#no one gets to ride misha but jensen
Another long Roman weekend is in the books, and Jensen loved every second of it; but he’d be lying if he said that these conventions didn’t wipe him out.
He yawns as he makes his way down the hall towards the exit. The car will be waiting for him, and he hopes that Danneel is already inside it because he wants to get in and get back to their hotel as soon as possible. They’ve got an early flight in the morning and his chances for sleep are dwindling by the second. But when he arrives at the curb and the driver opens the car door for him, it’s not his wife’s lovey eyes that he sees gazing his way … it’s Misha’s.
“Hey,” Misha says with a soft smile.
Jensen immediately returns it as he climbs in next to him. “Hey. Where’s Dee?”
“She said she’s going to ride with the kids. You know how she is.”
The car door shuts behind Jensen just as he collapses into his seat. “Yeah, okay—she’ll meet us back at the room though, right?” He looks Misha over with sleepy eyes, lingering on his new haircut and the way his jaw seems even more defined now because of it.
“Probably. But then again, she may stay out partying with them tonight too. Jojo really brings out the twenty-something in her,” Misha chuckles. “The forty-something in her will certainly regret it tomorrow though.”
Jensen snorts. “Yeah it will. Which means she’ll expect us to pack all her things while she sleeps in.”
“And we’ll do it. Because we’re completely whipped by that woman,” Misha groans.
Groaning too, Jensen rests his head on Misha’s shoulder; but he’s smiling as he finally closes his eyes, just as the car begins to pull away from the curb. “We certainly are.”
Misha’s head soon plops atop Jensen’s and then they both sigh in unison, leaning into one another—relaxing into their shared ease and solitude. “You good?” Misha asks after a few more quiet moments, reaching over to lace his fingers with Jensen’s to give them a squeeze.
Jensen squeezes back, knowing that Misha isn’t just asking about his current physical state. He’s asking about all of it—about everything that was said and done over the last 48 hours. In the past, these Roman weekends have gotten the better of him; but thankfully, he’s just better now, and he gets himself. So, with another sleepy smile, Jensen nods against Misha’s shoulder, and he breathes in the peace that having his boyfriend nearby gives him, and he says “I’m great, Mish” with the confidence of a man who truly means it, and that means everything.
It means the world.
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Acting anon again. I agree it's cockiness. When he was younger he at least had a sincerity about him. They had to get it right or they'd get fired. Then come s8-9 and it's like... Haha you can't fire me you NEED me.
And to hear Jen talk about Dean and then Jared is like "Sam is the best" but he doesn't talk about Sam. Sam is a character to him and it shows. Dean is a person to Jensen and it shows.
I watched a good bit of Walker (before I could just not handle the poor writing) and I watch Big Sky.
Jared has a part in WRITING AND PRODUCING HIS CHARACTER and yet Jensen understands Beau far more than Jpad understands Walker and idek how that's possible.
Walker had potential but failed in so many aspects. While I watch Big Sky just for Beau and it's one of my favorite shows right now.
There's just a different caliber.
Well Jensen has taken what he was given in Supernatural and expounded on his craft, Jared is riding the high of being famous. He's popular because he's Jared padalecki not because he's a good actor. He's that guy from supernatural. Jensen on the other hand, is a fantastic actor who knows what he's doing. That's why he can be in so many different things. No matter what show he's in he becomes popular. It's not because of Supernatural it's because of him. While I don't think anyone watched Walker that didn't come from Supernatural.
There's nothing wrong with watching a show after seeing the actors in supernatural. That's what I did for several of even Jensen stuff. But people love him even without ever seeing him as dean. Because he's that good of an actor.
Didn't mean to rant lol
No, no, please rant! I'm so beyond stoked that you wrote back; please keep doing so as long as you wish to!
And your points continue to be spot-on; the increased job security seems to have gone to his head in the worst possible way, and, at this point, he's acting for the fame and not famous for the acting. The only reason this might be sustainable is that, as you said, people from SPN will follow him to his new projects, and there are enough Sam stans that it might be halfway feasible. In any other person --- and, I want to say, in him, too, though his fanbase will probably prove me wrong --- this would be the pride before the fall. His hubris is definitely a character defect; it's just not clear if it's his classically Fatal Flaw.
But you're absolutely right about how they treat their characters. I've seen a ton of jokes about how Jensen's one of the biggest fangirls among us, and --- in addition to being funny --- they're just downright accurate; Dean is real in a way that Sam never seems to be for Padalecki. Praising Sam isn't about discussing Sam; it's a statement on Jarpad. Discussing Dean is less about Jackles than it is about Dean. And that difference causes there to be a world separating the two. I won't say it's impossible to act without believing, at some level, in the reality of one's character, but Padalecki definitely can't.
"He's popular because he's Jared padalecki not because he's a good actor." I can't put this any better than you did, so I'm just gonna say: yes. A hundred times, yes.
And I also agree that there's not an issue with following actors to other shows. Frankly? I'm a touch obsessive. If I fixate on a character, I will follow that actor through their filmographies. I saw Jensen in Supernatural first, and have since watched --- solely due to his presence in the vehicle --- Dark Angel, some of Big Sky (though I haven't gotten to s3 yet, so idk if that counts), Ten Inch Hero, My Bloody Valentine, and Devour. The same is true with Misha, though I have access to less that he's been in: I basically could only watch 24 and the one episode of Monk he was in (and, even then, I'd seen the shows before because they've been family favorites for a while; I just hadn't known who Misha Collins was at the time). Both actors continued to be just as enjoyable --- just as skilled --- outside of their Supernatural roles.
However, I've watched the occasional Jarpad thing, too. I recently made some posts about one such film, which I hadn't realized he'd been in --- Cry_Wolf --- but I also intentionally watched Walker, House of Wax, and the Friday the 13th remake, just out of curiosity. Mainly, I was just curious whether my dislike for Sam was affecting my judgement, whether he'd gotten better outside of that environment. And he just hadn't. They were all utterly atrocious. To borrow my phrasing from an earlier post, his acting was forgettable at best and horrible at worst.
Long post already long: it's not a coincidence that Jackles has drawn massive interest from the general audience and not just the Supernatural fans. The Boys might have been the first example of this, but, as you point out, Big Sky has had a similar reaction. And, on the other hand, the only thing saving Padalecki from being a one-hit wonder (and I use the word "wonder" loosely) is that he's somehow managed to swing the loyalty of a very devout subset of the fanbase.
