you kindly for the asks! Let’s go:
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
Home for Lucy is whenever she is sure no one from the fair distance and within same walls wants to stab her in her sleep. Nuka World under Harrison protection will be the most home-ish and safe place since also after the disciples wiping she did prove her worth and loyalty to the raider’s goals and now they no longer need to sleep with one eye open with Gage since Harrison is patrolling and staying up all nights and gang leaders might not have such a strong urge to betray her. Later eventually she will set up base back in Sanctuary in her mother’s home since they will need second solid base in Commonwealth and somewhere deep in the woods still lies a pre-war secret lab section  that will be important for Harrison in order to understand the experiment and maintain his power as well as his body. A place where she can put down her guard, where she can sense presence of her boss and be sure Gage is also nearby will always be worth calling home but there are few places like this since later on her reputation will be more knowledgeable to wasteland folks and she will be on wanted list of sort. 
So yeah what can i say...away from Nuka World home announcement for them would sound like so:  A small blond lady along with a raider thug and tall grumpy old man looking for a warm cave to duck in without worry of being pitchforked by angry local settlers and half of the commonwealth. Ain’t many places they can call home, poor fuckers. 
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with receiving affection from others?
Oh she secretly loves hugs and affection of any kind but keeps in mind its better to leave them for very few and private moments. Besides how the hell that would make her look in society she is stuck with. Harrison and type of her job forced her to strip her mind from emotions as they were useless and making her weak but once the events calmed down they do come at peace and leave that part behind. With friends in public like Lizzie she will bump against their shoulder with a smile or chuckle, its safe in public and still reflects that she feels good in their company. With Harrison she will just bury herself in deep fatherly hug when gone for a few days, especially he is very tall and big so its like hugging a yao guai just in a brown thick coat. And because she never had a good father experience that hug will mean a world to them. With Gage she knows he has a hard time to be soft fucker but as the time goes on, the affection switches from small things, like checking his patch out and forcing to help taking care of his wounds too, not just hers, into letting down the bitch tough face and raider stiff attitude. Inviting him for the drink, just two of them, closing the distance and ending up just resting against his chest or sleeping hugged to his back. If the urge is strong and rules can go fuck themselves she will just charge at him and let all that sweet stuffed in her chest love drown him. 
As for people who didn’t reach yet friend level any kind of touching contact which doesn’t involve knife is for her a way to show affection. Be it soft fist bump in their arm, fast shoulder shake or very split millisecond side hug. Hell, even if she smiles at them its already a good sign, and in a humane soft manner, not the smirky bitch one. If her resting bitch face goes away its already a fantastic sign and promising future she won’t stab them later on. 
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
If you tell her to do that when there is shiet to be done and there almost always is in her mind you will see a constant middle finger, raised from the bed and the moment you turn around or leave she will be gone, sneaking away to get at least her knife and try to leave outside. She was raised to fulfill mission, no matter what so a stupid cold or broken bone is suppose to nail her in place. Fuck no, she can’t right? She can’t be that weak even if pain sweats her eyes. Gage learns slowly her urges as with each park taken he sees her taking extreme solutions to many situations, not thinking about possible bad outcomes so when the really bad cold catches her or she got badly wounded again he will be the one yelling at her to stop that shit. Aside from usual care like shoving injections or closing wounds and occasional cooking he will be constantly ensuring her that she can close both eyes shut and get an actual restful sleep, that he is on the watch and nothing out there waits to kill her when she ain’t looking. World neither will fall apart in flames if she will be gone in dreams for few hours. With Harrison come back that part is becoming easier as the simple sharp look in his eyes of mixed care and threat is convincing enough to put that knife down and shove her ass back in bed. With Gage guarding the Fizztop and Harrison overlooking the rest of the town there is no way of sneaking out and in this case it would be a bit ungrateful since they both put so much effort for her. 
She is better at taking care of others than herself tho if these are in her social circle. She doesn’t need to force herself, it comes natural to her. She will switch in a second from a vicious bitch to a caring bitch. Trying even to overcome her lack of cooking skills to deliver something warm and edible to that person if need. If she can’t get that fucking soup perfect for shit she will threaten and kidnap a local masterchef of sort to make and teach her how to do it. She means well but...ya remember her empathy can have weird and extreme outcomes.
Lol imagining like someone being under her care when sick and they go to the bathroom and spot a chef cook in a kitchen chained to a fucking stove cooking some good shit and Lucy siting at the table reading a cooking recipe and pointing a pistol at them.          
