#now will this poll get much traction?
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papika · 1 year
i’m really curious!
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starr-b0i · 1 year
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misfitgirlwrites · 2 months
Alastor Having A Crush On You/How Would He React?
Since the choice of writing all three won my poll, I'll start with this one because it was in second place! Next is Lucifer!
Here is my first contribution to the Hazbin Hotel fanfic dump, please call me MG, and may we all enjoy our obsession together 🕺🏽
CW: none!
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You could know of Alastor before the appearance of Hazbin Hotel or you could be hearing of him for the first time when you decide to walk through those hotel doors.
He wouldn't pay you any mind at first, just like any other sinner residing in the hotel. After a while though you'd pique his interest a bit. It could be something you said that he overheard, or something you do that he just so happened to catch that day.
It would make him pay more attention to you, but you wouldn't notice right away. It'd always be convenient situations; everyone being in the same room and he decides to stay longer than usual. Joining conversations with you and Charlie would have when talking about the hotel.
You always had unique ideas to try and get the hotel traction, and they amused him.
After a while, he would start talking to you on his own.
This would confuse you at first, since you two haven't really had any real conversation outside of anything hotel-related. It seemed Alastor decided he wanted a bit more than that.
You certainly didn't mind it once you could tell he was genuine with this interest. It started from small conversations as you passed each other to nightly talks at the bar that would last for hours.
Alastor would grow to really enjoy the routine of seeing you everyday. Soon, you wouldn't be seen without him close behind.
He would let you accompany him when he would usually spend the time alone from everyone else.
The first time you initiate physical touch would be when he starts to focus on his feelings for you. One day, you'd ask to hug him, and he'd agree much too quickly for his own liking.
After he hugs you once, please expect more of them. In private, he would 100% just cuddle you close to him but will deny it if you bring it up.
Alastor knows he has some sort of feelings for you but will refuse to acknowledge it for a while.
Because let's be for real? This guy? Having a crush on someone? With Vox attempting (and probably succeeding?) to watch him 25/8? Simple math states that's called a weakness.
Alastor wouldn't have many choices. He could cut interaction altogether, but that certainly wouldn't benefit him that much. He wouldn't have any worries, sure, but he'd miss you, and he knows that.
And he's never denied himself anything before if he wanted something so why start now because of potential bumps in the road? Especially bumps he was sure that he was more than capable of handling.
Alastor still wouldn't openly express any romantic feelings right away but his time spent with you becomes a regular occurrence.
He would so go to Rosie and talk to her about you (they're besties, don't you love it?)
She'd most likely be the one to call him out on his crush and push him to actually do something about it.
THAT is when he'd actually "fuck it" and decide he does in fact want you :)
It wouldn't be anything grand, but the bastard has such a way with words, so it's certainly romantic.
A tad bit possessive but 🤸🏽‍♂️
He simply can't help himself when it comes to you~
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Requests are open! If you'd like to be tagged in future Alastor or Hazbin Hotel content, please let me know! My asks and DMs are open to all! 💚
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hot-take-tournament · 9 months
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Submission 474
vocaloids (and all similar non-Yamaha-owned vocal synths) are bad. all of them.
It's a mockery of the human voice. Frye from Splatoon 3 of all things is the closest we will ever get to having any interesting vocal technique in a voice synth bank. Singing styles around the world are so interesting and take so much skill and you abandon them for a glorified MIDI file? I also blame them for the rise of AI-generated covers, because they first started the devaluing of the human voice and the usage of it as an instrument - a really boring one that will never know advanced or diverse technique. Congrats, Miku made Minecraft, now all of SpongeBob has sang Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. At least the SpongeBob characters have distinct and interesting voices.
