#not sure i wanna risk it
essegigi · 6 months
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The new Lackadaisy hoodie is Purrcy-approved 😌
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Ok but really, this is by far the nicest hoodie I have ever, and probably will ever have owned. And definitely the most beautiful! (And yes, both the brother @steamninja and I had to get one)
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Embroidery on the sleeves AND hood lining? Gorgeous. (Cat fur not included)
More Purrcy behind the cut bc he is very cute
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I think he's trying to become a scarf
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Kisses for the good boy 🥰
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He fell asleep on me 😭🥰😭
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in a miraculous turn of events, i can in fact stream the update Live, When It Drops, As It Happens! i did not expect this, sorry for the late notice!
i will be hosting it on my shiny new Youtube Account that i made purely for this <3
i'm tentatively assuming that we'll have some warning before the link/update drops, so I plan on starting the stream an hour Beforehand for a bit of a "pre-party"! that way we can say our hellos, let people join, freak out prematurely, and i can lay down some Ground Rules!
i hope to see you there!
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samijey · 1 year
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You have a funny way of showing it
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pigeocore · 25 days
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Hey, does anyone remember that one adult swim cartoon Ludo Studio did before Bluey about dogs in a metal band? Kinda weird no one's talking about it :/
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Starlo's personality
I'm still confused about this man's 'true self,' gotta admit. How much of 'himself' IS there in 'North Star'?
What we know about real Star:
He's a nerd/geek obsessed with westerns; that's where he got the inspiration to build WE
He looks different than with the hat on and used to wear braces
Was shy in his teenage years around Ceroba (no idea how he acted normally) + couldn't confess to her
His mom (after killing him) says how he's never been the one to follow rules. I wonder what she meant by that. Rules, like, you're supposed to hate humans like everyone else or rules, like, no sneaking off to practice your shooting and lasso skills? Both?
Ed describes the 'old him' as a fearless leader and as a monster who could 'make his own fun in the little things' (you mean he used to be more humble but at the same time remained an ambitious risk-taker?)
Is insecure about where he comes from and what he looks like
We don't have enough info to know what he was like as a kid. I'm curious if absolutely everything about North Star is the opposite of Starlo (I don't think it is); both are kind and protective. Still, I can't help but wonder if the Starlo after Showdown, in both routes, is the real him or not. Maybe 50% yes and 50% no
Just from the end credits, the only thing I got about him was that he's kind and friendly and optimistic and charming (North Star is this way too, but more exaggerated). Nothing new
So maybe Starlo IS North Star, but more modest (aka not as exaggerated)
I'm curious about your thoughts guys.
Also I forgot to mention how he wanted to plan a PARTY for Kanako, in neutral says that the PARTY in the saloon was great (and the letter he sent was pretty charming), wants to accompany Ceroba in the Steamworks, is open about how he feels (immediately openly confronts Ceroba and calls her out; he's assertive), not afraid to get physical if it means protecting Clover & Martlet, can be pretty loud (like when he spotted Clover after sparing him in neutral, he was like "DEPUTY!!!"
I'm left wondering if all this is the real him or not. I think it is. Just maybe toned down a bit :) It's the only explanation for the fact he's been doing all this for a really long time and never showing signs of wanting to stop/that it exhausted him
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Wrecker placing his hand on Hunter’s shoulder for comfort 🥰
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aphelion-art · 1 year
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bogkeep · 6 days
it's been over a whole month since i had a stupid argument with my parents about driving, a skill that i legally possess but hate doing because i have a special brain illness that makes me fear death and injury, but i'm still chewing over an absurd claim that it's "equally dangerous to go on a 14 hour train ride like you just did". literally how is that more dangerous. in what way. in what world. public transport is nice and good and i like it and i don't have to enter my personal torment nexus
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echo-s-land · 10 months
French queer playlist because why not
Comme ils disent by Charles Aznavour (1972) | about a gay man, he cross-dresses too. Don't really know how to explain that one. It's great, it aged really well (Aznavour was a straight man but he had several queer friends)
Sans Contrefaçon by Mylène Farmer (1987) | wasn't actually written with trans masculinity in mind, but it's a trans masc anthem at this point
Ziggy (un garçon pas comme les autres) by Céline Dion (1991; the original cover/song was in 1978 tho) | girl falls in love with her friend, a gay teen - is sad for herself but doesn't insult him or anything
College boy by Indochine (2013) | a song I found not so long after figuring out my own queerness so it has a special place in my heart. lots of cw for the visual clip (homophobia, bullying, conservatism, police violence, religious hypocrisy, physical assault, crucifixion)
J'ai le droit aussi by Calogero (2014) | gay teenager wants to live like he wants, is scared of other's view/judgement on him (including his parents)
Mohammed je t'aime by Gargäntua (2015) | being gay in the hood is like everywhere else - it may not be a good idea to be public about it. lots of cw for the visual clip (physical assault, homophobia, internalized homophobia, suicide). I hope one day Gargäntua will make a song about Mohammed finding happiness because he clearly deserves it if not for the trauma in this song
comme les autres by keen'v (2015) | gay man (teen?) coming out to his father, father is homophobic
C'est toi qu'elle préfère by Alice et Moi (2017) | sapphic anthem at this point; unrequited love
Normal by Eddy de Pretto (2018) | gay man responding to an homophobe (honestly i find it very satisfying)
Grave by Eddy de Pretto (2018) | the singer is an openly gay man, he talks to a wide range of different gay boys/teens/men and are telling them to not worry when they discover their homosexuality; that it's okay
Séduction by Joanna (2018) | bi woman falls in love with another woman
Ta reine by Angèle (2018) | wlw.
