#nora norita
masteroffakesmiles · 2 years
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they show big concern
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my thoughts on Animaniacs Characters:
Yakko Warner : Chaotic Bi/pan (I like both hcs) Theater Kid (and deffinately a he/they)..Nerd, Swiftie
Wakko Warner: Non-Binary(they/them) /aroace icon who is great a cooking/baking. Swiftie
Dot Warner: Bi Queen.(ace too) who mimics her brothers cause she looks up to them (this is how I justify her kinda stealing her sibs "things"(I already mentioned this in a prior post)), Swiftie
Pinkey: cute, rocks for brains, genderfluid (because I said so) HUGE swiftie
Brain: Asexual.
Slappy: Mean/chaotic Lesbian grandma who will blow you up if you inslult her nephew/grandchild
Skippy: Nerodivergent. and just all around adorable. Swiftie
Rita: badass, slytherin energy, has the best singing voices in the whole show (there i said it)
Runt: no thoughts. just floof, golden retreaver energy, cutie, floof. Best boi
Hello Nurse: LESBIAN ICON, doesn't get payed enough, should have been the CEO in the reboot.
Dr, Scrach'n'sniff: some flavour of queer, doesn't get payed enough. secret Swiftie
Mr Plotz: asshole.
Nora Norita: bitch. (with a backstory)
Katie Kaboom: Love her (I may have a bais towards her cause I am also a teenager named Katie with anger issues) (tbh we look alike to) bicon.
Minerva Mink: Bicon
Marita & Flavio Hippo(they can't be seperated): couple goals.
Good feathers (again they are a packaged deal) : I kinda hate them tbh (Squit has to be my fave tho)
Mindey: kinda annoying (she's still cute tho), she like MLP, her parents are in the words of Comic book guy (the Simpsons): the.worst.cartoon.parents.ever
Buttons: 2nd best boi (after Runt ofc) but would be a better Parent to Mindey. doesn't get rewarded for his efforts to keep Mindey alive and give this boy a break
William and Angilina II Warner: the fandom has basically just gave them whole personalities (hell idk if Angilina II even has a canon name) and backstories and I am HERE FOR IT!
Cora Norita: annoying Tiktok "influencer" (who's Mommy pays people to follow her) would be friends with Kaite Kaboom
Ralph.T. Guard: small brain, big heart. loyal af, hufflepuff energy tbh (still don't really like him tho)
Julia Brain: Sapphic queen. (married to Billie from the OG series) Rep era Swiftie 100%
Billie: Sweetie. loves her wife sm,
Chicken Boo: he wears a discuise to look like Human Guys but yer not a man your a chicken boo.
did I forget your Favorite? if so let me know!
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smhmyheaddude · 11 months
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cartoonbudartz · 9 months
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Happy 30th anniversary to one of the greatest cartoons of the 90s! Here’s hoping animanaics will one day grace our screens again.
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tallphonse · 1 year
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asked my friend who doesn’t watch animaniacs to describe the episodes based on the thumbnails hulu released.
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spacevixenmusic · 5 months
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Source: Animaniacs [2023]
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In celebration of the Animaniacs reboot’s THIRD season coming out soon…
I’m going to list a few things I think the second season of the reboot does better than the first. Here we go:
1. It gave Nora some much needed development. She gets more screen time in general this season, and because of that her character is more fleshed out now. We find out she's a mother and despite the fact that she had previously been established as selfish in season 1, she buys her daughter whatever she wants to compensate for her lack of parenting skills. That doesn't necessarily make her a good mother, but she's clearly trying.
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We also find out the reason why Nora's a competitive person and why she mostly only looks out for herself-her upbringing. We're shown that her sisters often belittle and mock her. Not only that but her sisters are twins, so Nora undoubtedly felt like the odd one out amongst her siblings all her life.
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There's also her great grandmother Flora Dora, who's is a very successful business woman that Nora looks up to, and it seems like she aspires to be just as successful as Flora Dora. Flora Dora also constantly organizes competitions at family gatherings, something that clearly reinforced if not encouraged her to be a competitive person who's a firm believer in pulling up the ladder behind her.