[from follow up asks]
hello. vocaloid take submitter here.
i didn't expect my submission to gain as much traction as it did, i thought it was lukewarm at best. i thought there were more vocaloid haters out there. this is tumblr, though, so i guess not. still think vocaloid is ass though.
i will say, it might add context to my take that i myself am a singer and have natural perfect pitch. while i haven't sang in any professional capacity, i've still done some voice training and lots of lower level performances. i have very strong feelings about singing, and hold what the human voice can do in high regard.
i also have a better ear for picking up smaller things in the human voice (re: natural perfect pitch) and the difference between humans and vocaloid is extremely striking to me. no amount of tuning can make a vocaloid not sound lifeless to me, because i will never, ever hear a human voice, and instead of letting the lead of the song Not Be Vocals - which has never been a novel concept - they HAVE to put the voice bank in.
also, re: "frye isn't a voice bank dumbass", congrats! you took away something i felt was actually interesting! god i wish more people knew about more singing styles that they couldn't easily replicate!
while now i know that AI voices are not a continuation of vocaloid, sorry, still think it's bad, go to hell and learn to compose a song without lyrics.
also - still the vocaloid take submitter - to continue:
i will eventually send a link to a playlist of all of the Vocaloid songs i have ever listened to, because i am sure most of the people who think i submitted that think that i do not even know what Defoko is, or that i've heard exactly two Hatsune Miku songs. i know what Defoko is. i know she's entirely computer generated. i've listened to her voice. i still think it's bad. have any of you big shots heard of Big Al? i've listened to him. also bad. it's bad.
Submission 111
I think chicken breast is disgusting and I would rather blend it up into a shake than eat it with my teeth
It’s fast, it’s efficient, it’s nutritious if you add fruits and vegetables. It’s easy to prepare and you can drink it on the go. I need the protein but chicken breast tastes disgusting either way, and I’m tired of putting in so much effort to make the joyless rubbery meat taste good.
My friends and family are wrong, this is the future.
I see some of you not voting! That's cheating!
It's ok if you agree with neither take! Just choose the take you agree with slightly more!
Think of it like choosing the lesser of two evils!
Propaganda is always encouraged, and remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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Hello, and welcome to the Video Game Dog Bracket!
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Do you like dogs? Do you like video games? Do you like dogs from video games? If yes, then this is the tournament for you! 
I’ve been wanting to host my own bracket for a while now - ever since I submitted a character to one of them a few months back, swore to myself I wouldn’t get invested in the results, but then ended up doing just that. Thanks a ton to @artificialkids-2k23-official, without whom this bracket wouldn’t exist!
The rules for submission are fairly straightforward, but I’ll list them here anyway. (Updated 6/3/23)
An obvious one, but all characters submitted must be dogs, wolves, or mythical creatures that are canine in nature (i.e. Cerberus or a dog-like Pokémon). Foxes are on thin ice. 
Anthropomorphic dogs are okay. However, please don't send in anime boys with dog ears or whatever. I think that's pushing the definition of "dog" a little too much.
Characters must have originated from a video game or visual novel. If they appear in a game, but it’s an adaptation of a movie, for example, they won’t be counted.  No, Homestuck doesn't count as a video game.
Named characters are preferred and will be given priority. I’m not saying that you can’t submit Granbull or every Nintendog, but in the case that there are more submissions than bracket spaces, they probably won’t make it in.
Please only submit one character at a time. The form is open to multiple responses per person, so you can submit as many characters as you like. (Just be reasonable with it and don’t send the same one over and over again?)
Also, while sending several characters from the same source material is appreciated, they aren't all going to make it into the bracket. I'm looking for a varied and diverse lineup, and want to limit it to about three characters per source. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but just...don't get upset if all twenty characters from the same thing don't get accepted, okay?
Currently, the plan is for submissions to close on June 9th, but this may be subject to change based on the amount of traction this bracket gets. As of right now, submissions are planned to close on June 5th instead!
Finally, here’s a quick list of characters that are automatically going to be entered into the bracket as per the “poll runner’s bias” clause. Please don't submit any of them, they're already participating!
Amaterasu (Okami)
Toby (The Great Ace Attorney)
Fondue (Rhythm Thief)
Gab (Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma)
Pepita (Trauma Center: New Blood)
Rex (Fossil Fighters)
Koromaru (Persona 3)
Missile (Ghost Trick)
That’s it for now. Thanks for submitting!
