#not just bc he wanted his living friends to be safe. Sylvain is also not exactly ''knightly'' the way ppl say Faerghus soldiers are
dmclemblems · 2 years
fr tho, gotta love how ppl bitch about “the kingdom is problematic bc ppl are willing to die for their country and king and care about their duties”
but then you’ve got ladislava who is the same thing but turned up to eleven and has no character outside of that fact but nobody cares bc she’s not from faerghus
and you’ve got lorenz who dedicates himself to the commonfolk and would die for them bc he sees it as his explicit duty to ensure the protection of commoners to the point that if a commoner dies protecting him he genuinely believes he’s failed in his duty, but nobody cares bc he’s not from faerghus
#gotta love how blind ppl are to the allegiances of every other character when they just single mindedly hate one place#like if you're gonna argue smth or have a discussion at least know the facts of the places you're defending too#and if you're not defending and only saying smth abt another place then be ready to deal with comparisons#like the other day I had this guy arguing with me about faerghus' loyalty and how miklan can't be redeemed#but he couldn't deal with being wrong and kept changing topics or finding ways to try to be like#BUT PPL CAN RELATE TO XYZ WHICH IS THE OPPOSITE OF THIS#like... okay yeah but... ppl can also relate to zyx so what's the point of that argument#you can't argue something is flawed but then be presented with facts proving smth you're defending to also be flawed and#just pretend what you're arguing is the only thing wrong or not accept that what you're arguing just doesn't work#imagine being proven against an argument so you just switch to something else instead of admitting#that your argument (and a stereotypical one about an entire group of people i.e. country in this case)#is flawed itself bc you're trying to argue abt a whole nation's mentality and how you hate it but you don't hate#the mentality of the people who don't live there and have the exact same mentality#and on top of that like the whole Faerghus thing is an older generation thing bc like yeah Rodrigue is like that#but Felix isn't. Sylvain in Hopes only died in SB bc he went out angrily after revenge and died seeking revenge#not just bc he wanted his living friends to be safe. Sylvain is also not exactly ''knightly'' the way ppl say Faerghus soldiers are#he didn't consider it an honor to die for his country. he was just hoping his friends would be safe#and again he went into it thinking of revenge. it wasn't for some knightly duty or honor but bc he was still pissed abt Ingrid#Dimitri feels he has obligations and wants to help the commonfolk but he's suicidal as all fuck and also finds#no honor in dying the way Glenn died. Annette doesn't find anything particularly honorable and is just a family woman#Mercedes couldn't care less abt that stuff and is usually more worried abt Rhea and the Church#Ashe is a knight and is loyal but he doesn't really see ''honor'' in dying. he just would be willing to die to protect things important#to him. the only person in the current generation who avidly feels honor in old fashioned Faerghus standards is Ingrid#and let's not forget Leopold who... is also very much neck deep in loyalty and duty soooo#DCE Comments
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saviourkingslut · 2 years
i compiled some of my thoughts on dimitri enlisting miklan in ag for @sevarix-blogs bc it seems like a weird and kind of ooc thing to do for dimitri, but i have a few reasons why (from my point of view) it's acceptable and in character for him in the context of the game
the most important reason for dimitri making miklan a commander is that in his eyes, it is a necessary measure to the betterment of the protection of the people of faerghus, because faerghus is at war and all faerghans are under threat. the situation is dire. i think dimitri would do almost anything for his people - he talks about how nothing is more important than protecting his people really fervently at times in this game, saying that he is willing to kill for them and take the sins of slaughter upon himself so they won't have to carry that burden. he really dives deep into the idea that his subjects are his to protect as king and i think he would literally rather die than fail to keep his people safe from harm. and so i think that, as king, he would place the needs of his people above the wants of his friends, because he feels that this is his duty. a good king would place his people above his personal wants. however, i also think that he would never do something that actively hurts those closest to him.
