sasaleleselfships · 1 year
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Inscryption + inserts t-shirt design!!
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nobolofmatter · 2 years
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When everything starts falling into place, time calls for Desperate Measures. 
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bethanydelleman · 9 months
Every so often I go down these rabbit holes on Wikipedia of royals and nobles on the British Isles and something that always stands out to me is that so many of the marriages are political, so many are between minors (as young as 14 on both sides, engagements even younger), and neither side really has a choice.
Like for example, Arthur Tudor was engaged to Catherine of Aragon when he was like 2 years old and married when he was 15 (Catherine was 16). He did exchange letters with his betrothed (in Latin!) but only met her a few weeks before the wedding. He said he was very happy to marry his wife, but did he really have a choice? He might just have been making the most of it or obeying like the child that he still was.
Girl Being Forced to Marry For Political Reasons Against Her Will is such a common trope, and maybe it's more of the focus because women had less power in marriage and less ability to take lovers, but it seems like a lot of these marriages were people who were both basically told whom they would marry. Just because men can keep having sex with whomever they want doesn't mean that they haven't lost anything in these interactions and that it wouldn't do emotional damage. And the putting on a nice public face would be similar for both of them.
Anyway, maybe a writing idea? I'm not sure where I'm going with this, except that I feel for these young and powerful men who were often as much pawns in their parents' schemes for influence as the girls.
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adeptus-nonsense · 6 months
Year 4560. Contact war.
current year 4578. Interview of klokian heavy mechanized frontline support unit 681th divison.
specie: kloakian. Name: Rak’zaer crasl.
I remember the first war we had with the humans clear as day. I think the whole galaxy does. While war isn’t something new to us since the galactic council are well, what they say peace keepers but they work more to keep the status quo between all the species which is a constant struggle of making sure the more malevolant empires dont do anything rash. It’s a constant struggle between border frictions, rebellions and sometimes civil war. safe to say galactic scale politics are a complete mess and sometimes well…let’s just say things can get disturbing.
the first contact war is a great example and one we all learnt from dearly. When the graktukian empire discovered that one of their holy worlds as they call it had been colonized they were not happy at all. Standard procedure would be to contact this new specie and inform them that they had to leave the planet. What we were not aware off was that the empire had taken matter into their own hands and eradicated the settlement using a specialised deconstruction lance, breaking the humans and their buildings down into their molecular structure.
We later heard that they had captured some what they call heretics and after vigorious interrogation they found out that they were a specie called ”homo sapien” or ”human”. With the Grantukian empire being very influential both politically and militairily they somehow managed to get the council to overlook this breach of galactic law due to the humans ”defiling their holy world”. Still think it’s valorkian Dungbeetle behavior.
Especially when they decided to declare a fullblown war with the new ’human’ specie. A war that cost them a bit over sixty planets before a truce were declared. The humans only lost ten, six of which were captured planets they took from the Graktuka.
I was on about three planets the humans invaded, but the planets they were defending? There’s a reason why i have prosthetic leg arm, and three prosthetic organs.
Human space technology is rather primitive by our standards, they’re slow dont have shields and instead rely on thick hull instead off energy based kinetic impact shields. So how did they defeat Top of the line Graktukian destroyer fleets? You see Graktukian ships are not in anyway weak. But most of the ships fleets they they have are categorized as a striker fleet, fast manouverable, small and very dangerous if they got up close because they would drop EMP class K bombs. Their tactic was to get up close shields up and get into middle of the fleet, drop the bombs and move away to get into position to fire their lance weaponry from afar.
what they didn’t expect were that a human railguns completely ignored shields. While their hull wasn’t thin it did not hold up when what was essentially a volley of needle shaped projectiles going close to light speed pierced their hull nearly cutting their ships in half.
I’ve read their reports of that first engagement and the amount of energy generated by the human ships were that of a red giant sun. How they managed to get the literal power of the sun into their primitive ships without causing a black hole is still baffling to me. Their space technology is rather primitive but their energy generation is on a whole other level compared to ours. We guess that those ships have to be simple so that the Miniature star they have onboard dont implode on itself due to overuse. Given their reputation i would assume they learnt that the hard way. And the radiation their miniature star generators acted as a natural form of isolation for energy meaning they were EMP immune unless you managed to get directly in said ship.
When we found out that they essentially destroyed an entire Graktukian striker fleet, the Graktukian high nobolity realized that they needed help. I know there was some very foul play involved to get the council onboard with this but noone has any evidence. Mostly because they were declared heretics and died under a number of incidents. This went on and on. with some big victories for us destroying their main dreadnought fleets utilizing classified weapons managed to siege high value planets.
At this point we were not aware that humans were a predator specie, when we made it onto the planet via translocation beacons because planetfall by conventional means were deemed impossible due to the quite honestly unhealthy amount of surface to air weaponry, which put most fortress worlds seem like a agricultural world.
Even via translocation the initial forces were ambushed and only by sheer coincidence did they manage to set up a very rudimentary ground only when the kinetic shield generators were set up. Even then we lost over 20 000 militairy personell in just 3 weeks. We managed to overwhelm their defences by saturated orbital bombardment. Even then, they managed to ambush and raid numerous of our operation bases.
