#nomi procrastinates
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myster3y · 5 months
*ೃ༄ ˚◞♡ ⃗welcome˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
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♡ introduction ♡
kiara (online name), she/her, full time procrastinator, skincare girlie, infj, grayson hawthorne stan, ravenclaw, art and science girlie, alec benjamin obsessed, and i love sarcasm.
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♡ music ♡
alec benjamin, the weeknd, eminem, dhruv, arctic monkeys, chase atlantic, drake, arijit singh, daft punk, sza (yes i have trash music taste that’s all over the place).
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♡ hobbies ♡
ice skating, drawing, reading, editing, talking with friends, getting ready, cleaning, studying, skincare, playing clarinet, cooking, swimming, and much more.
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♡ things i love ♡
cats, shopping, my family, my friends, all my hobbies, science, music, art, skincare, the world, and of course my mutuals.
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♡ my mutuals ♡
@never-enough-novels @formulalina15 @skeelly @urbanflorals @mqstermindswift @sophiesonlinediary @reminiscentreader @blocked-zombieartist @hathorneheiress @moonlightt444 @berryzxx @pixiedust347 @the-red-archer @stvrlighhttt @not-nomi @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity @art-of-fools
thank you so much for being my friends. really. i am so grateful for every one of you. your some of the best people i’ve ever met, and i wish i could give all of you one big hug right now.
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♡ other ♡
- MY DMS ARE ALWAYS OPEN TO TALK!! to everyone!! even if it’s a random silly thing, or a vent, don’t be afraid to share it with me! and yes you can be my friend!
- please don’t tag me in tag games. i’m very busy so i cannot do them! so sorry!
- sometimes i am online but don’t respond to messages. i am not trying to ignore you, i am just not up for conversation. i will reply to you later. i am so sorry.
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nefelez · 6 years
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“Why can’t the rest of the world see what we see?”
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
The Bonds We Share ( A SwSh Rewrite)
Chapter 2
Summary: The Galar trio go pick up Leon and Naomi's cousins! Nothing bad will happen, surely.
Word Count: 3468 ( according to google docs anyway)
Notes: Procrastination is a bitch. I hope you enjoy! :D
Wedgehurst was technically another Part of Postwick, with Wdgehurst being more populated than the row upon rows of fields in Postwick. Or would Postwick just be another part of Wedgehurst? Whatever, the point is that it wasn’t a long run for the three of them to get behind the large number of people crowding the entrance of the train station. Being next to Hop and Carol calmed Naomi’s nerves as she stood between the two, trying to peak over the people in front of her. 
“ Ah, he’s back finally!” she hears a person excitedly whisper to their comrade. 
“ Yeah, shame he couldn’t come back last year. His brother was so disappointed-” 
“ Shh! He’s here! The Unbeatable Champion-”
“ LEON!” The crowd cheers as Leon steps out of the train station gateway, a giant grin on his face, arms stretched out, soaking in the cheers of the crowd. He then swiftly moves to do his famous Charizard Pose! Naomi can see a few people in the crowd following suit, and the cheers get louder. She winces at that, but the joy of seeing Leon again overshadows her nerves. For now, anyway. 
"Hello, hello, Wedgehurst! Your Champion, Leon, is back! I promise I'll keep doing my best to deliver the greatest battles for you all to watch!" Leon beams, moving back into his standing position, the joyous grin still on his face.
“ Leon Leon, we’ve been training just like you said!”
“Yeah, but it’s nothing compared to your Charizard!” Once hearing his name, Leon’s Charizard, Sunbeam, gives out a mighty roar. Naomi genuinely couldn't believe that a crowd could get any louder, but they do. Now would be a good time to cover her ears. Carol shoots her a worried glance, but she brushes it off with a thumbs up.
“I’m fine,” she whispers against her beating heart. Carol raises a skeptical brow, but shakes their head and leans in next to Naomi.
“He’s really dramatic is he?” he whispers to her, still eying the Champion entertaining the crowd. Naomi chuckles a bit. She remembers all the poems Leon would read to her and Hop when they were little, much to the detriment of Hop. All of them were said with such a dramatic flair that it was kinda funny. She misses that.
“ You can say that,” she says, smiling at the memories, “ He’s always been the one for some flare,” She looks up to Carol with a smile, but they’re not looking at her as she thought. Their eyes are focused on Leon, their face completely still. They almost look like they’re…analyzing him? 
“ Carol?” They still don’t look at her. Naomi slowly brings her other hand down from her ear, her brows scrunching in confusion.
“Stiff..” Carol mumbles unassumingly to themselves, but loud enough for Naomi to hear. She’s not sure about Hop. 
“ Stiff?”
“ LEE!” Hop yells, causing Naomi to jump. Hop quickly looks over to her with an apologetic grin. 
“ Whoops, sorry Nomi,” he says quickly, turning his attention back to his older brother. Said brother has caused the crowd to part like water as he makes his way towards them. Naomi straightens herself a bit, hearing the whispers and the eyes of the crowd focus on all three of them. Her stomach turns. It really shouldn’t. She grew up here, even though Potswick is a walk away. She knows these people. Kinda. She shouldn’t feel so nervous when they are simply looking at her.
‘ Don’t be a baby,’ she chastises herself, forcing a smile up at Leon who beams at the three of them.
“Hop! Naomi! ” he cheers. She notices his muscles tenses up a bit, almost as if he was about to go forward, but stops before he could do anything, “ Aw, look at you two! Hop, I reckon you grew…an inch and a quarter last I saw you! And you Nomi-”
“ Haven’t grown an inch!” Hop snickers, earning a glare from Naomi.
“ I’ve grown plenty,” she huffs, and Carol puts an elbow on her shoulders, a smirk on their face.
“ Not enough,” Carol teases, and Naomi gives them a cold glare. They immediately take their elbow off her shoulder, raising their hands up in defense.
Hop laughs at the two, and Naomi’s nerves calm a bit. Leon turns to Carol, who straightens under his gaze.
“ And you must be Carol! Hop and Naomi have told me plenty about you!” he gives Carol an apologetic smile, “ Sorry I couldn’t meet you properly last year,”. Carol shrugs at first, then smirks at Naomi and Hop.
“ You two have been talking about me, eh? Good to know I’ve been on your mind~” they wink at the two of them. Naomi rolls her eyes and Hop gives them a playful nudge,
“ Hush you,” he chuckles, and Carol sticks their tongue out at them. 
“ Well then, if you didn’t already know-” Leon puffs out his chest, pointing his thumb to himself with a confident smile, "I'm the Galar region's greatest-ever Pokémon Champion—and a massive Charizard fan, too. People call me the unbeatable Leon!" 
Carol raises a brow, smirking at Leon, “ Heh, yeah, Hoppy here made sure I’d remember that!”. That earned another playful nudge from Hop. Naomi tries not to giggle, “ Pleasure to meet ya!” 
Leon gives Carol a stern nod, then turns back to the crowd ( ‘they’re still there?!’).
"Well, everyone! I bid you farewell for today! But don't you fret... I'll always be around to make sure everyone in Galar can have a champion time!" He does his signature Charizard pose, and the crowd cheers one last time before going back to…..whatever they were doing. 
“Welp!” Hop gains the trio’s attention, “ We got Lee, so now we just have to wait for -”
“HEYO! Hope you guys aren’t forgetting some people!” A voice yells, teasing in nature. Their accent doesn’t seem Galar…
“Why does that- wait.”  Naomi turns around quickly, only to not be greeted by the figure of her cousin who keeps evading her memory but some sort of fog, making her cousin blurry. The instant pain in her head doesn’t help either.
“Argg,” Naomi hisses, clutching the side of her head. She can feel her world spinning, nausea taking over as she crouches down.
“Naomi-” Hop’s voice cuts out, only muzzled voices entering her ears.
‘What’s happening?!’ Naomi panics, her heart pounding. She tries to look around, see anything, hear anything. All she sees is fog and can only hear muffled voices( howling?). The dizziness is soon replaced by numbness, the beating of her chest growing slowly. Her mind panics.
‘ Am I going to die?’ 