and to continue with that thought: dimitri has discussed his decision with sylvain. sylvain is definitely not happy with miklan being back, but he has agreed that having him be a commander is at the very least good for the war effort, which is the main reason dimitri has brought him back at all. and i don't think dimitri is the kind of man to put his foot down and demand sylvain give in to his wants - and so if sylvain was truly against it, dimitri would have acquisced and never have enlisted miklan.
dimitri has something of a fatal flaw which is that he would give anyone a second chance except himself. he seeks reconciliation with edelgard in throuses even though she invaded his homeland and made his life a living hell. now the difference of course is that she is his thing and miklan is the cause of sylvain's trauma, so the decision isn't fully up to him. i don't think even he would give someone a second chance if he knows it would hurt people close to him. and in this case it does hurt sylvain to an extent, and he has had to make the decision between his people who he has a sworn duty to protect as king and his life-long friend as a person. and because this isn't just a regular old day but it is war and miklan's presence could prove vital to the war effort (which is what dimitri genuinely thinks, because good commanders are rare and miklan is a good commander who was taught everything the margrave knows), dimitri chooses the needs of his people, but again only after consulting sylvain.
people around dimtri are not uniformly happy with his decision but not all for the same reasons, and there are positive reactions too. ingrid does not like it because she has seen what miklan has done to sylvain over the years. felix is not happy with it but he mostly resents that dimitri never talked it over with anyone else apart from sylvain, because he does understand his reasoning. the people around the camp also have varied opinions on it - some think the king has gone mad (though they respect his decisions as king) and for others it is actually a sign that even if you've done bad things in the past, under king dimitri there's still a second chance for you and the possibility to rise though the ranks. i'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing when we're talking about a bandit who's pillaged and killed people, but dimitri does have a tendency to be overly forgiving. he never agreed with the margrave's decision to appoint sylvain as heir purely because he bears a crest, which perhaps influenced his thought process as well.
@garlandgerard has pointed this out already, but giving miklan a position in the army does stop him being a pillaging bandit. now fair's fair that dimitri never says that he enlists miklan for this reason, however miklan is clearly on the fence about the benefits of his position. he isn't really gloating about being in the king's service; he feels like he's being held on a short leash, like he's being held prisoner, which i think is pretty significant. apparently there are some stipulations around miklan's position that curb his range of actions that are serious enough for him to follow the king's orders. i mean, could be that he just gets paid very well, but then he could leave whenever he wants, and he doesn't strike me as the kind of person to just do it for the honour of it, so perhaps he might in fact get punished (severely) if he decides to defy the king after he's given him a commanding position in his own army
again this is why i personally think it is in character for dimitri to appoint miklan - no need to agree with it. i just think it must have been a hard decision to make because he does not want to harm his friends but that he ultimately chooses to do it because he genuinely thinks it'll help keep his people safe - and because he has ensured that sylvain understands his reasoning and will be able to bear it.
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luobingmeis · 5 years
some amnesty thoughts under the cut!!!! spoilers galore
holy fuck i forgot how much i love indrid
i also always forget how much i love hollis until we see them again but??? i think they might be working up into my top 5 faves from amnesty
also the moment of all the hornets deciding to team up with them was??? really fucking cool
thacker meeting up with juno was so wholesome
i also love juno divine so much
deputy spectre dewey chilling out in the closet was so fucking funny
“barclay is bigfoot” “baRCLAY IS WHAT?!”