I deployed on the 4th week on the planet. In all my cycles of service i have never witnessed such chaos, supply lines cut off, ammunitions sabotagued. Once the shield generator broke down and the Shield gen mechanic tried to fix it but we had to request another one because the damn thing was sabotaged, never seen a mechanic that angry and baffled before.
about 8 years of us going back and forwards between occupying system and taking it back both sides were exhausted from war, in total about 300 billion casulties were documented.
It was a bloody war, and i am glad we managed to negotiate a cease fire. fragile as it was. I dont know how i feel about fighting for what effectively was a mistake that the humans had no way of knowing of. I’m just saying alot of things were off about that war and i’m not sure if we were on the rightside in that war. Maybe i’m just growing to be more critical of it all.
interview concluded
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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[ 📹 Ecuadorian drug traffickers take prison guards and police officers hostage and assassinate them on camera in a series of coordinated attacks across the South American country.]
🇪🇨 💀 🔞 🚨
A State of Emergency was declared by the Ecuadorian President after a series of terrorist attacks, prison riots and kidnappings exploded into a day of chaos, after drug cartels declared "War on the State".
After a series of explosions, abductions of police officers, prison riots, the escape of a notorious gang leader from a high-security prison, and the storming of a live-tv broadcast of channel TC by gang members waving firearms and accosting television crews, the President of Ecuador declared a State of Emergency Wednesday, determining 22 of the nation's most prominent gangs to be terrorist organizations, announcing that the South American country was experiencing "internal armed conflict," and issueing a decree that included a curfew, which the gangs immediately violated.
Videos showing prison guards being subdued and killed have gone viral, while the search for "The Cheneros" gang leader, Jose Macias (aka Fito), goes on as the elusive criminal with ties to Mexican cartels evades capture.
Meanwhile, an explosive device was detonated in the vicinity of the residence of Ecuadorian Supreme Court President, Ivan Saquicela, in the Ecuadorian capital, Quito, and several police officers have been kidnapped across the country.
Riots also broke out in several cities, with scenes of running crowds escaping explosions and gunfire, cars burning in the streets, the looting of warehouses, and the destruction of public infrastructure.
Several videos have also gone viral showing the assassination of police officers and prison guards.
The rioting Ecuadorian criminal organizations killed two police officers, Corporals Alex Taday and Luis Guanotuña in Nobol, located in the Guayas province.
In response to the violence, the Armed Forces of Ecuador have been mobilized, with troops deploying in several cities across the country in areas where riots and looting have broken out over the last day.
Reports from Ecuadorian Forces say more than 70 people tied to the violence and others with links to criminal enterprises have been detained, while three police officers being held hostage have been released.
The Armed Forces of Ecuador also added that 17 escaped prisoners were re-captured, adding that they had also seized weapons, ammunition and explosives from the armed groups.
Meanwhile, the Ecuadorian legislature announced blanket pardons and amnesties related to operations targeting the drug traffickers.
The President's decree determined the following organizations to be "terrorist organizations and belligerent non-state actors":
Aguilas, AguilasKiller, Ak47, Caballeros Oscuros, ChoneKiller, Choneros, Corvicheros, Cuartel de las Feas, Cubanos, Fatales, Ganster, Kater Piler, Lagartos, Latin Kings, Los Lobos, Los p.27, Los Tiburones, Mafia 18, Mafia Trebol, Patrones, R7 and Tiguerones.
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flagwars · 3 months
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Flag Wars Bonus Round
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junoscrybeofshadows · 2 years
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More single pencil sketches! This time with two canon scrybes and two of Scrybes; Nobol and Sidra!
Nobol belongs to: @nobolofmatter
Sidra belongs to: @sidra-the-scrybe
Hope y'all like the sketches!
(click for quality)
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sun-god-cometh · 1 year
9. for your bloons oc?
9) Nobol has a very regal personality. Like the kind you'd expect a prince from a kid's fairy-tale. He just says he's using 'proper manners' but all the kids make fun of him for it. The odd thing is no one really knows why he acts like that, because his only brother acts more modern than him.
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lytersgroove · 2 years
heya do u know anything abt bee and nobols dee en aye?
hi! & nope! i’ve been asking about them since i made this acct in september ‘22 LMAO. the most recent posts i’ve seen anybody talk about 🧬-ing from them was literally in jan-mar of this year & i’ve been doing a lot of research so idk. :(
also ik have anon messages on but feel free to message me if you have questions y’all. i don’t mind :) everyone in this community is so kind and helpful. don’t mind returning the favor at all.
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sulphurdotpng · 2 years
If they ever start retroactively awarding nobel prizes to dead people they should rename it Nobol Prize
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blogoslibertarios · 5 months
Ataques em meio a crise no Equador deixam ao menos dez mortos
  Pelo menos 10 pessoas morreram até agora na onda de violência sem precedentes desencadeada por organizações criminosas no Equador, segundo informou nesta quarta-feira (10) a imprensa local. As duas últimas mortes relatadas nos ataques registrados nesta terça-feira (9) são dois policiais “vilmente assassinados por criminosos armados” em Nobol, afirmou a Polícia Nacional do país. Anteriormente,…
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cruger2984 · 9 months
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Narcisa de Jesús Martillo was born on October 29, 1832 in the small village of St. Joseph in Nobol, Daule, Ecuador.