“ Naomi, can you hear me?” a new voice- no not new. That’s Hop, “ I need you to breathe, okay? You got this,” His voice is clear and steady. Anything else after countries to be muffled. Naomi nods, or at least she thinks she’s nodding. Her senses are all wack. 
‘ Breathe…breathe….in and out…’ Naomi closes her eyes, following Hop’s instructions. ‘ In and out…..follow the rhythm…’. She listens closely to the beat of her heart, growing steady with each breath. A steady rhythm.
A few more breaths and Naomi’s numbness goes away. The sharpness of her in her head is gone too. She slowly opens her eyes, coming face to face with a worried Hop. His face lights up a bit, giving her a lopsided smile, eyes filled with worry.
“ See? Told you can do it!” he cheers. Naomi blinks.
“H-hop?” Hop nods. Naomi furrows her brows a bit in confusion, glancing down at the ground- why is she on the ground? Clementine baas softly, nudging her with her cheek with her snout. Naomi blinks at the nudge. 
“W-what? She looks down to see Hop holding her hands, and looks back up to him, “ What happened?”
“You gave us a scare, that’s what happened!” Naomi almost jumps at the sound of Carol’s voice, and looking up she sees a similar worried, albeit more panicked look on their face, “ Are you okay?!” they exclaim.
“ Can you tell us what you remember?” Hop asks, giving Naomi’s hand a squeeze. Naomi can feel herself making a face. 
“Remember? Um, well….” she ponders a bit, “ W-well, we- you, me, and Carol - went to the train station to….”
“To..?” Hop presses gently. Naomi frowns a bit, still in thought.
“ To…get Leon!” she looks up again, to her left, and sees Leon smiling down at her. “ A-and…and….” Naomi once again digs to the depth of her mind. 
It’s a small memory. One that she often tried and failed to get a clearer picture off. But this time it’s different. It’s still blurry, but two things stand out. Two people, both young, dressed in black. One, a boy, gaze cast downward. The other, a girl, stares straight ahead. Both with undeniable sadness in their eyes. She feels sad too, oddly enough. Then they both shift, looking at each other, then look at her. At her. They both smile. She feels like crying. She thinks they do too. They are-
“ My cousins!” Naomi yells and looks up to her right, there they are. The girl, much older than she remembered, gave her an apologetic grin. Her black hair, now in braids, is kept in a ponytail. Each braid, at the tip, is dyed a vibrant, bold red. She’s very punk in nature- her ears are pierced, and she wears a black leather jacket, and a band tee (Koffing and the Toxics?). Her bottom half is with baggy ripped jeans with visible fishnet leggings. Her left leg….is that a prosthetic? Wait-
“ Are you alright?” another new voice different from her other cousin, assuming her other cousin, asked. Naomi’s eyes turn to him, gripping onto his sister’s arm with his left hand. His right arm isn’t visible, hiding behind his and his sister's figure, but his left-hand wears a black glove. Not even fingerless. He’s not as punk as his sister, it seems, dawning a simple oversized hoodie and what seems to be a white dress? Or is it a black shirt and a white skirt, since she can see a bit of black near the chest of the hoodie- oh wait she’s staring.
“U-uh, y-yes!” Naomi stutters, bashfully smiling, “ Yes, I’m alright,”. Neither sibling looks convinced. The brother's grip on his sister's arm seems to tighten. 
“ But are you sure,” he presses, his brown, clearly tired eyes filled with worry. Naomi tenses a bit, opening her mouth to reply until she looks around her. They were still in Wedgehurst. Meaning there are still people. Meaning they're still watching. Why wouldn’t they?! She almost collapsed, and now they see how much of a fool she made herself to be. Naomi immediately looks down at the realization, hunched over, trying to make herself small. Invisible, It doesn’t stop her heart from pounding in her chest, the familiar feeling of sinking weighing in her stomach. She can hear the whispers now. About her. About how silly she looked. About how bad she made Hop and Lee looked. Silly, stupid little girl. Her eyes begin to prick with water.
“ Naomi?” Carol beckons, but her gaze remains on the floor.
“ I want to go home, please,” she whimpered.
“ Right, of course,” Leon began, offering her a hand, “ Let’s go home,”. He brings Naomi up, opening his cape to her. A place to hide. Naomi stays by his side as they walk, her eyes focused on the ground, the whispers still reaching her ears, even then Wedgehurst is long gone.
“ Okay, but are you sure,” Alexis asks again, and Naomi once again gives a small nod.
“I’m alright, I promise,” she takes another sip of water, avoiding the worried gaze of her now remembered cousin. The Ramirez household, while still not her home, was still home. The numerous times she had sleepovers she had with Hop here is testament to that. The sun was still out and the breeze was nice and cool, helping to calm her nerves. That, and the fact that Hop and Carol never left her side. 
“ Alexis, you're gonna scare her off,” Elliot, her other twin cousin chuckles, leaning down on his back, a cheeky grin spreads on her face as her twin grunts in annoyance. 
“I’m not your arms rest,”
“ Then don’t be short,” Elliot snickers. The trio of kids all stifled a giggle, causing Elliot’s eyes to light up. The tenseness in her shoulders relaxed, giving the three a lopsided smile.
“ There’s a smile!” she cheers, leaning harder on Alexis' back, causing him to hunch over even more. Her expression becomes a bit more somber, “ Uh…sorry for yelling earlier. I didn’t mean for you to faint like that,” 
Naomi's eyes widened, shaking her head vigorously, waving her head side to side.
“ Oh! No, no, no! It’s fine! You didn’t do anything wrong! I-I’m just terrible with crowds!” she looks between Hop and Carol, “ Right guys?!” she squeaks. Carol was mid-sip when she gestured to them.
“ U-uh, yeah!” Hop shakily agrees, nudging Carol.
“Yeah, she’s the worst when it comes to that,” Caol says cooly, “ I guess today was pretty bad, hm?” Carol’s words are a bit sharper than usual, giving a pointed look to Naomi. Naomi gulps, nodding.
" Baaa!" Clemetines chimes in aswell, trying to contribute to the lie. 
“ Yep! So it's not your fault and you don’t have to worry!” Naomi gives the twins a wide tense smile. The twins look at each other for a short second, a secretary conversation among themselves, then look back at Naomi.
“ O….kay?’ Elliot says skeptically, slowly getting her brother back. Alexis stretches as soon as she’s off, but doesn’t say anything. He only gives a quick glance at Naomi before turning away, eyebrows furrowing. Naomi lets go of the sigh she’s been holding. Hop seems to relax too, slumping down on his chair as he gives a playful nudge to Naomi, accompanied by a small tired smile. She smiles back before eyeing Carol. They went back to drinking their water, the neutral expression never leaving their face, distant eyes looking past the twins and at the wooloo fields ahead. Naomi bites her lower lip, clenching her hands into the other.
“ U-um, Carol-”
“NAOMI!” Naomi jumps in her seat at the sound of her mother. She tries to stand up to see her mum, but immediately gets lightheaded, bringing her hand to her head. Everyone jumps to her aid.
“ Whoa there! You have to be careful Nomi,” Carol says gently, a contrast to how they were before. Hop nods in agreement, gently helping Naomi down to her seat.
“ Naomi!” Her mother cries again, moving past the twins and kneeling down to face her daughter. Her overalls, boots, and gloves are all dirty- she must have rushed from the garden. Her eyes are filled with worry as she looks Naomi up and down, taking off her gloves to cup her daughter's face.
“ Are you alright? Are you hurt?” she questions frantically, turning Naomi’s head side to side. 
“ I-I’m fine, mum, really-”
“Naomi, you almost fainted,” her mum fretted, taking the back of her hand to Naomi’s forehead, and then down to the lower side of her chin, “ No fever…” she mutters. She once again takes cups Naomi’s face in her hands. 
“ Should we go see the doctor again-” Naomi’s eyes widen, fear clear in them. She silently begged her mum to stop, eyeing her best friends and her cousins behind her mum. Naomi’s mum seems to get the memo, sighing to herself.
“ We’ll talk later, okay?” Naomi nods, and her mum gets up from her kneeling position and dusts herself off. She looks between the kids, then gasps. She turns around to look at Alexis and Elliot. Naomi can’t see her face, but she can tell her mum is grinning ear to ear.
