#flavio and marita
my thoughts on Animaniacs Characters:
Yakko Warner : Chaotic Bi/pan (I like both hcs) Theater Kid (and deffinately a he/they)..Nerd, Swiftie
Wakko Warner: Non-Binary(they/them) /aroace icon who is great a cooking/baking. Swiftie
Dot Warner: Bi Queen.(ace too) who mimics her brothers cause she looks up to them (this is how I justify her kinda stealing her sibs "things"(I already mentioned this in a prior post)), Swiftie
Pinkey: cute, rocks for brains, genderfluid (because I said so) HUGE swiftie
Brain: Asexual.
Slappy: Mean/chaotic Lesbian grandma who will blow you up if you inslult her nephew/grandchild
Skippy: Nerodivergent. and just all around adorable. Swiftie
Rita: badass, slytherin energy, has the best singing voices in the whole show (there i said it)
Runt: no thoughts. just floof, golden retreaver energy, cutie, floof. Best boi
Hello Nurse: LESBIAN ICON, doesn't get payed enough, should have been the CEO in the reboot.
Dr, Scrach'n'sniff: some flavour of queer, doesn't get payed enough. secret Swiftie
Mr Plotz: asshole.
Nora Norita: bitch. (with a backstory)
Katie Kaboom: Love her (I may have a bais towards her cause I am also a teenager named Katie with anger issues) (tbh we look alike to) bicon.
Minerva Mink: Bicon
Marita & Flavio Hippo(they can't be seperated): couple goals.
Good feathers (again they are a packaged deal) : I kinda hate them tbh (Squit has to be my fave tho)
Mindey: kinda annoying (she's still cute tho), she like MLP, her parents are in the words of Comic book guy (the Simpsons): the.worst.cartoon.parents.ever
Buttons: 2nd best boi (after Runt ofc) but would be a better Parent to Mindey. doesn't get rewarded for his efforts to keep Mindey alive and give this boy a break
William and Angilina II Warner: the fandom has basically just gave them whole personalities (hell idk if Angilina II even has a canon name) and backstories and I am HERE FOR IT!
Cora Norita: annoying Tiktok "influencer" (who's Mommy pays people to follow her) would be friends with Kaite Kaboom
Ralph.T. Guard: small brain, big heart. loyal af, hufflepuff energy tbh (still don't really like him tho)
Julia Brain: Sapphic queen. (married to Billie from the OG series) Rep era Swiftie 100%
Billie: Sweetie. loves her wife sm,
Chicken Boo: he wears a discuise to look like Human Guys but yer not a man your a chicken boo.
did I forget your Favorite? if so let me know!
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braveolpabear · 2 years
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Fludo the Blue Hippo and his sweetheart Maria the Purple Hippo are a loving couple from the rainbow planet Rainmoon. They are literally a soft more cuddly couple who are inseparable and are very rarely seen apart. Fludo and Maria are seen both going out on romantic dates together all throughout the colourful planet. Their hobbies are painting and sculpting brightly-coloured works of art involving creating live portraits of their fellow coloured Rainbrites or making multi-coloured painted sculptures of their rainbow-coloured friends. Their desire is to become experienced Rainbow Painters to make beautiful rainbows everywhere, even all over the far-off distant galaxy known as Galaxceus. Fludo and Maria visited the heavenly planet Pleasure Paradise and met their true creator Papa Bear alongside his guardian angel Jodie the Heavenly Whippet. Though astounded the Blue Hippo and Purple Hippo were mostly intrigued at their Heavenly Furrie Hippo counterparts namely Hillary were so accustomed to their heavenly domain known as The Castle of Heaven. After helping fight off a MediEvil Dragon invasion, Maria and Fludo enjoyed some time on the orbiting planetoids Mystic Jungle and Sunny Oasis. Although they had a fun the Coloured Hippo Couple were getting homesick, as they decided to return home to their home planet. Jodie tells them they are always both welcome to Pleasure Paradise. After concocting a Teleportation Spell the Colourful Couple return to planet Rainmoon. Whilst relaxing in The Castle of Rainbows Fludo and Maria recall the fun times they had in Pleasure Paradise🦛🌈🌴
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mryaksalot · 7 months
Does anyone even remember the Hip Hippos?
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The Hip Hippos (Marita and Flavio) might be the most obscure Animaniacs characters to exist. They only appeared in six episodes total: three of which were mere cameos in a musical number, and one where they star as secondaries in a Warner's segment (that episode being Herclue Yakko). There is a grand total of TWO stories dedicated to just Marita and Flavio, and those episodes weren't all that good in my opinion.
These two weren't the only characters whose segments were pushed to the sidelines to make way for the Warners and Pinky and the Brain. There were several oneoffs who didn't have much time in the limelight: Slappy, Buttons and Mindy, Rita and Runt, Goodfeathers, Katie Kaboom and some others as well. The existance of all these characters and their own individual segments cements the fact that the OG Animainacs was very much a variety show. While the Warner's might have been the stars of the show per say, their antics weren't the main focus of the series.
It does make me sad though that almost all of these characters didn't get a single time to shine in the reboot besides a couple of cameos here and there. While its true that most people don't remember over half of the Animaniacs' cast, it would have been nice if at least a good few of these characters got an episode to themselves.
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zestydistress · 1 year
Pinky and The Brain (and rest of the Animaniacs, but focused on PATB) Medieval AU
Acmenar Kingdom
Cyberen Kingdom (may change, tried to have it sound more technologically but idk how I feel about it)
Ticktockia Kingdom
Brain - Prince, heir to the throne of Acmenar.
Pinky - Court jester of Acmenar.
Julia - Princess, heir to the throne of Cyberen
Billie - A Seamstress of Cyberen
Egwind - Castle worker in Acmenar
Larry - Villager of Acmenar
Snowball - Prince of Acmenar, youngest and not the heir.
Yakko - King of Ticktockia
Wakko - Duke of Ticktockia
Dot - Duchess of Ticktockia
Slappy - Villager of Ticktockia, previously served as a knight.