Anyway, I think it's my turn to apologize; this is, once again, a very long message... I hope it's not either oppressive or annoying; I'm just really enjoying the conversation. Thank you again, and all the best until next time!
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Do you believe J2 is romantically involved?
No, not at all.
Personally I think they are great friends, they kind of grow up together in Supernatural. Well, Jensen did learn to become an adult and got bigger and bulkier till The Boys. The Jarod just grow up taller and went deep in to the forever manchlid persona.
Anyways, J2 it's not my ship. From whatever angle I look at it, I can't see it. Not only because of their characters being brothers and all. It's just not there for me.
From that mentioned link. I can explain that I do believe everyone has the right to ship whomever, and in the spirit of being cool and make peace and love (like Misha and Jackles when in Rome 😉) between the SPN factions. I mentioned that what I thought Jackles was implying, was him giving his blessing to all the ships.
When I started to watch Supernatural from the beginning back in 2005, I wasn't aware about the concept of Shiping.
I was undoubtedly attracted to Dean nearly at the middle of the first season. Jackles made Dean so real and important for me on that show, that from then I was kind of sad Supernatural wasn't about just him, later on, about him and Castiel.
From there, since season 2 to middle 3 it was me just tuning in to watch Dean killing everything with his tall brother dude. Like I said, I wasn't aware of Shiping, and because of my cultural upbringing I thought gay was wrong and a problem. (Aka living in a South American country where machismo is law, and being homofobic is instructed to children).
I got then a brief understanding and crash course about ships because of Sherlock, and here in tumblr. Yes, I'm a Johnlock refugge, but even then I wasn't THAT convinced about those two. Albeit the fan art, and of course Fanfiction get my attention and further understanding and acceptance about my bad education. I started mending fences about my previous misunderstanding of queerness.
While I was on a mental journey about life and everything, hiding in the now questionable Sherlock y stopped watching Supernatural till it was on season 7.
And then one day... 🎶 One magic day they crossed my screen.... 🎶 😂
I kinda stumbled upon Supernatural again and saw new characters and plot. I get on track again watching the thing from the beginning till season 4. My life changed forever 📺😑.
Not only I discovered my new religion and Overlord, I get to really really experience that Shiping thing. And it was beautiful.... 🥺😳
Dude! Seriously. I was an ignorant, indoctrinated to be just binary or die in shame person. But there was THEM on screen, making me question everything I learned about love ONLY by opposite genders. And discover my own identification, as Mishasexual of course.
At first I thought something was wrong with me and my perception since all the tumblr discovering and "influence". -The gays change me, I thought. I binged watched seasons from 4 to 9 to realize THIS IS REAL!
I then joined the circus and start to paint my face, wear a big red nose, use big shoes and ride a ridiculously small bicycle every Thursday at 8pm central.
It was shocking, how scene after scene, from already aired episodes to the new ones. Once Dean and Cas where together on my screen. I had a vivid experience about the concept of Shiping.
Then I went deep in this hell of a fandom =>affectionately<= 🙄. Watching every Con and panel of Misha.... aaaaand discovered Cockles.
I was doomed.
My life went wham! I questioned everything, from my initial attitude about RLS. That at one point considered as disrespectful and silly because the ones in vogue back then I couldn't understand or believe their very existence.
Once you watched 5 heavy Destiel episodes, and 3 Jibcon Cockles Panels, all the internal homophobia or general confusion about genders changes to rainbows and pink puppies that smell like candy and sound like Misha and Jackles laughing.
Well, I took a deep dive in to memory lane here. Just because a simple J2 Shiping ask. Sorry, but not sorry. I love to spread the Cockles gospel and give the good news about the magical duo that saved me from ignorance, propelled me into the land of trash and rainbows. That occupies 70% of my memory's phone between photos of Misha and them together. Usually of Jackles ogling Mish while having a secret boner.
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See? A totally random gif of them on my phone.
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They give me all the emotions. Every feels at once.
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denticulate-blooms · 1 year
Just realized my best friend of 20+ years is clearly the Jensen to my Misha because I randomly saw one picture of Misha and Jensen and decided it was so! Our picture was probably taken around that time too (sometimes in the late aughts) it is traditional for me to give her a piggyback ride every time I see her, it goes back to us bonding at boarding school. I will get her into "Supernatural" if it kills me. The real joke is she is the kindest, purest person I know so technically she should be the Angel but the pictures don't lie. This one goes out to my favorite Multidimensional Wavelength of Celestial Intent (Sorry Castiel, she got there first) Lex. And hey, I got her watching Gotham Knights so that counts for something, right? 💚💙
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Nothing funnier than the same people that have openly hated a show for ten years, and insulted the show for ten years, asking why they aren't being catered to by the series as it opens up into a full franchise.
Like, you guys realize, if you hate a show for 10 years and bitch about it nonstop, you're an anti, right? You don't get to claim Discerning Fan if you hate everything about the show and creatives for upwards of a decade.
Everything after that is irrelevant noise. Your opinions included. Yo, chucklefucks. TPTB doesn't have to care about the opinion of people who hate their show anyway, and they're definitely not going to pander to the people that openly hate their show.
If, perhaps, this feels like the walls closing in, maybe you should have thought about it and how you treated real people, much less how you treated the content.
But one thing TPTB is absolutely not going to do is appeal to a bunch of Show Antis that built themselves a little social hierarchy club in a convention space. Even if they have Real Powerful Fandom Friends. That shit doesn't help their profit margin. That shit doesn't help their franchise. That shit just doesn't do anything for anyone.
But after a decade of this, a literal decade, and escalations that attack their friends and family, or in the very least shit on them online 24-7, they're sitting here making confused ape noises picking their noses asking why they aren't being pandered to WHILE pretending they still have control of the conversation.
Narcissism run amok in consumers forgetting they're consumers watching the environment their false hierarchy was built in, in consumer space, go through a trash compactor to get rid of them so the new kids can have space without toxic fuckbags dragging the series.
You guys don't even pay out anymore. Most of you are Jared stans, though that's not exclusive; his M&Gs have been base for a year running and not selling out. Last J2 greet sold for less than Jensen solo. Misha's 30 is even decaying while people prioritize the 45. The only one selling REMOTELY close to how they always have is Jensen because he's relevant in All The Things And All The Interest Groups. Meanwhile meg donnelly is a huge star in the current demo and they need to let their franchise breathe, without a bunch of toxic leeches attached for the ride.