“Ah!” she yelps, opening her arms for a hug, “ You’re here! Oh, my babies-”. She squeezes her niece and nephew tight, earning a laugh from Elliot.
“ Oooh, I hope this flight wasn’t incredibly tedious!” she moves back from the hug, looking at the twins with pride, “ Oh, look at you two! You’ve grown so much!”
“ I’ve grown so much, Alexis’ kinda stopped-”
“ HEY!” Elliot laughs at her twin's expense, and Naomi’s mum chuckles too.
“ Oh you two haven’t changed a bit!” she reminisced. Naomi wonders if her mum noticed the leg yet. 
“ You know, I didn’t know you two would be coming!” Leon’s voice enters the fray as he leans on the short stone wall. Was he always there? He sure was quiet….
“ Oh you know us,” Elliot shrugs, “ Always full of surprises! Kinda a package deal,” she winks with a smirk.
“ Oh really? I guess I have to keep an eye out for them,” Leon chuckles, walking around the stonewall. His eyes and smile become softer looking at the twins.
“ It’s really good to see you again. Truly,” 
“ D’awww, it’s good to see you too, Lee! Also, holy shit, you fucking grew! Look at you!” she gestures to all of Leon, earning a bashful, yet proud smile from him.
“ Haha, yeah. That’s what being a champion does to you!” 
“ Oh really? Then maybe-”
“ You know this reunion is very sweet and all” Hop yells, gaining the adult's attention. Naomi holds back a giggle knowing full well what Hop’s after.
“ But…” He eyes Leon, a glint in his eye, “ You promised us gifts!” Carol perks up at the word ‘gifts’, and a sly smile spread across their face.
“Ooooh, gifts? Now you’ve got my attention!” 
The two look at Leon expectantly, eyes shining in excitement at curiosity. Naomi shrugs at Leon, though she can’t hide her own smile, excitement bubbling through her as she wonders what gifts Leon brings home this time.
“ Alright, alright! Everyone stand back!” The twins and Naomi’s mom all stand back, moving next to the sitting trio. Leon smirks at them, moving his hands behind his back.
“ Right then! The greatest gift from the greatest Champion!” he takes his hands from his back, showing off three poke balls. The trio gasps. 
“ It’s showtime everyone!” He throws the Pokeball into the air. Naomi watches them fly up, then fall down. Halfway down each Pokeball bursts into a ball of light, releasing three small pokemon.
“No way-” Hop gaps.
“ They’re starters!” Carol finishes, looking at the three pokemon in awe. Naomi feels tears forming in her eyes, her heart beating fast in her chest. 
“ That one!” Hop points to the small rabbit that lands first, happily running around leaving small embers in his wake, “ That one is the fire starter Scorbunny!”
“ And that one,” Carol enthusiastically continues, pointing to the small green chimp landing after Scorbunny, immediately climbing up a tree near the mini pond. Once he reaches the top, he takes the stick from his hair and bangs on a tree branch, “ Is the grass starter Grookey!”
Naomi looks between the two energetic pokemon, then looks at the small blue lizard, shyly making his way to the mini pond. Once he gets there, he almost vanished. Naomi blinks and the little lizard appears again, relaxing in the cool waters.
“ What about that one?” Naomi questions, pointing to the relaxing pokemon. She sniffs a little, holding the tears at bay.
“That's the water starter, Sobble!” Hop says before Carol can get a word in, earning a soft glare and pout from them, “ Oh, uh, Nomi you’re-”
“ Happy tears,” Naomi whimpers, finally shedding her tears, “ Very happy tears!” Her friends laugh, as does Leon.
“ Aw, look at you two! I didn’t even have to say a thing!” Leon beams and Sunbeam grunts in approval. Naomi looks back to the starters: Grookey is still banging on the tree branch, causing a sitrus berry to fall off, starling the relaxing Sobble. The Sobble jumps out of the pond, shaking, and begins to cry. Noticing their friend, the Scrobunny runs up to him, running in place causing small embers to fly. Grookey follows suit, tapping his stick on the ground in a small melody. Both of these actions cause Sobble to stop crying, giving a small smile to his friends. 
“ All right you three!’ Leon calls to the starters, immediately gaining their attention, “ Time to line up!” 
The three pokemon cry happily, all running and lining up in front of Leon and Sunbeam. Leon laughs, pointing to the other trio behind him.
“ No, no, not me this time. Them,” he says softly, and the three pokemon turn around to Naomi, Hop, and Carol. Naomi straightens a bit as the Scorbunny and Grookey joyfully turn around and come their way. The Sobble, on the other hand, cautiously makes his way to his friends, shyly getting in line with them. 
“ Now then…” Leon smirks at Naomi, Hop, and    Carol, hands on his hips, golden eyes shining.
“ Which one will you choose?”
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semechkablack · 3 years
I got tagged by @manhasetardis to list my top ten female characters from ten different fandoms and tag people. Teresa thanks for tagging me!! i’ll procrastinate a bit instead of dealing with my thesis so here they are in no particular order!! also yeah Teresa i stole some from you ;))
Leeloo (The Fifth Element)
Annalise Keating (How to Get Away with Murder)
Captain Marvel (Captain Marvel)
Wen Qing (The Untamed)
Moira Rose (Schitts Creek)
Eve or Villanelle (Killing Eve)
Every Derry girl (Derry Girls)
Max (Black Sails)
Anyone esp Nomi (Sense8)
Angel (Pose)
i tag @astudyinsubtext @psychesmoon @ughkaspbrak @pussyibo @nondeducible @lapis-lazuliie and anyone else who wants to do this! :33
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s-lay-ing · 4 years
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I cannot believe my procrastination led me to get this done a week into 2020 😂 and this was done v quickly and i know it looks terrible (don’t worry i know) because Nothing will top the appreciation post i made years ago. I wish i had actually done a much better research to include all my favorite groups but if i were to do it i would end up posting this in march or something 😂
I don’t handle sentimentalism well and tbh i doubt everyone will read this so long story short i wanted to thank everyone who made my experience in this hellsite more bearable. This goes from long time friends to recent encounters to people who reply to my rambless and to everyone who for some reason still follows the mess that my blog is. I sincerely from the bottom of my self wish you nothing but wonderful things for this new year, lots of growth, good health and all the great things! 🐙
The Squad™ goes under the cut:
Okay no truth is i sent all of you personal messages wishing you lots of good things and but i feel like not everybody received them bc i sent like 198312 so perhaps tungle thought: spam! *blocked* - hence why i decided to do it this way instead! I really don’t believe in “follow forevers” since you know: people change, tastes change, some deactivate and all that but i do think a little appreciation is harmless so why not? :D
I’ll keep this short and sweet, in no particular order:
♡ @tucksoo : fanz!!!! i literally bursted of happiness when i heard abt you going to see svt!!!! it’s what you deserve!!!! i’ve seen the hardships you’ve endured this past year so i definetely hope this year will be a trillion times better for you! tell bean i love him ;-; 💕
♡ @jeongjarsofhannie : another of my oldest friends! i’m assuming you’ve been very busy with your job but you still make some time to pass by here, the hhs wouldn’t be the same without you for sure! i hope your job and your field overall keeps you happy and that this year is full of blessings for you! ❤️
♡ @pledisanti : nomi nomi nomi!!!! me finding out you were back was quite literally the comeback of the year!!! you are as sweet as you were when we met back then when you were page17 and so many other urls 😅 as far as i know you graduated last year and now you’re at uni so i hope everything goes peaches for you and that you get to enjoy the many experiences uni brings! 💛
♡ @seokyomie : lyns!!! i know you decided to take a break from this hellsite and tbh? *standing ovation*. You being an intellectual who actually appreciates the masterpiece that is Going Seventeen i wish you lots of wonderful things for this year! 💙
♡ @svtsgirl : julianna!!!!!! that trip to japan, what a dream!!! i assume you had the greatest time over there so i hope you get to experience that again at whichever place you’d like to visit. wish you all the best things for this year! stay sweet and cute as usual! 💜
♡ @1oveair : aimee! another iconic comeback! when i saw the ‘archive’ next to your former url i went all :// but glad to see you back!!! you’re the nicest, boldest person i’ve seen here and your rants are 10/10 because you’re right and you should say them! i hope this year is fantastic for you and your precious kittens (and i hope your heart feels so warm when seeing jihoon live!!!!!) ❣️