Skippy - Villager of Ticktockia
Flavio - Noble of Cyberen
Marita - Noble of Cyberen
Pesto - Messenger Pigeon of Cyberen
Squit - Messenger Pigeon of Ticktockia
Bobby - Messenger Pigeon of Acmenar
Rita - Prisoner in Cyberen for theft and fraud.
Runt - Prisoner in Cyberen for aiding in the escape of a wanted criminal and breaking and entering.
Hello nurse - Traveling doctor
Scratchansniff - Traveling Psycho-analyst
All I've figured out so far, some may change as I write.
Ships: Julia x Billie, Brain x Pinky, technically attempted forced Brain x Julia (arranged marriage), background Larry x Egwind maybe?
Pinky is a jester who was sent by the kingdom of Cyberen to assassinate the king of Acmenar and given a time frame of 1 year to complete the mission, but soon came to realize that Prince Brain was planning the king's assassination too. Once he was certain of this, he started to try to befriend him behind closed doors, them both working for the same goal would make things a lot easier. So he slowly gained the others trust, then eventually cornered him and forced him to talk. They decided to work together and often met up in hidden places in the walls to discuss their plans. The reason behind the call for the assassination, was because Julia despised Brain, and he despised her in return, but they are arranged to be married since they were young. She sent the assassin to deal with the issue, knowing that if she just killed the prince she'd have to deal with being forced to marry Snowball instead, so she made sure to deal with the root of the issue.
Brain and Pinky eventually succeed in the murder after a long time attempting it, making it appear like an accident, and brain takes charge. Pinky stays at Acmenar kingdom though, working as both Brains right hand helper (don't know proper terms for it-) and still remained the jester, but snowball is more of a threat than previously thought, and he soon starts arguing with Brain, then. He goes off into hiding, but there suddenly have been lots of close calls to brains life. After a long while brain gets severely injured and Pinky decides that they need to solve this problem, so he makes the journey over to the neighboring kingdom one night, taking brain with him as hello nurse tended to his wounds in the ship on the way there. Pinky confronted Julia, assuming this is her fault, but she had no knowledge of this, and was rather curious why he was so upset about Brains health, feelings come to light, and Julia decides she will keep a look out for Snowball, since Pinky did help her break her arranged marriage. She decides she'll throw him a bone this once and keep an eye on how things go.
Perhaps Julia find snowball and teams up with him? Perhaps Acmenar has to acquire assistance from Ticktockia? I have yet to decide, but I wanted to share my idea.
Things definitely will change, but I wanted to write down my current idea for it rn as it's been rotating in my mind for a long while.
Lmk what you guys think! ^^
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themurphyzone · 2 years
Til the Last Petal Falls Ch 16
AN: This is the chapter I’ve been wanting to write for a long time now. 
Ao3 Link
Ch 16: Heaven’s Light
The night was pleasant and cool, a gentle breeze ruffling their fur as they stood on the balcony together. The moon and stars shined, but they paled in comparison to the ethereal glow of Pinky’s golden dress. 
The columns of the balcony had been lovingly decorated with flowering plants and climbing ivy, and two large vases with carefully trimmed bushes sat on the stone railing. One by one, the servants exited the ballroom, leaving the Beast alone with Pinky. 
They’d done their part. Now it was the Beast’s turn. 
Bold and daring. I have to be bold and daring. 
King Arthur had Lady Guinevere. Robin Hood had Maid Marian. 
He’d always skimmed over the details of how his literary heroes confessed their love, if it had been mentioned at all. Most of the time, the tales simply mentioned that they met, had an adventure or two, and married when all was said and done. 
Had they been bold and daring when they wooed their love interests? Or had they been just as anxious and terrified as the Beast was now? 
“Narrrrf…” Pinky said in awe as he climbed effortlessly onto the stone railing, even with his slippers and heavy dress. “The stars are so pretty tonight, don’t you think so, Beast?” 
The Beast’s throat was dry, his stomach twisted in knots. 
Pinky saying narf had to be a good sign, right? 
The Beast followed Pinky onto the railing, who danced with lithe, graceful steps under the silvery moonlight. He hummed and twirled and swayed, and even the tiniest movement was mesmerizing. But he was venturing a little too close to the edge for the Beast’s liking, so he reached out and captured Pinky’s hand in his, bringing him back to the side that faced the balcony. 
Pinky tugged on his hand eagerly. “Wanna dance some more?” 
"Not right now, Pinky. I was hoping we could…sit and talk?" the Beast said, declining the invitation with a shake of his head.
“Okay, but if you feel like you’re up for another dance, just say the word,” Pinky replied as he sat next to the Beast, his dress fluttering in a graceful arc around him. “So what do you wanna talk about?” 
The Beast stared down at their clasped hands. Pinky’s silk gloves framed his hands beautifully, in contrast to the Beast’s rugged claws.
You’re a fool if you think you actually have a chance with him.
But Pinky only had a soft smile on his face as he waited for the Beast’s response. Even the night couldn’t dull the shine in those sky blue eyes. 
“Pinky…how has your stay been so far?” the Beast asked, trying to ignore the mocking voice in his head. 
He winced at how impersonal that sounded.
But Pinky didn't seem to notice. He hummed thoughtfully. 
"Oh, everyone's been absolutely wonderful," he smiled, tail swishing happily. "I've never had this many friends in all my life. There's you, Pharfignewton, the Warners, Mindy and Buttons, Marita and Flavio, Hello Nurse, Rita and Runt…" 
Pinky continued to rattle off names of the servants, and even some of the gargoyles like Goliath and Victor. 
See? He only considers you a friend, the voice sneered. And that's the best case scenario. 
But Pinky calling him a friend was good, wasn't it? 
Did that mean, was there a possibility…they could be more than friends? 
This wasn't just a confession to break the curse.
This was a lifelong pledge, all wrapped up in three little words. 
All he had to do was clear this hurdle, and he could spend the rest of his life with Pinky. No more claws to prevent him from combing through Pinky's soft fur, no more fangs to prevent any…kissing. 
That's what lovers did, right? 
Did his parents ever kiss? He doubted it. Neither of them were the affectionate sort. 
So far, they'd held hands, embraced, and cuddled in the library, but they'd never progressed to kissing. 
