#not even necessarily /r
spicu · 28 days
hmm hmm last life cletho
like during those bits after bdubs died they were so there for eachother like when etho turned red he was willing to kill any of the others except for cleo
also their exchanges throughout the season like after bigb killed her and etho was actively robbing her but was like “damn im sorry for ur loss” that was funny and also sweet
and similarly when etho bet on her to die first their little chat was soo silly
then make them lesbians and its PERFECT
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rodimags/rodimims (specifically idw is what i'm talking abt here) is such a good pairing because one the dynamic they have but also two their narratives are like. the same. they’re foils both individually and character arc wise.
like, minimus living in his brother’s shadow and rodimus in optimus’s. mims getting a new body/identity and rodimus first putting on a facade and then later changing his paint job. minimus and rodimus having trouble forming meaningful relationships because they both have to be someone they aren’t (ultra magnus and optimus, respectively).
roddy saying he didn’t want to be a prime, he wanted to be optimus prime. mims always trying to live up to first his brother’s accomplishments and then ultra magnus’s.
they also have their differences (obviously), but like any good foil their differences are anti parallels.
mims needing orders and rules to ground himself. rodimus feeling restricted by them. mims going from a nobody to a legend because of the armor, and rodimus being ignored and judged after getting the matrix. mims (as magnus primarily, but also just in general) always being second but still respected, vs rodimus being first (primehood) but disgraced.
both of them leaving cybertron together for the same reason: they can’t handle the burden their predecessors have given them. ultra magnus and optimus prime being revered figures, but minimus ambus and rodimus (no longer a prime) being nobodies, if not worse.
the personality differences and their general dynamic are already great and made me ship them, but the foils and parallels are what make them a compelling duo in all senses.
(also this post is abt idw but they're really good in everything else imo. like g1 is a chiller show but they still have such a good relationship/dynamic and they still read like foils, it's just a little more surface level bc y'know kids cartoon. )
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barklikeagod · 1 month
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
once u start reading like. even the bare bones intro beginner disability studies critiques it really does become like impossible 2 ignore how so many movies that involve character going from monstrous/nonhuman -> less monstrous/more human r essentially just ‘disabled character becomes less disabled’ lol
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lovecoredeity · 4 months
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various picture frames I’ve drawn for funsies over the past few years
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noecoded · 9 months
september.time to begin my yearly aggressive repeated rewatching of the same 3 shitty horror movies that remind me of asmo
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mobblespsycho100 · 3 days
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gingerbreadmonsters · 1 month
organ music + writing about vampires is a classic for a reason
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ilynpilled · 1 year
Do you view jaime as a hero or a villain? I see a lot of people on my side of fandom say that he is only the latter
I think this is a silly thing that the fandom fixates on with this brand of grey character. Trying to lock them into just one box is the exact opposite of what George wants to achieve with them, especially a character like Jaime. They fit these labels at different points to different characters. Jaime is a deconstruction, reconstruction, interrogation (whatever other buzzword you need) of so many fantasy tropes: anti-hero, male character archetype of strong powerful brave knight in shining armor, mustache twirling villain, redemption and reformation etc. George loves interrogating what actions and motivations can make someone a “hero” or a “villain”, or a mix of both simultaneously, depending on the situation. He loves to create complex dilemmas with no easy solution. He loves depicting just how grueling and complicated change can be, all the internal and external barriers, and how restricted you can be by circumstances and how often one’s values can be compromised not just as a result of selfish desires or personal flaws but also deeply rooted systemic issues or loyalties or a desire to protect certain loved ones. The people that are obsessed with “he is just a villain because George offhand called him that in an interview along with Sandor and Theon” are being silly imo. He also repeatedly calls him a hero too:
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steelycunt · 4 months
reading death of a naturalist in english today and with the whole ‘i love my home but it will kill me’ theme i immediately thought of r in ur pride au of course….. “he loves his home so fiercely he doesnt feel like its his he never wants to leave he thinks if he doesnt get out #he might die his home is everything 2 him he wants to turn his home into something that does not make him so unbearably sad and #lonely and like a stranger or he will not be able to stay here he. wants his dad to like him as well as loving him he wants the things he #loves to love him back he wants. a friend.” u were crazy for that……!!!!!
yes omg omg exactly!! im having a lot of fun with that whole thing and just making his life very miserable…he really does love his home very much but he is also just so sad there. he has no friends and doesn’t feel like he has a purpose there or in the community like the other men his age and he knows he is such a disappointment to his dad and he feels very lonely…but now especially when his home is threatened by the pit closing he loves it more than ever + wants to save it but even if he does that doesn’t really change his place in it. it’s also very fun to write about that from s’ perspective because to a certain extent he really just. doesn’t get that at all so there’s a bit of conflict there. as far as s is concerned…they’re together now and he wants r in london with him but also he just can’t see why that’s complicated like. r is not happy at his home = he should leave it. especially with s’ own experience of leaving his home even though the circumstances were very different he can’t really get his head around the idea of the love r has for his home even if he is unhappy there. and that causes problems
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riellegaming · 5 months
perhaps one of my least favorite things is when a game has two routes but you can tell which one was intended to be played
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finneyblakes · 1 year
maybe an unpopular opinion but i really don’t think tbp needs any sort of sequel or prequel, especially not one focused on the child rapist antagonist lmao. it just completely goes against the point of the movie in the first place and what made it an effective and immersive story about victims prevailing against abusers.