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2. It goes even further with the dark and adult humour than season 1 did. Season 1 had a few instances of characters going from saying hell and had blood onscreen a couple times, and the swear jokes were more blatant than ever, but otherwise was about as adult as Animaniacs usually is. In season 2 we still have blatant swear jokes...AND a character admitting to inc*st, slavery and genocide are mentioned and not sugar-coated at all, Nora straight up mentions doing drugs, Pinky unintentionally committing murder...there's quite a bit of death this season actually, etc. Granted this shouldn't be too surprising because the reboot does have a higher age rating than the original series ('93 was TV-Y, the reboot is TV-PG). Animaniacs is literally more adult than ever (whilst still being a kids show of course) and I am here for it.
3. THE SONGS!!! Season 1's songs were very good, Animaniacs songs usually are, but season 2's music was really, REALLY good! It had a lot of variety too: rock, rap, parody songs, Broadway showstoppers, electro pop, swing, etc. My personal favourites were "Warner's Ark", "I Am The Very Model of an Ancient Roman Emperor", "Magna Cartoon", and "Yakko's Big Idea" (*cough*buy/stream the soundtrack*cough*).
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4. The "running gag"/recurring joke of the season was better (there are less reboot jokes). Season 1 was funny, but I gotta admit they ran the whole "this is a reboot of a 90's show" joke into the ground. Like I get that the show is meta but they made that joke every other episode to the point where felt like they were repeating themselves. So I'm glad season 2 dropped that. There are quite a few jokes about and references to "Yakko's World", but 1) They at least tell us something about Yakko as a character by showing how much he values that song and that he seems to canonically be sentimental towards it, and 2) They were more creative with how they would reference it or use it for a joke each time, whereas most jokes about the show acknowledging that it's a reboot in season 1 are essentially just the characters stating "this is a reboot of a 90's show!" over and over again.
Plus bonus things I wanted that aren't necessarily "improvements":
A Plotz Cameo
Assuming that was him and not just an expy or relative of Plotz. If it was him does that mean he's not retired? Is he just an actor now? Either way it was cool to see!
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A Wakko Song
I was hoping Wakko would get a song number this season, and he did! ("Gruesome Ol' Gruel"). Maybe we could get a longer one next time though? Like, at least a minute or two? Preferably a rock song please? Honestly I think Wakko has the best singing voice of the three Warners, I just wanna hear him sing more!
A Yakko Solo Segment
...probably should explain this one. You see, in the original show Wakko has SIX stories basically all to himself where his siblings either aren't in it for long or don't appear at all ("Potty Emergency", "Clown ‘n’ Out", "Ups and Downs", "Bingo", "Go Fish", and “Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner”). He even gets another one in the reboot "Wakko's Short Shorts: Now Loading"). Now on it's own I don't mind this, in fact I think it's a good idea for each Warner sibling to get their chance to shine on their own without their siblings every now and again...the problem is that didn't really happen. Other than "Dot’s Quiet Time" (a segment's that basically a song number full of gags) and "Dot’s Poetry Corner" (a series of very short bumpers), Dot only got one story segment, “Cute First (Ask Questions Later)”, and even that took 93 episodes to get to...in a 99 episode series. Great.
Meanwhile Yakko literally only gets to star in a segment on his own if it’s a song ("Yakko’s World", "Yakko’s Universe", etc) or if it’s a one off gag/series of bumpers they’ll only do for one episode ("Useless Facts", "Disasterpiece Theatre", etc). Other than that he has ZERO stories in which he stars by himself without his siblings being present for a lot of it. Admittedly, Yakko was kind of a spotlight stealer in earlier episodes of the original show, so maybe the writers caught on to that and gave the other two solo segments intentionally, but still none of those segments were just him, his sibs were still there. I just would've liked to see Yakko star (mostly or entirely without his siblings) in a segment with a story (not one where the whole segment is a song, not a bumper segment) just once.
So imagine my delight when the reboot not only gave us just that, but also made it an homage to my favourite Looney Tunes short, "Duck Amuck".