Just. Genuinely fucking hysterical they're still trying to console themselves they're being pandered to at all, whereas some of us know for a god given fact straight from Jackles what this is all for and always has been, but maybe they can push their propaganda of warped questions a few more times here at the end to feel like their fashy entitled asses are being pet and told they're still In Power or whatever.
Y'all motherfuckers have been fanning the door yelling, "I'LL LEAVE IF YOU DON'T LISTEN TO ME, REALLY, I WILL!" for a decade, and still haven't left, and they're aware as fuck about that, because now even trying to get rid of you and inviting you to hate watch, you're still missing the goddamn memo. Fucking leave already. It's been 10 years.
Even those of you not Jared stans or wincels that sold your identity into the convention circuit group identity of socialite garbage, many of which are tripling down themselves to match as a unit to match the wincels, have shit to look at. The line between bitter and anti is irrelevant in TPTB's mind, yall both toxic to the franchise, bye. They're making space for people that actually like the modern show, and aren't just there for themselves and their own attention or access.
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
(dream anon) jensen was doing an interview for the boys, set up like the ones he had with chace and claudia (except it was erin). interviewer brought up shipping bc of “homelight.” chace started having a jokey/animated convo with erin next to him about shipping as a concept and as the camera panned over to jensen, he’s having a face journey and trying not to laugh. anyway chace/erin noticed he’d gone quiet, so chace asked teasingly “do you know what shipping is, jensen?” but jensen just chuckled and shook his head like “guys i can’t even begin to get into this rn.” (all of this is humorous btw. he wasn’t uncomfy, he was more like “if you only knew my life. it’s a can of worms.”). then erin and the interviewer urged him on. he caved and tried to talk about it quickly/casually. so he said “i uh. i have a buddy, misha collins. we worked on supernatural together.” etc into explaining “our….characters…..people were fans of that relationship.” erin says “so you’ve been through this” (in terms of the “homelight” stuff) assuming it was a little ship, so jensen laughs loudly and kinda explains to her (still trying to be casual about it hgdjfj) “actually, on those….you know, those…..fan sites where people write stories about the show” he brings up that misha told him they’re “apparently the most popular ship” on there. the dream ended there but god it was so funny he was trying so hard not to make a press interview for the boys about destiel.
also, no auditory stuff except the very loud honking of trumpets in my ears (idk i was slipping in and out of consciousness/dreams). but for some reason it happened in the loft of an abandoned barn with rotting grey walls and i was there holding a baby. there were animated animals everywhere. i think the plot of my historical fiction book and the boys got tangled up lmao.
omg this was a RIDE shxshshh i love it so much and the thing is i could actually see that happening for the most part???? amazing lmao
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amberjazmyn · 1 month
carry on - chapter seven
another long chapter awaits! enjoy my lovelies!
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okay, why did i just say yes to singing a bon jovi song in front of the whole of rome, italy for a convention. when the last time i sang in front of anyone it was maybe like, nearly a decade ago? and now, i was literally being cheered on because one of the fan questions from the actual convention was if i could sing a song at the orion club with louden swain and without thinking, i just said yes. i said yes because i have never once declined a fans question or refused to answer whatever it is they've asked. however, as of right now, i kinda wish my adrenaline rush wasn't so high otherwise, i maybe would have given that question to jensen, or even rob or rich. 
"...valencia, you ready sweetheart?" rob whispers as i huff out and nod my head, kinda thinking that if i wait any longer, it'll just become way worse
plus, it's better to just get it over and done with than wait any longer otherwise i'll never say i'm ready and i'll never end up doing it. besides, who knows, like jensen, i may end up enjoying it and end up doing this regularly. 
"as ready as i'll ever be, let's do it!" i giggled as the crowd cheered as did my fellow cast members, jensen, jared, misha, rob, rich, genevieve and my boyfriend alex being the loudest as i cheered again
louden swain started playing their instruments to the very familar, famous chords of wanted, dead or alive by jon bon jovi as i started to sing. only hoping that i sounded better than average. 
as i went through the first verse, i found myself getting more confident in myself and having fun with it as jensen then came on stage with a microphone. he had started to sing with me as i couldn't hide the smile on my face as we continued to rock it like it was the ninety's. 
"...cause i'm a cowboy, on a steel horse i ride. i'm wanted (wanted), dead or alive!"
in all honesty, maybe it was a good idea that i had agreed to answer that fan question as the entire time, i had noticed the girl, who had also come to this orion club that had asked the question at the panel, had been singing along and dancing the entire time jensen and i had been singing. it seemed as if although this is a song from the eighties and a favourite of mine growing up, it was also an important song for her as well which was the sweetest thing ever that she had asked me to sing it. 
looking over to alex, jensen and the rest of my castmates, i couldn't believe how much i loved this job that i've had since i was a kid. jensen and i were having the times of our lives on this stage whilst alex and the rest of the cast were so happy and having the time of their lives. jensen and i just kept on singing and bouncing around like we were in our twenties (well, i still was) and having the times of our lives at our favourite club whilst the audience and rest of our castmembers just laughed and sang along. 
"and i walk these streets, loaded six-string on my back. i play for keeps 'case i might not make it back. i've been everywhere, still i'm standing tall, i've seen a million faces and i've rocked them all," 
i sang as jensen then joined me for the chorus as we rocked n rolled together as everyone went crazy. 
"'cause i'm a cowboy, on a steel horse i ride, i'm wanted (wanted) dead or alive. 'cause i'm a cowboy, i got the night on my side and i'm wanted (wanted) dead or alive!" 
jensen and i sang as jensen then got the next part whilst i just stood back as i watched him also rock it on the stage with me as i couldn't hide the smile i had. the smile for the man who i could literally call one of my brothers. 
"and i ride (and i ride) dead or alive! i still drive (i still drive) dead or alive," 
jensen and i then sang the last four lives which were just dead or alive repeated those four times before we then waited for the big ending and we did the very big dramatic jump that was done almost every convention. or any song performance that required such energy as the legendary jon bon jovi exudes. 
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liked by alexandercalvert, jaredpadalecki, jensenackles and 16.45k others
valenciawalker would it be a mortal sin if i scrapped supernatural and got a record deal instead?
in all seriousness, singing has been a passion of mine ever since i could remember. i'm sure if you ever and i mean ever, ask jared, jackles, misha, alcal and everyone else on the set of supernatural, they will tell you, i am always singing no matter what. a dream of mine would be to for sure make a career out of my passion which is singing...so, should i take a break from supernatural and work on some covers, originals and put them on my spotify? 