She was the sixth of nine children born to Peter Martillo and Josephine Morán, who were wealthy landowners. Her mother died in 1838 when she was the age of six and as result took up much of the domestic chores. She had a clear perception of her call to sanctity from an early age and was confirmed on September 16, 1839 at the age of seven.
She frequented a small wood near her home for prayer and contemplation in solitude. The guayabo tree near which she prayed, is today the destination for large pilgrimages. She chose Saint Mariana de Jesus as her patron with whom she identified and strived to imitate.
After her father died in 1852, Narcisa moved to Guayaquil at the age of 19 where she lived with a very prominent family. It is here where Narcisa began her mission of helping the poor and the sick and caring for abandoned children. She took a job as a seamstress to fund her mission as well as supporting her eight brothers and sisters. Narcisa then moved to the city of Cuenca where she went from home to home, living with whoever would take her including the Blessed Mercedes de Jesús Molina to allow herself greater privacy for prayer and penance.
In June 1868, Narcisa moved to Lima, Peru at the advise of a Franciscan, where she lived as a lay person in the Dominican convent of Patrocinio. Here, Narcisa followed a demanding daily schedule of eight hours of prayer, offered in silence and solitude. In addition, she devoted four hours of the night to various forms of mortification, including flagellation and the wearing of a crown of thorns.[1] She fasted on bread and water and took the Eucharist as her only forms of sustenance and was frequently seen in a state of ecstasy.
Towards the end of 1869, Narcisa developed high fevers for which medical remedies could do little. She died on December 8, 1869 - the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Following Narcisa's death, the city of Lima acclaimed her as a saint, as did the people of Guayaquil and Nobol. The Dominican sisters of Patrocinio venerated her by guarding the memory of her virtues and careful preservation of her body. In 1955, her practically uncorrupted body was transferred from Peru to Guayaquil, and in 1972 her remains were returned to Nobol. The documents of the diocesan process of canonization were handed over to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in 1964.
Pope John Paul II beatified her on October 25, 1992. On August 22, 1998, a shrine in her honour was dedicated in Nobol, where her uncorrupt body remains to this day. Pope Benedict XVI canonized her on October 12, 2008.
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nagydomo · 1 year
Egy csinos feher nobol egy teleszart buvarruha raszta csoves neger (aki valoszinu buzi is).
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(Tini nindsza rajzfilmsorozat, April O’Neil)
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caracolbienesraices · 2 years
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Somos principal proveedor de Centros de distribución y Logística CD O CEDI en la provincia del Guayas. Tenemos disponible para uso inmediato y también los construimos para su renta. Ofrecemos terrenos y lotes industriales, Alquiler de Bodegas y Naves industriales en Ecuador, en la provincia del Guayas, Guayaquil, Vía Daule, Perimetral, Nobol, Durán, Yaguachi, Vía al Pan, Samborondon, Milagro, Lomas de Sargentillo. https://lnkd.in/edXE8znv (en Guayas Province) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChnNn73pMg1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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enchanteddivine · 2 years
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I could not stop thinking about them- I just couldn’t- They live in my head rent free—
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sidra-the-scrybe · 2 years
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"I hope you all don't mind, but I'm back with a few more acquaintances of mine I'd like to introduce you to if you haven't met them yet!"
Nobol, Scrybe of Matter @nobolofmatter
"Nobol is a cheerful and very creative Scrybe! I sometimes study their crafts from time to time and I've always felt like her skills are top notch!"
"I myself haven't talked much with Nobol which bums me out on my part, they definitely seem to be very interesting! I'm always one for meeting and learning new things about people, so hopefully I'll be able to soon!"
Dreena, Scrybe of Dreams @scrybe-of-dreams
"Hehe, my sky neighbor! Dreena has been one of, if not the first friend I've made since I've arrived on this unique site."
"Dreena is such a sweetheart! They never fail to make me smile or feel happy whenever I visited their realm! Recently however, their realm has been closed and I haven't heard from them in a while. I hope everything's okay, my friend..."
Haya, Scrybe of Chance @scrybeofchance
"My, what a creative field for a Scrybe to focus on! Inscryption itself has a lot of chance involved in its tactics and who you play against, and to have an entire deck themed around that chance seems thrilling! I guess that thrilling energy matches with Haya as well."
"All in all, she seems like a bold and brave person who is all for exploring and chatting with new people, kind of like me! Perhaps we will run into one another on our travels, I'm eager to learn more about her."
"Mm, seems I must return back to my work for a little while longer.. Well, hopefully I can sit down sometime soon and discuss with my guests for a little while! I have gotten some endearing mail from you all and I love every bit of it! May your own journeys be exciting and rewarding!" - Sidra
(EDIT: Fixed a few details I missed beforehand, don't mind me- ;v;) - Fool
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