also though, the speech aubrey was giving to sheriff owens? about how they don’t get to make the easy choices because they are the ones who have to keep people safe? if i was an animator, i would make an animatic of that speech voicing over a bunch of flashbacks of all the times the pineguard has risked their lives for the safety of kepler
duck wanting to see muffy and winthropp was definitely a choice and, dare i say, it was the best choice
winthropp fucking speaking in latin on the phone fucking killed me
and that ending???? wasn’t like the cliffhangers we’ve recently been getting but it was so fucking good
ik i say this every couple episodes, but i think this might be one of my new faves just bc it was so funny but also really started to get that “endgame, everything is coming together, people are starting to fight back” feel
also tho every time dani is not mentioned, i get nervous
also where the fuck is dr harris bonkers (phd), griffin, i know you didn’t just put a bunch of flashbacks mentioning dr bonkers in there for shits and giggles, griffin
also some quotes from me and my friend while we were listening:
“so, indrid’s back and he hasn’t shot aubrey yet” “he just shoots duck and that’s how amnesty ends”
*when aubrey is talking about finding sylvain) “so who’s gonna tell aubrey that she’s sylvain”
“jake coolice takes off his wristband and he’s a seal. and then he takes off another wristband and he’s aubrey’s mom. and then he takes off another wristband and he’s dr harris bonkers phd. and then he takes off another wristband and he’s pigeon. and then he shoots aubrey.”
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bitterparamour · 5 years
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( Herman Tommeraas, cis male, he/him, fire emblem: three houses ) * &. i know it must be scary for you, sylvain jose gautier, after surviving the takeover. to turn into someone like sylvain valter, a twenty five year-old bartender at the saturnalia, right here in castle town. just remember that you are as easygoing as you are promiscuous, and to be wary, be safe, be true to who you are : heroic through and through. ( liv heehee )
fuckboy season (fe3h spoilers) (tw for war, death, child abuse, murder)
Sylvain was the second son of Margrave Gautier, and the only child to be born with a Crest. Because of this his older brother Miklan was disinherited, as it is required for the family head to bear a crest. This resulted in a rough childhood, with Miklan’s jealousy growing so strong that he attempted to kill Sylvain on multiple occasions.
He considered his Crest to be a curse - his brother hated him, his family had high expectations of him, and people outside of his house regarded him highly despite not knowing anything about him. 
Women, in particular, would throw themselves at him for his Crest, hoping for a husband that could help produce a Crest-bearing child. This made him a bit of a skirt-chaser, flitting about from woman to woman without forming any deep connection with them, knowing that none of them really want him for who he was.
He wasn’t completely alone though, as he grew up with his childhood friends; Ingrid, Felix, and Dimitri. They might have been his only true friends growing up, who knew him for who he was.
While not a direct victim of the Tragedy of Duscur, it deeply pained him to see his three friends suffer as much as they did; he tried, as much as he could, to do anything to make it easier for them, and could only hope that it helped.
He enrolled in Garreg Mach Monastery Officers Academy and joined the Blue Lions  alongside his childhood friends, though he eventually switched to join the Black Eagles. During his time there he had no choice but to kill Miklan after the latter had stolen the Lance of Ruin, their house’s relic weapon.
He sided with the Empire after Edelgard declared war against the Church, in hopes of seeing a future where Crests were no longer held in such high regard. 
He remembers everything, and sees so many familiar faces in this town - some without any memories of their past lives at all, some whose memories match his, some who seemed to come from entirely different timelines - and it’s. it’s a lot for him.
and he also can’t seem to escape his problems from his previous life - because while Crests aren’t known here at all (thank god) he was still born into a well off family, and combined with his flirtatious habits he still has girls trying to get to him for superficial reasons.
but hey! no one’s being disowned this time! ha HA
he works at the Saturnalia because the music slaps, it’s fun to play around with drinks, the crowds are fun and it’s even more fun to piss his family off for working as a bartender when he could be doing Business Things bc 1) “i’m an adult and i can do what i want” 2) “UR NOT EVEN MY REAL FAMILY!! AND THEY WERE JUST AS SHITTY”
personality wise not much has changed. still has a bitter, pessimistic outlook, still sociable but almost never willing to open his heart up in full, still a fuckboy! but still incredibly protective of the people he does genuinely love and care for, always willing to get hurt if it means keeping them safe.
finally, he has felix’s sword with him, which was left on his doorstep in their past lives. it means a lot that it’s with him, as it serves as a reminder that none of his memories are fake, and that he still has people here that he cares for and can confide in.