Obligatory inspiration tags for visibility: @funny-polls @mostredactedbracket @autisticgirliesbracket @fuckingstupidbracket @adhdxautismshiptournament @mfshipbracket @emoboybattle @goldenretrieverguybracket @purplegreenbracket @beefy-babe-showdown @unluckiest-character-ever @ot3showdown @justsomeguypoll @vs-coughing-baby @tokenhumantournament​ @jamesbracket​ @least-sexy-man-competition​ @baby-brawl-bracket​ @thing-fight​ 
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bleach-smashorpass · 2 months
A housekeeping post!
As of right now, all the manga character polls have been made! Zommari was last, and the polls should run until mid-April sometime. That's 190 characters roughly, not taking into account secondary forms and the like. That should, in theory, be the last poll, but it won't be. We have some tentative plans, so I'll outline those.
Anime Only — an additional batch of 96 characters have been compiled and alphabetized, ready to be made into polls. These include miscellaneous hollows, shinigami, and of course the bounts (and their dolls) and the zanpakutou spirits. There are also a couple movie characters in there, too.
Beyond Resurrección — this one is mostly selfish, but I'd like to do a quick round of polls going through the Espada's Hōgyoku Resurreccións from Brave Souls because I think the designs rule.
Burn the Witch — a Burn the Witch round? If people wanted?
After that? Who knows! There are probably other things that can be posted from Brave Souls (spirit society, some of the alternate forms, you know.)
Please do reply to this post (or send in an ask) with your thoughts, but that's it for now. I didn't expect this blog to get nearly as much traction as it has, and it's been fun running it, so thank you for participating! — Mod Chappy
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ravenkings · 3 months
The Kremlin stage-managed Russia’s presidential vote over the weekend to send a singular message at home and abroad: that President Vladimir V. Putin’s support is overwhelming and unshakable, despite or even because of his war against Ukraine.
From the moment the preliminary results first flashed across state television late Sunday, the authorities left no room for misinterpretation. Mr. Putin, they said, won more than 87 percent of the vote, his closest competitor just 4 percent. It had all the hallmarks of an authoritarian Potemkin plebiscite.
The Kremlin may have felt more comfortable orchestrating such a large margin of victory because Mr. Putin’s approval rating has climbed during the war in independent polls, owing to a rally-around-the flag effect and optimism about the Russian economy. The Levada Center, an independent pollster, reported last month that 86 percent of Russians approved of Mr. Putin, his highest rating in more than seven years.
But while the figures may suggest unabiding support for Mr. Putin and his agenda across Russia, the situation is more complex than the numbers convey. The leader of one opposition research group in Moscow has argued that backing for Mr. Putin is actually far more brittle than simple approval numbers suggest.
“The numbers we get on polls from Russia don’t mean what people think they mean,” said Aleksei Minyailo, a Moscow-based opposition activist and co-founder of a research project called Chronicles, which has been polling Russians in recent months. “Because Russia is not an electoral democracy but a wartime dictatorship.”
In a late January survey, Chronicles asked one group of Russian respondents what they wanted in key policy areas and a different group what they expected to see from Mr. Putin — and documented a substantive difference between desires and expectations.
More than half of respondents, for example, said they supported restoring relations with Western countries, but only 28 percent expected Mr. Putin to restore them. Some 58 percent expressed support for a truce with Ukraine, but only 29 percent expected Mr. Putin to agree to one.
“We see that Russians want different things from what they expect from Putin,” Mr. Minyailo said. “Probably if they did have any kind of alternative, they might make a different choice.”
Compelling alternative choices, however, have been systematically eliminated over the near quarter century that Mr. Putin has been in power in Russia.
Opposition figures have been exiled, jailed or killed. Independent news outlets have been driven out of the country. And a wave of repression unseen since the Soviet era has led to lengthy prison sentences for simple acts of dissent, such as critical social media posts.
Aleksei A. Navalny, the Russian opposition figure who carried the hopes of many Russians for an alternative to Mr. Putin, died under mysterious circumstances in an Arctic prison last month. After declaring victory late Sunday, Mr. Putin called Mr. Navalny’s death an “unfortunate incident.”
The war has only further closed what little space used to exist for alternatives to Mr. Putin’s agenda to gain traction in public.