He wasn't sure if he was ready for that sort of thing, even though his tolerance level for Pinky's exuberant displays had grown. 
It just seemed so much more…intimate than what they were currently doing. 
But he wouldn't mind having Pinky's hugs, his kindness and optimism, and his smile every single day for as long as he lived. 
"Pinky?" the Beast said cautiously, and those innocent blue eyes looked at him like he hung the moon and stars himself. His cheeks heated up as he wondered what he did to get Pinky to trust him so easily. "Are you…happy here with me?" 
"Of course," Pinky said softly. "You're my best friend. Nothing makes me happier than that.” 
Upon hearing Pinky’s words, the Beast felt relieved, happy, and surprised all at once. Maybe…this wouldn’t be as bad as he thought? Maybe it was just the anticipation that was getting to him, and Pinky would react more favorably than he expected. 
“L-listen, there’s something I wanted to-” the Beast began, his heart pounding from hope and terror as he forced the words from his throat. 
But Pinky looked away, staring off into the horizon. His ears drooped against the back of his head, and his blue eyes were downcast. 
It wasn’t from lack of interest. He was just preoccupied. 
The Beast held back his confession. Something was worrying Pinky, and the Beast could not confess in good conscience when Pinky was troubled.   
Carefully, he squeezed Pinky’s hands to remind him that he was still here. Slowly, Pinky glanced down at their clasped hands, then into the Beast’s eyes. 
“Sorry, Beast,” Pinky said quietly. “I…I just realized Papa’s never seen me dressed this fancy before. I was wondering what he’d say, and if he’s thinking about me too. If he’s missing me just as much as I miss him. I wish I could see him again, even if it’s just for a moment.” 
When the Beast first met Pinky, he’d never considered that Pinky was close to his father. At the time, it shocked him that neither one was trying to use the other as a bargaining chip, but rather offering to stay imprisoned if it meant one of them could escape unscathed. 
He’d thrown the old mouse into a broken carriage without a final goodbye, believing that he didn’t care about his son as much as he claimed to. 
But then he stumbled across Pinky crying in the lonely tower, screaming at him for denying an opportunity to say goodbye. He’d felt a pang of remorse then, realizing too late that he’d acted rashly without giving them a chance to explain themselves. 
He’d been cruel and thoughtless. He knew that now. 
As time wore on and Pinky somehow found in his heart to forgive him, the Beast learned a lot about Pinky’s family and their circumstances. Pinky spoke fondly of his parents, and always with the same wistful, sad expression. 
And though the Beast had never experienced the concept, he'd realized that Pinky had come from a loving family, though they'd been split apart by the cruel hand of fate. 
And his own as well. 
But unlike fate, there was something he could do to help. 
Pinky had never harbored a grudge after his first night in the castle, but the Beast still wanted to make it up to him. 
"There's a way for you to see him again," the Beast said, hauling Pinky to his feet. Though Pinky seemed surprised at first, his shock quickly gave way to a trusting smile. "Come, Pinky." 
They climbed down the stone railing, and Pinky linked his arm with the Beast's as they headed back into the ballroom. 
They passed several featherdusters and buckets who'd stopped their clean-up duties in the ballroom to watch them. There was a silent 'so did you do it?' question in their inanimate bodies.
The Beast ignored them as he steered Pinky towards the set of stairs that led to the West Wing. 
He'd confess after he helped Pinky see his father again. 
He just didn't know how to convey that out loud without making it seem like he was stalling for time. 
Once they were finished climbing the stairs, Pinky nestled against the Beast's side and closed his eyes with a contented hum, trusting the Beast to lead him to their destination. 
Pinky's shoulders were slim and bare, the silk framing them so beautifully that the Beast nearly gave into the temptation to touch his fur, without any clothing as a barrier. 
He had to remind himself that his claws would likely make it an uncomfortable experience for Pinky. 
Fortunately, their arrival at the West Wing corridor drove all those strange urges from his mind. 
"We're here," the Beast announced, and Pinky opened his eyes. He took in his surroundings, blinking up at the red ribbon tied around Hugo's horn. The Beast moved towards the door, but stopped when Pinky released his arm. "Pinky?" 
The sudden absence of Pinky’s touch startled him. 
"I can wait here, Beast," Pinky said, pointing to the ribbon that formed the barrier he'd promised he wouldn't cross. "I know you don't want me in your room. I don't mind." 
If only he knew how much the Beast wanted to stay by his side. 
The Beast reached for Pinky’s hands and tugged him past that silly barrier he’d imposed for far too long.  
"Come inside with me," the Beast reassured him. “It’s alright.” 
Pinky hesitated for a moment, but at the Beast’s insistence, he relaxed and allowed himself to be led inside the West Wing. 
“You really cleaned up in here,” Pinky said as the Beast swept a curtain aside. The last time Pinky had seen the West Wing, it had been a total mess with broken furniture and tattered curtains everywhere. 
Since that day, the Beast had spent some time clearing the debris, though it was a slow process. While he preferred to handle most of the time cleanup himself, occasionally he’d allowed a few servants to sweep as long as they didn’t venture anywhere near the rose. 
Despite all their efforts to clean up the West Wing, there were still markings that couldn’t be erased. Broken furniture too large for even the Beast to move and clawmarks on the wallpaper. The portrait of his younger self that he couldn’t bring himself to throw away, even though the reminder hurt. 
But with Pinky around, the sting was more bearable. 
The Beast led Pinky to the table that held the enchanted rose and mirror. The rose’s stem was bent over, the petals drooping lower than ever before. A pile of dead, black petals laid on the table. But the Beast picked up the silver mirror instead, ignoring the rose for the meantime.  
The Beast held the silver mirror out to Pinky, who took it with some trepidation. “This mirror will show you anything you wish to see,” the Beast said. “All you have to do is ask.” 
Pinky had never seen the mirror in action before, but he gave a trusting nod to the Beast. 
“Hi, mirror. If you don’t mind, I’d like to see Papa again,” Pinky told the mirror. 
He quickly averted his eyes, unused to the magical green flash that accompanied a shifting image. 
He peered into the glass and let out a sudden cry, his eyes widening with horror as the mirror slipped from his grasp and tumbled to the floor. 