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Normally she would drink or take calmex right away but she slowly tries to give up on that addiction as they do more harm than good. Having Gage or Harrison around will help to break that thought if she can either crawl up to Porter’s bed or wake him up to ensure that everything is real and alright or kindly ask Harrison to watch over her as he doesn’t need to sleep. Maybe he looks like a nightmare in a dark but its her nightmare she is familiar with.
If alone tho she will struggle, she hates to be alone for too long. If fear strikes her at battlefield she will try to cover her fear and damp it down with anger instead, psycho or fury could help and she isn’t addicted to it as to calmex so that’s one way out but stupid. If its just a nightmare in a middle of a night she won’t go immediately to sleep but walk around, talking to herself and convincing it was just a dream, grab a mannequin, do a silly dance with it, anything silly to relax a mind and take it off the stress and that nightmare. A shot of booze won’t hurt as long as it ends up on just one but it rarely does. Reassurance is her best ally in these beside she is too big of a girl for comforting items like an old plush puppet found in some certain treehouse back in Sancturary....right...riiiiight? ._.
💫What is your favorite fact about this character and why?
I think the simple fact that she is kind of evil oc and she knows about it. I don’t think there is many characters of this kind out there but i might be wrong. Since childhood i was trying to strike best - peaceful outcomes in games and so on but later on i started to sympathize with actual villains, be it games and stories. They can be full of surprises and complex in a interesting way, prove to be actually powerful allies as well and in general they talk to me more than a basic superman trying to strike for a world peace.  
☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!
Oh ye, ofc she deserves better, she wants hugs, friends, she is bad but she wants a warm treatment too from time to time, she still have emotions ;c  Me, the creator, Uni, i’m horrible to her. I burned her hands too, like noooooo you can’t just wear gloves all the time for no reason, lets do smth bout it that will fit with all that dedication ya willing to push yourself in a fight no matter the consequences. Get burned bitch. Anyway, i’m taking her off the calmex addiction, giving her Harrison back as a better man who wants to protect her and do braids on her hair and softening the stinky to a level of a warm wet piece of trash, maybe getting some actual friends on a way. The pages on a start were focus more on a action and game lore kind off and just parks themselves but now with last page i finally get to actually break down and slow the shit to get to more emotional level, at least i hope to get it that way. 
Now Harrison time:
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themselves? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favorite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
Sadly he will be very lost at the start to find this kind of spot as he popped into the world from nowhere, just finally doing the separation from Lucy to a nearby old synth skeleton in a heat of a fight situation. Since the disciples base got a vacancy and cleaning it up feels too much of an effort for the rest of gangs he decided to make this place his comfort zone as its fairly close to Feit base but still separated behind walls, no windows to peek in for curious ones. He can’t sleep so he has a plenty of time to make it his corner. The only things he posses are his memories so he will just meditate there and surround himself with all the good moments from the past, adding the new ones to the collection, keeping his humanity on check and all the urges balanced. Also trying new tricks with his powers feels safe to do it there, the telekinetic ones especially since the place is spacey and there ain’t much to break. He doesn’t want to go too far away even if he needs a moment, he always has in the back of his head the need to be close when problems arise.
Personally on a side note i struggle to think of an explanation to the Nuka World leaders and overall people there as to how Lucy will explain to them...who the fuck he is and why he is there and where he came from and why give him a disciple base. Like...saying a truth to Gage is easier since they run together but the rest? She can’t even say he is her lost-found father since they don’t even look like family. 
🌸 What are some of their favorite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
There won’t too many as he just got off but some basic stuff i know for now:
- sweet snacks, whiskey and smokes as he still remembers these tastes from pre-war: just being softie for these small habits and diet sins
- being in charge, keeping order around due to his profession, even if times changes he still keeps the attitude and he just likes it
- training the newbie raiders, pointing out mistakes to Porter, advising Lucy on some combat moves and tips: it might feel like he is being proud, all knowing but he actually is hell of a experienced smart fighter, don’t get fooled by his age either, he just enjoys training people under him and see them improve  
- proving Porter wrong: oh boy they really don’t like each other at the start
- doing dem braids, he starts to have a soft spot for going father mode
- even if he isn’t fully human he takes care of his “shell”, perfectly shaving, keeping his shirts clean and smooth, overall he enjoys that “self care” routine even it it might feel silly in the wasteland and due to the fact who he is 
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
Probably killing his son. The experiment would get to him one way or another since he would get suspicious what kind of shady business is going on in police department and asking too many questions and stuffing nose in corners he shouldn’t would eventually lead anyway to his assassination and still giving his body for that experiment resulting in same outcome but the sudden trauma and speed of events is what pushed him out of there, taking control of himself and situation also resulting in his nature softening and toning down, knowing he doesn’t have much left and it can be lost at any moment. 
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