“There is a sophisticated case to be made about why this war is so much against Russia’s interest, and that part of the spectrum is missing,” said Alexander Gabuev, director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center. “It is now happening in exile, and the government is erecting a lot of barriers to people tapping into this content.”
By casting those against the war as saboteurs, he said, Mr. Putin’s regime has succeeded in making “the opposition something that is really unattractive — more for outsiders, not for mainstream people.”
In years past, Russia’s so-called “political technologists” allowed a semblance of competition and open debate in presidential elections to drive turnout and give the race a patina of authenticity. But this year they took no chances.
Yekaterina S. Duntsova, a relatively unknown TV journalist and former municipal deputy from a city 140 miles west of Moscow, tried to run for president on an antiwar platform but was swiftly disqualified. So was Boris B. Nadezhdin, another under-the-radar politician who collected more than 100,000 signatures required to enter the race but could not get on the ballot.
“They deemed both of them dangerous enough not to let them on the ballot,” Mr. Minyailo said. “That tells a lot, to my mind, about the nature of the regime and about how stalwart Putin’s position is. If his regime thinks there is a danger to letting a provincial journalist collect signatures, that tells a lot.”
Russian opinion polling regularly shows that a relatively small segment of the Russian population are die-hard supporters of Mr. Putin and a similarly sized group are aggressive opponents, many of them now abroad.
The majority, pollsters have found, are relatively apathetic, supporting Mr. Putin passively, with no other alternative coming onto their radar. They are particularly influenced by the narrative on television, which is controlled by the state.
“Deep wells of social inertia, apathy and atomization are the real source of Putin’s power,” Mr. Gabuev said. Many Russians, he said, don’t have a sophisticated framework for thinking about certain issues, because there is no public discussion taking place.
And those Russians who do articulate desires that differ from Mr. Putin’s actions are not necessarily willing to fight for what they want, Mr. Minyailo noted. Many Russians believe they have no influence on the country’s course of events.
Still, the increase in support for Mr. Putin among Russians in the two years since he ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine is unmistakable across multiple polls.
Denis Volkov, director of the Levada Center, said that a number of metrics showed consolidation around Mr. Putin.
“We monitor many indicators, not only approval rating,” Mr. Volkov said. “We ask open-ended questions. We ask about the economic situation. We ask about the mood of people. All these indicators are pointing in one direction.”
Armed with a vast propaganda apparatus, Mr. Putin has convinced millions of Russians that he is valiantly defending them against an antagonistic Western world bent on using Ukraine as a cudgel to destroy their nation and their way of life.
“The state narrative has generated this idea that it’s Russia versus everybody else,” said Katerina Tertytchnaya, a comparative politics professor at the University of Oxford. “ It’s very important, this narrative of being under siege. The lack of an alternative is also cited as one of the reasons that people support Putin. People cannot conceive of an alternative.”
It is not only that Mr. Putin seems superior to the alternative candidates that the Kremlin allows to appear on state television. He also comes across as a better choice compared to nearly all his historical predecessors.
Mr. Gabuev noted that despite the war tarnishing much of Mr. Putin’s legacy, his first two terms in particular brought the greatest combination of material prosperity and relative freedom Russians had ever seen — and for those uninterested in politics, good will remains.
“That’s the paradox, they really are the happiest life in the country’s history,” Mr. Gabuev said. “Because the combination of wealth and material prosperity and freedoms being present at the same time was never higher.”
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hummingbird-hunter · 3 months
Okay so I know it won't get as much traction as the original, but I though about it and want to see.
Clarification: with option 1, it's similar to what you imagine the fairy to be in the original poll. So if you imagine a small tinkerbell-like creature, then in this one a fairy is a tiny walrus with fairy wings. If you imagined a humanoid elf-like creature, then this fae is a regal-looking walrus with palpable magic aura; etc.
So whatever you imagined for the fairy is the same, but now looks like a walrus. Is your reaction the same? Are you more surprised to see a clearly magical walrus or a normal one?
The walrus in this question remains completely unchanged from the original.