there will come a day where i will play both inigo and sylvain while they’re both in the same room, and it is a day everyone should fear
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lvllabiies · 5 years
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— ( courtney eaton, genderfluid, she & they, the legend of zelda ) * &. i know it must be scary for you, princess zelda , after not surviving the takeover. to turn into someone like zelda king, a twenty-three year-old student at castle town university, right here in castle town. just remember that you are as intellectual as you are self-sacrificing, and to be wary, be safe, be true to who you are : heroic through and through. ( hylia / she & they / 19 / est )  
          hello hello folks m’name’s hylia n this is the love of my h*cking life
s’okay we all... pm know who princess zelda is bt IM GONNA GIVE AN INTRO ANYWAY
for starters because of how castle town handles multiple incarnations of the same character, this zelda’s a blend of all but i’ll be basing her mainly on her appearances in breath of the wild and ocarina of time with inklings of wind waker & twilight princess.
also genderfluid n bisexual as hell bc oot zelda was genderfluid and no zelda is straight.
i’m not sURE where i’m pulling her yet bc i do have IDEAS but im not,,, certain so i’ll update this as I Go but
for starters, she’s a smart as hell princess who never was really close to her father - she wanted to pursue her own research & the like while he kept telling her to focus on channeling her divine power to combat ganon
divine power aka every zelda is a descendant of the goddess hylia so yeah this is a goddess bby in actuality gotta love it
also the triforce of wisdom too forgot abt that
coolass light powers to summon light arrows and swords,,,,
and,,, that pm leads to the events of botw and yeah it’s COMPLICATED 
i always write my zelda as smart & sweet & intelligent but also with a rebellious streak bc of both breath of the wild zelda going against her father’s wishes to benefit her research ( which would benefit the greater good in the long run ) and also in wind waker she’s literally a fucking pirate and im kinda gay
she is absolutely NOT AFRAID to take matters into her own hands as u can see in
breath of the wild
ocarina of time
wind waker
hyrule warriors even tho it’s not considered canon
twilight princess even tho she was barely in it
i could go on
but yeah okay this is my absolute fAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER OF ALL TIME and im gonna explain zelda king now
SOOO zelda grew up w/ a single father in castle town, a lower ranking politician who pm wanted his kid to do the same. probably was on the city council a few times.
zelda, while extremely intelligent and certainly capable of understanding politics from a young age, didn’t have too much of an interest and wanted to pursue her own path
but nevertheless she grew up pretty closed in and trying to live up to her father’s expectations - got the best grades in school, learned how to play the piano, violin, and harp, won a shit ton of young writers’ contests and also did mock trial & debate club in high school
but as she got older, she wasn’t... happy
way more stressed than happy.
so,,, she tried to figure out how to be a little happier - and that’s what led her to learn guitar.
she liked it way more than any of the other instruments she learned ( except the harp, but that was for the reason it always felt right against her hands ) - quickly catching on and teaching herself guitar tricks. politician’s daughter meant she always had a potent allowance , and she secretly purchased a guitar of her own to practice at a friend’s house since lord knows her father would throw a fit if he found her engaging in “rebel stuff”
...well, yeah. she was.
it kind of felt good to be a rebel.
came out as genderfluid at fifteen - i use she/they pronouns for zelda interchangeably and will always let u know which i’m using in that thread
also began to audition for local bands identifying under the name of sheik - often dressed in worn jeans, hoodies, and a scarf around the mouth as mr. king would have a cow if anyone knew what his child was doing
and she got,,, rly good. REAAALLY good. eventually joining a band once she moved out of her dad’s home called the troubadours, sticking with them in castle town.