Amour censure by Hoshi (2019) | Hoshi is an openly lesbian singer; the song denounces homophobia
Immoral & Illégal by Gargäntua (2022) | 'Everything I love is immoral and illegal' - if that's not a queer feeling. More seriously, it's more me deciding to interpret the song this way then the song being about queerness. Still, whether you listen to this song and think about addiction, queerness, or any marginalized community, well.. well you can't change my mind about it having (intended or not) queer subtext
La mort avec toi by Gargäntua (2022) | literally 'partners in crimes', I decided it was queer for various reasons but you may not think like me
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scoliosisgoblin · 1 month
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anyway, here's Jay and Peter au's
based on looks Jay would be Gomez and Peter would be Morticia, though their personalities are switched, sooo
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kaidabakugou · 7 months
my toxic trait is repeatedly snoozing the alarm but get more and more angry every 8-9 mins it rings again instead of just turning it off completely and getting the fuck up
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saline-coelacanth · 1 month
It's been quite a while since I've made one of my silly Splatfest polls, and with Springfest finishing up, it got me thinking about what a potential Summer themed Splatfest would look like, and I think I came up with a fun idea
Who knows, maybe I'll end up accidentally predicting this one like I did for the Halloween Splatfest, you know if they actually do a Summer themed Splatfest
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blossom-of-kaleidos · 25 days
i'm so close to making an r/aita post, but instead being an asshole, i need to ask Am I Too Autistic bc tl;dr my auditory sensory issues are set off fucking constantly by a coworker in my area always coughing due to some chronic condition that i'm obviously not going to ask about--i already feel like an asshole just for be so aggravated by that
but i've been fucking miserable for the last couple months as the problem has gotten worse. it's to the point where my productivity is affected because now i absolutely dread making phone calls (which i already dread a fair amount, being autistic lol) as that leaves me open to hearing the coworker. i'm allowed to listen to music whenever i'm not speaking with someone, but even then, the problem has felt so much worse...
my job already let me switch locations before. i had started at our pediatric clinic which was even WORSE because crying babies was like torture for me lol. any kind of bodily noise is my trigger, so i've been having a sans-certified bad time. idk if it's reasonable to ask to be moved again though. i don't even think we have any other space for me to go here, and this is the closest location to my house... last time there was a brief scare where they considered relocating me to their corporate office 40 minutes away. fuck all that
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snailfen · 2 months
logically i know hacking a 3DS won't be hard and it shouldn't require much but unfortunately ever since my battery bloated i am. Paranoid
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theneighborhoodwatch · 11 months
the only asks i could find that mention this explicitly are from 2020, so i don't know how much water they still hold, but i think a lot about how one of the inspirations for wally's character writing back when clown first picked welcome home back up was dr. habit from smile for me. obviously no telling for certain how that influence will manifest in future updates, but i think it's Very Interesting, given how both characters seem kinda Obsessed with fulfilling the image of some fictional archetype (i.e. habit trying his damnedest to embody the idea of a cartoon supervillain to subconsciously justify his own self-loathing and [at least in one ending] suicidal ideation VS wally being So devoted to his role as an audience surrogate that even now, nearly 50 years after the show has ended, he insists on being our guide as we try to unravel whatever the fuck happened here.
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justapalspal · 6 months
cosplay update: turns out the paint I got may be “puff paint” according to my sister? never heard of paint that puffs up before, might have to return some of my paints to the store and get non puffy paint :(
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