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alexandercalvert you could do both...
valenciawalker alexandercalvert i defo could tho 
jaredpadalecki i vote no only because i'd miss you too much and cry everyday in my trailer and refuse to come out until they promise that you never leave ever again...
valenciawalker jaredpadalecki ok, it's been decided, i'm gonna hold off on the record deal for a little longer <3 
jensenackles hmm can i vote both yes and no? 
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liked by valenciawalker, jaredpadalecki, misha and 15,02k others
alexandercalvert go little rockstar <3 
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valenciawalker i really did feel like a little rockstar, not going to lie! 
jaredpadalecki such a rockstar! she did so well tonight!
jensenackles she is a rockstar! she made her big brother very proud tonight! 
valencia jensenackles awe, thank you brother jackles! i'm glad i made you proud 
misha one of the best little rockstars i've ever seen! 
"...ria, would you seriously take a break and do music on the side?" jensen questioned as i giggled 
i mean, considering we were in italy for our annual jib convention and just had the best reaction to me singing, i think that it was a sign. 
"i mean, considering what we heard tonight, i think it's something i would consider heavily as, like i mentioned in my post, i'm always singing on the set and, i think it is time i really give myself a chance," i shrugged my shoulders as jensen smiled brightly with a proud look on his face
"i agree. you deserve to have your amazing songs and voice be heard and loved by everyone in the world. i'd say you should for sure do it and go for it. just, like jared said, please don't leave supernatural permanently!" jensen whispered at the end as i giggled and shook my head
 "i will and, don't worry i'll never leave supernatural until we decide to finish the series all together," i smile as jensen cheers and moves around excitedly as i can't help my laughter
"yay, thank you!" jensen squeals as he pulls me in for a hug as i shake my head at his supposedly sober decisions 
"don't mention it, jackles," i sigh as he just laughs as we sit down on the couch as we watch alex and jared play fight on the other couch
- - - 
ok bye ily xx
wc; 1300
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Supernatural: A Journey into the World of Paranormal Hunting
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Supernatural, the long-running TV series, has captivated audiences around the world with its amazingly exhilarating tales of two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who dedicate their lives to hunting supernatural creatures. Spanning north of 15 seasons, the show takes watchers on a rollercoaster ride of paranormal adventures, showcasing a vast array of frightening creatures that prowl in the shadows.
The reason of Supernatural spins around the Winchesters' journey to proceed with their father's work of eliminating supernatural threats that represent a danger to blameless individuals. From savage phantoms and murderous vampires to clever genies, evil spirits, and werewolves, the brothers face an assortment of malevolent substances that a great many people are willfully ignorant of.
At its center, Supernatural isn't simply a show about supernatural creatures; it dives profound into the intricate relationship among Sam and Dean. Joined by a shared tragedy and an unbreakable bond, the brothers traverse the country in their famous black Chevy Impala, tackling cases that open them to the secret world of beasts and fantasies.
One of the show's assets lies in its ability to mix frightfulness, drama, and humor seamlessly. Each episode presents another supernatural threat, challenging the Winchester brothers physically, emotionally, and intellectually. As the seasons progress, the narrative expands to encompass intricate storylines, enormous contentions, and even a battle against the powers of heaven and damnation.
Supernatural has garnered a committed fan base, known as "The SPN Family," who have embraced the show's folklore and characters. The Winchester brothers, portrayed brilliantly by Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, have become cultural symbols, moving innumerable cosplays, fan fiction, and fan art.
The series also boasts a rich supporting cast, including Misha Collins as the enigmatic angel Castiel, and Mark Sheppard as the charismatic devil Crowley. These characters add profundity and intricacy to the Winchester brothers' world, often obscuring the lines among ally and adversary.
Past its entertainment value, Supernatural has had a profound impact on popular culture. It has carried old stories and urban legends to the very front, sparking interest in the supernatural and encouraging exploration of the unexplored world. The show's getting through popularity has prompted shows, where fans gather to celebrate their shared love for the Winchester brothers and the supernatural universe they inhabit.
In 2020, after 15 effective seasons, Supernatural reached its decision, leaving a permanent mark on TV history. The series stands as a testament to the force of narrating and the getting through appeal of the supernatural class. It advises us that in the face of darkness, ordinary individuals can transcend their fears and battle for what is correct. See here сверхъестественное смотреть онлайн
Supernatural will be for all time associated with its exhilarating narrative arcs, memorable characters, and heartfelt minutes. Whether it was the brothers' unwavering security or their unwavering determination to save the world, the show has left an everlasting engraving on the hearts of its fans. As we bid farewell to the Winchester brothers, we can trust that their legacy will keep on moving new generations to investigate the secrets that lie past our everyday reality.
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chvmswrth · 2 years
Under the cut is a list of plots, as well as basic connections. None of these are set in stone and I'm always more than happy to change them to suit our muses! Please note that Chris is in a relationship so anything romantic must be past tense only.
We dated when we were younger, but broke up due to growing apart and we haven’t seen each other since. That is until right now as you stand there in front of me at the same event. We haven’t seen each other in years and things are a little awkward between us. I still want to stay in contact, we have a lot to process and a lot to talk about. Could we be friends after all of this?
We were best friends as kids, we were never a part and always promised to stay best friends forever. But then we both began to get famous in our own right, causing us to grow apart and we haven’t spoken properly in years. Now we’re at the same place at the same time and things are a little awkward, it’s like we’re strangers.
Life as a celebrity can be tough, something we both can relate too. Sometimes the stress can get too much and we just need a break and to be treated like normal people. That’s why we hang out so much, to be there for the other when life gets too much, whether we sit on the couch and watch movies all night, or go on spontaneous trips out where we won’t get recognised and just have fun. ( this can either end up being the perfect friendship and solely platonic or they start hooking up with feelings getting involved.)
We’re so close as friends that people either think we’re siblings or we’re dating, when in reality you’re my ride or die and everything is completely platonic. I don’t know what I would do without you honestly, so we just ignore the rumors and carry on being our chaotic selves.
We’ve been best friends for years, you’re the ying to my yang, my partner in crime and we go to each other for everything. We know all of each other’s secrets and you’re the first person I call for help. However there’s one thing that I/you never told you/me and everything has just come to light, can our friendship survive this?
Together we’re just pure chaos, whenever we’re together we always end up getting into trouble and going out. We are each other’s wing person and tell each other everything. We have the best times together though and whenever one just needs to let off some steam, the other is always more than willing to help out. Everything between us is just purely platonic and I don’t know what I would do without our chaotic times together.