♡ @seokminseok : mo!!! finding carat-ls here is kind of difficult but you have such a fantastic url that combines both, your mind!!!! thank you for being so sweet and so nice and i hope you get to travel again with your friends like you stated some time ago, it seems you really enjoyed it so!!! 💞
♡ @mvpgyu : bryn!! i know you were quite absent from this website for the most part of the year so i hope everything was alright with you and your fam. Wish you many many good things for this year as well!! 💓
♡ @aceshua : lin!!!! another comeback of the year!!!!! where was my support when ksoo enlisted? ;-; (jkjk) okay no but honestly i’m so happy to see you back!!! i hope this year is full of cool things for you and who knows? maybe this is the year i get to actually invest time into knowing more abt ateez ;)) 💗
♡ @cheonsajeonghan1004 : shay!!! another key element in our hhs!!!!! you’ve been sooooooo nice since day one and you still are and i truly appreciate that! i sincerely wish the absolute best for you and your loved ones for this year! (it doesn’t matter who ends up tagging first in hannie posts bc we’re both winners losers in the end 😂) 💖
♡ @cheolsbae : juli!!!!!!! i still remember when you told me my dumb tags made you laugh :(( i literally use the tag section to ramble nonsense idk why you found them funny 😂 but anyway everything has been escalating for the best since then so thank you for being so nice!!! espero que este year sea fantastico para ti!!! 💝
♡ @chiwoopsie : megan!!!!!! my rambless are quite literally NONSENSE yet you still cheer em up for some reason ;-; thank you for being super sweet and endearing 🤧 glad to see you graduated so i hope you get to enjoy whatever you’ve set for your future! wish you lots of marvelous things! 💘
♡ @je0nghans : jessie! right, i don’t exactly know what convinced you to follow this boring blog but like i said some time ago hannie's nation gotta stick together i suppose 😅 your content is 10/10 and always relatable when it comes to him. wish you a great year!! 💟
♡ @my1ady : okay so i went to your blog to find your name but i ran into a post saying you’d like to remain anonymous here... followed by a post giving our your name 😂 but regardless! you’re hands down the Funniest blog here!!!!!! your tags always make me laugh so much, specially the ones abt ksoo being latino because facts! i hope this new year is full of nice things for you!!! 🖤
Yeah so i really don’t know how to end this post so i’ll just say: Groove by exo & Shh, Hit and Getting Closer by seventeen? Songs of the Year ✌️
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sidhewrites · 5 years
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Hi! Someone told me last night the best way to get started in the Writeblr community is to make an intro post and I’m definitely gonna procrastinate on what i’m supposed to be doing right now, and make this post instead. I really want to start being somewhat active in the community, so if you’re a writeblr, please like or reblog this post so I can follow you?
About Me:
My pen name is REE. I’m 21+, use she/her pronouns, and live in the PST Timezone. I’ve been writing for well over half my life now, with varying degrees of success, and I just want to finish a rough draft for once, dammit. I’m also really bad at being concise, so expect lots and lots of rambling any time I open my mouth.
I like zombies and guts and fairies and things. If it’s either either really cute, or really gross, or a mixture of both extremes, then it’s for me. Most of my writing is High Fantasy, but I like experimenting as well. Eldritch beings and monsters are a personal favorite, including the old folk tales surrounding western Eurpoean fae folk and supernatural beings.
I also make graphics and do art occasionally. I technically majored in art direction, but doing productive things? No thanks, I’d rather spend three hours making the header on this post.
My Main Projects:
Coriander of Cresce. Main Project. I hate the title, wow. Please send. Coriander Tippit is a forgettable young girl in a forgettable small village, afraid of most anything that crosses her path. She’s swept up by Jasper, a charismatic mage, into an adventure to steal an ancient artifact from their queen and return it to the elves where it belongs.
Approximate Age Rating: K+? Maybe?
Major Content Warnings: Minor Emotional Abuse. Graphic depictions of gays being adorable.
This is by far my softest story, and one that’s incredibly fun to write. Most of the characters are kind and wholesome, and it’s just refreshing to go from my usual themes to a fantasy world where the songs are true.
A Crown of Hoarfrost: When the Goblin King chooses Bette’s twelve-year-old sister as is bride, she sacrifices herself to protect her family and is crowned queen of the Goblin Underground. Unable to tell who to trust and who to fear, she must learn to survive her monstrous husband long enough to dethrone him – and to make sure she does not become a monster herself.
Approx. Age Ratings: T-YA+
Major Content Warnings: Fantasy violence. Sexual and emotional Abuse. Self-Indulgent Fantasy World Building.
Writing as a coping mechanism? More likely than you think.
Lady of Ashes: Prim and proper Winnifred Ashley leads a very quiet and safe life, wanting nothing more than to sit quietly and make hats with her family. Just shy of twenty, she’s killed by demons, only to be resurrected a few hours later as one of them herself. She reluctantly travels north with the supposedly evil bog witch Rhoan, to a place where mages are rumored to have found a way to reverse this change. Along the way, however, they meet up with an unexpected face from her past, who seems to have no choice but to bring about the end of the world. So, Naturally, Winnie seems to have no choice but to stop it.
Approx Age Ratings: T-YA+
Major Content Warnings: Major fantasy violence, death, torture, graphic depictions of wounds and blood.
Fantasy zombies? Fantasy zombies. This story got too big really quickly to be a standalone so there’s a lot more world building that needs doing before I can dig into it, but I’m working on it.
Some Favorite Media:
Howl’s Moving Castle (Book and Movie Both)
All Ghibli now that u mention it
Deathless by Catherynne M Valente.
The Oh Hellos, a folk music group.
Eleanor Tomlinson’s covers on Spotify
The Girl with All the Gifts, by M.R. Carey.
Kill the Farm Boy, by Delilah S. Dawson.
The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo (and everything L. Bardugo, tbh.)
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black.
Spinning Silver by Nomi Novik.
Pan’s Labyrinth and Crimson Peak from Guillermo Del Toro.
Not Your Sidekick from C.B. Lee (highly recommend for some gay and NB superheroes).
The Lord of the Rings musical. It’s real and it’s glorious.
Jam, and Will Save the Galaxy for Food by Yahtzee Croshaw.
The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill.
The Red Tent by Anita Diamat.
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell,
One Very Important Fact:
The dark fur on a Corgi’s back is called a fairy saddle. Welsh legend says that faeries would ride corgis into battle or use them as steeds to pull their carts.
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polaroidblog · 5 years
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Première: The Procrastinators - "Wah Tah"
Stagioni intere passate a chiedersi perché qui in città non si muove mai nulla, a cercare qualcosa che ti dia un po' di scossa, e poi all'improvviso un messaggio, due righe, un nome nuovo: The Procrastinators. Si definiscono "una mefistofelica creatura bolognese che prende e mescola punk scuro, garage e post punk americano" e direi che si tratta di un autoritratto indovinato. Formazione essenziale, chitarra, basso e batteria, Paolo Cicconi, Paola Paganotto e Lorenzo Mazzilli sono insieme soltanto dall'anno scorso ma hanno già cominciato a farsi le ossa in giro, suonando con nomi del calibro di Warm Drag, Movie Star Junkies e Powersolo. Ora sta per arrivare Wah Tah, l'EP di debutto pubblicato su cassetta dalla milanese Rocketman Records, sette tracce che "si divincolano tra disagi posturbani e contemplazioni fuorvianti sull'amore finito"... 
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artappreciationmdc · 2 years
Museum Visit Week ( Virtual or in person ) - 4/6/2022
We are arriving to the end of the semester. This will be the last assignment before Final.
There is no time at this point to procrastinate.
On Thursday (tomorrow ) I will add the information for your final assignment.
It will be producing artists cards , that will be your Final assignment. It will require that you
purchase trading cards and use acrylic or craft paints, as I stated last week.
I will post a blog after this one that shows the following:
Assignments for part A of your blog
Assignments for part B of your blog
You will note I include some extra credit assignments.
Those will be done in lieu of (a) missing earlier assignment.