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akiizayoi4869 · 3 months
Support me on Patreon!
So I made a post about this before, but from what I can remember it really didn't gain enough traction (probably my fault since I don't remember saying much on it) but anyway. I've been trying to find a job for a while now. Something that, as you all know, isn't easy. A few of my mutuals convinced me to start my own Patreon to make some kind of money that way until I finally get a job. What I'll be posting on their is basically my writing. You guys will be able to sneak peaks of the next chapters of my current WIPS, A Child For A Monarch. I may do polls to see what you guys would like to see next. Haven't really decided about commissions yet, but I'm considering it. Also, this goes without saying, but please don't feel pressured to do this. If you can't support me, that's fine. No hard feelings.
Edit: I also have a ko-fi if that's preferable instead.
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rogerzsteven · 1 year
Off My Chest
I don't know if you know (at this point I'd be surprised if you don't), but I've been living hell for the past 4 days.
Two big earthquakes hit ten cities of Turkey on 6th of Feb, 4.17 am (one city being the city I live in and one being my hometown + where my relatives and family friends live), and the aftermath is devastating to say the least.
I am hurt, I am tired, I am mentally exhausted, I am upset, I am scared and sad and always on edge in case something happens.
Some of my relatives lost their homes, some of my aquaintances, family members, friends lost their lives, and there are thousands, thousands of people still stuck under the rubble, either dead or waiting for someone to find them under the rubble.
If, they are able to be found.
My hometown is dust. The places I've spent my childhood no longer exist. Everything is wrecked.
The supplies aren't enough, the weather is freezing and help is too slow.
Death toll is more than 16,000 and rising, and at this point I can't help but to think I was just at the right place at the right time and it was luck.
When I first started reblogging those donation posts about Turkey, I had high expectations of the possible traction in general, but mainly of the fandom I'm currently in. I thought this fandom was in unity when I used to see blogs, many blogs reblogging the posts of the ones in rough condition asking for help, whether it's individual or for a good cause. Because that's what fandom means, right? A community to support and lift each other up on good and bad days. To show that we are there for each other even if it's through the screen.
I was wrong.
I was not expecting the immense lack of support from the fandom that is supposed to be big, helpful and full of 'activists'.
Not only have I barely seen donation/support posts appearing on my dash from people I follow or my mutuals, but the ones I've seen are reblogged from me by the same handful of people over and over again.
Don't get me wrong, no one is obligated to reblog or show support, life goes on and people move on, but isn't it hypocritical when the same blogs who are very much outspoken and active and even accuse others of staying disinterested when it comes to fandom discourse or situations that have direct impact on them in one way are now completely silent and act like nothing is happening when it comes to something like this?
My people are DYING. And you care about— what, polls? Fandom speculations?
Good for you.
Is it too much to reblog a few times so others can see it? Would your blog's aesthetic get ruined?
Or do you just not give a shit and only show your performative side when it gets you likes and followers?
I see all of you, and I will not forget this.
I don't think I will post donation posts as frequently as I did before from now on because I want to feel some sense of normalcy on tumblr but before I go, since there is a handful of mutuals/ online friends who kept reblogging my posts, I would like to thank them individually from the bottom of my heart.
@monsterrae1 @swiftiediaz @buddierights @prettyboybuckley : You guys. The support you guys have shown from day one. Every day. I love you. You pure souls.
@kananjarus : You. YOU. I have no words. I want to cry just thinking about what you've done. No words are enough.
@copyninjakura : You are a good hearted person. I love you. Thank you for your constant check ins and reblogs.
@rxdscarf : Not once you've let me down. 5+ years of friendship and I am so grateful. I am lucky.
@skyhighrollins911 : You've always been there to see how I am and how things are. Thank you, I love you so much.
@stagefoureds : Sabahın köründe beni telefonla aradın ya, sen muhteşem bir detaysın.
@bievanbuckley : The Greek to my Turk, ben seni sevdiğimi dünyalara bildirdim.
@ricoka : You're not in the fandom, but thank you my girl.
@spotsandsocks & @the-likesofus : Thank you for being concerned about me.