We used to date back when our careers were just taking off, the whole thing was a PR stunt though made up by our managers to try and make us the up and coming IT couple. The world still has no idea that the whole relationship was a lie and that we actually never got along. I spent all this time not liking you, and I’m pretty sure you felt the same about me. However now that we’re adults and we’ve matured I think you’re not actually not that bad, could we be friends?
TW SPIDERS/BUGS: We live close to each other and you’re always calling me at ridiculous times to come and get rid of spiders or bugs out of your house. You’re always embarrassed and apologizing but I just laugh it off and say it’s fine and I mean it. It’s what friends are for right, but hey do you actually wanna hang out properly?
one night stand.
one sided romance.
friends with benefits.
blind date.
possible match.
forbidden romance.
exes on good terms.
exes on bad terms.
tinder match.
first love.
love / hate.
unrequited crush.
celebrity crush.
previously friendzoned.
summer romance.
enemies with benefits.
childhood crush / lover.
one leads the other on.
publicity partner.
one night stand or fling that was regretted later.
best friends: JENSEN ACKLES.
close friends: MISHA COLLINS.
bromance: JENSEN ACKLES.
role model.
ride or die: KENDALL JENNER.
childhood friends.
drunk friends: HARRY STYLES.
online friends.
secret friends.
enemies to friends.
sibling like friends: ELIZABETH OLSEN, FLORENCE PUGH.
platonic soulmates.
friends over holiday.
unlikely friends.
positive influence.
seem like a married couple.
former lovers to friends.
new friends, aka friends who just met.
baby mama: ELSA PATAKY.
family friends.
long lost half sibling.
step siblings.
divorced partners: ELSA PATAKY.
in laws.
former (best) friends.
fell for the same person & fought over them.
lifelong enemies.
share a secret.
rivals, direct opposition.
negative influence.
mutual jealousy.
current lover’s ex, former lover’s current partner.
have mutual friends but don’t get along.
neighbors on good terms.
neighbors on bad terms.
have mutual friends.
an artist’s muse.
ex roommates.
professional relations.
project partners/co-workers.
band members.
fitness buddies.
game together online.
babysitter and parent.
best friend’s family.
friends of a sibling.
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llycllns · 2 years
༣・゜・.under the cut, you will find lily’s current + wanted connections. please note that she is being portrayed as heterosexual. message me if you’d like to fill any of these roles / spots.
friends with benefits.
flirtationship: shawn mendes.
exes on good terms: niall horan, jamie campbell bower.
exes on bad terms: charlie mcdowell.
unrequited love.
one night stand(s).
baby daddy.
hook-up(s): henry cavill.
rumored partner(s).
current partner.
ride or die: zoey deutch.
best friend(s): niall horan.
partner in crime: chris hemsworth.
drinking buddy/buddies: jensen ackles.
dinner date(s).
parties with.
platonic soulmate.
sibling-like: joe keery, chris hemsworth.
mentor-like: misha collins.
vacation buddy/buddies.
simply can’t get along with.
has unresolved drama with.
met on a red carpet: harry styles.
mutual friends.
met at an award show.
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cooloddball · 3 years
Hi! I just recently (re)watched all of the JIB10 panels and there's so much going on there...
What's with Jared making all these sexual jokes about Misha? I know that they tend to be like this, but in previous years it was more them both having their minds in the gutter while this time Jared seems to be the one who goes there. First there's some weird implications during the giant gummy bear question at the end of the Jared+Misha panel (I'm not 100% sure I get what that was about). Right after that there's the mortar thing, "Misha can take a good pounding". And, of course, there's the remark of Misha being the only one who didn't flinch when they were shot at with the water guns during the J2M panel.
Maybe that's just Jared and Misha being Jared and Misha. They are chaos after all ;) But I really enjoy hearing your take on things so here we are.
On a more serious note, what was up with Jensen before his panel with Misha? I couldn't find much on that, especially not in jenmish positive spaces. Someone said that he threw up?
Either way, I thought he did a good job with that panel even though he was visibly tired. (And we got some amazing moments between him and Misha, so there's that.)
Hey Nonnie.
I just watched the panel and it was like watching a commercial break that was kinda funny but not really.
as you said, there were a lot of sexual jokes from JP.
More under the cut. (18+ only)
Mishalecki Panel
The first time it happens when Misha explains that Busty Asians porn magazine has an actual porn magazine so when you open it up you go "ahhhh" and JP asks "is it that fast for you?" implying that Misha comes fast.
Then a fan asks JP how long it would take for him to eat a giant gummy bear. They talk about it some and there's an implication of there being a giant hole in it. JP says that Misha would love that so long as the hole is soft. You can't waste space in a gummy bear? WTF? I don't know what that means tbh. But to me, it sounded like some sort of an anal sex joke?
Then there's the whole if you were a kitchen appliance what would you be and JP says Misha is a mortar because he can take a pounding.
There was also an influence joke at one point. I honestly don't know .what's up with JP and the sex jokes tbh. Maybe it has something to do with Jensen and Misha looking frazzled that day, Jensen didn't even have products in his hair. Misha also changed his shirt somewhere between the Mishalecki panel/the cockles photo ops and the cockles-J2M panel.
Cockles Panel
Jensen also wasn't happy with the way JP kept talking about how people were talking about how he was mounting Misha weeks after. His reaction tells it all. JFC. Help-
And when Misha requests a fan to ask a question so they can move on from that, JP keeps talk about how Misha didn't fight really hard and he says how he told Misha "shut up bitch!" and Misha shakes his head to indicate that JP was lying. Jensen shushes JP and even facepalms himself. He's literally the facepalm emoji.🤦🏼‍♂️ Jensen was really frustrated with him tbh if his reaction was anything to go by.
Misha scratches his ear and looks at Jensen I don't know if they were communicating something or it was just an ear scratch but after that Jensen calmed down.
Jensen was so done with Jp and his jokes after a fan asked what they would write about if they were in charge of everything. Jensen mock imitates him. He was pissed.
When Misha asks Jensen to tell his dream then JP says it's getting romantic. Like it's so weird but it makes Jensen look at Misha and smiles for the first time since JP joined them. Did he know that the implication that Jensen and Misha were a couple irl would make Jensen smile? No, I'm not reaching it literally happened.
He also made fun of Jensen's boner a lot especially when he used the balloon to pop a boner and gave it to Jensen and Jensen said, "y'all are fucked up."