she’s a college student now - living in the apartments and walking to class every day. majoring in gender studies with a minor in political science - half so her dad doesn’t get on her ass about it and half since she’s taking an interest in politics herself... for different reasons
her dad mainly wanted her to go into politics to keep the family tradition going but zelda actually wants to know more about the government and she ain’t too happy with some shit that goes on nowadays so she’s tryna learn more and get on her way to making a change
def goes to a lot of protests and shit and she does have an intern at city hall bt she’s that intern that might,,, get into a habit of snooping around and doing her own research to see if she can improve the state of castle town and also just. for her own reasons ahshsahshske
so we got a rebellious activist kiddo who takes an interest in politics to infiltrate the fucking system so she can Fight The Fucking System
and also plays in a rock band
imagine sb dressed in a business casual typical work outfit but also has like three piercings in each ear and wears a leather jacket and has a few tattoos
she’s lowkey an icon
my punk princess,,,
she’s my polite punk rebel who’ll nicely tell your ass off and then for you to go fuck yourself w/ teacup in hand
she DOES have her flaws tho like zelda does have a slight issue in the fact that she never feels like she’s doing enough n a lot of it stems from feeling like a disappointment in her past life bt she doesn’t,,, know it
zelda always wonders if there’s more that she COULD do but either a.) she’s not capable or b.) she’s not trying hard enough and it WRECKS HER and it does honestly render her a lil insecure
yes i have a lot of feelings abt botw zelda bye
also def has a triforce somewhere tattooed on her body maybe her wrist idk where yet but she got it once and doesn’t rly know why
one thing she does is that she unknowingly plays a lot of the ocarina songs from the zelda games on her guitar without even... knowing. like. she just does.
also sheik is a harpist in game so do u like what i did w/ making modern sheik a fuckin,,, rebel w/ a guitar who sings shit like green day and rage against the machine in a band i love modern aus 
sheik is also never seen w/o a hoodie and a scarf tbh they’re not only comfy bt also like... nobody knows sheik is zelda. no-one. zelda wants 2 keep it that way.
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frenchibi · 5 years
top 5 books
Hello friend!!!! This is areally really tough question bc I read so many different genres and have SOMANY FAVORITES so I’m going to cheat a little bit… I’ll give you Top3 or 4 (I have no impulse control) for several genres so you’ll get more than 5total but not like.. an inordinate number of books, ok? xD (Who am I kidding I’mgoing off the rails, no apologies)
The Name of the Wind(Kingkiller Chronicles Book 1) and sequel(s) by Patrick Rothfuss. Has beentalked about loads in fantasy circles and I have nothing to add other than“this is the best fantasy book I have ever read, and probably in the top 3 ofbest books I have ever read, period.” The style blew me a way, the characters are fantastic, the system of magic/power in this world is the coolest I have EVER SEEN and… yeah. I’m invested.
Howl’s Moving Castleand sequel(s) by Diana Wynne Jones. Y’all remember the ghibli movie? This isthe book this is based on and it is way, way better than the already fantasticmovie. It is ridiculously charming and witty and lovely and I recommendeveryone read it. You will not regret it. This is my ultimate comfort book, if that makes any sense.
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett – a hilarious bookabout the apocalypse with absolutely amazing characters and incredible styleand wit. We’re getting a TV series this year and I am beyond stoked. Pleaseread this. It’s… just… yes. British fantasy is SO GOOD.
Honorable mention: Die Stadt der TräumendenBücher by Walter Moers. Theremight be an English translation of this, but honestly I only recommend you readthis if you can read it in its original German – I’m not gatekeeping, it’s justthat so much of its brilliance relies on in-depth knowledge about German culture,history and language and it’s inevitably gonna lose that in translation. It’sone of my absolute favorite books ever and it pains me I can’t share this withmy English-speaking friends :/
The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking Book 1) by Patrick Ness. It’shands down the coolest YA book I have ever read and it doesn’t even… feel likeYA at all, more like sci-fi? It could just as easily have gone in the “experimental”category and I don’t wanna give too much away but… the typeface of this book ispart of its charm? Different characters have different fonts and shit? Definitelyread a physical copy of this. Also, the narrator is illiterate so he writeswords by sounding them out – and I know that sounds like that would bedistracting but trust me it’s fantastic??? Please please PLEASE give this atry.
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley. Y’all want a good queerstory that’s not romance-heavy but instead has intricate worldbuilding and really cool magic? Pleaseread this, you will not be disappointed. This is a more “adult” version of YoungAdult Fiction and I absolutely love it.