"Papa!" Pinky cried.
The mouse in the mirror coughed weakly, his thin clothes whipping violently around him as a harsh, cold wind howled. 
Warm sunlight hadn't yet hit the dark forest, and the ground was still covered with thick snowbanks despite the beginning of spring. 
The mouse's clothing was ill-suited for the cold. His fur was a pale, sickly white, his mustache unkempt. 
He tripped over a gnarled tree root and tumbled to the ground. 
"Pinky!" he screamed. "Pinky…hang on…Pinky…" 
His desperate cries were becoming weaker, and the only thing he could do was crawl forward, having no more strength to stand. 
A harsh sob made the Beast look up from the horrific image. 
Tears were streaming down Pinky's face, his hands tightly clasped around his mouth. He was petrified by the image, ears drooping at the constant cries of his name. 
"...vanish," the Beast whispered, and the image disappeared. Only their reflections and silence remained.
They'd seen enough. There was no point in prolonging it. 
"He's sick!" Pinky choked out, blue eyes wide with horror. "What if he's dying? And…and nobody is around to help him!" 
The Beast turned to the enchanted rose, unable to bear the sight of Pinky's distress. His claws scraped against the glass dome, the ethereal light pulsing as it beckoned him to make a choice.
Though he wanted to comfort Pinky more than anything, he knew there was nothing he could do or say that would make him feel better. 
Not when he caused all their distress.
Pinky's father thought he had to rescue his son from the clutches of a monster, willing to brave the elements and risk his life. 
Behind bars, he never pleaded for his life at Pinky's expense. He'd been willing to stay imprisoned if it meant Pinky could walk free. 
He could see who Pinky had gotten his self-sacrificing tendencies from. 
They cared about each other. They were ready to throw their lives away just to give the other a chance for freedom. 
And for the first time, the Beast realized just how wrong, just how shortsighted and stupid and completely, utterly selfish he'd been, separating a family who clearly loved each other and would go through hell and high water to save anyone but themselves. 
The rose was wilting further. Its stem, once a vibrant green, was now brown, thin, and dry. The crimson petals were slumped over, sadly pointing down to the table. 
There wasn’t much time left. 
But he couldn’t confess. The entire castle was counting on him to finally do it, to finally break the curse and give everyone their bodies and livelihoods back. 
And for him, breaking the curse wasn’t just about reclaiming his royal title anymore. 
It meant that he could finally be with Pinky without barriers or restraints, that he’d never have to worry about losing his mind or giving into his primal instincts ever again.
That Pinky wouldn’t have to be bound to a monster. 
Confessing would only further distress Pinky after the horrific image he’d seen. The Beast couldn’t do that to him. 
There was only one solution, one that would cost him everything. His servants would never trust him again. He would be throwing away all his hopes and dreams, his life, and his mind. He would never return to normal, never see the light of day again. 
And most of all, he would never see Pinky again. His kindness and warmth would only become memories to hold onto, if he would remember Pinky at all once the final petal fell. 
He wasn’t ready. But it had to be done. 
“Go to your father, Pinky,” the Beast whispered, and the words he desperately wanted to say were buried forever, sealed within him and never to be spoken out loud. 
There was a gentle, comforting hand on his shoulder. The Beast leaned on the table for support, unable to bear how this would be the last time he would ever feel Pinky’s touch. 
“Beast?” Pinky asked, his voice soft. 
He was good at sensing when something was wrong, but this one instance where the Beast couldn’t tell him. Pinky would be torn apart if the Beast admitted the truth. 
“I release you. You’re no longer my prisoner.” 
Prisoner wasn’t the right word to describe Pinky. Not anymore. He’d become so much more than a prisoner, a guest, or a friend. 
Pinky made a soft, surprised noise. “You mean…I’m free?” 
The Beast looked up from the rose and into those beautiful sky blue eyes. Pinky’s golden dress was a ray of sunshine in the dreary West Wing, but he couldn’t be kept here. 
Sunshine was meant to warm and touch the earth, not locked away and isolated in a dark and lonely castle. 
“...yes.” The Beast’s voice trembled, despite his effort to keep it steady. 
Pinky gave him a tiny smile before bending down to pick up the mirror he’d dropped. “Thank you,” he said, offering the mirror to the Beast. “Sorry I dropped your mirror.” 
The mirror was indestructible anyway, or it would’ve shattered a long time ago. 
But the Beast didn’t care about that. Instead, he gently pressed the mirror against Pinky. “Take it with you,” he said quietly, his hand hovering near Pinky’s cheek as he tried to work up the courage to touch his fur for one last time. “So you’ll always have a way to look back…and remember me.” 
Would Pinky want to remember him? 
He wasn’t the type to store a precious item and let it gather dust from years of disuse. Maybe he’d use it to check in on the Beast and the others from time to time? 
With Pinky and the mirror gone, he would lose his only connections to the world at large. Any proof of his existence, save for the enchanted mirror’s image if Pinky chose to look, would be lost. 
Nobody would remember him except for a select few, a consequence he had no choice but to accept.    
He didn’t want to fade into obscurity, nor did he wish to live a life without Pinky. But he had to make that sacrifice in order to ensure Pinky’s happiness.
There was a light touch on the back of his hand, and his fingers brushed against Pinky’s cheek. His fur was soft, fluffy, and warm, and the Beast committed these sensations to his memory. 
Pinky met his gaze, and there was nothing but gratitude in his eyes as he held the Beast’s hand against his face. “Thank you so much, Beast,” he said, and that same hand shifted towards the Beast’s cheek, nimble fingers gently caressing his thick fur. 
This would be the final time they ever touched, the last time Pinky’s presence would bring the sun into his life. 
Pinky’s soothing hand slipped down the Beast’s cheek, and the Beast tried to reach out, some selfish part of him still fighting tooth and nail to keep him for just a moment longer, but Pinky turned away before he could touch him again. 
His clawed hand only grasped empty air as Pinky walked out of the West Wing, the mirror tucked under his arm. 
Another petal turned lifeless and dry, sadly fluttering down to the table. It wouldn’t be long before the rest followed suit. 