@buddiefication : We've been following each other for what— days? You don't even know me, and yet you kept reblogging each post from day one. I am so thankful. Thank you, friend.
@alyxmastershipper : Again, from day one, you kept reblogging each support post. THANK YOU.
@jobairdxx @swiftiebuckleys @mandzuking17 @thebestbooksaround @allysghostinthemachine @scifiromance7 @daughterofbuddie @maybeicanbesaved @colonoscopys @verylazyanimal : Thank you for reblogging many times.
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penig · 1 year
Concerning Pink Lemonade
So, in the wake of yesterday’s brief lemonade discourse with @prismatic-bell, I started wondering. I began my researches at home, by consulting my late-70s edition of the Betty Crocker Cookbook. Yes, Betty Crocker is a corporate invention and shill, but her cookbook (at least for that edition ) is very handy for a lot basic things. If a dish is frequently found on American tables, odds are good it’ll have some sort recipe for it, even if it isn’t your favorite version of the dish. And sure enough, “pink” was down as a variation on lemonade, and the lemonade recipe itself is an acceptable one. Alas, to make pink lemonade the instructions are to make basic lemonade and add two tablespoons of grenadine syrup and a drop or two of food coloring! Which is about what you’d expect from commercial lemonade but I think we can all probably agree that it’s a cheat in a private kitchen and not worthy of the name “home cooking.”
So I started considering what I knew, or thought I knew, about pink lemonade, and why I thought so. That it was made from grapefruit I had no doubt - I distinctly remember my mom’s voice telling me that when I hesitated to drink it the first time. But I think the rest of the idea I had about it, though logical and experience-based, is not something anyone ever told me. (I have never actually made the stuff myself; never had that much grapefruit juice on hand.) Because, pink lemonade excepted, if a drink is made from a fruit, water, and sugar, it is fruitade - lemonade, limeade, orangeade. But grapefruitade is not a word and you only have to see or say it to know why. So grapefruitade became pink lemonade - essentially the same recipe, with an appropriate amount of grapefruit juice in place of the lemon juice. If a fruit is added to lemonade it becomes fruit lemonade - strawberry lemonade, raspberry lemonade, etc. Add one more fruit and you’ve got yourself a fruit punch.
This all seems tolerably obvious to me. But prismatic-bell’s evidence demonstrates that, to some people, strawberry lemonade is an alternate term for pink lemonade, not a separate thing.
So I asked my husband what was in pink lemonade and he said: “Well, if it’s real pink lemonade, grapefruit.” Which was highly gratifying but not definitive. He’s from Georgia and my family is all midwestern (though I”m an Air Force Brat and my cuisine, like my accent, is a kind of American Fusion). We are, however, the same age, and I thought it entirely possible that the original pink lemonade had fallen out of fashion and that Kids Today had never known The Real Stuff. So I cranked up the old search engine and went looking for pink lemonade recipes and culinary histories.
Well! Imagine my consternation when I turned up not one single pure grapefruitade recipe, only a lot of variations on fruit lemonade. Cranberry is apparently far the most common, but prismatic-bell’s strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, and even watermelon appeared. Even more shockingly, one of the legends of its invention (which are lost in the mists of the 19th century circus) is that it was created when a refreshment stand worker threw cinnamon candies into the lemonade. I can believe a lot of things, but I do not believe that.
So now I’m curious. I have no particular hope of a poll made on my blog getting any traction, but I’m going to turn the Shiny New Post Editor back on and make a poll, and plead for it to be reblogged around. I’m typing this in Legacy because I forgot and anyway who’s going to read all this before voting in a poll?
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chowmoon2 · 28 days
Poll time! With my crack Kirby au,Mortal Souls,(I’m obsessed with this au)
Okay first of all,if you don’t know what this Au is,I recommend checking out this post where I describe the concept AND the mortal souls au tag on my profile for lore and the characters
Now,after getting some inspiration from other polls from Tumblr,I decided that I wanted to do that type of poll for my Kirby au (even if it might not much traction but still!) so-
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crownsofesha · 5 months
Top Post of Each Month of 2023
(I used tumblr top ten to find out which when the top post of each month)
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This was just a really simple post, in my old editing style as well, apart of a short series of portiture introducing the Holmes. Cousins of Anne through Jane. Not my favorite of the month, but still cute. Other parts of the month in general was just some story posts.