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. Is this fantasy, actually? Probably. Does it haveissues? Yes. Is it still a very fun ride with a cool magic/power system? HELLYES. Also the characters are a bit older, which works very well. It’s like YAafter you’ve kind of outgrown YA.
The Strings of Murder (& sequels in the “Frey & McGray” series) by Oscar de Muriel –listen, the main character is a little SHIT and that’s absolutely fine? Themysteries are kind of convoluted but not in a distracting way, it’s just a funseries with fun characters that I really enjoyed!
The Seven Dials Mystery by Agatha Christie (and honestly pretty much everything she has everwritten) – I have nothing to say about Agatha Christie that has not been saidbefore :’D
Phantom bySusan Kay. Now this is kind of also a drama and it’s been a while since I’veread it so idk how well it fits into the murder/mystery category but it’s aboutthe Phantom of the Opera before he became the actual Phantom (or rather, thepath to how he became the Phantom), and I have endless love for this verydramatic and mysterious and misunderstood character so… yeah :D
Collections of Short Stories
Topics About Which I Know Nothing by Patrick Ness. Yes, this is the author of “ChaosWalking” (see above), and this is a collection of a VAST variety of shortstories he has written, all of which are insanely creative and so, so fun??This man has an insane imagination and I love it, instant recommendation toanyone honestly.
Dear Life byAlice Munro – another one that I read a while ago and don’t remember that muchabout, but I remember absolutely loving this book, and that it’s one of thebooks that made me want to read more short story collections :D
The Refugeesby Viet Thanh Nguyen – an interesting bit of perspective, this book centersaround different characters who are Vietnamese or of Vietnamese descent in theUnited States. I loved how eye-opening it was tbh?? I love reading books byauthors from cultures vastly different from my own and this was wonderful.
Milk and Honey / The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur – two collections of very personaland touching modern formless poetry that honestly blew me away. I’m not a bigfan of classic poetry, or poetry in general, but these two books are justincredible.
Good morning, Good night by Lin-Manuel Miranda – a collection of Lin’s “good morning”/ “goodnight” tweets that, idk, give me hope for humanity? Ideal for perusing if youneed cheering up and just an all-round wholesome book to own.
Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn – a “novel without letters” I wouldn’t know where to placeexcept under “experimental” because its premise is basically… an island thatslowly bans more and more letters from everyday use? It’s told in the form ofletters between the characters and it’s just… such a FEAT of writing, the waythe author forces his characters (and himself) to get by with fewer and fewerletters of the alphabet? Fascinating, from a writer’s perspective, and anabsolute recommendation!!!
Sleeping Giants (Book 1 of the Themis Files) by Sylvain Neuvel. This is a sci-fi book,but it’s under “experimental” because, well – it’s told through interviews. Iwas a little confused/put off in the beginning by this style, but the jaw-droppingstory pulled me in and hooked me. It’s a sci-fi EPIC… don’t get too attached toanyone because the apocalypse is coming for them all - and you’ll be at theedge of your goddamn seat. This is a fantastic series.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Honestly, anything by Khaled Hosseini, unsurpassedauthor of dramas that will rip your heart to shreds, and you’ll never be thesame after reading them.
Everything I never told you by Celeste Ng. This is one of those books that will never leave you afteryou’ve read it. It starts with “Lydia is dead. But they don’t know this yet.” –unravelling the mystery and consequences of the death of a Chinese-Americanfamily’s teenage daughter in gut-wrenching detail. A family story that willleave you sobbing on the floor but also filled with such profound hope forhumanity – I don’t even know. This book eviscerated me.
Homegoing byYaa Gyasi – the story of two sisters, one a slave and the other a slave-owner’swife, and their descendants. A family history of choices and consequence thatis… raw and personal and a very, very important book.
Home Fire byKamila Shamsie. The story of a British-Pakistani family – more specifically,the story of three children whose father was a terrorist. I am weak for familystories, and this one is politically charged and relevant and gut-wrenching aswell.