He barely had a minute to mourn his loss when the Warner siblings slipped through the open door without waiting for an invitation. They wore identical, cheery expressions as they whooped and hollered and congratulated him on a job well done even though he hadn’t done anything of the sort. 
“Great work, Romeo! Knew you could pull it off!” Yakko laughed. 
The comparison to Romeo only made him feel worse. Romeo never got his happy ending with Juliet, after all. 
He used to dismiss the play as an annoying star-crossed romance whose tragedy could’ve been avoided if the characters had been smarter, but after all he’d been through with Pinky, he had no room to be scathing to the lead couple anymore. 
Dot hopped onto the dresser, admiring her reflection. “I’m still on the fence about changing my style once I’m back to normal. It’s so hard deciding between coral pink and bubblegum pink for my regular outfit, you know! But I’m sure I can work it out once I finally get my limbs back. So does anyone know if the transformation back is an overnight thing or does it take a few minutes to kick in, cause I can’t wait much longer!” 
But she would never regain her limbs. Nobody would ever be normal again.  
“So now you and Pinky get to be king and queen of France and live happily ever after!” Wakko cheered. 
Except happily ever afters were never meant for beasts. His entire life had amounted to one enormous Greek tragedy instead of a fairy tale. 
“...I let him go,” the Beast admitted, turning his back on them so he didn’t have to see their crestfallen expressions. 
A hush fell over the room. Yakko and Dot stopped bouncing, and Wakko’s pendulum quit ticking.   
Yakko cleared his throat. “Maybe we didn’t hear you correctly there, boss. Did you say escargot or ‘I let him go’?” 
The Beast tried to repeat himself, but his answer was barely coherent even to his own ears. 
“YOU WHAT?” Dot screeched, and the furious teacup planted herself right in front of him. “We had the perfect setup! The romantic ambience! The outfits, the food, the venue, the music! The entire castle put in all that work! All you had to do was have a good time with Pinky! So why didn’t you follow through with the plan?”  
The Beast only bowed his head. In another time, he might’ve snapped back with excuses of his own, but now he was only numb inside. 
“Well?” Dot demanded. Despite her impatience for an answer, she was startled by the Beast’s lack of response.
“Pinky’s needed at his real home. His father was in trouble. I had to let him go.”
If teacups could cry, then Dot would’ve done so right then and there. But she was robbed of that ability, and could only make a sniffling noise. She glared at him fiercely. 
“We needed him too,” she spat. 
And she charged out of the room without another word. 
Yakko’s candlelight died away, leaving the West Wing dark once again. “You were almost there,” he said with a carefully controlled tone. “Too bad almost won’t end the curse.” 
Though he was more sympathetic to the Beast than Dot, he was still just as frustrated and angry as she was. He went after his sister, leaving Wakko and the Beast alone in the West Wing.  
“You can still break the curse,” Wakko urged him. “Pinky isn’t gone yet. You can’t give up!” 
But the Beast shook his head. He was always stunned by Wakko’s faith in him, even through the darkest nights.
“...I have to, Wakko,” the Beast whispered. 
“Why?” Wakko asked, and the question was more out of not understanding than anger. 
He was giving up because he cared too much, because he wanted to be with Pinky for the rest of his life, because the time they had together was too short, because he wanted so much more, because he wanted to feel Pinky’s compassion, his spark, his touch, his heart and soul, because…because….
“...I love him.” 
It was the first time he’d ever spoken those words, but Pinky would not be around to hear them. They were released into the emptiness of the West Wing instead, and no wind would ever carry them to their target. 
Wakko’s clock face ticked as he stared up at the Beast, mouth open in surprise. Then he scuttled out of the West Wing, and the Beast shut the door behind him. 
He didn’t want to face the rest of the servants right now. The Warners had surely spread the word, and everyone would be demanding answers and mourning their losses.  
In the distance, he heard the creak of the large iron gates. He hurried to the balcony just in time to catch Pinky riding into the forest atop Pharfignewton, traveling cloak billowing around him as he fled the castle grounds for good. 
A pang of sorrow and despair built up within the Beast, and he released his feelings into a deafening, mournful roar.
End: “I knew I’d never know that warm and loving glow, though I might wish with all my might…”
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coopergal24 · 4 years
Ok, so consider this au:
Everything’s the same in the Sly Cooper universe, but Murray would be adopted by Flavio and Marita, the Hip Hippos from the Animaniacs cartoon series.
• Flavio and Marita would also consider taking Sly and Bentley in as well, dotting on the three boys as if they were thier own kids.
• Murray would be the Mama’s Boy, but he, Sly and Bentley would be taught to be independent and responsible when they get older. They would also be loved equally!
• Flavio would teach the boys different sports that he plays, but would coach Murray in wrestling and boxing. He would also fully support the Cooper Gang in whatever activities and hobbies they want to do.
• Marita would have a real knack for cooking and baking as a hobby, after watching the most popular cooking shows on tv and the internet, teaching the gang how to cook thier own meals. From something as simple as a bowl of soup, to a meal made with five ingredients. Murray would inherit the cooking ability the most though, due to his love of food.
• Althoug they wouldn’t like the idea of Sly, Bentley and Murray as thieves at first, both Flavio and Marita would fully support them later on, realizing that Sly’s intentions are good and that both Bentley and Murray would want to help thier friend.
• Between all three Hippos, Murray would be the tallest, a half a foot taller than Flavio, but he and Marita would still see Murray as thier baby boy.
• Marita’s favorite gift from Murray would be the pictures he draws for his parents. She loves to display them in frames to look at later on.
I dunno, I just thought this idea was cute, and because Murray’s one of my fave characters from Sly Cooper, while Flavio and Marita are my fave characters aside the Warner’s and Pinky and the Brain.