the only way i could see it maaayyybe working is if it’s max-centric, oddly enough, because i don’t even particularly like him very much and he’s kind of a comic-relief character. but if they were to go the prequel “origin story” route i think that would be the best way to maintain the essence of the original while also exploring uncharted territory. idk man
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toddreblogslotf · 9 months
a little small tiny post abt flynn because i know he’s going through it rn
from what i’ve heard mickey is back in his life in some way so please p l e a s e go easy on the poor guy. yeah he might be acting like a dick rn but i’m going to let it slide and maybe the rest of us should too because he’s probably pissed off and uncomfortable and reliving a LOT of trauma i know he has. um anyways back to the sillies :o!!!
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needylittlegirl · 5 months
hi guys its 5am and im crying my eyes out does anyone want to play checkers or something
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collegeoflore · 8 months
the thing about xarrai and astarion is both of them are looking at each other and saying “here is the knife lodged between my ribs. it’s been there as long as i can remember. you won’t be able to pull it out but you can hold it if you want.” and they’re trusting one another not to just start twisting. and of course astarion Does twist it because he knows no different but xarrai lets him because they can’t bring themself to hate him no matter how much easier that would make things. :)
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on one hand I wanna write my fic ideas wherein my marvel oc gets sent to the alternate universe of Gotham and hijinks ensue whilst she tries to survive and get back and the batfam and such slowly learn more info abt her world and how it's being threatened atm and she needs to go back and help and whatnot.
But on the other hand, the readers wouldn't know the marvel related backstory of this OC and would have. No context for her going in
But ALSO then the readers would know abt as much abt this mysterious figure as the batcrew do, and get to learn via flash backs and her slowly revealing info to them as safety allows
Then there's also just a general. Idk if there's any sort of oc etiquette when it comes to writing oc centered fics? My brain goes so hogwild when I read anything that I usually avoid oc fics other people write just bc I usually read and enjoy fics at face value but I also go "now what would happen if this OC was here?" And that gets real complicated when other people's ocs are involved
#jasper rambles#this is a rambly one yall#fanfic discussion#fanfic etiquette?#i just. listen. i made a vampire oc for captain america specifically of the mcu.. and i was thinking and like. gotham is the Perfect City fo#r a vampire to live right. so like. then i was like what would she do if she ended up in gotham. how would that go. and then i could reveal#her marvel backstory thru tidbits she drops and flashbacks. bc i have her mcu timeline pretty well planned out#tho also her existence (along w a few pther ocs) drastically changes the course of the mcu so some things hapen VERY differently (mainly civ#il war and then the start of the following arcs) so like id aalso have to reveal where the canon divergence from the mcu is during the flash#backs. and then ALSO i have a p decent grasp of the batfam and whatnot but i havent had the oppurtunity to read many comics so i dont even.#what if i just FAIL at their characterization and im actually wronf magically#and then ALSO comes the question of should i include my batman dc oc? bc SHES a whole. package. theres a LOT to unpack w her. tho for this s#pecific fic idea i think itd be fun to just. have her be Another Batfam Member. like yeah shes got her own stuff going on. but this fic woul#dnt dive into it anymore than it dives into the other batfam members#the other issue is deciding where in the mcu timeline this oc gets thrown into an au and why and how or if that affects the mcu timeline fro#m there. cuz thatd need to be decided for the sake of flashbacks. and if im gonna ise flashbacks id love to try and plan it out so it aligns#with the plot happening in gotham. i dont necessarily want like. a running Plot in the flashbacks. but id want them to be scenes from her li#fe in mcu that reveaal stuff that helps understand the decisions she makes in the gotham plot#but ALSO in the gotham plot. id wanna have it either be that her presence has caused some sort of ripple that the gotham baddies are using t#o hirt people or else some other unrelated gotham baddies plot is happening and this oc being herself sees trouble and runs towards it to tr#y and help people. even tho she has her own stuff to deal w. and then makes herself a target of the gangs and also potentially screws someth#ings up bc she doesnt have as intimate of knowledge abt the baddies and gangs as the batfam do since most of em grew up in the streets of g#otham one way or another#so like. and like she can hold her own. she was a young woman in brooklyn in the 30/40s. but its still a different environment in gotham rat#her than in brooklyn new york. so itd be. yeah. tbh i feel like the fact that im putting this much thought into it means i will probably try#to write and post it on ao3. idk when tho. im trying not to post more fics on ao3 so i can focus on my xmen fic#sso. anyway if you read all this feel free to share your thoughts and or like. sorry not sorry for the rambly essay of tags <3#i told you jasper rambles
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