( note: missing assignments cannot be Wynwood Walls , Gallery or Museum visit or
any of the art assignments: Collage, River Rock or Kusama paintings )
The museum Visit can be done in person or virtually.
If you choose the virtual version , you will visit two museums.
I will add links at the end of the class blog.
If you choose to attend in person , I recommend the following venues:
1) Perez art Museum (PAMM)
2) Rubell Museum
3) Lowe Art Museum at UM
4) NSU Art Museum Ft. Lauderdale
5) MoCA- NoMi - North Miami
6) MoAD- Wolfson Campus
* For in person attend only one space.
The Perez Art Collection has some days that are free. Please check their websites for such days.
( PAMM Free days Second Saturday see the link below)
If you choose the virtual method , make sure you note that in your blog entry.
The virtual experience is similar to google earth. You will move the little figure on the
right side when you enter the virtual space and guide it into the museum.
When you are doing the virtual experience, I suggest you do this on a laptop.
For this assignment plan to spend at least an hour or so walking around and looking at art.
Start at entrance and then proceed to the different areas where the art work is displayed.
A Museum is very different from a Collection or Gallery.
I want you to try and figure why that is.
As you go around the space , pay attention to the artwork. What type of art do you see?
a) Representational ?
b) Non Objective ?
c) Abstact?
d) All of the above?
How is the work displayed ?
How is it selected for each specific room ?
Ask a guide in the museum if you can not figure it out on your own.
Now try and find an artwork tat speaks to you.
Choose one work and write notes about it .
You will need to add a reflection paragraph regarding that work for this assignment.
Remember to include name of artwork, size, date and title.
For the class blog titled Museum Visit, you will include the following:
1) Provide a description of the space, inside and out.
2) Information regarding the collection.
3) How in your opinion is a museum different from say a Collection?
4) How is visiting a Museum different from visiting a space like Wynwood walls?
5) Which do you prefer?
6) How does one space make you feel in contrast to another.
7) Close this entry by including a reflection paragraph regarding your favorite work of art.
a)Describe the work.
b)Name of artist
c) Name of Artwork
d) Size of artwork
e)Year of creation
You will then go on to develop an additional paragraph or two explaining the following:
What did you see (descriptive)
What do you think is going on ( Subjective analysis ).
I will grade this part according to the guidelines I gave you in class.
Review your notes for that.
Make sure you have included the following information for this blog post:
1) The museum(s) you chose.
2) The day you attended.
3) A brief description of the collection.
4) How you went about choosing a work of art.
5) What do you see.(objective response)
6) What you think is going on. (subjective response )
7) And Concluding paragraph.
This assignment above will be graded as a midterm assignment.
You need to address all points noted on this entry.
NOTE: for virtual visit you must research the details of the painting online.
Post work by Tuesday 4/12/2022
See Links to museums below.
Here are three virtual spaces (choose two to visit and only one artwork to review ):
1) Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam
2) MMCA - National Museum Modern and Contemporary - Art Korea
3) Solomon Guggenheim Museum- NY
In person Museum links for address and hours of operation :
1) https://moadmdc.org
2) MoCa /Nomi - North Miami
5) Rubell Museum
6) Perez Art Museum -PAMM
See the link above to request your free day entry for PAMM.
Those go fast and you must select a time ahead of your visit. Plan ahead.
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NaNoWriMo 2018: DAY ELEVEN
Tracking: #sas does nanowrimo again, #sense8 hogwarts au
Date: Sunday, November 11th.
Daily Word Count: 1,143
Total Word Count: 18,887
Stuff that Happened: More sleep, grocery shopping, and general adulting. Not writing until 7pm again. Managed all of this in like three hours while also doing laundry so I consider this a win, plus I did a double-up so I’m on track, anyway. 
Strategy: Not as much of a hyperfocused day, but I found a narrative voice for Nomi that I was previously struggling with, so this section came easier than the last one I did for her.
Goal: May try to wake up a little early tomorrow and see if I can get a few hundred words in. I have an errand to run before work, anyway. It may also get me more motivated to start writing again after work, instead of procrastinate till 8pm or later as usual.
Rough Draft Sneak Peek: Chapter 3, Section 3, Nomi’s POV
You know, you are not a bad fit for Slytherin. You are more resourceful than you give yourself credit for. I can see ambition. Yes, yes… You can do great things. 
Do you say that to everyone? she thought, interrupting the hat’s ramble.
The hat chuckled. I believe in potential. I believe everyone has the capacity to change into the best version of themselves. It’s all about choice.
Choice? What choice did she have, when she was obviously destined for the same house as her parents?
You did not let me finish.
Oh. She frowned. Sorry.
You are not a bad fit for Slytherin. But there is another house I have in mind for you, if you are willing to take that chance.
She nodded. Anything to get away.
People were whispering again. She must have been here a while. It was always the hat stalls that got people talking, and she never thought she’d be one of them. She looked up and scanned the crowd, shifting her gaze whenever she felt someone try to catch her eye. Hernando gave her an encouraging smile at the Ravenclaw table. He was seated at the end of it, close enough to watch everyone else get sorted. He looked like he belonged.
I will leave the choice up to you. Slytherin? Or Ravenclaw?
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Looking for the fun
Can you blame me?
Like to make jokes
But they think that I'm crazy
I know that I'm perfect the way god had made me
And I thank my parents for the life they gave me
Have you told your parents that you loved them lately
I look like my mama in the 1980's
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myster3y · 5 months
⭐️ starting? ⭐️
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about me
-> online name is kiara, minor, infj, ravenpuff, full time procrastinator, art and science girlie, introvert until you get to know me
top five favourite artists
-> alec benjamin, the weeknd, eminem, arijit singh, dhruv
what to expect
-> i don’t have certain topics i post, i literally just post whatever. maybe some book stuff once in a while lol
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special mutuals
@urbanflorals, @never-enough-novels, @not-nomi, @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity, @hathorneheiress, @skeelly, @blocked-zombieartist @the-red-archer @hijabi-desi-bookworm
i love all of you guys so much! your the best
all of my mutuals you guys are so sweet and i couldn’t ask for better mutuals, i hope you have an amazing day!
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other notes
-> don’t be afaird to message me! dms are always open to talk or vent
-> once you talk to me i’m gonna claim you as my friend so you have been warned
-> please send me asks i love to answer them (spamming is fine, im probably gonna spam you back lol)
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tincanspaceship · 6 years
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@nomi--sunrider i was procrastinating n made this congrats on finishing
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5 OTPs and 10 Facts About Me
Thanks so much @gaysparkler for tagging me! 
I’m just trying to get some things done right now so I’m not going to tag anyone, but feel free to do this if you want!
This got a bit long, so I’m going to put a read more here :)
5 OTPs
Dorian x Inquisitor- Dorian is one of my favorite characters in DA, and his romance is one of my favorite ships, too. It’s just so sweet, and his character and dialogue are just so powerful and heart-wrenching.
Alistair x Warden- Alistair was the first person I romanced in Dragon Age. My love for Dragon Age grew from that first play through, and even now, Alistair’s romance and character are just so important to me. I know he and his relationship have flaws—just like any character and romance—but it will always have a special place in my heart.
Arizona Robbins x Callie Torrez- Okay, after the plane crash, their relationship kind of sucked. I know they had their problems, but they were a canon gay couple. On a tv show that even my mom watches. It’s so big. I love both of the characters so much (maybe a certain orthopedic surgeon a little bit more than almost every other character), even if they just weren’t meant to be in the end. At least all of it ended on a civil note, though, after everything.
Amanita Caplan x Nomi Marks- They are great in so many ways. So many ways. They are in a wonderful, healthy relationship, and they care about each other so much. Nomi is a trans woman and Amanita is a black woman, both of which do not get enough representation in the media, especially with the two combined. Just… I love them so much.
Tristan x Yvaine- Stardust is one of my all-time favorite movies. The ending, man. Ugh. I love them.