The Hours byMichael Cunningham. The first book I read in a stream-of-consciousness style,and I still really enjoy the plot of it, too: The story follows three women;Virginia Woolf writing a novel in the 1920s, a woman reading this novel in the40s, and a woman basically living the plot of this novel in the 90s. It’sfascinating, really? I highly recommend it.
The History of Bees by Maja Lunde. Another story told in three time periods – a man whoinvents a new type of beehive for beekeepers in the 1800s, a beekeeper whosebees are dying in approximately present day, and a woman 100 years in thefuture who pollinates plants by hand because all the bees have vanished. It’s…fascinating, again, and a really good story. I also feel like it was quiteeducational? I enjoyed it a lot.
Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult. Technically this is a drama too (but shh) – it followsa black delivery nurse who is charged with a serious crime after an incidentinvolving the baby of a White Supremacist couple. It’s an explosive topic butit’s handled with a lot of nuance? Reading this book will frustrate you greatly,but I think it’s… idk, important? It shook me.
Eyrie by TimWinton. I have never seen depression portrayed more accurately than in thisbook. I was highlighting passages on almost every page – also the style ispretty cool? Snappy? Sharp? I’m not good at describing it but… yeah this leftan impact.
Non-Fiction (listen I knowthese are all by youtubers but hear me out)
So Much I want to Tell You by Anna Akana – letters written by Anna to her sister, who committedsuicide when she was 13. It’s raw and personal and important, stories aboutpersonal growth and lessons learned, about grief and regret and moving on. Irecommend this 100%.
Secrets For The Mad by Dodie Clark. A collection of charming stories and anecdotes and songlyrics and doodles – a book that reads like what watching dodie’s music videos andvlogs feels like. Safe and soft and personal. I love this.
Doing It byHannah Witton – a book about sex education that honestly everyone should read.Hannah blazes through taboos like they’re nothing more than hot air – as theyshould be. (Also, watch her videos.)
The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho. I don’t even know what category to put this in? It reads like a fable and it is just... so beautiful and enchanting. Please read it, you will not be disappointed. It’s a story of chasing your dreams and self-discovery and it’s... just wonderful.
Did I make this entire listas a means of procrastination? Yes. Am I sorry? No.
Listen I have been wantingto blog about books for the LONGEST TIME but I never took the time to because…idk, I am not involved with the book reviewer community on any platform andhonestly I’m intimidated? But I do have a lot of Thoughts so if you’ve read anyof these and want to yell about them with/at me please dm me??? Or send me anask if you want to hear more detailed opinions about any of these from me????
…yeah. Thank you for this question,man. I love books.
Send me “top 5″ of anything and I’ll respond with my favorites!!!
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three houses headcanons: blue lions edition
we’re almost done! one more house + the byleth association. i won’t be doing headcanons for the church and the known enemies because i don’t think i’ll be able to do them justice, but if someone asks, then i’ll deliver
i have a soft spot for the blue lions bc they all seem like nice children and i like all of their designs so far (that, and dimitri doesn’t get as much love as the other two lords ;-;), so i think i’ll choose them for my first playthrough. but i could very well change my mind in the coming months!