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lestatslestits · 2 years
Love is stored in the Water Tower
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Yo so I read that Animaniacs is getting a reboot
And I'm excited as hell?? But also worried??? We all know that rebooting old cartoons now a days isn't exactly viewed as a good thing. Examples being Teen Titans Go!, the new Power Puff Girls show, and that one Scooby Doo thing where they all looked like Family Guy (seriously wtf was that). But I just watched the new Ducktales episode and enjoyed the hell outta that sucker! And since Animaniacs is a show that was and still is admired by so many people, I'm REALLY hoping for the best. I'm really interested with how they are gonna handle some things. Like the art style. Will they keep it similar to the original show or try to update it in anyway? Or how about the whole variety show skit like format of the episodes, will they keep that? Or will they just focus on the Warner Sibs? I hope they don't get rid of the skit style tho. I love all of the animaniacs ensemble. But another thought I'm having is why do they feel the need to update it? Like yes it's an AMAZING cartoon, but why try to renew something already so great? If it's not broke, don't fix it! The series is on Netflix, so anyone who wants to can go and watch it there. Idk man, I mean I'm hella hyped, but i still got my worries, ya know? I'm not sure if I can let my favorite Sibs get rebooted so soon. What do y'all think? For now I'll just be crossing my fingers. Okay I'm done. G'night, Everybody!
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Yakko: Around here, we don't make mistakes.
Flavio and Marita: *walk in* Ta-da!
Yakko: Except occasionally in casting.
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braveolpabear · 2 years
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Fludo the Blue Hippo and Maria the Purple Hippo from the rainbow planet Rainmoon decide to go on a romantic date together in the orbiting planetoid around the planet Pleasure Paradise known as Sunny Oasis. Unbeknownst to the somewhat gullible Colourful Hippo Couple, however, Zudmilla the wicked Dragoness Sorceress from the dreaded planetoid Medievilonia hides from behind a Emerald Green Tree plots to both control and brainwash The Rainbrites by casting a Hypnotic Spell then manipulate them into looting castles, temples and palaces in every planet or planetoid and asteroid all throughout Galaxceus of their treasures. But when they arrive in the tropical planetoid vis concocting a Teleportation Spell the heartless Dragoness soon realises that Sunny Oasis is no place for Dragons, especially when Zudmilla comes face-to-face with a whole native tribe of Big Boars. While Fludo and Maria are enjoying the sunny beach a badly bruised Zudmilla tries to concoct a Hypnotic Spell on her intended targets until she comes face-to-face with a tribe of Brown Boars, where she gulps nervously when she knows whats coming. Fludo and Maria are later seen bathing in a large pool of water, a battered Zudmilla tries to cast her Hypnotic Spell once more but she comes face-to-face with a horde of angry Rhinos, Elephants, Hippos, Gorillas and Warthogs before getting pummelled. Fludo and Maria prepare to return home back to their home rainbow planet, a bruised and beaten Zudmilla decides to return to her horrid planetoid too report back to her queen to escape the Dragon-hating planetoid but not before getting hit by an angry Bull. Fludo and Maria bid farewell to their peaceful friends before concocting a Teleportation Spell while a battered and exhausted Zudmilla summons a magic portal back to the planetoid Medievilonia. Back in the planet Rainmoon The Colourful Hippo Couple are happily relaxing near The Yellow Beach while at The Dragons Castle in Medievilonia Kariah the oppressive Dragoness Empress expresses her displeasure towards Zudmilla's failure and orders her to be sent to the downstairs dungeon along the other failed MediEvil Dragons🦛🐘🦏🦍🦓🦒🐗🐽🏝️
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bestofanimaniacs · 1 year
Hellooooooooo Nurses!
I don't think anyone has yet attempted to pit the Animaniacs cast against each in a Tumblr poll yet, so I will be doing the honors. This poll is for the best character from the original (1993) Animaniacs series. (If this goes well there may be a reboot poll, but we'll cross that bridge).
You'll find below the brackets of the 28 reoccurring characters from the original series and links to the polls. I'll be leaving Round 1's polls open for a week and we'll go from there in terms of participation and interest.
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Due to the number of characters included, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, and Brain will appear in Round 2, don't worry!
This is purely for fun and friendly competition is encourage. Please don't start any fights or take this too seriously, okay? It's just a silly poll. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot will report you to the "Please, please, please get a life foundation" if you take this too seriously, that's a threat.
Polls will start to post at 10am CST on March 9th and run for a week. Links for polls under read more.
Round 1:
Bracket 1 -
Runt vs Mr. Skullhead
Hello Nurse vs Mr. Director
Minerva Mink vs Chicken Boo
Bracket 2 -
Wheel of Morality vs Rita
Slappy Squirrel vs Mime
Skippy Squirrel vs Bobby
Bracket 3 -
Thaddeus Plotz vs. Colin (Randy Beaman Kid)
Pinky vs Marita Hippo
Buttons Vs Katie Ka-boom
Bracket 4 -
Ralph the Guard vs Squit
Dr. Scratchansniff vs Flavio Hippo
Mindy vs Pesto
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stella-so-sly93 · 3 years
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No context necessary. Pfft. 
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vampiremeerkat · 3 years
Not an art request (unless you want to of course), but how would you imagine Animaniacs' Flavio and Marita would look like genderbent?
Stop trolling me.
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acmeoop · 3 years
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Whirlybird “A Moving Experience” (1993)
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themurphyzone · 3 years
If I Can’t Love Him Ch 4
AN: I do eventually wanna write out an entire BatB AU, it’s just that it’s kinda on the backburner compared to Nova and Pinky the Snowmouse right now. Decided to finish this story before working on anything else in BatB AU. Unlike the other chapters, this one’s not based off any scene in the 1991 movie.
AO3 Link
Ch 4: Hints of Kindness  
Two days since the West Wing incident, and there was still no sign of the Beast. His servants all said not to worry, he was always reclusive until it was time to give orders, but Pinky still worried for the Beast’s arm. He didn’t seem like the type to take it easy.
“Hey, if the scratches get infected, that’s on him,” Rita reassured Pinky as she escorted him down the corridor for breakfast.  
The servants were on a rotating schedule of helping him get around the castle to prevent another incident of wandering somewhere he wasn’t supposed to. Pinky appreciated the company, but part of him also wanted to sneak around too. If he was going to be here for the rest of his life, then he wanted to know every nook and cranny of the castle.
At least the nooks and crannies of the places he was allowed to go in.
But sneaking around would have to wait. At least until the world stopped spinning around. It was throwing him off-balance.