Honourable mentions- Isabela x Hawke, Leliana x Warden, Liara x Shepard, Garrus x Shepard, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers, Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones, Lexie Grey x Mark Sloan, Meredith Grey x Derek Shepard, Meredith Grey x Nathan Riggs (though I haven’t seen the latest season so maybe that’s a no), Meredith Grey x Derek Shepard x Callie Torrez (let me have this), Sam Winchester x Gabriel, Hernando Fuentes x Lito Rodriguez, Kaidan x Shepard, Zevran x Warden, Fenris x Hawke, Anders x Hawke, Iron Bull x Dorian, Josephine x Inquisitor, Cassandra x Inquisitor, Sera x Inquisitor, Michael x Jane (from Jane the Virgin)
10 Facts about me
1. I’m learning Spanish right now. I’m absolutely terrible at it and DuoLingo says I’m only 30% fluent, but I’m slowly learning it. I want to be completely fluent in Spanish and another language besides my native one—probably Portuguese, French, or Russian.
2. I plan on majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. I’m not exactly sure what kind of career I’m going to pursue, but writing several books is in my life plan. So is traveling.
3. I have a half-brother (eleven years older than me), a sister (exactly fifteen months younger than me), a stepsister (six years older than me), and a stepbrother (I’ve only seen him like twice, he’s kind of estranged from my stepdad and idk anything about him other than his name is Kaidan and he was out of high school a few years ago). The half-brother is from my dad’s son from a previous relationship, and he lives in California. My sister and I have the same parents and have lived together our whole lives. My stepsister lived with us for like three years before she said graduated high school.
4. I played sports in elementary school. I (cheerleaded? cheered? cheerled?) for a year, I played basketball for two, and I played softball for six. I sucked at everything, except for cheerleading I guess. We won third place in this weird competition, and I want to say there was some scandal and bribing going on because I vaguely remember my coach telling my team that someone cheated or something and we should have had first or second. I just…stopped going to cheerleading practice my second year because my cousin quit and it was way too hot outside for me to be the only one out of my cousin, my sister, and me to still be in it (my sister dropped out of football, too). My basketball team my first year only had five people (you needed five to have a team), and we usually always at least one of the five people not show up to a game, so we had to borrow people from another team so we could play. We didn’t win a single game. I had a different team my second year, and they were way better. I made my first foul that year, and my coach was so happy. He thought it was a sign that I was actually going to participate, that I would be a valuable member of the team. Angels came down from the heavens and played their little angel trumpets while he cried and said prayers of thanks to whatever gods above there were. That was the best day of his life. (I didn’t make another foul or a single basket after that day. He eventually stopped trying and only put me in the court because everyone had to play at some point.) With softball, after the first year, the team was spilt into two: the kids who had a future in softball, and everyone else. I was on the “everyone else” team. I practically lived in the outfield, even after that. It was really boring tbh and whenever a ball did get near me, I either shyed away from it or I was too busy daydreaming to see it. Also I went to third base once instead of first and still made it to the base before they could tag me out. I thought it was pretty great but my coach still wasn’t happy. My coach for the first five years a.k.a. my uncle stopped coaching after my cousin didn’t want to play anymore, so I had to join a new team. We were called the Skittles. I was a fifth grader playing softball with a bunch of middle schoolers. I ended up with two black eyes that year because I got distracted during the practice before two different games. That was my last year of sports. Oh, and I’m still afraid of things flying towards my face.
5. I have four cats and two dogs. Until recently, I had four dogs, but one of them was like sixteen years old and passed away this year (we got him after his owner, a close friend of my mom and stepdad, died in 2015) and the other, attacked our fifteen year old dog who we’ve had since I was like three. My mom and my sister are very protective of the feeble old man dog, so the one who attacked him was given to one of my stepdad’s friends within hours.
6. I am from the United States. Unfortunately x) Okay, it wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t have people like the Great Big Orange mucking around or people who,,,don’t know what compassion is. But yeah. I feel like it could be a really good place, but there are just some people who don’t want that to happen (America has never been great, stfu).
7. When I was about eight, I tried cleaning a Cambell’s chicken soup can and cut the side of my thumb. My mom (who’s a nurse) had to superglue it back together. I still have a faint baby scar on my left hand from it. (Also I would like to add that I did it because my grandmother would keep pencils and stuff in this giant soup can at her house. Idk why it worked for her and not me but oh well now I have a weird-ass story I can put on “ten facts about me” so I guess it worked  out for the best)
8. I’m such a procrastinator guys. I was tagged in this like a month ago. I even do it with things that are important to me, like writing. I’m going to psycho-analyze myself for a minute and say that it’s probably because I have a fear of failure and a fear of people not liking me/making fun of me/etc. If I don’t ever finish writing That One Thing then that means I can’t ever post it, and if I don’t ever post it that means it won’t only get three likes and one rebloob and no one will criticize it or say that it sucked. I’m trying to work past it, but it’s not like I have a great amount of self-esteem x)
9. I have an unhealthy obsession with dragons (but I didn’t start playing Dragon Age because of it)
10. When I bought an Xbox 360 my freshman year (in 2014), I was trying to find some games to try, and my friend, Tony, spoke very highly of Dragon Age. I also remembered my cousin (whom I’ve always regarded very highly) talk about it with my sister a year or two earlier, so I decided to buy Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age Origins, along with a few others. I didn’t actually play Origins for a few months and it took me a few months to finish my first play through, but by the time I finished the game (with a little over 80 hours), I was hooked.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
The Bonds We Share( A Pokemon SwSh Rewrite)
Chapter 2
Summary: The Galar trio go pick up Leon and Naomi's cousins! Nothing bad will happen, surely.
Word Count: 3468
Notes: 1. Procrastination is a bitch 2. Tumblr won't show the original post in the tags so we're reposting! Also here's the link to the ao3 one!
Wedgehurst was technically another Part of Postwick, with Wdgeurst being more populated than the row upon rows of fields in Postwick. Or would Postwick just be another part of Wedgehurst? Whatever, the point is that it wasn’t a long run for the three of them to get behind the large number of people crowding the entrance of the train station. Being next to Hop and Carol calmed Naomi’s nerves as she stood between the two, trying to peak over the people in front of her. 
“ Ah, he’s back finally!” she hears a person excitedly whisper to their comrade. 
“ Yeah, shame he couldn’t come back last year. His brother was so disappointed-” 
“ Shh! He’s here! The Unbeatable Champion-”
“ LEON!” The crowd cheers as Leon steps out of the train station gateway, a giant grin on his face, arms stretched out, soaking in the cheers of the crowd. He then swiftly moves to do his famous Charizard Pose! Naomi can see a few people in the crowd following suit, and the cheers get louder. She winces at that, but the joy of seeing Leon again overshadows her nerves. For now, anyway. 
"Hello, hello, Wedgehurst! Your Champion, Leon, is back! I promise I'll keep doing my best to deliver the greatest battles for you all to watch!" Leon beams, moving back into his standing position, the joyous grin still on his face.
“ Leon Leon, we’ve been training just like you said!”
“Yeah, but it’s nothing compared to your Charizard!” Once hearing his name, Leon’s Charizard, Sunbeam, gives out a mighty roar. Naomi genuinely couldn't believe that a crowd could get any louder, but they do. NOw would be a good time to cover her ears. Carol shoots her a worried glance, but she brushes it off with a thumbs up.
“I’m fine,” she whispers against her beating heart. Carol raises a skeptical brow, but shakes their head and leans in next to Naomi.
“He’s really dramatic is he?” he whispers to her, still eying the Champion entertaining the crowd. Naomi chuckles a bit. She remembers all the poems Leon would read to her and Hop when they were little, much to the detriment of Hop. All of them were said with such a dramatic flair that it was kinda funny. She misses that.
“ You can say that,” she says, smiling at the memories, “ He’s always been the one for some flare,” She looks up to Carol with a smile, but they’re not looking at her as she thought. Their eyes are focused on Leon, their face completely still. They almost look like they’re….analyzing him? 
“ Carol?” They still don’t look at her. Naomi slowly brings her other hand down from her ear, her brows scrunching in confusion.
“Stiff..” Carol mumbles, assumingly to themselves, but loud enough for Naomi to hear. She’s not sure about Hop. 
“ Stiff?”
“ LEE!” Hop yells, causing Naomi to jump. Hop quickly looks over to her with an apologetic grin. 