Look at Misha's face here it's literally the cringe face emoji 😬Jesus.
I don't know what was going on on this panel after JP showed up but I'm with Misha when he said "is it possible to time travel to the end of this panel?"
Jensen was so done he literally told JP, "No! We are done after JP tried to make more jokes.
After that, I don't think there are any more sex jokes because I think he could tell Jensen was pissed.
However, it was short-lived because someone sprays Jensen with water and Jensen says "I got wet." The way he says it is so adorable, it's like he was in a daze. Anyway, JP takes it and runs with it.
The way Misha moves to placate Jensen after he's been sprayed with water is adorable because Jensen is laughing I think after that because his body is shaking.
Of course, JP couldn't miss another chanceand he had to make a sexual joke about Misha being bukkake'd (if you don't know what bukkake is please don't google it, it's NSFW) Misha is not happy about that implication because he frowns at first then he manages a somewhat weird smile. Jensen is not amused either. Can we talk about how Jensen looks at Misha here though. Damn son, I now know why they went to the loading bay to take that selfie.
But then Jensen looks away and this time he looks annoyed and sits down. Misha scratches his forehead and looks uncomfortable while JP scoffs. When a fan says Jensen started it (I think the water spraying, I'm not sure when he did that) Jensen asks, "I don't know, did I?" He is not happy.
After that, the panel goes on well but still cringey, I guess. I have more to say about that panel but this is not the place for it. This was about JP's sex jokes.
All in all, to date, it's still cringey to watch jib10 tbh. I can't look most of the time.
I don't know about Jensen puking o anything like that since they didn't mention it in the panel but if anyone knows what happened with him before the panel let me know. I personally have my own theories as to why he was late and why he didn't have any product in his hair but that's a topic for another day. However, I will say it may or may not have something to do with him flirting with Misha about not wearing any pants.
I hope I answered your question and thanks for your sweet words about how you like hearing my take on things.
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jtownraindancer · 5 years
I can't believe they are actually officially ending SPN. I am both relieved and kind of heartbroken.
I just hope they fill all the plotholes and that the boys get the peaceful ending they've more than earned.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Can I ask you something about Misha and Jensen? And I also heard the Winchesters cast messaged a tumblr blog for promo months ago and I wanted to know if you heard about that.
People can ask, not sure if i'll know or answer. The crew doesn't actually use tumblr for their communications. There's an account on tumblr that suffers major MHI and often pretends to be an employee of jensen, chaos machine, or more because they have liminal contact.
Generally speaking TPTB and their mercs don't. use. tumblr. Hell, it's pulling teeth to get them to use discord. And trust me. I know. I've made channels for some and they fuck off for a year until an emergency happens. They primarily use twitter or IG--possibly FB but IDK since I haven't touched it in ages (I do remember facetiming one like, 5 years ago tho). And that's only if you're a liminal contact. generally, you know, they're someone that will like. call you. on. a phone. even international.
odds are the Tumblr Blog That Messaged Asking For Promotion is the same motherfucker that's been pounding on my server walls yelling "BUT HOW DID YOU KNOW" like. i already told yall how. what do you want.
sdfksjdfksdjf tptb browse tumblr. they don't use it for communication. they hide and shitpost like the rest of us or just silently read or USE FUCKING MICROSOFT EDGE LIKE SORE THUMBS IT DRIVES ME INSANE ANY TIME I SEE YOU DUDE.
But for the many times, for example, statcounter has captured misha's footprint on my blog, of the [counts] 7 people trying to message me as him, RA, Gish, Jensen, CM or an affiliate of theirs on tumblr, zero were authentic. And uh. like. 5 of these at least are actually the same person.
so lmao. no, i haven't heard about it, but it's funny it's being said.
Danneel and Jensen engage by IG when not by phone guys. They're not going to crawl to the most backwater ass stagnant ass dying platform and like send a dm or anon to a blog asking for promo there while they're goddamn viral on IG 100000x larger.
sounds like someone's being taken for a ride by [redacted]. She Of One Thousand Accounts.
I still have 2 of their last alt's asks rotting in my inbox pretending to be affiliated.
anyway Drama Mc Fake Account realized they sorta fucked the plot on the central fandom promotion accounts by their drama monger games so now it's time to message a NEW blog. Maybe they'll pretend to work for radio company this time. They did that for me once. Pick your poison, who is She Of 1000 Accounts pretending to be today.
problem is, she has just enough contact to be able to seem real to people that don't know better. But it's generally inflated, or cropped dms, or a misrepresented danneel IG response. once in a while mild banter shares minor things. But it's just enough for them to keep pretending to be a wholesale, deeply itk employee to people that don't know what counter-questions to challenge with.
same person pikachufaced when my response to them being involved in an old sting operation that they tried to brag/gloat with: Yeah. I know. You recorded it. It's among the data that was handled and packaged in zips in folders.
She was all. WAIT YOU WERE PART OF THAT? Uh. fuckin. yeah. real connected up there aren't you. You just now figured this out? Did you miss the Manchin, Jess, Natalie and other itk attempting douchecanoes wiping out in the past? Etc etc. "That all happened?" Yeah. While you're showing off your semi active dm box for gold stars, a lot of us stayed busy and on track for years sweetie wtf
either way, sorry to that man* (gn) that got messaged and fell for it. for a while we almost did too, because they play it just right. But i've worked enough with enough actual. you know. people worth a shit. to realize when someone's just saying whatever gets them attention at the moment.
buyer beware: tptb aint gonna message you on tumblr man. they just ain't. i'm sorry. I don't care who you are.
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emmybm15tbfe · 4 years
Well in a few hours Supernatural will end ❤
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waywardnerd67 · 2 years
Replay Life Masterlist
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Overall Summary: Taking some much needed time off after finishing The Boys. Jensen asks his best friend and roommate if she’ll watch Supernatural with him all the way through. As they watch together, he realizes how much the show and her means to him. Main Characters: Jensen Ackles, Reader Other Characters: Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader Rating: M - Mature Warnings: Angst/Fluff/Smut Total Word Count: A/N: This series features some of my favorite and least favorite episodes of Supernatural.