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I love this post a lot, it marks the beginning of a collab that will come out in the next arc. I thought it would have come out sooner, but I ride the waves of motivation. The picture itself was one of my favorites with that editing styles, and still is. February saw one of my favorite posts, featuring Jane and their kids (including Anne).
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And so begins my recent editing style. I love it so much. This post as well. And I was able to come out with the part two to this lookbook in this year, thats a win for me. The post itself really helped me establish more cultural things about the people of Esha and their connection to plants and colors. In March I made my first and probably only guide on Russian Titles and the first part of the "What Once Was, Will Never Be." The second part gets to come out wayyyy later.
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My first poll! (I'm pretty sure). I just love dressing Esther up, and wanted a little cinderella moment, but Hildegard really did look way better in the dress (as well as the color chosen for her). This month I only posted 5 seperare posts, and most of it was asks.
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An introduction of three Queens and a Grand Princess through out the history of Esha. (Including one for the future) I introduced a decent amount of future gens this month. I wish the mother's day post from this month got more traction than this. (It had my next two gens featured) I also did a couple of lookbooks.
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I finally had another story post this month and this post for some reason was the most popular of the month, and for the rest of the year until just recently. Its just a picture of a crown! I was so confused when I found out that it was my top post. Don't get me wrong I love the work and worldbuilding I put into the royal collection I made, but it just confuses me why it was so popular. I did a lot of worldbuilding in June.
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This was very fun to do! Also technically a worldbuilding thing for me in the fashion, but the portraits that came out of it are really pretty! I didn't have much going on for this blog during July.
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A lookbook of Arabella's outfits! This was very fun, it got me more interested into what They wear for royal outings and just in general. This month saw another story post (One of my favorites) and the start of the Six Queens storyline!
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This is an Au post where if Anne didn't marry George, Esther would have, for ...reasons :) The month saw the beginning of chapter two of the six queens story and just some of my favorite edits as well. Like some magazines I did for Esha.
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This was the beginning of a series of portraits I did for the modern royals of Catalia. October was also the start of Sima and I creating a second short story other than Six Queens, which will come out after Six Queens has finished. It also saw two of my favorite posts of the Six Queens short story and the end of Six Queens Chapter Two.
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One of my favorite posts of all time, and getting to feature some of my favorite historical sims that are now dead in the present. The month itself was mostly just portraits and answering asks.
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The post that beat the crown! I was so happy with how this came out. This involed more worldbuilding for the country of Chelyabinsk, and me wishing for more Kokoshnik cc. This portrait was used for Tsarina Sofiya's wikipedia post, which I accidently forgot to add her death date, which I will add at a later date and publish again with other wikipedia articles. I want to add more just to hers. The rest of this month was more portraits and a chanukkah post that I planned on having more to it, which I do plan on posting for when its chanukkah in universe (insert crying emoji here) and I got to 200 followers, which was very exciting!
I can't wait to see what happens in the next year for this blog. I have a lot going on in TBS and I can't wait to publish it all. Happy New Years!
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The most popular new gear of Splatoon 3 Drizzle Season 2022.
So at the beginning of April I posted a google docs poll with all of the 100+ new gear pieces introduced at the launch of Splatoon 3, intending to follow up on it a week later. Unfortunately, it didn't get much traction, only having 92 responses as of the time of writing. This made me a bit sad, so I just kind of forgot about it. That said, 92 responses are still something to work with, so let's take a look at them!
As a reminder, the poll let you pick multiple answers for each category, which makes the percentages look a bit weird if you just look at them in a vacuum. So when I give numbers now, keep that in mind.
That said, let's start by looking at Headwear! This is by far the spikiest category, meaning this is the category where votes were the most split. That said, eking out the number one spot by just one vote is...
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The Cephalo Pods! (29.3%)
And yeah, I get it. A lot of headwear is very large and cover up a lot of your character, and often changes colors in a way you can't control. So why bother with that when you can just put these bad boys on to keep your look clean and simple? Not to mention, you start with these. They're one of your very first gear pieces!