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"Yakko Amakko" was one the highlights of season 2 to me, plus I loved the ending. He did what Daffy and even Bugs Bunny couldn't do, actually outwit the artist, how awesome is that?!
Many people thought season 2 was better than season 1, and I can see why (I personally like both seasons about the same-I think season 1 is better than season 2 in some areas, but season 2 is better than season 1 in others). There's also little things like Dr Scratchansniff being a recurring character again or how they actually referenced the PatB spin off this season (because correct me if I'm wrong but season 1 never made a direct reference to the spin off) that I almost listed but didn't have too much to say about them. They were neat.
Hopefully season 3 will turn out to be the best season yet!
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poorlydrawnwarners · 11 months
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remix time
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horroraceman93 · 4 months
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A little Animaniacs femslash ship for my Femslash February 2024 Countdown. Anyone think Nora Rita Norita and Hello Nurse were actually a couple in the reboot? I know we never saw Hello Nurse physically ( with the exceptions of two cameos). But anywho, we never saw Nora having a husband despite having a daughter.
Anywho, for this fanart I had them snuggling in bed with Hello Nurse looking romantically at her lover.
Sorry if Hello Nurse's skin color looks orangey. I had a Hello Nurse screencap and took a little bit of color from that and it came out like that.
Well hope you like the fanart.
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denorteanorte · 4 days
Norita Cortiñas, destacada luchadora por los derechos humanos, falleció a los 94 años
Referente indiscutida y admirable de los derechos humanos. Nora Cortiñas buscaba a su hijo, Gustavo Cortiñas, desaparecido por la última dictadura cívico militar, el 15 de abril de 1977. Norita, como se la nombraba en el campo social y de los derechos humanos, defendió a rajatabla a vulnerados de toda índole, con una actitud política ejemplar, ética, alejada de cualquier especulación. Siempre…
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masteroffakesmiles · 1 year
Scratch marks
k so… before Nora became Ralph’s replacement as the new guard, these scratch marks were already in the tower. You see them during the montage of the kids getting thrown in and more pile up to indicate the passage of time. But in this shot, they were already there before the whole thing already started. I always had a headcanon that there would be countdown marks in the tower to show how long the Warners have been in the tower waiting to get out. Just an interesting thing to point out.
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 9 months
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30 years of Animaniacs!
this took 26 hours Please blow this up and share this with others,
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friendshipgirl · 7 months
Based off of this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yGsHq-mZI8U
I had to write this short bit because it looked so accurate and true to me! Hope you like it!
( we cut to the WB Studios in an Audience Research room. Lauren, Camellia, Tamama, John, Happiness, Kululu, and a few others were sitting at a desk with small devices in front of them )
Professor: Thank you for taking everyone on this field trip here today, your majesties. Today, we’re gonna have a Focus Group today and show you a few clips from Pinky And The Brain.
Professor: If there’s anything you like, please press our approval buttons and enjoy the show. ( leaves the room )
( the lights turn off, the TV turns on, and a variety of Pinky And The Brain clips start playing )
TV Brain: I’ve got street smarts too! Heck! I even got street moves! Check it out! ( dances )
( the group laughed uncontrollably and pressed their approval buttons. The next segment comes up. This time it was from the original series )
TV Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
TV Pinky: I think so Brain, but I think so Brain, but if you replace the 'P' with an 'O', my name would be Oinky, wouldn't it?
( the group screamed with laughter and presses their approval buttons. Back to the reboot, only this time it showed some belly dancers. Kululu snickers and reaches over for Lauren's approval button, constantly pressing it )
Lauren: ( blushing; angrily tries to push him off ) HEY, QUIT IT!
( As the group continued to laugh uncontrollably and press their approval buttons nonstop, Nora looked upon the reviews )
Nora: I don’t understand! They love Pinky, they love Brain, the princess seems to really love the belly dancers... WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT!?
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eshbaal · 1 year
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She was just totally-isnaney enough to be a really fun addition to the cast. Gonna miss this bitch.
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lordsmaf · 1 year
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mr-nobodyart · 2 years
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