Posting on Fridays
Prologue - Ready, Set, Watch Summary: Jensen arrives home in Austin after filming in Toronto for almost a year. After a few days back with his roommate and best friend, he asks her to take a trip down memory lane. Word Count: 669
Chapter One – S1E1 Pilot Summary: Jensen and (Y/N) start their rewatch of Supernatural with the episode that started it all. Word Count: 1218
Chapter Two – S2E6 No Exit Summary: Jensen finds out an interesting fact as they watch one of (Y/N)’s favorite episodes from season two. Word Count: 2035
Chapter Three – S3E5 Bedtime Stories Summary: A fairytale influenced episode has Jensen revealing a fantasy of his during their rewatch. Word Count: 1674
Chapter Four – S4E10 Heaven and Hell Summary: A steamy scene and an emotional ending has (Y/N) feelings on a rollercoaster ride and Jensen trying to push down feelings he buried a long time ago. Word Count: 2172
Chapter Five – S5E16 Dark Side of the Moon Summary: During their rewatch, Jensen is surprised to find out that this particular episode is in her top five favorites of all Supernatural episodes. Word Count: 2444
Chapter Six - S6E5 Live Free or Twihard Summary: Before attending the Padalecki’s Halloween party, Jensen and (Y/N) continue their Supernatural rewatch. She shows him exactly why so many people love vampires. Word Count: 2363
Chapter Seven – S7E12 Time After Time Summary: (Y/N) comes home from a date gone wrong finding comfort in watching one of her favorite Dean episodes.   Word Count: 2227
Chapter Eight - S8E11 LARP and the Real Girl Summary: Jensen finds himself wrestling with his feelings for (Y/N) once more as they watch an episode that combines two of her favorite things. Supernatural and Dungeons and Dragons. Word Count: 3193
Chapter Nine - S9E4 Slumber Party Summary: Babysitting for Jared and Gen, Jensen creates the ultimate slumber party for them all. Word Count: 2722
Chapter Ten - S10E14 The Executioner’s Song Summary: As they settle into another night of Supernatural, they are both surprised to find that one episode is a favorite for them both. Word Count: 2504
Chapter Eleven – S11E20 Don’t Call Me Shurley Summary: After a hard day at work, (Y/N) confesses to Jensen what her dream job would be during their rewatch. Word Count: 2188
Chapter Twelve – S12E22 Who Are We Summary: An emotional episode has (Y/N) finding comfort in Jensen making him realize once and for all how he truly feels for her.   Word Count: 1705
Chapter Thirteen – S13E16 Scoobynatural Summary: Jensen invited Jared and Misha’s families to his house to surprise (Y/N) for her birthday. They do an outdoor screening of one of the best episodes of Supernatural ever. Word Count: 3892
Chapter Fourteen – S14E4 Nihilism Summary: As they get closer to the end of their rewatch, (Y/N) tells him about a job offer she received and he gets an important call from his manager. Word Count:
Chapter Fifteen – S15E18 & S15E20 Despair & Carry On Summary: As (Y/N) gets closer to making a decision about moving to Seattle, Jensen comes up with a counter offer he hopes she can’t refuse. As they watch the last three episodes he decides to throw caution to the wind and tells her everything he’s feeling. Word Count:
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sara78 · 2 years
Family Don't End In Blood - Part 1
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Summary: It's Y/N's first day on the Supernatural set. She's set for a lot of laughs and jokes and a mind-blowing offer she didn't see coming.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x foster!daughter reader
Word count: 2,000 and some change
A/N: Oh boy, this is going to be a hell of a ride!
You never expected you'd be in a car driven by Clif, to the set of your very favorite TV show - Supernatural. But here you are, looking through the window of the big SUV and trying to get your shit together. This is a big day for you. You're cast as a part of the show's 16th season and you couldn't be more excited.
You read the entire script in one sitting, blown away by the amazing storyline and how big your role in the whole story actually is. You were so happy to see Dean Winchester get a second chance, a life he deserved more than anything else. And to know that you'll share the screen with Jensen, playing Dean's adopted daughter, made it all so much better and made you so much more anxious.
You never had an acting gig before. Yes, you used to act in high school here and there, but this is so much different.
That's why you were going to the set two weeks earlier than your first shooting day. Richard, the producer of the entire season, invited you to meet the cast and crew and show you how things work on a big set.
You were extremely anxious. You were about to meet your idols for as long as you can remember. You grew up watching the show with your grandpa. You two were late to the party, and only began watching when season 4 premiered, but that didn't stop you to binge the first four seasons once you got a hold of them. You were in bits and pieces when the show ended the way it ended, and that's quite literally putting it lightly. You kept supporting Jensen's and Jared's new projects but you never, not in a million years and your wildest dreams, thought you would be such a big part of it.
And the fact that you were a big part of it gave you a lot of stress. You spent so many nights overthinking if you are good enough for this, if you can do a good job. You were aware of all of your flaws and you had this feeling that you won't do as well and would probably be re-casted.
"Here we are, kid," Cliff said, pulling you away from your thoughts,
"Thanks, Cliff," you smiled, Cliff stopping the SUV, Misha coming your way, dressed in Cas' usual attire, minus the tie and the trench coat, as it was surprisingly warm in Vancouver,
"Hey there!" he exclaimed with a huge smile, greeting you with a hug as soon as you left the vechile. You flinched at the sudden movement but couldn't miss the opportunity to hug the huge, adorable teddy bear Misha is,
"Where with the bags, kid?" Cliff asked, Misha breaking the hug with you,
"Do I have a trailer or something here?" you asked, looking up at Misha who nod,
"I'll take you to it," he smiled, "It's next to mine."
"Oh, okay then," you turned away to Cliff, "I'll take the bags with me."
"Are you sure?" Cliff asked, "I can drop 'em off your place."
"I don't have one yet," you said, "It's okay. And thanks for the offer," you smiled, Cliff opening the trunk of the SUV and getting your two bags and a carry-on. Misha approached, getting a hold of one of the bags, "See ya!" you waved Cliff who waved back before going back into the car and going to park the SUV.
"How come you don't have your place?" Misha asked, "Don't you have an assistant or something to take care of that for you?"
"Uh, I refused an assistant," you responded, "Kinda work better on my own and I don't really trust new people. I'll just find a motel and crash there for a while."
"Oh, sorry for intruding," Misha apologized,
"You're adorable, you know that?" you giggled, nudging his arm playfully as the two of you walked, "You're not 'new people', dude. I've been watching you ever since I was 5 years old."
"Oh, so you're a fan?" Misha smiled, you nodding,
"Hell yeah! The storyline blew my mind, to say the least. I'm so excited."
"Oh trust me, all of us are," Misha smiled, stopping in front of two trailers, "Yours is on the left side."