After the Pods we come to a shared second place, as both of these have exactly 28.3% of the votes, and I think they have some things in common with the Pods, too.
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The Ocho OctoPhones and the Teddy Band!
Note that neither of these cover up your head. A bit of a trend with the most popular gear in the poll in general. Headphones have always been very popular, and with that bright red, the gold highlights, and that sleek 8-design, these were sure to be a hit. I'm not surprised to see the Teddy Band so high up either, how can you say no to something that adorable? (Also I have to imagine there is some effort justification at play, considering just what you need to do to get them...)
Also, quick shoutout to the third, fourth and fifth place, which are all just one vote apart!
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The Howdy Hat (26.1%), Retro BluFocals (25%), and the Bream-Brim Cap! (23.9)
Now, let's move on to Clothes, which looks very different from Headwear in terms of how the votes are spread out. This is also by far the biggest category, so it's natural that the votes would be more evenly spread, but there are still a couple of clear favourites here, and none are more obvious than the number one, which is...
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The Orca Bolero! (33.7%)
That's right, a whole third of all votes included the Orca Bolero. I can't say I am that surprised, though, Toni Kensa has been one of the most popular brands ever since their introduction in the second game. Their stark black-and-white aesthetic actually mixes really well with the bright ink colors on display in turf wars, and they pull on a lot of real-life fashion trends I think really resonate with a lot of Splatoon's audience.
In second place, we actually have another shared spot, but it's a pretty steep drop compared to the Orca Bolero, all the way down to 26.1% each.
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The Annaki Choker Tee and the Patchwork Bomber!
Outside of the Pearlescent Hoodie, we don't get a lot of accessories in Splatoon, and I think this alone gives the Annaki Choker Tee a lot of appeal. The shirt itself isn't half bad either, with a slick Annaki logo over a really nice dusty red.
That said, I will admit I don't quite get the Patchwork Bomber. It's a real messy piece, mixing colors and materials in a way I can only describe as bold, but I have to imagine that's the point. If you voted for the Patchwork Bomber, please sound off in the comments! I'd love to hear why you like it so much.
Finally, let's take a look at Shoes! This is by far the most even category for the most part, but it has a couple of large standouts, including the single most popular gear piece in the entire season by an enormous margin...
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The Punk Pinks! (50%)
That's right, fifty percent. Half of all votes in the shoes category included the Punk Pinks. And I don't blame anyone, honestly. This is a new version of maybe the single most popular shoe model in the entire series, and they're pink! These were a surefire hit, and the results show.
The second place is behind with a whole ten votes, but it still holds a dominant position of its own in the category with a whopping 39.1%:
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The Pearl 01STERs!
These aren't my cup of tea, personally, but I absolutely understand why people like these. They're really big and bulky and overdesigned, and if you like that then these are perfect for you.
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After that, there is an enormous drop, all the way down to 23.9% with the Red Hammertreads. These are just some cool punk boots, with leather straps all over. I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten more of these yet, because with a name like "Red Hammertreads" it sure seems like they're setting it up.
And that's it for Drizzle Season 2022! Next up is Chill Season 2022, and we've not thankfully gotten to more manageable numbers of new apparel. So manageable in fact that going forward I can actually fit them into a tumblr poll, so stay tuned for that!
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milliemuus · 4 months
For those of you whom are aware that I have been writing a pokemon sv fanfic that was released before Indigo Disk: CHAPTER 4 IS NOW OUT! Apparently chapter 4 was already finished and I just forgot to make preparations, so like 💀💀💀
Anyways, if you don't know about it, I highly suggest reading it! I have no idea how to make those masterposts where I can just put the link to the main fanfic at the top and so on amd so forth, so I apologize! I also think maybe I should maybe move this to a03, as I am not getting much traction on fanfic.net and I may get more motivation? Anyhow, I made a poll on my instagram, so we'll see, we'll see 👀
For now, enjoy chapter 4, because lord knows when chapter 5 will be! Hwjdgjehdk
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