“So what do you want for breakfast?” Rita asked, her halo bobbing above her head as she glided along the floor. “Cream? Fish? Or the gray stuff again? That’s always a hit.”
The moment breakfast was mentioned, Pinky’s stomach flip-flopped and churned. “Quiet, tummy,” he scolded.
“You good? You’re pale,” Rita asked. “Not exactly a healthy shade of white.”
“I’m...narf...I’m okay!” Pinky tried to smile at her, but Rita’s eyes only narrowed. “Don’t worry about me!”
A shiver wracked his body. Was it just him, or was the castle draftier than usual?
“Nice try, mouse,” Rita crossed her paws over her angel robe. “But a little tip about castle living? If the boss can’t pull a fast one over Hello Nurse when he’s sick, neither can you. Try it, and the results ain’t gonna be pretty.”
He was fine though. Pinky was used to hiding any signs of sickness from Papa. He couldn’t worry his father like that when there were other things to worry about. All he had to do was cover his mouth so all the icky stuff wouldn’t get out and run over to Slappy’s tree for help.
He didn’t like lying. It made him feel awful inside. But he had to, just so he wouldn’t scare Papa.
"Sorry," Pinky whispered, his throat tight. "I'll go back to my...I mean, the room you all gave me. I don't wanna make anyone else sick. Poit."
"Eh, don't worry about it," Rita said. "Only the boss is affected by that sorta thing. Rest of us are immune. Now c'mon. I gotta tell Hello Nurse so we can get some chow into you."  
Secrets never remained secrets in the castle for long. It took a grand total of thirty seconds before a crowd of servants gathered outside the bedroom door, from the littlest dinner fork to several heavy cabinets that clinked with dishes and silverware as they moved.
A tall coat rack lifted Pinky back into bed. And while Pinky didn’t mind climbing to reach the strange, huge mattress that was cozy when he was tired and not so cozy when he thought of Papa and home, he was too dizzy to climb up himself right now.
Though he wanted to snuggle into the blankets more than anything else, he couldn’t until the stethoscope finished checking his heart and lungs. He shivered as the cold bell pressed into his chest and back, but tried to breathe when he was asked to.
When it was finished, the stethoscope firmly knocked twice against the mahogany bedframe and wrapped itself around the coat rack’s thin wooden arm.
“So what’s the verdict?” Rita asked from the doorway.
“Well, his heart and lungs are strong. And nothing’s inflamed either,” Hello Nurse said. “Pinky, are you having trouble breathing?”
Pinky shook his head.
“Any chest pain?”
“Nope. Don’t worry, everyone! It’s just a fever. I’ll be fit as a fiddle soon!” Pinky said, trying to reassure them. “And I can clean some rooms or dust the staircases or anything else you want then!”
“Nope, that won’t do at all! You’re our guest and we insist you get some rest!” Yakko protested. The fire on his head burnt intensely, and the flammable servants hastily scooted away from him. “Ya know, that’s not a bad verse for Be a Pest now that I think about it. But still! Don’t even think about getting out of bed ‘til Hello Nurse okays it!”
“Only for a day or two,” Hello Nurse added. “And tell someone immediately if you have trouble breathing or the fever gets worse. You came back soaked to the bone, and I don’t want this developing into pneumonia.”
Okay, at least he wouldn’t be confined for too long. He wanted to move around and explore. What was the point of being imprisoned in a castle if he couldn’t explore?
“What about Pharfignewton?” Pinky asked. “She fell in the river too. And...she’s all I’ve got now.”
His mother’s cape was in shreds. He didn’t know how Papa was doing. Pharfignewton was the only member of the family he could see now. The blue dress was his only remaining possession from his life in the village.
“She’s okay!” Dot piped up. “The stablemaster is one of the best in the province! He’s got her covered in a pretty violet blanket.”
“She really likes apples!” Wakko exclaimed.
Pharfignewton adored apples, and while Pinky trusted the servants to take care of her, he also wanted to make sure she was alright in-person.
But that would have to wait for a few hours.
Sapped of energy, he yawned and curled underneath the blankets. Only his head poked out, and his vision blurred as his eyes drooped with exhaustion.
The crowd dissipated with promises to come back with food and medicine later, until only Yakko lingered in the doorway.
“Keep an eye on him, Marita,” Hello Nurse told the purple and white wardrobe, which had a hippo’s face carved into the top. She hummed her agreement. “Now come along, Yakko. Pinky needs his rest.”
“I’m sure Dr. Scratchnsniff misses you. It’s been a busy past few days,” Hello Nurse suggested, and Yakko hopped away, his spirits restored as he hollered about all the news he wanted to deliver to the psychiatrist’s couch.
Soon they were gone. As Pinky’s eyes drooped shut, he thought he might’ve seen the end of a cape and a zigzagged tail dart behind a crouching gargoyle in the hallway. But the door swung closed before he could be sure.
Despite the fever, or maybe because of it, it was the best sleep he had in ages.
“Wakey, wakey, Rip Van Winkle!” Dot shouted. “Got your hot tea and soup here!”  
Pinky rubbed his eyes, stretching his limbs and tail as he sat up against his large pillow. His forehead was hot to the touch, and his throat was a bit sore. He breathed in fine, warm steam from the tea and soup, and while he didn’t have much of an appetite right now, he’d at least try to eat what he could. He was sure it would taste wonderful anyway.  
A tray slid onto his lap. A steaming bowl of chicken and vegetable broth, a flower patterned teacup full of warm liquid, and a spoon and napkin laid on top of it.
“It’s lovely. Thanks so much!” Pinky said, smiling at the Warners, who sat atop a rolling cart next to his bed.
“Make sure you gobble it all down like a turkey!” Wakko exclaimed, doing his best impression of a turkey call just as Pinky took his first sip of the broth, which included several small pieces of carrots.
Pinky couldn’t help but laugh, which was a huge mistake with food in his mouth. He sputtered and coughed, quickly pounding on his throat as he snatched up the teacup and took a huge gulp of tea to wash it down.
“Well, don’t make him choke on it!” Dot scolded.