"Obviously," you giggled, reading the paper saying 'Y/N Y/L/N - Hope Winchester', "You got the-" you were cut off with Misha throwing the keys to the trailer your way. You caught them with ease, Misha's eyes widening,
"How?!" he exclaimed, making you laugh,
"Reflexes, dude," you responded, opening the door to the trailer, "Could you please give me the bags?" you asked once you entered the trailer, Misha helping you load them into the trailer before a woman approached him, "Your turn in the hair and make-up trailer," she said, handing him a cup of coffee,
"Okay," he nod, "You wanna tag along with me, Y/N?" he asked and you nod, jumping down from the trailer to the ground, "Oh wow," Misha commented, "What I'd give to be that much in shape."
"Shut up," you giggled, "You're just old."
"Oh well thank you very much," Misha laughed, "Let's go before Jared takes my chair again," he grumbled, making you laugh.
Misha held the door for you to enter. You nod, thanking him and walked in into the famous hair and make-up trailer. You found Jensen sitting on a chair, getting his hair trimmed and Jared eating candy. He was about to reach for the gummy bears bag but Jensen called him out,
"Don't you dare, Padalecki!" Jensen exclaimed, the hair lady laughing, Jensen turning to face you, "Keep your candy away from the human vacuum there if you want to have them," he told you, making you smile,
"And keep your hands away from Jensen's gummies if you wanna keep your hands," Jared sassed, Jensen rolling his eyes and moving his head back, allowing the hair lady to keep working, "Hey!" Jared exclaimed, crouching down and giving you a hug, making you flinch for a hot second before you hugged him back, "I'm Jared."
"I know," you giggled, Jensen laughing,
"I casted a fan, huh?" he asked, watching you nod your head in the mirror, "I take it we don't have to introduce ourselves then."
"But that doesn't mean we shouldn't say welcome to the set," Jared smiled at you, standing up, "Oh God you're as tall as Gen," he giggled,
"Hey, you're the one with giant syndrome here," you teased, everyone laughing,
"I like you, kiddo," Jensen smiled,
"Your hair is done," the hairstylist said, Jensen smiling widely as he admired himself in the mirror,
"Welcome back, pal," he said softly, making you smile widely, "You missed Dean too?" he asked as he stood up and reached out to ruffle your hair,
"Missed him is an understatement," you said, "I do kinda miss your long hair though."
"We'll have a hiatus again," Jensen shrugged his shoulders, "Your turn, Mish," Jensen nod at the chair he sat in not long ago, making a few steps and sitting in the other chair, the makeup lady doing her job as Jared left to answer a phone call, "So, my wife Danneel and I are holding this whole operation together, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me."
"Is my hair going to be long enough for the character?" you asked, "It's not really girly."
"There's nothing wrong with rocking Dean Winchester cut," Misha called out from behind you, "I like it."
"So do I," Jensen smiled, "I loved your style ever since the audition, don't worry about it. Your character will basically be styled like you. It's what we aimed for."
"I don't recall you were at the audition," you said,
"True. I was watching from the VIP seats all the way up," Jensen said, "I thought it might be easier on some of the kids who might have recognized me and would be hit with a wave of anxiety."
"Yeah, thanks for that," you breathed, Jensen smiling softly,
"Dee told me you refused an assistant," he commented, "You got a place?"
"No," you shook your head, "I thought to look for a motel this first few weeks. You have any recommendations for me?" Jensen hummed, thinking for a hot second before speaking up,
"My place," he said, making your head tilt in confusion, Jensen giggling, "That's one adorable confusing face."
"Don't you have an apartment?" you asked, Jensen nodding, "I'm not looking into apartments yet, but thanks for the offer."
"No, I meant stay at my place until you figure things out," Jensen responded, making your eyes widen in shock,
"You don't have if you don't want to, but you have the offer standing," he said, standing up from the makeup chair and going to hug you. You couldn't see a frown on his face for a split second when you flinched at his movement, but he let it go as you reciprocated the hug, "Come on, let me show you where to get the best snacks in the world."
"Oh I know already," you said, pointing at Jensen's gummy bears bag. He sent you a glare, making you giggle, "Okay, okay, Ackles, I'll stay outta your gummies."
"That's what I like to hear," he smiled, opening the door for you to exit the trailer.
"Wow," you breathed, Jensen going off of camera with Jared as they finished the last shot of the day, "This is so much bigger than I ever thought," you commented, Jensen and Jared smiling, following the two,
"Yeah, it takes quite a lot. Sometimes I feel like we do the easiest part of it all and get famous. All of these people behind the cameras deserve as much credit, if not more," Jensen commented,
"What was your favorite part?" Jared asked,
"Uh, does everything I've seen today count? I felt bad for Misha though."
"Oh, he had it coming," Jared said with a laugh, "He knew what he's walking back into."
"I don't know how you have heart to do that to him," you responded, "He's a literal angel. I have a friend who's just like him and I never ever had heart to pull a prank on her."
"That is cause you respect her angelic appearance," Jensen said, "Jared's an idiot."
"Guilty as charged," he raised his hand, yawning, "See y'all in ten," he said, walking away,
"Have you thought about my offer, kiddo?" Jensen asked as the two of you walked towards the trailers.
I have, but it's not okay to accept. I don't want to intrude, I don't want to use you. You need rest, need peace. I don't bring peace with me.
"I have," you said softly, "I uh... I don't wanna intrude your privacy and stuff, so I'll stick with a motel."
"You ain't intruding, kid," Jensen said with a kind smile, "If I didn't want you intruding, I wouldn't have invited you."
"I could be some psycho," you commented, "Why do you trust me?"
"Cause you seem like a nice kid," he said, "And I don't like the idea of a sixteen-year-old girl wandering through Vancouver motels. People are weird nowadays. I have a place for you to stay until you figure it all out. Why not offer it to you?"
"But..." you sighed,
"There's no resistance or stuff on my side," Jensen tried to assure you, "But if you're not comfortable with it, I understand. I'll help you find a place then," he said, yawning. You shook your head,
"You're tired. Go home and sleep."
"I have a later call tomorrow," Jensen countered, "I'll ask Cliff to drive us around until we find a not really sketchy place for you."
"It's okay if it's sketchy," you said, "Not my first time," Jensen looked worriedly at you, "Sorry. Don't worry is all I'm saying."
"Life hasn't been kind to you," Jensen whispered softly, "Stay at my place. You need a friend," he smiled kindly. You responded with a sad smile, nodding your head.
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