annette has her heart on her sleeve
it’s easy to tell what she’s feeling
if she’s happy, she hums to herself and has more spring in her step
if she’s sad, she’s quieter than usual and sighs a lot
in that vein, she’s a terrible liar
she’s the type that would like to keep a secret but immediately panics if you probe her
she starts saying "i don’t know what you’re talking about!" while shifty-eyed and fidgety
it means anything she says is genuine though
and you can trust her to be honest with you
(or, you can trust yourself to know if she’s being honest with you)
an optimistic at heart
is a squad with mercedes, ashe, and ingrid
gives everyone a nickname by shortening their name (e.g. mercie, sylvie)
dimitri hates being called 'dimie' but allows it bc it’s hard to stay angry at her
mercedes is everyone’s mom
always carries a handkerchief on her
cleans up after everyone’s mess and helps the servants with their work
can and will sing you to sleep
just being around her can make you feel 45% less anxious and 82% more comfortable and safe
also the best cook of their house
sometimes bakes pastries in the kitchen and sneaks them to ashe and annette
really strict about curfew
if you’re not in your bed when you’re supposed to be, you’re in for a long scolding
gives the warmest hugs
worries about everyone
has to remind dimitri, dedue, and felix to eat
might just bring them the food herself bc she knows they’ll forget that she told them
asks about your day and is happy if you’re happy
sylvain is (not-so secretly) popular with everyone
ladies, gentlemen, children, your grandparents, you name it
he’s like kaze in that regard
except he knows when people have a crush on him
which he pretends he’s oblivious to because he doesn’t want things to get awkward
doesn’t like leading people on but doesn’t know how to break it to them
makes friends really easily
he doesn’t even have to try
he just talks to strangers and suddenly they’re the best of buds
super bad at names though
he’ll remember your face and what the two of you talked about
but he’ll fumble around like "bleth? bilid? …sorry what was your name again?"
gets along well with mercedes
greatly respects dimitri and follows his every order
loyal to the point that he’ll jump off of a cliff if dimitri told him to
has a smile you can fall for at first sight
ashe is curious about everything and has the energy of a puppy
says "yessir!" and "yes’m!" to everyone with higher authority
probably likes fluffy animals
will go to the kitchens in the middle of the night for a midnight snack
the maids always give him extras bc he’s polite and they think he’s cute
personally knows all of the custodial staff
zones out and stares in the distance sometimes
all the while thinking about something funny he heard the other day
doesn’t like confrontation
goes to mercedes and dimitri for help about everything
from homework to archery practice to an existential question at two in the morning
they humour him anyway
him and annette are like two peas in a pod
he can chatter on and on and on about everything and nothing
this happens most often with ingrid
says sorry to inanimate objects
dedue looks like he’s serious business™ but he’s actually not
enjoys a good laugh
and his is the big, booming kind that can shake the entire  room
a dad joke kind of guy
gets into frequent arm-wrestling fights with felix
will slap your back or sling an arm around your shoulder without warning
if he does that, he thinks of you as a friend
gives ashe/annette a lift to grab stuff from high shelves instead of using a ladder
has a very big appetite
also isn’t picky and will eat anything
probably snores
thrives off of dimitri’s taunting during training
he still has yet to beat his house leader, but swears he’ll do it someday
gets fired up with a good fight and constantly searches for worthy opponents
bumps into things all the time
also breaks a lot of the training weapons
he doesn’t do it on purpose
felix is the real serious business™
has a training regime he follows every day without fail
wakes up at the break of dawn to start it
sneaks up on people and scares the heck out of them
dimitri has had maybe twenty-three mini heart attacks at this point
and felix has had twenty-three bruises to his solar plexus
honour-bound and a good sport
but when he’s cornered in a fight and in danger, he’ll try to escape
usually with a smoke screen
he doesn’t like fighting dirty
but he knows if he’s in a losing battle and would rather live to see another day
intimidating and has a really nasty glare
but that’s only bc he’s scrutinizing your sword technique and has pointers for improvement
he means well, honest
uncomfortable with physical contact
can’t tell a joke to save his life
ingrid is the epitome of the ideal noblewoman
graceful and witty
quick on her feet
knows what to do in any given social situation
everything she says has an underlying message
somehow knows all the latest gossip in the monastery, even from the other houses
her intelligence system has an extensive reach all throughout fodlan
don’t bother hiding something
she’ll find out no matter what you do
probably has a crush on dimitri
completely and wholly devoted to him
and like sylvain, will jump off of a cliff if told to
sips her tea while acting uninterested at everything ashe and annette say
but she does genuinely enjoy their company
bonds with mercedes over cooking recipes
gets cranky if she doesn’t get enough sleep
can play four different instruments
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