“ Whoops, sorry Nomi,” he says quickly, turning his attention back to his older brother. Said brother has caused the crowd to part like water as he makes his way towards them. Naomi straightens herself a bit, hearing the whispers and the eyes of the crowd focus on all three of them. Her stomach turns. It really shouldn’t. She grew up here, even though Potswick is a walk away. She knows these people. Kinda. She shouldn’t feel so nervous when they are simply looking at her.
‘ Don’t be a baby,’ she chastises herself, forcing a smile up at Leon who beams at the three of them.
“Hop! Naomi! ” he cheers. She notices his muscles tenses up a bit, almost as if he was about to go forward, but stops before he could do anything, “ Aw, look at you two! Hop, I reckon you grew…an inch and a quarter last I saw you! And you Nomi-”
“ Haven’t grown an inch!” Hop snickers, earning a glare from Naomi.
“ I’ve grown plenty,” she huffs, and Carol puts an elbow on her shoulders, a smirk on their face.
“ Not enough,” Carol teases, and Naomi gives them a cold glare. They immediately take their elbow off her shoulder, raising their hands up in defense.
Hop laughs at the two, and Naomi’s nerves calm a bit. Leon turns to Carol, who straightens under his gaze.
“ And you must be Carol! Hop and Naomi have told me plenty about you!” he gives Carol an apologetic smile, “ Sorry I couldn’t meet you properly last year,”. Carol shrugs at first, then smirks at Naomi and Hop.
“ You two have been talking about me, eh? Good to know I’ve been on your mind~” they wink at the two of them. Naomi rolls her eyes and Hop gives them a playful nudge,
“ Hush you,” he chuckles, and Carol sticks their tongue out at them. 
“ Well then, if you didn’t already know-” Leon puffs out his chest, pointing his thumb to himself with a confident smile, "I'm the Galar region's greatest-ever Pokémon Champion—and a massive Charizard fan, too. People call me the unbeatable Leon!" 
Carol raises a brow, smirking at Leon, “ Heh, yeah, Hoppy here made sure I’d remember that!”. That earned another playful nudge from Hop. Naomi tries not to giggle, “ Pleasure to meet ya!” 
Leon gives Carol a stern nod, then turns back to the crowd ( ‘they’re still there?!’).
"Well, everyone! I bid you farewell for today! But don't you fret... I'll always be around to make sure everyone in Galar can have a champion time!" He does his signature Charizard pose, and the crowd cheers one last time before going back to…..whatever they were doing. 
“Welp!” Hop gains the trio’s attention, “ We got Lee, so now we just have to wait for -”
“HEYO! Hope you guys aren’t forgetting some people!” A voice yells, teasing in nature. Their accent doesn’t seem Galar…
“Why does that- wait.”  Naomi turns around quickly, only to not be greeted by the figure of her cousin who keeps evading her memory but some sort of fog, making her cousin blurry. The instant pain in her head doesn’t help either.
“Argg,” Naomi hisses, clutching the side of her head. She can feel her world spinning, nausea taking over as she crouches down.
“Naomi-” Hop’s voice cuts out, only muzzled voices entering her ears.
‘What’s happening?!’ Naomi panics, her heart pounding. She tries to look around, see anything, hear anything. All she sees is fog and can only hear muffled voices( howling?). The dizziness is soon replaced by numbness, the beating of her chest growing slowly. Her mind panics.
‘ Am I going to die?’ 
“ Naomi, can you hear me?” a new voice- no not new. That’s Hop, “ I need you to breathe, okay? You got this,” His voice is clear and steady. Anything else after countries to be muffled. Naomi nods, or at least she thinks she’s nodding. Her senses are all wack. 
‘ Breathe…breathe….in and out…’ Naomi closes her eyes, following Hop’s instructions. ‘ In and out…..follow the rhythm…’. She listens closely to the beat of her heart, growing steady with each breath. A steady rhythm.
A few more breaths and Naomi’s numbness goes away. The sharpness of her in her head is gone too. She slowly opens her eyes, coming face to face with a worried Hop. His face lights up a bit, giving her a lopsided smile, eyes filled with worry.
“ See? Told you can do it!” he cheers. Naomi blinks.
“H-hop?” Hop nods. Naomi furrows her brows a bit in confusion, glancing down at the ground- why is she on the ground? Clementine baas softly, nudging her with her cheek with her snout. Naomi blinks at the nudge. 
“W-what? She looks down to see Hop holding her hands, and looks back up to him, “ What happened?”
“You gave us a scare, that’s what happened!” Naomi almost jumps at the sound of Carol’s voice, and looking up she sees a similar worried, albeit more panicked look on their face, “ Are you okay?!” they exclaim.
“ Can you tell us what you remember?” Hop asks, giving Naomi’s hand a squeeze. Naomi can feel herself making a face. 
“Remember? Um, well….” she ponders a bit, “ W-well, we- you, me, and Carol - went to the train station to….”
“To..?” Hop presses gently. Naomi frowns a bit, still in thought.
“ To…get Leon!” she looks up again, to her left, and sees Leon smiling down at her. “ A-and…and….” Naomi once again digs to the depth of her mind. 
It’s a small memory. One that she often tried and failed to get a clearer picture off. But this time it’s different. It’s still blurry, but two things stand out. Two people, both young, dressed in black. One, a boy, gaze cast downward. The other, a girl, stares straight ahead. Both with undeniable sadness in their eyes. She feels sad too, oddly enough. Then they both shift, looking at each other, then look at her. At her. They both smile. She feels like crying. She thinks they do too. They are-
“ My cousins!” Naomi yells and looks up to her right, there they are. The girl, much older than she remembered, gave her an apologetic grin. Her black hair, now in braids, is kept in a ponytail. Each braid, at the tip, is dyed a vibrant, bold red. She’s very punk in nature- her ears are pierced, and she wears a black leather jacket, and a band tee (Koffing and the Toxics?). Her bottom half is with baggy ripped jeans with visible fishnet leggings. Her left leg….is that a prosthetic? Wait-
“ Are you alright?” another new voice different from her other cousin, assuming her other cousin, asked. Naomi’s eyes turn to him, gripping onto his sister’s arm with his left hand. His right arm isn’t visible, hiding behind his and his sister's figure, but his left-hand wears a black glove. Not even fingerless. He’s not as punk as his sister, it seems, dawning a simple oversized hoodie and what seems to be a white dress? Or is it a black shirt and a white skirt, since she can see a bit of black near the chest of the hoodie- oh wait she’s staring.
“U-uh, y-yes!” Naomi stutters, bashfully smiling, “ Yes, I’m alright,”. Neither sibling looks convinced. The brother's grip on his sister's arm seems to tighten. 
“ But are you sure,” he presses, his brown, clearly tired eyes filled with worry. Naomi tenses a bit, opening her mouth to reply until she looks around her. They were still in Wedgehurst. Meaning there are still people. Meaning they're still watching. Why wouldn’t they?! She almost collapsed, and now they see how much of a fool she made herself to be. Naomi immediately looks down at the realization, hunched over, trying to make herself small. Invisible, It doesn’t stop her heart from pounding in her chest, the familiar feeling of sinking weighing in her stomach. She can hear the whispers now. About her. About how silly she looked. About how bad she made Hop and Lee looked. Silly, stupid little girl. Her eyes begin to prick with water.
“ Naomi?” Carol beckons, but her gaze remains on the floor.
“ I want to go home, please,” she whimpered.
“ Right, of course,” Leon began, offering her a hand, “ Let’s go home,”. He brings Naomi up, opening his cape to her. A place to hide. Naomi stays by his side as they walk, her eyes focused on the ground, the whispers still reaching her ears, even then Wedgehurst is long gone.
“ Okay, but are you sure,” Alexis asks again, and Naomi once again gives a small nod.
“I’m alright, I promise,” she takes another sip of water, avoiding the worried gaze of her now remembered cousin. The Ramirez household, while still not her home, was still home. The numerous times she had sleepovers she had with Hop here is testament to that. The sun was still out and the breeze was nice and cool, helping to calm her nerves. That, and the fact that Hop and Carol never left her side. 
“ Alexis, you're gonna scare her off,” Elliot, her other twin cousin chuckles, leaning down on his back, a cheeky grin spreads on her face as her twin grunts in annoyance. 