“Careful, dearie,” Marita said as she shifted a lovely green dress to a hanger on her front.  “My darling Flavio puts lots of love into his food. I wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
“I will,” Pinky promised. He ate more slowly, trying to savor every bite. Not that he really needed to chew. Everything just slid down his throat like melted butter.
“That didn’t go into your lungs, right?” Yakko asked, who’d been strangely silent during the visit.
“I don’t think so,” Pinky replied. “And no agonizing, excruciating, stabbing, or writhing pain?”
Pinky stretched his limbs, careful not to jostle the tray too much. “A bit sore, but I’ll be alright.”
“It’s only a fever, Yakko,” Dot muttered, rolling her eyes as Yakko’s flames burst sporadically. “He’s not suddenly gonna drop dead or anything.”
Wakko shuffled his wooden legs awkwardly as Yakko and Dot burst into an argument over their guest’s health, and Pinky found himself nursing a headache that developed at his temple.
“Children, I think our guest wants some peace while he eats,” Marita suggested, her front drawer opening to reveal a lavender letter that was sealed with a heart-shaped kiss mark. “In the meantime, would you do me a favor and deliver this letter to my sweetheart?”
“For true love!” Dot squealed in joy, forgetting that she didn’t have hands to grab it by as she strained to grab it from Marita’s handle. Wakko reached over and grabbed it for her, and Dot hopped to the other side of the cart in a huff, muttering that she could’ve gotten it for herself.
“Hi-ho rolling cart, away!” Yakko shouted, and the cart sped across the room and slammed into the slightly ajar door, and the Warners were nearly thrown off the cart from the impact.
“GAH!” there was a surprised shout from behind the door as it crashed against the wall.
That wasn’t a normal door crashing into the wall sound.
To Pinky’s surprise, the Beast stumbled into view from behind the door. He clutched one shoulder with his bandaged arm, an irritated growl building in his throat.
The Warners whistled innocently and gave the Beast extremely wide, guilty smiles before zooming away.
“Ooh, that sounded like it hurt,” Pinky said, and the Beast looked at him in annoyance. Then Pinky remembered that they hadn’t spoken to each other in a few days, and he didn’t really know where he stood with the Beast right now. “Did they catch you on the arm?”
The white-collared shirt was new though. It was a high quality piece of clothing, even though it was a simple design.  
The Beast stood in the doorway, the bandages outlined against his sleeve on his injured arm while he held onto the doorframe with his uninjured arm. He also wore a wine-red cape and a pair of black trousers, and both clothing items were much less worn and ragged than when Pinky had first met him in that tower just a few nights ago.
“They didn’t,” the Beast grunted, staring at the floor like he’d seen a very interesting dust bunny. The silence was only broken by Marita’s blissful humming and the clink of Pinky’s spoon against his bowl.
The Beast wasn’t the best at conversations. It was either too much roaring or stony silence with no in-between with him.
“Were you eavesdropping?” Pinky asked.
The Beast huffed. “I was napping behind the door.”
“Strange place to nap,” Pinky said. “Wouldn’t you be better off in a cozy bed? Less back problems that way. And you wouldn’t be smashed in the shoulder by a door.”
“I’ll...keep that in mind,” the Beast replied, still not making eye contact with Pinky.
Though his responses were short and blunt, it seemed to be more out of awkwardness than anything. Still, Pinky wished the Beast would come up with a topic. It wasn’t exactly 20 Questions if the other party wasn’t asking anything.
Pinky chewed a piece of chicken, even though he didn’t need to. “Is Yakko okay? He seemed kinda scared cause I’m sick.”
“Oh, he can’t help it, dearie. An illness almost took-” Marita trailed off as a growl rose from the Beast’s throat. “-well, nobody wants to see your fever grow worse. Especially Yakko.”
Had the Beast been severely ill for a time and didn’t want to admit it? Pinky wanted to ask, but from the way the Beast’s claws dug into the doorframe, he decided that maybe it was better if he didn’t.
“Sorry if it’s a sore subject. I can ask something else if you want,” Pinky said.
The Beast’s large ears lowered, and his growl tapered off. And for the first time, shadowed pink eyes met Pinky’s.
“The fabric you used as a temporary bandage...was it important?” the Beast asked.
Pinky dropped his spoon into the bowl, surprised at a question that involved his mother’s cloak. No harm in being honest though.
“That cloak used to belong to my mother. It became mine after the accident,” Pinky admitted. The two fabric scraps from his cloak had been laundered, scrubbed of blood, and neatly tucked away in one of Marita’s drawers. He figured he could still use them somehow, but hadn’t quite figured it out yet.
The Beast looked distinctly uncomfortable, averting his eyes once more. “Sorry about your mother.”
Though awkward, it was a more sincere condolence than what some who’d attended her funeral had said.
“She wouldn’t have minded though. I think she’d be happy to know her cloak helped you,” Pinky said.
He didn’t have any doubts about that. He remembered his mother as a generous, lovely soul, even though he was a child when she passed away.
The Beast placed a hand over his bandaged arm. Then he turned to leave.
“When you’re healthy again, I’ll personally make sure that you know your way around the castle,” the Beast said. “But only to ascertain that you won’t barge into the West Wing again.”
It would be nice not to get lost. He always had trouble finding the kitchen so he could thank Chef Flavio for his meals.
“Alright,” Pinky agreed as he pushed his tray aside. He wasn’t hungry anymore. “And Beast?”
The Beast was a few steps away from Pinky’s door. He paused and looked back, stumbling over his feet like he wasn’t used to walking on two legs.
“Thanks for checking on me,” Pinky said. He snuggled into the blankets once again, ready to sleep off his meal. “I’m sure I’ll recover twice as fast cause I know everyone wants me to feel better.”
There was a long silence.
“You’re welcome,” the Beast finally said. Then he was gone.
And strangely, Pinky was looking forward to the promised tour.
Fun fact: Stethoscopes were invented in 1816, which isn’t in the French Revolution era of Beauty and the Beast, but this is Animaniacs and I am allowed to be anachronistic.
Before the curse took hold, Dot was severely ill for a time (same deal as Wakko’s Wish), and Brain doesn’t want this info getting out cause it could potentially reveal the curse to Pinky. Yakko is just spooked by any type of illness as a result, even a temporary mild fever.  
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