“I’m not your arms rest,”
“ Then don’t be short,” Elliot snickers. The trio of kids all stifled a giggle, causing Elliot’s eyes to light up. The tenseness in her shoulders relaxed, giving the three a lopsided smile.
“ There’s a smile!” she cheers, leaning harder on Alexis' back, causing him to hunch over even more. Her expression becomes a bit more somber, “ Uh…sorry for yelling earlier. I didn’t mean for you to faint like that,” 
Naomi's eyes widened, shaking her head vigorously, waving her head side to side.
“ Oh! No, no, no! It’s fine! You didn’t do anything wrong! I-I’m just terrible with crowds!” she looks between Hop and Carol, “ Right guys?!” she squeaks. Carol was mid-sip when she gestured to them.
“ U-uh, yeah!” Hop shakily agrees, nudging Carol.
“Yeah, she’s the worst when it comes to that,” Caol says cooly, “ I guess today was pretty bad, hm?” Carol’s words are a bit sharper than usual, giving a pointed look to Naomi. Naomi gulps, nodding.
" Baaa!" Clemetine chimes in as well, trying to contribute to the lie. 
“ Yep! So it's not your fault and you don’t have to worry!” Naomi gives the twins a wide tense smile. The twins look at each other for a short second, a secretary conversation among themselves, then look back at Naomi.
“ O….kay?’ Elliot says skeptically, slowly getting her brother back. Alexis stretches as soon as she’s off, but doesn’t say anything. He only gives a quick glance at Naomi before turning away, eyebrows furrowing. Naomi lets go of the sigh she’s been holding. Hop seems to relax too, slumping down on his chair as he gives a playful nudge to Naomi, accompanied by a small tired smile. She smiles back before eyeing Carol. They went back to drinking their water, the neutral expression never leaving their face, distant eyes looking past the twins and at the wooloo fields ahead. Naomi bites her lower lip, clenching her hands into the other.
“ U-um, Carol-”
“NAOMI!” Naomi jumps in her seat at the sound of her mother. She tries to stand up to see her mum, but immediately gets lightheaded, bringing her hand to her head. Everyone jumps to her aid.
“ Whoa there! You have to be careful Nomi,” Carol says gently, a contrast to how they were before. Hop nods in agreement, gently helping Naomi down to her seat.
“ Naomi!” Her mother cries again, moving past the twins and kneeling down to face her daughter. Her overalls, boots, and gloves are all dirty- she must have rushed from the garden. Her eyes are filled with worry as she looks Naomi up and down, taking off her gloves to cup her daughter's face.
“ Are you alright? Are you hurt?” she questions frantically, turning Naomi’s head side to side. 
“ I-I’m fine, mum, really-”
“Naomi, you almost fainted,” her mum fretted, taking the back of her hand to Naomi’s forehead, and then down to the lower side of her chin, “ No fever…” she mutters. She once again takes cups Naomi’s face in her hands. 
“ Should we go see the doctor again-” Naomi’s eyes widen, fear clear in them. She silently begged her mum to stop, eyeing her best friends and her cousins behind her mum. Naomi’s mum seems to get the memo, sighing to herself.
“ We’ll talk later, okay?” Naomi nods, and her mum gets up from her kneeling position and dusts herself off. She looks between the kids, then gasps. She turns around to look at Alexis and Elliot. Naomi can’t see her face, but she can tell her mum is grinning ear to ear.
“Ah!” she yelps, opening her arms for a hug, “ You’re here! Oh, my babies-”. She squeezes her niece and nephew tight, earning a laugh from Elliot.
“ Oooh, I hope this flight wasn’t incredibly tedious!” she moves back from the hug, looking at the twins with pride, “ Oh, look at you two! You’ve grown so much!”
“ I’ve grown so much, Alexis’ kinda stopped-”
“ HEY!” Elliot laughs at her twin's expense, and Naomi’s mum chuckles too.
“ Oh you two haven’t changed a bit!” she reminisced. Naomi wonders if her mum noticed the leg yet. 
“ You know, I didn’t know you two would be coming!” Leon’s voice enters the fray as he leans on the short stone wall. Was he always there? He sure was quiet….
“ Oh you know us,” Elliot shrugs, “ Always full of surprises! Kinda a package deal,” she winks with a smirk.
“ Oh really? I guess I have to keep an eye out for them,” Leon chuckles, walking around the stonewall. His eyes and smile become softer looking at the twins.
“ It’s really good to see you again. Truly,” 
“ D’awww, it’s good to see you too, Lee! Also, holy shit, you fucking grew! Look at you!” she gestures to all of Leon, earning a bashful, yet proud smile from him.
“ Haha, yeah. That’s what being a champion does to you!” 
“ Oh really? Then maybe-”
“ You know this reunion is very sweet and all” Hop yells, gaining the adult's attention. Naomi holds back a giggle knowing full well what Hop’s after.
“ But…” He eyes Leon, a glint in his eye, “ You promised us gifts!” Carol perks up at the word ‘gifts’, and a sly smile spread across their face.
“Ooooh, gifts? Now you’ve got my attention!” 
The two look at Leon expectantly, eyes shining in excitement at curiosity. Naomi shrugs at Leon, though she can’t hide her own smile, excitement bubbling through her as she wonders what gifts Leon brings home this time.
“ Alright, alright! Everyone stand back!” The twins and Naomi’s mom all stand back, moving next to the sitting trio. Leon smirks at them, moving his hands behind his back.
“ Right then! The greatest gift from the greatest Champion!” he takes his hands from his back, showing off three poke balls. The trio gasps. 
“ It’s showtime everyone!” He throws the Pokeball into the air. Naomi watches them fly up, then fall down. Halfway down each Pokeball bursts into a ball of light, releasing three small pokemon.
“No way-” Hop gaps.
“ They’re starters!” Carol finishes, looking at the three pokemon in awe. Naomi feels tears forming in her eyes, her heart beating fast in her chest. 
“ That one!” Hop points to the small rabbit that lands first, happily running around leaving small embers in his wake, “ That one is the fire starter Scorbunny!”
“ And that one,” Carol enthusiastically continues, pointing to the small green chimp landing after Scorbunny, immediately climbing up a tree near the mini pond. Once he reaches the top, he takes the stick from his hair and bangs on a tree branch, “ Is the grass starter Grookey!”
Naomi looks between the two energetic pokemon, then looks at the small blue lizard, shyly making his way to the mini pond. Once he gets there, he almost vanished. Naomi blinks and the little lizard appears again, relaxing in the cool waters.
“ What about that one?” Naomi questions, pointing to the relaxing pokemon. She sniffs a little, holding the tears at bay.
“That's the water starter, Sobble!” Hop says before Carol can get a word in, earning a soft glare and pout from them, “ Oh, uh, Nomi you’re-”
“ Happy tears,” Naomi whimpers, finally shedding her tears, “ Very happy tears!” Her friends laugh, as does Leon.
“ Aw, look at you two! I didn’t even have to say a thing!” Leon beams and Sunbeam grunts in approval. Naomi looks back to the starters: Grookey is still banging on the tree branch, causing a sitrus berry to fall off, starling the relaxing Sobble. The Sobble jumps out of the pond, shaking, and begins to cry. Noticing their friend, the Scrobunny runs up to him, running in place causing small embers to fly. Grookey follows suit, tapping his stick on the ground in a small melody. Both of these actions cause Sobble to stop crying, giving a small smile to his friends. 
“ All right you three!’ Leon calls to the starters, immediately gaining their attention, “ Time to line up!” 
The three pokemon cry happily, all running and lining up in front of Leon and Sunbeam. Leon laughs, pointing to the other trio behind him.
“ No, no, not me this time. Them,” he says softly, and the three pokemon turn around to Naomi, Hop, and Carol. Naomi straightens a bit as the Scorbunny and Grookey joyfully turn around and come their way. The Sobble, on the other hand, cautiously makes his way to his friends, shyly getting in line with them. 
“ Now then…” Leon smirks at Naomi, Hop, and    Carol, hands on his hips, golden eyes shining.
“ Which one will you choose?”
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febrvarymoon · 7 years
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Listen to me, baby, you gotta understand You're old enough to know the makings of a man
I'm procrastinating really hard tonight, so as a result I bring you these gifs of Klaus Nomi. You're welcome! ;)
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